_AmetistaWorld is a blog where I will try to do different things! From a narrative to a one-shot masterlist_
Last active 60 minutes ago
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*Very nervous gulp*
Hello again! I’m here because I loved your Shelly x reader story and I’m low key staving for more of it. Also I need more inspiration of Shelly for my story I’m writing T~T.
So it’s basically Twisted Shelly x Reader, where Reader is heartbroken about how their crush got hit with the “thats a wrap!”, while Teagen comforts them. So as Reader and the rest of the group are going down more floors, they Run into Twisted Shelly, And then it’s up to you if it would be fluff or angst.
…👉👈 uhhh…anyways, I hope you have a fantastic day, and thank you if you do the request! You’re one of my favorite writers! :D
Thanks for the request! I'm glad you like my writing! You are sweet! I hope you enjoy it!!!! <3
You, for as long as you can remember, have always been very close to Shelly, always spending time together, talking and even playing with her, while almost everyone seemed to ignore her for some reason, with the exception of Tisha and a few other toons.
But one thing was for sure, you and she always had feelings for each other, until you two became a couple a few years before Gardenview was finally closed.
After Gardenview was closed, your lives suddenly changed, with you now spending your days going on "runs" that consisted of taking one of the elevators that still worked and testing your luck trying to collect items or research the monsters that were once your friends while trying to survive another day in this hell.
It started as just another "normal" day like all the others you've had, where everyone ate breakfast prepared by Sprout and Cosmo and then went out with their groups on their respective runs.
Your group consisted of you, Shelly, Teagan, Flutter, Boxten and Glisten. Unfortunately, Tisha wasn't feeling very well and unfortunately ended up not being able to go with you.
You guys then began your adventure, getting into the elevator and soon starting to go down more and more old and uninviting floors of Gardenview.
"Hey… you are overthinking again. Everything will be okay." Shelly spoke softly beside you, giving your hand a little squeeze and giving you a small kiss on the cheek, which quickly caught your attention.
You only managed a small smile, squeezing her hand back and also giving her a small kiss on the cheek, which her gave you a smile before looking back forward.
You were sitting on the floor of the elevator, crying on the shoulder of a very worried Teagan, who was trying desperately to comfort you, but didn't seem to workin your suffering and tearful hopeless figure.
You never thought about what could go so wrong in one of these runs, but the worst scenario certainly ended up happening to open your foolish eyes.
Shelly was dead.
You were collecting some pops from the floor when suddenly you heard the sound of the elevator door opening, starting the countdown sound telling you to run, which you did, heading in the direction you remembered the elevator being.
You had managed, without much trouble, to reach the elevator to your relief, taking a small breath trying to calm your pounding heart. But your calm was soon broken, seeing how each of your other running companions had already arrived and no sign of your girlfriend.
"Where is Shelly?? None of you guys saw her coming to the elevator?!" You asked with a clear tone of panic, which Teagan placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"There's still some time left, dear. I'm sure she'll do it in time, now try to calm down a little." Teagan spoke in a soft tone, trying to comfort you, which you felt calm down at least a little.
"O-Okay. I'll try to stay calm. I'm sorry." You spoke in a low tone, giving an apologetic look to everyone.
"It's not your fault. We're all worried too." Glisten spoke trying to give you a comforting smile.
So, you waited…
20 seconds left…
17 seconds left…
13 seconds left…
10 seconds left…
You felt your vision get blurry and blurry, feeling tears starting to fill your eyes, but you held back the sob in your throat seeing a familiar figure approach the elevator… it was Shelly!!
"SHELLY!" You screamed in a desperate tone, seeing how her seemed to be limping, running away from a monstrous figure of Pebble that was following her.
9 seconds left…
8 seconds left…
You saw the distorted figure of Pebble get closer to Shelly, extending its mouth and giving a strong bite to her leg, making her stumble and fall to the ground with a cry of pain, but despite that she got up with all the strength she had left, seeming to be looking at you as she tried to run once more towards the elevator.
"Come on, Shelly, you can do it!" You exclaimed in a hopeful tone, feeling your stomach twist.
7 seconds left…
6 seconds left…
5 seconds left…
Everyone could only watch with fear in their eyes, seeing Shelly's figure approaching the elevator, but with a Pebble not far behind, not wanting to let her escape so easily.
4 seconds left…
3 seconds left…
2 seconds left…
1 second left…
Shelly was a few feet away from the elevator, but Pebble once again took a bite, this time on her other leg, throwing her to the ground to her horror and the horror of the others.
0 seconds left.
The elevator door closed, and everybody could hear a noise of something echoing on the other side.
Shelly was dead.
You continued to go down more and more floors, but everyone could tell that the mood was heavy due to the events with Shelly, with everyone trying to avoid the subject.
"I can't say that I was close to her, (Y/n). But I can say that she was a very sweet and determined girl." Teagan spoke in a soft tone, sitting next to you, while the others remained silent, not knowing how to help her comfort you.
"She was, yeah." You spoke softly with a hoarse tone, wiping away some tears that were running down your cheeks.
"I'm sure she would want you to continue for her. Don't forget that you have us too, we are by your side." Teagan spoke in a sweet and comforting tone, patting you on the head.
"Okay… thank you." You thanked her softly, giving a small smile, even though you still felt terrible.
And so you guys continued for a few more floors until, on one floor, you guys heard some growls and footsteps. Everyone looked at each other with concern.
"Is that Pebble, again?" Boxten asked quietly, with a worried tone, looking around for any kind of movement.
"No… the growls… sound different? I think it must be another one of them…" Glisten spoke slowly, seeming to pay attention to the sound.
"Okay, come on, my dears, we can't stay here forever." Teagan said, receiving a nod from everyone.
You saw Boxten, Glisten and Flutter go in different directions, which you would also do the same before feeling a hand on your shoulder, making you stop and look in that direction.
"Can I go with you, (Y/n)? I'm worried about you." Teagan spoke softly.
"Oh… S-sure, you can, I don't mind." You spoke with a tone of uncertainty, but received a smile from Teagan, who took your hand, holding it in hers.
And so you two went, you walked for a while, collecting some sweets along the way and making some machines that appeared in your path.
You and Teagan had entered a large hall when, suddenly, you both heard a loud growl, which you turned in the direction of the sound to widen your eyes, noticing a tall, skeletal and familiar figure…
"S-Shelly?" You and Teagan stuttered at the same time, catching the attention of the figure, who quickly turned her head in your direction, starting to run towards you two.
"(Y/n)! Run!" Teagan spoke in a desperate tone, starting to run and pulling you by the hand, which you started to run too, but with difficulty, looking over your shoulder, noticing Shelly's figure looking at you.
You guys stayed like that for a while, with Shelly not seeming to give up, until you felt something hold you, making you stop abruptly and let go of Teagan's hand.
Shelly had caught you.
You were now staring into her red eyes with black pupils that seemed to stare deep into your eyes.
"No! (Y/n)! Run away!" Teagan called your name in a desperate tone, watching as Shelly's distorted figure slowly lowered itself towards you. You were frozen in place, feeling small tears form in the corners of your eyes.
Was this how you were going to die?
But the next action of your girlfriend's distorted figure surprised you and Teagan.
Shelly had finally bent down enough to rest her forehead against yours, closing her eyes and seeming to have a calmer expression, almost as if she was relieved that you were okay.
"S-Shelly? Is that you, my love?" You called her name softly, watching as she opened only one eye to look at you, giving a small smile now full of sharp teeth and a small sound of what seemed to be a small happy purring sound.
"W-well… that's unexpected." Teagan spoke with a surprised tone, looking at Shelly's figure, who didn't even seem to care about her presence.
"A little, yes." You spoke, looking at Shelly, who was now looking at you with big eyes and gently shaking her skeletal tail.
"Uh…" You started to speak quickly, looking in Teagan's direction.
"Do you think she can fit inside the elevator?" You asked with a nervous smile.
"Girl—" Teagan looked at you with a blank expression.
A tall and now dinosaur-like figure and with a big smile full of pointy teeth of your girlfriend was now standing inside the elevator, with everyone staring blankly at her, unsure of how to react to the situation.
"Girl—" Glisten began to speak, giving you a questioning look—
#dandy's world x reader#dandys world x reader#dandys world shelly x reader#dw shelly x reader#shelly x reader#dandy's world shelly x reader
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Not a request, but considering Shelly knows how to sew, I’m picturing Sprout going up to her like “can you help me make a binder for my boyfriend???”
Oooh!! You remembered something I had totally forgotten Shelly could do! Thanks for reminding me! <3
He would definitely ask Shelly for help if he knew she could sew!
*Wise wizard voice* SOMEONE WHO CAN DRAW! DRAW! DRAW SPROUT AND SHELLY SEWING NOW! *Thunder in the distance*
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Could you please do sprout headcanons with a transmasc reader :3 ? (If not just ignore!!)
Thanks for the request! Trans rights!!! Hope u like it!!! <3
🍓Sprout silly heart cutie pie <3
🍓Sprout would definitely be supportive from the first moment you told him that you were trans and that you were actually a boy and not a girl, even if he was a little confused about the subject, and would kindly ask you to explain what it is exactly to be trans and how he can help you in your own experience. ( He's so cool!!! X3 )
🍓He would definitely be the type to correct people who call you by your dead name or feminine pronouns.
He would be a little lenient if the person/toon ended up calling you by your pronouns or dead name by accident, but if they called you, on purpose… let's just say they are dead to him until they apologize on their knees to you.
🍓If you haven't had a top surgery yet, and you don't have a binder, I can definitely see him learning to sew just so he can make binders especially for you to wear and feel more comfortable! (I see that many of the binders would have strawberry prints, because yes.)
🍓Speaking of binders— Since he's super protective, I can definitely see him always reminding you to take off your binder before going to sleep since sleeping with a binder would be a big no no!
🍓Sprout would definitely help you take the testosterone shots, but if you didn't feel comfortable with him helping you, he would just ask to watch you take it, telling you how much he cares about you and wants to be by your side for important things like this.
🍓If you had top scars and felt insecure about them, he would definitely shower your face, stomach, and scars with kisses until you told him you were a beautiful boy, making you giggle because his kisses kinda tickle you. And I mean it. (He's so silly, l love him.)
"Hahaha! S-Sprout stop that! T-That tickles!" You exclaimed, giggling, trying to pull his face away from your torso. "Not until you tell me you are a beautiful boy!" Sprout exclaimed, smiling and letting out a small giggle with your laughter.
🍓If you ever felt gender dysphoria, he would definitely do his best to comfort you, giving you hugs, kisses and saying how much you are a beautiful boy.
🍓He would definitely make lots of desserts with the trans flag especially for you! Yippie!
🍓Basically you have a very cute and supportive boyfriend! Yay <33
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#dw sprout x reader#sprout x reader#dandys world sprout x reader#dandy's world sprout x reader
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Can we get a Reader x twisted Shelly story (romance of course✨👅)?
Thanks for the request! Hope u like it! yay :3
You were on yet another tiring and exhausting run, sitting on the floor of the elevator as you tried to recover at least some of your energy while the next floor was yet to arrive.
You were pretty sure that you must have looked a mess at this point, as well as a little dirty with ichor. Not that you could do much about it anyway.
Your fellow runners didn't look much better either, to tell the truth… Vee, Goob, Scraps, Cosmo and Flutter all looked tired, as well as having some kind of injury, much to Cosmo's concern.
But you couldn't think much more about it, as the sound of the elevator could soon be heard, drawing everyone's attention, who quickly prepared to venture through yet another of the many, terrifying floors full of scary figures that were once their friends.
Everyone then quickly exited the elevator, but not before being surprised by a loud noise…
One blackout. How lucky you guys were.
Everyone looked at each other before silently walking in different directions to find items and machines to make things as quickly as possible.
You could hear a growl and small footsteps in the distance…
You turned the machine's valve slowly, trying to be as careful as possible not to miss any skill checks while, at the same time, trying to be careful of your dark and scary surroundings.
Until you accidentally missed a skillcheck, causing the machine to emit a loud and unpleasant sound, which made you hold your breath, quickly looking around for any twist that might have heard the noise, but apparently hearing nothing.
How wrong you were.
Suddenly… something grew loudly not far from you, taking quick steps towards you, which made you quickly get out of the still incomplete machine to start running for your life.
You didn't want to look back, you didn't need to, you knew there was something that wasn't one of your friendly friends following you.
But the inevitable ended up happening, not looking right where you were going, you ended up tripping, which made you fall to the ground hard, which made you whimper from the fall, but you had something worse to worry about at that moment.
You heard a small growl followed by a whimper behind you…
You felt your body tremble, turning your body and looking up to catch the gaze of the creature that was following you.
It was Shelly. Or rather, Twisted Shelly.
And she was getting closer to you.
You closed your eyes, putting your arm in front of you in a attempt to protect yourself, but feeling nothing, much to your confusion.
You slowly opened your eyes, looking forward to seeing her monstrous figure standing in front of you, seeming to crouch down to get a better look at your figure.
"S-Shelly?" You called her name softly with a nervous tone, noticing how her eyes watched you with some kind of recognition, hearing a small soft whimpering sound coming from her.
You blinked, continuing to look at her to see if she would try something, which she didn't, seeming to wait for you to get up, which you did, getting up from the ground slowly and with a little difficulty from the previous fall.
When you were finally standing, Shelly's figure seemed to wag her little skeletal tail in happiness, giving a small smile with sharp teeth still bent down to your height.
"Shelly… you look so different… b-but it really is you." You spoke slowly, slowly extending one of your hands towards her.
She looked at your hand for a moment, almost seeming to analyze it, but soon leaned her cheek on your hand, closing her eyes with an almost relaxed expression making a strange sound that you assumed was some kind of happy purr, which made you surprisingly smile a little at the unusual situation.
You stayed like that with her for a while longer until you heard the sound of the elevator opening and its counting, which she opened her red eyes with black pupils to look at you.
"I…" You spoke softly with a tone almost uncertain of what to do, until your train of thought was interrupted by her pushing her head against you, forcing you to start moving.
It didn't take you long to get the message, she was pushing you right in the direction of the elevator!
"Okay! Okay! I'm going, don't worry…" You spoke quickly, starting to walk towards the elevator, only to stop one last time and turn to the large figure who only returned to watching you with their red eyes.
"I'll go with the others now… I'll meet you another time, little shell!" You spoke with a soft tone of farewell, noticing how Shelly seemed to wag her tail once more as she gave you a smile, soon turning slowly and walking into the shadows of the blackout once more.
Well, that was certainly something. I think you have something new to share with your fellow runners after all…
#dandy's world x reader#dandys world x reader#dw shelly x reader#shelly x reader#dandys world shelly x reader#dandy's world shelly x reader#dw twisted!shelly x reader#dandys world twisted shelly x reader
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can you write headcannons of boxten x reader who are also shy... pls pls pls iloveboxtensm
Thanks for the request!!! Hope u like itt!! <3
🎵Boxten silly silly boy<3
🎵I see that Boxten and you became friends through Poppy, as you two were mutual friends with her, resulting in you and him starting to develop a friendship that would later become more.
🎵I also see that Poppy helped you confess to each other, as Boxten and you are both very shy, and it could be that neither of you would have the courage to make the first move for fear of ruining the friendship between you two. (Poppy the girl boss for the win!!)
🎵I see the first time you guys shared an actual kiss being something like Lady and the Tramp, where you guys were sharing spaghetti courtesy of Sprout and at one point you two were chewing on the same piece of spaghetti, leading you two to share a small kiss that left you both red as two tomatoes, so embarrassed that after that you each just went to your respective rooms to scream in embarrassment into your pillows. (Lol-)
🎵I think whenever Boxten was next to you, he would shyly hold your hand, which you would shyly hold back. (Btw you guys are blushing, and you two are just holding hands!!!)
🎵He and you would exchange several little kisses on the cheeks and forehead! In addition to exchanging several small pecks and kisses that the two of you would share, small embarrassed giggles soon after with embarrassed cheeks.
🎵Boxten would love to play some lullabies for you if you're having trouble falling asleep while he gently strokes your head.
🎵You guys would shyly dance together to slow love songs and tunes that Boxten personally composed especially for you. (Even though he doesn't consider himself a singer or artist, he definitely has some talent for music).
🎵Shy cutie couple, you two are so cute together! <33
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#dw boxten x reader#boxten x reader#dandy's world boxten x reader
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Poppy x Reader headcanons pls :3
Thansk for the request! Hope u like itt!! <3
᧔•᧓ Poppy our Bubble Pop Bubbly Girl!! <33
᧔•᧓ Poppy seems like the type who would love to help her partner to feel cute, by helping you brush your hair/fur if you have any, helping you pick out an outfit you feel comfortable and cute in, and having a movie night with you while you two cuddle. ♡
᧔•᧓ As her partner, you'll have an endless supply of "Poppy Soda" at your disposal at all times! Yay!! SO MUCH SUGAR!!
᧔•᧓ I think Poppy would adorable if you stole any of her clothes to wear. She would definitely tell you how adorable you look wearing her stuff, even letting you keep an full look of her clothing if you wanted!
᧔•᧓ I see her as the type to give you little kisses on the cheek as a greeting and goodbye!
᧔•᧓ Poppy really enjoys spending time with you and Boxten, where you guys would play together puzzles and other board games. (She's definitely the type who has a career that pays a lot of money in the The Game of Life, btw.)
᧔•᧓ She would love to try to learn how to cook with you! Imagine you and her taking cooking lessons with Sprout and Cosmo? So cool!!
᧔•᧓ She also seems to be the type who loves having picnics whenever possible with you, Boxten, and the others, where you would all chat and eat Sprout and Cosmo's food together while you guys and the others all have a quiet afternoon.
᧔•᧓ Basically a very bubbly relationship!! <3
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#dw poppy x reader#poppy x reader#dandys world poppy x reader#dandy's world poppy x reader
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I don't wanna make you uncomfortable but I wanted to ask if you can do a sprout x very shy reader s reader that easily gets flustered.
Thanks for your request! Sorry if it's not much- My creativity wasn't up so good for this one- Hope you like it! <:3
Ever since Sprout got to know you, he could tell how extremely shy you were, whether with humans or even with other toons.
He had to admit it was kind of adorable, how your cheeks would blush with embarrassment, how you would stutter softly but always seem to have a small smile on your face, or sometimes how you would nervously play with your fingers trying to calm yourself down.
To him, you were simply a very cute being, and this led him to have a crush on you.
This crush was mutual, but if it were because of your shyness, it would never have gone anywhere, fortunately that was not what happened!
And we can say that, the day he confessed to you, asking you to be their partner, we can say that…
You fainted.
You literally fainted.
Sprout ran towards you with concern, thinking that something serious might have happened, bringing your head to his lap.
After a few minutes of panic, he noticed that you were slowly waking up, noticing how your face seemed to be completely red and how you seemed to avoid looking at him in the eyes.
"You fainted out of nowhere and I got really worried! Are you okay??!" Sprout spoke quickly with a worried tone.
"I'm f-fine… don't worry…" You spoke slowly, trying to find the words. Strawberry gave a small sigh of relief.
"That's good…" Sprout spoke softly, seeming to give a small smile, trying to hide his sadness for having practically just been "rejected".
"And S-Sprout? I too… I like you too!" You exclaimed with an embarrassed and nervous tone, quickly hiding your face in your hands, making the Strawberry blink in surprise.
"R-Really?" Sprout asked with a hopeful tone, taking your hands gently and removing them from in front of your face to look into your eyes.
"Y-Yeah…" You spoke softly, avoiding looking at him.
"Can I… can I kiss you?" Sprout asked softly, lowering his eyes to your lips and noticing how you held your breath.
"Y-You… you can." You stammered softly, feeling him gently caress your cheek.
Sprout then slowly brought his face closer to yours, soon starting a small, sweet and passionate kiss.
After a few minutes, he broke away from the kiss, breathing heavily, feeling that his own face was now flushed.
"That was the best first kiss ever, (Y/n)." Sprout whispered in an adoring tone.
"That means you are my partner now, right?" Sprout spoke with a happy tone and a big smile, but received no response...
"(Y/n)?" Sprout asked again, looking at you to realize that you had fainted again.
"Not again…" Sprout spoke, feeling a drop of sweat on his forehead, but giving a small laugh at the situation.
With time, you will get used to the affection, for sure… <3
#dandy's world x reader#dandys world x reader#dw sprout x reader#dandys world sprout x reader#sprout x reader#dandy's world sprout x reader
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Pls do Astro x reader :3 I really like Astro so much and I thought you could do this, it’s okay if you don’t want to
Thanks for your request! Hope u like ittt!! <3
You were sleeping peacefully until you felt something hit your body and face hard, making you groan in pain before absorbing what had happened.
You had accidentally fallen out of your bed.
Grumbling softly, you gently rubbed your tired eyes and gave a big yawn before slowly getting up from the floor, putting on your slippers and walking very carefully to the door of your dark room.
Leaving your room, you close the door behind you, starting to walk to the kitchen, being careful not to make any noise.
Once in the kitchen, you didn't even bother turning on the lights, you opened the fridge, taking the carton of milk, carefully pouring the milk into a mug and then grabbing the pot of chocolate milk, taking some chocolate milk with a spoon and mixing it with the milk in the mug.
You hummed gently, putting the mug in the microwave and turning it on for 1 minute, then starting to put things away until…
You saw a face in the dark at the kitchen door, making you jump in fright and quickly run to the light switch, quickly turning it on to find Astro, giving you a sleepy look.
"Astro! You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you doing up so late at night? And standing at the kitchen door??!" You spoke quickly in a questioning tone, but speaking softly, not wanting to risk waking anyone up.
Astro, still wrapped in his blanket, looked at you with an apologetic look.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry… I just woke up and was thirsty, so I came here to get a glass of water." Astro explained in a soft tone, approaching you.
"And you? Why are you up so late, dear?" Astro asked in a worried tone, which made you give a small embarrassed laugh.
"I may or may not have fallen on my face, waking myself up in the process, so I decided to get some chocolate milk…" You spoke in a slow tone, avoiding Astro's gauze.
You heard a small muffled chuckle, turning your head towards the sound to find Astro looking at you with a small amused expression, trying not to laugh.
You just rolled your eyes, giving a small smile, crossing your arms.
"Sorry, sorry… I hope you are better now, my love." Astro apologized with a soft smile, which you just gave a small nod with a smile, giving a small yawn.
A small soft Ding! Sound could be heard.
Which meant that your chocolate milk was warm and ready!
You picked up your chocolate milk, taking a small sip and enjoying the taste. Chocolate milk is so good!
"You should get your water, dear." You simply said, taking another sip of your drink and seeing Astro stare at you, seeming to process what you had said.
"O-Oh yeah! I almost forgot…" Astro stuttered softly with a slight blush on his cheeks. He used his little stars to grab a glass from the sink's dryer and turned on the faucet, pouring water into the glass, turning off the faucet and bringing the now full glass of water closer to him, taking a small sip.
"Say, why don't we go watch some TV in the living room?" You asked, giving him a smile and extending your free hand to him.
Astro smiled back, slowly taking one of his hands from under his blanket and placing it in yours, holding it gently.
"Fine… but after this, we have to go to sleep. Staying up late isn't healthy. You know..." Astro said softly, following behind you to the living room.
"Oh! Whatever you say Little Moon!" You said with a playful tone and a loving smile.
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#dw x reader#dw astro x reader#dandy's world astro x reader#astro x reader
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- Boxten x Reader One Shot? (in the romantic sense-)
I LOVE BOXTEN AAAAAAA but I can't find almost anything about him, I love that lil box so muchh 😭🌸🌸
Thanks for the request! Sorry if it's not much- Hope u like it! <33
You were just having another peaceful day with your boyfriend, sitting under the tree in the lobby, carefree. That day, Gardenview wouldn't open for some reason, you didn't care much.
When you arrived at Gardenview, Boxten was one of the first toons you met, besides Poppy and the others, and you could tell he was a shy but kind toon.
Oh! Did you forget to talk more about your amazing boyfriend, Boxten? He was just one of the cutest, sweetest and kindest boyfriends anyone could have!
"(Y/n)? Are you listening to me?" Boxten called you softly with a worried tone and placed a hand on your shoulder, making you snap out of your thoughts and look at him.
"Oh! I'm sorry, Boxten! I kind of got distracted thinking about how lucky I am to have such an amazing boyfriend like you~" You exclaimed in an apologetic tone before switching to a soft flirtatious tone, causing Boxten to blush softly and give you a smile.
"Aww— You have such a high opinion of me, (Y/n)!" Boxten spoke in an embarrassed tone, fiddling with his fingers nervously and avoiding your gauze.
"Everyone else is so much better than me…" Boxten said in a low, sad tone, letting out a sad sigh.
You grimaced at his words before giving him a soft look, moving even closer to him and laying your head on his lap, looking up to meet his eyes that were now looking at you.
"Don't say that, Boxy! I think you're good enough just the way you are! You don't have to be better than anyone else, or be better for anyone else, you have to be good for yourself." You spoke with a confident tone, and gave him a sweet smile, making him give you a moved look and an embarrassed smile.
"T-That's very sweet of you. Thank you, dear—" Boxten began to speak, stuttering softly, but was soon interrupted by you, pulling the scarf from his neck, bringing him down, starting a tender kiss.
After a few minutes, you let go of the scarf, letting Boxten adjust himself in his place to reveal his face with a reddish tone and heated expression.
"Play a song for me, will you, my sweet Boxy boy?" You spoke with a smile, receiving only a slow nod from a still extremely blushing Boxten before you began to hear a soft melody of music in the air.
You gave a small giggle before closing your eyes and relaxing, feeling him begin to gently pet your head slowly now appearing to have a small smile in his face.
#dandy's world x reader#dandys world x reader#dandys world boxten x reader#dw boxten x reader#dandy's world boxten x reader#boxten x reader
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In honor of her rework that's coming I would like you to write scraps headcanons pls
Thank you for the request! Hope you like it! <33
🎨Scraps kitty kitty cat <3
🎨I imagine Scraps absolutely LOVES giving you handmade gifts like cards, origami, drawings, and other items made with paper, crayons, and glitter. (She just thinks making gifts is so much more meaningful!)
🎨I like to think of you and her playing silly and I mean very silly collage games together. (Something like: your faces pasted onto wedding magazine models or really muscular gym models. Lol—)
🎨She would absolutely love to wrap her tail around one of your arms, legs, or even your waist if she were by your side.
🎨You would have late night dates where you and Scraps would sneak into the kitchen and have a late dinner worthy of Michelin stars, and when I say dinner, I mean a bowl of milk and cereal, with some Poppy soda (favorite flavor) on the side. Just perfect!
🎨Since Scraps looks like a cat, I like to imagine that she has some of the same mannerisms as one, one of which is that she can purr! Imagine that you're cuddling together in your bed about to fall asleep, and she starts purring? That would be so cute!!
🎨I'm sure that Scraps and you would spend a lot of time with Goob, including him in various daily activities that you two did together, like drawing, playing together, having sleepovers, among others.
🎨I'm sure that you've been just looking at something or talking to someone when suddenly you feel something wrap around your waist, looking over your shoulder to see Scraps coming at full speed towards you with a big smile and open arms ready to give you a hug, giving you only a second to let out a scream.
🎨I can see that Scraps would be the type of toon who likes to wear matching couple shirts. (Very cute or funny in my opinion—)
🎨Paper hearts every day for you with this cutie pie :3
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#dw scraps x reader#scraps x reader#dandys world scraps x reader
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Howdy could you write bobette x reader headcanons please.
Thanks for the request!! I'm sorry if it's not much- I hope you like it! <3
🎄Bobette is such a silly cutie heart <3
🎄Since Bobette is chubby, I imagine she might be insecure about her body sometimes, but you would help her remember that there's nothing wrong with being chubby and how you love her no matter what.
🎄She would definitely love it if you fell asleep on her belly at some point, where she would gently pat your head as you slept peacefully (You remind her a little of Coal when she was younger. Adorable!).
🎄Bobette would love to eat Ginger's cookies with you while you both drink chocolate milk, covered with a blanket, and sit in front of a roaring fire while sharing a cozy silence.
🎄Since Coal is Bobette's pet, and you are Bobette's partner, consequently you and Coal would interact a lot, where you would help Bobette take care of Coal and be careful that your girlfriend doesn't give too many dog biscuits to the little (big) coal dog.
🎄Bobette would also spoil you, showering you with gifts, always having something new to give you, even if it wasn't a special date, or you say it wasn't necessary, but she would just look at you and say a simple:
"I just want to show you how much I love you! Just accept my gift, will you, my love?" Bobette would exclaim with a big sweet smile, making your heart melt.
And in the end, you would just accept the gift.
🎄A very cute relationship!! 10/10 so cute >:3
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#dw bobette x reader#bobette x reader#dandys world bobette x reader
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Hi! Can I request sprout headcannons with a reader that is quite clumsy :3?
Thanks for the request!! Hope u like it! <3
🍓Sprout our little strawberry cutie <3
🍓As we all know, Sprout is super protective. He literally has a ability for it, so I believe he would always be worried about you doing anything even slightly dangerous, especially since you are a clumsy person/toon and can easily get hurt.
🍓I'm sure there was a time when you were too excited to see him, so you started running towards him wanting a kiss, but you ended up tripping and falling on top of him, kissing him in the process, but.... making him fall on the ground with you by accident. (You apologized embarrassedly, but he didn't care, just asking you to be more careful.)
🍓Lots of kisses to get well soon on your injuries, and lots of get well soon desserts too!! Yummy 💕
🍓I'm sure you've tried to bake some cupcakes by yourself, hiding from Sprout, wanting to give them to him as a surprise, but somehow you managed to get the whole kitchen dirty with batter and flour, and almost set the oven on fire. (It's safe to say that after that, you were banned from entering the kitchen without Sprout's supervision.)
🍓I can definitely see Sprout always having a box or two of your favorite band-aids, since you always seem to use them, so why not have a little stash?
🍓The loving boyfriend who cooks you chicken soup when you are sick, vibes are strong with this guy, my friends!
🍓He would definitely love to have lazy days with you, because lazy days= No things that could possibly hurt you and more carefree time with you!
🍓A very cute relationship where your boyfriend cares and takes care of you!! He loves you so much :3
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reade#dw x reader#dw sprout x reader#sprout x reader#dandys world sprout x reader
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Rodger and the reader being tired friends getting research
Thank you for making a request! I hope you like it! <3
In your memory, you and Rodger could always be classified as good friends. With you always helping him with a case here and there or even just spending some time together, carefree, talking about something you liked.
Well, at least that's what you did before Gardenview closed for good. Rodger and you even tried to look for answers together, questioning Dandy and his suspicious actions regarding the whole situation and about the scary figures that imitated your friends, but to no avail.
Now all of you spent your days either in your room area, in the lobby or venturing through the floors that were now dangerous and full of those monsters.
You don't remember what time it was when Rodger knocked on your door, and on top of that in his pajamas and with a tired look, asking you to go on a research adventure together, which you just looked at him for a second, also still only in your pajamas before saying a simple:
"Why not? Let's go." You said before closing your door behind you and following him.
And here you two were now, going down another floor in the middle of the night. Have you lost count of how many floors you two had already passed, to be honest? You didn't want to think too much at the moment, to be honest.
Not even Dandy was in his usual place in his store, which, for the others, would be worrying, but you two didn't care at all, after all, you weren't planning on buying anything from him after all, so it was a win for everyone that he wasn't here.
You yawned, followed by Rodger, stretching and feeling small tears of sleep forming in the corners of your eyes, which you quickly wiped away. You were going to need a lot of (favorite drink) after this.
"Can you finally tell me why, you, in the middle of the night, wanted to come on a research quest?" You asked in a questioning tone, crossing your arms.
"I don't know. I guess I just needed to do something productive while I thought." Rodger answered in a calm tone, looking at you.
"And I needed to come along?" You asked slowly, giving him a fixed look.
"Well… no. If you refused, I would have come anyway, but I like your presence, so I thought I'd call you. I hope you're not mad about it." Rodger spoke in a calm but tired tone, giving you a soft look.
"Ugh… fine. You got me there! But I have a feeling you knew I would accept. Sometimes it really is a challenge to be your friend your crazy-cray." You spoke in a tired tone, giving him an amused smile, making him let out a small tired laugh.
"Maybe." Rodger spoke softly, giving you a smile.
The two of you had split up once more to complete the machines, with you going right while Rodger went left.
You were calmly turning the valve on your machine when suddenly you heard growls and quick footsteps behind you, turning to see a Rodger quickly running past you from a Twisted Astro who just ignored you, continuing to run after Rodger.
"Rodger, what the hell, is Astro already after you?? We've barely started this floor!" You exclaimed, giving a small groan, searching for something in your pocket to help him.
"I just turned into a hallway, and he appeared in front of me like a blood hungry monster! It's not my fault!" Rodger spoke quickly, running in circles around some bookshelves.
"Okay, I got it!" You exclaimed, running in front of him and throwing your smoke bomb in front of Twisted Astro, making the creature stop for a minute in confusion, giving you enough time to grab Rodger's hand and hide behind some boxes nearby.
After a few seconds, you heard the monster's figure let out a strange noise before hearing its footsteps moving away from your position. To which you and Rodger let out your respective sighs of relief.
"You owe me a batch of Sprout's cupcakes after this." You said, giving him an amused smile, which he rolled his eyes at, but gave a small smile.
You stood up, dusting off your pajamas and holding out your hand to him.
"Fine. I kind of deserve it." Rodger said, giving a soft, tired laugh before taking your hand and brushing off his own pajamas.
"Shall we go then?" You asked softly, giving him a small smile before once again extending your hand to him.
"Let's go." Rodger nodded softly before taking your hand in his, starting to walk slowly beside you, careful not to draw the attention of any more twisted.
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#rodger x reader#dw rodger x reader#dandys world rodger x reader
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Hello! I have a request For Dandy’s world if you wanna do it.
It was a simple idea of a Shelly x Gender neutral Reader! Reader loves the stars and outer space in general!
Also, Shelly and Reader definitely have a crush on one another, But are so oblivious to one another’s feelings that the other Toons physically cringe at them whenever they are together!
(I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense, or if I’m not being clear. I’m bad at this type of stuff…)
Thanks for the request! Hope you like it! Shelly go Rawrr!
Ever since you could remember, you had always been fascinated by the stars and space in general. You didn't know exactly what drew you to these things, but it was definitely fun to lie on the floor of Astro's big room and just watch everything with your best friend.
Oh yes! Another thing that you really couldn't explain why attracted you so much! Your best friend Shelly! She was just so fascinating in your eyes! Besides being very kind and sweet too!
Shelly, just like you, had a specific interest in something, that being dinosaurs!
She had everything related to dinosaurs in her small reach, like posters, statues and even a large museum focused on dinosaurs just for her! You honestly had to admit that you were a little jealous of her because of that.
When you had free time together, you always liked to talk about your interests, and for you the fun was always how Shelly could relate anything to dinosaurs, making you laugh a lot, and she would proudly make an expression and give you a big smile. She was simply the best friend anyone could have in your opinion.
🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣 🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖
You and Shelly were quietly sitting together on one of the benches in the lobby, enjoying the day, since that day Gardenview would be closed, for who knows what, probably some holiday that you didn't remember enough to remember.
The other toons seemed to like the idea of staying in the lobby too, as they were all spread around the place talking or playing some game together.
The two of you, once again ignoring your surroundings, were having another one of your conversations about your greatest interests. And I mean… could you blame them?
"I'm telling you, Shelly! The Orion constellation is one of the most beautiful constellations ever discovered! My favorite part about it is the Three Marys, they are just adorable stars!" You said in a happy tone, swinging your legs as Shelly listened attentively.
"Really fascinating! And did you know that birds, and in particular chickens, ostriches, rheas, cassowaries, emus and kiwis, are the closest living relatives of some of the most famous dinosaurs?" Shelly said in an equally happy tone.
"Wow! Seriously? I didn't know that! You're so smart, Shelly!" You exclaimed, smiling at her and nudging her side gently with your elbow, making her blush and giggle.
"I read a book that said that… I just have a great memory! And you're also very smart too, (Y/n)! Besides being the coolest, sweetest, and kindest friend anyone could ever have!" Shelly exclaimed in an embarrassed tone, holding one of her own cheeks, giving you a smile as you blushed softly at her words.
🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣 🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖
Brightney, Teagan and Tisha, who were not far away and could hear the conversation between the two of you, felt themselves cringe at the words being exchanged, starting to whisper between them.
"Are the two of them still in this 'best friends' thing?" Brightney whispered to the other two girls, who seemed to sigh.
"Unfortunately, yes, dear! I don't understand how the two of them haven't realized their feelings for each other yet. It's just so obvious!" Teagan spoke in a soft, almost worried tone, looking at the two of you out of the corner of her eye before continuing.
"The other day, at one of my tea parties, those two seemed to be "flirting" with each other non-stop! But in the end, I don't think even they knew they were flirting with each other!" Teagan whispered in a somewhat indignant tone, but soon gave a small sigh, shaking her head.
"Well, you have to say that those two are totally adorable together, don't you? Think of it as a flower blooming!" Tisha whispered, giving a small smile as she fixed her own dress.
"I guess… but I hope they realize their feelings for each other sooner… I'm starting to think about becoming a cupid or some kind of matchmaker if that doesn't happen soon." Brightney said with a small nervous smile.
"What you say, friend!" Tisha said with a small smile, soon giving a laugh followed by Teagan.
🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣 🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖
"Space is so big, too! Imagine if they ever discovered the existence of aliens? So cool!" You exclaimed, earning a nod from Shelly.
"That would be cool, I guess! Oooh! Imagine if they could revive a dinosaur? It would be so cool to see one up close!" Shelly said dreamily, making you laugh softly.
"Oooh! Imagine if we could have a star? A pet one— Like Pebble! Aww I wish I had a star so bad!" You said dreamily, then pouted a little, making Shelly give you a soft smile.
"But you have a star! Right here! Look!" Shelly exclaimed, giving you a big smile, which you gave her a confused look.
"Where? I don't see it!" You said in a confused tone, looking around a little, trying to find the star she was talking about.
"Here!" Shelly exclaimed, gently cupping your cheeks in her hands and giving you a quick kiss on the cheek, making you blush.
"I still don't get it…" You spoke in a confused tone, making the shell let out a small giggle, starting to get her own cheeks flushed now.
"You are the star, silly!" Shelly exclaimed, giggling and giving you a small "boop" in the middle of your face, making you gasp a little.
"Awww Shelly… YOU are the sweetest star anyone could ever have!" You spoke in an adoring tone, wrapping your arms around Shelly's form, bringing her closer to you in a hug that she returned as you gently rubbed your cheek against hers.
🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨���� 🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖ℝ𝕒𝕨𝕣🦖
"I also hope they can accomplish it soon…" Tisha whispered to Brightney and Teagan feeling a drop of sweat running down the side of her face.
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Moonflower x reader poly romantic hc pretty please?? Winkwinkssmudgesmudge (also love your writings!)
Awww! Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it my write! <3
✿Moon and Flower my sillies <3
🌙I believe that since Dandy and Astro were one of the first toons to be created, they had more time together before they could get to know you properly, consequently developing a friendship and later a relationship that didn't include you yet.
✿I don't think either of them would really care if you were a toon main or a normal toon, to be honest!
🌙I think they would both start liking you at the same time, and would feel guilty about it— Like… I think they would have thoughts like:
"How come I'm liking them? I already have a partner! This is so wrong!" -Dandy or "Why do they seem to attract me so much?! Do I not like my partner enough??" -Astro poor souls…
✿Until finally they both can't take it anymore and sit down together to talk about their feelings and are surprised that they both like you. So, the new goal was obvious: to ask you out on a date with them!
But how they were going to do that, they had no idea! After all, they ended up together in a smooth, bringing up the subject of a relationship between them one night when they were having a sleepover together… but them directly asking you to have a date with them??
🌙I think each of the two respectively would try to give their own clues by suggesting things to you about them, like:
"Dandy and I are kind of bored of having our daily sleepover just us, maybe you'd want to join us to make it more fun?" Astro would ask in a soft tone and lowering his head so you wouldn't see his flushed cheeks. "Astro and I are having a picnic at the green house today, later just the two of us… and I thought you could join us?" Dandy would say with a soft but nervous smile, trying not to show how nervous he was and with clear flushed cheeks.
✿But unable to bear any more of this, Dandy would finally be the one to approach you, with clear blushing cheeks of embarrassment, but with a determined look, giving you one of his classic smiles and asking the little question of millions:
"Would you go on a romantic date with me and Astro, (Y/n)?"
🌙We could say that, after that, you guys finally went on a real romantic date and some time later you started a romantic relationship between the three of you.
✿I think Dandy and Astro would love to share dreams with you!
Like— Imagine you're going to sleep after a sleepover and Astro makes you have adventures together inside the three of your dreams! That would be so fun!
A favorite dream scenario of theirs would be where you would be a giant, and they would be little guys where you would hold them in your hand! Kind of like the "The celestial being and his mortal partners" scenario being you and them, and they love it!
🌙I think Astro's love language is: affectionate words, quality time, and physical touch.
✿I think Dandy's love language is: physical touch, gifts, and quality time.
🌙Moonflower x Reader Poly relationship gooo brrrrr Xd
#dandys world x reader#dandy's world x reader#dw x reader#dw dandy x reader#dw astro x reader#dandys world astro x reader#astro x reader#dandy x reader#moonflower x reader
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Hi goose!! I was wondering if you could do a sprout x reader? You could really do anything with the oneshot but I would like it to be like them baking together! I hope your having a good day! Can't wait to read more of your stories!
Yippie! Thanks for the request! Feel free to make more requests! Thanks for the support!
You don't remember exactly when you met Sprout, but you certainly remember how kind and warm he was to you, introducing you in the blink of an eye to the other toons and to his best friend Cosmo, who was equally receptive to the new presence.
Before you knew it, a few good months had already passed, with you developing a friendship with the other toons and a particularly close friendship with Sprout.
In your eyes, Sprout was simply so nice! He was simply very kind, always concerned about how you were feeling or whether you had eaten that day or not… He was just a very sweet toon.
But what really took you by surprise was when he confessed to you, asking you to become his partner, to which you jumped for joy with a huge smile and gave him a tight hug and said a sequence of "Yes, yes!" to which he, with blushing cheeks, gave a little laugh at your reaction, returning the hug affectionately.
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·🍓·໒꒱ ────── · ·
Currently, you and Sprout were alone together in the kitchen, with Cosmo being too busy helping Teagan with yet another of her many tea parties to help you guys.
Sprout was giving you yet another of his classic dessert baking lessons. There were bags of flour, eggs, milk, butter, and many other ingredients spread out across the large kitchen counter in front of you, waiting to be used.
Meanwhile, Sprout and you chatted as he helped you properly put on your own apron so you two could get to work.
"What are we going to try making this time? Cookies? Cupcakes?" You asked in an excited tone, bouncing on the spot, making Sprout let out a small giggle, finishing tying your apron and appearing in front of you with a soft smile.
"Well, I wanted to do something different, and I was thinking about us baking a big cake together, since I haven't made one of those in a while. What do you think?" Sprout asked in his usual happy tone, to which you just gave a big excited smile, nodding your head.
"Baking a cake will definitely be fun! Especially since I'm doing it with a professional~" You said in an excited tone, soon changing to a flirtatious tone, giving him a teasing smile, making him roll his eyes, but giving you an amused smile.
"I wouldn't say I'm a professional— But yes, it will definitely be a lot of fun to be able to bake something with you again." Sprout spoke softly, giving you a smile and a loving and caring look, taking both of your hands in his and bringing them close to his mouth, where he placed a soft kiss, making you blush.
"Okay, okay… don't overdo it either." You spoke quickly with an embarrassed tone, feeling your cheeks heat up as you quickly removed your own hands from his, giving him a small push on the cheek, making him let out a small laugh before rolling his eyes, giving you another smile.
"Okay, let's start measuring the ingredients so we can make the batter!" Sprout spoke in an excited tone, approaching the counter and picking up the recipe book he had previously left there, opening the book to a section of cake recipes and starting to read.
"Can you get the measuring cup from the cabinet on the right, please?" Sprout asked softly, turning his gaze to you, which you quickly did, a soldier's greeting with a determined smile.
"I certainly can, Captain Sprout! I won't let you down!" You exclaimed with a fake serious tone, making the strawberry give you an amused look, shaking his head.
"Then I'm certainly counting on you for this difficult mission, Soldier (Y/n)!" Sprout exclaimed with a serious tone back at you, which you let out a small goofy laugh before going to the cupboard to get the cup.
"You can be so random sometimes…" Sprout said with a snort, giving an amused smile, grabbing two bowls and placing them in the center of the counter while you came back with the cup, placing it on the counter.
"And you love me soooo much~ Love me! Love me!" You said with a playful mocking tone, smacking your eyebrows in a comical way, while holding your cheek, giving an innocent smile.
"You're hopeless…" Sprout said, snorting and letting out a laugh, making you smile.
"Okay, what now?" You ask softly, moving closer to him to read the book as well.
· · ────── ꒰ঌ·🍓·໒꒱ ────── · ·
After you two had placed the measured ingredients into your respective bowls, you two each began mixing your mixtures with your spoons. Sprout was mixing the chocolate cake batter while you were mixing the frosting.
"How long should I mix the frosting for?" You asked with a curious tone, stirring the frosting mixture slowly, not wanting to make a small mess.
"It depends… I'd say 10-20 minutes for a good consistency." Sprout answered with a thoughtful tone, trying to focus on continuing to mix the batter. You grunt softly at the answer.
"10-20 minutes??! But that's so much… my arm is already hurting from just those 3 minutes of mixing!" You grumbled, grimacing, making the strawberry laugh, giving you an amused look.
"No one ever said baking a cake would be easy! Do you want to take a break? I won't blame you or anything…" Sprout spoke with an amused tone, giving you a smile, making you give him a sideways glance.
"Excuse me?? I'm doing something simple like mixing frosting, thank you very much!" You said, giving a small groan and puffing out your cheeks as you tried to continue mixing the frosting, already feeling your arm a little limp.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart!" Sprout hummed with a relaxed expression, missing the offended look you gave him. Not because of the nickname, but rather the tone behind the words, which you had an idea, giving a goofy devilish grin.
You placed the bowl of frosting, still with a soft consistency, on the counter, silently while the strawberry wasn't looking, sticking your hand in the frosting and soon tiptoeing closer to a Sprout who had no idea of your intentions.
"Hey, Sprout?" You called softly with an amused smile on your face.
"Yeah, sweetheart?—" Sprout started to speak before being interrupted by a handful of soft frosting mixture connecting with his cheek and temple making him jump and dropping the bowl of cake batter on the floor which luckily only knocked some of the batter onto the floor before standing up and saving the rest.
Before he could react, you started running to the other side of the kitchen, letting out a giggle, making him finally absorb the situation.
"You're sweeter than ever now, sweetheart~" You hummed with an amused tone, chuckling, watching Sprout's expression contort into a new expression.
"(Y/n)! Get back here right now, you little gremlin!" Sprout exclaimed, not in anger, but now wanting a little revenge, grabbing some frosting in his own hand and starting to run after you to your horror, which you gave a small scream, starting to run.
"We can solve this Sprout—It was just a little joke! Forgive me!" You exclaimed with a tone of fake fear, trying not to laugh, looking at a strawberry staring at you from the other side of the counter.
"Never! Now come back here and taste this wonderful frosting you made!" Sprout exclaimed, giving you an amused smile and jumping over the counter, heading towards you.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Were your last words before being caught by gremlin strawberry.
#dandys world x reader#dw x reader#sprout x reader#dandys world sprout x reader#dandy's world x reader
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RnD headcannon please?! They are one of my favorite toons! 🤩
Thanks for your request!!! I hope you like! ;3
🎭Razzle and Dazzle the cute twins theater sillies <3
🎭I think that, of the two, the one who notices their romantic feelings for you first is Dazzle! Dazzle seems to be very observant, noticing how his brother seemed to be especially happy in your presence or even how he himself felt even more comfortable in your presence for some reason, so the conclusion that they were in love with you didn't take long to come to them, after all, they love watching all kinds of theater/cinema, and a very common genre is romance.
🎭 We could say that, while they are opposites in personality, they are very similar in tastes, an example of this is their mutual love for cinema, theater and you! (Yes, I'm cheesy- don't judge me!)
🎭I think Razzle is the type who doesn't mind showing affection to his partner in public, while Dazzle is the opposite, preferring, if possible, to show his affection for you in private, away from the public eye.
🎭Movie night dates almost every night in their room! You would sit across from them, leaning your back against their chest, while they would rest their heads respectively on each of your shoulders, while you guys would eat popcorn, drink soda and watch the movie together.
🎭As it was revealed in their conversation with Gigi, they don't fight with each other, so I think they wouldn't like to fight with you either, preferring to talk to solve whatever the problem at hand is.
🎭You would definitely be their muse, they would always find a way to write something in the script of their new play involving you, so don't be surprised if suddenly, you have a prestigious role just for you!
🎭I think they both would love caresses on the face. Like- You are in a comfortable silence with them, and you turn to them, which they turn to you, thinking you would say something, but no! You place your left hand on Razzle's cheek while your right hand holds Dazzle's cheek, then caress their cheeks respectively, making them melt into your touch with relaxed expressions.
🎭I think they would love to read a William Shakespeare book with you, or even play-acting with you.
🎭To me, the two of them give off a malewife vibe, not gonna lie-
🎭Basically a very healthy relationship for two siblings who share a partner :D
#dandy's world x reader#dw x reader#dandys world x reader#dandys world razzle and dazzle#razzle and dazzle x reader
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