#i think it literally has 4 or 5 issues and includes some of bruce and dukes brain genius thinking (read disasters)
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breadandblankets · 1 year ago
read Wayne family adventures and want a more accessible path into comics than a billion issues reading lists?
scared of what you heard about Bruce in comics?
curious as to what duke fans get all huffy about when a new wfa issue comes out?
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
Brain topic du jour is reflecting on the frankly weird as fuck pattern in Dick’s life where....he barely ever experiences losses one at a time. Most of the loss he’s experienced in his life is compounded by him losing multiple people and other elements of stability all at the exact same time.
1) When his parents died, in some continuities this is coupled with him losing his extended family of his aunt and cousin as well, with his uncle left comatose and on life support for years before he eventually died as well. Even in continuities without Richard, Karla and John, the loss of Dick’s parents is compounded by the additional loss of his circus family in the sense that he was taken away from them by the state and their constant reassuring presences in his life were no longer comforts he was able to rely on.
2) When Jason died, Dick didn’t just lose his brother, as the tragedy was compounded by Bruce’s reaction. I’ll never be able to gloss over the effects of NTT #55, personally, because I think its too key to Dick’s entire characterization and the specific direction his character took in the years that followed this, to like....disregard that Bruce however unintentionally, while lost in his own grief, added to Dick’s own sense of loss for Jason in probably the worst way possible. As by kicking Dick out and telling him to leave his keys, Dick - having no way to know or guess that they’d ever reconcile, just like he never actually went back to the circus being a regular presence for him - to Dick, this was in essence the equivalent of his childhood tragedy all over again. Losing not just one family member, but his whole family in one sweep, and all the comforts and stability offered by a home he was forced to leave. Even Dick’s contact with Alfred was minimal for awhile, because why would the guy who basically JUST saw history repeat itself and was like, well I know how THIS tends to play out.....why would he think that if Alfred felt forced to actually choose between his loyalties to Bruce and Dick respectively, that Alfred would pick Dick over the man he’d known and raised from childhood himself?
3) Titans Hunt. I know I harp on this one a lot, but you can’t deny that it fits the pattern. Dick didn’t just lose one friend and teammate.....he lost Joey, he lost a good four or five lesser known Titans who nevertheless were people he viewed as directly HIS responsibility to keep safe. With these tragedies compounded by the fact that though comics played out a lot more slowburn and extended stories over years back then, like.....the aftermath of Titans Hunt was still everpresent and directly died into Dick’s reactions and emotions during the Mirage storyline and everything that happened with the failed wedding and his breakup with Kory AND the fact that he was literally forced off the team he’d basically founded, by the government agency that took over the team and appointed Roy as its leader in his stead.
3) Graduation Day. The second time the Titans disbanded it was again not due to a singular loss, because Dick didn’t just lose Donna at this point, but also Lilith died in the exact same story and though Lilith is criminally underused, like, she’s also one of Dick’s oldest friends. She was literally the first Titan to join after the original five. This then led into the Outsiders era, where Dick was shown to still be reeling from the losses of this story for an extended period of time, and in a fun parallel to the Titans Hunt aftermath, Dick was also ousted from his leadership of THIS team by essentially a vote of no confidence by his teammates (and uh, Bruce too, literally).
4) The Blockbuster arc. Where Dick’s emotional state was due to a continued string of multiple losses. He lost his apartment building and almost every one of the neighbors he’d built a community out of, as we’d been shown him actively involving himself in their lives and vice versa for YEARS before this point. Then he lost his circus, his childhood home, burned to the ground and with dozens of deaths - both spectators and actual performers Dick had known and loved as a child. Then he lost his relationship with Barbara, his sense of self-security and autonomy to Tarantula, he lost another teen vigilante who died in his colors, the mantle HE’D created, when Stephanie was believed dead in War Games, and it all culminated in losing the city he’d invested himself in as his CHOSEN home, the place he dedicated himself to protecting, when Chemo blew it up.
Oh just for the record - my nonexistent passport to the magical kingdom of Narnia for a fic that raises the point when bringing up Tim’s losses in the Red Robin era, that like.....ALL of the above happened at literally the EXACT SAME TIME as all Tim’s referenced losses occurred. Obviously Steph meant more to Tim than Dick on a personal level, but I also included her largely as an anchor point to the timeline, to show how that death, and not long after that Jack Drake’s and then Superboy’s.... occurred right smack in the middle of one of the absolute WORST periods of Dick’s life. To be clear, I don’t intend this to suggest that no actually, Dick had it harder than Tim - nah. 
No thank you. Hard pass. I hate that sort of thing even in support of my own faves over other characters. No, instead the thing I’d love to see explored more is just in light of the SPECIFIC angle fics take here - that Dick’s actions while Bruce was lost in time showed an obliviousness to everything Tim had lost lately - for literally ANYONE to bring up or introduce into the timeline here an awareness of everything Dick had lost AT THE EXACT SAME TIME PERIOD. To establish that actually, Dick didn’t just ‘not understand what it was like’ - rather, its more accurate to say that nobody in universe around this time ever shows an awareness of Dick’s own losses and says oh wait, that doesn’t track then. 
Because obviously, with this stuff put in proper perspective, Dick understands VERY VERY WELL the exact thing we’re accusing him of not understanding by being oblivious to Tim’s losses that he’s not actually oblivious to because he tries to talk to Tim about them all the time, while meanwhile its everyone else who has absolutely mum to say about the fact that Dick’s emotional state is compromised to hell and back at this point, not JUST because of losing Bruce, but also because *gestures wildly* literally ALL OF THE ABOVE in the exact same time frame Tim’s extended losses happened in.
And okay I am going to indulge in slight tiny itty bitty pettiness and point out my ire that so many fics set during this time tend to recite listicles of Tim’s losses, with Steph, Kon and Jack Drake at the very top of said list....while paying no attention whatsoever to the fact that STEPH WAS LITERALLY BACK BY THE TIME THE RED ROBIN SERIES HAPPENED. She’s LITERALLY a person Dick sends to check up on Tim after Tim turns Dick away when he tries himself. How are you gonna stress the impact Steph’s loss has on Tim when you’re not even acknowledging STEPH’S RIGHT HERE IN THE EXACT SPECIFIC CANON STORY YOU’RE CITING??? I just. afhioskhflafhlafhklfahlfa. 
And not to put too fine a point on it, but you know who ELSE was also back at the same time? CONNOR. Superboy LITERALLY was already back to life by the time the Red Robin series even began. Like, the issue where a resurrected Kon and Cassie (Wonder Girl) have a heart to heart about the fact that Tim and Cassie ‘connected’ during his absence and Connor stresses that this doesn’t bother him or make him feel negatively towards either of them at all, because hello, he was literally dead at the time, why would he mind that two of the people he loves most in the world sought comfort in each other? Yeah, that issue? Literally came out BEFORE Tim even became Red Robin.
I MEAN. I’m just saying, when people constantly take shots at Dick’s choices during this period because of how much Tim had lost before Bruce already, in order to shift focus away from the fact that Dick lost Bruce every bit as much as Tim did......and you repeatedly emphasize the SAME three names as the focal point of Tim’s losses while paying no acknowledgment whatsoever to everything Dick lost at the exact same time Tim lost these three.....it quickly becomes kiiiiiiinda relevant in my opinion THAT TWO OF THE THREE NAMES CONSTANTLY MENTIONED AS BEING TIM’S LOSSES ARE NO LONGER EVEN LOST BY THE TIME THE SUBJECT COMES UP. Again, I’m just saying! Pettily, mind you! I am aware of the pettiness, I just beg awareness of like *again gesticulates wildly at all of the above* ALL THAT!
But I digress.
5) When Bruce was believed dead while he was lost in the timestream. Again, Dick didn’t just lose the father who had been the only parent in his life for almost TWICE as long as his first parents......this was coupled with the loss of numerous other sources of stability in Dick’s life. There’s the matter of his personal sense of identity and self-expression....Dick FOUGHT against becoming Batman, trying to handle Gotham in Bruce’s absence as Nightwing for as long as he could, because he knew being Batman was very much NOT going to be good for him. He put so much of himself into building his identity as Nightwing, establishing himself in that role, that self-image, that yes, I maintain it was an actual LOSS for Dick, to feel like he had no choice but to give that up and everything it meant to him and his own life, in order to essentially live Bruce’s life for him in his absence. 
Because it wasn’t just being Batman that Dick was struggling with at this time....he also had to act as the patriarch to the Wayne family, essentially raise Bruce’s ten year old son, step into Bruce’s old role in Wayne Enterprises, all while getting no acknowledgment for any of this, for literally LIVING his father’s life instead of the life Dick had worked so hard to build for HIMSELF....because of course Dick’s actions and struggles couldn’t even be advertised beyond the family and close friends, because the whole point of him doing all this was so that nobody else even realized that Bruce wasn’t really there anymore. Dick didn’t just assume Bruce’s responsibilities. Dick assumed Bruce’s life, so thoroughly that most people didn’t even put together that Bruce was ‘dead,’ between Dick handling Bruce’s actual roles and responsibilities while Hush made public appearances as him. 
Like, when you’re living someone else’s life so completely that nobody can tell they’re even gone....how on earth does that leave any time or space for you to have ANY kind of life of your OWN, y’know? Not to mention the fact that like in so many times previously....all this meant that Dick couldn’t even afford to let his grief for his own losses show, because he wasn’t supposed to be grieving any losses in the first place, that was the whole point of the con!
Additionally, couple this with the fact that throughout this time period, Dick didn’t have Tim to lean on at all, because it was never that Dick kicked Tim out or neglected him or didn’t care....he’d actively stressed how much he needed Tim, because the partner Tim was convinced Dick chose ‘over’ him - Dick was the first one to admit back then that he DIDN’T trust Damian yet, couldn’t afford to, because he was all too aware that Damian didn’t give a fuck about him yet and couldn’t be guaranteed to step in to have Dick’s back - because that required mutual trust that Dick literally just hadn’t had time to build yet. And add to THAT the fact that during this time, Jason was actively antagonizing the family and Dick in particular at every turn, trying to bring them all down and basically write over what all of them saw as Bruce’s legacy with Jason’s own version of what he thought that should look like.
Also also, take into account that unlike how often we see fanon depict Dick as just too stubborn or proud to ask for help, there’s the fact that he actually had very few avenues TO ask for help! As already established, he DID ask Tim for help. Not like Jason was an option at this time, and Dick’s friends weren’t actually just sitting waiting in the wings and groaning about the fact that Dick was trying to do all of this solo....nah, they kinda had their own problems, which Dick was all too aware of?
Like the fact that in the wake of Final Crisis, it wasn’t just Bruce that was believed lost. Many other key Leaguers like Martian Manhunter were dead or lost, with others struggling to fill the gaps left in their absence. Cry For Justice happened right after Final Crisis too....that story where Lian was murdered? So it wasn’t like Dick was remotely going to try leaning on Roy when Roy had just lost his freaking DAUGHTER and very much wasn’t handling it well (and not to overshadow Roy’s loss at ALL, but please let’s not act like Dick - who had literally been the person to put a baby Lian in Roy’s arms for the first time and had known that girl for pretty much her entire life - like, it shouldn’t be used to detract from Roy’s loss at all, but it shouldn’t have to, to just acknowledge that Lian’s loss right at this exact time was painful as fuck to Dick, who’d loved his niece like crazy.)
The pattern of compounding, concurrent losses in Dick’s life. I’m just saying. Its there.
And it extends into the New 52 as well, where Forever Evil came right on the heels of Dick losing his circus in THIS continuity to the Joker, just as a way to hurt him in Death of A Family. And with the aftermath of Forever Evil and Dick’s own literal death, being like....the complete loss of Dick’s entire life, even though he was revived quickly. That didn’t mean he got to live HIS life though, since Dick Grayson was believed dead and he was told had to remain so, so its like fuck whatever he actually wanted to do as he went about on the Spyral mission aka something that pinched his own sense of morality and personal agenda at every turn and was kinda the last thing a therapist would recommend for a trauma recovery period, lol. And like, for all the focus that was paid to how Dick’s family were hurt because they believed they’d lost him when he was actually alive, let’s not forget that for all intents and purposes, Dick DID lose his family in the wake of his resurrection because he was flat out told over and over that due to what ‘he’d LET happen to him’ he was an ACTIVE danger to them, and thus wasn’t allowed by Bruce to contact any of them or lean on them to any degree, until Bruce got amnesia and stopped blocking Dick’s pleas to return home by just not being there to pick up the secret phone line at all. 
(And omg, the obliviousness that just EMANATES off the hot takes that Dick had a ‘choice’ in all this and he still CHOSE to do what Bruce told him....like. LOLOL, stop being pissy about me bringing up the term abuse apologism when its literal victim blaming to paint the guy who had to be beaten into ‘agreeing’ to the Spyral mission in the immediate wake of the trauma of DYING, all while his father vocally blamed him for his own suffering and the ‘threat’ he now posed to his family, keying directly into the guilt complex Bruce knows damn well is at the core of most of Dick’s motivations.....fucking please. There’s no choice in all that. That’s active emotional, mental and physical abuse aimed at directly manipulating Dick’s actions, delivered by the guy who knows Dick best in the world and whose approval - particularly when Dick is at absolute rock bottom aka Current Location - matters more to Dick than just about anything because his sense of self-worth has more in common with dog shit than actual dog shit does. Or something. Idk. That analogy got away from me. But like. You get it.)
BUT. I. DIE. GRESS. (I guess).
Aaaaaaanyway, so yeah! That repeating pattern throughout Dick’s life of ‘loss? What loss (singular)? My losses only come in groups, lolol, fuuuuuun’ - mmmm. Yeah. So that’s what’s on MY brain right now. Thoughts?
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moontheoretist · 4 years ago
MCU timeline, if they actually cared about the characters as much as we do:
Phase 1 (setting up the universe)
- Iron Man - Incredible Hulk (+ Bruce’s DID is included and well represented, Hulk is not shown as a monster which cannot control himself so much he hurts everybody around including Betty, in fact he is shown to avoid hurting anybody who isn’t actively shooting at him, Dr Samson and Rick Jones are a must for this origin story, post credit can stay the same) - Hawkeye (includes: his childhood with an abusive father, his brother Bradley, his past in the circus so basically his origin story, his deafness, him being conscripted by SHIELD, and post credit scene with him choosing not to kill Natasha) - Black Widow (includes: her childhood in the Red Room, the fall of USSR and change in Russian politics, KGB being dissolved, Natasha’s breaking of her programming, her leaving the Red Room thanks to meeting Hawkeye, the assassination of Dreykov’s daughter, What Happened in Bucharest, Natasha joining SHIELD, and post credit scene with her taking place of the PA which was supposed to apply to Stark Industries) - Iron Man 2 (+ more info about Howard’s abuse of Tony, Natasha is there, but it’s not her first appearance, and also she isn’t shown as if she knew she was in a movie) - Thor - Captain America: The First Avenger (I think that his stupid behavior in CW is completely set up by his origin story, so I wouldn’t change anything if we wanna have that conflict with him being more concerned about Bucky than literally anything else going on) - Captain Marvel (because her existence makes Fury think about Avengers and explains why Fury wanted to create them in the first place, also action happens mostly on Earth) - Avengers (+ Jane Foster and Darcy are part of the science team and greatly contribute to the plot as scientists, because I am fed up with women being sidelined)
And because Avengers has a post credit with Thanos we should get some movies in space now related to Thanos first, before Iron Man 3.
Phase 2 (we learn about the ultimate badguy)
- Guardians of the Galaxy - Thor: The Dark World (but hopefully better written, + no damselling of Jane) - War Machine (Rhodey’s only movie, Tony is busy doing whatever) - Hawkeye 2 (how Clint dealt with everything which happened during Avengers, how SHIELD agents treated him, introducing his family?, maybe bringing back Barney and showing his relationship with Mockingbird and stuff like those) - Iron Man 3 (without the ableist meta message that all disabled people just wait to become murder machines, but still introducing Extremis) - Black Widow 2 (could be the same story as we got in 2021, introducing Yelena Belova) - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (includes: their childhood, how their parents died (Yugoslavia being bombed by NATO, but I doubt Hollywood would ever wanna say it out loud), them growing in orphanage, possibly attending university (universities for citizens in Serbia are free and because Sokovia is based on Serbia, and it is a slavic country we can assume they have that system as well, and there are also social support programs available from both the government and possibly the university as well), the difficulties of a life in which they have to cover their costs of living themselves, because they have no parents, American army stationing in Sokovia, twins getting radicalized, protesting against foreign influences in their country and joining Hydra, experimentation, if they were trained by Hydra to use their powers or not and how were they trained, Sokovia being shown to be normal country instead of breaking apart state which Americans see each time they think about it) - Falcon (Sam’s origin story, his mission in Afghanistan and stuff - I don’t know his origin story, so I dunno what to say here) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier - TV show about the consequences of the movie above. Possibly something akin to Agents of Shield. What happened to the agents, how world reacted to Natasha’s “fuck you”. - Ant-Man (introducing Hank Pym) - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Ultron is Hank Pym’s like in the comics, but in some versions of this Tony helped or provided tech so he still wpuld feel quilty afterwards, + no dying Pietro)
Phase 3 (everything gets complicated, but they prevail)
- Incredible Hulk 2 (what happened to Bruce and Hulk and how they dealt with the idea that Steve literally had his well-being in his ass by inviting Wanda and Pietro to the team, what is going on with Thaddeus Ross and Betty Ross, we meet Jennifer Walters) - Black Panther (different one than the one we got, introduces T'Challa and his family) - Spider-Man: Homecoming (could be earlier, just after Avengers, but *shrugs* this story is written in such a way it is better after Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron) - Captain Marvel 2 (basically setting up why she didn’t participate in Civil War, my idea was to depower her, but not take her powers away, so she could have some more down to earth stories instead of stories set in space, maybe even explore her alcoholism that way) - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch 2 (deradicalisation, becoming heroes) - Captain America: Civil War (Accords are better explained, Matt Murdock or Jennifer Walters show up to do exactly that, RAFT is explained as American prison not related to the UN, Steve this time has valid concerns about the Accords, but he still goes ape shit over Bucky, still lies to Tony about his family, because those traits were all set in his origin movie) - The Wasp (Hope’s origin story) - Hawkeye 3 or Hawkeye TV series - Black Widow 3 (something something about Ross hunting her, but Red Room was already taken down, so different story is here instead) - Ant-Man 2 (Wasp is here too, but this is Scott’s movie, previous Ant-Man and The Wasp) - Black Panther 2 (about Kilmonger and T'Challa’s scuffle for the throne) - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (didn’t know where to put it, because it is mostly unrelated to any other movies with this story about Ego, but it develops Nebula more, so let’s be here) - Doctor Strange - Thor: Ragnarok (I am not opposed to Planet Hulk, but I am more inclined to not put Bruce into a movie which is supposed to be about Thor and Loki so… more time for Brunhilde) - The Winter Soldier (solo Winter Soldier movie) - Avengers Infinity War/Endgame (it makes no sense to make two movies if we can have one, the snap was used as a plot device more than actual defeat of the Avengers, so it can last less than 5 years and also no time travel which then you have to explain why TVA didn’t put everybody in jail for that, Tony doesn’t die and Carol and some other powerful people (LIKE HULK, Hulk is NOT less powerful than Thanos or fearful or something) take down Thanos instead and Tony finally retires and is left alone by everybody goddammit)
Phase 4 (new era, some heroes retire, others take their place, while different ones just get the grip of whom they truly were all along, and also we get a new ultimate bad guy and possibly set a stage for his defeat) <- this one not really well set up, because we don’t know most of the movies and TV shows which appear in this phase so dunno how to set them.
- Spider-Man: Far From Home - Photon (origin story of Monica Rambeau) - War Machine 2 - WandaVision (or Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch 3, adjusted, so it would not repeat some facts and would only remind about the most important stuff. Also, Pietro lives in this timeline so no Bohner guy lol, he is just insufferable brother-in-law to Vision, and weird uncle to kids) - The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (but with Steve who didn’t go back in time, because there was no going back in time in this timeline, he just finally is learning what accountability is and has to forfeit his shield, because it’s time to retire) - Falcon 2 - Winter Soldier 2 - The Wasp 2 - Loki TV series (Loki survives Thanos and is taken by the TVA, it basically doesn’t force the story to make him quickly develop feelings in the first episode and bypasses that issue, + more Loki Variants, all genderluid and presenting in various ways in the show) - Incredible Hulk 3 (Bruce and Hulk finally start communicating and Hulk becomes gradually smarter, and we meet Bruce’s another alter Grey Hulk and the circus with getting along starts all over again, because Grey Hulk hates Green Hulk xD, is setting up She-Hulk) - Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings - What If…? TV show - Ms Marvel TV show - Eternals (feels like should be in different phase) - Spider-Man: No Way Home - Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness - Thor: Love and Thunder (about Mighty Thor - Jane) - Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (about Shuri?) - The Marvels (Captain Marvel 3 basically) - Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quntamania (setting mutiple Kaangs I suppose) - Moonknight TV show - She-Hulk TV show - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Blade (feels like should be in different phase) - Fantastic Four - Avengers (in which they fight Kaang?)
I was going with the idea that every superhero should get at least 3 movies ONLY about them. As of now, I managed to put 3 only for a few, and some were swapped for TV shows instead to fill the place and better show the character and what they’re up to, because TV shows have more hours than movies.
I know there are supposed to be TV shows for Armor Wars, Iron Heart and Secret Wars, but I dunno when, so no idea where to put them.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 5 years ago
Batsis HC Compilation
1.     Being the Artist/ Sensitive Also Kinda Scary Wayne Daughter HC (lol):
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Warnings: Depression and anxiety mentions
·      You were the first biological child of Bruce Wayne
·      Well as far as you knew lol
·      You were younger than Jason, but a few months older than Tim
·      I suspect that if you were in the family business as long as Dick or so you’d have some issues
·      Those would include but not be limited to depression and possible anxiety
·      There would be happy days but it would still go downhill after a few days
·      On the days where it was worst, everyone would pile in for family movie night
·      Secretive person and would probably be quite and sarcastic
·      Since you were living at the manor your entire life, you would’ve lived to see Jason’s death and it really hurt
·      If you were a musician, I suspect that Alfred or Bruce would have walked in on you at the piano or something playing a terribly sad song about it or just emotions and they’d cry
·      Something like the song “Beautiful Scar” by Alicia Moffet (sad one btw like omg)
·      If you were a writer or an artist, just pieces describing everything symbolically
·      Going back to the musician, there is a music room in the manor in my mind so I suspect that there are times where Bruce or one of your older brothers will carry you into your bedroom if they find you asleep
·      You find it hard being a Wayne and all seeing as it’s like everyone around you is fake
·      That led you to hanging alone a lot which concerned Bruce
·      “Y/N, why don’t you go to the party you were invited to? It’s a beautiful day for one.” He said one day finding you reading in your bedroom.
You looked at him solemnly, “All my friends are fake and want me for money and clout.” “I don’t try to go out with them much if I don’t have to.” *Que protective batdad*
·      The library is your home as well as the gardens
·      Now public and patrol is a whole new story
·      Riddler is your favorite villain because he starts good conversations
·      Sometimes the villains have in fact questioned your health to your older brothers
·      Riddler: So, does it concern you that Y/S/H/N seems to openly hate life or is it just me?
Nightwing: We all hate life, she just does a little bit more
Riddler: ...okkayyyyyyy
·      You sometimes make very violent threats on patrol which lead to some interesting conversations in the vans back to jail
·      The paps are literally scared of you
·      You have given the famous Wayne glare but on level 1000, billions of times
·      Very sarcastic answers to some questions
·      When people on the internet come for anyone you love you shut them down asap
2.     Being the Business Woman
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·      You showed interest in the business for a while but never really total want to take over WE
·      No, you wanted to leave that for Tim
·      The boy deserved it anyways
·      Instead you started taking extra courses in business and such in middle school and worked your way up
·      While you didn’t like galas, you did try and make connections
·      You went to either an Ivy Leauge or Oxford or something
·      Then Wharton
·      After that you were on your way
·      If you already had a business it was booming but now it’s “extra booming”? idk but you get the idea
·      HuGE
·      Bruce was very proud and made that clear in interviews
·      Your company works closely with WE
·      Asking B for advice
·      Paparazzi doubling down on coverage for you since now you’re bigger than ever
·      Hosting you own galas
·      You either have a big house and rooms for everyone or a penthouse with the same situation
3.     Being Bruce’s Favorite
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·      You have the best relationship with Bruce out of everyone
·      He takes you out on father/ daughter lunch or dinner dates which is pretty fun
·      He would never openly admit that you’re his favorite
·      Taught you to drive
·      If you ever need advice you go straight to him
·      Best birthdays ever
·      You go and visit him at WE and he lets you hang in the office
·      There’s a secret fridge stocked with snacks
·      Dad/ daughter patrol
·      Read you stories as a child
·      Legit might still if you ask
·      You sit in his office to do homework
·      Has come home to you spinning in his office chair
·      Shopping sprees
·      Interviews
·      Very protective on patrol when it comes down to being in a ton of danger
4.     Being the Metahuman
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·      I’m thinking that you would have gotten your powers from a mission gone wrong
·      It was probably involving magic or something and you were seriously injured
·      I think that it would be fitting to be able to control darkness and things like shadows
·      Everyone was freaked out including you
·      You begged not to be sent away knowing what he thought of metas
·      He promised that he wouldn’t and just had someone over that would help you
·      Lots of tests at first and you kinda just lived in the Batcave for some time just incase
·      After that you changed your costume a bit to fit to the power theme
·      The villains were straight confused
·      “Bats what happened to your kid? Why is she scarier now?” ...”it’s complicated”
·      You know how in Young Justice, Robin had that creepy laugh?
·      It was like that now but then shadows came out of the wall
·      Everyone is pretty sure you made a few street criminals and Black Mask’s goon pee their pants
·      Best Halloween fun on patrol now
·      You scared Joker once
·      The powers do sometimes take a darker turn and you had to learn to control that since it did come from a maliciously used magic
·      “I can smell the fear off of you, clown.” You smiled and walked around him, shadows in the room, darkening your presence.  “Uhhh Batsy, I don’t like this one anymore.”
·      Hanging out with more Metas
·      You and Duke are like best friends
·      Gotta figure it out with someone am I right?
5.     Being the Author
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·      Your father does have presence everywhere, but you don’t like to think that that is the reason for your success
·      I could imagine you being a true crime or just mystery writer
·      Maybe even fantasy/fiction
·      Jason helps you write them if you ever get stuck
·      All of them go to your book signings and sometimes it’s embarrassing but also funny
·      You love that they support you
·      Care packages from Alfred when you’re on book tours
·      There are typically also some more things tucked inside from everyone
·      Staying up with Timbers
·      Your room is probably really aesthetic just sayin
·      Gardens and library is the beesstttttt
·      Sometimes for books, you take your time on patrol and as a superhero even if you still do it as inspiration
·      Everyone is like HoW Do ThEY COmE uP WiTh ThIS
·      Hehe
·      If you’re moved out I can imagine you have a really cool apartment or house
·      Cozy and open
·      *aesthetic*
·      One time, Damian did a book cover for you and so since he actually wouldn’t let you pay him, you took him on tour with you
·      You helped him make that his side hustle lol
·      Alfred has all of your books in the library
Okay so I could NOT sleep last night and was up till 6 doing this, I don’t mind adding onto it and I’ll totally take requests for this. I do hope that you guys liked this.
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why-this-kolaveri-machi · 3 years ago
we are our family, even if we don’t want to be.
Titans 3.07
a bit over halfway through the season, and we still don’t have all of our main characters on the board! i love this show.
as always, typing this up as i watch. live reaction, baby! *shadowboxes*
1. i don’t think i’ve mentioned this before, but i kinda miss the old ‘dc universe’ intro. it was cool! the whole idea of it was wild and waaaaay over-ambitious, but also very very on-brand because of it.
2. this is... the third time we’ve seen dick sleeping this season? that’s a record! checking another thing off my s3 wishlist...
2.5. i guess i rag on titans all the time for its wafer-thin plotting and bad pacing, but i have to admit that this season has been a step-up from the last one in this regard. titans has very reactive rather than proactive protagonists, and a lot of the last season seemed to be: x happened, the team reacted badly, then y happened, they reacted badly, etc. this time around, it’s not a huge leap up by any means, but at least they’re doing something about it. 
i do appreciate the focus on character arcs over everything else. and when i say everything else, i mean it: arcs that started two seasons ago with no big cathartic moments, intermittent payoff and multiple relapses. big bads have ranged from interdimensional demons to superpowered assassins to whatever in the world scarecrow is, but trigon’s big weapon against the titans was to... use their worst fears against them. slade’s was to... use their fears to break them up. crane’s is to... use red hood to use their fears to break them up. even the threat of gotham’s citizens being in danger doesn’t feel real: gotham is mythologised into an entity of its own, infecting our heroes like a parasite. like. this is not to say that most other superhero media aren’t big character arcs intertwined with the main plot, but titans doesn’t even make pretend that it’s anything but.
anyway. that’s my entry #2345 to ‘give a grand unifying theory for titans’. thanks. i’ll be back with more.
3. “anger is just fear in a little black dress.” god I HATE HIM
(what’s he doing with barbara’s likeness? oh... oh god. a terrible thought just occurred to me. what if they introduce hush at the very last minute for plastic surgery shenanigans? would you put it past this show?)
3.5. jason, nooooooooo
3.75. i mean, they’re making it very clear here that scarecrow is the one in control--the one who’s always been in control--and is manipulating jason and literally poisoning him, but i hope it doesn’t end up erasing nuance or jason’s autonomy. if jason’s to reckon with the issues that brought him here, then the lines of responsibility will need to be set somewhere. 
(this applies to dick as well but more on that later, i guess.)
4. just--the phrase “40% loss of income” is so funny to me. like, gotham is full of these larger-than-life characters who are idiosyncratic beyond belief, colourful and dramatic and creating chaos just for the sake of chaos, and then there’s the regular criminals and their henchmen who just want to make a quick buck sitting down with pie charts and graphs, griping about the joker reducing their returns or debating high risk investments in, i don’t know, two-face’s next scheme.
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“yyyyeeeeeaaah, my financial advisor is telling me that going all-in with a guy who literally makes decisions on the flip of a coin is probably not the greatest idea.”
4.5. god i hate smug!smarmy!scarecrow so much
4.85. as big plans to “control” gotham go, it’s pretty bog-standard. clearly scarecrow has some bigger plan in mind but it really feels like we’ve got no clear insight into him and he’s this generic creepy mystery-man who knows more than he lets on and springs a twist/cliffhanger every now and then. i liked the scenes with him and dick in 3.04 where it seemed like he was genuinely on the backfoot and things weren’t going as he predicted. for all of his faults, dick is at least familiar with scarecrow’s bullshit and knows not to give what he wants.
5. i mean... i see where dick is coming from with the “he’s not jason anymore; he’s red hood” because his immediate glaring concern is scarecrow’s drug and the damage it could potentially cause gotham? i do not doubt that it’s something batman drilled into him, too, but when you’re expected to take point on a situation where the lives of an entire city weigh down on your shoulders, it’s better to simplify things and prioritise. i’m not saying it’s great or healthy! gar is absolutely right to consider this facet of the situation. it’s just dick can’t.
6. hmmmmmmm. HMMMMMMMMMMM. 
i don’t know that i’m super fond of this iteration of oracle???? it looks like a cross between cerebro from x-men and jarvis from iron man. it’s giving me second-hand embarrassment. somebody help me.
(at least they remembered dick’s middle name is actually “john”. i like to think bruce printed D in that contract because for a while he genuinely thought richard “dick” grayson was his full name. duck duck goose, dick dick grayson, i don’t know alfred, the kid was in a circus, maybe they thought it was funny. or maybe it was a test in anger control, who knows.)
6.5 “maybe you two would like some time alone?” even AI can’t help hitting on dick grayson in this universe.
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“oh mr grayson, if i only had another eye to see you better...”
6.8. on one hand, it’s a bit disconcerting that the title of ‘oracle’ has gone from barbara herself to this gigantic machine; from my impression of the comics-verse, barbara had an extensive computing and surveillance system, true, but she was very clearly the brains behind the operation. on the other hand, i’m kind of glad that the ethical boundaries that this kind of surveillance violates is a sticking point for barbara. (tho let’s be real, the nsa would kill to have this in their arsenal).
6.9. also it’s now obvious that scarecrow’s big plan is to take control of oracle itself. it’s why he had lady vic take that picture of her eyes, or why he’s meddling around with it on his computer.
6.95. if only i could ‘command sleep’ anybody overstepping their boundaries re: personal information...
7. “you can just sit back and watch as the titans destroy themselves.” i mean... he’s not wrong
8. “dick’s parents were killed by a criminal mob; he won’t work with them.” it’s wonderful that you have this insight into dick, kory, i just wish we could’ve watched some of these conversations actually happen on-screen.
8.5. i’m glad that kom’s being treated with such nuance and understanding, though it’s obvious that she definitely has a Plan of her own. (and did i entirely imagine her ability to mimic other people flawlessly at the end of s2? or is that going to come into play at some point?) i think her story has the potential to be genuinely poignant, and in a universe where being Different, either because of mental health or physical differences or whatever else, leads a straight line to Evil, it’s important to acknowledge and then emphasise that the mere fact of your existence as a Different Person doesn’t predispose you to evil. maybe your act of destroying a system that has destroyed you and not scrambling to “fit in” is only evil as defined by that system. 
8.8. “you’re trespassing, i should call the authorities, i feel unsafe.” now this is a villain lady who’s definitely aware of her privilege.
8.85. kom smirking knowingly at her sister is everything.
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“oooh that’s the kory i remember”
9. conner and dick working together woo!
9.25. god i hate a villain who’s always just a step ahead, no matter what. so crane anticipated dick using oracle to track his personal communications and set him up? how did he know when exactly dick would get to do this? how long did he have that poor man tied up in that van?
(the “save me, grayson” is a nice touch, tho. send dick spiralling even further! because if there’s one thing dick will do, it’s take responsibility for every goddamn thing that goes wrong.)
9.5. ahem. i’m going to need a million gifs of conner yeeting dick across that yard, fandom, thankyouverymuch.
(i understand conner is invulnerable to explosions, but how do his clothes survive??)
9.8. oooh crane is already in oracle! i’m just sitting here laughing helplessly because they’re overpowering this goddamned guy so much. he can build a lab in arkham’s basement! he has access to lazarus puddles! he has minions working across gotham, including a fully functional chemical laboratory staffed by chemists who only answer to him! he has the crime families of gotham quailing in his very presence! he has assassins at his beck and call! he’s enough of a manipulative bastard to have red hood under his thumb! and now he has enough of a tech know-how to not only be aware of oracle, but know how to hack into it! i’m sick of exclamation marks! i’ll shut up now!
9.95. dick leaving behind that smouldering grave for a person he failed to save without taking a second to process how he feels about it and running towards his next plan to corner scarecrow: a microcosm of where his head’s at right now.
10. really hammering in the themes of this season, aren’t we. 
10.25. the interesting thing is the titans repeatedly call themselves a family this season (none more so than dick) and while that found family has helped encapsulate and put away their traumatic experiences with their ‘original’ families, it’s meant that they’ve not really dealt with those issues. and dick and gar and jason come from ‘found families’ of their own: they are twice removed, traumatised two times over. they still cling to this identity however, and because of it they’re losing each other. a family isn’t static. it’s an ever-evolving dynamic and you have to put in work constantly to keep it healthy.
10.5. anyway, that’s entry #2346. i’m here aaaalll night.
11. lookit gar the detective! half-transforming and using his powers to deduce things! what a hero! i’ve said this for a long time, but gar is the bedrock of this team, and an unsung one at that.
11.25. i’m confused about him calling this room jason’s though. it seems to me that this is dick’s room that jason later used, and one that dick’s using now. so the unmade bed isn’t really jason’s fault; dick was woken by barbara that morning, and in his hurry, he left without making his bed.
(it still confounds me that bruce didn’t find jason another bedroom in that gigantic mansion of his. you really didn’t give this kid a chance, did you?)
12. oh well. so much for the oracle.
13. ... sorry, wait. you didn’t think i wasn’t going to address the bit with dick right now, did you?
12.5. i honestly don’t think it’s very complicated: dick’s been reeling from one traumatic thing to the next, and just when it seemed like at the beginning of the season, he felt happy and secure with his team and his place in the world, bruce ups and leaves gotham to him, specifically naming him a successor and calling him a ‘better batman’. he’s lost garth and jericho and donna and jason and now hank and dawn. he’s not even sure where rachel is or what she’s doing. after being told that batman was a psychopath for moulding him into a weapon, he’s also been told that his failure to be a ‘better batman’ lead to further disaster. of course he’s going to get batman-goggles. of course he’s going to be a prick. 
12.8. i don’t know what to say. i feel his frustration acutely. i don’t think he should’ve said what he said to barbara (can people stop pushing her around this season????) but that pressure to step in where your parent fails? to clean up their messes and try to think like them? to fall into habits drilled into you when you developed them as coping mechanisms growing up? I FEEL THAT. 
every step he’s taking he’s putting 110% of himself in it and scarecrow’s still playing mindgames with all of them: i absolutely feel his desperation to take control of that game and turn it on scarecrow, no matter what it takes.
and he did apologise almost immediately, and finally--finally--actually works with barbara. 
12.9. again, not excusing him! but i get it. and i think that’s a sign of great character writing.
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“did you know i just reminded emmram of all of her daddy issues? what the fuck????”
12.95. i love that dick&barbara, kory&kom, and gar are all approaching solving this mystery from different angles, each as valid as the other. also, conner is there as... emergency bomb defuser man?
13. it’s like all fancy rich people in fancy rich houses do is pour fancy rich alcohol into fancy rich glasses on pristine, untouched tabletops. i wonder what it’s like to live like that.
13.25. I KNEW IT! poor michael. it was nice knowing you.
13.5. man, kory is contending with a lot of issues that she’s successfully bottled up and compartmentalised until now. the cold reality that a child can seek out their parents as refuge and they can view the child as a piece to be moved in a greater game (never out of cruelty, though, never, and somehow that makes it worse), that truth of blackfire’s treatment on tamaran because she’s different, and her own culpability in what happened. she exchanged one family for another, after all, and left that family to die and her sister to suffer. like dick, like gar, kory’s being forced to reckon with what the titans are meant to be, the larger implications of creating their found family in their own space.
14. it’s probably because it’s one in the morning and i’ve had two glasses of wine but i did not follow that bit of exposition at all and victor freeze??? what? 
anyway. look at them solving things! together! go team!
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“you made a deal with the mob?” oh the sense of betrayal on his face! fuck off, dick, your issues aren’t kory’s. 
15. conner is really sweet and a bit of an awestruck crush on kom is to be expected. especially after that power rangers-esque transformation (i say this as a former huge power rangers fangirl. i’ve seen every series until 2007 including the original japanese versions and written fanfic for all of them. so i love a cool costume transformation, is what i’m saying.)
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16. i love the gotham crime families just chillin’ around eating ice cream. I LOVE THEM
16.5. that was a fun fight sequence, if marred slightly by that bit of awkward flirting between conner and kom. i wonder if she’s really planning to use him in a larger scheme to get kory back to tamaran, or maybe something else. 
16.75. so i’m assuming that scarecrow has jason either so paralysed by fear that he can barely move, or jason’s withdrawing from the drug that he’s been sucking in every few minutes. 
17. it’s nice to see them chill after a successful mission! and it can be awkward, but conner’s crush on kom and him striving to impress her is also, well, uh... cute.
17.5. i guess the dick/barbara scene was inevitable, especially given the... unresolved nature of their relationship in the flashbacks? and they’ve been through a rollercoaster together this episode, discovering and then destroying an incredible tool within a matter of hours, re-discovering just how well they work together as a team. dick’s swimming in the nostalgia. i don’t expect it to last as a long-term relationship, but i totally get why this is happening now. and hey, they’re cute!
i have a weeeirrrrd feeling that kory is going to leave to tamaran at the end of the season and that dick and kory will rekindle--or rather realise--their relationship just before that. it’s going to be devastating and beautiful and painful and i will be writing essays about it which would be me just wailing into the screen.
18. gar found molly!!!!!!! MOLLY’S BACK! \o/ gar is the BEST
19. that was a fun episode! i love this silly show, even if it does destroy me sometimes <3
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heroicadventurists · 5 years ago
Robin 80 ***spoilers***
Robin 80 was a wonderful celebration of the first sidekick... the Boy Wonder... Robin. This issue consisted of 10 stories focusing on the different iterations of Robin. While Carrie Kelley received a pinup in the issue, she did not receive her own story. Robin 80 focused on the five canon Robins. While some are upset that Duke was not included in this lineup, he was never an official Robin to Batman. If we count Duke, we have to count all of the "We Are Robin" crew. When given the choice by Batman, Duke chose to pave his own path as his own hero, which is commendable. Dick received 4 out of the 10 stories in this issue, which was fitting considering it is also his 80 year anniversay. My favorite thing about this issue was the acknowledgement that Bruce adopted the male Robins. Below I rank the stories in Robin 80 from my least favorite to my favorite.
10. Dick Grayson, Nightwing in Aftershocks
Writer: Chuck Dixon
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Starting off my list is Aftershocks.  This story follows Dick after he has quit being Robin, and has assumed his new identity, Nightwing.  This story highlights perfectly how Dick operates as a solo hero.  He is brave, quick on his feet, witty, and of course, he saves the day.  This was a good one-shot but it didn’t have the impact that some of the other stories in this issue had.  However, it did serve it’s purpose of showing Dick coming into his own.
9. Nightwing and The Titans in Team Building
Writer: Devin Grayson
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Like Aftershocks, this story serves to show how Dick operates as a team leader. He was smart, strategic, capable and decisive.  He was everything you want in a team lead.  As before, this was a good one-shot, but it also lacked the emotional impact that other stories on this list had. 
8. Dick Grayson, Agent 37 in The Lesson Plan
Writers: Tim Seely and Tom King
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Like Aftershocks and Team Building, this story follows Dick as Agent 37.  In this story he is a mentor to a young recruit named Paris.  He gives her lessons throughout the story that contradict every lesson Batman ever taught him.  When he gets to the final lesson, he tells her the one thing that he agreed with Batman on “Ignore Your Mentor.  Do What You Do Best”.  One thing I really appreciate about the stories focusing on Dick is that each story is a progression in his vigilante career.  He has an actual arc in Robin 80.
7. The Supersons in My Best Friend
Writer: Peter J Tomasi
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This was an adorable story about how Jon views his friendship with Damian.  Damian is a lot more vulnerable when he is with Jon, and honestly, he acts like the kid that he is.  This was a lighthearted and sweet story that shows a different side to our current Robin.
6. Tim Drake, Robin III in Extra Credit
Writer: Adam Beechen
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This was a wonderful piece that highlighted how awesome Tim is.  For so many, Tim is their Robin, and it was nice to see him getting recognition in this comic. 
5. Stephanie Brown, Robin IV in Fitting In
Writer: Amy Wolfram
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Out of all of the stories in this issue, Stephanie’s story made me think the most.  There was a very deep meaning behind this story once you get past the surface level.  So let’s breakdown this story.  The story begins with Stephanie showing up late to a training session.  She suits up in one of Tim’s old costumes.  Of course there are issues with this and Stephanie is busting out of the seams (not because she’s overweight but because she has breast, butt and thighs to contend with).  She complains about her hand-me-down costume while Bruce focuses on training.  Even with her top busted, Bruce is still training.  He even has the nerve to tell Stephanie she is distracted. Alfred shows up with Dick’s old costume as a replacement, and Steph asks for something “without a cup”.  Bruce FINALLY makes Stephanie a suit fit for a young lady, but when she puts on her new costume, Bruce tells her “no more excuses”.   Let that sink in.  He saw her complaints about wearing a male costume as an excuse not to train.  Let’s carry on.  They go to Western Town to take on Firefly.  The villain du jour does not take Stephanie seriously and calls her “Cosplay Girl”.  Stephanie is rash during the fight and does not follow Batman’s orders, resulting in her capture by Firefly.  She is able to avert disaster (barely) and saves the day, but Batman still chides her. 
Batman: “Tim would have waited outside”
Robin (Stephanie): “I’m not Tim!”
Batman: “I know”
Stephanie tells Bruce that she wants to be her own Robin and to stop trying to make her into something she’s not.  Bruce hears her and makes her a special closet in the batcave with her own costumes. This seems like a step in the right direction but we know how her Robin story ends.
At no point in this story did I feel like Stephanie was being sexualized.  it was more awkward and embarrassing than anything else. Neither Bruce nor Alfred said anything inappropriate to Steph, and no skin or nipples were shown thru her shirt.  She was just in a predicament where her costume was too tight because Bruce was making her wear Tim’s old costume.  And that was the point of the story (at least for me).  Bruce wasn’t trying to find a replacement Robin, he was trying to find a replacement Tim, and eventually get Tim back.
Bruce has a bad habit of trying to replace people in his life.  He did this with Jason and he did it with Stephanie, and the results where dang near the same.  Bruce replaced Dick with a direct copy, down to the hair color, race and costume.  Bruce was trying to do the same with Stephanie, however it was unsuccessful for obvious reasons.    This story really made me think about all the extra pressure Bruce put on Steph and Jason by trying to have them live up to Tim and Dick respectively.  Instead of playing up their strengths and letting them define what type of Robin they wanted to be, he wanted them to be replicas of their predecessors.    Both results turned out in disaster with Jason dying and Stephanie nearly being killed after she was fired. To me this story highlights how badly Bruce tried to use Stephanie to get to Tim.  It makes absolutely no sense that he wouldn’t make her a costume to fit her body.  But is it surprising b/c he did the same thing to Jason.  To me this story was a lot deeper than Stephanie busting out of her top.  It was about 1.  Bruce’s need to get Tim back 2.  Bruce’s lack of respect for Stephanie and 3.  Stephanie’s disastrous run as Robin.  Say what you will but she held the mantle for less than 3 months and almost died trying to prove herself to Bruce.  Stephanie never got a fair shake at being Robin, and this story highlights that perfectly.  She was literally setup to fail. Maybe I have overthought this story, but those are the points I got from it, and they are important points to be made, which is why it takes the # 5 spot.
4. Dick Grayson, Robin in A Little Nudge
Writer: Marv Wolfman
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This is a story about a boy becoming a man and setting off on his own journey. In this story, we see Batman and Robin clashing on patrol, as Batman wants Robin to fall in line and Robin wants to make his own decisions. The issue ends with Dick thanking Bruce for everything he has done for him but leaving the nest to become his own hero. Bruce knew this day was coming, and instead of talking to Dick, he purposely picked small fights with him so he could make that step on his own.
3. Damian Wayne, Robin: Son of Batman in Bat and Mouse
Writer Robbie Thompson
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This story lands in my #3 spot This story focuses on the fundamental differences between Damian and Bruce. Bruce knows that something is going on with Damian, he just can't figure out what it is. He wants to fix it but he doesn't know how. He can't rely on Alfred, as this story takes place after his death. On Damian's part, he is blaming everything on Bruce instead of taking responsibility for his own actions. While some see Damian's current storyline as a regression, I see a lost kid with no guidance. Alfred is dead, Dick is Ric and Bruce is emotionally inept. Jason tried to step-up, but that relationship soured quickly. Damian has no one to guide him, and is making bad decisions as a result. This story sets up the eventual showdown in the upcoming Teen Titans annual.
2. Jason Todd, Red Hood in More Time
Writer: Judd Winick
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I was not expecting Jason to have the most heartfelt story in this issue. This story was beautiful and now I want Judd Winick to write another Red Hood miniseries or ongoing. This story highlighted the complicated relationship between Jason and Bruce in the most purest way I've ever seen. Even the artwork had an innocence to it. The story goes back and forth between a young Jason, who loves Bruce wholeheartedly, and an older Jason, whose relationship with Bruce is way more complicated and strained. This story highlights why Jason will always be a part of the Batfamily, because even with their complicated relationship, they love each other. This story just adds to the wonderful stories featuring Jason in 2020.
1. Tim Drake, Red Robin in Boy Wonders
Writer: James Tynion IV
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The brotherly bonding in this story is what landed it in the # 1 spot. This story takes place prior to Detective Comics # 934. In this story, Tim cannot decide if he wants to attend college or join Bruce in forming the Gotham Knights. He seeks advice from Dick, Jason and Damian, with each one telling him something different. Dick tells Tim that he's a hero that the next generation can look up to. Jason essentially tells Tim that Bruce is stuck in his ways and he has the opportunity to be better than Bruce. The best advice however came from the little Gremlin in Tim's life. After some well placed insults, Damian tells Tim that he has accomplished everything he has set out to do, and has been successful in his endeavors. At the end of the day "You do anything you damn well please". The confirmations Tim received from his brothers was much needed for him and helped him make the decision to form the Gotham Knights with Bruce. I loved getting a "behind the scenes" look at how The Gotham Knights protocol was formed. Because of these factors, Boy Wonders has my #1 spot.
What is your favorite story from Robin 80?
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Notes on the Artemis Fowl movie by yours truly.
Bear in mind I wrote these while watching the movie. There’s a lot of them.
1. If you think the police and/or reporters would ever be anywhere near fowl manor you’re wrong.
2. Mulch isn’t bad so far but he’d never be caught by police. 
3. Is our first introduction to Artemis him running? I think not thank you very much. 
4. Plus it looks like he’s going to do some water sport. Also wrong.
5. Surfing!!??!!?
6. Artemis doesn’t have even close to the coordination to do that.
7. I don’t even think he knows how to swim. 
8. He doesn’t love Ireland.
9. Of course he doesn’t love school! Have you seen his teachers’ remarks on him? They aren’t nice.
10. It was a boys-only school but that’s definitely one of the smaller offenses.
11. He did do the chess thing if I recall correctly.
12. Same for the opera house.
13. He didn’t clone a goat or name anything Bruce.
14. Unusual is an understatement. 
15. Dr. Po?!
16. Fake chair! Yeah!
17. That exchange from the Arctic incident wasn’t a bad choice to include. Too early though I think. We’ll see how the rest of the movie goes. 
18. He’s got blue eyes. At least there’s that.
19. He doesn’t have a biography!
20. His mom isn’t dead! Disney is just scared of showing mental illness.
21. If you think Angelina Fowl can’t control Artemis you’re wrong. She calls him Arty for god’s sake. He loves his mom.
22. Mysterious absences my ass. He’s the one that should be presumed dead.
23. “This is a sensitive area doctor” sure.
24. Fake chair ftw. 
25. The burden of his father’s name?! He’s proud of that name.
26. This scene wasn’t so bad. We’ll see how the rest of the movie fairs.
27. Who does he think he is? He Artemis freaking Fowl!
28. Skateboarding! I’m about to have an aneurysm.
29. Also, why is he wearing jeans? Get this man a suit!
30. He did not like being at home with his dad. Not in the first book anyway. His parent being out of the way allowed him to do what he did.
31. His dad’s actor looks good for the part.
32. His father is a criminal. World-famous. He did not just deal with antiques and rarities.
33. His dad also didn’t care for fairytales.
34. Music’s nice I guess. 
35. Why is arty wearing a hoodie?! He would never!
36. Artemis was not taught about fairies. He discovered them himself with basically no help.
37. So much physical contact between Artemis sr. and jr. No.
38. His dad did not believe in any such legends.
39. They shared only a passion for crime and that didn’t even last.
40. He wasn’t determined about any such thing. See point 36.
41. He wasn’t preparing Artemis for anything like that.
42. Fairy stones? What are those?
43. There was no peace made between humans and fairies.
44. Tuatha De Danaan? What is that?
45. Artemis would want to get to the point I guess.
46. His work was not coming to an end. What is going on? Can we meet Holly soon?
47. I’m ten minutes in and suffering.
48. Artemis wasn’t really one to smile unless things were going his way.
49. You are a child! You are still a kid! You’re like a literal baby still!
50. The whole point of him being 12 in the books was that he could still believe in magic as well as science. Wtf is going on?
51. I do know the Hill of Tara.
52. I take issue with “all I really want is to believe in you” but I don’t have time to get into it here.
53. He’s still wearing a hoodie. >:(
54. Hugging his dad. No.
55. I will accept the helicopter on the front lawn if only because it seems one thing that could’ve happened in the books. 
56. Where are the Butlers? Why are neither of the fowls being guarded? I need more Juliet and Butler in this movie NOW.
57. And Holly.
58. Pretty sure they don’t have a lighthouse. Also, pretty sure fowl manor wasn’t next to the ocean.
59. Might’ve been near a Forrest. I don’t quite remember.
60. Legos?! LEGOS?!??!!
61. Also, star wars? I don’t think Artemis has ever seen a sci-fi movie. He’s too busy making them a reality.
62. Artemis would also not sleep with a book.
63. Why did Butler’s name in the subtitles appear as Domovoi? You know there’s a whole thing about his name and why Arty doesn’t know it right?
64. So his dad disappeared. Not bad. A little late but okay.
65. Everyone has already aired their grievances about Butlers actor so I shall refrain from doing so as well. I’ll just say one word and leave it at that. Eurasian.
66. Also, fowl manor doesn’t look bad. I can accept this house.
67. No no no. No one should be calling him Domovoi. Only Butler.
68. Also, that isn’t the training he had.
69. He is the butler though? I mean. Only sort of but like. ???
70. No. You could not call him Dom or Domovoi. 
71. Very large man in a suit is slightly acceptable.
72. He could totally snap you in half but not without good reason. Come on, guys. He’s a nice guy. Scary, but nice.
73. Like, the dude cooks and gardens and whatnot. How is that not nice?
74. Also, I’m still hung up on the goat thing. Like I don’t deny that he could clone a goat but why on earth would he name it Bruce. Is it a Batman reference or something? I don’t understand this movie.
75. World wide manhunt? Pardon my doubt.
76. Superyacht? Owl star?
77. I get it. It’s a stupid pun.
78. I guess the South China Sea is close enough to Russia.
79. Again. Not an antiquities dealer.
80. Robberies? He ran a criminal empire!
81. Not sure how one would go about stealing the Rosetta Stone or why but sure.
82. I’ve never even heard of Boru’s Harp.
83. Nor the book of kells.
84. Why are you calling Butler Dom???
85. Yes! He is a criminal mastermind! Thank you for slightly acknowledging that!
86. Also, Artemis is not that rash.
87. He’s your dad and a criminal.
88. Why must Disney do this to my boy? He was an incredible character, smart, cunning, and a criminal and now he’s just a sort of smart kid. Lame.
89. I swear if this “raspy voice” is opal I will be so disappointed.
90. What is this? Artemis is supposed to be kidnapping fairies, not the other way around!
91. What is this Aculos and why should I care about it?
92. Also, why isn’t it Christmas? You could at least set it in winter. For crying out loud.
93. That isn’t word for word Artemis. I know you can remember it exactly.
94. I’m starting to think Orion is better than this fool.
95. Why is he wearing a hoodie?!??!???!
96. Just going to have a secret basement full of whatever secret stuff shoved in there because of course.
97. Also. As if butler would know about any of this.
98. Bunch of bottles of water. Okay.
99. ‘Cause Artemis Sr. totally knew about the fairies. 
100. This is a stupid basement.
101. I’m so done with this.
102. Ah yes! An important journal! Predictable.
103. Stupid poem. Stupid way of finding the journal.
104. That was opal I see. I’m dying.
105. Beechwood. Isn’t that guy related to Holly or something? Also, not from the books.
106. Yes, Arty fairies exist. Surprising no one.
107. I like how they made the city look I suppose. And they kept the name the same. Of course, it must be noted that not all fairies live in haven. There are other cities.
108. Why is holly a baby? She shouldn’t look like a child. Also, tons of people have already spoken on holly’s appearance as well so I won’t say anymore.
109. Koboi mentioned. It was totally opal.
110. The fairies don’t look bad either. Though I don’t know if the little things are supposed to be goblins or what?
111. I guess not. These goblins also seem way too smart.
112. “You and I would make a great team” foreshadowing.
113. I do think mulch being taller is kinda funny.
114. Briar Cudgeon looks about how I expected. Do you think he’ll get his face melted?
115. Opal and Cudgeon working together. Unsurprising if a bit early.
116. You spy or you die. The CIA’s motto.
117. L.E.P. Recon. Nice.
118. I’m also not going to address the changing of roots gender and the fact that Holly is supposed to be the first female officer because again, many people have spoken at length about that. Still upset though.
119. Kelp and Verbil are around I see.
120. What is the Aculos? Like I get that it’s a weapon by why should I care?
121. Also, I think Root should be smoking.
122. Holly’s father? Why should he matter or even be a part of this?
123. They kept Holly 84. Good.
124. Reinforcements? Juliet?!!!!
125. She’s 12? She’s supposed to be sixteen! No!
126. Niece!!!! She’s supposed to be his sister.
127. Also, screw Disney for changing the fairy alphabet so we can’t read it.
128. Artemis should be able to decode it though. He’s not much of a genius, is he?
129. Foals needs a tinfoil hat and should look way way nerdier.
130. Troll! Time! Yeah!
131. Yeah! Lava chutes!
132. Foaly’s CGI is a little wonky but whatever.
133. So that’s why Holly’s father is important. Stupid.
134. The executors. You mean the council.
135. Don’t just fly over the surface unshielded, you dolt!
136. Butler your camouflage sucks ass.
137. Butler wouldn’t complain.
138. Butler’s eyes are freaking me out. No one’s eyes look like that.
139. The LEP helmets are stupid looking.
140. That isn’t what a troll looks like. Stop it, Disney.
141. Time Stop. Not a time freeze.
142. The magic looks cool.
143. That’s not how a time stop works. But at least it looks cool.
144. I suppose I can accept that’s how they do mind wipes.
145. “This is a strange wedding” is the best joke so far.
146. Why are none of the fairies shielded?
147. Holly has such boring motivation.
148. You shouldn’t just read your dad’s journal Arty. It’s rude.
149. I’m so over arty’s dad already knowing about the fairies as well as this beechwood fellow.
150. Why does this Aculos exist? If it’s so dangerous, why not get rid of it?
151. Opal Koboi. Finally. 
152. Like Arty would ever dress like that. He’d still be wearing a suit and be spotless.
153. “They’re real.” No kidding!
154. Fox!
155. I’m surprised they included trying and succeeding to shoot holly.
156. Kinda wish they’d kept the bury an acorn to get magic thing but small fish and all.
157. Now it’s starting to remind me of the real Artemis Fowl story.
158. Cudgeon is slimy and annoying and I’m here for it.
159. That’s a shitty looking cage.
160. “Not happy” I wonder why?
161. Reflective glasses! Yes! Give me the fowl crew in cringey reflective sunglasses.
162. The Mesmer is done nicely. Love Juliet’s glasses.
163. A flannel and reflective sunglasses. That classic Artemis fowl look.
164. So he did decode their language.
165. The acting isn’t terrible. 
166. Most humans are afraid of gluten how do you think they’d handle goblins is a good line.
167. Again. Not how time stops work but okay.
168. So let me get this right. Instead of the fairy bible which Artemis poisoned a fairy to get they just replaced it with his dad‘s journal. great.
169. Don’t give Artemis a weapon! He’s gonna cut his own arm off!
170. The time freeze does look cool though.
171. I can appreciate them gathering on the beach. That’s kinda cool.
172. Finally a suit! Get this kid properly clothed!
173. Though that tie is a little sus. Why’s it so skinny?
174. That fight scene wasn’t too bad. Again Arty is definitely not supposed to be good at anything physical but it’s whatever.
175. Flair for the dramatic? This is hardly as dramatic as the book.
176. I hate opal’s voice.
177. Waged war on your people? That was 10,000 years ago!
178. Opal’s motives are also super boring.
179. I’m sad we don’t get to see arty practicing his evil smile in the mirror.
180. In one of those pots. From under the rainbow. Fun.
181. Glad they kept the whole while I’m alive stipulation. 
182. Glad to see the goblins still have fire powers.
183. These goblins really shouldn’t be so smart.
184. I hope we get to see mulch unhinge his jaw soon.
185. I do like mulch.
186. This heart to heart is stupid. Artemis wouldn’t trust holly just like that me thinks.
187. I like that mulch is up on all the human pop culture. I do wish he’d make a Gordon Ramsey reference though since he likes him.
188. Mulch not wanting to be tall is excellent character motivation though.
189. Now this is the heart to heart I needed.
190. Is he gonna unhinge his jaw?! I’ve been waiting for this the whole time!
191. Yeah!!!!!!
192. Eat that dirt!
193. Mulch!
194. “What would your parents be?”
195. A really really big dwarf.
196. Sick safe. Nothing mulch can’t handle.
197. That definitely isn’t what I expected from mulch’s hair but that’s okay.
198. Yeah! Holly punched Artemis! Now there just needs to be a lollipop remark.
199. Is that the Aculos? It looks stupid.
200. Also, I do appreciate the inclusion of the iris cam.
201. Opal, you’re so boring.
202. Cudgeon is taking over. Kinda wish it was of his own will because that’s more interesting but whatever.
203. Troll time part two. I doubt butler is going to almost die fighting it. Maybe he’ll wear a suit of armor though. That’d be cool.
204. How is it we’re an hour in and only just now get a d’arvit? Surely many other scenes warranted that.
205. I do like that mulch pickpocketed butler.
206. Don’t just stand in front of the door when A Troll is about to be sent in!
207. The wings do look really cool though.
208. Also, Juliet really shouldn’t be trying to fight a troll.
209. I mean. None of them should but you know.
210. Mulch eating the Aculos is very in character. I’m glad Artemis’s bedroom is being destroyed. It was terrible.
211. While I don’t care for the way the troll looks (Far too human, not enough claws and venom) the amount of destruction it’s causing is appropriate I feel.
212. I guess that’s how the fight can go. 
213. Also, Juliet is so smart and strong yet she can’t pull herself over a ledge? Pathetic.
214. Don’t move butler to a completely different room! He’s got a back injury! You probably just made it worse!
215. Butler isn’t going to die. This is stupid. 
216. Trouble doing the lords work. 
217. I told you butler would be fine.
218. One of the times Butler would nearly die. If we’re following the books then more should follow.
219. Also what is this room they’re in?
220. Butler would not be ashamed to cry.
221. I’m living for everyone’s reactions to where mulch stored the Aculos.
222. I like the way it looks when they get grabbed by the time stop. 
223. She’s gonna save Artemis. Obviously.
224. I like the way it looked when the time stop broke.
225. “Breaking every rule in the book” we haven’t even seen your book! Just his dad’s stupid journal.
226. He and holly should not be friends yet. He kidnapped her!
227. Ooh, forever friends how sweet! Get fucked. Both of you.
228. Now are we in Russia?
229. Opal annoys me so much.
230. So are you trying to tell me that this Aculos is the movie’s version of the book? Holly’s saying that poem.
231. This isn’t how magic is supposed to work.
232. >:(
233. I will admit it looked cool. Begrudgingly.
234. Your dad isn’t dead.
235. He’s in the secret basement that still exists for some reason.
236. Also, I didn’t note this before, but I doubt Arty ever called his dad, dad.
237. Opal is thwarted. 
238. Why she so ugly looking? Pretty sure she was supposed to be pretty.
239. This is so stupid.
240. Opals accomplices, you mean those two dunderheads she had helping her?
241. How are there still fifteen minutes of this torture left?!
242. Again. Butler would not be ashamed to cry.
243. Just wait until Artemis gets magic of his own.
244. I’m so tired. It’s 12:14 at night and I just want this torture to end. Please god just let the credits roll already!
245. And now they’re famous. Whoop de do. Just tell us how mulch gets captured and escapes and end the movie. That’s all I ask.
246. You know he hasn’t been referred to as Artemis Fowl the Second throughout this whole disaster. What a slight to him.
247. Ray bans.
248. Oh yeah. Brag to opal. Great idea. 
249. Criminal mastermind. Juvenile Genius. Same difference.
250. Why is his tie so skinny? 
251. Is he gonna fly the helicopter?! Finally something in character!
252. Now just let mulch escape and finish this godforsaken nightmare!
253. Fowls? Protecting us? Pardon me while I laugh.
254. They do the unhinging of mulch’s jaw nicely.
255. And now they mission impossible him out of there. Perfect.
256. I’m dying. Let it be over. Please.
257. No more!
258. Fly off into the sunset. Of course.
259. Thank god! Credits! I’m free!
260. And another thing! They didn’t have the follow-up scene with Dr. Po! That would’ve been a way better ending! And you can’t just have one scene without the other!
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yicruz48 · 5 years ago
My Review on the Teen Titans(2016) So Far
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Date Written: March/14/2020-March/18/2020
Updated: May/10/2020
[Overall review of Special 1, Annual 1 and Issue #20-40]
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My Opinion So Far [Issue #20-40 written by Adam Glass]:
-> In comparison to the first 19 issues of the Teen Titans, issue 20 and on have been bearable.
-> I will reiterate this over and over again; I will never understand why create new characters (Djinn, Roundhouse and Crush) when DC has a perfect stash of characters that Damian is already acquainted with (Colin, Maya, Surren, Maps and Jon). Although, having characters like Red Arrow (Emiko Queen) and Kid Flash (Wallace West) apart of the Teen Titans is understandable.
-> But again, in comparison to last group of Teen Titans [issue #1-19], I favor this group more. The first 19 issues are just literally Starfire, Beast Boy and Raven parenting Damian in Bruce's absence.
-> In my opinion this group is much more balance in terms of heroing experience:
A) Literally new to being a superhero and working in a group: Djinn, Roundhouse and Crush.
B) Still figuring out their place in superhero world: Robin, Red Robin and Kid Flash.
-> I am totally in favor in Kid Flash being considered the “moral compass” of the group. But so far in the Glass’s run haven’t really seen Wallace really prove this.
->It really shows that Glass had no idea or didn’t bother to do research on Emiko. Glass wrote Emiko as a sort-of Damian clone (And we all know Glass doesn’t write Damian well, so a badly-written-Damian-clone). Emiko is much more sarcastic and upbeat type of individual and wasn’t written that way.
->You can also tell Glass didn’t do research on Wallace. Wallace has a love for comics, is actually quite intelligent and is a prodigy engineer, but none of that was really expressed in the 20 issues.
->Crush, AKA Xiomara Rojas is a character besides the core three that I’ve grown to like. She is an empowered latinx Lesbian feminist who could care less what you think of her. But her backstory is rooted in stereotypical and racist beliefs. Her adoptive parents were druggies who were constantly running away from legal issues...ring a bell? Yea, its the common stereotype that latinos are all drug dealers, a stain on society and always run away from the legal ramifications of their actions. As as a latina myself, this was was extremely disappointing to see. 
-> I have a lot of issues with the hyper-focus on Robin, as much as I love Robin content, I feel like like every-other mission the Teen Titan’s have revolves around Robin. I would like to explore Red Arrow, Kid Flash and Roundhouse’s character development more. And I believe writer’s are totally capable of advancing Robin’s character development without the mission being tied to him anyways.
-> I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Robin’s ongoing goal to create a criminal system better than their superhero processors (mainly Batman and Superman) who only arrest criminals in a prison with “a revolving door” which criminals always escape from. Although, I ABSOLUTELY hate how Adam Glass has handled how Robin has gone upon learning the best system.
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-> I have to admit, I like how most of the members are comprised of teens that...
A) Been raised/used to kill; Robin, Red Arrow and Djinn.
B) Are related to villainous characters; Robin, Red Arrow, Kid Flash, Djinn and Crush.
In the words of Kid Flash, the Teen Titans are just, “a bunch of screwed up kids,”
-> I strongly dislike the love triangle that Adam Glass (the previous writer) was creating between Robin, Crush and Djinn. I felt like Djinn was just created to mimic the popularity of Damian x Raven and it just lessens the value of characters like Crush and Djinn. (Plus I am on the side that believes that Robin should developing his friendships before developing a romantic interest). Hopefully, Robbie Thompson (New and current writer), will throw that idea in the trash. Although I wouldn't mind Djinn × Crush though😶.
-> Also I hate the connection Adam Glass created between Robin and Roundhouse (Billy Wu). It was soo unnecessary, and he could've found another creative way to get Djinn a trapped in her ring🙄.
-> Love the growing friendship between..
1. Robin and Red Arrow
2. Red Arrow and Crush
3. Kid Flash and Roundhouse
4. Crush and Djinn
5. (Would like to see Robin and Kid Flash’s friendship grow)
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-> The build up to "The Other" for over 18 issues [Issue #20-38] was disappointing. I am still trying to understand the villain motivations because it made no sense whatsoever besides the obvious fact that Adam Glass was attempting to give Robin yet another useless redemption arc he didn't need.
-> Excited at the connection between “The Book of the Damned” and Batman #666 ( I will most likely make a post expanding on this). This offers an explanation as to why Damian was suddenly using magic in that one Batman issue and claiming he could take down Superman with magic in another issue.
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-> Robin's "Prison", AKA torture chamber. Although it's not out of Damian's character to believe that his father's way of imprisoning villains in Gotham is GREATLY lacking better security, I DO NOT THINK DAMIAN WOULD CREATE A PRISON, much less a torture chamber. Damian does research on ALL the batfamily including his own father, he would know that Bruce attempted something similar  and failed which would make Damian hesitant about creating his own. Instead of developing his character this whole fiasco with the prison just ruined it and gave Damian haters another tool in their arsenal to “prove” Damian is evil (which no, its just bad writing).
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-> Yes, I will acknowledge that Robin is not the kindest of the batch. But Blackmailing Black Mask with threatening to put his son's life endanger-even if he was bluffing-would not be something Robin would do. Robin is known to have compassion for children (*cough cough* Batman: Streets of Gotham) and wouldn't use a child as leverage to get his way EVEN if he was desperate.
-> Robin basking in the pain of his prisoners. LIKE EXCUSE ME, WTF. Like Robin does enjoy beating up criminals who deserve it but the way Adam Glass wrote it made it seem like Robin was a sadist and a psychopath.
-> Pissed off they killed Emiko’s development by killing Deathstroke. There really wasn’t any real reason given as to why Emiko “killed” Deathstroke. 
-> Don't get me started on the fight between Red Hood and Robin. JUST DON’T.
But I have hope:
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Teen Titans issue #39 and #40 written by Adam Glass and Robbie Thompson.
As you may or may not know, Robbie Thompson has now replaced Adam Glass as a writer. And his first issue he worked on was released February [issue #39] and I've already been seeing some improvements. Robbie will be fully taking over after issue #41.
-> Robin has stepped down as leader. Leadership in the Teen Titans will now be a collaborative approach.
-> The Teen Titans struggling and learning on working as a group instead of working under one leader. They've already failed their first mission as a team without Robin as leader. Which I'll give them a break for, they've recognized how poorly their plan was executed themselves. But this just shows that the writer is demonstrating that the Teen Titan's is still learning how to best work together without a leader.
-> Robbie Thompson is now writing Damian more in character. Instead of writing him off as an asshole for no reason like previous writers.
-> Confirmed Damian went to hell after being killed by Heretic. With an added plus of the Teen Titan’s finally learning a bit more about Robin’s past.
-> Brought up Damian’s ongoing internal struggle of finding his own path that isn’t influenced by his father or his grandfather.
-> I’ve gotta admit, issue #40 has exceeded my low expectations I have set for the past 19 issues.
What I am Actually Looking Forward to [Upcoming Issues]:
Teen Titans #41 / Teen Titans Annual #2
Written by Adam Glass and Robbie Thompson
-> Finally, we get Batman's involvement in all this. I just hope he doesn't beat up Damian like he did Jason 😒. I’d like to add there was actually foreshadowing for this encounter in Teen Titans #26 (I believe).
-> But the only reason I am looking forward to this because it seems like Robin has been keeping this new group of Teen Titan’s secret (including their base), or at least heavily restricting Batman’s involvement.  
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-> And even though I think I know why Damian has been trying to keep this new Teen Titans a secret from Batman (if my theory is correct), I'm curious to hear it myself from him (if the reason is written well).
-> Don't get me wrong, I am pissed that the writers decided Batman is going to fire Robin. Although, I am not against Damian being his own superhero (I actually don’t want Robin to take up the Batman mantle), but I can see DC writers abusing this. Killing his character development and making him evil like they've been foreshadowing in some comics 😒.
-> Although, I am not sure if it's really gonna happen, or Damian got the memo, because Damian appears to wear the Robin outfit in future covers of the Teen Titans.
-> I am excited the current Teen titans getting a glimpse of Batman's and Robin's current strained relationship(maybe even learning more about Robin’s upbringing). The Teen Titans (except Red Arrow) are always criticizing Robin for his way of thinking without questioning the influence to his thinking.
Teen Titans #42
Written by Robbie Thompson
->Batman kicking them out of Mercy Hall?  I am actually kinda of excited for a Teen Titans without a base. 
-> But I wanna know what this means; less oversight by Batman or more?
-> I wonder what will motivate the team to retrieve Robin back into their team? The only one's who actually seem to have some sort of relationship with Robin is Red Arrow and Djinn, besides them, everyone seems to despise Robin
Teen Titans #43
Written by Robbie Thompson
-> We are FINALLY getting a proper reaction from Robin to Nightwing's near death. What we got from Nightwing Annual was definitely not enough.
-> Apparently, Damian goes on a hunt for KGBeast (who shot Dick). Which I don't see as out of character because we all know how much Damian cares for Dick, who is a brother and father figure to Damian (more than Bruce).
-> Hopefully, the Teen Titans don't let him kill or have lethal vengeance against KGBeast because that would just kill his character development 😡. 
->I wonder if this issue will tie in with the Joker War where apparently Dick is suppose to get his memories back. I doubt it, but thought I’d mentioned it.
I've been reading Teen Titans because I've been desperate for new Damian content. But it seems like the comic is finally starting to get interesting with Robbie on board.
I wanted to give you an honest review on what I've thought of the Teen Titans so far just in case you've been on the fence about reading it or not. I've tried not to hold back on my criticism so my review is as honest as it can be.
So I'll leave it to you guys to decide whether you will read it or not.
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veliseraptor · 5 years ago
Top 5 Nat moments
because I apparently hate myself I’m going to do what I did for Wanda and Loki when I did this and go with both comics and MCU moments.
1. When she meets Laura Kinney and offers to train her (X-23 #20). I will never, ever not be bitter about the fact that we didn’t get Marjorie Liu’s series with the all female team (Black Widow, X-23, Mystique, and Electra), because augh. Could’ve had it all. But anyway, these panels: 
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This is Natasha, who has a history of being exploited and controlled by others, reaching out to a young woman who is coming out of her own history of (even more) exploitation and control, who is figuring out who she is and that she’s a person and not just a weapon for other people. It’s Natasha offering mentorship to her. And there’s something just…very powerful about that - about a character who often works on her own, and is certainly perceived as a loner, reaching out to another character and offering her guidance. 
This is also in the context of her stepping in as part of breaking up a sex trafficking operation, which ties into another aspect of Natasha’s characterization in comics that I’ll get into later.
2. The whole interrogation in a fridge scene (Black Widow #4). I mean, the entirety of Name of the Rose (again, Marjorie Liu, she’s amazing) is a favorite moment, but this particular section will always stand out to me. 
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There’s a great essay about it over at @fuckyeahblackwidow​, talking about how it plays with Natasha being literally in a fridge (a woman in a refrigerator, anyone?) and remaining totally in control of the situation throughout, ultimately turning it to her own advantage and revealing that getting here was part of her plan all along. It’s just gloriously done. I wrote an essay on a set of two panels from this scene for my art history class in college. It was great.
3. “I pick regret and kindness and mercy.” (Black Widow: Deadly Origin #4). I wouldn’t call this series as a whole ‘good’ but this part does always get me. I think because it has to do with the theme of choice, which I talk about a lot in my Black Widow Manifesto (linked below); the idea of being a hero not being part of an identity or something natural or automatic, but being a choice that’s made over and over again. 
That for Natasha, it’s her very past as a villain that makes her very aware of that choice, and how deliberate it has to be. The context of this specific bit is that a character has just basically accused her of being an opportunist who doesn’t care about right or wrong - that she just picks sides based on whoever she likes best at the time. And this is her counter.
It’s that last part that always sticks out to me: “I pick regret and kindness and mercy.” Because it’s all things that are “soft.” That can be seen as “weak.” And this is Natasha decisively claiming them as hers - something that she’s chosen, and always will continue to choose.
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4. The one where she goes toe to toe with Red Skull (Avengers #386). I didn’t read this one until recently when I tripped over it in my full readthrough of the first volume of the Avengers comics (starting in 1963). And when I did, let me tell you, I was thrilled.
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I mean, there it is, right there. Red Skull has been beating up other Avengers for most of this issue, taking them down one at a time, and Natasha knows that. And here he is calling her the weakest of them all, and she’s absolutely ready and going to throw down. Unafraid, and defiant, and scornful. I love it. I love it.
5. Any of the times Natasha stands up for women/girls. I won’t put all the scans in this post, but I’ll just choose one of them:
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This is a theme throughout Natasha’s appearances - the way that she relates to other women and will step in to help them when they’re in danger. Natasha has a reputation both in and out of universe for being cold and aloof, but the fact is that she has a very deep and very strong compassionate and protective streak, particularly for other women, particularly for other women specifically in danger from men/the patriarchy. 
Whatever the perception of Natasha, or even, a lot of times, her self perception, she’s someone who has a great deal of heart for the people around her, and will always step up for the vulnerable.
Want a general “why I love comics!Natasha” manifesto with more favorite moments? Hey, I’ve got one for you.
It is too bad I am writing this before the actual Black Widow movie comes out when I could hopefully have all of these moments be from that. BUT in the meantime!
1. “Did I step on your moment?” There are three Winter Soldier moments on this list, and that is because, whatever my weird resentments toward Winter Soldier and the way fandom treats it, it is a movie that was really good for Natasha. And this is such a good one. 
It’s in a scene where Robert Redford is building toward his grand conclusion, is certain of his own victory, is at the top of his game - and then there’s Natasha. Stepping on his moment, having been standing in the room in disguise the whole time.  
2. “The truth is a matter of circumstances. It’s not all things to all people all the time, and neither am I.” This whole conversation with Steve is one of those ‘character defining’ moments I think about a lot, because it’s that dynamic of Natasha being a chameleon, and being very aware of the malleability of truth. Natasha lives in a world of shades of grey - not in terms of morality, even, necessarily, but in terms of definitions. Selfhood is flexible, identity is flexible, nothing is truly permanent or stable. Nothing lasts forever. 
And that’s something Natasha is very much at peace with. It’s part of her survival, and it’s also just part of how she sees the world. It’s a sadness, in some ways - but it’s also a strength. Natasha’s ability to be flexible is one of the things that gives her an advantage and makes her a survivor. She adapts, she changes to suit a situation. It’s not a matter of being ‘two-faced’ or whatever - it’s a matter of understanding that identity isn’t singular or unidimensional. 
Natasha has a very complicated and nuanced view of the world, and I feel like this conversation encapsulates some of that.
3. The highway fight in Winter Soldier. This is just...whenever we see Natasha absolutely unleash in a fight it’s super sexy, and this is probably my favorite version of that, because it is absolutely “Natasha fighting smart” and “Natasha going up against someone much stronger than she is, and doing pretty damn well for herself.”
4. Natasha-as-leader in Endgame. Okay, so Endgame ultimately did Natasha real dirty, but there were some good moments before then, and the one that stands out to me is the one early in the movie where Steve comes to see her and she is holding a meeting where she is coordinating efforts around the world, is clearly still tapped into the hero life, is trying to hold things together. Tony’s stepped out, Clint’s on a vengeance mission, Steve is trying (sort of) to do good things that aren’t Captain America things. Natasha’s still soldiering on, doing her best to staunch the bleeding.
And she’s clearly tired, and unhappy, but she will keep doing the work. Which is so very Natasha: it doesn’t matter, ultimately, what her personal feelings are. When there’s work to be done, she’ll do it.
5. The airport fight in Civil War. There are two moments in this that stick out to me - there’s the one with her and Clint (”we’re still friends, right?”) where she’s…idk, to me it reads a little like she’s still trying to hang on to both sides. I mean, it’s adorable, and also the fact that she and Clint are basically sparring with each other rather than actually fighting (Wanda calls Clint on it), but also there’s this sense that…Natasha’s never been in this for the ideology. She’s in it for the sake of doing what’s needed to keep her family alive and together.
Which is the second moment, obviously - when she stops T’Challa and lets Steve and Bucky escape. You can see that she knows what it means for her as far as her status, and as far as her other relationships. But she does it anyway, because she knows Steve won’t stop, won’t give up, and in order to keep him alive and safe she needs to let him get out of there - and also trusts that he’s not just running away, but running for a reason. That he has a purpose, and knows what he’s doing.
It’s a lot of faith that she’s giving, and a significant sacrifice she’s making at the same time. 
Runner ups included anything with Auntie Nat, the Clint v. Natasha scene from The Avengers that I mentioned before, her intro scene with Bruce that I also mentioned before, and the “she’s not alone” moment from Infinity War.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years ago
Hello, hello, tis I, your friendly neighborhood ‘dude who is obsessed with people making jokes and insults out of Dick’s name’ back with another episode of Why No But Seriously Why!
In today’s episode, we’re going to focus on the fanon of the swear jar. That thing ordained by Alfred that makes many an appearance in fics and headcanons....including ones that also show Jason and/or others calling Dick a Dickhead and other things all willy nilly and suchlike and forthwith.
How does this track, asketh I? Does Alfred provide exemption clauses for making fun of your brother, to the others? Does Alfred not consider making crude insults out of the name Dick to be a swear? Does Alfred, a born Brit, hailing from the land of the “We’ve Been Calling Richards ‘Dicks’ For Longer Than The Rest Of You Have Been Calling Them Rich’s,” not consider the fascination with making penis jokes out of the name of a child he’s helped raised from the age of EIGHT to be uncultured, crass and frankly unacceptable in any house he resides in?
I’m just saying, does it really make sense, and is the risk of pulling readers out of your story if they’re NOT amused by the jokes made of his name really worth whatever it is you feel is added to a story BY making the same old jokes about Dick’s name?
As I’ve said many times before....Dick Grayson? Fictional character. Has no feelings that actually need protecting....OUTSIDE of fiction. Making jokes about his name from beyond the fourth wall, just people commenting on a fictional character’s name? Go wild, go crazy, have a freaking Bacchanalia. Truly does not matter, if you ask me.
But IN universe? IN fiction? Totally different story, because look what those jokes require or make assumptions out of:
1) That Dick truly has no protective or defensive feelings whatsoever about his childhood nickname, and genuinely feels nothing about people habitually taking his choice to keep it as an invitation to insult or mock him.
1b) That Dick doesn’t in any way ever perceive peoples’ insistence on associating his name MORE with the insults and penis jokes than they do with it just being a name, to in any way be a slight against his beloved parents, of the “well they should have known better than to call him that” variety.
1c) That Dick has no negative feelings whatsoever about the fact that even his close friends and family regard his name as being no more worthy of respect or being ‘offlimits’ than the average Gothammite or public citizen might regard it, despite the fact that his close friends and family are perfectly aware of the public’s history of looking down on Dick for his origins and thus you’d think would WANT to appear different than them in Dick’s eyes.
1d) That Dick has never at any point expressed anger, frustration or bitterness that he can’t even have his name respected without even loved ones superimposing their own associations on top of it, no matter what it means to HIM.
2) That Alfred truly has no opinions whatsoever of the other charges in his care disrespecting Dick’s name and its origins stemming from his first parents.
2b) That Alfred has never expressed this opinion to any of them or made his displeasure about such jokes known.
2c) That Alfred doesn’t find it disappointing that the rest of the family and associated friends and allies seem disinclined to separate themselves from the general public’s opinions of Dick’s name by regarding it with a little more respect as at least a sign that they regard Dick himself with a little more respect than the general public.
3) That Jason or none of Dick’s other friends or family have never taken the initiative to wonder for themselves how Dick might actually feel about the frequent jokes or insults, and if shockingly, he might not actually be fond of them.
3b) That Jason or Dick’s other friends or family have chosen not to care or respect the opinions of Dick and/or Alfred or anyone else who states or suggests that these jokes or insults aren’t welcome.
4) That none of Dick’s other friends, be they Titans, or Uncle Clark, or siblings like Cass or Damian or frankly anyone, ever speak up in defense of Dick’s name and suggest that there’s a significant lack of respect around it and thus around him, that they personally take a very dim view of. (Even when Jason’s best friends include Dick’s former fianceé and own longtime BFF).
5) That nobody has ever bothered to think that only EVER being addressed by some form of insult by even his own siblings might possibly have a slightly demoralizing effect on someone’s self-esteem over time.
5b) That nobody has ever bothered to think that making sexual jokes about his name and thus innately sexualizing Dick from even his earliest days in Gotham, when coupled with the hyper-sexualized stereotypes people often apply to Romani individuals and further coupled with the suggestive rumors surrounding Bruce’s reasons for taking in a young boy, might possibly have contributed over time to Dick having an extremely skewed view of himself as an innately sexualized being no matter what he actually did in terms of sexual behavior.
I mean.....there’s more. If I felt like it.
But the point is......there’s a LOT of implicit assumptions that creep in alongside the seemingly harmless jokes and insults surrounding Dick’s name, the second you start to really focus in on how it might appear from his POV....IF you include even just the possibility that he DOESN’T like it.
EDIT: Also, lots of people have pointed out that its just sibling culture to make fun of a sibling in ways that you wouldn’t be okay with someone outside the family making the same jokes. And this is absolutely true! BUT. My issue here and why I don’t think the Dickhead jokes fall under this umbrella, is because I can say in my experience being from a blended family, and from what I’ve discussed in the past with other kids from blended families....there are ‘rules’ about this sort of thing, when you have adopted siblings, and the one near-universal truth that I’ve always found is that anything that stems from an adopted sibling’s first family, the one you do NOT share with them, is absolutely off limits. You mock them for something that originated outside your family, you’re the asshole, because at that point, you’re literally no different from outsiders to your current family making fun of that sibling. That ‘joke’ is not YOURS to make or share in, if you do not have the history with the thing you’re basing the joke on, that your sibling has with it. Shared history is the entire basis of siblings being able to mock each other while still citing solidarity against outsiders, and in adopted families, there absolutely are elements of each others’ lives that YOU are the outsider to, and it absolutely falls on you to respect that just as you’d want your sibling to respect the same of you in turn. If Jason absolutely would not be okay with Dick or anyone else making jokes about Catherine or his life with her, he should not be okay with making jokes about Dick’s name, circus origins, or other aspects of his life that stem from or call back to his time with his first family. The same holds true of all the others as well.
The other aspect of this name-calling not falling under the excuse-umbrella of just being typical sibling culture is its entirely one-sided. Show me the tendency where Dick responds to these everpresent jokes or insults by even light-heartedly calling Jason and the others insults like Hey Asshole, or Dumbass or anything like that. When things are entirely one-way, the impression given is not that of a camaraderie of back-and-forth. It becomes just one person or multiple people punching down in a way they feel confident from experience the other person will NOT respond in kind, which gives them an outlet for venting frustration, resentment or aggravation which risks them nothing, because they KNOW Dick won’t retaliate, and at that point that exchange becomes something very different from a general sibling back-and-forth....because there’s no ‘back.’ What you end up with at that point is literally just hostility, no matter if more mild than other cases, and a situation where one sibling is simply taking ADVANTAGE of the opportunity afforded by another sibling’s good nature and refusal to engage in hurt feelings even while you feel free to cause those feelings in them. And that’s just not a good look. Its just not. And even if you find those exchanges humorous yourself as a writer or a reader, you might want to keep in mind that to plenty of other readers, its making even the characters you like and INTEND to be liked, just....come across as kinda not cool assholes instead.
And here’s the other point:
Its not really about his name, and never has been.
His name is simply emblematic of how EASY it is for people to fall into the trap of just....choosing to overlook Dick’s POV entirely, the second its pitted against other characters and what they might gain from their POV....even if that ‘gain’ is as simple and basic as the slight moment of humor Jason gets from making a joke or mocking insult out of Dick’s name.
Here, let me present this another way:
Every single person alive has SOMETHING they get defensive or protective about. SOMETHING that they’re like no, this is offlimits to people, this is not for their consumption, their entertainment, its not for THEM to take and twist into something other than what it is for ME, because its MINE. This is basic human nature. EVERYONE has this feeling about SOMETHING that’s particular to them.
And with Dick, most of the things that we’re generally given to view him being protective or defensive about are either almost more about other people than him - such as being protective of his family members - or else, they’re things that he’s not ALLOWED to be purely defensive or say, territorial about.
Like for instance, the name Robin.
Think about how Robin is pretty much one of the ONLY things Dick is largely deemed to be defensive or proprietary about.....BUT how that’s also largely used NOT to have him wholly in the right for feeling that way.....but to put him in conflict with the other Robins, given that they also have strong feelings about the name regardless of its origins, and its not solely Dick’s anymore.
Now here’s my question:
If for example, you go with the take that Robin was Dick’s mother’s name for him, and that’s why Dick is so protective and defensive of that name.....why would he be any LESS protective or defensive about his mother AND father’s OTHER name for him....given that the only possible reason for him TO stick with the name Dick all throughout adulthood, is that its the form of his name they referred to him by, and thus, clearly, it DOES carry emotional significance for him?
See what I’m saying?
Why is it, that the only time so many people see Dick laying a claim to something, being defensive or protective of something that’s HIS, standing up for HIMSELF.....is when the waters are murky, when its not a clear cut case of him being wholly in the right, when it pits Dick against someone else and says both are at least somewhat valid?
Why is it so RARE to see people imagine Dick putting his foot down in defense of himself, in defense of something that’s HIS.....where its 100% crystal clear that he has every right and reason in the world to feel this way, where there’s no doubt whatsoever that he’s on the correct side of thinking “this is mine and I get to say this”?
Even about something as simple and basic as his own name?
And why is it the only time we seem to see people sticking up for Dick or weighing in on his behalf, its in the case of extreme actions like him having been raped or abused? Why are there hardly any stories of people looking at alleged family and friends bitching about Dick or heaping insults on him or his capabilities and saying hey, he’s been doing this while most of us were sitting in middle school detention, you could show him some respect? Why do none of the people who value and respect Dick so highly ever seem to weigh in like THAT in stories?
My challenge, should you choose to accept it, is just to look at the above list of possible reasons why Dick might not be thrilled about how people use his name....and just IMAGINE what it would look like, if Dick just said to another character....”Hey. Could you cut that out. I would appreciate it if you didn’t do that.” Even just “I really don’t like that.”
How does a scene like that go? One where Dick is wholly and completely justified in putting his foot down, in feeling that someone is overstepping or paying him an insult or a disservice?
We hear all the time in fandom about how in the name of ‘humanizing’ Dick and ‘making him more relatable’ some people focus overly much on emphasizing his flaws, his alleged temper, his secretiveness, etc.
I’d like to argue that flaws are not actually the only staple of humanity. Risking making a character more dislikable is not actually the only way to make them feel more human or relatable. THIS is another way to do that. Make them defensive, proprietary, territorial, even prickly.....but with REASON. With CAUSE. With JUSTIFICATION. Because people are ALLOWED to be, when people are being a - all irony intended - total dick to them.
And there is a long, LONG history in fanfics, of people being exactly that to Dick, and him just....smiling.
EXCEPT for when his choice NOT to smile, and to actually take offense and push back......pits him against another character but with the other character usually being granted just as much right and reason to not give way.
So? I’m saying you have right here a perfect example of how to flip the script on that. To make it abundantly clear that Dick has just as much right to put his foot down with even people who love and care about him and say hey, you’re doing something I don’t like, that in fact even hurts me, and I want you to stop.
Why not use it? Why does there always seem to need to be an ARGUMENT about whether or not Dick is in the right to feel wronged in some way.....when its so abundantly clear that he’s given no shortage of reasons for that in practically every other fic?
And consider.....if you’ve never previously entertained the idea that Dick might take offense to how people treat his name, or feel defensive about it......what else might you be overlooking that he could feel that way about, and is there any reason why you think you tend not to view Dick as being defensive of HIMSELF and things that are uniquely his?
*Shrugs* Just food for thought, mayhaps.
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starkinventor · 6 years ago
Why Tony Stark is Not Actually a Narcissist:
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is categorized as a personality disorder with long-term exaggeration of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Typically individuals with NPD use others for their own personal gain, have inflated senses of self and delusions of grandeur. (All of the information in this post comes from the DSM, adaptations of Tony Stark from the MCU and/or 616 universes. Obviously I can’t include every piece of proof from every issue and movie ever, but I’ll give at least one example a piece.)
Let’s break this down piece by piece:
1.) Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people.
In Iron Man 3, when he meets Harley Keener, he doesn’t tell Harley who he is. He doesn’t say ‘I’m Tony fucking Stark what do you mean who am I?’. He looks this kid right in the face and says ‘I’m the mechanic’ and asks for his help. He doesn’t expect Harley to help him. He has an Iron Man suit with him and still does not expect elevated treatment.
When he gets back from Gulmira, he asks everyone to sit down at the press conference. He sits down with them. He could have literally elevated himself. Kept himself above them. Instead he says ‘can we all sit down?’. He literally brings himself to their level. 
2.) Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
In Avengers #12, Tony is literally given access to the ultimate source of power. He wields the Infinity Gauntlet, capable of manipulating the fabric of everything around him. What does he do instead? He tries to wish the gauntlet out of existence. When that doesn’t work, he takes the stones, scatters them between the Illuminati, and gives up the ultimate source of power. He literally hands over the key to reality because he knows wielding it is wrong.
3.) Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions.
In the middle of a breakdown in Iron Man 3, Tony says ‘I’m just a man in a can’. In The Avengers - at great personal risk to himself - Tony climbs into a huge turbine to save everyone on the Helicarrier. Then he flies a wormhole into space.
In The Red Zone, Tony gives Steve Rogers CPR to keep him alive as Red Skull’s miasma eats away at his skin. If Tony left the helmet on, he would have been perfectly fine. But as he’s removing his helmet, he says: “Sorry Tony but Captain America’s more important thank you.” 
Tony has always acknowledged that others are more important - that he’s not the only one. Hell, he even helps Riri Williams become Ironheart!
4.) Need for continual admiration from others.
In the original Iron Man comics, Tony Stark keeps his identity hidden. He pretends for a long time that Iron Man is his “body guard”. To Tony Stark, Iron Man is an idea. He’s a hero. Tony Stark is just a guy who made a suit. Iron Man #55 from the 1998 run has fishermen recognizing Tony’s face but completely unable to place it. Tony lets them think he’s just some stranger in the Iron Man suit and does not reveal his identity. His identity is ultimately revealed when he leaps in front of a moving car to save a puppy and is unable to suit up in time.
A man who needs continual admiration doesn’t hide the fact that he’s a superhero who’s saved the world a dozen times over.
5.) Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others.
In the events leading up to Civil War, Tony Stark’s brain and his Extremis program are highjacked. He’s used as a weapon to kill people and he has no idea he’s doing it. Rather than demand he be treated with care and kindness simply because he’s Tony Stark, Tony volunteers to be imprisoned in The Raft where most - if not all - of the inmates want him dead. Just to prove his innocence. He’s walked in in iron cuffs and makes no demands for a stay at a cushy white collar place just because he’s Tony Stark.
On top of this, in the cinematic and comic adaptations of Civil War, Tony’s theme is very clear. Everyone should be held accountable for their actions. Everyone is a liability. He doesn’t say ‘everyone but me’ he says everyone.
6.) Exploitation of others to achieve personal gain.
In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Tony gives Peter the option of revealing his identity. He sets up a press conference because Peter tells him he’s ready. Tony’s known the identity of Spider-Man the whole time and instead gives Peter the control. He could have exploited this information for his own personal gain, but instead he chose to change directions at the last minute when Peter told him he wasn’t ready.
Tony’s had a million opportunities to exploit others. He could have exploited Bruce for scientific advancement or better reputation with Ross. He could have exploited Hammer’s failed tech demonstrations to forward his own company or agenda. He could have exploited his visions of Thanos to sell the world on a global defense system. To exploit their own fear. Instead, he bottled it up and he lived with it.
7.) Unwillingness to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people.
In Iron Man 3, Harley reveals he’s being bullied by another kid his age. Tony gives him what he calls a ‘pinata for a cricket’. He tells Harley to aim away from his assailant’s face and it’ll deter bullying. Harley’s clearly being affected by someone’s perception of him as a person and Tony aims to correct it.
In a deleted scene from the same movie, Harley’s bully gets caught in the crossfire between Tony and the Bad Guys. Tony removes the arc reactor - his literal life source - from his chest and uses it to administer heavy-duty CPR, saving the kid’s life.
8.) Intense envy of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them.
Please see ‘I’m just a man in a can’. Tony recognizes that Iron Man could be anyone. It could be anybody. He doesn’t believe people are envious of that - if he did, the line might have been ‘I’m the Iron Man’. 
Or see his treatment of Justin Hammer in the MCU. Justin’s arguably his biggest competitor. He doesn’t have to point out that Hammertech is weaker than his because the product speaks for itself. Justin hates Tony. He tries so hard to be Tony, between trying to sleep with the same women, trying to steal his contracts, even trying to steal his technology.
Tony doesn’t do that. He’s not envious. He doesn’t care that Justin is envious of him. 
9.) Pompous and arrogant demeanor.
In Age of Ultron, Tony calls Doctor Helen Cho in to treat Clint’s wounds. Dr. Cho says that her regeneration Cradle could heal Barton in minutes and tells Tony that one day his suits will be ‘left in the dust’. Tony’s response?
“That’s the plan.”
Inb4 someone comments with ‘WELL HE CALLED HIMSELF A GENIUS, BILLIONAIRE, PLAYBOY, PHILANTHROPIST’. That would be because these are words used to describe him by others. None of these words are inherently negative, they’re just descriptors. 
In closing, Tony Stark’s not a narcissist. He’s by no stretch of the imagination perfect, but he’s not a narcissist.
He is, however, the child of at least one narcissist. There is an entire field of study dedicated to exposing how being raised by narcissists can damage one’s self-esteem, overall psyche, and sense of self-worth.
For more on Tony’s childhood and an explanation of his codependence as a result, I recommend this post by @bestdefender that does a beautiful job outlining how Tony’s personality has been affected by narcissists. 
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winters-orbit · 6 years ago
My Thoughts on Endgame: A Very Spoiler-Heavy Review
Yeah we’re talking about pretty much all of it, so buckle up.
Alright y’all, here we go. I saw endgame yesterday, and I think I’ve finally compiled all of my thoughts. So a couple things before I start.
1.      There will be VERY heavy spoilers, like, so many. I have tagged this post with every tag I can figure out about spoilers, and I’m starting this post with stating it. If you have not seen the movie and don’t want spoilers, please do not read this post. I feel I have warned you sufficiently, so don’t get mad at me.
2.      This is going to be a really LONG and in depth post. I apologize, but I need to talk about this.
3.      If I refer to the people making the movie, I am talking about both the Russo’s and Markus & McFeely. I feel that all four of them were involved enough to lump them altogether.
4.      This is likely not going to be a super positive post, so know that.
5.      I may have a few controversial opinions. I’m not here to attack anyone’s opinions personally. These are just mine. I’m totally willing to have a civil discussion about stuff.
Now that we know where we all are. I’m gonna start off with what I thought were the positives.
·        Steve wielding Mjolnir. HOLY SHIT. I think that is literally my new favorite shot in the MCU. Steve standing there with the Hammer and his shield honestly took my comic loving ass’s breath away.
·        A bit of an extension of that last point, but the wide shot of Steve standing there alone, facing all of Thanos and his army? Hot damn? That was such a beautiful shot.
·        Most of the movie before the five years later was what I’m going to sum up as ‘pretty good’, i.e. I don’t have too many complaints.
·        “That is America’s Ass” (do I need to explain this one?)
·        Natasha basically holding everything together for 5 years, just trying to hold herself together when Steve walks in? Wow, break my heart why don’t you.
·        AVENGERS….assemble.
·        Falcon saying on your left
·        Strange looking at Tony before the end and slowly holding up one finger.
·        Scott’s breakdown and frantically looking for Cassie’s name on the memorial (Like, shout out to Paul Rudd’s acting there, cause damn I felt that)
·        Captain Marvel (and here’s where we get controversial kids) was in the movie very minimally
Look, I’m sure there’s some other good stuff that I’m just not remembering. But that’s the stuff that really stuck out to me.
OHHHHHHKAY, deep breath because here we go. I want to start off talking about tone. For me, it was all over the place. Phase 3 as a whole in the MCU has been really tonally off for me. I know this is not a common opinion, because everyone I saw this movie with had the humor really land for them. Still, for me I felt the humor was really off. It always feels jarring to me when they juxtapose death with a joke.
Now that we’ve gotten tone out of the way. Let me go through by characters. Because this movie really suffered as far as characterization and plot. So let’s talk characters first.
Gotta really preface this one. I have never really liked Tony as a character. So take everything I say with that in mind. This is going to sound biased.
So- three big things for me as far as Tony.
1.      It REALLY bothers me that Tony would just fuck off for five years. (Look this one is really biased, I can acknowledge that) After being the one to always be about winning no matter what, Pepper even says something along the lines of would you be able to live with yourself? So the idea of him just leaving and not helping even remotely rubs me the wrong way. And apparently all it took was seeing a picture of Peter to change his mind? Idk not sold.
a.      This didn’t really fit anywhere else but I wanted to touch on it because it bothered me. But WHAT THE FRESH FUCK do you mean by reverse the Mobius strip. WHAT. The WHOLE point of a Mobius strip is that there is only ONE side. (Like I know this doesn’t matter literally at all but hot damn does it fire me up for no reason)
2.      Tony & Howard. Let’s discuss. I’m honestly really confused what they (see preface #3) were going for with this interaction. The way I always read the relationship was that Howard was very neglectful and emotionally manipulative. The MCU has never given me the impression that the two had a good relationship. So, what was this interaction supposed to be? Was it supposed to be closure? Idk I have a hard time figuring this scene. If you have thoughts on this one let me know.
3.      Alright, Tony doing the final snap. We gotta talk. I know this was more of an MCU thing. Like I get that Tony started the MCU so it fits that he would be the one to end this arc. But I am just personally really mad that I don’t think Nebula got the closure she deserved as a character. I guess you could argue that killing her ‘alternate timeline’ (oh don’t worry, we’ll get to that) self is ‘closure’ but she didn’t even get to try and fight Thanos. After everything he did to her, and after killing Gamora, I felt she deserved something. Basically, Tony performing the snap made no sense in context of character arc (like everything in this damn movie), and it should’ve been someone else.
a.      I’m not sure how I feel about Tony dying. Not sure it worked for his arc but I’m sort of happy that this will be a moving on for the MCU.
I wish I could articulate through text the incredibly deep and long sigh that I just gave. Steve they did you dirty.
You know what we’re talking about, but let me say it anyway with a couple Fuck’s just to let me vent. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE ENDING. HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN. HOW THE FUCK DID THEY THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. WHY THE FUCK DID THEY RUIN HIM LIKE THAT.
Okay, now that I’ve gotten that I’ve gotten that out of the way. Let’s talk about this a little more calmly. I’m so disappointed. I feel like everyone else has done this in more detail and since I’ve already be working on this for like an hour, I’m going to try and summarize this.
Steve’s entire arc was about moving on from whatever bad things have happened in the past and still being a good person.  It’s about learning how finding new people and having new experiences can help you grow from whatever has happened to you in the past. It is so incredibly frustrating to watch them throw that away. Peggy and Steve never dated, at least as far as what the MCU showed us. Peggy died, she had a good fulfilling life. She moved on. She tells Steve later that she has no regrets about her life, only that he didn’t get to live his.
Beyond that what about Bucky, Sam, Natasha, even Fury and Tony, and the rest of the Avengers. So he just threw all of those relationships away?
Side tangent. Bucky should’ve been the new Cap. Don’t get me wrong, Sam Wilson is incredible and I think he’ll be great. But damn they did Bucky just as dirty. I think it makes more sense to have Bucky be the new Cap. Bucky is also a super soldier. He has a form of serum and could actually do what Steve did. Sam is not a super soldier (as far as the MCU) and he, while still an incredible fighter, just isn’t as powerful as Steve was.
Anyway, I’m bitter, I’m mad, and I’m so incredibly disappointed that this is the message they went for as Steve’s farewell to the MCU.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy. What did they (I’m including Hemsworth this time too) do to you Thor. I feel like I must preface that I did not like Ragnorok. However I did think that the character arc they had for Thor was good.
Two major things:
1.      We gotta talk about the weight. This is another thing where I just don’t get where they were going with it. They have completely destroyed whatever character the MCU was trying to build. Why has the fucking GOD OF THUNDER been reduced to a constant punchline? Wow.
a.      Also yeah, we also gotta touch on Fornite. Fucking yikes Marvel. That is not going to age well. This is just super cringe worthy and another one of those tone issues I was talking about.  
2.      He left Asgard?????? The Fuck? After everything that’s happened he’s just going to dick around with the guardians?
a.      Don’t get me wrong Val is going to kick ass
b.      Also let me tell you, I am not looking forward to Thor being in guardians 3. I literally cannot stand the interactions between Peter Quill and Thor and I am dreading the next guardians now.
Other people have definitely gone into further depth when it comes to Thor so I feel like it’s been covered.
I don’t like it, I don’t have a solution, but I don’t like it.
Damn I feel like a broken record, but Nat they did you dirty. She did not deserve to die. Like I said in the positives section, she literally held the Avengers together for FIVE years when it was very clear that Tony and Bruce had fucked off and Steve was busy helping individuals. I think she was pretty damn redeemed. Like shit the whole series is her trusting people and finding a family in the Avengers.
Aight so let’s get it out there. Clint is one of my favorite characters of ALL time. Yeah I’m biased. I will never deny that. I have been bitching since 2012 that the MCU has destroyed Clint. This movie is no exception. I’m kinda just talking about the whole soul stone scene here. As soon as I saw that it was Clint and Nat going to Voromir, I knew Nat was dying. I literally gasped in the theatre and covered my mouth as I quietly chanted no no no no no. My friend sitting next to me didn’t get it but I wasn’t about to tell him. Both of them deserved so much better and yes I’m hardcore Clintasha and have been since 2012. So them fighting over who was going to sacrifice themself absolutely destroyed me.
So thanks Marvel, I hate it.
That’s the O6. I don’t have major thoughts on every secondary character, but I do on one.
Hot damn, this is really personally to me. But why is Scott always portrayed as an idiot, the butt of a joke. The man literally has a MASTERS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. As someone who is about to get an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering this really pisses me off. Just because he doesn’t understand quantum mechanics he’s treated like a joke. AGHHAHGHAGHAGH
Alright folks let’s do it. Let’s talk plot.
I’m of the opinion that time travel is never good for a series. It opens to many doors and makes to many confusing problems.
I cannot stand how they’ve defined the rules of time travel in this. They actually just made it a get out of jail free card and then they broke them anyway? I’m honestly just tired and confused at this point.
What happened to Loki when he disappeared with the space stone? How did Thanos come to a future where he was already dead when the Doctor Strange movie implied you can’t travel past your death?
Why were we denied seeing everyone snap back into existence? You really denied us all those reunions. So much of the movie was slow and quiet, why couldn’t that have been too.
How the fuck did none of them die when Thanos blew up Avengers headquarters?
What are the implications of all the timelines they created (oh wait the movie decided that all established movie time travel rules are dumb because we want to write without concern)? A 2012 where Steve knows about Bucky but Hydra thinks he’s on their side? What did Hank Pym do when he found out a bunch of his particles were taken? Was Howard different as a father because of a talk he had with that same son? How the fuck are Peter and all his friends still the same age?
Marvel you simply cannot do shit like this. You can’t throw out established rules simply because your story wouldn’t work without changing them. NEWS FLASH that means your story is shitty. Get better at writing or don’t use time travel. You can’t ignore stuff like butterfly effect. Or simply disregard changing your own past. You can’t just say ‘alternate timeline’ and solve it. Are you opening up the MCU to the multiverse? Or is this just a contrivance for your plot to work.
In conclusion TL:DR there was a good movie in here somewhere. But the plot was so riddle with holes and mistakes. They threw out character in favor of fan service. All of the years of work that was put in to build these characters is now out the window. I hope you’re happy Marvel.
Agree with me? Cool. Don’t Agree? Cool. I’m glad some people actually like the movie. Is this everything I wanted to say? No, I’m probably forgetting something. But here’s a lot of how I felt.
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wytfut · 2 years ago
round 2...
Not looking for any pity here, so please refrain from interpreting that with this note. My purpose here is just getting the word out. A lot of People want to know “whats wrong with Bruce?”  So here is an abridged version.
I’ve been in some sort of pain on and off since 1999. I do realize that I’m probably luckier than a bunch of folks. But still it takes it toll.
All started with a bad dose of poison ivy, I got replacing a telephone pole in a backyard in Seward Nebraski. I’m highly reactive to poison ivy.
2 nights of misery, I went again to the ER... and they gave me a 5 days prescription to Prednisone (oral).
2 weeks later both of my hips had “died”. Literally they really had died. I had no warm up, to gradual symptoms. It just showed up at work, and just about took me to my knees. Exceptional sharp attacking pain.
Suddenly a guy in his 40′s and in the best shape of his life, was walking in baby steps. And blinding pain in both hips. 
I bared it for a bit, and then caved to making an appointment with a local Ortho Dr.  By the time the appointment came, the pain had subsided substantially, and I decided I wasn’t going to make that appointment. My lovely wife, changed my mind, and it was a good thing I did, as who knows where I’d be now. 
My hip affliction is relatively rare, but stats say up to 60000 folks are afflicted with this issue yearly, and I don’t think that is a small number. In general public definition, my body cannot handle Prednisone. I can handle any other steroid just not Prednisone. This affliction is called AVN (avascular Necrosis) caused by Prednisone. Check it out,... its real. Another cause for AVN just for example is alcohol abuse.
Very Surprising how many Dr.’s have never heard of this, or know nothing of it being caused by Prednisone . Yet many prescribe it for their own patients. I’ve heard it called a miracle med several times, and Dr.s prescribing with no thoughts or concerns. I don’t blame them, as the positives are huge for all the possibilities of use. Alleries, inflamations, lung issues, joint issues, etc. 
BUT Ortho Dr.s of any reputation know of this issue. Yet there is no testing for it. Nor has there ever been any 3rd party testing to verify it. Interesting to say the least. ...
Lincoln Dr. told me the diagnosis, and recommended a very good Ortho Dr. at Omaha UNO med center... Dr. Kevin Garvin... he at the time was doing cutting edge technology for hip replacements, including AVN.
Met up with him, and he decided that at my age (too young) for a total hip replacement will not happen... so we did 2 hip grafts in 2 years. He hoped for 10 years relief (the hopeful norm) and I got almost 8 before the pain returned.
Then in ‘11 and ‘12 I got both replaced. Amazing what kind of pain a person can adapt too. Once I had the hip replacements, it shocked me how wonderful I felt. Both times after surgery, the medical staff had to look around to find me, as I was wondering the halls on crutches. 
This pain I endured before the replacements, set off my brain for restless leggs syndrome. I had touches of it, lightly before this 10+ years, but during and after, RLS became a part of my life. 
Story goes, there are many examples of what causes RLS. But mine came down to over loaded pain receptors in my itty bitty head. Being over loaded, they react, thus the kicking and uncomfortable in bed. Rarely does it kick in during daylight hours. If it does..... it really doesn’t affect me, I just keep chugging along.
Then around ‘14 I had a heart attack. I assume some of it was due to the fact that I was slowly slowing down physically over the past 10+ years. I had put on roughly 20 pounds due to sitting around and not being fully active, with hip pain.
Heart Dr. said my health numbers (fat counts, and such) were all border line. My BP over the past 3-4 years had been raising and lowering drastically. I figured related to pain stress.
In reality? ... it probably was the “skoal” tobacco I was chronically using for 40 years. From what I understand, over time it ( as all tobacco) will raise your BP, AND the lining within your blood vessels become rough, and catch what ever is floating around (uh cholesterol apparently). No.... I don’t “chew” anymore. I don’t even crave it since the heart attack. But occasionally I do miss it... the buzz and the flavor.
From this time to now.... I put on another 30 pounds. Right after the heart attack, I started noticing a new pain...  my BACK!
All the years of hard labor, I never had any back pain.... ever... well once I had a muscle spasm. 
Been battling this back pain thing now for 2 years with a good Dr. And now finally last month.... I appear to be pain free from my back. Via an injection. NOT Prednisone, but another steroid.
So next up was to tackle this RLS issue... and got on a med last week. Nothing, nothing, then it started to work. Then the side affect showed up. 
Every morning I’m dizzy for 3-4 hours. This past Saturday it was all day, and nauseous. Here I sit, dizzy. Just got the call from Dr.s office. They are discussing currently what to do. 
UP DATE: .. Dr. wants me to stop the current med for a few days and see if dizzy spells go away. Then regroup at that time. 
Pretty sure way back when I had my first hip replaced I had this very same med as I had complained to Dr. Garvin. And I took it. I fell down 2 days in a row (totally dizzy, no balance), and immediately quit taking it. 
Update..... I’ve come to keep taking a current medication, but a smaller dosage... and it seems to be working. This med I’ve been on since July, and had a side affect of making me very “nappy” during the day. Nap attacks would hit with out any warning. I’d wake up not realizing that I had fallen asleep. And so went another hour without my knowledge. With the dosage down, ... not near the nap attacks if any.
Wish me luck. 
GGP Bruce 
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burningcollectionsandwich · 7 years ago
could john doe be autistic? telltale batman theory
A couple of months ago, I was looking at random batman stuff when I came across “batman: the telltale series” and “batman: the enemy within”, and let me tell you, its probably one of the best games ive seen since undertale and even corpse party (corpse party is and will remain my favourite game though… unless I change my mind). I loved the story and the characters, but one of them stood out to me, and that was John Doe. Now let me be clear, I do not, and I repeat NOT class John Doe as the joker at all (unless you choose the choices in order to make him the joker), no I class John as ‘the joker, if he got rehabilitated’ or just simply as John Doe. And me being the type of person who automatically likes anything that has to do with the joker because I find his personality and the overall character incredibly interesting, when I finished watching all the john scenes (im not even kidding, I spent days watching every scene I can find with John in it), even though he doesn’t act like the joker, I loved his personality. One day when I was watching it, I noticed some key things that stood out in Johns personality, which are kind of similar to………………….and then it clicked in my brain. Could John Doe from the batman telltale series, be autistic? Now I know “John Doe” has traits or all the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder and possibly schizophrenia, but I could not help but find other symptoms to Asperger’s syndrome/autism, though this is only with john doe, not with the original joker (trust me I tried looking but he’s just the definition of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy). I did some research and watched the batman telltale series repeatedly, and here’s the evidence I collected. Behavioural symptoms: •    Often verbalizes internal thoughts that most would keep private – this isn’t shown quite often in season 1, however in season 2, John does say/shout out his thoughts depending on the situation. For example, (in season 2 episode 3) when he was asking Bruce about dating advice, and Bruce pretended to be Harley, John yelled “why won’t you love me?!” in front of everyone at a café. Another example is (in season 2 episode 1) when John yells at the man who shh’ed him in church by saying “you shh me again, you’ll be mourning the loss of your teeth!”, he did calm down and stated “that outburst, its antisocial I know”. He also yells “at least he went out with a bang right?” when talking to Tiffany about her dead father, At his funeral. Another scene is (in season 2 episode 2) when Bruce starts the car for John after struggling with it for a few minutes and he says “you are literally my hero Bruce. –I mean wow”. another quote is “Bruce is strong and smart, and handsome, I mean, super handsome, its nuts you guys, and-… where was I going with this?”. on the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), when first meeting Alfred, he states “wow. The Alfred. I’ve been taken polaroid photos of Bruce for years and you’re in the background in at least a third of them”. • Appears to lack empathy – this is very clear in both season 1 and season 2, John will attack/kill or steal anything from anyone without feeling empathy towards anyone, apart from Harley and sometimes Bruce, and will laugh when seeing violence himself. Many examples of John not showing empathy to anyone is: laughing at Victor Zsasz when he’s murdering someone (season 1 episode 4), laughing when Bruce defends him from Willy by knocking him out (season 2 episode 2), laughing when Harley threatens one of Bruce’s workers (season 2 episode 2), laughing when Bruce/Batman beats up Bane (season 2 episode 4), laughing when exploding the Gotham bridge with a lot of people still on it (season 2 episode 4). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), he has no empathy for the people he and Harley kill with the virus. On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), he stabs 3 people while injuring tiffany with a joker-rang through the hand, he also throws joker-rangs at a lot of agents, which impale them, he also shows no empathy to bane when he either hits him with his car or drops a smock deck on him. • Has a difficult time interacting with peers – this is mostly shown in season 2. (in season 2 episode 2) When Bruce is inspecting John’s house or ha ha-ciesta and he looks at the beer bottles, John explains that in order to talk to Bane, he has to give him his favourite bottle of beer so Bane doesn’t tear his head off, even stating “he’s scarier than anyone I met in Arkham”. He also says to Bruce that he has a hard time talking to Harley as it is indicated in a previous statement that she loses interest quickly when talking to John, though this could be the fault of Harley, not John. John also despises the riddler because he always interrupted him when he was telling a joke “making him look like an idiot, in front of Harley and the other guys”, riddler even calling john a “white faced prick” (season 2 episode 3), though this can be seen as just a normal rivalry and not a difficult time interacting with people. • Talks excessively, especially about one specific topic – John talks a lot, and I mean a lot in season 1 and 2. He does switch topics in conversation depending on the situation but most of the time, he is either talking a lot about Harley or a lot about Bruce. The Harley topic is clear in nearly every episode of season 2, and Harley even stated to Bruce when John went to get her a slushy “he thinks the world of you” (season 2 episode 2), indicating that he talks about Bruce to the pact a lot. John does talk about Batman to but not as often. He mostly talks about how he’s best friends with Bruce, constantly saying “we’re two threads in the same stitch”. • Frequently has one-sided conversations – John shows this (in season 2 episode 4) when Bruce finds him surrounded by corpses he had murdered, and when Bruce disagrees with John on if he should trust John or not, John will yell “you’re supposed to be on my side!”. He will also say “it’s been hard knowing that you haven’t been straight with me, Bruce”, even though John has his own secrets that he hasn’t shared with Bruce, and Bruce knows this. He also says “You steered me wrong, at every turn” to Bruce when Harley abandons him (season 2 episode 4). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), john blames Bruce entirely for making him become the joker after Bruce didn’t believe him about the murdered agents. On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john claims “I believed in you, batman. like I never believed in anything, and it was all a lie!”, and when batman wants Waller to leave Gotham, john goes against that idea shouting “this is so very disappointing. You’re a hypocrite! Your letting her off the hook, because of what? Because she has a badge?!”, john also believes that Bruce/batman is becoming or is very similar to Waller near the end of the episode. • Is unable to understand societal norms – this is shown in season 2 on many scenes. The main examples of this are: John talking very loudly and saying inappropriate comments in church (season 2 episode 1), and John believing that girls like men who are desperate (season 2 episode 3). Another scene is when he takes selfies during a funeral (season 2 episode 1). He also does a pinkie swear with Bruce in the middle of a pub, even though he is an adult (season 2 episode 2). John also believes that his green hair is ‘natural’ due to him not remembering his hair colour before it turned green (season 2 episode 3). • Does not understand the concept of personal space – this is not very shown as John keeps his distance when he’s around people, but the times that this has happened is when he randomly hugs Bruce after Bruce chooses to believe him about the murdered agents (season 2 episode 4) or when he takes selfies with someone, he raps his arm around their shoulders and takes a photo (as seen in multiple photos on his wall, he even does it too batman). Sometimes when john is speaking to someone, he would sometimes inch closer to them but that is not much of an issue, until he leans his head forward while he’s talking, which causes the person he talking to, to move back slightly. Other times include: grabbing Bruce’s arm in the church (in season 2 episode 1), grabbing batman by the shoulders after john gave him the laptop and/or teaching john how to throw a batarang (in season 2 episode 3), punching Bruce (multiple times in different episodes), and even carrying batman in the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), when interrogating Waller, he gets really close to her face in order to make her talk, which still doesn’t work. • Flat tone / speaking style that lacks pitch – john’s voice has a bit of a lack of pitch when he’s speaking to anyone, though this could change depending on what mood he’s in. multiple times in the game, it shows that john sometimes mimics another person’s voice, in season 1 episode 4: he puts on a high pitched voice (presumably a woman’s voice) saying “ahh ohh someone save my baby”, he also put on a deep voice (presumably mimicking Harvey dents voice) saying “I’m going to find your drugs”. In season 2: he puts on a deep voice (presumably mimicking batman) saying “just get it john” (episode 2), also in the vigilante ending (episode 5), he puts on a deep voice again (mimicking child Bruce) saying “no Alfred, I am the knight”. John also alters his voice when he’s being sarcastic, for example (in season 2 episode 4) when john is upset with Bruce and says in a weird voice “just manipulate her john/just be yourself john”, or he’s in an awkward moment for example (in season 2 episode 3) if you take too long to take the laptop of john, he pulls a confused face and says “you did want this didn’t you?, I’ll just leave this rrrriiiigggghhhhttttt here” while putting the laptop in batman’s hand, then finishing the sentence with a very high pitched “K”. Physical symptoms: • Unusual body postures, gestures and facial expressions – John has rather bad posture when sitting and/or standing, as his back is always hunched. For facial expressions, the main facial expressions that John portrays is the very wide and toothy smile/grin, a frown, a shocked face, and one that’s I’ve been noticing a lot, the confused/thinking face (the best scene to see this facial expression clearly is when John says to Bruce that he thinks he’s fallen in love, and Bruce asks “are you in love with me?”, John pulls that face soon after the comment (season 2 episode 4)). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), whenever he’s been insulted or when he first walks into Wayne enterprises, he always smirks, which hasn’t been seen in the previous chapters before. • may perform repetitive movements, such as hand or finger flapping, or rocking back and forth – mainly during season 2, when John is either happy and excited/grateful, he will always interlock his hands while crouching a little bit. He does clap in season 1 and in season 2 but this only happens when he’s presumably excited (he does this when he first meets Batman (season 1 episode 5), he does this when Harley comes back and says she’s going to be the new management instead of Bane (season 2 episode 3), and he does this again when he is in the elevator going to the secret lab (season 2 episode 4), he also claps his hands when he first meets Alfred in the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5)). Another repetitive movement that John does, mainly while talking, is finger pointing, this can be seen whenever John is talking to anyone, but mainly towards Bruce and sometimes Harley. In the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john repeated puts his hands/fists/knuckles on his hips, though this could be john thinking that he’s a super hero. • Apparent insensitivity to pain – many examples of this are shown in season 2: John gets shoved by Catwoman and is knocked on the floor, He doesn’t react (season 2 episode 3). John gets a black eye from Harley, we are not sure what his reaction was there but he doesn’t seem fazed by it when Bruce arrives (season 2 episode 4). He gets punched in the face by Bruce and he doesn’t react (season 2 episode 4). He gets slapped in the face by Bruce and he doesn’t really react, though seeming a little surprised (season 2 episode 4). He gets tazor-ed by Tiffany, he does fall to the floor but soon after he just stands back up coughing and laughing (season 2 episode 2). In the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5): he gets picked up by his neck and thrown to the floor by bane and he laughs (while saying “ow, god”), he gets shot in the shoulder by the agency (he does show pain as he crouches on the floor while bleeding, but minutes later, he stands up and laughs), he gets punched, electrocuted and gets his face hit off a railing multiple time and he just laughs, he also gets a batarang through the hand and a couple of minutes after either getting head butted or electrocuted, he just sits there as if it’s not in his hand (which is pinned to the table). On the villain ending (season 2 episode 5): he gets stabbed multiple times and he laughs, he gets kicked and punched repeatedly and he laughs, true he does go into cardiac arrest but when he gets out of it he just lies there giggling and talking to Bruce. • Poor handwriting skills – this is only seen a couple of times, but johns hand writing is the kind of writing that looks messy, but readable. For example, (in season 2 episode 1) when Bruce opened the card john gave to him, john wrote his name into the card, and the writing looks a little bit messy. His writing is also shown (in season 2 episode 5) on the villain ending on the various cards, the side of a van and on the tombstones, still messy but readable. Cognitive symptoms: • Lack of social skills – though this may be caused by an unknown amount of time locked in Arkham asylum, John has a notorious lack of social skills, though in this case he does talk to a lot of people, he just doesn’t know how. The main examples are all the things he says when he’s in the church (season 2 episode 1), and when he tries to convince Harley that he is the only man to do the job, which lead to him getting a time out by Harley (season 2 episode 3). • May have one or a few very select interests that one is extremely knowledgeable about – even though being a rather smart character, John knows a lot of information about different things, but the main things he is extremely knowledgeable about is the Vikki Vale’s drugs, Bruce (even detecting that he’s Batman) saying “you forget, I know you. The real you. Always hiding behind some kind of mask. Playboy, business man, criminal….bat. you can’t fool a friend, someone who really takes the time to look” (season 2 episode 4), and Harley, stating “let me talk to her, I know her better than anyone” (season 2 episode 4). • may engage in violent outbursts, self-injurious behaviours, tantrums or meltdowns – this is very clear in season 1 and 2. For violent outbursts: John beats up 2 guys knocking them out (season 1 episode 4), he cuts Zsasz’s face with a knife (season 1 episode 4), he hits Bane/Mr Freeze with a batarang/gun/sharp pole (season 2 episode 4), he hits an officer over the head with a crowbar (season 2 episode 3), he tries to punch Bruce when he disagrees with him (season 2 episode 4), he murdered a bunch of cops/agents (season 2 episode 4), he explodes the bridge (season 2 episode 4). On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john snaps and ends up stabbed three agents to death. For self-injurious: if in an angry mood, John will repeatedly hit his head off any hard surface (the church chair (season 2 episode 1) or the elevator wall (season 2 episode 2)). For tantrums or meltdowns: the bridge scene and the fun house scene can be seen as a meltdown but more of an outburst of violence, he lashes out at a man in church after Bruce rejects his offer (stating his has a hard time dealing with rejection (season 2 episode 2)), etc. • Inappropriate laughing or giggling – this is shown a lot in season 1 and season 2. When John is talking (apart from some situations), he will automatically start laughing or giggling, but he has stated (in season 2 episode 4) that he laughs when he’s nervous, though we are not sure if this is a lie or not. All throughout the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), he is constantly laughing. On the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), he also randomly laughs or giggles when he’s talking to someone or himself. • No real fears of danger – this is shown in season 1 and mostly in season 2. In season 1: he cuts Zsasz’s face even though he knows he has outbursts of violence (episode 4), John is unfazed when there is a riot going on in front of him in Arkham asylum while workers and patients are getting killed all around him (episode 5). He randomly drinks a drink when he’s threatened by a cop with a gun pointed at him (episode 5). In season 2: he starts laughing when he’s threatened by Willy with a knife pointed at him (episode 2), he doesn’t seem fazed when Tiffany points a tazor gun at him or when he gets shot with the tazor gun for that matter (episode 2), he runs into the lower floor of Riddler’s hide out (out of curiosity) even while knowing the place is a death trap (episode 3), he jumps onto a roof ledge just to stand with Batman (episode 3), he stands there smiling when the secret lab was about to insinuate them (episode 4), he looks around the corner when a machine gun was firing at them (episode 4), he hits Bane/Mr Freeze (possibly the strongest people out of the pact) with a gun/pole/batarang when Bane/Mr Freeze tries to kill Bruce (episode 4), he blows up the bridge even though he is still on it (episode 4), he leans and falls off the ledge of the bridge backwards (episode 4). On the villain ending (episode 5), john is unfazed by Bruce/batman threatening him, or when he fights him. On the vigilante ending (episode 5), john (and batman) fight bane who was the strongest in the pact. • may “day dream” or “zone out” when overstimulated – the best example to show of this symptom is on the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), when john asks batman what he thinks Harley would do if she found out about him giving the map to Jim Gordon, whatever batman answers with, john turns around and seems to zone out asking “what do you think that means, Dr Leland?” and answers with “uhh it makes me feel uncomfortable when you put it that way Dr Leland”. Psychosocial Symptoms: • Social isolation – he was in Arkham asylum for an unknown period of time (Dr Leland stated “John has been with us for quite some time”) (season 1 episode 4) • Lowered self-confidence – during the interrogation scene (in season 2 episode 3), John says that he did try to stick up for Bruce (“internally”) but said “I’m sorry, I’m not as strong as you” • Difficulties with social interactions – as stated before, John struggles to start a conversation with the likes of Bane and Harley (though this could be the fault of Bane and Harley) • Depression – after being punched and left by Harley, John enters a stage of depression while drinking an unknown amount of alcohol (from what I can see, I would say that he drank at least six bottles of beer), he also shouts comments like “I don’t want to do this anymore, not for you, not for her, certainly not for Gotham. I don’t care!”, “I’m John Doe, the lonely hearts club”, “you’ve got some real nerve you know that, buddy. Remember at the café (just be yourself John/just manipulate her John), then I stuck my neck out for you, way out! Bane nearly ripped my head off. And for what? Her flew the cope, and I have nothing. You steered me wrong, at every turn” and “I don’t want to find her. My heart can take another kicking. I don’t ever want to see her again, she ruined me, I-I can’t.” (season 2 episode 4) • Moodiness – John does have a lot of mood swings and outbursts of anger as stated in the previous symptoms, this mainly happens when someone rejects him or disagrees with him. • Troubled romantic relationships – in the villain ending (season 2 episode 5), john and Harley’s relationship seems to be a pretty stable one, until Harley finds out that john gave away the map or john stops Harley from killing Bruce, then she proceeds to try and strangle john while saying “I’ll kill you”. John also runs away leaving Harley behind with Bruce (batman) and Selina (cat woman), while Harley says “I’ll kill him” again. • Lowered self-esteem – (in season 2 episode 3), when Bruce asks why john has green hair, john aggressively said “I don’t know what’s with your black hair?” and then states “I’m sorry buddy I’m a little sensitive about my style”. Harley also states (in season 2 episode 4) “keep it with ya brucie, I can’t afford any more mishaps” while looking at john, who looks down with a sad looking face. • Feelings of being “unlike” his or her peers – in the vigilante ending (season 2 episode 5), john believes that he’s a hero above all else, apart from batman (at times). For example, when Waller says “think whatever you want, you will never be a hero”, john becomes extremely angry and shouts back “How. Dare. You. Your worse than me! That makes me the hero! And this is what hero’s do to Gotham!” The symptoms I don’t think he has is: behavioural symptoms: • Lack of interpersonal relationship skills and instincts • Inability to express one’s own feelings • May not make eye contact or may stare at others • Not pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking • Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the word "beckon" instead of "call" or the word "return" instead of "come back." • may be extremely literal or have difficulty understanding the nuances of language, despite having a good vocabulary physical symptoms: • Heightened sensitivity and overstimulation to loud noises, bright lights, unusual textures, or strong tastes • Poor coordination • Clumsiness • Poor fine motor skills • Difficulties using gross motor skills Cognitive symptoms: • Difficulties with changes or upsets in routine • Difficulties picking up on the subtle changes in tone, pitch, and voice that accompany regular conversation • May be unable to understand sarcasm or jokes • Poor organizational skills • difficulty making friends of the same age, children with AS may feel more comfortable with adults or much younger children psychological symptoms: • Difficulty making and keeping friends • Challenges in finding and maintaining steady employment • Anxiety • Tendency toward shyness
Of course I am not a doctor, I can’t diagnose this, but there was a lot of evidence so I decided to check it out, and no I’m not saying that john is autistic just because I’m autistic, that’s just weird and very very low. If anyone finds anymore evidence or any other symptoms, let me know and I will add/edit it. (also, I am not too sure if some of these symptoms are in the correct categories (cognitive, behavioural, etc) if they are, please do not hesitate to tell me and I will correct it). This post is not making fun of autism or any mental disorders, this is just a theory that I created to see if it was correct or not (I would never make fun of any mental disorder) comment down below if you agree or disagree with me my laugh sounds really similar to johns/jokers laugh and I don't know whether to find that amusing or worrying Well that’s it from me bye
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I need more batman media but I don't know what to watch or where to watch it and Netflix took off Young Justice and Justice League :(:( do you have any fic recs or fun facts
A.  Blogsto follow if you haven’t already followed them, the first three write FREAKINGAMAZING fanfic and the fourth creates THE BEST fanart I have literally sat and scrolled through these blogs for hours
@camsthisky (good GOSH I love her she writes so much about Dick Grayson)
B.  RandomFics to Read (and honestly there are so many more, I just can’t think of themat the moment):
1. TheAcrobat Series 
by fishfingersandjellybabies http://archiveofourown.org/works/4079917
Look anytime anyone talks about how much Dick loveshis family they’ve won my heart and soul. I especially like the Kori section.
2.  Mori Shej 
bydickiegayson  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12298375/1/Mori-Shej
OH MY GOSH.  Ilove this story so freaking much.  Ok,imagine if Jason Todd, after coming back from the dead and going through allthat stuff with the Lazarus Pit and training, goes after Dick Grayson to gethis revenge on Bruce.  Except when heshows up at Dick’s apartment, ready to kill the Golden Son, he finds somethingcompletely unexpected.  Jason has a lotof issues, Dick has a lot of issues (courtesy of the Blockbuster incident).  I have read and reread this story countlesstimes, and I can never not cry because I love my broken sons so much.  There is a lot of anger, some cursing, muchregret, and brothers being brothers.  And Dick is the sweetest most protective [redacted because spoiler] and Jason has a mushy heart after all.  Itcan stand as complete but I think the author is writing more?  Also, either before or after, or both, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqeNxdyp5CEand listen to the song.  It is my newfavorite song and CAN YOU IMAGINE DICK SINGING IT OH MY GOSH
3.  the roadwill only be wide (the rain will never stop falling) 
by weird_bird (2weird4) http://archiveofourown.org/works/8610391/chapters/19743343
A collection of Dick and Damian moments.  So very beautiful.
4.  The RobinsUnited Series, first story is Bird by Bird 
by laceymcbain  http://archiveofourown.org/works/2656487/chapters/5936243
…some hurt/comfort, Jason doesn’t know what the hellto do with his family, and they all insist on calling him brother.  *shrugs* family feels are my drug of choice
5.  Penny Lane 
by @jerseydevious  http://archiveofourown.org/works/11757690
Damian wants a horse, and drat I’m crying?  (tbh I cry very easily over my sons…but still)
6.  Sun Spot 
byDawn’sEternalLight (@preciousthingsareprecious) http://archiveofourown.org/works/11748606
This fic is a quiet moment of beauty and rest for Dickand Damian.  Damian draws, and Dickwatches his talented little bro.  Thereis sunlight.  You skin will clear andyour crops will grow and any heartache you have ever had will be healed likemagic!
C.  Abunch of fics by Kieron_O’Duibhir
1.  TheTill-Then From the Ever-Since http://archiveofourown.org/works/3506603/chapters/7707866  
There is a problem in the Batcave, as in, youngerversions of the Batfam keep turning up. It’s absolutely fantastic, and one of my favorite things is youngerJason being SO done with his older self and calling him out on stuff and being all protective of his brothers.  It gets better and better with every chapter.
2.  But a Walking Shadow http://archiveofourown.org/works/4259511/chapters/9641367
 Sothis story is not finished yet and the author takes waaay long to post updateson it but she has promised not to abandon it soo…It is Nightwing-centric, witha whole mess of comic Teen Titans making appearances.  The author has written a lot of stories abouta world where Dick became a Talon, and in this tale Talon-on-the-run winds upon Earth-1 and Nightwing is trying to figure out who this apparent clone of hisis.  Talon Dick has always intrigued me,and it is interesting seeing him and Nightwing face off.
3.  All the Roofs of Uncertainty http://archiveofourown.org/works/2273208/chapters/4994631
HOLY HECK this is one of my favorite Jason Todd fanfics EVER.  I love the description by the author “The onewhere Dick bleeds a lot and Jason argues with everybody.”  Jason is in the wrong spot at the wrong time,ie. He finds Dick bleeding to death and is forced to save him.  Tim and Damian make appearances.  Jason has anger issues.  That doesn’t stop him from caring.  Bruce and Jason hash things out in the mostbeautiful (painful) way.
4.  Wheel and Blade 
 Inwhich Dick confronts Damian about his practice of taking weapons to school, andalso gets slightly distracted by the idea of living in a vardo.  I love this story because it shows the bestway to parent Damian—not by telling him no “because I said so” but byexplaining and debating things like he is smart and capable.  
5.  I Pass the Night Watchman on His Beat http://archiveofourown.org/works/2326226
Thisis a cool one-shot of Dick and Amy, his partner on the Bludhaven police force.  I freaking love Dick being a cop.
D.  Okay now if you want something towatch:
 1.     Nightwing—TheSeries 
by ismahawk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o297A1wmys0
This is THE BEST Nightwing fan film I haveever seen.  I love the Dick Grayson in it—he’sgot acrobatics, sounds like Jesse McCartney (Robin/Nightwing’s VA in YJ), and is quite handsome.  He fights, gets the stuffing beat out of himand keeps getting back up, has a bit of a temper, loves Barbara—perfection.  Watch it, you won’t regret it.  (Also Jason is there yay!  I will take him in any capacity I can get. And I kinda really like the actor for Bruce?)
2.     RedHood: The Series—Episode One “Homecoming” 
by tenshunn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BdVSgshgFA&t=136s
My favorite Jason Toddfanfilm!!!  Heavily featuring TimDrake!  Look this adaption is fab, I lovethe actors and the dialogue and the fight between Jason and Tim (spoiler?)  As far as I know they are trying to puttogether a second episode.  Watch thevideo where Jason Todd tries to get people to donate money for it, itsHILARIOUS
3.      Batman The Animated Series is on Netflix tillSeptember 1st.  I’m in thesecond season and love it a lot…Alfred is so freaking sassy!  
4.     DamianWayne: Robins Fly at Night
 It’s just five minutesand doesn’t have any dialogue, and it doesn’t come close to deserving an Oscar, but dang it it’s hard to find Damian stuff…and also seeing a littlekid running around in the Robin costume made me realize that there is nothing Iwant more than to see Damian Wayne on the big screen, being all angry assassinkid, and Dick Grayson capturing him in a hug…
5. Gotham on Netflix
I am pretty sure you already watch this? But if not, DO!  It is AMAZING.  I love it so much, especially Bruce and Alfred and Selina Kyle
E.  Some things from Batman: Dark Victory
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Okay I know he is a talented young acrobat and all but how the FUDGE did Dick get up on that chandelier?!  the kid can truly fly (yeah yeah, the stairs probably lead up to a hallway floor/balcony that Dick leapt off of but still) I wonder how many grey hairs the kid gave Alfred in those first weeks alone
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On dark days I like to remember the time bby birb Dick Grayson caved in the Joker’s cheek with a well-placed kick.  My nine or ten year old son then proceeded to smash in the Joker’s teeth with a stick a few minutes later and it was amazing
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You think I lied??  Nah my son Dick Grayson was cracking teeth and bones and witty puns from Day 1.  Go Robin!!!
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Okay so just look at this picture.  Bby Dick is SO FREAKING TINY!!!  also very intense. OMG Batman’s fists are as big as his first son’s head!  *cue a very many feels in my heart*
F.  Random things I am including because I feel like it, and they all revolve around Dick Grayson mostly because he is my fave so…
1. Apparently some official websites say that Nightwing’s martial arts specialty is Aikido.  I do not think that word means what they think it means
2. “I close my eyes now for a few moments and I can see my parents riding the air current with me. Forever young. Forever strong. Their faces wide with excitement, big smiles on their faces, enjoying the adrenaline surge even more than I do. And there is one thing I am sure of … my parents would be proud of my life.” (Nightwing, Nightwing #141, 2008)  
3.  [Talking about Blüdhaven] “It’s a hopeless case. A lost cause. A town so mired in corruption and sin that it’s drowning … When Batman sent me here, I thought I’d solve one case and book. But then I realized … if I could make a difference here – well, that’d be something. This filthy old town needs me…. Surrounded by a dozen of my worst enemies. No way out. Nowhere to hide. The little brat was right. I do love it. (Nightwing, Nightwing Secret Files #1, 1999)
4.  There once was a dumb writer who thought killing Nightwing for real would be a good idea, and he tried writing toward that end, but everybody else was like hahahaha NO
5.  I used to hate when fic writers would shorten Damian’s name to Dami (kind of like how I majorly dislike when people shorten Sirius Black’s name to Siri, he is not an iPhone gosh).  But then I read a post on tumblr that said something about Dami actually meaning something in Arabic, something like blood or life-blood or heart blood…I can’t exactly remember what and maybe it isn’t even true but I choose to believe it is and that Dick knows exactly what it means and he calls Damian Dami as a way to show how special he is, how much Dick loves him.  Because Damian is his little brother/son and means the absolute world to Dick.  And Damian, though he pretends to despise all nicknames, absolutely LOVES that Dick calls him this
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char27martin · 7 years ago
20 Best Songs for Writers and About Writing: The Ultimate Writing Mixtape
Recently, I had iTunes on random and a couple songs played back-to-back that had lines about writing. It didn’t take long for me to wonder, “What are the best songs for writers and about writing?” So I started making my own list, and I put out a call on Facebook and Twitter (find my handles below if you love being part of such conversations).
Anyway, this post puts together my ultimate writing mixtape of the best 20 songs for and about writers and the process of writing. Sure, there are many other great songs about the subject, and please share them in the comments below. But this is the mix I’m going to start rocking on my way to and from writer conferences, open mics, and writing retreats.
Just click the links below to listen to the songs on YouTube.
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20 Best Songs for Writers and About Writing Mixtape
Track 1: “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter,” by Fats Waller
This is the perfect intro track with a bit of an instrumental opening before getting into the lyrics, which include, “I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter and make believe it came from you.” The song was composed by Fred E. Ahlert and Joe Young in 1935 and made popular by Waller. But it’s been covered by a range of artists, including Billy Williams, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Nat “King” Cole, Willie Nelson, Anne Murray, Linda Scott, and Paul McCartney–just to name a few.
Track 2: “I Could Write a Book,” by Dinah Washington
There are two ways to make a transition on a mixtape: smooth or jarring. Both are effective, but I prefer smooth early on in a mix. Enter this wonderful version of “I Could Write a Book,” which was a tune in the Rodgers & Hart 1940 musical Pal Joey. I first heard Harry Connick’s version from When Harry Met Sally…, but a range of artists have performed this song as well, including Ella Fitzgerald, Rosemary Clooney, and Miles Davis.
Track 3: “Dancing in the Dark,” by Bruce Springsteen
According to the Boss, “you can’t start a fire without a spark.” So here we go. The biggest hit off the bestselling album (Born in the U.S.A.) of Bruce Springsteen’s career, “Dancing in the Dark” includes the line that he’s “sick of sitting around here trying to write this book.” Musically, this song jump starts the mix with synths, quick beats, and that fade out sax.
Track 4: “Write About Love,” by Belle and Sebastian
Anyone who has participated in either my April or November poem-a-day challenges knows how I feel about love poems. So of course, Belle and Sebastian’s song “Write About Love” from the album titled Write About Love had to make the cut. In addition to the writing theme, it keeps the upbeat momentum of the early mixtape.
Track 5: “The Engine Driver,” by the Decemberists
Track five slows things down a little, and it plays with the theme of love while taking it’s time getting to the writing reference in the song. But the chorus slams home with, “I am a writer, writer of fictions … and I’ve written pages upon pages trying to rid you from my bones.” Once you hear this song, it stays. Click here for a pretty cool analysis of the song.
Track 6: “Poetry Man,” by Phoebe Snow
Transition time: From slower and lonely to mellow and hopeful. A kind of summer afternoon song by Phoebe Snow about the poetry man, who “makes things alright.” The song actually hit number one on the Billboard‘s Easy Listening chart in 1975. In 2007, Queen Latifah covered the song for her Trav’lin’ Light album.
Track 7: “I Am a Rock,” by Simon and Garfunkel
As Paul Simon mentions in the opening of this performance, “This according to Arty is my most neurotic song.” This folk song plays off the previous song’s focus on poetry with the line, “I have my books and my poetry to protect me.” I’m sure more than a few poets and readers can relate to that sense of protection from loneliness and isolation. Released as a single in 1966, “I Am a Rock” rose to number three on the Billboard Top 100 list.
Track 8: “Wuthering Heights,” by Kate Bush
Kate Bush hit it big on her debut single, which she wrote at 18 and was based on the novel of the same name. “Wuthering Heights” was released in January 1978 and spent 4 weeks at the number one position of the UK Singles Chart. One interesting part of this song is that Bush lifted lines from Wuthering Heights character Catherine Earnshaw, including “Let me in! I’m so cold!” from the chorus. The song had two music videos; the other one can be viewed by clicking here.
Track 9: “Paperback Writer,” by the Beatles
After some slower (and more somber) songs, we switch up the mood and beat a little with the Beatles. “Paperback Writer” was written by Paul McCartney as a response to a challenge by an aunt, according to disc jockey Jimmy Savile, who asked him to write a single that didn’t have to do with love. Regardless of the inspiration, the song is written as a letter from an author to a publisher, making it relatable to writers everywhere.
Track 10: “Autobiography,” by Sloan
This song starts, “I’m bright and young and gifted in my autobiography; I figured who would know better than me?” I’ve always considered this song a little gem for writers, especially writers who have a life story to tell. This song comes off Sloan’s One Chord to Another album, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary.
Track 11: “Hey Jack Kerouac,” by 10,000 Maniacs
In this performance, Natalie Merchant starts off by reading a brief biography of Jack Kerouac. Then, they jump into this song, which reads like a letter to Kerouac from the opening lines, “Hey Jack Kerouac, I think of your mother and the tears she cried, she cried for none other…” A song about a literary figure and the life of an artist.
Track 12: “Everyday I Write the Book,” by Elvis Costello and the Attractions
For mixtape purposes, I consider this a response track to the previous song. This song was the first hit for Costello and the Attractions in the U.S. It uses the process of writing a book as a metaphor for love and a relationship. One part sings, “Chapter One, we didn’t really get along; Chapter Two, I think I fell in love with you…” Costello himself referred to it as a “bad Smokey Robinson song.”
Track 13: “Unwritten,” by Natasha Bedingfield
I have to admit; I didn’t think this song would be a good fit. But hey, sometimes that’s the magic of a mixtape: Each song raises the others. But I love lyrics like, “Staring at the blank page before you” and “Today is when your book begins.” It hit number five on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2006; so there are at least a few others out there who dig it too.
Track 14: “Word Crimes,” by Weird Al Yankovic
As long as we’re getting into weird territory, it’s time to slip in Weird Al and maybe the best grammar-related song ever. A parody of Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines,” “Word Crimes” has too many lines to do it justice in a short blurb. But it breaks down the proper use of “it’s” and “its,” in addition to talking about the best time to use the world “literally.”
Track 15: “Oxford Comma,” by Vampire Weekend
From a song about grammar to a song that focuses on one of the more contentious grammar issues of all-time: the Oxford comma. Use it? Don’t use it? In this song, Vampire Weekend seems to be saying, “who cares?” Writers, that’s who! Am I right?
Track 16: “Writers Retreat,” by Lloyd Cole
This is when you know we’re getting real on this mixtape: grammar, Oxford commas, and writing retreats? Heck yeah! This is the writing life. In this song, Cole laments how he won’t be there when his lover returns from the writers retreat. From the chorus: “You can write a book while falling apart.”
Track 17: “I’ll Be Your Sylvia Plath,” by Laurel Brauns
This is a sweet, little connector song between the few rollicking romps before it and the final three of this writing music mix. I wish I could share more about this song and the artist, but it was really unknown to me before being recommended on Facebook. The power of social media!
Track 18: “Romeo and Juliet,” by Dire Straits
Considered a classic song by many, “Romeo and Juliet” riffs off the Shakespearean play of the same name. The Dire Straits version is amazing, but I also love the one by the Indigo Girls (listen here). This song is for the literary minded, the broken hearted, and people who just like great music.
Track 19: “BMFA,” by Martha Wainwright
The actual title for this song is a little censored, but multiple folks recommended the song on social media. And I like it. So I’m including it. The song’s opening line is, “Poetry’s no place for a heart that’s a whore.” And eventually there is quite a bit of swearing. If that’s too much, skip this track so the kids can’t hear it. If it’s not, turn up the volume and sing along.
Track 20: “Box Full of Letters,” by Wilco
This is what I call a framing song. The first and final track are both about letter writing. Ha! But seriously, this is a great track that begins, “Got a box full of letters, I think you might like to read…but they’re all addressed to me.” Also, “I just can’t find the time to write my mind the way I want it to read.” And honestly, that about sums up how I often feel as a writer.
Robert Lee Brewer
Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor of the Writer’s Digest Writing Community and author of the poetry collection, Solving the World’s Problems (Press 53). He edits Poet’s Market and Writer’s Market, in addition to writing a free weekly WritersMarket.com newsletter and a poetry column for Writer’s Digest magazine.
He loves writing and music; so this is like his favorite blog post ever.
Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer. Or follow him on Facebook here.
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