#i guess??
worms-for-brains · 6 hours
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Ben “Worm” McClarry.
Technically kinda a self insert?? Ig??? My name ain’t Ben McClarry tho lmao.
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+some silly doodles
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I colored this and forgot to post it 😔😔
Eepy meepies :33
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atanerrum · 3 months
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oohhhh doodle i did for vashu's birthday last summer
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grandkhan221b · 3 months
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The Vox fan to Vees fan pipeline
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littler3d · 8 months
You know what, I like the fact that the FNAF movie confuses the lore even more. Scott Cawthon is committed to his sins, and managed to mess up the timeline even more. A true nostalgia piece, confusion and all
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tyquu · 4 months
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My n' my friend were being silly thinking about what these two would get up to in a reluctant temporary wild space alliance.
(I have not read the Thrawn books yet, everything i know about him beyond rebels is through @gherkinlizard )
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unlikelypandahologram · 2 months
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So I've been working on-and-off on a comic since February that started as "What if Transformers had an equivalent to Marvel's Earth-3490", and this was the result. Working title is "Optima Prime"; the basic synopsis is that Optimus is female and the war doesn't happen because she ends up accidentally dating resident virgin nerd loser Megatron who's never spoken to a woman in his life before LMAOOOO RIP
Anyway, these are the first eight pages I commissioned! Script by me, art by ErikaGSkerrz. I wrote the whole first chapter and I have five in total planned; if anyone wants to read the script for what happens next, DM me and I'll send you the Google Doc link.
(If you don't get the last page, the point is that Megatron's being sarcastic about asking her out and she thought he was being serious, lol)
EDIT: The second part to this is here!
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ghostly-ghouls · 4 months
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Little guy.
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espeonkin · 2 years
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so in case anyone hasn't heard the most recent development in the ongoing twitter shitfest saga, musky husky is now using twitter admin privs to unblock himself from other people's accounts (image desc in alt text)
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adainesdenimjacket · 6 months
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I will never be over the entire table's reaction to Gilear dying for the first time
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genrihgayne · 14 days
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WIP animatic s8 Mumbo goes bonkers
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demonsteapot · 2 months
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by popular demand (ref under cut)
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zazrichor · 8 months
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ex0skeletal-undead · 2 months
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Ember Eye by Daena Key
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lucdoodle · 2 years
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The calculator is for emergency only
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shelbyheng · 4 days
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