#i shouldn’t be driving like this
morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie decides that he wants to do a whole Day in the Life of a Middle School Math Teacher thing when Steve gets the go-ahead that Eddie can come talk to his class. Steve thinks that’s dumb because it’s not like he has an interesting life.
The first video in the series starts the night before. Eddie is filming Steve while they get ready for bed (mostly removing the five hundred pillows Steve insists they need
on their bed) while he warns Eddie that these kids are not like The Party. Middle school kids have not developed empathy yet and they’re mean in like, an accurate way. It’s like having 16 to 22 Erica Sinclairs every class period.
It then cuts to the morning where Steve is lecturing Eddie on the do’s and don’t’s. DO encourage students to find safe creative outputs to express themselves. DO talk about your struggles in school and how you overcame them. DON’T tell them about the illegal shit we used to do. DON’T antagonize student athletes and, for the love of god, DON’T climb on the tables. This lecture spans every room in their house as they both get ready.
The second video is filmed inside of seventh grade English teacher, Mrs Casal’s Honda Civic. Steve doesn’t drive anymore and Eddie insisted on joining his teacher carpool, a decision he has come to regret and Patty Casal drives like she wants them all to die. He’s squeezed in the back between Ozzy and another teacher that keeps fussing with his jacket collar.
The whole video is just zoomed in on Eddie’s face while you can hear four middle school teachers telling the most batshit insane stories you’ve ever head. The caption is: Why am I having RV flashbacks?
The third Tiktok is just Eddie filming Steve reviewing the last test with the students before Eddie’s Q&A. The text overlay says, “Why is this so hot?” Hot for Teacher is playing.
Eddie doesn’t actually film his little Q&As with Steve’s classes because it feels weird to film kids he doesn’t know, but a lot of the students do so videos go up on Tiktok of Eddie answering each question sincerely while still maintaining his usual chaotic Eddie charm. A student called his music old and Eddie flipped backwards off his chair, grabbing his chest, “You wound me! Rock n Roll never gets old and it never dies!”
He does talk about the hurtles he had to jump to get into the music industry, how his uncle bought him his first guitar and that he had to teach himself because they couldn’t afford lessons. He talked about school and his three repeats of senior year. He talked about how Dustin and Nancy sat down with him and worked out a way to teach him that actually worked. One student asked why he was with a math teacher when he could be married to a celebrity and Eddie tells them, “Don’t let the dorky sweater fool you. Mr H, over there is a total bad A S S. Coolest guy I’ve ever met. He’s saved my life.”
Someone does try to ask about the murder allegations but Steve shuts that down so fast no one dares to try again. It gives Eddie the worst case of heart eyes ever seen by man.
Steve’s class before lunch asks Eddie if he wants to eat with them and he says of course. It’s only by good fortune that one of the students catch on video Steve calling ‘Mr Munson’ back to his desk and then tells Eddie that if he climbs on a table, Steve will give him detention.
Eddie does, in fact, stand on the tables. He gives a big dramatic lecture about forced conformity but instead of talking about jocks and basketball, he talks about instagram and Tiktok and how it’s constantly hounding kids into looking a certain way, acting a certain way, and it’s destroying creativity. And that’s what’s killing the kid’s.
And Steve does, in fact, walk into the cafeteria mid-way through this speech. He lets him get through the important bits before calling out for Edward Munson to get off the table.
Someone post this whole speech on Tiktok and Eddie duets the video from detention because Steve was not kidding.
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sophfandoms53 · 8 months
I think one of the weirdest thing to me about Helluva Boss is how they keep proving that Striker is right but at the same time they refuse to let Striker himself be right.
Someone on twitter pointed out that in Oops Striker talks about it being an embarrassment to imp kind that Fizz is a purse-dog to his over-bloated master, and then, while Striker might’ve been referring to Ozzie (although the use of over-bloated makes me wonder if he truly meant Mammon), the entirety of the next episode is all about Fizz saying fuck you to Mammon (his master) and quitting his job because he doesn’t wanna be exploited or abused anymore.
And this just reminded me how in the first season they had Striker say to Blitz “Starting with the one that treats you like a plaything.” about Stolas’ treatment towards him in Harvest Moon and then in Truth Seekers (the next episode) they literally had Stolas say “Who dare threaten my impish little plaything.”
I don’t know if this parallel is on purpose but that’s twice now where in back to back episodes in each season Striker has a made a point about the hierarchy in his episode and then the following episode goes out of its way to prove his point.
I just think it’s odd how they prove that he is right in other character’s storylines but in Striker’s own storyline he’s like not allowed to have a win despite everything around him saying he should.
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(cw I’m being very blunt)
Maglor’s argument against the oath, popular in fandom, is insanely controversial in context.
we do not have a modern equivalent of the cultural importance of oaths. Historically, your honour was as prized as your virtue. Say ‘oathbreaker’, say ‘prostitute’. It has a similar shame.
This is foreign to us. Saying ‘break your oath’ is like saying ‘fuck your brother’. It is the same level of taboo.
Understanding the context is so vital in understanding the oath and its nature, and personal compulsion for fulfilment. Don’t purport to analyse the oath of Feanor in junction with morality without discussing the morals of the time.
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tired-and-swaggy · 1 month
if you think chappell roan is a “diva” for wanting personal space and respect in public, you’re absolutely crazy.
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overtake · 6 months
Some f1 fans cannot handle being reminded that this is a competitive sport, not daycare. Sometimes people have to do things that will hurt a driver’s feelings, seem unfair, or piss off other competitors when there’s points and millions of dollars on the line. You can still be disappointed and upset without acting like the decision made on objectively sound sporting reasons requires a trip to the hague. If you cannot handle that this sport is not actually hair braiding and gentle parenting when push comes to shove, you might enjoy another hobby better.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 8 months
just realized that i’m gonna legally be an adult in just over a year,,,,, that can’t be right,,,,,,,, i swore i was 12 yesterday,,,,,,,,
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neververy4 · 29 days
Sat at the computer for 35 minutes fighting with Linux Mint to mount a internal hard drive. It showed up when listing drives, but FSTAB didn’t see it
Read through three different forum threads, fighting with terminal commands that did nothing, everything from “sudo mount” to “sudo nemo /etc/fstab” and manually adding in my drive. Eventually I saw someone’s comment “Man I hate the DISKS utility”. Went to search my programs, found the DISKS utility, and I got my drive mounted in 3 seconds
Man, I hate linux users. Just say right from the start “Try this way first”. All I had to do was open the Disks utility and set the drive to auto mount. I didn’t even need to restart the computer it just worked
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nashdoesstuff · 2 months
ship discourse my beloathed
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qprpbj · 2 months
plssss elaborate on the teen parents cherry cola thing i love them sm i like Need to hear about this.
welllll me and @mishapen-moth have joint custody over this au but imagine a universe where sandy’s baby IS actually sodas and. very long story short he gets full custody of her & raises her as a single parent till he reconnects with cherry a few years in the future and cherry clicks w soda AND w his toddler and it’s justtttt very cute sweet vibes 💕💕💞💘
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tonguetyd · 3 months
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lady-grinning · 2 months
I had a first driving lesson and it was.. bad.
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jackalhadrurusluvr · 4 months
things may suck but at least there are faggots
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designernishiki · 2 years
just got to that part in kiwami where majima gets shot and falls into the fucking ocean and kiryu just. goes. eh he’ll be fine. and leaves him to fucking bleed out and/or drown. and oh man. that sure was Bad and Out Of Character. like that was so out of character it was actually jarring
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pussymasterdooku · 7 months
another day another medical malpractice…the allie experience!
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slowdesire · 6 months
considering dating apps again even if realistically i can never use them. bumble is the devil bumble is the mind killer. i must allow myself to wallow in the grief of yearning
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idsb · 7 months
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