#i think i might love him more than my heart can take
maidragoste · 2 days
Something wrong with me
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Jacaerys Velaryon x Wife!Reader
Summary: Jacaerys comforts his wife after she tells him her worries.
I hope you have a good read. If you like it, don't hesitate to like, comment and reblog. These three things serve to motivate the writer to continue writing 🥰💖
My inbox is open if you want to make any requests or share any headcanon.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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Something had happened. Jacaerys had no idea what she was but she knew something had happened because today you seemed distracted all day and during dinner, you barely spoke and you didn't eat much either so your husband was worried. First, he waited to see if you would tell him what the reason for your distress was, but now that you were both alone and in the shelter of his bed, your head on his chest and his arms hugging you, even so, you still didn't seem to dare to tell him so. He decided to ask you directly.
“Today I noticed you were distracted, my lady,” he said as he caressed your waist with one of his hands. “Do you want to tell me what is worrying you? That might make you feel better” he asked softly making you look at him.
“I'm bleeding,” you noticed the panic in your husband's eyes so you hurried to clarify. I mean my moon blood” You felt his body relax again.
Jacaerys thought about getting up and asking the maester to bring you some tea to alleviate any discomfort you had but when he was about to ask you to please move so he was going to look for the maester you surprised him by talking again.
“Are you disappointed?” You asked, abandoning the warmth of his chest to get a good look at his reaction, not wanting to miss any small-expression or movement. But your husband didn't look angry or sad but rather he seemed confused.
“Why would I be disappointed?” he asked, feeling lost. You hadn't done anything to make him or his family feel bad nor had you broken your marriage vows so he didn't understand how you could have let him down.
“Because I'm not pregnant!” you responded with obvious frustration and eyes full of unshed tears. You looked away and sat down feeling ashamed of yourself, for having lost your temper and especially for not fulfilling your duties. “And there's obviously something wrong with me,” you said, finally saying out loud what you had been thinking all day since you saw your red-stained clothes.
You hid your face in your hands, not wanting the prince to see that you were starting to cry. Barely a few seconds passed when Jacaerys was in front of you, gently removing your hands from your face. He felt pain in his heart when he saw your beautiful eyes full of sadness and tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Hey, don't talk about yourself like that. There is nothing wrong with you, my sweet wife. Your value is above the children you can give me” he said while carefully wiping away the tears. “You are more important than that, you are the one who gives me love and joy every day” he gently takes your face before kissing you on your forehead, his lips soon land on the tip of your nose and then on your cheeks, he begins to spread kisses all over your face until finally the tears stop and a smile forms on your lips and Jace finally kisses you like a husband should kiss a wife. You feel like you are melting from the sweetness of his kiss and from all the love he transmits to you. You feel so lucky to be his wife. He is so kind, sweet, and attentive to you. And you just want to make him as happy as he makes you feel every day. That's why you're so angry and disappointed in yourself for having your moon blood again.
Somehow Jacaerys must feel that your thoughts are turning dark again because he stops kissing you to calm your fears.
“Now, my sweet wife, I don't want to invalidate your concerns but we have only been married for a few moons so I think it is normal that you are not pregnant yet,” he said as he caressed your cheek. You still didn't seem to be completely calm so he hastened to add. "But if in a few moons, you are still not pregnant and you are still worried about it, we can go talk to my mother or the maester. I'm sure they will be willing to help us."
Jacaerys hoped that the two of you wouldn't have to have that uncomfortable conversation with the maester but for you, he was willing to do anything. He just wanted you to stop worrying.
“To be honest, it doesn't bother me that it's just the two of us for now. “I would like to have you a little more to myself,” he declared shamelessly, making you laugh before rushing you to kiss him again.
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velvetures · 3 days
Soap would be so fucking protective of you, and I can’t get it out my head. So now it’s your problem :)
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You don’t like drinking? He’s the first to draw attention away from the lack of a beer bottle in your hand. Using that irresistible charm to woo everyone out of their questions and peer pressure to get you to join in. He sees how nervous it makes you. And he’s far too sensitive to your feelings to let it happen. Besides… he’s gotten really good at giving the right orders to bartenders, so that he can give you some fruity, soda-laden thing, that passes off as one of the other cocktails all your friends are nursing.
Uncomfortable family dinners? You know, that one where your least favorite uncle is oh-so-willing to give you shit for not going into the career all of them think you should’ve pursued? Oh hell no. Soap won’t spend one second thinking over whether it’s polite or not to speak up. He just does. Abandoning your mom’s casserole he’s been complimenting with a full mouth, just to look your bastard of an uncle in the face and tell him he’d be better off complaining to the business end of a pistol. At least then, he’d get a response that would shut him up for good.
That ex who won’t take ‘no’ for an answer? He’s as good as dead. Not that he’s instinctively jealous… because really, he knows better. It’s just the mere thought of someone taking advantage of your life. Of your time. He’s livid because you’re too special to be harassed like that. Treated like a game that can be picked up and put down whenever the mood arises. Soap won’t make a spectacle of it… but the monthly calls and texts suddenly stop after a while. And you think it’s because you finally broke down and changed your phone number a second time. But… that hadn’t stopped your ex the first time. Soap just shrugs. Giving the excuse that common sense might’ve given him a change of heart. Johnny just didn’t have the heart himself to tell you that ‘common sense’ didn’t have the chance. He was far quicker.
Soap had lived a life so uncomfortable for so long, that seeing a sweet thing like you experience it becomes intolerable. It’s as if all of the killing and destruction he’s committed was for nothing, when something -even trivial- blockades your walk through life. His nature is to fix the problem. And his training only enhanced the instinct to do it violently. Quick and controlled action, using brute force to make the world spin to your tempo. And god… you hate when he does it. Constantly reassuring him that you’re an adult. That you’re prepared for life not to be easy, and that it’s only going to make you stronger in the end.
He won’t hear it though.
He wants you soft. Desperately, actually. More of a requirement for his own happiness than anything. And often times he thinks that it’s selfish. That maybe he is truly robbing you of some experiences that might be good for you. Make the life you lead interesting for the kids and grandchildren you tell stories to. But then again, he’s so staunch in his ways, that it comes to fruition like muscle-memory. Placing you on your silken throne and taking a defensive stance in front of you like a medieval knight hellbent on keeping his royalty alive and well.
John MacTavish knows your place and it’s to be behind him. Right where he can protect and provide, without the fear of you crying or getting hurt by the seemingly endless amount of people who unfathomably don’t want the same things for you. They all say they love you… want the best… but he challenges it.
Every. Single. Time.
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poppy-metal · 3 days
creep!au art is going crazy. he wants to know who you are sooooooooo badly. he’s been back and forth about guilt and about being disturbed (which if he’s honest ended a long time ago, ended as soon as he saw that sweet cunt) and about what kind of person you must be, what kind of person he must be to take advantage of your troubled mental state. because you really are troubled. it’s not just the act of leaving him these notes. it’s the notes. you say things that make his skin crawl and his cock throb, and he’s starting to not be able to tell the difference. even after you begin texting you still leave him notes. the notes become more graphic, as you’re more reserved over text.
you smell good today. sometimes i want to eat you because i think you’d taste like marshmallow. but that would be wrong.
you’re so strong. i love your arms. would you hit me if i asked you to? i probably deserve it a little for all i put you through. haha. just know you could hurt me forever and i’d still be yours
after all we’ve done together, i have to wonder if you’ve been with any other girls. i hate that. i would never tell you what to do, but it hurts my heart to think you could need anything but me. i would do anything for you. i’d light myself on fire if you asked me to. i would. no one can give you what i can. i can do anything another girl can do, and with me you’ll know it’s an act of worship. you’re no one else’s god, art. just mine.
you’re not okay. you are sick in the head. but. but you’re so sweet. and no one has ever loved him so much. no one ever would again. you were once in a life time. he lies to himself, tells himself that he wants to find you to get you help, that he would bring you to a psychiatrist and work through your issues together. but he won’t. he knows he won’t, distantly. because whatever is wrong with you to make you stalk someone is what makes you fully, totally and unnaturally his. so yes, he cares about you. yes, you make him harder that what he humanly thought is possible. yes, you scared him a little to start with. but you’re a kitten, clawless in his palms. he wants you to be happy. maybe he doesn’t need to make you better to make you happy. he just needs to accept you as his. if only he could track you down. force you to accept his love like you made him accept yours. because he had no choice, and now he wants choice. he wants you to feel him, in every way. but it’s not fair, because you can find him and he can’t find you. it drives him crazy. as crazy as you are.
no because the power dynamics really do shift.... he starts thinking about how if he really pushed you - threatened to stop talking to you, throw away your notes - you'd crack. but he's come to care about you and he can tell through texting you that you haven't had the best upbringing. you suffer from insecurity, even worse than he does, neglect from both parents - you essentially have no one - no friends, no family, all you have is art.
but presses in little ways, i want to touch you so bad. god, i want your pussy on my tongue. you want me so bad - i love that. you said your virginity is mine? that you're saving it for me? well, i want it. i want to feel you on my cock when i stretch you open for the first time. i wanna see your face when i give it to you.
and you're so needy for it. you never thought art would talk to you like this - there's honestly alot you didn't account for that you should have. you didn't account for how it would feel to be wanted by art. to be wanted at all. you didn't account for how it'd feel to read his messages and feel your self control get thinner and thinner - your fingers aren't enough - you cry on them, weep, because its just not enough - they dont fill you how they should - and art -
god he sends you a video of his cock. says the name he'd given you that might as well be your real name now, hearing it from his lips makes you come alive alive alive - "birdie - fuck -" when he cums and his abs clench and thick ropes of white paint his stomach -
and you wanna taste it so bad - wanna lick it - he rubs the cum onto his fingers and spreads it back over his pink dick - "you should be here." he tells you, and the way he's looking into the camera feels like he really does see you, is really looking at you, there kneeling between his spread legs. "you should be licking me clean."
and you should, you should, you should.
you want to but. whenever you think about him seeing you your stomach rolls itself into knots. it'll kill you if his face twitches in disgust or disappointment. it'd genuinely kill you.
you start thinking - isn't the fantasy nice? is there really a need to meet? maybe you could he content with this.... with being his secret.
you text him one night - I've been so happy lately. why risk it with reality? reality is always disappointing to the fantasy.
im going to call you.
i cant talk..
yeah, i know. I'll talk. just listen.
your phone rings and you pick it up, chewing on your nails. you hear the exhale of his breath on the other line and wonder what he's doing right now. sitting at his desk? his bed? crossed legged or lounging? is the phone tucked between his shoulder and cheek so he can fiddle with his hands or is he holding it to his ear?
he says, "you've fucked me up real bad."
your frown. lips parting but of course you don't speak. he can hear you breathing, though. knows you're listening Intently, as you always are.
"really, do you know that? i used to be normal before you. like - this is fucked. what you're doing. but you made me want it - you said all these -" he sighs. shakes his head - "you said all these things and you made me feel shit and now i can't even be mad at you for it because if you're fucked in the head then so am i for wanting you anyway. but i can't keep -"
he looks at the shoebox he has filled with your notes. almost so full the lid can't even stay fully on.
"- i can't keep doing this, birdie. i dont even know your real name - i know what your pussy looks like but not you - that's insane. Its not enough."
your heart trembles. not enough, you think. not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough. not. enough.
"i need more. I'm graduating next year and - I'm leaving, do you get that? im not staying."
tears prick your eyes. you hadn't wanted to think about that. why was he poking holes in everything?
ill just follow you, you think. ill follow you anywhere.
"and I'll find someone - someone thats not you. and I'll fall in love with her and you'll have to watch that. and i can't prevent it because. well, you know me. i want a family. i want that boring white picket fence life. i want a wife and babies and - im going to have it. with or without you."
he lets that sink in before he continues.
"and im not even saying you're her - i have no fucking idea what could happen when we meet. but. i want to - I just want to see you - "
you hang up. its the first time you've done it.
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crybabychim · 3 days
how the members would be while taking ur v card
don't be surprised if I wrote a lil too much for this one 🙈
cw: explicit sexual content, virginty/corruption kink (like to the MAX), implied non-con/dub-con
I think i'm pushing the cold hearted jin agenda too far, but like... I can't see him otherwise 😩 he's MEAN so so mean. he takes your virginity from you and he doesn't care :( maybe there's an universe where he cherishes it, but sadly it's not this one lol. like, he's fucking you for release, nothing else. this isn't about you, it's about him!
I know I wrote a fic with him and tae having a virginity kink, but I could also see a situation where he doesn't know you're a virgin at first so he's like really rough (slapping you, throwing you on the bed, choking you...), and when you tell him you've never done this before, jin becomes a totally different person... he turns 10x more violent 🤭 sorryyy you'll never get a kind jin from me c:
now, if you've read my work before, yk that yoongi has the hugest corruption kink. like, I didn't write a fic about yoongi taking your virginity for nothing... this man ONLY fucks virgins lmfao. so when he comes to you, he's sweet and all at first (even though he only thinks about your virgin cunt and how it'll feel around his cock while talking to you), slowly luring you into his trap <3
yoongi's very far far away from being violent. maybe mean, but in a mocking way. like, he finds you very adorable, struggling and all, drooling over his cock and cunt desperately clenching around him, and he teases you about it. but, don't get too surprised if he gets angry because you cry too much! you can't tell him no!
if hoseok was to take your virginity, it'd surely be to make you his slut. like, literally training you to be his perfect obedient little pet. I don't think he has a virginity kink, but he'd see a great opportunity because if he's your first time, he'll make sure he's all you're ever gonna know <3 this way, you're easier to manipulate, and hoseok can make you do whatever he wants without you questioning him.
hoseok would be caring, not doing anything too extra, but he'd definitely get into pet play right away. teaching you the basis, telling you that he always dominates and you always submit 🫶🏻
namjoon would be a little like hoseok in the way that he sees a great opportunity into taking your virginity. he's really into the fact of being your only experience, the only man that you know, the only man you've been intimate with... taking your virginity means that he can teach you how to be docile, how to obey, how to be his good girl, basically.
he's also very caring! namjoon kinda has to anyway with his size, because if he isn't careful, he might break you and that's not what he wants! :( he's also terribly condescending too. you don't want his cock inside you? well, that doesn't make sense; you're a dumb slut. cock is the only thing you can possibly want <3
jimin obviously has a virginity kink. he loves virgin girls — maybe just a tad less than yoongi does — because he just can rile them up sooo easily. he'd absolutely love making you really fucking wet, just to switch up and use your ass instead 😽 jimin is a tease and a big meanie! you can't expect him to not use you in the most lewd and vile way possible :(
okay, sure, he'd also take your pussy, but he's only tempted if you push his hands away, pretending to not want it — to not be ready for it. then, you're sure he's gonna give you the most devilish grin, and force himself inside of you with his hand over your mouth so you stay quiet <3
taehyung... well, im sorry, but his biggest fantasy is to breed a virgin girl lol. this man lives for creampies and messy sex so the minute he learns about your virginity, he gets into your pants and makes you take his cock without any protection <3
he's gonna do his absolute best to make you cum around him, and he doesn't care if it takes him longer than expected... he's gonna overstimulate both you and him :p and anyway, taehyung was gonna cum in you multiple times either way just to ensure his chances of breeding you 🙈
for jungkook, your virginity is like a gift. he owns it the second he lays eyes on you! like, in his head, your virginity is his, and that's it. for him, it's much more about possessing it that matters to him. of course a virgin cunt feels amazing and it makes him cum in no time, but with how jealous and possessive he is, he has to take your virginity.
honestly, you're not even alone with him for one minute that he's already taking your clothes off. jungkook wastes no time and he doesn't pay attention to how rough he is. after that, he considers you his gf and you have no say in it :D
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somanyratsinthewalls · 13 hours
Sunburst and fawn for the 700 follower prompt! 😍😍😍 I love your writing!
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Thank you so much my friend! Thank you for supporting my writing :') This one is hot (no pun intended?) and I think I needed this to get me back into my Ace phase. He's so cute and nice and handsome and for what?
Pairing: Ace x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Virginity Loss
WC: 3100 oops!
TWs: virgin reader, p in v sex, oral sex, praise, fingering, Ace is so nice ugh, alcohol consumption, consent is key! unprotected sex (not cool don't do it) a bit of cum conversation? A cumversation, if you will?
Just Do It Already (+18)
Ace was your friend. Sure, you made out whenever you were drunk and he made sure to kiss you goodbye before he was sent on a mission… but Ace was just your friend. There was never a conversation about progressing into a relationship, as it was something completely new to the both of you. You both skirted the idea, Ace slept over in your bed on more than one occasion but it never progressed further physically than just heavy petting and passionate kisses. 
You never told Ace you were a virgin. You knew he certainly wasn’t, so it was a fact you kept close to the chest. You talked a big game, never shying away from his touch or his lips when the two of you found each other inebriated, but thankfully Ace had been reluctant himself to try and take it further… even though you felt ready. You were older than him, for fucks sake. It was about time…
Ace had been gone for almost a month now and you were beginning to worry about his safety. You couldn’t help the morose look that plagued your features as you went about your nursing duties on the ship. As much as you tried to keep your worries hidden, it was written all over your face. 
“Oh he’ll be back soon enough, little one.” Whitebeard chuckled down at you as you flushed out his IV with saline. 
“O-oh I-“ You stutter, flustered that Dad had so perceptively picked up on your concern over Ace’s wellbeing. 
“He’s right, y/n.” Marco chimed in from behind you at his desk in the medical bay. “Ace always comes home. He might be a hot head, but he doesn’t usually bite off more than he can chew.” 
“R-right. Thanks. I should really finish the laundry…” You say as you excuse yourself to the rest of your duties for the day. You pick up the basket of soiled sheets and hike it up over your hip before you exit the medical bay. 
You head to the laundry room and start washing the sheets by hand with a bar of soap and a washboard. You focus on your work and try to push the worry out of your mind. After a half hour or so, you hear commotion out on the deck of the ship. You leave the sheet in the wash bin and dry your hands on your apron before scurrying out to the deck. 
“Welcome back, mate!” “Thought you’d hauled off and deserted!” “Or got eaten by a sea king!” 
You stay to the back of the crowd that had formed on the deck of the ship, craning your neck to see what the fuss was bout. 
“Come on you guys, you had that little faith in me?” A familiar voice floats playfully through the air straight to your ears. It was Ace. You clutch your chest and let out a heavy breath. He was okay. 
You figure Ace would be caught up in the elation and welcome of his crew for awhile, so you try to slink back to finish your work. You could catch up with him later when he’s making less of a spectacle (he always did upon his return). 
“Woah woah woah hold up-“ You feel the people around you shift and a warm hand gripping your wrist and pulling you backwards. “Leaving without welcoming me back?” Ace pulled you close to him while spinning you around to face him. You swallow hard, finding it hard to steel yourself with that gorgeous freckled face so close to yours again… 
“Nearly gave me a heart attack, Firefist.” You try to sound pissed off, but the relief in your tone shown through to Ace, a small upwards quirk at the side of your lips not helping your case. “Don’t take so long without calling next time.” You scold. 
Ace makes an apologetic face. Without warning, he grips your hips and pulls you into a deep embrace, his lips close to your ear. He stroked your waist gently, his thumbs barely grazing the flesh underneath your top. 
“I promise baby, I’m going to make it up to you tonight. Gonna give it to you so fucking good…” Ace whispers softly, making sure you were the only one to hear his sinful words. He releases you just as he finished speaking, taking a few steps back to address the rest of the crowd that had formed. “No feast prepared for my arrival? Thatch!” Ace bellows across the deck. “It’s far past supper time, let’s eat!” 
The rest of the crew cheered loudly and carried Ace off to celebrate his return. You stood frozen for a few moments before you’re left alone. It was clear Ace wanted to go further with you.
Of course you wanted that, too! You were just nervous how he would feel if you told him he would be your first… you were so worried he would decide that it’s just too much pressure… too much attachment… and bail on you. Maybe you could just… not tell him…?
You broke out of your trance and headed to take a long shower. 
— — 
You took a long time to shave and moisturize your skin in the most expensive creams that a life at sea would allow. You thought that if you washed and came prepared, Ace would be less perceptive to your inexperience. You decided to put on your nicest pair of black lace panties and a matching bra, aiming to make a certain impression. You slipped on a body-con plain black dress and headed out to where the loud music was coming from. 
“Wow y/n, really showing out tonight I see… any particular reason?” Marco whistles at you and hands you a large wooden stein of beer. 
“It was laundry day.” You smirk and clink your mug with his. 
“You should really reign him in before he starts burning his own eyebrows off again.” Marco nods his head in the direction of a large group of pirates. They were all standing in a circle around a noticeably drunk Ace, cheering while Ace himself was shirtless and performing exciting and elaborate fire demonstrations.
“He’s such a ham.” You roll your eyes and drink your beer as you watch Ace relish in the feeling of being the center of attention. 
“I’m being serious, y/n. Once he knows you’re here he might cool off.” Marco remarks. 
You scoff. 
“I seriously doubt that.” You chuckle and take another big swig of alcohol. 
“Oye! Y/n! Did you see that one?” Ace shouts as he bounds over to where you were standing much like an excited puppy would. 
“Yes, yes Ace the fire-ferris-wheel never disappoints.” You giggle a bit as you push his shoulder teasingly.
“I’m leaving the two of you on your own. Stay safe kids, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Marco smiles and smacks Ace’s shoulder firmly before heading off to his quarters for the night, leaving you alone with Ace now. There were dozens of drunken pirates around you, but Ace always made you feel like it was just the two of you, no matter where you were. 
Ace leans down to nip at your bottom lip, too eager to even kiss you first. You gasp a bit and he captures your waist in his hot hands. Alcohol combined was lust was clouding his ability to control his powers, so his palms were searing hot against your skin. He moves his mouth from your lips to pepper light sucks and bites down your throat. 
“Can we go to your room, baby?” Ace whispers into your ear. He has one hand on the back of your head and the other slinking up and down your thigh. “I can’t wait anymore… need you now…” 
You pull back and nod. 
Ace grins and grabs your hand to pull you away from the deck and towards your private quarters. 
Ace leads you away from the crowd and hurriedly pushes your stateroom door open before dragging you inside. He slams the door shut behind you and is on you like a lion on a gazelle. His hands are gripping the sides of your face, pushing you into a searing kiss. His tongue pushes past your lips immediately to explore the inside of your mouth. Your hands fly up to meet his chest immediately. You push lightly, Ace pulls back from you with a hungry look in his eyes. 
“Ha ha woah pal, where’s the fire?” You chuckle nervously. 
“Oh baby I’ll show you the fire, come here…” Ace moves his hands from your face to uses them to grip your ass. He hikes you up into his arms and you yelp. Ace chuckles at his own stupid joke and moves over to toss you gently onto the bed. He climbs over on top of you much like a predatory animal hovering atop its prey. He presses a firm kiss to your lips before smooching wet kisses down your jaw and neck. Once he reached your sternum he pulls the strap of your tank dress off your shoulder, he then kissed the exposed flesh just above your covered breast. 
“Mmm let’s take this off, baby…” Ace pulls a bit harder on your top all while kissing his way down your skin. You realize that your hands were shaking as you raked them across Ace’s naked shoulders…
“I’ve never done this before!” You blurt out, almost completely involuntarily. 
Ace lifts his head from your chest to look at you with furrowed brows.
“What?” He cocks his head to the side. 
“I’m a virgin.” You spout immediately. You slap your trembling hands to your mouth. 
Ace, wide eyed now, pushes himself off you to stand on his knees on the bed. 
“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I-I had no idea! Y/n I wouldn’t ever want to make you feel-“ Ace stutters out at you, flustered now. 
“Ace it’s fine! Shut up!” You shake your head. “I didn’t tell you earlier because I wanted you to sleep with me.” You sigh. 
“Wait… so you didn’t tell me… because you want to have sex with me?” Ace scratches his head in confusion. 
“Yes! I wanted you to fuck me but I didn’t want you to be all weird about taking my virginity! It’s just it’s so not a big deal to me, I mean, the whole concept of it is a social construct! I just really like you and I want to have-“ You rattle off. 
“You’re rambling.” Ace interrupts you. He breaks into a cheeky smile. “I’ll fuck you babe, if that’s what you want. You’re sure?” He leans back over you again, hovering his face close to yours. 
“God, more than anything!” You gasp out, sounding more desperate than you’d have liked. Ace responds by hungrily taking your lips in a wet, messy kiss. You pull back briefly. 
“But Ace… can you… be a little gentle?” Your voice breaks a little of your lust filled haze and your nervousness bites at you briefly.
Ace smiles and presses a singular, tender kiss to your lips. 
“Anything for you.” 
You smile back and Ace continues where he left off in his exploration of your body, soft lips savoring each inch of skin on your collarbone. You begin to truly relax under Ace’s warm touch and you sigh in contentment. 
“Let’s get you out of this thing.” Ace says as he tugs your dress down your body and tosses it to the floor. He notices your fancy set of black lingerie and lets out a sly wolf whistle. “As pretty as you look right now, babe, I think I want it all off…” He grips the edges of your panties and slides them down your legs while you unhook your bra and let it slip to the floor to join the rest of your discarded clothing. 
You instinctively cover yourself with your hands, but Ace catches your wrists. 
“It’s okay, it’s just me. Do you want to keep going?” Ace asks earnestly. 
“Yes, please. C-can you take your clothes off too…?” You ask. Feeling a bit bare now in front of your lover, you thought that you should even the playing field. Ace grins. 
“Of course baby.” Ace briefly hops off the bed and places his hat on your nightstand. He turns away from you and kicks off his boots, followed by the sound of a belt clinking and then his shorts falling to the floor. He turns back towards you and you couldn’t help but marvel in the true beauty of his naked body. He had perfect sun kissed flesh, muscles rippling in his thighs and abs, and not to mention a very impressive cock. 
“Hey.” Ace says and you snap your eyes up to meet his gaze. “Eyes up here.” Ace winks. He then pounces on you, straddling you, and tickles his hands up your sides, making you giggle and swat his hands away. His touches become deeper and firmer, more purposeful as he started stroking up and down your sides. 
Your giggles turned into breathy sighs as he touched you. 
“Fuck me, please, Ace.” You beg for him. 
“I will, sweetheart, just gotta make sure you’re ready for me…” Ace moves back so he could spread your thighs apart and settled himself between them, his hot breath tickling your outer lips. He holds your thighs open with his strong palms as he spread your sex lewdly, exposing your sweet pearl to him. Ace leans all the way in and latches into your clit, giving it gentle sucks and licks. 
“OH, fuck!” You cry out at the sensation and your legs instinctively try to close, but Ace has them pried open still. Ace swirls his hot tongue back and forth over your sensitive nub, eliciting  gasps and moans from your dry lips. A tingling was starting to form in your lower half, a feeling that up until this point you had only given yourself.
“Can I stretch you a little, baby?” Ace says as he presses a firm kiss to your clit. 
“Yes!” You all but shout, wanting to feel more of him, wanting to keep chasing that high. 
With your consent, Ace presses one finger into your hole and slowly moves it in and out of you. You moan. You were so lost in the pleasure of Ace’s lips on your clit that you barely noticed when Ace slipped a second finger inside of you. You could feel his thick digits stretching you out, but when he curled them upwards, it hit a spot that made you yelp and jerk forward a bit. 
“There it is…” Ace smirks into your pussy as he continues to gently tap on that special spot inside you. “I want you to let go baby… You’re doing so good for me…” You whine and buck your hips, wanting him to press harder inside of you. “Wanna watch you cum, can you try and do that for me? Want you to cum all over me…” Ace praises you all while he increases the speed and pressure of his fingers. 
“AH!” You cry out as Ace pushes you to climax with his sinful hands and filthy words. This orgasm was nothing like you had given yourself. You felt your body spasm and shake for several moments as the wave of pleasure came crashing over you. 
“Good fucking girl!” Ace shouts happily as you loll your head back on the pillow and clutch your heaving chest. 
“You okay? You still want to keep going?” Ace comes back up to hover over you and strokes a lock of hair out of your sweaty face. 
“Yes, Ace.” You nod. “Please fuck me.” 
Ace lines his weeping cock up with your soaked hole. 
“And you’ll tell me if you want to stop?” Ace slides his tip through your folds and circles your clit a few times before bringing it back to rest at your entrance. 
“Yes! Now shut up and put your dick in me!” You groan, frustrated. 
Ace responds by pressing himself into you. You gasp. He sinks in a few inches then pulls back out, gently coating himself inch by inch in your wetness so he can slide further in with each stroke. It was far more intense than his fingers, but it didn’t really hurt at all, just maybe uncomfortable at first. 
“Taking it so well baby, I’m so proud of you.” Ace coos down at you, but can’t take his eyes off your pussy stretching so nicely around his member. Eventually after a few minutes of gauging your reactions and stimulating other parts of your body, Ace was able to sheath himself fully inside you. 
“Look sweetheart, you did it! So fuckin’ tight… I’m not gonna last long in here…”  Ace pants out as he starts to fuck you slow and deep. “How do you feel baby?” He asks as he slides his hands up to grab at your breasts. 
“S-so full, Ace!” You say softly, almost completely overwhelmed by the intense stimulation you were receiving. 
“You feel so amazing babe, fuck!” Ace can hardly believe how close he is to cumming. Your hot, wet center sucked him in so deeply and your fucked out face stared up at him in adoration, there was no way he could contain himself. He held out for a few minutes but once you started moaning his name, he was done for. 
“Oh shit oh fuck-“ Ace pulls out of you quickly and splatters several ropes of cum onto your mound and lower stomach. 
Ace pants as he leans back on his heels. After catching his breath, he flops next to you in bed on his stomach. 
“Hey, was this my first time or yours?” You say jokingly, still trying to catch your breath as well. 
“Ugh it’s been awhile okay…” Ace sighs as he buries his face in your pillow. 
“I’m just kidding.” You lightly slap his shoulder. “It was almost perfect.” You smile and pat his head. 
“Almost? Why almost?” Ace picks his head up and scrunches his eyebrows at you. 
“You’re about to fall asleep and I’m still here spread eagle with cum all over me.” You say.
“Oh shit-“ Ace hops up out of bed and finds some tissues to clean you up with. “Sorry baby..” He says with a sheepish grin. 
You reach up and trace his tattoo with your finger. 
“I can think of another way you could apologize.” You smirk. 
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anime-owo-kage-san · 2 days
Unpopular (?) Opinion: I want Crymini to happen before or during the “Huskerdust” development.
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(This is speaking in the sense IF Huskerdust would be canon. And don’t argue about whether it is or isn’t pls. I said IF, to stay vague about it.)
Okay. Obviously I don’t want her to show at EXACTLY the first episode of the next season. But, I would like for Crymini to show up in season 2.
I’ve heard some say that it wouldn’t be appropriate timing, because Husk ‘already has Angel to deal with’. So, it would be better for her to show up after some more development between Angel and Husk, otherwise she might be getting in the way of their development with each other.
But, for me? I say her showing up ‘early’ might work:
In the pilot, Husk says “I’ve lost the ability to love years ago.” And ofc, that’s the perfect line to give to a character who will eventually learn to love again.
He finally started liking Angel, but he doesn’t ‘love’ Angel just yet.
And, while I honestly ship these two to double death —I don’t think Husk learning to ‘love again’ should start with Angel (A.k.a ‘his potential love interest’).
I personally think it should start with Crymini (a.k.a ‘the child figure’).
It could just come from my personal belief, that not every character who grew cold should find a ‘love interest’ to break their walls down. (Not saying that they can’t have a love interest. They absolutely can. But, my point is ‘finding love’, can be more than just in a romantic sense). ——I just think it might suit Husk better if this is what happened first, before he and Angel; while he opened some vulnerable parts of himself to Angel, he opens up his softer, wiser, and more protective side for a kid who needs guidance (speaking from how I assume Crymini would be portrayed, until she’s official).
And Angel? ——Husk has done good for him, by listening to his problems, and cheering him up during Loser Baby. Now, it’s time to see some Angel doing good for Husk (and maybe minor angsty feels); he sees the family-like relationship between the two, and decides to give Husk space.
Angel would think to himself, ‘I’m a grown-ass adult. I can handle myself. Husk should focus on that kid. She definitely needs him more than I do.’
So, he’d bitch about his work a lot less to Husk, thinking it would help not overwhelm him. Might even let Husk bitch to him instead, when Crymini becomes a handful, because everyone else usually leaves it to Husk since he’s the closest to her. And Angel listens to it all.
And maybe from all of this, it’ll remind Angel about the rocky relationship he had with his family (namely his father and brother), and admire how nice Husk is to a rebellious kid who he hasn’t known for that long yet. (Cue falling in love with a guy who’s good with kids.)
Husk eventually notices that Angel comes to him a lot less now, when he had a bad day , and confronts him about it. They have a heart to heart about it, and came to an agreement to rant to each other about their busy day.
Then some eventual Angel and Crymini relationship, when he runs into the same club as her. Then takes it upon himself to watch over her from afar because Husk wasn’t there, but starts hovering over her like he did with Niffty. (Okay, I’m writing a fanfic at this point.)
But, I hope you all get what I mean here; Husk CAN love Angel when he learns to love again, but learning to love again doesn’t HAVE to start with Angel.
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Room 143 | idol!han x fem!reader \ part 2
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1k followers celebration story
If someone had told you that you would have one night with Han Jisung, you would have laughed in their face.
Read Part 1 here | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Delulu! Absolute delulu! Last year I wrote a little fic about y/n going to the concert and by chance having a night of passion with the yummy Han Jisung. I thought it might be nice to revisit it with a rework (the original had an original female character but I’m changing it to y/n).
Chapter wc 4.7k
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CW: vaginal fingering.
The three men moved so confidently around the gym whilst you tried to mind your own business and not look at them. Every now and then you'd steal a glance, and each time you did you felt your heartbeat kick up a gear.
They looked like gods as they helped each other with weights, admiring each other’s physique as their muscles became pumped up. Changbin said something to Han and Chan burst out laughing uncontrollably. Han then pouted and complained. Was Changbin teasing him? You smiled to yourself as you watched their interactions. If it wasn’t for the nerves and anxiety swirling around your body telling you that this was actually fucking real, you would have pinched yourself to see if you were dreaming.
YouI felt like an outsider who had no idea what you were doing. You couldn’t stay any longer. But you also couldn’t leave. You'd be an idiot to walk away from this scenario. But you couldn’t keep sitting there with your 4kg dumbell. You needed to move onto some other exercise.
You scanned the room, seeking out a piece of equipment to use. Something you've used before. The pull down bar. Yes, you have used one of those before.
So over to the pull down bar you went. It was set to some outrageously heavy weight that only Chan and and Changbin would be able to manage, which meant that you'd have to change the weight setting. You looked for the pin that readjusts the weight. 
“Here let me help.” Oh my fucking god. Chan. Your heart stopped and you couldn't find any words. Be polite. Be polite. Somehow you managed to pull a smile and actually speak.
“Um… yeah I… I’m just trying to adjust the weight.” Okay, so you managed to speak, but it didn’t come out well. Your voice was squeaky.
Chan came in closer so he could adjust the machine. He was standing so close to you that you could feel a warmth radiating off of him, and the smell of his skin which was of a fresh deodorant and sweat mingled together. His bare arms so close that if you reached out you would touch them.
“What setting would you like?” he looked at you and smiled that gorgeous smile everyone knew and loved.
“Um… maybe the third lightest.” You said shyly.
If Chan had any judgment about the level of weight you chose, he didn’t show it. He just simply slot the pin in, and then held the handle bar steady as you sat down on the seat. He was about to pull it down for you when you felt someone come up behind you. It was Changbin. He took hold of the bar, ushering Chan to let go of it, and pulled it down so you could hold onto it. Chan let him, taking step back, but stayed lingering by your side.
Changbin’s thick arms were on either side of yours as he held the bar steady for you to take hold of, his hands merely inches away from yours. You couldn’t breathe.
“Thank you.” You managed as Changbin let go and stepped back. By now Han was hovering around as well and you felt like you could die of embarrassment on the spot. How were you supposed to do this with them all watching you?
You took a deep breath and pulled the bar down to your chest, and then released it back up. Satisfied that you were doing it correctly, Chan and Han went back to what they were doing at the bench press, but Changbin took this as an opportunity to be ‘personal trainer’ and stood close by watching, nodding. Approving.
“I think you can do heavier.” He stated, more to himself than to you. He took hold of the handle again, this time his fingers brushed yours, sending a shiver through your body, and eased the bar back up to it’s starting position. Then he considered what weight to set the machine. You watched him with one of his arms crossed across his chest, across his skin tight black t shirt, his other hand at his mouth in thought. Han was back now standing at Changbin’s side.
“What do you think? This one?” he asked Han.
You looked from Changbin to Han. Han looked at you. Your skin reddened. He raised his eyebrows up and down at you as if to say “look at Changbin… He can’t help himself can he?” making you chuckle, and Han laughed too.
“Okay try this one.” Changbin had reset the weight and helped you get back into position.
It was far heavier than you expected, but manageable.
“Changbin! A hand.” Chan called out over at the bench press. Satisfied he’d selected the correct weight for you, Changbin went back over to his leader, leaving Han to supervise you.
You felt like you were going to die. Han fucking Jisung. In the flesh. His slim body was covered with a white muscle tee, showing off his toned arms and he had slim black sweatpants on. You were in the middle of a heatwave and he had sweatpants on!
You had experienced performance anxiety in the past but having Han Jisung watching you like this would have to be the worst. You attempted to keep your breath steady and your mind focused on the exercise. You tried to block out this stunning young man’s energy. This stunning young man who was… gazing?…at you.
After you completed ten pull downs, Han took the bar from you and let it slide back up. His chest grazing your back as he did so. Your breath hitched. Was that on purpose? Then he came around and crouched down next to you, and from seemingly nowhere, he pulled out a bottled water and offered it to you.
“My names Han.” He said “and over there, that’s Chan and Changbin.” He pointed to his band members then turned his attention back to you, waiting for you to introduce yourself.
You smirked. You weren't sure what to say. “I know.” You whispered quietly.
Han raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth in surprise.
“You know who we are?” he leaned forward “are you a Stay?” added excitedly.
You nodded. “Umm.. Yes.. But only a new one. I am not sure I know enough to even call myself a Stay. I am going to the concert tonight though.”
“You’re a Stay. Trust me.” He grinned.
A dreaded thought hit you. What if they think you stalked them here!?
“I wouldn’t have imagined JYP would have put you guys up at this hotel, though.” You hoped that didn’t sound extra stalker-like.
“Actually we weren’t meant to originally. It’s all been changed up last minute. But it’s not too bad. I got to meet a Stay and that is always a bonus.” He playfully punched you in the arm.
“My name’s Y/n.” You offered.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” Han grinned. His smile was infectious, and you found yourself grinning like an idiot at him.
The next little while was spent with mostly you talking about where you live, what you do and how you came there alone and that you're going to their concert, also alone.
“So how are you getting to the venue?” Chan piped up. By then all three members were sitting around chatting to you, and you felt more comfortable and at ease.
“I don’t know. I guess an Uber?” You replied.
“Don’t be silly. You can come with us.” Han said and turned to Chan. “Can’t she Hyung?” He pouted looking hopeful.
“It’s okay. I am a grown woman.” You didn’t want to cause any problems or tension between the members or staff.
Chan held up his hand. “Of course she can come with us, but you’ll have to get her a pass and she’ll have to be there for soundcheck, and we won’t get back here until quite late.”
This was too much. You didn’t need any special treatment.
“Look. I’m really grateful you want to look after me, or be kind or… whatever… but it’s really okay.” you insisted.
“What’s your room number? I will collect you myself.” Han said sounding chivalrous. It was rather endearing to see him eager to take care of you.
Maybe you should run with this and see where it goes?
You swallowed hard. “Okay,” you said. “Room 143.”
Back in your room you flopped down onto the bed. What the hell just happened? You kicked your legs in flurry, and brought your hands up over your face to muffle a squeal. After you let reality sink in, you sat straight up. You needed to get ready! Han had said they had to leave by 2pm and that left… you looked down at your phone… two hours.
You jumped in the shower, but your mind was still in the gym with Han, Chan and Changbin. How does something this exciting happen to you? The question kept repeating itself over and over in your mind like one of those TikTok looped edits.
You don’t know how you managed it, but before you knew it you had blow dried your hair, applied your makeup, and was slipping on your frayed denim skirt, and a pink and white tee covered in little love hearts. The theme you were trying for was “Maxident”.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard the knock on your hotel door.
Was it already time?
You hurried to the door, almost tripping over your own feet. “Coming. Just a sec.” You called out. You took a deep, steadying breath, and opened the door.
There he stood… Han. Fucking. Jisung. Standing at your hotel room door. He was now donning baggy cargo pants and a grey, oversized hoodie, which he had pulled up over his bucket cap. He was gorgeous, and you felt your cheeks blush.
“Hi there.” You smiled and welcomed him into the room.
“Room 143?” he replied pointing at your room number “143 I love you!” he sang and finger hearted you, making you laugh. “I’ve got you something.” He gestured to the black cross-body bag he was wearing.
The hotel room was pretty standard of hotel rooms. An ensuite bathroom off to the right when you entered the room, a double bed in the middle, and a two seater couch and coffee table on the other side of the bed. A large window looked out onto a mediocre view.
“So…this is my humble abode for the next day or two.” You said gesturing around the room as though you were giving him a tour. He scanned the room like it was somehow unique, until you saw his gaze land on an item of clothing laying on the floor… a black lace garment. Fuck, your bra!
In the most ungraceful way, you kicked the bra away and under the bed. “Sorry about that.” You stuttered. How fucking embarrassing. Han simply grinned at you as though he wanted to tease you, but he didn’t say a word.
“So… I brought you a present.” He said as he pulled off his cross-body bag. Your eyes widened as he unzipped it and he pulled out a band tshirt. “I thought seeing as though you are part of the team tonight, you would like to wear this?” he handed you the shirt.
“Oh… thanks…Han...” You unfolded the black shirt and held it up against your body. The little green Maniac logo on one breast, and green print on the back.
You looked up from the shirt and met his eyes to find him looking at you expectantly. “Go try it on.” He encouraged. “I mean I love what you’re wearing right now, so you don’t have to change if you don’t want to,” He scratched his head nervously, “but I’d love to see you in it.” He added coyly, lowering his eyes to the floor. A rush of heat rose through your body.
“Of course. Yes…Just give me a minute.” You choked. “Um, I’ll be right back. Grab a drink if you’d like.” You waved towards the mini bar and kettle.
You stood at the bathroom sink in your new band t-shirt, trying to decide whether to tuck it into your skirt or not. What would Han prefer? Stop it. He’s just being kind. It’s not like he’s attracted to you. You turned from side to side to get an idea of how you looked, and settled on tucking it in to highlight your hourglass figure. Then you touched up your make up. Han Jisung is in your room! You slapped your cheek to bring yourself back to your senses, your stinging skin telling you this was very real. Okay, breathe. You can do this.
You stepped back into the room to find Han making two cups of tea. It was an interesting sight. Him looking all street-wise whilst brewing a comforting warm tea. Just like he can deliver hard hitting rap lines and then turn around act like a Baby-girl.
“Tada!” You exclaimed and he turned around, looked you up and down, and nodded in approval. “Looks good, baby!” He grinned nervously, fidgeting with the cords of his hoodie.
“Aren’t you hot in that?” You asked pointing to his hoodie? “It’s so hot today!”
“It is hot today.” He whispered and bit his lip, like he wasn’t talking about just the weather.
You ignored the sudden tension that had filled the room. It was suddenly suffocating, and you started twirling your hair around your finger to try to look busy.
“Well… feel free to take it off if you’re too hot, ok.” What the fuck are you saying? But Han was already removing the hoodie and his bucket cap anyway, and draped them on your bed before returning his attention to the tea. His long, slender neck, now on full display, had a thin sheen of perspiration. It set off something inside of you. You're not generally a fan of sweat, but seeing Han with just a light amount of perspiration, well, it was doing something to you. You wanted to…taste it.
“Tea’s ready!” he announced, turning around with a hot teacup in each hand. “Should we sit on the couch…?” he nodded towards the two seater couch at the other side of the room.
“Huh? Mmm.. Yes… sure…” You were brought back to reality, and it seemed you were finding it difficult to find your words, so you just awkwardly led the way and sat down.
Han placed the tea on the timber coffee table and settled into the couch and grinned at you. Your eyes darted around the room nervously. What was one supposed to say to a Kpop idol who was sitting in your hotel room and just made you a fucking cup of tea?
“So…” You sucked in your breath and picked at the the hem of your skirt with your fingers.
“This is awkward for you isn’t it?” he concluded, tilting his head to the side as he watched your nervous hands busy with the frayed hem. He glanced up capturing your gaze and you nodded, sucking in your lip.
“Yeah… Sorry?” You offered.
“You don’t need to be nervous around me, baby.” He chimed endearingly. It was supposed to make you feel at ease, but all it did was make you nearly choke on air.
“If it helps, I’m nervous too.” He continued, leaning in closer like it was a secret. He looked so perfect. Big eager eyes, and an expression of wonderment, like he thought he was the lucky one in this situation.
“Really?” You whispered. “You’re nervous too?” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He seemed so confident and outgoing, although you had only ever seen him perform. You didn’t know the real man sitting next to you.
He nodded. “I am the most nervous person I know!”
You laughed softly and he looked at you suspiciously. “What is it? Why are you laughing?” he pouted.
“Han,” your laugh becoming louder. “I’m the most nervous person I know!”
The rapper looked at you in disbelief, mouth hung open.
“Mm mm,” You nodded. “You don’t want to know how nervous I was in the gym this morning.” You confessed, smacking him lightly on the arm.
“You looked pretty cool and calm to me.” He argued cheekily.
“Well you don’t look nervous right now!” You taunted.
He grabbed your hand from the hem of your skirt and held it against his chest. “Feel how fast my heart is.” He whispered seriously. You could feel his hard pecs under his shirt and the pulsing of his heart against your hand, as he stared into your fucking soul. Your eyes were locked on his. You couldn’t escape his gaze. Han may have thought his heart was beating fast, but it was nothing like the racing of your heart. The pounding sounding like a fucking drum line was standing in the room.
“Can you feel it?” he asked hopefully. Oh god what was happening?
Your mouth was dry. You needed a drink. You pulled your hand back quickly, and without thinking, you picked up your teacup and took a big sip in a bid to busy yourself.
Big mistake.
“Fuck!” You pulled your mouth away and almost spilled the tea down your new shirt. “I burnt my tongue!” You couldn’t believe how stupid you must’ve looked.
Han chuckled “Well it is fresh, baby.” He teased and he took the cup off you, returning it to the table. Baby?
You hung your head. Why oh why did you do that? You squeezed your eyes closed and shook your head, hoping to shake out the embarrassment.
“Oh my god,” Han’s teasing turned serious as he saw your reaction, springing from his seat to dart to the mini bar to grab a bottle of water. “Here,” he offered you the water. “Drink this, it will help.”
You took a big gulp of water, hoping that it will dissipate your embarrassment as well as the burning on your tongue.
“Hey!” Han edged closer to your side, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?” You could feel his eyes on you even though your gaze was firmly fixed to the floor.
You shook my head. “I’m just so clumsy.” You whispered and looked up shyly to meet his gaze. His eyes were kind and warm, and he was smirking a little.
“Baby,” Baby? Really, does he have to keep saying that? You knew he said it to everyone, but it didn’t stop your heart from skipping a beat. “You are talking to the clumsiest Idol known to man!” he sat up proudly. “You want someone to forget lyrics? You’re looking at him. You want someone who falls on his butt? Me!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his words. He was far from clumsy, but his attempt to be relatable and make you feel better, well, it was kind of working.
“You good? You promise?” he asked again, double checking, rubbing your shoulder. You nodded your reassurances along with a smile.
“Good.” He whispered, nodding satisfied that you were okay. Your eyes drifted to where his hand was still lingering on your shoulder, although now he’d stopped rubbing it. He followed your gaze to where his hand was rested, and for a moment it felt like time stood still. Your heart stopped, your lungs weren’t working, and butterflies were starting to swirl around in your stomach. You could’ve sworn you saw longing in his eyes, and his breath catch in his throat. He abruptly came to his senses, quickly retracting his hand and nervously pushing his hair back.
“So,” he picked up his tea and blew on it before carefully taking a sip. “I take it you don’t live super close if you’re staying in a hotel?” he asked. “Wow! That is hot!” he gasped, referring to the tea, and quickly placed it back on the table.
“I guess not, I live about three hours from here. I could’ve driven home after the concert, but you know what?” You looked at Han, “I wanted to just have a bit of a break. You know, from the real world. Just a couple of days.”
He nodded approvingly. “I’d love to have a few days just for myself.” He gazed softly across the the room as though he was imagining what it’d be like to have time off to do whatever the hell he wanted.
“I take it you don’t get a lot of free time?” You asked curiously.
He shook his head. “Nah," he paused momentarily and smiled. “but it’s all good. I certainly don’t have anything to complain about, that’s for sure.” It was as though he was trying to convince himself, more than you.
His demeanor seemed so bubbly and energetic, but as you talked there on the couch you could feel there was a lot more going on for him. It felt like underneath that happy, dorky young man there was something else, like something was missing. Was it a sense of emptiness, perhaps? Sadness? Loneliness? You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but what you were quickly noticing was that Han, although he wanted to come across as carefree and fun, deep down he yearned for something. Whether that was more of something, less of something, or something different to what he currently had, you didn’t know.
“Are you okay, Han?” You asked seemingly breaking his thoughts.
The young man paused, considering your question. “Really. I don’t have anything to complain about.” He repeated, but his words sounded empty. “But lately I’ve been lonely. I mean, I have the guys, the staff,” he sighed. “But… I don’t know. I’m tired and I suppose, maybe, I need some newness in my life.” He nodded to himself thinking through what he had just said out loud. It seemed like he was processing his thoughts and speaking them out loud for the first time. “I feel like I need some respite. From everything.” He half smiled.
A pang of empathy rushed over you and without thinking, you reached for his hand that was resting on his thigh and squeezed it tightly. For a long moment, he studied your hand covering his, and sucked in his lip. Then he looked up locking eyes with you questioningly.
You thought there was no longer any oxygen left in the room. You didn’t even know if you'd even taken a breath for the past three minutes, and it seemed Han wasn’t breathing either. You were both frozen still. The only sign that you weren’t actually frozen in time was his expression as he searched your face, like he was silently asking you a million questions and trying to find the answers in your eyes.
“The tea is probably good to drink now.” He said, swallowing, not breaking eye contact.
“Yeah… the tea.” You acknowledged, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away either.
Han cupped your face with his other hand, causing you to finally remember how to exhale. With slightly parted lips and eyes that conveyed a glimmer of want, he glanced down at your mouth and subconsciously licked his lips. His eyes flickered back up to yours for a brief moment before returning them to your mouth as he slowly closed the space between your faces.
He was merely inches away and you could feel his hot breath close to your skin. You wanted nothing more than to feel his breath directly against your mouth. You wanted his breath in your mouth. You wanted to taste him, and have his wet tongue slip inside you. You wanted his teeth to hungrily bite into your lip and then softly kiss away the pain.
“Can I kiss you?” he breathed.
You bit your lip and nodded.
His lips had barely even touched yours, but you could already feel the electricity shoot through your veins, making your entire body tingle. The butterflies in your stomach started to go berserk, and you truly thought they’d make you float away if it weren’t for Han’s hand on your cheek holding you in place.
He pulled away momentarily searching your eyes for permission to continue. You let go of his hand and slipped it around the back of his neck, his skin hot and sweaty underneath your fingers. You would need to hold on for dear life if he was going to keep kissing you.
Your lips connected again, starting off slowly and carefully as though one of you would break if either of you moved too suddenly. His lips were soft and he tasted like mint. Did he brush his teeth before coming here? His hand slid from your cheek to your waist and in response you melted in closer to his body. He took this opportunity to deepen the kiss, parting your mouth slightly so he could sneak his tongue inside to find yours. He moaned and peeled away again.
“Is this okay?” he panted, checking in with you.
“Yes, don’t stop” You begged, wrapping both your arms around the back of his neck and finding his mouth again with a sense urgency. Your heart kicked up a notch when you felt his hand land firmly on your thigh, your skin burned from the touch. You dove your tongue into his mouth and his fingers squeezed the flesh of your leg as he let out a low groan.
Your body was rapidly responding to the man that was kissing you. You were only kissing, and you'd only just met him, but you core ached for more, your panties close to soaking. Han’s hand wasn’t far away from where you were craving to be touched. All he’d have to do was slide it up the inside of your leg and he’d be there.
You gripped his upper arm, pulling him closer, encouraging him to keep going, inviting him to explore your body. His hand moved to the inside of your thigh, sending shivers up your leg all the way to where you wanted him most. He was setting you on fire and you whimpered with need.
Han heard your frustrated, pathetic cry. “Tell me what you need me to do.” He whispered huskily between kisses.
“Touch me, Han.” You breathed, and you reached down to touch his hand on your thigh. “Please.” Your voice was barely audible.
He let out a shaky breath and looked down to where your hands were resting together on your thigh. You slid your hand back up his arm to grip his bicep, and he slowly inched his fingers up the inside of your leg, his hungry eyes following his hand as it disappeared under your skirt.
“Han!” You gasped when his fingers reached your panties.
Han smirked as he pressed his finger against you. “Is this what you wanted?” His eyes were hooded and hazy with desire. You whimpered and nodded, parting your legs a little to give him more access. He ran his finger along your underwear, grazing over your clit. “You’re soaking!” he sounded surprised. His fingers moved more hurriedly, finding the edge of your panties and pulling them to the side. “Kiss me.” He commanded and you smashed your mouth back onto his. He slid a finger through your wetness, rubbing it over your bare clit.
“Fuck!” You panted. Then he sunk two fingers deep inside of you. Your eyes rolled back from the relief of finally being filled, making you throw your head back in pleasure. His hot, wet mouth moved to your neck, sucking and nibbling your skin as he started to move his fingers in and out of your cunt.
“You’re so wet, baby.” He cooed. “You really needed this, huh?”
“Mhh-hhm” was all you could manage. You had lost access to your vocabulary. All you could do was lose yourself to Han fucking Jisung and how incredible he felt.
“Y/n?” he kissed up the side of your neck and brought his mouth to your ear. “There’s something I want to try, if you’ll let me.”
“Yes, anything.” You choked. You didn’t care what he planned to do, you just wanted more of him.
He removed his fingers from you and brought his glistening digits up to his mouth and sucked your wetness off them. “You taste so good. I want to taste more of you.” He leaned his forehead on yours.
“Will you let me?”
> taglist open
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moonselune · 2 days
hiii it's revivify anon again (can I be 🐶anon?)
ahhhh your takes for the male companions reactions are so real!!
as a galemancer myself, I absolutely see him going the god route to bring them back. he's probably spin it as something like, "it was my ambition to bring you back. Therefore, i am allowed" (honestly, I could see him becoming so much darker if he brings back his fallen love. He'd probably keep them in a gilded cage of sorts. Always saying that he has their best interests at heart, that he's better and more reliable than all other gods. That no one, god or mortal, could love you better than him, so you should worship him just as much as he worships you... man... the potential.)
Thinking about astarion losing his love just hurts because like... they came and healed his heart only to shatter it all over again? If it was BEFORE the cazador fight, I think he'd definitely ascend himself. Why worry about losing your soul when you've already lost your heart? If it was after the cazador fight, I think he'd just kick himself for letting you convince him not to do it, and eventually circle back to the idea that he should've ascended. Maybe then, he could've saved you....
Oh, Wyll.... I get what you mean about not wanting to immediately go down that route of trading his soul to another Patron. I think if Mizora caught wind, she'd absolutely taunt him with it. Always hanging around like a bad smell, dangling the chance to bring his love back as long as he signs away his soul in a Pact eternal with her. I think as long as he had his friends around, he would be able to stand firm and remember that his lover would've shattered at the idea of him sacrificing himself. I'm not sure if I'm misreading his character or not, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't take another lover. He'd probably 1) blame himself for the loss of their life, and 2) think he isn't worthy of love again, and 3) probably love them until he dies tbh. He wouldn't want another lover, because they wouldn't be his lost love :'(
DARK HALSIN!!! Girl... your mind.... you are so onto something. I could totally see him going shadow druid tbh. He'd probably stop and be like, "you know what? Maybe they were right. Maybe I should've embraced the shadows. Maybe I still should..." or like, if people venture far enough into the woods, they might come across a corpse perfectly preserved as if theyre just sleeping, reeking of druidic magic. There's tons of plants surrounding the body. Some consider it a holy site, some consider it cursed. But all agree not to linger too long, lest the beast that guards it finds you...
CW: Dark Content
Of course 🐶 nonnie !
Oh my god yes yes yes yes, I have done a galemancy run and it was one of my favourites. The way this man would be like "I am doing nothing wrong" and there's just a pile of bodies behind him because he keeps messing up this necromancy spell that requires a sacrifice. Oh my lord and when it finally works and you are alive, back and well. He is overjoyed and is like my love! You have returned! Don't look at all the blood and bodies, just come this way my love! No the outside world will harm you, my love, just follow me! Look at this room it has all your favourites! Those windows have never opened my love, here's your favourite tea!
And he is NEVER going to let it go that he brought you back- ever. You are his masterpiece, the fruits of all his labor, the perfect embodiment of his ambition. He is your creator, you, the perfect creation. You belong to him. You will watch him ascend and you will take your place below beside him.
Resisting is pointless, you wouldn't want to go back to that cruel afterlife. Maybe if you are being particularly ungrateful, you would like a taste of what he rescued you from? Sending you into a spiral of nightmares until all you can do is cling to him in fear. He strokes your hair as you cry and murmurs how all he did was save you from this and you want to defy him? Hurt him by saying all those cruel words?
Well shit this is gonna end up as a fic isn't it?
YES, pre cazador, definitely would ascend and I can go see him going after people who look like you but as soon as they do/say something that is out of character for you, he just murders them. Justifying it by saying if you don't get to live, then neither do the poor imitations of you.
If he didn't ascend I reckon he would make a deal for him to get some sort of power, as you said, his heart died with you, what does he need a soul for? And then that takes us back to his ascended behaviour.
Oh baby boy Wyll, I agree, I do not think he would take another lover, but he would move on, I can see him becoming Grand Duke and shaping Baldur's Gate into a City that you would have survived in. He would name so many things after you, you liked books? He would build a library in your name? You always said you wanted kids or a big family, he builds an orphanage for you, telling the children stories of you. I think eventually as Wyll gets older and Mizora still tries to tempt him, he eventually enjoys her presence - as every time she tries to lure him into darkness, he can hear his beloved guiding him back to the light, and that he would never give up. Mizora is like wtaf, fine, you will never see me again, and then she's bored and shows up.
Dark Halsin !!! We love you !! He would have such a guilt complex about the shadow druids, how they were right etc. AND YES OMG you read my mind, parents warn their kids not to play too deep into the forest and for those wayward ones they come back, trembling with fear as they say how the beast roared and swiped its sharp paw at them. (Halsin would scare them away, I can never imagine him being violent with kids). But for those trying to prove their strength and valour by rescuing the beautiful maiden - they are never seen again.
Oooooo I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this!
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neet-elite · 2 days
↳ EVENT 43. Elliott (Aphrodisiac)
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Pairing: Elliott / F!Reader Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,155 Warnings: aphrodisiac, dry humping, love confession Prompt(s): 13 — aphrodisiac Event Masterlist: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: name a better duo than me writing elliott and feeling like ive butchered his character lmao. yall elliott girlies always seem to enjoy my writing of him though so i hope its tasty regardless!
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How did he get here again?
Heart dead set on confessing to you today, hastily forgotten about earnest poem and meticulously picked flowers discarded to the floor... Somewhere in your house, he can't quite remember where, or when, or how...
Just how did he find himself here again?
Strangely, his lungs burn for you. More so than usual, and that's saying something. Blinking rapidly up at you as you straddle his waist so prettily, it should be illegal honestly. To have him feeling so hot under you, tummy filling with more and more butterflies with every passing second that you remain on top of him— except they're heavy and thick, resting uncomfortably in his belly like a shameful weight. Dripping in desire as you flutter your lashes down at him like that, all innocent and harmless, toying with his suspicions like some sort of temptress; and for once, he's at a loss for words.
He doesn't know what to do with himself, or the position he's found himself in. Acting rather uncouth for someone who likes to pride himself on how refined he can be, his hands rest against your hips with barely contained expectation. He can do naught else but stare up at you with furrowed brows and hooded eyes. Gods, but his vision is so blurry right now, unable to fully concentrate on anything due to the dense fog settling in his mind, travelling past his heart to leave it skipping a beat, wrapping around his lungs to leave him more than a little breathless, and eventually down past his sickly turned tummy and right down to the cock you're currently perched upon.
He'd like to apologise for his behaviour, let you know that he isn't some sort of brute who would consider looking upon you with anything but the utmost of respect, in spite of the way his erection twitches against your back side. And yet here he is, leering at you, uncontrollably tugging and rubbing at your sides, chewing down on his bottom lip to keep his tongue tied in fear of spilling the plentiful amount of dirty words he wants to sigh to match his dirty actions.
You deserve better than this. Even if you're looking upon him with the sweetest encouraging smile, coaxing this crude version of himself out with such ease it's a little embarrassing. Like you wanted this to happen, to see his hair messily splayed out against the sheets and his face to scrunch up with obvious attraction, the feeling of your soft ass rubbing ever so gently against his length causing him to huff and sigh from under you. Rendered a mere slave to his drooling cock, he can barely think straight anymore and— oh, when you place your hands on his chest, using him for stability as you start to grind down on him a little more purposeful, a little harder, he can no longer truly contain his thoughts and words.
"I want to fuck you so badly."
It's dirty, straight to the point no matter how much he might internally cringe at his unrefined word usage— but it's also honest. A sudden rush of lust pooling at his core as you work his lap, cock pulsing from under your shifting weight, shaky breaths escaping his otherwise tightly sealed lips. Red hot embarrassment paints his cheeks; or is that just caused by the internal boiling point he's experiencing right now? Dizzy with so much desire it's almost nauseating to try and sit still, especially when you let out the softest little giggle, a knowing sound that he's yet to learn the answer to.
"Should I take this as your confession, Elliott?" You ask so nonchalantly, so casually that he's a little awe struck to be completely honest. A meek whine crawling up his throat as he slowly nods yes, fingers digging into your waist tighter in response to your blasé attitude, more purposefully now that you've sussed him out. And, he can't quite seem to get all his ducks in a row, leading to his up-front answer. Feeling not like himself as he rests under you like this, merely waiting for an assumed breaking point; holding out until then in fear of otherwise scaring you off— ah, the thought alone fills him with so much dread that he unknowingly squeezes at your waist more desperately. A non verbal plea spread across his fingertips as you shift up and down his cock idly, a lazy stroke that he's left unsatisfied with; but he won't stop you. Don't leave.
He could never even dream of stopping you anyway when you dote on him so perfectly from above, letting his cock slip between your thighs, the cloth barrier providing some nice friction against his dribbling with precum tip; he shouldn't be thinking such nasty thoughts, right? You deserve so much better than that, he thinks. Deserve something...— oh, he can't think properly. Dazed by how nice it feels to have your hips in his grip, his eyes automatically rolling to the back of his head with every pass of your hidden little hole against his cock.
What you deserve doesn't really matter to him right now, not when all he can think about are all the lewd things he wants to do with you, how he yearns to be buried all the way inside of you, to bounce you up and down on his lap until next morning, how he craves for more than anything to have you come apart on his cock and—
"It's okay, Elliott. I feel the same way about you."
And oh, you shouldn't have said that. Or, well, he's happy to hear you say that, but it causes the band in his tummy to finally snap, a flush of lust and hunger to flood his body, senses heightened by your mere presence as his lashes flicker open again to take in the sight of your pretty smile before he hopefully wipes it off your cute little cheeks for tonight. Love it though he may, he wants to have you making that pretty little 'O' face he just knows he can rock out of you instead. Uncharacteristically confident in his abilities as he applies a little more pressure to your hips, aiding your glide up and down on his lap with trembling fingers, shaky sighs escaping him every time your slit slips past his sensitive tip.
But it's unlike anything else he's ever experienced before, literally indescribable. Even this feels too good, a slow, otherwise romantic up and down on his throbbing cock, if not for the way he practically vibrates under you with excitement. Perversion present in how he eye fucks you from below, dragging his vision from your face, imprinting the image of your gently contorting expression as he takes a little more charge of the situation into his mind, travelling his gaze down to your tits and how they gently shake under your shirt, how his throat dries up at the mere sight of them covered like that. And, of course, his vision drops further, right down to between your legs. Catching sight of the way your thighs tremble and shake at his sides, how your arms are stretched out to stabilise yourself on his chest when his help becomes more of a hinderance given how hopeless he becomes for you.
In truth, he doesn't even realise he's doing it until it's too late. Manhandling you into a quicker pace, a snap up and down on his lap to stroke his tip off just the way he likes it. He's far too needy to wait to get his cock out, too lost in how pretty you look on top of him, too far gone in the heavy heat in his mind to pay attention to how unfair he might be acting right now, so uncouth, so he instead takes to rubbing the clothed tip of his cock against your cunt in tandem thrusts. He might be below you, but with the way he's feeling so out of control, lost all restraint to the mere mention of your reciprocated feelings, he's got all of the power, doesn't he?
And the recognition of such imbalance just ruins him. Does him in, so to speak. Strips him of all his gentleman like exterior and renders him utterly useless. Merely acting out of sheer selfish instinct with every buck of his hips against your slit, making sure to hump his cock roughly where he thinks your clit might be; it's difficult to discern not only due to the amount of clothing present, but also because of the unnatural heat coursing through him, an untamed need dictating how hard and fast he fucks up against you, hair a tousled mess beneath him from how eagerly he bucks and writhes in a seeking of more.
An utter mess of a man, completely dishevelled his once proper and appropriate appearance. Shirt all twisted under his wiggling around, dress pants stained sheer from the amount of precum that spills through his boxers— all for you. And the way you so effortlessly ride him out, even if he's putting in most of the work. Your pretty pink cheeks and cute little wobbly thighs; you're too much for him. Great big gasps escaping him at the way you let him use you without complaint, a seed of shame burrowed deep in him encouraging him to continue, to see his degeneracy through— but he's so close already, hyper sensitive for some unknown reason as he dry humps himself to completion.
Which doesn't take much longer, given how hard his chest heaves and how red his cheeks become, huffing and puffing below you with strangled sighs and choked moans, doing his best to listen to every little gasp and groan you let out in response to feeling his cock throb from under you. God, you can probably feel the exact outline from how rock hard he is, right? Thrusting right against your little slit, tip twitching against your clit every time he manoeuvres you down, matching the movement with a fuck upwards and— Oh, he's cumming before he even has a chance to warn you.
His hips don't stop, still yet bucking against your cunt with increasingly sloppy and messy thrusts, spilling a fat load right in his pants like some sort of horny teenager, but God if it doesn't feel good— better than anything before, shooting more seed at the thought of having you ruin him for anything and anyone else from a simple little dry hump; you just feel so perfect against him. Your additional weight squishing down on his cumming cock feels so unfairly nice, his grip on you loosening in favour of letting you milk out the rest of his orgasm for him.
And he's panting even when he's empty, it's almost silly how quickly the fog in his brain lifts and his cheeks are red with embarrassment, not heat. The sticky white inside his underwear causing him to wince a little as you continue to rub around his lap; yet he doesn't stop you. Would never, remember?
"Did you by any chance steal some of the newly grown fruit?" You ask him once his breathing has stabilised a bit, though he still takes a moment to swallow before responding. Avoiding your otherwise gorgeous gaze because he feels the familiarity of guilt creeping down his throat. He didn't make you cum yet, did he? He should probably at least offer that, despite the hesitation at the tip of his tongue.
And like a boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar, a nervous smile tugs on his lips before he responds, body betraying him. He could never hide his true feelings from you even if he tried, huh? "Ah, um... Yes, I— I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have, it's just... They looked so good, and—"
"Hush, it's okay. I think I now know why you couldn't hold back, though."
Oh. Is that so? "...The fruit?"
"Mhm. For the animals. For breeding." You explain, offering him a cheeky wink to have his cock all twitchy again under you, the newfound burn in his lungs once again returning to leave him breathless, but at least understanding.
"Ah." An aphrodisiac, most likely. The moment of clarity soon fading to the back of his mind when you hop off him gently, the sight of you starting to undress prompting him to do much the same. "That'll do it." He muses to himself, struggling with a button on his shirt in the sheer urgency present in his action to undress, cum coated cock begging for freedom when you send him a teasing smirk in return.
"Might as well get some use out of it, right?" You tease, but he finds it easy to agree with you. Maybe acting so vulgar has it's benefits. Namely of which being to see you naked.
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lazyollie · 3 days
\\My opinion about tfp ships\\
Tfp fandom is much bigger than tfa fandom. I can understand it, because It's old, bad animated and has boring story-line. I've already made 'My opinion about tfa ships' so I think It's time to make tfp version of this.
Before I would start let me make it clear. It's my opinion. If you think different, please don't attack me with hate comments. However, I think people who use tumblr are much calmer than most of the people on Tiktok but nevermind..
Optimus Prime x Megatron
Uhh ohh. This is the basic one, which almost everyone ships from the fandom. In my opinion, they could have been something like lovers to enemies.
[Headcanon]: Optimus might've been in love with Megatron when they were just Orion and Megatronus. But the power and fame parted them away and Megatronus started hating him for taking it from him. Maybe that's why Optimus was always compassionate with him because he was still in love with him. He tried to get Megatronus to became lovers/friends again. Until of course when Megatronus started to hurt his loved ones he stopped trying.
I mean I can belive that that's what happening behind the story line.
I absolutely adore them. I mean I can understand why people ship them. They have somekind of dinamic what I can't just ignore. There's something in the background we don't know about that's what I tell you guys.
Optimus Prime x Ratchet
Staying by Optimus there is another ship. The Optimus x Ratchet ship. Well, I'm not really keen on for this ship. I just can't see more into their friendship.
In my opinion, they are perfectly matching with each other's energy. They know each other for so long. Helping to the other is also a plus point.
People have every reason why this might be more than just a friendship. Maybe I just can't see through the show. Please let me know if there are facts I'm missing out. Nevermind. Next.
Arcee x Airachnid
Now to have some females in this blog let's write about this one. I'm really scared of this one.
Airachnid only shows interest for woman in this series (I think). The way she talks with Arcee and touches her few times is absolutely suspicious. She's the closest one to be lesbian.
On the other hand, Airachnid kidnapped her, tortured her, killed her closest friends and caused trauma in Arcee's life. When Airachnid appeared into the series Arcee had a hard time to fight her fears from her.
Arcee hates her with full of her heart, taking away her loved once. I don't think that Arcee after all would love Airachnid. She's confident and not forgiving.
Might Airachnid show love interest towards Arcee. In this situation is sick love or obsession. Also It's not hidden that Airachnid sadistic and only wants to get to her goals.
Totally not supported.
Wheeljack x Ratchet
Oh gosh. My favorite ones. I haven't seen as much ship content of them what I would expect about this ship.
Like the way that Wheeljack's flirty&playful behavier mets with Ratchet grumpy, serious attitude is killig. I mean you know about the grumpy x sunshine type of romantic books.
It has to be a canon ship or else I will explode. I can't imagine Ratchet the old grumpy man with a WOMAN.
Okay, maybe I'm too dramatic but I love them so much. They should have had more screen time together, maybe another mission.
Let's go for the next.
Megatron x Starscream
What the fuck?! Absolutely not for me. Not under my watch. Nuh uh.
To get clear in this point. Megatron is toxic and abusive towards Starscream. Starscream is untrustable and backstabber towards Megatron.
I might miss something out about this. Maybe because language paralel I couldn't understand something. I need facts that would make this ship ship.
I'm more than glad if you would share me secret therories about all the ships or what do you think about some.
Soundwave x Shockwave
[Headcanon]: I think Soundwave is Aroace, Asexual or Aromantic. One of these. Definitely something what starts with an "A".
(It's alright if you think different about the topic.)
We haven't seen anything that would express his personality, interesests or plans. He's hiding his personality so we can't know about how he feels. He doesn't express them in any way. Yeah, we know he's smart and loyal, but what else?
They didn't have any bound during the show. Any action between them. It's like they are strangers or more like workmates for each other.
I don't think that anything is between them.
Knockout x Breakdown
In 2024 I can say this with confidence: they are a canon couple. There's nothing we have to talk about.
If you don't agree, then I can't help it🤷🏻‍♀️
That's all for this post. Uhh, I don't really know what to say. There's still a lot of ships I haven't mentioned.
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ratsummer · 6 hours
So my bestie was telling me the other day about Phantom wanting to practice kissing and I am running away with it!!
It doesn't take long after he's summoned for Phantom to want to kiss his pack mates. Unfortunately, he is a very anxious and not-yet-well-adjusted ghoul, so he agonizes over who to go to for a long, long time. They're all so beautiful, and everyone has been happy to help him, but the thought of kissing them... of being vulnerable in that way... He agonizes over everything that could go wrong for hours on end. After much sleeplessness and pacing around his room with a notebook (Cirrus taught him about decision trees) he finally decides Mountain is the safest bet.
First of all, he sees Mountain kissing literally everyone, all of the time, everywhere. Anyone can see he's good at it. Anyone can see he likes it! Also, both Swiss and Rain have independently confessed to Phantom that Mountain is the best kisser. Mountain has never laughed at him for not knowing how to do something, so he at least almost certainly won't be mean if he thinks it's weird that Phantom hasn't ever kissed anyone. Really, Phantom feels pretty safe that he can walk away from the situation unscathed, no matter which way things go.
So. It's gonna be Mountain. Phantom works up all the courage in his little heart and goes to Mountain's door. When Mountain greets him, he sees a skinny little ghoul (the littlest quint he's ever seen, that might never wear off) clutching his weighted bat stuffy close and barely able to stammer out a hello.
The one thing that Phantom had unfortunately left out of consideration was Mountain's height. Even glamored, the guy towers over him. He's also generally quiet, so he really just has a very consistenly... looming quality to him. Which is fine! So fine! But Phantom is already embarrassed and nervous and this big beautiful ghoul is just looking down at him with his big pretty soft gentle eyes and his sweet lovely smile and it's all so disarming and Phantom is just shrinking in on himself more and more and he can't even say hello to Mountain and he's such an idiot and he shouldn't have come and-
"Hey, snuggle bug, come here. Come back to me."
And, oh. Mountain is kneeling in front of him. He's shorter than Phantom now, but only just barely, and... wow, okay, Phantom can breathe again. And Mountain is just holding his hips and gently squeezing, and his big heavy tail is gently thumping on the ground, and he's still smiling that beautiful soft smile.
It's such a relief to have Mountain holding him that Phantom doesn't realize he's crying until Mountain reaches up to softly wipe his cheeks. And then Phantom is giggling, and his face is so hot, and then he starts crying for real, and he feels so stupid but also so safe. And he apologizes to Mountain over and over, sorry, he doesn't know why he's crying.
And around his gasps and half-stuttered apologies, he finally manages to confess. "I don't even know why I'm crying. I just wanted to kiss with you."
And Mountain is grinning so big and pulling him close, and even though he's on his knees he's somehow still making Phantom feel safe and small. And Mountain nuzzles up under his jaw, and presses a sweet, tiny kiss there. He cups Phantom's cheeks, and tilts his head down so he can press a lingering kiss between his horns.
"I would love to kiss with you, snuggle bug. Should we get in my nest?"
And Phantom can only whine and nod, knuckles white as he clings desperately to Mountain's shirt. He refuses to let go, even as Mountain stands and towers over him once more, stretching Phantom's arms out over his head. Mountain just laughs softly, not mean at all, and grabs Phantom's thighs to pick him up and wrap them around his waist.
Phantom squishes himself as close to Mountain as he can, snuggled up against his chest like a baby bat. He tucks his face into Mountain's neck to breathe in his warm, familiar smell, and wraps his tail tight around Mountain's hips. Mountain is rubbing his back, a deep, rumbling purr rolling through his chest as he closes the bedroom door and turns to his nest.
"Alright, snuggle bug. You're alright. Mounty's got you."
And maybe Phantom's entire body is finally relaxing from being so tense for hours, stressing over whether he should or shouldn't approach Mountain. Maybe his eyes are heavy from crying. Maybe he's finally warm and calm and maybe a big, cozy ghoul is kissing his hair and wrapping a big, cozy blanket around him.
Maybe he can get kisses tomorrow.
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rafyki · 2 days
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 7!
Finally some proper progress for our disaster boys!!
Oh I loved writing this chapter SO MUCH!! And in fact I managed to basically write all 2.7k words today lol I really was in the zone today - this is what percico does to me xD
(@neo-kid-funk, there's something I hope you'll notice here, hehe 👀)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
You can also read it on AO3!!
It was late when Percy got to the beach, late enough that the sun was already down, the red and orange from the sunset already gone from the sky. Late enough that Percy knew it was stupid going there in the hope of meeting a certain pretty goth boy that had been haunting his dreams for the past months.
If he remembered correctly (and he did, he didn’t spend so much time thinking and looking at Nico to not know perfectly well this sort of thing), his shift should have been over almost two hours ago. There was no way he was still at the kiosk.
And yet.
And yet Percy couldn’t help himself - he had arrived home, he had thrown his luggage on the floor, and then he was out of the door again, following the all too familiar path that led him to the beach.
He could feel himself vibrating out of his own skin, knew he probably had the most foolish smile painted on his lips; he was perfectly aware he had probably been smiling like that nonstop for the past three days.
And he really didn’t care one bit. Because Nico had asked about him.
When Annabeth had called him, she had sounded so excited that Percy had known right away it was important - she wasn’t the type to get excited for nothing, but to be perfectly honest, Percy had expected something like her favorite architect was going to finally give a lecture in her university or something; he had not be prepared for what she was about to tell him to make his world shift around its axis (dramatic, yes, but, again, Percy didn’t care).
“Oh my god, Seaweed brain, you might actually have a chance!”, is what she told him, and Percy had been too confused to do more than make a questioning sound in response.
“He asked about you!”, she continued. Percy could almost see her smile through the phone.
His heart leapt in his chest, but he willed it to calm down. Jumping to conclusion just to be disappointed after wouldn’t feel good. It didn’t work, his heart was already too far ahead, running.
“What are you talking about, Annabeth?”
“Your dream boy, Percy! The goth boy from the kiosk! Your Nico!”
And it was really all Percy could do to not let himself fall on the ground and let out a scream like a schoolgirl at her first crush.
“What do mean he asked about me? Annabeth, please, you’re gonna give me a stroke here”.
She laughed at him, but then finally did explain. 
Percy hadn’t stopped smiling since that conversation. Part of him had wanted to get on a plane and go back right then and there just to see Nico. It was so stupid, but what did it matter when it felt so good? Percy felt like he deserved to be stupidly happy about this when he had spent the past few months pining and hoping and dreaming about a boy he sort of wanted to gift the moon to. 
And so, here he was now, feeling like he was walking on a cloud instead of sand. It didn’t matter that Nico most probably wasn’t there, it still felt ridiculously good, because Percy would see him tomorrow anyway, and he couldn’t wait.
Nico had been worried about him, had asked about him. He cared about Percy enough to ask someone he didn’t even know if he was alright.
There was really no possible way to keep the happy smile off Percy’s lips.
The seaside air filled his lungs, and it only made his smile grow bigger. He still threw a glance at the kiosk - it was still open, but as Percy had expected, Nico wasn’t there.
Still smiling, he stopped to take off his shoes and started walking aimlessly around the shore. It always felt good, just walking on the beach, feeling the sand all around him.
He kept walking for a while, his mind inevitably pulled towards the same direction.
And so, when he saw the very object of his daydreams right before his eyes, his first thought was that his imagination was getting a little out of hand. He stopped, looked, blinked, and looked again, thinking his pipe dream would have disappeared. 
But no, it was still there. Still a little further away from where Percy was, but Percy would recognize him everywhere.
Nico was sitting on the shore, just a few feet away from the ocean, knees up and arms around them as he looked toward the horizon.
Percy’s heart lost a beat, stopped completely, then started running and running like it wanted to reach Nico as soon as possible.
He looked so incredibly ethereal in the low light of the dusk, Percy felt his breath get stuck in his throat. 
His feet started moving before he could realize it, and he started walking closer.
Nico had his hair down, and oh, Percy had never seen him with his hair down, he always had it tied up in a ponytail when he was working; it hit him, all at once, that this was the first time he saw him not behind a counter, the first time he could talk to him as just two people (friends? perhaps?) instead of a customer and a retail worker.
It felt important. A huge turning point, somehow.
Nico looked up when Percy was just a few feet away from him, before he could find the voice to greet him.
Their eyes met, and woah, yes, that definitely felt like a turning point.
Nico was looking at him like he was the last person he expected to see, eyes wide and lips parted in surprise. Percy forced himself not to stare, but it was difficult when really the one thing he wanted the most was to just stare and stare and bask in how pretty Nico was. 
“Ehi”, he said, finding his voice again before it started to get awkward. “Hi, Nico”.
A beat, when it seemed it was Nico’s turn to try and get his voice back.
“Percy- hi”.
Percy got closer, sat beside him - a proper, socially acceptable distance, even without a counter in between them. His heart was dancing like crazy in his chest.
“You’re back”, Nico said, then seemed to realize what he said and turned to look away, back at the ocean. “I mean- I didn’t expect to see you”.
He was so cute. Percy wanted to reach out and take his hand, to caress his cheek and feel if it was warm from the blush. Oh he wanted to kiss him so bad he was about to go crazy.
“Me neither”, Percy said. “I got back just a few hours ago, and then came here”. He licked his lips, debating on what to say. ”I missed the beach”.
I missed you, he wanted to say, but the words died on his lips. Now that would definitely be too much.
Nico looked back at him. Percy decided he could allow himself to be just a little daring.
“I’m happy I found you here though”, he said, and each one of his words was accompanied by a somersault done by his heart. He wondered if Nico could see what the smile on his lips meant.
Nico didn’t reply right away, but Percy could see the small smile that came up on his lips, and that helped just a little to calm down his frantic heart.
“Me too”, he said in the end, so low that his words threatened to be taken away by the sea breeze. Percy caught them though, and held them close.
This felt way too heavy to call it a simple crush.
Silence fell between them, and it wasn’t weird exactly, but it wasn’t comfortable either - it was the kind of silence where it’s clear both you and the other person are desperately trying to find something to say; something, possibly, that won’t make you want to bury yourself under the sand out of embarrassment after wording it out loud.
“What are you doing here, by the way?”, Percy ended up saying. “Hasn’t your shift ended like two hours ago?”
Nico looked at him, head tilted to the side in question. “You remember my shift hours?”
Oh, damn.
“Huh, well- I spend a lot of time here?”, Percy said, and it sounded way more like a question than a statement.
Nico laughed, shy and soft, and Percy thought that dying of embarrassment was worth it after all, if it got him that.
“So you know Jason’s shift hours too?”
“Who’s Jason?”
A moment of silence passed when Nico kept looking at Percy. Percy would have given everything to know what he was thinking.
He was ready to go and hide in the ocean when another soft laugh left Nico’s lips.
“Fine, I only remember yours”, Percy said in the end. Oh how he had missed flirting with Nico, how he had missed that pretty smile. 
He looked so good with his hair down, flowing lightly in the soft breeze, Percy wanted to bury his hand in it, wanted to find out what it felt like.
There was just something about Nico, something that made it impossible for Percy to look away, like he was caught in his gravitational field and he couldn’t escape even if he wanted, and he just kept being dragged closer and closer. He was caught in Nico’s orbit, a satellite to his planet.
Nico looked almost regal in the low light, sitting with his back straight as he went back to look at the ocean, a small smile still on his lips. Percy wouldn’t be too surprised to find out he had been a prince in another life.
“I like to just sit here on the beach for a while after I finish at work”, Nico said, cutting Percy’s wandering mind off. “It’s peaceful”.
“I thought you didn’t like the ocean”.
“I never said I don’t like it”, Nico replied, rolling his eyes at him. “I said I don’t like getting into the water. But I like looking at it”.
Percy hummed, thinking about it. “It’s so big - the ocean, I mean”, he said. “Sometimes, I feel like I wanna get lost in it”.
It was probably a weird thing to say; Percy wasn’t sure where the confession was coming from. Somehow, it came natural with Nico.
“Doesn’t it scare you?”
“Sometimes”, Percy replied. “But it’s a good kind of scared, I don’t know how to explain it”.
Once again, silence fell between them. This time though, it was different, a little lighter, a little more comfortable.
Percy let himself get lost in the feeling of being on the beach, of the sea air and salty scent filling his nose and lungs, mixed with the feeling of being so close to Nico, of the warmth he could almost feel coming from him, of his own heart pounding in his chest.
Before he could think about it too much, he got up, stretched a hand out to Nico.
“Come on”, he said.
Nico was looking at him confused, clear questions in his eyes. Maybe he was thinking that Percy was crazy. And, truth be told, Percy did feel just a little crazy at that moment.
“Let’s go in the water”, Percy said. “Not much, just our legs- come on”.
Nico blinked up at him. Percy’s hand was still outstretched towards him.
“Our clothes will get wet”.
“Doesn’t matter, they’ll dry off”.
“It’s a stupid idea”.
“Yeah, but it’ll be nice, I promise”.
A beat, then Nico took his hand. They fit well together, Nico’s hand in Percy’s bigger one. Percy felt the urge to interlace their fingers. He managed to hold himself back, but even once Nico was up, he still didn’t let go.
Nico didn’t either, though, and the realization made Percy’s heart go even crazier than it already had.
He started walking backward, using their joined hands to pull Nico with him, closer and closer towards the water.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you”, he said. He was probably back to smiling like a fool, but what did it matter when Nico was looking at him like that, smiling softly back with a clear blush tinting his cheeks pink? Percy wouldn’t have been able to stop smiling even if he had wanted to.
“Idiot”, Nico murmured, and it sounded so fond, Percy felt his heart melt, merging with the water beneath their feet.
Nico hissed when the water touched his feet and Percy couldn’t help but laugh at him. The way he looked back at him with a frown on his face made him laugh a little more and think that he really, really wanted to kiss it away.
Still, Nico kept going willingly as Percy kept pulling him along, step after step, until the water reached almost up to their knees.
They still hadn’t let go of each other’s hand. Percy didn’t want to be the first one to let go; he hoped Nico was thinking the same thing.
“See, it feels nice, doesn’t it?”
Nico seemed to think about it a little. “It’s cold”.
“That’s not an answer, Nico”.
Again, Nico rolled his eyes at him. “I guess… it’s not that bad”.
“I’ll take that as a win”, Percy said, and laughed.
It really did feel so good, but it probably had more to do with the hand still held inside his than with the ocean itself. Percy could barely bring himself to focus on the water, all of his senses couldn’t feel anything but Nico, his skin against his, the soft look in his eyes and the pretty smile still in place on his lips.
“I will get to teach you how to surf, at some point”.
When Nico laughed, Percy could swear he could feel the sound in his soul. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself now”.
They stayed in the water for another few minutes, then went back to the shore. It was like a silent agreement when they let go of each other's hands, went to get their shoes, and started walking along the shore side by side.
Percy missed the contact already.
They were walking close, close enough that Percy could have easily reached out and took Nico’s hand again. 
“So”, he said, breaking the silence. “Annabeth told me you asked about me”.
Percy loved it when Nico blushed, he liked that it happened so easily. 
“Huh, Annabeth is your friend?”, Nico asked, and Percy nodded. “Yeah, huh. You usually come here pretty often, so when you didn’t come for a whole week, I… got worried, I guess”.
Percy could feel his heart swelling into his chest. 
“That’s nice of you”.
Nico just shrugged, like it was no big deal, like the thought of it hadn’t left Percy laying awake at night for three days straight.
Maybe, just maybe, he could be a little braver tonight.
“Mh, maybe-”, he started, then cleared his throat. “Maybe we could exchange numbers? You know, so you wouldn’t get worried again, you could just ask me. And I could do the same, if you didn’t come to work for some reason”.
Percy could feel each one of his heart’s beats in his ears, so loud he couldn’t hear the sound of the waves anymore.
Until Nico nodded. “Yeah, uhm, that’s a good idea- I’d like that”, he murmured, and took his phone out to hand it to Percy. Percy accepted it and gave him his own, like in a dream.
It felt like a hallucination, putting his number into Nico’s phone.
Now, his mind was all white noises and silent screaming, as they went back to walk, side by side. Percy held onto his phone like a newfound treasure.
When they reached the end of the beach, Percy wanted nothing more than to turn around and just do it all over again. Maybe he could will the time to slow down if he tried hard enough.
“This was nice”, he just said instead.
Nico nodded. “Yeah”, he said, with the prettiest smile on his lips. “See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow”, Percy said back, even though he was sure he would also see him tonight in his dreams.
He waved Nico goodbye, and stayed there looking at him as he walked away.
Oh, this definitely felt way bigger than a crush.
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jesuistrestriste · 17 days
the cuntification of art donaldson: a thesis
in this essay i will —
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ruporas · 4 days
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need to exist in your warmth (id in alt)
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#blood tw#ruporas art#love u when i get to cuddle u and love u when i get to feel ur blood soak into my hands#being this close to one another means the eternal suffering of trying to separate love and mission. love for one and love for humanity#i like to think of pre-vol8 vash as someone who struggles with his feelings for ww bc as equal and as trusted he is -#vash knows his responsibilities and he knows/expects ww wouldn't let him stray from it either. for that he can't take to any romantic incli#and i think itd make him view ww in a stricter non-personal way... If that makes ANY sense.#for ww - take someone who youv gotten close to and ended up liking more than you expected#someone who has a belief and follows it stubbornly - someone who'll get into more fights and trouble more than youv had your entire life#ww thinks of him as a monster but he knows theres a limit he himself can take - i feel like hes considered what might be the limit for vash#for Safety measures. just in case. yknow. whenever he himself might have to load the bullet < him hyping himself up as if he could do it#my point being that the thought of vash being dead crosses his mind more than he'd like. i think its a simultaneous dread drop in his stoma#for failure of the mission - but also an Ok? They can be killed? and also a disastrous gunning of his own heart. considering how much they#both live in their own heads some days are Just the worst ever for them in each others company. but also they lov each other :[ sooo much
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razmerry · 7 months
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can the mediator of vengeanceclan really fall in love with a kittypet?...
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micamicster · 1 year
I just am obsessed with any story that’s about people who love each other but cannot do justice to that love because they have a duty to something else first. That there is something else fundamental and demanding that they must choose over love every time. To be forced to choose one irreplaceable thing over another etc etc
#For Jiang Cheng that’s his responsibility to his sect and to their people#and the burnt and fragile remains of their home#who are all counting on him—an orphaned teenager—to protect and lead them#And as much as he might want to throw that all away to be by his brother’s side#or as much as he might want to help wen qing and wen ning#they can never come first. because first he has to keep his people safe. he can’t put them at risk#no matter how much he loves his brother#he’s not powerful enough yet for taking a stand to do anything other than get his sect burned to the ground a second time#and that turns into him standing in the burial mounds near tears as he tells his brother ‘I can’t protect you anymore’#Which is its own bitter irony because you know wwx is thinking that it’s not his little brother’s job to protect him)#(with no idea how much he already has)#meanwhile for wei wuxian his primary duty is to help the wens#because he protected his brother at an unspeakable cost and his brother protected the sect and they’re going to be fine without him#(who only endangers them more by being around them)#which means now Wei Wuxian’s first and most important duty#is to protect this group of people who have absolutely no one else in the world who will stand with them#So even though it breaks his heart to leave his home and family he has to do what is right#It’s why I liked wen qing so much too. she and jiang cheng understood this about each other#while i don’t think jiang cheng and wei wuxian understand this about each other at all#because jc is standing there like when did i and my sister and our clan stop being your most important#and wwx is like I have already given everything I can give to you and I can only make things worse for you. but these people?I can help them#so i have to help them#as you guys can see. im not doing well#anyway watch black sails#the untamed
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