#i‘m not gonna be nice about this shit anymore
cowboylikeyouu · 1 day
people who don’t leave comments on ao3 are the bane of my existence, i can’t with you guys
"i don’t know what to say🥹"
keep your dumb excuses to yourself and just say something like:
"omg i loved this"
"this was so cute"
"you write them so well"
"ahhhhh this is amazing"
"my favorite part was [insert your favorite quote]"
"[insert funny quote] LMAOOO"
"[insert shocking/emotional/whatever quote] are you kidding me omg???"
to name a few examples. it’s not. that. fucking. hard.
"i‘m scared🥹"
what the FUCK are you scared of, i promise you, the second you leave a nice comment authors will basically worship you, you should be much more scared as a silent reader, because i don’t fucking like you. yea thanks for the kudos ig but i would trade 100 kudos for 2 nice comments without a second thought.
it’s totally fine if you don’t comment on every chapter of every fic you read, hell sometimes i don’t feel like commenting either, but i almost always come back to at least say "loved this, tysm" or something.
you get thousands of amazing works FOR FREE, people are working months on these stories FOR FREE, and it’s so so so easy to make their day by just leaving a few nice words. and if you don’t wanna be public about it, dm them on tumblr or whatever.
anyways, to anyone who leaves comments regularly: here‘s a 0.5 pic of hugh jackman for you.
silent readers: you guys aren‘t allowed to look
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farfromrealitypls · 2 years
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Secret Santa
Summary: What you thought would be the worst Christmas of all time, turned out to become quite the opposite…
Warnings: language if you squint, making out and FLUFF<3
A/n: I said i’d post this beginning of December, but I kept forgetting and then it was so close to be Christmas. So I just waited a few more days. I hope you like it and if you think it’s cringy… I’m sorry:) Merry Christmas!! I hope you have amazing holidays <3
“I’m sorry honey. But this is a very important meeting” your mom tried to explain with a motherly look on her face.
You couldn’t hold back your tears anymore.
“Who schedules a meeting around Christmas?! You just can’t be serious. Tell me it’s a joke.”
They were joking right? They didn’t just tell you that they gonna leave two days before Christmas to attend a business meeting in Washington.
“Y/n Christmas is just a day like any other day. Yes, it’s unfortunate this year but who do you think pays for our house? Food? Vacation? Investors like Luke Montgomery. So if you want a roof over your head and food on the table, get it together and stop complaining. We’ll leave you some money so you can order food.” Your dad left the room. You rolled your eyes and tried to suck your tears back up.
He was wrong. Christmas isn’t like any other day at all. Christmas was the only time where your parents would be home, relaxed and no business talk AT ALL. It would be all happy family and it meant everything to you, always has. You were aware that your parents work hard to give you this lifestyle, but honestly you didn’t even care about all those materialistic things. Of course it’s nice to be financially stable and live a certain luxury. You wouldn’t consider you and your family as super kooks. But you were doing fine. But they could put you in a barn and you’d be just as happy, as long as you weren’t alone.
“Honey we will celebrate New Years twice as big to make up for the missing Christmas ok? “
Your mom opened her arms and pulled you into a hug. You hesitated but hugged her back.
“It’s not the same mom. Not even close. I don’t care about New Years”
„I‘m sorry honey. It will be fun, I promise“
Your mom wiped away your tears and gave you a warm smile, before following your dad.
Christmas was in two days and your parents just left for the airport. You faked a smile and convinced your mom you’d be ok. Even tho this was just terrible.
You closed the front door and let out a deep sigh. You were so angry and frustrated so you decided to clear your head and go to the country club. Topper would for sure be there. You and Topper have been childhood friends since forever.
Walking in, you immediately heard the familiar voice of Topper Thornton.
“Hey y/n! Come here!” He waved you over.
You made your way over to the table where he was sitting with Kelce. Drinks on the table.
Your bad mood must’ve been obvious because Kelce immediately made a comment.
“Damn what’s up with you? Where is your holly jolly Christmas mood?”
“Yeah. Shouldn’t you annoy everyone with cheesy Christmas songs already?“ Topper added.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
“No holly jolly me this year… my parents just left. They won’t be home for Christmas.”
“What?! You love Christmas.” Topper said tilting his head.
“Yeah no shit Sherlock! Why do you think I’m in a fucking bad mood”
You didn’t mean to snap at him like that, but your emotions overcame you.
“Woah easy there grinch” Kelce threw is hands up in defense.
“I’m sorry. I- I’m really upset about this” you let your hands drop and picked at your nails.
“I know. Come here.“ Topper got up and came closer.
He pulled you into a hug. And a tear rolled down your cheek.
“I would make you celebrate with me and my family but we’re leaving for Florida tonight”
“No it’s ok. I’ll just order some food and bake cookies or something like that“ you sniffled.
Both boys gave you a soft smile and you haven’t noticed Rafe walking in. Who was now standing next to you. Grumpy looking as always.
You didn’t know what to think about him. He didn’t talk much to you and you were sure he didn’t like you. Just tolerated you because you were friends with Topper. He was just always there. Making sarcastic comments and sometimes giving you a hard time.
When you felt his presents you faced him. Meeting his eyes and immediately wiped away the tears on your cheeks.
“Anyway. I’ll go now. I hope you have fun in Florida Top”
You turned around to leave.
“Yeah. I’ll call you y/n” Top said.
You nodded.
“Bye Kelce” you waved at him.
“Bye y/n. Merry Christmas…” he said, genuinely trying to lighten your mood.
“Yeah, Merry Christmas” you chuckled and sighed deeply. Then you left.
Rafe watched you walk away until he sat down. Joining his friends.
“What’s up with her?” He asked dry.
“Her parents won’t be home for Christmas this year. She’ll be alone and is really upset about that. Sucks. Her parents are barely home anyway.” Top explained.
Rafe sat silent for a few seconds.
“She’ll get over it” he said and poured himself a drink.
Christmas Eve:
You were laying in bed until 4pm before you motivated yourself to get up, just to go downstairs to lay on the couch some more. Wrapping yourself in blankets and realising there wasn’t even a Christmas tree this year.
This was definitely the worst Christmas ever. Even that one time you had to spend Christmas in the hospital was better than this. You had a really bad appendicitis and had to get surgery. But your parents came to visit and spent time with you, watching movies in your room.
You forced yourself to watch some Christmas movies and then decided to order a pizza when it got late. You were watching “home alone” when the doorbell rang, you got up, opened the door and payed the pizza guy.
“Merry Christmas” he said smiling
“Merry Christmas” you replied with a forced smile.
You stood on the porch for a minute when you noticed a small box sitting on the porch bench. You were confused for a second and looked around if you could see anyone near. You picked it up and the tag on it said “Merry Christmas y/n”
Nothing else. You didn’t know who it could be from. It’s not your parents, obviously. You got your Christmas present early from them, it’s gonna be a trip to California.
It’s not from your friends either because you all agreed to just throw money together and go on a trip, instead of buying each other gifts.
The only explanation you had was that Topper maybe wanted to surprise you and told someone to drop this off.
You stopped the thinking and took it inside. You set the pizza on the counter and opened the gift. It was a bracelet with a deer charm on it. It was absolutely beautiful. You held it on front of your face to look at it closer. It was shiny and the little dots on the deers back were little diamonds.
“A deer?” You mumbled to yourself. You couldn’t wrap your head around the deer charm but it made you smile anyway. This is by far the most beautiful piece of jewellery you own and it definitely made your night better. But you were intrigued to find out who it was from, it had to be Topper.
You sat back on the couch and ate your pizza, the rest of the night went by fast and you ended up passing out on the couch, cuddled up and TV still running.
You woke up by the sound of your phone ringing. Whining you grabbed your phone and picked up the call.
“Merry Christmas!!” Toppers voice echoed through your head.
“Merry Christmas Top” you mumbled with closed eyes.
“How’s the mood sleepy head?”
You realised he was on FaceTime and you opened your eyes.
“It’s fine. How is Florida?”
“Oh it’s nice yk, warm”
“Yeah, hey Top?”
“Did you give this to me?”
You grabbed the bracelet from the coffee table in front of you and held it into the camera.
You didn’t wanna put it on yet, not before you 100% knew who it was from.
Topper squinted his eyes to have a better look and held his screen closer to his face.
“No? I was gonna bring you something from Florida” he shook his head.
“You don’t know who it’s from?” he added.
“No. It was sitting on the bench on our porch last night. The tag said “Merry Christmas y/n”
“But not who it’s from?”
“Hmm. Your secret lover must be some kind of sugar daddy, because that is a really fucking expensive bracelet”
You held it close to your face once more, dangling it in front of your eyes.
“What’s the charm on it?”
“A deer”
“A deer?”
“I have no clue y/n”
You let out a sigh.
“I think I’ll get a coffee from the new coffee shop and make some pancakes” you said with a soft smile.
“Sounds good. Keep me updated with the Bambi bracelet yeah?”
“Will do. Bye Top. Tell your parents Merry Christmas.”
“I will. Bye y/n”
You hung up and put your phone and the bracelet back on the coffe table.
You got up, stretched and that’s when it suddenly hit you. Bambi bracelet? You immediately had to sit down again.
Bambi was the nickname Rafe gave you a long time ago. But no, this couldn’t be. You physically tried to shake the thought out of your head.
There has to be another explanation. It can’t be from him.
You thought about it for a few more minutes, but Rafe was without a doubt the only person that calles you Bambi. You never understood why but it didn’t really bother you.
And that would be the only explanation for the charm of a deer. It wasn’t like a deer was your favourite animal or Bambi your favourite movie. It just wouldn’t make sense. But there is absolutely no way, Rafe wouldn’t do that. Not for you. He didn’t even like you.
While you got ready to leave the house to get some coffee, you thought about it so much that it gave you a headache. You kept repeating in your head “It’s not from Rafe” All of this made you realise that you secretly wished it was from Rafe.
When you opened the door, the cold air hit you and it felt amazing, almost blowing all those thoughts out of your mind.
You got into your jeep and drove off, “Santa baby” blasting through your speakers.
You parked in front of the shop, got out and walked over to the front door. That’s when you saw Rafe Cameron in front of the shop, leaning on his truck, looking at his phone.
Your heart started racing. Should I ask him? If it really wasn’t him, that would be so embarrassing.
You went back and forth in your own head until you finally found the courage to just go for it. The curiosity was just too big.
You walked up to him.
“Hey Rafe” you said smiling.
He looked up for a second, then looked back down at his phone.
“Hey” he said dry.
“Merry Christmas” you said friendly.
“Merry Christmas” he replied, not looking up from his phone.
He was a douche but he looked absolutely stunning, his hair parting in the middle, falling onto his forehead and wearing a button up that hugged his biceps tightly.
You stood there awkwardly for a while, just looking at him and thinking about a good way to bring up the gift.
“I- last-did you “
You stumbled over your words and Rafe looked up at you confused. He raised one eyebrow when you paused your stuttering to start over.
“Did you put a gift for me on my porch on Christmas Eve?”
“No? Why the hell would I?” He tilted his head and shoved his phone into his pocket.
“Are you sure? It’s a bracelet with a deer charm on it.”
You started to feel stupid.
“Well, must be from another lover because it wasn’t me” he said cold, staring into your eyes.
“Right…” you whispered.
You looked at your feet, feeling embarrassed.
“Jesus Christ. Just go order your coffee Bambi!”
Rafes eyes widend and he started blushing when he realised what he just said.
“It was you!” You brought out in a high pitched voice. Eyes big and body filled with excitement.
He swallowed and clenched his jaw before talking to you again.
“Alright. Just don’t make a big deal out of it ok? I just didn’t wanna listen to you saying how this was the worst Christmas ever over and over again.” he said in a low voice, almost a whisper, like he didn’t want anybody to hear.
A huge smile crept on your face and you looked at him in awe.
“You didn’t have to Rafe” you said quietly and made a few steps towards him.
“Whatever” he tried brushing it off.
“Can I hug you?”
Before he could answer you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close. It took him a few seconds but surprisingly he started to wrap his arms around your waist and squeezed you tightly. He took a deep breath.
Why did that feel so right? He didn’t let go until you did.
You pulled away just enough to look at him, letting your hands glide down his body, stopping at his chest.
He gave you his signature grin and stared into your eyes. His hands still on your waist.
The moment was interrupted when Rose stepped out of the shop, holding two coffe trays in her hands.
“Rafe. Come take one” she commanded.
You let go of him and he walked over and took one of the trays from Rose.
“Y/n! Merry Christmas.” She cheered when she saw you.
“Merry Christmas Rose” you smiled softly.
Rose got into the passenger seat and Rafe handed her the other tray he was holding.
He closed the door and started walking around his car but stopped to walk towards you, pulling you in with one hand around your waist and placed a kiss on your cheek. Without another word he got into his truck and drove off.
Your cheeks were burning and suddenly you didn’t feel cold anymore. Did that really just happen?
You ordered your coffee and drove back home.
While making some pancakes you could still feel his hands on you and kept smiling to yourself. The way he looked at you made your legs feel like jello. You debated if you should call Topper and tell him, but you decided not to.
You spent the day exactly like yesterday. Watching movies, laying on the couch. It was a lonely Christmas, but definitely surprising.
„His heart grew three sizes that day“ you repeated after the narrator. Then your doorbell rang.
You opened the door and almost verbally gasped when you saw the face you’ve been thinking about all day. He stood there, hands in his pockets, hair looking perfect and looking at you in a way that only Rafe Cameron could.
“Rafe?” you said more to yourself than him.
You were so confused by his appearance that you just stood there, holding the door.
“Are you gonna let me in or is there a secret password?” he said sarcastically.
“Oh yeah sorry, come in” you replied awkwardly and stepped out of the doorframe. He walked in and you closed the door.
You smiled at him and waited for him to say something.
“I just thought you needed company on Christmas day, since you’ve been alone yesterday” he said like it’s obvious and shrug his shoulders.
Your eyes lit up at his explanation. “Yeah i’d love that” you replied smiling.
“I mean, if you have plans I can-“
“No please stay” you cut him off and he grinned.
He stepped a little closer. “So what were you up to?”
“Just watching movies” you said quietly because him being closer made you nervous.
“Let’s go then” she smiled and stared into your eyes.
You made your way over to the couch. He sat on one end you and you on the other. You threw him a blanket and put on another Christmas movie. You guys giggled, had some snacks and Rafe complained about the cheesiness of all the movies.
You caught yourself staring at him, admiring him. He looked so mesmerising and you imagined yourself laying in his arms, you never thought you would but he didn’t seem scary at all anymore. You imagined what it would feel like to have his huge arms wrapped around you, holding you tight.
“I know yout staring” he said grinning, eyes still focused on the TV.
You started blushing and took your gaze off him quickly. Rafe chuckled and then turned his head to look at you. Your eyes met his. You let your eyes wander from his to his body and back to his eyes.
“Come here” he lifted his blanket.
Your heart made a jump and you crawled onto him. His big arms wrapped around you and you rested your head on his chest. You could hear his fasted heartbeat. You took a deep breath. He smelled so good, his cologne was addicting.
You continued watching the movie cuddled up and he started to run his hand through your hair. It made you feel all warm inside and sent a shiver through your spine. Why was he so nice to you out of the sudden?
“Rafe I’m confused” you almost whispered.
“About what?” He whispered back.
“What confuses you?”
You sat up to look at him.
“I thought you didn’t like me” you said softly.
“Well you thought wrong” a grin appearing on his perfect face.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you questioned.
“Why didn’t YOU say anything?” He replied shrugging his shoulders.
“Because I was sure you were gonna reject me”
“There you go. There is your answer” his hand reached up and he gently tugged a strand of hair behind your ear. You reached for his wrist and ran your fingers over it and down his forearm. His gaze shifted to the bracelet that was wrapped around your wrist. He grabbed your wrist with his other hand and looked at it closer.
“Do you like it?” he whispered smiling, looking at you.
“I love it.” You smiled back.
He pulled you closer to him by your wrist until you hovered over him. Hands placed on each side of his head. You felt his hands on your waist, giving it a squeeze. You looked at his perfect lips and finally bent down to kiss him. He immediately kissed you back and his soft lips made your heart race. Your lips moved in perfect sync and it felt like this was meant to be. You unconsciously moved closer and gently pushed your knee between his legs, which made him let out a low grunt. That sound made heat travel to your core. He ran his big hands softly under your shirt, running his fingers along your sides and over your back. He smiled into the kiss when he realised that you weren’t wearing a bra.
That’s when you suddenly pulled away.
“Are you hungry?” You said out of breath, lips plump from the make out.
“Not for food” his eyes were dark and a wide grin crept on his face.
You cleared your throat and could feel yourself blushing.
“Not even cookies?” your voice cracked.
Rafe scanned your face and realised you weren’t sure of this anymore. He took one hand off your waist and cupped your cheek, running his thumb over it, smiling at you softly.
“You wanna bake some?” he asked.
You nodded and got off him. Both of you got up. You bit your lip and got nervous. What if he’s pissed now?
“I-I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to. I just-“
“You don’t need to explain yourself” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him a little more rough than he intended to.
“That’s not what I came for” he smiled softly.
You leaned against his chest, squishing your face against it. He wrapped both arms around you and placed a kiss on top of your head. You looked up at him and he gulped.
“Oh before I forget. What’s with my nickname? Why Bambi?” You asked genuinely curious.
“You do this thing with you eyes. It makes me all nervous and shit.”
“What thing?”
Instead of answering he ignored you and just grabbed your face with both of his hands and kissed you. You didn’t complain and didn’t bother asking again.
You made your way to the kitchen, put on a Christmas playlist and started baking. You laughed a lot and had a great time. You never knew Rafe could be that way.
He was standing on the opposite side of the counter, looking at the recipe once more while you were mixing some ingredients in the bowl.
Your favourite song came on (Happy Xmas by John Lennon) and you gasped, your eyes lit up and you dropped the whisk.
“What?” Rafe looked at you confused.
“That my favourite song!” You squealed, big smile on your face.
He giggled at your reaction and shook his head.
“Let’s dance!” You cheered.
“Hell no.” He chuckled and looked back down at the recipe.
“Oh come on. Please?” You pouted and stared into his eyes.
“Fuck” he let out in a groan.
“That’s what I meant! You can’t look at me like that” he sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
You bit your lip, smiling, still holding eye contact.
“Fine c’mere” he held his hand out for you.
You quickly ran around the counter and took his hand, he pulled you in, placing his other hand on your waist. You placed your other hand on his biceps.
You were staring into each other’s eyes, swaying to the music. It felt like a dream.
“You know, this isn’t the worst Christmas at all.” You confessed.
“Yeah. Could’ve been worse for you than dancing THE Rafe Cameron”
You rolled your eyes and he laughed at his own comment.
Then he spun you around and when he pulled you back in, he crushed his lips on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pushing yourself as close to him as possible and Rafe slung his arms around you once again.
You both pulled away to look at each other.
“What was on your wish list this year?” You asked, hands sliding down to his chest.
He grabbed your face, softly running his thumb over your lips.
You looked at him in awe.
“That was so cheesy”
He broke into a grin.
“I know” he chuckled and placed his lips on yours once more.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Hoot once again!
I‘m really glad to hear this. Our little ritual means a lot to me <3
I am so sorry for her, but very glad that she figured it out now. Growing up undiagnosed can be (and is most of the time) very traumatic
While I’m a bit younger, I still spent my entire childhood and half of my youth (I’m gonna pretend it has been only half of it so far cause whatever the fuck I had/have is most definitely not a joyful youth). So while I can‘t fully relate, I still kind of get it and can at least imagine how it must me for her
It‘s pretty hard to get an autism diagnosis, because it cannot be done by a regular psychiatrist (unlike ADHD for example, which is why I at least have that diagnosis already). In my area there is only one place where you can get a diagnosis and the waiting list is LONG (not the worst I‘ve seen so far but at least half a year, which is terrible if you need to get help as quickly as possible but you need a diagnosis to get any kind of help). But I’m working on it
Thank youuuu
I planned chapter 2 out yesterday
It ended up to be “only” 5 pages, but it has 39 panels (chapter 1 has 24 panels)
So I think I’ll still get more of the story across even though it seems to be one page shorter
I will most likely start working on it in November
Your day sounds pretty nice!
Today, I was really stressed and worried about something and I did it okay-ish, but I can‘t change shit anymore now anyways so I’ll have to stop worrying and just wait and see
I also had a doctors appointment to get blood drawn and tested (cause due to the meds I take I’m apparently at a higher risk of malnutrition/lack of some stuff) and it was literally the most pleasant doctors appointment I’ve ever had.
I was a too early (as always) and had to wait outside a bit because they were still on lunch break but I was let inside a few minutes earlier anyways and so I was alone in the waiting area. And the nurse was incredibly kind and nice (she had me lay down for it because she didn’t want to risk that I could pass out and then she let me take my time to get back up again). It was overall incredibly nice and I was done not even 15 minutes after my appointment (so none of that annoying waiting time that usually comes with doctors appointments)
I also wanted to mention this in the past days already but I somehow didn‘t haha:
So I saw Someone do OC-tober and I absolutely LOVED the idea! (I’m one of these people that just never really draws their OCs lmao)
So I put together a prompt list for myself and I’m really excited about it ^^
(I‘m also planning on participating in Ghosttober with my writing which is why I’m probably going to be a little stressed all throughout October which is why I’ll most likely start working on chapter 2 in November)
I once again truly hope that you had a pleasant day! ♥️
~ @owlishanon
I like our little ritual too! ♥ When my friend got her diagnosis she couldn't get it from a regular psychiatrist either. She also got her ADHD diagnosis a couple years earlier because that was much easier. Autism she had to take a handful of tests over a period of time to actually get the diagnosis. But she was 98% sure what it would be before she got it. So I guess it's a pain in the ass no matter where you try to get it. Hoping that you are able to get through that process soon and get the help that you need. I'm glad your doctor's appointment went well and was easy. That's such a rare thing. And that you had a nurse who was really accommodating and understood what you needed. I was wondering why you said you would work on chapter two in November, until I got to the end of your ask. There are A LOT of things going on in October. And it will be kind of nice to take a pause on working so hard on that and doing some other stuff. I'm really excited for kinktober/ghostober whatever we're calling it. I'm trying to get the first week written and ready this week so that it's less likely that I fall behind. We'll see how that goes. Day one is written and ready to go--so that's something at least. And OC-tober sounds SO cool. I'm excited to see what you end up doing with that. I'm sure that will be a lot of fun too!
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Prompt: One innocent sexual fantasy will lead Y/N directly into “Paul’s” faithful services.
Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Drew McIntyre x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, sexual fantasy, roleplay, oral sex (female and male receiving), masturbation (male and female), cursing, name calling.
Tag: @akiko-tanaka , @blondekel77 , @marlananicole , @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic , @drew-is-boo
Notes: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU *clap, clap*. Today is @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan birthday and what better way to celebrate it than with a Daddy McIntyre smut? This whole idea came from one (of the many) conversations Des and I have, she casually mentioned this and I wanted to use it as a birthday gift to her for being such an amazing friend to me 🥰 Thank you Des, for everything and here’s to many more smutty birthdays yet to come 🥂😘. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories on my Masterlist if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Tell me one secret fantasy you have” Drew smirked
“If I tell you then it’s not a secret anymore is it?” I smugly smiled
“C’mon, Y/N! What’s wrong with you telling your husband a fantasy that you have?”
“I don’t have any” I lied
“Bullshit, everyone has it! And I find it hard to believe that you don’t have any with the amount of sex we have” He smirked
“Ok fine, I have it!”
“Ha! I knew it!” Drew proudly grinned
“But I won’t tell you”
His grin faded away “Why?”
“Because no, Drew” I start to scroll through my phone pretending to do something important
“I know you’re using your phone to avoid me, you know?!” He cackled
“Tell me one of yours then” I say, refusing to talk about my fantasy
“I always tell you my fantasies, woman!”
“Well-“ I start, but Drew interrupts me
“And you always make them come true so why don’t you tell me yours so I can do the same? Y/N, my love. We’re married for fuck sake! Why are you acting like a peasant girl who’s ankles I just saw?” He chuckled and I huffed
“C’mon princess, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s just me, love” He coos
“Promise me you won’t laugh?”
“I promise. Scouts word” He crosses his chest
“Ok, so I... I always thought about you know...I always wanted to fuck a porn star. But, those trashy ones, with the cheesy lines, like where the guy is a plumber or a construction worker or even the gardener” I can feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment
The room is silent, too silent. So I look up at Drew to find him struggling to hold back a laugh but failing completely when he meets my eyes
“You promised me you wouldn’t laugh!” I got up from the couch to leave the room, but Drew was faster, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards his lap
“No! I don’t want to talk to you! I’ll never tell you anything ever again Andrew!” I fight to free myself from his hand, but it was pointless. He successfully made me sit on his lap
“I’m not laughing at your fantasy love, I’m laughing at your reaction to it” He chuckled
“Shut up!” I bitterly said
“You looked so cute, all embarrassed like that because of a pretty simple fantasy. My peasant girl” He teased
I look at him with a frown and a pout
“Awww, don’t make that face, love. I could never laugh at you, you know that” Drew smooch me “Why haven’t you told me before?”
“Because it’s dumb and embarrassing!” I mumbled
“No it isn’t!” He hugged me tighter “It’s a simple fantasy. It shouldn’t take us long to put it together and-“
“We’re not doing it!” I cut him off
“Why not?”
“Because” I sigh “I’m gonna feel stupid doing it and it will turn me off” I lied so maybe he’ll let it go
“Y/N, baby c’mon, don’t be so grumpy” He tries to convince me “There’s no reason for you to feel ashamed, love. We’ve done way worst than that!” He lightly chuckled, trying to lift my mood up
“Can we drop it for now?” I look into his piercing blue eyes “Please, Drew?”
“Ok, ok...I dropped it” He reluctantly said as he caresses my thigh
“You have got to be fucking kidding me” I muted under my breath
“Drew?” I call
“Yep” He peeks through the door
“This damn thing is leaking” I pointed towards the en suite bathroom faucet
“Oh shit, that’s why I heard some water dripping last night”
“Really babe?” I ask exasperated
“What? I thought it was one of the cats!”
I rolled my eyes “I already tried everything and it won’t stop. We have to call a plumber”
“Ok, I’ll call one”
I give a little tug on his t-shirt, a sign for him to lean down so I can kiss him “Thank you. I have to go or I’ll get late” I kiss him again
“Ok. Oh, I may not be here when you come back. I‘m gonna work out in the afternoon”
“Ok baby, have a nice day” I smiled
“Oh I will, love. And you will too” He smirked
And I make my way downstairs utterly confused with what Drew just said.
I got home from work and Drew, faithful to his word, wasn’t there. I make my way upstairs to our bedroom so I can take a shower and relax, when the sight of a pair of black worn out boots and blue overalls made me stop at the foot of the bed.
A man had his face tucked into the underside of the sink, while his hands fidget with the siphon. The position of his hands made impossible for me to look at his face.
*I can’t believe Andrew left a stranger alone in our house! I’m gonna kill you Drew* I thought
I was growing a little nervous to be alone with this strange man at my house. He was huge! Tall and broad and a part of me got a little intimidated by it, but I swallowed my fear and asked
“Excuse me, sir?” I voice was trembling
He grunts in response
“I’m sorry, I- I don’t mean to interrupt your work but could you please tell me when are you going to be done?” My voice was still shaky
“I don’t know, it depends” He answer with a thick foreign accent
“Depends on what, sir?” I murmured
“If the lady will want the complete service” He got up from the floor and my mouth dropped
“Name is Paul, miss” He comes closer
“This is not funny, you know? Jesus Christ, I thought you left a stranger here by himself. And I was scared as fuck, thinking I would be alone with this random man at home..” I trail off as he stopped in front of me
“Will you want the complete service, miss?”
“Complete service?” I mumbled
He only smirked
“What is the complete service?” I whispered
“Well, I can help you with your wetness situation” Drew tilts his head to the side to stare at my ass “It will only take a long, thick and hard pipe” He grabs a handful of his bulge
And I couldn’t help but laugh
“Drew, don’t be ridiculous, lo- Oh shit!” I gasp in surprise with his hand laying forcefully against my ass cheek
“I already told you the name is Paul, miss”
He was so into this roleplay thing that I decided to not be the cock block and play along.
“Look, Paul” I begin and he happily smiled “I don’t know what services you want to offer but, I’m married” I pointed to my wedding ring
“I’m not jealous” He smirked
“But he is” I respond
He shake his head “He will only be if he finds out. I’m not gonna tell him, are you?” The determination upon his gaze was, to say the least, lustful.
“I’m not gonna tell him, because nothing will happen” I play hard to get
“Are you sure?” He tilted his head to stare at my backside once more “I’ve seen that pathetic excuse of what you call husband and I’m absolute certain he can’t handle all of that” He points with his chin to my ass
“He can” I weakly said
Drew arched his eyebrow “Can he though? Are you trying to convince me or yourself of that, sugar?” He cackled “You see, to me, it looks like you need a real man to fuck you, to ruin you, to make a good use out of that sweet pussy” He grabbed his erection through the fabric, easily taking a handful “And I’m a real man sweetheart” He took my hand, making me cup his hard on “This cock will fill you up in ways you never thought it was possible before. It will make you forget about that pitiful husband of yours. This dick will make you feel like a real woman being fucked by a real man, it will make you feel so fucking good you will never want him to touch you again” He smirks
And all I can do is squeeze his length in consent.
Drew quickly undressed me, tossing me onto the bed as he pulled the overalls down his torso painfully slow. The vision of his dark hair laying around his broad shoulders, his bare chest and abdomen with the upper part of the overalls around his hips made me moan
“Fuck babe, you look so fucking hot like that! I’m one lucky bitch!” I murmur, making him lowly growl and attack my lips in a famished kiss
Drew traveled his lips along my neck, collarbone, top of my breasts and nipples.
He holds both breasts on his hand, squeezing them together so he can fastly go from one nipple to the other.
He licked, sucked and lightly scraped his teeth on each bud, kneading the soft flesh underneath his palms and fingers with gentle yet firm touches.
He roamed down to my mound. Reaping my lace panties apart so he can stare at my leaking core.
“Look at this beautiful pussy” Drew gave me a long lick “Are you dripping like this just from playing with your tits, love?”
I nod “Yeah, because you’re so fucking good at it”
He smirked and placed a gentle kiss on my clit, making me whine.
“You’re so responsive, I love that” He gives me some kitten licks before continuing “I bet that jackass husband of yours never eats this pussy, does he?”
I shake my head, making Drew click his tongue in disapproval.
“What a shame, love. Such a beautiful, sweet, wet pussy just waiting to be eaten” He gave me a long teasing lick “Would you like that, princess? Would you like me to eat your pussy until you cum all over my mouth?”
“Yes, please” I panted
Drew stepped back to get rid of the overalls and underwear. He slides his length along my folds to collect some of my wetness so he can touch himself as he eats me out.
He kneels down on the floor, pulling me closer to the edge of the bed by my hips, Drew closed one fist around his cock and pumped up and down as his mouth closed around my clit, making me roll my eyes to the back of my head.
I moan and he growls, my growing need for release becoming unbearable until...he stops.
“What the fuck?” I faintly asked as I see him kneeling down on the bed.
I was feeling confused, until I felt two of his fingers sinking into my core as his palm rested against my clit, slightly pressing into it.
Drew pulled me by my hair until my lips were on his cock, making me open my mouth so he can slide in.
I hummed in pleasure from both his taste and his fingers pace. The slapping sounds of his fingers and palm against my pussy was pornographic.
I bob my head faster and apply more pressure into his cock’s head making him moan my name loudly.
“Fuck, stop Y/N, stop damn it!” Drew yanked me off of him with a hard tug on my hair
He got up from the bed, pulled me down by my ankles and fastly turned me onto my stomach. I feel his weight on the mattress behind me as he places himself between my legs, quickly entering my core with one hard thrust.
“Oh fuck” I whine
Drew grabs two handfuls of my ass, keeping me in place while he mercilessly pound me. He leaned down, pressing his cheek to mine
“You like being fucked like this don’t you?” He grunted “You love being such a good little whore for me, right princess?”
“Yes, sir”
“Say it!”
“I love being such a good little whore for you, sir” I panted
Drew smacked my ass and placed both of his hands around my neck to both to use it as leverage for his thrusts.
“Who’s fucking this pussy so good, huh?”
“You are, sir”
“And what does a good whore says, Y/N?”
“Thank you, sir” I mumbled
“That’s right, baby” He chuckled
Drew hits my g-spot making me scream
“Oh fuck, it feels so good. You’re fucking me so good, sir! Oh please, don’t stop. Thank you, sir...thankyouthankyouthank” I babble
“You’re gonna cum, Y/N? That’s why you’re clenching so good around my cock baby?”
I nod as much as I can “Please, sir. Let me cum, I beg you” I whined
“You’re look so beautiful, princess. So fucking precious. Cum, love”
I feel numb, almost in an outer body experience from the orgasm ecstasy as I feel Drew release in me. He’s growls and grunts only making the post orgasmic bliss last longer.
I feel him carefully pulling out of me and a few minutes after the warm washcloth cleaning me up.
When he lays down on the bed by my side I mumbled half asleep
“You’re something else, Scotsman”
Drew laughs pulling me up so I can rest my head on his chest.
“The idea was yours, princess”
“But you executed perfectly” I coo
“Well, thank you” He cackled “Was this enough to make you lose your embarrassment to tell me your fantasies?”
“Mhm, if this is going to be the final outcome, I’ll make sure to write them down so you can perform each and every one of them”
“I would like that, love” He chuckled lightly, kissing my forehead as I swim into a deep slumber
Dreaming of a certain plumber named Paul....
Please let me know your thoughts on this and leave me some feedback if you’re comfortable with it 🥰😘
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yunhostinyuyu · 4 years
no one‘s gonna believe that
pairing: co-worker!ten x fem reader ft. co-worker!johnny
genre: work!au, suggestive, little smutty
wc: 2.1k
synopsis: Y/N tried to escape the flirtatious attempts of one of her colleagues, but thankfully someone else stepped in to help...
warnings: mentioned sexual harassment, hickeys, they’re basically just making out at work
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You find yourself in the break room by the water dispenser, and waiting for what feels like ages for your jug to fill up all the way. Internally praying that a certain someone would leave you alone, and that he would not appear out of thin air right now, just to hit on you. But of course, your prayers were not answered:
„Hey there, Y/N, how are you doing?“ the tall man in question walked up to you and stood just a few inches away from your small form. Internally cursing at him, but not letting your discomfort about his presence show.
„Hi, Johnny... I‘m good, thanks for asking“ you tried to dismiss his attempt on starting a conversation with you. It could be nice having someone like Johnny swoon over you, yes. He was indeed a very handsome man, but everyone knew that he isn’t a keeper, and quite frankly you were just not into one night stands or anything casual. Admitting to yourself that you were a hopeless romantic, but  at the same time you were okay with being single for now. This way you could have all your attention on work, no distractions. And if you didn’t knew better from your other coworkers, who have worked here longer than you, you would think he just really attentive in trying to seduce you. But not only have you witnessed him behaving worse in order to get what he wants, the stories that are being told about him around the office are ten times worse. So you wanted to avoid him at all costs, telling him you are in a relationship, or currently seeing someone, but he doesn’t believe you - lack of evidence. Today however, you came prepared.
As your jug was full enough, you tried to walk around him in order to get back to your office, but you were unsuccsessful in your attempt. He took another step to cut of your way back. “Why are you always in such a rush? It’s break time soon, isn't it?”. You sighed to yourself, but quiet enough for him not to register.
“I would really love to Johnny but, I have an important file open on my PC that i need to finish and submit tonight...” you dragged your hand up to your shoulder, pushing the soft material of your loose blouse to the side, revealing a hickey you placed there by yourself. Yes, you went as far as giving yourself hickeys to get rid of him. It sounds stupid, yes, but he has been trying shooting his shot for weeks now and he didn't accept any of your excuses, assuming you were playing hard to get. And you tried every trick in the book, except for one: being said love bite on your pale skin that was on show now for him to see.
His eyes wandered to the red and purple spot and widened in shock. You send him a quick apologetic smile as you walk around him, dashing towards your cubicle in a hurry.
You placed the jug on the edge of your desk and turned your attention back to the piece of work that was right in front of you. Only sounds coming from you were the keys of your keyboard being pressed rythmically and and eventual clicks of your mouse. Even if this wasn't your favorite type of work, it was a way of proofing that you are indeed a talented writer and deserved the promotion your boss was dangling in front of everyone in your division for the past couple of weeks. And you were eager to get it. Minutes pass by and you loose track of time as you only focus lies on the task at hand.
“Now, you know that no one’s gonna believe that?”
You turn your head around and find one of your colleagues at the entrance of your little cubicle. But as you see his face, you turn right back around and continue typing. “Believe what, Ten? You see that I’m busy, right?”
He just chuckles and moves towards your chair, starting to explain his intrusion. “Of course i know that, Y/N, we all work our asses off for that promotion. But I’m speaking of your amateurish attempts on getting Johnny off your back. And I have to admit, the idea wasn't bad, but poorly executed. You played yourself.”
The only thing you could manage for now was a half hearted scoff. Ten was a decent guy, but borderline annoying some times, now being an excellent example. He was friends with Johnny, so you didn't understand what he was hinting at.
“Last time I checked my relationships were non of your business.” you remonstrated. But Ten wasn't buying it as easily as Johnny did minutes ago.
“Listen, I’m not trying to defend him, I admit that I think most of the women in here give him a bad wrap for things he might have said or done while being drunk, but that’s not the reason why I’m here right now, Y/N. You see, first of all, who would give you a hickey on your shoulder of all places? Chest, okay, i get it, neck, i get it. But shoulder? He will become suspicious of it soon enough.”
Your cheeks started to burn with embarrassment as Ten dismantled your disguise right on the spot. It was humiliating being called out like this. You couldn't even keep you lie up for longer than a day, but Ten was right, you both knew it. You pushed the keyboard back in frustration, turning yourself to the side to look at the slim figure.
“What else am I supposed to do? He won't take no for an answer and I fucking enjoy my single life. And I can't be mean enough to tell him to fuck off now, can I? I don’t know, Ten, tell me!” you exclaim, both anger and frustration tangible in your tone, and he whips his head in all directions to make sure no one heard your mini-outburst. 
The older one crotches down, so that he won't be visible for people walking around in the office. You try to calm down and get your focus back to work, which seemed almost impossible after Ten took apart your plan into small bits and pieces, trying to hide your state behind your hands and covering your face up with them.
“Listen, I know you damn well by now, so don’t fight me on this. But, I may or may not have a solution for you, that could get Johnny off your heels for good. But feel free to tell me to fuck off anytime, darling. It’s just an offer.” He asserted while patting your hair lightly. Slowly but surely taking your fingers off your eyelids to look him into his eyes. There was no sign of pranking you or any sarcastic comment being in sight, but you still sneered at him in response.
“Don’t pull any shit on me, I’m warning you. What’s the solution?”
ignoring your moody comment, he continues his explanation unbothered.
“If you would really have a boyfriend, Johnny would leave you alone, but you play hard to get without realizing it... You see, your own mouth can only reach so far...” his fingers trailing up to your selfmade hickey, traveling further up to your throat and neck, “while someone else's mouth can reach much further”.
Without a second thought, you slap his hand away. “Thanks, but no thanks. Can you now kindly piss off?” Ten visibly took offense to your reaction, pulling himself back into a standing position. 
“Suit yourself. But don’t come back to me when you realize your plan was doomed to fail.” and he disappeared out of your workspace. To say his offer didn’t leave you hot and bothered would be a lie, but you pushed all that aside, before taking another gulp of water and once again, shifting your concentration on the file.
Another week goes by, and unfortunately, Johnny didn't leave you alone, still hitting on you every time you crossed paths. The hickey on your shoulder left a sour taste in his mouth, and it really didn't imply that you were in a relationship at all. His comments teasing you about the guy that gave you the hickey, making it harder and harder each day to get out of his presence, to the point were you didn’t leave your cubicle on your own anymore. It was all starting to eat on your conscience and take your confidence away. With every passing day, you were conflicted over and over again, debating if you should pick up on Ten’s offer. Yet, you find your eyes glued onto his work space, were he busied himself with a shit load of work. What’s the harm in asking him to do what he has come up by himself? you keep thinking to yourself, but then still unsure if it was the right thing to do.
Sighing to yourself, but your legs are already taking you to his desk, only a few cubicles away from your own. You turn again, just realizing that it was past 18:00 o'clock and most of your co-workers already left, leaving only a handful of people that are all eager to finish their work as soon as possible.
As you bring your hand to knock on his glass shield, immediate regret makes itself present in your system, but it’s already too late now. He turns around in his office chair and a smile appeared on his lips the moment he saw you. Genuinely glad about seeing you right now.
“Hey! What’s up? You’re still here?” he asks as he leans back and lets his eyes trail over your form, oversized black blouse that is messily tucked into your blue high waisted jeans. A forced smile stretching over your thin lips before you replied.
“Yeah, uhm, kinda... Am I interrupting you or something?” stammering and tumbling over your own words, awkwardly crossing your arms. He eyes you skeptically, clearly noticing your nervousness.
“No, not at all, why? Did something happen, dear?” his tone calm and comforting, even if you didn't expect this reaction from him. You bit your tongue before you continued.
“No! Well, uhm, yeah... kinda? The Johnny thing- you know, uhm... I was just wondering if-” you stammered and tried your hardest to avoid eye contact, feeling uneasy about the whole thing still. You felt stupid, really, even after he reacted so harshly after he suggested this whole thing for the first time.
He coos as he gets what you’re hinting at, “Aww, so you did realize your plan wasn’t working out, huh? I figured, but I didn’t realize you would actually take up on my offer after all, even if you were rude last time.”
Your ears turn red the longer you stood in front of him. “I’m sorry about that, I didn't mean it...” Truly expecting him to tease you further, but that wasn't the case. Instead he stretched his arms out towards you, motioning for you to come and take a seat on his lap, and you carefully did just that. Making him look at the side of your face from the angle you sat down. Ten took hold of your hands, and rubbed little cirlces into your palms. 
“Are you sure you want me to do this? Just tell me to stop and I will.” He asked for consent, but you nodded eagerly in reply. “I trust you with this. It’s okay.”
He nodded as his eyes were fixed on your exposed neck, fingers slowly touching the skin before he leaned in. Hands wandering to the crook of your neck and your hip respectively. As he started to place wet kisses all over your chest and neck area, sucking on the skin quite harshly, your fingers gripped his hair at the sensation, and you readjusted your sitting position, for Ten to have better access. You quickly lost yourself at the sensation of his lips and tongue working on creating dark marks all over yourself.
To your surprise, after only giving you a few more sucks and bites, he pulled back to admire his work of art. Secretly hoping that he would continue for a little longer, but you snapped back into reality quite quickly. Hands detaching from each other. 
“You okay? Look at them.” he held out his phone, which had the front camera opened. After a few seconds you started to giggle and hand him his device back. 
“They look okay, thank you.” you stood up and told yourself that this would never happen again as you went back to get your stuff from your desk.
But in the end, you found yourself in Ten’s lap more often then you expected.
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ontheblock · 3 years
BABE U WRITE FOR SALLY FACE?? Anything with Travis (male s/o with him obviously) or Sally please :O your writing is amazing!!
YES I DO !! i used to have a bunch of wips i still haven’t finished but i figured i can still add sf to my list since it was such a comfort game when it came out haha. as per usual, this isn’t beta read, i fucked the formatting up twice but just squint when you notice any errors- also thank you love <3 i‘d give you a free bologna sandwich for requesting trav ily. 100% beef obviously /winkwonk
•warning: abuse, religious guilt, homophobia and f-slur use, bad first kisses, badly written fluff, travis being travis
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Travis was meant to live a life molded for him by his father. The pattern was already placed on the fabric when his first cry shook the hospital room at 6:33am. He was supposed to be cut from his father‘s mold but Travis‘ fabric was already old and frayed, the intertwining strings of muted tones that held him together felt lose by the time he could run. Sometimes he thought about the reason why he was incomplete. His fabric wasn‘t strong enough to hold his family name, not stretchy enough to bounce back from his father‘s reactions. Travis‘ mother patched him up every time there was another bruise on his back or face. She would cut parts out of her own fabric to cover the ripped strings her husband‘s belt left on their son. But she had only so much left when the beatings got worse.
Travis was in middle school, attending a christian summer camp a few hours away from Nockfell. He never noticed how different the air was at home but the sky was so murky compared to literally everywhere else. His father thought it was a good idea to let the boy out of town while he took care of the Ministry business which was code for something Travis shouldn‘t stick his nose into. He never asked but someone went missing while he was gone. Tragic.
Not as tragic as the camp counselor calling Travis home on their last day. The boy didn‘t know about that but they told his father about some inappropriate behavior his son showed with a fellow camper - a boy his age, Kenneth didn‘t care for the name or where he was from. All he needed to know was what his son did with that boy. The counselor tried to calm the angry parent on the phone but as soon as the information was exchanged the line went dead. He didn‘t want to hear the washed up excuses. His son was young and it was best to get these urges out of his system before they could even develop - dig for the deepest root you could find and rip it from the still fresh ground before it bloomed into something ugly, even if that meant that the garden would never bloom at all. Kenneth was a man of action after all.
That evening Travis came home clueless while his father already stood in the hallway with his wife behind him, holding onto his hand and uttering whispered quick prayers but his thick fingers already curled around the leather painfully hard. The strain it caused in his hand only fueled the need for a release as he charged for his son who didn‘t even have the chance to slip out of his worn sneakers.
That evening his mother didn‘t stay when Kenneth told her to go to bed early. Travis asked himself if it pained her the same way it pained him when his skin split under the force his father put in his first few strikes.
“You want to hold hands with boys now?“
“My son isn‘t a faggot, is that clear?“
“I gave you a place in this filthy town. You will appreciate it and live a proper life!“
“You will thank me when you don‘t burn for being dirty.“
It wasn‘t meant for Travis to answer because by the end of the night he would not even think about a boy‘s hand to be soft and warm anymore.
Travis was older now but he never found enough of anything to mend the damage his father did that night. Travis didn‘t try to explain that he held onto the boy because they figured that they wouldn’t slip on the wet mud that way. Instead he kept quiet about it ever happening and his father was content with this as long as he pulled his son from the devil‘s path to sodomy.
And Travis thought so too until a thread of blue fabric pulled together a gaping hole in his fabric. It stuck out like a sore thumb - too vibrant but warmer than any patch his mother gave to him and when he sat on the grimy bathroom floor in school after Sal Fisher of all people gave him a fucking pep talk, it felt nice. The warmth let his tears evaporate so he could pull himself together for the rest of the day.
But it was short lived. The warmth spread through him so fast he felt like burning up whenever he sat in class with Sal. He tried everything to get that blue thread out of his life but pulling on it only felt like strangling himself and he regretted ever letting his bully persona slip in that bathroom just because Sal fucking Fisher found the note he threw away - the note that was about him but Travis never had it in himself to tell him that. He regretted his promise to be less of an asshole because he knew he couldn‘t. Not even three days later the heat in his belly was so hot that he boiled over when he saw Fisher talking to that ginger nerd by the lockers. He ended up calling him a faggot because how dare he be openly gay in the same town Kenneth Phelps lived? How dare he be happy like this?
Sal tensed at the insult. Did he actually think Travis could be better? And why was his freakshow friend not hurt at the insult when it still burned in his throat to say it? Why did it feel like the slur wasn‘t meant for Todd at all? Travis swallowed hard as he fled the hallway in such a hurry that the three folded up pamphlets in his barely zipped up backpack fell on the muddy vinyl flooring.
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“Fuck, Phleps. Just wait. Travis!“ The boy in question tucked at his collar as he turned a corner just to slip into another empty corridor. They had a free period right after gym class and Sal Fisher was determined to finally talk to the boy who relentlessly bullied him to now avoid him like it was the other way around. “Jesus, I‘m not gonna pry but if your dad-“ Sally harshly bumped into Travis as he whipped around, finally coming to a stop. Shame crawled up the taller teen‘s neck when he didn‘t find the prosthetic nose digging into his sweater uncomfortable.
“Shut up! God, just stop!“ Sal was surprised that he would use his Lord‘s name in vain like that and if the situation was anything but this he would‘ve laughed. “Travis, I don‘t know how you feel but-“, Sal tried again but Travis was at his limits this time. “You don‘t and you never will, Fisher. Your dad would accept you being a dirty faggot but mine doesn’t!“ He tried to fill his words with venom but it all bounced back on the guy‘s mask anyway with how much his voice actually trembled.
There was a moment of silence that made Travis want to literally get struck by his God‘s angry lightning. He couldn‘t even leave. It was like all the root his father dug out slowly crawled back to feed on his shame and ground him in front of Sal who still had to react and maybe Travis should just tell him to fuck off so he wouldn‘t have to find out what he wanted to say next.
“Travis...“ Sal lowered his voice in a fake moment of privacy. “Are you-?“ Travis already shut his eyes as he clenched his fists. He didn‘t like where this was going but there was no more fight in him. “Nevermind. You don‘t owe me shit but I saw your back.“ Travis exhaled through his mouth until there was nothing left in his lungs. He knew where that question was headed. Are you gay, Travis? Are you the faggot and that‘s why you‘re so angry? He was glad that Sal changed his approach because even Travis himself was too scared to find the answer.
“So what, Sally Face? You‘re sticking your nose somewhere it doesn’t belong. If you even have one under that stupid mask.“ Travis harshly pushed his index finger into the boys chest and the sharp inhale he made almost made him freeze up and apologize. But he couldn‘t. He was too deep to go soft now. The look in Sal‘s eyes was enough to make Travis finally stumble backwards and push past him.
He didn‘t follow him this time.
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His verbal fights with Sal Fisher were like a damn wake up call for the teen. The rush of warmth it spread in his chest and the cold shiver in sent down his spine were shaking his body every time. He started noticing that Nockfell wasn‘t that murky. Travis used to really like yellow as a child because it reminded him of his mother’s favorite sunflower dress. She was a different woman now. The vibrant yellow was fading just like her hair. Maybe it was just Nockfell, maybe it was because of her suffocating husband draining her of her life and slowly unraveling her fabric. It didn‘t matter now but to make a depressing story short, Travis didn‘t have a favorite color anymore.
But the sky looked like a pretty shade of blue on some days. He never noticed but his bathroom tiles had blue specks in them. He always thought they were just a weird grey. There were tiny flowers blooming in the most vibrant blue behind the school and he wished that they were behind the church too but nothing ever grew around that building. But he would pluck them sometimes when he was skipping gym class. His last fight in the empty hallway was weeks ago and he hoped that Sal finally gave up on his savior complex. But why did his chest sting at that thought? His fingers slowly clutched his sweater as he stared at a withering flower by his foot. Travis jumped out of his thoughts when the metal door creaked open.
“Yo.“ Sal pushed the door closed with his shoe as he held up a hand to casually greet him. His face scrunched up. “What do you want?“ Travis lowered his head again. The boy obviously noticed the fresh shiner on his face already but facing him still felt like he exposed himself. “Just wanted to confirm that the church boy was skipping class.“ Uninvited, the teen sat beside Travis on the grass, with a healthy distance of course. “Shut up. My faith has fuck all to do with school“, Travis spoke lowly but his voice was tired. Sal just hummed in agreement before silence draped over them. Not uncomfortably like the usual strained void of reactions when one of them dropped something they weren‘t prepared for. It felt ok like this and it felt like a blanket. To Travis that blanket was soft and blue but before he could shake it off and stand up there were strings of the obnoxious fabric already weaving themself into his personal space.
“We don‘t have to fight all the time.“ Sal didn‘t look at him and neither did Travis. He really didn‘t have a reason to disagree. Not one that wouldn’t blow his cover at least.
“Maybe I could come to your little church and-“ Travis head snapped up. “Don‘t“, he blurted out a little louder than he meant. “It‘s a joke. I‘m not religious.“ Sal snorted, plucking a few pieces of grass. “Yeah, because you‘re a sinner in the eyes of the Lord. You f-“ Travis had to physically stop himself by biting his lip. Sal looked over at him and Travis wished he didn‘t. “Sorry“, Travis mumbled, refusing to meet his eyes, or eye since he was pretty sure his other eye never moved before. “I‘m trying to not call people that anymore.“ because all I hear is my father saying it.
“It‘s cool.“ It wasn‘t. “Why are you skipping?“ Travis huffed. It was weird to not let the conversation derail into verbal abuse. “I don‘t know. I fell. Hit my head on the door pretty bad. As you can see.“ Sal just hummed. “That‘s why you‘re limping, too?“ Travis blurted out a “yes“ a little too fast. Why was he nervous? His whole school life already revolved around cover up stories about the strange aches and bruises he got out of nowhere.
“Right.“ Sal let it slide, again. “You‘re acing algebra, Fisher.“ It wasn‘t a question so Sal didn‘t say anything. “Hmm.“ Travis cursed himself for never learning proper social skills but his father didn‘t like him bringing strangers into the house and his teen years were a constant feeling of push and pull of picking fights with boys that sparked an ugly tingle in his belly.
“You need a tutor?“ The silence seemed to be enough for Sal. Fuck him and his open fucking hand. “Maybe.“ Travis flicked a flower with his finger, dismissing the clear offer because his stomach ignited at the fact that Sal didn‘t hate him enough yet. “Maybe there is a tutor in Addisons Appartement, Room 402, who‘s free on the weekend.“ Sal couldn‘t help but smile under his mask as Travis huffed. “Fuck you, Fisher.“
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Sal already forgot about his offer when lunch passed and his dad stood in the kitchen, washing their dishes, enjoying the background noise of his son watching TV with his cat. They were so engrossed in the VHS tape Sal put on that he didn‘t hear the door until his dad whistled from the kitchen. “Sally, door.“
“Huh? Oh. Yes, dad.“ He jumped to his feet, leaving Gizmo to the slasher movie he seemed to like. “Weird, Larry said he‘s busy“, Sal mumbled, opening the front door. “Oh.“ It was a knee jerk reaction from Sal because he expected everyone but Travis Phelps to knock at his door and truth be told, he looked like he‘d rather be anywhere else with the way his awkward greeting caught in his throat and died on his tongue as a huff. His eyes followed the way the blue strands hung over Sal‘s shoulders, the mask straps upsetting the smooth texture as a few chunks hung over the elastics. Travis hasn’t seen him with his hair down. He looked smaller in big sweatpants and a band shirt too.
“Travis?“ The boy‘s eyes snapped back to the mask in front of him. “So, algebra?“ Sal tilted his head a smidge. A small habit he picked up to better communicate what would otherwise be shown in his facial features. But it made Travis want to scream for a multitude of reasons as heat crept up his neck. “Obviously.“
Anyone else would‘ve told him to fix his tone or fuck off but Sal held open the door for him. It felt wrong but Travis took the invitation, rubbing his clammy hands on his pants. “Who is it?“, a deeper voice called and Travis almost jumped. He had to remind him this wasn‘t Kenneth. Mr Fisher wasn’t anything like his dad and he didn’t have to be on edge around the boy. “A friend“, Sal replied shortly, only getting an approving hum.
A friend. Did Sal see him as a friend? He couldn‘t dwell on it since he was pulled into the boy‘s bedroom that looked nothing like his. “Just sit anywhere.“ Sal wildly gestured into the room and Travis sat on the barely made bed as Sall dropped his books next to him.
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Travis felt like there was something breathing down his neck the entire time they sat on Sal‘s bed. His shirt collar felt like it was about to cinch his neck closed, the dangling cross necklace he kept under his shirt felt hot to the touch like it burned the shape of Jesus into his chest with every sinful thought that crossed his mind as Sal explained the most bland and unerotic subject.
“Travis?“ The boy almost choked on his own spit.
“Romans 1:26-27.“ Travis stumbled over his own words but the verse was engraved into his head after writing and reciting it for a month straight under the stern eye of his father. There was a briefe silence for a moment.
“What?“ Sal looked up from the book in his lap.
“What?“ Travis felt breathless as he stared back at Sal. “Nothing“, he quickly added before Sal could even say anything else. “Explain that again?“ But he didn‘t. Instead, Sal pushed the book off his thigh, still staring the boy down. “Did you really come here for algebra, dude?“ No. “Yes.“ Travis fiddled with the hem of his shirt, not knowing if it was anxiety, anger or just bile scratching against his stomach lining to crawl out of him.
When Sal didn‘t say anything else Travis just reached over the boys lap to take the book himself but there was already a hand pressing against his shoulder. Travis hissed as he pulled his arm back, making Sal pull back just as fast. They stared at each other for a moment before Sal‘s gaze darted to his shoulder. “You fell pretty hard on that door.“ Travis clenched his jaw. “Shut up, Fisher, and back the fuck up.“
The boy shook his head, scooting away an inch. “Listen, you can say no because I would too but I can at least get you ointment for that.“ Sal gestured to his back and shoulder and something in Travis just crumbles as he lets his hands drop into his lap, staring them down to not look at Sal. “Ok. If it gets you off my back you parasite.“
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Travis didn‘t plan this when he knocked on the apartment door. He expected to maybe stay 20 minutes before something would make him see red but all he saw was blue. Maybe he was cursed. All these years of plucking out the roots his father couldn’t reach were rendered worthless now that he sat on the rough carpet, holding his shirt up as Sal dug out the ointment.
How did he even get here? His heart beat in his throat when he felt a presence behind him. He felt the need to say something. He wanted to make it clear that this meant nothing to not make it weird but wouldn‘t that make it weirder? Wasn‘t this the same as his mother putting a bandaid on his cuts and whatever herbal mixture on his wounds? It wasn’t because he never felt the sick urge to kiss his mother.
“Ready?“, Sal asked, kneeling behind him with a glob of cool ointment on his index and middle finger. Fucking hell, why did he have to make it weird? He definitely had to say something now.
“It was my dad.“ Travis spoke fast enough to mutter his words but the long pause probably meant that Sal heard him anyway. He wanted to melt into the carpet, leave behind a stain on the boy‘s floor to annoy him just one last time. He didn‘t know what he expected him to say to that and he also didn‘t know why that was the thing he had to say. But Sal made it easy on him by just not answering at all. Instead, he dabbed the cream on the first bruise, making Travis inhale sharply but otherwise biting his tongue. Sal figured that Travis wanted to act tough by not showing that it hurt but actually, Travis didn‘t trust his voice under Sal‘s soft fingertips.
“Travis“, Sal spoke again. Travis wasn‘t sure if he hated the heavy silence more of the fact that Sal was the first to say something while he was rubbing little circles into his back. He didn‘t answer but that never held Sal back.
“Are you gay?“ His voice was so quiet that Travis wouldn‘t have heard it if they sat a little further apart but it had the same effect as screaming it for all of Nockfell to hear. Sal felt him tense up under his touch, already expecting him to jump up or at least yell at him. But neither of them did anything. Sal‘s fingers rested against the heating skin, feeling it rise with every ragged breath he managed to take. “Travis-“
“Fuck, Sal. What? Do you want me to tell you about the times my dad beat the gay out of me or do you prefer that time I wanted to kiss you in that gross fucking bathroom?“, the teen finally barked, letting his words sink in first before he hissed a quiet “shit“. The fingers on his back pulled away as Sal sat on his heels. “You wanted to kiss me?“, Sal repeated, slower than Travis but he just pressed the balls of his hands into his eyes until he saw shapes and felt like the pressure would crush his face. He heard Sal shuffle around the room, probably getting ready to throw him out like he should‘ve done a while ago. But the shuffling stopped in front of him and something told him not to look but cold hands were already on his wrists to peel his cramping hands from his face. Travis opened his eyes just in time to see that mask uncomfortably close but before he could say anything, there was an odd sensation on his lips with minimal pressure. Sal was kissing him and it snuffed the flame in his stomach for just a moment, allowing the torched butterflies to unfold their wings and fly high enough to even make his heart pump overtime. But the feeling was lost just as soon when Sal inched backwards, pulling his prosthetic back in place before Travis could even take any of this in.
“Sorry.“ Sal threw it into the room for Travis to interpret. But the gears in his head threatened to jump out of place already so he reached out to Sal who already flinched backwards, holding onto his mask. “You don‘t want that.“ Sal pushed his hand back a little. “How would you know?“ Travis furrowed his brows at him but he was thankful. He wasn‘t sure if he could take seeing the boy bare like that but he was craving that feeling his father tried to snuff so desperately.
Sal just shook his head as Travis inched closer. “I‘ll close my eyes.“ Now it was Sal‘s turn to hole up in silence, knowing that neither of them could handle the mask coming off. Something made him trust Travis‘ words as he opened the bottom clasp which was the cue for Travis to shut his eyes. He did and seconds later he felt Sal on him again. One hand clamping over his eyes just to make sure and the other fisting the front of his shirt.
This time Travis felt the cleft in Sal‘s lip and the scar tissue ripping up the soft skin. He leaned into the kiss. Where were his hands supposed to go? When Travis didn‘t find the answer his body moved on autopilot. One hand threaded through the surprisingly smooth strands as the other clung to the small of his back.
Travis should‘ve been grossed out by the drool pooling out of Sal‘s torn lip but he wasn‘t. He should be grossed out by Sal being a boy but he wasn‘t. When Sal pulled back he kept his hand over Travis‘ eyes while the other wiped the spit off his chin. The kiss alone was enough to patch up his murky fabric with bright blue strings that dominated the colors his father painted him in. Travis didn‘t know what would happen after high school. Hell, he didn‘t even know what would be tomorrow. But he didn‘t want the bright fibers to unravel him again.
A knock on the door startled both of them, making Sal pull his arm away and Travis rapidly blinking. He didn‘t notice the mangled face first as the unruly blue caught his eye. His hand did that. His heart beat in his throat again as he overheard Sal‘s father say something and Sal shooting a hum of agreement back. His prosthetic was already on his face again before Travis could catch anything besides the scar tissue crawling up his jaw and chin before splitting his lips and exposing teeth and gum.
Maybe blue was his favorite color.
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themattgirl · 4 years
Hiii, I was wondering if you could please do another part to breathless? I would like to see where she confronts the friend please?
Hii, I‘m sorry that this came so late. The past year has been shit and I just couldn’t motivate myself to write anything because i knew it’d be something depressing and I didn’t want to do that because that would result in me being even more depressed sooo anyway... I‘m finally back and ready to deliver. Enjoy, my lovelies! ✨
Please read Breathless first to understand this if you haven’t already.
Sequel to Breathless
Right in front of the door a white Tesla is waiting for Y/N. The guy sitting behind the steering wheel is looking out of the rolled down window with a cigarette between his index and middle finger, facing the street opposite Y/N’s and her boyfriend’s living place. He jumps in shock when he turns his head to face the person who cleared their throat only to find Harry standing there bent down and looking down at the smoker.
“This spot isn’t for you to park your car in, sorry.” Harry speaks after the boy’s face doesn’t look like he just saw a ghost anymore.
“I was waiting for her actually,” he tells him a little nervous and points to Y/N behind Harry. “We’ll get lost in a sec, c’mon babe, get in.”
Harry turns around and looks at her just so the guy doesn’t see the smirk he can’t keep at bay. Y/N hides hers by licking her lips. Harry faces forward again, but points over his shoulder with his thumb. “Oh, you mean Y/N? Why would she get in your car? How do you know her?” he asks questions he knows the answers well enough to.
“We’ve been friends since forever. We were gonna hang out today, but I don’t understand how that would be any of your business.”
“Ah, sorry, yes. You don’t know me. Let me introduce myself.”
Harry walks around the front of the car to the passenger side, Y/N right on his heels. He opens the car door and slides himself into the seat, not shutting the door yet, but holding his hand out for the boy to shake. “I’m Harry Styles,” he puts on a smile that shows his dimples while Y/N climbs onto his lap, now straddling him.
She cups Harry’s face and turns it so he faces her and leans down to lock their lips. It was just a simple kiss, lips meeting lips.
“I’m Y/N’s boyfriend,” Harry tells him, the smile turning into a mischievous smirk when he feels his girlfriend’s lips on his neck. “Who are you?” he keeps talking as if Y/N isn’t sucking a hickey right below his ear.
“I-I didn’t... uhh. Woah, s-sorry I–” the boy stammers with wide eyes, his cigarette long fallen from between his fingers to the ground out of the window. Y/N doesn’t seem to care about anything he has to say, because after kissing the dark red spot on Harry’s jaw better, she grabs his face and turns his head to her again so she can connect their lips again. This time she uses her tongue, too. It’s not a simple kiss anymore, they are full on making out in the car of someone who only came because he expected to have his dick sucked in the next 20 minutes.
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend, I was told you give head for free,” the poor boy seems very confused.
Y/N separates herself from Harry and faces the third wheeler, “I do, but that deal only applies to that one here, I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.” Harry laughs.
“He’s right, I’m really not sorry at all.”
“Wait, so–” The guy starts but cuts himself off to think before deciding to speak again. “So, does that mean I’d have to pay? How much–”
This time it’s Harry who interrupts his talking, “No, you prick. It means the only dick she swallows is mine.”
He has been friendly throughout this whole exchange, but this is the moment he was waiting for so patiently. The moment this scumbag proves he is a scumbag. How dare he assume that precious Y/N would seriously do anything with him, that she would want to do it with him? How does he translate her sitting on Harry Styles’ lap, making out with him, giving him hickeys and even saying she doesn’t do whatever he heard she does into it meaning she’d suck his little thing for a ridiculous amount of money?
His stupid question got Y/N just as mad, he can see it in her face and hear it through the way her breathing changed. And as much as Harry wants to just punch that wanker in the face and cut the top of his head off to check if there’s a brain inside, he promised Y/N he’d let her handle it herself. She didn’t tell him what she was thinking of doing though, so he’s curious to see what her crazy mind came up with this time. He is also kind of apprehensive because he knows when Y/N gets mad, she gets mad mad. And to see the put on guilty look on her face already meant trouble for the tosser in the driver’s seat.
“The only person whose dick I take into my mouth is Harry’s and honestly it’s more than enough for me. He’s quite big, you know? He fills me out completely and not only my mouth, you should see us fuck. Oof. Look, I don’t usually have to gag from anything but sometimes when he’s fucking my mouth it just happens. I gag around him and I can’t help it, it’s just too much sometimes. Do you think your little friend would make me gag?” She speaks lowly, but somehow still sounds innocent in a way. Harry squeezes her hips in question after that last sentence but Y/N rubs his cheek with her thumb as a way of telling him she knows what she’s doing. He trusts her enough to relax again. She continues.
“Hm, we can’t check that obviously. But do you think I’d be overwhelmed if we tried? Imagine my lips wrapped around your cock, my hands gripping your thighs-” she places one hand on his thigh, “-because I can’t keep my balance from how hard you’d fuck my mouth. And tears starting to make my vision swimmy because you keep hitting the back of my throat with the head of your dick. Would I gag? Oh gosh, the imagination is starting to make me wet.” She starts rubbing his thigh, very close to his crotch but not quite where he needs her hand to be.
“I wish I was in a bed right now, getting fucked. Sex with Harry is incredible, he’s very good in bed. Are you? Do you think you’d hit all my right spots? Well, Harry knows everything about me already so I guess it’d be unfair to compare, right? In fact, he knows me so well he can make me cum with his fingers in only fife minutes. Oh and one time – actually, it was more than once – it took him only seven minutes with his tongue on my pussy to get me there. It was phenomenal. God, I remember how hard I came. I doubt you could do that to me but I bet I could bring you to cloud nine really fast.” She hears his breath picking up and getting heavier.
“I won’t do anything with you obviously, but still. I know I could. Oh my God, maybe you could watch? Wouldn’t that be nice too? Me and The Harry Styles getting each other to cum multiple times? Do you like it soft or rough? You look like someone who likes rough sex. Maybe you could watch Harry tie me up and fuck me until I’m screaming. Or would you rather enjoy it if we’d tie you to a chair and make you watch us doing all the things you wish you could do. Yeah, you’d like that, huh?”
Finally, when Y/N looks down on his lap she sees the bulge in his jeans and retrieves her hand from his thigh. She leans more into him and notices his eyes fluttering shut. When her mouth hovers in front of his ear she whispers, “Go get yourself someone else to take care of your little problem here because I surely won’t.”
She pulls back, pecks Harry’s lips once and gets off his lap and out of the car. Harry throws in a quick “It was nice meeting you” and hurries after Y/N who is already walking in the direction of her own car.
Once he catches up to her and they both get in the car, he waits until she drives off before he speaks.
“What the fuck was that?”
Y/N knows he isn’t mad, but she can hear how thrown off he is. He certainly did not expect this.
“Got him hard and left him to go home with blue balls. Good, huh?” she smiles, but doesn’t take her eyes off of the road.
Harry is silent for a few long seconds, which worries her a little, but then he laughs out loud, even throwing his head back and clapping his hands twice. “Amazing!”
Y/N relaxes and chuckles along with him.
“You said you were getting wet, though. Were you?” he asks when the laughter dies down.
“Ew, no. Are you crazy? I probably would have if it wasn’t for him being there and me bringing up his dick throughout the whole... story.”
“Yeah, same.” Harry agrees.
“You would’ve been hard from what I said?” Y/N smirks and glances at him for only a second before watching the road again.
“Shut up,” he laughs. “Where’re we going?”
“Kickin’ ass.”
Once in Y/N’s ex-best-friend’s dorm room, their mood changes completely. The first thing they see is a poster on the wall next to the small single bed with a shirtless Harry Styles on it.
“Oh God,” Harry murmurs behind his girlfriend.
“What are you doing here?” Jade, the owner of the room asks.
“You hang up a poster of my boyfriend right after I move out?” Y/N ignores her question and throws in one of her own instead.
“Not a poster of your boyfriend. A poster of Harry Styles, the singer I have liked ever since I discovered music.” Jade tries to explain.
“The singer who happens to be my boyfriend. And it’s a shirtless picture, for fuck’s sake. If it was anyone else’s room I wouldn’t care to look twice and laugh about it. But the facts it’s you just makes it weird.”
“It’s not weird, it–” Y/N cuts off whatever bullshit Jade was about to say.
“It is weird and you know it. Or else you wouldn’t have waited until I was gone to hang it up.”
“Why are you here anyway?” She asks when she fails to think of something to say to Y/N’s fact.
“Get the rumours out of the world,” Y/N crosses her arms over her chest while demanding it, Harry doing the same behind her.
“Or what?” Jade has the audacity to ask.
“You don’t want to risk finding it out. Do what I said.”
“I’m not scared of you, princess. And how would I even do that anyway?”
“The same way you started it, princess. I don’t care how you do it. Go on, I’ll wait here until it’s done.” she leans back against Harry who is quick to wrap his arms around her from behind.
“If so then you can move back in, ‘cause I won’t be doing shit. It’s your problem, not mine.”
“Oh, is that so?” Y/N smiles devilishly. That’s exactly how she expected this conversation to go. Honestly, she hoped it would.
She walks further into the room and sits down on the chair by the desk, Harry behind her with his hands on her shoulders and Jade’s open laptop in front of her. She closes all the open tabs – and if there was an unsaved 28k word document then oops – before opening Twitter. Luckily Jade was logged in, just like she expected.
“I wanted to give you the chance to choose what you want to say to clear things up, but it looks like I’m gonna have to do it myself. And it’s gonna end up bad. For you, obviously.” she chuckles quietly before she starts typing away on the keyboard of the laptop in front of her and reads word for word out loud for Jade to hear.
“Get your hands off my stuff!” Jade steps forward to try and stop Y/N but Harry quickly gets in the way. He doesn’t even have to touch her, all he does is block her way to Y/N.
Y/N types and reads, “Hello dear twitties.”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ridiculous, right? That’s how she starts off every single one of her Tweets,” Y/N laughs with him. “Anyway, how should I start this?”
Jade tries to get a word in but Harry speaks over her. “Make her admit she’s a liar and make her sound like a crazy bitch.”
“Mmh, I like that,” Y/N turns her head and smiles up at him, “Gimme a kiss.”
Harry leans down with a smile and does so.
Y/N faces the laptop again and starts typing, “I’m sure you all remember my post about Y/N giving BJs on campus for free. This is embarrassing to admit, but it was a lie. So I would like to apologise to her and to all of the guys who got turned down by her because of that lie. I have some good news for you, though. I did it because I wanted to see if there would actually be people contacting her and now that I’ve seen it work, I’d like to announce that I’m taking her place. I’ll be the one to suck you off. Please leave her alone and call me instead.”
“Wait, I’ll give you her phone number,” Harry suggests and fishes Y/N’s phone out of her jeans. Once the number is typed beneath the text she clicks the Tweet button so it’s for everyone to see. Then she closes everything again, but before she can shut the laptop, the picture Jade has saved as her screen wallpaper catches her eye. Not only is it a picture of Harry, but one where she herself is edited into it so it looks like he is kissing her cheek.
“Alright, this is getting too weird. C’mon babe, let’s get outta here.” Harry pulls Y/N up off the chair and leads her out of the room.
“This is a joke, right? She can’t be that sick,” Y/N murmurs more to herself than to anyone else.
“Let’s just go get you a new phone number, please.”
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jesslockwood · 4 years
olive | chapter one
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pairing: actor!Tom Holland x actor!reader
words: 3.5k ish
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex and smut (in between the ***)
a/n: special thanks for @stuckonspidey for helping me not only start a kinda guideline for this story, but go over the beginning of this chapter, go check out Lilly’s works!
I also am taking name suggestions for one of the characters (little miss diva celebrity personal) as im horrid at coming up with names and also want to involve you! (That’s why she don’t have a name in this yet lol) so send me an ask with your suggestions!
series masterlist
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You couldn’t believe it. How could it even be comprehended of what was going on when it felt like a dream? 
bro, you’re living every Instagram jealous fangirl’s dream right now…
Man, you couldn’t even imagine the backlash you’d be getting after this once everyone knew. 
Let’s hope they never find out.
Maybe this whole ordeal should be explained...
You had been at an after-party for the first big movie you did, well it was a featuring role, that the character literally had a sex scene with Sebastian Stan- yeah you know what you’re thinking, he’s a literal Greek god heaven-sent being- we all know.
Anyways me being me found him way too unattainable- God all those marvel actors and actresses were-, especially after the mishap of seeing his butt naked self before the scene, and him telling you it was fine because you were like his “little sister”. Either way, he was a no go, and you kinda wanted to find someone to take home. you hadn’t been laid in a while, and after seeing Sebastian naked you kinda needed relief. 
you were looking for someone more in your league scanning the room, until Seb decided to bombard you at the bar, with probably another one of his actor friends he wanted to introduce you to. 
Yeah, heh… I know how this sounds, but you two actually became pretty close on set, as the lead to his opposite, was a total snob, and Seb couldn’t stand her so you’d do a spot-on impression of her while roasting her, and Seb and you got along pretty well because of that. You’re probably questioning: why Seb? Of all people why would a famous person like him get along with a weirdo like me? 
Boy, do I look like I know?
in all your years it would still probably be a mystery till you died. 
Throughout the night Seb had been introducing you to all his friends and helping you “network” even though they all knew you sucked. That still didn’t stop you from having a small heart attack every time it was an actor you admire.
This time maybe was a little different because you had downed some drinks, and was a little more… bodacious? That’s probably the worst description you could come up with but it is what it is... anyways it was the only way you could get through the night without completely dying of being in front of literal heaven-sent beings.
“Hey Y/n! you’d like you to meet one of my pals!” Sebastian yelled over the music, cutting through people to get to me.
you were sitting at the bar just getting another martini with olives. Before taking a sip you saw him. Holy guacamole! He was definitely out of your league, but alas, he was trailing Sebastian, coming over to you, with you almost doing a spit take. you knew who he was, but man, was he ever hotter in person! pictures did not do his beauty justice.
“Hey, Sebby, who’s the next victim you’re introducing to moi?” you ask, stirring your drink with the olives. 
Seb shook his head at you, with a smirk on his face
“This is Tom, and Tom this is the infamous Y/n.” you definitely rolled your eyes at that one.
“It’s a Pleasure.” He says all gentleman-like.
Just as Sebastian is about to speak, none other than the stuck up lead of the movie calls over to him.
“Sebastian, they're taking group photos of the main character’s with Drake Doremus, our director.” 
You could tell Sebastian refrained from rolling his eyes at the way she was smirking at you.
 “Sorry Tom! Y/n and I have to go-”
“Uh, Sebastian, they want the main cast. No extras.” she snarkily snaps.
“She’s not an extra she’s a featuring role and y/n-”
“I’m fine here entertaining Tom. Besides I’m all photoed out.” you cut him off quickly trying to deescalate the situation before Seb snapped on her causing a scene for all the hungry photographers to eat up.
“See? She doesn’t want to get in the way of our spotlight. I’ll meet you over there.” she blows a kiss at Sebastian and walks over to our director.
“Are you sure about this y/n? Because you know Drake would be fine with it, and she has no say over it anyways and-”
“I’m fine, and anyways, it would be rude to leave your friend here when you just introduced us.” you comforted giving the most genuine smile you can.
He dramatically sighs, raising his arms in surrender,  “Well if she ends up in the pool, it’s not my fault.” 
You laugh and wave him off before turning your attention to the arachnid superhero sitting beside you now at the bar. You sit in silence for a bit, admiring his freckles and eyes before speaking up.
“I’m sorry about all of that she can sometimes be such a-”
“I was going to say Diva but that works too” you giggle as he starts to laugh with you.
“So Mister Spider-man, what made you come over here to be introduced to me?”
“I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t know anything about you till today, and seeing you act in this movie, I really am a fan of yours. Your acting ability in just this one movie blew me away!” He says intently, gazing into my eyes.
“You’re just saying that because I have a sex scene in the movie. It’s also probably just because of Sebastian’s acting. Or maybe you were turned on. ” you joke winking at him as you turn towards the bar, almost finishing your drink for the second time
He laughs, with a sly smirk on his face, “maybe.”
Before you can respond Sebastian interrupts.
“Hey, sorry I took so long, Miss Diva needed her ‘best angles’”
You internally groan. You just got cock blocked by the one you wanted before this whole ordeal.
“Well, I think I’m going to head out. We’re still on for breakfast tomorrow right?” Tom says, getting up abruptly.
“Yeah, Unless Y/n wants to bail on breakfast then we're still on, Then golf which Y/n will definitely bail on.” Sebastian jokes.
You were almost speechless, Seb said you’d meet some of his closest friends at the big brunch tomorrow. At least you’d be seeing him tomorrow. Maybe Sebastian set this all up? Either way, you weren’t turning down the opportunity.
“Well, uh I better get back to my hotel as well. We need to get up bright and early, and you know I need my sleep.” you mention, before downing the rest of your drink- very unladylike- and popping the olives into your mouth cringing a bit while eating them.
You hated olives, but it felt like such a waste to not eat them. You may have been in ‘high society’ but you still knew how rude it would have been, at least in your head it was.
“Party poopers. I’m gonna go say my goodbyes. Don’t wait for me.” Sebastian turns away going towards a group of his friends.
“I have a car coming, I can drop you off?”
“Oh, uh- are you sure? I don’t want to be a burde-”
“You’re not at all! Great company so far if you ask me,” he comments so… gentleman like.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, and Once you got up and going, with Tom trailing behind you, you had to dodge a couple of waiters, apologizing every time, before really bumping into a waiter, who accidentally pushes Miss Diva, who wobbles before falling into the pool.
You stand there in shock almost watching as she, in slow motion falls into the pool, screaming on the way down. 
As soon as she emerges, she looks dead eyes at you, with looks that could literally, and probably would kill you.
Everyone falls silent before Sebastian, from across the pool breaks out into a fit of laughter and yells for you to “run”. Everyone who worked in the film and even the waiter starts to laugh along. Drake, your director takes out his phone before snapping a few photos. 
“AH! I‘m gonna kill you Y/n!” she screams at you before trying to swim to the ladder of the pool.
“Here,” Tom says before handing a hefty tip to the waiter before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the exit, “C’mon Y/n!”
The only thing that ran through your mind was “Holy shit. I’m dead now.”
Tom kept dragging you, to the entrance, through the paparazzi, and into the car, which mind you, the car was really nice, almost tumbling onto him.
“I’m a dead man now” you chanted a couple of times, before Tom started laughing really obnoxiously.
“Dude! You think me being six feet under is funny?!” ,You try not to giggle along to the now almost intoxicating sound, before hearing a pinging of his phone.
“Y/n, you’ll be trending for being Hollywood's hero!” He says before checking his device, “Trust me when I say she has no fanbase, at least won’t after this video Sebastian just sent me.”
“What?” you say stunned, before Tom shows you the video.
“That Fucking Bitch Y/n! You All saw that?! Y/n pushed me in purposely! She’s only out to get me, the talent of the movie! Talentless little bit-”
Sebastain cuts in the video “Yeah we’ve all heard it, you think you’re so much better than Y/n, Blah, Blah, Blah! You’ve treated her like shit from day one, and all she’s ever been was kind to you! I think karma is finally getting to you!”
Then your director steps in, “Well, I have news, we’re doing another movie, but in this time, Y/n has been bumped to lead role! I’m not so sure where your contract lies anymore though... Maybe it's just floating around in the water like your louboutins!”
Everyone cheers in applause in the video, chanting your name before it ends.
“What?! No, no, no! I don't deserve this because of a faulty point! She doesn't deserve this either! I know she's mean but to steal away from her talent and for someone to post that video?! She doesn't deserve that!” 
You started to freak out. Not only would she murder you if she had the chance, but no one deserved, not even she deserved the worst of what was going to come from the backlash from that video.
“Please tell me no one posted it!” you ask frantically.
“No, not yet, I’ll tell Seb not to, but I don’t think he can stop all the people who videotaped it.” He almost cringes, looking guilty.
“It’s fine I’ll just tweet something in the morning.” you sigh covering your face before telling tom where your hotel was.
It was almost upsetting, you felt like a second choice because of a bad apple in the batch, and you were the next.
“Hey Y/n? I know we don’t know each other well, but even though she might be booted down, or even off the next movie, your talent is real, and it doesn't take away from what you can do. From what I got from you already is that you're beautiful inside and out, as cheesy as it sounds.”
What the fuck. He was a fucking sweetheart. Let’s hope the fucking part litterally.
“Thanks Tom.”
You sit in an almost comfortable silence, all the way till you get to your hotel.
Once stepping out, Tom speaks up “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Dream of me Tom.” you wink before heading up to think of the game plan for tomorrow.
Once you got into bed, you couldn’t help but think of him. 
Why did he have to be so nice? Like god, did sweet guys ever make you horny.
Oh shit. Tom Freaking Holland made you this way.
Lets just say, you really did dream of him, probably because you thought of him while- well you know before falling asleep.
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“Tommy!” you moaned loudly, as he went down on you, licking stripes from the base of your pussy to your clit.
He moaned onto your sensitive clit, sending vibrations all the way up your body, and especially to your core.
You could feel yourself getting close. His iron (man™️) grip on your thighs had you wishing it would never end and then-
Your obnoxious ringtone you had for Sebastian went off abruptly waking you up. You had set it to a fucked up sounding avengers theme song. 
“What the Fu-”
“Y/n uh, apparently there's a shit ton of paparazzi at your hotel right now… do you still want to go to the brunch?
You pause, “What? The Fuck?” you continue to look outside your window and sure enough, there's a hoard of them outside.
You really weren't sure about going, until you got a call from an unknown number. 
“Uh I’m getting another call gimme a sec-” you end the call with seb before answering the mystery person.
“Hey Y/n it’s me, Tom, Im uh almost in the back alley of your hotel waiting for you, I mean, only if you want to come, you were on my way anyways so i thought-”
“Hey Tom,uh yeah- okay, I’ll be down in twenty?” You say rushing around trying to find your suitcase.
“Okay, I’ll uh, tell Seb we’re coming soon” 
Tom hangs up after you say goodbye, and couldn't help the grin that reached his face being almost smacked back into reality by his brother, Harry and best friend, Harrison, goofing off.
“You div! You almost ruined my hair!” Harrison whines, as Harry rolls his eyes.
You, on the other hand, were rushing around taking a Guinness world record shower, before drying your hair, putting on minimal face shit, because thanks to Tom you didn't have time, and putting on an outfit that made you feel super cute and ready for golfing, well, watching it.
You weren’t much of a sport player, minus the competitive side that came out as soon as anyone challenged you. Then suddenly, you were an allstar (by smash mouth p.s fuck smash mouth) at whatever came your way.
Lets just hope you had this in the bag if someone challenged you. 
Your phone buzzed and you jumped, before quickly answering the texts you had gotten.
‘Are you coming?’
‘Yes seb im coming soon ;)’
‘Hey y/n it’s tom were here when your ready :)’
‘Wrong “you’re” but im coming lol ;)’
As you made your way down, Tom kept fiddling in his seat, trying to relax yet impress you. He just had to get over her, and you were the perfect solution for that. He didn't want to use you or anything, just have some casual fun that will help him move on.
As soon as you come into sight, of course looking both ways of the alley because who knows who's lurking, or going to hit you like Regina George, Tom couldn't help but almost drool in admiring you. You had your gorgeous legs on display, almost gleaming in the sunlight starting to peek through the alley, and your hair, looking almost effortless in your hairstyle, that took you like, five minutes to do. 
 As soon as you got into the car, Tom was snapped out of his daze, quickly trying to catch himself before being caught.
“Hey Y/n! You remember Harry? And this is Harrison. Harrison, Y/n-”
“Y/n I’m a really big fan! Maybe not as big as Tom’s di-” 
“Mate! Shut up!” Harry jabs Harrison in the side. You couldn't help but laugh at the interaction.
“Y/n i’m sorry about these divs.” he glares at them red in the face which makes you laugh even harder.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it from my catty family.”
“Oi! We’re not catty!” Harry says before Harrison gives him a wet willy in the ear.
And that's when you started to block out their fighting to focus on Tom.
“So uh, how many people will be at this? Sebastian totally didn't tell me for legal purposes of marvel-people-are-coming-so-don’t-tell-y/n-or-else-she’ll-freak-out.” You joke before earning a snort from Tom.
“Uh well, if you really want to know, the people I know are coming are Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson- you should close your mouth love, don't want any flies in there.”
You couldn't help but have your jaw slacked, and mouth hanging open. These were people you only had ever dreamed of meeting. You had to focus on what you wanted though. Tom was the priority, but damn were you going to freak out on the inside.
“That’s not the only thing you’re worried about going into my mouth? Right?” You joke, definitely meaning a sexual innuendo, but with a cover-up.
Now Tom’s the one with the open mouth.
“Damn bro!” 
“Oh my God!”
A chorus of reactions come through from Harrison and Harry, only leading you to say,
“Well? Don’t you have a frog in yours?” 
He tries to brush it off with laughter, though you could see his red face. He only hoped he didn’t have an even more noticeable way of telling he was turned on by that.
As the driver stopped, you realized you were at the restaurant, and man, was it ever a fancy and probably extorting you of all your life savings one too.
Tom almost rushed out of that vehicle, getting hotter than he should have been with the air conditioner blasting, if you were to ask, he’d blame it on the weather (we all know it’s not the weather).
You got out next, covering your face with your hand to block out some of the sun, and crossed your arm over to hold it steady, which may or may not have slightly squished your boobs together, making Tom’s mouth salivate. Man, was he ever screwed today, maybe literally as well.
As soon as he hurried into the restaurant, with you following closely behind, dogging more paparazzi, Tom goes to the front and asks where “Mr. Stan's table” is directed at the hostess. As soon as she saw Tom she looked behind to see you, which she definitely recognized the both of you, and that was pretty surprising, as you've never been recognized, other than hanging out with Sebastian, due to the movie.
“Right this way sir.” the hostess says professionally, leading you to your demise.
You were holding your breath. There were so many of them, all at once that you admired, it was going to be a difficult task. You could barely handle meeting sebastian stan, but all of your favorite celebs at once? 
Once you got to the table hidden away in the corner, everyone said a chorus of greetings to Tom and friends and you.
You swallowed hard, only mustering out a small wave, before Tom pulled out a chair for you, (his momma taught him to be a gentleman) and you slid in whispering a small thank you.
Tom sat beside you to your left, with Harrison and Harry on your right. Sebastian was sitting right across from you, alongside Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, and Elizabeth Olsen surrounding the rest of the table.
“Hey everyone, so this is infamous Y/n, as you've probably seen the film or, the viral video, either way, this is her.”
“Hey! Y/n Seb here has told us so many stories about you, it’s like we already know you! You're a fan right? So who’s your favorite?”
You try to get words out but they don't seem to come. Tom notices and barges into the conversation,  “It’s obviously spider-man, ‘cause i'm so her type.” Tom mentions, in a cocky yet sarcastic tone, which started a spark for you to say something.
“And apparently I'm sitting beside a div? If that's the right word you use for a blubbering idiot.” you retort, re-using the words of his own. That got you a bunch of responses of “burns” “ohs!” and laughter.
It was almost as if the tips of Tom's ears were red in embarrassment with him still laughing along. You couldn't help but laugh as well at the sight.
During the rest of the course of breakfast, you had actually been vocal and had become quite fond of the people you now could say you knew, in one brunch. You especially loved the banter between Anthony, Seb and Tom, whereas you talked mostly to Scarlett and Lizzie, as she told you to call her, and Jeremy about projects they had done, and were looking for in their next ones.
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Soon you had all had finished breakfast and had gotten the checks, with your eyes almost bulging out of your head at the price. 
Tom whispered into your ear, “I’ll pay, don't want your kidneys sold for this meal. Besides, I have to beat Seb in some way today.” he winks at you.
Your face feels slightly warm. 
Why did he have to be so nice?
“Well we should go to the course now everyone, I know Y/n’s out of playing so she can go to the pool, cause she apparently sucks at golf even though she's never tried it.” Sebastian taunts you. 
“Oh screw you Seb, I can totally do it, maybe, probably not but i'll try-”
“It’s nice to see some A list actors eat here too.” 
oh shit. It was her. 
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
List of Firsts
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader (2k) Description: You’re working on a movie project with Sebastian & Anthony in Atlanta and the topic of “Experiences in your late teens and early twenties” comes up. Warnings: anxiety, panic attack, not proofread A/N: I don’t write much RPF anymore, so I hope this doesn’t read too awkward.
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You had been experiencing a lot of great things on set. Not only was this your first role you ever got, it was also a freaking side role in a few episodes of a Marvel series. With the potential to become something bigger. But that wasn‘t the main reason why it was great. You finally got the positivity you had been craving all your life. The man playing Bucky Barnes, Sebastian, had been an absolute delight to be around. Always joking, always listening and always getting way too deep and philosophical. Anthony had the joking part down and whenever you had a bad day on set you just stood around him to get some of that positivity. „So I gave her a piggyback ride so we could get out of there without her whining about her feet hurting.“ Seb talked about some party a couple years back with a big smile. „I‘ve never gotten a piggyback ride.“ You commented looking up at the sky. You two were on daybeds and had a break from filming. He looked at you with a frown, „Excuse me? You‘ve never had fun in your life?“ You chuckled, „I guess so.“ It kind of hurt to know that you didn‘t have the life you wanted until now. You barely had any friends and never really got out of the house. The last big memories you had made were 4 years ago. „You know, I just didn‘t do a lot of cool or random things until now. I was either the annoying girl or an outsider. And when that started to change my anxiety hit and I isolated myself. So I never really had late teens or early twenties to just have fun,“ you explained. „Gosh, sorry, that probably sounded really mean then.“ He frowned thinking about his comment. „It‘s alright. I‘m used to it.“ You mumbled. „Do you have a list, you know, of things that you haven‘t done and still want to do?“ He asked curiously. „Like a list of firsts? No. It would probably be super long, especially when you include a food section.“ You chuckled at the image of Spongebob‘s endless list in your mind. „Name one.“ „Gosh, I don‘t know, holding hands? Cooking with someone that‘s not family? Forehead kisses? Oh, I have a good one, water pistol fight.“ You giggled and saw him light up a bit. „And food?“ „Sushi, Poptarts, any Thai food pretty much, Tapas.“ You counted them off. „We‘re gonna have sushi for dinner then.“ He decided in disbelief and made you laugh. You knew he just wanted everyone to be happy around here. It showed in his little efforts to make you feel more comfortable.
„Here.“ He held out a water pistol to you the weekend after you had talked. „Wait, what?“ You looked up at him confused. „It‘s hot, we‘re in Atlanta and we happen to have an outdoor pool in this hotel, so I bought these.“ He shrugged as if it was nothing. „Seb, I‘m wearing white.“ Your right eyebrow shot up. A shrug came back again with a sly smile, „Shit happens.“ He ran towards the pool to fill up his water pistol, „No!“ You ran after him with yours and the fight had begun. A splash of water drenched your shirt, showing your black sports bra underneath. You retaliated and aimed at his chest while trying to get into a hiding spot. „Nice bra.“ He laughed like a little boy. „Nice abs, macho.“ You rolled your eyes aiming at him from your spot behind a pillar. His hair was hit and ruined with a celebratory laugh from you as he started charging for you, making you run with a giggle. The back of your shirt was hit too, as well as your hair. „Seb!“ you squeaked out and hid behind another pillar where a back and forth ensued. „You‘re an idiot.“ You laughed before he leapt forward and grabbed you to empty the rest of the water he had onto your head with a big pout from you. „Just because you‘re bigger than me.“ You crossed your arms as the water ran down your shoulders. „Poor baby.“ He cooed before unexpectedly getting the rest of your water straight into his face. „You play dirty, I see.“ He smirked mischievously with water droplets from his hair hitting your face that had a giant grin on it. You reached down to wring out your shirt, „Do you have anything to change into? My stuff is in the washing machine downstairs.“ „Uh, yeah.“ he mumbled before getting off his shirt and wringing it out too. Half an hour later you sat in the lobby with a big hoodie and a cup of tea. Even better, you sat there being held warm by a certain idiot.
„Hey, what‘s wrong, darling.“ He asked softly leaning forward to meet you at eye level. „Nothing, I‘m just having a headache and feel very dizzy. I‘ll survive it,“ you mumbled and cuddled deeper into the coat your character was usually wearing. „Already took a painkiller?“ His head dipped to the side and you nodded a little weak. „Sebastian, Y/N, next scene.“ An assistant knocked at the door. „Coming in a second,“ he answered. He held out both of his hands to help you up and saw you almost fall back again. „Oh, dear.“ He exhaled at your state of health. „Did someone stick a knife in my head?“ You asked defeated. „C‘mon, take my hand. You‘ll sit down in between takes and I‘ll stare down everybody that wants you to overwork yourself.“ He grabbed your hand softly and felt you squeeze it back for stabilization. The rest of the day was spent in front of the camera, on a chair with a water bottle or hanging onto him for dear life to not trip. „Thank you,“ you mumbled by the end of the day and had two giant hands on your head, slowly pushing down on pain points. „Hey, I know how fucking awful it is to work with a knife in your head.“ He chuckled. „You didn‘t have to do it though.“ You shrugged and relaxed a little at the pain points in your neck being released. „Okay, that might hurt a little more.“ He mumbled as he pushed the points connecting neck and shoulders. An uncomfortable whimper left you, „Ouch.“ „Sorry.“ He went over them softly and had you fall against his chest seconds later. „God, I feel so much better now.“ Your voice was muffled against his clothes and he gave you a full bear hug, side to side swaying and all. „Can I always have someone like you when I feel bad?“ You asked looking up with a tired smile and got a grin back.
„You two are cute, you know?“ Anthony commented as Sebastian looked over to you filming a scene alone. „What do you mean?“ A brow shot up as he looked to his friend. „Everyone‘s been saying that you both, uh, spent some time alone in your trailer last week after we wrapped.“ A cheeky grin came back. A frown built on his face, „Yeah, she had a headache and I just did that pain point thing my mom always did to me when I was younger.“ „Then why have you been holding hands that entire day?“ Now Anthony‘s brow shot up. „She was tripping all over the place because the headache made her dizzy. So I just helped her to not fall on her face all day.“ „Oh. So that‘s why she sat so much between takes.“ „Do you wanna tell me,“ His hand went over his face, „That people see me holding someone‘s hand and immediately assume I just-“ „I mean, it‘s not half bad. There are worse people to be your rumor girlfriend.“ His friend chuckled and stopped pretty fast at the concerned face. „I just...She told me a bit about herself and how her life was before this and I‘m honestly just trying to make her days a little bit brighter. I don‘t wanna come off that way.“ „Hey, don‘t get in your head about it. She clearly enjoys being around you too.“ A smile. „I‘m not int-“ „Anthony!“ And he needed to film his next scene. You looked over to him in the chair as you talked to someone from the production for a while, but when you wanted to walk towards him he was gone. And he was for the rest of the day unless he needed to film. The same happened the next day and the day after. „Anthony?“ „Huh?“ „Is there something wrong with Sebastian?“ His face got worried, „Not that I know of, why?“ „I don‘t know. He just hasn‘t talked to me in a few days and I don‘t know why.“ You fidgeted with your hands. „I‘ll talk to him, alright?“ A nod and then you got back to work.
You got all internal about it. What did you do wrong? Did you say something hurtful? Did something bad happen in his life that he didn‘t want to share? Maybe you were just not a priority with all his friends around, you‘d understand that. But why was he in his trailer all the time then? You woke up the next day and had an anxious and sad feeling sticking to you the entire morning. You could handle certain uncertainties but not the ones that had to do with people around you. After a while you got ready for the day and went into hair and makeup. He was no different today. Well, a little different. He wasn‘t in his trailer the entire time anymore. Whenever you weren‘t needed you just cowered together in a chair or some other place. Your breathing got uneven, your thoughts started to spiral, heart rate picked up, palms got sweaty, your knees shaky. „Oh please no,“ you whispered to yourself. Anxiety attacks you could control, panic attacks only came when you were stressed out and without a trigger. You hectically looked up and looked around in your cotton-feeling world, when you saw him talk to one of his friends. You made a beeline for him with a deep frown in your face that he couldn‘t ignore and couldn‘t run from. Your head landed on his chest and with a whimper you got out, „Panic attack.“ You felt arms wrap around you softly and a thumb going through your hair. „I‘m here. Breathe slowly,“ he murmured in a soft voice. You followed the 5-6-7 rule for what felt like an hour, your knees feeling more and more like jello. He got down a little and picked you up, „Keep it up.“ He carried you away from all the noise and into a room drowning it all out. „You made me so worried,“ you whimpered, „What did I do?“ „I‘m sorry, you did nothing. I just...I guess I‘m just an idiot.“ „Yeah, but why?“ You looked up at him as he set you back down. „There was a rumor about...us. And I didn‘t want that to, you know, ruin anything.“ You dipped your head to the side, „I don‘t care about rumors.“ „Yeah, usually me neither, but I guess there was something to it when it comes to me.“ he shrugged. „Please never do that again. I thought I did something bad,“ you mumbled and felt his hands by your face again. „Promise.“ A kiss was placed on your forehead.
„So, uh,“ he stood there with a demeanor of a schoolboy on one of your location shooting days, „would you, after we filmed today, maybe, you know, grab something to eat with me?“ „Yeah, sure.“ You shrugged. „As...like a date.“ He added a little softer and scrunched up his face expecting a bad response. „Oh, uh,“ You could feel the heat rise up to your face, „Y-yeah. Sure.“ You saw triumph on his face and boxed him against the chest, „You said grab, not sitting in a loud restaurant.“ „Uuuh, you wanna cook with someone else for the first time?“ He wiggled his brows. „Someone that can‘t cook, may I add.“ You rolled your eyes with a smile. „Congratulations, you signed up for a whole series of firsts just with having me cook.“ He laughed before you were sent to do your job again. A job that went by way faster with something to look forward to.
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wolferals · 4 years
herman tømmeraas preference
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-„get out of here! We dont want to see you anymore!“ you hostmom yelled in your face while you were pulling your suitcase through the hallway
-„OUT!“ she screamed and basically pushed you out of the house
-you stumbled backwards and your head hit the ground rather harshly
-it hurt
-your hand shot up to hold the wound on the back of your head
-your host mom didnt even care, she had slammed the door closed and left you there, bleeding
-and all that because of a misunderstanding
-your host sister (who‘s a dumbass bitch) had told her that you were constantly flirting with your host dad
-first of all gross, second of all you lived with them for taking care of a 5 year old girl
-why would you risk getting kicked out
-like now for instance
-after the realization hit you that you had a bleeding wound on your scull you sat up and looked around
-this neighborhood seemed lost, no one near to be seen
-of course there wasnt anyone around right in this exact moment of help needed
-so you slowly stood up, grabbed your suitcase and made your way to the house across the street to ask someone for help
-since you were bleeding, and not too light it took you some time to fully understand your situation
-but you eventually made it to the house and rang the doorbell
-literally a second later a dog shot around the corner and jumped up and down on your leg
-„hey.“ you greeted the fluffy little ball
-„Ellie!“ someone then shouted
-then this guy showed up
-tall, muscular, and damn handsome
-„hallo, hva gjør du her?“ he spoke and walked up to you to pull his dog away from your shaking body
-„sorry i dont speak norwegian. I fell.“ you explained and then showed him your hand covered in blood
-„oh fucking hell! Alright wait here, i‘ll get my keys to take you to the hospital.“
-without waiting for your response he ran inside, his dog right behind him
-it took him not even 30 seconds to come back out the front door you were standing in front of
-he had a towel in his hand
-„press this to the wound to make it stop bleeding“ he then told you and handed you the black towel
-„can you walk? Are you okay?“ he asked and grabbed your arm to help you around the house to his car
-once you were all settled he started the engine and drove you to the nearest hospital
-„what happened to you?“ he then asked and looked at you for a second
-„i was living with the Hansens. I was their au pair from (wherever you‘re from) but they kicked me out before because of some dumb misunderstanding.“ you told him
-„oh shit. So you got no place to go?“
-„i mean, i got this woman from the agency i traveled with who i could call, but she lives in Oslo, it might take her a while to get here or me to get to hers.“
-„thats fucking shit. What are you gonna do now?“ he asked seriously concerned
-„idk, first i need to get this fixed, i can worry about that later.“
-at the hospital they sewed my wound real quick while the guy, whose name i still dont know was waiting outside
-„it would be good for you to stay here overnight Ms y/l/n, just to make sure it heals the way it should.“ the doctor told you and handed you some disinfectant to clean your hands
-„okay.“ you just spoke and sat up straight
-„do you want us to get your boyfriend in here?“ she then asked making you smirk
-„he‘s not my boyfriend i dont even know him. He just helped me get here.“
-she nodded and then spoke:“Well be glad he did, you were bleeding heavily.“
-„anyway we‘re gonna get your room ready, just wait outside with your... friend.“
-you nodded and slowly walked out of the room
-„hey! Are you okay? Feeling better?“ the guy came up to you
-„yeah i am, thank you for driving me here ... whats your name actually?“ you sat down next to him
-„oh yeah right, I‘m Herman. What about you, stranger?“
-you laughed a little and then spoke:“My name‘s y/n. And thanks again.“
-„I have to stay overnight.“ you then added
-„Yeah i figured since it looked pretty bad.“
-you guys then sat there talking a bit until a nurse took you to your room
-Herman then gave you his number because he insisted on you calling him when he should pick you up the next day
-„you dont have to do this.“
-„no i actually do. You have no one here and im already involved here. I dont mind, really. Ill talk to my parents because I‘m staying with them in quarantine.“
-you thanked him again and then he left so you could get some rest
*next day*
-it was about 9am when you woke up in a strange location
-your head didnt hurt
-other than your back
-you were pretty sensitive when its about sleeping on other mattresses
-„oh good morning ms y/l/n. How are you feeling?“ the nurse came in right after you had sat up and grabbed your phone to check your texts
-you had told your family last night what happened and they just told you to either contact that agency woman or come home right away but you really liked norway
-and the only choice was to stay with Herman‘s family and maybe find a job?
-„I‘m okay. My head doesnt hurt anymore.“
-you shook your head at her
-„let me check your heart rate.“
-she then also checked on your temperature but it all seemed fine so she wanted to talk to the doctor about when you could leave the hospital
-you then got dressed from some clothes out of your suitcase, brushed your hair as good as you could with the big bandaid on the back of your head
-and obviously brushed your teeth
-when you were about to get back to bed you heard a knock at the door
-„come in.“
-„Hey how are you doing?“ Herman spoke smiling
-he had a small bouquet of flowers in his left hand
„I figured i needed to be a good person so i got you these.“ he said shyly
-„Thank you!“ you took them and looked at the flowers before putting them aside
-„i heard you‘re allowed to leave soon.“ he then said
-„oh really? Who told you?“
-he sat down on the end of your bed and answered:“I heard the nurses talking in the hallway
-„perfect. My back hurts terribly from last night. The mattress is shit.“
-„yeah i know, hospitals suck.“ he grinned
-„By the way, my mom would love to meet you.“
-„What why? She doesnt even know me.“ you laughed
-„I told her about your situation and she really doesnt mind having you stay with us.“ he smiled sweetly
-„you sure?“
-„of course.“
-you leaned forward to give him a hug as a thank you
-he smelled nice
-he had probably showered before he got there
-„thanks.“ you spoke again
-„stop thanking me. Of course.“ he softly stroked your back
-you then let go because you heard the door open
-„Good morning y/n, the results look good, your head seems fine so far. In my opinion there‘s nothing to worry about no. It wasnt quite a concussion so i think you can go home now.“ The doctor said and handed you some paperwork to sign
-out in the car Herman smiled at you
-„what?“ you looked away shyly
-„nothing. You‘re just different.“ he laughed
-„that‘s not a good thing.“
-„what? Of course it is. You‘re really interested as far as i can judge from the past 24 hours ive known you for.“
-„well...“ you were so shy you just looked out of the window hiding your face in your sleeve
-„cute.“ herman then murmured
-„ohh right.“ you joked and looked at him for a second
-„you are.“ he defended himself
-„sure.“ you grinned. „you have to know someone to judge.“
-he nodded and spoke:“i guess we‘ll get to know each other pretty damn good in the next time.“
-„pretty damn good.“ you repeated and got some tingles thinking about it
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peterthepark · 5 years
crush culture - [two]
call it fate, call it caffeine
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: coffee can help with a lot of things - and one of them entails becoming closer to your crush.
warnings: strong language, caffeine, FLUFF, uses of social media and brief mentions of cheating
A/N: loved writing this chapter a lot. hope u enjoy everyone! :)
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Drumming your fingers against the counter, you began to adjust the obnoxious green hat on your head, frowning at the long line of customers before you. It wasn’t that you hated your job - you just... preferred not doing it (which in your opinion, was completely valid, despite how ridiculous it sounded). However, you did like caffeine and the perks that came with being an employee at your favorite shop. You’d see cute guys sometimes - they’d order the most blasphemous things off the menu - and sometimes you’d gain the courage to ask them out after your shift. Most of the times, they’d say yes, recognizing you from their classes or in the hallways on campus. Exchange numbers, plan the first date, show up, and let it all unfold naturally - yet nothing progresses.
Your love life was bitter, unlike how you liked your coffee.
You squeal excitedly when Nate Mendoza walks through the double doors, calling out your name with a sing-song voice. Of course, you cherished your dear friendship with your roommates, but Nate was just that one friend you couldn’t shake off or forget - no matter the circumstances.
He was also undoubtedly attractive: his blue eyes, a stark contrast to his dark hair. But despite the many rumors and claims that the two of you have been dating, he had a girlfriend back home; you had a strictly platonic relationship with the boy, who was almost like a brother to you.
“What’s up, Y/L/N?” He high fives you over the counter, attempting the handshake that you had developed over the course of your friendship. “Can I get, uh...”
“One chocolate chip cookie with a vanilla latte?” You smirk proudly, having memorized his order as well. He nods with a wide grin, handing you his credit card. “Coming right up, Mendoza.”
Conveniently, you were nearing your break. So after you had gotten Nate’s order sorted, you approached him with his pastry and mug, setting it down on the little corner table that he loved to sit by. You complimented his outfit, and cooed at how long his hair had gotten. Living in Chicago made it difficult for you to hang out with Nate, but he mostly would drive down for the holidays to visit.
“Has it been that long?” You nod your head, counting the amount of months that he’s been M.I.A. “That’s crazy! Alright, tell me about college. Give me the whole experience.”
“Okay, well. It’s not too great. Lots of coffee and studying - a lot of them being for pointless shit that I’m pretty sure I won’t need when I get my actual job. Uh, parties. I literally went to a party like yesterday! You should’ve told me you were in town! I would’ve brought you along.” You nudge his hand from across the table, smiling when he offers you a piece of his cookie.
“Fuck, man. I’m too tired for parties.” He smacks his lips together, wagging his index finger at you as he waited for the right words to come to him. “Ah! Have you gotten a boyfriend yet? Or - or a girlfriend for that matter?” You shake your head with disappointment. “It’s probably cause your game is weak.”
“Okay, okay!” You laugh at him, covering your mouth as you chew on his food. “I’m not - I don’t know, Nate. I guess I just haven’t been looking for anyone? M’too busy for that shit.”
“That’s because you aren’t supposed to look.” Nate scoffs, causing you to glance up at him in interest. “That - that special person is supposed to come to you. Trust me, when the-“
“Time is right, it’ll happen.” You give him a small smile. “Hopefully I won’t have too wait that long.”
Sadly, your break is over after talking to Nate for what felt like ages. You retreat to the register once again after washing your hands, putting on a cheery front for customers. Nate insists that he’ll stay for the rest of your shift, wanting to spend more time with you afterwards.
Collecting your things, you sling your purse over your shoulder, nodding your head towards the door so that Nate follows. The frigid air bites at your skin, and you curse yourself for not bringing a jacket.
“Here, take mine.” Nate shrugs his off, draping it over your smaller frame.
“God, have you even washed this shit?” You joke, tugging it tighter around yourself for warmth.
“Yeah, I have. Like maybe four months ago.”
“You disgust me.” You chuckle, shoving his arm.
You’re rounding the corner of the sidewalk when you see a familiar face approach: brown fluffy hair, denim jacket, and a red bike - yeah, that’s definitely Steve Harrington.
“Oh, we should go back,” You’re about to turn around until Nate glares at you, narrowing his eyes at you suspiciously.
“Alrighty, then. I’m not gonna question it.” He shrugs, following you once again.
The universe is a fucking bitch. You take it all back.
You and Nate pause in your steps, and you have no choice but to face him.
“Oh, hey, Steve. Funny, uh, funny seeing you here.” You grin, ignoring the dirty look that Nate was sending him.
“Hey, yeah. Um, what are you up to? I was just - just gonna go get coffee at Fran’s.” His eyes flicker to Nate, visibly eyeing him up and down.
This was the guy who was in the picture with you.
Steve masks the scowl on his face with a easy smile, pulling his earbuds out of his ears.
“I actually just finished my shift there.” You sway from one foot to the other, hands tucked beneath Nate’s jacket. “Sucks we didn’t get to see each other.”
“Well, good thing I ran into you then.” You dip your head at the remark, and before you can continue again, Nate is holding his hand out for Steve to shake.
“Don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Nathan.” There was a tone in your friend’s voice that you couldn’t place, and suddenly, he seemed intimidating. Poor Steve seemed uneasy. You don’t miss the tiny twitch in his eye when Nate squeezes a bit too hard. “And you are?”
C’mon, Nate. Why do you have to be such a fucking asshole to him?
“Steve. Uh, you guys are... friends?”
You nearly jump when Nate’s arm snakes around your waist, pulling you into his side. “Something like that. Yeah.”
Oh, this dickhead. This overprotective, complete, idiotic dickhead.
You glance away from Steve, trying to avoid his questioning gaze as it bounces from you to Nate, then back again.
“Um, well - well, it was nice running into you, Y/N... and, uh, you too, Nathan.” Steve clears his throat, rubbing at the nape of his neck. “Hopefully I’ll catch you at work one day. Maybe hang out or something.” He chuckles, running a hand through his hair.
He wanted to hang out?
You exchange an excited grin with him. “Yeah, of course. Have a good day, Steve.”
“Right. Bye, again.” He hops back on his bike, pedaling away. You don’t hesitate to look back at him as he rides off - maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you, but he looks back as well. And you smile.
That is until Nate starts interrogating you, causing you to get a bit pissed.
“Dude, what is your deal?” You huff at him, shaking your head with irritation.
“That’s Steve Harrington.”
“Okay, and?” You cross your arms against your chest, protesting when Nate pulls you closer to him as he frowns at the people who decide to walk right through your conversation. “Nate, what about him?”
“He’s an asshole.”
“And so are you.“ You gesture at him, letting your hand fall lazily against your thigh. Nate raises his eyebrows at you, patiently waiting for you to quit talking. “Fine, then. What do you mean?”
“I’ve heard some shit from - from a few people. He cheated on Olivia with that sorority girl.”
Cheated? He was a cheater?
“Those were rumors. And besides, why are you telling me this? It’s not like I care.”
Oh, but you do care. You care immensely.
“Really? Because the way you were looking at each other said otherwise.” You’re about to interject, but Nate holds a hand up, shushing you. “I’m just lookin’ out for you, kiddo. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a crush on him-“
“I do not have a crush on him.”
“You sure?” You nod confidently, squaring your shoulders. “Just don’t come crying to me if he decides to break your heart, Y/N.”
“You’re a very mean person. And I’m suddenly not cold anymore.” You shrug his jacket off, handing it to him with a dramatic pout.
“I’m only mean because I‘m trying to protect you.” You nod gratefully at his words, but the thoughts at the back of your head don’t stop swarming you.
You didn’t want to believe Nate’s claims of Steve being a cheater, but then again, who’s to say that they aren’t actually true?
“Do you guys know anything about Steve and Olivia?” You turn the sink on, soap roaming around your hands as you scrub delicately at the dirty dishes.
“Steve and Olivia? Girl, that’s ancient history.” Kate cackles, throwing her head back against the sofa to give you a look of attitude. “Why are you asking?”
“Heard some stuff about them. Just wondering.”
“All that crap is bullshit.” Robin pipes up through a mouthful of cereal, chewing obnoxiously as she gestures at you. “His ex-girlfriend started those rumors to get back at him. It’s stupid. Reminds me too much of high school drama.” She scoffs, shaking her head.
“Speaking of Steve, have you texted him?” Kate cocks her brow at you, smirking mischievously.
Robin nearly spits out her Lucky Charms at the question.
“You have Steve’s number?!” She squeaks, holding the back of her hand to her mouth with shock. “Oh, my god. I see it now.”
“Right?” Kate turns to her. “I saw it from the beginning.”
“What the fuck are we seeing? What is there to see?You shut the sink off, placing your hands on your hips as you move to stand in front of the TV. “Am I supposed to be seeing something? Because if you don’t know, I’m actually fucking blind.”
“You like Steve!” Robin says in a sing-song voice, pointing her spoon at you. Giggles fill the room as your face turns red, and you begin to pace back and forth.
“I do not like him! Why is everyone thinking that I like him?”
“You’re being-“
“I’m not defensive!” Your chest heaves as Robin and Kate exchange knowing look, both sharing identical smiles as they look you up and down. Clearing your throat awkwardly, you ruffle at your hair, bunching it up into a mess. “Okay, maybe I do. Just a little.”
You wince when a ear-piercing scream escapes from Kate, who runs up to tackle you in a jumping embrace. Robin makes kissing noises in the background, squishing her cheeks together.
“You have to text him, Y/N.” Kate lets go of you, grabbing your hand in support.
“No, no, no way.” You toss your hands up, waving the idea away as you plop down onto the beanbag in the corner. “I’m surely not gonna text him.”
“What are you so afraid of? You have nothing to lose!” She points out as Robin hums in agreement. You bite down on your thumb, training your eyes onto the grey carpet.
“What if he doesn’t like me? What if - what if when he gets to know me, he’ll be disappointed?” You ramble.
“Okay, well, how are you gonna answer that question if you haven’t given him a try?” Robin shrugs at you, standing up to hand you your phone. “Take a risk. Fuck everything.”
Fuck everything, right?
“I’m doing this alone.” You chuckle, taking your phone into your bedroom.
“Don’t send nudes, please!”
“And no sexting in this apartment!”
You huff at the wolf whistles of your two roommates, teasing you from the living room. Switching on the lamp on your nightstand, you slide under your covers as you pull up Steve’s contact. You groan aloud, feeling a build-up in your nerves as you stare at the string of numbers.
Texting seemed too formal. You curse at yourself for backing out, resorting to the confines of pointless Instagram stories to free your mind. Almost as if the universe had heard your cry for help, a colored ring appears around Steve’s profile picture, and without hesitation, you excitedly tap on it.
Based on the photo, Steve seemed to be in one of the campus’ libraries, pulling a late-night study session by himself. You pause for a minute, before you slowly swipe up on the screen, which brought you the option to send him a message.
need a coffee refill? ☺️
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
You instantly lock your phone after it sends, holding a pillow to your face as you let out a muffled scream. You kick at your sheets with heart-pounding anticipation, trying your hardest not to peek at your phone for another five minutes in fear of getting no reply.
Then, a notification pops onto your lockscreen, and your hands fumble to open it.
i would love one
from you specifically :)
With a dreamy smile, your limbs shift with giddiness as you move to lay on your stomach, legs swinging mindlessly in the air.
want me to come over? 😂
Maybe you shouldn’t have said that.
ur serious?
Fuck. Was that appropriate? Did you force him into a situation that he’d have to awkwardly say no to?
i don’t mind
i could rlly use the company then 😁
so what’s your drink of choice?
surprise me 😩
You chuckle, shaking your head at the suggestion.
just don’t be mad if i get u something terrible
on my way 😇
With a sigh of relief, you hastily move to slip on a sweatshirt, grabbing your phone and car keys as you tiptoe out of the bedroom.
Robin lays on the sofa, snoring lightly as you try to quietly unlock the front door.
“Mmm... where you going?”
Ah, shit.
“Gonna go for a walk.” You reply casually.
She turns onto her side, peering at you with droopy eyes. “It’s midnight.”
“I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”
Okay, you do like Steve.
You like him a lot.
That‘s pretty fucking obvious enough... because who the hell gets out of bed at twelve in the morning to go buy coffee for some boy they’ve just started talking to?
You hiss when your palms come in contact with the steaming hot coffee, one carried in each hand. There aren’t many students left in the library - most of them cramming for exams or either falling under the cursed spell of sleep. You double check Steve’s message, searching for him towards the back of the building. Your heart beats faster when you catch sight of his profile, nearly walking right past him from how nervous you were making yourself. His earbuds are in, obviously unaware of your arrival as he rapidly types at his laptop.
You set the two coffees down, laughing softly at how Steve jumps in genuine surprise. He looks up at you, mouth agape. He suddenly realizes how much of a mess he looks, and he quickly runs his hands through his hair to fix it.
“Y/N, what - you actually came.” A smile tugs at his lips, and he pulls out the chair beside him for you to sit in.
“You wanna get rid of me already?” You joke, finding amusement in Steve’s distraught expression.
“No!” He says a little too loudly. “No, no, s’nothing like that. I just didn’t think you’d go out of your way to see me. Especially at...” He checks his watch. “...one in the morning.”
“Well, how else are you gonna make it through this night? Or morning, technically?” You hand him his coffee, warning him that it’s a bit hot. “I hope you like white chocolate.”
He takes a sip from the lidded drink, nodding his head at the sugary flavor. “Shit’s good.”
“Seriously?” You chuckle.
“You got taste, Y/N.” He gestures, subconsciously bumping his knee against your thigh as he returns to working, yet still taking the time to hold a conversation with you.
“Okay, so fill me in. What’s going on here?”
Steve explains that he’s got a big essay to work on for one of his minor subjects, and at the same time, he’s stuck with studying for a huge test from his criminal justice course. You listen attentively, trying your best to understand the complex terms he uses in his rambling state.
“Sorry if I went overboard. I just really, really like my major, even if it stresses the fuck out of me.” He scoffs nervously, running his hand through his hair.
“No, it’s great to hear someone so passionate about their studies. It’s super inspiring. I think it’s cute.”
Oh, hell.
You did not just say that he was cute. Sure, you said it in a completely indirect way, but you still fucking called him cute.
Steve blushes, dipping his head down to avert his eyes from you. “Uh, y-you wanna listen to music with me?”
You nod with enthusiasm (slightly embarrassed on the inside), before putting the left earbud into your ear as Steve hits the play button on his playlist. You smile when you recognize the song, it being from one of your favorite artists.
“No way! I love this one!” You sway in your seat, chuckling as Steve mimics your movements. You whisper-shout the lyrics to one another, creating microphones with your fists as you hold it to your mouths. You ignore the weird stares from the other students in the room, only having eyes on Steve as you reach the ending of the impromptu duet.
“Oh, my god, that was - that was great.” He doubles over onto the desk with laughter, feeling himself already perk up from the caffeine. “I didn’t know you had such amazing taste in music. First, coffee, now this? You’re the best.” He points his pen at you, raising his eyebrows with clear satisfaction as you continue discussing your favorite songs.
The best.
He called you the best.
“Thanks, Steve.”
After another hour of conversation and studying, you both begin to wrap things up. Steve tosses the empty cups of coffee into the nearest bin, thanking you as you help him pack up his textbooks and laptop.
He kindly holds open the door for you on your way out, letting it swing shut behind him as the windy air nips at his ears. He walks you to the parking lot, driving his bike with his hands as he comes to a stop by your van.
“W-would you like a ride back to your place?” You offer, rubbing at the sleeves of your sweatshirt. “It’s really cold and dark outside, so...”
Steve smiles. “Yeah, thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem.”
The turn signal ticks loudly as you round the street towards Steve’s apartment. His bike rattles in the backseat, folded over to fit the van.
“I hope your, uh, your boyfriend is okay with this.” Steve sniffles from the heater, scratching the underside of his jaw.
“My boyfriend?”
“Yeah, that Nathan guy from earlier today? He’s your boyfriend, right?”
Well, shit.
“Oh, jesus. He totally isn’t. Trust me.” Steve sends you a questioning look, doubt written all over his features. “I’m serious, Steve. He’s just my best friend, and he’s protective over me, kinda like a brother.”
“That’s good.”
Why was that good? Good that Nate wasn’t your boyfriend? Good that you weren’t dating anybody?Steve couldn’t have possibly liked you back.
Unless... he did?
You shut the engine off when you arrive at his place, walking with him into the lobby. The elevator ride is mostly silent, but there’s an unrecognizable tension that wavers in the air.
He stops you for a second before he unlocks the door to his apartment, twirling his keys between his fingers.
“Uh, I wanted to say thank you for keeping me company. I had lots of fun with you earlier.” He smiles down at you.
“Me too, Steve. You’re a really sweet guy.” You chuckle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“And you’re a sweet girl.”
Oh, woah.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Steve clears his throat, continuing with a casual tone of voice. “Listen, I was wondering if I could... if I could get your number? Maybe we can hang out again or something, if you’re like available, you know.”
Holy fuck.
Say something. Say anything.
“Yeah, I would like that.”
Steve nods happily, taking his phone out from his pocket. He pretends as if he didn’t have your number in the first place, re-entering it into your already saved contact.
“Okay, great! Thanks. Uh, thank you for... for walking me here. And earlier, which I already mentioned - okay! I’m gonna go now.” He points at his door, cringing at himself with a disappointing sigh.
Confidently, you pull him into an embrace, making the butterflies in your stomach rejoice when he returns the hug with a tighter squeeze.
“Good night, Y/N.” He mumbles into your hair before stepping away.
“You as well, Steve.”
A smirk forms on his lips. “I’ll text you, yeah?”
“I’ll be waiting.” You lightly bounce on your heels, biting your lip as you finally lock eyes with him.
Suddenly, Steve’s hand reaches around behind you, causing your eyes to widen with surprise. He pulls the hood of your sweatshirt over your head, letting it cover your ears and parts of your hair.
His fingers trail down the uneven drawstrings, gently tugging on them.
“It’s cold outside.”
“I know.”
“Don’t want you to get sick.” You can’t fight the grin on your face, watching carefully as Steve turns open the door to his apartment. “Well, get home safe, Y/N.”
Flustered, you start to stutter over your words, forgetting all the right things to say. “You too!”
With one final smile and a sweet gaze in your direction, Steve slowly shuts the door, leaving you in the hallway. You slap at your reddened face when you hear the lock click, scolding yourself for saying something completely idiotic at the last minute.
Meanwhile, Steve leans on the other side of the door, resting his head against the smooth surface as he stares up at the ceiling in an enchanted state of mind. Silently, he begins to jump joyously before he victoriously pumps his fists into the air.
Who ever thought that coffee could draw two souls closer together?
@aphrodites-perfume @itsametaphorbriansblog @delicrieux @ultrunning @l0ve-0f-my-life @novaddictx @liakgs @loulouloueh @charming-fan-girl
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lliaq · 4 years
okay, now that I’ve slept on it I’m actually gonna try to put down my thoughts on the season, so obvious TUA season 2 spoilers below and it’s probably going to get really long
Just to preface this, I haven’t read any of the comics, so I can’t speak to how the show compares to them.
Guess I’m gonna start with the positives, and I think what I enjoyed most about the season where just little moments between the siblings. Obvious standouts being Ben getting to talk to Vanya and Diego. I think those were the only two scenes that acutally made me tear up a bit. It was just really nice seeing him get that opportunity, and something that I’ve wanted to see since S1. It would have been even nicer if he got a moment with all his siblings, but hey, I’ll take what I can get. Another one was at the very end with Vanya and Diego just sitting on the stairs together. Just a nice little moment, even if it was short.
Luther apologizing to Vanya was a pleasant surprise and showed that he actually used his time alone to reflect and have a bit of character growth, so that was another plus.
I overall liked Allison and Ray’s relationship, and I was okay with the way it ended. It was kind of bittersweet, but it made sense and felt in character.
On that note, I also liked that Allison learned to achieve things without her powers, because never having to do that was kind of a big note of her character in S1. Not necessarily sure it had to be done by taking her voice away, I think if anything it would have been even better if she did it by choice, but I’ll get back to that.
I enjoyed the whole old Five vs “young” Five thing. Not much more to add to that, really.
And lastly, I enjoyed Reginal a lot more than I thought I would. It was interesting to see a bit of a different side of him when he was with Grace, felt like it gave his character a bit more depth, and I mean the actor is just fantastic. Like, I fucking despise Reginald, but it’s a joy to watch his performance. The way he went in on Diego at the dinner was fucking brutal, man. That was heartbreaking to watch, and the fact that none of the others stood up for him sucked, but honestly I think it just shows that despite them bonding a little, they still have a ways to go in terms of being a functional family. S1 didn’t span all that much time, and they were separated for most of their time in the 60s, so it makes sense that they’re still learning in that department. Them getting into the car with Vanya showed that they’re getting there though. Also, to get back to Reginald, I think they’ve made it pretty clear now that he’s an alien, so there’s that too. No more confusion about that.
Now on to the so-so stuff. Things that were neither all good nor all bad.
Vanya & Sissy - oh boy man. I mean first of all: give me that lesbian farm life, hell yes. I was rooting for them from the start, and I just really loved all their interactions. Also, idk if that was intentional on Ellen’s part or not, but her chemistry with Sissy was leagues above whatever the fuck was going on with Leonard. That being said- I’m personally not a fan of cheating storylines, just in general. I get why, in this case, but yeah. And unlike with Ray, I really wish they would have taken Sissy and Harlan with them to 2019. Because, for one: can we at least have one happy gay couple on this show? And second: They both deserved to have a life where they’re not constantly judged for who they are. From a character standpoint I get that going to the future would be really scary and shit, but just imagine man. Vanya and Sissy could have been together without having to hide, and Harlan could have vastly benefited from the better understanding of autism we have now. Not that either of those aspects are perfect in 2019, but they’re a long way from the 60s.
Diego and Lila’s relationship I honestly didn’t care much about. It felt like they just completely dismissed Patch and the impact her death had, by not even so much as giving her a mention. And I also just didn’t really feel it man. I mean they spent some time together in the asylum, but it seemed like they weren’t even friends really - and then by the end of the season they love each other, like girl, it’s been less than a week. Relax.
Lila on her own, I did kind of like, but I feel like she could have used a bit more development, and a little less ‘I had sex with this guy once like five days ago and now I love him more than anything’
Ben. Ben Ben Ben. I was kind of up and down on his arc. I actually liked that he was just so done with Klaus’ shit, even if calling Dave a fling might have crossed the line a bit for me. Some of the posession stuff was weird (though I’m glad they at least had the ground rules talk), but at the same time getting to see him experience the most basic sensations like air on his face and dirt under his feet was nice. He did also save the world through the power of communication and love, so you know- good job, Ben. And then they killed him (again). Ngl, I was pissed at that- but I figured they would probably find a way to bring him back somehow, so I held off judgement on that until the end, and I was right. Still not entirely happy, and whether or not that’s going to change will likely depend on what happens with S3.
Klaus’ cult story line was kind of eh. I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t really like it either. His attempts to save Dave were more interesting, even if they ultimately didn’t work. Other than that, he didn’t really go through any growth this season. It did piss me off that Allison enabled his drinking after he relapsed. Fuck that.
I’m glad we got to see a little bit of how Allison losing her voice affected her, but I think they could have done more there. Idk, it just felt a bit lackluster for something so huge. Like I mentioned earlier, her living a life of never actually having to work for anything was something that shaped her character and personality in S1, and I‘m glad she’s had that realization. That being said, I think it would have been even more impactful if she worked for what she wanted w/o using her powers by choice, showing that she was was willing to put in the effort to grow and change, rather than being forced into it by circumstance. But you know, sometimes life works like that, and people don’t change unless they’re forced into a situation where they have no other option.
And, somewhat related, I think the last point for this section is Allison and Vanyas relationship. While I’m glad that they’re closer now, I wish they would have at least adressed Vanya slitting her throat. I understand that Allison doesn’t blame her, we already saw that at the end of S1, but c’mon. At least have a short conversation about it, because that was a big thing. It feels like they just used that to fuel the ‘Allison needs to learn how to do things without her powers’ storyline, and then it just got dropped, never to be mentioned again. The show tends to do that a lot, and it completely diminishes the impact of these big moments.
Okay, now to the purely negatives, here we go.
Luther moping over Allison. For the love of god. Listen, Luther did grow on me this season, compared to S1 - but I was so fed up with his moping around. Can we just not do the incest thing anymore, please. I already went through that shit with Shadowhunters (except there it at least wasn’t actually incest), I don’t wanna do it again.
Harlan. I honestly did not care for him at all. That being said, I usually don’t care about child characters, so that’s not a big surprise and not necessarily the show’s fault. But also, the fuck even was that storyline. I’m sorry, but it just made no sense. Which actually leads me right to the next point
Inconsistently written powers. Diego doing the thingy with the bullets like since when tf can he do that? I understand that the show already changed his powers from the comics, but up until that point it was strictly about knives. We never see him curve or manipulate (or whatever it is he actually does) any other objects, so this just felt so random and out of nowhere, and like they just wanted to give him a ‘badass powers moment’. If they wanted to indicate that his powers were more than what we’ve seen in S1, literally all they had to do was have him use them on something that’s not a knife at any point in the season. A 2 second shot, done. And then you don’t get to the finale and are suddenly like “the fuck”. But, boy, Vanya was even worse. Sounds. That’s what we learn her powers are in S1. Sounds, she manipulates sounds and sound waves. So how in the everliving fuck does she a) bring someone back to life, b) tranfser part of her powers to that person and create a magical connection, and c) take that part of her powers back? None of that makes any sense whatsover. The stuff in S1 where she’s sucking the life out of her siblings was already a stretch, but they’ve just made it worse this season. And this is just a minor gripe with the VFX, but her floating out of the barn looked so bad. I know it’s hard to make floating/flying people look good and natural, but other shows and movies have done it, so it’s not like it’s impossible.
And lastly: The villains. They were terrible, period.
I don’t like the Handler that much, she’s just so...plain and boring and really the only thing she has going for her are the outfits. Nice outfits don’t make a good story though. But the Swedes were even worse. Just every scene they were in felt like it dragged and I just wanted to skip past it. And then they have the fucking funeral scene with swedish Adele like are you kidding me? Am I supposed to feel bad for these pieces of white toast with zero personality or development? ??? Honestly, they could have cut them out completely and replaced them with more development for Lila and I would have been perfectly happy with that. Or replaced them with literally anything else. I don’t think I would have felt like I was missing anything important. Also, AJ? What was up with that? Again, haven’t read the comics so idk if he’s a big deal or not in them, but I really thought he would play a bigger role. That felt like such a waste of a character and like what even was the point?
I really feel like AoS (esp. S1-4) raised my bar for well written and developed villains. Admittedly, a 22 episode season allows for a lot more time to actually do that than a 10 episode season, but still. If you have less time to develop characters, then you need tighter writing and TUA completely dropped the ball on that one.
Okay. I think that’s it. I mean, I probably forgot a bunch of stuff, but these were the things most prominently on my mind after letting everything sink in for a bit. Overall I’m pretty meh about the season as a whole. I’ll probably watch S3 (if they renew it, that is), but I’m not super hyped about it or anything. The only thing keeping me interested are sibling interactions and the Ben reveal (even though his emo hair is an atrocity. I’m sorry Ben, I love you, but no.)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers VII (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: So I guess most of you already heard the news about Daybreak… It sucks, and I’m really upset about it, but don’t worry, I won’t stop writing about the show, I love the story and I think as long as there are people interested in it, we can keep it alive. With nothing else to add, I hope you enjoy the chapter, see you on Thursday
Words: 4,153
Warnings: Blood, dead people, feelings, Y/N has a breakdown at some point and Eli is there to kinda calm her down??? idk, bad writing cause I just can’t proofread to save my life.
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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I sent Wesley and Angelica to talk to Eli but it was a failure so now I’m waiting here while they get medicines from another place. I’m hungry as hell and waiting for a solution isn’t helping my anxiety. So I write a third note apart from the ones Wesley and Angelica put about going to the pharmacy on Josh’s hand saying I‘m looking for more bandages (cause now we only have one left) and that he better don’t move from where he is or I’ll knock him off again.
See? this is what I mean, people only cause you problems if you’re a good person. Will Josh wake up to thank us for doing all this stuff? Probably not, cause he’s too busy thinking about kissing Sam to be a decent human being. 
But who am I to judge anyway, is not like I was the embodiment of selflessness. I was going to end Alex’s relationship, that’s the kind of person I am.
“Alex, hey! Alex!” I’ve been standing outside his place for what it feels like the longest time, it’s freezing and dark out here; if my parents notice I’m not home I won’t hear the end of it, but this is important. I need to know exactly where I’m standing on Alex’s life.
‘Y/N, you literally told us like two chapters ago that you and Alex never talked about the kiss, what the hell are you doing?’ Well…
“Y/N? Is all okay?”
Just keep reading.
“Stuart,” I say in a tone of surprise, “I didn’t know you were coming over to Alex’s”
“Yeah, we’re gonna watch a movie” Stuart says, giving me a curious look, “I didn’t know he had invited you”
“He didn’t,” I say quickly, “no, I just need to talk to him about something… school stuff.”
“I know it’s late, but you know me,” I shrug, trying to sound as casual as posible, “I got all anxious about it and he wasn’t answering my texts, so…”
“Oh, I think it’s because he’s taking a shower,” He smiles, “but hey, let’s go inside so you don’t freeze to death.”
“I really don’t wanna bother…”
“Come on, Y/N, you’re a friend,” Stuart replies, “it’s better if you stop worrying about it and ask him, you’re here anyway.”
We walk inside Alex’s house and I sit on the edge of the couch, unable to control my anxiety. I look over to my friend and a sudden idea hits me. I could tell him and all would be over…
Stop! What did Katie just told you? I can’t do it with Stuart here, I can’t ruin their date. I can’t ruin my friends’ relationship just cause I’m confused about my own feelings. This is dumb, I can live with the doubt, I don’t have to do this. I’ll tell Stuart to not worry about it and I’ll-
“Y/N?” Alex appears at the end of the stairs, his hair is damped and his shirt has tiny droplets. But overall he looks nice.
And that’s when I realize, Alex never dressed like that for our outings. Or for when I was the one going over to his house to watch movies. He never did any of those nice things he does for Stuart. I discovered (with lots of pain) that if I ask him right now to tell me who is he in love with, he’s not gonna say my name.
And that’s all I needed to know.
“Uh, hi,” My voice comes out hoarse, I try to fix it before I continue, “you know what?” I look over to Stuart, “I can fix it on my own, don’t worry about it. Thanks for letting me in though.”
“Are you sure?” Stuart asks me in confusion.
“Yeah, I’m sure. You…” I look intently to Alex, making sure he knows what I mean with what I’m about to say, “clearly have something more important going on here. Don’t worry, I’ll do fine.”
Alex opens his mouth to answer but nothing comes out. He stares at me with a pained expression. Stuart walks me out since he’s the closest to me.
“Enjoy the night for me, will you?” I ask him once we’re outside, “and take care of Alex, he’s the only best friend I have.”
“Sure thing, boss,” He chuckles, “have a good night, Y/N. Try to not get so easily scared about little things.”
“I don’t get easily scared,” I grumble, holding tightly the bandages against my chest, “fucking Stuart, being super nice…”
My rambling dies as soon as I’m in front of Josh’s bed. He’s tied up and has a piece of fabric on his mouth. Crumble is standing beside him.
“Uhm,” I look at her, “what the fuck?”
“He’s safe,” She mumbles, looking at his hand with hunger, “Don’t worry, he still has all of his body parts. Except for the finger.”
“I want to ask… but at the same time, I’m too afraid to do so,” I shake my head, and put the bandages on the table next to me, “that’s enough, we’re fixing this on our own, Crumble. I’m talking with Eli myself, he’ll give me whatever it is he has on that fucking pharmacy and he will do it, now,” I point to Crumble expecting to look at least a bit threatening, “no biting while I’m gone!”
“No biting,” Crumble shakes her head with enthusiasm.
Cut to five minutes later, I’m standing next to the curtain and screaming to get his attention.
“Eli Cardashyan, get your ass here right now!”
“Ah, have you guys come to your senses?” He’s got an annoying smirk on his face, “Do you have my lotion?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask, “No. Wesley and Angelica haven’t returned but Josh is getting worse and I need medicine. Please.”
“Open this shit up, then.”
“No can do, Wesley took the keys with him,” I reply.
“Then I’m sorry but I can’t help you.”
“Can you stop acting like a child for a second?” I huff in exasperation, “Neither Josh or I ever did anything to you at school. Help him.”
“But you saw,” He points his finger and wiggles it through the curtain, “you saw how they treated me and you never did anything about it.”
“Dude, if I would’ve tried to help every single student that the jocks mistreated I’d have been killed in the first month. I wasn’t fucking Sam Dean, no one knew my name and sure as hell no one respected me more than they respected you. How important is that now anyway? That happened months ago when dogs were still normal size.”
“Well, now more than ever my survival depends on whether or not I like or trust you. And I don’t. So I want you out of here.”
“Fine,” I try to grab his finger but he takes it back, “give me the medication and I’ll make sure we all leave the mall tomorrow morning.”
“For real?” His eyes widened.
“Well, yes asshole. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“I was fucking with you just to get on your nerves,” Eli raises his hands, “I have no medicines.”
“You don’t… What?!”
“I told Wesley before, I don’t have what he needs. That’s why they decided to look for it elsewhere,” He chuckles, “but it’s good to know you’re easily persuaded.”
“Fuck you, Eli!” I exclaim, “All I’m trying to do is to keep Josh alive, cause I don’t run away from problems and I’m totally capable of facing them, okay?! I need him to be okay, cause then all I did was a waste of time!”
And I’m having a crisis, I’m totally having a crisis when I fall to the floor crying over a stupid dying boy. 
“Hey, calm down,” Eli scrunches down to be at my level, though he can’t really touch me cause I’m sitting way further, he stays as close to the curtain as possible, “I’m sure Wesley and Angelica will get them, don’t lose it.”
“I’m such an asshole,” I cover my face with both hands, completely unable to stop the tears, “I can’t seem to do the right thing no matter what”
“What do you mean? You’ve been taking care of Josh for a whole day, you’re not an asshole.”
“I’m only doing it cause I feel guilty!” I shake my head, “I did something horrible to my best friend and my sister, and now I want to fix it with another human being so I feel less guilty about my shit. And I just fucked it up again. I should pack my bags and leave”
“Dude whatever you did, I’m sure it doesn’t make you a monster. I mean, Baron Triumph already took the title.”
I hate this. I’m drowning in stress and I’m telling this to Eli out of all people. Now he most certainly will use it against me and I can’t do anything about it. The worst part is that I’m truly scared of what might happen to Josh if we don’t give him the right treatment. He still has the chance that was taken from me months ago. He can be reunited with the person he cares about the most.
I manage to calm down enough to clear my head and stand up, I clean my face and I look over to Eli with a threatening expression.
“For the record, I’m not crying because of Josh”
“Yeah, I could tell because your speech had no shit to do with him”
“I just have a lot to deal with,” I take a deep breath before continuing, “I know I’m not a monster. I said I was an asshole. And if you tell them anything of what just happened I will-”
“No need to put a knife on my throat,” He interrupts me, “I won’t tell them.”
“How do I know you’re being honest?”
“Cause you just had a breakdown in front of me and I don’t want to see that again, that shit’s scary,” Eli stands up too, “whatever happened before the nuke, well, you said it, it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s all bullshit now.”
“But you said…”
“Yeah, whatever,” Eli starts to walk away, “go back to Josh, make sure he’s not swallowing his tongue or something.” 
I really want to keep the conversation going, but he’s right. I should go back to Josh. And thank fuck I did, cause I came back to a horror show. 
Crumble was sitting at the edge of the bed, watching a bowl filled with larvae as they were eating out of Josh’s hand.
“Am I going to come back to some freaky shit every time I leave you alone?” I ask in fear, pulling her away from the bed, “What is going on?”
“They’re eating the infection,” She replies happily, “you said we were gonna fix this, so I helped you fix it.”
I look at his hand and I can’t see the skin, but we saw something about it in class, I think, like a semester ago. I don’t know what to say except for…
“Thanks,” I sit on the chair I slept in last night, “I can’t believe we didn’t think of that.”
“It’s cause you can’t think with an empty stomach,” Crumble nods, “we can share my worms after they’re done if you want”
“I don’t eat people…” I scrunch up my nose in disgust, “or worms. Or infections. Thank you for the offer, though.”
“Okay,” she turns around and goes back to have a conversation with her dolls.
“It’s been a hard couple of days,” I mumble, looking at Josh and trying to feel okay with the gross sound of the larvae eating his flesh, “but somehow, I’m okay with it.”
I try to remember exactly how did Josh and I meet. The first time, I mean. When we did our school project.
“Y/N L/N and… Josh Wheeler” Crumble mentions, and I straighten up in my seat.
“Who the hell is Josh Wheeler?” I say under my breath.
“That’d be me,” The boy at my right says, turning his body towards me.
Ah, shit. That’s awkward.
“Oh, sorry,” I smile apologetically, “I hadn’t heard your name before.”
“That’s cause I’m new here,” He smiles, “it’s alright, don’t worry. Josh is a common name anyway, so plenty of people don’t remember how I look.”
“I’ll make sure I’m not one of them.”
“That’s very appreciated, Y/N. I can call you Y/N, right?” He asks.
“That’s my name after all,” I grin.
“Cool,” Josh nods, “so, about the project…”
“If you can do it this thursday, I’m free.”
“Me too. We can go at my place if you want, my mom won’t be home so we won’t bother anyone.”
“Uh,” I hesitate for a moment, “Not that I don’t love going over to strangers’ houses but…”
“Don’t worry, I won’t try anything funny,” Josh chuckles, probably knowing exactly what I’m thinking, “but if you feel uncomfortable we can just go to your place, or the library”
“No, it’s fine. We can go to your place,” the dude seems decent, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, “see you next thursday, at two outside school, then?”
“Sure,” He gives me a small smile before heading out of the classroom and we keep going with our lives.
“We’re here!” Wesley pulls me back from my thoughts and I jump from my seat towards the entrance of the store.
“You got the stuff?”
“Oh, we got the stuff,” He shows me Angelica’s bag, packed with white bottles of pills. I squeal a little and give Wesley a tight hug, “look at that! Someone’s happy”
“I didn’t want to carry his ghost for the rest of my life, so yes. I’m relieved,” I grab the bottles but Angelica takes the bag from my hands, “hey!”
“I’m gonna make edible slime for him”
“Are you serious?”
“It won’t take long, besides he’s asleep now, right? And Crumble said she found a way to get rid of his gangrene, so he’ll be fine.”
And that’s when it hits me, Josh is going to be fine.
“Yeah… yes. Do the slime then, I’ll be with Josh.”
“You can rest if you want,” Wesley offers, “he’s out of danger.”
“I got used to being there, you know?” I shrug, “it won’t hurt to sleep one more night on the chair.”
It’s a lie, of course. It will hurt my neck and back, but I need to see the work completed, I need to see him with color on his face and laughing stupidly at his own jokes. 
“You have a bad memory?” I ask Josh while pointing at the three post-it notes on the kitchen.
“Nah, that’s just my mom making sure I do what she needs me to do while she’s out,” He brushes it off, “just ignore them.”
“Okay,” I walk over to the living room and sit next to him, opening my backpack, “where should we start?”
“I think the second subtheme was the most extense. I was reading it during lunch and I feel like it will take us years to finish it, so maybe that?”
“You were reading about chemistry during our lunchbreak?” I giggle.
“Well I didn’t want to look like an asshole today, like, what if you had done research on your own and then came to my house to hear me say ‘oh, I don’t know what our work is about, I spent all night playing Outlast’ that would’ve sucked”
“I guess,” I reply, “let’s use all that knowledge then, before it fades.”
“I have plenty of knowledge,” He nods, keeping the joke alive, “I even googled the words I couldn’t understand.”
I laugh again and he joins in happily. He’s nice, I wonder if we’ll still talk after this.
Spoiler alert, we didn’t. We finished the work, we got a ‘B’, we high-fived and said “hey, nice work” and we moved on. Cause that’s what you do when you’re seventeen and you’re paired up with someone you barely know. I had other stuff in my mind to be thinking “You know what could be fun? If I befriended that Josh guy I met in chemistry class”, I kept my promise, though. I never forgot his face, and he remembered my name and waved at me whenever he saw me in the halls. That was sweet.
When I wake up the next morning Josh’s aspect has improved. He’s not pale and isn’t sweating as much. The bowl with larvae is gone and it’s been replaced with the one with slime.
I rummage through my stuff and find a small package of cookies. I also pull out my notepad and cross them from my list. I’ll make sure to replace them before I leave. Halfway through my breakfast, Josh moves slightly and raises his hand, which is still reddish but now is a normal reddish and doesn’t smell like Ghoulie.
“Goodmorning, champ,” I smirk.
Josh looks at me and drops his head back on the pillows.
“I’m alive.”
“You are,” I eat the last cookie and drop the package, “eat up. Angelica made it for you.”
He turns his head towards the table and sees the slime, sitting up with more strength and animosity than the day before, he takes the bowl on his hands and tastes it carefully.
“Good?” I ask, he nods in approval.
“Cool,” I get up to leave, but he speaks up.
“Wait,” I turn around to look at him, “how long have you been there?”
“Oh,” I blush, not really wanting to answer the question, but I figure that if I don’t do it, someone else will, “the whole time, probably?”
“You stayed the whole night again?”
“I know you don’t like that-”
“No, thanks,” He replies with a soft, tired voice, “I was a dick the other day, thank you for looking after me.”
“I was making sure you were alright, that’s all”
“I know. I’m really sorry for treating you like that, you didn’t deserve it.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page now,” I reply, “cause that means I can go without feeling guilty.”
“Oh. Right.” I think he looks disappointed for a second, but it goes away as soon as it comes, “You’re leaving…”
“I have to go restock so…” I don’t wait for a reply and I flee before he speaks to me again. 
Why? Oh, cause I hate confrontation and if I hear him I’ll probably want to stay. Turns out I kinda got attached to stupid Josh for spending a whole day watching over him and now is like that puppy you rescue from the rain, that you know you can’t keep but it has the cutest eyes you’ve seen and it’s just so cute? Yeah, I know you know what I’m talking about.
I’m on my way to retrieve the stuff I left on the store when I run into Josh. He’s out of the bed and is looking quite lively.
“Hey!” He grins, “I wanted to thank you.” 
“Dude, you already did that,” I roll my eyes smiling, “you need to stop before my ego flies through the roof. I’m telling you, you don’t wanna see-”
“You saved my life, Y/N. Along with the others, sure,” He adds, “but you went out of your way to stay and made sure the others got the medicines. You could’ve left me to die and you decided to stay and help.”
“Well, I needed my redemption. I didn’t do it just to be nice.”
“You kind of did,” He points out, “just like how you called me by my name whenever you got the chance at school, and how you offered me help to find Sam even though this was supposedly Triumph’s territory. You’re cool.”
“Thank you. You’re nice.”
“Don’t call me nice,” He shakes his head, “you say someone’s nice when you don’t have anything else to say”
“No. It depends on how the person says it. I say nice when there’s plenty to say,” I correct him, “but I can list all of it if you want,” I think about it for a moment before I start to enlist, “you’re sweet and caring, and resourceful. And you’re brave, cause instead of joining any tribe, you have been looking for a girl all on your own-”
“Okay, okay!” He stops me mid-sentence, “you win. Nice is good. I get it. Stop.”
Josh smiles openly at me and I catch myself thinking about how pretty his smile is.
NO. We are not going over the road again, Y/N. Don’t even think about it.
“Anyway, I wanted to thank you, so I got this for you” He pulls out a pair of bright, lime-green skates from his backpack, “I decided it was my turn to do something for you so I got you new skates.”
“Holy shit,” I whisper, trying to look cool about it, “any reason why you chose this color?”
“I don’t know, they felt like you,” Josh says simply, “if that makes any sense.”
“Thanks,” I mumble, and I know, I know I’m blushing.
Now more than ever I need to leave before this feeling grows into something more dangerous.
“You’re not even staying the night?”
“I told Angelica I would stay until you were better. How do you feel?”
“I feel…” He doubts for a moment, then continues, “I feel better.”
“Then my work here is done,” I smile, “take care, Wheeler.”
“I know it’s sappy to say it, but I will kinda miss you.”
“Shut up,” I roll my eyes, avoiding eye contact.
“Seriously, who will take care of our injuries when you’re gone? You should leave a notebook with instructions about what to do in case of stabbing, ghoulie bites, sunburns and stuff like that. You must have googled those too on your boring days, right?”
I laugh, nodding.
“I did,” I didn’t, but you know, fanfiction writers are dedicated as fuck to their research, “but maybe some other time? if we see each other again, I’ll make sure to have the notebook ready.”
“Deal,” Josh is beaming, not for me though, he just seems happy to be alive. 
My heart can’t take that sight so early in the morning, so I look away.
“Uh, Angelica told me they wanted to talk to you…” I mention.
“Oh,” The boy frowns, “okay.”
I follow him those few steps so I can say goodbye to Wesley and Angelica too, and luckily enough, both of them are sitting next to each other.
“Hey,” Josh raises his voice, “what flavor is this anyway? Antibiotic apple or, uh…” He chuckles, “triage truffle?”
Ah, there they are, the silly jokes. Fuck, I’ll miss that stupid sense of humor.
“They call it Josh-Cut-Off-His-Finger-Because-He-Sucks-Dick Berry,” Angelica answers softly.
“Rude,” I reply, then I realize she’s crying and my heart drops, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“What’s going on?” Josh asks beside me, “Are you crying?”
“Come with us,” Is all she says before standing up and taking us outside the mall where they lead us towards a car.
Wesley opens the trunk and we stare at a corpse covered with a white sheet with bloodstains.
“We found her body on the way back.”
I look over to Angelica to find some kind of sign that this is all a bad joke, surely that can’t be…
“Show me,” Demands Josh, I hold my breath waiting for the worst.
Wesley pulls the sheet away and there’s no longer a face where it should be a face. It’s destroyed. The only thing that I recognized, is that yellow pin she used to wear all the time on her clothes.
“No…” I whisper.
“Sam,” Josh leans shakily against the trunk and carefully caresses the hair on her head, “oh, Sam…”
It’s more than I can take. I walk away from the car and turn my back to them, hands against my eyes so I don’t start crying for the second time that week.
This is not fair. It was supposed to be a happy ending. Josh, finding the girl and me finally free from any guilt. It wasn’t supposed to end with Sam Dean’s body at the back of a car. 
I wanna say that I’ll leave anyway. That I’m still packing my bags and walking out. But no. I’m staying cause I can’t leave Josh when they just took away from him the only thing that mattered the most. I know how that feels, and it sucks to have to live it alone. It hurt when Alex walked away after I had killed Katie. I’m not gonna do that to Josh, or anyone. I’m not scared. 
I’m staying.
@letsbloodmagic @hollywaterpls​
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
The companions (+ Maxson) talk to Sole about an annoying or boring subject and Sole screams Shut Up! 🤐
This one was a lot of fun! Sorry it took so long to complete! If I were a companion in this request, I think I would annoy Sole by fangirling over MCR. Other than that, I’m totally 100% Codsworth (tag yoself when you’re done reading). I also had to change some name brands to made-up pseudonyms to avoid copyright issues. I normally like to write a silent Sole, but this request kinda required a talking Sole. Anyway, please enjoy!😄 (also the movie nickname rq one should be out either tonight or tomorrow!)
FO4 Companions (+Maxson) React: Companions Rambling & Sole Telling Them to Shut Up
Sole’s eye twitched as their companion rambled on for the third day in a row about the same topic. As much as they adored their companion and admired their enthusiasm about the subject, they couldn’t take it anymore. A fed-up Sole stopped dead in their tracks, turned around, and snapped:
“Shut up! I‘m done listening to you explain the best way to gut and cook rotting narwhal flesh,” Sole fumed, “I don’t care if you drench it in tato paste or barbecue blood. I’m never going to eat it, Strong. Never!”
Strong frowned, “No be mean human! Or no find milk! Be nice!”
“Strong, I’m sorry. I’m not eating a parasite-infested narwhal corpse.”
“Come on! Rotting horn whale taste like giant fish stick!”
”Shut up! I don’t want to hear about the benefits of changing the HQ password to DEACON IS COOL anymore,” Sole hissed, “Besides, there is a huge hole in your plan. You can’t even spell that with the letters available!”
“Woah there, calm down pal. I didn’t think of that,” Deacon mumbled. He quickly lit up, “But there’s nothing a little permanent marker can’t fix!”
“You think Desdemona isn’t going to notice black marker squiggles all over the door?”
Deacon scoffed, “Um, I’m not stupid. That’s why I’m going to use a brown marker, pal.”
“Shut up! I can’t listen to you talk about spinal contusions and brain injuries anymore. It’s making me squeamish.”
Curie immediately stopped talking and her face fell.
“Curie, I’m sorry, I—“
“I’m sorry, [Madame/Monsieur],” the synth began, her eyes welling with tears, “I hope I didn’t upset you. I just find that topic fascinating.”
“Shut up! I don’t care about all the pranks you’ve played on Mason. I don’t blame him for being pissed off.”
“Damn. Anyone teach ya manners, boss?” Gage scowled, “Anyway, what? Ya ain’t gonna appreciate the fact that I egged the furry bastard while he was ramblin some mumbo-jumbo-bullshit to his pack of loonies?”
Sole shook their head.
“Or that I lit a bag of Molerat shit on fire right on top of his pompous-ass throne?”
Sole shook their head again.
“Well, boss. You ain’t got no sense of humor, then.”
“Shut up! I’m sick and tired about hearing about how Sturges is a synth,” Sole shouted, “I can get behind McDonough being a synth, but there is no way that Sturges is one.”
“But Blue, he has all the signs. He—“
“And so what? What do you want me to do? Even if he hypothetically is a synth, I’m not turning my back on him. I’m still friends with Danse and I’m not dead yet. Curie’s a synth and she’s a sweetheart. X6? Nick?”
Piper‘s face dropped for a moment, before glaring at Sole and turning her back.
Sole sighed, “Piper, I—“
“Don’t talk to me right now.,” The reporter hissed.
“Shut up! I don’t care about the eight basic knots.”
Longfellow shook his head in disappointment, “I understand you’re sick of this old man bugging you about tying knots, but it is useful information. You never know when you could find yourself in a situation where you need to tie a good ol reef knot, or clove hitch!”
Longfellow pulled a small rope from out of his pocket and Sole sighed.
“Shall we attempt a figure-eight knot today?”
“Shut up! Stop talking about Santa Claus. I know you read about him in an old book we found but—“
MacCready stubbornly crossed his arms, “Oh yeah? I think you’re just being a snob. Some of us haven’t been lucky enough experienced this, [name]. How can you not obsess over a fat guy who spies on people to see if they’re good, breaks into homes, and leaves presents?That’s so cool!” He paused, “I…probably would’ve gotten coal though.”
Sole’s eyebrows furrowed, “Mac—“
“It’s a darn shame he had to die when the bomb dropped. He could’ve brought so much joy to the Commonwealth.”
“—he’s not real.”
MacCready’s jaw dropped, “But the books, the posters, the pictures…there’s so much evidence.”
MacCready shook his head in disappointment, “Pre-war Capitalist propaganda…”
“Shut up! I already told you I don’t know what a Sara is. How am I supposed to understand what you’re talking about when you tell me you were a Sara prototype?”
“[Sir/Ma’am], like I said before: Sara was a virtual assistant software that was going to be implemented in all future Vault Tec electronic devices. It had a speech recognition engine that could assist users. My biggest flaw was that I could not translate into other languages. I was scraped and remained inactive in a dumpster for years before Jackson reprogrammed me.”
“I still can’t wrap my head around that technological advancement. It doesn’t seem real.”
“Yes, it was highly advanced. That is why it did not make its debut before the bombs dropped.”
“Shut up! I’m done listening to your crazy Daddy-O trip stories. If you hate the chem so much, why don’t you stop taking it?”
Hancock laughed, “Well, [brother/sister], my Daddy-O rides are a lot more fun to talk about than my Jet or Mentat highs,” he thought for a moment, “I mean, besides the time I solved the theory of Quantum Physics on a Mentat high— that was fuckin wild— but other than that it’s more entertaining to talk about the time I shoved an entire summer squash up my ass while on the Big D.”
“Shut up! I wish we’d never found that copy of 40 Shades of Silver. Please stop talking about it.”
“Darlin, I never read. But I could not for the life of me put down that book,” Cait sighed, “It was so…wonderfully smutty.”
Sole grimaced.
“That lass really knows how to have a good time. Sounds like a fantasy of mine, gettin hot n dirty n aggressive like that.”
“Why? Ain’t it a pleasure to talk about?”
“Shut up! I don’t understand your obsession with Mr. Tidy Magic Erasers. You’ve been talking about them now for. Three. Days.”
Codsworth beamed, “Well, [sir/mum], you know what they say: there’s no tidy like Mr. Tidy!”
Sole rolled their eyes.
“Besides, have you seen how well those suckers eliminate stuck-on grease and grime from dishes,” Codsworth began, “Oh wait, you haven’t. That’s right. You don’t wash your own dishes.”
“Shut up! I’m sick and tired of hearing about all the settlements that need our help. Maybe they‘d have a better chance of defending themselves if we didn’t coddle them.”
Preston crossed his arms, “How could you say that, General? I thought you truly embraced the values of the Minutemen.”
“I do Preston, but I think we just need to take a break.”
“Justice never rests. These settlements need us, General. I understand it’s exhausting, but we need to protect these innocent people from the dangers of the Commonwealth.”
“Shut up! Please, no more dad jokes. I’m begging you, Nick,” Sole plead, “I’m…I’m annoyed.”
The detective chuckled, “Hi annoyed, I’m Nick Valentine. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“I’m not moving!”
Sole grunted in defeat at the detective wore a smug smirk, pleased by the outcome of his jokes.
“Shut up! I’m tired of hearing about the technological prowess of the Prydwen. It’s not that great. It’s just a blimp.”
“Show some respect,” Maxson growled, “And you think the Prydwen is just a blimp? How dare you deride the work of the prestigious mechanics who designed the Prydwen. It is my pride and joy. It is the most advanced vehicle in the Commonwealth.”
“Maybe you should get those prestigious mechanics to work on your Vertibird death traps.”
Maxson frowned, “Vertibird design overhauls are in the agenda. We just have more important projects to tackle before then…such as the redesign of my quarters,” Sole shook their head as Maxson pulled out a color card, “I’m thinking a Deep Ruby Maroon would feel more homey than the current Grumpy Grunt Grey I currently have. But I also like Apple Cider Brown. What do you think?”
“Shut up! Can we please just talk about something other than the Fancy Lad Snack cakes?” Sole pled.
“First of all, don’t talk to me like that, soldier. That’s blatant disrespect and I will not tolerate it,” Danse barked.
“Second, that Courser friend of yours is out of his damn mind. How can any sane individual honestly believe that strawberry Fancy Lads are superior to vanilla ones?”
“Each to their own?”
“That only pertains to subjective topics. This argument— if we can even call it that— is a solid fact and therefore cannot be disputed.”
“Shut up! What is with synths and Fancy Lad snack cakes? You’ve been raving about them for three days.”
“Hey, now. I suggest you calm down,” X6 warned, “A lot of people— such as your Brotherhood friend— like the vanilla cakes, [sir/ma’am], but the real delicacy are the strawberry cakes with chocolate icing.”
“Does it really matter who likes what flavor?”
“Yes. This is an urgent matter. We should not have to dispute this to be completely honest. It is a fact that strawberry Fancy Lads are superior to vanilla ones.”
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage: Ayato Sakamaki (Story 09)
I’m shocked how long this chapter took me? (^-^*)/
But here we are with our favorite troublemaker again!
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Place: Orange Mansion - Ayato’s bedroom Yui: ...ngh...what..
Ayato: You're not kidding. You finally woke up
Yui: Ayato-kun! Why...!
Ayato: Why she asks, this is still my room. It’s only natural that I’m here.
Yui: (That’s right... yesterday, I was sucked here and I lost my consciousness...)
(He put me into his bed. Ayato-kun didn’t wake me up he just waited.)
(My clothes are out of order... ! Everything is open enough to see through my chest)
(For the time being, let's try to close it so nothing can be seen by Ayato-kun)
Ayato: What are you doing. Chichinashi, you don’t need to hide them, they are tiny anyway.
Yui: You little! Don't hug me now! How dare you being so rude.
Ayato: Hehe, stop staring at me like that!
Yui: (I’m happy his memories returned, but it may be nice if he was a bit more gentle!)
Ayato: Hey, I’ve been scolded already.  Don’t you understand?
Yui: You deserved to be scold.
Ayato: Well then that’s for you.
Yui: Ughh
Ayato: Hah? What is it now.
Yui: H-Hey! What are you doing, it tickles! 
Ayato: That’s your punishment. I know you’re weak here. I won’t hold back today  
*Ayato tickles Yui* Yui: Haha, stop it... ! Stop, Ayato-kun!
(Like this, I feel like a child again... !)
Understood! Should I look at Ayato-kun? 
Ayato: Yes, that’s good. You’re finally looking at me again 
Yui: (Wow, right know I’m unbelievably happy?)
Ayato: Well, whatever.  So what should we do?
Yui: It's for now on, right? That’s right, what should we do.
Everyone's memories are missing and I don't know how to get their real memories back at all
Ayato: ... well. Do you know anything about the memory loss?
Yui: No. I don't know anything.
I tried to reflect on that day, but I was spending the day as usual at the Sakamaki mansion...
After that, I lost my memory
Ayato: The same goes for me. I’m supposed to fight against the others here
Yui: Do you remember anything about that?
Ayato: They told us『get Eve and become the king』
It’s squeezed in my head strongly. And now, I know it’s just a stupid story.
Until I got back to sanity, that was my own way to become the king.
Yui: I see, it was like that from your view
Ayato: Maybe the other guys are in the same condition
Yui: ... It isn’t normal that such things happen naturally
If someone did it on purpose, who is it and what’s their purpose... ?
*Ayato backs off*
Ayato: To be honest, I’m sure it was our father who did that
Yui: Karl Heinz-sama...?
Ayato: Absolutely! He always makes his own selfish crap!
Yui: (Ayato-kun really thinks it's Karl Heinz's doing)
(But certainly, no one else could be doing this)
Ayato: It's because he likes to play with us, I will catch him and make him pay for that! 
I will make sure to break his bones completely!
Yui: — but, how? We don’t know where Karl Heinz is hiding himself tho ...
Ayato: Ugh—! That is... if you think my idea is stupid, think about your own one!
Yui: Y-Yea. Thats right 
1) ー Is there a hint? (black) 
2) ー You should ask someone (white) ♡♡♡
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— Is there a hint?
Yui: Hey, wasn't there something like a hint when your memories were weird?
Ayato: Thats what I don’t know! If we just think about a hint we‘re not getting anywhere further 
Yui: I see, that’s right 
(But if you're just thinking, you won't get an answer either...)
— You should ask someone ♡
Yui: If that’s the case, it might be better to ask someone
Ayato: That’s true but, everyone’s having strange memories would they be helpful?
It's not like I heard anything useful from those guys. 
Yui: I see, that’s right
Ayato: Well, it may be better then just waiting, though
end Choices 
Ayato: ... ugh. I thought too much and now my head hurts. 
Yui: Are you okay?
(He usually doesn’t worry that much)
...Reiji-san always solves those problems by using his head.
Ayato: That’s right. This guy really has a good working brain. Shit, why isn’t he here at such times! 
Yui: It can‘t be helped.  In is such a situation ...
Ayato: ....
That sucks! So, there’s my idea! To get informations we should go on a reconnaissance!
Yui: A reconnaissance!? Well, but...
Ayato: Is there any other way?
Yui: ....
(Yes, nothing will change unless we do something)
(If so, it might be better to go outside even if its dangerous)
Place: Orange Mansion — Storage
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Yui: Hey, is it really okay to steal the supplies from the mansion? 
Ayato: That's fine. It’s better to be scolded by Ruki then dying hungry
Yui: (This is a weird situation, but I agree with Ayato-kun) 
(I don‘t know what will happen, that’s why I should bring some of these with me)
Ayato: Uh, this is enough.  It's almost time to leave, isn’t it? 
Yui: ... True
??? : What are you doing?
Yui: (Huh!? That’s bad, someone found us!)
Kanato: The two of you are hiding in here. Is it a new play?
Yui: Oh, Kanato-kun!
Ayato: What are you doing here?
Kanato: What are you thinking. I asked you first so you better answer me 
Ayato: Can’t help it. I can’t just let him go off and tell everyone 
Yui: What do you mean?
Ayato: I mean, I need to stop this guy. He’s definitely going to tell Ruki about that.
Yui: Maybe he is. But what will you do if he isn’t?
Kanato: Hey, what kind of consultation is that?
Ayato: Well, we can't do anything else.  If we leave him here ...
Kanato: Are you going somewhere or you came from somewhere, or are you going to go? Whatever it is, you know that Ruki won’t forgive you again?
Yui: Hmmm, I can agree to that... 
Kanato: Stop that! Why aren’t you answer my question!?
Ayato: You are so annoying! Just shut up!
*Ayato lifts Kanato*
Yui: A-Ayato-kun!
Kanato: Wait!  What are you doing!? Shut up and let me go!
Ayato: Let’s keep going
Yui: Y-Yes...
Kanato: Hey!  Don't ignore me!  Stop it!
Yui: (Can you really do something like this to Kanato?)
(But we can’t just leave him here. I'm sorry Kanato-kun!) 
Place: Outside — Forest
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Kanato: For real, why do I have to get along with you?
Yui: (Kanato-kun, he’s mad ....  it’s natural that we were caught before we even knew about it)
(But we’re doing this for everyone’s memories)
Ayato: How long are you going to pout. Just give it up and accept it already 
Kanato: That’s wrong, I didn‘t come by my own intention.  Ayato has kidnapped me!
Ayato: I couldn't help it because you appeared there. It's your own fault that you came
Kanato: Oh, I’m not gonna talk anymore. Irritated asshole
Yui: Sorry, Kanato-kun. You can have those candies from the storage if you want tho?
See. I found those in the storage and if you want them you can have them 
Kanato: What?  How empty is your head.
Do you think I’m going to change my mood because of something like this? I might change it if you have cake
Yui: (Anything, but i don’t have cake)
Sorry. Because there were no other sweet thing’s then those, I hope you still take them...
Kanato: I won‘t say that I won‘t eat them.  Now hurry up and hand them over
Yui: Oh, is that so?  Well then
Kanato: For real... But please don’t misunderstand. Don’t think I‘m not mad anymore because of this.
Yui: (For the time being this will be fine .... we will walk together now)
Hey Ayato-kun, it’s nice that we got here, but where are you heading exactly?
Ayato: We will know soon. We‘re just going to walk for awhile now
Yui: What!
Ayato: It's okay, even if I don’t know the way, we‘re gaining information from just walking around
Yui: Oh, is that so... ?
(I think that theory is stupid, but he didn’t change with or without memories...)
*bushes rustling*
Yui: (Huh? Is there someone moving in the bush!?)
Ayato: ... ! Who?!
*Laito and Subaru appear*
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Laito: Oh? I knew I smelled something delicious 
Subaru: Why is Eve in such a place like this
Kanato: Those guys, are violet members
Yui: Subaru-kun! Laito-kun!
Ayato: Kuku. What is it? Told you. The Information comes from right there
Yui: Y-Yeah. But it was just luck that they appeared around here
Ayato: Hey you, what are you two doing here?
Subaru: What? There is no reason to tell the enemies about that
Laito: Uhm, our big brother Carla was supposed to be here instead of us to check Eve‘s location
Subaru: Don’t say that! 
Laito: But, there is not enough information to steal Eve from you yet
Thats why Carla yelled at us to go and get some more information
So we were just on our way to reconnaissance around the Orange mansion
Subaru: After all, you are a guy who says something about our strategy to that little girl. 
Laito: Calm down~♪ It doesn't matter if you have enemies or allies, as long as we enjoy ourselves it’s fine.
Yui: (Yes that’s true. I guess Laito didn’t change)
Ayato: Ha, so that scarf dude is your big brother now. You should wake up from that strange shit! 
Are you going to keep those strange memories forever!? Remember who you are!
Laito: What is it? What do you mean?
Subaru: Tch, what’s with you?  It's annoying.  We will catch Eve and return home now.
*Subaru pulls his sword*
Yui: ....ah!
Wait, Subaru, Laito-kun! If you fight...
Ayato: That’s fine. You’re getting me fired up with your intension 
Yui: W-Wait!
(Although Laito and Subaru are both your true brothers—!)
Ayato: I’m even making you a great offer today.
If you win we‘ll obey you, if we win you‘ll obey us.
Besides, if you think about the offer, this is an unique chance
You guys are usually bashful and sloppy, so why not agreeing to it
Laito: Wait, what are you exactly telling us?
Ayato: I'm saying that I'm ashamed of you!  Come on, fight me now!
Kanato: Thats stupid, If you're going to fight, please do it on your own, I'm looking at it from here
Yui: (Hes really going to fight!? Is that okay? Those two are Ayato-kun's real brothers.) 
Subaru: Accepted. Please don‘t hesitate to cry if we destroy you completely.
Laito: That’s true. Well then, good luck, Subaru.
Subaru: Ah?  No, wait a minute. Why good luck, you’re also going to work hard.
Laito: Heh, that’s wrong.  I'm not really interested in fighting. Only those who want to fight are going to fight each other.
Subaru: Hah? What’s wrong with you!
Laito: That’s why you can enjoy that on your own.
Subaru: You‘re kidding me!
Yui: Those two really started a discussion over there.
Ayato: They‘re the same, even if they don't remember.
Yui: Yes, thats true... hehe!
(If they don't remember, they won't change completely back —!)
Hey you!  If it comes to an one-vs-one battle, why don't you fight with only your fists like real men?
(If I come up with such an idea, Subaru-kun might agree to that) 
(If it works, I may prevent them from being killed by a sword!)
Subaru: Hah?! What are you saying
Ayato: No, that’s interesting 
Yui: (... !)
Subaru: What are you saying to me! Why should this get so boring. Isn’t killing each other the interesting part?   
Yui: Instead of killing one another, why don’t we try it? It’s better to decide a fight like that.
Ayato: Certainly, it could be more fun to beat him without a weapon
— If I‘d hit your face directly with my fist it would look messed up too
What's up with you. You look like you‘re already afraid of losing against me. How pathetic.
Subaru: What was that? You’re going to regret those words
*Subaru drops sword*
Yui: (That’s good, Subaru-kun dropped his sword!)
Laito: Ahh. That was a cheap provocation.  Because Subaru is way too simple.
Ayato: Ha ha, that's it! Come on!
Subaru: Just wait you little shit!  
Yui: (Ayato-kun and Subaru-kun were always good brothers...)  
Ayato: Hey, are you already planing on losing?
Subaru: I don’t.
Ayato: Thats why, you should make sure to win against me or you two need to obey us.
Subaru: I know that and I won’t lose against you.
Laito: Hey Subaru-kun. Don't decide things on your own.
Subaru: Shut up, I can beat him! You better just watch silently!
Kanato: I wonder who will really win this.
Place: Forest — Wide area
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Ayato: This Place seems good. Now, let’s start! 
Subaru: Ahhh— !
Yui: (Ayato-kun and Subaru-kun's serious battle started!)
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After those words, a conflicted battle between those two started. In front of us, we were watching the game, they were going wild like they‘d never see the sunlight again — I wonder much time passed already...
end Monologue
Laito: Hey when is this over?  
Kanato: I'm getting tired with it. Hurry up and give up already 
Ayato: Ahh... ahh...
Subaru: Agh... ahh... ugh... shit
*Subaru falls down*
Laito: Oh, so Subaru-kun lost ~
Ayato: Haha, it was obvious that I‘d win, ahh...
*Ayato falls down*
Kanato: Apparently Ayato also seems like he’s at his limit
Ayato: Ughh — shit
*Ayato collapses*
Subaru: fuck
*Subaru collapses*
Yui: Ayato-kun are you okay?!
Kanato: There is no need to panic. Those two idiots will definitely survive.
Laito: That's right.  Oh, what’s wrong?
Subaru: Shit, I was really the weaker one... you really are strong.
Ayato: That’s correct, there was no way you‘d win anyway .
Subaru: This time I’ve lost.  But, next time i‘ll beat you.
Ayato: That’s good, i‘m looking forward to it.
Subaru: So what were we fighting about again?
Ayato: Huh? What...
Yui: Huh! You forget already?!
(I wonder if he‘s done with all his energy ...?)
Laito: See, this is why I also have a hard time, Eve-chan
Yui: (... he wants sympathy) 
Place: Outside — Forest
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Ayato: Hey loser, why don’t you walk a little faster.
Subaru: Stop calling me like that! I‘ll make sure to destroy you completely next time.
Yui: (He‘s so angry about losing, yet he seems to be fine with the situation)
Kanato: Please be quiet. Another noisy word and my temper will increase.
Laito: It has been like that for a while now.
Yui: (I just noticed, what’s actually up with Laito-kun?)
(We are now enemies so I don’t understand why he‘s so friendly and calm) 
Hey Laito-kun. I know that Subaru-kun lost the match, but why are you coming along?
Laito: Because, he said that not only Subaru-kun would be a servant if he’d lose the bet.
Besides, even if I'm going home to Carla, it would be hard to explain the situation, so this seems like more fun?
There are also cute girls like you here, right?
Yui: What?
Laito: I should get a taste from your blood as a reward for coming along, right?
Yui: Thats not good! Hey Laito-kun you should...
Ayato: Hey, you! What are you doing!
*Ayato pushes Laito*
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Yui: Kya!
Laito: Seems like someone got triggered by my actions? I was just interested, just to let you know.
Ayato: Stay back! Or I’ll kill you
Laito:  I'm getting scared.  Don't take that too serious, it's a joke
Ayato: Shut up. Take a quick walk forward.
Yui: Ayato-kun, thank you for your help.
Ayato: You really are hopeless. Even if you think Laito is the same as always, he can’t remember anything about you.
That’s why I want you to walk besides me, he‘s so bothersome.
Yui: (He thinks so? Maybe Ayato-kun is just overreacting.)
(But this situation is way better then fighting to death against them)
Maybe, if we get closer to them all, we’ll be able to trigger their memories?
Someday, like Ayato-kun, they might get the chance to regain their memories.
Ayato: Well, it may be as you say
Until that, we will go over there.
Yui: Over there... ?
Subaru: So, where are we heading?
Ayato: The scarlet mansion.
Yui: What? Why?!
(I was wondering where we‘re heading already)
Ayato: Because, I remembered that fight I had while fighting with Subaru.
When my memories were still gone, I was shook by Shu and Reiji’s attack.
I felt that I need to thank you for saving me again. But I need to think about a strategy for Shu and Reiji.
Yui: (Yes, that means he’s going to fight Shu and Reiji-san again...)
(I‘d suggest trying to fight without weapons like he did right now but it would be difficult)
But, don’t try to fight them again like last time.
Ayato: Idiot, i‘ll be prepared this time.
Yui: ... is that so?
Ayato: The way to change this whole situation is bringing back their memories. Even if they won’t be as easy to catch as Subaru we still need to try our best. If we think about a strategy we can catch them.
Yui: (... Surely, if Reiji and Shu-san wouldn’t plan something about this situation too ...)
(Ruki-kun, talked a lot about the scarlet family, but don't remember it)
(But if there are two more brothers ... they might trigger any memory and they remember something—!)
That's right Ayato-kun! That may be a good idea.
Ayato: See? We just need a plan to knock them out and make them remember!
Yui: That’s! Can’t we try a more friendly way to make them remember without hurting them?
Laito: Hey, what exactly are they talk about?
Subaru: ... To be honest, I don’t know
Kanato: *sigh* I am already tired of this stupid bullshit
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euraysialee · 5 years
So I did it. I shaved it. I… shaved it. Why did I shave it? Well, for starters, I was wearing a wig. And everybody knows I was wearing a wig and everyone knows I have Psoriasis and everyone knows I buzzed my head and I had a pixie cut and I wasn’t happy. And I wasn’t happy because I couldn’t wear my hair down. Or rather, hair off. And I was nervous about that because you can see my Psoriasis scars and where the hair doesn’t grow back. And I was really sad about it. I was REALLY sad about it. I had gorgeous hair. I DID! And I was proud of it. Until four years ago I started stressing out. And… I started losing my hair. And then just recently… I’ve been through SOME shit… and, Psoriasis kicked in and I started losing hair. I lost almost all the hair on the back of my head. And the sides. And the front. I wore my hair up in a ponytail with a head band all the time to cover up. I decided to go into a wig pace and I tried on few wigs, and I had beautiful long hair again. I said “you know what, I’m going to talk to my parents about this because I need to talk to someone.” And I did. My mom found a place that sold wigs and I got myself a wig. And then I thought, “this is great. I don’t have to hide anymore.” Wear my wig. Don’t have to worry about my bald spots. No ones gonna see. If it’s natural, no one can tell. And it was natural. People couldn’t tell. And it was great and I loved it. And I thought I didn’t have to hide anymore. I have long nice hair. And then I realized I am hiding. I’m hiding behind a fucking WIG! It doesn’t end. It DOESN’T end. And then I though “well, I could be myself.” I thought “I could be myself and go out, just buzz my head… the whole thing. People know I have a pixie cut. Just take it all off”. So, I decided, I can go out without a wig, an just buzz the rest of my hair off… just a buzzed head. But you could still see the bald spots in the back. Where the hair wasn’t growing.
I remember my Doctor telling me they can inject something under the skin to stimulate growth. Will it work? I don’t know. Still gonna have a bald spot there. Not like I’m going to have my dermatologist appointment anytime soon or anything like that. So today, I saw a video of a girl who had alopecia and she shaved her head. And I thought the same thing as her. “Why does society dictate what we believe is beautiful? Why do you have to have long hair, wear the pony-o’s, have the balayage and you know, great shiny beautiful hair, a perfectly layed wig? Why do you have to have all that stuff to be pretty? Why can’t bald be beautiful?” You know? And I thought, “I’m trying to heal myself from a lot of things that I’ve been through. I’m trying to heal myself from the inside out.” Because all that stress, that hurt, all that trauma, everything that just balled up right down deep inside there came out. And caused this; so I‘m trying to heal myself from the inside out in order to avoid this because I want that long beautiful hair. And then I thought, “it would be nice to have long beautiful hair so that people can think I’m pretty.” But….
What did it matter…
1. If other people thought I was pretty? What does it matter?
2. What does it matter if I have long beautiful hair?
Does that change the person I am inside? No. adds, takes away, whatever you wanna see, whatever you wanna say, whatever you wanna think. But it doesn’t change the person I am inside.
I thought, “Why am I trying to live up to society’s standards? Why don’t I just meet my own standards?” I can do that. I set high standards. Why do I want to be living up to society’s standards when I should be living up to my own. And if I can meet my standards, that I have set for myself, and I’m good enough for myself, that’s good enough. Right?
You’re never going to please everybody, you’re never going to be perfect; just be the best person that you can be. Set that goal for yourself and meet that. And let that be enough. And if guys don’t think I’m pretty, that’s fine. If I don’t date, that’s fine. Because my goal in life is not to date. My goal in life is to be proud of who I am. Be kind to others, give back where I can, find a purpose and stick to it! That is my goal. Not to date. If somebody comes along and adds to my life… someone that I can enjoy the journey with, that I just so happen to fall in love with, that wants to have lots of little puppies… that’s awesome. That’s great. That’s an addition. What I am looking to do now, is better myself, heal myself, and, if I ever get hair again that’s great. If I want to wear a wig again one day because I want a blonde bob that’s great. But, I’m not hiding behind a wig anymore. I’m not hiding at all! I’m accepting what’s happened, I’m accepting myself! I’m not going to let these constructed ideas of what beautiful should be, influence how I feel about myself because that doesn’t help me build. And I’m not going to let that eat away at me.
I want to just be the best person that I can be, to encourage other people to be the best people they can be, so that we can all help each other get through all those really difficult times, together. So that people don’t feel alone, people don’t feel isolated, so that people don’t feel like they have to hide or pretend; people can genuinely be who they are. Reach their maximum potential! Be kind and influence and encourage. And change all the negativity that we face every single day for the better. You blew your tire? That’s OK! You have roadside assistance. You know what I’m saying?
So, before I can really feel like I’m making a difference in even my own life, I need to be real with myself, I need to be real with the problems that I’m facing, and accept those and as long as I’m trying t convince other people that I’m not bald…..ing, I can’t be real to them.
So this is me, learning to be real with myself, and really, finally accepting my flaws, so I can address them.
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