#i would give them all the frog plushies if i could
rosynova · 6 months
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happy belated bday cameron!!
this week has been crazy for me to say the least so i didn't get to finish this until now, but hey, that just means extra time to celebrate!
and thank you to @blank-house for writing such good best friends for keyframes, both cam and deja are so much fun to spend time with and i can't wait to see more of them in the extended demo :D!
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cherieprincess · 1 year
tag ramble (i am just very gay and needed an outlet)
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waxskies · 3 months
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first date with the bachelors
~ light 18+ content
➛ he’d take you to see his favorite band. you’d be surprised to find out (because of how hype Sam was about the concert) it’s a small indie band, and Sam is friends with all of the band members. Sam would make sure you had a copy of their demo and would buy you whatever merch you wanted.
➛ you’d smile and nod while listening to the band play his favorite song, and Sam wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off you.
➛ he’d suck on his lower lip, hypnotized by the way the stage lights highlight your face. possessed with an intense urge to kiss you, he’d cradle the back of your neck in his hand before guiding your face towards his to make out with you while standing in the crowd.
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➛ he’d take you to Zuzu City on his motorcycle and pull up to the frog sanctuary. you can tell he’s feeling a bit tense about his location of choice, but it disappears because you start to excitedly point at the different exhibits and ask questions. he’d take you on a tour and pretend to be your guide. by the end of it, he’ll have made sure you’re accompanied by a giant frog plushie.
➛ afterwards, the two of you would stop by his favorite sushi restaurant, but it’d be super busy, and you can tell Sebastian’s feeling uncomfortable with the crowd. so you’d take it to go, and the two of you would find a nice park to get stoned at and eat your food.
➛ while watching the sunset you’d joke about the tour Sebastian gave you. suddenly. he’d lean toward you and wipe a speck of sriracha off your bottom lip with the tip of his thumb. he’d stare down at the hot sauce on his thumb before licking it off and then giving you a quick, nervous peck on the lips.
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➛ he’d invite you to a day at the beach, then show up with a blanket and basket of food Evelyn made for his date.
➛ somehow the two of you would end up playing volleyball against Leah and Elliott, and Alex would get super competitive and start coaching you.
➛ by mid game he's taken off his shirt and is using any excuse to touch you. you’d try to keep your head in the game, while the constant flirtatious skin-to-skin contact has your mind reeling in the gutter. when the two of you crush the competition, Alex slaps your ass and offers for the two of you to cool off in the shower.
➛ you go back to Alex’s place and cool off.
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➛ he’d take you to the botanical gardens in Zuzu City where the local theatre is holding a rendition of Hamlet. you’d watch as he silently mouths each of his favorite lines.
➛ when the play is over, he’d have a bottle of wine in one hand, and the other would be holding yours. he’d bring you to a grassy clearing where the two of you could talk under the shade of a large willow tree.
➛ you’d pass the bottle of wine back and forth, the two of you taking sips while discussing the play and how uncertain life is.
➛ your bodies would unconsciously move closer, and Elliott’s face would hover next to yours. he’d whisper a quote from the play to you, “Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.” His words would be as slow and deliberate as the kiss following them.
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➛ takes you to a vintage aircraft show in the city. his eyes are beaming from underneath his glasses. he’s smiling from ear-to-ear while clutching your hand and showing you the different airplanes.
➛ after, he takes you to his favorite café. everyone knows him there, and he is visibly overfilled with joy each time he introduces you to someone. it doesn’t take long for you to feel at home in the coffee shop, and Harvey dotes on you. his head rested in the palm of his hand while he attentively listens to every word you say.
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➛ would rather die than call it a date. invites you to come barbeque with him in the Cindersap Forest.  
➛ he has a cooler full of beer and a couple of gigantic joja blue inner tubes for floating. the two of you joke about the town festivals and Shane tells you he only goes to them for the food.
➛ you and Shane take the inner tubes into the water and float in the forest river. Shane grabs the handle on your inner tube and pulls you over to him. he tells you this might be the best day of his life and kisses you on the cheek.
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hello!! could i request how the sdv bachelors would react to finding out the farmer has a big plushy collection they have to share a bed with? :3
Yeah :3
Thank you for your ask, dear anon! Enjoy 💕
Alex doesn't remember any toys except for his shabby grid ball (thanks to abusive dad who drank all the money). His mom bought this ball and played with him whenever she was free. Good times... He was grateful even for that old ball and mom's care.
So he's a little unaccustomed among all Farmer's plushies. It's so... unusual.
But the way Farmer sweetly hugs their plushie, immediately melted the athlete's heart, though there was a residue of sadness about his childhood.
Which, however, doesn't stop him from teasing his partner/spouse a little.
"Hehehe, honey, are you still sleeping with your toys?" *Sincerely envies them, but won't admit it out loud*
*And won't admit a photo of him snuggled up with some of their plushies* ("Farmer, you betrayed me!" "Heh.." 💕).
Oh, Sammy used to sleep with a lot of plushies, too. He grew out of them then, though, and gave many of the toys to Vincent... He still have some plushies.
"Whoa, I remember that bunny! Mom gave me one just like it, only mine was black. And I won an alpaca just like this one at a fair about eight years ago." Memories, aaaaa!
Totally doesn't mind sleeping with Farmer surrounded by plushies. Even uses some as a pillow (Farmer doesn't mind).
Although he accidentally drops half of the plush toys on the floor (headcanon that Sam is active even while asleep).
Farmer doesn't give snuggles? Sam pretends to be offended and hugs their teddy bunny, showing Farmer "what they're missing" (they give in and give Sam more snuggles before farm work).
The photo of Sebastian, dressed in all black, lying stone-faced among a dozen pink plush bunnies, became an iconic meme all over the Stardew Valley. Heck, this meme became popular throughout the Ferngill Republic. He became an internet star, hee hee...
Sebastian's actually pretty chil about Farmer's plushies, to be honest. Even thinks it's a very cute quirk of his partner.
Especially since Farmer has plush frogs in his collection! 🐸 Sebastian also has a plush frog, don't ask why, but he can show Farmer too if they want to see.
The local emo is now sure of what gift is sure to make Farmer happy.
With one look, he'll scare whoever somehow finds out about Farmer's collection and teases them. Especially if it is a frog plushie.
Oh my, Farmer's got a huge collection of stuffed animals. They must have been collecting for a long time. And the condition of the plushies is very well preserved - you can tell they've been cared for.
Elliott was interested to hear about where and how Farmer got these plushies. Maybe each of plushies has a story behind them.
He's a little dubious about sleeping with plushies, though, because there are a lot of them. Like, a LOT. So much so that the writer didn't see his favourite person under the pile of plush.
So Farmer will only have to take some of it to bed with him (hopefully the others won't take offence).
Elliott is literally that "Ah yes, me, my spouse, and their huge collection of soft toys." meme. As it is, he doesn't mind at all.
That's petty adorable. Although Harvey wonders to Farmer, do they really sleep with those plushies every day? Because it might not be very comfortable. Plus he's worried about his their uncomfortable sleeping position, and...
Ah, excuse him. Harvey can't take his doctor's hat off, even in a farm house.
He's a little uncomfortable sleeping with Farmer surrounded by all those toys, after all.
One time Harvey nearly had a heart attack because a huge plush bunny's face was staring at him in his sleep (without glasses, the doctor thought it was a monster).
But also sometimes, when he comes back from a hard day's work at the clinic, he's tired and falls right into a pile of toys. Yoba, they're so soft.
"Here we go, Shane. These are my plushies." "Our plushies." "Huh?" Shane lay down on the bed, and the stuffed animals plopped down in a slide on top of him. "Our plushies."
Who would have thought Shane would be taken in by such a Farmer's quirk. He'd never looked so relaxed.
Embarrassed? Why would he? Nobody should give a shit that Farmer still has a collection of cuddly plushies. Farmer shouldn't give a shit about other people's opinions either.
Although Shane had virtually no toys as a child (as in, no normal childhood), he was often surrounded by teddy bears, foxes and other animals (because he was a frequent guest at Jas's tea parties).
Chicken man thinks it's sweet that Farmer still sleeps and talks to stuffed toys. So yeah, no problem with that.
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Sickly Summer
Bonten x Male Baby Reader
Inspired by the many Stories @reallyromealone had done! Go and check his Blog out!
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Mochi had you in his arms, carrying you through the living—back and forth, swaying in gentle manner from side to side—in hopes of, finally, calming you down.
Never did Mochi thought, that you, their little precious baby boy, could cry so much during one night and throughout the day. He knows babies do cry, a lot even sometimes, but this? This seemed way too out of place to be called normal behaviour.
Then again, you weren't feeling all that healthy well right now and your only way of telling them this, was through bawling.
«Here. Maybe a lukewarm bottle of Milk will soothe him a bit, till Rinny find his pacifier and plushy.» suggest Ran, emerging out from the Kitchen, holding the bottle to you. You scrunched your face up in disgust, before burying it back in Mochi's neck.
«Huh, I think so too, bud. Papa Ran surely doesn't wanna have a repeat of last time.» emphasised Mochi, going back to rocking you into soothing as soon as he heard your sniffles again.
Ran shrugged his shoulders in defeat. He doesn't know what to do either. Mochi was right though, neither Ran nor the others would like to have a repeat of what happen 2 weeks ago.
Bonten knew you had a very sensitive stomach, couldn't handle most, if not even all, foods and drinks. You got a special Diet plan, but even then it could happen that your stomach would go into a cramping strike.
Like how it happen two weeks ago; You had Semolina porridge for dinner, something you would eat most of the time since it was stomach friendly enough. Either it was Takeomi himself or one of them, who might have accidentally poured a bit too much sugar or any kind of spices in it, but it was a literally shit night after dinner.
Kakucho had changed your diapers about three times, till he decided to just stay with you in the bathroom throughout the whole night, as you shitted into a tiny bucket and if you weren't doing that, you would vomit till dry-heaving. Worst case of Diahrrea.
Takeomi was trying to get some fluids into you again, coaxing with mostly water and diluted milk, knowing well from his own experience with his siblings, that fluids are essentially necessary during such a time. Tough case it was though, you refused every time and had enough strength left to slap Takeomi's cup offering away.
Ever since then, they did good monitoring over your diet plan and what you eat.
Rindou came hopping into the living room, a big smile on his face as he triumphal hold up the pacifier. I mean, you had a whole box of them and your dads keep extra ones in the storage and to lose them is rather easy, but you had certain favourite ones and in times like these you only want them.
«Lookie lookie, [Name]! What Papa Rin has for you,» Rindou gently put the pacifier into your mouth—which seemed to sooth you right away as you sucked on it—taking you from Mochi's arms and prepped your face with kisses.
A slight frown came over Rindous face. Sitting himself on the couch, you on his lap, he take good glance at your chubby face.
Cheeks flushed red, eyes swollen and still brimmed with left over tears. Your tiny chest heaving heavily, you weakly gripping his shirt.
«Did you two shitlings make him cry more?» Rindou give a slight glare at them, almost accusing.
«No we didn't, asshat. If you couldn't tell already, our darling baby isn't feeling goodie.»
«Thanks, Mr. Obvious. For telling me.»
«Be glad Mikey and Kakucho aren't here or you two would have to put 20Yen into the swear-jar.» Kokonoi's amusing chuckling brought the Haitani Brothers out of their word squabbling. They hadn't heard that Kokonoi has come in.
The three watched how Kokonoi put some bags down onto the coffee table. Rummaging through them, Kokonoi pulled out a small stuffed frog and one of those squeeze balls.
As soon as you notice what one of your dads had in his hands, your eyes lit up and made grabby hands towards him. Koko give it to you.
«Is he getting better? Did you gave him something to drink already?»
«To both of your questions, Koko, is the answer no.» Rindou and Ran said it at the same time.
Mochi sighed, having make a cup of coffee for himself. One of the strong types, which a shot of Vodka in it. Mochi loved you, but parenting was exhausting sometimes and they all could agree to this.
It didn't take long till the rest, besides Mikey who was still in the office and probably doing some last minute paperwork's, had come home too.
You sat on the ground, in front of the TV—Ran had put on some child friendly cartoons, but you didn't pay attention to it—playing with toys, your new stuffed friend sitting between your legs.
Kakucho and Rindou sitting besides you, being your play buddies. Glaring every so often at the others, who sat on the couch and giving playful comments about how good parent they are. It was mostly Sanzu and Ran who did.
«I was by the doctor and he said it's probably the summer heat, which makes [Name] so sick right now. We should try to keep him cool and give him light foods only.» told Takeomi, crouching down to you with a Sippy-cup in his hand.
A pocky stick hanging from his mouth, a replacement of a cigarette as Takeomi wasn't one to smoke around you. He offered you the cup, filled with milk. You took it, taking a few sips from it and give it back to your Papa, who pinched the bridge of his nose.
«At least [Name] didn't refused it right away and did drank some of it.» comment Mochi, going back to reading his newspapers.
Takeomi was concerned about you. Last summer you were fine, you hadn't any problem with the heat. So seeing you refusing food and drinks, crying through night and night and not even going potty in your diapers at all, did raise red flags of concern for Takeomi.
They really need to bring you to the doctor, but you're a fussy child and just being at the front door, brought you to tears—which raise another set of questions for Takeomi.
When Mikey had come back home, he ignored the mess of toys and stuffed animals in the living room. Too tried to care about tidiness, non of them were the best when it comes to do household chores, but for you they try to do.
After changing into nightwear, which consisted of only a pair of underwear and a oversized shirt, Mikey was making his towards Kakucho room, knowing well that you're in there. You might have your own room, crib, to sleep in, but you never do, preferring to sleep in the beds of your many dads.
Mikey pried you gently from Kakucho's arms, ignoring his incoherent mumbling and going into his own room.
Laying down onto his bed, god was Mikey exhausted, he hold you close. Giving you a small kiss to the head, shushing you back into sleep, when you begun to stir and lowly whine.
Mikey and the others would do anything to keep you loved and safe. You're Bontens heir, the ray of sunshine in their dark lives and the only family they still had left.
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lilypadlys · 2 months
Ghouls at the Aquarium
Headcanons about the ghouls at the aquarium. Inspired by a trip to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. Had to shout it out because it was so frickin amazing. No one ask me my favorite exhibit because I will say all of them. But also definitely the belugas and the jellyfish.
Cirrus: She loves the dolphins. As serious and strict as she sometimes is, she’s like a kid at Christmas when the group reaches the dolphin enclosure. She admires how smart they are as well as how sleek they look darting through the water. And yes she knows what little shits they can be and she doesn't care. She still thinks they’re neat. She plans the day around making sure to catch the dolphin show at least twice. Cumulus buys her a dolphin plushie and she just about melts into a happy puddle.
Cumulus: As much as Cirrus loves dolphins, Cumulus loves beluga whales. She thinks they look majestic. And huggable. She would hug one if she could. The rest of the girls booked a behind the scenes beluga experience for her and they got to see them up close, feed them, and even pet them. By the end of it they’re all giggling at how cute the beluga’s are.
Sunshine: She thinks the lionfish are neat and likes how their spines look like sunbursts. Kinda sad that they’re an invasive species but understands why work to remove them from the wrong areas is important for the marine ecosystem. Gets a postcard from the gift shop with a picture of one to put in her room.
Aurora: She spent a solid half an hour sitting in front of the moon jellyfish tank watching them. It was one of those circular tanks that have a slight current to gently cause the jellies to drift in a circle. That and the color changing light had her mesmerized. She would have spent longer watching them but the others literally pulled her away so she could see the rest of the aquarium.
Dewdrop: He wasn't too sure about it at first. The aquarium kind of dredged up some melancholy and yearning for his water ghoul days. He's happy as a fire ghoul for sure, it suits him better. He definitely misses his water though. Fortunately he warms up to it; seeing how excited Rain and Phantom are playing a big part. He can’t help but crack a smile when Phantom starts mimicking the penguins. He ends up loving the eels and the caimans. Joins Rain in naming all this fish, offering increasingly unhinged suggestions.
Rain: His unglamoured form is pretty sharklike so it's not surprising that Rain has a fondness for sharks. The pile of shark plushies on his bed definitely isn’t a tip off either. Besides the sharks, Rain likes pretty much every exhibit. He gives silly names to every fish that catches his eye with help from Dew and discusses which fish would taste the best with Swiss much to the horror of the other patrons.
Mountain: He really likes the sea dragons because they look like plants. He didn’t know they were a thing until seeing them at the aquarium for the first time. Also really interested in the aquatic plants (of course) and the frogs and turtles.
Aether: He really likes the manta rays. He thinks they’re so cute. Loves how it looks like they’re flying through the water. Way too excited about getting to pet them but it's endearing.
Swiss: Phantom actually saw the piranhas before Swiss did, took one look between the two of them and dubbed them cousins. Swiss did not help his case by immediately baring his teeth in a grin. He then proceeded to chase Phantom around the room threatening to nibble on him while Phantom giggled. That is until Cirrus put a stop to that so they didn’t get kicked out.
Phantom: Loves absolutely everything but also the penguins and starfish. He asks the staff a million questions and they’re happy to answer every one. Leaves the gift shop with a stack of books on ocean facts that he and Rain end up reading aloud the whole ride home.
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⋆ V x N x Murder Drone Reader who collects plushies ⋆
My 43 request! Hope you like!
You were someone very special to V and N, as well as being part of their squad besides J… being the single biggest Murder drone collector plush they've ever seen!
You loved to collect all kinds of stuffed animals that you could find, you had every kind! Bunnies, bears, frogs, etc!
V and N thought your hobby was pretty cute to say the least, I mean… what Disassembly drone would collect stuffed animals?
" (Y/n)?! Will you come here please? We have a surprise for you! " N shouted with an excited tone, soon entering the dome of Worker drone bodies heading towards the ship, being followed by V who rolled her eyes at him.
" If you say you have a surprise, it's not a stupid surprise anymore you idiot- " V scoffed in a dry voice, which made you giggle as you exited the ship.
" I'm here! What would be the 'surprise' for me? " You ask with an excited tone giving a smile, which makes N and V laugh softly at your cuteness.
" We wanted to give you this! " N exclaimed with an excited tone, soon taking a big yellow stuffed dog from his back, showing it to you with a big smile.
" Yes, yes.. and this too.. anyway- did you like it (Y/n)? " V asked stepping in front of N, then taking a big furry white cat stuffed animal from her back, giving a winning smile seeing how your eyes turned into hearts seeing the plushies in front of you.
" Oh my- They're so cute! I love it! It's perfect, thank you so much N! Thank you so much V! " You exclaimed in a happy tone, bouncing happily and grabbing the plushies from the drones arms giving them a tight hug.
" I'm glad you liked it " N said in a soft tone, seeing how bouncy you were. V seemed to smile watching you.
" Anyway- " V started to speak, but was quickly interrupted by a kiss on her cheek… given by you, who had a big sweet smile on your face, and who soon went to N, giving him a kiss on the cheek too, making the male Murder drone blush.
" If you need me, I'll be inside with my new plushies!~ " You speak with a soft tone and a silly smile on your face, quickly jumping up to the ship and entering it, leaving the two Disassembly drones in silence.
" They kissed me first! That means they liked mine better! " V concluded with a malicious and victorious smile, which made N pout crossing his arms.
" That's not fair- " N started to speak with a sour tone but was quickly interrupted by V.
" Loser! Loser!- " V spoke with a teasing tone making tongue at N, then running towards the spaceship.
" H-hey! Wait V! Wait for me! " N spoke out of his sour expression, hurrying to follow V.
The three of you guys shared lots of warm hugs with your new stuffed animals that night. So yeah- Happy :)
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Stuffed animals I think Dethklok would give each other
Not trying to infantilize, they all get them those fuckin man babies.
Probably cringe but I could care less honestly 😭
Not proofread suck a fart
Pickles gets him a whale. It's a reference to the whale he'll see so maybe next time he can relate it to his stuffed animal and not worry. They also stand for strength, which adds to the overall meaning of getting over fears.
Murderface would get him a lion. He says it's a jab at how much of a perfectionist he needs to be to be proud of his work. They're also just hella fucking brutal. Lions for the win
Skwisgaar would get him some type of fish. It doesn't matter which one, just whichever he finds first. They won't be very big, just little plushies.
Toki would get him a German Shepherd. He thinks it's a cool dog and I like to think it's Nathan's favorite. He would probably get the black ones to match Nathan's hair. He likes how they're actually cute but look brutal.
Charles isn't a big giver, especially with stuffed animals. If he finds one of those brutally cute things like the baphomet plushies he'll get them. Other than that, he's just too busy to look for insanely interesting ones.
Nathan would get him that alien plush from Ikea. I don't know why that was the first thing I thought of, but it was. It's called like Aftonsparv I think. They just both find it chucklesome.
Pickles would get him a wolf. I like to think that he just obsesses over wolves sometimes and Pickles feels the need to add fuel to fire.
Murderface would get him an arctic fox. He likes to say that Skwisgaar is from the North Pole up with "Santy Claus". He also just likes them.
Toki would get him a polar bear. I just think that everyone collectively thinks that Skwisgaar is an arctic man. He's pale and has ice blue eyes so it makes sense to me.
Nathan would get him a bunny because it's his spirit animal. (Ie. The episode they aired Bloodlines, I can never remember the name)
Pickles would get him little sharks. Think Blåhaj and things related. He just thinks they're cute and Toki loves them.
Murderface would get him a tiger. He says it's better because it's like a house cat but metal. Toki would argue that house cats are quite metal, but to no avail.
Skwisgaar would get him big octopuses. He would either say it was the Kraken or Cthulhu. Whichever he felt like it being.
Nathan would get him just that. Pickles. It would be like the Cat v Pickle plushies and if it was a cat he'd just give it to Toki or something. He thinks it's the funniest shit ever
Murderface would get him an orca. They're hella brutal and he thinks it's funny that they're actually dolphins (don't fact check me i'm pretty sure that's true)
Toki is getting him dolphins. They're the shark and dolphin duo and it's so fun. It's a gag at this point, they'll buy each other the ugliest ones.
Skwisgaar would give him a frog. He just think it fits Pickles's vibe and appearance. Not to say he's an ugly frog.
Nathan would get him a pig. At first it seems like a jab at him, but pigs are cute! They're also known to be smart and clean, at least from what a teacher told me once.
Pickles would get him those plushies of his favorite chip bags because they're just so fun. they also crinkle because why wouldn't they.
Toki would get him lions because they're also brutal cats and he thinks he should get the same thing. Also he needs some strength in his life the poor guy.
Skwisgaar would get him a manatee. It's just an ongoing joke since the events of Doublebookedklok. They giggle about it when they get too high sometimes.
He's the gifter this time
He hates when the guys get him things because he thinks they should use their money on "more useful" things.
He'll get Nathan those Baphomet plushies. They don't have to be generally big, but if he sees one he'll get it.
Pickles would get a horse or two from him. Specially the white and black ones, considering those are the most metal horses.
Murderface would get a wrench from this son of a bitch. Not a real one like a stuffed one I hope that was clear. I think they'd both giggle a little bit.
He's also a Toki cat giver. Specifically Calico cats. If he finds one that looks like Really Cool Cat then he'll get it for sentiment.
He'll get Skwisgaar an owl. He thinks it matches him and is majestic like he is, while still kind of creepy. Also spirit animal mention.
That's it I hope you fucks enjoyed <33
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rr311 · 1 year
╭﹐♡︎﹕ Hello Kitty Obsession ﹒〣 ﹕‹𝟹 — 𝖲𝖠𝖤 𝖨. 𝖪𝖤𝖭𝖸𝖴 𝖸. 𝖬𝖤𝖦𝖴𝖱𝖴 𝖡.
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ఌ requested by @yuujis-sunshine “Hello once again, I would love to send another request. Sorry if I feel like I'm requesting too much, I just can't help it. You too much of a good writer! Anyways, my request is Sae, Kenyu and Meguru with a s/o who is totally obsessed with Hello Kitty and even wears outfits inspired by the characters. Also, in one headcannon they wear onesies of a Hello Kitty duo plz and thanks. Have a good night/ day!”
cw/tw. fluff, black!reader
an. damn girl 😭 i can tell you love my writing, but you don’t have to say sorry it’s okay 🫶🏽 this idea was cute to write. I hope you enjoy your request <3
summary.- you’re obsessed with hello kitty and your boyfriend finds it cute.
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Secretly he found it cute but didn’t wanna admit it.
He had a bored expression as you held up two onesies in front of him. One for you and one for him pleading and begging him to match with you. “Saeeee pretty please!? It’s only one time.” You pouted as you looked at him. Sae looked at the matching onesies before looking at you sighing in response. No matter how much he wanted to say no- he couldn’t, he spoiled you too much, he just couldn’t say no so with a fat long sigh he gave in, “Fine.” He mumbled watching how your eyes became bright squealing in excitement handing him the matching onesie, he looked at it in disgust but quick to wipe it away not wanting to upset you taking it in his hands going into the bathroom to change.
What the hell am i doing..
He groaned as he looked at himself in the mirror with the bright colors blinding his eye sight. He had to mentally tell himself..it was for you. It was for your enjoyment. Your happiness. And your terrible obsession with Hello Kitty. He breathed in one last time before walking out of the bathroom spotting you already in your onesie with your Cinnamoroll plushie, your matching slippers and blanket with a wide smile, he couldn’t help but feel his lip twitch up at how cute you looked. The onesie was a bit baggy on you which made you look like a marshmallow, you walked towards his taller frame looking at him with a smile, “Well don’t you look cute.” You teased watching how he rolled his eyes with a small red blush, “You’re so obsessed.” Was all he mumbled, he wasn’t WRONG- i mean have you seen your room? It was filled with so much Hello Kitty merchandise, you had slippers, custom shoes, hoodies, pjs, posters, hair accessories and so many plushies..so many that it covers your entire top part of your bed!
But you couldn’t help it..you were practically raised by your little love for Hello Kitty.
You rolled your eyes playfully pushing him to the side to walk over to the couch, “It’s not that bad.” That bad..he could practically feel that giant eye roll come. It WAS that bad, he’s spent so much money on nothing but Hello Kitty, you see something at the mall and says “Hello Kitty” you instantly want it. So of course- Sae being the good boyfriend he is..and the love of spoiling you (Secretly) he gets it for you. He regrets giving you those gifts for Christmas but as long as you’re happy with your little weird obsession it makes him happy. He sighed once more walking towards the couch to sit next to you, pulling your body to lean onto him placing your head on his chest as you scrolled for a movie. You softly hummed looking at the tv screen with a focus gaze, “What should we watch?” He shrugged looking at the movies as well, all of them seemed so boring..until- “We should watch Princess and the frog!” You yelled excitedly seeing the movie pop up, Sae furrowed his eyebrows but nodded his head. He’s never watched this movie but by the cover it looked interesting, so clicking on the movie you grabbed your phone from the coffee table to turn off the lights now it’s completely dark with only the tv light.
An hour into the movie Sae was focus the whole time when watching. At first it was weird of how she got turned into a frog but the adventures and music that was showing was making him interested. He was enjoying it, he was so focus on the movie he didn’t realize you had fallen asleep till he felt your head fall to his lap, he looked down to spot you fell asleep with the Cinnamoroll plushie in your arms holding it tight with small snores. He found himself softly smiling seeing his more cute you were cuddling with the plushie like that, he slowly took out his phone taking a quick picture of you before placing it down, turning off the Tv picking you up to take you to your room. You hummed sleepily cuddling your head into his chest as he walked towards your room, when he got to your room he was met with of course all the Hello Kitty stuff you had, he rolled his eyes walking towards your bed placing you down as well getting in bed with you, wrapping his arms around your waist holding you close.
You were gonna be the death of him.
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He found it cute and kind of concerned.
He knew since the first day he’s seen your outfit and the charms you had on your book bag you were a Hello Kitty girl. He didn’t really have much to say other than say he was concerned but later got used to it telling himself you’re just obsessed with Hello Kitty and that’s that. He didn’t think it would be a problem in your guys relationship but oh boy..every anniversary gift he gives you it’s Hello Kitty, a Hello Kitty plushie, a note book, slippers, even a robe. But seeing how excited you get for his gifts it never failed him to make him smile.
Just as for now, you two were on a movie date. Boring i know but you liked boring stuff, besides after the movie you guys got to eat at your favorite restaurant that was in the mall you guys were at. After you guys were done eating and laughing you both walked around the mall to see if you found anything interesting….not even ten minutes in you already spotted a store that had all types of Hello Kitty and other stuff in there. When he heard your gasp and hand tighten around his, he looked up to see you looking at the store that had Hello Kitty and other stuff in the display window, his eyes widened slightly, “Oh no.” He mumbled before getting pulled towards the store with a squealing and excited girlfriend, when you both walked in it felt like you entered heaven..there was all kinds of things. There were notebooks, back packs, shirts, earrings, plushies..your eyes were sparkling.
In the matter of seconds Kenyu lost you. He doesn’t understand how when the store is so small, when he looks one way he spots you at the accessories aisle, he blinks and you’ve vanished to the clothing section- it was like taking a five year old to the candy store telling them to get anything they wanted no limit. By the time it hit 6:30 he was drained, you guys been in the store for the past 20 minutes finding stuff you liked and wanted, he was relieved that you we’re done getting what you wanted checking everything out, he watched as the cashier rung up everything but couldn’t bypass seeing Spider-Man socks…and guess what?
He got the socks.
You saw him grab the pair of socks with a raised brow about to say something but raised a hand, “Don’t even say it.” You giggled shaking your head watching him pay for everything. The total came to $75.95, you would say that’s the cheapest you’ve gotten apart from the $1 keychain at Hot Topic but other than that at-least it wasn’t a bad shopping spree..right?
When you two walked out of the mall the sun was already setting, you guys walked to his car putting everything in the backseat as you got in the passenger seat and him getting in the drivers seat starting the ignition. “Today was fun.” You said looking at him, he looked at you with a smile nodding his head leaning in, “It sure was.” He mumbled bringing his hand to grab your jaw pulling you closer to him feeling his lips ontop of yours. You sighed softly leaning more into the kiss, for a more seconds you pulled away pecking his lips a couple of times pulling back fully staring into his brown eyes with a smile, “I love you.” He smiled also feeling his heart flutter,
“I love you too, my love.”
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He found it adorable.
You had always been a fan of Hello Kitty. From your bedroom decor to your phone case, to your clothing and even shoes! Everything was Hello Kitty themed. Meguru had always found it cute and endearing, it was cute how child like you would get whenever you get Hello Kitty themed stuff but lately, your obsession had grown to new heights.
It was just a normal when Meguru decided to come over to your apartment only to be surprised with two bags and a giant Batz-Maru plushie on the couch. There were was a bag filled with some new clothes but he didn’t bypass how you got three new crop shirts to go with your collection, posters, and EVEN A FREAKING HELLO KITTY MIRROR?. Your boyfriend couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, he shook his head as he made his way towards your room spotting you on the floor with a a broken down table, nails, a hammer and other building stuff.
He took a good look to see it was a beauty stand of Kuromi, he sighed sitting next to you on the floor watching how focus you were, “Don’t tell me you bought a Kuromi beauty stand.” His voice spoke, all you did was smile devilishly, “I bought a Kuromi beauty stand.” He groaned clinging onto making you fall back on your carpet, you gasped feeling your heart drop as you fell on top of him, “Meguru!.” You scolded, he only giggled in response starting to peck your cheek and lips kissing you all over, “You’re. So. Obsessive.” He said each kiss he gave you, he wasn’t wrong..you were highly obsessed but it wasn’t that bad! You rolled your eyes staring into his golden eyes with your (E/C) one’s, “I’m not that obsessed..” You defended Meguru mocked you rolling his eyes as well, “Yeah yeah whatever..but anyways i have a surprise for you my monster.” You cocked an eyebrow. “Surprise? What is it?.”
The moment Meguru told you what the surprise was you froze into his arms as he stared at you with a grin, “Today?..like today today?” You asked still in denial about what he said but he nodded his head making your heart increase, in seconds you jumped ontop of him straddling his waist as you hugged him tight mumbling “oh my gosh” into his neck. Meguru laughed sitting up holding you still on his lap, “Baby you did not-“ “But i did, i know how much you love Sanrio so i decided to get us tickets to Sanrio Puroland.” He said proudly watching you come up from his neck with a face of disbelief, “Oh my gosh Meguru!” You whined leaning your head back onto his shoulder, you were so excited yet still in denial there was no way you guys were going to the theme park..THERE WAS NO WAY.
But there was a way. The day you guys got to the park your eyes were sparkling with stars staring at everything, you were in heaven you wanted to faint- but you didn’t. All day at the park you and Meguru went on rides, ate delicious foods and treats and even got more stuff animals to go with your collection. At the end of the day Meguru was absolutely pooped, he was in relief that you guys were finally going back to the hotel room wanting to take his ass to sleep. Right when you entered the room he instantly stripped down to his boxers grabbing his white sleeping shirt and grey sweatpants plopping ontop of the bed closing his eyes with a satisfied groan. You softly giggled to yourself, dropping the stuff you guys got at the park before stripping into your night wear getting in bed with him feeling his arm instantly wrap around your waist, “Thank you Guru..” You whispered pecking his cheek feeling a small squeeze on your waist as a response. You smiled at the small gesture, closing your eyes letting sleep of your own take over.
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NEXT UP: Shoei Baro x Black!Reader - Requested
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ohimsummer · 1 month
Feed us more suguru and his pregnant lover thoughts please 🥺❤️
How would he be throughout the pregnancy? As your baby grows..
The back and neck massages he would give, would he massage your boobs too if they’re sore..
The baby shopping 🥺
If you get insecure about your weight or embarrassed at the large size of your baby bump
How would he react to the first kick?
Nighttime routine with him as being pregnant
Would he be strict with your diet?
The Pregnancy cravings 🥺❤️
Also being needy at ungodly hours 🫣🫣
I think every time suguru goes out, whatever he looks at it reminds him of you and the baby.
Green onesie and he’s imaging your baby in a cute little frog onesie. A cat on the street and he thinks about getting them a little Kitty plushie. A red pen and he’s imagining when they can finally hold things and they’re coloring with a red crayon. It really never ends <<<333
ALSO YES YES MASSAGES YOUR CHEST!!! any part of you that’s sore—legs, feet, thighs, sides, etc. ask and you shall receive (or don’t, he’ll still do it anyway because suguru just Knows)
Suguru tears up when you guys go shoe shopping for The Little One because it’s like omg…these shoes are so so little….they’re going on his cute little baby 🥹 he is So Excited to help them into their clothes and tie their little shoes and show off his mini-me <<<333 also he is PREPAREDDD you guys stock up on so many diapers and wipes and other little baby necessities. you could say he’s going overboard but truthfully you never know </3 you two would rather be safe than sorry
suguru is worshipping your body CONSTANTLY there’s almost no time to feel bad about yourself unless the weight of your insecurities start to outweigh his affections. and if he senses for even a moment that that is the case, suguru is peppering you and your belly in kisses and whispering sweet nothings and caressing your body so much, reminding you of how much he loves you and how he’s so grateful for everything you do for him <<<<333
the first kick….i talked about him feeling the baby kick before but I think the first FIRST time he feels it, you guys are cuddling on the couch, you laying between his legs with your head on his chest while you two watch a movie, and he’s rubbing your belly. and then it just sort of happens out of the blue, his hand goes still and there is this little kick and you jump a little so now suguru also knows he wasn’t imagining things <<333
(After the initial shock wears off he’s like “😦🤨 okay okay” and starts rubbing your belly again because clearly da little one was unhappy that he stopped 😭)
nighttime routine is usually doing your skincare but he does yours for you first and then you two have little small talk while suguru finishes washing his face :3 he helps you put your hair up if you want and anything else you may need, fluffs the pillows and then zzzz mmimimi (he usually falls asleep a couple minutes after you. He likes to look at you all pretty and peaceful and he thinks about how great his life is <<33 loverboy smh)
he’s not like STRICT strict but ofc suguru encouraged you to eat things healthy for both u and the baby hfjfjd pregnancy cravings are one thing but yk he also makes sure you eat like veggies and proteins and stuff with actual nutritional value :>>
AS FOR BEING NEEDY, suguru is nothing if not consistent in helping you with your needs so ofc even if it’s a random 2am morning, he is going to muster up every drop of energy he has to make sure you are fully satisfied 😌
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life-winners-liveblog · 9 months
*taps mic* Hello? Can you hear me? (Except Martyn lol imagine going from the best listener to someone who is deaf)
Hi I just got here and am being very entertained by you guys
Gri I would try to help you work through your trauma but all efforts have been futile so far so instead take this leather jacket and sunglasses (to match timmy!), a sun holographic picture, as well as these cookies 🍪 (<- those are cookies shortbread is a biscuit)
Scott, be careful try not to burn yourself out, take these paints and easels, (fake) coral jewellery, a star/night sky holographic picture, and some poppies
Pearl, I would give you something, but someone is very mean and won't let me, so I'm sending you some sunflowers, a puppy and some bones, a moon holographic picture, and a clock
*If possible, I yank on Martyn's hair* *a note then appears with the following writing* Martyn, I don’t even care about the fact that you betrayed your Scott, it made sense for you, was a good ending moment and he didn't even mind (was probably his favourite version of events that could have happened). No, I'm mad at you because of how apathetic you are. I'm sorry that you find it "easy" to move on, but others feeling emotions about their past is not weak. It's human. You are quite literally my second-least favourite person and the other person has the same illness as you but worse. You get a pufferfish, a (toy) axe, a cake, and a holographic picture that seems to change images. Sometimes it shows the sea, sometimes it shows trees, sometimes Mars, sometimes a meteor, sometimes a black hole (ooc: etc etc just all the different Martyn winner interpretations lol I'm not writing all of them)
Jim-jam! Nice to see you! You get poppies, a wooden doll, a frog and bucket, and a holographic picture of a canary
Scar! It's been a while since anyone has sent you anything buddy so you get 3 more llamas, 15 more camels, 19 more pandas and 81 more jellie cats. Oh and a holographic picture of cacti
DL!Scott you fucker you are my least favourite you apathetic son of a bitch. You get the poison effect
SL!Jimmy you get cake for being the in-between person, as well as a ghost plushie and a holographic picture of a doggo (if you look closely there's a canary)
To the rest of the losers, I'll give them some weighted blankets. One for everyone :)
-Saph <3
LimL!Jimmy: This is still not Judge Judy and Executioner... But thank you...
Grian: ugh... I don't know how other me can confortably wear this all day.
LimL!Jimmy: Grian why are you dressed like me?!?! Do this mean you want to join the Bad Boys??
Grian: Uhhhhh... not really? The whispers -
LimL!Jimmy: Why not?!? You could be an honorary Bad Boy!!!
Grian: ... Fine, whatever.
LimL!Jimmy: Yeah yeah yeah!
Pearl: Ooooh nice! Let's see, how does this holographic thing work?
Scott: Oh they sent me one of those as well! I think... you do it like... this!
Pearl: Mansplaining moment.
Scott: What!?!? I was just... you asked...and I...
Pearl: Calm down Scott, it was just a joke... why are you so jittery.
Scott: ...Maybe the whispers are right, I do need to relax a little.
Martyn: Well screw you too I guess, that hurt... and I never said that feeling about the past is weak, what I find weak is letting said emotions submerge you completely like Grian does, now I have seen how he was, I saw his passion but when I look at him now I see none of that, he is not weak because he misses Scar, who cares about that, he is weak because he wallows in his own self pity and misery constantly... He couldn't have done anything differently and he can't go back to change anything so why does he insist on acting like a wet wipe.
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ghostlysenses · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do a part 2 to the waiting fanfic cause I just read it and I neeeeeed quackity and tommy to go and confront Karl and Sapnap cause I feel like that would be sad and angsty at the same time
if you don’t want to that’s fine but I really just need to know what would happen
oh?! Id love tooo!!
Why weren’t you there!!!
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Tw: Angst, Confrontation, go read part 1
Quackity abruptly stood up, tears still streaming down his face, fists balled up in anger “I need to find them tommy…”
Tommy looked up at him, he had no idea what to say
“do you uhh, want me to come with…?”
Quackity had thought about it, he doesn’t think tommy can help with this, its a family matter after all, so instead he said
“How about you stay here, gather all of her things and take them back to Los Nevada”
Tommy nods, and with that Quackity leaves
It took him awhile to find them both, but eventually he found it
Kinoko Kingdom
and looked over it with rage
it filled him head to toe
~~~Meanwhile, with Tommy~~~
Tommy had first removed your corpse and had buried it right next to your Papas house
He then went back and looked through your room
He found old photos
he doesn’t think this family will ever look that happy again.
He starts putting things in boxes, well whatever isn’t overgrown by nature
~~~~Back to Papa!~~~~
As Quackity stepped up to them, looking like he was ready to kill, sapnap and karl stared back
“Quackity? what are you doing here” Sapnap
“Did you forget something?” Quackity asks
Both of his ex lovers stare in confusion
as he takes out a frog key
“Do you know what this is?! DONT YOU BOTH HAVE ONE?!” He shouts, with so much anger his voice is a little raspy
As Karl stares in confusion
Sapnaps eyes
wide open
he did forget something….someone….very important
He found a small picture book
You on Karls shoulders, hands up in the air!
It seemed like you were all at the beach, sunny aspect, ur hair was up in pigtails, and well the bath suit all might be dead give aways
Another photo hand you grabbing onto Quackity and pointing to a duck, ironic.
he can imagine you yelling QUACK!!! QUACK!!!
at your papa.
The next page had one of you and sapnap, u were running away with his headband. It looked like he was just about to grab you too!
He turned the next page but some was covered by moss, he tried to recover what he could but
man can’t beat nature
He set it down in the box, and went to the record player.
“We..forgot someone?” Karl says tilting his head, quackity glared at him. When sapnap was snapped back to reality he finally spoke
“Oh my god…how lo-“
“a long time, to long, even after death she….she stayed and waited…”
Sapnap pulled out his key, they always had it in their pockets…how could they forget someone so important, their own child ffs!!
He walks over to quackity and tries to hand it to him
but he refuses
“Quackity just take it, we forgot her, we dont dese-“
“You have just as a right to be upset as I do, but y/n would not want you to wallow like this, She doesn’t blame you….I think she just wanted to see someone one more time.” He pushed the key back to him
Sapnap stared at him, tears in his eyes
Quackity smiled….
Quackity looked at his fist, bloody from Sapnaps now bloody nose.
As Sapnap landed on his back
Quackity bent down and grabbed the key “But I do blame you” he spits at him, with venom lacing his tongue.
He walked away
leaving a sad and angry sapnap
and a very confused and worried Karl
~~~~With tommy!!~~~~
Tommy had just about finished up packing up everything.
It was nearing sunset.
He set down one last empty box (He brings them back and forth) and heads over to your bed.
He’s packing pillows, blankets, and some plushies.
He sees that some look familiar, he thinks he’s seen you walking around with these.
They were like comfort items.
He doesnt want these getting into dreams hands, or any of your stuff…that could damage Quackity really bad.
He’ll have to tell Quackity to hide it all..
Once he’s done packing he looks around and suddenly…
the room seems
Like a weight has been lifted, or a tension is now gone.
He feels better too, he doesnt know how to explain it but it feels good.
Either way-
He sighs with content before grabbing the box and heading outside
he turns and takes one final look at the house
and to be honest
he likes to think
y/n felt, whatever he did, too…
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the-roo-too · 1 year
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candy -> kim jiwoo ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- you’re childish, like her! she loves that you feel so close to her :(( you’re two kiddos in love i don’t make the rules
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- see that pout on the pic above? that’s the face she makes when you don’t let her squish your cheeks >:( don’t resist it
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- a very specific position, jiwoo likes your head on her chest while she’s on her back <33 she can hog you tightly and you’re legally not allowed to complain
dates (what’s her ideal date)- pls take her to build-a-bear :(( YOU CAN GET MATCHING ONES OMG CNDNDSBB jiwoo will make sure you have a collection of stuffies from every date ever
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- very open bby <3 she’s young but like understands exactly why communication in relationship is important
family (does she want one)- she was born last month i don’t think y’all be planning family
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yes 🤭🤭🤭 also swinging them as you walk? me thinks yes 🫶🫶🫶
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- call one of her unnies or the hospital. her emergency contact is haewon and if something minor happens, like you cutting your knee on a glass piece while on a will, jiwoo calls the leader. if you broke your leg she’s riding with you the ambulance 🛣️
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes, you’re both very goofy. i feel like jiwoo is the type to start prank wars with you 😭😭 beware, she’s good at coming up with new ones
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- she’s a baby and gives you the softest cheek kisses. THEY NEED TO BE VERY LOUD THO. when she gives you a smooch during the practice, bae throws you two a disgusted look, as she could hear it from the other side of the room
love (what’s her love language)- the prank wars i mentioned? jiwoo likes to joke with you, that’s her love language. you have so many inside jokes it’s hard to keep up
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- your first date- arcade. she won you a plushie and she will spend the rest of her life bragging about it (she won’t mention the part about how many tries it took her tho)
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- similar to cuddling honestly. but she’s the big spoon 🐢 she wants to hog you, awake or asleep
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- i’m sorry, everything about jiwoo is a bit odd 🥲 i’m a good way ofc. her obsession with your cheeks is a bit weird, but say something and i’ll break your legs
pet names (what does she like to call you)- baby, bear, my love, you name it. jiwoo likes the classics but won’t mind if you call her something different
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- she sits you down with her and you both once again go over every single plushie she owns, what’s their name (and why), when they were ‘born’ and where is it from!
rush (does she rush into things)- yes 👹 you want kids? ok, bear plushie or frog plushie? house? 🤨 which legos? jiwoo does rush into things, but she rarely takes them seriously
secrets (how open is she with you)- you don’t have secrets, you have TEA. all the juicy things about jiwoo’s members 😼
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- two weeks maybe? she met you, was starstrucked, wanted to go on a date with you. it would actually take no time only if she didn’t spend the two weeks on planning out the actual first date
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- pouts with you and gives your cheek a loving smooch. that’s if she wasn’t the cause of your sadness but spoiler alert, she never is 🫶
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- she isn’t afraid of what people’s say, but rather how it would affect your relationship. of course you both would push through anything, but still, things could be tough
warrior (how often do you fight)- y’all are kids, the worst fight you had was when you and jiwoo argued who would be the father and the mother of the new plushie. no other fights
x-ray (is she able to read you)- she’s great at that 🤭 emotion wise, craving wise. jiwoo is smart 🫡 and does her very best for you 🫶🫶
yes (how would she propose to you)- she is FIVE no marriage for any of you 🤨 go watch gabby’s dollhouse or smth
zen (what makes her feel calm)- jiwoo’s stressed? hand my girl your hand pls :( she’ll be happy with that! the little touch really makes her calm
part of [the fluff series]
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little-mouse-gardens · 3 months
Rottmnt oc headcannons
Part four : Angie
Alright, I officially finished Angie’s head-cannons. Akdjdak sorry it took me so long, I’ve been really busy for the past few months and got kind of distracted. Plus I was trying to add a few more headcannons for her and I couldn’t settle on how many I wanted to add.
Anyways here they are ^W^ also gonna be linking each of my four rise oc’s headcannons in my introduction post as well
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- she learned to cook mostly on her own. Kind of observing from afar by watching her mother and sisters work when she was younger at first and then doing it herself as she got older. Slowly learning more and more along the way.
- let’s Mikey paint her nails to match her outfit, mood or just for the randomness of it after she taught him how to paint nails or let’s him paint a few random little shapes on her using her graphic liners for the exact same reasons. He may or may not love adding flowers across her cheeks and nose like freckles.
- her sisters and Mikey’s brothers swear the pair share a brain cell
- they like to give each other piggyback rides. Bought one of those oversized hoodies so they could both wear it at the same time for cuddles on the go
- Angie likes to collect squish-mallows or just plushies in general. Like A LOT of them. Has one of those little hammocks hanging above one side of her room where she keeps them. She will lend them out to Mikey, her sisters, April, the other turtles if they want one. Her favorite is a strawberry frog squish-mallow that she found at a thrift store and likes to hold it to calm down from being overstimulated.
- hates. Hates. Absolutely hates Being sick because she hates being stuck in bed and she’s hates the sensory issues that come with it. Mainly the fact she can barely smell or taste anything when she’s sick.
- always willing to try new foods, baked goods, drinks ect. Her and Mikey like to cook or bake together
- loves cozy games, her favorite would have to be animal crossing or Minecraft, she made an entire candy land themed carnival in Minecraft
- owns a lot of pastel clothing, also a lot of different aesthetics inhabit her closer but a common theme with a lot of her clothes is prints, embroidery or cute patterns.
- is currently learning knitting, and trying to teach raph and sunny how to knit
- a lot of dates she and Mikey go on once they start dating involve going to small bakeries or random places to paint. Picnic dates on the rooftops or at the park are a must with them
- if Mikey is hiding in his shell, Angie will literally just sit down beside him and watch random videos or listen to music together until he comes out. However if he wants to be carried around, she will do that as well
- adores stickers, buying them and making them, collecting them and giving them to her friends and family as a kind gesture. She and Mikey literally somehow give each other a new sticker like three to four times a week
- her favorite bag is a pink Shiba Inu boba bag, puts a punch of pins and charms in the spaces where pins and charms can be put
- Has an entire little office in her room just dedicated to her working on art. Organized drawers of markers, colored pencils, paints ect. A shelf of sketchbooks and canvases, a drawing tablet always charged and ready for hours of drawing
- is absolutely terrified of hippos. (loves the pigmy hippo) she has a phobia of hippos after one nearly bit her arm at a zoo when she tried to feed it watermelon when she was little
- A bad habit of hers is pushing down/setting aside her own feeling of sadness or anger to comfort and tend to others. So much so that sometimes, when she gets to a quiet spot where no one can bother her, after a rough situation she will just sit there and cry and this is something that honestly takes her awhile to officially work on,
- enjoys sitting up on the roof or any spot with a good view of the sunrise or sunset. Something about seeing all the colors fade in together brings her a sense of joy
- has a big fear of anything sharp or anything that could burn her eyes getting near her face after the whole incident with the kraang, where she was nearly splattered in the face by the slightly acidic blood. The only reason she was saved is because she managed to duck down just in the nick of time
- has three pet rats named princess peach, princess Daisy and princess Rosalina
- Her favorite pizza is just plain cheese pizza with some spices and peppers added on
- absolutely loves boba, her fav flavors are usually sweet like cotton candy, chocolate, vanilla, birthday cake ect.
- when the girls go to their grandparents farm, she immediately goes running to her favorite spot to go explore-which is an abandoned cabin she fashioned into a cottage
- Absolutely loves doing her hair, she has a notebook of all the styles she wants to give her curls. She’s got organized drawers for all her cute hair ties, scrunchies and hair clips. Her hair care routine is a something that actually brings her a lot of comfort when she’s stressed
- she loves shopping and visiting farmers markets and art fairs. She has to stop and look at every booth she can and when she’s at the farmers market? Except her to come home with at least one new plant or some homemade goods
- was diagnosed with autism and adhd when she was about fix or six
- After the kraang incident, she has a hard time with people moving their hands near the right side of her face without warning for a long while (a kraang blood almost got in her eyes and damn near blinded her) the only person she trusts to do that is honestly Mikey, because he quite literally was the one to shield her from getting directly hit head on when she lost the shield she’d been holding
- She and mikey confessed to eachother when he invited her over to the lair for a movie marathon and they had their first kiss on their first date, which was a rooftop picnic
- She doesn’t have too many nightmares after the kraang incident….just a specific two nightmares that come every once in awhile that are very very vivid that honestly freak her out. After she has them she usually either stays up for a little while and hangs out with her sisters in the living room for comfort or she goes out on a walk. If Mikey’s awake she’ll just pop over to the lair and talk with him for a while. Especially if they’ve both been having a rough night dealing with nightmares.
- she painted a mural in each of her sisters rooms. A sunny field for her sister sunny, the beach for her sister Skye and a fairy garden for her sister Marcy
- absolutely hates getting sick, like she tries to avoid getting sick when she can. However she doesn’t mind helping others out when they are sick…she just seems a little more cautious than usual
- Has a irrational fear of fire ants due to an incident she had when she was a child
- When the turtles had to defeat the shredder, Angie got a small scar from the incident on her left side when she pushed mikey out of the way of getting hit, which she covers up with some tattoos later on
- Has always wanted to cosplay princess peach. She’s got a whole vision board and everything
- Current champion of Mario party among her sisters (shes just oddly good at Mario party for some reason)
- She likes to bring her friends and family little gifts that remind her of them. Like for example she made April a set of flower charms for her bag or she brought Mikey a new apron after his old one got ruined while he was cooking
- She does talk in her sleep and girl says the most out of context random sentences when that happens
- her biggest goal is to one day open and run her own bakery
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do you think the ninja would have any plushies/stuffed animals
Oh, for sure. They all have different plushies for different reasons, but they do all own plushies.
Jay: Jay canonically has a stuffed animal named Mister Cuddlywomp, and that thing is just so beaten and loved. It has patches on its patches, and it looks more like a monster than a Teddy Bear. Jay loves it so much, though, and the others can’t bear to make him get rid of it. It’s probably the only plushie Jay had for a long time, due to him growing up in a junkyard and then the ninja not really having a lot of extra spending money. However, you can bet that when he was able to, he bought another Teddy Bear to keep alongside Mr. Cuddlywomp. He also has a dragon one that has reversible sparkles that was a gift from the other Ninja.
Zane: Zane feels like a guy who likes toys that have fun sensory things, like weight, crinkle paper, and reversible sparkles. They are often used as something akin to a stress toy. Zane finds that they are very soothing to hold and fidget with. He has a kangaroo one, a teddy bear, and a dragon one.
Cole: He definitely got a bunch of stuffed animals for free from various concerts he went to as a kid, but he wasn’t a big fan of them cause they were pretty small and Cole is a fan of bigger stuffed animals. As a joke, someone gave him a giant teddy bear and he loves it. Aside from that, he has a dragon that looks like Rocky and a stuffed panda.
Kai: He never had any chance to get stuffed animals, due to him focusing on raising Nya. After all, he had to be an adult and make sure there was food on the table. He didn’t really get into the stuffed animal thing until Lloyd got him a dragon plushie after the Overlord was defeated for the first time. He promised Lloyd that he would sleep with it, because he might think that it was dumb but it was Lloyd and Lloyd never liked asking for things. So Kai slept with it, and he realized that it was actually very comforting to have. It was like having his siblings with him. Kai still sleeps with it to this day.
Nya: Nya had a few, small stuffed animals when she was little, because while Kai was willing to give up things like that, he would be damned if he didn’t allow his little sister to have them. Nya had a robot plushie and a small bunny as a kid that she still keeps to this day. She also got a blue sea dragon plushie from Jay.
Lloyd: Poor guy never had any plushies as a kid, because of being raised to be evil. He tried to get a few as a kid, but they were almost always stolen/destroyed. So when he could get stuffed animals, he was incredibly excited. He has a stuffed dinosaur, a frog, a dragon, a lizard, a bear, and a snake. He has them all lined up in a nice little pile on his bed.
(Also, I want to see if anyone gets the connection between them all. It should be fairly obvious.)
Anyway, that is my headcanons on the ninja and their stuffed animals! I hope this is satisfactory!
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Parts and Service
Summary: How did Evan get locked in the Parts and Service room, anyway?
“Can we play Frogs next, Mikey?” 
“Frogs?” Michael bounced a heavy purple Skee-Ball in his hands without looking away from his target. “You already played that one today, didn’t you?” 
Moving his arm back, Michael flicked the Skee-Ball along the track. It raced along the upward curve at the end before soaring into the air. 
Evan cheered as the ball came back down inside one of the rings. “Yes! Good one!” 
Michael only stepped back with a scoff as Evan grabbed the last Skee-ball. 
He had only scored thirty points. Not good enough, especially since Evan would be lucky to get more than a ten. No way were they going to get a decent score.
The ball rolled noisily along the track, and Evan leaned forward in anticipation as it took to the air. 
Just as Michael had thought, the ball landed inside the 'ten points' circle before rolling into the hole in the middle and disappearing inside the machine. 
Michael rolled his eyes.
Jumping up and down, a brilliant, excited giggle passed the seven-year-old's smiling lips as he scooped his Fredbear plushie from the ground and crushed it against his chest. "We won! We won, we won!" 
"It's Skee-Ball," the elder Afton corrected. "You only win if you get a really high score. We didn't." 
Evan shook his head and pointed at the tickets coming out of the machine with a toothy smile. "We won!" 
"Yeah, yeah," Michael mumbled as he realized just how pointless arguing with the younger would be."Whatever. We won." 
Mike ripped the tickets out of the machine and Evan grabbed the paper cup of golden arcade tokens. 
"So, can we?" 
"Can we what?" 
The words tumbled from the thirteen-year-old's tongue in a sigh dripping with so much annoyance, Michael almost felt bad for the way Evan winced. 
It wasn't Michael’s fault that he was in such a bad mood today. He deserved to feel angry and shitty– he was supposed to be a fifteen minute walk away with the rest of his friends trying out Finn's new Atari. 
But no. Because right as he was getting ready to walk out the door and head to Finn's, Father had said he and Mr. Henry had things they needed to do at work, and Michael had to come with and watch over Evan. 
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if this wasn't the fourth time this kind of thing had happened in the last two weeks. He had tried protesting that he was going to his friend's, and that Father had known Michael was looking forward to it for days. His arm still ached from the way Father had grabbed him.
He hadn't even been given the chance to call the guys and let them know that he couldn't come or explain why. Even worse, his friends were getting more and more angry with him for ditching them all the time. They kept giving him the cold shoulder, and had said if he flaked on them again, maybe they would stop inviting him all together. Michael wished they were joking, but he had the sinking feeling that they weren't. It had been getting harder and harder to stay on his friends' good sides.
Michael never seemed able to do anything anymore. It was like the only thing he existed for was to babysit his little brother, and it didn’t help that in public and at home– anywhere they went– Evan followed him around like a lost puppy. He wanted nothing more than to be near Michael 24/7, and the moron was painfully oblivious to how little Michael could stand having to be around him all the time. Why was that so hard for him to understand? It just– it wasn't fair. 
"Can we play Frogs?" Evan looked up at his big brother, his lower lip extended into a pout. "Pweeeeeeease?"
"You've already played that one, like, twice," Mike pointed out. "Besides, wouldn't you rather play a two-player one? Like Mario Bros. or Joust?" 
"But… I like Frogs. The froggy is so cute!" 
"No, it's not." Michael scowled down at Evan. "It's just a stupid see-through white frog; the most interesting thing about that game is the background. There's a ton of games with way better graphics– and with actual stories to the games." 
A frown tugged at Evan’s lips and his head dipped downward. "Well… can we play Frogs after those?" 
Michael’s eyes slid closed. 'Oh. My god.' 
"Sure, Evan. We can play Frogs after."
The frown instantly dissipated and Evan’s head snapped back up with wide, excited eyes. "Really?" 
"We're playing Mario Bros. first, though." 
"Thank you!" 
Michael winced as Evan lurched forward, wrapping his arms around the thirteen-year-old and burying his face in Mike's stomach. 
"Okay– okay–" Michael stammered when Evan didn't let go after a few seconds. "I get it! That's enough– we're done hugging now." 
Evan peeled away from him with that big, toothy smile of his still perched securely on his face. 
Despite himself, Michael found himself flashing Evan the smallest smile in return. 
"C'mon, c'mon!" Tucking Fredbear under his elbow, Evan took hold of Michael’s shirt hem and tugged Michael in the arcade cabinet's direction almost faster than his little feet could carry him. 
The two swerved their way around other screaming and laughing kids and tired parents on their way to the next arcade machine. Michael moved to add the tickets from Skee-Ball to the collection in his pocket, and abruptly realized that they had so many tickets now, they barely fit in his last available jeans pocket. 
The last time he had counted, the two of them had won almost four hundred tickets. Maybe these last few games would give them enough tickets to get something actually cool instead of a cheap, lame excuse for a prize. 
Actually… Now that he thought about it, the last time Mike and his friends had come in here, Finn had wanted a Bonnie figurine from the prize counter but hadn't had the four hundred tickets it cost.
Mike had promised that he would get Evan something from the prize counter with all these tickets, but… Finn couldn't stay mad at him for flaking if Mike brought him that Bonnie figurine, could he?
Yeah, he had promised Evan, but only because he had to. He would just want baby stuff from the prize counter; why should Mike waste all these tickets on Smarties and cheap plastic rings and slinkies?
It was Evan’s fault that he had to bail on his friends anyway. It was Evan’s fault that they kept getting mad at him.
….Why should Michael have to sacrifice anything else for him?
Michael didn't say much as the two raced across the pizzeria, too absorbed by the plan steadily forming in his mind.
After grabbing one of the kids’ stools and helping Evan stand up on it– Ev was still a little too short to comfortably play any of the arcade games– Michael stood back and watched Evan use their last token on Frogs with a bored expression.
Evan didn’t notice, though. His tongue poked out of his mouth as he concentrated on moving the joystick and pressing the buttons to help the little white frog on the screen before him stay on the lily pads and catch the bugs buzzing above its head. 
He liked Frogs. It was easier to understand than the other games Mike wanted to play, and some of Mike’s games had creepy monsters and eerie music and sounds that made Evan want to cover his ears until they went away. 
This one was nice, though! There was a cute froggie, and a really pretty swamp! It didn’t have so many buttons that Evan didn’t know how to play, and the sounds of water splashing, buzzing insects, and the bouncy tone of the frog hopping around were fun to hear rather than creepy. 
Not that Evan minded Mike’s arcade games too much. They were better than having to sit through the shows with the big metal animals. And, it just made Evan happy that his big brother wanted to watch him play, even if Mikey didn’t like his games as much. Sometimes, though, Mikey would even make jokes, and would point out what bugs would get Evan the most points! 
The screen froze as the game ended, and Evan smiled up at his big brother. 
Mikey was already hovering over the machine, waiting for the tickets to start flowing out. He didn't see Evan, so the child grabbed his Fredbear plushie from the control panel and jumped down from the stool. 
“Now what?” Ev asked. “Should we put the tickets in the box and get that paper stuff?”
“No.” Mike grabbed the tickets once the game stopped spitting more out, and promptly shoved them in his pocket. “We’re not going to the ticket counter machine just yet.”
“Oh. What are we doing?”
“I’ve got something else I need to do first.” 
“Oh!” Evan rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet as he looked curiously up at Mike. “Can I help?”
“I’m glad you asked, Ev!” Micheal smiled and held out his hand. “Come with me.” 
“Okay!” Grabbing onto Mike’s hand, Evan followed Mike to a door marked ‘Staff Only.’ The only times Evan had ever gone through it was when Mikey was taking him to find Father. 
“Are we seeing Father?”
Michael tried tugging Evan through the door, but Ev hesitated. “I-I don’t think we’re meant to go in unless we’re looking for Father…” 
“It’s fine. I know what I’m doing, okay?”
“I know,” Evan murmured. “It’s just…” He took a nervous step back. “We’ll get in trouble.” 
“No,” Michael said, and the smile slipped from his face. Evan gulped as Michael’s eyes suddenly narrowed at him. “We won’t. Just come on.” 
Evan gasped as Fredbear was suddenly ripped from his hands. He lurched forward, but Michael held Fredbear over his head and out of Evan’s reach. 
“Come on, Evan,” Michael hissed. “I let you choose almost all of the games we played, I let you hold the tokens even though you know I like to do that, and I promised to get you a prize with the tickets, didn’t I? I’ve been a good brother to you all day even when you annoyed me. Can’t you do one thing for me?” 
Evan wilted away from Michael’s withering gaze. “I… I didn’t mean to bother you,” Evan whimpered. He had thought they were having fun together. 
Michael just scoffed at him and grabbed Evan’s wrist with his free hand. “You don’t get the bear back until you finish helping me with my thing. It’s only fair after everything I did for you.” 
Evan’s eyes burned as he let Michael lead him through the door. Michael went down a hallway– the opposite direction from Father’s office– and with a few twists and turns, they were at a section of the pizzeria that Evan had never been in before. 
They came to a stop beside a door, and Evan squinted up at the label, trying to understand it. ‘Parts and Service.’
What did that mean?
“Mikey? Where are we?” 
Michael smiled down at him as his fingers closed around the door handle. Saying nothing, the door swung out as Mike pulled it open.
Evan’s gaze drifted to the doorway. Squinting into the dark room, Evan’s eyes followed the column of light from the open door. And he realized to his horror that sitting on a table inside was one of the metal monsters that lived inside the animals that scared him so much. 
Evan stumbled backward with a horrified cry. “Sh-shut the door!” 
“No can do, Ev.” 
“Mikey!” Evan whimpered. 
“Oh, come on! You said you wanted to help me, right?”
The seven-year-old’s gaze flicked nervously between Mike and the monster inside the room. “Y-Yes…” 
“If you want to help, there’s just one little thing you can do for me.” 
Michael moved Fredbear’s paw so it was pointing through the open threshold. “Go turn on the light.” 
Evan gasped. “No!” 
“No?” Mike held Fredbear in front of him and started nodding the head up and down as though the bear was talking. “You want to be a good brother, don’t you, Evan?” 
Evan’s throat suddenly felt tight, and it hurt worse than the time he had tried taking off the button-up Father had put him in by lifting it over his head rather than unbuttoning it and had gotten it stuck around his neck until Father heard him screaming.
He really, really didn’t want to go inside that room. He wanted Mikey to lead them both back into the arcades so they could keep having fun together… but Mikey hadn’t been having fun, had he?
Evan did want to be a good brother, even more than he wanted his Fredbear plushie back. 
“A-All I have to do is turn on the light?” 
Mike nodded. “There’s a lightbulb and a chain hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room, just like in the basement at home. All you have to do is give it a tug.” 
Hesitating, Evan stared at the monster on the table, terrified that it would move. 
It– it was just a lump of metal. That was all. 
He just had to run in, flick on the light, and run back out. It would be easy, and then he’d have Fredbear back and Michael wouldn't be mad at him anymore. 
So… why did his feet stay glued to the ground every time he tried to move? 
The seven-year-old winced at the venom in his big brother’s voice, and finally– finally– his feet stumbled forward. Once he passed the doorway, the light weakened with each step, and the shadows curled in the air as though reaching for him. Shaking fingers tightened on his shorts, and Evan’s gaze flew around the room as he desperately searched for the chain Mikey had described. 
All the light got sucked out of the room with a bang loud enough that Evan flinched as he was left in an abyss of angry shadows. His hands protectively flew up to his chest, shocked, before his brain caught up with what happened and he whirled around to find the door closed behind him. 
The broken whimper shattered in the air as Evan ran back to the door. The handle jangled loudly under his hand but refused to turn. Locked. 
"Mikey!" Evan cried. "M-Mikey, open the door! Please!" 
"Aw, but you wanted it shut earlier…" 
"It's not funny!" Evan tried turning the doorknob and jamming his shoulder into the wooden door. "O-open it!" 
Tears streamed down Evan’s face. His knees slammed into the ground as his legs suddenly went weak, but Evan barely felt it as he pounded against the door. "No, no, don't!" Evan sobbed. "I don't g-get it! I was good! Pl-please, Mikey, I– I w-was good! W-wasn't I?" 
"Oh, be quiet!" Michael snapped. "Just consider yourself lucky that I didn't decide to lock you inside one of the suits. The tech guys don't work on Sundays, so no one's gonna find you here, and I can't have you running around alone. You'll only be in there for an hour or two until I'm done hanging out with the guys." 
Evan sobbed harder, his voice a terrified high-pitched shriek as he banged on the door. 
"I d-don't want to be here alone! M-Mikey! Mikey, please! Mikey! Mikey!" 
A strangled sob ripped through Evan’s chest, and his fists slid despairingly down the unmoving wooden door. 
"Mikey, please! I l-love you– I wanted t-to be good– I wanted to be good…" Evan cried into the door as snot dribbled down his lips, but the only answer he got was the darkness pressing down on him all around.
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