#i wonder what danny feels about this storyline
renamusing · 24 days
even outside of this whole aaron/john thing….. aaron has seemed so weird since he came back into the show. like he’s still my favourite but it feels like a different character a lot of the time imo, and not in a ‘he’s grown up and changed’ way but in a ‘the current writers have forgotten important parts of his character’ way :/
yes, it's a bit unsettling. i see more of danny miller in recent episodes than i do aaron. before, when i watched him 2014-2019, it was easy to forget he was being played by an actor, but more and more, i just tune out of that immersion because the writing is so awful.
i found his whole angry/villainous return pretty interesting at the start. the issues he brought up in his first conversation with chas all seemed valid to me. they justified in a very succinct way why he was behaving so out of character. it's funny now, in retrospect, how none of the things he was raging about back then have been accounted for by the writers, they just wrapped it all up with that cancer plot conjured out of nowhere. so aaron's biggest issue which is his devastating loneliness after losing his core family (sister, husband, son) remains to be addressed, and because it is NOT addressed he is like a bad copy of himself, in the same way john sugden is (so far) a bad copy of robert. there is no depth, no warmth, definitely no charm. all those things are sacrificed for a future plotwist to be unveiled in a big stunt episode instead of being earned.
i feel like even if i wanted to root for john and aaron i couldn't because they have given us no reason to. why does john even like aaron? we dont know. why would aaron keep coming back to robert's half-brother after everything he and robert went through, together and apart? like you said, it's as if the writers have forgotten parts of aaron's story which make aaron aaron.
im with everyone else who is waiting for this sudden attachment to john to be explained by john being the closest thing aaron can get to robert or some way to fill that emptiness he has felt since he lost him and liv, but with these writers nowadays it's best to keep our expectations low.
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dcxdpdabbles · 9 months
In the cave boy fic, I hope Danny has to end up fighting against reanimated hot dogs (I blame the Joker) and when asked why he can fight off reanimated meat. he comments that that's a normal Tuesday in his house as his mom and dad end up reanimating dinner at least once a week, and honestly being here is the longest time he spent without having to fight against reanimated food. He loves his parents but they really need to practice better lab safety or at least stop putting the ectoplasm samples in the same fridge with the food.
This is also adjusted to the cave boy storyline before he takes out the Joker.
One morning, Brucie wakes up and decides to cook everyone breakfast since the night previous was rough for the crime fighters. Almost everyone had gotten injured in one of Riddler's games, nothing life-threatening, but they would be sore and in some cases, in casts for some time. Alfred had been the one to patch the heroes up, so even the aged butler had a rough time.
Bruice had woken before anyone, quickly frying up some sausages, making various versions of eggs (boiled, scrambled, fried, over-easy, omelets) spread out on the table for them to pick which lond they wanted. He made some oatmeal and cut up various fruit in a pretty arrangement of swans.
When the family finally dragged their tired bodies down to the table, they were all greeted by the sight of Alfred being utterly flabbergasted by the spread Bruice proudly presented. Bruicie happily has them take a seat, gathering a plate for them- not before forcing Alfred to sit at the head of the table and make Bruce move to the seat usually reserved for the Lady of the house- and cheerfully place a plate before him.
Everyone was giving each other unsure looks or staring at the plates in wonder. Even Bruce.
Because if there was one thing that was another consent in all the multiverse it was that Bruce Wayne can not cook. The closest any variate has even gotten was burned beyond recognition ash.
Yet here was an entire spread that while not the meal of kings still looked rather taste and some may even say artsty.
"Don't just sit there. Dig in!" Brucie laughs. His hair bounces around his face in an adorable helo, and the family can only stare.
"How did you do this? Is it laced with something?" Tim's voice is heavy with suspicion, which would have been an overreaction if everyone wasn't feeling the same way.
"What? No, It's just eggs, sausage and fruit. With some presentation, I guess, but this isn't hard to make," Brucie says with a hint of defensiveness. "I worked really hard on it."
"We all appricate it Brucie." Dick speaks up leveling the table with a hard look "And we will eat it no matter the taste."
Ah, that must be it. It may look editable, but indeed it would taste terrible. In fact, they wouldn't put it past a version of Bruce Wayne to cause them all to cling to a toilet with his cooking.
Knowing it best to get it over with, the Bats pick up a utensil and carefully cut a bite of eggs or sausage. They hesitate for a moment- Brucie digs in, chewing loudly and quickly through his omelet-throwing. Each other looks to wish them luck, and in one symmetrical movement, everyone eats.
It's...heavenly. It tastes as good as Alfred's food, which they thought no one could match. Before they know it, they fill their plates and go for seconds, not long afterward.
Alfred is all but glowing with paternal pride by the end.
"Young Master Brucie, I had no idea you knew how to cook and so wonderfully as well!" Aldred compliments
Brucie looks up, one piece of sausage dangling from his mouth, reminding them he had no table manners. How in the world does Alfred of his world allow that? They would never know.
Brucie swallows before grinning widely. "Thanks. I love cooking when it's not attacking me."
"Come again?" Bruce asks, blinking slowly as Brucie launches into tale after tale about his food reanimating and creating armies in the family fridge to fight for their freedoms. Or just eating as quickly as possible to prevent the food from coming to life.
He jokingly points at the plate with the sausage. "We better hurry before they develop eyes."
He then just goes back to eating like nothing and the rest of the table is left horrified. Eventually, Brucie excuses himself to go watch a mind-numbing movie- because he doesn't do anything- and they rush the food down to the cave for tests.
They all panic until the results come back like usual, and they realize that he is likely just joking. They all feel bad for doubting him, all but Tim and Cass, who knew Brucie had not lied or joked.
His food honestly did come to life in his old world. They just don't know what to do with that information.
Why did Bruce have to be weird in all universes?
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meekahy · 5 months
Sorry it's short! It's cute and if you haven't seen Hot Fuzz, you should. Classic.
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It was 3am, you tossed and turned. Quinn was fast asleep. Or you thought he was until he grabbed your hip, preventing you to turn over again. 
“Baby, stop turning. Just come here,” he mumbled into your hair as he pulled you ontop of him. He started to rub circles on your back as you laid your head on his chest.
“Quinny, I just can’t sleep,” you groaned, flicking a piece of lint off his shirt.
“I know, you have been turning over and over for hours. Why don’t we get up and watch a movie on the couch? I’ll make you some tea,” Quinn suggested as he trailed his fingers across your cheek.
“That sounds like a good idea,” you smiled. Quinn pulled himself from your grasp as he made his way into the kitchen to turn on the kettle so you could have tea.
“Honey, what kind of tea do you want?” He yelled from the kitchen.
“Hmm, maybe hibiscus peach? Or sleepytime?” you wondered as you walked over to his side and let your hand rub up and down his back. 
“Sleepytime,” Quinn confirmed, laughing, “you’ve barely slept.”
“Smart boy,” you cooed as you smiled at him. He looked so sleepy. He had a game that night and with you rustling in your sleep, he wasn’t able to sleep either.
He grabbed a mug and the tea and turned toward you while you both waited for the kettle to whistle. 
“I’m sorry you can’t get any slep because of me,” you whispered as Quinn’s arms wrapped around your waist. You slipped your arms around his shoulders in response.
“Oh, that’s okay. It just means I have more time to spend with you,” he said before placing a small kiss to the tip of your nose. You tugged on the collar of his tshirt and pulled him in for a kiss. His hands still on your waist, he deepened the kiss. After a few minutes of feeling him on your lips. You jolted, breaking the kiss as the kettle whistled loudly.
Quinn laughed at your reaction, loosening his grasp on you to tend to your tea. He poured the hot water into your cup. “Do you want honey?” he questioned, moving towards the cabinets. 
“Yes, please,” you sang as he poured drained some honey into the tea. Quinn handed you your tea and guided you into the living room. Carefully carrying your tea down the hall, you managed not to spill the hot liquid.
“What movie do you want to watch?” Quinn asked as he plopped himself on the couch, arm out, waiting for you to snuggle up next to him.
Sitting right next to him, you pondered as you sipped from your tea. “How about Hot Fuzz?” you asked.
“Oh, hell yeah,” he exclaimed as his arm snaked around your shoulders. He picked up the remote and put on Hot Fuzz. It was one of your favorite movies. You quote it a lot and hopefully knowing the storyline will get you sleepy.
“What’s the matter, Danny? Never taken a shortcut before?” Sergeant Angel asked Danny before jumping the fence and doing a flip. Danny being amazed, tried to do the same before slamming right through the fence, receiving a belly laugh from the both of you.
“God, I love this movie,” you mumbled to Quinn as you finish the last of your tea, setting the cup down on the coffee table and snuggling into Quinn’s side even more.
“Yarp,” Quinn replied making you cackle. This movie is pure gold humor. Near the end of the movie, Quinn noticed your head on his shoulder and you not laughing to the funny parts of the movie.
“Babe?” he whispered into your ear. With no response, he turned off the movie and carefully picked you up bridal style and laid you down on the bed. He climbed back into bed and pulled you close. Quinn placed a kiss on your hair before closing his eyes and falling asleep as well.
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fleet-of-fiction · 8 months
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Jake Kiszka // Female Narrator
Part Six
After a blinding light eradicates mankind, you're left in a desolate and empty world. A year of solitude eliminates all belief that anyone else was left behind. Until a chance encounter on the side of the road. Jake is injured and fighting for his life, but his presence brings a renewed sense of hope. Touch starved and lonely, you need him. And undoubtedly, he needs you too.
A/N: This particular chapter includes themes of extremely dark thoughts. Including thoughts of ending life. This is integral for the storyline. Does not reflect the writers personal thoughts or feelings towards triggering potential readers as it is not their intention to do so. So please, proceed with caution, as always. And if you don't wish to read such themes please do not read this chapter.
"It would be the last man on earth that would end up being mine..."
Explicit sexual content Sex (penetrative & oral) /Foreplay /Blood / Injury / Hunting. / Intense emotions / Death.
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Day 470 ~ Jake
She looked so peaceful. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes were rolling around behind closed lids. And even though I wondered what she was dreaming about, I didn't dare wake her. There was just something unsettling about trying to sleep in other people's houses and I had never slept well a single night until I found her.
I saw no reason to wake her just to tell her I was going back to the music room. I figured she would hear me as soon as dawn broke and come looking for me. Now that I'd picked up a guitar again, it was like I was being called to arms. The need to play was a welcome and not a melancholy reminder anymore.
In the early hours of morning it still felt as if the world was asleep. That everyone was still tucked up in their beds, just a few hours away from alarm clocks going off and coffee pots being switched on. It was easy to forget at this time, easy to pretend that we were the only ones left. I sometimes liked to wake up early just to catch that feeling.
It was still dark outside as I set myself up on one of the amps. I turned the volume right down and closed the door. Strumming a few notes but not playing anything in particular. I couldn't set myself to something I'd already played, and was still figuring out how to create something now on my own. It still felt strange not having Josh stood there telling me it needed to be a little faster or slower. Or Sam picking which one of us he was going to agree with that day, my heart sinking if he'd chosen Josh. Our mediator sitting behind his drums diligently tapping away if the conversation got a little too heated. I hadn't really given much thought to how much I missed Danny. But now that I was staring at the old drum kit by the window, I realised that I did miss him.
I wasn't really paying attention to the window behind. Or the pair of eyes watching me. My mind was stepping back in time, trying to think of old riffs that I'd abandoned. It wasn't until they moved that I almost dropped the guitar straight onto my foot. Something I'd never done before.
"Holy shit!!!" I cursed, reeling back as the eyes reflected in the light from inside the house.
I couldn't see much, other than a pair of roving circles peering in. I could feel my breath catch in my chest, panic begin to rise. I knew it wasn't human by the way it moved, only a foot or so off the ground and far too prowl- like to belong to any man or woman.
"What the fuck are you?" I wondered aloud, slowly inching towards the glass as if it could somehow reach me through it.
My heart was pumping blood so quickly around my body that I dizzied as I stood. Terrified that whatever it was could somehow get inside and get to Amelia before I could. As I drew closer I could hear the sound of a pitiful whine over the roar of the breeze. And although it was dark, and the reflection of the room was all I could see, the sound reminded me of something I'd heard before.
"Are you hurt?" I asked, switching off the lamp so that I could better see through the dark, the eyes which watched me immediately fading into the morning pitch black.
How many times had I been foolish in my life? When I thought about it, I could raise a nostalgic smile at the boy who had gone into dive bars before he was old enough to drink in them and played guitar while fights broke out around him. And I could consider all the times I'd cliff jumped into abandoned quarries and somehow crawled back out with my life intact. All the times I'd made myself look stupid in front of girls I liked. Done something or said something to make them think I was an idiot. Or not said something at all, the most foolish thing I could do.
Perhaps none of it was quite as thoughtless as what I did that morning. I checked on Amelia before I grabbed my jacket and went outside. She was still right where I left her, unmoved. I had thought that I might take a walk around the perimeter of the house. See if the creature was still out there.
I didn't think what would happen, could happen. Of all the risks I'd taken in my life, I never envisioned that I'd end up where I did. It was still a little cold as I buttoned up. I could see my breath as the light began to creep in from behind clouds. The wind was enough to move my hair, but moved only gently through the tree's above. A soft white noise soundtracked my steps as I traversed around the heavy woodland surrounding the house.
Until I found myself at the back yard. Staring at the window to the room where I'd just been playing guitar. Not a soul in sight.
"I'll be damned." I whispered to myself, certain that I'd find something.
I knew that what I'd seen I couldn't have imagined. I'd tripped so many times before, I knew the difference between what was real and imagined. I started moving towards the glass, watching my own reflection approach until I could clearly see the guitar right where I had almost dropped it onto my foot.
Dumbfounded. A little spooked, even. I could feel the hairs on my forearms prickle.
"I know there's something out here." I told myself.
Almost as if I was inviting it, I could feel something at my back. I slowly turned. Fear and foolishness gripping me by the throat. I backed up against the window pane. Not one set of eyes, but several stepped out from behind the trees. And I knew I was cornered.
"Clever." I remarked under my breath. "You weren't hurt at all, were you?"
I wondered if they smelled my fear. If they could hear the rush of blood through my veins as my heart pumped faster. There was nowhere for me to run. I scanned across every possible route and all of them were guarded closely by snarling teeth and renegade desires to feed.
If this was how I met my end all I could think of was Amelia. Sleeping soundly, lost in dreams only to wake to find that I was no longer there. I could feel the raging heart in my chest break as I imagined her finding them gnawing away at my corpse. Terrified that I wouldn't be enough to fill their bellies, and that they'd lure her out to die too.
Once they'd been loyal pets. Wearing collars and leashes. They would come when their masters called and chase balls when they were thrown. Settle in front of warm fireplaces and have their bellies rubbed if they rolled over. I could see it in their eyes. The pack mentality that had been suppressed for generations, the wolves in their blood howling to return to their most basic of natures. They were evolving. Growing tactful in their hunt. Luring out their prey under false pretences.
"Easy, now." I said, holding flat palms in front of me, wondering if they would respond to hearing commands they might have forgotten. "Good dogs. Sit...Stay..."
The dog that had appeared to me first cocked his head to the side a little. He was a big, imposing Shepherd breed. With a long nose and a set of sharp teeth on display. His hair was all matted underneath, an old wound still healing on his front leg. None of the dogs sat at my command. I had no control.
"No!" I warned bluntly, "There's a good boy now, Sit!"
It was as if they knew the words but couldn't recall what they meant. Standing in a semi-circle against me. I could see the smaller dogs behind, a counter-pack of terriers and spaniels. It was as if they knew the bigger dogs would have the most impact and had chosen their place in the flanks. To my left was a jet black Dobermann, clipped ears pinned back as it waited for instruction. To my right was a blue eyed Husky with the fairest white mane. Beautiful, if it weren't threatening to tear me limb from limb. And directly in front was my adversary. The Shepherd.
"I know you're hungry." I reasoned, some irrational part of my brain convinced somehow that they would understand. "I can help you, we can find food together. Just don't hurt me."
I wondered why they hesitated. If their hunger was so absolute why didn't they attack on sight? What were they waiting for? They knew I couldn't run. Were they enjoying this? Taking delight in their hunt? What could have possibly made them approach like this, without taking me down in one mass attack?
"Oh my god."
I felt my stomach turn as the penny dropped. I had been lured out there. I was just a pawn in their attempts to lure more food out. There wasn't enough meat on my bones to feed them all. And they knew that.
"You can't have her." I promised, "So, you're just going to have to feast on me."
I'd barely considered what had happened to the dogs that were left behind. I'd crossed paths with a few of them during my time on the road. Some of them would regard me, but rarely approach. Lost in their own wondering of where their beloved people had gone. Some would approach me cautiously, in the endless pursuit of food. But not like this. This was calculated. Organised.
Her voice called out from the distance. I could see their ears turn. Saliva dripping from their jowls.
"Please, Jake!!!" She screamed, tortured by my unexplained absence.
Every instinct in me had to fight not to call back. Her begging cries called out to me like a beacon alighted on the mountainside. It was my duty to respond, to let her know that I was still here.
"You keep your eyes on me, you hear?"
I'd never wanted anything more than to see her turn that corner and know that I would never willingly choose to leave her. But if she did, she courted death. Did I want her to live in a world without me? Better to have thought I had vanished than died.
Somehow I found the courage to run. And to my utter horror and relief, they followed.
Day 473 ~ Amelia
I could hear the bird song in the morning light. Another day to exist in a place where once he had. It didn't feel like it had the first time, when everyone else had disappeared. This was more crucifying than anything I could have ever endured before. This wasn't just figuring out how to live on my own, this was figuring out how to do it knowing that I had loved someone else so deeply I wanted only to die.
I walked back to the cabin without him. The acoustic guitar he had played Broken Bells on for me tucked beneath my arm as I made the journey alone. What had begun as such a wholesome idea, ended with me losing him. And I regretted the choice to take him up to that forsaken house. Never had I regretted anything more.
I looked at the spaces where once he'd dwelled. Felt his presence like a ghost that haunted me. Echoes of his voice calling out on the wind, keeping me from sleep in the night and my mind elsewhere during the day. I was keeping the animals fed, but barely functioning. And on the third day without him, I began to consider that I did not want this life.
Day 475 ~ Amelia
The rot had set in. The chickens clucked in their coop. The horses whined in their stables. And I laid in the same sheets that still carried his scent as I stared out of the window. Watching clouds pass over the canopy of trees. Wishing that I could just float away. There was no meaning to any of it anymore. I longed for that same end which had come to everyone, save me.
With Jake, it had been easy to forget that I'd been forsaken. Forgotten. Left behind, or spared. Whichever was the truth, none of it mattered whilst I had him by my side. It was him and it was me, this was ours. A solitary place for us to live out our days until we were old and had forgotten that once we'd live in a world where other people had.
I couldn't do this without him. And so I kept myself wrapped in bed sheets where he'd made love to me before and the fabric still carried the memory of his body. If only me and this bed sheet remembered him it meant that once he'd been real. And I could die knowing that wherever he was, perhaps I'd reach him in death.
Day 477 ~ Amelia
I kicked the corpse of the chicken I had starved to death. Moving it's lifeless body with the edge of my foot as I threw down some feed for the ones who had made it through my grief. I had long since brushed my hair or my teeth. The heavy weight of losing Jake mirrored in the depth of the dark circles beneath my eyes, my pallor was grey. I had not eaten in days and the thought of plucking the dead chicken for meat turned my stomach, so I threw it out into the woods and hoped some creature would find it a tasty meal.
I wasn't living. And the concept of no longer being here began to feel like a gift that I would be giving myself. I didn't want any of this anymore without Jake. Where once there'd been hope that I could do this alone, in it's place was just memories of him that hurt so badly I could scarcely go a day without clutching my belly and falling to my knees. Wailing into the ether where none could hear me.
This wasn't life. It was purgatory. Just a gateway between life and death. My heart was still inexplicably beating. But without purpose. And I was tired of it. For seven days I had tried and failed to carry on without him and for seven days I had carried a strength I could no longer bear. If I was weak, then I'd walk into that weakness willingly and with the knowledge that I had tried. And the only hope that I had left was that which told me that Jake waited for me on the other side.
The version of him that I had imagined was all that I had left. I had loved him so much that I had known that losing him would completely eradicate all my desire to live. There was no amount of time that I could have had with him that would have ever been enough. And the moments which we had shared now felt like only one or two stitches on what could have been a rich tapestry. If I didn't live, there would be nobody left to remember him. But if I lived, I would remember him. And that in itself was the most cruel of fates.
Day 478 ~ Amelia
Today. I had considered it enough. Today was going to be my final day on earth. And although the manner within which I would unravel from my mortal coil had not been determined, I knew that by the time the sun began to set that I'd be set within my death.
I woke early. There were signs of spring in the air as I showered and dressed. The air a little warmer. The sun rising a little earlier. And I finally brushed my hair and teeth. Making sure that I went to my end with a little dignity. I tended to the animals and although I wasn't quite sure why, knowing their end would be as bitter as mine, it felt good to be doing something useful again.
I ate a small breakfast of scrambled eggs and drank a cup of hot coffee. I took a blanket out onto the porch swing and read a few chapters of a book that I'd neglected. All things which I would have done on any other uneventful day. And as I looked up from my pages, I tried to imagine Jake chopping wood on the block opposite the porch.
His wide swing circling back, the axe in both hands. His hair blowing in the breeze, and a look of absolute satisfaction on his lips as the axe blew the wood apart. The back of his hand rested against his forehead as he began to sweat, even though the temperatures outside were far too cool.
I stared into the brush, the green and the brown and the bark of the tree's all lining up to create the forest floor beyond. Listening to the soft bird call and wind through the leaves. I put my book down and decided to just sit there a while and take it all in while I could.
Everything was perfectly still. As if it had paused itself in the wake of my decision to leave it all behind. I almost felt as if I couldn't have picked a more perfect day. I was calm, perhaps too calm.
"I really wish you were here." I said, my eyes roving around the beauty of the forest for one last time.
That was when I saw it. Emerging from beyond what my eye could see. I squinted into it. Not certain at first, convinced that I was imagining it. I slid off the porch swing and advanced down the steps. Something moved between the tree's. Something that wasn't swaying in the breeze or part of the natural order of things. It was dark at first, just a spectre that I couldn't clearly define.
"Jake?!" I said his name before I even knew that it was him.
His name on the breeze called to him. He moved more swiftly, moving aside the shrubbery with his bare hands as he began to run. And I, too, began to run on bare feet into the woods.
"Jake!!!" I screamed it, aching to reach him before I would be torn from this sweetest of dreams.
I purged myself of the love I had for him. Roaring in sobs that came to me unbound as I reached him in a small clearing just beyond the cabin boundary. Over those biting sobs, there was no sound. I buried my face into the curve of his hollow neck. Whatever had been locked inside me, spilling out against his flesh. I cried without thought or regard. I had no control over it, the days of struggle all seemed to converge until I cried hopelessly and fiercely into him.
He clutched me tightly. Refusing to let him see my face, I forced myself to stay against his chest. This dream I would not wake from. If I looked into his eyes I would know it wasn't real and I was not ready to give it up. I would let him hold me for as long as I could hold on to him. And I would cherish the sweetness of such a vivid untruth. It was all but a dream, just a dream...
"Amelia..." He uttered.
"No..." I hushed. "Don't speak, don't wake me."
Birds stirred in the distance. Somewhere the breeze picked up, and I could hear the slither of it through leaves that had fallen onto the ground. Picking them up in a vain attempt to return them to the air.
"Amelia, my love...open your eyes." He urged, that familiar touch of his hand coming to rest on my cheek.
I had cried enough. There were no tears left. But when I opened my eyes, they continued regardless. Not sobs of grief, but quiet droplets of something which I had no name for.
"Jake." I repeated in whisper, although he wasn't the Jake of my memory.
He was changed. The hair which used to flow down over his beautiful face had been chopped just above his shoulders. Rough stubble pebbled his upper lip and chin. But the eyes which bore down into me were the same. I would have known those eyes even if he had changed beyond all recognition. His arms felt the same, too. A mixture of desire and urgency and restraint. And for one still moment I took in the sight of him, before venomous anger took over.
I struck him once. Cold and hard across his jawline. He turned his face away but did not buckle with the blow. I had probably not struck him hard enough, or perhaps he had been expecting it. He didn't release me, and I was glad. And when he turned back, his face had not changed. As if he'd felt nothing. Or perhaps, he'd felt worse and this was nothing in comparison.
"I deserved that." He breathed, the sound of his voice filling me such relief I almost died right there just as I had planned to.
If I had known in that moment what it was within his mind, perhaps I would have prepared myself better. As much as anyone can be prepared for a kiss that they never thought they would have again.
He clasped me harder, his hands crushing my arms as he pulled me into him. He turned his head slightly, too swiftly for me to consider it. As if he had never been in any doubt that this would be how we would reunite. He brushed his lips against mine. Softly at first, those eyes probing me for the briefest moment for permission of sorts. And then he kissed me harder, deeper and with fierce conviction. Whatever small part I had in this kiss, I knew it was my place to submit to it. He pushed his body against mine, his mouth opening and showing me that nothing else mattered.
I fought against his tongue. Wanting it so badly, but too full of wondering to let him have too much of it. I let him have a moment of it. And not a second more.
"Jake, please..." I pulled back, holding his face between my palms as I studied the sunken cheekbones beneath his dark eyes. "You've been gone for eight days."
"I know." He replied, "And for eight days I've been trying to get back to you."
I didn't understand, couldn't fathom what he had been through. Somehow it was etched there in his emaciated face. A struggle I would never be able to share the depth of with him. And he, in return, would never be able to follow me into mine.
"I don't understand." I muttered, turning his face this way and that to try and see a hint of what it had cost him to return to me. "I thought you had....vanished."
"You think that I would choose to leave you?" He simpered, taking another kiss as we began to rise. "That's not a choice I ever thought I'd have to make. But I did. And I would do it again a thousand times to keep you safe."
There would be time enough for explanations. He was weary. Dishevelled and somehow traumatised. And so I silently led him back to the cabin, my arm around his waist. The outline of his ribs against my hand. And any thought of my own death somehow completely gone from me.
Day 479 ~ Jake
She was a sight for sore eyes. Resting her little head on my chest. Hair fanned out across my arm, the scent of it like pine and moss. I was showered and she'd made food for me. Silently eating it as she sat beside me at the kitchen table, stroking my hair and looking at me as if she'd never seen anything more precious to her.
No sooner had I pushed my empty plate aside, she'd taken my hand and told me to get in bed. And I'd insisted that she crawl in beside me. Folding herself up into my side like she'd always belonged there. And for the first time in eight days I felt rested.
"You haven't asked me what happened out there." I mentioned, resting my cheek against her crown.
"You'll tell me when you're ready." She replied, sighing deeply as she swept her fingertips across my stomach.
I could see a madness in her that hadn't been there before. I tried to imagine what it had been like for her, but my thoughts always fell short. She was quiet. I kept catching her gazing at me as if she couldn't quite believe that I was there. She'd even sat with me as I showered, handing me the soap and watching the dirt slide off my back.
"You wouldn't believe me, even if I did tell you." I surmised, running my hand down her spine, feeling her body shift as she turned to look at me.
"Try me." She answered, calm and collected, as if we were talking about a T.V show we'd watched. "I've considered everything. Driven myself mad with it."
"I know." I replied softly, "You didn't deserve that. But what's happening out there... it's unlike anything that we could have been prepared for."
Her interest piqued, she raised herself up onto an elbow and furrowed her brow.
"What do you mean? Out there?" She said, "How far did you go?"
I didn't have a distance that I could tell her in numbers. Only that I'd gone beyond where my scent could be traced back. Days and nights of running, being hunted. The pack were smart. Even when I'd climbed tree's to avoid their eye line, they'd lingered on the forest floor picking up the scent of me and waiting for me to make my next move.
I knew that if I went back to the cabin they'd follow me there. I had to get them far enough away and lose them so that I could circle back without bringing them with me. On the fourth day I lost them, their senses distracted, and it had taken another four days to get back.
"We need to secure the perimeters of the cabin. Make sure the livestock is safe. That nothing can get in." I told her, my voice unintentionally rising to panic.
"Why?!" She asked, "What happened, Jake? You're scaring me."
There would be time enough to tell her. That the creatures we'd once held so dear had gone back to their most basic bloodlines. That the wild animals were welcoming their domestic kin back into the fold. That the wolves had descended, but not as we remembered them. They were just regular dogs. Like the one my brother had loved and kept. Her name was Rose and she had slept on my bunk in the tour bus, sniffling in my guitar cases for treats. The softest, most loving creature I had ever known. And I just couldn't picture her a snarling, starving mess with dripping fangs and a taste for blood.
But somehow I knew she was out there, trying to survive if she hadn't already died.
"I'll tell you, baby." I promised, pulling her back onto my chest, not certain I could look her in the eye as I spoke.
All I wanted to do was hold her. Remind myself why I'd risked everything. She listened to me and hummed in agreeance to everything I said. Gasping in disbelief at my tale of pursuit. She would circle her fingers over my navel as she listened, drawing little intakes of breath from me as I tried to paint her a vivid picture until I had to give in to her.
No more talking. No more desperately trying to cling on to the fact that I'd made it back home to her. What was any of it for if not for the sweetness of her body? Her kiss? I wanted to reunite with her in the only way that I could. Pushing her onto her back, striking my thumb across her cheek as I swept her hair away from her face.
"Why'd you chop your beautiful hair off, Jake?" She asked, picking up a tendril of what used to sit on my collar bone.
"That's how I managed to fool them." I replied, nodding into a smiling kiss. "I cut my hair and scattered it for them to confuse my scent. Once they were distracted, I managed to put a few miles between us."
The way she looked at me made my heart rush. Every empty space without her filled with a warmth that felt like home. She looked at me as if I held the world in my hands for her. I was the one who made it turn.
"Don't you ever disappear on me like that again, Jacob."
She meant it. Stoic and steadfast, she didn't miss a beat.
"No Ma'am." I replied, sinking into a kiss that made my cock start to awaken to the possibility of that proper reunion.
She wasted no time. Climbing on top of me, letting her hair fall. Her perfect breasts pushed up against my chest as she kissed me. Blood pumped harder in my veins. My body somehow awakening the strength to wrap my arms around her and spin her onto her back. She squealed with joy. Her laughter filling my senses like music I'd never heard before.
And I forgot everything that had happened before that sweet moment.
Day 479 ~ Amelia
My man. My quick thinking silent protector. He was mine. And as he laid me down beneath him I'd never felt more safe. The scent of his freshly washed body, the lines of bones that now protruded signalled his struggle and I held them close to me as he parted my legs.
The nightmares we'd had could wait. I welcomed him between my thighs and let him push his hard cock into my desperately wet pussy that had pined for him just as much as my heart had. Soon he was writhing above me, panting for breath and sealing his lips to my nipples as he thrusted against me. And I forgot that I'd wanted to die. The invisible thread which kept me tethered to this life had returned to me. And I could never tell him what I'd intended to do.
"Fuck, I missed you...I missed this." He breathed the words against my chest, sliding his tongue across the valley of my breasts.
There was nothing more erotic than the sweet reunion of lovers who had never known that they would ever meet again. In the world we'd once lived in, a call or a text would have eased our worried minds. But without so much as a letter to be delivered, I'd lived in a state of unknowing. It felt almost unreal to have him bared to me, making love to me in a bed he'd been wholly absent from.
I couldn’t get enough of him. I was tired and sore but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted the ache. I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him in further and further. I wanted to watch his face. I wanted his sweat to drop onto me. I wanted to drop mine on him. To feel the bitterness that had kept us apart dissipate in the feral moans that rang out from that bedroom of ours.
"Never again Jake..." I made him swear. "Don't you ever leave me again... Don't leave me alone in this world."
He was breathless and covered in sweat. His and mine. Pussy juice and the cum which had leaked from his tip smeared across our bodies. The gentle rhythm of our love making turning into fierce sex that would bring us to completion.
The depth of his despair was in the way he looked at me then. He took my hair in his fist, holding me still. My legs spread wide for him, his hips grinding into me as if he couldn't bear it.
"I'll die before I ever leave you alone, my love." He whispered solemnly, pressing his mouth against my ear.
"Now hush." He ordered, "And take what I have to give you..."
I could only submit to the violent way he fucked me. Screaming his name into the night. And somewhere in the distance, under the light of the full moon, a wolf howled into the wind...
To be Continued...
@caprisunsister @thewritingbeforesunrise @takenbythemadness @katuschka @its-interesting-van-kleep @lvnterninthenight @writingcold @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @edgingthedarkness @velveteencatch @lyndz2names @nina-23-45 @itsafullmoon y @char289 @dancingcarbon @gvfpal @violetstarcatcher @wetkleenex-gvf @jazzyfigz @gvfmarge @ignite-my-fire
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zahri-melitor · 4 months
New(ish) Comics:
Batman #147: I already went on about this but I have to point back to Bruce's conversation with Barry here. This is what the entire storyline is about. (also all the Batman-Justice League robots are so extremely Dark Nights Metal coded I've got to say)
Tumblr media
I will get to #148 later.
Birds of Prey #9: ...is the implication here that Zealot and Ollie have been sleeping together? Does Dinah know? Does this mean there is the possibility of Dinah sleeping with other people? This is clearly the most important part of this issue. Edit: Apparently it's Cole Cash/Grifter, not Ollie. I am suffering from blond dude with beard assumptions. (and Dinah sleeping with people not Ollie assumptions, given the exciting panel right at the start that I thought was Babs and Dinah landing on top of each other and having hands in unmentionable places. Sadly this did not pan out)
Okay that said, Megaera popping out to talk to people using Sin's HAIR is the most Zinn-from-Monstress coded thing yet, and I've been getting the Zinn vibes for a while. Love the snark though.
Loved the Danny the Street shoutout, and the art is once again fabulous, particularly the way they've used colour.
Shazam! #11: The Darla and Hoppy investigation alliance going on is amazing. The fact that Hoppy is scared of Tawky Tawny is hilarious. Mary is desperately trying to stop worrying by controlling every variable possible. Freddy is still so excited about being allowed to drive. And Billy is having a break down.
The Boy Wonder #1: this is just a visual feast. I love the mythical feel of it, the story and art references. It's just a beautiful book, and exactly what I love to see from Black Label.
The Warlord #51: this week in the Lost Land of Skartaris the issue is literally reprinting The Warlord #1 to remind everyone of where the story started. Which I admit, after 50 issues and the First Issue Special it's fun to be reminded of back when Travis and Tara actually appeared on panel together regularly. In any case, after the two of them fall in love and frolic around together on their way to Shamballah, they get captured by slavers, Travis AND Tara both get chained up, and Mike Grell's bondage fetish and taste for crucifixion imagery becomes apparent to anyone unfamiliar.
The backup is Dragonsword, written by Paul Levitz, and I don't think I've ever actually read much that Levitz wrote rather than edited (the answer after a quick glance is 'a couple of Christmas stories'). Interesting to see him doing sword and sorcery rather than LOSH. Literally: this is about a knight with a talking chimpanzee for a squire, who goes out to blood a new sword by killing a dragon, only to find the dragon talking to him from his sword.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 3 months
I keep seeing comments from Robert fans about John being a copy cat and I just don't really get it. Other than being Sugdens I can't see any similarities in their back stories from the little we know about John. Perhaps I'm missing something. I don't want to write off a storyline completely before it's been on screen. All we've really got at the moment is a lot of assumptions. How do you know Ryan isn't coming back? You seem so sure, I wondered if you had any inside information.
I mean by all means, don’t be a cynic. Haha. I’m sure it would be more enjoyable that way.
The current similarities as I see them are:
1. He’s a queer son of Jack Sugden
2. So he’s Vic’s brother
3. It says he’s going to be brooding and closed off due to his military background which is very similar to what many have theorized would be how Robert would return from prison
4. His van is going to break down on the way to the village and that filming picture from Danny showed him out on a country road so it seems like he’s going to come across him there which will mimic the robron lay by scene in some fashion
Sure we don’t know much more than that but all four things we do know match up with Robert so it stands to reason considering these producers have zero imagination that he will have more robertisms. And if he is paired with Aaron then it’s gonna feel similar regardless.
Could they do something interesting with it, sure? But they have an absolutely abysmal track record.
And I don’t have any advanced knowledge on the Ryan front. It’s just that we all thought he might be back last year or earlier this year and he still hasn’t made any indication that he is coming back so I’m just not going to get my hopes up anymore. If he comes back, he comes back. And I’ll be excited. If he doesn’t? Oh well. He doesn’t owe anybody anything.
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nextstopwonderland · 1 month
Those asks to mjfass re: Yuta got me wondering if he would go to WWE just for Regal. What do you think?
I had to go look at what you were talking about because I haven’t been keeping up on my feed lately.
I’d say hard no to that? Yuta has Bryan (doesn’t matter if he’s winding down, he’s still gonna be around), mox and Claudio makes no sense to me that he’d leave ‘for regal’ when regal’s been gone for a year and a half
Despite dropping the belt he’s still in a feud with Lee/on roh, he’s a central part of Bryan’s Wembley storyline, AND I have a feeling mox is coming back next week. BCC is going strong; Yuta ain’t going anywhere.
(And even though it wasn’t asked, nor do I think is Danny. I think that’s all a work/misinformation is being fed to the dirt sheets and that Danny is both signed and coming back either at Wembley or right before.)
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that-birdy-chick · 2 months
/2 and to be aware that you'll have some people jumping down your throat trying to explain away terrible writing choices with 'uwu poor steve has sooo much trauma uwu, you don't understand him' and proceed to write a giant block of meta full of hcs and personal interpretations and projection while trampling over your (a real, flesh and blood human being's) very valid feelings of frustration with the way the characters are written in this tv series, just to 'protect'(???) steve (fictional character!). also hilariously forgetting (or just ignoring) that the character of danny also has metric tons of trauma and none of it gets addressed. there's a pretty good reason why s6-10 are seen as 'character assassination' of danny and are the reason some authors left the fandom. sure, there's some nice mcdano moments! and storylines! but it's a quality rollercoaster there are some things that happen that i lovelovelove and others that make me want to hit my head on my desk so hard (the 'charlie will hate you' thing, everyone being ungrateful/dismissive, and in s8, and in s9 and in s10). the producers+writers for some reason cannot make them feel as close as they were in the first 5 seasons and that's just so sad man. they had a great thing going and they dropped the ball so hard. I really recommend rewatching the the first seasons right after ending the series to see the contrast, not just in writing choices but how the actors themselves are trying their best and still seem to be so -done- with everything which is absolutely tied to those links in my first ask; plus alex wanting to be done by s5 and leave, and scott also being done by s5, but staying (even if in lesser capacity, check his imdb: starting from s6 onward he disappears for 4-6 episodes (for his fam and his acting career))
i reiterate, i just writing this to say it valid to feel happy/glad/frustrated/angry/have negative feelings about the show, and nobody should make you feel like they are not or try to explain away questionable stuff like it's your fault you don't 'get it' (while making things up and not taking into account the unfortunate happening in behind the scenes).
hope you enjoy what's left of the series! love to see your thoughts on the episodes!!! (and mcdannno 👀)
Hey anon!
thank you so much for the advice and your kind words!
Seeing as I'm still pretty new to the fandom and that I've been nothing but warned about the last seasons, the heads up is very appreciated!
So far people leaving their own interpretation of Steves character and the overall writing under my posts hasn't really bothered me,
Honestly, I really like to hear other people's perspectives on these things
so long as everyone stays mostly respectful or doesn't get outright nasty towards me as a person, I'm fine with it
Maybe that will change overtime when I'm not quite as new to the fandom anymore but right now, I find it mostly interesting what others have to say
Still thank you tho <3
It's always nice to have people looking out for the new guys <3
About the stuff you mentioned with Danny and 'character assissination' I have to agree 100%
as much as I've started to like s7 the longer I keep watching the more the cracks start to show again,
with both Danny and steve being uncharacteristically nasty at times again towards each other and also this overall feeling that they're just not quite as close as they used to be?
Don't get me wrong it's still miles better than s5 and don't even get me started on s6
But with everything you just told me, that was apparently going on behind the scenes, I guess it's no wonder?
Still I keep my fingers crossed that once I've made it to the end it might not be quite as bad as I've heard?
Maybe it's just false hope because s7 has done a pretty good job emulating the vibe of the earlier seasons so far
Right now I'm at the episode where max is leaving and I have to say it genuinely made me teary eyed to see him go and knowing that he won't be the only character this season to leave for good doesn't make it very easier to keep going,
even if I really dig this more light hearted and at times somber vibe this season.
I also really liked how everyone got a very heartfelt speech about who they are to max and I felt they did a very good job keeping it equal
Sorry, this got a little out of hand also hope you're okay with me sharing this with the rest of the fandom
I just wanted to show my gratitude and share my overall feelings on the show so far
Thanks a lot again and hopefully this wasn't to long a reply<3
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liaromancewriter · 10 months
Hello there ☺️ I don’t know if you’ve already talked about this or have a fic where you address this issue, but here it goes anyways:
What do you think about the whole Mitch situation? We know that he was taking advantage of Sienna and she just couldn’t take it anymore and let it all out in front of everyone. Then, we see how the whole hospital starts to make fun of Mitch and even Sienna seems to think he deserves the treatment he is getting for being lazy, not taking his work or the patients seriously, and taking advantage of her good nature. Afterwards, we find out that Mitch left Edenbrook because of the bullying he was receiving and we see that Sienna feels bad about it.
This storyline always makes me feel conflicted. I think that there’s an option where MC can say that this isn’t high school or something and no one should be bullied and Sienna gets upset to see MC standing up for Mitch. I may be wrong about this since it’s been a while since the last time I replayed these chapters.
I know Mitch totally deserved to be called out and part of Sienna’s arc is to learn how to stand up for herself before it gets to the point where she cannot longer control her emotions. It happened with Wayne in book 1 and again with Mitch in book 2. Different types of relationship with each, but both were mistreating her for an extended period of time. But I’ll say that it was surprising to see a character that is as kind as Sienna be vindictive for a hot minute. What do you think about this? Does it align with your version of her?
Overall, it made little sense that the interns in second year performed so poorly. In book 1, everyone was a stellar intern and had to deal with complex cases alone. Sienna had to tell patients that they were terminal on her intern year. MC and Jackie used the defibrillator on a patient on their first day and were successful. We were told Edenbrook only accepted the best of the best only to have such lackluster interns on the second book 😐 I understand it was some kind of new program, but it bothered me regardless haha
Thank you and my best wishes for you 💖
Hello, Fellow Sienna Fan!
I have so many Sienna stories that I want to write. She's practically my second MC. But, the fandom is so dead now that I wonder, who even cares about those fics.
Writing about her relationship with Mitch is definitely on the list -- all the things we don't see in canon. While I haven't written a fic about it before, I included Sienna's thoughts and feelings about the situation in my original Maxenna series in Part 2 and end of Part 3.
Sienna was conflicted about what happened with Mitch. She put up with a lot because she genuinely thought she was helping him. After everything that happened with Cassie and Danny, she lost her patience with his laziness, but more than that, she found her voice.
While Cassie didn't agree with the bullying, she supported Sienna in public but let her know how she felt in private. Sienna knew she'd gone far too, but all the anger she felt, the helplessness during the poison attack, came out. I don't think it was vindictiveness from Sienna at all; rather her eyes finally opened to what was happening around her. Life was too short to put up with someone who didn't respect medicine or was willing to learn.
In my hc, it was almost 7 or 8 months into residency when the showdown with Mitch happened. (I believe the timeline in canon is likely close to that). Sienna always felt guilty about him leaving because she knew the bullying was her fault. She also felt that he didn't take his job seriously.
We know from canon that Mitch felt inadequate and covered it up with his attitude. But he didn't make that confession until after. So, as far as Sienna was concerned, he was not serious about being a doctor.
One of the lessons from each book is that medicine is hard, it's not predictable and requires fortitude to survive in that career. In book 1, all of the interns faced hard choices. In book 3, it's about adversity from within and without, and learning to compromise so that you don't lose right of the big picture.
In book 2, the residents become mentors to the next crop of interns and it's time to step up and lead. It's not that the interns were bad; the lesson we were expected to take, I believe, is that doctors are only as good as those who train them. Harper Emery tells Aurora the same thing. MC is good because they learned from Ethan Ramsey. And yet, despite everything, mistakes happen because medicine is uncertain.
Thanks for the ask. I could go on and on, but I won't lol
Character Asks: @bluebelle08 @cariantha @crazy-loca-blog @coffeeheartaddict2 @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
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mislamicpearl · 1 year
Thoughts on Danny Phantom: A Glitch in Time
If you want the tl;dr of my thoughts on this graphic novel, it's simple: I LOVED IT! And I want moooore!
I'm soooooo happy with all the dialogue and characterization, it is just spot on! I could perfectly hear the original voices of the characters saying these lines, this comic could literally be a new episode of the show and it would fit seamlessly! No 2020's slang or memes, no wokeness that wasn't there before, just pure Danny Phantom. The only few indications of the comic having been written in 2023 is the use of words like "selfie" and "goat", and those are already old enough now that they don't feel that blatant.
Needless to say I'm sooooo glad this story's main premise is on Dark Danny, the fact that that storyline never came back in the show was always a sore spot for me. And not only Dark Danny but Vlad AND Clockwork come back for major parts to play? This is like the most wish fulfilling fanfic ever, except it's CANON!
But yeah, love that Vlad got to come back, it's always funny when he has to work together with Danny, AND the fact that he gets a redemption of sorts at the end fixes one of the many things I disliked about the show's finale - it had always felt like this was a villain character that could have and should have gotten a second chance to do some good.
Ahahaha I had completely forgotten that Tucker was made mayor of Amity Park in Phantom Planet, and ngl it was a great move on the comic's part scrapping that idea immediately, that had always been pretty silly.
I wish we could've seen just a little bit more of Danny interacting with his parents now that they know his identity as a half ghost, but considering they weren't major characters in this plot (and considering how things end up) it kinda makes sense.
The important thing is that we still got lots of cute wholesome hugs between Danny and his friends. :')
Aaaaaah Dark Danny is so cool! The art style was really cute but the author also managed to make Phantom look just as dark and menacing as he was in the show.
The best and most disturbing joke was Danny seeing that Vlad still had a clone of him in stasis, ahahaha! And this actually comes back to play an important part in the plot later!
I'm glad Valerie got some moments to shine in this too, I never liked how her and Danny's whole thing was just kind of rushed and brushed aside in the show's finale. Now we can see, she still doesn't completely trust him!
If there's just one thing I fault this comic with, it's the whole glitching through different timelines thing to make filler action scenes. I felt like they ate up page time for nothing.
"I put you two in the ground before, I can do it again" HOLY FRICK THAT'S DARK, DANNY!
I really love the lore surrounding the ghosts that was added. Given that Butch Hartman has said the ghosts aren't actually deceased spirits of real people, the explanation given here actually makes the fact that we have ghosts like Poindexter, who was a living boy once, make sense without negating what he said. It also very simply explains why we have weird formless or creature-like ghosts, something I'd never even thought to wonder about.
I did think it was a little too easy for Danny to get his powers back after that explanation (and dang, as if he hasn't been compared to Spider-man enough XD), but I love what it did for Vlad's character arc.
I don't know how I'd never thought before about Dark Danny and Vlad interacting but WOW I needed to see that! God what a deliciously complicated relationship - Vlad literally adopted this version of Danny and made him who he was! And again, what a great way to develop Vlad's character making Dark Danny show him exactly what would result from him getting what he'd always wanted in making Danny his protegee!
Clockwork Dark Danny looked so cool~
"Why was I the one who lost everything?" God this part punched me in the gut. 
Clockwork returning Danny and his friends back to the status quo of the show would usually annoy me, but I totally see that this is the author's way of undoing the results of Phantom Planet and leaving the story open to doing the ending over again - and I'm all for that! You know, if in fact we do get more comics after this.
Which it seems like we will because we kinda left Valerie on a cliffhanger there?
And Dark Danny is now a kid again and back with Vlad, heck yeah! Again, I need mooooore! Bring back Dani next!!
5 stars man, this is a continuation done right in every way!
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Well, I can't promise this will be the most coherent recap of Casualty thoughts, because I've got a headache today. But I thought it was mostly very, very good!
The Stevie storyline has got so much better over these past couple of weeks. I hated it for a while, tbh. I'm still not entirely sure what to think of it now narratively, but I think it's being handled a lot better. And of course, brilliantly acted as anything to do with Stevie is.
The introductory sequence was upsetting but very well done, I thought. And the show seems to have remembered a one-off scene from the flashbacks in Stevie's first ep: Emma saying that Stevie was once going out with three guys named Dan at the same time (whether this means Stevie is polyam or she was cheating on three different boyfriends is unclear), and Stevie pointing out "one of them was a Danny". Perhaps the very same Danny from tonight. That would be fantastic continuity. Or if it's a coincidence, then what a coincidence it is.
This backstory for Stevie is one that, if it were for any other character, I'd say was a blatant retcon and had never been implied before. But Stevie is so incredibly emotionally repressed, that I can believe her having trauma like this in her past the whole time and it never coming up.
As for the current situation... well, Stevie was definitely out of line, but Harry clearly doesn't have innocent intentions in any of this. I think he just wants her out of the way because she figured out that he's very blatantly controlling Mel.
I appreciate how that story has been handled, as well. Because of Holby's dreadful "Madge is in an abusive marriage! No wait, her husband's a nice guy, it's her horrible burdensome disabled daughter that's causing problems!" storyline back in the day, I feared this Harry and Mel story was just going to be a repetition of that - but no, it's clearly a subversion. I'm not totally forgiving Casualty's recent handling of disability issues, but this is an improvement narratively over what I thought it was.
Also, it's interesting that we now have Faith literally taking the side of an abuser while trying to gaslight Stevie into thinking she's being ridiculous and doesn't know what she's doing. (Very, very far from the first time Faith has gaslit Stevie.) I don't think we'll ever get followup on that because that would mean the show acknowledging what a monster Faith is and I don't think that will ever happen, but... that scene spoke a thousand words.
Meanwhile, Stevie of course knows what she's looking for - because of her experiences with Marcus' coercive control of her. Jacob was one of the first characters to express scepticism of Harry's presence, too. Considering his relationship with Tina and where Harry's story is going now, I wonder if that was intentional?
The Rash storyline is still very, very well done IMO. It almost made me cry again. Neet Mohan is such a fantastic actor.
And I'm very intrigued by Tariq! So far, he seems quite likeable, and I think his dynamic with Rash is interesting. They're cousins, but their dynamic seems almost sibling-like, which is neat. Tariq seems to be something of a "cool older brother" type of character, and I like that.
I like Siobhan a lot so far, too. Not to bring up Madge again, but Siobhan does feel a lot like her, but that's not necessarily something I mind. I didn't much like Cathy (I think that was her name) from Corrie, so I was worried about what I'd think of Siobhan. Thankfully, my problem with Cathy seems to have just been the character, as I consider Siobhan quite enjoyably watchable.
Unfortunately, I didn't like the Paige and Jodie stuff. Both characters deserve much more interesting stories than this.
I hope beyond hope that Paige doesn't leave. I wouldn't want her to have such a lackluster last story, for one thing. And she has so much potential.
As for Jodie, again, why is the Max story falling to the wayside? It's ridiculous.
It was nice to get some more Jan and Teddy scenes tonight. I appreciated that a lot.
I don't know for sure, but I think next week is Max's last ep. I'm not expecting it to be satisfactory, but I hope it will be good.
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sevilemar · 10 months
@ten-of-imps and me are having a big Dr. Who discussion, and because tumblr is tumblr, and it cannot do discussions for shit, all of you have to suffer through this. I made a new post because the other one was getting too big.
I feel like I touched a nerve, not just with you, but with another friend as well, who was also less than happy with Moffat in Dr. Who, and Clara especially. They said Clara did not really feel like a character to them, but like a function that was there for the Doctor, in a very sexist, it's-all-about-the-guy way. I'm still grappling with that, because I know I often miss things like that, and I'm grateful when my friends point them out. I know Moffat has a history of doing shit like that (I was a Sherlock fan before I was a Whovian). And still I like Clara, and Clara and Twelve (Peter Capaldi) together.
If it is not too forward to ask, why are you so hurt over Clara? I'm having difficulties grasping that, because to me, like I said, Clara was great the way she was.
But let's talk about your wonderful rant about Eleven (I think you mean Eleven, since he was the one with Amy and Rory and the one word bullshit, not Twelve. Matt Smith, eleventh doctor, right?). It does feel a bit brattish to me too, especially the one word thing. But what I really had a problem with were his doom-and-gloom storylines, all introspection and navel gazing and all revolving around him, in a very sexist, the-great-tragedy-is-all-about-the-guy, way. Twelve was refreshingly different from that, for me at least. No gloom, for startes^^. I'm glad we got two seasons with him and Clara, and we got Missy in there as well. But that's another story.
I am not rewatching all of Eleven, because he is also no fun for me as well, but I have rewatched the Clara episodes, just to get a feel for their dynamic. I cannot say if he is snake primary, or if he would have burned down the world for Amy, or by accident. All I know is that he returned to helping in the end, couldn't keep away forever. And from what I vaguely remember from the doom-and-gloom before, he probably had good reasons to take some me-time? Even the Doctor is allowed some of that, occasionally, I think ;)
Best of luck with your rewatch, may you find a bit more of yourself through it! Let me know if I can help with the analysis in any way by discussing something, yeah?
About the quote, I cannot do it, either. And I don't think anyone should outside of fiction. Because if the betrayer does not feel the consequences of their betrayal, what would stop them from doing it again? And the relationship that follows from there is not healthy for anyone in the real world. And yet I wonder. What must it be like to accept someone as completely as Twelve did Clara in this moment? Because that is who she is, down to her core. Burn her timeline, burn the world, betray the Doctor for Danny, and she is not sorry, and she would do it again. To accept that, to love that as the one who got betrayed is unspeakable. Fills me with all kinds of feelings I am not ready to examine yet. 
One thing I do know is that the scene is not really about love and goodness for me. Not really. It's about accepting people as they are, and because you know them so well that you can forgive them anything. And that is fine for fiction, and you may even dream about knowing and being known like that from time to time. But if I learned one thing in my life, it's that it does not work outside of fiction and dreams. As much as you know a person, there is an infinity you still do not know about them, and you will never know how they will change.
I rewatched Bill's season too, and I'm beginning to like her a lot. I couldn't the first time around cause I was still reeling from Clara, but I wanted to give her a chance. I do not have an emotional connection to her, but I like her. I don't know why exactly, but I do. But I don't think she is a modern Twelve, no. But maybe you're right about her being one of the reasons for Thirteen? I think Missy was another, tbh.
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leojurand · 1 year
silly lymond ranking after the reread 🫶
6. queens' play:
this was my least favourite book in the series when i read it the first time, and unfortunately revisiting it didn't change that... it reinforced it. on reread i realized part of it is that i don't think this book is very exciting? there are some amazing, fun sequences (roof chase ofc), but overall i would say it lacks spark, if that makes sense. i think it's inevitable for me to not be head over heels in love with this novel because, especially compared to book 1, i don't think these new characters are that compelling. i don't really care about phelim; my favourite thing about oonagh is the way she's described (and man, do i not care about the fling she has with lymond...); and even though i think the robin stewart subplot is the best part of QP, i also don't have a lot of feelings about that guy specifically? great storyline, wonderful homoeroticism... still zero attachment to robin stewart.
the first time i read it i also thought there was way too much thady b stuff. i wanted francis crawford! but the second time around i appreciate it more, and i noticed that we actually get a fair amount of rare lymond pov in this book, which is very interesting.
so, this is either my least or second to last favourite dunnett novel. still really, really good!
5. the ringed castle
dorothy. i'm sure you did so much research about russia and russian ambassadors and the english court with mary and elizabeth but. did we have to read so much about all of that? i think dunnett is usually very good at showing the historical events and historical figures in an interesting way, but man. she failed here. especially with the english court and the russian ambassador, i could Not care less!! and another thing about this book that really misses the mark for me is philippa's characterization. i don't understand why she abandons kuzúm so suddenly and without a second thought. i dislike how she's so incredibly gorgeous and smart every man around her falls for her. i really don't like that she starts quoting literature in other languages so we see how very perfect she and lymond are for each other. it doesn't work for me at all.
i'm making it sound as if i hate this book lmao but that's not true!! i actually find lymond's character very compelling here. i'm not bothered by his cold behaviour towards everyone because i get it. i love the st mary's men in RC too. danny is perfect, and adam and alec are incredible here. the diccon chancellor storyline is heartbreaking and as horrible as it is i love its conclusion. and the crawford family drama... it hurts me in the best way possible.
so this novel has some things i very much appreciate, but some parts i'd want to skip in the future (spoiler alert: these mixed feelings will continue with the next entry)
4. checkmate
hoooo boy. okay so. this is (probably, maybe) the most popular book in the series. i know many would consider it dunnett's magnum opus. and i unfortunately disagree completely. not because i think this book is bad. i think in many ways it is exceptionally good. the prose here is unparalleled. in the first 70% of CM the drama is very engaging and keeps you reading and picking up the book again and again... even if, like me, you don't really care for this drama specifically. it's that well-written!! i fucking love all the francis/sybilla drama, as unnecessary as it may seem. i fucking love marthe and jerott's fucked up lavender marriage and their very different but equally complicated feelings for lymond. AND THE WRITING IS SO GOOD i have to say it again.
but this romance? not for me. i really tried on reread, but still couldn't get into it, sadly. i hate the misunderstandings... philippa thinking lymond was in love with güzel, and then with kate, and then that his feelings for her were only sexual. for someone so smart she wasn't thinking clearly at all.
i could forgive that easily, though. i can't forgive what happens to philippa at the end of part 4. just awful plot-point. even i, not a fan of philippa, think that was character assassination. i don't know why dunnett did it... i guess it was a popular thing to do in histfic, or in super dramatic stories in general. but i hate it. i don't like the part at sevigny, either. maybe most of all, i hate the ending, how rushed it was, philippa healing magically, lymond brushing off marthe's death and completely ignoring jerott because he's too busy having sex. wtf
and i would still give this book like, a 4.5/5. this is dunnett magic do not ask me about it i'm not a rational being!!!
okay, those three are the books in the series labeled with "complicated". these next three have all my love (or most of my love (looking at you TDK))
3. the game of kings
this book. THIS BOOK. you know those edits of cats crying surrounded by heart emojis. that's my every time i think or talk about GoK. i love it so, so much. it's not perfect but it's beautiful in all its flawed glory. on reread it was more noticeable that this was dunnett's first novel, simply because she gets so much better. but wow, what a debut novel! it's a little convoluted and heavy-handed, but it has so much charm and heart. at one point, more or less halfway through, it's almost impossible to put down. and, love him or hate him, francis crawford of lymond has has an insane gravitational pull. it's impossible not to want to know what's behind the mask.
in conclusion: game of kings my beloved
2. the disorderly knights
now this book. it's kind of crazy? definitely because this is the start of the gabriel duology, which is undoubtedly my favourite part in this series. TDK feels like a soap opera to me, maybe because of the insane levels of drama, maybe because the characters that get introduced in this book (jerott, gabriel, joleta) are so incredibly beautiful they almost make lymond seen like a normal guy.
and i eat it up! i love the insanity and drama! i think it's all so, so compelling. gabriel is scary in a way that very few villains i've read about are. he really feels almost invincible, despite being an ordinary human being. i love the moments where lymond loses his cool because gabriel is such a relentless antagonist. very painful, very fascinating.
most importantly, JEROTT. jerott blyth is my favourite character in this series and he's so. perfect in this book. like, he's terribly flawed (jerott don't throw that rock. jerott), but god, what a character. by far my favourite pov in the series and no one else comes close.
i have so much praise for this book i could talk about it endlessly but there's one caveat: joleta. dorothy why would you do that. why???? joleta's storyline is so uncomfortable to read. her character is so tragic, but it seems like we're supposed to hate her, and we're supposed to side with lymond when it's revealed that she... was abused by other adult men... ??? i'm so glad adam, alec, and i think jerott? do see her as a victim, and lymond as the one with all the power, but everyone else? idk. just very bad, and one of the moments where the series really feels like it was written in the 60s
but other than that. this book fucking rules
1. pawn in frankincense
i've talked about PiF so much i feel like i don't have any words left to describe it, but even if i hadn't talked about it at all i would still feel like no words can describe how much of a masterpiece this book is to me.
i've mentioned before that jerott is my favourite LC character, and he's arguably the main character in this book. he even mentions the title when talking about himself!! i'm both very surprised and not surprised at all about how unpopular jerott is among the veteran fans of the series. sure, he's very flawed and somewhat unlikable, but he is so compelling, so complex, so well-written, he's become one of my all-time favourite characters.
not only that, there are two other main/major characters in this book that also became all-time favourites: lymond and marthe. the lymond/jerott/marthe is one of the best this i've ever read and this is where it starts. literally dorothy was insane for that one.
from the very first chapter until the last one, PiF doesn't give you time to stop and breath and calm down. maybe my favourite beginning in any dunnett novel. and the fact that pawn's move isn't widely considered one of the best chapters in literary history? unbelievable
is this book perfect? no. is it still the best thing that has been written and will ever be written by a human being? yea :)
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halfagone · 2 years
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#i hate relating to all the adhd posts so much just as im about to decide you know what maybe i imagined it maybe im normal
My Top Posts in 2022:
From Chapter 43 of lex luthor's ascent
Death Record Institutes or Facilities:
Essentially, these places record the deaths of every person who has ever died, and they include facts such as any possible Taboos they might have committed or any other major mortal crimes. Theft and robbery would not count; assault and murder would. Even if you got away with such crimes in life, they have branded you in death.
These places also mark whether the dead had become a spirit or a ghost. All of this is for multiple reasons. 1) People who had died earlier than the rest of their family or friends could check in at a later time to find out if their loved ones are still alive or have passed on. 2) If serious accusations come about between two spirits who had known each other in life, you have irrevocable proof.
Ghosts can change their names in death, and sometimes they might even forget about their past. You cannot change these records, however. But… this also means if one were to possibly fake their death… they would not show up in a Death Record Institute. Which... might come into play in another fic later on.
I don't know that much about Death Note, but I guess? this is a bit inspired by that? I'm not entirely sure, but I though I ought to give it credit just in case.
If you like the idea, feel free to include it in your own fics! Eventually, I'll get to show what it actually looks like or how it actually functions, but for now, I thought I'd name drop it and see the reactions. Who knows, I might just get inspiration from you all too.
This is first included in chapter 43 of lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood. This post is subject to change assuming further chapters and storylines include this subject matter.
122 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
What would Danny do for work?
I have a quick question to my fellow Danny Phantom fans... When you imagine Danny picking a career/job, what do you headcanon for him? And this is if he can't- for whatever reason- be an astronaut. This is a hypothetical question, it's not- like, going to affect any of my stories in the future or anything *chuckles nervously*
For me, it's always depended on the headcanon I choose for any particular story/AU. But that gets complicated when I have multiple headcanons that could offer opportunities for him.
For example:
Astrophysicist/Aerospace Engineer - He can't be an astronaut, but that doesn't mean he can't still do some kind of work that involves his love for space.
Engineer - In a similar vein, he could be a regular engineer. Especially if he takes after his dad, Jack, more and maybe even creates his own prototypes and inventions.
In a subset to engineer, in my story weekend wonders, Danny is majoring in biomedical engineering. This is because in this AU, the accident gave him chronic pain, and that's how he gained an interest in this field. This could also work great if he gets attention from the Justice League in a DP x DC crossover, or the Avengers in a DP x Marvel crossover; Danny could just as easily work with heroes who have disabilities or chronic pain from many decades of work as heroes. It helps that he personal experience with the same struggles, after all.
Translator - If you headcanon that Danny can understand a lot of languages (or maybe even them all) due to ghost speak, then Danny could totally use this to his advantage with work. Plus!! This offers many different avenues that could be used to your advantage. Want Danny to be connected to the UN in some way before debuting as Ghost King? Have him be a translator that works there. Want Danny to be busy often with his royal responsibilities/ghost fighting? Have him be a translator; he can work remotely or stay self-employed/on contracts.
Teacher - Danny doesn't have great experience with educational staff, so I could imagine him going into this field of work due to nothing but spite. And! He could teach ectobiology, or just ghosts in general. He could do so many topics: Biology, government, history, hell he could do a whole semester on how physics work in the Ghost Zone.
Blacksmith/Ironsmith - Okay, this one is more self-indulgent, but imagine if Pandora teaches him how to fight with a sword and then he gets obsessed with the sword itself that he wants to make one that's perfectly suited for him and this just dominos into going full-blown into this field. (Trade skills are still important, and sadly, don't get as much attention even when they can usually offer fairly decent pay without the thousands of dollars worth in student debt.)
Writer/Author - If you wanted him to be more artistic, he could be a freelance author/novelist or something similar. I feel like being an author would be one of the better choices for him because, again, if you were writing a story where Danny would be busy with a lot of other responsibilities, then he could largely work on his own schedule. Plus! I can totally imagine him hanging out in Long Now with Clockwork when his head is just full of ideas for a story but he wouldn't have the time to write it otherwise. So he kind of uses Long Now to get that time, but he can promise it's for a good cause, stop laughing, Clockwork!
Actor - I really love the concept of Danny being an actor, just for the laughs if nothing else. While this could be a pain if Danny does actually get famous, since that's a lot of media he would probably prefer not to deal with, the concept alone offers a great deal of shenanigans. And... if he does get a good movie deal, he could very well be set for life afterwards. He could be one of those one-hit wonders in television or something.
If anyone has other possibilities, feel free to add! My head is constantly spinning with even more ideas, I might just add some myself.
134 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
DP/DC Week 2022: Day 5
“Have you come to stop me, heroes?” Unnamed villain number 24 of the week cackled with evil glee. His smile began to wane when he noticed the assortment of Justice League members standing around at the bottom of the podium, just… standing there. Watching him. More than one of them looked resigned, in fact. Superman looked a little tired, if the villain were being honest. Was the man not getting enough rest? And Wonder Woman! She looked so bored in his presence, the villain felt a little offended.
“Have you given up and accepted me as your new ruler?” He chortled with a wide smirk. That garnered no reaction either. In the corner of his eyes, he could see the beautiful, powerful Crown of Fire resting innocently upon its pedestal. Oh, how he longed to place it upon his head and showcase the strength of someone who was truly worthy-
“If you can put that crown on your head, and it actually stays,” Green Lantern began, lifting his hands in a peaceful gesture. “I will literally give you fifty- no, a hundred dollars.” Then, the Green Lantern crossed his arms across his chest, looking at the villain expectantly.
170 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
DP/DC Week 2022: Day 3
When Bruce had opened the door to greet John Constantine, he had not expected to have a child suddenly thrust into his arms. He looked down at the boy, maybe two or three years old. The boy blinked back at him. Black hair, blue eyes.
He looked back at Constantine with alarm.
“He’s not yours,” Constantine reassured him with a roll of his eyes. “He’s a kid I work with. He’s usually a teenager but he got de-aged when we ran into this bi- witch, this witch.” Bruce sent Constantine a glare for his near mistake, propping up the young boy onto his hip. Strangely enough, the child didn’t seem to mind being held by a stranger, happily clutching Bruce by the neck with his small little hands. So cute.
Someone really needed to stop Bruce before he whipped out the adoption papers again.
297 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Danny's death mark/scar
I've seen a lot of renditions of this idea/headcanon that I absolutely adore, there are versions where it's on one of his hands, or even on his back. There are so many ways that it can be done, which I've always soaked up and enjoyed. But version of this hc that's really stuck with me is:
What if it was on his chest? Right over his heart?
In this version of the hc, that would mean all the power of the portal-which, again, is the equal to ripping a hole in the fabric of the universe- was directed towards his heart. This would instantly kill him, while all this power would simultaneously revive him. Causing him to become a halfa. You could even argue that that's why Danny is just that powerful. All that power was directed at his chest which, as most of us headcanon in the phandom, is where his core would also be located.
A lot of us have always argued that the reason that Danny is so much more powerful than Vlad, and growing in power so much quicker, is because his death was instantaneous. While Vlad's was slower and over the span of many years, most likely.
And if all the power of an entire different dimension was directed towards the creation of his core, how powerful would that make Danny?
This is a concept I'll likely introduce in down the rabbit hole (goes the throne) eventually, and it's an idea you'll see in !!SPOILERS!! chapter 34 of lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood.
But more than anything... I just like it for the angst :P
1,019 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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shakapuffin · 2 years
Alert promo for 1x05 “Miguel”
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cute pic via @dax.catre on insta!
Alert 1x04 “Andy” Review
Hey everyone!! Here’s my thoughts on this weeks episode 1x04 “Andy:”
- okay so i actually thought that this was a strong episode, dare i say the strongest we’ve seen yet? there wasn’t a ton of unbelievable nonsense (don’t get me wrong there was still some, just not as much as we’ve previously seen lol) and the case of the week kinda had an interesting twist. i read in a recent article (i forget which one) that this case is actually based on a true story…. that’s crazy!
- can i just say the little boy who played Andy was so freaking cute!! that being said, i feel like there was a lot of times when andy could’ve run away from his kidnappers (or real mother idk lol), like when his bio mother and the other guy was arguing he could’ve easily run away but like i guess it would’ve been risky, especially because the other kidnapper had a gun. but idk that’s probs just me being picky haha!
- i thought there was a healthy and more natural balance between the case and the characters personal issues/other storylines. finally! this is the first episode i can mostly confidently say that the balance actually worked!
- to go off of the case more, i have to really question nikki on this one. how the hell is she the leader of the missing persons unit if she writes the report with lies to protect the fake mother? like i get it, it’s better for the child but that woman still stole a child that wasn’t hers and nikki just basically let it happen! i want andy to stay with the fake mom too but that’s not lawfully right and if anyone every found out that nikki didn’t tell the truth in her report, she would definitely be fired! idk nikki was just off to me in this episode. i think she connected too personally with this case and it really showed that she couldn’t do her job with the correct morals of upholding the law.
- speaking of nikki, i thought dania ramirez was a bit bland this episode… it might’ve been just me but some of her dialogue seemed a bit flat. also i don’t know how much more i can take if she keeps calling everyone babies or her catchline of “saving our babies, that’s what we do.” like it was fine the first episode or two but it’s definitely not needed every episode.
- how the heck has jason not talked to june and apologized!! i’m sorry but if i was june i wouldn’t take him back! sorry jason! also, side note, when june said she was seeing someone else, i really thought she was admittedly cheating on jason. but ya if she wants a kid so bad, i don’t blame her for going and getting it done herself without jason’s help. i wonder if they’ll be back together… also does june know that keith is back? we never got that answered! lol
- i will say this again… what the hell is kemi doing? i’m probably ignorant and don’t know a lot about different spiritualities but i feel like it’s not needed in this show. the show is a procedural cop show, they solve the cases based on facts and clues, not so much in faith. it’s super interesting but it’s just not right for this show. now adding the new perspective of sidney and her “darkness” in her eyes, brings a new element for kemi because it relates to the keith mystery.
- i really liked how mike and jason teamed up for a lot of the episode… they obviously don’t see eye to eye on most things but it’s interesting to see them work together. i also like scott caan’s and ryan broussard’s dynamic and i would luv to see more of that in future episodes! also i do kinda luv jason’s recklessness, maybe it’s because scott caan’s danny from H5-0 was so reserved but it adds a bit more spark to the show, even if some of it is a bit unbelievable.
- the keith mystery once again deepens! we didn’t get too much farther this episode… i think we all kinda knew that the dna would match (keith had to of switched the baby hair to his). also i saw a theory that maybe jason wanted “keith” to be his son so bad that he didn’t show all of the dna paperwork to nikki. i’m not too sure about that one but it’s def something to consider as a possibility! now the new thing we found out is that keith supposedly drowned and sidney (and maybe her friend) was there to witness it. now we just have to find out who’s at the bottom of the lake.
- again i thought scott was great, i laughed out loud more this episode than in previous ones. i must admit, i thought it was a strong episode, some obvious blips but overall much better than the pilot! also maybe it was because “C” wasn’t there.. sorry i hate to be that person haha lol! i feel like it’s just a different dynamic when he’s there because he’s basically just filling up unneeded space.. the last two episode have been perfectly (dare i say more than) fine without him. he’s not needed, sorry y’all haha! i like the actor, nothing against him but his characters just isn’t it for me.
again, these are just my personal opinions. next weeks promo looks good! jason seems to be in a bit of trouble?!
what did everyone else think? is the show getting better? maybe? i’d luv to read and talk!💛
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merv606 · 2 years
Hey my name is Quin. Omg I love your Terry/Daniel fics. Do you think one day you could write a fic where Terry is a jerk to everyone but Daniel and everyone is shocked Daniel and Terry start dating. I was wondering do you have any season 5 meta to post about Terry and Daniel. There s5 storyline reminds of exes who are still hung up on each other in a crazy way its crazy passionate toxic and Terry and Daniel obsess over each other. All of there scenes were. Terry Definitely can't let go of his Danny Boy especially since Danny can't forgive him for what Terry did to him in KK3. It's just amazing all the hot crazy chemistry Thomas and Ralph have great chemistry after all these years. Sorry for rambling.
Hi Quin *waves*
Thank you so much 🥰 I’m glad you like them.
You know, I’ve never had an idea for it but if one came to mind I would 💯 write it / I have no actual process really - just whatever flashes in my brian and then it’s all written down - sometimes all over the place - and then pieced together in somewhat cohesive manner after.
I have thought that an AU - dark comedy style - for that would be funny.
Like everyone sees it but Daniel.
At a dinner one night / Daniel there with Silver as his plus one - he doesn’t think anything of it as he attends all these types of events with Terry (is usually always at the older man’s side for anything really) but he always just thinks he’s there as mentor/student (boy was a bit dense back then / that’s for sure canon 😆).
But he’s in a bad mood tonight and so he’s been grumpy all night, grumbling and pouting - Think him in KK2 in the blue suit / pouting prettily.
But when he finally snaps at Terry, folding his thin arms over an equally narrow chest, everyone holds their breath - afraid they’re about to witness a murder - NO ONE talks to Terry like that.
But Terry just smiles- he loves his boy regardless but esp when he’s being prickly - he does so love to encourage the bad behaviour.
To everyone’s FURTHER astonishment, Terry just soothes him / “a few more minutes and we’ll leave, I promise. Can you do that for me.”
Grumbling out, “fine. I’m getting a another drink though,” stomping off.
And Terry is just the epitome of the little heart eyes emoji as he watches his back depart into the crown - AND everyone can see it.
There was always gossip around them but now it’s in overdrive.
They figured Terry was fucking him - although there is a pool among the people in their circles if it’s even happened yet - but wherever this thing is they have between them, it’s been going on for longer than Terry’s reputation usually allows / he’s never with one person for too long.
But now people are wondering has Terry Silver met his match / is he in love.
Seems to be / he would never take this behaviour from anyone. There is a reason he’s to be respected (and feared).
Enter 80’s style ridiculous plot of someone using this for their advantage - kidnapping Daniel for ransom or to blackmail Terry etc
Terry gets him back of course / personally rescuing him, and of course it’s then that Terry finally admits his feelings and makes Daniel his 😏
I don’t have much meta / I don’t analyze much too deeply - not my strong suit at all, but I will sometimes add things to gif sets (as long as I know the person is a fine with Silverusso) or add on to discussions.
Sometimes I’ll do a post here and there but they usually aren’t too long, or if someone shoots me an ask of a specific thing.
I’ve actually been reblogging and posting for season five more than any other - mainly because it gave us so much. ALTHOUGH season four gave us the glorious mini mart scene and apology scene, which just means so much more now that TIG has made those comments about wanting to be loved and be Daniel’s friend - honourable mention the AVT eye fucking.
They are very very much still hung up on each other.
Like Amanda said when Jessica said Daniel moved on / He really hasn’t though, has he? - just thought he did probably (and we all know Daniel dealing with things is to not really address them - out of sight out of mind - cough cough Miyagi’s room scene ripping my heart out).
That’s why Seeing Terry jars him so (same way seeing the cobra Kai sign did) - it makes him deal with that and the nice neat little box labelled Terry DO NOT TOUCH in the deep part of his brain comes flying open and the ghosts go for the throat.
You can see it on Daniel’s face as soon as he sees Terry / bless Ralph’s acting.
To me, from a ship perspective, them seeing each other to me is the epitome of time melting away / like the last 35 years between them (of separation) never happened. Daniel is back in his sights and that’s all that matters.
Their chemistry is amazing / and a lot of KK3 is because of them.
The script was a hot mess so the actors themselves were just coming up with ways to flesh out the character and relationship - to make it make sense - and fill the scenes - bless.
Plus - the two events we’ve seen them interact at - Thomas always seems genuinely happy to see Ralph / big soft smile, squeezing hand on Ralph’s shoulder (so we know that that move in KK/CK is in there due to Thomas - it’s natural to squeeze the twink), and hugs 😻
And there was Ralph’s little, “hello Thomas,” on a video a while back where like 50 people were part of it.
All these BTS photos coming out / I need some of them so bad and of course a BTS video of them practising and shooting the fight scene.
Thanks for the ask
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