#i will say i do like merle and magnus
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nomaishuttle · 2 years ago
mad abt the taz graphic novels again. sighhhhhh
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mxdotpng · 1 year ago
taz on the dash im gonna admit i never cared abt the suffering game it felt and still does feel really like bad to me. not even in the sense that its sad just that what theyre trying to say there is Not Good
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jerreeeeeee · 10 months ago
i don't think taako's voice is really all that high most of the time. it's higher than justin's normal voice a little, but idk, the defining quality of it isn't its pitch to me, there's something else that i don't really have the words for. but anyway i do notice that his voice gets lower and less exaggerated when he's being serious. which is interesting bc it sort of implies that the usual "taako voice" is something he puts on.
i don't really think of taako as a habitual performer. his charisma modifier is a -1, he's not this ultra smooth charming actor, and although he does tend to hide behind humor and is slow to build connections, he's also very frank with what he's about and what he wants. he goes on an entire tirade about wanting to talk about his feelings (he's multidimensional!), he never acts embarrassed or hesitant about big moments of vulnerability and caring for others (arms outstretched, "i'm not going fucking anywhere," admitting a deep fear to kravitz on their first date, spilling his tragic backstory to angus, not to mention several serious moments with lup) (and not all of these can be chalked up to "forgotten connections," either. he does have a foundation of growth with magnus and merle, even forgotten, and his conversations with lup are of course all with memories intact, but he does not have that with kravitz and angus). he's just slow to reveal all of his hidden depths, because of (understandable) trust issues. but all in all he's not nearly as closed off as i think fandom tends to portray him (which is not to say he's open, either), nor is he someone who wears a lot of masks and obscures himself. i don't think he hides his "true self."
sizzle it up was successful because of his intelligence, not his charisma. he's a natural teacher who's knowledgeable and passionate, and that was what made the show great, not his personality or performance (though i don't think those were bad. just not the primary appeal of the show. the only fan we see is ren, and she loved sizzle it up because it inspired her and taught her to cook, not because she thought taako was awesome or whatever). bc that's the thing, he's not a performer, but he is extremely adaptable. so when he's set up with a stagecoach and a show lined up, sure, he'll have a TV persona, he'll learn to be charming, he'll learn to be showy, when he's on stage. when he gets famous, he learns to like being famous, but i don't think it was really a dream of his before then. or at least not in the way people think of it. i don't think he ever wanted to be a celebrity as much as a celebrity chef or celebrity wizard. he doesn't care if people think he's pretty. he doesn't want people to adore him (before the voidfish, anyway. afterwards is a different story. there's a void where love used to be that he's desperate to fill, and adoration almost feels like it works). really what he wants is for people to appreciate his skill and intelligence and depth (and he's also very afraid of actually displaying those things. he's multidimensional).
but most of the time, when he's not literally performing for an audience, i just don't think he's putting on a show, desperate for people to like him and think he's charming. he'll do what he needs to do, say what he needs to say, be who he needs to be in any given circumstance, with strangers and antagonists, but he also drops the act when it's not necessary. or at least his performance is subtler. he performs stupidity, he performs nonchalance, he makes efforts to be funny (because he is always funny, but that's something you have to work for and always be thinking about, even when the humor is dry), he carefully does just enough to be useful, but not enough to raise expectations. he's very aware of how other people view him, but he's also perfectly okay with people thinking negatively about him—as long as they're the negative traits he wants people to see. but, he only does all those things in the beginning of the show; after a little while with magnus and merle, after a little while with the bob, he drops the act. so i guess that's the difference to me. he's adaptable out of necessity, it doesn't bleed into his entire life. i don't even really think i'd qualify it as a performance. it's more of an invisibility. he's not performing charisma to get people to like him, he's trying to lay low. but then when he actually wants people to like him, he's himself, fairly unapologetically. with the people who matter, lup, magnus and merle, kravitz, the other bob members, the other ipre crew, he's pretty comfortable with himself.
one last interesting point is that while he doesn’t seem to hesitate when it comes to actions, he does shy away from verbal displays of affection, trust, vulnerability. and the best two scenes to show that play out almost exactly the same: lup’s best day ever dinner, and dropping his disguise self with kravitz. in each, taako does something meaningful for both npcs, who then verbalize their affection for him, which taako immediately deflects with a joke.
taako drops his disguise spell for kravitz, totally honest with him, (although… i don’t tend to think the beauty sacrifice was as meaningful to taako as fandom tends to portray, i think most of his vanity is an exaggeration he intentionally cultivates, but still, it’s a vulnerable moment, he clearly cares what kravitz thinks), and kravitz tells him he loves him. to which taako replies with a joke. he does not return the words.
taako doesn’t hesitate to construct the best day ever for lup, never even questions why she’d ask. he puts it all together, cooks for her, shows her he knows her, he loves her—and then when she bears her heart to him, tells him he is her heart, all he says is, “i know,” and pulls out a bottle of vodka. of course lup knows he loves her, the whole day was an elaborate demonstration of it, but he doesn’t say anything. to be fair, it’s not exactly a typical interaction between them, taako is textually scared shitless, lup did just tell him she’s going to turn herself into an undead abomination, so he’s not exactly at his best here. but anyway.
i don’t really have anything to add to this observation, it’s just very consistent and interesting to me. taako is fairly comfortable with grand gestures, but sidesteps around words. which ties in perfectly with his identity as a chef, to me. cooking is an action, work, intention, cooking for people is an act of love, an act of connection, an act of caring, and taako’s character doesn’t fit the bill for that—except, he kinda really does.
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anistarrose · 1 year ago
The thing about the Heart Attack segment in Wonderland is that they put so much aromantic subtext in it. They accidentally put SO much aromantic subtext in it, on behalf of multiple characters, and I'm thinking about it constantly. Let me tell you all about it.
Magnus is dropped into a dating game and literally leads with "I cannot stress enough how uninterested I am in this." Now, it's perfectly valid to read this as due to him waiting for Julia, or just him being plain old uncomfortable with having his love life put in the spotlight. However! I cannot stress enough the exchange that happens just a minute or two after that line:
Magnus (describing his ideal date): ... and we don't see each other again, ‘cause I'm really not interested in dating. Audience: [exaggerated] Oooooh! (cheers) Griffin: The silhouette is like, fanning itself. Lydia: Playing hard to get, huh? It seems like our contestant is into that.
And I just have to say: unfortunately, this is one of the most aromantic fucking experiences I've seen represented in fiction in my life. I mean — saying you're not interested in romance, then having those words twisted on you, like they're some secret coded way of saying that you are interested in romance? Not having a single way to express your disinterest that'll actually be believed? That's some aro shit right there. God. Fuck.
As an aside, it's enough to really tell that Heart Attack is not designed to be a reprieve from the pain, even though it's the "good outcome" of Trust or Forsake. It's designed to be uncomfortable. To funnel suffering to Edward and Lydia, just like all the other games do. (More on that later, in fact.) But in summary:
Magnus is a character who can be read as uncomfortable with romance for either aro-spec reasons or unrelated reasons. But in either case, his discomfort attracts reactions that reek of amatonormativity — and therefore, resonate with aromantic experiences. (Psst, I did recently write a gray-aro Magnus fic!)
Two more analyses below the cut (and only one of them is for another Horny Boy):
Obviously the next character I need to talk about is Merle. I've found aroallo readings of his character to be compelling for a long time (having sex with plants so you don't have to worry about romantic commitment, am I right?), but the way he describes his "ideal date" is another factor:
Merle: I volunteer to drive her vehicle, and tell her it's filthy, and so we go through the uh- drive through vehicle wash and she pays for that too. Um, and then I take her to have dinner with my family, and- Magnus: Wait, like your wife and stuff? Merle: She meets my ex-wife.
Merle's probably exaggerating as a joke, continuing on about both him and his partner being miserable, but I think the fact that Merle's mind goes here is genuinely drawing from a lot of poor romantic experiences in the past. He didn't get a choice about being on Heart Attack, and his marriage with Hecuba was similarly "arranged".
It's also worth noting that at this point in time, Merle is putting in the work to be part of Mavis and Mookie's lives again, but is not interested in doing the same for Hecuba — he instead just asks Mavis how Hecuba's doing. That said, given that Magnus is the one to put the focus on Merle's ex-wife, I think it's fair to read the "family" comment as Merle actually expressing that he'd rather spend time with his kids than give any special romantic attention to his date. Moving on to the rest of the "joke":
Merle: She's having a miserable time and she's really mad, she can't wait to get outta there. I take her back to her house, and so I lean up against the door jam and say, 'Sure you don't want me to come in for a few minutes?' and she slams the door in my face.
It's possible Merle just has a more roundabout, self-deprecating way of expressing a similar thing to what Magnus did: Merle just isn't interested in dating. To me, the last line implies he might not say no to sex, if offered — but overall, it reads as if Merle is putting minimal effort in because he's looking for an excuse to get out of this relationship anyway.
It's also possible that Merle's "rejection" of a suitor being so disguised as humor could point to him still coming to terms with his disinterest in dating. Particularly, in comparison to Magnus, who is so vocal and unashamed about it, while Merle might still be figuring this all out.
(Honestly, the self-deprecation Merle turns to here is actually kind of sad, when viewed in that light — he already lets himself be the butt of jokes so often, and now he feels like the way romance doesn't click for him has to be a joke, too? Oof. Someone give him a hug and tell him he's not broken this instant!) But regardless:
Merle views dates, and perhaps romance in general, as things that will inevitably turn disastrous for him and any party involved with him, and he would rather spend time with his children than repairing a relationship with an ex, or cultivating a relationship with a new partner. This is not an experience exclusive to the aro-spec umbrella, but you can't say that an aromantic reading of his character doesn't fit him like a gardening glove...
...which he wears while fucking his plants. Because plants don't demand emotional intimacy, nor take too much time away from the platonic relationships that matter more to him. And you know what? He's fucking valid for that! Fly your flag, nasty grandpa!
But moving on: I promised you aromantic analysis of characters outside of our protagonists, and henceforth, that analysis I will provide. And not just because I admittedly see Taako as the token alloromantic (though clearly an aro ally; if he hadn't chosen Forsake we wouldn't have gotten all this incredible characterization!)
I digress. So let's go on to addressing the lich twins in the room: Edward and Lydia.
Remember my argument earlier that Heart Attack serves the purpose of collecting suffering just like the rest of Wonderland does? How it's just a subtler way of making Wonderland's victims fundamentally uncomfortable?
...Using, of all things, romance?
How the vogue twins, for whatever reason, felt inspired to make people uncomfortable with matchmaking and adoration? How, some way or another, they noticed how much potential romance had to induce suffering? Being pressured into a relationship, being told that no matter how firmly you say you're uninterested, you're not really uninterested?
...Relatedly, I have always gotten the sense that Edward and Lydia projected relentlessly onto their victims.
Edward: This resolve, this desire to do whatever it takes no matter the cost to save yourselves — do you know who you three remind me of? Magnus: No? Merle: Who? Edward: Us!
I'm even going to go a step further and say that on top of projection, they want their victims to go through things they went through. Swallowing the guilt of having fucked someone else over to survive, of course — that's basically self-admitted. But possibly also... the feeling of not being able to get back what you lost (Keats). The feeling of not being able to heal (Keats).
So, where does that leave Heart Attack?
Lydia: It was the three of us, surviving against all odds. The world against us.
Their family of three was (is) indescribably important to them. I'm not necessarily saying that societal expectations of romance, especially of romance as a priority above that of family, left a bad taste in their mouths — if not downright contributing to their trauma — but, okay, I wrote the rest of this post and now that I'm back, I can no longer deny it. I'm definitely, absolutely saying that.
At the time of the podcast, we know Edward and Lydia's own relationship is heavily strained. Until the end, they are lying to themselves and to each other about the fact that they continue to be emotionally and magically reliant on each other. After all, Lydia wouldn't say "I guess we really needed each other after all" in her dying moments with such surprise otherwise.
This is the second reason that I... well, I wouldn't quite call it a "theory," but I find it most impactful to read Edward and Lydia as characters for whom the concept of Love has baggage. And always has, from their origins as youth in a tough spot in an already amatonormative world.
Maybe the constant societal devaluing of platonic, familial bonds left them with serious emotional scars. Maybe the constant conflation of Love and morality just weighed on them and weighed on them and weighed on them until they decided: well, we don't love the way people expect us to, so we might as well give up on being the good people they expect us to be. We might as well embrace this new fuel of suffering.
...And you know, I hope this gets across what I mean when I always say I headcanon villains as aromantic to make them more sympathetic.
Edward and Lydia, textually, are already tragic villains. As twins and liches, they're also textually foil characters to several of the Seven Birds. But I also like to think that they have a lot in common with Magnus and Merle, and the possibility that tugs at my heartstrings the most is the possibility of them all falling under the aromantic umbrella.
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dogs2shouldvote · 2 years ago
during my latest relisten of taz balance, i recorded every line i found even the slightest bit funny with zero context, not even who said it (though some are pretty obvious). here’s all my favorites!!
“i’m probably studying.. my cantrips”
“just say mastrubating, dad”
“don’t come in mom i’m studying my canteips!!”
“yeah you’ll do any dumb shit”
“it’s like a bag of holding! but for.. ass.”
“do we know how much damage we did to him?”
“six damage, you said it out loud with your mouth.”
“it should be in the player’s handbook! get your salty snack to enjoy while you play dnd”
“my grandpa says it’s rude to whisper. especially on a train!”
“i’m not going to go toe to toe with a crab while youre armed with a terrible scottish accent and travis doesn’t even have his sheild. i’m out! … did i say travis? i mean leman kessler.”
“nope! that was wrong all the way around.”
“i’m cosplaying taako right now, as a stupid man.”
“who’s just rolling dice? who is doing secret checks that i don’t know about?”
“i always waste my 20’s on perception checks. like i give a shit.”
“it’s completely conceivable he would have a name tag.”
“like a pelt??? like a bramble*pelt*?????”
“is there a math check? what are you talking about?”
“yeah it’s your fucking brain. you use your brain to add numbers together”
“what are you fucking doing??”
“griffin i love you youre my brother. but if my skill called history doesn’t literally help me with history trivia questions in a category called history what are we FUCKING doing here??”
“can i ask you a question? are you guys mean to everyone?”
“fus-ro-over dere”
“that one was actually a badass bernie sanders”
“hey thug! what’s your name? i’m about to tentacle your dick.”
“a d6 is like some dice ass dice. that’s some monopoly shit.”
“i thought you were saying merle, it’s his bread and his body, take 2d6 healing points”
“you two remind me of something… you remind me of the babe! and then i throw the glass sphere at them.”
“make a constitution saving throw to see if you can eat this fucking rock with your mouth.”
“dungeons and dragons is a. great game.”
“my name is magnus burnsides”
“marchins burchens”
“magnus would not say that. however, travis would.”
“can we please not talk about chekhov’s bush?”
“we’ve got a ball, a sack, and a tool!”
“everything is gross here in dnd.”
“only losers smoke, isaac.”
“i give isaac an hour long lecture about the dangers of smoking.”
“i’m just gonna put my mouth down there and go buck wild”
“there’s a lot of go cart tracks called the adventure zone and i’ve been working with my lawyer to shut them all down forever”
“does taako fish?”
“yeah taako fishes.”
“a rock hard-“
*justin, clint, and travis laugh*
“come ON, *really*?”
“taako rushes in!”
“what! magnus follows him.”
“merle’s good out here!”
“WHAT is going on?”
“how do you not have a d6 it comes with every board game”
“my daughter-“
“eats them for power???”
“uhhh how much health do you have.”
“im not gonna tell you.”
“let’s see… i am going to hurt jenkins. with a magical spell.”
“this is about to become the taako show starring taako.”
“i’m not laughing in game” *justin fucking loses it*
“she’s the best at burning shit ever.”
“traaav griffin got to do his show for so long and now he’s gonna destroy yours.”
“fucking lup finds like. a gun.”
“for sure, keep it sleazy. we’re out, bye!”
“i have to believe…. i’m gonna get those fifteen dollars back from greg fucking grimaldis”
“based on the rules of the game, dad… you die.”
“dad’s making a jerk off motion at me”
“don’t play the pennywise card like you ALWAYS try to”
“should i talk slower so that everybody who has been complaining about us not playing dnd has time to nut?”
“i am a wizard. my name is taako. and i am pretty well fucked.”
“yeah i’ve got cumin who do you think i am?”
“hear that, babe? we’re *legends*”
“i’m clint mcelroy and i played merle hightower-“
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barry-j-blupjeans · 10 months ago
Lucretia would love to say that there wasn't much that surprised her anymore, but that was horribly inaccurate and incredibly easy to prove false. Last week, she had been surprised to tears when Merle held her hand, even though Merle held her hand all the time (he did that even with his memories gone, though it had been much more weird for both of them then). And even two days ago, she had nearly startled herself to hell and back when Angus told her that "you actually don't hide your depression symptoms very well, ma'am" and "maybe you need to seek some professional help? I have some great therapists I can recommend!"
No, Lucretia couldn't say she wasn't hard to surprise. But despite knowing all of that, standing in the tiny living room of Magnus's childhood home, getting hugged by two women whose arms wrapped around her the exact way Magnus's did? Cut her some slack, why wouldn't that be surprising?
"Thank you for staying with him," one of Magnus's moms said— Amelia? Fuck, of course Lucretia knew it was Amelia, she had drawn her dozens of times, recreating and refixing the worn-down photo that Magnus insisted on keeping on him the first few years of their century running from the Hunger.
The words, "but I didn't" got stuck in Lucretia's mouth. She swallowed around the, and couldn't bring herself to do anything more than just nod. Gods. Fuck.
Magnus had been the one to tell her of the Planar Belts. Lup was supposed to have, apparently, but Magnus caught her first. An hour in their home plane wasn't a lot but the seven of them had far grown used to working under weird, constrictive time limits. And while they were still tracking down Lucretia's brother, Magnus's moms hadn't been hard to find at all. Story and Song had stretched across their planar system, yes, but the Hunger had already touched down when it did. And thus, every single planar system inside it heard it, too.
Lucretia had spent a lot of time after that wondering what her brother thought of her. And standing here with Magnus's moms doubled the thoughts' intensity. Would he be proud? Teary, like Amelia? Speechless, like his step-mom? Had he been worried about her? Had he given up on her coming back? Was he even still alive?
A small gust of wind caught against her skin and Lucretia looked up to see they were outside. Gods, she needed to get a grip on herself. How much time had passed? How much time did they have left?
A hand tugged on hers, leading her to sit down. It was Magnus. She settled onto a picnic bench in their back garden, surrounded by dozens and dozens of flowers.
This was not the first time she had been to this house. The memory was old, but the scent of rosemary brought it back. She and Magnus, much, much younger than they were now, still in their Institution days, back when the Institution of Planar Research had yet to tack the "And Exploration" onto the end of their name. They had been roommates for a semester, back when they both started out. Magnus had convinced her to spend Candlenights out here and she had felt much the same as she did now.
Yearning. For her brother, for a life she didn't yet have, and a life she hadn't begun to know.
Helplessness. Away from home for the first time, in the wake of her mother's death and her father's withdrawal into himself. Trying to figure out who she was in the world.
And hopefulness. Winter had been bitter, but it hadn't snowed, and Amelia was, in Magnus's words, "an expert at seasonal plants." Their garden had still been full and lush and while she had been invited to help tend to it, she hadn't wanted to, in fear of breaking something by accident.
That version of herself felt foreign now. How could Lucretia possibly break anything worse than what she had already done to her family?
Magnus nestled into her side as she lifted her head, trying to blink away tears.
"Ma said she's gonna get some new plants," Magnus said. "As 'celebration'." Lucretia snorted a little bit at the way he said it— Amelia Burnsides thought every event, no matter how big or small, was worthy of new plants. "You still like cornflower, right? 'Cause I told her to get cornflower for you."
"I—" Lucretia said, her throat suddenly a little tight. She turned away. Magnus didn't budge, merely wrapping an arm around her and holding tightly. Lucretia cleared her throat, trying to get a hold of herself. But instead of answering, her mouth said, "thank you for staying with me."
Magnus didn't respond, just squeezing her slightly. She wiped at her eyes, looking up towards the horizon. The two suns overlapped like flower petals. The wind chime played a little melody in the wind.
"Cornflowers are good," Lucretia said at last. "It's— tell her that'd be great, Magnus."
"Tell her yourself," Magnus said.
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in-this-crystal-kingdom · 8 months ago
Okay SO. Everyone has some thoughts on this one for sure as I have seen. A lot of people are saying they took a lot from Wonderland and that it's a disappointment as an adaptation but here's the thing: I have viewed the books as separate canon from the podcast since around Crystal Kingdom. I don't necessarily see it as a faithful adaptation but as a cool way to get more people into the story without giving EVERYTHING away in case they decide to listen. However, that being said, I have some things to say. I'm going to start with the negative first because even though I LOVED this book I so have some things I will miss about it (but please understand that I LOVED THE BOOK SM GUYS, I will ofc be adding what I loved after this part)
My Issues/Things I Wish Were Included:
Magnus trying to find his own answers with the voidfish. I was really looking forward to how they would show and represent that!
"I'm afraid no one else will have me" was such a good scene, I really liked the vulnerability Taako showed then because aside from his scene in Petals we haven't seen a whole lot of that from him in the books (again, I veiw the books as separate canon, but it would be nice to see)
CAM! I missed Cam so much he was delightful
No Boss Rush
I don't like that they basically forced Magus to decide if he wanted to lose Julia and never mention Gov. Kallen at all. That was such an impactful moment and they kind of side stepped it unfortunately
Trust or Forsake is missing which is also unfortunate
A lot of what made Wonderland interesting is either spedrun or absent so they kind of took the Wonder out of Wonderland
Taako giving up his beauty is also gone! Which sucks ass! My only true issue with this book that I genuinely was heartbroken over. I understand it can be a hard thing to show, especially when it runs the risk of someone in real life looking at the design and going "ow, that looks like me!'. So like. I get it. I really do. But they cut so much of Podcast!Taako's growth in Book!Taako's character that it was a sore spot for me personally.
If they let Johann live in the next book I will be very upset
SPEAKING OF NEXT BOOK!! Now that I have all my negative out of the way ohohoh boy I'm gonna share the positives I have with it. Given that, again, I view the books as separate story than the podcast, I thought they did a wonderful job overall. Solid 8/10 for me! Here are the things I am still screaming about
Things I adore about this book and will be living rent free in my head forever
Merle's kids 😭😭😭
I love the redesign of Wonderland looking like a circus instead of a roulette wheel, I liked that a lot
Kravitz calling Taako to tell him to be safe,,, the call getting cut off,,,, pain
I loved the wheel it looked so cool
Edward and Lydia were giving Velvet and Veneer and I am HERE FOR IT
Heart Attack my beloved 🥰
Seeing the umbra staff (*cough cough* Lup) BEAT THE SHIT out of Edward was lovely, no notes
The Umbra Staff jumping into Barry's arms 😭😭😭
Taako having STATIC IN HIS EYES seeing the staff and Barry together CAREY PLEASE
GOD THE BOOK ENDED WHERE I WANTED IT TO AND THEN SOME ACTUALLY (I thought it would end with the line "Lucretia, what have you done???" BUT MAN I'M NOT MAD IT WENT ON A BIT LATER)
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In honor of the month & the fact I don't actually know when Candlenights is usually considered, have another Crystal Kingdom moment!
Sunshine heads over to Johann, striking up an idle conversation before commenting on the song he was playing and deciding now is a good time to try to subtly change the direction for it, like Magnus asked.
“Hey, do you want to do a duet?” she offers.
“Do you know any Candlenights songs?” Johann asks, surprised, as he pauses in his playing.
“Who doesn't?” Sunshine blinks, confused at the question.
“I mean, fair enough, you just never seemed to be practicing any in the last while,” he says.
“Yeah, I guess the typical practice window does usually start a few months before now,” she concedes. “Honestly, I hadn't really thought about it much because I didn't think anyone would ask, since you're kind of the go-to performance guy nowadays. Or that I would offer.”
“So… You sure you want to perform?” Johann frowns, lowering his violin and bow.
“I mean, I wasn't initially planning on it, but it's probably gonna be a pretty small party, right?��� she shrugs.
“I dunno. I heard Merle has, like, two thousand party points.”
“What's a party point?” Sun blinks.
“Not really sure myself,” Johann admits. “I think it's a measure of how good the parties he throws are?”
“That would make sense,” she agrees. “Still, I don't think they'd invite the whole Bureau, you know?”
“True. Question still stands, though.”
“Yeah. Truth be told, I fucking love Candlenights and Candlenights carols - always have - so I'm down.” Sun pauses for a moment. “Uh, I don't have an instrument to work with right this second, but I can still sing,” she offers. “I have a few just kicking it in my head.”
“Yeah, singing’s not a bad idea,” he says. “What do you know?”
Sunshine considers for a moment. Keeping it upbeat for the party… "Let it Snow" is always good, especially with the storm right now; could start with that. What else do I know…
“Ooh!” She brightens as she remembers the song she had actually been trying to practice recently. “Okay, this isn't something I can sing so it’d probably be something for a little bit later, but you know how I've been messing around with magic in instruments lately?”
Johann nods, so she continues. “Do you want to do "Wizards in Winter" later?”
He blinks. “Have you practiced that one?”
“Surprisingly yes, actually,” she grins. “I just kept getting it stuck in my head over the last… I think month, so I figured, fuck it. It's not perfect, but I think it'll pass.”
“Okay, we can try it,” he agrees.
“Cool. Do you mind helping me move a couple instruments in here, then?”
“What ones?”
Sun taps her arm, mulling it over for a moment. “Wish we had a piano on the base,” she mutters. “For what I do have, though, I'm gonna want my viol for sure, any drums we might have, probably a guitar, my harp… Let's start there for now,” she decides.
“That's a few instruments,” Johann frowns.
“True, but we're gonna be simulating a full orchestra,” she explains. “That's going to require those four, bare minimum.”
Johann considers her words for a moment. “Yeah, that's true. Let's start with the big ones then.”
“You got it. I'm gonna go find one of the Reclaimers to let them know where we're going,” Sunshine says, scanning the slowly growing number of attendees to find one of the boys.
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fandomssaremysoul · 2 years ago
Not to be in my Taz Balance feels but..
Sometimes Taako, before Accident during his show, would totally zone out while cooking and ends up preparing the table for seven people, but he doesn't remember why,,,, sometimes he'd encounter a new animal or a beautiful plant and muse about how they would have loved this,, but who were they??
Sometimes Merle would get bored and start shuffling a deck of cards, only to split it and realizing that no one was coming to play, and what were even the rules for this game? (bc he and davenport would come up with new games, with wild rules just to fuck around with the rest of the crew) Merle once bought a beautiful pastel blue journal bc he thought that she (she? Which she?) would appreciate the craftsmanship,, he got really confused while wrapping it into a godawful wrapping paper,, who was he gonna give this? (later the journal would find its way to Lucretia, not without a crude joke about plants, a badly drawn dog and a motivational quote, she sobbed when she saw it, but only after sending the three to their next mission)
Magnus always carved ducks, he didn't know why or how he learned he just knew how to. Sometimes he would finish a particularly good duck and smile, then he'd stand up, Intending to give it to... To whom? Nobody really wanted the ducks, except for kids usually. Sometimes he would wonder the forest, looking for some good wood, when he'd suddenly think, I need to go back I was supposed to stay on the.. On the what? No wait that doesn't make sense, he's not supposed to be anywhere and no one is gonna be annoyed bc he forgot he it was his turn to wait... To wait for what though? sometimes he read a book and called out for an explanation but the man? Person? Didn't answer and Mangus who did you call out for? You're alone (months, years later he'd pick up a book from his friends Taakos collection and get an explanation,, but the feeling of rightness but not quite, expecting someone warmer and someone more patient to explain it to him,, it didn't help when Taakos first instinct was to say "don't ask me idiot do I look like a nerd ask,.." and then he stopped only to shake his head bc who else could Magnus ask if he was the only wizard here)
The trio doesn't know why or how but finally, when they met, finally someone understood that the days were somehow not hot enough, that they were always just a bit too chilly
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lifes-line · 6 months ago
So one of my favorite taz aus is what I call "the replacement au" or the "Lup Au" which is basically what if it was Taako who died or went missing and it was Magnus, Merle, and Lup working for the BOB
In which case that poses a lot of questions for each arc so lemme tell you my theories on how it would've gone
Here they be gerblins:
Lup has always had a horrible ache in her heart. She wouldn't call it depression but no matters how hard she tries to move on and forget. She has always felt something painful and missing in her heart. Like someone ripped out a huge half of it and left her with the rest. She's had this feeling all her lonely life as a single child and no matter what magic she used on herself or how many people she surrounded herself with... she couldn't escape that feeling... Magnus and Merle somehow helped though. Being the absolute dumbasses they are.
Lup finds herself flirting with barry blue jeans and disappointed he wont be joining them later-
Lup sees Taako's skeleton/corpse and takes the wizard hat and his glave(or whatever his magical weapon he made during their year of artificing was)
She feels drawn to the phoenix fire gauntlet and she teases about putting it on alot(before phandalin goes to shit), she also gives it a high five but she isnt dumb enough to put it on and understands how dangerous it is and how devestating the events that follow are
Lunar interlude one
Lucretia is baffled to see lup having taako's things on but thats not important
im gonna say Lup gets pretty similar things to taako since they are the same class(just different schools of magic)
She doesn't fuck with leon as much as taako does but she still does of course
Murder on the rock port limited:
They get on the train without charm person but of course theyre still "not who they appear to be" as merle keeps loudly insisting they kill the ticket guy
Lup respects angus but they dont get close as he does with Taako so instead Angus gets closer with Magnus though Lup does offer to teach angus some magic lessons
Smokes that crab
Pretty much all of the taako things except she might be a lil less dramatic about the drink cart
Petals to the metal
Lup and hurley are bffs dont even trip
Lup defo found Sloane attractive but backed off when she found out she was taken
also found captain captain bane attractive
a quip of "My type are hardcore nerds with those obnoxious spectacles and sexy science facts"
Lup either picks a mongoose mask or goes with a phoenix I imagine
She would threaten the guards to get into the hammerhead base at first but then switch up to help out Merle's plan - or she'd just straight up kill the last guy and hit em with the "I forgot about that"
Since theres no way to absorb the arcane core she makes it explode and it works just as well
You can assume she has taakos position in the car ride, but most likely she cannot summon Garyl and instead klaarg comes in and saves merle and later her
Red robe shows up and shes the only one who fucking remembers the director telling them about them and she is the only one to insist they dont listen to him
but they do anyway and she gets majorly suspicious
Small lunar interlude:
Fuck Lucas but not fuck him but yknow
Oh yeah the red robe? "I want to let you know I am the only one who actually remembered we should've bounced"
Crystal Kingdom
Oooh transmutation relic not her thing
She cooks tho
Lucretia? "That's such a cute ass name, I'm gonna start calling you Lucy"
can i also have a red suit
that pink thing looks like salt
Also in consensus Lucas in fact a huge asshole.
Actually answers buddy bots question/riddles within the first two minutes
Yeah ill go into the elevator world? Oh no cockroaches? Yeah Lup makes fun of merle for liking cockroaches and then kills the one he missed.
They meet N03ll3 which is great and all but what do you mean you keep picking up lich activity
Go into Lucas's room cause Lup disguises self
Ok I dont know what a lich is why do you keep harassing me
Merle loses an arm oh fuck
Also gonna kill Lucas
fine lets learn some science
oh its that red bitch again - Lup is only not running because her boys wanna hear this too and also this lich is like weirdly flirting with her
"It's... Lup, where did you get that hat?" "Oh this? I took it off of some skeleton on our first adventure." "... oh my god.. you.. you found him... you..."
Weird I just made this lich who was flirting with me upset about my dope ass hat
skipping a bit woah oil can time
woah the crystal guy is back and instead of merle being the most dangerous its Luuuuuup? Whyyyyy????
"Wait haven't I seen you before?" He asks Lup and she tilts her head. The crystal shakes his head. "Nevermind. one second-"
Guys hes calling me a lich or possessed by one what do I do
Kick ass, Not tentacling dick ew, lucas there you are - woah magnus
Oh its the grim reaper, No we are not being shipped together-
"And you, Lup. Are still dead." "... Sorry what-" "You're dead?" "Nah I still got my hit points, I mean I'm bruised and bloody but I'm still alive." "Yeah is this maybe another Lup... or...?" "No. She's a lich. She is an undead entity that must be locked away in the eternal stockade." "How about fuck that (tries to kick his ass)"
More lore
Oh hi kravitz, can you look pass this posession if I promise to have someone free me? And if this lich leaves me so im not a vessel anymore you can come get it, trust "... I.. I cannot let a lich get out of my sight." "Bro I cannot fight you anymore." "Well, it would be more dangerous if you died but you refuse to come peacefully." "I dont think Im a lich I just think im posessed - we've done a lot of crazy shit in our adventures-" bla bla bla fine its settled
We'll debrief in a sec ig here lemme uhh. i dont have transmutation its so over , just shape the damn stone and idk someone else can do magic right?
Debriefing oh yeah the red robe was there, yeah i lowkey dont really trust you, ok fine i can settle
They dont talk about the deaths to lucy in canon but after the debriefing Lup gathers the boys up and talks to them "Hey so you know how he called me an undead evil lich. so like... lets not tell the director and merle can you like perform an exorcism or something just to see if its true?" "Uh I have detective good and evil?" "Dope." And NOTHING HAPPENS BECAUSE LUP ISNT EVIL- but merle does detect some necromantic energy radiating off her whole being but he doesnt have like a spell to fix her so theyre like lets not worry about it rn
Lunar interlude
Alright angus this is magic, cooking? Why the fuck would i teach you how to cook
Ok you got me i grew up by myself in a lonesome life as a vendor but i didnt cook or anything I just spent my whole life doing side jobs and saving people. yeah fire is my speciality but like i wouldnt recommend it for you cause its literally fire. and youre a kid.
Whered I get the glave? A skeleton from a cave. He was wearing a red robe so lowkey maybe im possessed by his spirit but like... doubt.
Eleventh hour
I believe in you ango
woah we're here
alright lets get this bread - bye avi - hello clay perosn. roswell? ok Wow that statue sure is red what the fuck
"This is bad.. this is a bad thing i did." Yeah I kept it.
Hi Cassidy im sure we can be besties
woah earthquake
Lets go in the inn, oh hello pretty elf lady, ok she doesnt care about me wdym you know magnus - guys wait dont make me talk to her alone
"Why do you live in a bubble?" "Lup." "WHAT?"
I wanna meet paloma fuck you guys
I will go to town on these scones, you need gold can I trade you anything else
I can hardly remember these goddamn loops so lets assume that lup and taako do alot of the same shit except she doesnt steal any of this shit -
Put him in a bubble... ok-
Hi Istus, What's this? Not a bag of holding? "This item... has the ability to bring back anyone from the dead, as long as they have been deceased for at least over a decade." "Oh this could be useful for all the guys you killed!" "Yeah!" "Well... you could save it too but... yes I suppose so?" "But only for over a decade." "Why the fuck is that so specific?" "STOP SWEARING IN FRONT OF CHRISTMAS" "ITS ISTUS"
Ok get that cup
Fuck you issak
WOAH ITS THE CUP BACKSTORY TIME; Besides the long periods of static and weirdly fuzzy childhood, Lup's biggest regret in her life? Well she didn't have anything really. She didn't put any of her skills to good use.. except once. She was performing her evocation magic for money and it got out of hand. She seriously injured an innocent person that resulted in their death. "Lup... that is your biggest regret. But it hasn't happened yet. If you claim me, we can go back and save that life. They would have never died. We can go back and save them."
thats the best i can do
Lup probably takes the longest to think this over because she cant handle the fact she murdered an innocent but Magnus's speak of "Tell me what happens if we dont do this" convinces her to stay
Oh fuck its that red robe again - no we dont fucking trust you
"You don't... You don't trust me...?" He looks to Lup, and floats down to her level. Despite his occasional flattery and softness when he speaks to her, lowering himself and looking her in the eye pulls at something invisible in her heart. Something she hasn't felt in forever. "Lup...? You don't trust me?" "I don't even know you." The red robe whispers some more things and electricity flies off of him as he vanishes.
Hi Paloma oh a vision? "In your hour of greatest need, you will receive help from the forgotten one."
Ok back home - oh fuck IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?
Lets fight? OK!
Lunar interlude
Date at the chug n squeeze? Wrong. Battle of the century. Almost.
Lup v Kravitz the two face off with Kravitz just trying to knock Lup out so he can safely transfer her into the astral plane without her dying
Lup, who doesnt think shes a lich, is just trying not to die.
They dont do this on the moon, they do this in neverwinter
As he saves you. As you're down you feel something phase through you as a red robe walks through your body and presents itself in front of Kravitz. He emits that same electricity off of his body and Kravitz looks baffled but only rifts a hole into the astral plane. "You're coming with me." As the battle is only beginning the red robe whispers to you, Lup; "Run."
Suffering game
Hey lucy, oh youre not fifty? Oh thats lowkey kind of fucked "Luckily as an elf i dont think i have to worry about that... sorry-"
Maggy where the fuck are you going
I feel like Lup would either follow magnus or magnus would defo ask Lup to help break out robi, so she does.
Oh fuck get me out of here fighting these monsters
Lord artemis sterling and his bodyguards... cool.. ok
nvm lydia is hot
Ok this sucks
Lup gets the same sacrifices as Taako, so she takes the bad luck, shes fine with losing some life, hands? No Im not giving you my hand, fuck. MY APPEARENCE...? Yeah i dont care.
Chooses trust instead of forsake.
"Why should this person chose you?" "Uhh... Cause I'm hot as fuck." *applauds*
SAVES MAGNUS OFC - Oh is that the grim reaper? So Lup actually does try to save Kravitz cause lowkey she wants to be on good terms with him
Is that the red robe-
her ghost looks ... weird.
Its nearly impossible to kill Edward, except when he's a lich. So. That's actually when Lup gets an idea. And she dies. Like full on explodes herself.
As soon as Lup is free from her body, her very very death and actually burning corpse. Everything hits her very slowly and soon all at once. So instead of killing edward immediately Lup instantly panics and starts to lose her cool... until "Lup?" She hears Barry's voice. It's not her anchor but it's enough to remind her of the situation at hand.
Lup destroys edward, so lydia destroys magnus's body
As Magnus sees Lup's liches form he isn't surprised, because he remembers when Lup sat down and told them all(?) about her and ... somebody's decision to become a lich... WAIT WHAT
Lup demands more answers from Barry and Magnus does the same, Barry is more sweet about it to Lup than Magnus
Merle is looking at Lup and Barry with upmost confusion and WHAT IS GOING ON????
To Barry's cave! Hey why is there two pods here
"So... I'm really glad actually, Lup, that you're here. And you're back... and as much as i wanna stop the end of the world to kiss you... We gotta move. We both saved what we could from our corporeal forms - mine is a bit more fresh but yours is back from the [starblaster]... so ... I actually don't know what you'll remember but youre gonna need it if we wanna get back on that moon base and confront Lucretia."
Merle can't hear anything and he is so confused, Magnus can understand this all and contiens demanding answers- before they both enter the tank, Magnus gets Lup's outfit while Merle pulls out deniem blue jeans AND WAIT BARRY AS IN BARRY BLUE JEANS?? beFORE THEY DO THIS
Lup looks to Barry and asks where Taako is. The name sounds familiar to Magnus, but his head is splitting in two before he can remember such a person. Barry can't bring himself to reply so he simply tells Lup he isn't sure but he doesn't have high hopes.
As they both go into their own tanks, Barry doesnt know anybody or anything. Lup steps out and she throws on her outfit and demands answers from magnus and merle of what happened after she died. "Am I a lich? Am I posessed? IS THAT BARRY?" And why is barry still so goddamn attractive?
Barry looks at Lup like shes the love of his life and actually starts being timid and nervous around her
Magnus tries explaining but once its all static the idea of another void fish comes to mind... PLANNING
heres the relic, magnus is dead, fuck you.
Oh hi angus, the truth? uhhhh i guess we can tell you oh is that zone of truth. dammit barry-
Oh my god........ my brother is dead. Taako is dead.
Hi Lucy, "I'm gonna fucking kill you now." But Barry holds Lup back as her fire wall is pathetic against her shield.
"I'm so sorry Lup but.. the pain was too unbearable. Taako.. Taako is gone. And he's not coming back."
Story and Song
As all hope seems lost after Lup remembers the other half of her heart, Barry and Lup are refusing to die because they cant be liches forever. They dont have anything to go back to-
She remembers Paloma's prophecy, and Istus's gift. It's a simple ritual - a simple spell and only thinking of her brother she casts it. And Lup almost loses it again when nothing happens.
It takes too much but Lucretia is the one who channels a spell to crush these beats in their own shield before she vanishes. ANd now we gotta do other shit yay
Lup and Barry and sent to find the ship but she can't bring herself to do so... "I... I know we're supposed to save the world and everything Barry but... but what's the point... without Taako here with us?"
Barry does what he can to comfort his fiance before he notices the sphere of black glass. "Listen.. do you remember in lucas's lab when we was going over everything?" "Ye.. yeah?" Barry takes a breath to elaborate but Lup cuts him off. "Barry you know transumtation isn't my school of magic." "I know but..." He points to the glave she's holding. "It's his."
And with that they feather fall down and give it a try.
While Barry begins to fight for his life - with the help of Lucas who joins them, Lup continuously tries and fails to open this portal. She slams her head against her own creation and curses Taako for not being here. How is she supposed to go on when Taako is gone? And she didn't even get to grieve? Or say goodbye? And why did Istus lie to her?
And then a rift in space opens. And there he is. Taako appears in his red robe without his hat or his weapon. Lup feels a hand on her shoulder suddenly as she hears her brother's voice say "Don't worry Lulu, I have magical powers." And when he touches his weapon to the sphere it's like an explosion goes off.
"Taako! Where'd you open that portal to?!" "The Astral Plane."
When Lup sees Kravitz (and he looks fucking awful.) behind him she suddenly flips out; "ARE YOU DATING THE GRIM REAPER?" "SHUT UP"
But it doesn't last long before Lup embraces Taako tightly.
OK SHIP TIME WE GET TOGETHER EVERYONE IS PISSED AT LUCRETIA BUT as theyre discussing the science behind it she suddenly offers, looking at the tres horny boys briefly that there is a third option. Thanks Paloma.
Taako stays on the plane to fight while Lup, sure she wont lose him again, kicks the hungers ass.
Epilogue, everything is pretty much the same because lup doesnt wanna run a school for magic and now that taako was apparently routing for lup in the astral plane the whole time shes off the hook
Why does Taako die? Why does he care?
Well, Taako knew he couldn't just rely on a dance to cheer up Lup - so Taako decided he was going to do something good and destroy his sister's relic. Obviously he can resist the temptation but Cyrus Rockseeker does not. Taako blasts him with his glave(or clave or whatever) into the safe but ultimately dies.
We then we Taako wake up in the astral plane, behind the bars of the eternal stockade where a skeleton stands before him checking off a list. He says something in a cockney accent along the lines of "Finally, I've been lookin' for you."
"Crazy accent you go there Ghostrider, where am I?" "You're in the Astral Plane, Taako. Finally. You wouldn't happen to know where your others friends are? They're supposed to be locked up in here with you."
"... What-"
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urfavoritewizard · 1 year ago
It’s been 10 years since TAZ: Balance came out and I’m still having such big feelings about Lucretia (I relistened to the entire season and it crushed me as always)
Anyways I need you all to imagine what Lucretia went through after the Stolen Century bc a lot of y’all still demonize her for what she did not realizing how young and scared she was bc y’all keep imagining her as a wisened 50-something
But she’s not actually in her 50s, that’s just how old her body ended up after her time in Wonderland
She and Magnus are around the same age, which means that before she spent that decade trying to find the Grand Relics by herself, she and Magnus were in their early/mid-20s
Imagine Lucretia falling in love with Magnus during the stolen century and not saying anything bc she spent so much of that period being shy and just taking notes on everything that happened around her and not really doing anything or actively spending time with anyone
Imagine Lucretia at 25 panicking about the Hunger and realizing that the only way to keep her friends safe was to make them forget about the Hunger and the relics they made, and make them forget about *her*
Imagine Lucretia at 25 meticulously choosing where to put her friends so that they’d live good lives, blissfully unaware of the oncoming apocalypse
Imagine Lucretia at 30 (now physically 50) learning that Taako’s career as a professional chef was cut short bc Sazed sabotaged him and poisoned and killed 40 people
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Merle was in a loveless marriage and walked out on his family, something he never would’ve done during the Stolen Century
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Magnus fell in love with someone *who wasn’t her* and got married and saved his town and then lost everything
Imagine Madame Director Lucretia looking him in the eyes, acting like she never knew him, crushed by the weight of the knowledge that he can never know who she is or how much she loves him, and that even if he remembered her, he would never love her the way he loved Julia
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iamjusttrash · 10 months ago
Sometimes I think how TAZ Balance showed just how much the McElroys know and love each other. The fact that Griffin was able to write about what they would do for A HUNDRED YEARS down to the tiny details and they happily carried out everything he said is insane.
He KNEW his dad as Merle would willingly risk his life over and over to try to save them. He KNEW Travis as Magnus was NOT going to allow Fisher to stay on that planet.
And, most devistatingly, he KNEW that the one thing he could take from Justin as Taako that would tear his heart up was a sibling. He knew he could count on Justin to play into that heartbreak and he did it so well it literally broke all of us. "Who?" "You took EVERYTHING from me!" "The world is ending and I DONT CARE" like are you joking? Griffin knew that would be Justin's reaction to finding out he had lost a sibling!!! Imagine knowing your brother felt like that and playing him like a fiddle with it! Literally teeing him up for some of the best moments in fiction ever and Justin hits a home run every single time!
I guess what I'm saying is it's not railroading if you know what the answer is gonna be to every question. Griffin didn't need rails to keep these guys on track, he knew what path they would choose and every time they rushed in.
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year ago
King of the (bouncy) Castle
It's @taznovembercelebration day 17 and today I drew the prompt "soft"
Read below or on Ao3 if you prefer. Missed yesterday's? Find it here.
��Ko!” Lup yells from the hall.
“What?” He screams from his bedroom, because he’s still deciding on what to wear and if it’s that urgent she can come in.
“Do you know anyone else?”
“In general? Or?”
“Don’t be a dick. Do you know anyone who can come today?”
“Magnus had to drop out.”
“We can win without him.”
“A team is four people.”
“Ask Dav.”
“He’s racing today”
“She just laughed until I hung up. It was a solid 3 minutes.”
“I’m going to need you to work from the assumption that I have remembered our joint friends with whom we spend all our time”
“But seriously, Merle.”
“Taako, I have tried everyone we jointly know. He said he was going to be busy in the greenhouse, and then he said some other things. Would you like me to tell you what those other things are? Because I can. I can tell you exactly what he had planned for the onions because he told me because I had him on speaker phone and I got trapped in my shirt and he said a lot of words before I could hang up. They’re burned into my brain forever and cha’girl is happy to share that burden.”
“No! Lulu, don’t! I’ll cast silence.”
“I’ll counterspell it. Now start thinking of people.”
“I also know Angus, and he’s a literal child.”
“He’s, what, 6 now?”
“He’s eleven, Taako, you baked him a cake in the shape of the number for his birthday two weeks ago.” There’s no need for Lup to slander him like this.
“Eleven! That’s basically an adult for humans, right?”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you going to stop doing special magic boy lessons with him because he’s all grown up now?” Lup goes for the jugular. He doesn’t have to stand for this cruelty, for the implication that he actually likes spending time with the baby.
“What aboutttt… erm…” Taako changes the topic seamlessly and casts his mind furiously about for a name, any name, of a person Lup wouldn’t have already called. There’s one that popped up as soon as Lup asked and he’s trying his best to see round it but it keeps sidling into his eye line. He can’t though. It’d be a disaster. “Errrrr… Brian.”
“No. Absolutely anyone else.”
“What’s wrong with Brian?”
“He’s in a cult!”
“But apart from the cult stuff he’s lovely.”
“Taako! Do you want to win or not?”
Fine. Fine! Taako does very much want to win, especially after Lydia tripped him last year.
“Kravitz.” He says it fast, like he’s ripping off a plaster. Maybe Lup won’t put two and two together.
“The guy from work?”
“Oh, you know another Kravitz, do you?”
“Is any of that supposed to have convinced me?”
“Is it working?”
“So… different Kravitz? How do you know Kravitz-Who’s-Not-From-Work? Why do you have a way of getting in touch with him?” Lup’s going to cling to this an unnecessary amount.
“Ooooh are we talking about Kravitz?” Barry, fucking Barry, asks. Wandering his ass right into their private conversation.
“This is a private conversation, Barold.” Yells Taako through the door of his room into the hall of their too-small shared apartment.
“Would you like me to put my noise cancelling headphones on?” Barry asks, earnestly, like he’d actually fucking do it if Taako said yes.
“Absolutely not, Barry, You live in this house and you have every right to be in this hallway.” Lup snaps. She’s still mad about last time Taako forgot to tell Barry he could take the headphones off. In his defence, he made him a cake about it. A jake, in fact, with edible press studs. Barry loved it! Plus, he was listening to one of his lectures, he was fine, happy as a clam!
“Fine.” Taako threw up his hands, no one could see him, but it felt important to do it anyway, you know, for the drama. He couldn’t argue with this, he didn’t have a choice, he may as well give in and call Kravitz, they’ve both worked together to twist his arm. “You’re making me do this though. It’s not because I want to. I’ve been compelled.”
“What?” Says Barry, perplexed. “I thought we were just talking about your crush.”
“His what?” Says Lup.
Taako springs forward and manages to flick the lock across the second before Lup tries the handle.
“You’re in love with death?” She tries the handle a few more times, as if it’ll jiggle the lock free.
“A man isn’t his job, Lup.” Taako shouts back. Denying everything.
“That wasn’t a no!”
“I have to ring him, because you’re making me. Or do you not want to win Bounce Off 2: Bounce in the City?”
There’s grumbling from the other side of the door followed by a muttered “c’mon Barold,” fakeout. Taako’s wise to it though, so he isn’t shocked by her ‘one last try’ of the door handle, or the second attempt that follows after she does fake footsteps away from the door.
“Fine! He’d better be down though and good.”
“He’s tall.” Says Barry, conversationally. He’d better not plan on telling Lup anything else.
“Good. We can use height.Is he strong?” Lup asks.
Kravitz is strong, Taako knows that for normal reasons, reasons like he can carry a lot of pastries when he orders them; and that time he helped Taako move the big table when someone spilled and he had to clean under it. Not reasons like all the time he spends staring at Kravitz’s forearms, and his thighs, and his everything else. Because he doesn’t do that. Taako would never.
“Fine. Don’t answer me.” Lup actually leaves this time, Taako pretends he can’t hear Barry telling her about Kravitz and his newfound love of coffee and baked goods.
Taako [10:23] Yo stud got a minute to chat?
It was only polite to text first, he doesn’t want to jumpscare Kravitz with a phone call, he isn’t a sadist. The three dots flashed up immediately. Thank fuck he’s awake at the crack of dawn.
Bones [10:24] Dear Taako, Of course, I’ve always got time for you. All best, Kravitz.
Taako has been trying hard not to find his ridiculous dork texts endearing. He’s failing. Badly. He ignores the squooshy feeling it gives him and hits the call button instead.
“Hello Taako, it’s lovely to hear from you!” Says Kravitz like he actually means it.
“Hey Krav, quiiiiiick q for ya. What’re you doing this morning?”
“I’m just practising.” Of course he is. Why wouldn’t Kravitz be sat straddling his giant instrument right now? Taako’s mature though, he won’t make a joke about it.
“Can’t keep your hands off your instrument, shameful!” Fuck.
“Well, someone has to keep it in tune.”
Gods, he wasn’t supposed to play along. Why did he keep flirting back? Was this whole thing actually plausible?
“Wanna spend some time with Taako instead?”
“I’d be very interested in that.” Kravitz says, buttery and glorious.
“How do you feel about inflatables?”
There’s a long pause.
“It’s not a sex thing.” Taako says, to make it less weird.
“I’m not sure that makes what you said less weird, Taako.”
“You know, like bouncy castles.”
“Okay.” Kravitz doesn’t sound particularly convinced.
“And my sister will be there.”
There’s another pause. “...And Barry?”
“Uh huh.”
Fuck, Taako’s losing him, and it’s suddenly incredibly important that Kravitz not only agree to this, but is also enthusiastic about it. “It’s a competition.” Says Taako.
“Oh?” Of course that piqued his interest, Kravitz loves competition. He tries to help harder than any other customer, tip better than anyone else, and he races people in the street.
“We lost last year, but we’ve been in training.”
“You’ve been in bouncy castle training?”
“Obstacle course training… and also trampolines.”
“Is that what the weird squeaking is when we’re on the phone sometimes?”
“You know, the calls where you’re all breathy and there’s the squeaking noise.”
Taako didn’t realise Kravitz had picked up on that. “You didn’t think…?”
“Well now I know it’s not a sex thing.”
“You thought it was a sex thing and you stayed on the phone?”
“I don’t judge.”
“You didn’t wanna ask Taako what he was up to?”
“I know you’re a private person.”
“Not if you think Taako’s doing sex things on the phone without your consent. In fact, that’s the least private a person can be.”
“You make a compelling point.”
Taako doesn’t even begin to know what to do with that. “So… bouncing?”
“Where is it?”
“We can pick you up.”
“All three of you?”
“Barry said he’s sorry and he’ll stop asking about the ‘secret sauce.’”
“I just really don’t think it’s a respectful way to talk about embalming fluid.”
Taako thinks it’s a great way to refer to embalming fluid, but he also wants Kravitz to be happy. “He double pinky promised.”
“Oh, well if he double pinky promised.”
“Great! Pick you up in 20, wear something snazzy.”
Taako hangs up the phone before Kravitz can object or ask anything else. He has limited time and an outfit to re-plan.
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jerreeeeeee · 6 months ago
i also read the suffering game graphic novel. here's praises and criticisms. this one is also more negatives than positives unfortunately, i tried to be fair and thoughtful but i did not like it very much
things i liked:
-lucretia prologue establishing that she went to wonderland + talking abt missing the crew. fun & mysterious
-hi mavis and mookie :) they are cute
-HI BARRY sometimes i forget he stalked merle’s family outing. i love that freak
-magnus and angus scene!! fisher showing angus the statue drawing!! ango detective subplot!! this is a nice and natural addition since we know he was sleuthing around the BOB
-merle teasing taako about his date is kinda cute actually love seeing them be friends
-thank god they got rid of the chimera. idk if this is a hot take or anything but its probably my least favorite fight in the podcast its so out of place and unnecessary. there are lots of fights that didnt really matter in the beginning like all the gerblins and the slime swamp in rockport but they were still like getting their bearings and the show was more like a real dnd campaign than a typical actual play, but by the time you get to the suffering game there’s more interesting things to do and you're like god why are we still doing random forest encounters just get to wonderland already
-not a positive per se but i’m not that upset about sterling and his party being cut. i feel like an adaptation would’ve had an opportunity to make that little c-plot matter more, and that would’ve been awesome, but as is in the podcast, i never felt particularly strongly about it? not enough to miss it. idk like magnus and merle were already for ‘trust’ even if it were strangers and taako never seems all that regretful about it (which like. fair. he’s the pragmatist and that’s how the prisoner’s dilemma works. he played the game right because he couldn’t afford to lose, knowing they hurt some slightly-less-strangers doesn’t really change that).
-i dont remember which of the boys discovered it in the podcast but merle noticing the smoke thing is good. he actually is competent and especially in an arc that’s meant to make him feel useless that’s a good little reminder
-i do like that the liches say the bell is very powerful & is threatening to destroy them like both keeping in theme with the rest of the relics and an introduction to the idea that sharing an incredible and dangerous power between two people makes it easier to keep your sanity, similar to lichdom
-griffin getting cut off with the hunger is awesome finally we’re taking advantage of the medium. nothing more to say that choice rules
-posts on tumblr hyped me up for taako recognizing barry’s dick but unfortunately that’s not really what happened and now i’m disappointed. but the graphic novels arent canon so i’ll just have to continue with my barry/taako awkward past one night stand agenda despite it all
-i dont quite know how to feel about the umbrastaff leaping to barry to replace the “love barry, trust barry” moment. on the one hand, having lup actually speak to taako wouldn’t work super well in graphic novel form, not to mention the whole band of projected thought thing was kinda convoluted and they are clearly very limited on time, and taako choosing to trust the umbrastaff in this way is a creative way to get that same effect. on the other hand, its so unclear what even happened or why it changes taako’s mind without podcast context. that’s one of my big gripes, you’re expected to be familiar with the story already, but if you’re familiar with the story, the graphic novels are… worse in every way. also, i really really liked the original scene so even though it doesn’t work, i miss it. this isn’t as effective—we don’t find out there’s a person missing from taako’s memory, his heart doesn't swell at the sound of her voice, he doesn’t know with certainty that she’s someone dear to him. it's just like, another instance of the umbrastaff acting weird. maybe you put together that 'LUP' is a person but you don't have any indication until the moment of remembering how important she is. all of that would be really difficult to get across in a visual medium anyway, but still, yknow, it doesn’t hit as hard.
-ango!! his mage hand is coming along so well!! although. why is his wand just like a stick. did he pick it up off the ground. taako needs to take better care of his boy this reflects badly on him as a teacher lmao
-i felt this way about the eleventh hour too but there’s so many little details of taako and merle’s friendship i feel like they have little asides and jokes together a lot and i love that
-the looming dread of the hunger is done pretty well (as well as it can be with such time restraints)
-merle trying to commune with pan and seeing john instead is good. very ominous and intriguing for new readers and exciting for podcast listeners
-really liked the panel of barry in the red robe against the stars and the bond engine’s white ring as he’s remembering. very cool very cinematic
-i actually also really like the framing as taako remembers, filling in the memories we’d seen previously and clearing out the static while he looks so broken, and merle asking him what he’s remembering, and then finally speaking his sister’s name. its framed very powerfully. i wish he and lup didn’t look awful so i could actually feel something at that part. like they are my favorite characters ever their story makes me so emotional and i just. they’re unrecognizable. the character designs are terrible and taako has spent 6 books now being mischaracterized and flattened to hell so i just can’t muster any emotion. maybe i'll redraw that page someday though because the panelling is genuinely very good
-the ending lucretia monologue is good she's the narrator she's the main character she's everything. love the portraits staticking out and mirroring and changing, and ending on the beach painting is great. very cinematic and a natural way to phase into the stolen century
things i didn’t like:
-i dont think taako’s deepest desire is his own brand of fashion forward athleisure wear if i’m being quite honest. these little things irk me
-why is liches get stitches all the way in the beginning… ill portent for how the rest of this book will go
-i think they shouldve introduced the flaming raging poisoning sword of doom way earlier. the payoff isnt nearly as good without the setup of having been magnus’ white whale for like fifty episodes. maybe they did mention it in earlier books and i just forgot though
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-^ i hate his stupid ugly oversexualized stereotyped ass so fucking much its unreal
-why are edward and lydia ugly :( —(they're not ugly because they're chubby they're ugly because their color schemes and outfits are fucking awful) (fr though why are all their colors so muted and dingy?? why are their outfits boring?? at least their heart attack looks are fun)
-oh so there’s just no trust or forsake at all. yeah i don’t like that. in the end no great loss since i don't think it really says anything about thb's characters that hasn't already been said, but so much of thb's characters and arcs have been cut from the gns already
-i get that they’re low on time trying to fit in reunion tour but like come on part of the suffering of the suffering game is how long and painful it is cutting it down really just. makes it not matter as much
-magnus looks no different after aging LMAO he gets like 2 gray hairs and that’s it
-edward and lydia’s lich forms are also boring unfortunately
-no tasha’s hideous laughter on the heart attack mannequin? lame. although i have for the first time realized that dnd shows kinda have a thing for characters uninterested in romance being forced by mysterious powers to be haunted by creepy puppet-like “romance partners” huh
-magnus doesn’t forget kalen?? why cut that out? i guess because there was never closure for it in the original story?
-no boss rush?? that was fun :(
-magnus and taako aren’t surprised merle has kids??? did they know???
-dupree looks terrible but i guess props to carey for giving him feathers even though it looks bad
-just axed the liches’ backstory?? that was kind of important?? the fact that they turned to necromancy out of love for their family & powered themselves with positive emotions too? that like, has relevance later…
-the framing of magnus’ soul being removed is so anticlimactic in general like the POINT of a VISUAL adaptation is to have interesting & cinematic VISUALS its just so messy
-all of arms outstretched didnt look very good in general sorry. its just such a big important moment and to make it so mid… a tragedy
-“i guess we still needed each other after all” doesnt work anymore because they removed all of edward and lydia’s backstory and character but it was an interesting line to me that i wish had been kept. hammering in that liches need anchors is, again, pretty relevant later on, getting rid of that foreshadowing sucks, and it also humanizes these villains in an interesting way that really highlights their powerlust as their downfall rather than just, like, cruelty for evil’s sake. like yes they torture people and find it fun because they’re so distanced from their own humanity but they also truly believed it was necessary for their own safety and seemingly only became sadistic after they desensitized themselves. i wrote a post about this a while ago but idk if i’ll ever post it
-not a fan of barry killing lydia either. idk why, its not like he hasn’t killed other people to protect the boys before. but that’s earlier in the show before we know he’s not just a villain and is in fact meant to introduce him as a villain. now he’s a friend so idk if you can just go back to having him murder people? again its not a wrong choice but it feels like messy storytelling. also like i think seeing a lich grieving her anchor and a sister grieving her brother would pull some heartstrings for him. it would maybe remind him of some people he loves and garner some sympathy and give him some pause. and i liked that in the podcast even though lydia was so distanced from the idea of positive anchors, killing edward just immediately undoes her, fits in with the themes and the way we understand liches to work, another powerful example of what bonds can do, and that's kinda lost here
-magnus’ answer to the bell sucks so badddd lmao when these books NEED context they’re devoid of it but when they actually have the necessary plot points/character arc established for the reader to put something together they have to go and spell it out like the audience is stupid. there was something so raw and powerful about magnus’ original “i’d hate it. shut the fuck up.” like just shutting it down and not even considering it. that’s completely lost when he has to be like “recap time! my wife, julia,” eugh just didnt like that. there are so many powerful lines from balance that i don’t hate on principal that they’ve changed, but there was no good reason to change, and so the new version just falls flat and there was no reason not to include the original lines verbatim? i get not wanting to just deliver a podcast highlight reel and have the gns be their own story or w/e but if you’re gonna do that you have to do it well, and they just keep being worse unfortunately
-they don’t get the chance to go off the grid themselves and choose to trust barry?? come the fuck ON that is IMPORTANT to the STORY
-this may or may not be an unpopular opinion but i’m not a fan of barry’s design either. i don’t like the hair and he’s not fat enough. less egregious than others but its still another instance of being like who tf is that
-barry’s little coin monologue was kinda fun and dramatic and i (finally) liked the visuals of him falling from the sky/silhouette of the starblaster against faerun’s single sun. but i wish they’d kept more of the original. add drama that’s fine but the point of it is to humanize him after we’ve spent so long thinking of him as a villain and a ghost and a force of the story and now it turns out he’s barry bluejeans. he’s just a guy. he loves his mom. he’s allergic to dairy. he’s afraid of the dark.
-especially not a fan of cutting out the “love that defined and redeemed you” and “dull weight in your chest” in barry’s coin monologue. those are important parts of his character. whether you interpret the love and the weight to be for lup or for the whole crew, you need to know that the red robe has lost people, and that everything he does is to try to get them back. he’s the lover and he’s grief personified. his mission is to save the world AND recover his family. thats like. kinda important for his character and role in the story. if you ask me.
-again the “we’ll get em next time” magnus flashback is not BAD but it could’ve looked so much better? carey definitely has strengths as an artist but her fight scenes and character design tends to be very weak so its unfortunate that this is an adaptation of a dnd podcast where those 2 things are like, the most important. idk i feel like i should be articulating what i mean better but i’m not sure how. the fights just are often really cluttered and framed in an odd way that doesn’t look very good or dramatic or dynamic. i don’t want to say carey is a bad artist, i really don’t think she is! but i think she was not the right artist for this project. the magic of a visual medium is, well. the visuals. when they’re mid the whole story suffers.
-taako and merle not just saying magnus is dead is sorta unnecessarily confusing since everyone like assumes he’s dead anyway? idk i don’t understand that choice. kinda fucks with his moment with carey. not a big deal in the end but it does seem unnecessary
-MAGNUS DOESN’T GO SEE FISHER?? the mannequin dies in fantasy costco??? what about johann???
-“you stole half of my fucking heart” i know a lot of people loved this line but it genuinely baffles me. Why Only Half. not only referencing one of the most heartwarming (and heartbreaking) lines in the original show with no context for why its meaningful at all yet—but also minimizing it? why soften that blow? why detract from the raw intensity of that grief? why reduce a very powerful sentiment? an adaptation of balance that doesn’t allow itself to be earnest and wholehearted (ha) about its platonic bonds is not a good adaptation, straight up. maybe its not that deep but it is To Me. maybe it has no real import and i’m just being stupid but like they made that choice to write half instead of just “my heart.” Why, genuinely
-hey what the fuck happened to johann for real though. that was a really important part of the story. hey. hey. what about johann. like are we just ignoring johann. am i insane. how has no one mentioned this. what’s up with johann
so all in all, again, rushed pacing, axing of a lot of very important plot points, shoddy visuals.
it did not make me relive the emotional journey of the suffering game and reunion tour. it inspired a vague nostalgia for the first time i experienced reunion tour, reminded me of how much i love the original show, and made me want to listen to the podcast again. especially reunion tour good god i love reunion tour. and it made me desperately wish for a good adaptation. i would do fucking anything for a good adaptation. the longing is making me sick. at least we always have podcast reunion tour.
the graphic novels are just so empty and soulless compared to the original show. i wouldn’t have an issue with changes, except that the changes, at every turn, gut the emotional core of the story that makes it so special, and ruin the strong themes throughout the story. they fundamentally misunderstand what is so good about balance. and also, like, basic storytelling. they’re poorly designed and poorly written, so they don’t even stand on their own as a different story. i'm not expecting an exact replica, but i am expecting good writing, good changes when necessary, and respect for the original beloved story. without those, the soul is gone, the spark of what makes balance so compelling and emotional.
i am dreading the story and song graphic novel. i don’t think it will be any good. the themes and character arcs and plot of the show have been mangled beyond belief so nothing is really meaningful anymore. can we go back to the johann thing for a moment—
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fandomsnstuff · 1 year ago
Day 4: forget/sweet
Can a dream be recurring if it's different every time?
Read it on AO3
Taako's laying on a grassy hill, watching stark white clouds drift through the perfect blue sky above him. It's transitioning from summer into fall, so it's not too hot, nor too cold, and the leaves in the tree above him are just starting to yellow. He knows if he sits up, he'll see a small town far below him, and his aunt's cottage behind him. He spent a lot of good afternoons on this hill in that one blissful year he lived here. He's been here in his dreams a lot in the last few months.
"You still sleeping down there, Koko?" It's not his aunt's voice, he knows that much, but it does funny things to his heart when he hears it. He's taken to calling his companion The Dream Voice. He thinks she's the one who's been bringing him into these dreams, but he doesn't know why.
"I don't think you can sleep in a dream."
"Sure you can," a foot knocks against his. "There was one time I kept waking up, like at least five times, and then I woke up for real and realised it was a dream in a dream in a dream."
Her voice always sounds like it's right next to him, and he can feel her presence there, but he's long since learned not to look. The first few times he had this dream, it was a lot of confusion and static that made him wake up with a migraine. They've gotten a lot more peaceful since.
"That's fucked," he says.
"Yeah, well," he hears the shuffle of clothing and grass as she adjusts her position, "I've been through worse."
She huffs a breath of laughter. "Thanks."
They sit in silence for a while. A gentle breeze blows through, knocking a few leaves out of the tree. They float gently to the ground and land between him and The Dream Voice.
"I think Lucretia's sending you on a mission soon." He hears tearing as she fidgets with one of the leaves. "Last one."
His brow furrows. "Really?"
"Mmhm. Just one more relic."
Taako whistles. "Damn. Could've sworn there was one more after."
"Nope." She mumbles, "she took care of her own."
"What was that?"
They're silent again. He can hear her tearing the leaves to little pieces.
"No, idiot," she flicks his temple, "after all of this, when you're done at the Bureau, when… when you- when everything is safe."
"What are you going to do after this, Taako?"
"When I wake up?"
Taako blinks up at the sky. "I don't know. I guess I hadn't thought that far ahead."
"Maybe you could start up your show again."
"I'll have to prove my innocence first."
"You could also find a better boyfriend."
Taako scoffs and sits up, "my boyfriend is perfectly fine, thank you."
"He's the grim reaper!"
"So what? You don't know him!"
"Of all the people and beings that you could possibly date, you just had to get all goo-goo eyed for the grim reaper when-" her voice dissolves into static on the last part.
"I don't even know what you just said, but I know it's bullshit. I have a comeback on the tip of my tongue and I don't know what it is, but it's fucking good! So keep that in mind!"
The Dream Voice sighs, then laughs. "Stupid," she mutters to herself, a smile audible in her voice. "I knew the second I saw that motherfucker with his face on, he'd be a thorn in my side."
"More like a thorn in my backside."
"Eugh!" Taako laughs loudly as she shoves him. "Gross! Don't say that shit to me!"
He wakes up in his bed, still smiling. He gets up and pulls himself through getting ready. He makes breakfast, toast for himself, oatmeal with berries for Merle, and an ungodly amount of eggs, scrambled, for Magnus.
"I had a dream last night," Magnus says, "that I was in a world of all dogs."
"Were you also a dog?" Merle asks.
"No! So I was the only one who could provide all the pets, and I got suffocated under all the dogs. It was great. That's how I want to die."
"I had a dream," Merle says, "that I was in a massive greenhouse with a big, beautiful sunflower down the other end. But to get to it, I had to walk past all these other plants that were just reaching-"
"Okay, that's enough!" Taako says, standing up and picking up dishes, "time to go!"
"What about you, Taako?" Magnus asks. "Any interesting dreams?"
He drops the dishes into the sink unceremoniously. "I don't remember my dreams. Let's get out of here before the Director sends someone down here to get us."
The next night, after games and sacrifices and liches and red robes, they're camping in the woods. Usually he'd struggle a bit to sleep in the wilderness, especially with their supposed red robe enemy with them, but Taako's had a long day. He's out like a light.
He has the dream again.
"Sooo," she says, "how'd it go?" She sounds a little smug, but he's too drained to think about why.
"No one died."
"Okay, Magnus kinda died, but it was only a little. We'll un-mannequin him when we get a chance."
She laughs, and rests her head on his shoulder. It's a comfortable weight. "I'm glad you're okay."
"That's one way to put it."
"I'm pretty sure a lot of crazy shit's gonna happen tomorrow, so I just… I want you to follow your instincts."
He snorts. "Yeah alright. Sure."
"And trust Ba- the red robe. He's trying to help."
"I barely remember half the stuff you say on a good day, but I'll keep it in mind."
"I'll find a way to remind you."
They sit together for what feels like forever. As always, the clouds drift by, the leaves in the tree rustle, and a gentle breeze keeps them cool. When the world around them starts to waver and fade away, his companion squeezes his hand. "Good luck, Taako," her voice distorts and fades as he wakes, "I'll see you soon."
He wakes up to mannequin Magnus leaning over him. "The red robe says we gotta go."
"We have less time than I thought," the lich says, looking up at the overcast sky, "and we need to make a stop before we go up to the Bureau."
"Alright," Taako stands and stretches as Magnus shoves his stuff into a bag for him, "let's get this shit over with."
As they walk through the woods, he tries, as always, to remember what The Dream Voice said. But it was gone before they even set out. He knows she said something about the red robe, but he can't remember for the life of him what it was. All he can remember is her arm linked with his, her head on his shoulder, and "I'll see you soon."
He wishes he knew who she was.
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years ago
An AU, you say? Werewolf bike gang!
“Where were you?” Merle needles, hardly waiting for Taako to take his helmet off. Taako spites him with a long slow motion shake of the hair first. Bitch can wait. 
“Yeah, Taako, we can’t start dance practice without you,” Magnus says, folding his stupid beefy man beef arms. 
“Sorry, I thought I joined a fucking werewolf bike gang?” Taako sets his helmet on his motorcycle and gives them both the stink eye. “Not fucking, Twinkle Town.” 
“What the fuck are we gonna do, not dance?” Magnus says, like there is a response to something like that. Taako rolls his eyes and goes inside, forcing them both to follow him. “Hang on, what’s that smell?”
“What smell, no smell.” Taako’s heart starts pounding. “I went to Arby’s. There, I admitted it. Cease the Hague.” 
“No cessation without explanation!” Merle declares, pumping his fist in the air. “I smell it too.” 
“There’s no fucking smell!” Taako hurries in and knocks open his locker. “I smell regular! It’s a regular dude smell!”
“It’s a dude smell, alright.” Magnus hustles right after him. Taako’s nerves are going to make him transform, and they haven’t even started yet. “You’re with a new guy?”
“Yeah! My main man Arby! Can we fucking dance, Jesus???”
“Oh, now he wants to dance,” Merle teases. 
“I want to eat your heart and get blood all over the wood floor, is what I wanna do,” Taako growls. Merle laughs, but his eyes are a steady, wolfy yellow. 
“You don’t have to tell us!” Magnus throws his hands in the air. “I just thought you would!! Cause we’re a pack, is all!”
“Some fucking pack,” Taako grumbles. “He’s-”
“Oh, so he is real.”
“Merle, shut up!” Magnus hisses. 
Taako’s going to start biting. He feels like a cornered animal. 
“He’s fine, and he’s- sweet. Okay? And he’s not going to bother us, so stop fucking- thinking about him at all, you hear me? If I even hear you thinking about him, I swear to god-”
“Aw, he’s sweet?” Magnus’ eyes may as well be heart shaped. “Can he ride?” 
“Not yet,” Taako admits, his face warming. “But he loved it when I took him ‘round the loop on Garyl.”
“Did you go fast?”
“Jesus, Merle, did I go fast? What am I, a ken doll? OBVIOUSLY I went fast, where’s the sex in following the speed limit? Who the fuck do you think I am?” 
“Did he hold on tight?” Magnus literally bounces with excitement. 
“...Yeah,” Taako has to say, fighting back the smile. “I’m gonna get another helmet for him.” 
“Gross,” Merle says, with deep love and affection. 
“Oh man, when do we get to meet him???” Magnus puts his pleading face on. Taako refuses to look at those puppy dog eyes. 
“NEVER! Fucking never. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. Can we dance now? I’m going to die. I’m in hell and you two idiots keep turning up the thermostat.” 
“Let the flames begin,” Merle says ominously, but he goes and starts the music, and Taako’s burning face gets a temporary break from scrutiny. 
“I hope he’s perfect,” Magnus sighs. “We needed some more romance.” 
“ROMANCE IS DEAD AND I ATE ITS BONES,”  Taako hollers, embarrassed beyond belief. 
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