#i would die for reggie
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oblivionsdream · 2 years ago
If this isn't how your brother reacts to the news that you're a vampire then are they really your brother?
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sunseekerlove · 9 months ago
james ‘die for you’ potter this regulus ‘kill for you’ black that. NO. james would kill for regulus and regulus would die for james. regulus went hunting horcruxes and he died in that cave because he wanted to help the order, he wanted to help james and sirius win the war. i would bet you ANYTHING regulus died for james and then james turned and became such a ruthless auror in the war. killing and taking out death eaters five at a time all in regulus’ name. because he would kill for regulus.
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stellar-collective · 3 months ago
art idea if you’re still doing requests: the original agent phoenix and the zoraxis-aligned Reginald working with one another to deal with a threat to both their organizations.
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multiverse shenanigans are always fun
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dandorime · 3 months ago
Reginald and Phoenix sit across from one another at an ornate table, each facing an open briefcase. The air is thick with tension. Phoenix is on the brink of a breakdown, his mind racing through the chain of decisions that brought him here, desperately searching for a way out.
He finds none.
Across from him, Reginald looks grim, but somehow a sense of serenity graces his features.
It is the look of a man prepared to accept his fate.
Phoenix: I... I can't do it.
Reginald: You must, agent. It's your move.
Phoenix: Then I forfeit!
Reginald: We both know that won't work. The rules clearly state-...
Phoenix bangs a fist on the table, his face at last cracking into a grimace that reveals the pain welling in his heart.
Phoenix: WHY? Why did it have to be this way?! Why does it have to be you?
The handler is silent. Pensive. Mulling over all the same little ironies as his agent, but far more experienced in the cruel turnabouts of a long life in the espionage field. To his agent, they are still a bitter pill. To the wizened handler, something closer akin to aged wine, but no less bitter.
Phoenix: When I joined up, we were a team. We did this together.
Reginald allows himself a little smile as the memories flit through his mind. Phoenix was naive at the start. Rough. Unseasoned. But he learned fast, by god.
Phoenix: I thought that we'd get through to the end... I thought we'd make it together.
The hurt in his agent's voice still stung him every bit as deeply as the moment he'd revealed his betrayal. It had been a matter of necessity, not a failing of moral conscience. For the greater good. For their only chance at survival. It was fate, not choice, that turned them against each other in the eleventh hour, and fate that now dictated the ultimate outcome.
Phoenix would understand that someday, Reginald told himself.
Phoenix: I can't go forward alone, Reggie. Please.
Reginald: You can, Phoenix. You can, and you will. The truth is... you don't need me anymore.
Tears stream down agent Phoenix's face as Reginald takes careful note of the contents of his briefcase, then quietly closes it. He offers his agent -- his friend -- one last smile, hoping to soften the finality of his parting words:
Reginald: It has been the highest honor and pleasure of my life to train you and follow your progress, Agent Phoenix. Let me leave you now with no regrets.
Phoenix looks truly stricken. There is nothing more he can do, no plea he can make. They are being watched, after all.
Reginald: Push the button, agent.
Unable to bring himself to witness the end, Phoenix shuts his eyes tightly and reaches a trembling hand towards the mechanism in the briefcase on the table before him. There is a soft click, then an electrical tone.
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"You sunk my battleship."
Cheers and applause erupt from the audience as the Agency Game Night Championship crowns its new king. He is the first in two decades to defeat longtime Battleship ace Reginald Crane, and the rejoicing is no small affair.
Only Phoenix himself is without joy. He hurls the tiny plastic briefcase off the desk and collapses, burying his head in his arms as he weeps.
"You beat him! You did it!"
"I knew he could do it. That's why we couldn't put him and Crane on the same team..."
"Phoenix, you've won!"
At what cost? Phoenix thinks, the words repeating over and over through his tortured mind in the voice of his handler, who swiftly disappears like a ghost into the celebrating crowd.
At what cost...?
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enhanced-operatives-division · 11 months ago
Junicrane/Starstruck Ramble
I will not be brief, all under the cut
To clear some things right off the bat:
No corpse, no proof with Juniper. Obligatory this is set in a canon where he's alive and adjacent to the agency in some way.
Reggie & Juniper are just gay to me, but I don't mind any interpretation of their sexuality
The games are set in 1967/68 to me (based on a couple bits in game) which is before it was legal to be gay in America at least (1971), which is relevant to how I interpret canon as being somewhat grounded in reality, despite unrealistic elements.
This is just an insane amount of headcanons/elements of and AU all culminated into one post. I will talk about some headcanons like they're just facts because they are established in my head, and it saves me over explaining literally everything, however I will explain some parts a little bit for clarity.
Alright. Actual beginning of the ramble:
Juniper is a character to me who had gotten so lost in his job as an actor and a social presence that in the end his whole life revolved around that 'role'. Because of this, by the time he's put into the situation where he's around the Agency, he basically knows nothing about himself, though he doesn't realise at first. Furthermore, what little identity he had has changed in so many ways. He's no longer a beloved famous actor in the prominence of public light, he's legally dead and he tarnished his career just before he was supposed to die, with the bonus of that making him lose the majority of his estate. From that, he also has horrific facial scarring from the electrical burns from literally having his face fried. I believe a friend of mine made a post about this a while ago (I also think they were the first to think it up also), but, to me, Juniper has a permanent trimmer in his right arm (aka his dominant hand) from the electrical current and it is messing with his nervous system.
All in all, he's not doing great, but he's too proud to admit that he's not doing great, because if anything, what's left of his ego is all he has as a defense since he's deep in unfamiliar water.
Before ending up around the agency (I have multiple interpretations of this, so I'm just going to bring it up generally), he'd never actually seen Reggie, and his only impression of him is a single voicemail, which was his only reference he had to later impersonate him. Juniper probably has very little feelings other than the ones he projects onto him because of Phoenix and that, at the very least, he's physically attracted to Reggie to some degree (that's like the beginning of how everything else would tumble into place in this sort of interpretation at least).
And on Crane's side? His feelings towards Juniper are probably very intense and muddled. On the one hand, he adores musical theatre, and that's his now ex-favourite actor. The thought of just casually being around him blows the bit of fanboy in him away at first because THAT'S the GUY, plus the inklings of a celebrity crush which still poke at him. And then there's the rational side of him, which knows Juniper has committed absolute atrocities on the side of Zoraxis, and hates him for that. Then there's how much Juniper comes off as an asshole at first because he refuses to cooperate with anything the Agency tried to put in place. He finds Juniper endlessly frustrating, and yet he's stuck working with him since, afterall, he's the one who knows the Agency's history with Juniper the best. I imagine him acting a lot like how he does IEYTD 1 around Juniper.
At this point, I'm just describing the pitch for a romcom.
I think the start of their relationship with one another largely started with Juniper trying to wind Crane up. It was a way of getting his attention, and I don't think Juniper knows why he's so dead set on that at first, because I don't think he realises he has a crush on 'this grump' at first. (I think that's actually the fun part about these two, because it's almost like a role reversal of the celebrity crush dynamic. This ex-big name actor has a TERRIBLE crush on an average joe and it is KILLING HIM.) But of course the Agency keeps them together because Juniper is at least conversing with Crane, so it's a start.
Through one way or another, they actually get talking casually, at least mildly at first. It takes Juniper a long time to fully deconstruct the wall he's built, and the thing is, Crane isn't the one trying to deconstruct it, at least at first, because yeah, Juniper realises if he wants Reggie to actually like him in any way, he can't keep winding him up. So they talk. Small talk at first, something rhythmic and almost easy to keep to a script. And over time that turns into actual conversations. Genuine ones in which Reggie rips out the occasional one of his jokes which Juniper is endlessly endeared about. The way he smiles just before he makes them, like he wants to chuckle at what he's about to say before he says it. That's probably when Juniper realised that he does have some vague crush on him, and that it wasn't going away.
This is what kickstarts John I can't-buy-you-things-to-impress-you-so-acts-of-service-it-is Juniper to do little things for him. It mostly starts off as him trying to make Reggie his tea how he likes it. However, the nerve damage in his arm makes that hard, as the weight of the kettle and trying to pour is hard all of a sudden. And he refuses to accept that, so he tries for a very long while. Long enough that Crane would go to investigate what was going on. And when he does see Juniper leaning over a cup with the kettle as he uneasily tries to pour it, and when Crane asks Juniper responds so matter-of-fact that his intention is nothing but genuine. And it catches Reggie off guard because Juniper hadn't done anything like that up to that point, and his very apparent vulnerability is so clearly on show.
It shifts something between them.
From that point on, conversations are longer, more familiar. Both of their attitudes soften, and Reggie makes more jokes. Juniper learns how to better use his left hand while strengthening his right back to a point where it could be used again. Slowly, they're both spending time with one another not because they have to, but just because they can. Little bits at first, not too far outside what they already were doing, but those little bits turned into long bits to a point where the other person's company was genuinely desirable.
As time passes, Juniper probably realises that he doesn't genuinely know much about himself or what hobbies he's into, because he never really had the time when he got big, and his home life in his youth wasn't bad, but it wasn't picturesque. I think Reggie would pick up on it, and absolutely try to introduce him to some things he's into. Some things stick, other things don't (corn husking very much stays Reggie's passion, and John will go with him sometimes because it's him, but it's not something he strongly cares for). Crane introduces him to a lot of music, and it's something that becomes a staple between them, with tracks they listen to more than others (tragically, I know relatively little about 60s music so I couldn't really say what). Occasionally they dance, never anything intense, think slow dancing, but the closeness is nice.
Through all of it, Juniper is battling the worst crush of his life, and he can't stand it, because I think he struggles to read people since he doesn't have anything like a script or a director to refer back to, so he has no idea if Reggie likes him back or if he's just desperate for that to be true. I think because of that any sort of confession between them would be incredibly raw, not only because of the time they live in making it hard for them to be truthful about how they love, but because it's a complete show of Juniper who's worked to be this better person. I don't exactly know how that would go, mainly because I don't have one set version of their dynamic, this post is just a generalisation of main consistent points.
Reggie does like him back, because he's gotten used to Juniper being just this guy, not a figure in the public eye, not a Zoraxis lackey, and not any sort of Agency operative (despite being under their care to some degree). He's someone he genuinely cares for, because they've given one another the time of day to learn one another, and I think because Reggie was a field agent, he was a lot better at reading Juniper than Juniper was at reading him. Eventually Juniper's company becomes something he could see around him for the rest of his life, and I think he accepts that he likes Juniper a lot more gracefully.
I think any affection directed at Juniper would at first be met with him feeling a little muddled. Reggie was a very physically affectionate person when he could be, and sure the initial flirting with one another came with the occasional little touches, but everything now was so deeply intentional. I also don't think Juniper would almost ever get over the novelty of being able to kiss him, or many other gestures, because it made the fact that they were together so very real, and it was great. I do think it comes easier to Reggie, and it's a big way of showing how much he cares, so it's important for Juniper to try and show it back because he knows how much it means to the other.
I like the idea of them eventually living with one another, too. I think Juniper would have always had a quiet little daydream of sorts where he does just live a domestic quiet life, and he can with Reggie (well, as close as they can get between the Agency and Zoraxis always being at odds), and he loves that, and he loves him, and it's immense.
I think they cook for one another a lot, it helps Juniper work on his dexterity in a controlled environment, which means a lot because it's a huge point of insecurity (that and his scars). He does improve, and Crane is proud of that and shows it and it's great. I also think they'd probably cook together too, because they can deal with being in the kitchen together and they work well with one another. It's probably a good way for them to unwind because over time they can do it in relative silence.
As I said before, I also think music is a staple in their household, and that Reggie listens to things on vinyl almost all of the time because he likes the background noise. Sometimes Juniper will catch him chuntering along to the music which he finds endlessly endearing. I wouldn't put it past his dramatic ass to also join in to fluster Reggie, but I also don't think Reggie would mind that terribly because Juniper has listened to the music enough to know the lyrics, and that's huge to him.
I don't think they are without rough patches, no relationship is, but I think the good part about them is that they're willing to talk about it (... eventually). They're used to long conversations, and while they're often less fun conversations, they're needed and they know that, and it works out.
Alright. I think I'm done for now. I haven't mentioned everything, but this definitely got the worst of it out of my system. If you ever want to hear any specific thoughts my ask box is open but other than that, behold my general dynamic for these two which has been festering in my head for years. I think they're great
#ty right-agent for explicitly telling me that this would be welcomed you a real one#i had a massive babble to my friend abt what if they all feed me to the hounds for speaking#and he said “girl that fandom is like 12 people big they need you to speak” and yeah that also helped#i have a hard time talking if I'm not asked/prompted to that's why i adding tags is great for me. that and i like the format#anyways.#THESE TWO.............dear lord can you tell I have been unwell abt them forever..#this is propeganda (/j) for them. btw. please you have to understand the potential here. it's so good.#it's slowburn <- my (probably) demiromantic ass cannot handle romance without a build up and this set up is perfect (it will never happen)#also i find it easier to write ANYTHING between these two from Juniper's perspective because i find it easier to get into his head#idk reggie is like the gay version of the: what is he thinking of? i could take a bear in a fight. audio ive heard.#whereas with juniper i have him trapped under a microscope#im going to tag this now so i can use the remaining tags to RANT#ieytd#john juniper#reginald crane#junicrane#starstruck#i expect you to die#<- being BRAVE!!!#when I get really excited i start getting like this internal shaking feeling and uh. yeah this rant started that#the worst part abt that is it also triggers my tourettes so like. double whammy. excited about blorbos? jail :(#but. yeah I uh. yeah. sorry this IS so long..I did warn but . AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHAUUUUUUAHHHHHHHHHHHHH#also i did this rant in 2 parts. last night and this morning so yeah uh. yeah.#god im so messed up about these two#make me a boat by the family crest came on while wroting this and while it's mainly a roxanix song to me......AUUUUUG.....#i struggle to find music for these sillies because they have such a specific vibe to me amd I've not quite managed to find something which -#- genuinely feels correct for them and it drives me up the WALL#GOD NIGHT SHIFT JUST CAME OF SHUFFL.....all my ieytd songs are coming out to drive me up the wall.......#FINISHED I've been adding tags as I've gone alonga#thank you for reading hope you enoyed and if you didn't im sorry
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no-context-nonsense · 5 months ago
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Pretend it’s Saturday…
It’s hockey season bitches which means it’s time to reread Sweater Weather and cry.
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nightingaletrash · 2 years ago
Rat famalus my beloved 🥺
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confusedspaceotter · 6 months ago
Don’t forget the fact the out of everyone fucking Reginald Hargreeves and his wife got to die together peacefully with their misunderstanding resolved????
okay so let me get this straight
Luther lost his wife then died as a stripper with a house that's falling apart
Diego died after just having found out his wife, who he'd been unhappy with for a long time, cheated on him with his brother
Allison died without a husband, with her career at a standstill, after not speaking to her family for years and without really fixing their relationship
Klaus died after relapsing after 3 years of sobriety, scaring his niece, without reuniting with Dave and with the additional trauma of being buried alive and sex trafficked
Five died having failed to stop the apocalypse - his only goal for the past, what, 60 years of his life - with unresolved feelings for Lila
Ben died suffering inside a huge blob that ended the world, never getting to be happy with Jennifer
Viktor died because he finally, FINALLY dared to question and oppose his father, after being unable to maintain a stable relationship with a woman for years (RIP Sissy ig)
Lila died stuck in an unhappy marriage, with conflicted feelings towards her husband AND his brother, with whom she had cheated
ok ok cool cool cool, got it.
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raphael-angele · 7 months ago
Platonic MoonWater and Jealous ProngsFoot
Regulus: *went to the Marauders dorm room cuz he's bored and he wants to see James and Sirius but ended up only seeing Remus cuz the others went out so now he's just spending time with his brother's boyfriend*
Remus: *on his bed with Regulus, peacefully reading aloud a muggle book while Regulus is leaning on him cuz muggle literature fascinates him*
James: *enters the room* Hey, we got some- *sees them* What the hell is this?!
Remus: Oh, hey, Prongs, we were just-
Sirius: *coming in* AAAAH! WHAT THE HELL, MOONY?! My own brother?! I feel so betrayed! *faints dramatically*
Regulus: Oh, for fuck's sake.
Sirius: Hey, you watch your mouth. Babies aren't allowed to say that word.
James: Why, Reggie?! Why?! Why would you do this to us?! I thought you loved me!
Remus: Padfoot, Prongs, get a hold of yourselves. You guys are being ridiculous
Sirius: We're being ridiculous?! My brother and my boyfriend are in bed together!
Regulus: He was just reading to me.
James: Oh, the pain and devastation!
Sirius: What does he have that I don't, Moony?
Remus: Silence. What he has that you don't have is that he knows how to be quiet.
Sirius: Well, if that's what you wanted, you know exactly what to do.
James: And I can read to you, Reggie. I'm a much better story teller than that dyslexic moron.
Regulus: He's the top student in your year. Plus, his voice sounds nice. And he's warm to cuddle with. *cuddles up to Remus*
James: *gaasp* Moony, you thief
Remus: *hugs Regulus back* And Regulus is much cuter than you are, Sirius.
Sirius: *literal heartbreak then falls face first onto the floor*
Regulus: *smug* We're gonna get married as soon as I graduate.
Remus: *kisses Regulus' cheek*
Sirius and James: *die*
Peter, watching all of this unfold from the doorway: ...We got you guys some dinner.
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solarconstellations · 11 months ago
James and Reggie doing that tiktok trend where two people are walking and the camera pans back and forth between them.
James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Regulus is already hopelessly and completely in love with me before it even starts." Regulus: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course James is going to be compared to the sun."
James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course there's going to be background wolfstar, dorlene, and rosekiller"
Regulus: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Sirius and I are going to start speaking French and James and Moony are going to get horribly turned on."
James: *points phone down at his feet* "Wait, can you do that right now?" Regulus: *off screen* "No James, we're in the middle of making a video." James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Reggie is going to slip up and accidently call me James after calling me "Potter" for the last 40 chapters." Regulus: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Sirius is going to go crazy as soon as he finds out me and James are together." James: "It's a Jegulus fic, of course Reg can't swim." Regulus: *points the camera down to his feet* "James, what the fuck, that was a low blow." Regulus: *with revenge in his eyes* "It's a Jegulus fic, of course James and my brother have a ridiculously unhealthy obsession and codependency with one another" James: *with love in his eyes* "It's a Jegulus fic, of course I love my star so much that I would live, die, or kill for him" Regulus: *drops the phone, only their feet can be seen as he runs to James* "Tu vas payer pour m'avoir fait rougir, chéri"
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stellar-collective · 5 days ago
Phoenix gets sick and has to be alone with their thoughts. So- where did they get red string? Why is there a whiteboard? What is going on? What is fnaf? What does the constitution have to do with robots?
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no no no Reggie you don’t GET IT, it’s GHOSTS, okay? two weeks ago Right Robot totally stole my lunch in order to feed that stray cat he’s in love with but absolutely refuses to fess up, so obviously i was thinking i’d frame him for a crime, take him to court, and force him to admit it under threat of perjury, but then again, he’s a robot so is he even beholden to human laws? does the constitution even apply here? he seems to be sentient, right, because of the kinesium, and that’s when i REALIZED. it’s like five nights at freddy’s, Reggie, the kinesium is GHOSTS. i mean, like, attracts them! sticks them to things! but without the murder! no, because— no, stop laughing, think about it! telekinesis is all the dead agents moving stuff around for me! and now at least one is possessing RiRo, i don’t know if it’s a Golden Freddy situation, or— a-and anyway, if i were a supreme judge i’d definitely rule that ghosts inhabiting mortal shells have the constitutional right to a fair trial, therefore— what? go to bed? why?
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crescenthistory · 4 months ago
begging for a fic where regulus says “i love you” to reader for the first time and it FLOORS them bc reggie is not one to voice his feelings a lot, much less something as powerful as the feeling of love
listen, when i saw this ask i sat down and wrote this in ONE sitting, THANK you. you probably intended for this to be a scene at the beginning of a relationship, but i instead decided to psychoanalyse my poor darling reg for a few thousands of words and give him a patient partner. hope you'll forgive me lols<3
Words: 3k
Warnings: not proofread, the most ancient and noble black family trauma (including descriptions of abuse and neglect), gn!reader, black brothers angst and reconciliation, sunshine!reader, reader is very patient and understanding with regulus, kinda past bartylus, barty is a hugger here, reg pov so some spiraling, vague implied references to sex (so implied that i believe it's safe for minors, but just putting that out there)
on the tip of my tongue
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It’s not that Regulus didn’t love you. Quite the opposite, actually. 
It’s just that love had not been a spoken matter in his life until you barged into it. Love was implicit as much as it was hidden and reserved; something you grabbed greedily at while you had it and rationed carefully over the next few weeks or months, hoping to get by on it. 
For a long time, Regulus thought his mother loved him. She was strict and firm, but when he came to her for advice, she would give it and might even pat him on the cheek if he accepted what she had to say readily enough. He would hold his cheek afterwards and syphon the warmth left from her touch, wishing there was a way for it to stay with him forever.
When he got to Hogwarts and experienced true, unrestrained friendship he realised there was a way for it to stay with him forever – the other party just had to not withhold it. His cheek would be warm if the people who loved him kept holding, kept returning. With them, attention was not something he was occasionally graced with, it was always on him, within easy reach.
It took him a while, but Regulus eventually got used to the physical affection, at least from his friends. He came to expect it and lean into it, which in and of itself felt like a weight lifted off his shoulders. There were hugs and pats on the back and tousled hair. There were pretend-scuffles on the quidditch field and the common room. There was that one term in third year where Barty decided he and Regulus simply must learn how to kiss and the boys spent most nights sneaking off into the empty common room and unskillfully, sloppily making out through kisses. There was that one night in fifth year where they picked it back up again. 
Still, with the hands-on approach to love that Barty and Dorcas had and infused into their little safe haven of a friend group, it remained unspoken. There was the occasional “mate” or the nicknames he brought with him from home – “Reg” was fine and while he did not much care for “Reggie”, he let it slide due to the affection it held. The closest they got to spoken love were the promises to fiercely protect each other, to kill and die by each other’s sides if must be. To beat the living daylights out of anyone who lays a finger on the other and then hex the pain to stay with them forever. An oath of loyalty was their "I love you".
Other than them, Sirius had been his one source of affection throughout his life, but as everything else in Grimmauld’s Place it had been quiet. 
Sirius was the perfect big brother, whether Regulus wanted to admit that or not. He held his hand when they crossed the street and held Regulus at night when he cried. Sirius taught him as much as he could, and though he occasionally was arrogant or impatient with his lessons, he didn’t give up on them. Regulus knew he loved Sirius at the very least, even if he had in more recent years questioned if that love was returned.
The problem with Sirius is that Regulus does not know of most of the affection the older boy showed him. Sirius insists that the two spent the majority of their first years attached at the hip, but Regulus struggles to remember much before the age of 12, which you had once told him he might want to look into with a professional at some point. To which Regulus emphasised the “at some point” more than the rest. So any hugs or touches or love Sirius showed him has been long since forgotten. Apart from the bed-sharing; Regulus remembers that vividly. Crawling into his older brother’s bed at night when he had nightmares, hoping Sirius could chase the monsters away. Regulus didn’t think he did it that often, but Sirius swore he once slept an entire three months solely in Sirius’ bed.
The most significant way Sirius loved Regulus, though, was through what he did for him, not to him, which Regulus did not himself see. He was such a good shield between their parents and Regulus that the young boy didn’t even realise the service he provided. Scoldings, blames and beatings – there was nothing Sirius did not take for Regulus.
If Regulus’ childhood was painful enough not to remember, he could not stand the thought of how Sirius’ must have been.
That is part of how he learned not to resent him for leaving Grimmauld’s Place – even that he did in part for Regulus. When left alone with an increasingly vexed Walburga Black, Regulus learnt quickly how severe some punishments can be. Consequently, he learned what Sirius had endured for him, how strong of a shield he had been. 
Sirius knew he could no longer withstand the weight of that house, so he left, in hopes that he could be a better protector for Regulus from afar. Finding a good home full of warmth and smiles, and coaxing Regulus into joining him there under safer circumstances than he himself had. When the two had their infamous heart-to-heart, it was Sirius choking on the words “better protector” that finally broke Regulus – the first time he had cried in front of his older brother since they were little.
Now he knew well that Sirius loved him, beyond most words. And the things they said to each other during that talk where he convinced Regulus to leave might even mean more than a simple “I love you”. Still, it remained unsaid. 
It was simply not tradition for Regulus Black to speak them.
Then, he met you. 
What was that thing James always says? Game-changer? You were that for him.
Somehow, affection just came pouring out of you like you were overflowing with it and just had to share it. With your friends and your family, even strangers – it just came naturally to you. And when Regulus entered your orbit through his reunion with Sirius, you more than happily let that extend to him as well.
It absolutely floored him. 
The first time you said “I love you” to him was long before you got together or before he even had the nerve to actively flirt with you. You ran into him in the hallway and stopped him, trying to squeeze as much conversation as you could out of him in the few minutes you both had between classes. It was evident you were soaking up his presence as if it was truly enjoyable, and it warmed something in him he was only able to name later on. When you had to run, you ended the conversation with a casual “okay, see you later, I love you, bye!”. Regulus was left gaping. Nearly ended up late to McGonagall’s class because of you. 
Saying it as a form of temporary goodbye reminded him of how he used to ration his mother’s touches, it carried him until the next time he saw you. Except next time with you was dinner later the same day, and then breakfast and then hanging out in the library. He never had to wait long, never had to go wanton.
The love kept flowing freely from you in all the ways he had gotten used to over the years and then many more – physical touch, quality time, acts of services, words of affirmation, you checked off the whole list. He began calling you soleil, French for sunshine because of how you shone with that love for everyone. It was a slip of the tongue one day, and when he saw how it made you smile, he just kept calling you that.
With such a loving and lovely creature, Regulus thought he couldn’t help but fall in love with you; he was not at fault for it, you were entirely to blame with your loveliness.
His voice had shook some when he first confided in Sirius about it. The older boy had smiled fondly and joked, “That was not quite what I meant when I told you to make yourself at home with my friends, but I’m glad you’re comfortable.” Regulus argued he in no way shape or form felt comfortable with the emotion, but Sirius would have none of it.
His voice shook even more the first time he told you how lovely you look today, but unlike Sirius, you didn’t notice. You smiled and returned the sentiment with ease. He realised then that he would likely not be able to talk himself into a relationship with you, given his lack of skill and your lack of deducing any intent behind sweet words, so he went the Regulus-route as Sirius had called it.
Meaning, he pursued you through quiet, unwavering loyalty and company, attaching himself at your hip for as long as you seemed comfortable with it. When he realised there was no limit on the amount of time you were willing to spend with him, he went further. 
Regulus went to hold your hand for the first time in Hogsmeade. Looking back on it, you both laughed at how he spent ten whole minutes inching his hand closer and closer to yours, practically holding his breath, awaiting a rejection or harsh response. Ever so slowly, he interlinked his pinky with yours. An opening both for you to take it further or cast him aside, whichever you pleased he would accept. The beaming smile you flashed as you looked up at him then, lacing the rest of your fingers together tightly, never left his mind for long.
Hand holding led to walking arm in arm which led to prolonged hugs which finally, finally found you both sitting in the Astronomy tower, kissing with large, dumb smiles on your faces. The same night you had your first kiss Regulus surmises you probably had your first hundred kisses.
Now, laid in bed beside you, two years into dating, Regulus could not imagine not being comfortable around you. He smiles fondly when he thinks of the boy he was before you decided to simply drown him in affection, but he does not relate to him anymore. There is no place he would rather be than here by your side, in the flat he purchased for the two of you straight out of Hogwarts – the last time he can remember panicking before asking you to take the next step in your relationship – playing idly with your fingers as you hummed some melody he could not place. It felt right.
The one thing that had remained the same throughout your relationship, both before and after it turned romantic, was that you overflowed with “I love you”s and he had not said it once.
You had talked about it before, of course you had. Sirius had given Regulus a stern talking to about communication when you first started going out, unwilling for his baby brother and friend to get hurt by their own stupidity. 
“I don’t know if I can say it,” Regulus had said then. “It sounds ridiculous, but I don’t know how.”
“It’s a good thing you don’t need to then,” you had said so simply, through a smile that made his heart spin happily. “I know what I need to know. I like saying my truth because that’s how I am; but I am more than happy to accept you showing yours because that’s how you are. And I love you as you are.”
Regulus had known in his bones that you meant it, and that made it all the more sweeter. He attacked you with kisses after that, relishing in the giggles it drew from you.
“If it ever changes, will you tell me?” Regulus asked after, when you quieted down in each other’s arms. “If you ever need to hear it?”
You had said something about how you “do hear it”, always with your metaphors and abstract ways of viewing things. When Regulus, ever the pragmatist, had insisted on getting an answer to his question because “you know what I mean”, you had promised to tell him. You never did need to because it never changed for you.
It was Regulus it changed for.
In your shared bed, your hand in his as he followed its outline and your bare legs entangled, something deep in him shifted. You were sleepy and content above him, reading some paperback he borrowed you ages ago that you only picked up once you moved in together and all your books were in the same place anyway. He was laying half on top of your chest and staring at you with what had to be love in his eyes because that’s what he felt in his soul. He had been staring for the past half an hour, not even realising it, lost in his train of thought.
He had expected that when he would finally say it, there would be some grand reason, some special moment. Something that would cause that shift, something that required him to voice what he felt and you knew.
There wasn’t; it was just you and him, and he was so unbelievably happy and comfortable. He had tried microdosing love and you ended up giving him a lifetime supply instead. You were everything.
“Sol?” The question drawled out of him, mouth ahead of his brain but heart running miles before both. 
You looked up with a smile, stopping your absentminded humming. “Yeah, love?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners and he spent another minute just looking at your face. You let him, indulgent and sweet as ever.
“I love you.”
You froze. The smile remained on your face, the same contentedness there, but your eyes widened and your hand on his back stopped mid-circle. “What?” you whispered.
He kept staring at you with a smile, almost finding humour in your increasingly shocked expression, though some old part of him remained alert for rejection. Which makes no sense, she tells you it every day, he reminded himself. Still, old habits die hard.
You decided to trade one question for another upon his silence and your mental recalibration. “Why?”
“Why?” Regulus repeated through a laugh, as if the thought was incredulous. “Have you met yourself, soleil? Have you seen what you’ve done to me? I’ve always loved you.”
You sat up quickly at that, jostling Regulus up with you, though he was less graceful in the change of position as he did not anticipate it. You looked at him with the same wide-eyed expression. “Not what I meant,” you said then.
Regulus opened his mouth to say something, though he wasn’t sure what.
“But you didn’t have to,” you blurted out before he could. Rushed, almost frantic. “Don’t say it because you think you have to.”
Regulus furrowed his brows in confusion before they cleared up in realisation of your fear. He shifted to sit closer to you, practically pulling you between his legs, and grasped both your hands softly. They had been hovering between your forms, as if over an injury you did not know how to treat. Slowly, he dragged his thumbs back and forth over your knuckles. “Amour, soleil,” he whispered, emphasising the words with all his might. “I know I don’t have to. I wanted to. I want to, it feels right. I– I love you.”
The second time, the phrase flowed more freely from his tongue. Easily. He found he quite liked the taste.
You opened and closed your mouth twice, eyes flickering all over his face as if to deduce whether you trusted his words. Then, ever so slowly, he saw that smile he loves so much begin to grow over your lips, that looked increasingly more kissable to him.
“Yeah?” you asked him breathily through your oncoming grin.
“Yeah, baby,” he whispered. “I love you. I always have, you know. But I felt like saying it now.”
Your laughter was almost watery as you squeezed his hands in yours. “I do know. And I love you,” you asserted clearly, as if there had ever been any doubt.
“So I’ve heard.” The cheeky remark was the last thing that left Regulus’ lips before he moved forward and captured yours.
Just like that first kiss in the Astronomy Tower, one led to possibly a hundred more. Giggles and sighs all mixed together into what Regulus was proud to call his life.
A life with you. A life of love.
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loki-hargreeves · 6 months ago
I agree that the Umbrella Academy should've ended with them killing Reggie.
In addition, they should've gone to the academy together and there should've been a montage of them destroying the furniture and stuff they don't like while having fun and dancing for all that I care. Then it should've faded into a scene of the newly renovated academy, a family dinner where everyone's around the table together. Happily. All the siblings, and their loved ones. Everyone.
Five would finally get a decent cup of coffee. Klaus and Dave would be together. Diego and Lila would be happy and their kids would be there, as should Ray and Claire be with Allison. Luther should be with Sloane. Ben would accept both the Sparrow and Umbrella Academy (maybe he saw the original Ben's memories somehow), and Viktor would be happy and be the cool uncle he deserves to be... they should all be happy.
Hell they could've brought original Ben back as a ghost because Klaus would finally control his powers (I could accept ghost Ben visiting them from time to time despite what happened to him in season 2)
✨Bonus points✨ if the song that plays when they kill their dad and destroy the house is Welcome to the Black Parade.
Can you imagine the irony of them killing Reggie while this plays in the background?
"Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?" He said, "Will you defeat them? Your demons, and all the non-believers The plans that they have made?"
and actually, this is so fitting too for a scene of them kicking Reggie's abusive ass
"Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part
Just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song"
because the answer to saving everything is for them to kill Reggie together and heal, not to die and disappear from existence forever.
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I can't wait for their reunion
(Robutler doodles under the cut)
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These all have definitely been done before but I couldn't get them out my head
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sevilynne · 5 months ago
unlike snivellous regulus actually got abused by his mother and got casted the crucio curse multiple times to make regulus obey walburag and snivilus isnt even confirmed to have abusiev or neglective parents....sirius almost died because snivellous casted the flipping spell that he made to curse sirius and peter....he also bullies barty and regulus and bullied remus for his dyslexia....thats why the marauders bullied him in the first place. james just used the spell against him in the books for revenge bceuz he used it on pete and sirius on the tree thing when remus and james werent looking...reggie got casted sectumsempra when james was gone and he also bullied nevile and harry... he was so obsessed with lily and lily wanted to die because of it. lily tried to kill herself and she forced herself with snivellus because she believed that snivvy would change...and wdym james was a sexual assaulter???????snivvy literally lifted lily's skirt and forced himself inside her......he was obsessed with lily...and when they broke off he used charity as a coping mechanism....minevra did nothing wrong she was fair unlike snivellous and for all i know severus chocked reggie once and james wanted to kill him thats why he bullied him in the first place. he shouldnt stick his greasy hair and ugly nose in the first place on sirius and remus conversation about the full moon...he should be glad that prongs saved him and regulus treated his scars even though snivellouse tried to kill him. snivellousse stole the marauders map for malicious resons and stalked lily... yu didnt read the books and use fanfics for prof....stop spreading misinformatio
I can't explain how wrong this is. Please tell me this is satire, or I will truly kms.
"Bullied Remus for his dyslexia." I think I have an idea on what fanfiction have you read. Please consider reading the real books and stop using ATYD along with other fanfiction to make this.
And are you on something...?
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lemonwisp · 7 months ago
Brief little idea of what should have happened in season 4
First up: what they should have made Allison wish for in the reset
• getting Claire and Ray back
• bringing Dave back (because she was miserable without Ray and she knew about Klaus’s heartbreak)
Instead of like a 6 year time jump it should have been a year or two. So we can see them still settled in but also still struggling to get a normal life, some are doing better than others Liz
I think Ray should have died instead of leaving Allison.
Klaus would still be living with Allison and Claire but Dave would also be there and helping Klaus through sobriety as well as comforting Klaus when they have a hard time because they are still a germaphobe.
Sparrow Ben still goes to jail, Luther still becomes a stripper, and one day Sloane walks in and they fall in love all over again. Viktor still has a bar, and Diego and Lila still have Grace but they are struggling as new parents and maybe that would put a strain on their relationship, and Diego would be a cop.
Five wouldn’t be working for the CIA, he’d probably be still freaking out about an impending apocalypse that may or may not happen.
We see them all walk away from the park or whatever then we’ll meet again starts playing we get a little montage of their lives and having issues because they don’t have any ids or anything and just basic domestic life, Diego and Lila at the hospital with their baby, Allison and Claire at Ray’s funeral, a game night with Allison, Claire, Klaus, and Dave. Five having a little cabin and there is a string board thing and writing all over the walls, he’s passed out and a cup of coffee is spilt on the table. Viktor is playing the violin at a pub in Canada. Ben is getting arrested for the crypto scam.
Anyway they come together for the birthday party and that sorta stays the same after Klaus has the marigold they still wander off but of course Dave follows after him and Klaus relapses and after Klaus yells at Claire Dave stays with Claire and Klaus gets drunk then comes back home and Klaus and Dave have an argument about Klaus yelling at Claire but Dave also feels bad for Klaus and it causes an internal conflict as he wants to help Klaus and Claire, while Klaus and Dave fight Claire runs away and gets kidnapped by the Jean and Gene.
Jennifer thing still happens but how Ben died in the original timeline was that his powers killed him and he gets like ripped apart by the tentacles (because that is more shocking then Reggie who obviously wouldn’t hesitate to kill one of the kids)
Five and Lila still get trapped in the subway but there is no romance, and they run into brelly Ben (cause yk that scene in season 3) and there is a big face off between the two Ben’s and brelly Ben wins because he’s an icon but Jennifer also dies as a result of the attack.
After that Ben is like covered in blood but klaus still runs up to him and hugs him when they reunite and klaus cries and gets emotional and then ben
Allison is on a mission to get Claire and realizes that her daughter is more important than being famous
Luther and Viktor talk to Reggie
Everyone thinks they are going to die, Dave proposes to Klaus with the dog tags they find in ep 1.
Then idrk im not a writer, but they all get to live happily ever after (maybe Abigail dies and klaus summons her so she can tell Reggie that she didn’t want to be alive again) and they still have their powers but they can control them now and occasionally team together to stop bank robberies and such
Klaus and Dave get married because that’s what I want and then group dancing
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