she/they | 28 | queer | has no idea how tumblr works halp xD
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 17 hours ago
im telling you all... its so worth it to spend a whole evening make 100 million homemade gyoza (even though it takes so long) and freezing them all to have perfect delicious gyoza just the way you like them anytime you want at a moments notice. they seriously take like 10 minutes to prepare from frozen and they are so good. i just had a dumplings and noodles feast you wish you were me
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 17 hours ago
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 17 hours ago
it won’t be like what you imagined. maybe you get the road trip to the beach with coffee in your hand and the radio playing, maybe you don’t. but happy shows up. it’s in a 2 AM game of jenga with your new college friends. it’s curling up for another marathon of netflix. it’s meeting the person who will be your best man at the wedding. it’s 4:45pm in the library when the girl in the study coral across from you quietly whispers “i’m going to set everything on fire” and then turns to you and asks if you wanna take a break for dinner (say yes, she’s very nice and you both need a moment away from the stress). it’s the mornings they have omelettes and in good books and in a puddle that looks cool. it’s sometimes picturesque, but more often it’s full-belly laughter at stupid things on the floor of your friend’s house while in the background someone is debating the best way to win settlers of catan. 
i know it gets dark early now and the tired is setting in and everything sort of feels blank and hazy and you want to spend ages staring at walls thinking of nothing
but happiness will find a way in. it will be small moments. look for them.
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 18 hours ago
A tip for excellent writing I just learned: Don't introduce a character with their Dramatic Backstory. It makes readers go "oh alright this is the Dramatic Background Story Character" and establishes a baseline of Tragic, either for the story as a whole or this character in particular. With no contrast of light and dark, pure darkness isn't impactful, it just looks like the absence of anything to look at.
If you really want someone's dramatic backstory to hit the audience like a gut punch, let them get to know the character first. That way the dark backstory doesn't come off as a description of who they are, but an explanation to why they are the way they are. Bonus points for connecting it to something that's already been established as a part of the character - what a devastating blow to suddenly put together that hold on, that funny quirky thing that they always do is a fucking trauma response.
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 18 hours ago
it's really weird having a first dog be blind and then getting a second who can how was I supposed to be prepared for this.
this creature can perceive when I put the treats up on the high shelf. or when I hide stuff behind my back. I can't fool her!! she's always watching me and she shouldn't have this much knowledge!!!
I walk around at night and I shine my flash light directly into her eyes and I'll just be standing there staring at her weird blue orbs for like 5 seconds until I realize it's probably extremely annoying to her, because she has eyes!! I'll turn on the light in the room and she gruffs and grumbles like ?? oh right!! light wakes you up!! the fuck??
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 2 days ago
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Doing this to all of you
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 2 days ago
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do people have no shame anymore?
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 2 days ago
All this discourse over who does "painting with light"
Hiroshi Nagai's paintings need sunglasses to look at.
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They look like how it feels to walk across a parking lot on a 98° summer day without a speck of shade in sight.
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They look like heaven but also like you'd burn your bare feet on the ground.
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Even when you can see shade you know it's not enough and the minute you step out you'll be burnt to a crisp like a vampire.
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 2 days ago
thinking about how leliana in origins is talking about how she never wants to be someone who enjoys manipulating people with ease and ruining their lives or taking others lives for no reason. she doesnt want to be someone who lives off grudges and doesnt care about individual's lives. how she never really wanted to leave the cloister, she just wanted to serve her god as best she saw fit. and then in inquisition you meet her again and regardless of what happened to her in the past she has become everything she never wanted to be all in the name of a god that never speaks back
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 2 days ago
Read this & be mindful of those partaking in Ramadan. 
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 4 days ago
bitches will hear a song and be like 'this makes me feel like i have a gaping hole in my chest' and then they put it on repeat. its me im bitches
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 5 days ago
if you moralize to people in the global south about piracy youre going to hell btw. no atonement no take backsies. guaranteed hell forever permanently.
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 6 days ago
seeing straight men be disgusted by booktok smut recommenders has actually radicalized me to the side of booktok smut recommenders. girls your taste may be atrocious but i will never disparage you for exposing mainstream discourse to the concept of soaking through your underwear. spent my whole life listening to men talk about penises it’s about time they get jumpscared by women talking about pussy in crude detail on social media. go forth and goon my warriors
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 7 days ago
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 7 days ago
one of the hardest things to learn as a depressed former Gifted Kid™ is that half-assed is better than nothing. take the 50%, 40%, even 20% job. scrubbing your face is better than not taking a shower at all. picking up your clothes is better than never cleaning. nibbling on some bread is better than starving.
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 7 days ago
Incredible but also i have spotify discover/new release playlists as my alarm clock sound (so i wake up to random new music in the morning, usually a lovely experience) but then THIS was in the playlist so i woke up to the sound of staccato slurs being hurled at me and my friggin confusion 🤣 plus i had a friend who is very straight sleeping in the room too, so i was panicking hardcore trying to switch it off in my sleep-addled state 🤣🤣🤣 very disorientating lmao
tumblr staff finding out their site has crowdsourced a viral song, only to discover it is 100% unusable in any corporate marketing scenario
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thedreadpirate-cupcake · 8 days ago
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Caitlyn back study... I guess?
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