#i try to have at LEAST five chapters written before i start posting.
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chaoortu · 1 month ago
okay so it LOOKS like the posting schedule for fic stuff is February 1st: first chapter of anatomy of a rose (updated when I want to.) February 14th: Poppy seed sequel (releasing weekly) March 1st: Makeup breakup fic (releasing weekly)
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anachronisims · 8 months ago
How to EFFECTIVELY Use Empty Standby List to Reduce Flashing and Crashing
This tutorial is for TS2. Obviously. This is virtually the last "chapter" of advice for the Pink Flashing Survey Report (still forthcoming as a single readable thing but posted in bits and pieces over the last six months). PS it's a lonnnnnnng post. Ctrl+F "tldr" for the very short version once you open the cut.
"Part 1" of the Empty Standby List ("ESL") tutorial was already written comprehensively with screenshots by Digi at her wordpress. Following Digi's tutorial will get you set up with ESL as a routine automated background task your computer runs, typically every five minutes.
@gayars set up two instances of the routine, each running every five minutes, staggered two/three minutes apart. In other words, task 1 runs at 12:00, task 2 runs at 12:03, task 1 runs at 12:05, task 2 runs at 12:08, etc. However, I found that this negatively impacted the graphical performance of my game, notably by having the ESL task window flash over the game window, which I had never seen before, nor since reverting back to a single 5-minute task routine.
Anyway. Go do Digi's tutorial if you haven't already; I'll wait.
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Background on Why this Matters
So, now your computer will be wiping the standby memory every five minutes. The thing is, this won't be able to have much impact on your game unless you wait to let it wipe before you do a major loading action.
Major loading actions are, in general order of strain (most to least strenuous):
Loading a full neighborhood.
Loading a large (3x4 or bigger) populated lot.
Loading a large unpopulated lot.
Loading actual CAS, if you have a lot of non-defaulted CC.
Loading a medium (3x3) populated lot.
Loading a medium unpopulated lot.
Loading a small (2x3 or smaller) populated lot.
Loading a small unpopulated lot.
Loading CAS catalogs from within a lot (e.g. using FFS clothing tool, "Change Appearance" on the mirror, shopping for clothes/trying on clothes on a community lot).
Turning up your lot view settings (generating other lots' lot imposters within your current lot)/panning the camera around.
You should already be doing at least all medium- and large-lot loading with the Lot View Settings Juggling Method, and “uint LotSkirtIncrease” removed from your userstartup.cheat - otherwise whenever you load a lot you are compounding the strain by also having the neighborhood load at the same time.
Using Resource Monitor Effectively
If you watched the Jessa Channel tutorial on flashing, she recommended downloading a third-party RAM usage monitoring software. This is unnecessary. For purposes of reducing your crashing, all you need is the native Windows program "Resource Monitor" that she also recommends.
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To open it:
Click the Windows symbol/start menu.
Begin typing "Resource Monitor."
Click Resource Monitor when it shows up.
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Once it is open, get to the useful information:
Click the "Memory" tab.
Make sure the "Processes" and "Physical Memory" subs are fully open, as above.
Sort by "Commit (KB)."
Each time you reopen Resource Monitor, it should restore your last view settings, so you won't have to repeat these steps.
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While Resource Monitor is still open, "Pin" it to the taskbar so it will always be readily accessible.
Right-click the icon on the taskbar.
Click "Pin to taskbar."
If it says "Unpin from taskbar" you have already done this step :)
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Now comes the monitoring part. You will focus on the dark-blue "Standby" block of the bar graph on Physical Memory.
Every fifth minute, when the ESL task runs, this will flash down to 0 and then pop up to about 30-75, depending on what you are doing. It will go higher faster if you are doing stuff, obviously, and hover pretty low if your computer is just sitting still. TLDR the remainder of this tutorial: only take stress actions when Standby is below 100.
As we all know too well, TS2 has a 4gb RAM limit. The problem is, TS2 seems to count the memory that is in standby, too, not just the committed/working set. Thus, before you take a major loading action (that is going to push up to 1.5gb into Standby), you need to wait for Standby to wipe so the game doesn't accidentally think it's using more memory than it is. Got it?
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This is how much RAM my game is using when my neighborhood opens, pretty closely zoomed in on any particular lot. If it is zoomed out further - like a whole city block - both committed and working set are easily over 2.2gb. When I pan around the neighborhood, it continues going up. Portions of the hood that go back out of view seem to get relegated to standby, but yes, my game has crashed just from looking too much at my neighborhood from too wide an angle. Unless I slow down and let ESL run before moving on to the next section.
Six months of diligent Resource Manager monitoring has resulted in substantial reductions of crashing and flashing on my first hood view load and first lot view load. It is not 100% guaranteed, but it cuts it back to Very Playable Levels. And when I have tested the theory by purposefully not letting ESL run before a stress point, it always flashes and/or crashes within the next couple minutes.
SO! Here's what I do when I'm launching my game.
Because of overheating concerns, I always fully shut down my computer when I'm not using it for more than an hour. If I have been playing and experience a flash or crash, I will restart before trying again. @infinitesimblr, a survey Respondent who reported virtually no flashing or crashing despite a vast CC catalog, also recommends restarting between using Bodyshop or SimPE and the full game. I have found it may make a difference with Bodyshop (which I use too rarely to make a pseudoscientific claim) but that I have found basically no impact going from SimPE to the game. YMMV.
Immediately after Windows is done loading, I open Resource Monitor and wait a few minutes. Often background updates begin running and the Standby bar goes crazy - sometimes filling up the entire available RAM - and I just let it sit and do its thing. (Usually I start the computer right before my kid's bedtime so I am not actively waiting on it or anything. Go take a shower or make a sandwich or drink some water, like you did in the old days when the game itself took 20 minutes to load.)
Once the standby bar levels out and is consistently peaking no higher than about 250mb between ESL wipes, after the next ESL wipe, I will launch the game. (Usually between logging into Windowsat the beginning of storytime and checking Resource Monitor before we go do tuck-in, it is reliably hanging out below 100 unless a big TS4 or Windows update was downloading.)
Reminder: do not delete thumbnails anymore prior to launching the game. I also have turned off RPC's clear caches option and have observed faster loading times with minimal increases in crashing.
After the neighborhood selection screen comes up, wait for ESL to run again before opening your neighborhood.
If you have continue to have more than VERY sporadic hood load flashing after taking these steps, you should try launching into a subhood if you have one, then pivoting to the main hood if that's where you're playing that session after yet another ESL wipe. If that doesn't help you simply need to thin out your hood or accept the flashing. (I ended up deleting about 25% of my deco trees and 10-15 outer-lying lots that will be re-placed in a subhood.)
After the hood is loaded, navigate to the lot you want, but DO NOT actually load that lot until ESL runs yet again. Ditto for CAS - Do not select "Create New Family" until ESL has run again.
Play should be proceed as normal at this point. You probably don't need to alt-tab back to Resource Monitor again unless your sims are going traveling or you are changing play lots.
BONUS TIP #1: You can put a shortcut to the ESL routine on your desktop and push it manually (just double click the icon) if you don't feel like waiting once the game is loaded. I have had imperfect results with this vs. just waiting the five minutes, though, because the game wants to run through some stuff and flush it. But it's an option for you to experiment with.
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BONUS TIP #2: If you have a really deep clothing/hair CC catalog, try to avoid using the FFS clothing tool option where you select every outfit for the sim, and their hair and makeup, at the same time. Instead, choose individual outfits by type and use the regular mirror option to change appearance (or SimBlender has it, I think, so they can do it where they already are).
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for-a-longlongtime · 21 days ago
Good lord what is the young Joel and Marcus wip 😏
ANON come here and let me kiss you on the forehead!! This one is special to me 😍
First of all... young!Joel Miller x young!MarcusMoreno is not a pairing that comes completely out of nowhere. As a matter of fact, they're lurking in my masterlist, tucked into a story, but I don't want to spoiler it for other people who may not have read some of the fics I wrote last year.
However, if you know - you know. 😏
Let's get into it:
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This is probably one of the heftiest WIPs that I haven't posted anything from yet, as the doc clocks in at about 5K so far - and it's actually going to be a series! I'd say a tentative 9 to 10 (not super long, hopefully LOL) chapters at this point. And I'm actually going to try to have most of this written, or at the very least have half of it done before I post the first chapter, just to make things a little more manageable for myself.
We meet Joel and Marcus in Austin, TX when they're about 20 and 21 years old, and the series will span a period of approximately twenty five years actually, so I'm very excited about that! They meet in a bar - that Joel isn't supposed to be at, because he's not of legal drinking age - when they're trying to break up a fight among their friends, which results into the two of them getting kicked out.
Joel has been working long, long days in construction for a few years in order to support himself and Tommy, as their parents died when Joel was 16/17 years old. One of the reasons why he rolled into that line of work - besides the money - is because the childhood house that they still live in needs so much work done, and the only way he could think about being able to afford that somehow is by learning how to do all the work himself because he'd never be able to afford a contractor.
His life couldn't be any more different than Marcus', who is busy with college and who tries to hide a part of his life for most people - namely that his father is the leader of the Heroics and his mother is a Heroics trainer. There is the expectation that he's going to follow in their footsteps, but his powers haven't shown up yet, so he's trying to focus on blazing his own path.
They end up becoming friends, and music plays an important role in that; the series takes place in the (early/mid) nineties, so get ready for a good amount of grunge / rock / etc. There are a lot of twists and turns in their story (apparantly Little Beast was only the beginning of a whole lot of angst/drama pouring into my fics), so I don't want to reveal too much it, but let's just say that it's a tough ass road and things don't go the way they've planned.
But! I do have enough written so far that I can show you a little snippet of a very rough outline from chapter 2:
Joel and Marcus listening to grunge music and smoking so much pot at Joel's place. Careful first kisses. Giggling about it as they’re so stoned and kind of nervous. (They only smoke pot when Tommy isn’t around/going to be home that night, also to help manage Joels aches as he tends to be sore after a long day at the construction site - that's half of the reason why Marcus brings over weed). They’re both too high to do anything that requires much coordination but Marcus starts grinding against Joel’s dick and they eventually get eachother off that way, clothes still on, sitting on the couch. There are more kisses while they're both still panting, now with a giggle in between breaths every now and then, and the weed just makes them lose track of time - and it's not all that long before Joel finds himself grinding his hips up against Marcus again. "Fuck. Fuck, I…." He can't find the words, especially not when Marcus rocks back against him, just a little slower on his refractory period. "I want…. Fuck. 'm too high. I can't…" Marcus hushing him with another kiss and Joel moans, grabbing Marcus' hips and shifting on the couch, until Marcus is on his back and Joel on top of him. Nudging his hips into Marcus until they line up, still fully dressed, and the little “oh my god” once he gets it right. "Take it, take it, take it," Marcus panting under him, holding onto Joel's broad shoulders, which makes Joel moan against him, and when Marcus' hands grab Joel's ass, something just clicks inside of Joel's brain. And despite that everything is still slow and soft, he just goes feral because he wants it - wants Marcus - so goddamn bad "Wish I was inside you," against Marcus' ear, and Marcus cries out at that, imagining it, and because it feels so good that Joel is fucking his cock against him. "I wish I…" And not all of it is coherent, it's a string of words that fall from his lips, but he kind of talks Marcus through it, what he wants to do to him, and Marcus just loses his shit because holy fuck, Joel's voice is so deep when he's been smoking like this, and nobody has ever talked to him like this while getting off, and he loves it.
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Thanks again for asking, Anon!! I honestly can't wait to write more on them and to eventually share these boys with all of you.
Want to know more about fics in my WIP folder? Check out the original post!
pssst, this is me looking innocent and tagging y'all for no reason whatsoever except for that you might be interested to see this WIP that's in the making 😇😘 thank you all so much for the support you gave to GP! @oliveksmoked @ohforficsake @wannab-urs @baronessvonglitter @angiewatson
@iknowisoundcrazyreads @gruaig-rua @thebeldroramscal @milla-frenchy @reallyrallyauthor
@jessthebaker @littleredpandanaps @bitchesuntitled @avastrasposts @almostempty
@almostfoxglove @rebel-held @magpiepills @legendary-pink-dot @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
@din-cognito @penvisions @alltheglitterandtheroar
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wowbright · 23 days ago
Anderson’s Guide to the Birds of North America, Chapter 1: Lover Boy
Summary: Fourteen scenes from the lives of Blaine Anderson, grad student and avid birder, and Kurt Hummel, clothing designer and Vogue writer, from before their first meeting in the spring of 2020 through falling in love.
Note: Back during the COVID lockdowns I wrote a couple hundred words of Klaine lockdown meet-cute. I thought I would write more, but I guess I didn't feel like writing about the COVID lockdown during the COVID lockdown, so I never did and I never posted the tiny bit I had written. Thanks to Klaine Valentine’s Challenge 2025, I’m finally doing the thing! I'm trying to keep each chapter to around 500 words. Thanks @spaceorphan!
Chapter 1: Lover Boy
Blaine was going to go insane.
He knew he should be grateful. He had it better than a lot of other people. He didn't have to worry about where his next paycheck was coming from, because he didn't get a paycheck, because he was an idiot who had, for some reason, decided his fascination with birds was enough to carry him through another five years of school at minimum after completing college. More to the point, he received monthly distributions from a trust fund his grandparents had set up for him in their wills, and though it didn't make him filthy rich, it gave him enough to live on without having to worry about finances.
But he never would have moved in with Cooper if he’d known they'd be locked up together for weeks (or would it be months?) on end. He loved his brother, but his brother was a lot. At least they had separate bedrooms, plus Cooper had the recording studio and was staying fairly busy with audiobook work. Unfortunately, Cooper did not keep all of his acting and voice exercises to the studio. Nor did he keep his opinions to himself, no matter how many times Blaine said, “I'm not changing what I'm making for dinner,” and “This is what I choose to wear and your opinion has no bearing on the matter,” and “I'm sorry you can't go to the gym, but no, you do not have my permission to use me as a dumbbell for bench presses.”
Blaine was spending increasing amounts of time shut in his bedroom with ear plugs and noise canceling headphones on, working on compiling and coding his field research notes and, when that became too tiresome, checking recently submitted species sightings on ebird.org for potential errors.
Today, he was listening to his Upbeat Sexy With a Twist of Romance playlist—the one he used to listen to while getting dressed for a night out on the town. Oh, what a different time that had been. Now instead of gelling his hair while crooning along to Freddie Mercury singing Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy, whatcha doin’ tonight?  while hoping to get laid or better yet find love, he was bobbing along to the song while entering numbers into a spreadsheet.
But that could be good, too. The rhythm of the music combined with the spreadsheet sent him into a near hypnotic trance that made him forget time and boredom and COVID. It was as close as Blaine got to heaven these days.
A sudden weight on his shoulder jarred him out of his trance.
His brother period of course. Just when Blaine’s mind had found some semblance of peace, Cooper had to disturb it.
He removed his headphones and one ear plug. “What is it, Coop?”
“New lockdown project: I’m going to turbocharge my manscaping routine. I need waxing tips.”
“You interrupted my work for that?”
Cooper waved at the computer screen dismissively. “You should be thanking me. That must be incredibly boring. What do all those numbers even mean?”
Blaine looked at his brother. He looked at the numbers. He looked at his brother again. “I mean this with all due respect, but I seriously want to kill you right now.” He closed his eyes. He took a breath. “I'm going for a walk.”
Blaine had already been for a walk that morning. It was the migratory season, so of course he had. He’d gone out with his binoculars as soon as the sun started twinkling over the horizon. He’d ticked off twenty-seven species, including his first American redstart of the season along with plenty of palm and yellow-rumped warblers, but apparently two hours of birding in the morning wasn't enough to keep him sane.
He jumped from his chair, pulled on a jacket, and grabbed his binoculars. “I'm going to walk until I no longer feel murderous. Love you!” The door slammed behind him.
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notiddygothgf · 5 months ago
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10. Early Breakfast
★ pairings: aki hayakawa x fem reader
★ ❝ I didn't know Hayakawa Captain had a girlfriend. ❞
★ c.w.: smut. more (poorly timed) confessions. denji is his own warning. (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: Hi again pookie dooks ;)). Okay so. I have been waiting SO LONG to post this chapter. We're nearing the end of the ones I had pre-written, and as a result updates may come a little slower, but I'll try to keep up! (Just be patient w me, ur girl is #struggling rn w uni). You're gonna love this chapter (until you dont). not saying nothing though. ENJOY LOVELIES! muah! please leave many many comments (spam me idgaf) i need smth to look forward to reading and i ALWAYS go thru yall's comments w the dorkiest smile. ily. (no beta, we die like... yeah.)
★ w.c: .7.5k
shameless ; chapter index
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AKI'S BED WAS WARM. Warm enough that you seemed to be able to forget where you were — or, rather, where you should have been. You had entire hotel suite waiting for you, yet it seemed as if you had wasted the first five days of your stay in Tokyo entangled with him. Two days had passed between your bathroom debacle and now, and you were back again right where it all had started.
You weren't entirely sure you minded it.
Aki wrapped his long, calloused fingers around your wrist, holding your bloody finger away from his face. You had cut your thumb open on the page of a magazine while the two of you were relaxing on his mattress — distantly, a song from a band you didn't know played on his CD player (The tonedeafs, or something like that).
"I want you to," You laughed, reaching your hand towards his face again. "I dared you to. I'm not a germaphobe, I don't care."
Aki furrowed his brows, holding your wrist away from his face once more, "You should care. It could get infected, or worse."
Always so serious.
You pouted, "Says who?"
"Me, everyone," Aki trailed off — playfully, of course, like he was lost in thought, "Any medical professional."
You laughed, flopping back onto the bed where you had been moments earlier before this had started, laying perpendicular to him with your back strewn over his stomach. Makima had given him the day off and you, not knowing what else could have been a better way to help him learn how to relax a little, decided to call out of work as well. 
"Pussy," You teased him, "What kind of Devil Hunter gets squeamish around blood?"
"I'm not squeamish, I'm just taking your health into consideration," He remarked (again, with a playful lilt to his words, despite his serious tone). "And, besides — what if someone overheard this? You calling your superior a pussy, hm? Then what?"
You replied with a witty retort of your own, "And what if they knew their Captain was fucking his subordinates?"
"I think I could get away with one," He teased back. "Not subordinates, plural. Just a subordinate. A married one, at that."
"So there are other subordinates?" You asked him — it was meant to be teasing, but you would be lying if a depraved part of you didn't wonder if you were the only one he was seeing. You wouldn't have a right to be upset if you weren't, granted that you were still very much married to another man.
"No. But that doesn't make you any less of a cougar," He hummed. "Devil Hunters do worse shit than sleeping with their coworkers, I hate to tell you."
"I'm only five years older than you," You huffed. Rolling over to look at him, you added, "We're damned anyway, then. That's what you're saying?"
"Not damned," He replied. Finally setting the book he'd been reading down on the bed beside him, he said, "Blessed. At least, I am."
"You're blessed?" You asked. "I'm a trainwreck, Aki."
"You're my trainwreck, though, aren't you?" He reached down, ruffling your hair with his hand. "I'm blessed because you're the first person to come into my life and give me a reason to keep myself alive."
"I thought you said you wanted to kill the Gun Devil?" You teased.
"I do," He said. "I didn't care if I lived or died before. Now that I have you waiting around for me to come back, I wanna keep coming home."
The slightest frown tugged at the corners of your lips, "That's so sad. You don't have any family?"
"No," He caressed your cheek with the back of his thumb, "The Gun Devil killed them. That's why I said I didn't care if I lived or died. As long as I did it for them, I thought I'd be able to die happy."
"You still feel that way?" You asked.
"Not really. I think I'm starting to have a change of heart," He sighed — chest rising and falling as he did so, "I'm growing fond of my roommates. Between those two shitheads and you, I dunno," A pause, and then he continued, "I'm not so sure I'd be able to die happy knowing I left all of that behind."
It was a touching sentiment. You probably should have left it at that, but a part of you couldn't help but dwell on it. You were — at least a part of — his reason to live. You were what kept him alive, what kept him motivated.
That didn't sound like he "might have feelings" for you.
It sounded like he loved you.
And, to make matters worse, you were beginning to realize that you returned his affections. The craving him, the missing him — the worrying about his wellbeing, the need to constantly be around him... All signs pointed towards one direction:
You loved him, too.
And, before you could stop yourself, before you could tell yourself it was too soon, you found yourself uttering the phrase, "Do you love me, Aki?"
He paused. A moment passed, and he took a deep breath. Then, he peered down at you, "Yeah. I do. I think I'm starting to love those two Devils, too — or at least care for them, but..." He licked his lips. "Not in the way that I love you."
Your heart nearly stopped beating entirely — skipping a beat, and then another while a horde of angry butterflies filled your chest.
Not in the way that I love you.
The way that I love you.
I love you.
He loves me. You couldn't remember the last time you heard those words.
You hadn't taken notice of the silence — or how long it was, for that matter — until Aki spoke again, the depth of his voice vibrating beneath your body, setting your nerves alight.
"You don't... have to say it back," He added, a little more sheepishly. He was so patient with you, so forgiving — it was all so much more than you deserved. "But, yeah, I love you."
You finally spoke up — voice a little weaker than you had intended it to sound. "I.. love you, too. I know I do."
It felt right to confess. You couldn't keep lying to him — to him or yourself.
"Do you want to stop seeing me?" He asked. He sounded like he did not want you to say yes (or maybe you were projecting). "I know it's too soon. I don't want to ruin your life."
You scoffed, "Ruin my life? I'm like a starving beggar who's been given food. You're the best thing that's happened to my life in god-knows-how-long."
He blinked at you. "I don't..."
"It makes no difference," You added on, "I love you and you love me. So, what? Are we supposed to break each other's hearts? Over a man I haven't loved in years? A man with whom I've only stayed for the sake of convenience?"
Aki sighed quietly, calling your name, but you didn't listen.
"I'm tired of running away from the truth, Aki. You were the one who showed me that," You continued. "I love you, and I think I'd be completely miserable if I lived without you."
"But you'd be at peace. You'd have a house and a life in Kyoto, still," He remarked. 
"You've consumed every inch of my peace. How can I give you your peace?" You quoted him. "Is that not what you told me? You don't want to stop seeing me, do you?"
"No, I don't," He said. "I'd be depressed beyond reprieve, but I'd do it if it meant you could be happy."
Finally, you rolled over, folding your arms over his chest, laying your head down over his heart — peering up at him through a fond gaze, "I'm happy with you, Aki. I don't want anything else."
There was an issue — of course. The issue being the dissolution of your marriage with your husband. But, still, the two of you danced around the truth.
"You shouldn't say things like that to me," He added quietly, "I'll hide you away in here forever."
You laughed softly, quietly, like you couldn't help but yearn for exactly that. "And, what? I should leave everything behind to stay here with you?"
To your surprise, however, he did not seem to be joking – not in the least. "Yeah," He deadpanned, "Would that be so bad?"
You sighed deeply, your fingers absently toying with the soft, rumpled covers of Aki's bed. The room had been bathed in a warm, golden light from the bedside lamp. The weight of contemplating a divorce hung heavily on you—images of an uncertain future and financial instability looming large in your mind.
"I'd have nothing if we divorced. I think that's the main reason I haven't done it by now. We never signed a prenup, so..." Your voice trailed off, the enormity of it all pressing down on you. "I'd be in shambles."
Aki shifted next to you, his gaze softening as he absorbed your words. He reached out, his fingers lightly brushing against your arm in a gesture meant to soothe. "But you could start over. We could start over. You're miserable with him. You know that, right?"
"You're too young to understand," You sighed.
"All that for a five year age gap is kind of crazy," He retorted. "Help me understand, then – why won't you put yourself first, for once?"
You looked away, your eyes reflecting the anxiety you felt. "I would lose the house, Aki... and everything I've worked for... it's not just about me."
"The apartment down the hall is up for lease, I've heard. It's not exactly the same as your house, but it could be a start," Aki tilted his head slightly, trying to offer a comforting smile. "We could make it work."
You considered his words – the idea of a new beginning didn't sound all too bad. Slowly, a tentative smile started to spread across your face. You met Aki's gaze, and he returned your smile with one that was gentle and understanding – like he always was. 
Finally, you shifted your position, rolling over to straddle Aki's waist, sitting in his lap. You reached down, gently plucking the magazine from his hands, and intertwined your fingers with his. 
"You love me," You said giddily, grinning ear to ear like a lovestruck fool.
God, now that you heard him say it, you wanted to hear it again.
Just to make sure that it was real.
And he looked up at you through tired, pretty blue eyes, like you had hung the stars in the sky yourself. Like you were everything to him. "Yes."
"Only me," You continued.
To which he answered breathlessly, "Yes."
"And you're happy with me?" You went on, "You're not just saying that to get my hopes up?"
"Yes," He answered. "Happier than I've ever been."
You knew it was dangerous to indulge yourself so shamelessly in his affections. He loved you and you loved him – there was only one thing holding you back from being his and his entirely...Your marriage of convenience.
"And you," He asked. "Do you love me? Only me?" 
"Of course," You answered. It should have been more difficult of an admission than it was. In reality, you hadn't loved anyone in years. "I haven't been able to fuck anyone else since you came around. That's how much I love you."
"You're not special," He tutted. "I can't even get off unless I'm thinking about you and that pretty face of yours. You know that?"
"I get that. I know you love me," You smiled. "But how much?"
Aki's hands slid up your legs, gripping your thighs. Slowly, he aided you in rocking back, then forth – until you took notice of the sudden hardness pressing into your core from below. He quirked a brow, "This much."
You widened your eyes, dragging your tongue over the front of your teeth. If that's the case, then that's a lot. You played into it, of course. You pulled the hem of his oversized sweater up and over your hips so that you could rut against him. The lace of your panties created a friction so delicious that your next words came out as a shudder, "This much?"
His lashes fluttered, pretty eyes threatening to shut – but he kept them open, like he wanted to commit every second of this moment to memory. "Yes."
You rubbed yourself along the length of the bulge in his sweatpants slowly, tantalizingly – "This much?"
He released the prettiest little trembling sigh, "Yes..."
"This much?" You leaned down a little further. Your hands braced themselves on his chest, sliding down to his abs, then back up again – all while you lowered yourself a little closer to his face, rutted against him a little harder, just the way he liked it. 
"Yes," He whimpered faintly, weakly. When you brought your face a little lower, a little closer to his, you could see the faint hue of pink that painted his cheeks.
Unable to wait a moment longer, you touched your noses together, lips only inches apart.
"This much?" You breathed. Going a little faster now – all but riding the tent in his sweats – you felt your legs begin to tremble. "And this much? And this much?"
"Ah..." He panted, "Yes, yes, yes."
His eyes struggled to meet yours – you liked the sense of control it gave you. It made your mind run wild with desire, knowing he trusted you enough to let you have him like this. To let you take the reins. Just before your lips touched, you brought your bloody thumb up to his mouth. 
Then, carefully, you painted the faintest trace of red on his lower lip. He froze – holding his breath, anticipating your next move.
You traced your tongue carefully over his lower lip, kissing his lips clean – licking up what was left. It was depraved and dirty and downright distasteful... but, fuck...
It was so hot.
Clearly, Aki shared your sentiment, because before you could pull away he was gripping the back of your neck and bringing you closer to him, slipping his tongue into your mouth while it was still open – stealing a dirty kiss from you. His lips were insistent against yours, desperate, even – tasting like mint with the faintest hint of blood.
With a blissful groan, he departed from your lips, kissing his way down your neck while he rocked your hips back and forth. The friction was just enough to have you moaning in tandem, falling into him.
His tongue was hot against your skin, pulling it into his mouth to suck gently on it – gentle enough that he wouldn't leave marks, hard enough that you were gripping his biceps for support. 
You craned your head up toward the ceiling to give him more room to continue his onslaught down the valley of your neck, down your clavicle. 
You brought your hands down to the waistband of Aki's sweatpants, where he was practically straining against the fabric. "Need you, Aki, please."
He let you wrangle his pants down just far enough to free him (no, he hadn't bothered to put on a pair of boxers after his shower) – just far enough to let his aching erection spring out. His fingers looped beneath the fabric of your panties with practiced ease, and he pushed them to the side.
"Right now?" He asked. "Like this?"
"Fuck. Need you, too, baby."
You wasted absolutely no time in lining his tip up with your entrance and sinking down on him. With little to no prep involved prior, it was a bit of a stretch – you could feel his length splitting you open, but, shit...
It felt so fucking good to have him inside of you. You fell forward onto him, letting him set the pace.
He let out the sexiest little gasp, squeezing his eyes shut. 
"You won't get tired of me?" You asked, rising up and then sinking back down after a moment of adjustment. Up once more, then down once more, and you could feel the pain subsiding. "Of... of this?"
"Never," He gritted out, gripping your hips a little harder. He bounced you up and down a little faster, a little harder – and that little change in speed was all it took to have the both of you gasping. He moaned, "So perfect. Fuckin' love it."
You giggled, "So this is love?" 
Trailing off, you gasped, a smile forming on your tender lips. It wasn't the years you had spent with your husband, arguing over money and food and everything else. It wasn't distasteful comments about your body, or a harsh sting on your cheek followed by a half-assed apology. It wasn't a broken promise of "I do," or a life in Kyoto. It was this.
Aki's response came in the form of a muffled whine of, "Yes," against your sensitive neck.
"This..." You grinned. 
This was love. 
You could get used to it.
You rustled from your sleep late in the evening. Nose twitching, you nuzzled your face into the warm surface your head was laid upon – warm, bare skin beneath you. Aki's chest was a milky white valley – between the pectorals of which you pressed a lazy kiss. He stirred, only slightly, and didn't wake.
A grumble of your stomach prompted you to sigh before slipping out of his grasp, out of the fortress his strong arms made around your head. His biceps were so plump that you almost wished you could sink your teeth into them, mark him as yours.
But, alas, duty calls. 
You slid out of the bed slowly, being careful not to wake your lover in the process. His sweater slipped down your waist, pooled around your thighs, and your bare feet touched the floor of his bedroom as you padded towards the door. 
You cast one last glance to the bed before you left. Aki was sound asleep, face turned to the side, inky black hair tousled and spread over the pillow. His pink lips were open just enough for quiet snores to escape. As if he sensed your absence, he grumbled something incoherent in his sleep, and rolled over onto his side. He wrapped an arm around the pillow – where you had been lying only a moment earlier – and snuggled into it. 
God, he was so fucking cute – he was going to be the death of you.
A smile teased the corners of your lips. With no great deal of satisfaction, you cracked the door open – checking your surroundings before slipping into the living room. You tip-toed over the wooden floorboards (as if that would make a difference) and into the kitchen, pawing at the fridge until it opened.
You squinted into the refrigerator light, trying to scan its contents for a good snack. Let's see... Lettuce, Leftovers, Vegetables...
Berries! You grinned, reaching for the little package of strawberries. It looked like it was pretty new – surely he wouldn't notice a few missing... right? 
If he did, he certainly didn't seem like he would care.
So you shut the fridge just as quietly as you had opened it. You nearly lept right out of your skin when you noticed something standing behind the door – someone.
It was the ginger boy from the party – Denji – and he was looking at you like he was just as confused as you were, standing only a little taller than you in Cookie Monster pajama pants and an old-looking undershirt.
What time is it? His roommates were supposed to be at training today!
He raked his eyes over your appearance, following the path of your bare legs up to your sweater, then up to your face again. Finally, he commented, "I didn't know Hayakawa Captain had a girlfriend."
You were fucking mortified. So much for being on the down low, right? 
Swallowing, you replied, "I'm not–"
"Wait a sec, aren't you that girl from the party?" He squinted at you. 
Shit. Shit. Double Shit.
"Uh..." You laughed awkwardly, toying with the hem of Aki's sweater. You knew you probably made for a remarkable sight – messy hair, bare feet, wearing nothing but his Captain (and roommate's) sweater. "What party?"
Public Safety loved to party. He wouldn't remember you from one night alone, would he?
"The one where Himeno got shitfaced? Wait, I don't think that narrows it down by much..." He pursed his lips, tapping his chin in thought while he scrutinized you, "It had to have been, like, a month ago, now. She started crying and then she got real wasted and puked on my shoes... She said she was real pissed at Hayakawa and his little girlfriend. That's you, right?"
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. You didn't know what was more mortifying – the idea that he knew you were sleeping with his captain, or the idea that Himeno was telling him about you. 
If your flustered appearance didn't give it away (or the way you froze like a deer in headlights when he said that), your words definitely did. "I have no clue what you're talking about."
That sounds like something someone would say if they most definitely did know what someone was talking about, you thought.
What the hell was he doing out here this late, anyway? It wasn't fair.
"Youuu... sure...?" He asked, squinting at you a little harder. You were one question away from breaking a sweat, "'Cause he's been acting real fishy lately, and I heard noises coming from his room when I came back a few hours ago."
You were going to murder him and yourself a moment later. He said they wouldn't come home.
"I thought you were supposed to be at training?" You whisper-shouted back at him. "What noises could you possibly have heard?"
"We wrapped up early," He remarked, like that should have been obvious. "And, I dunno, but it sounded like someone was being murdered in there. Himeno said he had a "little girlfriend", and I don't see him around many women, so..." Snapping his fingers, he pointed them at you, "You're her. You're his secret girlfriend, right? I've been working on my detective skills, you know. I can tell these things about people."
You could do nothing but gape at him, utterly gobsmacked at two different things – Firstly, that this interaction was even happening, and, secondly, that he had managed to sniff you out so easily.
"Unless you're not," He trailed off – seemingly lost in thought, again, as he gazed up at the ceiling, scratching his chin, "You know, I heard him in the bathroom with someone the other day. Is that something you're aware of? I don't want to assume, but I figured you should know. He could be cheating on you."
Again, you couldn't form a suitable answer, mouth open. Still – because you were hungry – you plucked a strawberry from the container, inching your hand slowly towards your mouth. 
"What are you doing?" A voice cut into the tense silence between you and the orange-haired boy – who, from your understanding, was no older than 16. The two of you jumped apart. 
Aki stood in the hallway, eyeing you and Denji up wearily. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed – literally – with his hair still a little disheveled over his neck and in his face, donning nothing but a pair of sweatpants to match the shirt you were wearing. 
We're cooked, you thought. 
Then, immediately letting your gaze wander over his chiseled physique, you thought, He looks so fucking good without a shirt on.
The sound of his voice shook you from your horny reverie. He had called your name, or something like that, considering that he was looking right at you.
You tilted your head, popping the strawberry into your mouth, "Hmm?"
Aki's lips were pressed into that serious pout he always seemed to wear around his coworkers – something so different from how he normally was around you, something that you had to get used to, "I asked if he was bothering you."
"Oh." You swallowed the mouthful of strawberry you were chewing. Glancing between him and his ginger detective roommate, you muttered, "No.. No, he's just– He was just getting a snack."
His expression softened immediately. Still, he leaned against the kitchen counter, saying, "Come back to bed."
Well, shit, there goes my alibi, You gnawed on the inside of your cheek. He made it sound so tempting.
So, opening the refrigerator door and tucking the container of strawberries away on the shelf, you squeezed past Denji, murmuring a quick, "Good night." 
Then you followed Aki back to his room, leaving the poor boy speechless in the kitchen.
The next morning, Aki was already up when you stirred, the soft sound of bowls clinking and the rhythmic whisking of something filling the quiet morning ambience. The smell of something sweet drifte d in from the kitchen, pulling you out of bed. 
Snagging your purse off of the floor, you slipped into the bathroom, your feet padding softly against the cold floor. Without thinking, you reached for Aki's blue toothbrush again—the one you'd claimed yesterday, and the time before that. There was something oddly comforting about using his things.
There was also something sort of ironic about the way you hesitated before using it — like you hadn't swallowed a load of his kids before, like this was overstepping.
As you brushed your teeth, your thoughts floated back to last night—the weight of his arms around you, the way his hands had roamed your body like they belonged there. Your confession had been a surprise. His confession had been hushed whispers of, "I love you. So perfect. All for me," against your skin, a sinful croon of your name while he fell apart beneath your touch.
You winced slightly at the ache in your lower back, a reminder of how tangled the two of you had been in the sheets. That ache was a small price to pay.
Spitting into the sink, you wiped your face and took a handful of water into your mouth. Then, reaching into your purse, you produced your little Birth Control tin, popping one of the tiny white pills into your mouth.
You wandered back out into the living room a minute or two later, drawn by the smell of what you assumed was breakfast. Aki was standing at the kitchen counter, his back to you, shoulders relaxed beneath one of his signature sweaters— one that, despite how soft and oversized it looked, did nothing to hide his lean form, the muscled slopes of his shoulders. You watched him for a moment, admiring the way he moved so easily in his space, the domesticity of it all.
You walked up behind him without a word, slipping your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against the hard plane of his back. Your hands trailed lazily over his abdomen, feeling the firm lines of his muscles through the fabric of his sweater. You couldn't help but smile to yourself; he was so deceptively toned beneath all those layers, the kind of strength that made you second-guess not divorcing your husband sooner.
"Hey, troublemaker," he said softly, his voice warm and teasing, like he knew you were up to something just by the way you touched him. He didn't even flinch at your sudden embrace, just leaned into you as if he had been expecting you.
You buried your nose between his shoulder blades, breathing him in. That familiar scent of his cologne mixed with the smell of pancake batter—it was such a simple combination, but it made your heart ache in the best way. His hair was tied up in that silly little topknot again, and on anyone else it would have looked completely ridiculous. He smelled like everything good and familiar, like something you didn't even realize you needed.
He set the bowl of pancake batter down and turned slightly, his hand finding your chin, gently tilting your face up to meet his. His lips captured yours in a kiss that was slow, deliberate, like he had all the time in the world to show you exactly how much he wanted you. The kiss was languid, sensual,  made your knees a little weak and left you dizzy in the best way. You could taste the sweetness of his affection, the way he held you like you were something precious.
In that moment, it hit you—you really were in love. 
You didn't need to second-guess it. This wasn't like anything you had before. The ease, the quiet bliss of being here with him, in this little bubble you'd both created—it was something you had never known with your husband. 
That marriage had been full of noise and expectations, but this... this was peace. 
This was love.
And standing there, with Aki's arms around you and the smell of pancakes in the air, you knew you didn't want to let this feeling go.
"Hi. You sleep okay?" you asked, slipping your hands under the hem of his sweater, your fingers pressing against the warmth of his muscular back. You felt the subtle shift of his body under your touch, the way his breath caught for just a second.
"Better than okay," he replied, his voice still rough from sleep. "I don't even remember dreaming."
You leaned in closer, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered, "Aww... did I put you to sleep?" The words came out soft, playful, with a teasing edge that hung in the air.
He chuckled, a deep, velvety sound that sent a ripple through your body. "That's rich coming from the one who came so hard she passed out last night."
Your cheeks flushed instantly, the memory making heat rise in your face as you buried it against his chest, the familiar scent of him filling your senses. His sweater smelled like him—warm, clean, and just a little bit of that cologne you couldn't get enough of.
After a moment, you tilted your head, peeking up at him through your lashes. Your hands moved beneath his sweater again, this time slowly exploring the firm ridges of his abs. He was a Greek god, he really was.
You could feel him tense, the muscles under your touch shifting with every slight movement of your fingers as they trailed down his abdomen, brushing lightly with your knuckles. You hummed, the sound vibrating softly in your throat. "Hmm... should I make it up to you?"
Aki's eyes dropped to yours, and you saw the change immediately—his face grew warm, the faintest hint of pink rising on his cheeks as his pupils widened. "Make what up to me?" he asked, his voice lower now, like he wasn't sure if he wanted the answer or if he was bracing for it.
Your fingers dipped beneath the waistband of his boxers, the fabric snapping back against his skin with a soft, sharp sound. He let out a quiet grunt in response, and the sound sent a surge of satisfaction through you.
"You're a little minx today, aren't you?" he teased, though his voice was laced with something deeper, his smirk betraying just how affected he was.
You just smiled up at him, your fingers lingering at the waistband, daring him to see where the moment would take you next.
"What can I say? I'm an early riser," you teased, your finger trailing downward over his sweatpants, over the tent that was beginning to form where your fingers ghosted over them. The way his breath hitched, followed by a flustered laugh, made you grin.
You tugged at the strings of his sweatpants, mischief dancing in your eyes. "And I think someone else is too."
Aki's gaze darted between the stove, where the pancakes were almost ready to be poured, and the closed bedroom doors, behind which his roommates were still fast asleep. His brow furrowed as if he were contemplating something serious, but the playful glint in his eyes hadn't left.
"You're insatiable," he said, though his voice held just the faintest tremor of doubt. "Not like this. Not in the kitchen."
"You're thinking about it?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why? Craving something sweet?"
"Always, pretty girl," he murmured, his tone soft but filled with heat. "But don't tempt me."
"Why not?" you challenged, leaning in just a little closer. "Who was it that said to give in to temptation and not run from the truth? Why stop now?"
Aki's smirk deepened as he slid one hand around your waist, his fingers grazing the small of your back. "Because my temptations involve me hiking that little sweater up and fucking you right there on the table until the neighbors call the cops," he whispered, his lips barely brushing your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "Behave."
Yes, sir.
Just before you could retort, you heard the soft creak of a door opening. In an instant, both of you pulled away from each other, the space between you filled with unspoken tension. Eventually, a familiar head of ginger hair popped into the kitchen, tired eyes barely open, pants hanging low on his hips. 
"Morning," Denji yawned.
Aki's words left you breathless, still. You cast him an uncertain glance. He smirked – barely there, of course, but just enough to tell you that your conversation wasn't over. Then, he turned back to the stove.
Denji reached for the fridge, grabbing a bottle of Orange Juice.
"You making pancakes over there?" The younger of the two boys asked, pulling a seat out from beneath the kitchen table and plopping down – clearly unwilling to bring up the whole issue of whatever the fuck happened last night.
This entire situation is unreal.
"Yeah," Aki answered. Clearly, he didn't want to talk about it either. Instead, he poured some batter onto the pan.
Awkwardly, you inched towards the seat at the table across from him. You sat down and folded your hands on the table. He eyed you up curiously, like wasn't sure if last night had been a dream. You avoided his gaze, looking down at your lap.
Suddenly, you felt conscious of your appearance — was your hair disheveled? Had he left marks on your neck? Did Denji have some sort of superpower that allowed him to see through your sweater and see the bruises Aki's strong hands had left on your hips the night before?
A few silent minutes passed, during which neither of you three brought up the elephant in the room. A moment longer, and you were joined by Aki's other nightmare roommate — a short girl with pink hair, sharp teeth, and red little horns protruding from the top of her head. 
She entered the kitchen with a proud shriek of, "Well risings, mortals! I smell sustenance."
When she noticed you, a look of confusion replaced her grin. She sat down at the table next to Denji and asked him, "Who is this human?"
And, just like that, the line is crossed.
Denji shrugged as Aki set a plate of pancakes down in front of him. He quirked a snarky little brow, glaring up at him, "Dunnno. Why don't you ask him?"
Power's lips were pressed into a confused little pout. She looked up at Aki as he walked behind her, but the moment she saw he was coming towards her with a plate, she kept her mouth shut. Four pancakes were heaped onto each of their dishes. The moment it hit the table, she reached for the fork and the knife and dug in.
Finally, Aki came around the table, offering you a plate of pancakes and an apologetic expression before taking a seat next to you. There were two pancakes on his plate, garnished with butter and honey. 
You looked at him with wide eyes that flicked between him and his roommate, blinking extra hard, as if to say, Help me.
He sighed your name in response, "Meet Denji and Power, the two shitheads I live with."
Great. That wasn't helpful at all.
"Why are you not bowing?" The Power girl slammed her fist down against the table. "You are in the presence of greatness."
Denji didn't seem to care much to acknowledge her, ripping a piece off of his pancake and stuffing it into his mouth before saying, "You're bangin' the captain, right?"
Your mouth hung open. Aki tensed, furrowing his brows angrily, "Denji."
"What? You told me you weren't seeing anyone when I asked you, but I saw her come out of your room," Denji snapped back. He ripped another chunk out of his pancake, and stuffed his mouth again. 
"We were having a... sleepover...?" You answered hesitantly, trying to make the situation better (and making it worse).
Denji pointed an accusatory finger at you, "Girls and boys don't have sleepovers."
Power shoved his arm, "Nonsense. Plenty of people do it."
Denji's head snapped towards her. He barked, "Yeah, plenty of people who are banging each other!"
You dropped your head into your hands, groaning into the table. 
Aki handled the situation calmly, as he normally did, "She's my girlfriend."
And, just like that, your head was popping back up. Your wide eyes were on him immediately, heart pounding against your ribs like it was about to break loose. Girlfriend?
Then, a warmth spread over the back of your neck and your face, and you realized you weren't entirely opposed to being his girlfriend. Unless he was just putting up an act. In which case, you definitely weren't getting your hopes up — on paper, you were still married, anyway, right?
Denji and Power looked just as shocked as you did.
"You lying piece of shit!" Denji hissed. He turned to Power and added, "See? I told you! I knew it! He's been too lenient lately. Pay up."
Power crossed her arms. Mouth still full, she replied, "I refuse."
Denji leapt up from his seat, pointing at her now, "No way. You owe me a feel!"
Oh my god.
"There's a new pack of gum in the car," Aki sighed — visibly distressed by his roommates' behavior but noticeably unsurprised. Clearly this was no infrequent occurrence in his household. 
The two of them perked up at that. 
Aki continued, voice stern and notably father-like, "I'll give the both of you two pieces each if you keep your mouths shut."
Slowly, Denji lowered himself back into his seat. Power's angry face dropped, replaced by a wide-eyed frown, like that of a begging dog.
"Yes, sir," Denji answered obediently.
Power added, "At your service, My Liege."
"This doesn't leave the table. Got it?" Aki told the two of them. Carefully, he cut his pancakes into nine squares. He popped one onto a fork. 
The two roommates nodded quickly.
Aki sighed, "Good. If you have any questions to ask her, do it politely."
Power was the first to ask, "Do you work with him?"
Finally having a chance to speak, you smiled softly, sheepishly, "Yeah. I'm new to Tokyo, though."
"Great. There will be plenty of time, then," She grinned, "I wish the two of you nothing but success in your mission to procreate!"
You choked on the mouthful of pancakes you were trying to swallow down. Before you could even comment on that wildly invasive statement, Denji answered with a question of his own.
"He said be respectful, dumbass," He tutted. He polished off the rest of his pancakes in (seemingly) a few ridiculously huge bites before he asked. "Is it true that women's boobs are measured with letter-sizes?" A pause, then he added, "How big are yours?"
"You little brat," Aki grumbled as he slammed his fork down on the table, "I'm gonna kick your ass."
An hour after breakfast had wrapped up, and Aki had left you to do the dishes, you left for the balcony — but not before reaching into the pocket of the suit jacket he had left neatly folded on the couch and stealing one of his beloved cigarettes and his lucky lighter.
You didn't know what had gotten into you lately. Yet, as you stepped outside and closed the sliding door behind you, you couldn't help the relieved sigh that left your lips the moment the cig was lit and in your mouth.
The cherry crackled as you pulled a long, drawn out hit from it — thinking briefly back to a point in time some six or seven years ago when you were still a young Public Safety officer with a cigarette dangling from her lips, and then to the night before, when Aki had blown the smoke into your mouth. You sighed, releasing the smoke with the slightest cough.
Of course, the peaceful moment was shattered the moment you felt your phone buzzing in the pocket of the basketball shorts Aki had lent you earlier, saying something about how Denji was "Shamelessly ogling your legs". They were long enough to touch the back of your calves. Of course, you imagined they fit him differently.
You plucked the little device out, flipping it open. The screen was illuminated by a call — with two concerns being raised. Firstly, your phone was only on 12%. Secondly, the person calling you was your husband.
Your heart dropped. In a moment, it was as if the tranquil morning had been shattered, leaving you with that feeling of dread you knew all too well. You hadn't spoken to him since the night before you had left for Tokyo.
You flipped the phone open, accepting the call. "Hey."
"Hey. How have you been?"
Fine, before he called. You didn't say that, though, instead pulling another puff of your cigarette. "I've been good."
There was a rather lengthy pause, after which your husband cleared his throat, "Look. I wanted to call you because I felt real bad about what happened before you left."
You couldn't possibly doubt him more. Still, you had spent the entirety of last night getting your guts rearranged by his superior. You figured you had outdone him. "Yeah? It's alright."
"No, it's not," He answered, much to your surprise, "I had no right to hit you. That was super out of line. I'm just... I've been stressed out with work and you being gone, and... I dunno, I..."
The line paused again. You took another hit.
"I can't shake this feeling about you in Tokyo. I feel like something's wrong," He finished.
Your stomach churned with unease. He was right, of course, but you couldn't let onto that – if it had taken him that long to notice, he couldn't really care. Hell, he hadn't called you since you left.
"Like what?" You replied with a noncommittal hum. You couldn't give less of a shit what he was feeling, to be completely fair and honest. He never cared what you were thinking? 
"I don't know what. I know I said some rude things, but... I don't think that's an excuse for you to be ignoring me like this. I've been waiting for your call," He sighed. "Are you okay? Are we okay?"
You nearly burst out laughing at the sheer irony of it all. So now he cares?
He's far too late.
As if on cue, the sliding door opened. Faintly, you could hear Denji and Power shouting at each other in the background, followed by a set of quiet footsteps right behind you. The door shut. You didn't have to turn around to know who it was. 
Aki came up on you from behind, wrapping his strong arms around your waist, nestling his face into the crook of your neck. He smelled of pancakes and laundry soap and cologne, a scent so divine that it had you relaxing into his touch instantly.
On the phone, your husband drew on, "Hello? You still there?"
You felt a warm kiss at the back of your neck, followed by another that landed a little higher, and then a little higher. Then he peppered a series of butterfly kisses to the sensitive skin there. You grinned, leaning into his touch while swatting him away all the same.
"Yeah," You answered, voice teetering on a giggle. Aki pulled you flush against his chest, arms squeezing you tight while he teased you with more butterfly kisses. "Sorry, I'm multitasking."
Aki's hands gripped your hips, pulling them back so that your ass was pressed right up against him. Then, he leaned down, nibbling softly at the skin near the corner of your jaw – then soothed over it with a lick of his warm, flattened tongue.
You bit back a laugh, pushing him away. Finally, he seceded, leaving you alone so that he could sit down on the chair on the balcony and watch you.
Your husband spoke up. You had almost forgotten he was there. In a few short words, he shattered your entire world; 
"I'm being stationed in Tokyo."
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a/n: ermmmmmmm... heyyyyy... how yall doin.... ok now look. don't hate me. you know after all that sugar i gave yall i had to throw in a curveball, cmon. (this is a notiddygothgf fanfic after all). dont be too mad, i'll be back shortly!!! the plot thickens from here. I wonder what will happen?? (jk i already know but id love to hear what YALL think will happen). (you know mama always makes it up to you bbs). THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR UNWAVERING SUPPORT! You guys and ur comments literally keep me going. Part of me never wants this story to end (which is crazy bc it was originally a one shot lmfao.). anyway not too much more, love yall!! ciao pookies! x
credits: UNKOWN ATM. I found the cover pic on pinterest unfortch. If you know the artist, please let me know, so I can credit them properly for their work!!! This is NOT MY BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGGG. I obviously do not own csm or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
also: come find me on my wattpad if u wanna interact more!
taglist: @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505 , @acethebrave , @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505
wanna join the taglist? | shameless ; chapter index
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bitbybitwrites · 2 months ago
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I was tagged by : @porcelainmortal, @alasse9 @forabeatofadrum
Thanks for thinking of me! . . I should really do this before 2024 is up, right? 😂
BTW its still Dec 31 here where I am, so I'll say it counts.
I've done a lot more than I expected this year, as I look back. And I'm kind of proud of myself.
I started writing for another fandom - RWRB. Its been fun adding these characters to the mix.
I managed finishing 1 multi-chapter fic and a 11 shorter fics.
I'm still plugging away on 3 longer multi-chapter WIP, adding and posting chapters as I go.
I have compiled an additional WIP list of (*stops to count*) 16 other fics that are not posted yet, but are in various stages of readiness. I flitter around adding bits to each when inpiration hits.
I think that's about it for me for 2024 - still writing, slow and steady. 😊
I'm always so happy to see any of kudos and comments if you have left any . . . and I'm still really apologetic that I haven't gotten to responding to many. There's only so much time in the day. I will try to get to them!
WRITING GOALS FOR 2025: Basically write more, and write as often as I can. There are so many of my WIP I want to get into and finish . . hopefully some of you will find them interesting to read!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year and a productive and creative 2025! I look forward to seeing/reading all you create!
See links and descriptions to everything under the cut!
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April 2024
Falling For You (Klaine fic) - 26,089 words
Kurt Hummel thought by donating his services as a florist to Memorial Sloan Kettering, that he would simply be giving back to the medical community. A good deed for the month of December. Little did he know that a few chance run-ins with an adorable doctor and a sweet little girl in the hospital lobby would change all that. Written for the Klaine Secret Santa 2023 Gift Exchange.
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May 2024
Pretty Shiny things (Klaine fic) - 1,943 words
The clangs and shrieks of the alarm system at Christie's Auction House filled the corridors, echoing through the mostly empty building. They were just as loud as the beating of Kurt and Blaine's hearts as they raced down corridor after corridor while they attempted to escape. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Kurt growled through his teeth as he ran, slipping slightly on the polished marble floor as he turned another corner. “I leave you alone for five minutes . . . FIVE MINUTES, Blaine. What on earth did you do?” **** Discovered a fun new thing on Tumblr called Ficlet Friday. This ficlet was inspired by a dialogue prompt by annepi: Prompt: Klaine - “I leave you alone for five minutes...”
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June 2024
hold me close (FirstPrince fic) - 836 words
Alex has had a rough day. It's a good thing that Henry's home to take care of him. For a Ficlet Friday prompt : "Tell me anything. Everything.”
blythe spirit (FirstPrince fic) - 1,756 words
“I . . . I don't know why you're even interested." “Baby, I love you.  I'm interested in everything about you." Alex gave Henry a very pointed and heated look that definitely hit the mark. The flush on Henry’s face now deepened.  He worried his bottom lip between his teeth for a few moments as he considered his options. “Come on,” Alex softly cajoled.  “You can’t just say things like: ‘I played Elvira in a school production of Blythe Spirit’ and not expect me to ask for pictures . . or at least the lowdown on it all.”  Alex pouted again to prove his point.  “I’m a weak man, H.  These are the types of things I need to know more about.” ***** From a Friday Ficlet prompt: "Tell Me anything. Everything."
nightfall (Klaine fic) - 219 words
Blaine sighed as he collapsed onto the sand. With his chin upon his knees and arms wrapped around his legs, Blaine gazed out toward the ocean, deciding that the purple-ish pink sky that stretched out before him was absolutely breathtaking. If only he had his camera with him. It would be a perfect addition to his next gallery exhibit. ***** Based off a Tumblr Prompt/Ask Game - "Create a microstory from the prompt selected" Thanks to Falles for giving me: "49 - nightfall"
i'll always come back to you (FirstPrince fic) - 504 words
Alex will always come back to Henry . . .always Based on a microstory prompt: #32 - dust motes
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July 2024
fire island follies (Klaine fic) - 3,027 words
Blaine Anderson is off to a weekend on Fire Island - well, his good friend Santana is draggng him on one. He's not so sure it's the best thing to do - but a run-in with a beautiful performer from the Fire Island Follies quickly changes his mind. ****** From a Tumblr Friday Ficlet prompt from bowtiesandboatshoes : "We're going to Fire Island.  It's like gay Disney World." Title is from an actual burlesque/cabaret show: The Fire Island Follies
i hate waiting (FirstPrince fic) - 555 Words
Alex needs to keep his daughter from being bored.   inspired by this adorable picture on Tumblr by wordsofhoneydew
study date (Klaine fic) - 945 words
"Get your hands off me!" The sound of a scuffle had Kurt look up from his reading. To be honest, Divination was such a bore of a class. It's not like he needed to learn anything new about it. Kurt had all of his mother's crystals, divination tools, and journals tucked away in her old trunk up in the attic of their home. He could read tea leaves and scry with the best of them. He had long ago lost focus on the chapter Professor Holiday had assigned them for the evening, so at this point, any other distraction would be welcome. Even if it was prefect duties.
Originally this was a bit of a false start for my fic, Advanced Potions
The original prompt was "hogwarts!au + 4. meet messy + 6. "what is that?"
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August 2024
what can compare with your beautiful sound (Klaine fic) - 1,183 words
Kurt’s brow furrowed as he concentrated on the task at hand. He had to get it just right. His hand hovered just a few inches higher, and with a deft flick of his wrist, a drop of wax fell from the lit candle in his hand to his canvas below. The canvas moaned in ecstasy. “Now, darling, we don’t want to shift, now do we?" Kurt softly murmured as he leaned in close. "You've been such a good boy for me so far." ***** Based off of a microstory prompt from Tumblr : "candles"
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November 2024
smutsgiving/wanksgiving 2024: rwrb/firstprince - 662 words
Prince Henry has been given a new gift for his bedchamber. Entry for Smutsgiving/Wanksgiving 2024.
smutsgiving/wanksgiving 2024: klaine - 580 Words
Dinner was lovely, but Blaine is really ready to go home. Entry for Smutsgiving/Wanksgiving 2024.
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(Klaine) If I Can Make Your Heart My Home - (Klaine Reverse Bang 2023) Life in New York City and working in the restaurant industry wasn’t exactly what Kurt Hummel had expected it would be. He’s lonely, stressed out and miserable. He’s almost ready to throw in the towel and return home to Ohio when a chance meeting with a musician in Central Park changes everything. (Warning: an angsty rollercoaster of a ride. Soooo many cameos from Glee characters! 😉)
(RWRB) Puppy Love - (RWRB NYE gift exchange 2023) The cold snowy day that Henry Fox discovers an abandoned beagle puppy in an alley brings handsome, flirty veterinarian, Alex Claremont-Diaz into his life. Alex is a single dad, recently moved to NY with his young son who Henry hasn't met yet - or so Alex thought. (Fluffy kid!fic)
(Klaine) Sanctuary - (Klaine Word Scramble 2023) Crown Prince Blaine has stumbled into a secluded glade, trying to escape the horrors of the bloody war his father had brought upon their kingdom. Mourning his beloved older brother and faced with the burden of taking his place in the kingdom, Blaine yearns for a place to hid from the world to deal with the issues weighing on his heavy heart. He encounters a mysterious elf, the guardian of the magical spring that Blaine has mistakenly defiled, whose growing connection to his life the young prince can't ignore. (Inspired by an idea/ artwork by @datshitrandom and @justgleekout)
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My WIP list can be found here! I keep it updated. Feel free to ask me about any of them if you're curious . . 🥰. Hoping to finish some of these in the coming year.
OK so ( as usual) I'm late to post - so if anyone hasn't done this yet and wants to - take my big open tag for it and maybe some of these folks might want to do one of these wrap ups as well?
Tagging ( participate only if you want to): @wowbright, @gleefulpoppet, @daisyishedwig, @spaceorphan18 @special-bc-ur-part-of-it
@myheartalivewrites, @14carrotghoul, @thighzp @tailsbeth-writes @onthewaytosomewhere
@sophie1973 @getmehighonmagic @tinyarmedtrex @henrysfox @blueeyedgrlwrites
@kirakiwiwrites @madas-ahatters-world @sarkyblueeyes @heartsmadeofbooks @iboatedhere
@little-escapist @littlemisskittentoes @kurtsascot @hkvoyage @lilinas
Psst. . . and if any fanartists see this and want to share what they've drawn this year, tag me! I'd love to see your work if I've missed some!
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 days ago
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  TEDewitt! @tedewitt has 43 works posted to AO3 in the Stranger Things fandom and 42 of them are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @tedewitt:
Let's Search The Skies (For A While)
Orange Cat Wanted
I'd Miss You Even If I'd Never Met You
Ready Or Knot
Wet Ret Rock God
"They are a f**king amazing writer and I need them to know that or else" -- anonymous
They also had this to say about TEDewitt:
"Choosing only five fics was a special kind of torture. TEDewitt is a fantastic writer, perfectly executes incredible ideas, and they deserve the spotlight so much."
Below the cut, TEDewitt answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Honestly it was kind of by accident. I am an old fanfiction reader who started with Nsync fanfiction back in the early 2000s (told you I was old). I haven’t written anything in like 20 years and Steddie was so captivating that I was bitten by the bug and can’t stop.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love Modern AUs. Take the Upside Down out of it, take the powers, hell take the 80s out and I’m there. Beyond that, I love fake dating, especially when they make so much sense that everyone’s like, “Oh yeah, this totally works.”
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Omegaverse. I’d never heard of it before this fandom and I’m a little obsessed. I love how you can do whatever you want and it still makes sense. Other than Omegaverse, I’d say Famous AUs. The least we as a fandom can do is let Eddie live his rockstar dream in fandom.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Tuesday’s Gone With The Wind by thisapplepielife I will never forget how I felt the moment I read the last chapter. I have never sobbed like that over a fic. The Gareth themed sequel series got me through the grief of losing my son’s father in a car accident the day after Tuesday’s last chapter was posted. I could never repay thisapplepielife for what their writing has done for me.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Hanahaki is such an intriguing trope, I have an idea for it and just haven’t gotten it written down yet. That and I have a cult themed outsider POV DD fic coming eventually. My problem with writing is that I try to write as many different tropes as I can because I just love them all.
What is your writing process like?
My writing process is a hot mess. I’m so sorry friends, I do not have any tips, tricks or secrets. I’ve had 15k fics that just appear because of a single scene. The closest thing I have to a process is when I’m writing a Movie Or Book AU. With those I will write out the entire plot in bullet points so I can make sure to keep track of the things I want to keep. Then, I start moving things around, deleting, and even flip the plot around entirely. Once I have “the plot” I start building the world and actually write it all out. God help Jordan who has to decipher my notes.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I sneak in pop culture references in every single fic. It could be a line, a street name, a lyric, something. I used to make and sell indie nail polish in my spare time and they were all pop culture themed so now I sneak it in everywhere I can. I honestly need to make a list of all of the references just to see if anyone’s found them all.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of fics with deadlines which is honestly so helpful. Having a schedule or a plan that someone else is making me stick to is perfection. If I have to make the plan? Well, I get lost in world building so it’ll be late. Don’t look at my WIPs, I know they aren’t finished and I’m sorry in advance.
Which fic are you most proud of?
This is such a hard question, it’s like picking one of my children. If I have to pick then it’ll have to be Orange Cat Wanted. It started off as a goofy little thing and ended up being a fic all about loss and grief. I have 5.5 chapters written so far and Steve has yet to show up and likely won’t for another chapter or so. Oops.
How did you get the idea for Let's Search The Skies (For A While)?
I heard Anne Hathaway and Nicholas Galitzine were making a movie for The Idea of You. I love both of them so I checked out the book and hated the ending. The same day I made a list of things I wanted to change about the book and thus the fic was brought to life. Jordan was an incredible help during this writing process. If you ever need a cheerleader they are the only choice.
When writing Let's Search The Skies (For A While), what was something you didn’t expect?
I never expected this fic to take over my life. I spent 7 months writing it and now I have art and a physical copy of it in my home. It’s my baby.
What inspired Orange Cat Wanted?
Literally a Facebook post about a woman who wanted to hire an orange cat for her daughter’s birthday party. I still have the link to the article saved which you can read here. It’s wild that one little thing turned into the unfinished fic that it is now.
What was your favorite part to write from I'd Miss You Even If I'd Never Met You?
This fic is an AU of The Wedding Date and I was able to play around in that movie’s world while also writing a Fake Dating trope. The whole thing was so much fun to write. While the movie itself is not very popular, people seem to really resonate with this fic which took me completely by surprise. Honestly, the reaction to the fic was the best part for me. I never saw it coming.
How do/did you feel writing Wet Rat Rock God?
My siblings are notoriously hilarious and because of it, I’ve always been labeled as the not funny one. This fic was my chance to stretch my comedic skills and really try to make people laugh. I had so much fun trying to figure out names and backstories for everyone. It was so hard to keep it to myself as I was writing, because I wanted everyone to enjoy it as much as I did.
What was the most difficult part of writing Ready Or Knot?
You mean besides trying to figure out how to spin the TV show Love is Blind into omegaverse? Honestly keeping everything straight. There were so many moving parts to that fic with the couples swapping back and forth, the multiple dates, and even their scents. I had a little cheat sheet that I used like my bible to keep it all together.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Hands down it’s a scene in He Drives Me Crazy & I Can’t Help Myself Claudia agrees with him while Wayne comes in with the voice of reason. “Why does the owner of a business need a doctor’s note for a sprained ankle?” “Thank you! I told him that he was being ridiculous. I promise guys I’m fine.” Steve goes to get up and Claudia and Eddie protest. “Guys I’ve gotta pee. Unless you wanna help with that, I think I’ve got it.” “Eddie please don’t.” Dustin calls out as if he’s wounded. “I didn’t do anything!” “You were thinking about it. I know you.” “You’re in luck Dustybun, I’m not a fan of watersports.” “I thought you loved surfing when you were in California.” Claudia chimes in helpfully as Dustin screams and Eddie laughs.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
My Eddie Munson Big Bang fic is coming out in a month and a half called I Wanna Grow Old With You. I’m super pumped for that one. I have the Steve Harrington Big Bang coming up soon too, but mums the words on that one. I’ve got about a million ideas set for this year so keep your eyes out for all the fun stuff. Honestly I’m an open book so if you ask me what’s on the horizon I’ll tell you unless I can’t for BB secrecy reasons.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Finding the Steddie fandom has completely changed my life. When I first got back into Stranger Things I was fresh out of an abusive relationship and horrifically depressed. Eventually I made my way to the Steddie fandom (after a quick detour in Hellcheer) and met my favorite people in the entire world. I’m lucky enough to have met Jordan in real life and can call them my IRL bestie and not just my online bestie. I talk to Jordan and Erin every single day and I don’t even talk to my own family that much. If you’re someone who’s lurking around in the fandom, take the plunge, get to know your fellow fanatics. It’s the best decision I’ve made.
Thank you to our author,  TEDewitt, and our nominator! See more of TEDewitt's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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quinloki · 6 months ago
would you?!
Fic authors self rec! When you receive this, reply with favorite five fics you've written (include links, and if you want- a few thoughts about each one), then pass on to at least five other writers if you're up for it. Spread the self-love ✨
If you don't, I'll just... I'll just... well I won't do a thing but please?!
many fist pumps,
▲ I'm a symbol now
\o/ Tri, my sweet friend, you are - if anything - a symbol of good cheer =D ♥
Let's see, five favorite fics I've written. That's much easier than trying to pick just one ^_^
Birds of a Feather Marco/Reader ( tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - This is my most recently completed fic, at least at the time of this post, but I love it so much. My passion for Marco feels like it came out of nowhere and has made itself reigning champion in my thoughts. But a story I expected to be relatively short, ended up almost twice as long as I expected, and it was so easy. It was fun to write, and I think it goes down smooth, despite being nearly 90k words people consistently devour it in a single sitting.
Quicksand Sir Crocodile/Reader ( tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - Not sure if you're a fan of the sandy crocodile-themed warlord? Tread carefully, reading this title is statistically likely to convert you. Quicksand has an alternative ending because the story was originally intended to be a very dark Yandere - to the point that Doflamingo would've been the "good" guy. That's not how things went, and I'm quite glad for it. Quicksand going its own direction is what helped seal the deal in creating the Tales of the Grandline Metropolis, which is currently 3.8 completed stories. (it'll be at least 8 before it's done).
A Light Touch Eustass Kid/Reader ( Ao3 / Wattpad ) - My first Eustass Kid/Reader story. Set in the same AU as Quicksand, it was started from a pun, of all things. I figured Kid would be fancy tech stuff like neural-linked prosthetics, and the idea that would make a prosthetic for the reader after they lost a hand was something I wanted to write. Creating something like that would take a light touch, and if it glowed, that would be a different kind of light touch and getting close to Kid requires a light-- you get the point. Like I said, it's all based off a pun, but I'm really proud of the story, it's one of my favorite re-reads.
Some Direction Zoro/Reader (tumblr / Ao3 / Wattpad ) - A Modern AU where the government mandates who you marry. I have to give thanks to @lyndsyh24 for not only inspiring me to write this one (start to finish in a single month, I was obsessed!) but also for allowing my to play in the AU she'd built up. From Matchbook to the laws themselves, it's all thanks to Lyn. Zoro started out as one of my favorite characters in the series - I still have love for him, and I'm always happy to write him, but he's taken a bit of a back seat to my top three. Still Some Direction is a story I'm really proud of - even if I worry there'll be a mob after me for who the antagonist is 😅
Family Ties Doflamingo/Reader ( Ao3 / Wattpad ) - I was torn on this last choice - even with five slots it's hard to decide between stories I suppose ^^; Also, oops, apparently I only put the first ten chapters on tumblr... I need to fix that >.> Ahem, anyway, Family Ties is the first fic I wrote after over ten years of not writing at all. It's my first reader insert, my first true multi-chapter too. When I wrote it, it was the longest fic I'd written by nearly 50k words. I wrote it because I wanted a more morally ambiguous reader compared to what I'd been reading. It's not a dark fic though, it's pretty tooth-achingly sweet, honestly, but it's currently the only fic I have where the reader is a murderer in a very undisputed and direct manner.
Honorable mention I almost posted as piece 5 - The Dragon's Clause - my Sabo/Reader Noble/Fantasy/Magic AU, and also the only title I mention that's incomplete. But it's a an ode to my favorite genre, and a great many of my favorite tropes.
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skyfallscotland · 6 months ago
Writing Advice: tips, tricks & helpful links, from your friendly neighbourhood fanfic author ✨ (part one—the advice)
see part two—the resources here
I've mentioned this before, but I truly believe no one's born a great writer. A great storyteller, yes. A great writer? That's learned. I've been reading and writing basically as long as I can remember. Learning to write is like...learning through both practice and symbiosis. In saying that, I get asked about this a lot, so here's what I do and some things that might help you.
Write what you're inspired to write, when you're inspired to write it.
So you have an idea—great! Are you a plotter or a pantser? Some people like to start with an outline, others just jot down a few notes and let the keyboard take them where it will. I'm in the latter camp, generally. For me, the best way to avoid writer's block is to write what I'm inspired to write, when I want to write it. Sometimes I'll write five chapters of a story at once, others I'll switch between a multi-chapter and a one-shot.
What's most important for me, personally, is that I don't try and force anything. If you suffer from demand avoidance, the worst thing you could possibly do (in my opinion), is set arbitrary goals. You don't need to write 500 words a day. If you want to, great! If that helps you, also great, but in my experience, that will generally just make my brain say well no, now we're not writing anything for a whole week, maybe a month, if you test me.
I also personally like to have a whole fic written before I start posting it online, or at least most of it written. I like being quite far ahead of what readers are seeing because I am a pantser. It takes the pressure off and honestly, there'd be so many plot holes if I didn't. Which brings me to...
First make it exist, then make it make sense, after that make it good.
What you see me post is not my first run-through. It's not even the second. I've written, read over, and changed things at least a handful of times before ever posting it, especially when it's a multi-chapter work. Sometimes I'll write a scene I love and then realise it just doesn't flow well, because three chapters back I had someone say a certain thing. In that instance, I'll put the scene aside.
Note that I said 'put aside' not 'delete'. I never delete them until I'm finished with a fic and I'm certain I won't need them, ever. Been there, made that mistake for you! Having a separate document with just various scenes you can insert at a later date also helps you to feel like it's ok to write what you want to write when you want to write it. I'll be honest, I jump around a lot. Sometimes I'll be inspired to write a scene I know isn't coming for another five chapters, but in my opinion it's best to just write it because when I get there five chapters down the line, I might not have the inspiration or I might have forgotten how I wanted things to go. Write what your brain wants to, fill in the blanks later!
Write from the heart.
My most popular work is the one I find the easiest to write and I almost never wrote it at all. Isn't that ridiculous? I almost never wrote it because I know it's cliché and excessive, and honestly...looked down upon. I almost didn't write it because of other people's opinions; then I said fuck it, I want to read it so surely there's someone else out there that does, too? Turns out there were thousands of you. Who knew?
But that work has really resonated with so many people and I think that's because I've poured so much of myself, my pain, my own experiences into it, into her. For that reason, I'd tell anyone starting out to try original character fic if that's what they want to do. Fuck the haters. All their favourite works were original characters once too.
Don't read similar fic while you're writing yours...unless you need to.
Let me explain. If I'm writing a certain type of alternate universe, or a certain storyline I know someone else has written, I won't read theirs until I'm done if I can help it, especially not if I'm actively writing my take on it. This isn't a hard and fast rule, it's obviously up to you what you feel comfortable with, but I would never want to have someone else's work influence my own too much, or get our ideas confused in my head, you know?
An exception to this rule, for me personally, is if I'm stuck with specific things in particular, like smut. When I wrote my first smut piece from a male POV, I was struck by the fact that I had no idea what an orgasm felt like for them, or how to describe it, because despite reading M/M fic for years, I apparently never absorbed that particular verbiage, so I went looking and read a whole bunch of smut from the male POV just to get an idea. Which leads into...
So you suck at kung-fu fighting.
Action scenes. I'm convinced we all hate them just as much as each other. I hate them so much I've changed whole plotlines from canon just so I don't have to include them. Unfortunately, my main fandom features a bunch of knife-throwing, sword-wielding, dragon riders at a war college who spar for clout, so I mean...it's unavoidable.
I still suck at writing it though, so what I now do for sparring and other hand-to-hand combat is search up youtube for sparring videos or self-defence lessons. It's much easier to describe what you're seeing than to imagine the mechanics and positioning of an artform you've never performed. The kung-fu thing was a joke, I like capoeira personally.
Stop being so damn hard on yourself.
Listen, everyone wants to be better than they are when they start out, literally everyone. I know I sure did. That's normal. Accept that it's normal before you start because the thing is, no one's a harsher critic on you, than you are and you'll always want to be better. There's a quote from Ira Glass that I'll paraphrase:
“Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me. All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there is this gap[...]It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit."
It's very true. Hopefully you have the support of a really welcoming fandom to reassure you that actually, you're nowhere near as bad as you think you are.
@justallihere says you can’t be good at something you don’t know anything about and it's so true, I've phrased it before as learning by symbiosis, when you read more, you'll internalise more. You're subconsciously learning how story structure works—plot hooks, transitions, metaphors and similie, grammar, style and punctuation.
Show don't tell.
...yeah this one I haven't mastered, I could use some help with that myself if anyone's got any words of wisdom, thanks.
Take all of this with a grain of salt.
I couldn't tell you how many writer's advice threads and blogs and whatever-else I've read over the years—too many, for sure. What I can tell you is 80% of what I've read was crap. It doesn't apply to me at best and it's unhelpful at worst. Maybe it's the neurodivergence, maybe it's just the fact that everyone's different and all you can do is give things a try, but based on that I can say with certainty that not all of this will work for you and that's absolutely fine! But I hope at least a few things do 😌
For links to more specific resources including thesauruses, generators, and other writers' advice, click here.
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philaet0s · 1 month ago
It's not an ask, but someone replied to the WIP folder post asking about Check Your Connection or Try Again, so here's what it is!
So it's set during the Covid lockdown (dreadful thing to think about, I know, but there are so many interesting things to explore!). Baz is a secondary school teacher, so he's working from home giving lessons to the few very unmotivated students who still bother to follow online classes. Ruth is his neighbour, and they haven't really interacted much so far but one day, Baz is leaving his house to get the mail and he meets Ruth outside. She's coming after her cat who has escaped her house. They start chatting like that, because they're both dying for any interaction with another person -that Covid loneliness yk. It's not *technically* permitted under Covid guidelines, but Ruth doesn't care about them and Baz is too lonely to care, so Ruth offers that they could sometimes visit each other so they can be alone together. That becomes their new routine, Ruth comes to Baz's in the morning -before his class starts so she doesn't interupt him in the middle of them- and they just exist in the same room. They chat when Baz isn't working, or while making lunch. Baz also helps Ruth with using Zoom. She explains to him that at the beginning of lockdown, her grandson helped her install it and showed her how it works so that they can video call during lockdown, but that she hasn't really gotten the hang of it
And here's a little extract:
I check my watch. It’s only been five minutes since I sent the email. My next class is in an hour and a half, and I’ve run out of unnecessary tasks to pass the time. All of my students’ works are graded. I’ve reread and perfected all my lesson plans. Prepared all the exercises I was going to give my kids. I even chose the topic of their next paper. Selected an adequate passage from Tess of the d’Urbervilles I want them to write a literary commentary on. I was so bored I typed out all the text myself instead of copying and pasting it. Reread the entire chapter the extract was from. Then the rest of the book. Marked more passages I find interesting, scribbling notes in the margins. Occupied myself. Tried to pass the time.
Couldn’t this lockdown have happened when I had a thesis to write? I might not have written my thesis any faster, but at least, I would have found distractions easily. I discovered that my brain had endless resources when it came to avoiding such dreadful work.
Just kill me already.
Oh! The mail! I didn’t check the mail today!
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nightlyrequiem · 6 months ago
The Other Side of Paradise
5) To Budding Friendships. (And More.)
Cross posted from AO3
Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch.11
You try to make the best of your life working at a small bakery in a city with rising cartel violence. One slower day, a man starts harassing your coworker. Despite the obvious threat, you stand up to him anyway. Unbeknownst to you, Valeria just so happened to be there to witness it.
A/N- All chapters containing smut will be labeled mature. The fic is fully written with the whole thing on AO3 but chapters on Tumblr will be posted one a day.
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Dual POV, Happy Ending, Plot with Porn, Graphic Violence, Inappropriate Use of a Knife, Masturbation, WLW
You stare up at the two disemboweled corpses crucified against a building. They're both wearing cheap looking cowboy hats. Memento Mori is spray painted above them. You turn away from the gruesome sight, at risk of puking. You stand on the sidewalk for a few more minutes. Trying to process what you saw before you head into work. El Sin Nombre made a habit of displaying bodies, but all the other ones were kept on street corners wrapped under sheets. You force yourself to move on. There's nothing you can do for them now.
You enter the bakery and greet your coworker. Your thoughts are caught up on the vile display and you mess up four orders. Your coworker can tell something is wrong, but he doesn't bother asking. People are buzzing with conversation. You weren't the only one who saw it. They're smart enough to talk quietly but a few words are still loud enough to reach your ears. You slip off to the back, so you don't have to listen. You live in a cartel run town and you've lived long enough to see your fair share of gore but for whatever reason this is what's really sticking with you.
You should be working, or at least trying to but all you can do is stare at the soapy sink. You really wish you kept Valeria's number. You could really use someone to talk to. You should really keep your thoughts to yourself but you're sure you can talk to Valeria. She told you she liked how honest you were after all. You force yourself to start washing the dishes. The warm water burns a hidden cut you didn't notice. You gasp in surprise when someone puts a hand on your shoulder. You whip your head to the side and see Mateo. His thick brows are furrowed.
He says your name and looks at you.
"You've been washing the same plate for five minutes." You stare at him blankly. Have you? You're really out of it today. The corpses must be throwing you off.
"I'm sorry." You say haltingly. For once the look Mateo is giving you isn't one of thinly veiled irritation. He looks a little concerned.
"Do you need to take this shift off? Are you feeling sick?" You do in fact, feel a little sick. You don't really want to go home yet though.
"I'm fine," You're always fine. "I just had a bit of trouble getting to sleep last night, the AC is broken again." Mateo looks at you like he doesn't believe you but chooses not to press you on the matter.
"Okay...well...if you do just let me know." He says awkwardly, like he's not used to showing basic kindness. He walks off and leaves you to your work.
Valeria doesn't come to visit you during your shift, and you feel a little disappointed. You go home and keep your eyes averted when you have to pass by that building. You get back to your apartment and go inside. The chill from the AC makes gooseflesh rise on your bare arms. Your apartment is relatively small and empty. Maybe you should get a pet or something. Even a fish would make things look less lonely. You set down the treat basket and head off into the bathroom to wash the day away.
You exit the bathroom freshly clean and check your phone. You rarely get important notifications, but you still always check after being away for more than ten minutes. Just in case. To your surprise you have a few texts from an unsaved number. You know who it is without checking.
"It's Valeria. I was wondering if you were busy tonight?" You are not busy tonight. You're never busy after your shifts. You Sit on the couch and curl your feet up under you.
"No, I'm not busy." You set your phone down and wait for a response. You turn on the tv and watch impatiently. Dulce Obsesión is playing but you aren't really paying attention. The only thing that catches your attention is that one of the main characters looks a little like Valeria.
Twenty minutes later your phone dings and you check it immediately.
"Good. I want to take you out for drinks." She wants to go drinking with you. Aren't you special. You have work tomorrow and you're quite tired, but you won't turn down an opportunity. You try to wait a bit before replying immediately lest you come off as desperate. You are desperate though and decide that mindset is too juvenile at your big age.
"Sure, what bar were you thinking?"
Valeria replies quickly, easing your worries.
"Greenrose." Greenrose? You pick through your memories to see if you know the place. You aren't too familiar with bars. You gave up years ago because you felt lonely sitting in a crowded place where no one wanted to approach you. You don't have very much time to try and work out where it is before Valeria sends you another text.
"I'll pick you up, what's your address?" This almost feels like a date. You send her your address and rush back into the bathroom. You fix yourself up a little bit. You need to buy some new concealer though; you're running dangerously low.
You put on a cute outfit and wait on the couch. Despite the AC you still find yourself sweating and feeling a little too warm. Finally, a knock on your door ushers you to your feet. You wait a few seconds before opening the door. Valeria's eyes dart over you and her lips lift in a friendly smile.
"You look nice, let's go." She says. Turning and walking down the narrow stairs. you follow behind her. Valeria leads you to a clean looking car. She even opens the door for you. You feel a little excited. Your unpleasant feelings over the distressing sight from earlier are long forgotten.
You usually aren't out this late. There's no reason to be and it's generally not very safe. You feel safe with Valeria though.
"You have a nice car." You say. Admiring the clean interior. It looks new but smells used. There's a rosary tied to the rearview mirror. Valeria shoots you a smile before pulling away from the curb.
"Thank you." She sounds proud. You'd be proud too if you could afford a car like this. It looks like a high-end SUV. "It's pretty expensive but it's definingly worth the investment."
"Wow, what do you do for work?" You ask. Genuinely curious. Valeria pauses.
"Something in the pharmaceutical field." She replies vaguely. You tilt your head at her.
"You own a business?"
"Something like that, although I'm more of a... distributer."
You arrive at an admittedly nice-looking bar. The surrounding area looks a little sketchy though.
"I haven't been over here before." You say nervously. Valeria turns off the ignition and looks at you. Her eyes glinting in the low-level light.
"We'll be fine. I come here often." She says calmly. getting out. You do the same and shut the door. Following her into the bar. She confidently weaves her way through the small crowd. There aren't that many people inside but most of them match the area. There's a corner of boisterous men playing cards. A flock of women surrounding them. A few stragglers sit alone drinking. You try not to judge them too harshly. That was you at one point.
You look back to Valeria as she takes a seat at an empty booth. You sit down across from her. You aren't drinking alone this time.
"What do you want?" Valeria asks. "My treat." And she's buying you a drink? You're struggling to tell if this platonic or if she has ulterior motives. You hope it's the latter.
"Vodka lime." You say. Your go-to affordable drink. Valeria nods and gets up.
"I'll be right back."
While she's gone you take the chance to look around again. The men in the corner are still in the middle of their game, the loners are still alone. That makes you think of Valeria. You wonder why she picked you of all people to spend tonight with. Not that you're complaining. Having drinks with a pretty woman is more ideal than wasting your time watching telenovels.
Valeria comes back and sets down a tray of five shots and your Vodka lime. she wastes no time in downing one of them.
"Today was long, it feels nice to just unwind with good company." She says lowly. Locking her fingers together and resting her chin on them. "I haven't had the time to just be."
"Tonight's a good night to simply exist and relax." You remark. Taking a sip of your drink.
'I agree, I'm glad I could find the time to take a break." She hums. "It's nice to spend some time around another woman." She pauses. "Around you. outside the bakery I mean."
You smile and take another sip. You should slow down a little bit. It would be a shame if you got yourself too drunk and embarrassed yourself.
"Speaking of the bakery, I was a little disappointed to not see you today." You reply. Leaning back in your seat.
"Oh, well, my apologies I hate to disappoint," she says with faux seriousness. "I hope this little night out makes up for my transgression."
You forget to take it slow. You finish your Vodka lime and three shots. Valeria goes from a clear outline to slightly blurry. Sometime during the night, you moved from across her to beside her. Your shoulders and thighs brushing against hers. The topics of your conversations shift from work to hobbies to memories.
"I was dating this guy," Valeria murmurs. Your heads close together. "It was a long time ago, just after we graduated and-" She takes a sip from the whiskey she ordered a few minutes ago. "-And we were making out, and he threw up in my mouth." You gape at her then erupt into a flurry of quiet laughter.
"Was he at least a good kisser?"
Valeria snorts in amusement and shakes her head. You grin like a fool, having the most fun you've had in a while. Valeria leans in close enough for her breath to ghost over your face.
"No, he wasn't a very good kisser." She murmurs. The proximity is enough to cause your heart to go into a frenzy. You don't pull away though.
"No?" You reply quietly. "What about you? Are you a good kisser?" Valeria stares you in the eyes intently.
"I'm not sure, perhaps some feedback would help." She whispers.
Valeria begins to lean in when the phone in her back pocket starts to buzz. She pulls away, looking absolutely murderous. She pulls out the little flip phone and sighs. She gets up and runs a hand through her hair.
"I have to take this, it's work related." She walks off towards the exit and steps outside, leaving you by yourself. You wish she would've ignored it but what do you know? You don't run a pharmaceutical business. Or distribution. Or whatever else it was that she does for a living that you can't recall.
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spicyicetea · 1 year ago
So… I used to play Obey me a while back, but I finally decided to get back into it. You can thank Beel, I've always loved him. I decided that I'll open up my questions to any and all obey me related content but I also have a few ideas of my own I kinda want to write anyways.  I don't remember the plot of the original game that well. I know I could just go back and go through the chapters again, but I want to experience the game properly again so am currently waiting for the damn account deletion to be done so I can replay (Finally get to do it on the 19th). In the meantime,I've decided to start playing Nightbringer, I'm currently on Lesson 12, I don't remember what level though. I'm enjoying myself, Beel has been my focus since day one but seeing Diavolo in his demon form constantly… damn… ANYWAY!
Because I don't know the story as well as I generally know the characters, I have to make significant changes to the MC in my writing as I don't know all the vague lore you get about them every now and then. However, I've decided just blanking them out is too boring. A few complaints I've seen about x reader/xMCs is that they tend to be written with little to no significant personality, which makes sense to project upon but can become bland. I try to give my MCs different personalities and decide that I'll just do the same thing here. But, like more. I have one or two draft ideas but I'm still caught between them. I know I want to have the MC be an established character rather than a husk, it makes sense to have them be so blank for a game but it can sometimes make it hard to relate to such a blank slate in writing. (For me at least). Out of the drafts I've decided to go with, my first idea, which is to keep the Human MC but not have them be from the human world in the game. I was originally considering making the MC be from the real world, but to further differentiate the game MC to the way I want to write them, they're going to be from a world that is a bit more magical. It won't be blatantly in your face in the way of being overpowered or as strong as Solomon, but the MC isn't a pushover and doesn't like being disrespected. I suppose I should introduce our MC before posting the little preview to gauge interest. 
Tumblr media
Currently she is being represented by my persona, but there is 0 description of her appearance in the actual writing, well other than basic fem descriptors, tiddie and thicc thighs because I am a whore. Now you can kinda already see some vague lore with all the hands. As I mentioned before, this MC comes from a world with magic, including angels, demons and more. The five mentioned briefly in the drawing refers to some characters that help establish her backstory and why she is in the Devildom in the first place, they won't play key roles in the story itself, unless people are interested in who they are.
Obey me! x reader (slight Yandere/possessive behaviour)
Warnings: All writing on my page is either full Yandere or somewhat Yandere, with possessive tendencies. Many may include mentions of violence, swearing and sexual imagery. MDNI. Demons trying to stake their claim over you already.
Prologue kinda
The tip of my foot tapped against the tiles as I continued to whisk the frosting in the bowl, cradled in my arms. Swaying side to side to the tune I hummed under my breath, a soft tail curling around my ankle grounding me again. I look to my side with a smile, crouching down and running my free hand through the soft cats fur.
“Hiya Jiji, are you alright?” I cooed, my cat rolling onto her back.
I close my eyes in a smile as my fingers go to scratch between her ears, but instead brush against the cold floor. With a pout I open my eyes, only to stare at an unfamiliar floor. The air feels stagnant and keeps catching in my throat, randomly appearing somewhere else armed with only a whisk and a bowl of frosting would do that to someone though. At the sound of a loud “Ahem” I slowly rose from my hunched of position.
“Who are you?” A stern voice called from behind me, clearly not happy to have a visitor.
Biting my lip nervously I turned on my heels to face them only to be met with a hoard, oh wait group is the appropriate word. Scanning over their horns and defensive posture, they must be demons… but I had never seen any demons like them back home. Speaking of home, I don’t recognise this place at all from hell when I’d visit to do business. My eyes darted to the bracelet on my wrist, the charms dangling there and not responding as I pressed on them.
“Damn it…” I muttered under my breath.
“I’ll ask again, who are you?” The voice asked again far more forcefully.
I dropped my arm back to my sides as I looked up at the demons. Upon a second glance, it was clear that three of them weren’t demons but angels, well one seems to be human but a shady one at that. Despite the suffocating anxiety settling in, I bit my lip and debated my options. Dying in a foreign hell didn’t seem too nice right about now.
‘Remember Y/N, when meeting anyone, no matter their status, act polite and formal. It has the lowest likelihood of backfiring.’ A voice echoed in my mind.
As much as I hated it when… he decided to implant thoughts in my memory, they were often useful. Heeding the voice’s advice I promptly bowed, straightening my posture as a rose again.
“My name is Y/N, I’m a human.”
“Y/N? Human? How intriguing, how is a human like you here?” The man beside the first laughed, placing a hand on the stern one’s shoulder as he spoke.
As if sharing the same thought, the all turned to the white haired human before he chuckled awkwardly and shook his head.
“Don’t look at me, this isn’t my doing, I don’t know anyone named Y/N.”
I just stood silently, watching as they devolved into bickering, the red-head who had addressed me before standing aside with another man, entertained my their squabbles. That was until I received a firm poke to my shoulder. I jolt at the sudden contact, smacking them on the cheek with the whisk still in my hand.
“Oh, can I?” The ginger asked, motioning to the bowl tucked under my arm.
I raised a bow and just held the whisk up at his face, him leaning forward and licking the frosting off, starting blankly at me before changing to a content smile and licked the rest of the frosting off of it.
“Mmm, sweet, did you make this?”
“Huh? Well, yes?”
He nodded, grabbing my shoulders and turning to face the group, his yelling grabbing their attention.
“Lucifer! We’re keeping her!”
“What?! No we’re not!”
“I think it’s an amazing idea, Lucifer! She can move into the spare room in the House of Lamentation!”
“Diavolo… yes sir.” Lucifer sighed.
And that’s how I ended up here, sat on a bed that was apparently now mine while a demon cooed and painted my nails.
“Ah, you look so adorable Y/N-chan,” Asmodeus sang, admiring my now dry nails.
It had only been a day since I had been… given refuge in this house, and it was already exhausting. The brothers seemed to not trust me, yet clung to me whenever I went into shared living spaces. I’ve been jumped on, bit and two of the brothers even started yelling at each other when their “Y/N schedule” overlapped. It wasn’t all bad though. The brothers weren’t the only ones present at the time and the others seemed to stick around.
As Asmodeus dragged me by my arm out of the room into the library, I gulped as all eyes drew to us, their hungry stares sending shivers up my spine. As my eyes met a pair of friendly gold ones, a grin spread on Diavolo’s face, ushering me over.
“Ah, Y/N, are both of you done with your pampering? Come sit with us!” Diavolo grinned, patting his thigh.
I walk over to sit between him and Barbatos, standing waiting for an opportunity to sit down. Both of them looked at each other with a smirk, Diavolo leaning back and patting his thigh again.
“Come, what has you hesitating?” He grinned.
“Wait, you want me to… sit on-“
Diavolo leant forwards, intertwining our fingers as he pulled me towards himself, using his other hand to spin me around and sit me on his thigh. I tense up, hands shooting to sit in my lap. His hands stay on my hips, rubbing up and down my sides as he casually continued to speak to brothers.
“Lucifer, have you thought about our previous discussion?”
“Yes, my brothers and I would be more than able to monitor her at RAD.”
“Wait what?” I ask, turning back to look at Diavolo.
He just chuckled and leant forwards, his chin resting on my shoulder.
“Well, you must be here for some reason even if you’re unaware, so we’ve decided to let you stay. To help you integrate into the Devildom we’re enrolling you in RAD, the Royal Academy of Diavolo. Lucifer and his brothers will look after you during your stay, so if any problems come up, please do tell them. I don’t mind if you come visit Barbatos and I though, I can always make time for… special guests.”
His horns rubbed against the back of my neck as his grip tightened when the other brothers come into the library. Yeah… this is going to be a stressful stay.
Yay finally managed to copy past this without my tumblr having a stroke. I hope you people like this, I’m down horrendous for these men and really want an excuse to write for these characters. The relationships will build quickly and each new update will focus on a character primarily, perhaps with nsfw? Idk depends on how well you all take this. There are some characters I think would make sense to get close to first in this so I’ll make it up to y’all. As much as I want Diavolo sadly I don’t think, going down the harem route, that he’d be the first one you offically started dating, he’d probably be either after or just before Lucifer to be honest.
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thebiggestfuckgiven · 1 year ago
Lore i
(for How I DIDN’T Become a Villain)
Note: This is based on fanon that is used and accepted by most of the phandom, with the addition of my own ideas on how the supernatural aspect of the DP universe came to be. I.e, the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms, the title of Ghost King, the origin of Pariah Dark, and much more. 
• The Infinite Realms •
The Universe once began. We know how that story goes. The Big Bang, nebulas and planets and stars and light forming everywhere all at once. But there was something else. The Universe was alive, and everything living has something that gives it life. A mind, an engine, a (sub)conscious.
In this, the Universe had a void. An apparent one, at least. This void didn’t have tangible matter the way the Universe did, but it did have something. This void was nearly overflowing with it. Life Energy. It was no void at all, but a Source for all living beings in the Universe. In all Universes.
It had a different name, at first, but once Belief Systems started making their home in its center, thousands upon millions of them, it became the Infinite Realms. A kaleidoscope of energy, of life and death and everything in between. It is that which holds infinite ideas and infinite consciousnesses and infinite concepts and infinite infinities. It is that which holds everything together.
Something this large and this primordial to creation needed something else to take care of it.
• The Linkeepers •
That which is now known as the High King of the Infinite Realms has a true name: Linkeeper. Like all things, there is an origin. The First Linkeeper. They were born of the connection between the Universe and the Source, with the inherent purpose to look after their parents and to assure that neither took or gave too much of the other. They embodied the careful balance between Matter and Energy. That which lived and that which was Life. 
The role of Linkeeper changed, the tiniest bit, with each chosen inheritor. However, it was when it landed in Pariah Dark’s greedy, bloody hands that the role was betrayed, cracked to its foundation. No longer signifying balance and caregiver and protecter, the Ghost King took the helm and brought on a role of control, power, and conquest. The balance was thrown off its axis, and war prevailed. 
Linkeeper was lost to the dredges of unspoken stories (as there was no one to hear them anymore), and all that could be done to try and retain it was to lock Pariah Dark away and wait. To wait for a chosen inheritor to bring back the balance that had been so carelessly disregarded for nearly three thousand years.
this is a shallow, tried-to-keep-it-short explanation of the lore that WILL make an appearance in the fic. I avoided going into certain details of the Linkeeper (like the inheritors/predecessors, their names, and their stories) because i’m reserving that for the fic. 
There will be around two more Lore-dumps, and after that maybe a sneak peek at the first chapter (if i have it nice and tidy by then). The actual, full chapters will take me a WHILE to upload (to my ao3 account), because i want to at least have five to seven chapters fully written out before i start posting. That said, hope you like what I have so far!
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dayseternal-blog · 8 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Bunny-senpai!!! 💕
I answered an ask similar to this one last year in March and I don't think my answers have changed...
I rewrote each blurb haha, so it's not an exact copy-paste from before.
1 “It’s No Secret” - Rated M, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Hinata returns to Konoha after 5 years studying abroad in the Moon Kingdom. She just wants to enjoy her last year of high school as a normal girl, but blossoming love forces her to confront her future. - My top fave. Back then, I wrote this like I was possessed. This story consumed my mind, and I was posting chapters every 1 or 2 weeks. I'm amazed at myself from back then. No, it's not my technically best writing, but I was having so much fun thinking up all kinds of scenes!!! Oh, to be a fanfic writing newbie all over again. Major love to everyone who's read this flirty teenage shenanigans mess and enjoyed it!!! One day I will write part two 🥺
2 “Nightdreams” - Rated E, Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata find comfort in each other after the war. - This fic idea came to me sometime after I read agitosgirl's "A Special Friend," and I wanted Moooooore!!! I wanted more of this hurt/comfort dynamic between NaruHina!!!! So bam, the fic almost wrote itself, it flowed so easily (except for when it didn't). I'm so happy that people reread this fic, and then tell me that they're rereading it :D. Once in awhile I reread it, too, and think, oh, I should fix that sentence, or whatever loll, but I don't. I kind of think it's nice to leave it as it is, imperfect in little ways to bother me. Please read this fic and recognize that I was copying Katarinahime's writing techniques throughout.
3 “Awkward Jocks” - Rated G, 1990s High School AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. She knows that if he were to ever ask her out, she would accept in a heartbeat. After all, he’s the star quarterback and basketball player. Plus, she’s liked him since…forever. But when her home phone rings, and he’s on the other line, she hangs up. - It's interesting to me that even after all the fics I've written over the years, it's a few of my oldest fics that take the top 3. I guess I really have been trying to write for myself since the start. This one is based off of my ex-coworker's love story. Even though I don't work with her anymore, I still think of her as my role model for good leadership. When you read this, I hope you can feel how much I love her!
4 “About You” - Rated G, 1970s High School AU, One-shot. A summer job at the Dole pineapple cannery, graveyard shift 10 PM to 6 AM. A long bus ride into and out of town. Two teens, shy beside each other. - This is my most personal fanfic. Based on stories my parents told me and stories I found online from people of their generation, I tried to dive into their time using NaruHina. Ever since I was inspired to write after reading emmykay's "Torch Song," I had wanted to write a fic with Japanese-Hawaiian pidgin dialogue. This fic is close to my heart, but it's not higher on the list because there are inaccurate details that bother me 😅. I'm thinking of writing a fic about my great grandparents' generation one day, I've done a ton of research for it! Anyway, I'm so happy that others love this fanfic, too.
5 “Matcha” from “Shared Vows” - Rated T, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Naruto calls Hiashi “father” for the first time. - According to my previous blurb, I picked this one because I loved how I structured it, I thought I wrote it really well. I also loved the notion of Naruto finding his own family. On deeper reflection, I think I also picked this one over "Finally Home" because I have a not-so-secret agenda for reconciliation between Hinata and Hiashi, fed by my own family's dynamic with my dad.
If I were to recommend any one of these for someone to read, I'd say they should start with Nightdreams or Matcha as an intro to some of my work since canon universe fanfic is always easier to digest.
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havocandcchaos · 7 days ago
hey so i think you're the writer of "oz, here we go again" and i commented on the last chapter before it got deleted but i have a bunch of more thoughts that im putting here bercause i can't find my computer
so the first thing is that i can't read the last two chapters without crying so congrats?
second thing is that you understand them in a way few fics do and it drives me insane
the third thing is that glinda's depression is written so well it's insane. her thinking elphaba died by suicide is possibly one of my favorite headcanons ever i love making her suffer (/pos)
on that note i am this close to writing a fic of glinda post canon based on your fic
anyway the suicidal ideation hits hard as someone that went through it (i'm fine now)
yeah i probably have more to say but i just woke up so kudos to you and thanks for writing it
Hi!! Yes, I am!!
First of all, I'm so glad you like it so far! It makes me so happy when other people enjoy the random shit that wor vomits itself out of my brain, lol! If it makes you feel better I almost cried writing chapter 13, genuinely.
Second, I'm so glad you like how I'm writing them. All 3 of them, but Glinda especially, have been so important to me since I first saw Wicked when I was about 7ish, and I try really hard to stay true to that. They're all such complicated characters who all(and yes, I said ALL) make some awful decisions, but they're not bad people, not really. They're just people who make shit decisions and then do their best to fix them They are also children, and I feel like too many people miss that part. Fiyero, who is the oldest of the 3, is maybe 21 when the show starts. They're babies, and that's such an important part of their characters and such a big part of what drives their decisions, and I feel like too many people just ignore that.
Third.... yea. just yea. Glinda goes through a lot in the course of not a lot of time and then just has to deal with that. While also having the entire weight of a very shitty and corrupt country on her shoulders and having to fix all of that. Alone. After watching the 2 people she loves, most die less than 2 weeks apart. That being said, I think she was depressed and anxious long before she met Elphaba. Glinda is raised by upper-class parents to be perfect. As someone who was essentially raised to be a Southern Bell, that's not easy. She likely had immense pressure on her to look, act, and speak a certain way. She was probably punished if she messed up, probably not physically, because, god forbid, they accidentally "ruin" their perfect daughter, but they would punish her in other ways, such as silent treatment, no dinner, shaming, and things like that. That would stick with her and shape her mental health, and not in a good way. Everything that happened after arriving at Shiz just made that a lot worse.
Four, please please please write the fic! That sounds amazing and I would definitely want to read it!!
Five, yea. As someone who's been passively successful almost as long as I've been a conscious human, it definitely hits hard, but I think that's what makes it powerful. Glindas not going to do anything to herself, at least not anymore (immediately after their deaths is another story, so is what happened before they died) however, if someone, maybe perhaps a certain scarecrow-shaped prince, were to point a gun at her, she wouldn't do a whole lot to convince them not to pull the trigger.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'd love to read whatever fic you come up with or whatever else you have to say about mine !! 🫶🏻
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zannolin · 10 days ago
For the writer ask game: 2, 18, and 47 please! 💛
hello friend! i hope you're well <3
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
i try to plan ahead when writing multichapter fics. it never works out very well for me if i don't. (see: my caspter one that ended up being 43k when it was Not supposed to be 43k or a multichap) but there's always an element of writing as i go; scenes will shift around, pop into existence, get cut, etc. the end results is always something of a surprise.
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
before, almost always. i cannot start a fic that doesn't have a title. this is one of my many annoying quirks as a writer. my brain just flat out won't let me! however, sometimes i go back and forth a lot while working on them, before posting. north of desire was nearly borrowed time, and animal instinct was delayed forever (the extended one, since the original was a title-less snippet here on tumblr) because i couldn't choose what to call it. come november changed titles a couple times before going back to being come november. etc. i am a lover of two-word titles and i keep a title doc on my laptop that's just a big long list of titles i thought would fuck that i scroll through whenever i'm starting something new. often i'll come up with titles for certain aus/concepts based on songs i'm listening to that i associate with them, though (this is how the susan fic got a "welly boots" title) if nothing in the doc fits. poor jester has had a front row seat to me going back and forth over what to title my reverse dawn treader au. i haven't even outlined it. and i can't until i title it....
47. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
tricky question. the official answer is something like at least once; i try to do a last sweep to check for typos and flow and stuff before i post, but i also tend to do edits as i go along. every time i open the doc i read over what i've written and revise it a little, so it can be revised as many as several dozen times (chapter four of NoD, because of how long it took to write) or barely once (all in, palms out, which was written in like. just over a sitting). it just depends. i do not do much heavy revision on my fics, though. the only ones i have done this extremely with would be good luck, babe! which got the five separate outlines treatment; the swing of things, which i wrote and then printed off and cut into sections and rearranged them all over my bedroom floor; and to an extent objects in motion, which i just really wanted to be good. i am not a fan of the revision process (which has rendered my creative writing degree Miserable lollll) but i should do it more because on god i just found a typo in pdhmti like five minutes ago and screamed.
get to know your fic writer!
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