#i wanted her to keep the short sword she had from the first series cuz it looked pretty sick
skonksrus · 1 year
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Lina Invoice
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thefandommind · 1 year
Eli Notes from a friend who doesn't know anything
A while ago, one of my friends gave me the all go to info dump and explain everything about the Eli Monpress series. Use a white board, they said, give me everything they said. I did not have a white board, so i instead made a Google slides presentation. It took me over 8 straight hours of hyper focus, and by that time I had lost point of the presentation, and it wasn't as well constructed as I would have liked.
What was then added onto these ill planned spark notes, was my best friend of 15 years offering the idea that instead of myself, who knows everything about this series presenting this creation, they, who knows nothing about it, would present the slides as if it was their own project.
To add to this once more, my other best friend, who also knew nothing about the series, while one call, announced they would take notes to further help my original friend who requested the presentation, but couldn't make it to the call.
Thus, here are the notes, typed as fast as possible over an hour long presentation, telephoned from one non fan to another. Effectively, a blind man improvising facts of a subject he doesn't know, to a very focused, well intentioned, deaf man. Who we then passed the notes onto someone who was actually looking for information.
content warning, crack, and lewd humor.
The Eli Monpress Manuscript Notes
From Professor Barens
Nothing Sensuallllllllllll…………
Everything has a soul called spirits that have existed longer than us and have their own cultures and societies.
Humans were made by sexy white shepherdess
The council of thrones: the eu, all kingdoms united, capital, alber whitefall is the merchant prince. Council of thrones runs the council bounty list
Spirit Court: cps of council of thrones, they think spirits are treated equally
Spaper Mountain: they are spacial wizards, they follow the shaper mountains teaching and refer to it as teacher, they are secretive and very cultlike
Worlds greatest thief: eli Monpress, is greatest theif, wants highest bounty
Worlds greatest swordsman; Josef, prince but not twink enough, has too op minecraft sword
The one to catch him: miranda lyonettem tryna catch eli, is repressed bisexual, just wants some good pussys, is apart of the catholic church, obsessed with respectibility politics, gross, fake leftist, thinks hes ruining spirit court cuz hes theif bisexual and naughty ;)
Biblical picture of akutagawa and atsushi
The triangle is a metaphor for eli bc they/them pussy and frogs, stream they/them pussy by butt piss
Miranda Lyonette -Spiritualist, obsessed with spirit rights -doesnt like theifs -doesnt like bisexuals cuz internalized biphobia -believes all spirits should be treated well -hates insufferable men, cuz shes secretly attracted to them -short temper, runs straight into trouble
Canon vs interpratation Miranda
Canon -long curly hair in tight braid -left finger has spirit court -giant ghost hound named gin -her family tries to marry her off -not anarchist, fake leftist, her first time with anarchy
Fanon -has undercut cuz heavy hair, no curly girly hair products -bisexual, -married to work and has gold nose piercing -gin good boy -her wind spirit tries to prank -family cut contact, little sis lesbian
Has a sea spirit which she keeps iinside her, dont think too much about it Has a wind, tone, moss, mist, bonfire, spirit Bullied a storm to giving her extra powers Sea spirit inside her, his name is mellinor, which is the towns name, so shes tied to the city, takes over river cuz hes a coward, is asserting dominance not in a sexual way
Sex appeal: 10/10, redhead, angry, loving, loyal, likes to fuck but she assosiates with catholics so shes in denial Piercing: gold nostril hoop Sexuality: bisexual, likes fem men but not twinks, hates men Ass; huge booty, v curvacious, tall and good figure Relationship: single, doesnt have feelings, but gets gay panic
Final thoughts she is hot
No circumfrance for butt but she curvaciious
Elderly milf, hates children, invented ollor relay, commits spirit abuse, smokes, bitch, hates men, eats cold fish to make boobs bigger
Canon: -forced man to give lungs -she says they/them pronouns dont make sense -not homophobic -elis mother, have been in the same room 6 times -has long cigarette holder, has multiple addictions -makes a cannon to use fire spirits -idea of famiy reunion was arresting husband for high treason, (treason when high) shoving son into an oubliette, forgetful -has a spy in elis town home, eli is not tru anarchsit _says mirandas pretty but not pretty as expected
Sex appeal: 6/10 pretty, powerful and cunning, cant keep relationship Ass: none Sexuality: straight but milf Relationship status: unhappily married
She is cunt
Etmon Banage (elton john)
Rectior spiritualist, head of spirit court, father of eli, adopted father or miranda Probably fake italian, has salt and pepper hair, married sara, raised son in tower, made him kinky, fought in war with immortal emperess, big guy in charge of spiritualist, committed treason, said son was worthless, squints when angry, doesnt yell
Sex appeal: 7/10 Piercings, no Sexuality: straght ace 4: man asss Relationship unhapily married
Giuseppe monpress
Og greatest theif, buguar, prefers to rop blind people, adopted eli, real italian, is gentleman thief, likes opera, concerned about son (disagree)
Canon: Not a wizard, spirit deaf, doesnt know what eli does 90% of the time, Likes money, refers to miranda and nico as dear, taught eli is catchphrase “first rule of being a thief is being homosexual” Knew his sons type is large blonde men, have eli a look when he met josef
Sex appeal: dilf 8/10 Piercings, ear piercings Sexuality: old gay Ass: man ass Relationship: old gay
Shepherdess, benehime
One of the three powers, daughter of the creator, she has favs which she calls stars, is naked
5000 years old, created humans, made then blind, curvy white woman always naked with long white hair, shes legit white not pale has a sphere that is the world to watch her favorite, current fav eli, she has a man who is a sword, he is her sword, his name is lord of storms, black hair grey eys, keeps him aroound cuz she cant have eli, touch burns you
Sex appeal; 9/10 hot but crazy piercings : no Seuxlaity pan Ass; big ass Relationship: obsessed with eli, cant love
Mother hen of the group, big buff man, knives strapped all over, stay strapped or get clapped, has powerful sword, runaway crown prince , josef liechen thereson esinlowe fullname, not twink prince but gets married off, not run away, au he and eli dated but broke up, cut a boat in half, found naked lady in mountain and are besties, cant die, convinced eli to keep demon, is spirit deaf, talks to his sword, oblivious when people are attracted to him, can cook , can clean, calls eli many names, says bastard, but doesnt say bitch , respects women but hates everypne
Sex appeal: 10/10 he is best man big tit is top Piercings: any Sexuality: bisexual, has type, mentally ill brunettes Ass: big ass, works out Relationship: dating comrades but doesnt like wife cuz shes a commie spy
He is my type 100% would let him step on me
Daughter of the dead mountain, demon seed, lost head, got picked up by sexy men, sweet girl, self doubt and anxiety, thinks friends will leave her, pushes herself tryna prove herself, has consumed men, has trouble eating food, deserves sweet, cant be killed, used to be from shaper mountain, was taught by unkillable man how to be unkillabke, then watched unkillable man be killed by another unkillable man, then she killed the unkillable man
Sex appeal: 10/10 can murder anyone Piercing: ears Sexuality: bi but likes her boys Ass; no ass Relationship: dating her mens
Thief, got second biggest bounty, he fingers doors, makes squeaks, cheats friends outa money for fun, DONT LAUGH AT GRETA COMRADAS
Ran away as child, got kidnapped by shephardess, likes being caught so he can escape, almost died, is best friends with josefs demon, wakes up spirits by rubbing them, extremely petty, he is manchild and insufferable, is easy going but will commit chaos, he relies on his ability to speak, has horrible trauma and not good relatiobshop with parents, ran out of window to avoid mother, hates smoking loves drinking,
Sex appeal: 10/10 (debatable) insufferable, man propaganda, good with hands Piercing: ears and knows Seuxlaity: likes blond men (me too) Ass; has ass 5: relationship, has crush on josef, is jealous when jossef and nico date
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Battles And Bananas
BOTW Link x GN!Sheikah!Reader
Part 3 of Memories of You
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Decide to post another part of this series, tbh I’m not sure how many parts I’m gonna write just yet cuz I have so many ideas. This one was exciting to write because I’ve never written action scenes before but the trope of having a conversation in the midst of battle is so fun to me I had to write it.
Anyways all of this is memory so no italics. :)
Link was running as fast as he could, a tight feeling constricting his lungs, stealing his breath. How could he have been so stupid. He had been so distracted with trying to reconcile with Y/n he had allowed the princess to slip away on her own. Both her and his partner were angry with him, although one he could handle more than the other, but that didn’t mean he wanted to. 
Link was a personable guy. And with his new position as the princesses appointed knight he found himself lacking close friends. Of course he had the Champions, but he couldn’t see them all that often. And the one Champion that he should see often had been too busy. 
Y/n had been away from the castle often after the incident in the Zora Domain, something he felt responsible for. The Sheikah had been tense since they had left Ploymus Mountain. They had snapped at him for throwing them off the waterfall and stormed off to find Mipha. 
That led him to this moment. Chasing down the runaway princess for the millionth time despite her resistance. It was bad enough she would demand he keep his distance in Hyrule, but in the Gerudo Desert? With the Yiga clan running around? He shouldn’t have gotten distracted. 
Reaching the top of the sand dune, Link was able to see the runaway princess. Surrounded by the Yiga. Instinct took over and in the blink of an eye he was there. Time slowed as the Yiga lunged only to meet Link’s blade. Using all the force he could muster, Link thrust his blade forward meeting the Yiga’s chest plate and knocking them back.
He crouched in front of the princess as the other three Yiga hesitated, sizing him up. They seemed to decide they could take on the Hylian because all three lunged at the same time. Link was quick to dodge under the first, spinning up to drive his sword through the second's abdomen. He parried arrows with his shield, twirling his sword to block the first Yiga’s sickle. Twisting his own sword, Link locked the sickle before throwing his head forward. 
Ignoring the burst of pain, Link spun to face the final Yiga, lunging to meet their blade. A short clash of swords ensued before Link gained the upper hand, disarming his opponent before he slashed their chest. 
He tensed as he heard the faint crunch of sand from the Yiga he had headbutted jumping at him. He wouldn’t be able to dodge them without injury. He heard Zelda cry out when an arrow shot past his face. He froze as the sound of porcelain cracking under the sharp arrow rang out, and the Yiga fell.
The eyes of both Hylians snapped up to the sand dune where a horse stood. Y/n hopped down from the horse, taking the reins as they walked down the hill. Link felt that same coil in his chest as he took in the stoic look on the Sheikah’s face. 
“Are you alright princess?” The white haired teen reached out a hand to the princess, carefully helping her stand.
“Thank you.” The blond smiled wearily at her friend, glancing towards Link, “Both of you.”
Link nodded, carefully sheathing his sword. The coil loosened when he met Y/n’s eyes and saw the small smile slip across their face. 
“You really should watch your back.” 
He missed their smile.
Zelda had taken the horse back to Gerudo Town leaving the two Champions to track down the Yiga. After they had checked on the princess they had found one of the Yiga was waking up. The trio questioned the traitor, not without much resistance, and had found out that the Yiga clan was making a hideout in the desert. That was all it had taken for the Champions to decide they would be best to check out the camp. 
And that was how Link found himself hiding atop the cliffs next to Y/n. They had found the camp pretty easy seeing as the Yiga were still scouting the area with only a small group. 
“So this is what they’ve been preparing for.” Y/n was glaring at the group working below them. It still made Link feel tense seeing his partner look so serious. But it was their words that caught him this time. They knew more about the Yiga clan than he thought. 
Apparently they had caught his questioning gaze because the Sheikah pulled themselves away from the edge to face him.
“Impa told me that our scouts noticed the Yiga clan seemed like they were making plans. Y’know being more sneaky than usual, stocking up on bananas, the usual craziness. Just... more.” Y/n looked exhausted, something that made Link feel guilty for. He had really thought they had gone away because of him when in reality it was about the safety of the kingdom. “Anyways, I’ve been tracking the Yiga down, trying to question any lone scouts to figure out what’s going on. But they’re very secretive. I get being willing to die for your cause but come on.”
Link couldn’t help but let a snicker escape him at Y/n’s tone towards the end. “I’m glad you’re back okay.”
Y/n gave him a soft smile glancing towards the setting sun. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. It came out of nowhere and I had to run off.”
Link coughed slightly, embarrassment clawing at him. Was he that transparent? He was sure he had hidden how much it bothered him to no longer be accompanied by their chatter and glowing smiles.
Suddenly a shout came from below and the Champions looked down to find all the Yiga staring up at them.
The Yiga sprinted to their weapons as the two scrambled down from their overlook. They landed on the sand right as the first Yiga came rushing back. Link was the first to meet blades with the Yiga, locking swords as Y/n slashed their chest with  one of their blades. 
The two shot off into the fray, knocking down Yiga until they were pushed back together again.
“I meant it y’know…” Y/n stepped back before shooting forward and slashing down three of the Yiga with their twin blades. “I was really a jerk to you back when we went to the Zora Domain, and then I go and run off without a word. I’m-” 
Link cut them off by grabbing their hand. He pulled them into his chest as he struck down the Yiga behind them. “Y/n, I threw us off a waterfall, you’re allowed to be upset.”
“Yeah, but you did it to save our lives.” 
Another slash as Link threw himself into a spin attack.
“But I could have found another way.”
Link cut down one final Yiga and Y/n shot down the last before the two met together in the center of their impromptu battlefield.
“Well I could’ve-” Y/n snorted, reaching out to squeeze his hand. “We’re arguing like kids”
Link laughed at that grinning at his friend, “I guess we are. Sorry about that.”
Y/n laughed loudly, their voice echoing off the rock walls. “What matters is that we’re both okay. We may not have the best of luck,” they gestured to the damage surrounding them,  “but I can handle the chaos as long as we’re doing it together.”
Link squeezed their hand in response
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Set In Stone - Choose Your Own Love Story Prologue (Tim Drake or Bart Allen x Reader)
Words: 2k
~ AH!!! Welcome to my newest multi chapter fic! Except there’s a twist! It’s up to you dear reader. I’ll be writing two different stories about each path, like a choose your own adventure, except you choose how your love story progresses to the eventual end! There will be a private masterlist specifically for this series where you can choose the way your personal love story unfolds. Just know that the future is never cemented, meaning you can always go back and try again! Think of this as the prologue to the actual event, but your first decision drops tomorrow, meet Bart or dig deeper into Tim? Hope you enjoy! ~
Seeing teenage heroes was really something else. They were your age, and they weren’t grumpy and old like the Justice League. “Okay well this is fun and all but I wanna hang with people my age!” you groaned following J'onn down the never ending corridors of the Watchtower. “You know your powers are not fit for the type of missions the Young Justice team attempt, you are arguably weaker than the regular human” he reminded you. That was rude. “Am not! I’m an asset! I can’t get hit cuz I know where they’re gonna swing so who cares if I have a mental breakdown every once and while!” J'onn knew you weren’t wrong, you taking a hit was a rare occurrence, but the Justice League refused to risk you even taking one hit, you’d protected thousands by scanning the infinite number of different possible futures. 
“Everything you need is here” you replied “I knew you were gonna say that, like I literally knew it” you also knew you had to prod J'onn just for about two more minutes until you met Nightwing. “Oh my god Nightwing fancy seeing you here!” you grinned at J'onn who now understood your goal. “Hello, I didn’t know the YJ team had a new member?” Dick glanced at J'onn who shrugged. “Do not blame me Nightwing, Flash found her and the team agreed she stays with us” you rolled your eyes before starting with Dick Grayson, but he didn’t know you knew that yet. 
“Hi! Y/N, no last name. Flash found me when he ran into the future and I was totally feeling the mode because I got these powers [ you tapped your head as Dick smirked ] and I can like see different parts of future when I’m super focussed, so like short time is kinda easy but far away and hard and I don’t remember anything from my past. I’m like a future only kinda girl.” you sighed, hoping you’d made sense. Dick’s eyes lit up. “So you don’t have a family, and they’re just keeping you here?” you nodded, crossing your arms to try to look more emotionally secure. 
“Dibs” and something sparked in your head, this was a new future. It hurt. You sunk to the ground clutching your head as a new future bounced around your consciousness. Trying to shake out of it you realized you’d been carried to a med bay, Dick and J'onn stood above you looking concerned. Pushing them off you as you got up you explained “sometimes people make big decisions that change the future, I’m guessing you calling ‘dibs’ on me changed something, but I’m a little too tired to check if that’s okay, also what does dibs even mean?” and Dick smiled, “you’ll have to come find out!” and against J'onn’s protests he pulled you towards the Zeta Tubes. 
Flash zipped in front of you and Dick. “No.” and Dick waved him off. “I’m taking her to the manor, get her to meet the family maybe I’ll get a sister if Bruce is in a mood” he waggled an eyebrow at Flash who was focussed now on you knowing he couldn’t get in Dick’s way. “I know you don’t know him yet but if Jason Todd asks you to do anything that seems dangerous say no. And watch out for Damian’s swords. I guess just look for Tim Drake, he’s a good one” and he patted you on the shoulder. “Go feel the mode kid”  and you face palmed. “Flash you mean crash the mode oh god don’t even try to be cool” you groaned. “You totally have to meet Bart” Dick mumbled before he cleared you for zeta tube access. 
You appeared in what can only be described as a man cave. There was a giant computer where a tiny boy sat covered in leather typing. There was a teenager looking about your age punching dummies while another boy was shooting literally guns at the dummies. “Welcome to the batcave!” Dick announced loud enough for the three boys heads to turn. The smallest boy stopped typing and stalked over to you. “A little young for you Grayson, stolen her from the baby justice team?” you knew this was Damian Wayne, and you couldn’t contain yourself.
“OH MY GOD BATMAN HI!” you screeched pulling him into your chest. “You’re totally crash like so cool but you’re so little right now! Last time I saw you, you were like super tall but you totally got moded or something - oh I wasn’t supposed to say that don’t worry!” Dick nudged you “this is Robin, Batman, Bruce Wayne, is in his office” and you slapped a hand over your mouth. “Right, no spoilers” and Damian stood still, processing his own future. “Moving on, Tim and Jason!” the two older boys had come down to get a closer look.
“Hood, Drake, this is totally cool!” you exclaimed, shaking their hands. “Why is he Red Hood and I’m Drake? Not Red Robin?” Tim looked puzzled. Best not ruin his life like that, this was one of the few things you planned on changing. “Because I know you’re Tim Drake! So does the world, Drake is a good LAST NAME right? Red Robin is totally crash for a hero name!” and Tim looked a little confused, but brushed it off. “What the demon said, she new?” and you shook your head, explaining your story again.
“20 bucks says adoption papers” “50 says she gets a room” “75 on a new animal persona” the boys started screaming bets as soon as they heard the “family trauma emotional instability” part. “Why can’t she be in Young Justice? Or the Outsiders? She’s still a teenager” Tim looked confused. “I dunno man, she’s been with the JL for a while because she’s apparently delicate which is bullshit” Dick explained and you strongly agreed. “None of you could even land a hit on me” you puffed out your chest. “Care to defend that claim?” Damian unsheathed a sword. “No! J'onn sai-” you cut Dick off. “Absolutely ”.
Now you were dodging and ducking Damian’s advances. You’d swung a couple punches but it means undoing some focus which allows Damian to get his own shots in, so you mostly stayed on defense, letting him get frustrated and tired. “I think you’ll get better with practice baby Batman” you teased him. Next was Jason, bullets were hard to avoid because you didn’t have lightning fast reflexes, although that would be nice. But Jason wasn’t as calculated as Damian so you could play a little dirtier. Knocking his guns out of his hands you let up, “this is boring I’m done” you raised from the ground where you and Jason had tumbled down on. 
“So you really have powers. Your moves are all the most probable choice mathematically, you can’t be running the numbers in your head that quick!” Tim was toying with a tablet, shocked at your prediction abilities. “That’s right Boy Wonder, that was fun but I’m feeling kinda diz-” and then you realized you’d overworked yourself a little bit, and it all faded to black. 
You woke up to fully aged Batman. “Oh god no I’m back. How am I back! Damian you were just a kid like ten minutes ago! How long have I been out?” you began to throw blankets off yourself, blankets? You were in a bed in someone’s room. “Calm down, Y/N, Y/N! It’s okay!” and the Older-Damian just enveloped you in a hug. You couldn’t remember the last hug you’d had. Literally couldn’t remember. And it was a welcomed comfort. Pulling away you got a closer look, and it wasn’t Damian Wayne, but Bruce. 
“Bruce right? Current Batman?” you whispered, trying to wrap your mind around what had just happened. “That’s me, I see you’ve met my son, at multiple ages too” his eyes were smiling but his mouth wasn’t, it showed concern. “Yes, I did, I’m sorry for being a nuisance, it’s a pleasure to meet you but clearly I’m a bit moded so I should head back to the tower” you explain beginning to get up. “Actually that’s something I wanted to talk to you about, if you feel alright? [ you nodded, your powers were still a little too weak to peek ahead at what he was going to say ] Well, as you can see, I’ve got a couple of children, and you haven’t even met all of them. And I take them under my protection and I train them, and it seems to me you want training. Now you’re not ready for field work but you can start with me and my team, and maybe do a couple visits with the Young Justice team when Tim heads over. I think I can help you, and give you a family, would that be something you want?” 
A family, you had one of those. And you knew the word brought you warmth, that had to be a good thing. “I think I’d like that a lot, but I’m kinda already with the Justice League ya know? Their personal magic 8 ball.” and Bruce shook his head. “They won’t be a problem for me, you’ll fit right in with my family” and you felt a smile spread over your face. “Then it’s a deal!” and you stuck out a hand, Bruce clasped it, pulling you in for another hug. 
“We’ll talk later about what this means logistically, but there’s someone really excited you’re here.” and Tim Drake came bursting through the door, holding cookies. “Welcome to the team Y/N! You don’t know Alfred yet but he made these! I’m so glad you’re here!” he was beaming with excitement. And blushing? “Hi Tim, I’m glad to be here!” you chirped. Bruce mumbled something about paperwork and left the room as Tim continued. “This is totally cool, if you want I can call Bart I think he’d totally want to meet you! Or, you and I could hangout just the two of us!” there was that blush again. “Yeah! Can I just sit and think for a minute before I catch up with you?” this was a decision you wanted to read into, it felt important. 
Tim left, and you sat back into the plush bed, diving into the future. And it was something you hadn’t seen you. There were two futures, still fuzzy from the infinite decisions to be made securing the future, but it was clear enough to see that it was your wedding day. Down one path you saw a beautiful wedding with someone you haven’t met yet, and you looked beyond happy. You heard yourself whisper “if only Tim were here to see this” wiping a tear away in the arms of your lover. Recoiling back you knew this future wouldn’t do, not at Tim’s expense. So you went towards the other. Same set up, but this time it was Tim that you were marrying, but the same tear slid down your cheek “if only Bart could be here” you recognized the name. Bart, the guy you’re supposed to be meeting. 
And you were stuck in the middle no matter what. Like yin and yang you couldn’t find a future where you didn’t end up in the arms of one at the other’s grave. Or worse, in the futures where you tried to pick them over yourself both lost their lives saving you. So how you do pick? Who gets to be your future and who has to perish to secure it?
“Y/N you ready yet?” Tim called from down stairs. It was years out, but you knew every decision you made from now on was one step closer to the loss of a hero. And there was nothing you could do about it. 
First Decision:
Get To Know Tim Drake First
Meet Bart Allen
 ~ I really hope you’re excited to make your own fic! The masterlist with the choices goes up with the actual start tomorrow! I can’t wait!!! ~
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sceosource · 4 years
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That’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone that participated in Sceo Week 2020! There were a lot of amazing works this year and we couldn’t be happier with the participation! Please continue to follow us for future Sceo events. :-)
Below is the round-up post for all the content that qualified for the event.
FICS (General - Mature)
Boardshorts and Bandsaws by Numendar Loss is not a fine cut thing, sometimes you have to lose to become more than you were.
I'd Give You My Sunshine by tiniestawoo (thosewhofall) Scott wasn’t exactly surprised that, of all the people who might call him from jail, it had been Theo’s voice on the other end of the line. What had surprised Scott, though, were the long silences and out of character insecurity in his voice. Stiles would undoubtedly have hung up the call and left Theo to face the consequences of whatever he was calling ‘wrong place, wrong time stuff’. But that just meant Scott knew he shouldn't.Ignoring someone who needed help had never really been Scott’s strong suit. For all the undeniable wrong Theo had done, when Scott asked him to step up and help them, he had.-Or the one where Theo Raeken used to be a sex worker, gets arrested, and throws a kink into Scott's carefully crafted sense normalcy.
tell me somethin' i ain't heard before by CerinityKS “So that alpha…” Scott started, voice tense. Theo nodded.“Not sure what, exactly, he would have done but it likely wouldn’t have been… pleasant.”“And when he said you belonged to me…”“Well,” Theo hedged, knowing his next words likely wouldn’t help. “He wasn’t completely wrong.”(or theo lets scott in on some truths about being an omega, scott loses his damn mind, and theo is annoyed but secretly loves it, really. as long as it doesn't kill him first.)
Under the Stars by TheKingsChimera First ever submission for Sceo Week. Hope you enjoy. Prompt is "First Time".
Matched by xartificialsweetnerx & DemonzDust Valentine’s Day is around the corner and Scott is in charge of his animal shelter’s holiday-themed adoption event. Little does Scott know that his perpetually single existence is preventing his best friend from finally tying the knot with his own match. And as for Theo? Well, he is just plain unable to admit he needs a match of his own.
What Should Have Been Ours II by DemonzDust After being kidnapped and tortured by Mr. Douglas, Theo has learned the truth about why the Dread Doctors chose him as a child. He now knows that Scott was supposed to be his soulmate, and that the Dread Doctors intentionally corrupted him to keep them apart. Now Scott saved him from Douglas's clutches, but the True Alpha has no idea what Theo learned and Theo plans on keeping it that way.
I shouldn't have ask. by Elit3 This is the third part of my series. This will explore Theo's childhood and his encounter with the dread doctors. There will also be Stiles' feelings about the chimera. Will the elders of the group finally accept Theo in the pack?
These violent delights by Prospero_Caliban After Theo has a very normal surgery Scott wants to start a relationship with him. Theo wants to make things right even if that means saying no. Making decisions is hard now that he thinks about others. give me your heart cuz i ain't gonna break it by CerinityKS “She said it was a gift,” he continued.Deaton glanced up in surprise. “A gift? Now that is interesting.”“Why? What is this stuff?” Liam asked.“A double-edged sword,” Deaton explained, then continued at their confused and, in Scott’s case, frustrated, expressions. “A gift is one way to describe it. This substance,” he swiped a finger through the powder coating Theo’s neck in demonstration, “is a type of hallucinogenic,” he explained.“So Theo is hallucinating right now?” Malia asked as she wrinkled her nose, clearly not seeing what was so bad about that.“In a sense,” Deaton agreed. “But it’s a very specific type of hallucination. See this substance is used to give the victim a glimpse of their soulmate.”(or theo gets whammied, scott freaks out, get jealous, and somehow the only two who don't see whats happening are theo and scott.) Dear Scott by DemonzDust SummaryIn a dusty shoebox tucked into the back corner of Scott’s closet there’s a box of letters from his secret grade school crush.
Damn be the body temperature. by Prospero_Caliban SummarySince his body temperature is lower than others Theo has to think about sharing this problem with Scott. New Wolf in the Old Guard by liliaeth SummaryAfter Scott is killed by hunters, he somehow manages to recover from what should be unsurvivable, even for an alpha. The worst part though, are the dreams, as he keeps dreaming of a woman locked in a coffin burried in the ocean. Termination Shock by Escalus Termination Shock: The point in space where the solar wind -- the pressure generated by the sun -- is finally overwhelmed by the strength of the interstellar medium. Often used to mark the end of our solar system.In other words, it is the point where everything you've ever known -- everything you could have possibly known -- has ended, and every step you take after that is into some vast new darkness, where the only source of light and comfort is that which you bring with you.Scott McCall, permanently blinded by his fight with the Anuk-Ite and ravaged by indescribable tragedy, embarks on a quest to stop Monroe from ruining any more lives. He won't risk anyone else he cares about on this dangerous mission, but he can't go alone. Who cares about Theo Raeken anyway?
FICS (Explicit)
Alpha Needs by DemonzDust As Scott turns into the six month anniversary of his eighteenth birthday his body begins to undergo a new transformation that threatens to drive him mad. After advice from Derek, he seeks release in the form of a chimera that’s been trying to worm his way back into the pack since summer started.
Where There’s a Waiter, There’s a Way by ColetheWolf Scott McCall and Derek Hale are celebrating their first year anniversary at a fancy restaurant, but Scott finds himself venturing into the realm of infidelity for the first time with the hot waiter, Theo Raeken. now all i want is your body close to mine by CerinityKS Theo had no idea how the fuck he’d gotten himself into this situation.This situation being Scott mouthing at his neck, the hot press of his body behind him as his hands worked their way under his shirt. Theo whined, heat racing through him as he pressed back against Scott, erection straining against his jeans.He could hear yelling in the other room, raised voices and the scent of anger attempting to penetrate through the haze of lust and want clouding his head. Scott, sensing his attention drifting, bit down sharply on the crook of his neck. Theo gasped and shuddered, going limp in Scott’s arms and trusting the alpha to keep him upright. Scott rewarded him with an apologetic lick at the angry wound as one of his hands dipped beneath the band of his jeans.(or the boys get whammied by sex pollen and uh, help each other out - including theo typical angst and a scott more in tune with his emotions than theo expected, but he's not complaining.)
There's Only One Van by TamerOfPickles Scott, Theo, Stiles, and Liam are on their first tour as an up and coming band. Their gigs don't pay much yet, so they save money sleeping in the back of their van while one of them drives to the next location. Being cooped up in a small space causes things to get a little more intimate than they expected.
Finding Something to Do by TamerOfPickles While searching the Dread Doctors' complex, Scott and Theo accidentally get trapped together in a bunker with a twenty-four hour lock.
The Trouble with Portals by VolsungartheMighty Stuck in quarantine, unable to visit each other, Theo and Scott are desperate for sex. Weeks locked away with only their hands for company, Theo manages to find something that might ease the tension.
i'm not tryna be your part time lover by CerinityKS “Whatever McCall,” Theo sneered, “suck my dick.”Not the best comeback but at this point Theo just wanted this confrontation to be over so he could head over to the gym and pound his frustration out on a punching bag. He didn’t expect Scott to stop, give him a considering look, then close the distance between them in a blink and drop to his knees. Theo stumbled back into the row of lockers behind him, eyes wide and ready to ask him what the hell he thought he was doing when Scott reached out, grabbed the band of Theo’s shorts and underwear, pull them down in one quick move, and then dart forward to take Theo’s into his mouth.(or theo and scott are dumb high school jocks who start blowing each other after school - featuring pining, dumb boys being dumb, jealousy, and their captive audience the rest of the beacon hills high students) See Me After Class by TheorianDG SummaryIt's not that Scott is surprised, there were always certain types that flocked to dating apps and truth be told he hadn't expected much. The first few he'd ignored but then came Theo, who on top of being genuinely interesting just so happened to be a student at the university. Christ, why did he let Stiles talk him into this?
It's a Long Way Home (When You're On Your Own) by clotpolesonly “I didn’t, like, come looking for you,” Scott finally managed. “I just caught your scent over at the…”At the gas station. Around behind the gas station, where all the most questionable smells were concentrated. The ones Scott had opted not to examine too closely. He still wasn’t sure that he wanted to.Instead, he blurted out, “Are you living in your car?”Theo’s pink cheeks grew pinker. His sharp eyes narrowed dangerously. “No, Scott, I’m putting myself up at the Hilton with the fortune I have in the bank.”It was Scott’s turn to flush.
Mistaken at first sight by Notsalony One time doesn’t mean anything, two times, usually means something, but three times, that clearly means something right? At least that’s how the pack feels. One Size fits my Boyfriend by Notsalony Scott and Theo are dating and they’re roughly the same size. So why shouldn’t they share clothes? Theo can’t think of one good reason either… even if it ends up with him naked a lot of the time.
Tyler Posey & Cody Christian on Wolf Watch by @sceosource
I’d Give You My Sunshine Promo by @tiniestawoo
Sceo  Stydia Edit by @demonzdust
Theo staring at his salvation by @sceoedits​
Alpha Needs Promo by @demonzdust
Sceo Commission for What Should Have Been Ours by @akimao
peace.  // folklore by @tiniestawoo
First Time by @sceosource
Scott Protecting Theo, Teen Wolf 6x07 by @sceoedits
totally correct sceo texts by @demonzdust
Matched Promo by @demonzdust
Theo ‘Heart Eyes’ Raeken looking at Scott by @tiniestawoo
softer world by @tiniestawoo
Scott & Theo, Teen Wolf 5x09 (Ouroboros) by @sceoedits
Scott x Theo by @prrtnrr commissioned/posted by @demonzdust
What Should Have Been Ours II Promo by @demonzdust
Tyler Posey and Cody Christian Flirting at Comic-Con by @sceosource
When you’re thinking about your crush in class by @sceoedits
I’d Give You My Sunshine CH2 Promo by @tiniestawoo
Dear Scott Promo by @demonzdust
Lovestruck Theo by @sceoedits​
Sugar, we’re going down swinging by @tiniestawoo
Sun and Moon by @testostones​ commissioned by @princeescaluswords
I’d Give You My Sunshine CH3 Promo by @tiniestawoo​
IT’S A LONG WAY HOME Promo by @tiniestawoo posted by @clotpolesonly
A Hogwarts AU by @tabbytabbytabby
Saturday Night (Music Video) by @nyxelestia​
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Nineteen: Been There Before ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
He’s still figuring out this whole...Rinnegan thing.
One moment he’s with Naruto on an S-rank mission - something he never thought he’d have to do after having reformed the police force. The roles of shinobi have been changing since the end of the war, but...well, there’s little ignoring the power he wields, and just how necessary it can be.
The next, attempting to use space-time to flicker from a blow, addled by a heavy wound...Sasuke finds he’s no longer at the battlefield.
In fact...the sudden change leaves him so confused, he just sort of...stands there for a moment, clutching the wound in his side and looking over his surroundings. This...isn’t where he was just fighting alongside Naruto. In fact, he doesn’t even hear any sounds of conflict anymore.
And after a moment to really think...he realizes...he’s been here before.
He’s in Shi no Mori...the forty-fourth training ground where he and the rest of team seven took their second chūnin exam…!
What on earth…?
Spreading his senses, he does indeed feel the life forces of all the deadly beasts that roam the grounds. But alongside them, he finds human chakra signatures.
And...wait...is that…?
Brow furrowing, a hypothesis begins to form...but he’ll gather more evidence first.
Following one particularly-familiar aura, Sasuke keeps hidden in a cluster of undergrowth, one hand on his sword hilt.
...it is him.
But this isn’t the Godaime Kazekage Gaara. This is genin Gaara, flanked by his siblings and facing a squad of Ame shinobi.
...he’s in the past…
Apparently he needs to work on controlling his space-time ninjutsu. He didn’t just dodge that attack...he dodged several years. And in reverse! Well...all he has to do is hop forward and find the right time, and -
...wait a minute.
A spike of chakra flares to his left, and Sasuke gives it a wide-eyed look. Beyond the bushes, Gaara crushes his enemies, and even his siblings’ signatures reveal their revulsion.
But this chakra...he knows this chakra.
There’s a moment of tension before the Suna team takes their leave. For a moment, Sasuke watches them go. He’d almost forgotten how ruthless Gaara was back then. Funny how much people can change…
But now to the other matter.
“T-that was close…!”
“I...I-I never thought someone would...would…!”
“It’s quite unsettling, but...also the reality of being a shinobi. Part of these exams is to test if we truly are ready for such realities.”
“But still...Shino-kun...weren’t you even a l-little bit scared?”
“...I was. But we’ll be fine, Hinata. We’d best get going. The sooner we reach the end of this exam, the sooner we’ll be safe.”
“But we don’t know what the last exam will be!”
“Kiba, keep your voice down. Do you want those three to come back?”
“N-no way!”
“...come on.”
There’s a rustle, and the four signatures - one canine - begin to fade.
...he really needs to get back...and yet…
He never had the chance to know her back then. He’d been so consumed by his goals, such a quiet person had largely escaped his notice. But here she is...so small, so...different. The Hinata he knows now is still quiet...but far more confident. More tested.
Maybe he’ll just...stick around a little longer. He doesn’t have any memories of his wife from this era. Perhaps he’ll just borrow a few. But he can’t be seen...he can’t know what kind of paradoxes his presence might bring if he’s noticed. So, he’ll lay low.
Besides, he’s technically still wounded...he needs to find a place to patch up, and rest to regather his chakra enough for a jump back. So, in the meantime...he’ll just -
...what day is it? Maybe if it’s early enough...maybe if he’s jumped far enough back...he could find Orochimaru, and just -!
No...no, he can’t interfere. He’s made his choices - changing them now may very well make his current existence obsolete. Time is a finicky thing...he can’t afford to go tinkering with it. But oh...the things he could tell his younger self. The heartache he could spare that poor lonely boy…
Sasuke’s head bows, having to physically fight the temptation. It wouldn’t just be himself he could save...how many were hurt, and killed, by the viper and their schemes? The third exam brings the coup with Suna, the attack against Konoha…
...and yet…
He heaves a curt sigh. There’s no time to even consider it. The past should remain the past. For now...he has other priorities.
Finding an alcove, he lifts the torn material of his shirt to bare the injured skin of his side with a hiss. It’s not too deep...but he can’t let it get infected.
Good thing he always comes prepared.
From his leg pack he draws a small canister: a poultice Hinata made for him only a few days ago. Careful fingers reach in and retrieve a smear, carefully painting it over the wound before applying gauze and winding it in place. Well...it’s hardly the patch job he’d like, but that can wait until he gets home.
For now, he needs to rest and let his chakra pool rejuvenate.
Nearby, he catches several fish, skewering them and cooking them over a katon-started campfire. The same strategy he and his team used...and may very well be using now. Some food will go a long way in rebuilding his energy.
Once that’s done, he covers his tracks and starts to move, following his senses to another campsite.
He’s never really paid Hinata’s teammates much mind. Kiba’s just another loudmouth, too reminiscent of Naruto to really invite the Uchiha’s company. And Shino is just...well, Sasuke respects him well enough. But he’s too similar in the sense that both can stand in complete silence and not say a word. Needless to say, any meeting between them has been rather useless in actually getting to know one another.
Perching far up in a tree above them, he cloaks his chakra and just...watches for a bit. At least he’s technically resting
“Are you sure about those mushrooms, Kiba-kun…?”
“Yeah! My mom cooks ‘em all the time. Trust me!”
“Many fungi that are edible also have near-duplicates that are deadly, or at least toxic,” Shino rebukes, adjusting his glasses. “We must be absolutely certain…”
“Gah, you guys are a bunch’a worry warts! I’m tellin’ ya, they’re fine!”
“Maybe we should, um...find something else to eat...j-just in case…”
“Don’t tell me you’re doubtin’ me too?”
“I just...d-don’t want us to get sick, Kiba-kun. There’s already enough to worry about in here...right?”
Sasuke quietly scoffs to himself. Leave it to Kiba to be so stubborn. Hinata and Shino are right...it’s a stupid thing to take a risk on in a place already so determined to kill you.
“Well we gotta eat something...if you guys don’t like my idea, come up with one yourself!”
“Fauna would probably be safer than flora...at least with more animals, they have ways to warn you if they’re v-venomous.”
“That’s true. Kiba, you’re able to make traps, right? We’d best try that.”
“Yeah, yeah...does that mean we’re makin’ camp here? Cuz we’ll have to wait for something to get caught. And no use in trying to circle back - I bet we’d never find our way in this place…”
“I suppose we can. And we’ll need to take shifts sleeping - someone should be awake at all times to keep watch.”
As the team figure out dynamics, Sasuke dozes, feeling his energy levels slowly rise. Another few hours, and he’ll have the chakra to leap back to the present. Well...his present. It’s a bit of a relative thing, after all.
They catch a few small animals to skin and cook, talking quietly as the day fades. Hinata offers to take first watch, with Kiba next, and then Shino.
“Be sure to use your Byakugan when you can. We can’t know what direction a threat might come from.”
“R-right! Don’t worry, I’m ready.”
...oh crap. Wait -!
He can sense her flare in chakra, and Sasuke knows: there’s no hiding from her kekkei genkai. And he has no idea what her range is at this age - only that his Hinata can see ten kilometers in one direction. He needs to shunshin, and fast…!
“...huh…?” Turning, Hinata looks up the tree they’ve made camp under, narrowing her focus. That’s funny...she could have sworn she saw someone, but...there’s no one there now…
“Everything okay?”
“...yeah. I just thought I saw…”
“...never mind.”
Stumbling a few steps, Sasuke takes a moment to regain his sense of balance. Jumping that far really does a number on his equilibrium...and...whoa.
...looks like he missed one hell of a fight.
Craters dot the landscape, which is bathed in twilight. He’d recognize the impacts of Rasengans anywhere.
Speaking of which...where is -?
Grunting, Sasuke bows under the weight of Naruto tackling him from behind. “Get...off...me…!”
“Where the HELL have you been?!” the blond screeches, shaking him like a ragdoll. “I been lookin’ for hours, ‘ttebayo! I thought you were dead somewhere!”
“No...just took an unexpected detour.”
“Guess I still need some practice with the Rinnegan...went to jump from an attack, and ended up miles away...and in the past.”
“Look, I’ll...explain on the way. I’ve got a wound that needs tending, and we need to report back. I take it you resolved things…?”
“Of course I did! Told Kakashi-sensei I wouldn’t need ya...but I didn’t think you’d up and bail on me!”
“I didn’t bail! I told you, the Rinnegan -!”
“Yeah, yeah...excuses, excuses.”
“You want to hear the story, or not?”
“...okay, yeah, I do. Let’s get going.”
“So, I think you saw that blow that threw me up in the air a few hundred feet? So on the way back down, I…” Footsteps carry them from the battlefield, Sasuke recounting his little misadventure.
But he really can’t wait to tell Hinata who he saw.
     Well, it had to happen eventually: some time travel shenanigans, woo! In reality I'd like this topic to be one I'd write, well...MORE with, but dailies have to be kept a reasonable length, so...maybe I'll do a proper oneshot or a short series on it someday after the year is over. We'll have to see! Because Sasuke ending up meeting a past Hinata is a really cute idea. Buuut for now, this is all I have the time and energy for ;w;      So on that note, I better call it a night! Thanks for reading~
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blackbutterfly101 · 5 years
Cloak and Dagger
Chapter 1
A/N: So all I can say is that I actually wanted to write an avengers AU after seeing @clearwillow s art of inukag as tony and pepper but all of a sudden it just kinda turned into this. But there are gonna be several scenes inspired by scenes from the MCU movies (cuz I love Marvel).
And as for Inuyasha and Kagome I was kinda going for Kagome as a mash between black widow and Hawkeye, cuz let’s be honest who doesn’t love badass Kagome. In this story Inuyashas tessaiga is a short tanto instead of the katana shown in the series as it doesn’t make sense for a spy to be carrying around a long ass sword while trying to stay hidden.
Alright enough with my blabbering. On with the story!
Loud footsteps echoed throughout the room as three men made their way down the stone corridor past several cells filled with terrified shivering young girls. Sitting in one of those dark and damp cells a raven haired woman looked up as the men stopped in front of the cell she was held in.
"Well, it seems that Nuada wasn't lying when he said he had caught quite the prize for me." The black man in the middle,Nicolau, said as he stepped forward, signalling the other two to unlock the cell. The loud screeching of the key turning in the lock the only sound for a moment before the rusty metal door swung open. The girl pulled at her hands again, which were bound behind her back, holding in a wince of pain as the rope rubbed against the already sore skin of her slim wrists. One of the guards moved towards her, grabbed her upper left arm and pulled her on to unsteady feet.
"Who are you? Where am I? And what do you want with me?" The girl questioned as she regained her balance, struggling against the hold of her captors. She looked terrified, her blue eyes wide, her jaw clenched as she slowly backed away as much as she could without the men noticing.
Nicolau, smiled as he noticed her behaviour. The fear in her eyes exciting him even more, like gasoline poured on already burning embers. It was important that all the women he took in were beautiful, that was the only way he could make good money after all, but a belle such as the one standing before him were so rare that he decided to keep them for himself. After all what was the point of leading a business of this sorts if he couldn't use it to satisfy his own needs.
Looking the girl up and down one more time Nicolau nodded towards the guards before he turned on his heel and moved down the hallway once more as the guards dragged the struggling captive with them, following closely behind him.
They made their way up a several flights of stairs and down more hallways, the stone floors now tiled and lined with lush red carpets. The girl took in as much of her surroundings as she could before she was stopped abruptly. She looked up to see a set of mahogany double doors with guards standing on each side who then moved to push open the doors.
She watched as Nicolau walked into the dark room before disappearing entirely in the shadows. She felt a sharp tug on her arm before she abruptly slammed into the carpeted floor inside the room. The heavy doors slammed shut just as a single light turned on and illuminated the center of the chamber. As her eyes adjusted to the sudden onslaught of brightness, the girl noticed that there were no windows and no furniture besides a large wooden bed in the center of the room which Nicolau was now seated on the edge of.
Shakily pushing herself up onto her feet with as much composure she could muster in her situation she glared at the man. "What are you going to do to me?" she asked.
"Now now, why don't we relax first. Take a seat why don't you?" He grinned. "I promise it will be a lot more fun once you are calm.”
"The other girls were injected with something before being locked in the cells but I wasn't. Why?'
"Very attentive. You see I plan on enjoying you all for myself and it just isn't fun when they are all drugged up. I like my women to be more.... attentive" He claimed, the grin on his face never fading.
A shiver ran down her spine. Men like these lived off the terror of their victims, relished in it as a matter of fact, she had learned in the self defense classes her father made her take when she was a teenager. God what she wouldn't do to go back to those days, being young and carefree. Before everything went to hell.
Snapping back to reality she tried not to step back. The man smile grew impossibly more wider as he stood up and strutted towards his next victim, still blissfully unaware of what was to come.
Standing directly in front of her he roughly grabbed her chin and tilted her head up. "Any other questions before we begin?"
"No questions, although I do have something to say."
The man raised his eyebrow.
All of a sudden it seemed as though a different person was standing in front of him. Her spine straightened, all traces of fear vanished from her.
"You should have run when you had the chance." She said with a grin.
Brows furrowed in confusion Nicolau looked down to see the tip of a blade protruding from his chest. Black eyes turned red, his lightly bearded face stretching and darkening, transforming his entire body to that of a monster. As suddenly as the change happened he vanished, turning into a pile of ash at her feet.
"Whats the status Hunter?" She asked the hooded figure clad in black as he approached from the shadows. He picked up his blade from where it clattered to the ground using it to free her bound hands and handed her a quiver of arrows, a large metal bow and a couple of throwing daggers and watched as she strapped them into several hidden holsters under her jacket before replying.
"Party should be starting in t minus 30 seconds." The hood fell back as he spoke revealing a half demon with amber eyes, short and choppy silver hair and white furry dog ears.
Hunter stepped forward holding up his Tanto, Tessaiga, as he got into position. "Try to keep up Deadeye." He grinned.
The double door crashed open as a crowd of demons swarmed through and the two became a blur as they moved, cutting down monster after monster in quick smooth motions.
The girl, Deadeye, paused for a second to pull a few strands of dark hair that fell forward behind her ear revealing a black earpiece and tapped it twice.
"Alright," A female voice came from the earpiece she wore as well a matching one Hunter wore. "there are two exits both on the ground floor each on opposite sides of the building. You're gonna have to split up to make it easier to get out.”
"On it." Hunter replied, taking down the last demon with perfectly aimed throwing knife. They exited the room and seperated down each hallway.
Deadeye ran, not stopping even as she came across a group of five large demons blocking her path. Pulling out her bow she let arrow after arrow fly, decapacitating all five in a matter of seconds and continued on.
Mere minutes and several dead demons later she burst through the exit doors and rushed forward to the black jeep waiting outside. Hunter was already there getting into the driver seat and buckling up.
"Took you long enough." He said as she got into the passenger side and slammed the door shut. "Pretty sure I took down more than you."
"Good job puppy. I'll buy you some treats when we get home." She smiled sweetly at him as his ever present smirk turned into a frown.
"Inuyasha." She held back her mirth. "Just step on it before backup arrives."
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Movies I have seen so far in 2018
A few of these arent new movies, just ones ive watched for the first time in 2018. I felt like doing this cuz I really love watching movies and felt that it might be a good version of those "good things" jars, but instead it's movies I saw. Some reviews are short, mostly cuz I didnt really have much in the way of opinions, but I did have something to say.
Just incase you havent seen them. I have tried to keep them spoiler free, but if you dont want even vague non spoiler spoilers, the list of movies is as follows; 
The Grand Budapest; The greatest showman; Jumanji: out of the jungle, King Arthur: legend of the sword, The Black Panther, Shape of water, Thor Ragnarok, the Emoji Movie, the Good Dinosaur, Jurassic world, Incredibles 2, Hotel Transylvania 3, Ant-man, A Wrinkle in Time, Lara croft: tomb raider, Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2, Spider-man homecoming, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Avengers age of ultron (semi live blogged), Captain America civil war, Avengers Infinty War, Deadpool 2016, King Arthur the one with kiera knightly, Deadpool 2, The Nutcracker, four realms, Venom, Love, Simon, Ready player one, Aquaman, Solo, a star wars story, Ghost stories (2018), Wreck it Ralph, Ralph breaks the internet, Goosebumps 2, Hidden figures, The meg, Pacific Rim, Pacific rim uprising, Wrath of the Titans, Mission impossible: fallout,Oceans 8, The Breadwinner, Mune, Operation Finale, The House With A Clock In Its Walls, Bad times at the El Royale, Outlaw king, Gnome alone, Journey to the center of the earth, Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy, Vvitch, Ex machina, To all the boys ive loved before, Extraordinary Tales, The Golden Compass, Erramentari, the blacksmith and the devil, Dragon heart, The black klansman, Robin Hood 2018, The Princess of Thieves, First Man, Bohemian Rhapsody, What we do in the Shadows, Overlord, For the Love of Spock, Next Gen, Small Foot, The Spy who Dumped Me, The Nun, Kin, Crazy Rich Asians, Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse, A simple favor, Predator 2018, Rampage, 47 meters down, 2036 Origin Unknown, 2001 A Space Oddessey, The Martian
The grand Budapest hotel - good, great visuals. I enjoyed it.
The greatest showman - wonderful music, actual circus parts were good, the rest was boring. Its really short, and I felt it focused to much on the drama in pt barnums life, too much focus on a silly fuax love triangle, not enough on the acts themselves. I went in hoping to see the acts interact and actually be presented as the forefront. The beginning showed this magnificent scene with the acts, with this wonderful musical number that made me tear up. But then, it was just about Barnum and his kids being boring most of the time. The songs and musical scenes though? Absolutely wonderful, magnificent, stunning, and entertaining. Zendayas and Zac efrons characters duets? Beautiful, I loved the song and choreography. I just feel like the emphasis should have been on the circus itself. Hugh jackman. Needs. To. Do. More. Musicals.
Jumanji: out of the jungle - hilarious omg I laughed my ass off!
King Arthur: legend of the sword: wtf was this movie bro? I mean. I have a new song in my cars playlist, but wtf.
The Black Panther - IT WAS SO COOL! I loved the visuals and the storyline. Shuri is my favorite genius and I can’t wait for more Black Panther
Shape of water: absolutely beautiful omg
Thor Ragnarok: you mean that was the actual movie, that tumblr wasn’t just fuckin with me, like, those were real ass scenes that were filmed?
the Emoji Movie: bad, forgettable, literally did not remember watching it till a friend asked me.
the Good Dinosaur: literally a children's movie, idek why I watched it tbh
Jurassic world: THE HUBRIS OF MAN! THE INDO RAPTOR! BLUE! They made... An indoraptor. Not just any raptor, oh no, that's not enough for the hubris of man, its an indoraptor. What's an indoraptor you may ask? Well it's when you mix a raptor, with the indominous rex DNA. But Cotie, didn't the indominous rex already have raptor DNA? Wasnt that the whole thing that it was a t-rex with raptor DNA? Yes, yes it was. But this one is different, it's smaller, it's smarter, it made to obey commands like a war machine, it's the I N D O R A P T O R! So it's just a super powered velociraptor? Yes, yes it is. So what makes it special? THE HUBRIS BEHIND IT!
Incredibles 2: awesome! I loved it! Those flashing scenes really were no joke though. I don't have epilepsy, but damn those scenes were hard to look at. But I absolutely love the fact that edna babysat jack jack for a night, and gave him a super babysuit. I hope we get to see more of the other superheroes helping out the incredibles!
Hotel Transylvania 3: it was a good movie. Its the only Adam Sandler movie series I can stand, but it was a decent movie. I like the introduction of the van helsing family, and the whole premise. Plus I love the message that its possible to fall in love again.
Ant-man: "in like the Flynn" niiiiiiiiice Tangled ref! "ANT-THONY!!!!" Ok that was a fun and hilarious movie. I fucking love the three wombats, especially Luis omg. Also I love Scott lang relationship with his daughter and that he was the driving force behind his motivation. Also not gonna lie, I kinda watched this one so I could go see Ant-man and the Wasp, but I liked this one too.
A Wrinkle in Time: FUCK ITUNES NOT WANTING TO WORK DURING THIS MOVIE! ok but Chris Pine as a Dad? Awesome. "Happy anniversary, if only you'd dissapear too" wow, these high school preps are viscous. Also I love the little kid calling out grown ups for being pieces of shits. Also this movie was adorable and heart felt and I loved the mix of fantasy and science that made it a science fantasy movie omg.
Lara croft: tomb raider: ok but the girl who kicked Lara crofts butt in the beginning has me gay as Fuck man. "OPEN IT! OPEN IT! OPEN IT!" OK calm down Nicolas cage.
Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2: omg that was indeed another real marvel movie I had just seen. I can't believe the stooges are a space family that just, does stupid things. I love them all. 
We gonna start some parralels; a wrinkle in time - a movie about two siblings trying to find their dad who has been lost for 4 years. They get him back through the power of love; Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - a daughter finds some adverturing stuff to lead her to her father who had been missing for 7 years. Tries to get him back by killing men. Doesn't, and then kills more men; Gaurdians of the Galaxy volume 2: a boy finds his father after 34 years, but turns out he is a huge fucking jerk, also finds that Mary poppins was his dad after all, but then both Mary poppins and jerk dad died, with varying degrees of mourning from Boy.
Spider-man homecoming: omg so many second hand embarrassment scenes but it was so good! I laughed my ass off at the ending omg tony no. But also, that awkward moment when ur dates dad threatens your life and he actually meant it...
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Dude. Duuuuuuude that end credit scene. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude. That movie was just as hilarious as the first ant-man movie omg! It was fun and incredibal and I'm so happy the 3 combats were there. I was losing my shit over the baba yaga stuff!
Avengers age of ultron (semi live blogged): god, I'm 9 minutes in and I hate this movie... 13 minutes in an ur telling me this could've been avoided if marvel hadnt turned two Romani (from what I remember of mutant canon) characters into, not only human expirements instead of mutants, but voluntary hydra agents. -sighhhh-... 20 minutes in and why, why Tony, just... Tell the team, why do we gotta have lazy 'i dont wanna communicate' writing bullshit...Jarrrrrviiiiissssss my boy T.T... Did they really just try to make dissimising female characters and using their achievements as a sort of 'my horse is bigger than yours' as quality character writing? God this Bruce/Nat romance is so forced... Oh no, Ultron fucking appeared, why does he sound like a bad Tony stark impression? Ultron is fucking annoying... Fuck man, the plot with the twins have arrived, and I hate it... -mentions Wakanda- thanks for reminding of a better movie I could be watching... God, the acting is either way too dry, or way too ham... Wow... Clint is... The most mature person in the movie... Wow, the scene where Nat reveals she is infertile, is worse than I thought it would be, and I knew it would be awful... Hour and a half in, still bad... Though ultron is now acting like a c h i l d... Oh no, now we creating Ultron 2.0 this time its Jarvis... Please discuss it with the team, pleeeease... Annnnnnnd U didn't... Fuck... I'm so tired, 1 hour and 31 minutes and the team is fighting... Thor coming in for the jarvis Saaaave! Yassss vision with the worthy of the hammer! Okay the battle scene with ultron was pretty cool. Still dont like the movie over all.
Captain America civil war: not as much fighting as advertised. Too much 'we arent going to sit down and communicate' trope. Honestly I was too bored and tired to really actually pay attention to closely... All I got from it is the russos need to learn what a get along shirt is and be better film makers.
Avengers Infinty War: wtf, what the fuck, was that. That was some fuck right there. You are telling me thanos was really able to get the soul stone like That? And the mind stone like That? And all that other bull shit? Y'all Russo better be ready to have thanos ass kick in the next avengers movie. But damn that was some shit that happened.
Deadpool 2016: I loved every bit of the movie omg, it was everything I hoped for out of a deadpool movie.
King Arthur the one with kiera knightly: That uh, sure was a King Arthur movie? Way less weird than King Arthur Legend of the sword. Merlin didnt cast magic, and arthur was a Roman, but guinevere is a kick ass archer, soooo acceptable...
Deadpool 2: THAT WAS FUCKIN HILARIOUS I LOVE DEADPOOL SO MUCH! god I love this movie, I would die for dominoe.
The Nutcracker, four realms: such a cute af movie omggggggggggggg. I loved Captain Phillip the nutcracker soldier and the gold highlight they put on his lips 💓
Venom: listen. I did no t see this film for quality. I saw it for the symbi ote ok. Ok. I lov it. But blease for the love of god.... Y.... Did...... The......... Symbiote........ Take the shape of a sexy comic book lady..... When........ The same sexyness could have been achieved by letting the symbiote be big beefy orc like lady....
Love, Simon: I'm not one for these films... I dont like these films... They are teary eyed wholesome cake frosting that make my cold gay heart sick... That being said... I relate, I relate so much... Also... If I was in simons shoes and the blackmailing weasle Martin outed me? They would still be scraping him off the pavement... That is all.
Ready player one: it wasn’t as bad as some of the things i heard about it on tumblr, but its not one I will watch again.
Aquaman: "show off, heh, I could've just pee'd on it" is the exact quality line I want out of my films. Also that was soooooooo awesome! I loved it! More Aquaman!
Solo, a star wars story: Not bad, but not great, it kept on plot really well, not memorable but I won’t knock it. I still say the actor playing Han Solo looks photoshopped and not real.
Ghost stories (2018): awful... It was slow and boring, and I didnt like it... I rented it through itunes and it glitched part of the way through and I stopped being able to see the picture. Even after I got it working again I still didnt like it... Though I did like the message of "dont be a bystander", but the whole this was boriiiiiinnnnnnnggggggggggg.
Wreck it Ralph: okay, technically I caught the beginning like 4 or 5 years ago, but I finally actually watched it and it wasnt bad. Will go see the sequel.
Ralph breaks the internet: WAYYYYYY better than the emoji movie, also, I really loved the princesses scene, the bright colors, and following Venelope through the internet... Also.... Ralph........ WTF..................... Also............................. that Stan Lee cameo.................................... Heartbreaking............
Goosebumps 2: Mr. Chu and his Halloween obsession is me... Stones appearence had me dying omg... Also where tf r ppl getting these awesome super cool Halloween stuffs!
Hidden figures: IM NOT CRYING UR CRYING! omg such a great movie i fucking loved it. Couldnt understand a WORD of math that went on, but damn girls, calculate that shit.
The meg: listen... Listen... The trailer looked stupid... And ridiculous... I just... Wanted to know how bad... And it was bad... But it was incredibally enjoyable omg... I loved it... In all seriousness, it was actually a pretty beautiful movie when it came to marine life and the wonder behind it, and it was anti shark culling for fins, and it was very clearly "not all sharks are bad, they do as they do, but megalodon is about to fuck our shit up."... It was also fucking hilarious... My favorite character was meiying, the little 8 year old in the movie... The love plot wasnt forced and they way they did it the two leads were not having it and had actual chemistry... Just... Also the dog... The dog does not die... Pippin lives... The wedding is not ruined... Also the shark ate a billionaire soooooooo... We good meg... We good...
Pacific Rim: yes I know, I took a long ass time to watch this movie... But Listen... Explody robots and monsters... Hannibal chau... Look... I just... Sometimes take a long time to watch movies... You wanna know how long it took me to watch Merlin BBC? I watched every episode as it came out and then put off the last episode for 5 years... Listen...
Pacific rim uprising: ok I watched the first one so I could watch the one with my boi John Boyega in it.
Wrath of the Titans: wtf kind of movie... Like really what the f... Since when is zues ever responsible and wise.
Mission impossible, fallout: I liked it. It's an action movie. Saw it for my birthday, kinda interested in the other mission impossible movies now. I appreciate the advance tech and the obviously stupid impossible shit.
Oceans 8: Listen, i have never been interested in the Oceans franchise, i dont want to see crusty men steal things, but lads, im gay. Extremely gay, just, shamelessly gay.
The Breadwinner: holy shit that was a good movie.
Secret of the Kells: eh, it was a good movie. Not my favorite, but it was good. I mostly just like the animation.
Mune: Guardian of the Moon: dat was a cute movie, and also i loved Munes Design, he is a little fawn
Operation Finale: Wow, that was an amazing film, absolutely superb. Not at all like the trailers. Seriously, what is it and trailers where everything has to either be an high stakes action movie or a romantic comedy? but this film, spectacular.
The House With A Clock In Its Walls: A Neat little movie. Corny, but i liked it. like, its a kids movie in the same way A Wrinkle In Time is, but this one was little less disney-fied in the way that they needed to have this overarching lesson of empowerment, and more “this is a kids movie to enjoy, like Halloweentown”
Bad times at the El Royale: neat movie, somewhat engaging, kept losing focus at the slow parts... Liked the Chapter title cards... Can't remember who that "important person" was supposed to be.... I think I may have missed it...
Outlaw king: I liked it! Way better than Braveheart! Also.... Cpine was not that naked.... Butt....
Gnome alone: weird, didn't like it, like a bad combo of Mean Girls and Coraline?
Journey to the center of the earth: I said old movies were gonna be on this list now didnt I? Also this movie was awesome and I wish the book was real too.
Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy: Nice!!! I had been meaning to read the book before I watched the movie, but I've packed my book away soooo, MOVIE. Also out of all thw sci fi movies that have destroyed planets, this is by far the only good one.
Vvitch: it was okay... By the middle I was kinda wishing it would go faster. But it was okay.
Ex machina: I'm not done with the movie yet but it's so fucking creepy holy shit... Also "its kinda non-autistic" in relation to "aware of her own mind and mine"???? Wtffffffff.uggggghhhhhhhhhh ewwwweeweeewewweeeewwwwwww the talk about giving the robot a sexuality is so grooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss he gave her a working vag and hearing him talk about fucking the robot was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Mmmmmmmm no, did not like.
To all the boys ive loved before: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Also that sibling relationship was..... Relatable.
Extraordinary Tales: tales based on Edgar Allen Poe and holy sweet Jesus I loved it, it has multiple different art styles per story and I loved them soooooo much!
The Golden Compass: okay but how could you end on that cliffhanger and not at least put out another movie????
Erramentari, the blacksmith and the devil: based on Basque folklore which I know nothing of, but it looked neat. It's also originally in basque but netflix has the English dub over. AND HOLY SWEET JESUS I KNOW THIS MOVIE IS SUPPOSED TO BE SCARY BUT THE VOICE OVERS ARE SO FUCKING FUNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Dragon heart: I didnt like it, there were better movies I could have seen, I'm not gonna reach for this one again...
The Black Klansman: Damn, I might very well be speechless. That was a Fantastic Movie, came at you like a bag of Bricks, and the ending when it went straight from a cross burning to the 2017 neo nazi rallies, to trumps “good people on both sides” speech, to everything that happened in 2017. The movie did NOT fuck around with anything. God Bless.
Robin Hood, 2018: Antifa film of the YEAR! Yeah Robin, Be a Class Traitor to the ruling class, Spread Wealth, Down with the 1%!
The Princess of Thieves: OMG Kiera Knightly as the daughter of robin and also a kick ass archer that causes trouble!!!! Loved it!
First Man: dude that movie was incredible, it read like you were seeing snapshots of his life, not completely invested, but as though you were a spirit looking at memories. I kinda liked it. I loved the silent scenes that filled the viewer with anxiety, like a realization of the gravity of what was happening. Omg. Good film A+
What we do in the Shadows: that was an enjoyable movie. I didn't quite like the reality show format but it was funny!
Overlord: That was a great movie! it had decently fast pacing, which is good that it was only an hour and forty-eight minutes long... They Plot-Ex-Machina’d alot of the movie, like the wounded soldier feeling fine for the main firefight, then remembering he was supposed to be wounded all of a sudden. I watched it with a friend who saw one character, turned to me and said “He’s cute, i hope he doesnt die” one (1) second before a landmine went off. Also, Ghouls created by science rather by supernatural means.
For the Love of Spock: -cries like a big baby-
Next Gen: screams of anti-tech ideals... Also.... Damn...... They are channeling the "addiction to iPhones" angle man, like, villianous angle...
Small Foot: Not bad, At least it was a Short movie, or at least it didnt feel like it was dragging on. The Songs were great though, I actually liked them and at least they were written for the movie and not like, a song that already existed...
The Spy who Dumped Me: I rented it through iTunes and it gave some Ukrainian nuts swangin in my face...
The Nun: it was okay, but let maurice theirult be a lesson; u see some creepy haunted shit, you grab a cross and you walk away. You dont go back to play hero, cuz then you get possessed.
Kin: there is a line in the movie that says "you got a decade of bad decisions under your belt" and I feel like that sums of this movies plot points...
Crazy Rich Asians: that was so gooooood! I don't normally go for romcoms, but ppl had been praising the film, and I actually liked it. I'm glad I saw the majong scene explain before I actually watched the scene, because it felt a shit ton more powerful.
Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse: AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! the animation was TOP NOTCH, like, omg!
A simple favor: I didnt like it... It tried to be both a thriller and what seemed like a parody of a thriller.
Predator, 2018: I kinda liked it, it was a mindless action movie, and the ending left it open for a badass sequal. I havent seen the other predator movies so I have no idea if this is in faith for the series, but im guessing yes.
The Martian: It was cool and chill, I liked it, also Mark Watney cussing out a government agency via a hundred thousand dollar communications outlet is.... Mood.
47 meters down: 2hrs of one woman having an absolute panic attack and being right to worry about sketchy diving boats.
2036 Origin Unknown: kinda what I feel like 2001 a space Oddessey wouldve been like if I had actually watched that movie... Oh shit the Borg!
2001 A Space Oddessey: Have I ever told y'all that I dont like Kubrick or his movies? His movies are the epitome of that pretentious art school boi style that just does too much and tries to pretend it's more than it is and sweet merciful god why is this one 2 and a half hours long! I'm 40 minutes in and I have a head ache from the over ise of classical music and boring slow pace of the movie. 2001 a space Oddessey is 2 and a half hours long and only has 1 hr of actual relevant film... The other 1 1/2 is just unending, weirdly colored space shots, two color inversion shots of planets and eyes, theremin and flute noises, and classical music set to nothingness
RAMPAGE: a 30ft alligator showed up about an hour and 10minutes into the movie and the first reaction was "well that sucks" and it killed me on sight. The movie is awesome! In am so glad I picked this as my last movie of 2018.
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scottstiles · 7 years
i was tagged by @clarz - thank you for this! rules: answer questions given by the person who tagged you, write 11 new questions of your own, tag 11 people. 
i’m gonna tag some people today cuz i worked hard on this and it took a long time...whoops. no pressure XD @wellsjahasghost @tylerstitties @runicscribbles @xproskeith @anomalagous @ginevraslovegood @quicklikelight​  @westhallen @lozenger8 @prudence-halliwell @malecbellarke
omg i’m sorry i just realized it’s really long. this is what happens when you take 2 days to answer a tag game. feel free to skip my answers and head to the new Qs if you want! or neither! love you <3
1. Do you find it frustrating that although you know how certain things “work” (for instance, how a love interest not calling you back automatically increases your interest), you can’t help but being drawn in? Can you give me an example? (For the record, this principle describes the entirety of my complicated one-sided relationship with one Harry Edward Styles.)
Yeeeeah i feel like most things in my life approach that level of frustration tbh. I have very little self control sometimes. I’m covered in a haze of addiction, and my impulse control/temper lives on a volatile little rickety branch in my brain where there’s always a lightning storm in the distance. Okay so what I mean is (and I’m not sure i really understand the question but I’m trying), I find it extremely frustrating that I am always aware of what the outcome will be and yet I constantly put myself in the position to be frustrated and/or disappointed by it. Did I get it? Like, if we’re talkin about celebrity obsessions, or having a crush on someone (which, yeah, I guess I kinda remember what that’s like irl), I suppose I’ve come to terms with that kind of distant admiration thing being divorced from reality- I mean, it’s been a life long struggle, so it doesn’t really get to me as much anymore. Usually. The “fangirl” in me is very, very young, and I don’t really know her anymore. If I’m talking about fighting my impulses or my mental health, or like, leaving earlier so I’m not late and then angry in traffic.... that’s a bit more frustrating. I will never leave early. Why? I don’t fucking know. And it’s the Worst. Idk if that fits with your question but yeah, I know how my behavior affects my mood and I could change it, but I don’t, and I can’t help it.
2. What is the longest book or series of books you’ve ever read? Were you at a loss when you finished? Do you generally like series or prefer stand-alone books?
The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind! I love it so much. Haven’t read it in a long time, but that shit is like over 20 books and he’s still writing.. a legend. I was at a loss several times at the end of certain books that I thought were really gonna be the End, but then he made some like, spin off series a bit. So we’re good. Generally I love a good series, but there are so many stand alone books that I adore so.. I don’t know. Why am I writing so formally? This is tiresome, I’m gonna stop now. Stupid capital letters.
other series i love include everything in the tolkien universe, and of course harry potter, and also the percy jackson books. tolkien is pretty epic, to say the least, and rick riordan is fucking prolific, so hp is like, on the small side in terms of series (tho i did reread the last 2 at least a dozen times, and the audiobooks on many a long drive). also those motherfukcing maze runner books were like... there’s not that many of them, but that one i can definitely say left me at a loss. i’m still not ready to watch the last 2 movies but i hope to one day. for dylan.
3. Ever seen a therapist or gone to a support group? Did it help?
yup. i’ve seen quite a few therapists. i don’t think it’s helped in the long term, and i’m not sure it helped in the short, though there was a time i liked it because i was indulging my self analysis, but that for sure wasn’t helpful. i tried a couple cbt therapists thinking that could be a good way to go, but nothing ever really changed, so it’s hard to tell what’s going wrong- is it the therapy or is it me? idk i just think on the whole it’s got a negative color for me. i still see someone once every few weeks, but it’s a chore. this is really completely against everything i believe about therapy, btw, and i def considered becoming one when i was in university. i do think it’s beneficial, i guess just maybe not to me.
4. What is the longest road trip you’ve ever taken? Did you drive or were you just a passenger? What is your favorite road trip ritual, if you have any (the particular gas station snacks, the car games, the fights over music choices, the rest stops, etc.)?
oh my, well i’ve been on a few road trips in my life, but probably not as many as you americans do. the longest one was probably as a child, when i was about 3 or 4 my parents took us across the states, to the grand canyon (i don’t think we actually got there) in our mustard yellow vw bus. i had to be too small to remember but i definitely do (my dad’s a photographer so the boxes upon boxes of film helps): - sleeping on the ceiling in the bus like on a fucking shelf that stuck out above the driver seats. it was way too cool. - staying in a trailer park and walking over to this little building where there was some scary movie playing that had spinning wheels on fire (i think it was like some 80s horror version of rumpelstiltskin or something). i can literally picture a scene from it, just can’t really describe it. traumatizing. - playing on a beach somewhere (cape cod?) and having something nip at my little toes.
on other trips with friends we’ve shared the driving, but the most recent one from LA to vegas my friend wouldn’t let me touch the rental wheel. he thinks i’m a terrible driver. it was ok tho i got to take pictures instead.
i don’t really have a fave ritual since i don’t do much road “tripping” per se, but since i’ve lived in both toronto and new york i have done a shit ton of driving long distance, and i absolutely love it. my fave thing to do is make sure i have enough show tunes and stand up comedy on the playlist, and even some cds on back up, so i can lose my voice on the drive. usually i have some good ol’ tim horton’s french vanilla and a croissant on the side to keep me going, and if it’s long enough i usually stop somewhere for some french fries and/or a coke to wake up. god i love driving.
5. Which do you find increases more rapidly, your age or your idea of what age is old?
ugh. my age. i don’t feel old but that stupid time nonsense says otherwise. it needs to stop.
6. Do you talk to your animals when no one else is in the room? What do you say to them? Do you talk to animals you see on the street, at zoos, in your yard? How much of a face does an animal have to have to be talk-to-able? (For example, do rodents count? Birds? Fish? Cockroaches? WHERE’S THE LINE)
absolutely. i talk to pretty much fucking everything, animals or otherwise, i don’t care who’s in the room. there is no line. the line does not exist.
7. If they cooked, which dish of your mom’s/dad’s/parental figure is or was your favorite? Which was your least favorite? Do you often cook dishes your parents used to make for you for yourself now, as an adult?
welllllll my parents do cook, but over the years i came to really dislike a lot of my mom’s cooking.. habits, lets say. my dad is great on the bbq, and with all meats, but my mom is usually the organizer and most often the chef. her staples are chicken and brisket, sometimes salmon, in various ways. the problem is i’ve always been a picky eater, and tho my own tastes have branched out, my mom still thinks she needs to cook everything super plain and sometimes it’s kinda gross. like, she’ll make some fancy chicken for everyone else and throw a boneless breast covered in teriyaki sauce in a casserole in the oven for me. it does NOT taste good. but she can make a really great schnitzel, and brisket is hard to do wrong. i don’t make anything for myself the way she does it really, but my eating/cooking habits are all wonky anyway.
8. Do you ever check your voicemail? Do you answer calls from numbers you don’t have programmed into your phone?
i check it if someone left a message, why wouldn’t you? what if it’s an emergency? in fact, my best friend does not. so i guess.. that’s a thing. i for sure do not answer any call that doesn’t show a name that i recognize- even then it’s a stretch. i have to really want/need to talk to you, otherwise it’s gonna be on my terms. my phone and i have a hate-hate relationship.
9. How often do you go to the grocery store? Are you good at it? Do you have any kind of strategy or list prepared beforehand?
i go when i run out of something i wanna eat; my store is right on the corner. i basically just do the curve around the breads/fruits/veggies if i need it, then head to the aisles which i skim from the back where the frozen/refrigerated stuff is, poking in to the aisles i need to grab the shit i’ve run out of. i eat pretty much the same way most of the time so my list is in my head (which is not always a good place, but i try hard. if i forget something i go back for it next time).
10. Do movies frequently make you cry? Do you find you’re more likely to cry in the theater or at home? When people are around or by yourself?
oh hell yes. if they’re good or i’m in a mood. i don’t think it matters much where i am if it’s public or private, the cry will come if the moment is right, and i could give no shits XD
11. Have you ever seen the sun rise? Did you kind of like the weird, slightly chilly liminal space of it, or did you just wish you were still in bed?
yes i have, in so many different contexts. mostly i watch it rise because i stay up That Late most of the time (except this time of year, i haven’t seen it in a good while), wishing my ass was finally in bed going “fuck. there’s the sun again. way to go me.” but i’ve also experienced that first bit. out in the desert after a 16k hike, sweat pouring off my skin and fire burning on the surface, hissing it away. standing on top of an ancient mountain facing the dead sea, limbs aching from climbing it with the sun racing at our backs, trying to get to the top before we missed it rise. ya. sunsets are pretty, too.
so how am i supposed to think of 11 questions?? i hope none of these are from some post i saw one time, i’m gonna try to be original without rambling too much:
1- if you could go back to one major decision you made that impacted the path of your life and change it, would you? what was it? how do you think your life would be different? or don’t answer those second two questions, if you don’t want to.
2- in what direction does your belief lean (like, you don’t have to agree with my description of it, but what fits your image best):
a single/multiple divine power that controls every facet of our existence (or like, any traditional religious worldview), with or without free will?
a harmonious interconnected universal complex that directs matter and energy but is affected by our existence in said universe?
everything is just a series of random events passing through time and everything that happens, everything we do, makes the next thing happen, but it could have happened any other way as well.
do these things make sense? idk try and figure it out.
3- on that topic, what do you think happens when we die? do we go to heaven/hell or some other religious construct? do we have a soul that sticks around? reincarnation? do we just... end, and decompose, and that’s it? what do you really think? are you afraid to find out you were wrong?
4- tell me about a moment in a movie or a show that made you go all tingly inside, like, that really special tingle, and every time you see it you get those feelings again.
5- what’s your go-to method for letting out stress?
6- what are 3 of your favorite words (english or otherwise)? why do you love them? the way they sound? the way they look? what they mean? (i usually would answer this based on sound, kinda like fave color, just a feeling).
7- this isn’t so original but i wanna know- if you could live in any other period of time, in any part of the world, what would it be and why? or would you even? would you if you could choose your station/place in society?
8- is there anything you’ve ever done or ever happened to you that you absolutely never ever could ever tell anyone about? not even your soulmate or someone who would never judge you? if so, does it bother you, or do you have it tucked away in your mind and never think about it?
9- which teen wolf cast member would you get along with best? not who would you like to be in a relationship with, but who do you think you’d have the best relationship with (romantic/platonic/otherwise)? if you don’t think you know any of them well enough... which one would you bone? boooooooooone all night long?
10- do you have a talent/skill that you feel is really underrated or underused by you or others? is there something you’re really proud of but have nobody to brag to about it because nobody you know really cares at all? brag to me.
11- do you think it’s truly possible to be happy if you never have a significant other(s) for the rest of your life? could you ever be?
THAT’S ALL FOLKS. wow i can’t believe i wrote all of that shit and you read it. way to go us. thanks again, clara!
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Catch Up
Wow a lot has happened. So folks I took a break a while back to regroup and de-stress from all the hard work I was doing on my website among other things. I wrote a blog post and not long later I was offered a new job. I was a janitor as of my last blog post but I just quit that job and only have a few shifts left. I am now designing postcards, letters, signs, business cards etc. I format and print them, cut them down to size and mount them on the clients preferred medium. I also have to do some face to face with clients. This job is the kind that I could make a living doing and frankly it’s really enjoyable. There are a fair share of “natural breaks” where I have to wait for things to print or wait for a client to get their crap together. Also it’s low stress and mostly importantly when I leave the office, I leave work at the office. The job is pretty great. It’s not my dream job but I’ve done some more research into gaming journalism and I’m not sure that would be super great either, for practical reasons. They often work over 40 hours a week and they don’t get to leave work at the office. Everything they do must revolve around gaming and using what they do and learn to write about to make a living. It’s not a bad job and perhaps something that would suit me well if I was single but I’m not. I want to marry my girlfriend and move out. Could I still become a gaming journalist? Sure I don’t see a big problem with that if I somehow get noticed for the work I do for free already. However the idea of working so much and not getting to see my girlfriend much is not a great thought. It’s not like see her would be rare but still. Have been working 40 hours a week now for a few weeks and frankly to see her and work on my other work like this blog, website, art, book, etc. It’s hard to find time and not work too much. Hence why it’s been a while since my last post. I was working a lot and stressed about being the best at this new job so I can make a future out of it someday. So far so good but still it was a lot. My girlfriend strongly suggest I take a break and I only half listened. I decide to work less at home but not totally stop. Not long later I became depressed again and was totally exhausted and she got to say “I told you so”. Anyway I’ve been relaxing in my time off and just gaming, no productivity of any kind. I feel so much better too, I should’ve listened to her the first time.
Speaking of gaming, I want to mention my gaming habits and how the timing has worked out so well. My whole gaming life has been a gift from God in a sense but let me explain. I grew up playing such a wide variety of games and got really good at them. I slowing grew into a very competitive player and I competed at some pretty high levels. I was at the top of my game about 2 or 3 years ago. I was very high up on the CSGO community and was on some live streams as I battled to be the best in the top 5-3% of the players (not quite pro but not too far off either). Long story short I had my time in the spotlight and I enjoyed it. But I’m not the same person anymore. I have more to my life than practicing 5-12 hours a day. The timing for my Esports competitive lifestyle was perfect though. It helped me cope/ignore my depression and it was extremely cheap! However now I am more interested in games that I can play my way, open world RPGs, MMOs, and a games that simply bring me joy. That’s not to say I won’t ever play in a league of any sort again. I mean if  a game comes a long that I really like and it’s competitive I might give it a try but I know I won’t ever be the best and I won’t ever be practicing so intensely.
In the next 5 years I think we will see some major improvements in the field of affordable virtual reality gaming and that’s something I’d be interested in if I can afford it. But as of right now I think it’s still got a long way to go before it’s worth investing in. I think the number one reason I want VR so much is for the ability to be gaming and exercising at the same time. There are some failed attempts to get gamers to be more active by tricking us into exercising but the games are never any good. For example the Wii Fit, Pokemon GO, Xbox Kinect. They all have these games trying to get us to be gaming and moving at the same time but without good online multiplayer and better gameplay, they are doomed from the start. VR however is something new. Something that can put you into a war zone or have you battling monsters and even meeting other people in VR worlds (though some seem very strange so far). But still it’s a step in the right direction.
I recently discover “Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale”, it’s a movie of the popular Anime series. In the movie though the players where a AR headset (augmented reality) that means all the digital stuff is seen by the player using the headset and not actually being put in a virtual world. However this AR headset is used by every person in Japan (amazing marketing and good prices I guess). So this allows everyone to see and share the digital things in the real world. A company makes a game where you have to physically go to a certain place like a park or something where a battle will begin and players fight digital monsters in the real world but like a super high tech version of Pokemon go. But instead of just swiping up on you phone they actually have to run, jump and swing swords to play the game. It’s cool and the mention several times about how much they are getting in shape while playing this game. This is the type of thing I think the world could need. I know that ideally we’d all have the discipline to go to the gym or go running but let's be honest folks, it’s not very fun and other than getting in shape it’s pretty useless, even when it comes to making friends while working out. Playing a game to get in shape is fun, can be done in co-op with others and makes you want to get in shape more to be better at the game. Let me tell you a little story. When I was working out in highschool we used to have rowing machines and each machine had a mini game you could select on this little screen. The game was a side scrolling game where you controlled a fish on the screen by rowing faster or slower. The faster you row, the fish would swim up and the slower you row the fish would go down. You had to use this to dodge on coming sharks. The game got gradually harder over time and forced you to row at a variety of paces to keep your fish alive. The school had a chart write down your highscore and your name next to it. After months of training on this dang rowing machine…. I doubled the school record. Yeah suck it bitch! I bet I still own that record. However after I doubled it I stopped doing that exercise cuz I was now quite ripped and no longer had to prove I was in shape. I still worked out for a couple more years but I never played the dumb fish game again. Anyway the moral of the story was that playing that game was super duper motivating for me and made me want to get in shape to be good at it. Imagine this on a grand scale of games that are more than the fish game. Something like a war game. I’ve played paintball and I’ll tell ya there is so much squating or crawling, sprinting, jumping plus wielding the gun. It’s a full body exercise, a VR war game once we get a full dive suit would make a soldier out of any gamer. We’d all be in great shape. Would really help our first world problem of obesity. Anyway rant over.
Actually I’m going to have to bring this whole post to an end. I’ve been away for a long time so you can bet I have a crap ton to write about but I don’t have a crap ton of time. Peace out!
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umbraja · 7 years
Half Baked Goods
This is a list of ideas I'm keeping partially to remind myself so I don't forget them but also to get some feedback on if anyone wants to see them developed.
If you're interested in any of these ideas being finished please let me know so I can move that up on my list of priorities. As you can see, I've got a lot of ideas all competing for attention so I'm only working on the ones that other people actually want to see.
Some of the things on this list are continuations of stuff I've already posted so I've got them linked to that.
Works in Progress
Things for the Kidge Zine - This beast is taking up almost all of my time.
Collab Artwork - This one's a drawing, might end up animated.
Monsters and Mana Fic - I HC Keith as a closet nerd so I just couldn't help myself.
D&D Module - Working with a few artists to make a 5e D&D module based off my M&M fic.
Rover Models - Prototyping 3D models with LED lighting.
Space Caterpillars - Prototyping plushies.
Kosmo - Prototyping plushies.
GoT AU - An art series that took over my life recently.
Keith (Jon) Snow - Keith looking badass with Longclaw and Kosmo as Ghost.
Pidgett (Ygritte) - Pidge in furs with a bow - not the ribbon kind.
Allurys Targaryen - Mother of Dragonmice.
Hunk (Sam) Tarly - Hunk and Sam are basically the same person - the sweet cinnamon rolls.
Lance (Oberyn) Martell - I considered Loras Tyrell but, come on, the spear.
Shiro - I need help with this.
VLD Mix Tape - A collection of songfics from various genres, set in various AUs, some canon, featuring various ships and all the feels.
Simple Man - Based on the song "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Originally this was going to be for Desert Keith Week but I didn't get it done in time. Some real good Keith and Krolia angsty sweetness.
When I Die - Based on the song "Wolves" by Down Like Silver. Pretty much Keith's thought process in that last scene of Season 4. Sad AF and super short but I'm working on illustrations to make up for it. Will post when the art is done.
Rough Ideas
Possible One Shots - These are probably going to be shorts but I never can tell and could all end up sprawling AUs given my track record with trying to write shorts.
Red Thread - Gritty Soulmates AU, future noir conspiracy plot where the government pairs people by a system that supposedly traces Red Threads to match soulmates but it’s imperfect and corrupt. Keith is a hard boiled detective, Pidge is a tech genius and daughter of a renowned scientist who is openly critical of the soulmate pairing system and hires Keith to find her father when he goes missing.
Douglas Adams Tribute (working title) - Almost Canon AU style study where I tortur- I mean, where Shiro gets thrown into the sort of absurd adventure that you would expect from the creator of the Hitchhiker's Guide, Dirk Gently, and some classic episodes of Dr Who. I want this sooo bad but it takes so long to write like that.
80s Romance (working title) - Modern AU where Keith's parents are living one of those fiery, doomed romances that make for such great stories but kind of shitty lives. Thank the-ghost-of-keith-kogane for this one. I might integrate it into my Quiet Kind AU cuz it fits.
Dancing in the Dark - Modern AU where Keith works dispatch for the university police at his school and his desk just happens to overlook the dance studios where he can't help but watch Lance practice every night.
More to Lose - Canon Divergent AU in which everything is basically the same but when the war ends and they go home the others find out that Keith had motivations to save Earth beyond just natural heroic tendencies and he actually did leave something (someone) behind.
Identity - Canon Divergent AU where Shiro is acting strange (so maybe canon?) and has a bit of a mental break that leads down an insanity spiral into Lovecraftian horror.
VLD Mix Tape - A collection of songfics from various genres, set in various AUs, some canon, featuring various ships and all the feels.
Stuff that Works - Based on the song "Stuff that Works" by Guy Clark. Basically a music video for my Quiet Kind fic. Soooft Kidge and real friendship between the Paladins.
Champion - Based on the song "Champion" by Barns Courtney. Not just about Shiro.
In the Valley - Based on the song "Through the Valley" by Shawn James. Basically a music video for the Western AU listed below.
Only Human - Based on the song "Human" by Rag 'n' Bone Man. This just screams of Shiro.
Broken - Based on the song "Broken" by DNMO & Sub Urban. Something with Lotor.
Wisdom of Officer #3 - Based on the song "Girls on Trampolines" by Ludo. Cuz even Paladins need to have fun sometimes.
Probably Series - These are probably going to be longer works, anywhere from three to infinite parts.
Trip the Light - Canon Divergent AU where Keith comes into contact with some strange alien I'll just call it a drug and, well. . . Keith without inhibitions is a beautiful and terrifying thing.
In the Valley - Western AU where the Paladins have to save a frontier town being threatened by Rail Barrons (Galra). Shiro is the sheriff, Pidge is his deputy, Matt's the sawbones, Lance manages the cat house, Hunk tends the saloon, Coran is the priest, Allura is Coran's niece and the school marm, Keith is a gunslinger.
Rabbit Hole - Almost Canon AU where Voltron has fans and they are very much like the real fandom (without the ship wars) and when Pidge stumbles across it she shows the others which kind of breaks Keith cuz he doesn't like how accurate some of the information is and thinks there could be a spy and this could be dangerous so it's tinfoil hat time!
Elsewhere - Canon Divergent AU where the Paladins stumble upon a Fey Gate into a fantasy realm where they get to meet all my OCs and participate in the insanely huge uber plot I've been running D&D groups through for decades now.
Reflections AU - A canon compliant (for the most part) series of (so far) fluffy team bonding moments that lead to introspective scenes where Keith slowly opens up to each of the others about himself. Kind of an excuse to get down some of my headcanon for Keith's past. Parts of this are already published but here's some ideas for more.
Lance (working title) - Keith opens up to Lance.
Pidge (working title) - Keith opens up to Pidge.
Allura (working title) - Keith opens up to Allura.
Hell in a Handbasket - Series of gritty, realistic vignettes showing the progression of what went wrong in Keith's past to make him the way he is. Backstory behind the fluffy parts. Waiting to see what season 6 does with Keith's mom on this.
Country Christmas - Adorable vignette of Keith's childhood in the Texas panhandle to make up for that darkness and prove it wasn't all bad. I didn't finish it in time for 2017 but I'll probably have this out for 2018.
Lone Star AU - Modern AU, Lance PoV, Klance that was going to be a much longer work but I don't have time to finish it and reader feedback suggested it would be better just to focus on the relationship dynamic between Lance and a closeted, slightly homophobic, rodeo Keith anyway. So that's what this is. Parts of this are already published but here's some ideas for more.
Au Naturale - Lance talks to Keith about skincare, or the lack thereof.
La Grange - How Lance met Keith and what started his Telecaster crush.
Bullrider - Lance observes one of Keith's hobbies.
Rattlesnake Roundup - Texas has some strange traditions and Lance can't wrap his head around this one so of course Pidge forces him to attend.
Hermanos AU - Canon Divergent AU, started as a request fill for a 5/1 where the team slowly realises that Keith and Lance are adopted brothers but I'm seriously considering expanding it into a multipart AU.
Homecoming - The Paladins return to Earth and Keith goes home with Lance. Waiting to see what season 6 does with Keith's mom on this.
New Kid - Look at the past when Keith first went to live with the McClains.
Brothers - Rewrite of the original fic but from Keith and Lance's perspective.
The Paladin Saga - Canon Divergent AU that was going to be an insanely long work where I keep mostly to canon but fill in plot holes with eldritch horrors, tie up loose ends in ancient myths, and shed light on the "legend" of Voltron to show a much darker history than Allura would like to admit while also letting humans be a little badass for once. This one was gonna be a long, sprawling epic full of Lovecraftian horror and moral ambiguity but I don't have time to finish it and reader feedback (or lack thereof) suggested I should focus on my fluffier works. Here's a list of chapters anyway, not a complete list mind you and possibly a bit out of order:
Is it Real - The Paladins refuse to believe Kolivan when he tells them Keith is dead.
Space Between - Keith wakes up in a strange place and finds something Dark there.
Fire and Darkness - The Paladins get Keith back but the Darkness has affected him.
Sins of the Father - Lotor tells the Paladins what Zarkon told him of the Darkness.
Waking Dreams - Keith struggles with the Dark, Shiro loses time, Lance gets visions.
Scorched Earth - Shiro loses control, Keith puts him down, Hunk keeps them all alive.
Things I've Seen - Lance tells others about his visions, Coran tells them about the Price.
King of Death - Zarkon returns from the dead (again) with a new weapon.
When the Arm Breaks - The Red Lion pays a heavy price to save the others.
Tides Turn - The Galra rally under Zarkon and his new power.
Devil You Know - An unlikely ally offers the Paladins help.
Fool's Errand - The Paladins make a desperate move to save Red.
The Dreamer Awakens - The Paladins find a sixth Lion and Allura gets an upgrade.
A Sword Reforged - The Paladins return with Voltron made whole and defeat the Galra.
At What Cost - The Coalition takes power but peace isn't easy and bills are due.
The War to Come - The Paladins learn of their part in an ancient prophecy.
See You on the Other Side -
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fangirlfanwritings · 7 years
Jon Snow x Baratheon!Reader Part 5
Hello! Could you write a Jon Snow imagine with the Baratheon Reader based on the last episode? Where she went with him beyond the wall and when he gets hurt someone literally has to pull her onto Drogon because she doesn't want to leave him behind? And then her seeing him arrive at the wall?
Could you write a Jon snow x baratheon reader where the northern lords argue that she should stay in winterfell when Jon goes to dragonstone cuz she's his queen but she says she's going and jon's like "I know better than to try to stop her"?
Omg please write a Jon Snow imagine with the Baratheon reader based on tonight's episode!! Especially about him getting hurt and stuff
please please please write a jon x baratheon! reader based on episode 6!!
Baratheon reader taking care of Jon after he gets hurt?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
AN: Love for this mini series has been incredible thank you all sooooo much!!
When your feet hid the snowy ground of East Watch you felt a sigh of weird relief. You were back in the North and you were one step closer to being home and bringing peace to the world. You took a deep breath of the cold Northern air and continued inside.
You sat around the table with your good friend Tormund and the others telling them of the mission you faced over the wall. Tormund insisted on going, Gendry was ready for a war he couldn’t possibly imagine, Jorah was ready to get back to his Queen and Davos was staying back. “We’ll need more men,” you added.
So you ended up in the dungeons where the men had turned to boys and arguing over things that had long ago stopped mattering. “We are all on the same side,” you husband commanded. “Because we are all still breathing.” The men were let out of the dungeon and Jon spoke again. “Go get ready. But on all the furs you can and grab your weapons.” You, Jon, and Tormund stood in the common room getting ready.
“Are you sure you want to be coming out here Y/N,” Tormund asked. “It’d be better for you to head back to your castle.”
“You know the fighting that happened when Jon said he was going to Dragonstone? All the Lord hollard and whined like children. Then when I said I was going too they acted as though I was their mother, telling them they’d never eat again. They fought hard, trying to get me to stay. What did you tell them Jon, when they told you to stop me?”
“I know better than to try and stop her,” he grinned.
“When we married we vowed to have each other’s backs, always. Where he goes, I go. So if he goes beyond the wall as do I.”
The group of you left the safety of the wall and faced the cold storm on the other side. The snow was deep, the air was cold, and Gendry looked wide eyed over the scene in front of him. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”
“I’ve never seen snow before,” Gendry beamed.
The hard journey continued and you continued trekking through the snow. “What are you smiling about,” you asked your husband who seemed zoned out as he looked at the white horizon.
“The first time we met,” he told you. “We were out here the first time I first saw you.” The loving look in his eye was overwhelming.
“It’s a bear,” you heard and the moment was ruined.
“A big one.”
“...Do bears usually have blue eyes?” You swore as you realized what that meant and took out your sword. The undead beast plowed over the members in your group and even got a hit on you as your blade went towards its head, sending you flying to the side. Once it was lit aflame and finally killed Beric pulled Thoros to the side and stopped his wound from bleeding.
The group continued on more cautions than ever. “That’s it,” the Hound’s voice interrupted your moment. “That’s the mountain I saw in the flames. A mountain shaped like an arrow’s head.”
“We’re close. Let’s keep going.” The hike started uphill and as you reached the top of the hill a noise reached your ears and Tormund halted the group. The noise seemed to get louder and everyone peered over the side rocks. A White Walker was walking passed with a group of the dead and your group got ready to pounce on the prey.
The fighting started quick and you went after the dead as Jon tackled the Walker. You cut down the dead and, just as you went to slide the arm off of the men holding Jorah’s neck, they all collapsed, except the one. You looked over and saw that Jon had taken down the White Walker.
Instead of dwelling on that you and the men automatically circled the last remaining walker and entrapped him. He yelled out a mighty screech and you realized his move after it was too late. The things mouth was covered and you and Jon looked up and watched as a low cloud of snow and ice came towards you.
“Gendry, run to East Watch. Get a raven to Daenerys, tell her what’s happened. Y/N, you must go with.
“No, I’m not leaving you.”
“You two are the fastest.”
“Gendry can make it himself I’m not leaving you,” you shouted.
“We don’t have time for this, I don’t want to lose you.”
“Then you better keep me close.” A moment of understanding passed you and he gave Gendry the look, sending him off towards the Wall.
Your group ran towards the clearing trying to get into the mountains but as you hit the clearing the sound of cracking stopped you. “Stop,” you yelled and everyone stopped in place. You looked back and saw an army of dead running for you.
“Go,” Jon yelled and you all took off, running to beat the ice and the dead. You and Jon reached the island of rock first and watched as the dead circled you. You two pulled your weapons and got ready. The weight of them was too much though and you watched as the frontmen fell below the ice. The siege stopped and you were safe...for now.
The light was coming up again and you paced around the small rock. You stopped by Tormond and looked at the dead he watched. “Remember what I said was the best way to keep warm?”
“Yes,” you chuckled. “Forgive me if Jon and I aren’t in the mood to give you a show my friend.”
“Who said anything about Jon. I’m cold too,” he cracked a smile and you pushed his shoulder. You walked back over to your husband and coiled your arm around his.
“Your Wildling chief is putting the moves on me.”
His eyes never left the ring of the lake. “I wish you would have gone with Gendry.”
“Don’t worry, gingers aren’t my type.”
“That’s not what I mean,” he looked down at you. “You shouldn’t be here. You should be at the Wall. Safe and away from this.”
“I vow to never leave your side, no matter the challenges we might face. I promise to have your back and love you till death,” you recited the vows you had said to him during your wedding ceremony. “I meant everything I said that day.”
“As did I,” he lowered his forehead to yours and closed his eyes, trying to find peace. The sound of the Hound knocking the jaw off a walker caught your attention and you gave a small giggle. He picked up another rock and threw it but this time it came up short and you watched as it skidded over the ice...the ice that was reformed and ready for battle.
“Shit,” you cursed and got your blade out. The walkers began charging and the battle broke out. You tried to fought them off, you really did try, but you quickly saw that this fight was going to be lost. You saw Tormond hit the ice and you ran forward to get him. As you ran to his aid a loud roar erupted and you watched as fire from the dragons lit up the dead. You cut down those remaining on Tormond and grabbed his furs, pulling him back towards the men.
Two of the other’s grabbed Tormond and dragged him towards Daenerys and Drogon. You went back to fighting and only looked up as you heard the mighty yell of a dragon. The Night King had sent a spear to the heart of one of Daenerys children and you watched as they hit the ice and sunk.
“Jon,” you yelled. “We have to go.” When his eyes met yours you knew what he was going to try. “No,” you said more to yourself the first time. “No,” you yelled this time. Jon gave you a sad look before yelling back, “I love you.” He turned and charged towards the Night King.
“No!” You went to run towards him but the Hound’s arms wrapped around you. “No, let me go! Jon!” But no yelling could get you off the back of the dragon and out of the Hound’s arms. Daenerys took off and you watched mortified from above; tears freezing to your cheeks as you watched Jon get dragged under the ice. And in that moment you felt your heart turn to stone.
You looked out over the Wall with a blank face and heart. You heard the crunch of snow as Daenerys approached. “I fell in love with Jon right here on this wall,” you told her. “We were at Castle Black and he was stationed on duty. We had quickly connected when I reached the wall but that night I made my way up on top the wall for the first time and sat with him. We sat up and talked until the sun peaked over the white land and we knew, from that moment on, that we’d be stuck together.” A tear ran down your cheek as you spoke those memories out loud.
“The night we were married we promised, in front of the Gods and everyone, that we’d never leave each other’s side. I left his side today. I watched as he was forced under water and I broke my vow to him.”
“You didn’t have a choice,” she reassured. “He wanted you to go. The Hound took you away...I took you away. You didn’t leave his side.”
“Do you remember Sir Davos saying he took a dagger to the heart?” She nodded. “He’s not one for the theatrics. Jon was murdered by the men he called his Brothers and the Red Priestess brought him back. Those were the worst days of my life...watching his lifeless body lay on a table with a sad wolf at my feet. After he was brought back I pictured the next time I’d have to deal with his death, and convinced myself we’d be old and grey; surrounded by our children and our children’s children, and even maybe their children. Yet...here I am.” You turned to leave the wall after a final glance at the true North. “If you’ll forgive me. I have to get back to Winterfell.” You were less than 3 feet away when you heard the horn.
You turned and looked over the wall, your hands gripping the cold wall. A black horse was running as quick as it could towards the wall with a frozen white ball of fur on it’s back.
You ran as fast as you could and found yourself on the ground running towards the men that had gathered around the horse. You pushed them to the side to see him for yourself. “Jon,” you breathed.
“He’s alive,” Davos said. The group of men worked together and loaded him onto the ship you had taken to East Watch. You stood in the corner of the room frozen as you watched the men pry the frozen futs from Jon’s body. The torso you knew so well was covered in new cuts that matched the one he had healing over his heart. Once the cold clothes were taken off he was wrapped in blankets and there was nothing to do but wait.
You found yourself in a seat at the foot of his bed and waited, adding blankets when the compulsion pulled at you. You were memorizing every detail of his face for the thousandth time when your eyes met his now open ones. Tears automatically sprang from your eyes and a large grin covered your face.
“Hi,” he gave you a small smile.
“Hi,” you choked out between tears.
He took your hand in his, “Why are you crying?”
“Because I was so worried that I’d never see you again.”
“Guess I’m not that easy to kill,” he tried to make light.
“King Jon Snow, Warden of the North, Beater of Death,” you announced. “That’s what they shall call you now.” You brushed the curls from his face and rested your hand against his cheek. “Do you need anything? Ale, food, more blankets? I should get Daenerys, she wanted to talk to you. And I’ll have to check your bandages,” you went to get up from the bed but as you pulled away Jon pulled your hand.
“I am feeling a little cold.”
“I’ll get you more blankets.”
“No,” you didn’t understand. “I’ve heard the best way to warm up is from the heat of another.” He used what must have been all of his strength and pulled you back to the bed. “Forget the world for a second and lay with me.” You slipped out into your under clothes and slid down by his side under the covers, putting your head on his chest and an arm around him.
“Don’t you ever do that again to me Jon Snow. The next time you try and get yourself killed we better be old and grey or I’ll kill you myself.”
He rested his head on top of yours, “I vowed to stay by your side and that’s what I’ll do.”
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askdacast · 7 years
Rant from an ex-fan: RWBY’s Volume 5 shorts are terrible
Quick warning: if you are a huge fan of RWBY, especially of the third volume onwards, I am going to be needlessly cruel towards the series in this post. Turn back if you don't wish to hear the ramblings of a jaded ex-fan.
So I used to love RWBY, or more specifically the first two volumes of RWBY. They were far from perfect, but I enjoyed what fun action and neat fantasy and tech ideas they had to offer.
Then Volume 3 came about, in its glut of sudden edginess and shocking twists, and I came down with a case of salt poisoning.
As you can imagine, I dropped the series harder than a slab of concrete and have been very hesitant to pick up the series again since. Then I saw in my YouTube Feed that Volume 5 of RWBY was coming out, and there were character shorts and teasers, one of which was of Weiss, being released as promotions. So I thought, "Fine, why not? I might as well see if they win me over once more."
I was not won over.
Problems that I had with the series when I dropped it were somehow encapsulated in 3.5 painfully long minutes, and after some mental testing out of my hair, I decided to do the following moment-by-moment analysis of the trailer below as follows.
Please keep in mind I have sworn entirely off Volume 4 and any details I do know about it are from my friend @randomnumbers751650 who HAS watched it. Nothing first-hand.
0:00 We begin with some abstract shots of totally-not-symbolism set to yet another generically sad Casey Williams song.
Okay look, I don’t want to hate on Casey Williams. She’s an amazing singer at the age she is, and she’s got great talent! I don’t hate her work at all. The problem is she’s in EVERYTHING RWBY RELATED. No, literally, everything. RoosterTeeth has shoved her into every single vocal song for the series and I’m getting tired of it. There’s no variety in any of the vocals unless they get Jeff Williams to do some screaming or Lamar Hall to do some okay-rapping in them. Even they seem to sound overused.
Not to mention sometimes I feel like they’re forcing Casey’s vocal chords to sing certain songs that really do not lend well to her vocals (*cough* When it Falls *cough). She’s a beautiful singer, but when you just churn out song after song with her, the songs lose their magic. I don’t even wanna get started on these lyrics, but let’s rant one thing at a time, shall we?
0:12 Hey look, the moon is still broken. We ever gonna find out what that means?
Now one compliment I guess I’ll give is that the art has definitely improved. The characters still move jankily (albeit more smoothly now), but the background art has really upgraded. The shot of the manor Weiss is fighting in, the ice fountain with the Schnee logo and the snowing effects in this are actually kinda pretty!
0:25 And now we meet best girl Weiss! Well, she originally wasn’t my best girl. It was first Ruby, but unfortunately she had no personality (despite being the main character). Then there was Penny, but she was.
You know.
Thanks RoosterTeeth, I’m still not over that. You introduced a precious cinnamon roll and killed her off for shock value. And fan theories about her being rebuilt have not been acted on.
Uh-huh. Sure. I’m totally okay with that. Not bitter at all.
Anyway, just look at those expressions. Mouth movement still looks as awkward as ever. I think enough people have probably mocked the expressions in the Volume 4 opening so I won’t harp on it, but…yeeeeah.
0:36 Oh hey look ominous snow wind out of nowhere. That sure is whacky and wacky.
And listen closely to the lyrics of this super-duper-sad song.
“And in its place is nothing, just an endless empty hall.”
Jeff Williams, or…whoever did the lyrics for these songs, the instrumental is lovely on its own. You could’ve just let the emotions speak for themselves. You don’t have to HAMMER IN THE MESSAGE THAT WEISS IS OBVIOUSLY STILL SAD AND LONELY. I THOUGHT WE GOT THREE ENTIRE SONGS FOR THAT ALREADY. Or was Mirror Mirror just not subtle enough? >_>
0:45 Oh look. Ice Beowulves. How interesting and original.
And don’t tell me they’re a different species of Grimm or whatever, those models are clearly palette-swapped Beowulves! It’s like they’ve become the Goombas of Remnant or something.
You know last I checked, one of the bigger reasons people liked this show at all was because of the fantasy setting and how not just the heroes and their weapons, but the creatures of Grimm had all sorts of creative designs. I get that this is just a teaser trailer and the fight here doesn't have any actual plot bearing, but one on, you could've at least come up with something more interesting for an ice-based Grimm. Even better, give hints of new Grimm to be introduced later in the volume or something, I dunno! Just anything more than a freaking palette swap.
0:59 ...did...did Casey just say 'Weissolation?' I hope she didn't; that's a level of goofy I think not even RT would stoop to.
Also, still piling on that reaaaally subtle lyric-work about how lonely Weiss is! Ugh.
1:01 I dunno why but that shot of the Beowulf pouncing at her just looks so goofy. “COME AND GIVE ME A HUUUUUG!”
1:12 ...okay, I admit, the change in tempo and shift in instruments for this song and the ensuing fight made me excited.
If there's one thing Jeff Williams has always done well, it's his instrumental. I complain a lot about RWBY's vocals, but the way the songs mix hard rock and more classical music has always been amazing. It's the perfect blend of instruments to get you pumped up for a fight while still getting into the different moods and settings each fight takes place in. Even better is that they don't have to constantly rely on awkward dubstep or techno beats like most other shows nowadays do with their action scenes. All things considered, if you just changed the lyrics, I would totally replay this song in my free time.
Even this initial start of the fight isn't bad at all. The violins and Casey's vocals really match up to the angles, Weiss jumping on the glyphs, shots like the pan up to when she's standing on the ledge, and oh man, those melting icicles. That was such a neat touch!
1:31 That is an adorable Weiss happy face. Can we get more of that? Please? And not all the random depressing edgy plot points?
You remember how the original Mirror Mirror's lyrics were about Weiss' self-doubt and fear of what's inside her? Only 2012 remembers.
1:45 Once again, more of those awkward expressions. Her face is literally OAO in this moment. A second shot of it is passable. You hold it for longer than that though, not to mention in a close-up shot, and it just looks goofy.
This, however, is probably a good time to get to one of my major complaints of this trailer. Namely that this trailer could have been stuff like foreshadowing of plot points, a quick character insight into how Weiss has been doing since the end of the last Volume, a whole number of things. But instead, what do we get?
Just. Fighting.
Look I get it, RWBY is an action series, fighting is kind of what it's selling. But if you would humour me, let me take you back to 2012, when RWBY just became a thing and people were fawning over the awesome trailers. Let me remind you guys that the first two trailers shown, Ruby's and Weiss', were both consisting of nothing but -you guessed it- fighting. We didn't hear their voice actors at all, we didn't get a glimpse as to what their characters like beyond their small facial expressions and song lyrics (you know, like the incredibly deep revelation that WEISS IS LONELY), or their place in the plot.
As much as I loved the fighting choreography in those old trailers, when the show was finally released, the characters suffered for it. People were wondering why Ruby was a squeaky high-pitched now girl when she looked so stoic and badass in the trailer. People were wondering why Weiss was so snooty and insufferable when once again, the trailer painted a different picture of her. My point is the original trailers for RWBY tried pushing for its awesome action scenes at the expense of the writing of its characters.
And now it's happening again.
Let me be blunt: when I first saw this Weiss short, and after the initial few cool shots of fighting, my brained tuned out and I IMMEDIATELY skipped the whole fight scene. I knew what to expect – another flashy action scene that has no bearing on the plot or Weiss as a character or what's to come.
You know guys, most of us who are anime fans safely say that most of us who enjoy action scenes and stuff like shonen anime is NOT just because of random fighting. I need to care about what I'm watching. I need to know the fight I'm seeing matters. And failing THAT, I at least want to see something new; new fighting techniques, new ways of attacking and reversing your opponent's moves onto them, rather than just the same old.
I remember when I used to enjoy the fight scenes in RWBY. It was cool seeing the fighting techniques, the crazy weapons and having some vague idea of how Dust worked. It was all fine and dandy back then. But RWBY hasn't evolved since. As much as I like Weiss, her simple sword tactics have always struck me as rather plain compared to the rest of the team. Clearly, she's designed less as a combatant focusing on power and more as the 'Mage', what with her glyphs (which we still haven't gotten an explanation of how her Semblance works btw) and her Dust usage. I could've gone for something simple like Weiss combining Dust in her attacks or something like that.
But no.
RoosterTeeth is just doing the same old action sequences over and over again. It's to the point where the fight scenes are just white noise! Congrats, RoosterTeeth. You guys made me think of an action scene as WHITE NOISE.
Mind you, I actually went to rewatch the trailer to try to see what I missed in the fight scene just to be fair, but even then I tuned out again. Nevermind the actual choreography or some weird wide-angle shots, everything just felt so generic. I honestly can't muster up any energy to even critique the fight.
So enough of my whining I guess, let's just get back to the trailer shall we...
2:48 And somehow despite Weiss being best girl, she still continues to have the weakest of the voice actresses. The way she screams Winter's name sounds more like annoyance rather than the actual fear she might have been feeling.
...so not satisfied with giving us a dull action scene, this trailer decides to pull the rug out under us and render our investment into Weiss surviving this fight pointless. Fantastic.
3:04 Oh hey, Winter! One of the few parts of Volume 3 I actually liked!
Great to see you and your Icy Cool Big Sis self again! Boy, it sure was a good thing you...weren't important in the last Volume...or the second half of Volume 3...oh man was your great character totally utilized and not squandered in the face of the changing plot or anything...
3:15 More stilted Weiss voice acting. The way she says "I'll get better" is just so oddly rushed and lifeless.
3:26 And so we end this trailer with a reprise of Mirror Mirror, showing how even after 4 whole Volumes, Weiss has not grown as a character despite her trials with her barely-visible team, and she's still left alone with the insecurities and loneliness plaguing her, sending her back to square one!
Yay. RWBY is such a well-written satisfying show.
3:36 But ZOMG! This whole trailer was a flashback! And Weiss is still sad remembering old sad times!
What was even the point of having that entire fight be a flashback? Narrative-wise, it's a slap in the face to the hope of Weiss growing as a character. Didn't she spend the last part of Volume 4 singing an entire song about how she's going to forge her own path and break away from her family? But her face when she remembers this memory of her old self and replaying Mirror Mirror in the background seems to imply this isn't the case. That she's still stuck in the same mental chains she's been in since the show started. If there's no promise of her truly overcoming herself, why would this flashback have any meaningful bearing on her arc?
Technicality-wise, this only confuses the viewer and short-changes the animators. Believe it or not, I was actually confused as to if Weiss in the trailer was from present time; thought maybe she just put on her old clothes again or something. But it's not; we are just seeing her old self fighting some of Winter's illusions. If we aren't seeing any cool new stuff about Weiss, what is the point of making this a teaser for Volume 5?
So with all that said and done, RWBY has once more proved that it’s just going to be nothing more but a swirling pot of wasted potential and eye candy with some irresponsible writers mixing it all into one big mess, and it’s only going to get more incomprehensible from here on out.
Let me clarify one last thing: I did NOT drop RWBY in Volume 3 because it was ‘too dark and depressing’. I like a good serious story myself. The purpose of this rant is to show you all my real problem with RWBY: it does not handle its writing with any care whatsoever, or the responsibility to deliver a satisfying product to its audience. Volume 3’s out of nowhere shift, as much as it angers me, I feel is symptomatic of every other writing problem in this series.
It’s lazy. It’s half-baked. It’s popcorn entertainment in the end, sure, but even popcorn needs to be cooked well. I want the tastiest popcorn ever, not some cold barely-microwaved corn kernels left out in the open!
Ugh, if you guys will excuse me, I’m gonna go write my own action-packed fantasy story. With blackjack and hookers.
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