#i was safe in Reg's head!
calamitoustide · 3 months
"All James' life he’s heard stories of how hard it was for his parents to have him. All they wanted for years was a baby, they tried and talked to endless doctors but nothing was working. It’s when they stopped trying when he came to be, they were older than they planned on being when they were raising their first, but it never mattered to them. When he came out they didn’t blink an eye. They just took him out to the store to buy him new clothes, then brought him with them to donate all his dresses to little girls who’d love them. He was still their baby, no matter who he was. He was their special gift, their beautiful boy. Now all James is doing is endlessly trying to take that gift away from them."
-You Don't Get to Tell Me About Sad snippet
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cosmicdenro · 4 days
i like to think reg is more fond of being a drinker, likes the taste of some and knows he can be out of it when he's in a secure place, especially with rhm.
rhm on the other hand i like to think doesn't drink not just because he's never really wanted to anyway, and not just because he'd rather stay sober to keep reg safe, but also mayhaps just fears not being aware of his surroundings 24/7 . slaps him with paranoia <3
want to make a little comic of reg realizing really early on that rhm never joins in on drinking on any occasion at all and questions him about it snarkily at first and gets a snarky answer back as a fun banter but afterwards maybe reg realizes more and more how rhm's always keeping a hawk's eye out for danger when he's drinking. deeper into their bond a good time later, reg would offer rhm a drink when he's 100% sure they can be safe from any random event that would not ensure their safety and maybe rhm would accept after some hesitation. mostly cuz it's probably been years since he's touched a drink and doesn't wanna act strange after drinking but also isn't convinced something wouldn't come up while he's not fully in his senses.
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adharastarlight · 2 years
Sirius: *eavesdropping on Reg's conversation* oh could you stop going on about your sex life with my bloody best mate, its sickening
Reg: *turns to face him, deadpan* believe me, for every time you have forgotten a silencing charm, you deserve it.
Pandora, Barty and Evan: *:0*
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zoekrystall · 7 months
Zero idea if it'll help or fade into the background but I downloaded stuff to track things and smacked widgets onto my homescreen to not forget. Initially searched for pain ones (where I downloaded two just for good measure ig) but saw that one is customizable for like anything you want and no purchase stuff for me bc included in that one pass and said sure fuck it. I think at the min I need to track pain bc by my memory do I go mental thinking if it just feels frequent n all or if it actually is and mind goes blank when at the doc (will just be fun translating to ger OTL I learn sm to describe stuff in eng but then it lacks in first language). Alas for whatever reason lil me never thought abt actually writing these things down (prob bc every adult anyways dismissed them to the point of not being sure if the pain was actually there so what was the point. but now. now I'm the adult in my life who calls the shots for their own life even if anxiety makes it hard).
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#a wild lux appears#randomly downloaded stuff when my headache almost made me want to cry again thank fuck for that binaural vid#Btw I will not tackle both languages full on at once they're just both there to not forget either#The group goal will prob be the hardest but at least I now realize I instead of beating myself up I just become avoidant#Which isn't good either but at least knowing what I do helps tackling it ykno#Btw the apps I got are dailyio. manage my pain. and. chronic insights (which is specifically for pain my recommendation since it's made by#one w it and completely free of ads n all. got a lot you can add n visually really nice. just fancy stuff behind paywall)#Zero idea if my stuff is chronic maybe I am since years in my denialism era either way pain is pain and I learned more online from disabled#ppl than from doctors which is just oh so great. but after learning not suprising yikes.#Also reg every adult I remember school trips being nightmares bc I ran out of energy and breath fast and the stops were not even close to#what I needed to recover.#Safe to say I became a v seething child who w reasons hated forced outdoors stuff#Got lots of fun stories which totally don't make me want to combust#This one is like. The tamest I think. Got literally locked out of my room to be foces to go outside#But all that is more stories abt one specific horrendous place I wish(ed) to burn to the ground than physical pain focused talk.#So gon cut it here#Need to shower anyways I just woke up I need v quickly food after it so cya#(just woke up I say. As if I'm not since like three hours awake but just since shortly out of my bed. anyways-)#Also last thing even if a child fakes pain to get out of stuff maybe talk w them as to why they feel the need to do that#Believe kids they know their body etc etc or I will hit you cartoon style w a piano over your head#Fuck wrote one app wrong I meant *daylio
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raphael-angele · 2 months
The Gift
POV: It's Regulus' birthday and he's opening presents at the breakfast table.
Regulus: Okay, so far I got a journal that cannot be opened unless I'm the one holding it; thank you, Evan. The Cain's Jawbone book; thank you, Barty. A brand new stationary set; thank you, Pandora. And a silver snake ring that has a needle that injects poison to whoever it punctures; thank you, Dorcas.
Pandora: Happy birthday, Reg.
Evan: Happy birthday, buddy.
Barty: Yeah, yeah, yeah, happy birthday and all that. So which one is your favorite?
Dorcas: You kidding? I win by a mile.
Evan: Oh, I almost forgot *pulls out a small box* This is from Potter.
Dorcas: Why was James Potter giving you a gift for Regulus?
Barty: And why was he with you in the first place?
Evan: Calm down. We bumped into each other in the halls and he asked me to give it to Reg.
Regulus: *opens the box* oh wow.
Pandora: What is it?
Regulus: *shows it to Pandora*
Pandora: Aww, that's so cute.
Barty: What is it?
Pandora: It's like an small pin of the golden snitch but instead of a ball, it's shaped like a star.
Regulus: *reads the note* "Still can't believe I caught you. JP"
Dorcas: Aw, Now that's just romantic
Barty: If Potter wanted to be romantic, he'd realign the stars to say, "I am untterly, undoubtedly, and deeply in love with Regulus Arcturus Black. I say with with sound mind and body. Love, James Potter"
Regulus, putting the pin on his robe: So whose gift is that one? *points to a box*
Regulus: ...no one?
Evan: *inspects* Well, it's addressed to you. And it says Happy Birthday. Maybe it's from your parents?
Regulus: Unlikely. Give it? *takes the box* Really nothing written on here.
Barty: Open it.
Regulus: *opens it and gasps*
Dorcas: What is it?
Regulus: *looks over at the Gryffindor table* Nothing *packs up the gifts, stands and leaves* Thanks for the gifts.
At the Gryffindor table:
Sirius: Hey, the birthday boy himself.
James: Oh, hi, babe.
Regulus: Hey. Sirius, a word? *they move a bit farther away*
Sirius: So what's up? Did you need something?
Regulus: The gift.
Sirius: Yeah? What about it?
Regulus: ...help me put it on?
Sirius: ...*smiles softly* Yeah, okay.
In the bathroom:
Sirius: You okay in there?
Regulus: *comes out of the stall with a roll of bandage*
Sirius: What do you think?
Regulus: *runs his hands through his torso, looks at the mirror and turns to the side*
Sirius: It's not too tight right? I think I hooked it on the right row.
Regulus: *cries*
Sirius: *goes up to him* Hey, hey, c'mon, don't cry. It's okay. What's wrong? Is it too small? Does it hurt?
Regulus: *shakes his head* No. It's perfect.
Sirius: Aww, I'm glad. Feels better right?
Regulus: Mhm.
Sirius: *sighs* I told you to stop using bandages to bind. You're gonna hurt yourself.
Regulus: I didn't have a binder to use.
Sirius: Well now you do. And this is a lot safer and comfier. Right?
Regulus: *nods*
Sirius: Yeah. Now, you have to promise me that you won't wear it for too long. If I find out that you've been binding longer than what's safe, I'm confiscating them. Understand?
Regulus: Mhm. I promise
Sirius: Okay.
Regulus: *hugs Sirius tightly* Love you
Sirius: *kisses the top of his head* Love you, too. Now, let's get you to class.
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ellecdc · 5 months
HIII!!!!!!!!! first off i wanna say - I LOVEEEEE ALLLLLLLL THE RECENT WORKS SM i came back and i was reading through them and they're soooooo good ur so talented omgomomg
ok so request (take ur time if u want!!) idk if u write platonic fics but i really really love how u write barty and that one fic where reader and reg were fighting and she was bsfs with barty- i loved it smmmmm so can we please get some platonic barty x reader being the main focus? (i dont mind anyyy romantic pairings i just want best friend barty being absolutely insane plsplsplpslsl
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of course MY LOVE; this request is from back in March hahaha sorry
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who they find in bed with Barty
CW: fluff, swearing
Regulus had spent the last umpteen years believing himself to be a light sleeper, likely thanks to growing up in a house straight out of a muggle horror film where his fight or flight reflexes were always at the ready to flee from any danger. It appeared, though, that being,  like, loved by and feeling safe with the people you surround yourself with could do wonders to a person’s subconscious…
Who knew?
This meant that though Regulus was typically a light sleeper, he seemed to have slept through your departure from his bed in the Slytherin boys’ dormitory.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to sleep through the sudden jolt Remus caused in the bed as he sat up and began panickedly feeling around the bed. 
“What’re you doing?” Regulus groaned as he pulled his pillow over his head and rolled onto his side in order to point his back towards his - currently skating-on-thin-ice - boyfriend. 
“Where’s dovey?” Remus hissed back; an urgent quality taking over his words that Regulus could tell it was far too early to be dealing with.
“What d’you mean?”
Remus groaned in exasperation as he cast a lumos with his wand. “I mean where is our girlfriend, you sod.”
“Have you checked with Barty?”
Regulus almost allowed sleep to pull him back into its sweet, sweet embrace before Remus ruined it again.
“Barty, Remus. Have you checked with Barty?” Regulus repeated irritably.
“No? What? Why would I have checked with Junior?” Remus sputtered, though his asinine question was answered by none other than Barty himself.
“Finders keepers mother fuckers.” He snickered quietly.
Remus ripped open the curtain of Regulus’ four poster bed in the Slytherin dungeons to see you sleeping quite peacefully on the opposite side of Barty who was grinning arrogantly at your two boyfriends. 
“She was too hot over there; I can feel the heat radiating off of you from here, Lupin. What the fuck is that about?”
“She could have taken a blanket off!” Remus argued petulantly.
“You kept tucking her back in saying she was going to catch a cold.” Regulus added helpfully sleepily.
Barty snickered at Remus’ disbelieving scoff. 
“No. Absolutely not; Junior, give me our girlfriend back.” He demanded.
This time it was Barty’s turn to scoff. “Would you shut the fuck up, Lupin; we’re trying to sleep over here.”
And to Remus’s absolute horror, you seemed to stir at the conversation causing you to reach an arm over Barty’s chest and rest your head on his shoulder before you settled back into a restful slumber. 
“Leave her be, Rem.” Regulus chided, causing Remus to divert his malcontented glare to his boyfriend.
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re always going on and on about how we need to prioritize sleep; she’s doing that.” He explained simply.
“With him!” Remus nearly shrilled, earning him a ‘shut up you stupid sod’ from said girlfriend stealer.
“Well would you rather have both of us be tetchy tomorrow for having our beauty sleep interrupted, or just me!?” Regulus finally barked, pulling his pillow away from his face to shoot Remus a stern glare. 
Remus seemed to consider his options before he begrudgingly relented and sunk back under the covers with a very petulant harumph.
“She’s going to smell like him tomorrow.” He pouted as he pulled Regulus into his arms possessively. 
Regulus sighed and nuzzled further into Remus’ neck. “You can fix that tomorrow.”
Regulus felt the tension in Remus’ body relax as he no doubt imagined all the ways he would be doing just that.
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stellarbit · 6 months
Shifting Loyalties
No warnings. 2.3k words
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Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: nada
Pairings: SFW The Batch x fem!reader
Summary: You're a dropout Jedi who left with Echo to join the Bad Batch. You and The Batch are assigned to work with the 501st. The Batch get a bit spicy about how friendly you are with the regs.
NSFW Edition
Inspired by physical touch by @queenariesofnarnia :') it's perfect
The Marauder's landing ramp wasn't halfway extended, and your foot tapped with anticipation. Spotting the 501st squadron as you descended, they stood in a group, not in formation, eagerly awaiting your arrival. Working with the Bad Batch was a thrill, but you couldn't deny missing your first squad.
When Echo departed, Hunter extended you the same offer to join the Bad Batch. As a Jedi dropout, you no longer belonged on Coruscant or in the Order. Your path diverged, but that didn't mean you didn't occasionally yearn for your old teammates.
Before it was fully safe to exit, you hurled yourself out of the ship, dashing toward the awaiting clones. The Batch were momentarily stunned; even Tech tore his eyes away from his datapad at your sudden outburst.
"Shorty!" Fives exclaimed as you barrelled into his arms, spinning you around before settling you among your old squad.
"Shorty?" Crosshair sneered, visibly annoyed by what he was seeing. You darted between the regs, embracing each one, sometimes two at a time.
You meshed well with the Batch, but they weren't the touchy-feely type. Consequently, you lacked the courage to breach physical boundaries, especially considering how often you seemed to get under their skin. After your fallout with the Order, you couldn't risk facing any more rejection.
As the Batch followed after you, Wrecker swiveled his head toward his brothers, clearly confused. "Wha- what's going on?" He scratched his head, gesturing in your direction. "What's all that about?" He referred to your playful antics with the group of regs, laughing and roughhousing like a child.
You weren't cold toward them; in fact, you engaged in comfortable teasing. However, you maintained a professional distance, refraining from physical contact, let alone running into their arms.
Echo shrugged, a smile playing on his lips as he reminisced about his former life. "She's just saying hi," he explained. "She served with the 501st for a long time, even before I was taken to Skako Minor." Nostalgia washed over him at the sight of you standing with his 501st brothers - just like old times.
Hunter blinked in astonishment. "That's normal for her?" He had never witnessed you so carefree and jovial before.
Tech tucked his datapad away, adjusting his goggles as he observed the scene. "By their reactions, this doesn't seem abnormal for her. Why this is the first time we're witnessing it, I'm uncertain." He turned to Echo. "Have you seen this behavior before?"
"Sure, but you're all overthinking it," Echo replied, realizing the tension building among his brothers. "She's just comfortable with them." He regretted the last sentence immediately, sensing their egos regarding regular clones turning this joyful reunion into an unspoken competition.
"If she's so comfortable with them," Crosshair spat, "Maybe she should go back to her precious regs." It was exactly the response Echo feared.
The group watched as you responded to Jesse's teasing with a flirtatious elbow, then stumbled slightly into Rex, who steadied you with a hand on your shoulder.
"It's good to see you. Keeping Echo out of trouble?" Rex smiled down at you, then glanced at Echo standing among the Batch. His smile faded upon noticing Clone Force 99 in various stages of glowering. He patted your shoulder. "Uh… why don't you find General Skywalker while I brief the rest of your squad?"
Without a glance back at the Batch, you followed the order. Anakin briefed you on the mission before easing into conversation. "How are you holding up?" He leaned against a crate of supplies.
"It was hard at first, but I feel…" You paused, feeling a warmth spreading over your chest, grateful it rarely reached your cheeks. "At home with the Batch." You couldn't suppress the smile the thought of the Batch brought you. They made your life exciting, and you felt safe fighting alongside them.
Anakin hadn't missed the looks Clone Force 99 threw your way, especially the nastier ones aimed at the clones you hugged. "I'm glad to hear that, Short Stuff." When Hunter and Wrecker glanced over at the two of you with something like disdain, Anakin smirked. Oh, this is too easy. He leaned down just enough so that your face eclipsed his, just out of sight of the Batchers. "Though, it looks like your new crew isn't too happy with you."
You jerked back, incredulous. "Excuse me?" By the time you whipped around, the Batch were already to the Marauder. Everything seemed normal. You shoved Anakin back. "Kriff off, Skywalker."
Anakin raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. Anyway, it looks like it's time for you to rejoin your squad. Good luck."
"Pfft, good luck?" You pulled a face and cracked your neck. "I don't need luck on missions." You may have missed the Jedi General, but you did not miss his arrogant humor.
Anakin smirked as you headed back out and out of earshot. "It wasn't for the mission."
Inside the ship, the atmosphere shifted when you returned. Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Tech, and Echo were scattered about on various tasks, their sudden silence and exchanged glances going unnoticed by you as you busied yourself with pulling out sleeping supplies. There was no way you were missing a chance to sleep off the ship.
Sat cleaning his gun, Crosshair’s eyes bore into your back. It didn’t take Hunter’s senses for you to feel his glare. Still packing, you said over your shoulder, “What is it, Crosshair?”
“Oh, nothing,” Crosshair sneered, leaning forward. “Just didn’t realize you missed your regs so much.”
“And why wouldn’t I miss them?” You snorted, not realizing that earned you an even nastier look from the white-haired clone. “Some people have friends, Crosshair. What’s wrong with that?”
Raising an eyebrow, you turned to face him, a smirk playing on your lips. "And what's wrong with that? Some of us actually have friends, you know."
Tech, engrossed in a control panel, interjected, "He's not questioning your friendships. He's just pointing out the obvious preference you seem to have for your old squadmates."
Your hands stilled, and you turned to face them, sensing an underlying tension in the air. "What's going on here?"
Wrecker shuffled awkwardly, his expression troubled. "We just thought you were happier with us."
"I am happy!" you exclaimed. "But it's natural to be excited to see old friends, isn't it?"
When Wrecker’s defeated look didn’t change you looked to Hunter, the sensible brother, for relief. Instead, he had his arms crossed and eyes fixed away from you.
They can’t be serious. You started to turn to Echo when Crosshair abruptly got up, setting his gun aside, and loomed over you within a second.
“Don’t look at Echo to save you,” Crosshair growled, his voice low and menacing. "You seem a little too cozy with them for just 'old friends.'" You tried to step away, but found yourself backed against the counter behind you.
“Cross,” Hunter warned, but his brother didn’t heed the caution, slamming a hand on the shelf a few inches from your face.
The close proximity allowed you to catch Crosshair's scent—gun oil and mint—a combination you'd never been so close to before. It left you breathless, barely able to formulate a response. Crosshair raked his eyes over you as he idly lolled a toothpick around his mouth. He leaned in close. “Why so shy now, Shorty?” he taunted, his voice dropping even lower.
Despite the shiver you felt at the nickname rolling off Crosshair’s tongue, ignored the jibe. “What’s your problem with ‘Shorty’?” you bit back, unwilling to back down.
Tech swiftly wedged himself between you and Crosshair, his tone firm but diplomatic. "Let's not act like children here." Placing a hand on your chest and the other on Crosshair's shoulder, he continued, "Although 'Shorty' might not be the most accurate nickname. If you prefer something else-"
His voice trailed off as he noticed the flush creeping up your chest and spreading to your cheeks and ears. Tech's wide eyes darted between your face and his hand, realizing the unintended intimacy of his touch. "Oh," he stammered, but didn’t pull back his hand. "I-I apologize."
Feeling the weight of their collective stares, you squirmed uncomfortably, yearning for some space to breathe. Tech's touch, coupled with Crosshair's taunting sent a flurry of conflicting emotions coursing through you, rendering you speechless. It seemed like every part of you was reacting, including that one lower part that seemed to have a mind of its own.
Before the tension could escalate further, Echo chimed in with an observation. "Well, I've never seen that before."
Returning to reality, you brushed Tech's hand away and swiftly grabbed your sleeping gear, attempting to regain your composure. "You're all acting like a bunch of-"
"It looks like our sarad is finally blossoming," Crosshair mocked, his voice laced with amusement.
Unable to take another word from him, you shoved past Tech to lunge on Crosshair, whose scowl was now a shit eating smirk. “I’ll wipe that smug-”
Hunter jumped in to hold you back. “Back off, Cross.” You were still grabbing for Crosshair when Hunter’s firm grip on your waist registered with you. You stiffened as Hunter detangled your arms from his shoulder and pulled you aside. He turned to you and surprised you by gently cupped your cheek. “Listen, we’re not trying to upset you.”
You were too aware of all the places your bodies had just touched - where his hands had been. It was all too much and with his hand on your face you simply couldn’t move.
The unexpected closeness and the warmth of his touch left you momentarily stunned, struggling to process the flood of sensations. With an effort to maintain your composure, you pulled away from Hunter's touch, grabbing your gear tightly. But before you could make your escape, Wrecker wrapped you in his arms and wrung you off your feet. “Aw, don’t be mad, we were just worried!” All you could focus on was the size of his hands and how nice his arms felt. When he dropped you, you just stood hunched over with a death grip on your sleeping pack.
The way you just stood at the mouth of the ship wide eyed and huffing, you probably looked like a deranged blurg. You felt deranged. In mere minutes you’d gone from composed to weak kneed simply from a few touches and teases. Being the center of their attention in those minutes had lit something in you that was quickly getting out of control. You still couldn’t manage words when you took off down the Marauder’s ramp.
At once Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech looked back at Echo. Echo echoed the collective astonishment, his tone tinged with bewilderment. "I've never seen her act like that before."
Tech, ever the analyzer, observed the physical signs of your distress with keen interest. He looked down at the hand he'd placed on your chest. "Her heart rate and temperature were elevated," he noted, his analytical nature kicking in. "Her coloring was..." He paused, searching for the right word, "...unexpectedly vibrant." Tech was quick to record his observations, whether mentally or digitally, finding your behavior to be a fascinating new discovery.
"Intriguing," Tech mused, adjusting his glasses with a confident shrug. "Her conduct with us doesn't align with her interactions with her former squadron. This divergence suggests a remarkably positive correlation." His conclusion was delivered with a note of excitement, indicative of his realization of the significance of your reaction. "And I am seldom wrong."
Each member of the Bad Batch absorbed Tech's assessment in their own way, contemplating the implications of your behavior.
When it was time to part ways with the 501st, you made your good-byes. The Batch weren’t much for good-byes, aside from Echo giving an extra farewell to Rex, they watched on from the mouth of the Marauder. You didn’t know when, or if, you’d see them again so you were saying good-bye to each clone.
Jesse sauntered over to the Batch as you engaged in one last round of roughhousing with Fives. He glanced at you, then at the Batch. An obvious jab that didn't fail to elicit a snarl from Crosshair. “Looks like she's clinging to her ‘regs’ a bit too tightly,” he remarked, his tone laced with thinly veiled mockery. Crosshair's lip curled in response, a silent warning brewing beneath his steely exterior. “Maybe it's time she remembers where she belongs.”
“Ay! Sarad!” Wrecker’s voice boomed out suddenly, your head immediately snapping to attention. “You comin’ or what?”
Tech, with a slight adjustment to his goggles, couldn't help but notice the telltale signs of your embarrassment—the faint flush creeping up your cheeks, the nervous smile that flickered across your lips. It was a sight that stirred something in his usually analytical mind. “Looks like she's right where she belongs,” he remarked softly, a rare hint of sentimentality in his tone.
Jesse let out a huff of resignation. “I suppose so. Just make sure you take care of her,” he muttered before slipping away.
As Wrecker slung his arm around your shoulders, nearly toppling you over, you hesitated for a moment. But instead of pulling away, you returned the gesture with a small hip bump, a silent olive branch. This is really going to take some getting used to.
Hunter, helmet tucked under his arm, stepped forward. “If you ever decide you want to go back to the 501st... we'd understand,” he offered, his tone tinged with sincerity.
You shook your head with a laugh, stepping out of Wrecker’s embrace. Playfully knocking an elbow into Hunter’s side, you grinned. “You think I’d trade you guys for the 501st? Not a chance,” you replied, your words carrying a hint of affection.
“Oh, spare us the sentimentality,” Crosshair interjected dryly, though the faint twitch of his lip betrayed a hint of amusement.
As you stood among the Batch, you laughed to yourself. This is going to be fun.
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eclipseslayer · 11 days
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• SUMMARY: You're exhausted from work, and so, you slip into your safe space, and ask your "daddy" to help relieve some of your stress.
• CW: age reg., daddy kink, Kento calls you, "sweetheart," "princess," & "little one,", creampie, cunninglingus. (p.s. I use "little space" incorrectly, I apologize about that. I'll do better in the future!!!)
• WC: 1.7k
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Nanami Kento always understood what it meant to have a bad day at work.
He always understood the exhaustion and the headache that came with it—hell, he was an expert in dealing with it, which is why he understood why you often had to slip into your "little space" after a terrible day at work.
He understands that his girl needs to be taken care of and pampered. You always pamper him whenever he has a bad day, so it's honestly the least he can do while you're in your little space.
"There we go, sweetheart." A smile graces Kento's face when he hands you your stuffed animal.
He finds you cute and endearing whenever you're surrounded in bed by your stuffed animals. Your gleeful smile is what makes this all worth it to him.
"Thank you, daddy," you respond in a sweet manner, pitching your voice higher up. He feels his heart thrum in his chest at how adorable you look right now, laying in the bed, under your pink covers with big, fluffy, stuffed animals on your left and right.
"It's my pleasure, sweet girl," Kento hums and he leans over, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You beam a bright smile at him, and he feels his legs go weak. He'd do anything for you, he thinks, because he loves seeing you happy.
"Now, do you need anything else before I let you go to sleep?" Kento asks, crossing his arms while looking at you.
Caring, soft, brown eyes watch you as you think for a minute. A shy look graces your expression as you slowly sit up; stuffed animals fall from your sides as you adjust in the bed.
"I know we jus' made the bed, daddy, but uhm… wanna play…"
Kento notices your soft and shy tone, and he smiles warmly that you still would like to "play" with him, despite getting all comfortable in your bed.
Kento obliges easily as he starts to unbutton his blue collared shirt. He slips off his tie with it, taking in no thought in saying no to you as he undresses.
He strips down to his underwear, leaving himself in his briefs before approaching the bed.
Slowly, he crawls on top of you and he smiles, taking in your little features—how you have your hair tied up into a braid, your cute baby tee you have on, and your sweet pink panties that have a cute little lace bow on them—he feels happy that this makes you happy, reverting to an age where you feel like you have no responsibilities or a care in the world. He supports you in every aspect, and wants to take care of you in every way, even if you're like this.
He gently reaches out and caresses your face; a soft smile tugs on his lips when he sees you nuzzle into his hand.
"Little one, do you want me to take off your clothes for you?" He asks, gently.
His gentle nature is much appreciated by you as you let out a soft hum—pensively, for a moment—but ultimately you shake your head, deciding that the clothes will help you stay in your little state better.
"No, daddy. Just m'panties, please."
Kento offers you yet another warm and gentle smile, one that he knows makes your heart leap.
You always told him how comforting you found his smiles, even if he didn't smile often, you found his smile to be one of the best things to be comforted by. His smile is gentle, and sincere. He never smiles in a fake way, at least, not around you, so whenever you can get a smile out of him, you always find it special, and you hold it dear to your heart.
His smile is especially potent in moments like these—where you're in your little space. It makes your heart leap because you know your daddy is so willing and eager to take care of you and set your mind at ease. You know that he knows that you find his smile so endearing and comforting, so it's especially important to you.
His large hands slip under your body and turns you over so you're laying on your stomach. He hums at the sight of you, so sweet, as you grab a pillow and hug it.
You feel the weight of the large man shift behind you, placing his legs at between yours while his hands grip your thighs and pushes them open.
Then, you feel a pair of soft lips start to kiss your shoulders, slowly and gently, making their way across your body in a skilled and calculated manner as your daddy knows exactly where and how to make you shiver, and ways to make your toes curl.
He does exactly that as his lips map your body, finding where "X" marks the spot on each side of your neck, the spot between your shoulder blades, the middle of your back, and just above your bottom that makes your breath hitch.
God. The sound of your breath and the little sighs you make makes his cock stir in his briefs. He grunts at the sudden stimulation, but regardless, he continues his trek with his mouth, kissing down, and down, and down… until his nose is buried between your pretty, plump ass-cheeks, and situated above your fluttering folds.
He hums, pleased at the sight, and with his large hands he grips the globes of your ass and begins to slowly lick at the center, brushing the flat of his tongue over your pretty folds.
You shiver and your toes curl from the sudden touch.
Kento smirks, knowing he's reached another spot that "X" marks.
He resumes without a second thought, the flat of his tongue licks slow, and long licks over your pussy, testing the waters for how sensitive you are.
Lucky for him, you seem to be very sensitive today as your toes curls and you whimper with almost every lick that Kento gives you.
His grip on your ass tightens, suddenly, and his eyebrows furrow as he shifts into being more focused. His tongue, slips between your folds, the fat of his tongue fills you so well, making you let out a moan.
Your grip on your pillow tightens and you whine.
Kento hums in acknowledgment, pleased at your choice of words as he continues to slowly move his tongue in and out of you.
You moan with every thrust of his tongue, and your hips arch into his face.
Kento lets out a hot breath against your pussy as his tongue darts in and out at a faster pace, earning more and more moans from you. His ears perk up as he listens to your moans, and his cock twitches again.
You sound so good, Kento can hardly contain himself. He grunts as he removes his tongue from your pussy—
"Daddy!" You chide him, but you're quickly shut up when Kento locks his lips around your clit and sucks.
If Kento could've smirked, he would've. He's glad that he can get you to react like this, just by using his lips. It's so easy to get you to squirm, to whine, and to moan, and fuck, does it make him hard that he's the one who can give you this much pleasure.
He gets so hard on knowing that he's doing this to you, so hard that his lips are making you feel this good.
"D-Daddy! S-Somthin'… is happenin'!" You squeal, and you bury your face into the pillow as you start to pant.
Kento takes this as a cue to suck harder, and, just like that, you're cumming. You moan, loudly, and your body jolts and shivers, squirming as you cum onto Kento's tongue.
"Mmm…" He groans, and slowly licks up that creamy, white liquid that spills from your pussy before pulling away. He sits up on his knees and begins to pull his underwear down.
His eyes remain on your body as he pulls down his briefs, brown eyes locked onto your figure while you try to regain your breath.
"Daddy's gonna use his big parts on your little parts now, alright, princess?" He says, gently, and he chuckles when he sees that all you can do is nod.
" 'Kay…" You murmur, blinking slowly.
With that, Kento grips his cock and, with a grunt, he pushes the tip against your pussy, feeling the wet mess that lies there.
His eyes roll back as he stimulates himself for a moment, but it's quickly interrupted by his frustrated girl.
"Daddy…" Your tone is sharp, and unforgiving.
Kento chuckles, "Forgive me, princess."
With that, hoping you'd forgive him, he slowly pushes in. His thick, long cock slowly fills you, making you whine.
"O-Oooh… D-Daddy…"
Kento smiles, though his jaw drops quickly once he feels himself bottom out in you.
Your tight, little pussy makes Kento's balls throb, and he swallows thickly. On top of that, you calling him daddy makes him elated, simply because he knows that this is making you feel good.
He swallows thickly, and he leans down so his chest is pressed against your back. His lips meet your skin on your shoulder, and slowly, he starts to thrust, rolling his hips into yours.
You think he feels so delicious as his cock slowly fills you with each roll of his hips, as it allows for your brain to turn off for a good few minutes, reveling in the feeling of euphoria clouding your head.
Sweet moans escape your mouth as Kento fills you, and fills you, and fills you—hitting that delectable spit every single time.
He feels so good, you think to yourself as you begin to babble under your breath, taking in the feeling of everything—how close he is to you, and how his cock fits so perfectly inside of you like you were made for him—it's all so perfect.
Though, soon, Kento's perfect, slow rhythm begins to become erratic as he lets out short, panting breaths. He swallows thickly and buries his nose into your neck as his large hands fist the bedsheets on each side of you.
"Close…" He murmurs into your neck and groans, though, his eyes light up when he hears you murmur the same.
With a few more thrusts, Kento finishes, shortly followed by you as you both release a loud moan, and heavy breaths.
Kento spills into you—hot and heavy—and then pulls out, slowly, wishing he could stay buried inside you forever, but he knows that's unlikely.
"Felt so good, princess…" Kento murmurs into your neck. You hum, contently, and a smile graces your face.
He smiles.
"Mmm, that's my sweet girl."
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jetii · 1 month
I love love love your style of writing, I’m so happy I discovered you. As I see you are well on your way with writing a bunch of fics for the bad batch already I would very kindly request a smutty fic with my favorite reg Wolffexf!reader maybe with “only one bed” 🥹
That's so lovely to hear, thank you so much! 💙 I've never written Wolffe before so I hope I did him justice. This started out as pure smut, but my angst goblin brain got me in the end.
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For One Night
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Pairing: Wolffe x Jedi!Reader / Wolffe x fem!Reader
Words: 10,745
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! angst, hurt/comfort, reader is Plo Koon's former Padawan, protective!Wolffe, mutual pining, forbidden love, love confessions, smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f receiving), praise kink, underwear kink maybe, biting, marking
Summary: When you and Wolffe are stranded during your first mission together in months, you're forced to confront the feelings between you that have been threatening to break through the surface.
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You’ve never seen a storm this bad.
The clouds are roiling and thundering above, but they aren't the typical gray you've come to expect. They are an ugly shade of yellow-green, as though there's an eerie, toxic glow coming from within. Lightning flashes across the sky, and with each successive burst you feel the rumble deep in your bones. The air is thick and wet, and the rain that pours down is torrential, but it isn't water.
The acid rains from the toxic atmosphere are a blessing and a curse. It washes away the filth of the world, but at the cost of further destroying the planet's natural ecosystem. It's the reason why all the humans are locked inside a walled city, why most of the animal species are extinct.
It’s also the reason why you and Wolffe are stuck here.
You've been assigned on a scouting mission, the first one for you since you were knighted. There was a group of battle droids sighted near the wall, and the Council didn’t want to take any chances. If there was an attack, the city would be completely defenseless.
A normal scouting mission would be simple enough, even during a storm. It would just require a couple hours of searching, and then you could report back. But you weren’t prepared for a storm this strong. The rain is so thick that you can barely see a few feet in front of you, the only light from the occasional flash of lightning. There are no signs of the droids, which means that the mission has become a fruitless endeavor. And with the acid rain threatening to burn into your skin, you can tell that it isn't safe to be outside for long.
Your comms have been down for hours, and you and Wolffe have no choice but to make your way back to the city.
"We need to find some sort of shelter," you say, shouting over the roar of the storm. "At least until this blows over."
Wolffe doesn’t look pleased. "We need to keep looking. Those droids—"
"They've either been washed away by the rain or they're gone. We'll head out again when the weather clears." You're the General now, so the mission is ultimately your responsibility. Wolffe grunts his displeasure, but you know that he'll obey.
There's a flash of lightning, and you shield your eyes from the glare. The rumble of thunder is louder than before, and you feel the vibration of it under your feet.
You shiver as another gust of wind cuts through your robes, the heavy material doing little to protect you from the elements. "I don’t have the protection you do, Wolffe. I can't stay out here much longer."
The tension in Wolffe's form eases, and he gives you a nod before turning. He begins to walk away, and you have to jog to keep up with his long strides.
The two of you stumble through the storm for what seems like ages. There are no natural shelters nearby, no caves or overhangs, nothing. You've made it back to the area where the droids were spotted, but you haven't found anything of note. Just dead trees, trees, and more trees. It's starting to become clear to you why no one has made an attempt to reclaim this part of the planet.
Then you notice a glint of metal in the distance.
"Wait." You hold up a hand.
Wolffe stops immediately, his hand dropping to his blaster.
You step closer, peering through the storm. There's definitely something there. You reach out, trying to get a sense of it. The Force is murky and turbulent, but you manage to get a vague idea of what you're dealing with.
"I think it's a bunker," you tell him. "And it's unoccupied."
Wolffe grunts, and he starts off towards the glimmer. You follow behind, trying to keep your footing on the muddy ground. The rain is starting to become too much, and you can barely see where you're going.
Finally, the entrance comes into view. It's a hatch in the ground, the metal rusted and corroded by time.
You're already kneeling down and reaching for it when Wolffe pulls you back.
"Let me go first," he says.
You huff and stand back, crossing your arms. You don't bother to protest. It's not worth the energy, and it's obvious that Wolffe won't be persuaded.
Wolffe kneels down, and you watch as he lifts the hatch, yanking it open with a grunt. You can see him hesitate, but after a moment, he lowers himself inside.
There's a long pause, and then he calls up. "Clear."
The ladder is slick and rusted, and you cling tightly to the rungs as you descend. You finally make it down, and your feet hit the concrete floor with a soft thump. Wolffe is at your side as soon as you're stable, his helmet sweeping over you from head to toe, his hand on your elbow.
You roll your eyes, but your annoyance is tinged with fondness.
"I'm fine," you say, trying to brush the hair out of your face. Your ponytail has come loose, and the wet strands cling to your face.
Wolffe just nods, but he doesn't move away. Instead, his hands come up, and he gently pushes the hair out of your eyes. His thumb brushes over the curve of your cheek, and he lingers for a moment before he drops his hand.
The movement is quick, so quick that you're not sure if you imagined it. But Wolffe's thumb was warm against the skin of your cheek, and the feeling lingers.
You're about to say something, but he's already turning away, moving to inspect the bunker. You let out a breath, and then shake yourself, pushing down the feeling in your chest.
The bunker is small and dark, barely illuminated by the faint glow from the emergency lights. There are crates scattered around, and a couple old terminals along the far wall. You can see the silhouettes of worker droids, but they're so covered in cobwebs and rust that they've long been rendered inoperable. A thick durasteel door is on the opposite wall, leading to another part of the facility.
"Stay here," Wolffe says, heading for the door.
You frown. "Why?"
"There could be enemies in there," he replies, already pulling his blaster.
“There isn’t,” you insist. You try to peer through the doorway, but it's too dark to make anything out. "If there were, I would sense it."
"I still need to check."
You cross your arms, letting out an annoyed sigh. You hate feeling useless, especially when you're a general, but you can't fault Wolffe for wanting to be cautious. It's the exact kind of behavior that has earned him his reputation.
"Fine," you mutter. You walk over to one of the terminals, trying to get it to turn on as you hear Wolffe wrench the door open.
It takes a few moments, but the terminal finally hums to life, the screen flickering before glowing a dull green. There's a few old files on there, some reports and logs, but you can't access them without the proper password. You didn’t bring your slicing kit, and even if you did, the terminal is far too old to use it.
Wolffe's voice floats in from the other room. "Clear!"
You stand and stretch, wincing as the rainwater sloshes in your boots. "Anything interesting?"
"A few things," Wolffe replies. "Looks like they were testing some kind of weapons system."
"Weapons? On this planet?" You raise your eyebrows. "Who would be stupid enough to do that?"
“Stupid enough, or desperate enough," he says. He walks back into the room, prying his helmet off his head and tossing it on a nearby crate. He looks at you, and his expression softens. "Find anything useful?"
You gesture to the terminal. "Some logs. I can't access them, though. Do you have the data drive? It’s a long shot, but it might be compatible.”
Wolffe pulls the data drive out from the pouch at his waist, handing it to you. It's a slim cylinder, the silver metal shiny and unblemished. You plug it in, and the terminal makes a faint beeping noise, the screen flickering before a login window appears.
"Got it," you say, typing in a command.
"Good work."
“Don't sound so surprised."
Wolffe huffs, and you hear the sound of footsteps as he comes up behind you. He stands next to you, and the two of you watch the progress bar creep along the screen, the connection to the nearest satellite weak, but stable.
"Looks like we might have to wait a while," he says, resting a hand on the edge of the terminal as he peers over your shoulder. His voice is deep and rough, and it rumbles against you. You're pressed up against his chest, and you can feel the warmth of him, his body heat soaking through his armor and into your skin.
You swallow, trying to keep your breathing steady. "Looks like."
It's almost unnerving how quickly you fall back into this pattern. Wolffe hasn't even touched you yet, not really, but your skin feels too tight and hot. You're hyper aware of him, every movement, every breath. You've never wanted him this much, and it scares you.
The two of you have a complicated history. Before you were knighted, you and Wolffe were... close. Not lovers, but not quite friends, either. It was difficult for the both of you to define the nature of your relationship, but you were certainly more than coworkers. Master Plo had always said that you were a good influence on him, that you tempered his rough edges, but the truth was that he had tempered yours. You were reckless and impulsive, and Wolffe grounded you, kept you focused. You needed each other, in a way.
But when you were knighted, you were sent away, and you haven't seen each other since.
And now...
The progress bar continues to crawl across the screen, the green light flickering and casting an eerie glow. Wolffe lets out a frustrated sigh.
"This is taking too long," he says, stepping away from you. He turns, and his gaze falls on the crates scattered around the room. He goes over and begins inspecting them, his fingers prying the lids open.
"You're such a grouch," you tell him with a laugh, leaning against the terminal and watching him work.
He snorts. "And you're a brat."
"I didn't choose the mission, Wolffe,” you say, rolling your eyes. "Besides, there are worse places we could be."
"This place is a shithole."
"Maybe, but at least we're not in the storm."
There's the clang of a lid hitting the floor, and then the sound of metal scraping. Wolffe stands, a couple of water canisters in his hand.
"I found some water," he calls over. "And some ration packs. Enough to last us a few days, if we have to."
"Well, hopefully it won't come to that," you say as you turn back to the terminal. "I'd hate for you to have to put up with me for that long."
"It's not so bad."
You smile to yourself, ducking your head so that he can't see. "Don't lie. We both know you'd rather be anywhere else."
"I didn't say that,” he says, and his tone is oddly serious.
Wolffe doesn't say anything after that, and the silence stretches on, the only sound the whir of the terminal as it processes the data. There's a sudden loud crack of thunder, and the sound of rain drumming on the roof of the bunker is louder than before. You wince at the sound as you start to parse through the local files on the terminal, searching for a map. 
It's difficult to focus on the task at hand. The room is small, and you're hyper aware of Wolffe moving around. He's still investigating, and you hear him rustling around in the crates, the sound of the lids being opened and shut. You try to pay attention to the screen, but you're not able to concentrate.
"You okay?"
You blink and realize that Wolffe is standing right behind you.
"Yes, of course. Why do you ask?" you reply, turning around to face him.
He crosses his arms, his brow furrowed in concern. "You've been staring at the same file for ten minutes."
You flush, embarrassed, and quickly exit out of the menu. "I was just..."
You trail off. You were just what? Trying to figure out what you're doing? Trying to decide how to act around him, when everything is so different now?
Wolffe doesn't seem convinced, and his frown deepens.
"I'm fine, Wolffe," you mutter.
He scoffs, shaking his head. "Don't bullshit me, jet'ika. I've known you for too long."
Jet'ika. Little Jedi.
The nickname was given to you when you first met, and Wolffe had called you that ever since. It didn't matter that you were already an adult back then, nearly twice as old as he was, or that you were a full-fledged knight now. It was just part of the banter the two of you had, and the fondness in the nickname made your chest warm.
"I'm not—" you begin, but the words die in your throat as you meet his eyes. His stare feels like a physical weight, and your stomach clenches as your gaze flicks over his face. The scar, the dark circles under his eyes, the harsh lines of his face. All the changes that time had wrought.
You've thought about this man almost constantly since you left, but now that he's in front of you, you feel almost... intimidated.
"You look tired," Wolffe says after a moment, his voice low and gruff.
"That's... a little rude," you say.
"I'm just saying." He shrugs, and then reaches out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. His hand lingers, and you let out a quiet sigh, the tension in your shoulders easing.
"Fine," you huff. "I'm tired, and I’m freezing, and these robes aren't exactly made for the weather. But we're stuck here, and it's not like there's anything we can do about it."
"Thought so,” he replies, his voice smug. His hand drifts down to take the hem of your robes between his fingers. He gives them a little tug. "You know, you could always take off those wet robes."
You know he's teasing, but the suggestion still sends a jolt of heat through you. You glance up, meeting his eyes. There's an intensity in his gaze, and you have a feeling that he knows exactly what he's doing.
"Oh yeah?" you ask, unable to keep the husky tone out of your voice. You grin, giving him a sly smile. "You think so?"
"Yes, sir."
You let out a breathy laugh, and Wolffe's mouth quirks in a half-smile. It's been a long time since you've flirted with him, but it seems like he hasn't lost his touch. You can feel the tension crackling between the two of you. It's always been like this, and you can't deny that there's a part of you that wishes he would just pull you into his arms and kiss you senseless.
But you know it wouldn't be that simple. There are complications, complications that the two of you can't ignore. It's why you haven't acted on the feelings between you, why you've tried to forget them.
You're a Jedi Knight now. And Wolffe is a Clone Marshal Commander.
Neither one of you have the freedom to be together.
Still, though, you can't help but tease him.
"Well," you say, slowly taking off your robes, "if you insist."
It’s not as if you’re revealing anything by allowing your outer robe to slide down your shoulders. You’re still wearing armor, after all. But the effect is still the same, and you can see his eyes roaming over your body, lingering on the way your leggings cling to your thighs, the curve of your ass.
You smirk and set the wet material aside. "Better?"
"Yeah," he replies, his voice a low rasp.
You're tempted to tease him further, to see how far you can push him. But you know that there's only so far you can go before one of you breaks, and you're not sure either of you are ready to face the consequences.
So instead, you turn back to the terminal, trying to distract yourself.
The storm rages on, the thunder shaking the bunker. After a few minutes, you start to shiver. The room is cold and damp, and the temperature has dropped as the storm worsens. You wrap your arms around yourself, and the armor on your forearms isn't doing much to warm you up.
Wolffe steps closer, and his hand brushes against your arm.
"You're shivering," he says, frowning.
"Yeah, I'm cold."
He doesn't say anything. He just takes off his gauntlets and tosses them on the floor. You watch out of the corner of your eye as he starts undoing the straps and buckles of his armor, pulling it off and stacking the pieces on the floor next to him. You don't understand what he's doing until he pulls his chestplate off and drops it, and then wraps an arm around your shoulders, tugging you against his chest.
You don't resist, allowing yourself to lean into him. The undersuit he wears beneath his armor is made from a thick, insulated material, and the heat of him seeps through the thin fabric of your tunic. He's so warm, and you relax, letting out a content sigh.
"That better?" he asks, his breath warm against your ear. You shiver at the sensation.
"Yeah," you say, closing your eyes. He snorts, his breath fanning over the top of your head. You can't stop the small smile from tugging at the corner of your mouth. "Thanks."
The two of you stand like that for a while, his arms wrapped around your waist. You try to keep working on the data, but it's difficult to focus with him so close. His chest is pressed against your back, and every time you breathe, the soft swell of his pecs is against your shoulder blades. You can't help but let your mind wander, imagining what he looks like under the armor, the planes of his chest and the ridges of his abdomen. You've always had a fascination with the strength of the clones, and Wolffe is no exception.
Wolffe doesn't move, his arms staying looped around your waist. His hands rest on your hips, and he shifts occasionally, his thumb stroking over the jut of your hip. After a while, he rests his chin on the top of your head, his stubble scratching at your scalp.
"Are you warm enough?" he murmurs, his breath stirring the hairs on the top of your head.
You hesitate. Wolffe runs hotter than most humans, his enhanced genetics making him a living furnace. You started to feel warm a while ago, and the air inside the bunker is stifling. But you can't deny that you don't mind having his arms wrapped around you, and you're reluctant to give up his touch.
"Not yet," you say, a hint of cheekiness in your voice.
He huffs, and his arms tighten around your waist. His fingers press into your sides, the pressure sending a shiver down your spine.
"Don't test me, jet'ika,” he grumbles, and his breath fans over the shell of your ear.
"Why not?"
"You know why."
His words send a jolt of heat through you, and you squirm against him. You feel his grip tighten on your waist, his hands flexing to keep you in place.
He’s right. You do. But down here, away from the prying eyes of the Council and the GAR, it's easy to forget all of the reasons why you shouldn't be with him. You can almost imagine a future where the two of you could be together, one where the war doesn't exist.
"I know," you murmur at last, and you feel him relax slightly.
There's a pause, and the air grows heavier, the tension becoming more palpable. You can feel the press of his chest against your back, and his hands have moved, his fingers tracing idle patterns over the skin of your hip. His nose finds the curve of your neck, and you can feel him breathing, the tickle of his breath on the sensitive skin of your nape.
You let out a sigh, letting yourself sink back into him. Your eyes drift shut, and you relax against his chest, giving in to the comfort of his touch. He's so warm, and it's so nice to be held. You can’t help but imagine what it would be like if things were different. If you weren't a Jedi, and he wasn't a clone. If the two of you had met in another life, another universe. If the two of you could just be.
You spend a long time like that, standing in the circle of his arms. The storm is raging outside, and the bunker is dark and cold, but his presence is enough to make you feel warm and safe.
Eventually, Wolffe pulls away, and the two of you move apart. The chill in the air is sharp against your skin, and you miss his warmth immediately. You want to lean back into him, to bury yourself in his embrace, but you resist.
You turn to face him, and he meets your gaze, his eyes dark.
"Come on," he says, his tone gruff. "Let's see what else we can find."
You nod, trying to ignore the way your heart clenches as you watch him put his armor back on, his back to you. You know it's for the best, but it still hurts. You shake yourself, pushing down the sadness. It's not a productive emotion, and it won't help the situation.
"There could be old tech down there," he continues. "It could be worth checking out."
"You're right," you say, forcing yourself to smile. "We might as well see if we can find anything useful."
You follow him deeper into the facilityy, taking note of the way his shoulders are tense, the way his helmet constantly sweeps the corridor, searching for any sign of danger.
The bunker is even colder now, and you shiver as you descend further underground. Wolffe leads the way, his flashlight cutting through the gloom and outshining the light of your saber.
After a while, you come across a door, the metal rusted and caked with grime.
"Think this is worth checking out?" Wolffe asks, looking at you.
"Could be," you reply, inspecting the door. "Looks like an old storage area. We should be able to find some supplies in there, at least."
Wolffe nods, and he grabs the handle, wrenching the door open. There's a faint creak of metal, and the sound of dust being disturbed. He nudges you aside, his arm brushing against yours.
"Wait here," he says. "Let me check it first."
You let out an exasperated sigh. "Really, Wolffe?"
Wolffe gives you a look, his helmet dipping down toward you. He doesn't move until you nod, and then he's stepping forward, disappearing into the darkness. You hear his footsteps receding, and then the sounds of crates being shifted and opened.
A few moments later, he comes back, his flashlight sweeping over the doorframe.
“What is it?” you ask, your eyes tracking his movement.
“Looks like a med bay. Nothing useful, anyways. Just a cot and some storage lockers. We should keep going, see if we can find anything else."
"Yeah," you say, and you let out a sigh. "Yeah, okay."
The two of you continue to search, but the other rooms are just as empty and abandoned as the first. The bunker seems to be a relic from the past, a forgotten piece of history.
Finally, after what feels like hours of searching, the two of you make your way back to the entrance. You can still hear the storm raging above, the thunder rattling the metal hatch.
"We'll have to wait it out," Wolffe says, and you can hear the frustration in his voice. "The ship can't land until the storm passes."
"Great." You groan, rubbing your forehead. "I'm sorry, Wolffe. I know this is a waste of time."
"It's not your fault, jet'ika. It's the kriffing weather. It'll blow over soon, and then we can get the hell off this planet."
You let out a breath and turn away, trying to quell the frustration that's bubbling up inside of you. You can't help but feel as though you're failing at your first official assignment as a general, that you're letting Wolffe down. It was a simple mission, and you can't even complete it properly.
Wolffe's hand lands on your shoulder, and he gives you a gentle squeeze.
"We'll be fine," he says. "It's not your fault. These things happen."
"Yeah, but—"
"Stop," he interrupts, and the harshness of his tone makes you jump. "Just stop."
"Okay, okay," you mutter. "Sorry."
He shakes his head, his hand sliding up to cup the back of your neck. His thumb rubs soothing circles against your skin, and you feel the tension start to drain out of you.
"You're always too hard on yourself." His voice is softer now, and his grip on your neck loosens. "This is hardly the worst thing that could've happened."
You huff, leaning back against his chest. You can't deny that the contact is comforting, that his touch is grounding.
"Maybe," you murmur, and he lets out a sigh, his fingers digging into the skin of your neck.
"No 'maybe'. We'll be fine, and we'll get out of here as soon as the storm passes."
"Okay, Wolffe," you whisper, letting yourself relax into his hold. "You're right."
"Of course I am."
"You're also insufferable."
"And yet, you put up with me."
"For some reason, I do."
He snorts, his breath warm against the back of your neck. "Must be my winning personality."
You laugh, and Wolffe's hand slides down your back, coming to rest on your hip. You shiver at the contact, your skin tingling where his palm presses against you, and you can feel him tense up behind you.
"Sorry," he murmurs, but he doesn't remove his hand.
"It's okay," you reply, and the two of you stand in silence for a long moment. The only sound is the storm outside, the thunder rolling and the rain pounding against the metal hatch.
"Are you still cold?" he asks eventually, and the rumble of his voice against your back sends a shiver down your spine.
"A little," you reply, and he sighs.
"Come on," he says. "Let's get you warmed up."
Before you can ask what he means, he's pulling you back down the corridor. He leads you back to the first room, the one with the bed and the storage lockers.
"What are you doing?" you ask, and he lets go of your hand as he moves to one of the lockers.
"Found something earlier," he replies, and he pulls open the door. There are a few blankets and pillows inside, and he starts gathering them up. He tosses them onto the bed before he starts to unclip his armor, and your cheeks flush when you realize what he's doing.
"Wolffe, I don't—"
"Get over here," he says, and there's no room for argument in his tone.
You hesitate for a moment, but then he shoots you a look, and you obey. You cross the room, and he helps you remove your armor, placing the pieces carefully on the floor alongside his. The sight of the plastoid strewn about together makes something inside of you stir, and you quickly turn your attention to the bed.
The sheets are thin and worn, but they're soft and clean. Wolffe takes one of the blankets and wraps it around your shoulders, his hands lingering.
"Thank you," you murmur, and he nods, stepping back. He turns away and busies himself with the bedding, fluffing the pillows and spreading the blankets out. It's strangely domestic, and it makes something inside of you ache.
After a few minutes, he's finished, and he gestures to the bed.
"Come on," he says, his voice rough.
The mattress creaks as the two of you climb in, and it's not as uncomfortable as you expected. Wolffe lies on his back, and you tuck yourself against his side, resting your head on his chest. He pulls the blankets up over the two of you, and the warmth is immediate.
"Better?" he asks, and you hum in agreement.
"Yeah, much."
You can hear his heartbeat, strong and steady. You rest your hand on his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breath. He's warm and solid beneath you, and you can't help but enjoy the sensation of his body against yours.
"This is nice," you murmur before you can stop yourself.
"Yeah," he replies, his voice a low rumble.
You nuzzle into him, and you feel his arm wrap around your shoulders, tugging you closer. The two of you lie like that for a while, neither of you saying anything. The sound of the storm is muffled, and the quiet is almost peaceful.
You know you shouldn't be doing this, that it's crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed. But it's hard to care about that right now, not when you're warm and comfortable, wrapped in his arms.
"I'm sorry I dragged you out here," you say, your voice soft.
"It's not your fault," Wolffe replies, his fingers absentmindedly stroking your shoulder. "I volunteered. We're soldiers, jet'ika. We go where we're told."
He huffs. "Still, I've been stuck with worse people."
"Gee, thanks, Wolffe." You roll your eyes.
He chuckles, the sound rumbling in his chest. "You know what I mean."
"Yeah, yeah."
The two of you fall silent again, the only sounds the rain and the occasional rumble of thunder. You know you should leave it there, but the words are on the tip of your tongue, and before you can stop yourself, you blurt them out.
"Why did you volunteer? Why didn't you send someone else?"
Wolffe's hand stills, and you shift, pressing your cheek to his chest. You can feel the rhythmic thump of his heartbeat, and it picks up speed.
There's a long pause, and then Wolffe speaks again, his voice gruff.
"Because I wanted to see you," he admits, and your heart skips a beat.
"Oh," you say, your throat tightening. "Oh."
He clears his throat, his hand starting to stroke your shoulder again.
"I haven't seen you in a long time, jet'ika."
Your stomach twists, and the ache in your chest grows stronger. You press your lips together, trying to hide your reaction.
"You shouldn't have done that," you murmur.
"I know."
You sit up, propping yourself up on your elbow so that you can look at him. His face is half-shadowed, the dim light from the corridor casting strange patterns on his skin. His eyes are dark, and there's a vulnerability in them that you haven't seen in a long time.
"Wolffe, we can't do this. It's—"
"I know," he interrupts. "I know."
He sighs, reaching up and cupping the side of your face. His palm is rough and warm, and the calluses scratch pleasantly against your cheek, his thumb brushing over the curve of your jaw.
"But I had to see you," he says, his voice rough. "Even if it was just once. I've missed you."
Your heart clenches at his words, and you feel tears stinging at the corner of your eyes. You can't deny that you've missed him, too. That the thought of being with him has kept you awake at night, has made you ache in ways you can't name.
You lean into his touch, unable to resist. "I've missed you, too," you whisper.
He pulls you closer, his hand moving to the back of your neck. His grip is firm, and you can feel his desperation in the way he holds you. He leans forward, pressing his forehead against yours, and the two of you breathe in sync, the air thick between you.
"Wolffe," you say, your voice strained.
"I know," he replies.
His fingers trail down your neck, his touch sending sparks of electricity across your skin. His hand moves lower, his thumb brushing over the curve of your collarbone. Your breath catches, and you can't stop the small sound that escapes you.
"I can't stop thinking about you," he murmurs. "About what it would be like, if we could..."
"If we could be together," you finish, your voice barely a whisper, and you reach up to trace the line of his jaw. His stubble is rough under your fingers, and you can feel the heat radiating off him.
"Yeah," he says, and the sadness in his voice breaks your heart.
You want to tell him that it's not possible, that there's nothing either of you can do, but the words die in your throat. He's so close, and the longing is too strong, too powerful.
"Me, too," you whisper, and then his mouth is on yours.
Wolffe's kiss is desperate, hot and demanding, and you can't stop the moan that slips out as the ache inside you finally, finally eases. Wolffe's hands move to your waist, and he pulls you into his lap, the blanket falling to the side. Your thighs bracket his hips, and you can feel the press of him between your legs, the heat and hardness of him.
He deepens the kiss, his tongue swiping against the seam of your lips. You part for him, allowing him entrance, and he groans, the sound rumbling in his chest. His hands move lower, his palms splayed over the curve of your ass, and he grips you tightly, his fingers digging into the flesh.
You arch into him, and his touch sends shivers down your spine, goosebumps erupting on your skin. He's everywhere, his scent and his taste overwhelming, and you're lost in the sensation of him, his kiss driving away all rational thought.
You know you should stop this, that this is crossing a line that can't be uncrossed, but the thought is fleeting, and soon, all you can think about is Wolffe, the heat of him and the feel of him under your fingertips.
You grind down onto him, and the two of you let out a groan in unison, the friction sending a spark of pleasure through you. Wolffe's hands tighten on your hips, and he rocks up, his erection pressing into the apex of your thighs.
"Fuck," he growls, his hand tangling in your hair. He pulls your head back, exposing your neck, and he presses his mouth to the hollow of your throat. You gasp, your eyes fluttering closed, and you feel his lips curl into a smile against your skin.
He trails kisses down your neck, his teeth scraping along your pulse point. You shudder, the sensation overwhelming, and your nails dig into his shoulders.
"Wolffe," you breathe, and he pulls back, searching your face.
"What do you want?" he asks, his voice a low rumble.
You swallow, and his eyes track the movement, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips.
"You. I want you," you gasp, and his grip on your hair tightens.
"Be specific," he growls, his eyes blazing.
You squirm in his lap at his command, grinding down on his cock. He hisses, his jaw clenching, and you can see the tendons straining in his neck.
"I want your mouth on me. I want you to touch me. I want— fuck, Wolffe, I want everything." You can't stop the words from spilling out, and you feel a flush creeping up your cheeks. "I want to pretend that you're mine, just for a little while."
He lets out a shaky breath, his chest heaving.
"Yeah, jet'ika. Fuck. You can have whatever you want."
"Kiss me," you whisper, and his lips crash onto yours.
His kiss is even more frantic now, and you can feel the heat rising between the two of you. He bites at your lower lip, sucking it into his mouth, and you moan, your hips jerking. You're overwhelmed by him, his scent and his taste and the heat of his body.
You feel as though you're burning up, the heat of him searing through the fabric of your clothing, and the urge to rip the layers of cloth between the two of you away is nearly unbearable. You break the kiss, panting, and the two of you stare at each other, both of you trying to catch your breath.
Wolffe's eyes are dark and hungry, and there's a flush high on his cheeks, his pupils blown wide.
"Take off your shirt," he growls, and you don't hesitate.
You yank your tunic off, and the cool air of the room is a shock against your bare skin. By the time you've thrown it to the floor, Wolffe's pulled off his own.
His chest is broad and muscular, and the sight of his naked skin makes your mouth water. You've always known him to be bigger than the other clones, but seeing him like this is different. You've never seen him like this before, and the desire coursing through you is almost primal.
Wolffe seems just as eager, and he stares at you with blatant hunger, his eyes raking over your form. You reach out and run your fingers through the hair on his chest, feeling the muscles tense beneath your touch, and he grabs your wrist, pulling your hand away.
"Jet'ika," he murmurs, his eyes hooded. "Let me see you."
You nod, swallowing thickly, and then the two of you are moving. He reaches up and undoes the bindings around your breasts, letting the fabric fall to the side. The air is cool against your nipples, and they stiffen, the sensation sending a shiver through you.
Wolffe's eyes darken, and his hands move to cup your breasts, his palms rough against your sensitive skin. You moan, arching into his touch, and his thumbs brush over your nipples, the friction making them pebble.
"Fuck," he mutters, and he pinches one of the stiff peaks, making you gasp. "So pretty. Look at you."
He continues his exploration, his hands roaming over your skin. He kneads your breasts, his thumbs rolling over your nipples, and you let out a shuddering breath. You can't stop the whine that escapes you as he rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, tugging and squeezing. It's a delicious sort of pain, and you grind down, your clit throbbing.
Wolffe smirks, his eyes dark and heated.
"And so sensitive," he murmurs.
"Please," you whimper, arching into his touch.
"Patience," he says, and he pulls you closer. He wraps his arms around your waist and shifts so that you're lying on your back, and he's looming over you, his knees straddling your thighs. "If we're going to do this, I'm going to take my time with you. I've been waiting a long time for this."
You're tempted to tell him that it's the same for you, but the words are lost as his mouth finds your nipple. He teases and sucks, his tongue laving over the sensitive flesh. You moan, your hands gripping his shoulders. His hands are everywhere, touching and stroking, and you're lost in the sensation of finally having him so close.
It's only when his teeth nip the underside of your breast that you're jerked out of your reverie.
"Wolffe," you hiss, and he chuckles, the vibration sending shivers down your spine.
"Sorry," he mutters, pressing a kiss to the spot. His tongue soothes the sting, and the dual sensations make your head spin. "Got a little carried away."
"It's okay," you pant. "Feels good."
"It'll bruise," he warns.
You shrug, running your hands over his back. "I don't care."
He looks up, his gaze searching. You meet his eyes, and he gives you a crooked smile.
"In that case..."
You whine as Wolffe presses his teeth to your skin again, and the pain makes your cunt clench around nothing. You've never been into this before, but the idea of Wolffe marking you, of being able to look down and see evidence of his claim, makes your blood sing.
"Fuck," you gasp, and he hums against you, his mouth hot and wet.
"Gonna mark you up, jet'ika," he mutters, and then his teeth are sinking into your skin, and you keen, his name tumbling from your lips.
"Oh, kriff. Wolffe!"
His mouth travels across your chest, leaving a trail of bruises and bite marks in his wake. The storm outside is a distant rumble, overpowered by the sounds of your gasps and moans, the slick sounds of his mouth against your skin, the harsh pants of his breath.
The heat of him is overwhelming, and your senses are on fire, the pain and pleasure intertwined, the two of you lost in a haze of lust. You can't stop the urge to rock your hips, desperate for some kind of friction, and you grind against him, his cock hard against your stomach.
"So good," you moan, and his hand slides between your thighs, cupping the heat of you.
"Impatient," he mutters, and he nips at the soft skin below your navel. You shudder, your hands fisting in his hair, and he gives a low chuckle.
"Need you," you plead, and he looks up at you, his expression heated.
"You have me," he murmurs, and the words hit you like a punch to the gut. You swallow thickly, trying to ignore the way they make your heart skip a beat, and the ache inside of you grows.
Wolffe leans back, his eyes roaming over your body, his gaze burning. He strokes the skin of your stomach, his fingertips tracing over the scars and marks. Even in the low light, the evidence of his attention is evident, and the sight of the red and purple marks against your skin makes something possessive flare in his eyes.
"Such a pretty little thing," he murmurs. "I've always wanted to see you like this."
"Wolffe, please."
"Shh," he whispers, pressing a kiss to the crease of your hip. "I'm getting there."
His fingers dip below the waistband of your leggings, and you lift your hips, helping him peel the fabric off. You're left in just your underwear, and you can feel the wetness soaking the fabric, the need inside you almost unbearable.
Wolffe sits back on his heels, and he swears under his breath as his gaze settles on the apex of your thighs. He runs a hand through his hair, his eyes dark.
"Look at you," he breathes, and his fingers ghost over your sex, the feather-light touch making you shiver. His thumb hooks into your underwear, and he tugs, the silken fabric brushing over your clit. “I don’t think this is GAR regulation, jet'ika,”
"It's not," you admit, your cheeks heating.
He groans, his eyes falling shut. "Fucking hells."
He tugs again, the fabric slipping between your folds. It's damp, and you whimper, the sensation almost too much. You can't remember the last time you were this aroused, this turned on. The sight of Wolffe above you, his gaze dark and intense, is almost enough to make you come, and he hasn't even touched you yet.
"Soaked," he mutters, and the rasp in his voice sends a shudder through you.
"For you," you gasp, and he sucks in a sharp breath.
He leans down and presses his mouth to your clothed sex, the warmth of his breath fanning over you. His stubble is rough against your inner thighs, and you moan, his name falling from your lips.
He pushes the fabric aside, and then his tongue is sliding along your folds, the flat of it pressing against your clit. You cry out, and he groans, the vibration sending sparks of pleasure through you. He licks at you, his tongue hot and slick, and the sounds are obscene, his mouth wet and messy.
"Taste so good," he rasps, and then his fingers are joining his mouth, spreading your folds. He flicks his tongue over your clit, the tip tracing the sensitive bud.
You cry out, your hips jerking, and he groans, his hand wrapping around your thigh and holding you in place.
"Needy little thing," he murmurs against you.
"Only for you," you whimper, and the truth of it hits you like a slap to the face. It's never been like this with anyone else, the need for release so intense, the urge to give yourself over to him so strong. You've never felt like this before, and the thought scares you as much as it excites you.
"That's right," he mutters, and then he's pressing his mouth to you again, his lips sealing around your clit.
The pleasure is white-hot, and you can't stop the string of curses that spill from your lips. He's relentless, his tongue working over your clit, his lips and teeth adding a delicious edge of pain to the pleasure. It isn't long before you're trembling, your orgasm coiling tight in your belly, and you gasp his name, the sound falling from your lips like a prayer.
"Close," you manage to say, your breath coming in ragged pants.
He pulls back, and his thumb replaces his tongue, his mouth moving to your inner thigh. You whimper at the loss, and he nips at the sensitive skin, the sting making you jump.
"Not yet," he murmurs. "I'm not done with you."
You groan, your hands tangling in his hair. You tug at the strands, trying to pull him back, but he's stronger than you, and he ignores your attempts to get him to move. He bites at your thigh, his teeth leaving more marks on your skin, and then he's pulling away, slipping two fingers inside of you.
You gasp at the sudden stretch, the feeling of being filled after so long without it making your toes curl. You're so wet that there's almost no resistance, and his fingers slip in easily, the glide smooth.
"So fucking tight," he rasps, and you groan as his thumb presses against your clit. "You're going to feel so good around my cock."
The thought is enough to make you moan, and your inner walls clench around his fingers, the muscles fluttering. He chuckles, the sound rough and low as his lips trail across your hip.
"You like that, jet'ika?"
"Yes," you hiss.
He adds another finger, and the stretch is almost too much. It's been so long since you've had anyone inside of you, and his fingers are thicker than yours, his hands larger. You clench around him, and he hisses, his forehead resting against your thigh.
"So good," he murmurs, and he starts to move, his fingers sliding in and out of you. "Look at you, taking my fingers like such a good girl."
You whimper, the praise going straight to your clit. You rock your hips, matching the rhythm of his fingers, and the sound of his palm slapping against your cunt is almost enough to make you come undone.
"Just like that," he whispers, and his mouth returns to your sex, his tongue pressing against your clit. He swirls the muscle around the swollen bud, the pressure just enough to make your head spin. You're so close, the heat in your abdomen threatening to explode, and he can tell.
"You're going to come," he mutters, and his fingers speed up, curling inside of you. The angle changes, and the tip of his finger presses against a spot that makes you cry out. "You're going to come on my fingers, and then I'm going to fuck you until you're screaming."
"Yes," you moan, your head falling back. "Yes, please, Wolffe. I'm so close."
"Then come," he growls. "Come for me, jet'ika."
And you do, his command sending you over the edge. Your climax crashes into you, the pleasure blinding, and your whole body trembles, your inner walls spasming around his fingers. You sob his name, and his mouth moves, sucking at your clit, his fingers milking your release.
The sensation is too much, and you try to twist away, but his free hand moves to your hip, holding you in place. He works you through your orgasm, his tongue and fingers drawing out your pleasure until you're trembling and oversensitive, the sensation almost painful.
"Stop, please," you beg, and he does, pulling back and sitting up.
"Okay, okay," he pants. "That's it. Good girl."
Your cunt clenches at his words, the muscles still twitching. You take a few deep breaths, trying to regain control of yourself, and Wolffe slips his fingers out of you, the movement slow and gentle.
"Good?" he asks, and you nod.
"Yeah," you sigh. "Yeah, I'm good."
He brings his fingers to his lips and sucks, the sight making your cheeks heat. He groans, his eyes closing, and he savors the taste of you, his tongue licking away every drop.
"So fucking good," he murmurs, and his hand cups the back of your head, pulling you into a bruising kiss. You can taste yourself on his lips, the flavor salty and sweet, and you moan, your fingers tangling in his hair.
The kiss is rough and hungry, the two of you clinging to each other, and the urgency returns, the need for more rising up inside of you.
"Please," you whisper against his lips. "I need you."
"Yeah," he rasps. "Yeah, I know."
You can't help the whine that slips out as he pulls away, his hands reaching for the waistband of his blacks, and he chuckles, the sound strained.
"Soon, cyar'ika. I'm right here."
The promise makes something inside of you clench, and you can't tear your eyes away as he pulls his briefs down, his erection springing free. He's thick and long, the head leaking pre-cum, and you swallow hard against the saliva pooling in your mouth. You want to taste him, to feel him stretching your throat, but that's not what either of you need right now. What you need is him buried deep inside you, fucking you until you can't remember your own name, until you can’t remember the world outside the two of you.
He kicks off his clothes, and he kneels between your legs, his hands moving to your waist.
"Let's get you out of these," he says, his voice a low rumble.
His knuckles brush against your clit as he slips his fingers into your underwear, and you gasp, your hips arching up. You feel exposed and vulnerable as he peels the damp fabric away, leaving you bare and naked before him, but the look on his face is one of reverence.
"So fucking beautiful," he murmurs, and the raw emotion in his voice makes your heart clench.
You reach up and cup his cheek, the gesture tender, and his eyes fall closed, his breath hitching. He turns his face into your palm, his lips brushing against the skin.
"Wolffe," you whisper.
"Jet'ika," he murmurs against you.
"I'm ready."
He opens his eyes, the gold of his iris gleaming in the dim light. There's an intensity in his gaze, a fire that burns, and he wraps a hand around his cock, stroking himself. You watch, transfixed, as he teases himself, the head turning purple and shiny with pre-cum.
He reaches out and presses his hand against your stomach, his palm flat and hot against your skin. He rubs it in circles, and the touch is soothing, the ache inside you easing. You take a deep breath, and his nostrils flare, the muscles in his neck tensing.
"Tell me if it's too much," Wolffe says, his eyes searching yours. "I won't hurt you."
"I know," you murmur. "I trust you."
He leans down and presses his mouth to yours, the kiss soft and tender. It's a stark contrast to the urgency from before, and the gentleness makes your throat tighten. He pulls back, his hand still pressed against your stomach, and he reaches down, lining himself up.
"Ready?" he asks, and you nod.
He slides in slowly, the stretch almost too much. You let out a shuddering breath, trying to relax, and he kisses your temple, his other hand rubbing soothing circles on your thigh.
"Easy," he whispers.
It takes a moment, but you adjust to his size, the pressure lessening as your body accommodates him. He's hot and heavy inside you, his length reaching deeper than anyone ever has, and the fullness is delicious, the pleasure-pain making your eyes water.
"Good girl," he rasps, his hand moving up your stomach, his thumb brushing against the underside of your breast. You whine, and he hushes you, his hand continuing its path up to your hair, his fingers tangling in the strands.
"Kriff," he groans, and the sound is pained. His eyes flutter shut, and his head drops down, his forehead pressed against yours. "You feel so good. Like you were made for me."
"Wolffe," you breathe, and he kisses you again, the contact searing.
He pulls out and then pushes back in, his movements slow and controlled. He's trembling, the tendons in his neck standing out, and you can see the effort it's taking him to hold back.
"Faster," you beg, and his hand tightens in your hair, the bite of pain making you moan.
"I don't want to hurt you," he grits out, his hips stuttering.
"You won't," you assure him, and the lie sits bitterly on your tongue.
Because it's not true, and you both know it. No matter how gentle he is, how careful he is, the fact remains that this is temporary, that the two of you can never be anything more than a stolen moment. You're going to hurt, and he's going to hurt, and the truth of it is enough to make you want to cry.
But Wolffe doesn't point it out, and neither do you. He does as you ask, his thrusts speeding up, the slap of skin on skin echoing in the small space. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer, and his lips find yours, his tongue tracing the seam. You part for him, allowing him entrance, and his kiss is desperate and hungry, his fingers digging into your skin.
He fucks you with abandon, the two of you lost in a haze of pleasure and lust, the years of pent-up desire finally coming to the surface. He's everywhere, surrounding you, his scent and his taste and the weight of him pinning you to the mattress. You feel claimed, possessed, and the thought should scare you, but instead, it makes you feel safe.
His pace is punishing, the force of his thrusts rocking the bed, and you cling to him, your nails raking across his back. You can feel the sweat beading on his skin, the slick slide of him against you, and the pleasure is building, the heat in your belly threatening to consume you.
"Fuck," he growls, and his hand moves to the side of your face, cupping your cheek. "Look at me. I wanna see you when you come."
Your eyes flutter open, and his face is inches from yours, his eyes locked onto yours. There's an intensity in his gaze, a raw emotion that threatens to undo you.
"Wolffe," you whimper.
"That's it, cyar'ika," he says. "Let go."
And you do, the orgasm hitting you like a shockwave. It crashes over you, the pleasure white-hot, and your inner walls clench around him, the feeling of his cock rubbing against your sensitive spots enough to make your vision blur. You cry out, and his name is a chant on your lips, the syllables falling from your mouth over and over. The bliss so intense that it's almost painful, and you're lost in the feeling of him, the pleasure consuming you.
"So good," he mutters. "You're so good for me."
He fucks you through your release, his fingers gripping your hips hard enough to bruise, and his thrusts become frantic, his rhythm stuttering. You can tell he's close, and you tighten your grip on him, urging him on.
"Come on," you plead. "Come for me, Wolffe. Make me yours."
He groans at the desperation in your voice, and his hips snap forward, the force of his thrust pushing you up the mattress. You whine, and he grunts, his grip tightening.
"Say it again," he demands, his eyes burning.
"I'm yours," you repeat. "Yours, Wolffe. Always."
The sound that leaves him is a broken thing, the anguish in it clear. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, his breath hot against your skin, and then he thrusts himself to the hilt. He groans, the sound muffled, and you feel his cock pulse, his release spilling inside you. The sensation is unlike anything you've ever felt, and you feel yourself coming undone again, a smaller, softer orgasm washing over you that makes your vision blur and your toes curl.
You cling to him, the two of you gasping and trembling, and the aftershocks roll over you, the pleasure making you shudder. You can't stop the tears that leak from the corners of your eyes, the realization that this is it, this is all you'll have of him, is too much to bear.
You feel him tense above you, his body rigid, and his hand comes up to cradle the back of your head as he presses his mouth to your temple.
"Wolffe," you whimper, and he murmurs something against your hair, something soft and sweet.
You don't hear him, but you can feel the shape of the words, and it makes the knot in your chest tighten, the pain threatening to consume you.
The two of you lie there, wrapped in each other's arms, and the minutes tick by, the only sound the rain pounding against the roof and your breathing. Your heart is breaking, the grief and sadness threatening to overwhelm you, and you close your eyes, the tears falling freely now.
Wolffe brushes them away, his touch gentle, and he pulls out, the loss of him almost unbearable. You whimper, the sound soft, and he kisses you again, his lips brushing against your forehead.
"Don't move," he murmurs.
You watch as he gets to his feet, his movements slow and stiff. A few minutes later, he returns with a wet cloth, and he wipes the evidence of your coupling from your skin. He's careful, the strokes gentle, and the act is so intimate that it makes the knot in your chest grow. He tosses the cloth to the floor, and then he's pulling you into his arms, his hands smoothing down your back.
You let out a sigh, your head resting on his chest. "Wolffe, I—"
You look up at him, and his expression is grim.
"Don't say anything."
"This was a mistake," he says, his voice strained. "We shouldn't have done this."
You bite your lip, fighting the urge to argue. "It's too late now," you murmur.
"No, it's not. We can still pretend it didn't happen. Just..." He sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "Just don't make it harder than it has to be."
The pain in his voice makes your heart ache, and you bury your face in his chest, unable to hold back the tears. He holds you tight, his arms wrapping around your shoulders, and the tenderness, the protectiveness, only makes you cry harder.
"Jet'ika," Wolffe says, his voice soft, "please. Please don't cry."
"I'm sorry," you choke out, "I just..."
"It's alright," he replies, and he cups your face, tilting your head back. His eyes search yours, and you can see the sorrow and regret in them, the pain he's trying to hide. "It's alright."
"I'm sorry," you say, wiping at the tears that are rolling down your cheeks. "I'm sorry, Wolffe. I can't... I can't do this. I can't pretend like this never happened. I can't keep pretending like I don't care about you."
He lets out a ragged sigh, and his thumb traces the line of your jaw.
"I know," he murmurs.
"I love you," you whisper, the words slipping out before you can stop them. "I've always loved you."
His eyes widen, and the two of you sit in silence for a long moment, the confession hanging between you. You feel exposed, vulnerable, and you wait for him to react, to say something.
"You don't mean that," he says at last, his voice hoarse.
"I do."
He swallows hard, and you can see the conflict on his face, the war between what he wants and what he thinks is right. He closes his eyes, his fingers trailing down the curve of your neck.
"Fuck," he whispers.
"Wolffe," you say, and his eyes open, the gold of his iris burning.
"This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever done," he mutters.
"This," he says, and his hand comes up, gripping the back of your neck. "This is the dumbest thing I've ever done, and it's probably the worst decision I'll ever make."
You're frozen, his words hanging between the two of you. The room feels as though it's been turned upside down, and you're spinning, the world around you tilting.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying..." He hesitates, and then his expression hardens. "Fuck it."
And then he's kissing you, his lips hard against yours. The kiss is bruising, his teeth catching on your lower lip, and the sting is enough to make you gasp. His tongue sweeps into your mouth, and his fingers tangle in your hair, his grip tight. When you part, both of you are panting, and his gaze burns into yours.
"Wolffe," you breathe, "what—"
"I'm saying I love you too," he says, the words spilling out in a rush. "And I'm done pretending like I don't. I'm done lying to myself, to you. I'm done."
The words send a shock through you, and you stare at him, speechless. You open and close your mouth, and he gives you a rueful smile, his hand coming up to cup your cheek.
"You love me," you say, and the words are thick in your throat.
"Yes," he murmurs.
"Even though..."
"Yeah," he replies, his voice low. "Even though."
"What do we do now?"
Wolffe sighs, and his fingers trail down your jaw, the touch gentle.
"We make the most of whatever time we have," he says. "And we don't look back."
"It's going to hurt," you whisper.
"I know."
"Can you live with that?"
"For you?" He looks at you, and the tenderness in his eyes makes your heart skip a beat. "Yes. I can."
You lean forward, pressing your forehead against his. The two of you sit there, your breaths mingling, and you take comfort in the warmth of his skin, the weight of his hand against the nape of your neck.
"Okay," you murmur. "Okay."
He presses a kiss to your forehead, and you let out a shaky breath.
"Go to sleep, jet'ika," he says, his voice soft. "It's been a long day."
"Stay with me," you plead.
"I'm not going anywhere," he promises.
He pulls the blankets up over the two of you, and you close your eyes, letting the exhaustion take over. His warmth is comforting, the sound of his heartbeat a steady rhythm in your ear.
The rain continues to fall, and the room is filled with the sound of you breathing together. It’s peaceful, and for a brief moment, the two of you allow yourselves to believe that everything is going to be alright. That the universe isn't falling apart around you. That maybe, just maybe, the two of you can have this.
The truth, however, is a far more complicated one. And come morning, when the sun rises, you'll have to face it.
But as you drift off to sleep, held tight in his arms, you can't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, things will work out.
After all, there has to be some kind of a happy ending.
Even in a galaxy as cruel as this one.
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Taglist: @baddest-batchers @covert1ntrovert @stellarbit @bruh-myguy-what @qvnthesia
@kindalonleystars @cw80831 @totallyunidentified @heidnspeak @lovelytech9902
@frozenreptile @chocolatewastelandtriumph @etod @puppetscenario @umekohiganbana
@resistantecho @dindjarins1ut @tech-aficionado @aynavaano @burningnerdchild
@ihatesaaand @lolwey @hobbititties @mere-bear @thegreatpipster
@lordofthenerds97 @tentakelspektakel @notslaybabes @mali-777 @schrodingersraven
@megmegalodondon @dangraccoon @dreamie411 @sukithebean @bimboshaggy
@anything-forourmoony @9902sgirl @jedi-dreea @salaminus @ghostymarni
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dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
Not A Verstappen: Lights Out {4}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: The triple header is turbulent with some serious bad luck hitting your Monégasque man. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, fluff, angst, smut WC: 3k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine NAV: A New World One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten NAV: Lights Out One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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The Triple Header - Austin
Between the distraction of Lando and Charles arriving together, and Daniel making his grand return for Alpha Tauri, you were able to sneak into the paddock through the secondary staff entrance. You were sweating beneath the hoodie that swamped you but as soon as you were in the McLaren garage you took it off.
“This feels weird,” you murmured as you watched Lando get into his racing gear.
“It will probably take a while to get used to,” he said, kissing you as he reached for his balaclava. “But you heard what the doctors said, it’s a miracle we didn’t lose her with what happened. You know how hard the races are on our bodies.”
“I understand that, but it still feels weird. I don’t like missing out on things.” You sighed and opened the door for Jon who was waiting for Lando to start his warm up. “I’m going to check in on Charles. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Though you could hide in Charles’ garage for the race there was nowhere to hide when Lando pulled into the third place parking spot. There was nothing that was going to stop you from waiting with the rest of his team and between your mother and his father, they kept you safe from the jostling engineers eager to clap their driver on the back.
Everything seemed to be going great and you had avoided all the media crews wanting to get a statement. You had to admit it was satisfying to watch Aston Martin struggle to pull 9th place for Lance and a DNF for Fernando so it was a good thing a microphone didn’t come close to you.
Everything was going great as you and Charles watched Lando take the podium before they both went to shower and change. Unfortunately word came that there had been two disqualifications. Charles seemed to have a sixth sense when bad news was coming and his smile dimmed before his engineer even relayed the information. Charles and Lewis were both disqualified.
Sinking into the couch in Lando’s room, he hung his head in his hands and sighed. The sound made your heart ache and you could feel all the pressure he was under in that heavy exhale. He was already concerned about how his points compared to his teammates but this would make the gap even closer and add to that worry.
“I’m sorry, babe,” you said as you sat beside him, lacing your fingers with his while Lando took his other hand. 
“This sucks,” he groaned before looking at Lando. “At least you’re second place now.”
“Suppose,” he murmured. “Doesn’t feel like I earned it though.”
“You don’t know how much Lewis’ car could have been affected by the worn plank, it might have been a matter of tenths off the second without the proper weight,” you reminded him before biting your lip and looking at Charles. “No offence. It wasn’t your fault anyway, you’re the driver, it’s your mechanics who should be checking that the car meets the regs.”
“I know,” he murmured as rose to his feet. “I’m going to the pit then I’ll head back to the hotel.”
Lando had more media duties expected of him and he nodded his head towards Charles’s back. “Go with him, love, I’ll catch up after.”
You hung back in the shadows while Charles gave a statement in the media pit. You could feel the disappointment in his words but he tried to be positive for his fans and you knew he was a better person than you, because there was no way you could have praised your team in that moment like he did. 
Thinking about your team, you looked over to Fernando who was able to smile despite his DNF. He was just happy to be back in a race car after finding his brief retirement too boring for his liking. Unfortunately the two disqualifications had bumped Lance up higher in the points and he spotted you watching their interview, sending you a cocky smile that had your fist closing. 
“Ready to go?” Charles asked as he was finally free of his duty.
You tore your eyes away from the green uniform across the pit and nodded, grateful for the distraction. “Yeah, glad to go.”
Charles sighed and kissed your forehead as he draped an arm over your shoulder and led the way to the exit. “Me too, mon amour.”
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The Triple Header - Mexico
“You look like you could do with a drink,” Lewis said as he joined you on the balcony above the pitland and offered a glass of amber liquid. “Don’t worry, it’s non-alcoholic tequila. It’s the first batch, reserved for special occasions only.”
You took the glass with a small smile. “Thanks, Lewis.”
“Congrats, by the way,” he whispered. 
Your eyes widened in surprise and you almost choked on the smooth drink you had sipped. “For what?” you tried to play off the shock with coyness.
Lewis shrugged and looked down at Charles pacing in the pit lane. The two drivers had bonded over their DQ and it was Lewis who had been able to talk Charles into going out to celebrate Lando’s second place in Austin last week. 
“They aren’t exactly the best at keeping secrets,” he chuckled, turning around to rest his elbows against the rail. “Especially once they’ve had a few drinks.”
“Trust me, I know. It’s only a matter of time until everyone else does too.” You swirled the liquid around the glass, amazed at how much it tasted and looked like the real thing. “I just want to enjoy the little bit of privacy we get for as long as possible.” Lewis coughed a laugh and you rolled your eyes. “I know it’s impossible, but I’m still going to try. ”
“I wish you all the luck in the world, honestly,” he said with a sincere smile. “And if you want any more ‘tequila’ to keep up the ruse, let me know.”
“Thanks.” You smiled at the offer as he pushed off from the rail and made his way down to Mercedes for the race. You felt the cameras on you and couldn’t help raising the glass to them before swallowing the last mouthful. Rumours had been swirling around social media since Fernando replaced you, but that photograph should at least put the brakes on the pregnancy rumours - even if they were true.
“Aren’t you meant to be keeping a low profile?” Lando asked when you stepped into the garage. He nodded his head to the footage of the pit lane on F1 TV and cocked a brow at the shot you took.
“Relax, it’s Lewis’ Agave. It’s really nice too,” you said as you velcroed his collar into place. “It was a gift, along with his congratulations.”
Lando took your hands and held them against his chest. “I’m sorry, it just slipped out.”
“Mhmm, I’ve heard that a few times now,” you chuckled. “I’ll see you after the race, be safe.”
“Always,” he promised, letting you go so you could speak to Charles before he disappeared into the grid. 
Your throat was hoarse by the time the race finished and you hardly looked ladylike like the other WAGs when you celebrated Charles’ third place on the podium. It felt like it had been too long since he last stood up there with Max and you were ecstatic for him after the fight he put up. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you gushed as you sat on Charles’ lap in the bar. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and you could see Lando and Max were well on their way to being drunk but Charles was happier to take it slow with a few beers. “You do realise you have a permanent sober driver for the next six months, you can drink, babe.”
“I know,” Charles chuckled as he watched Lando dance wildly. “But I am happy like this, seeing you and Lando happy.”
“Of course I am happy, I have you and him, and little bean, and Fernando DNF’d…” 
You both watched Lando for a few minutes before Max clamped a hand over his mouth and started to drag him towards the booth you had taken. “Shhh, stop telling people. Ow, did you just bite me?” Max stared at his palm and saw the teeth marks in his skin.
“Mon cher, ça va?”
“I’m fine,” Lando grinned as he unbuttoned one of the few remaining ones on his shirt, baring even more skin that was flushed with colour. “I’m fucking amazing.”
“He was about to tell the whole club about your little surprise,” Max explained as he shook his sore hand out. 
“I hate keeping secrets,” he whined as he shuffled across the booth and under Charles’ arm. You combed your fingers through his damp hair and he pulled your legs over his lap as he snuggled closer. “I just want to scream it to the world.”
“I know you do, mon cher, but not yet. Just a few more weeks and the season is over,” Charles reassured him. “It’s safer this way, you know how crazy it can get with fans.”
He sighed and dropped his head into nook between your neck and Charles, mumbling his agreement but that it still sucked. His racing heart slowed with the hand running calmingly up and down his spine and he eventually looked up with sleepy eyes. “Can we go? My tummy hurts.”
Charles smiled softly and nodded. “I think your head is going to hurt more in the morning.”
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The Triple Header - Brazil
One week's good luck was all Charles was given. It was almost as if he was too happy and the universe needed to balance that happiness out. Starting from pole should have given him the best possible chance of holding the lead but then he disappeared from your view on the formation lap. One moment he was in the camera’s view as it panned around the corner and then he was gone, even the cameraman looked confused as he searched for the bright red Ferrari.
“Why the fuck am I so unlucky?!”
The voice in your headset was absolutely broken and the cameraman finally found Charles crashed out - yellow flags flying before the race even began. You only listened long enough to hear that Charles was uninjured before you left the Ferrari garage that you had been watching from.
The back paths were empty with the race gearing up to start without Charles so it was easy to break into a jog. You met him halfway around the track, his helmet still adorning his head that was bent down. He didn’t notice you at first, walking straight past you as he continued his walk of shame back to the pit lane. When you fell into step beside him he almost growled thinking you were a marshal trying to kick up a conversation to get an autograph.
He stumbled to a stop when he saw your face in the narrow slit of his visor. “Amour, what are you doing here?”
You reached for the buckle under the helmet and pulled it over his head, tucking it under your arm while he tugged the balaclava off his face. “I thought you might want some company.”
The whine of the engines spurring their cars off the starting line had Charles flinching and you cradled his face in your palms. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Not your fault the car is a piece of shit,” he murmured as he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours until the cars had passed. “We should get back, the team will be wanting a debrief.”
“No, fuck the team. What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know, find a priest?”
You chuckled at the seriousness in his tone and shook your head. “I don’t think god has that power. He might have turned water into wine but turning your tractor into a race car might be beyond his capabilities.”
Charles snorted a laugh, taking his helmet back with one hand and holding your hand in the other. “Fine, let’s hope our man has better luck then.”
It was easier to dodge the few fans around the obscure ends of the track but Charles still chose to traipse through the trees instead of the footpath. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone and you respected that as you walked quietly beside him, catching glimpses of the red flags through the mesh fence until you got back to the garages and saw the carnage that had opened the race.
“Where did you want to watch from?”
He looked down the pit lane where Redbull separated McLaren and Ferrari. He was torn between loyalties and your heart ached for him before you made the choice that would hurt least.
“Come on, there’s spare clothes in Lando’s room.”
He kept his head down as you led him into the back of the McLaren motorhome, waving off anyone who attempted to approach him. “It will take a while for them to clean up the mess on the track. Why don’t you shower and change before we go back?”
Charles nodded sullenly while you locked the door to Lando’s driver room but he made no attempt to undress as he stood looking lost and broken. He barely breathed as you dragged the zip down his body, pushing the suit over his shoulders before pulling his fireproof shirt off.
“I wish I knew the magic words to make you feel better,” you murmured as you kissed his collarbone. He hadn’t even started the race but the suits were so hot that his skin tasted salty on your lips. “But, I do know one way to distract you…”
His chest finally moved as your hands dragged the rest of his suit down his muscular legs and you dropped to your knees in front of him. Green eyes darkened as he watched you lick your palm before wrapping your fingers around his cock and stroking him to life. His lips parted when you moistened yours and sealing them around his tip and a soft moan filled the room.
The sounds slowly grew louder as you took him deeper in your mouth and you revelled in the sweet praise he gave. His large hand gripped the back of your head as he surrendered himself to the escape from reality that you offered and you moaned when his cock pulsed with his release. The taste of his come coated your tongue and you swallowed it down before licking your lips clean of the saliva that had run down them.
“Shit,” Charles groaned as the door handle rattled, but it was Lando’s voice on the other side and he relaxed at the sound.
Charles reluctantly stepped into the shower cubicle as you opened the door and Lando stole a kiss as a greeting when he entered. He hadn’t seen Charles but his eyes darted around the room as he tasted the lingering musky residue on your lips, pouting at missing out. “You started without me.”
“You still have a race,” Charles pointed out as he turned on the shower.
Lando’s lips turned down and he took a seat on the couch, pulling you onto his lap so you could both watch Charles shower through the glass window.
“He was rather miserable,” you whispered. “He can’t wait for the season to end.”
Lando could understand why. It was an odd position he found himself in because the more points he scored then the more stress was placed on Charles’ shoulders. It was a double edged sword that he hadn’t quite thought about when he envisioned dating a driver.
“I can’t blame him,” Lando muttered. “Just two more races. Hopefully his team manages to fix the car for them. It sucked seeing him spin off like that. I knew he was fine, but it still freaked me out.”
You saw his worry in the form of a frown and forgot that he had been behind the crash. “We have been lucky there hasn’t been any serious crashes this season,” you mused as you rubbed his frown away. “It was bad enough before, but now…” You placed a hand on your stomach and shook your head. “I never want to know that kind of worry.”
There weren’t any words of solace he could find without lying so instead he distracted you from the thoughts with a searing kiss. Soon Charles stepped out of the shower with a towel slung low on his hips and Lando debated staying longer, but he reluctantly shifted you to his side so he could stand.
“You can watch from upstairs if you want,” Lando offered Charles as he watched the water droplets run down his chest. “Or hide in here.”
Charles chuckled knowing ‘hide’ was absolutely a euphemism for what you would actually do. “We will watch you, mon cher,” he assured him with a kiss. “Go and fight Max for first.”
Lando grinned at the thought, loving the challenge that was unlikely but still something to aim for. “Will do, but it should have been you, love.”
Charles shrugged, feeling a little lighter after blowing off some steam and the shower. “It is what it is.”
You heard the announcement over the PA system and checked your watch to see how long there was until the restart time. “Go, your team will be waiting. I’ll take care of Charles.”
“Again?” Lando laughed as he stepped back to the door. “Give the man time to rejuice, baby.”
“Focus on the race,” you reminded him as you opened the door. “I’ll still be here when you finish and then you can think about my mouth all you want.”
You enjoyed the soft groan that clawed up his throat at the thought but you closed the door with a laugh before he could step back in. “Go. We love you!”
“Love you too,” he replied before testing the door handle one last time and finding it locked. “Fine, I’m going.”
Click here for next part.
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
His betrothed. (P2)
Barty Crouch Jr. x reader
Summary: the end of the fall semester means the beginning of Y/N's journey as a death eater.
Warnings: death eaters, pain, angst, Voldemort is creepy.
Part 1! and Part 3!
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The fall semester had passed and winter was soon approaching. The students were finally packing their things and anxiously awaiting the train to go home. Except the Black family.
The two betrothed had become close in the last few months, spending all of their time together. She found that she liked him quite a lot and that he was very much the gentleman she always thought she'd marry. But she knew things wouldn't always be this way- calm and safe with him. The second the winter break hit, things would be changing.
They stood near the tracks, the students all slowly finding their way into the train. Barty held her hand against his heart, his tone soft and caring, "I'll write to you. Everyday."
She nodded, "But we shall see each other during break."
His eyebrows furrowed, "What?… When?"
She could feel her stomach dropping. Did he not know about the meeting? "The… well…. the meeting…."
The hand holding hers tightened, his jaw clenching, "You'll be there?"
"Mum's making me."
The train whistle blew, a signal for the last call to board.
He grabbed her wrist, pulling her onto the train. His face held an angry look to it. He pulled her into an empty compartment. 
He sat her down, sitting him across from her angrily. His breathing was erratic and his hands were periodically running through his hair. They sat in silence until he broke it. "W….why?"
She shrugs, her arms holding herself in a hug, "Mum says it's time for Reg to start taking me."
"And there's no negotiation with her?"
She shakes her head, "Reggie and I tried. Maybe you could but… I don't know."
A few weeks into break and the doorbell to Grimmauld place rings. Y/N was in her room, writing her daily letter to Barty as they had promised each other.
She hears words being exchanged but doesn't care to pay attention until Kreature enters her room, "Mistress Y/N."
She turns immediately, noting the cockiness in the house elf's tone. "What, Kreature?"
"Mistress is leaving soon," he noted in an almost singing voice.
She stood, her eyebrows furrowed as she continued to hear the voices from across the house. She quickly walked passed the house elf, her legs taking her as fast as they could.
She rounded the corner, entering the living room.
Barty Crouch Jr. sat on their sofa, one of his ankles resting over his other knee of his other leg, talking to her mother and father. 
Walburga broke the conversation, "Oh. There you are, child. We've received wonderful news."
When Barty turned his head to look at her, he stood up, his smile fading. He bowed his head lightly, "Ms. Black."
She smiled, bowing her head as well, "Mr. Crouch."
Orion stood as well, walking over to the girl. He placed a hand on her shoulder, "Mr. Crouch here has requested to move the wedding to an earlier date. Before your seventh year."
She continued to stare at him, her eyes now slightly wider in shock. He wanted to push the wedding closer? Why? "And you've accepted, sir?"
Orion nods, "Yes. We suppose the summer will do. But he's very adamant about making it as soon as possible."
Barty finally looked away from her, his eyes wandering to the floor.
But she continued to stare on, "He has?"
Walburga nodded, "Oh yes. We would accept but… you two must be accepted by the Dark Lord before we make such commitments. Tonight is your first meeting and he shall decide then."
Barty's eyes finally shift up to the girl, full of what she assumed to be regret.
Regulus walked down the stairs, entering the living room with a confused expression.
Barty finally snapped out of his thoughts, "I… sorry. I need to get going. Thank you for your consideration, sir," he turned to Orion then Walburga, "Ma'am."
And he left without another word.
"Oh, Regulus," Walburga said, "We have wonderful news. Y/N, go upstairs and get ready for the meeting."
"Mum, it's not for another four hours…"
The woman stood, her eyebrows raised, "Are you correcting me? Go. Get. Ready. Merlin knows you'll need that much time."
The girl froze, turning to her brother that looked just as hurt as she was. She nodded, walking up to her room.
Regulus walked into the meeting room, pulling Y/N behind him.
The Malfoy Manor was beautiful. The long meeting table of dark oak contrasted with the dark clothing of each death eater that sat at it.
Barty was already there. He had been anxiously bouncing his leg, waiting for the girl to enter the room. Every time the door had opened, he would look up, expecting her.
So, when they finally did enter, his eyes never left her frame. 
Regulus sat her next to Barty as he took the seat on her other side.
She carefully watched everyone at the table, her eyes flitting to each person. Lucius sat next to his parents towards the head of the table. Severus sat further down the table, across from Regulus. The Fletcher's were not much further down, the family nervously checking the rest of the table.
The girl felt a hand on her leg, calming her. Barty's hand. 
The Dark Lord himself walked through the door, sitting at the head of the table as his snake coiled around his chair.
To say she was intimidated was an understatement.
Voldemort was now mid 30s. He had curly black locks and a dark look in his brown eyes. His body was lean and tall. He looked like trouble.
She simply stared at the table, not wishing to make eye contact with him as he scanned each member.
When his eyes found her frame, he stood. He took his time, taking her in. His voice was soft but always held a tone of authority, "Regulus. This is your young sister, is it not?"
Regulus gulped, wishing he could've avoided bringing her here at all. "Yes, milord. My twin."
Tom swept by each seat until he stopped behind her chair. She was nervous. Beyond nervous. 
And he could sense it.
Barty didn't like it at all. He hated the tension that was radiating off her body. The uneasiness he knew she felt.
The Dark Lord's bony finger reached out, toying with her hair. 
She flinched slightly at the feeling of his hands at the back of her neck. 
Nagini hissed, slithering across the table. 
The man chuckled, "yes, Nagini. Such a pretty thing…"
Barty's jaw clenched as he watched, unable to do a thing.
Tom's hand snaked slowly from the back of her head towards the front of her neck, grabbing her jaw lightly and pushing her head up.
His eyes met hers as he towered over her. "…so pretty."
When his wandered over to Regulus, who stared at the two with a look of uncertainty. "Aw. How could I forget."
His hand left her jaw, now walking behind Regulus. "She's to be married, isn't she?"
Regulus nods, "yes, milord."
The Dark Lord chuckles, "It's going to be a big day for you, isn't it, darling?"
The girl gulped slightly, moving her head to look at Barty.
"Stand, girl."
She hesitantly does so, her legs shaking.
He holds his hand out, and she has no choice but to accept.
He leads her from her spot at the table, pulling her towards his seat. 
Everyone watches nervously. But they know what's to happen.
Barty and Regulus know what will happen. And they hate themselves for letting it.
He pulls her arm out, twisting her wrist to expose her forearm. 
She watches with a scared look in her eyes. And he enjoys every second of it.
His other hand reaches out, hovering over her forearm. He starts muttering under his breath, to which her arm stars to burn.
She gasps loudly at the feeling, her mind unable to concentrate on anything else.
The burning continues, staring to increase. A smirk rises to his face as he watches her struggle.
She lets out whimpers that slowly turn to cries. She watches as black starts to appear on her skin.
Her knees give out and she falls to the floor, her cries and begging continuing until it's finished. "Please….stop….I…ugh…"
Barty's eyes closed at the sight, wishing he could do anything to stop it.
Tom twisted her arm, watching the new mark shine in the dim light. He dropped her wrist, to which she pulled it to herself, her cries hushing.
He bent down, grabbing her jaw once more and pulling her up to stand. He watched the tears fall silently down her face, "pretty thing. Our newest death eater." He leaned close, their faces inches apart, "Will you be loyal to me, Ms. Black?"
She stared forward, avoiding his eyes. Her voice almost unheard, "…yes."
He smiled, letting his eyes wander to Barty, whose jaw was clenched harshly. His eyes were watching carefully. "Crouch."
He stood, "Yes, milord?"
When she tried to look at Barty, the bony fingers of Tom pulled her back to look at him, "You wish to marry her, boy?"
"Yes. Yes, sir."
The Dark Lord placed his hand at the back of the girl's neck. She shivered under his touch, his fingers cold and lacking comfort. "Shall I let you go, pretty girl?"
It's not often that Barty feels his stomach drop. But in this situation, it seemed to have found its way to the floor.
Tom lets go of her jaw, moving back to sit in his chair. "Very well. It's accepted."
He waves her off, her body moving back towards her chair, holding her still burning arm to her chest. 
When she sat, the meeting continued as if the interaction had never happened.
She sat in her chair and cried silently, the tears never stopping as they rolled down her pretty face.
Barty's hand slowly ran under the table to her thigh.
Her arm was placed on her leg, her eyes staring at the fresh dark mark that was embedded into her skin.
His hand wandered up to it, his fingers lightly ghosting over it. 
She relaxed at the feelings of his hand, the warmth contrasting with the coldness of her skin.
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aithusarosekiller · 4 months
One thing that I love which barely any Reg-lives fics do the way I imagine it is Reg taking care of Sirius immediately after Azkaban
The quiet understanding and care of him just sitting for HOURS gently untangling and washing Sirius' hair for him
Checking his physical health and realising he has a severe tremor now. Instantly trying to find ways to make that easier for him.
Filling the silence every so often with little details about what he'd missed so he'd know he wasn't alone again
Trying not to cry as he undid over a decade of physical neglect that he didn't deserve
Trying his best not to cry so his brother would feel safe and calm
Sirius no longer having the energy to shout and just letting it happen. Him panicking when reg brings out a bowl of water to wash his hair in and Reg instantly understanding how he feels because they've both been traumatised by large bodies of saltwater.
Reg gently hugging him from behind afterwards, kissing him on the top of the head, and neither of them saying a word or moving for five minutes. It's the first time they've done that in 25 years
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smolbean-17 · 7 months
Hunter is probably going to die this season.
You know I’ve theorized this if you’ve been following me since Season 1. As the season keeps rolling out, the more and more I really do think this will happen.
We know that the ending will be bittersweet, and we know that the emotions behind the ending has a lot to do with fatherhood in particular (according to DBB)
They are putting a huge emphasis on Crosshair and Omega’s relationship. Particularly how he could fill a paternal role for her. Omega mirroring Crosshair is a huge sign to not only us as the audience, but to Hunter as well, that Crosshair can (and will) become a father figure to her. They didn’t have to show us that Hunter noticed Omega mimicking Crosshair. But they did. They’re masterfully crafting that something is going on in Hunter’s head. He’s thinking about Crosshair and Omega’s relationship, and what that could mean.
Crosshair still has a long way to go in regards to his guilt. They could easily have him sacrifice himself at the end to ultimately quell all of his guilt, but I believe that they’re going the route of subverting everyone’s expectations. Crosshair could sacrifice himself for full redemption (like they do with most Star Wars characters) and he probably would given the chance. But story wise, he doesn’t really need to.
If they were planning to go that route, he wouldn’t have been reintroduced to and accepted by the group so early on in the season.
They are actively showing Crosshair paving the way to his redemption. He’s putting in the work. He is protective, helpful, and actively putting himself in danger for the benefit of his family. He’s redeeming himself already. Him dying isn’t necessary to resolve his story. In fact, I think it would diminish the power behind his change. People can make bad decisions. They can hurt others. They can change. And they can live to see happier days. That is hope. And that is always the overarching theme of Star Wars.
Hunter, on the other hand, has been incredibly uncertain and indecisive throughout the entire show. Where Crosshair knows and acts on his decisions, whether good or bad, Hunter has been unsure of himself and his role in everything. His path is way less cut and dry. It almost feels like, in many ways, he has lost his leadership. And he feels it. He regrets his decisions. He probably blames himself for everything bad that has happened. He clearly doesn’t fully trust himself to keep his family safe.
How can his story be resolved, short of him simply finally deciding to take a stand and fight for the other clones?
By giving up his life for his family, for a cause he never wanted to be a part of, as a leader should. So they can go on and live the life he so desperately wants for them.
I don’t think at this point in the story Hunter would allow anyone else to sacrifice themselves. He would stop it from happening. He’s learned from his mistakes.
My theory is that we will see more and more instances of Hunter recognizing Omega’s growing relationships with others, especially Crosshair. And when the time finally comes, he’ll be able to let go of needing to be her primary protector. He’ll see the growth in her, and in his brothers, and finally trust that they’ll be okay. Whether he sacrifices himself or gets mortally injured in a fight/accident, he will be at peace.
I don’t know if his death will be ambiguous or unseen, like him dying in an explosion or something like that, or if it will be more obvious.
I could see him having a Fives-esque death. Where he can say goodbye to his family, and finally pass off the responsibility he held so close to his heart to Crosshair and his brothers.
And if Tech really is dead, he won’t have to be alone anymore.
They’d put Hunter’s helmet above his grave, the last real symbol of the Bad Batch, and a last goodbye to the Clone Wars (since his helmet resembles the regs’ helmets the most)
They’d leave Tech’s goggles on his grave (if Tech stays dead) along with Lula. Omega would leave a bouquet of flowers from Pabu. What a powerful image that would be.
Omega could then go on to lead her own little batch. She’s made the friends and connections to do so. Crosshair and the others wouldn’t be too far behind.
It would be a touching resolution to Hunter’s and Crosshair’s and Omega’s arcs.
Other clues I think they’re dropping that support this theory:
-Omega’s new hair design. It’s perfect for her to wear Hunter’s bandana.
-Batcher joining the squad. She fills the tracking role.
-Crosshair’s increased screen time with Omega.
-Hunter’s increased desire to do whatever it takes to keep Omega safe, and the hints that he becomes reckless upon doing so.
-The Marauder exploding. Something about losing the home and the head of the home making for great storytelling.
-The idea of passing the torch of leadership to the next generation. From Clone Wars (TBB) to the new SW content (Omega)
-The fact that Jen Corbett said Hunter is her favorite character, and I’ve never known a female writer who doesn’t whump the hell out of their favorites the most (fr one of the most compelling arguments lol)
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bloodbruise · 5 months
someone commented (it was me) on one of comboy ev’s video saying ‘i could watch u edge that twink for hours’ so naturally evan makes a video edging regulus for um. awhile ig, and barty and james would just be off the side watching and shi and evan would like let them in just to come in reg so ev could fuck him full of cum and reg would just be a sobbing overstimulated mess, any thoughts?
nonnie i think i’m in love with you… actually planning our life together as i type this out.
reg is so mussed up—disheveled. he’s got his head thrown back, eyes closed, and mouth agape, letting out strings of wounded noises. his hands are clutching the sheets in a death grip. after the third time evan brings him to the edge and pulls back he just breaks. evan presses the vibrator back to reg’s abused clit and he’s sobbing. heaving breaths and tears glistening on his face. his hips jerk away and his hand comes down to push at evan’s hand. voice broken and pleading, “evan, it’s too much—please, jamie. fuck—” another sob wracks his body, legs trembling, “jamie i cant, too- too much.”
barty is grabbing his hands though, pressing them into the mattress to keep him from squirming away from the relentless vibration, cooing at how pretty he looks. evan holds the vibrator just above reg’s cunt, looking to james for confirmation. but james leans in, running a soft touch over reg’s forehead, “do you need to safe word?” reg makes a frustrated sound, eyes squeezed shut, head shaking no; sweat trickling from the nape of his neck. james is humming, an over confident lilt to it—like he knew that would be the answer. it makes reg want to cuss him out.
but before he can, james tells evan, “keep going then.” he glances back at reg and adds, “give him two fingers too.” at that reg bites his lip, whimper muffled behind it, and bears down on the intrusion. it’s a heady mix of pleasure-pain. james’s voice is soft but firm to tell him, “you can take it, baby. need it really, i know you do. you’re being such a good boy for us”
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ellecdc · 6 months
I'm sick rn so I wanted to know if you could do a little comfort fic of moonwater taking care of sick reader or something pls :)
awe so sorry you're unwell babes! hope you feel better soon <33
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who has the flu
Another shiver shook your frame even from your place burrowed deep beneath the thick duvet in your spare bedroom.
You’d woken up a little late this morning; Regulus needed to be in the office early for a meeting, and Remus had a meeting with his publisher, meaning you had been on your own. You felt awful, but ultimately hoped that as the day had continued, you might perk up a bit.
You did not perk up. In fact, you ended up spending so much time in the bathroom that your boss actually suggested you go home for the rest of the day.
Too poorly to feel as embarrassed as you probably ought to, you readily accepted and returned to yours, Regulus’, and Remus’ shared flat.
It took nearly all your effort to change out of your work clothes, change the bedding in your shared bedroom so that the boys wouldn’t have to sleep in your germs, and set yourself up in the guest room with a bucket just in case.
You’d slept on and off quite fitfully, waking up with a start when your fever induced brain concocted the most ridiculous nightmares to alert you to your sweaty and discomfited state. 
You were so poorly that you hadn’t even realized anyone was home until Regulus was standing in front of you like a creepy vampire watching you sleep.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Regulus.” You muttered, slapping your hand to your own chest as you tried catching your breath, which caused a small coughing fit.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Your boyfriend asked incredulously.
You groaned as you rolled back onto your side to face him.
“Hello, Regulus. It’s nice to see you.” You deadpanned.
Regulus huffed and dropped his briefcase.
“Hello, amour.” He deadpanned in return. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He asked again as he gently sat on the edge of the bed to place the back of his hand to your forehead, grimacing in response to your sweat or your fever, you weren’t sure. 
“I’m sick.”
Regulus made a pathetic cooing sound that was so contrary to his sharp demeanour made all the more severe in his smart work attire, it was almost comical. 
“Why didn’t you call me?”
You huffed at that. “So, what? So, you could come home and watch me barely sleep? I was fine.”
“Fine.” Regulus scoffed. “You don’t look fine, amour.”
“Words hurt, Reg.” You groaned as the pain behind your eyes grew.
Regulus made another cooing sound and stood.
You thought perhaps he was getting up to change or whatnot but opened your eyes to see him with his phone pressed to his ear.
“Regulus, what are you doing?” You demanded with all the sternness you could muster, which was not much at all in your current state.
“That’s enough out of you.” He muttered quietly as he brought his phone back to his ear.
“Hi love, how are you?” He spoke over your attempted rebuttal.
You could hear your other boyfriends’ low tones responding to Regulus from the other end of the line.
“Good. It went well, thank you. I just got home actually, Y/N’s already here; she’s quite poorly.”
Though you still couldn’t make out the words, Remus’ voice picked up in volume. 
“No, she didn’t tell me either.” Regulus commented, sending you a pointed glare.  
“Okay, yeah. Alright, we’ll see you soon. Yeah, love you too. Bye.” 
You groaned petulantly. “Why’d you do that? He doesn’t have to come home for me.”
“Maybe he’s coming home for me; ever consider that?” He snarked back, pushing some of your sweaty hairs away from your head to press a kiss to your head.
“You’re a furnace, amour. Is it safe for me to assume you haven’t taken any medication?”
He got his answer in the form of a guilty expression.
“Tu vas être ma mort. Tu as de la chance d'être si mignon.” He muttered as he left the room to change and gather some things for your flu. 
You came back into consciousness to the sound of Remus and Regulus speaking gently.
“I hate to wake her up, but she really should take something.”
“Has she eaten, though? She shouldn’t take anything on an empty stomach.”
“If that bucket is any indication, I doubt there’s anything in her stomach at all.”
“Can you guys go do your worrying elsewhere, please? I’m trying to die in peace.” You groaned, caused Remus to gasp and Regulus to scoff.
“Dovey! Oh, my poor girl. What happened? Are you okay?” Remus cooed, kneeling on the floor in front of you to start petting at your head.
“I’m okay.” You croaked.
“You’re a liar.” He responded; words pointed but expression loving.
“Do you think you can eat, amour?” Regulus interrupted. 
“I don’t want to.” You moaned.
“That’s not what I asked, love.”
Remus tsked at Regulus’ coldness and took your face in his hands.
“Dove, can you try? Please? For me.”
You groaned very petulantly but began sitting yourself upright nonetheless. 
You allowed Remus to position your pillows and arrange the tray Regulus had prepared for you on your lap, but you drew the line at him trying to spoon feed you the stew.  
“Did you wake up this poorly?” Regulus asked from the end of your bed.
“Sort of, but it got worse at work.”
The air was sucked out of the room as both men turned to look at you incredulously.
“You went to work?!” Regulus gawked.
“Why, dove?”
“Ma MORT, je le jure!” Regulus groaned exasperatedly. “Why didn’t you call us to pick you up?”
“And you took the time to change the bedding and move out of our room when you were like this?” Remus added.
You were beginning to feel embarrassingly teary as you put your spoon down and pushed the tray away from you.
“I didn’t want you guys to get catch this. I just... I was fine.” You sniffled and wiped at your eyes as the first tear fell.
Remus tsked again and rested his forehead against your temple, and you realized then how much cooler his forehead felt against yours. 
“Okay.” Regulus said quietly, picking up the tray from your lap and placing it on the dresser. “Can you take these for me, love? Fever reducers and anti-nausea for now; we’ll see how you feel in a few hours.”
He held the pills out to you in his palm and held a glass of water in the other. You hiccupped and sniffled before accepting both, handing him back the glass half full once you were done.
“Thank you.” Regulus whispered gently, kissing your forehead and bringing your tray to the kitchen.
“I’m sorry we scolded you, dovey.” Remus whispered into your cheek, causing new tears to fall. “We just worry; you know that, right?”
“Yeah.” You whimpered, and even you could tell it was sort of pathetic.
“Oh, my poor darling.” Remus cooed, standing from your side to climb in on the opposite side of the bed. 
“Don’t, Rem. I don’t want you to get sick.” You whined, though allowed your body to be pulled into his side.
“Tough.” He said simply, punctuating the sentiment with a kiss to your temple. “Then I’ll just get to call in sick too.”
You were sure the tears were mostly from exhaustion and discomfort, but you couldn’t seem to get them to stop.
“What’s the matter, hm?”
“I don’t feel good.” You whined.
“I know, babydove. I’m sorry.”
That’s how Regulus found you when he came back to the room; you crying into Remus’ shirt as he rubbed broad strokes up and down your back.
“Rem, we’re trying to bring her temperature down, love.” He admonished gently, though sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his own soothing strokes on your clammy arm. 
“You try denying this sweet girl her cuddles, Reg.” Remus responded.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before placing a cold wet cloth on your head. 
“I’m sorry you’re so poorly, amour. And I’m sorry if we made it worse.” He apologized. 
You quickly shook your head (which you immediately regretted as the nausea threatened to return). “You didn’t; you don’t.”
“I upset you though, I’m sorry. I’m too rough sometimes.” Regulus admitted, sounding almost as teary as you. Remus tsked and reached one of his hands over you to take Regulus’ hand.
“I know what you’re thinking, love, and you’re wrong.” Remus insisted. “And I know you’re wrong, because your parents wouldn’t have fussed over you at all when you were sick; so there’s no way you could be acting like them right now.”
The fact that Regulus had spent any amount of time worrying that he’d been too harsh with you, that he’d been at all like his awful parents caused your few tears to turn into true crying.
“I’m sorry Reggie.” You cried, turning to look at him. His brows furrowed dramatically, and he looked just as close to crying. “If you weren’t here; I’d be sitting in bed with no food, no medicine, no cloths, and no love.”
“Well, you maybe would have had some love.” Remus argued from your other side.
“I would’ve died.” You insisted.
One tear did fall from Regulus’ eye as he smiled sadly at you. “I just hate to see you so poorly, amour. You should always be happy and lovely.”
“I am. I’m better when you’re here.” You insisted.
“How dare you insinuate that our sweet darling girl could ever possibly be not lovely, Regulus. Absolute blasphemy.” Remus scolded, causing both you and Regulus to chuckle. 
“Terribly sorry, you two. I seem to have forgotten myself.” He laughed, turning the cloth over on your head and trailing his fingers down your jaw to massage at your neck. 
“Don’t let it happen again.” Remus instructed.
You fell asleep to the sound of Regulus promising that he wouldn’t. 
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toujoursrab · 18 days
Prompt: Shadow (@into-the-jeggyverse) | Pairing: Jegulus | Word Count: 463
“I’m not brave like Sirius.” Regulus murmured through the stillness of the air between them. James’ body was wrapped around him like a cocoon; arms and legs locked around his smaller frame and Regulus’ face nestled into James’ neck where he placed kisses every so often. They were in James four poster bed, the curtains drawn, and a silencing charm placed around them for total privacy.
“Who says you have to be like Sirius?” James answered back after a few moments, his tone soft and curious.
“I’m going home tomorrow, James.” Regulus sighed, closing his eyes tight. He wished he could be transported into another life. Just temporarily, maybe until Winter holidays were over and he could be back at Hogwarts ignoring the war raging outside the castle walls. “My parents expect me to take the mark.. I..”
James loosened his arm around Regulus so he could bring his hand up to card his fingers through Regulus’ dark curls. It always calmed the younger down. “Have you changed your mind?” James hated the way his stomach flipped at the thought of Regulus living for his parents and not himself. He knew what a good person Regulus was, he knew how pure his heart is. Sometimes he just struggled to make good choices.
“No.” he said firmly. His decision had been made. He wouldn’t be getting the mark. He didn’t want it. Now it was just relaying that piece of information to his parents. “I’m not getting it. I’m just scared. Terrified, actually.”
“No one expects you to be like Sirius. I’m glad you’re not like Padfoot, he’s an idiot half of the time.” James laughed fondly. “You’re brave too, Reg. By refusing the mark, telling your parents where you stand, stepping out from the shadows of how you were raised to be your own person—that’s so incredibly brave of you.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
“Maybe not right now, but it will once you finally tell them.” James’ moved a lock of hair behind Regulus’ ear, and slid his fingers down his jawline. He cupped his chin and pulled back a little so he could see Regulus’ face. Regulus’ grey eyes met James’ hazel. “No matter how the conversation goes, you have me. That means you’ll always have a home, a safe space, and someone who loves you just as you are. I won’t let you drown, Regulus.”
Regulus gave a slight nod of his head, leaned in and pressed their lips together in a chaste kiss. “I know, Jamie. I love you.”
Regulus wasn’t sure how the conversation with his parents would go, although he had some ideas, but he knew he would always have a place with James Potter and that was enough to calm his nerves for the night.  
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