#i should probably relax on it but. yolo :)
possum-tooth · 1 month
being high is so great
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hurlumerlu · 19 days
Collect Call
a short, mature-to-explicit Sand/Ray(/Nick) fic where Sand & Ray are interrupted by a phone call, again. (Nick has a question.)
Sand’s just managed to situate himself when his phone starts lighting up with text after text, then ringing stubbornly. Trying to keep the jostling to a minimum, he grabs it with a curse: he needs to shut this thing up for an hour, if not forever. It’s that or throwing it out the window.
Ray, who has no compunction about the jostling, immediately whisks the phone from his hands.
"Wait, babe, it’s Nick! You should answer him." He doesn’t sound the slightest bit dazed, Sand must have been doing it wrong.
"Ray", he points out, patiently. "I am inside you."
"Really? Hadn’t noticed."
Just for that Sand thrusts in deep, soothing his pride with the stuttered little "o" of Ray’s lips.
"Saaaaand, come on! It’s nothing he hasn’t heard before. Call him back, I wanna say hi."
Sand sighs, tries to count to ten and gives up at five.
"Fine. But you’ll owe me."
He presses the dial icon, ignoring Ray’s smirky "owe you for what, he’s your friend, not mine." Nick picks up immediately. There’s music playing in the background.
"Hey Nick, what’s up? Do you mind if I put you on speaker?"
"Not at all, why? Is Ray there?"
"Hi Nick!" Ray trumpets. You can hear the heart sticker in his voice.
"Hi Ray. Sorry to interrupt."
"You" - of course that’s the moment Ray choses to wiggle down. Sand’s groan is mostly exasperation. "You didn’t. Interrupt."
"Oh, I see. Good, then! Look man, I need your advice. Ray’s too, of course."
Ray points two thumbs up, mouthing back "of course" so Sand pats his flank and drawls "he’s happy to be included. What is it, buddy?"
"Well, you know how I said I would probably drop by to see Boston, since I was going to New York?"
"We haven’t fucked, man, relax. I’m being good."
Ray snickers, presumably at the face Sand made. "How is he?" he calls to Nick.
Sand decides to start moving in tiny, shallow waves. He’s not being possesive, he just hates that Ray refuses to admit he and Boston used to fuck, even after Sand fessed up about the mutual handjob in YOLO’s men bathroom that one time.
"He’s good, he’s good," Nick answers. "Great actually. Like, thriving. And, uh, the evening was really nice, we went for drinks and all, and when he started chatting this guy up I didn’t feel weird about it, was just having fun watching him turn on the charm, you know how he gets -" Ray only moaned to be a tease (he could stand to be a little less artless about it, honestly), but Nick chirps "exactly!" and continues, unbothered, "so like I said, really nice evening, but then Boston and the guy went to finish it behind the bar, and Ton turned to give me a look and I, uh, I..."
"You?" Sand prompts, helpful.
"I think he wanted me to follow and listen."
"Yeah," Ray replies. "Duh."
"So what’s the problem here, Nick?" Sand does try to be a good friend. He does.
"Well, it’s just… isn’t that a little bit, like… unethical?"
Sand doesn’t respond, too submerged by the sad realization that Nick came to them for advice on ethics. Ray seems delighted.
"Aww, Nicky," he coos. "Nick. Nickyboy. I salute your efforts toward bettering yourself, but when people fuck in backalleys they do not give a shit about eavesdroppers. Right, Sand?"
"Shut up," Sand mutters, but Ray brightly pushes back: "Right?"
"I mean", Nick ponders, miles and miles away. "I guess so. Yeah, I guess you're right. "
"I am."
"Yeah, no, you are. I should go."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sand asks, because one of them has to think with his upstair brain. "Won’t it bring back bad memories?"
Nick hums. Sand can picture him, alone at a dimly lit table, lost in thoughts. Can also picture his grin going all dopey when he counters "They weren’t all bad, though. Thanks guys, call you back later, have fun. "
"Nick -" Sand closes his eyes as the line goes dead. This time, he only bothers counting to three. "They’re definitely going to fuck by the end of the week."
"Try the end of the night. Listen, it’s fine, they’re big boys. Enough about them. Where were we?"
"I don’t know", Sand smiles, palms pressing down on Ray’s hips. "Where?"
"Hm? It can’t have been that important if I answered the phone."
"You’re gonna regret that," Ray laughs, pouts, threatens - Sand bends down to kiss him. He likes his odds.
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update on Yoongi ranter (somehow not me????)
Hey wiyllt. Thank you for responding! <3
It did make me feel better to write out my feelings. Honestly I am glad in a way that it happened. As you said, now I know the kind of people they are. Now its time for me to accept that and move on with my life. The people that are meant for me will stay and the rest will go. That's life. Its hard, yeah but whatever.
I don't think I will bring this up with them tbh. Its not worth it because it already happened. And I am going to be mature about it. If they did have any malicious intent then wouldn't they feel better about themselves if I tell them how hurt I am? Anyways, whatever. That's in the past now. I am not over it but I will be soon.
As for you being crazy, who said I'm not crazy too? LMAO After reading your response I went immediately to book my flight to Korea and book a hotel and all that but then I remembered the absolute PAIN it is to get tickets to Korean shows. I am crazy but I don't think I am crazy enough to spend all that money and risk not getting tickets XD will probably look into the other Asian shows hmm
But seriously thanks for responding. I appreciate it. You're like the older sister I never knew I needed LMAO we're probably the same age
We should probably plan a girls trip to Korea (I'm joking or am I) I'll be your personal translator lmao
I also think that you're such a cool person. Genuinely, you always respond so well to everyone on your blog. Its truly amazing.
Anyways I have my last final next week! I can't wait. Time to relax and get back on track with my mental health. Nothing a little BTS can't fix. Am I right?
okay bye bye~
Japan is my first destination I need to visit but Korea is definitely next, so I might actually take you up on that HAHAHA
Sometimes it's worth saying something and sometimes it's more worth to let these kinds of things roll off your back. Besides, there are other things to put your energy towards. Last final next week... hunting for a good resale ticket... But even if you don't get a ticket, you can watch the Seoul concert online (livestream tix not out yet but they will be).
Or you can do it big once BTS tour again in the future - go all out! YOLO, right???? XD that was cringe sorry
Good luck on this last sprint to the finish line! And good luck to everyone also in their finals season or, heck, just hanging out and living. Everyone could use a little extra boost of happiness. Get that extra treat (not too many, keke).
Glad you're feeling much better. You can always DM me in the future to chat or to celebrate your big wins. :)
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dameronswife · 4 months
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There were several ways of pulling Poe Dameron out of his head, but Nyamié had found that thrusting a cup of caf under his nose succeeded the most often.
Word Count: 878
Tags/Warnings: hurt/comfort, implied past toxic relationship with family, poe getting in his head a bit about things <3
A/N: now you're probably wondering "nym, don't you have an oc with poe already" which. yeah i do. but i've been toying with making a resistance era oc for a while, and came up with Nyamié. so this is me kind of testing the waters for her.
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There were several ways of pulling Poe Dameron out of his head, but Nyamié had found that thrusting a cup of caf under his nose succeeded the most often.
So, after spying him ruminating alone in the rec room, that's what she did, along with a plate piled high with stolen pastries. "Credit for your thoughts, Dameron?”
Poe, who initially startled at the clatter of the dishes, relaxed as he realized who it was. "I think I should be the one giving you a credit," he said, eyes twinkling as he picked up the mug to take a sip. “Nope, I definitely owe you at least five credits. Force, this is good.”
“Nubian café's loss, the Resistance's gain," Nyamié said cheerfully, dropping down into the seat opposite of Poe. Popping one of the sugar dusted snacks into her mouth, she continued, “Seriously though - you're brooding.”
Poe fixed her with a stern look. "I do not brood."
Nyamié pinched her stained fingers together. "You brood a little bit. It's just that nobody notices.”
Reaching for a pastry himself, Poe couldn't help but ask, "Yeah? And how come you do?”
She gave a little shrug. "I don't know. You just don't seem like that big of a mystery to me - you get quiet and your face, especially around your eyebrows, gets pinched. It's a dead giveaway.”
Not to anyone but you - well, you and Leia.
Poe shifted slightly, looking around the room; it was largely empty, unsurprising given the late hour, but unfortunate because it meant Poe couldn't get away from Nyamié’s question.
“Just - thinking,” he said, faltering when he glanced back to find Nyamié licking her fingers clean. 
Apparently oblivious to his reaction - though Poe thought it was something of a performance, because Nyamié’s lips twitched slightly - she continued, “I hear that's dangerous.”
“General wants me to try it more, what can I say?”
Nyamié rolled her eyes, fond, then said softly but with emphasis, “Poe.”
His shoulders slumped; there were few things in the galaxy that could get him to cave quite as quickly as the sight of her big brown eyes, her quiet but fiery understanding. “Been thinking about the search for Tekka.”
Nyamié leaned forward, putting her chin in her hand. “What about it?”
Here, he hesitated again but — but it was just the two of them, and Nyamié was many things but judgmental wasn't one of them. “Do you think Skywalker will be enough to make a difference?”
Her eyebrows lifted. “I thought you believed in the Jedi?”
“I do but…but the Senate hasn't listened to Leia, hasn't listened to any of the former Alliance members: why would Luke make any difference?”
“Luke’s a Jedi, that'll give people hope.”
“I’m not sure turning one man into a symbol of hope is enough to get people to take the First Order seriously,” Poe said, turning one of the pastries over in his hand. He had no idea where Nyamié scored them, but he'd learned long ago sometimes it was better not to ask.
Nyamié pursed her lips. “I think it will. I mean - you know better than anyone how well it can work. Remember how many recruits we got after Suralinda posted that propaganda poster Yolo made of you?”
Poe made a face. “That was a ridiculous poster.”
“I thought you looked dashing in it actually,” Nyamié admitted sheepishly. “But my point is, people need someone to show them how to fight back sometimes, to remind them that they can be brave.”
“I know that, I just -” Poe sighed, leaning back in his chair - “I don't understand why Leia isn't enough.”
Nyamié’s expression softened, before screwing up with irritation. “I don't know either. It isn't fair, she's -” she stopped abruptly, that now familiar panic of I said too much, so Poe reached over the table to take her smaller hand into his, a silent encouragement to continue, and with a deep breath, Nyamié did - “she's still here, Luke…isn't. I don't understand how he could have left, could have left his sister. Family is supposed to help each other, protect one another…”
Poe squeezed her hand, trying to draw her away from the memories he could tell were pulling her under. It seemed to work, clarity flashing in her eyes as she refocused on him. 
“I don't know,” he admitted. “I don't because I can't imagine walking out on this, not until it's over.”
Nyamié’s brow furrowed. “I can't imagine even after that. I don't want to go back home.”
Poe looked up, alarmed. The very idea of her returning to her family was like a vibroblade through his gut, sent a chill through the very core of him. “You won't have to.”
“How can you be so sure?”
His lips upturned into a warm smile. “Because you said it yourself. Family protects each other. I won't let them take you back.”
Nyamié’s eyes began to shimmer as her face lit up, and she ducked forward, pressing a quick kiss to Poe's knuckles. “Maybe that’ll be what makes the difference in the end.”
She smiled back at him. “The Resistance. We're there for one another. I think that's what will make the most difference: in Skywalker, and in the galaxy. We just need to remind them.”
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
Another post on Moon signs you can drag me for
Before we get into the actual thing, I'd like to say this post initially started as something else but ultimately, what I tried to put across is, sometimes Moon signs aren’t that easy to decipher. It’s easy to grasp overall characteristics of the signs and then learn how to identify their specific traits. But what people seem to forget it that Moon represents the deepest side of us & our inner world - it’s uncommon to really see someone’s side of it unless you really pay attention. Sometimes I’m surprised to see what someone’s Moon sign is even if I know this person well. Meaning, people usually hide that part of them - or they just simply process it internally and others can’t see their emotional reactions. It’s also uncommon for folks these days to fully express their emotional needs so it gets even trickier to pin-point their Moon characteristics. I don't think I have to mention this but, of course, your entire chart should be taken into account, as well as house placement, aspects. Personally, I like to also look at Moon's dispositor.
Let’s start from my friends, Gemini Moons, who, I feel, get a bad rep for not showing their feelings and scanning every emotion like an AI. Nah-ah. I know this one Gemini Moon whose immediate emotional reactions aren’t very cerebral in the sense of processing everything in the mind and intellectualizing it aka, what people like to label as being un-emotional. Instead her reactions are often fast (air energy) but physically expressed through Mercury (Gemini Moon’s dispositor) and Sun (overall identity) – she has them both in Aries. She’s a crybaby who can burst into tears in a matter of seconds. So she’s not something that would stereotypically be assigned to a Gemini Moon. But what I did notice is that all Gemini Moons tend to have this weird look on their face when they’re processing stuff. As if they were about to have a brain malfunction; they stop and have that specific worried look. They also like to either gossip or tell stories (either real or made up lol); they’re great with words - they can talk for hours if they feel comfortable with you. They just crave interaction and mental stimulation. Their quick reactions tend to make them effortlessly witty. Even if they’re a withdrawn Gemini type, they make up for it through social media and technology or just a quiet exploration. My shy Cancer pal with Moon in Gemini is now a brand/website designer and an instagram queen who travels the world. This is great energy for content creators in general. And don’t forget that Geminis need to have their fingers in many pies. It’s because they always have a backup plan… and they get bored easily so they need that chaos around them to feel at home. They like to have options in everything, which is kind of funny cause it’s hard for them to make up their minds and actually choose something. And they store a lot of information in their brains… I feel like it must be exhausting, no? 
On the other side of the axis, whenever I see someone with a Sagittarius Moon, I can immediately say “yup, a Sag Moon indeed” (probably thanks to my Sag stellium), meaning, they all seem the same to me. Sag Moons often find comfort in exploration - best if it’s literal travel. They always seem to need to free themselves from their surroundings, family, roots or their own culture to discover something new and exciting, even if it’s only in the imaginary words - through books, movies and other medias. Their happiness always lies somewhere else from where they currently are. Like, I think all Sagittarius Moons that I know have left their parents and went their own paths early on. And they have this yolo attitude. Just like Sagittarius Suns, they’re massive dorks, probably also obnoxious… sometimes in a REALLY annoying way. They’re either a) very wise and curious b) lil preachy and stuck up c) just plain dumb clowns with no filter. But they’re all funny. And they take things lightly, with a natural ease. This means sometimes they may offend other people just because they assume everyone’s as chill as they are; „relax! I was just kidding!” - that’s a phrase you’ll hear from them often… I mean, unless you’re a jokester yourself and you’re unmoved by their sarcastic or teasing words. They have somewhat spiritual or philosophical nature so besides making you laugh, be prepared for deep monologues. They want to believe everything will eventually fall into place. It’s also hard to bring them down - or I should say, it’s hard to make them acknowledge that they're feeling down - they always try to distract or cover it up with a joke, usually a self-depricating one. If Sagittarius Moon (or Sagittarius in general tbh) is telling you that they’re unhappy, then it’s serious.
I’ve noticed there comes a point in life for a Libra Moon where they just have enough. They’re too nice for everyone and one day they wake up and yell about how they have to do everything for everyone and everyone wants something from them and bLah bLah. Makes me think of when Bieber was this overly nice kid and then he was like “I’M NOT TAKING PICTURES WITH FANS ANYMOREEEE AAGhJFJFUWIUq”. Yup, a Libra Moon, everyone. They know how to charm and appeal to people, I think overall they’re easily liked by others. Sometimes it’s simply because they like to kiss people’s ass just to avoid being rejected. That’d be a Libra Moon’s nightmare. They like other people’s company too much. And they thrive in relationships and in a big circle of friends. What they hate is confrontations (like every other Libra placement omg). They may be good mediators when it comes to other people but if they’re involved in an argument they get sooooo passive aggressive. They just don’t know how to handle conflicts - it’s as if their nervous system wasn’t designed for emotional outbursts (because, you know, everything needs to be peaceful and harmonious Venus-style). A fussy or angry Libra Moon will suddenly get loud as they blame someone for something… and then they’ll leave the room cause they’re scared to even hear the other side of the argument. Or, alternatively, they’ll make a doormat out of themselves just to stay quiet and avoid causing any rift. And making decisions? I think it’s common for them to have two different romantic interests and feeling so dramatically torned between them *Alexa play Agony from Into the Woods*. Then when they decide, they have problems breaking the bad news to one of them.
On the other end we have Aries Moons. *deep breath* Listen, I think I’ve said enough about having Moon in Aries (or rather purely dissing it) but last time it made a bit of controversy so why not wreak even more havoc. I have a good description for this one: I will punch you but be gentle with me cause it’s easy to break my fragile heart. So basically, imagine putting Buttercup and Bubbles into one person. And honestly, I need to say this, women with this placement are just hot badasses, look at friggin Angelina Jolie. The queen of badass. The queen of hot. People say because Aries folks move quickly (literally and figuratively lol), they often get bored with whatever got them excited last week... or yesterday. Ha, yeah, right. You get their heart to open up and they’re going to have their eyes for you ONLY, like a lil puppy. Give us treats and we’ll build our world around you. But NOT in a clingy way by any means, we need our space and independence after all. My lil niece is an Aries Moon and ever since I started playing guitar with her, she became my #1 fan or something. That’s the energy. But we get easily bored with day-to-day stuff so yeah, there’s that. Innocent and clumsy yet raw in their emotions - so there’s potential to make mistakes sometimes (or a lot of times) or having this tunnel vision, like „I want this and I don’t care about anything else!”. And then excusing it with some „but the heart wants what it wants” crap (looking @ ya, Selena Gomez). They experience constant inner movement and turbulence that needs a physical outlet in order to feel satisfied. WE NEED PASSION IN OUR LIVES, OKAY?!?!?? now leave me alone
Aquarius Moons aren’t as cold as you might think. People like to describe them as if their Moons actually disappeared from their charts: dEtaCheD, uNeMotiOnaL, tHey fEeL nOtHinG. It’s just they don’t sit and dwell on things, they find solutions to the problems. If something doesn’t make them feel right, they just leave that situation. They do care about other people’s well-being, they’re very sensitive in that regard, they’re humanitarians after all. Yeah, they detach, but from their own emotions - in order to make sense of them. They may seem like snow queens sometimes (and this comes from an Aqua rising) but they’re really friendly and if you pique Aqua Moon’s interest, they’re going to be curious about you. They like new exciting things so if you’re cool enough, you have their attention. Usually they’re pretty progressive as well and can’t stand injustice. That’s why you’ll see them standing up for those who are in need. Uranian energy gives them a specific type of sharp intuition and wit. Idk they’re just cute in a quirky way. But this buzzing, fast energy is a great recipe for anxiety, over-thinking and frequent changes of heart. Similarly to Sadges, they need constant exploration and stimuli. Intelligent, people-oriented (but not people-pleasing! Look to Libras for that), individualistic. They definitely need their own space and independence. Their decision-making is fast and it’s easy for them to just say „screw it, I’m doing this”. My Aquarius Moon friend just casually decided that she’s moving to Turkey cause nothing in our city (or even country) seems interesting or helping her expand… So she was like, see ya suckers, I’m leaving.
Leo Moons shine from within. You’ll spot them from a mile away even if they’re on the shyer side. They’re all lil stars no matter their profession. Very expressive people & easily excitable. Art galleries, live shows, theater - they love a creative environment even if they don’t pursue that lifestyle themselves... One of my Leo Moon friends is an art junkie – suggest taking her to an obscure play at the local bar, a music festival, a weird museum – she’ll say yes in the blink of an eye. And she loves discussing these things. A Leo Moon may not see themselves as artistically inclined, but usually sooner or later they at least try dipping their toes in music, arts, acting, dancing... you name it. They’ll learn a simple 3-chord song on a ukulele and then play it to you in excitement. Imagine a lil kid making you a puff piece and being super proud of it. Sometimes they just need some encouragement. Remember, Leos feed off of praise, that’s their fuel. Doesn’t mean they’re all proud, egotistical people but what it does mean is that they need a lil assurance to gain their self-confidence. I lived with a Leo Sun/Moon for almost 15 years (who’s a musician btw so yeah, a classic creative Leo type) - he did have some issues lol but ego wasn’t one of them. Drama followed him everywhere but I’m pretty sure he disliked it himself. BUT, with that being said, I feel like Leo Moons tend to dramatize themselves internally. People say it’s something Virgos or Geminis would do - because of their tendency to overthink, but Leos can just go straight to a worst-case scenario in their heads simply because they exaggerate everything. So don’t be surprised to see a Leo Moon feeling down and anxious. On the bright side, be their cheerleader and they’ll give that to you in return. They need sparks and dullness kills their upbeat spirit. They need to feel their own heartbeat so the feeling of excitement is crucial for their well-being. Romantic, giving and kind. They’re fixed fire so once they’re set on something or someone, they give their all and are rather loyal.
I feel like my chart low-key tells me I should dislike Taurus Moons but I just want to melt in their arms and just stay there? Like, forever? Low maintenance but a bit slow-moving and stubborn. They won’t settle easily, at least not officially, so you need to have a lot of patience with them. They need 3 things to feel secure and at peace: physical stimuli, time and a stable place they know they can always come back to. And it’s not like all of them are total lazy homebodies, they may be active spirits & travellers but they are going to have a reallyyyyy nice cosy flat somewhere near their childhood place (gotta be be close to their moms, you know). Not necessary materialistic but they may have one thing that they collect throughout their entire life and they won’t. ever. get. rid. of. it. There needs to be at least one constant in their life - like you know when Elton John decided to go to therapy but one thing he stuck to was shopaholism? Very Taurus Moon of him. Also, they’re very affectionate. In fact, may have issues differentiating between affection and passion - this is actually something Taurus Moon and Aries Moon have in common. Pro tip - and this is in regard to all Taurus placements - don’t smell bad when you’re around them (I mean, don't smell bad in general, no one likes stinky people lol). They have a sensitive smell. Doesn’t help that they like to smell everything. EVERYTHING. I swear, Taurus, stop sticking your nose in every single thing!!! You don't need to know how that piece of utensil smells like. Jeez.
Scorpio Moon (shoutout to those who remember me accidentally calling them sporpio last time I made a post on Moons lol). I honestly don’t know what to tell you... I feel like all you hear about Scorpio Moon is 100% true, there’s nothing to debunk here. It’s the Moon of extremes. Prone to jealousy and surpressing emotions; severe trust issues; they’re instigators. I was low-key bullied by a few Scorpio Moons when I was in school so there’s that. Very secretive and private. Scorpio Moon will be like “I’m in control of the situation!!!!” and you’ll just look at them and think, yeah, right, looks like the situation is controlling you. But keep being in denial, sure. Like, don’t get me wrong, Scorpios in general can be TOTAL SWEETHEARTS OMG but ya’ll have issues. Even celebrities who have this placements... Think Beyonce or Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus... I feel like they have issues lol, especially with control and the need for everything to be perfectly the way they want it to be. To be fair, that’s probably why they’re all so influential and high status: it’s either their way or highway. They need constant reinvention; they’re the ones to wake up one day and decide they’re going through a spiritual awakening blah blah. They also like to talk about dark and shocking topics while having casual lunch with you... So like, be warned that you may end up with a depressed mood after talking to them for 10 minutes. And their mood swings... don’t even get me started on that.
I don't know where to start with Virgo Moons... I feel like they're very calculated and nit-picky but they're a lot warmer than Virgo Suns. I think I called them softies in my last Moon post. Very sweet people but prone to anxiety. You gotta experience seeing them having a heart attack over someone mixing bananas with milk or messing with their stuff that’s been put in a perfect arrangement. I saw a Virgo Moon once literally squealing shouting "YOU'RE GONNA RUIN YOUR LAPTOP WITH THAT SUPERGLUE!!!" Highly entertaining to watch, not gonna lie. Gordon Ramsay has his Moon in Virgo - it’s conjunct Uranus and Pluto so that’s an extreme but I think him being fed up with people over small inconsistencies in their food prep is a perfect example of this energy (btw his chart is hilarious, it literally explains EVERYTHING). They're VERY picky with their food as well, just as Virgo Suns tend to be. Like, they’ll only have a specific type of single origin coffee or they’ll be vegan or something. Self-critical over their work, which is a plus... except for when finishing a simple task takes them a few hours because they want to make it perfect. They take everything seriously. This of course doesn't mean they're total bores - on the contrary, Mercurial energy gives them witty approach and a talent for choosing the right words at the right time. Tho they can be a bit awkward or shy with it. Can be as bubbly as Gemini but the grounded earthy energy gives them more practical and almost nurturing nature - earth signs are providers after all and Virgo is the sign of service - helping others is like their second nature. I’ve noticed they often find comfort in devoting themselves to a choosen task - this is why if they pursue something, they’re really good at it. They’re also very likely to dissect their emotions.
I’m not a fan of water Moons in general but Pisces Moon is the best water Moon in my opinion. Maybe because I like Pisces overall. I think it’s like a tweaked Sagittarius Moon - just more internalized, withdrawn & gloomy. But unlike Sag, who has a tendency to be an adventurous optimist, Pisces likes to focus on the negatives instead. Obviously, they can be very upbeat, they’re Jupiter-ruled after all, but there’s somehing whiny about them lol. Just like Sadges, they dream big and have their standards put up sooo high but if there's not much active energy in their charts, they’re often too passive to actually fullfill any of that - or I should say, they’re stuck daydreaming about it, believing it’ll just magically manifest for them... OR they do everything with an apathetic approach. What I do like about them is that they’re funny. And really chill - sometimes to the point of coming off as confused or hazy. I feel like a lot of them would just love to sleep all day... or sit by the lake and just think about the world. Most of them are also compassionate folks - again, maybe a bit too much. Hey Pisces, you don’t have to take everything to heart, it’s okay. On the bright side, they have big imagination and the ability to disconnect and just create. I have a few Pisces Moons in the family: one’s that sleepy artistic type with grand visions, one is an asshole-ish but funny entrepreneur with a questionable work ethic and one is a witty IT guy who’s actually a workaholic and likes to shut in his own world of computers and numbers or whatever he does there... So there’s this factor of tunnel vision, escapism and, on the more negative side, being kinda iffy and almost addicted to the way they want things to be. Once they set their eyes on something it’s done deal…
My issue with Capricorn Moons is that they're often trying to be sooooo mature omg, like, loosen up a bit. It usually starts when they're in their later teens... They can be the most rebellious kid that likes to have fun and suddenly they'll be like "I'm too old for this ugh grow up" *judgmental stare*. My 18-year old niece once literally roasted my sister that she's in her 30s and still doesn't have her own place (well so do I so I guess she also indirectly roasted me as well???). And she was SO deadpan with it. Because she herself wants to be independent and start a family before turning 25. This is classic Capricorn Moon energy. They suck out joy out of everything lol. Of course, OF COURSE, it depends on the whole chart but I feel like worst-case scenario is that at one point in their life (or maybe even a few times throughout it) they go through a massive shake-up that makes them change their attitude and re-evaluate their structures. There's this multi-instrumentalist Yvette Young - she's a sweet, funny Cancer/Leo mix but her Moon is in Capricorn. She used to be a competitive pianist but the pressure that was put on her has led her to severe health issues. Like yes, she’s now an extremely talented musician - thanks to family’s expectations & a rigid schooling system (Saturn) but it did cost her a lot. She has recovered since then but I think it's a perfect example of this energy. It’s very ambitious and hardworking but emotionally demanding in the sense that you have to actually put your emotions aside in order to deal with the rest. Another thing, because Moon can be associated with family, there's often a weird dynamic surrounding this topic. I don't think I've met a Capricorn Moon that had a completely healthy and happy relationship with their fam or one of the family members. Or, alternatively, there can be a strong bond between one of them but usually created in the atmosphere of hardships.
Last but not least, Cancer Moons. I had three school friends with this placement and all of them made this sad, whiny face as they said „oh I don’t knoooow anymoreee”  when they were feeling torned or frustrated. To be fair, two of them are water Suns so for them, it added to the mushyness. All Cancer Moons I know are family people or better yet, baby people. One of those school friends is now a guidance counsellor, working with kids; the other turned her instagram into a gallery of her own child after she gave birth. So much kid content, omg. There’s also something very indecisive about them… or I should say, hesitant. They’re not very fast at making decisions. Also, what’s interesting, they’re kind of like walking libraries, they remember a lot – so they store a lot of information in their brains just like air signs but they process it in a completely different way – emotional, obviously. I think this also makes them hold grudges a lot. For them it’s more of a question of „how does it make me feel?” rather than „how valid is it?”. There’s certain stubborness in them in that regard because they don’t keep their minds open. It’s also hard for them to walk away from people and situations, like a crab pinching you with its claws – it won’t let go. Sensitive but not easy to open up; very protective of themselves and their loved ones & they tend to shut down in their crab shells. But they may crave connection and the feeling of belonging. Also very caring and with a big imagination. They’re very receptive of their environment so mood swings are a thing for them.
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pivsketch · 2 years
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zipper trouble...
another timelapse/art rambling under the cut, probably needs an epilepsy warning for when i start workin on those sleeve stripes tho. i tried making a brush instead of just manually drawing them and my undos caused a lot of rapid flickering
mostly just on one layer except for that initial midgray jacket fill-- felt like itd be a dumb idea to just bulldoze my sketch lines so soon. by the time i got to the darker tones i just slammed it on top of everything though. ive never used oil paints irl because i am both a coward and impatient, but i'd imagine the type of process or principles or whatever im doing here is vaguely similar. extremely destructive. yolo!
nice thing about the one layer thing is being able to just liquify tool nudge stuff around. i hate having to adjust it layer by layer. iirc the liquify tool doesnt work on vector layers tho which is pretty lame u_u but whatever i dont like doing lineart on separate layers anyway (i just draw them directly on my sketch layer) (it usually ends up getting buffed out in the rendering anyway) (i dont recommend doing this its a huge pain if you ever change your mind and want to have your lines separate later)
i never used liquify that much in ps but i use it all da time in csp. love it. i miss being able to relax the distortion before applying it, but oh well
prolly couldve tilted mjf's head down more to match the ref but its a real tough angle as it is so whatever i'll forgive myself lol. been thinking a lot about The Jowls Zone in drawing lately. one of these days im gonna have to sit down and figure out how to draw lips in a way that looks normal and not bad, its starting to get weird to just ignore it and have everyone have skin flesh where their lips should be
anyway what is the DEAL with the burberry pattern fading out on his sleeves. such an ostentatious custom jacket job
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sugar-petals · 3 years
🌹 Sub!SuperM 18+ HC: Riding Their Faces
↳ NOTE. These guys... I swear. Bringing some heat to the dash right here. Enjoy the SuperMadness 👀
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word count. 3.7k | bullet points | ot7
WARNINGS. ⚠️  all explicit, cum play, latex, hair & sweat kink, bondage, spit, brat taming, toys, breath play, ass fixation going strong, dominant reader, femdom, degradation, hardcore, veins kink, graphic language, strap-ons, crying kink, clothed sex, some crack
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⌜ 💋  byun baekhyun ⌟
▸ strength: energy
not for the faint of heart. baekhyun thoroughly enjoys you giving it to him roughly; it’s the leader being led, how sexy is that
i spy with my femdom eye, baekhyun likes the bossy dommes who bring him to his knees — quite literally.
case in point: hates seeing you hold back. tells you to just bounce on him how you want it. no fumbling around, it’s gotta be hot and proper.
whatever you’re insecure about he hasn’t even noticed. the more confidently you’re taking your designated seat, the better. this shit’s gotta make him all loud and squeaky, baekhyun can’t get enough of your wild and demanding side. “don’t you dare move your hands!” — he’s already hooked.
yep, he’s part of the feral squad. and louder than the bass in jopping for that matter
small as hell face but the jaw is sharp, you can literally feel it, he fits between your legs so well
endless breath. put your pussy all over that nose, grind on it, cum all over him. society will thank you for suffocating a millionaire
like seriously the breath play is off the charts. if he’s into asphyxiation you’d not be surprised
meanwile baek’s naughty hips keep on bucking, like hello there, giving you a cheeky 69 invitation
such a cocky little shit, whiny byun all the way from those ruined orgasms he’ll be getting cuz you might just touch him with two fingers at best, you know how to keep him on his toes
swallows everything he’s like whatever, almost chokes because he’s so messy and greedy to taste you. damn baekhyun
does a “mmhhhnnn...!” sound all the time, this guy has pussy all over his face and is still more vocal than you no matter what you do
eats ass, all day if he can, knows the most shocking techniques, wants to get crushed by booty he’ll end up admitting it. no matter how big or small yours is. because remember, that face is small, everything is big to him
the type to cum on his stomach way before you do. groans a lot, then goes on even more intensely, how the hell did he just leak out five ounces of semen and still manage a whole tongue workout
slobbery and all over the place, those are tongue movements you can’t even think of in your wildest dreams
baekhyun is never content just making you cum once or just really lowkey, much less hearing you being silent. he’s a moodmaker, he naturally wants to hear you, and see you twitch like the world ends for goodness sake
brattiest tongue ever, always pulls out the taunting puppy licks, tries to grope you all the time, he’ll get a rough spanking later believe me
also gets his payback from you being crazy wet, as beautiful and cute his face might be it’s gonna end up damn ruined
not gonna lie his voice acrobatics will turn you into a waterfall that’s coming down on him
you can punish him for teasing by going raw with your hips, mochi is in wonderland, seeing stars. put his wrists in a spreader bar and go off is what i’m saying, YOLO
since baekhyun annoys the members by being so hyper in the evening, they appreciate you knocking him out for sleep. and indeed baekhyun dozes like a baby, probably using your ass as a pillow or something
you’ve drained the shit out of him and um watered the flower that is his face, so
another cupcake down, mission success, baekhyun certainly had his fill not to mention lucky you having to deal with his wildly talented mouth ahem, moral of the story annihilate him with your ass
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⌜ 💋  lee taemin ⌟
▸ strength: steaminess
you will come (heh) to discover that none of his lyrics were a lie
yeah he’s busy hot boy shit for his gal
taemin has an all-soft and plush tongue that’s super pinkish. it literally feels so good, how to ever get enough of it holy shit
it also happens to be very long so buckle up, he wants to be deep inside of you, serve and please you
probably the most slow and agile movement in the group, tantalizing is the right word for sure
prefers kissing and sucking over just licking because he’s sappy, good on him and good on you those lips are heaven and need to be used by all means
once you go on the pill, taemin will eat his own creampies straight out of you, maybe even two at once, it’s taemin c’mon he’s above-average horny lord knows how much sperm he’s hoarding
loves drowning it seems
raunchy stuff aside, he always dresses up nicely or wears the fluffy sweaters you like the most on him. what an exclusive ride, the scent of the clothing turns you on even more he’s pulling all the registers taemin is so docile and giggly
most sensual style in the group, will edge and give you goosebumps first before the main course even remotely goes down, taemin thinks in several stages hot damn he calculated this 
his face heats up so much it’s crazy, then again kkoongie capitalizes on all the warmth from the radiator so you might as well be taemin’s personal heating alright. it’s fun seeing him sweat like mad, see his neck veins bulge... ugh 
is gonna be a provocateur and try to nibble on your folds, man he just wants to get slapped around you can see right through this brat’s rowdy plan
might even want his ass played with while you ride his face so prepare for some intense contortions, fingering, butt plugs, prostate massage, the whole array, gladly taemin is flexible
always pulls it off hands-free because he’s a pro and well yeah he’s always tied up how um totally surprising
and any challenge he will meet that i guarantee you
he has immediately apparent shinee concert stamina, longevity like his career, taemin can lend his face to your purposes for the whole night he doesn’t care if he needs to chuck it in the freezer afterwards
bonus: if taemin doesn’t at some point wear one of his glittery masks for sexy time, somebody is probably impersonating him and it’s not the real lee taemin i’m afraid
so many orgasms you’ll stop counting, one blends into the other, even if you’re not moving much, how does he do it
that being said gee can we just appreciate how beautiful his face is, everything about him, it’s gonna be so sexy and soft to kiss him to sleep oh my god
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⌜ 💋  kim jongin ⌟
▸ strength: escalating
just how industrious is he? dammit kai is the rent due or something, this shit is not a comeback stage cool down
jongin is needy as fuck, he’s desperate to taste you especially in the morning when his lips are all plump
since then he’s skipped his skin care routine you do the bulk of the moisturizing you see
jokes aside get ready for whimpery kai thrusting his face right into you because he can, should you need something to hold onto, his thighs are literally right there
constant high-pitched moans, some during quick pauses, others stifled, kai are you okay he’s really going all out 
so thirsty
if you don’t put a harness on him for this you’re missing out, also you need something to hold this wild slutty motherfucker in place
rock-hard throughout, harder than a goddamn superm choreography
also: sturdy chin that can take a lot, it’s made to be sat on
does a lot of the work, very active, main dancer vibes you know, you can be lazy and just enjoy
most continuous style in the group, gradually getting more and more passionate and nervous — the second you thought it gets boring he goes off, have fun losing your mind and seeing him basically K.O. himself
if he wants to make you cum, rapid tongue jabs deep into your clit, and his hard breath against it, no fair play in here
absolutely has a thing for your shaking thighs, like what the hell he’s blowing a huge load the more you tremble, and he’s goddamn crying from pleasure every time woah
those big ole lips are an absolute treat, yeah i’ll say it again his face is meant for this
wants to be called all kinds of names wow jongin, it just spurs him more
kai. is. so. good. 
you can most definitely film your own POV cam, jongin can put on one hell of a show. just this time it’s not his eyes flirting with the camera, it’s his tongue getting a nice rough treatment oh yum
don’t get me wrong he can deliver a romantic version of this, but kai just likes you being tough on his face he can’t deny it
uses his hands so you can ride him even harder, all his teddy bears will be falling off the bed like dominoes
might one day ascend to heaven while giving head, wouldn’t regret it
can do it until complete exhaustion you guys just pass out
being such an oral workaholic do i sense a masochist streak in him there? 
fucking typical capricorn
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⌜ 💋  wong yukhei ⌟
▸ strength: appetite
first off yukhei is hilarious
it’s called eating out and that’s exactly what he does duh, he’s not nicknamed foodcas for no reason — the restaurant is open my dear, and he just served himself five courses (you)
gets super sweaty, forehead and down the neck, a 6′0 glazed bun can you imagine
giggles a lot, makes the atmosphere relaxed, loves banter before and after, an allround sweet experience
though beware, this guy is hungry. most prone to open his mouth super wide he wants to eat all of you at once
don’t tell kun how nasty he is, much less leader baekhyun, promise me that
and especially nosy kai should not hear about what sexy shit yukhei is doing in his freetime unless you want to trigger a war 
that being said the wayv dorm is still the safest place to sit on his face, so. it’s a lawless land there, nobody gives a fuck anymore at this point. yangyang would not even blink if ten murdered someone in cold blood on the balcony, that’s how the atmosphere there can be best described
lucas being a far more harmless himbo still ironically fits into the environment being so sexually insatiable, just how often are you going to fuck? it’s only natural to lose the overview
he loudly pouts and complains when it ends, wants to go on and on, you need a lotta stamina to get with this guy this is not a warning it’s a fact — yukhei really wants to tire himself out and give everything
if you lower your thighs just a little you can feel his dangly earrings. kinda sexy but also a safety concern i know i know, he’s not gonna wear them next time 
noisy as heck, wants to do well, always goes the extra mile to be sure you are all happy and satisfied with today’s dining
his tongue is... big...
we’re not gonna talk about that giant bulge either, such a huge tent in those pants it’s a whole camping ground. anyway
what we’ll talk about. his super soft blonde hair, we’re talking salon quality soft, that’s amazing to feel against your legs, it’s great to pull as well, or to twirl really playfully
though there’s not much playful going down when the initial inhibition drops
he’s not made of glass you can really get those hips going
sliding down his nose when you’re all wet... damn good stuff.
lucas is the kinda guy that has you grunting and gritting he loves your reactions, and how aggressive you can get. usually he’s the reaction king but like this? he can get used to it.
totally into having that kinda frog perspective it’s a whole new thing, he’s such a giant now he’s below you, the sight is just superb to him
less likely to have toys involved, but rather a bunch of rope for his chest, his arms, his long ass legs. yukhei is a bondage insider tip y’all
stable as a block of metal. if you go a little too wild on baekhyun he’s probably gonna break his mochi neck but lucas is a different calibre, this mf is made of giant muscles galore, i can only say one thing: finish him
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⌜ 💋  mark lee ⌟
▸ strength: speed
talks a lot, even occasionally curses — instantly apologizing, but you curse right back, so this becomes the cussing olympics at some point, taeyong would bury his face in the ground all his parenting efforts have gone to waste
mark basically chokes himself
he can’t control his spit by all means jesus... in his own words: must be the drip then
next to taemin and baekhyun here we have the third drowning victim, mark is in serious need of multiple tissues or towels afterwards but that’s exactly what he likes
mark’s slutty side is not to be underestimated i’m warning you
that’s a healthy young man right here
loves to do quickies to get you off during daytime, if you’re horny just tell him and he’ll find a quiet spot, might do it on his knees rather than you riding him sometimes for practical reasons 
all options open, mark is flexible af. if someone can promote with nct dream and superm at the same time that’s the result
so yeah you’ll experiment with positions and even outfits, what’s the most comfortable to wear? 
few people even remotely think about this. mark himself stays in his signature sweater but the glasses come off, you know very well he’s a nerd without them he has nothing to prove lmao!
the clothes will be cozy but don’t let that fool you yet alright
this guy has watched too much porn to just keep it light and cute
don’t get me wrong you can baby him ad nauseam for the more gentle femdom moods
but at the end of the day mark loves some intense shit, he likes feisty girls who aren’t coy and subby, the more perverted you are the better, in fact he enjoys being shocked with brazen attitude and getting orders on what to do.
loves it when you to take it all out on him, rough is good. mark lee’s face is the rodeo range of super m alright, just don’t break his glorious jaw or anything, he still needs it okay
but yeah mark’s face is tempting to ride hard not gonna lie
his tongue can go so fast it’s at the speed of sound, no, the speed of fucking light. mark goes crazy on your clit, wait a few seconds, boom five orgasms rain down on you. 
it’s like an anime swordsman just lifting the sword hilt, walking off calmly, and one minute later things are in shambles like how? mark’s sword tech is just epic like that
he’s a leo what did we expect, show-off
in the meantime, RIP to mark lee’s pants. they’ll be soaked with cum, gonna be a bitch to hide your clothes from taeyong who’s always eager to wash everything by himself
that aside, mark really enjoys the position, he doesn’t need much else to be honest, he goes “oh my god oh shit” enough for you to know
thank god he’s a rapper, otherwise his dang technique would be dangerous, he doesn’t breathe for half a minute or so
enjoys you really doing shallow thrusts, super fast and sloppy, loves how much you enjoy it
needless to say: breaks a guinness world record for most licks per second, it’s that mark lee flow
long story short his face is your favorite spot he can prepare for a daily session
all that practice on water melons paid off good job markly
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⌜ 💋  ten lee ⌟
▸ strength: allround skill
you know a pro by how he’s offering you a tall glass of water beforehand
and by the way he’s chugging one himself
champion, a keeper
you’re guaranteed to love it, ten is amazing
takes his time, gets to know your every inch, figures out your soft spots in a matter of minutes to seconds
everything for his sexy mama, service sub right here
take him on a leash, grind on his lips, make him kiss your clit, he’ll respond by circling his tongue around obediently
chittaphon might be a little fidgety at the beginning, but the atmosphere is not as tense anymore after doing it two or three times. 
ten is actually quite good cracking lighthearted jokes and showing his more extroverted side, he always gets like that with a partner. 
you have an easy time with build-up conversations and communicating in general, same with aftercare pillow talk
that being said the degree of professionalism this guy is heading for needs a lot of talk in the first place. 
ten likes doing advanced things that aren’t just intuitively understood, you need to exchange yourself a lot
through trial and error you figure out how to incorporate sex toys into the little routine you have going on
the pleasure will be so intense you’ll never want anything else fuck
ten is also down for a lot of moving around, some athletic shit
you’ll go from bouncing on his dick to smothering his face back and forth pretty much, let’s see how fast you’re gonna bust a huge nut like that my bet is five minutes
those like “oh... ah—” moans are just angelic
since he focuses so much on your erogenous zones and always keeps his hands involved, ten is always guaranteed to have you breaking a major sweat
ten does not like to eat any fruits, they say. well that’s true, because he’s too busy eating you that is. boy can basically retire from citizenhood, he’s that busy between your legs. 
enough fruit juice for an entire week impending, don’t worry about his nutrients, this is also a form of diet.
uses his chin, his cheeks, the nose especially, the damn nose it’s perfectly shaped
wants you to really ride him hard, and fast, no holds barred at all, going so feral he’ll be squeezing his eyes shut
sometimes his hair gets in the way, it’s just so damn long. the result: hair ties for face-sitting, always on his wrist
among all members, buries his face the deepest, turns him on so much
always makes sure you’re both washed up, no impromptu sessions. ten is a hygiene priest and he’s right
the mattress is kinda bouncy and he always uses his favorite soft pillow under his head so you can definitely take mister ten lee to pound town like work your hips give it to him
in case he survives i send my congrats, you got yourself the right guy, terrific choice queen
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⌜ 💋  lee taeyong ⌟
▸ strength: ideas
how much more religiously can he eat you out, he treats this like the best reward he can get
as you can probably tell by now, all the lee surname members are definitely a certain brand and clan of highly distinguished pussy eaters like, these guys are a fucking gang like... well taeyong is no different
reckless abandon oral, eats you like it’s the last day, even death fears lee taeyong when he’s in giving head mode
you might be showering together beforehand and be all shy and kissy like it’s puppy love. but that is all for naught when the tongue of god is unleashed and taeyong gets himself as messed up as he can
yeah i like the thought of god being incarnated as kinky taeyong begging to have his mouth spit and cummed in it just makes sense
very deep mumbles, very hard breathing, those veiny hands on your waist, he wants to make you feel good so bad, fuck he’s so sexy
intense facial expressions, need i say more
also um... he likes to be... threatened. he’s the student you’re the teacher, strict as hell surveying his every move, the more you yell at him the harder he gets, jesus christ he has a thing for you acting mad and shit
taeyong doesn’t even need you to pull off your underwear, he’s gone get through any type of fabric with that leaking mouth
let’s just say he likes to experiment with innovative techniques... anyway, taeyong is a nasty fucking freak, he’s a grade A hoe, you never know what to expect
one time he just licks like a shy doe, the next second slurping explosion 5000
imagine whipping his thighs with a riding crop while sitting right on that ultra gorgeous elven prince face like
taeyong is almost always getting super emotional. he sheds even more tears than kai, like at some point you’ll develop a crying kink because of him SOS
nervous as hell, shaky hands. that can easily be fixed sir let’s tie em up
has you moaning nonstop, he’s so engaged and so dead-on with his movements. don’t be surprised if this damned man has your eyes almost falling out
beware, this guy is into full-on sensual deprivation as well. blindfolds are only the start. 
you might end up with a whole lotta black latex involved, who knows, a whole gimp on him he’s down for that, he learned from ten what it is blame chittaphon’s vast kinky knowledge
even better: while you’re grinding on him, taeyong likes you pumping his cock with a fleshlight with zero mercy until he yelps in tiny oops
hell he might ask you to roughly fuck his face with a strap and then ride it, the mister likes double treats huh
then again: wants it to be degrading and dirty and intense on some days, and really wholesome and romantic on others
especially aftercare will be sweet and dulcet, you take care of him, pepper him with kisses for being such a dutiful boy.
looks pretty no matter what. maybe he’s born with it maybe it’s tyongbelline. yeah just how handsome is that face and hair like... t’yongreal paris in full splendor
long story short he’s an oral deity. i rest my case howdy and goodbye see you next time aye
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superm masterlist
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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bobathirstaccount · 3 years
Reclusive Romance
Boba x fem!reader, drabble-y light angst/comfort/smut
Posting this without being 100% satisfied with it.. YOLO.
Dejarik - the game Chewy and R2D2 played in A New Hope
You had paid him to hide out on his ship in the desert. It seemed the smartest thing to do; hide with a hermit. You slowly came to realize that he didn’t care about the money. So the question of why you were there flitted around in your mind quite frequently.
At first it was supposed to be a month. The amount of time you thought you should wait before putting your head up. It had turned into two. Now two and a half. What was your motive for still being here? It was probably safe enough to try to get off world.
Yet you didn’t. You stayed put. You got to know your host. You started to think about him in ways you were embarrassed to admit. But he had come out here to be alone; what were the chances he wanted anything from anyone? Finally, a moment of truth came. He asked you what your plans were.
“I.. I don’t really know. I’m just feeling it out as I go.”
“You’re not really feeling that much out here. Except sand.”
You smiled at that. “Well, I don’t really have anywhere to go; just a vague plan of getting off world. I thought it’d be safest.”
“It probably is.” He made no comment about you staying. You realized you were holding your breath. You exhaled. He eyed you. “Are you comfortable enough? My ship is not really meant for long term living for more than one person.”
You shrugged. “I’m fine. I feel safe here.”
He seemed nonplussed by this. “Safe?”
You smiled. “I have a feeling you end the fights you get into.”
He shrugged, but a smile played around his lips.
Another full month elapsed. Finally you had to admit that you were growing an attachment to him. You now often ate together and occasionally played Dejarik. He made you laugh; you forgot the lingering fear you had been living with. One night you were talking in the observation room. You were sharing some spotchka.
“When was the last time someone other than me visited you out here?”
He thought about it. “Tuskens. Maybe a month before you showed up.”
“Did you invite them inside?”
“No; I am not a very generous host.”
“So I’m the only one to visit you out here?”
“I guess so. You know I do live out here to avoid people.”
Your cheeks grew hot at that. “You never want to have anyone new in your life?”

”Somehow I’ve managed to get you.” He shifted his weight in your direction. You watched him do this.
“Is that good or bad?”

”Neutral.” Your heart sank a little. “But I enjoy your company.” Your eyes flicked up to his. He was watching you closely. “Me too,” you said, dropping your gaze.
“You don’t have to say that.”

”I mean, why else would I be out here?” You startled both of you with your confession. You felt yourself flush again and fiddled with your glass.
You felt pressure on your knee. Your eyes snapped to the source: Boba’s hand. His hand applied slightly more pressure, and his eyes asked a question. You answered yes. You relaxed your knee and leaned towards him slightly. His grip increased and slid up your leg. A breathy moan slipped out of your mouth. He gripped your thigh, and pulled you into his lap.
“Come to bed with me,” he said softly, brushing his fingers across your face. You flushed again, feeling very hot, but nodded. He stood and you followed him to his room in a bit of a daze. He kept hold of your hand on the way there.
Once inside, you looked around nervously. It was sparsely decorated and had mostly various weapons lying around. Before you knew it, he had you in an embrace. His hands slid down your back to your ass, where he stopped. You looked into his eyes, which were soft and open. He leaned in and kissed you on the lips. It felt like fire. Emboldened, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself to him. He moaned softly and stared to pull your clothing off. You did likewise. It became an intense, frenzied effort as the two of you continued to kiss and fell into bed together in a pile of discarded clothing and limbs. He flipped you onto your back and you looked up at him, eyes hooded with desire.
He slid your panties down your body. Your breathing increased with every inch he slid them. It had been a long time. You found yourself irrationally nervous. But overriding that was the desire to feel him inside of you. You let him continue to undress you, nearly stupefied. He slipped your clothing off.
His weight shifted onto you a bit. You felt his body moving, its strength. Its restraint. He felt powerful. You moaned, spreading your legs, wanting him. He kissed you on the mouth again, tenderly this time. You were surprised but kissed back. You focused on how he smelled, tasted. He was enveloping your senses.
He mmmd into your throat, softly biting you while his hands moved over your body. When he released you, he circled your entrance with the head of his cock. You inhaled, your body alight. He slowly sank into you, stretching your walls. You stifled a moan. He paused when he bottomed out in you. You rocked your hips, wanting the friction. He fucked you slowly at first, but built intensity. You urged him on, gripping his torso.
He picked up the pace, watching you closely. Overcome by the sensation, you closed your eyes and opened your mouth partially. You felt him start to thrust more forcefully. “I want all of you,” you whispered. He paused, then pulled out. Flipping you over onto your hands and knees, he pushed into your pussy again. You mmmed as he slid back inside of you. He paused and traced a line down your spine with a hand. Then he gripped you by your hips and started to fuck into you hard and fast.
You had to keep yourself from howling his name. His strokes brought you to orgasm quickly, twice, your pussy clutching and fluttering around him as he grunted your name. Before the third time, you commanded, “Cum in me.” You wanted to feel him release inside of you. He grunted and continued to fuck you. But his thrusts became erratic and you could tell your words had tipped the scales.
His hands gripped you almost painfully as he railed into you. You keened, enjoying the sensation of his desperate pre-orgasm fucking. He grunted low and bent over you, his body stiffening and his cock twitching inside of you. You cooed to him softly, enjoying the weight of his body over you as you came with him. Finally he pulled out and flopped down on your left side. He pulled you against him with one arm and the two of you laid there, panting. You let your heart rate return to normal, and watched his chest slow down to regular breaths. You felt safe, warm, and happy. But you felt like your time was up.
You rolled over, sitting up.
“You can stay.”
“Why?” The question fell from your lips before you had time to think about it.
“You don’t have to.”
You looked away. How could you admit you were afraid? Afraid to trust. Afraid to be close to someone again. You hesitated. Then you sank back into the bed. He smiled sightly, the edges of his mouth turning up. You laid there, not sure what to do. He seemed sure, and pulled you to himself. Sighing, he curled around your body, making you little spoon.
“Tell me what you’re running from,” Boba broke the silence. You were flustered. The two of you had never spoken in depth about why you were hiding out.
“I... left someone. Someone dangerous. I was afraid to be followed and... reacquired.”
He hmmed at that. “No one is going to take you from here.”
“I know.”
“Why are you here? In my bed I mean.”

“The same reason I’m here in general... you’re here.”
He nuzzled into the back of your head. “But... why?” You realized you were holding your breath and released it slowly. You decided to be honest, rather than keep walking on the eggshells of uncertainty and longing any longer. “I really like you. I... I want to stay here, with you...” You trailed off, anxious for a reply. Your heart pounded in your ears.
He squeezed you, “I’d like that.” You waited. He said nothing else. You pressed a little, confused, “How come?”
“Because I... like... you too.”
You smiled. It sounded strange coming from someone like him, but good. Very good. You rocked back into him, realizing in that moment that you were home. You weren’t in hiding anymore; you were just home. You voiced this to Boba. “That is true,” he said softly, pressing himself to you.
The two of you settled into comfortable silence. As you slipped into sleep, you thought about how your journey had started, full of fear and apprehension, versus how it was ending. You were wrapped up in the arms of someone who was just as dangerous, if not more than who you were running from. The difference was that here you were safe. Boba sighed softly and snuggled into you. You closed your eyes, at rest.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
Spa Day
Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader          Word Count: 7,559
Warnings: language, depression, past abuse, emotional abuse, fluff
A/N: I wrote this because I have been feeling pretty down on myself. It’s pure self indulgence to make me feel better. I hope it will help someone else and if not, I hope you at least get a smile or some entertainment from reading it. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
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You’re awkward, walking in. Feeling out of place.
This place was for special people. Well, people who mattered.
You’re not sure how you got the voucher. It all happened so quickly.
One minute you were sitting in Mr. Wayne’s office, twiddling your thumbs to expend some nervous energy as you awaited your firing then the next you were being shoved out his office door with a gentle but firm hand at the center of your back.
Mr. Wayne had smiled, his face relaxed and amused.
“It expires soon, so use it tomorrow,” he’d said.
“I work tomorrow,” you’d resisted, no intention of losing a full day’s paid work.
“Take the day. On me. Full pay,” As you opened your mouth to protest again, he quickly lifted his hand to silence you politely and tacked on, “There’s no use arguing with me. Now enjoy it or you’re fired.”
He’d shut the heavy wooden door in your face leaving you standing there, stunned. At a loss to think up a reason to not come here today but obviously you’ve failed seeing as you’re here.
“Good morning!” A young woman with soft to the touch looking blonde hair smiles at you from behind the modern pale wooden counter. The white marble top shines in your eyes.
“Hi. Morning,” you sputter.
“How can we help you today?”
She’s so nice. So polite. Professional. This place is super expensive looking. There’s a crystal chandelier behind you at the center of the small lobby space. Chic sofas line the wall behind you, large pots with dragon trees growing tall add a splash of color to the otherwise sterile and plain gray walls.
Despite its minimalist decor, the office exudes money.
You’re almost at the brink of following the impulse that wants to turn you towards the tinted glass door, but before you can make your escape, the receptionist’s kind voice interrupts you.
“Oh! You have one of our platinum vouchers! Lucky you,” she smiles, genuine in her glee. “Shall I take that?”
She holds out her hands, both of them and waits for you to place the thick and shiny ticket-like paper in them.
Quickly she gives it a read, turning it over and then placing it under a UV light by her computer. An image shines out from under the purple light of a shimmering diamond right at the center of the ticket.
“You’ve got the works. Was it a gift?” She looks up at you, not intending to insult you but you can’t help but feel a little stung by her assumption.
You can’t really blame her though. You reserve all of your best outfits for work. Casual yet distinguished pantsuits and skirts with matching tops or jackets.
Today you’ve chosen a simple floor length skirt. It sits snugly around your waist and hips. Your t-shirt, a simple graphic tee with the words “Touch the Radley House YOLO” printed in bold black letters.
“Uh, yeah,” you admit to the girl, wishing she’d just sign you in and let you go about your day. “My boss gave it to me.”
“Lucky, lucky. You must have a really nice boss,” she admires.
“Well, I lost his company nearly a hundred million dollars and he didn’t fire me, so…” you trail off, still lost as to why Mr. Wayne had been so adamant you take some time off and why he’d been so understanding about the Ronson account.
“Oh,” the girl says, blinking a few times as she tries to process what you just said. “A very nice boss then.”
Her conclusion brings a small smile to your lips because truthfully, Mr. Wayne is very kind. You’ve never heard him berate an employee and he’s usually only tough on his business associates. Members of his board and investors. Like Mr. Ronson.
If he wasn’t so out of your league, you’d even consider maybe letting yourself really look at him. He’s hot for sure, but he always seems so preoccupied. Like he has something he’s trying to keep buried.
Nice, but he has secrets. No one’s perfect.
“Well, we’ve got you all booked in. What you’ll want to do is head in through that door on your right, walk halfway down the hall and the lounge room should be there to your left. Someone will come and escort you to your first experience.”
You observe her vernacular. Every word she speaks is rehearsed and probably scripted to a certain point.
“Thank you,” you give her another small smile, still feeling out of place but a little more at ease.
“Enjoy!” she calls as you cross through the heavy wooden door.
It swings shut behind you silently, a soft hiss at it latches.
The hallway before you is just as simple yet chic as the lobby. The colors are less neutral, a calming turquoise with a black base and a thick silver stripe lining the center of the wall at about waist height.
The doors are pale wood, smooth to the touch. You pass several of them as you make your way to the lounge.
Inside the door to your left at the center of the hall you find the lounge room. Which actually turns out to be a locker room. Smaller than what you would have thought with only about fifteen lockers that look more like small safes. Each one has a digital keypad, a fingerprint reader, and an iris scanner.
“Sheesh…” you observe but pick one and move over to it to set up your passcode, fingerprint, and scan your eye so that you can come get your stuff when your day of relaxation is over.
Inside the locker you find a neatly folded outfit wrapped in sanitary plastic. Completely sealed.
Just in case you’re wrong about this being a spot where you can change, you look for a designated changing area but don’t find one.
With no other choice, you place your purse and keys inside the locker, then slowly begin to strip. Shoes, skirt underwear go into the locker but your nerves don’t let you remove your t-shirt just yet. Untucked from your skirt, it’s easier to tell that it’s intentionally oversized.
After another quick anxious look at the door you’d come in through, you hook your hands into the base of your shirt and pull it up...just as the door opens and a large clearly male body steps in.
You gasp, whirling around in surprise to reclothe your breasts.
Cool air blows against your bottom as your shirt also twists with your movement, but you reach back and yank it down.
“Oh, I am...uh, didn’t see anything?” The voice is deep, smooth. It puts you at ease even though you literally just exposed yourself to a complete stranger.
“No, no. It’s fine,” you tell him, voice strained with embarrassment. “It’s my fault, I didn’t know if there was a separate changing room. I just...didn’t see any.”
“Oh, um...it’s the door right across the hall. But you know what? I’ll actually just step right outside and let you finish.”
That’s so nice…”You don’t have to, I can just-”
You turn around to look at him, keeping your hands on your shirt to pull it down. One at the front. One behind.
Simultaneously, though you don’t notice, both your and his jaw drop.
It takes both of you a moment to find your voices and while he speaks, your mind is busy taking in his massive size.
He’s thick. Muscles bulking through the should-be loose wrap top he’s wearing. Like yours it’s a soft peach color, the same diamond shape you’d seen on your voucher under the UV light etched into the right breast.
With the top he wears loose pants, or somewhat loose around his knee and down to his ankles; there’s a pair of charcoal slippers on his feet. His thighs, like his arms and chest strain against the clothes he’d been given.
It’s clearly too small. You wonder if maybe this place doesn’t carry the outfit in his size. It’s very possible, considering his girth.
His slightly concerned expression brings you back to yourself, now flustered because he’s caught you gawking at him.
“Sorry, I’m-you just surprised me and my brain’s a little-what did you say?”
“I’ll just step outside,” he doesn’t wait for you to respond as he backs up to the door then pulls it open and disappears through it, closing it gently behind him.
“What the hell was that?!” you gasp, angry at yourself for staring.
He’s hot! You couldn’t help it. He also looks familiar, though you can’t place the face. How you could possibly forget a face like that you have no idea.
While you change, you think about the smaller things you’d notice.
His hair is dark. Black. Curls that are carefully kept in place with hair products. His skin is a perfect pale peach. Not so pink as the clothes you’re pulling on, but it falls under the same shade. There didn’t seem to be a single blemish from what you were able to see.
A small tuft of chest hair had been peeking out of the V of the top. His face had been perfect, yes, but kind. There was a gentleness in it. The small curve of a smile had played on his rosebud pink lips. Not thin. Not thick. They were perfect.
He was perfect.
And those eyes...so blue. Like a clear spring sky. So bright and observant. There’s no way he didn’t catch you staring. Shit.
You note as you shove your underclothes into your locker out of where he might see them, that your own outfit for this spa leaves even less to the imagination than what must be the male uniforms.
Where the handsome stranger had pants, you were given very small shorts. Little more than boy short underwear in length. Parts of your bottom were threatening to overflow.
The top, while similar to the one the stranger wore, also came with a bandeau given the unique look of being wrapped around your chest when it so clearly is just one piece. You were expected to wear this underneath the looser wrap top.
Pulling it shut, you’re still tying the top closed around your waist as you hurry to the door where the stranger must still be waiting.
You open it...but he’s gone.
Disappointment floods through you. Surprising you.
You have no reason to want to see him, but you suppose you had just wanted to apologize for the awkwardness.
With a sigh you shut the door and move back to your locker to shove the rest of your belongings in just as a kind looking young woman no older than the receptionist at the front desk comes in with a smile.
“Are we ready for the diamond experience? You’re a very lucky lady!”
Even though you’re still only halfway sure you even want to go through with this whole thing, her excitement is catching and you find yourself nodding and scurrying after her as she shows you down the hall for your all expense paid spa day.
You aren’t used to relaxation.
Not to this degree.
A gold facial? Full body exfoliation with sea salt and Indian kama oil? A rain massage which consisted of you being massaged with several different clays as warm water is cascaded down your body? An herbal bath with murky green water that leaves your skin feeling fresh--like mint but for your skin?
It’s too much!
You’re four hours into your spa session and you’re so sleepy you might pass out in this next one.
As you’re escorted by the same young lady who has been tending to you from the beginning, she opens the door of a long room, the outer wall of which is made up of endless glass panels that catch the rays of the sun.
As you step in, you’re assaulted by immediate drowsiness as your entire being is engulfed in slightly sticky heat.
This isn’t a sauna. It won’t make you sweat buckets. But it makes your skin dewy and your eyes droop.
“Oh, wow,” you gasp, suddenly wanting to run before you can collapse to the floor in unconsciousness.
Your escort laughs, “The hot room has that effect on all of our guests. Come, it looks like we’ve got a spot free over at the far end.”
Along this wall of glass, there are lounge chairs with soft cushions grouped in twos, separated by a lattice waterfall panel that tinkles pleasantly as it empties down into a bed of soft pebbles. On the table at the head of these seats is a pitcher of water, glasses, and a set of small handheld fans that one can use to cool off a bit in the heat. Just in case it becomes too much, you guess. Though you can’t imagine it will. The heat isn’t oppressive. Just consuming.
It’s everywhere but it’s not choking or frustrating.
“I hope you don’t mind if we put you next to one of our other single guests? Most of our diamond packages are used by couples, as you can see.”
Your escorts gestures at the chairs as you pass them and sure enough, every seat is taken with couples hiding behind large potted fan palms.
“No, I don’t mind,” you answer in single, as if you have any choice. “How long will I be in here?”
“An hour or so? If you’d like to exit early, there is a small button on the table by your lounge. Press it and I will come take you to your next experience,” she looks back and smiles at you.
You notice that you pass three spots without lounge seats and wonder silently why some of them have been removed. At the end of these empties is where the escort stops. A set of lounges in the very last spot against the wall.
“Here you are,” your escort smiles. “If you need anything, just give us a call.”
“Thank you,” you smile at her and squeeze between the potted palms.
Slightly nervous, you look for your unintended partner and gasp at the Adonis you’d thought you’d lost.
The sound draws his attention and his expression shifts from stoic concentration to soft smile, “Hey, it’s you again.”
It takes you a moment to find your voice because you’re too busy gawking again.
He’s not wearing a shirt or pants. That is, he’s wearing shorts. A lot longer than yours, reaching about the top of his thighs, but still short. Like briefs. It gives you a good view of every single muscle in his long legs and you suddenly envy anyone that’s ever had the privilege to ride that thigh.
What the fuck am I thinking?! You give our head a shake and try to focus on his face as he waits. It’s only a second too late.
“Yeah, hi. Sorry, I-” you avert your eyes and quickly take a seat in your own lounge chair to his left, keeping your eyes on anything other than the mass that is his chest.
Just as you’d thought, it’s covered in a mouthwatering line of chest hair that trailers down onto his stomach and makes an ever so subtle trail down, down, down...down...down…
He chuckles, “It’s alright. It’s only fair you get a good look too, right?”
You’re not even processing what he’s saying, unable to focus for a bit.
“You’re here alone?” It’s more an observation than a question but you answer anyway, grasping at the distraction.
“Yes,” you nod. “A gift from my boss.”
“Me too,” he turns a little in his seat so that he can look at you, but adjusting his angle so that he can still keep his legs up, one propped up as he rests his elbow on his knee. The other stretched out before him.
This draws your gaze back to him and you’re able to pay attention this time and ignore his very distracting body.
“I mean, not my boss, but it was a gift from a friend. He thought I could use a nice relaxing day.”
The way he says it, sounds like you’re not the only one saddled with what you perceived was a burden or at the very least, a waste of time.
You grin, “Mine too. My boss. I saved the company I work with from a scandal and his idea of repaying me was to give me a spa day. A raise would have been more than enough.”
“Tell me about it,” the man says, smiling with stunning pearly whites.
His smile is gorgeous and you’re enamored again by how sweet he looks.
How can someone look like he can tear the head off a rhino and still look so adorable? It can’t be fair.
“Rent keeps going up and my job doesn’t pay nearly enough to keep up. At this rate I might end up having to move back to the farm.”
“Oh,” you reply lamely, piecing together where he might have grown his sculpted figure. Farm work can be grueling.
He gives you a look, assessing your response then waves his hand gently as if to swat away his complaint, “Sorry, don’t listen to me. I’ve got it better than most. You don’t need to be hearing about my problems.”
“No!” you rush to assuage his worry. “No, it’s okay. That sucks about your job. Is there no chance at a raise?”
“Not exactly, I have a uh, a hobby that keeps me from taking more work and I kind of get paid by assignment. I have a flat salary but working extra would definitely help with the bills.”
“What do you do?” you wonder, trying to picture this guy doing anything other than just looking like a God in a spa.
He could be a bodyguard? They get assignments. Construction? Personal trainer?
“I’m a journalist,” he tells you, speaking matter-of-factly as if it makes perfect sense.
You blink, then chuckle and then laugh once.
“What?” he asks, amused and smiling again as you chuckle. “What’s funny?”
“Nothing,” you shake your head. “It’s just, journalist is not where my mind went.”
He doesn’t seem surprised but he also doesn’t say anything else.
The two of you lapse into silence. It’s not uncomfortable and at least you don’t feel like you need to say anything to fill the dead air.
Twenty minutes pass and you lean back in your chair to relax, sighing lightly and smiling at the immaculate aura that this stranger seems to emanate.
It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.
The longer you lay there, suddenly not sleepy at all, the more your curiosity grows. Turning towards him, you find him already looking at you.
This startles you but in a good way. You smile and the soft curve of his lips breaks into a full toothed smile.
Both of you move your lips to speak, but before you can either of you get a word in a rustle of palm leaves pulls both your attentions behind your seats.
You sit up, twisting a little to look at who’s come, expecting to see your escort or some other spa staff.
Instead you find a woman you’d spotted laying in another spot with who you’d thought was the other half of her couple. Her waist-length auburn hair clings to the skin of her bare shoulders and sides. She’s removed her top, leaving her in her bandeau.
“Hi,” she says to your stranger-wait not your stranger. Shoot.
He looks confused but not unfriendly, “Hello.”
“My friend finally talked me into coming over and talking to you,” she informs him.
“I see,” your-the stranger says.
The girl seems to be expecting something but the stranger just looks up at her expectantly. Awkwardly.
He looks at you and you quickly turn away from their conversation, pushing yourself to the end of the lounge to sit with your hands holding onto the edge, feet flat on the ground.
You try not to eavesdrop but they’re right there.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” he asks her, sounded polite but not uninterested.
You can hear the woman shifting from foot to foot, probably pushing her hips from side to side. Her figure is nice. Not like yours. She’s attractive, in a conventional way. In a magazine accepted way.
Your mood sinks the longer you ponder on this random girl and the stranger. There’s an endless string of disappointments that have built you into this person you are.
Insecurities made worse by words spoken by people that should have supported you or those you thought were on your side. Affections misplaced. Kindness taken advantage of. Betrayal. Worst of all the betrayal. Some small. Some big.
You know that you should be less shaky in your self worth. You know that you’re more than the words spoken and the actions taken that brought you to this point. But how do you turn it off? How to fight the thoughts that bring you down?
It’s not something you can do all at once. You know this. And yet feeling bad about yourself makes you feel guilty because you know it’s bad and that makes you feel worse. It’s an endless cycle.
You’re fully wallowing in your own self-pity before the girl even has a chance to answer the stranger’s question.
“Well, I noticed you came by yourself and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to have dinner sometime? Or maybe coffee?”
You don’t dare turn back, you just resign yourself to a lack of luck and stare out at nothing even though the view is really nice.
“Thank, I appreciate the offer, but I’m not looking for a date right now, I don’t really have the time,” the stranger says, giving her a diplomatic response.
Letting her down without letting her down.
“Oh, well,” there’s a beat of silence. “In case you change your mind, here’s my number. Call me, if you find some time?”
You hear her retreat and the soft shift of what must be a business card against the wood of the table behind the stranger’s chair.
Movement shifts in your periphery and you see that the stranger has moved to the end of his own lounge, mimicking your pose though he’s much bulkier and takes up much more space.
“That was weird,” he says, a small puff of air passing between his lips as he huffs a laugh.
“Well, she just came up to me, out of nowhere,” he clarifies.
“I’m pretty sure that’s not the first time that’s happened to you.”
The stranger seems to pick up on your mood shift, his face etched with concern as he tries to lean forward, head tilted a little as he strains for a better look at your face.
“Actually, that never happens to me,” he says. A lie?
“How about you?” he checks, probing gently to see if he can get you to talk.
“No. Never.”
“But you’re so-”
“I’m nothing,” you interrupt, the words an automatic response as if you’ve been hypnotized into saying those words exactly. A trained response.
The silence is no longer comfortable, but thick and heavy.
“Why would you say that?”
“Because it’s true. I’m nobody.”
It hurts to speak these words aloud. Words that have hurt you in the past. Words that have cut you time and again. Scars left behind by those people that should have loved you but didn’t.
“No one is nobody,” the stranger counters.
He watches you, observing.
You don’t like the front row seat he has to your wallowing. You try to pull yourself out of it but the hole just keeps getting deeper.
“I’m sorry,” you sigh, stealing a quick glance at him.
He’s still got his head tilted a little in pure concentration as he watches you, brow crinkled with focus.
It’s not judgement though, just intent. You can tell he’s really listening and it makes your heart flutter. No one has ever listened to you before. Not like this. Not with a deep desire to understand like he does.
He shakes his head, “Was it the girl coming over?”
You look away, feeling embarrassed, “She reminded me of someone I knew. Someone I dated.”
Nodding, he indicates that he’s listening.
You smile without humor, hurt by the memory, “He thought I should look like her. Or...he didn’t say exactly like her, but he said he wished I looked better.”
He frowns, his deep dislike for your story honest, “He doesn’t sound like a nice guy.”
“No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t like, evil or anything, but yeah. Not a nice guy,” you admit, accepting that in that case, it was definitely your boyfriend’s problem.
“But that’s not it?”
You look at him.
“There’s more to it?” he guesses.
You look out at the scenic view finally, not really seeing it but appreciating the colors at least.
“This spa day?” you begin, stealing another glance at him.
He turns to sit facing you, his elbows resting on his knees, hands clasped as his listening intensifies.
“The only reason I got it was because as I said before I saved the company I work for from being dragged into scandal. I also lost a bunch of money by losing the client but my boss was pretty pleased.
“But the only reason I even touched the account was because I was sorta forced to?” Is that the best way to describe what happened?
“How were you forced to deal with that account?”
“Well, I’m not exactly the best with making friends? I mean, I have had friends before. I just--I got really sick a while back and I lost most of them because I cancelled on plans a lot or I didn’t have the energy to maintain contact? Even texting felt like such a chore. Just the act of responding and-I guess they thought that I thought being friends with them was a chore, and that wasn’t it.
“I just couldn’t find the energy to try to do anything. Some days I wouldn’t even eat because I’d have to get up and make myself food and I barely got up to go to the bathroom much less make a meal.
“Anyway, I just kind of gave up and they did to and now, I don’t really have an in with people? I don’t say much and it’s not that I don’t want to talk, I just don’t have anything worth saying. Or maybe I just can’t think of anything? I don’t know. But it affects work relationships too.”
“How?” he asks.
You take a deep breath, looking down at your hands clinging to the edge of the lounge before releasing it slowly.
“It’s really just me getting in my feelings,” you shrug.
“What you feel is what you feel, even if you don’t think you should. Our pasts can affect us well into our futures.”
His encouragement helps, and you feel a little less vulnerable to share with him.
“I work in the PR department. There are six of us in total. We’re a pretty big company. Multinational big. So there’s one of us for every form of media. Since we all work for the same clients, bridging the gap, we usually spread the workload evenly.
“Or, the other five members of my team do. Sometimes they just forget that I’m there and I usually get stuck with the leftover work. I’m not one to complain, so-” you shrug. “But they forget me for other stuff too. Company dinners. Competitions for prizes in the office. Secret Santa. Stuff like that.
“It makes me feel alone.”
You chance a glance at him, and he’s still watching you but his eyes are far away for a bit as if he’s remembering something.
“I know how that feels,” he nods. “I’ve felt alone almost all my life in some ways. Luckily, I’ve made a few friends to help me see things a little differently but that loneliness will never really go away.
“I understand.”
You smile, feeling more and more at peace again with him. Calm, like he really does get it.
He responds to the shift in your expression by relaxing his own. A small crinkle forms at the corners of his eyes, a subtle curve of his lips.
Now that you’re both feeling a little better, you can admit to yourself that you were jealous. Not just because the girl was everything that you were made to think you should be, but because this stranger, gorgeous as he is, is so nice.
He’s sweet and you want that in your next partner. You want to have someone care about you genuinely. You’re a little ashamed of wanting to claim him. Do you even dare entertain the thought?
“Yeah, I think you probably do,” you smile wider, turning in your seat to face him like he’s facing you.
“Now that you know all about my depression, would you like to know my name?” you ask him, teasing a smile.
He smiles more freely, “On a first date? Isn’t that moving kinda fast?”
Your stomach tumbles, heart sprinting at his words.
“A date?”
He only smiles wider, your heart stuttering before taking off at double speed again.
You tell him your name and then bite your lip, unable to believe your good luck.
“What about that other girl? You told her you weren’t looking for a date,” you wonder.
“Well, how can I be looking for a date when I’m already on one? Besides, how many girls do you think I can come across before I find another one wearing a shirt about my favorite book again?” he asks, all sincerity.
“Your favorite book is to Kill a Mockingbird?”
His smile is blinding.
“It’s really nice to meet you,” he nods, reaching out to shake your hand. “My name is Clark. Clark Kent.”
You take it and almost faint as your head goes dizzy at the soft touch of his skin.
The veins of his forearm bulge as he squeezes gently but he doesn’t actually shake it and instead seems to just hold your hand.
“Wait, I’ve seen your editorials before. You work at the Daily Planet.”
“I do,” he nods.
Your stomach suddenly falls, jealousy raking up along your ribs to settle around your heart to make it ache.
“Aren’t you dating Lois Lane? I thought-you two went to one of my boss’s parties together.”
It had been so long ago. Months and months. You remember Mr. Wayne going on about his friends Clark and Lois. You hadn’t met them, but Mr. Wayne had left to greet them when they’d arrived.
Clark’s own face falls just a tad, a small melancholic shift but it’s not deep. He keeps his smile, though smaller, and nods.
“We broke up last year,” he confesses, still not releasing your hand.
His thumb grazes against the back of it, sending goosebumps up from that point to spread along your arms and the rest of your body.
“I’m...not sorry?” you laugh, unable to help yourself because how can you be sorry about it now?
Clark also chuckles, “You know, right now, suddenly I’m not either.”
Before you can think of something cute to say, your stomach gurgles loudly, announcing to anyone close enough to hear that you’re hungry.
“Oh,” you utter, embarrassed as you finally take your hand back to rub your belly. “Sorry, I guess I haven’t eaten in a bit.”
“They have a menu here, I’ll grab us one.”
He rises and is gone before you can stop him and holy hell does he have a nice butt.
Watching him leave, you contemplate the way he used the word “us” so casually and wiggle with the pleasure it gives you.
As quick as you can, you look for any reflective surface and settle on the window across from you on which you can barely see yourself.
It’s enough though and you quickly go about fixing your hair which is surprisingly not bad even after all the treatments you’ve undergone.
A soft voice calls your name, the young woman who’s been escorting you.
“Hi, are you ready for your next treatment?” she smiles at you politely, kindly even, her body slightly bent down so that she won’t speak too loud and disturb the other people enjoying the hot room.
“Oh, um...I’m actually super hungry and I was going to order something to eat?”
The idea of being taken away to somewhere that you can’t be around Clark devastates you. You haven’t been this into anyone in so long.
“Oh okay! What would you like to order? Did you get a menu?”
The young woman gestures over her shoulder as if asking if she should go get you one.
“Actually-” but you don’t get to explain because Clark suddenly steps up to loom over both of you.
He doesn’t mean to, you don’t think, he’s just so big and he kind of naturally just looms.
“Hi,” he greets her kindly, and she flushes.
You can’t blame her. She takes a step back to put some space between herself and Clark and she’s seriously flustered. He’s hot.
Clark squeezes back by and sits himself in his seat before opening the paper menu and leaning towards you to give you a look.
You read through the choices quickly and nothing looks too crazy.
“Ooh, this one looks good,” you tell him, pointing down at the bottom of the menu.
“Should we get that one?”
“Yeah!” you reply eagerly, excited for the food.
You’re really very hungry.
“Can we get the gourmet pizza?” Clark asks, “And an order of the mini muffins? What kind are they?”
“Blueberry today,” the girl informs him, back to her composed and professional attitude.
“Two orders of those. And…”
“You don’t offer any kind of burger?” you ask the young woman looking back at her.
She smiles kindly but shakes her head, “No, sorry. The closest would be the sandwiches. We have tuna, cucumber, egg salad, and ham.”
While they sound like normal sandwiches, you have a suspicion that they’re going to be fancy in one way or another.
“Can we have an order of the tuna?”
She nods.
“And we’ll get the chocolate fondue, for desert?” Clark adds, folding up the menu and handing it to your escort.
“Alrighty, and for drinks? We can bring just plain water or perhaps some herb infused tea?”
“Do you have any sweet tea?” you wonder.
She nods.
“Two please,” Clark smiles. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome,” your escort says and hurries off to put in the order.
Both of you watch her go then when you meet Clark’s eyes, he laughs, just once. Failing to keep it inside.
“Did we order too much?” you wonder.
“I’m hungry too,” Clark assures you.
“I really wanted a burger,” you lament. “I mean, this food will probably be better than some greasy burger but-”
“A burger sounds like heaven. I love greasy burgers. Double meat. Triple cheese. Lots of pickles.”
He makes a funny face, pretending to salivate over the image he’s painted and while it’s a subtle change in his expression, you can tell that he’s more prone to being serious and that makes the gesture funnier for some reason.
You laugh, shaking your head.
He laughs with you, leaning back in his lounge.
You follow his lead, then turn onto your side and shove an arm underneath your head.
He mimics your pose, drawing his long legs up a little to bend them.
“I’m sorry about earlier, with the locker room? I really didn’t know that I wasn’t supposed to change in there.”
Clark’s smiles shift to a soft curve of his lips.
“I’m the one that should be apologizing,” he counters. “I walked in on you.”
“But you had no idea I’d be in there half naked, I kinda just thrust my body at you.”
There’s a beat, he looks down at your chair instead of maintaining eye contact, then, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
Your neck is suddenly on fire. Cheeks, ears, the base of your belly. It all burns as your heart stutters.
As he looks up to meet your eyes again, those baby blues burning with a striking spark, something he said when you first came in here replays itself in your head.
You frown, narrowing your eyes at him, “Hey, when I came in here, I apologized for staring at your naked upper body and you said that it was only fair I get a good look too.
“Are you saying you saw me when you clearly said you didn’t in the locker room?!”
Clark averts his eyes, clearing his throat loudly before throwing himself onto his back to stare up at the ceiling.
“I’m gonna have to get my friend something really good in return for gifting me this spa day,” Clark says, pointedly changing the subject.
But he has a point. This has been the best little indulgence you’ve ever given yourself and none of it could have been possible without Mr. Wayne’s generosity.
“Me too. I’ll have to make sure my boss knows how glad I am that he forced me to come here.”
Clark smiles, “What’s your next treatment? Did you pick them before you came?”
“We could do that?” You gasp.
Clark just smiles wider.
“No, I’m just going with the flow. The girl who took our order has been suggesting stuff and I’ve just been going with it.”
“I have a fresh water soak after this. You should join me.” Clark offers.
After the hot room, a swim in some fresh water sounds like heaven. And extending your time with Clark is a definite bonus.
“Aren’t we not supposed to swim for thirty minutes after we eat?” you tease.
Clark chuckles, “It’s a soak.”
Then, his voice shifts and you’re knocked breathless as he basically pleads with you.
“Join me. Only if you want to. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to.”
Your brain is buzzing with that pleading voice of his. Gentle urging that betrays his want to be with you rather than wanting to control you.
“A fresh water soak sounds amazing.”
Nothing could ever top today. You and Clark stuck together the rest of the day. It was fun getting to know him and exciting because the longer you two spent time together, the closer he sat to you.
As you dropped your spa outfit into a canvas souvenir bag that your attendee had given you at your last treatment--a couple’s massage that you and Clark had talked all the way through--Clark peeked around his own locker door, shutting it.
“So, I was thinking,” he began, moving to lean beside your locker as he towers over you, making you internally swoon with the curve of his lips.
“Yeah?” you urge him on, taking your other belongings and throwing them into the canvas bag along with your spa outfit which is also free for you to take.
“I have some things to do tonight but, how would you like to get some burgers tomorrow?”
“Are you asking me out on a second date, Clark?” as much as you wish you could sound like you were teasing, your excitement betrays you and Clark beams at your tone.
“Definitely,” he says low and deep.
Fuck, you’re totally screwed. You’re falling hard.
You really want to reach up and gently slide the curl falling on his forehead to the side lightly, but you resist the urge.
“I’d love to go out and get greasy burgers with you,” you bite your lip and Clark’s expression shifts a bit more serious but there’s a fire in his eyes, a darkening as his pupils dilate that makes your heart stutter.
“Come on,” Clark nods towards the door. “I’ll walk you out.”
He bumps into you, flirtatiously nudging you as he leads you out and you return his gentle push with your own.
“Had you been to a spa like this before?”
“No,” Clark shakes his head. “I actually don’t get much benefit at these places. It feels good, but it’s not really my thing. You?”
“I feel cleaner than I ever have,” you scoff. “But I could never afford it. Even the cheap places. I’d rather just take a walk around a park or something.”
“Me too,” Clark agrees, smiling.
As the two of you walk out into the parking lot, the cooler air outside feels pleasant against your treated skin.
In the setting sun light, Clark looks especially good and you can’t help yourself. You steal several glances at him with no worry as to hiding it.
You’re happy to see he’s doing it too.
“Oh good,” a familiar voice interrupts, pulling your feet to a stop as you search for your boss’s face. “You two met.”
“Wait, us two-?”
“Bruce?” Clark also stops beside you, eyes narrowed, a crinkle between his eyes.
You look between the two of them, confused but starting to put two and two together.
“Bruce? You-Mr. Wayne is your friend who gave you the voucher?” you realize.
Clark looks at you, his own realizations starting to manifest.
“Bruce is your boss?”
Mr. Wayne moves towards the two of you, hands shoved into his long charcoal gray coat. There’s a satisfied grin on his handsome face, a pride in what you realize must have been a carefully crafted maneuver.
Clark looks at you, a knowing smile on his face as if amused but maybe also a little irritated? Not with you, of course. Clearly his annoyance is with Mr. Wayne.
“You did this,” he accepts, looking back at Mr. Wayne with a tilt of his head.
“I didn’t do anything,” Mr. Wayne denies. “I just gave you two a free day at the spa. Did she tell you why I gave her the voucher?”
“She did,” Clark nods.
“Not every PR rep would overlook a five hundred million dollar investment in order to keep us clean from associating with a suspected illegal arms dealer. Most of them would just look the other way.” Mr. Wayne brags.
A look of understanding crossing Clark’s face and he looks down at you, smiling again as if he’s pieced together a puzzle.
“It was really nothing, Mr. Wayne, and thank you for today. I-I’m actually really glad I came. I would have hated it if the voucher expired.”
“Expired?” Clark asks, turning that confused look back on his friend. “They don’t expire.”
Mr. Wayne clears his throat and turns his full body away from you both, looking back at his shiny expensive sports car.
“Yeah, they do,” he says.
“Bruce,” Clark chides.
“We’re gonna be late,” Mr. Wayne says, ignoring Clark’s reprimand, then looks at you as he pretends he wasn’t just caught in a lie. “Do you have a ride home?”
“Yeah, I brought my car,” you gesture at a modest white sedan parked a few spots over.
“Good. I’ll see you on Monday. Clark?” Mr. Wayne urges him, then walks towards his car.
“I’ll be right there,” Clark tells him, then waits for you to lead the way to your car.
Your heart is still thrumming rapidly with the realization that Mr. Wayne went out of his way to make sure you and Clark met. A set up?
You stop by your car door and unlock it. Clark is quick to take the door from you as you open it and he holds it with his left arm as you turn to look up at him.
“I had a lot of fun today, despite the obvious premeditation of us meeting,” you scoff. “I’m glad I met you.”
You’re quickly becoming acquainted with the gentle curve of Clark’s lips, the peek of his pearly whites as he blushes and meets your eyes.
“I’m glad Bruce interfered,” he nods. “I’ll see you tomorrow for burgers?”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” you assure him.
After a moment of hesitation, he reaches out and places his hand on your bicep then traces the length of your arm until he can take your hand.
It sets your skin on fire. It makes you dizzy and breathless.
“You have my number,” you remind him, eager to reconnect if he has the time.
He gives you that pearly smile, blue eyes full of excitement, “I’ll call you later. Tonight?”
You nod, “Tonight.”
He waits for you to get in, shutting the door for you when you’re sitting.
You lower the window as he backs away, “Bye.”
“Bye,” he nods, then turns to meet Mr. Wayne at his car.
“What?” Bruce asks, “It’s been months. She’s perfect for you.”
“Really?!” you can hear Clark demand, more annoyed with his friend again than any consequences his actions might have brought, however positive.
“You like her, don’t you?” Mr. Wayne asks.
“That’s not the point, Bruce. Boundaries.” Clark reminds him. “Why did you lie to her?”
“I knew you were coming today, I had to get her here,” Mr. Wayne explains. “Besides, you’re-”
As their doors shut, you’re cut off from their distant conversation. You shut your window, watch them speed out, and smile to yourself at the unexpected turn your spa day took.
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reincarnated70sbaby · 3 years
listen before you read!
Tumblr media
robert plant xfem!oc
warnings : drug use, swearing, trucklot of angst ;)
word count : 2.1k
an: was listening to ‘linger’ by the cranberries and I couldn’t pass up this angsty idea I got 😎 timeline is off but yolo ig...
Sloane leaned down to the table to take an extra line for her pre-performance nerves. She felt a little more nervous today, this particular concert being one of the largest yet. She was the front woman of The CAPs, who were opening for Led Zeppelin for their summer of ‘69 tour. This was exactly the break the band needed, finally getting recognition for all their talent and hard work over the last two years.
She applied a little powder to her face, and patted on her classic red lipstick to her slightly chapped lips. Securing the clasps of her platform red heels, she shook her body in hopes of shaking away her anxious jitters. Once she had finished her body-shaking ritual, she walked out from the wings of the stage.
As she walked across to centre stage, wind blowing through the holes of her white crochet dress. The crowd cheered loudly as the band waved to them.
“How’s everyone doin’ today? It’s so hot today, my boobs are sweating off!” She greeted the crowd with her bubbly nature. Adjusting the mic stand to her height, she continued to address the huge crowd. “Today’s set list will have a slight adjustment to it, we’re starting off with a new song I wrote just last night. It’s a little softer than our other music, so just sit back- or should I say lean back on the person behind you - and relax. This is called ‘Linger’ "
While she was speaking to the crowd, a teenage roadie ran onto the stage and placed a stool, for Sloane to sit on, and disappeared again in a heartbeat. The crowd, didn’t even take notice of the young boy, entranced with the tawny blonde singer as usual.
Sloane sat down, crossed her legs and nodded toward Rory, to begin. Rory started picking a simple guitar melody on his trusty Gibson acoustic, the first guitar he ever picked up. Sloane swayed lightly to the rhythm, eyes on the horizon above the crowd. Soon after, Marshall joined in with quiet, but strong beat on drums. At the same time, Oscar added the baseline to the song.
Taking a deep breath, Sloane began the song.
If you, If you could return, Don’t let it burn, Don’t let it fade, I’m sure I’m not being rude, It’s just your attitude, It’s tearing me apart, It’s ruining every day
I swore, I swore I would be true, But honey so did you, So why were you holding her hand? Is that the way we stand? We’re you lying all the time? Was it just a game to you?
Sloane sang gently, her eyes closed with a pained look on her face. She thought back to the day before, when everything fell apart.
“Sloane, honey, please tell me what’s wrong! You’re being so closed off with me today!” Robert pleaded, grabbing her hand while she was walking away. Sloane yanked her hand away and walked towards an empty storeroom in the hotel corridor.
“Don’t get any ideas, we need to talk privately” Sloane commanded as she entered into the storeroom. It had barely enough space for both of them to fit, being crammed full with towels and bedsheets.
“Please, love, jus’ tell me what’s bothering you, I wanna make you happy”
“Oh fuck off Robert, you’re so fake and a liar. These past couple of months have all been a lie!”
“What’re talkin’ about? I have never lied to you once”
“Seriously? ‘I’ve never lied to you’? Are you actually for real right now? Do you know what I just found out Robert? You’re fucking married! And she’s coming here tonight! You didn’t think I would deserve to know that!” She yelled, ignoring her previous statement about keeping this private.
“I didn’t tell you because I was scared okay? I have never felt like this before with anyone else. All the groupies were just for sex, but when I met you I had fallen for you Slo, you make me a better person in every way”
“I don’t care how I make you feel, you’re still married! With kids! How would they feel if they found out their father was in a relationship with a woman other than their mother? I can’t believe you did this to me willingly, even after I told you what happened with my parents. That messed me up, seeing my father with another woman, and leaving my mother for her. Never seeing him again, choosing his new family over me and my siblings. That hurts me the most Robert, you knew my history and you ignored it!” Sloane cried out, tears falling freely on her face, running her dark eye makeup.
“I never meant to hurt you love, you mean so much to me. I just didn’t think- I never fuckin think, but I my feelings were so strong for you, I never thought about Maureen, I’m shamed to admit it” Robert plead, guilt weighing on his conscience. He reached out to wipe her tears away, but Sloane turned her head, the same pained look on her face.
“We’re done. I can’t stay with someone who could forget about their own wife and kids, and forget to tell their girlfriend that she’s actually a mistress. Goodbye” Sloane said, pushing her way out of the cramped closet, before running to the elevator at the end of the hall.
But I’m in so deep, You know I’m such a fool for you, You got me wrapped around your finger, Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to? Do you have to let it linger?
Sloane sang emotionally, a single tear escaped her tear duct. She took the break for guitar solo to take a couple deep breathes, and to calm her heightened emotions down.
Oh, I thought the world of you, I thought nothing could go wrong, But I was wrong, I was wrong
If you, if you could get by, Trying not to lie, Things wouldn’t be so confused, And I wouldn’t feel so used, But you always knew, I just want to be with you
Sloane sat at the large round table, sipping her wine. The two bands had just completed all the concerts in France, and were having a celebratory dinner for the night. The lights were dim in the fancy restaurant, but Sloane could still see the heartbreaking sight of Maureen and Robert cozying up to eachother. She longed to be the one Robert was dedicated to, to be his Maureen, to be the one who sipped on his beer instead of her wine for a change, to rest her hand on his knee. She wished to be the one who would sleep with him in bed each night, without a worry of cheating or unfaithfulness. Her heart was also broken for Maureen, she was so inlove with Robert, as was he with her. She was also probably the greatest mother out there, being a single parent for a lot of the year.
Sloane switched her focus from the smitten couple, to Marshall and John Bonham's discussion on gongs, congas and all exotic drums.
Everything had been going so well, the concerts each night going to wonderfully, the bands got on great together. Even all the touring crew and management got on well with eachother. It was like one, big, slightly dysfunctional family.
Sloane wished she could vent to one of her bandmates about her case of ill fated love, but she knew if she told any of the CAP boys, tension would arise between the bands, and she simply couldn't bear to break the harmony.
“I’m sorry everyone, but I feel a bit ill and I think it would be best if I went to my room” Sloane announced, rising from her chair. She briefly locked eyes with Robert, before averting her eyes that threatened to fill with tears.
“Are you sure you’re okay Slo? I can come up and look after you if you feel faint or anything?” Rory asked genuinely, concerned for his little sister, he noticed she had been a little less bubbly than normal today.
“I’m fine Ror, I’ll think being on the go and travelling for the last couple of months has caught up with me. I’ll call you if I need you. Love you” she said, hugging him tightly.
“Love you, stay safe sis”
A chorus of goodbyes were heard as she left the table and walked out of the brassiere restaurant.
As soon as she entered her large room, she decided to clean up her stuff in order to distract herself. She folded all her clothes, tucked all her shoes into her suitcase, and cleaned up her makeup station on the vanity, placing the assortment of beauty products in the black makeup bag she owned.
After she was done cleaning, she ordered a couple bottles of wine, with some croissant from room service, taking advantage of the readily available French delicacies.
Lowering herself into the warm bubble bath she ran while waiting for her room service, her mind wandered to the whole situation, creating lyrics in her head. Luckily she brought her songbook, so there was no need to get out of the bath in search for it. She poured her heart out into the lyrics. After finishing the lyrics up, she soaked for a little longer, until she felt herself pruning and wrapped the fuzzy bath robe around herself.
She was about to turn off her bedside light to sleep, when she heard a light knock on the door. Her head scrambled, trying to figuring out who it was. Must be Rory checking up on me she thought. Opening the door, her heart skipped a beat at the visitor.
“Sloane let me-“
“Robert, please, I told you we were over”
“Will you let me speak, I need to talk to you”
Sloane stepped aside from the door, letting him in. She guided him to the seating area of the room, not wanting to risk being near the bed.
“Uh, d’want tea or something?” Sloane asked the blonde man, the air heavy with awkward tension.
“Yeah sure, love. That’d be great” Robert answered warmly.
“So, what do you want to say” Sloane asked, pushing his tea on front of him.
“Sloane, I’m sorry. I still do love you and I hate that I fucked everything up. I was just so infatuated- I still am, and I regret that I made you feel upset. I just want to say sorry”
“I- I still love you too Robert, it wasn’t just one sided, I really thought you were the one”
“Sloane, I don’t know what to say… If- if you ask me to, I will. I want you. I want to be yours.”
“Robert- I. I can’t do that. As much as I want to love you and be with you, I can’t be a homewrecker. I’ve seen the way you are with Maureen, you love her. I know in my gut that you’re better off with her. She loves you and deserves you 100%” Sloane’s face was wet with tears.
“Uh, okay. I’m sorry love, I really wish I didn’t fuck up our relationship. I really hope that one day we can be friends again, when you’re ready” Robert got up to leave, but was stopped when Sloane grabbed his hand.
“There’s a part of me that will always love you Robert. This was wonderful while it lasted” She spoke with a sad smile on her face.
Robert squeezed her hand in agreement, before exiting the room.
And I’m in so deep, You know I’m such a fool for you You got me wrapped around your finger, oh, Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to? Do you have to let it linger?
Oh I’m in so deep, You know I still have love for you, My love has wrapped me round your finger, oh, Do you have to let it linger? Do you have? Do you have to let it linger?
The CAPs finished their song, and Sloane stood up to thank the crowd.
“Robert, darling, there you are. Was that singer at the dinner last night?” Maureen asked warmly to her husband, joining him in the wings.
“Uh, yeah, but she left early because of travel sickness y’know the sort” Robert answered absentmindedly, his deep blue eyes trained on the lead singer, who was preparing for the next song in the band’s set list.
“I must have missed her. She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? I love that song she just sang, great voice” Maureen mused, admiring Sloane’s confidence , akin to her husbands.
“Yeah, yeah she is. She’s a beautiful person, inside and out”
my first Robert fic!!! I’m more of a Jimmy girl, but I love the golden god too (Leo men <3)
as always, any criticism/ideas are welcome in my inbox or comments 🤍
tag list : @dreamersdrowse @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @princesspagey ask me if you would like to be added!!
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thisissirius · 4 years
“I can’t do anything right" for the prompt list
i don’t know why but this inspired me tonight. written on my tumblr app so mistakes are probably everywhere but yolo
touch by sight buck/eddie, softness and hurt/comfort
Buck doesn’t know what wakes him.
His body spasms as he shoots awake, fingers unconsciously clenching in the sheets. The room is unfamiliar for a moment, then memory kicks in and he breathes out. Eddie’s. Turning to his right, he smiles gently at the sight Eddie makes. He’s stretched out, skin slick with sweat, brown hair half-stuck up at the back, body twitching.
Buck’s smile turns into a frown and he reaches out, hesitates. Eddie shifts and while Buck can’t see his face, he’s had enough nightmares to know what expression Eddie will be wearing.
“Eddie,” he says.
Eddie’s breath hitches sharply.
Tentatively, Buck touches Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie wrenches himself away, snaps up, half out bed before his eyes clear.
“It’s okay,” Buck says quietly. “It’s just me, Eddie.”
Buck shifts onto his knees. He feels out of his depth, knows how he reacts to nightmares and what he wants afterwards, but he doesn’t know what Eddie dreams about, what’s he’s running from. “You here with me?”
“Buck?” Eddie’s voice is strained, confused. “Where-”
“Your house.” Buck watches some of the tension leave Eddie’s shoulders, but a flush spreads across his cheeks, down his chest. “You wanna get back in bed?”
Wiping a hand over his face, Eddie’s body seems to sag, eyes staring at the bed instead of Buck. “Not really.”
Buck chews on his bottom lip. “Remember after the tsunami? When you and Chris stayed over?”
The change of subject seems to throw Eddie for a moment. “Yes?”
“I had a nightmare,” Buck says quietly. Eddie’s eyes finally lift, meeting Buck’s with an apprehensive expression. “You didn’t ask, just came up, talked me down, and stayed till I fell asleep.”
Till the morning, he doesn’t say. Eddie hears it anyway. He’s got to.
“It’s not different.” Buck watches Eddie’s expression shift so yeah, he got that right. “I know you don’t like talking about this. It’s not a burden to help you carry some weight, Eddie.”
It takes a moment, two, but Eddie climbs back into bed. He’s stiff, holds himself apart from Buck, but it’s a small victory. “I can’t do anything right.”
Buck frowns. “What are you talking about?”
“This is our first night together,” Eddie says, giving Buck a quick glance. “We should be-”
“Stop,” Buck says, shifting so he can look at Eddie properly. “Would you be saying this if I’d had a nightmare?”
Eddie opens his mouth to reply, then closes it as his expression clears. He scowls, rubbing the palm of his hand into his left eye. “I haven’t had a nightmare in... weeks.”
Buck knows when he’s talking about. “Come here?”
It doesn’t take long for Eddie to comply. The lack of fight tells Buck everything he needs to know, and as soon as Eddie is stretched out against him, he holds the back of Eddie’s head, rubs a hand down his spine.
“I love you.”
Eddie’s breath hitches.
Spreading his fingers, Buck smooths down the back of Eddie’s hair. “You’re not doing anything wrong. Now that we’ve got our shit together,” Eddie huffs a laugh, “I can hold you whenever I want.”
“Not at work,” Eddie warns, but he touches Buck’s hip gently, thumb rubbing beneath the fabric of his sleep pants. “But other times I guess.”
Buck hides his smile in Eddie’s hair. “I’ll take advantage of that.”
“Good,” Eddie says quietly. Then, pulling back to look Buck in the eye, he says, “I love you too.”
The words make Buck smile. He leans on, brushes a kiss to the corner of Eddie’s mouth. “Come on. We’ve got a couple of hours before we have to be up. Try and sleep some more.”
Eddie says nothing, holds himself stiffly for a few minutes. Buck relaxes, closing his eyes, and resuming the stroking of Eddie’s spine. Incrementally, Eddie relaxes, goes with Buck when he rolls onto his back, and rests his head against Buck’s shoulder.
“I’ve got you,” Buck whispers, when Eddie’s breathing evens out. It’s a promise he intends to keep.
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can you do some headcanons for the allies + germany about them proposing to their s/o in public but they say no, and later explains that they love them but was overwhelmed and didn't know what else to say? (ps I love your blog!!!)
You know what, GOOD FOR THE S/O!
I never thought public proposals were a good idea because that's too much PEER PRESSURE! (At least for me...)
Unless the two involved have explicitly said they're alright with it, and they're both 100% committed to the relationship. And- The discussion of how to publicly propose should happen, but only if someone is actually planning on doing it soon. To me public proposal is such a touchy topic. And you gotta really know the person.
Allies + Germany Give a Public Proposal
He's probably going to have a flash mob, or fancy fireworks going off.
He wants the whole world to know they're his- Wait did they say no?
Well this is an akward car ride now.
The whole scenerio was akward to be honest.
He didn't know what to say, but was really glad they broke the silence first.
Even after they say they still love him he's going to be shy to respond.
When he does he admits it was kind of over the top and apologies.
When they get home he does try a second time, and in this proposal promises to try and be more cautious of his lovers opinion.
It was on a peaceful garden and he had hoped it was going to be mostly void of others.
It wasn't but he had a YOLO moment and did it anyway.
He wasn't really surprised they said no, and quickly got up off his knee and lead them away to calm down.
He immediately apologized for his behavior, and fully admitted to thinking the situation was going to be different.
He won't propose again until the whole thing blows over and they're both under less pressure.
Fancy restaurant proposal!
Was super giddy and pulled out all the stops and romantic things to say during a proposal.
So he was, yet again in the relationship, shocked.
He followed them out the building to make sure they were okay.
He figured out pretty quickly they were uncomfortable and apologized.
All while saying how happy he was that they still stuck to their gut.
He does ask them to go back in, after getting a more secluded table, and at least eat out before going home.
They have a discussion about marriage instead and he promises to relax and not be as extra.
It was during one of China's family reunions.
So that in itself was overwhelming.
But after his S/O said no he straight up asked them why in front of everyone.
His S/O is going to have to be the one to pull him away from the crowd and explain.
Once they do he gives a sigh of relief
He's glad they don't hate him, and feels a bit embarrassed for not asking their opinion on the matter first
They avoid the topic until they get home and rest.
I can't see him proposing in public
But let's say he did, he's going to be backing out as soon as he realizes all eyes are on him and his S/O
The box doesn't even come out and he sweeps down to pretend he was going to tie his shoe instead.
Hopefully no one notices he has no laces.
It's going to take him a few hours to explain what that actually was.
He thought proposing at a secluded restaurant was helpful.
The staff decided to get nosy and they all collected at a table nearby to watch
He never noticed until his S/O said no and walked off
When he turned around and saw the staff he pretty much cursed them out and ran after his S/O
He almost begs them to accept his apology
This was not his intent! He swears!
When things finally calm down they sit on a brick wall and talk it out instead.
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satendou · 4 years
⟼  musical chairs
⇢  pairing: semi/reader
⇢ au: college!au
⇢ summary: when semi can’t seem to keep himself together, he turns to you
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⇥  masterlist
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⇢  warnings: psuedo-incest, mild reluctance, dubious consent, smut, oral, no prep, angst, parental gaslighting, mentions of blood
⇢  word count: 4790
⇢  a/n: yolo
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you could hear them again, screaming and yelling at each other and your heart thumped hard in your throat. your stepfather and stepbrother were going at it again, probably over something to do with school and his music, because that’s what it almost always was. the whole household was walking on eggshells around the two of them, waiting for the next time something would set them off.
semi was tired, you knew that. he was tired of his father always shoving his wants and desires down semi’s throat in an attempt to make him into what his father had wanted to be when semi just wanted to make music. you knew as much because, though the two of you weren’t extremely close, you were also the only one who understood what he was going through, having been stepsiblings for going on ten years at that point. there was an age gap between you that meant, until you were older, the two of you had had different friend groups and interests.
when semi expressed a desire to pursue a musical career, it was quickly declined, being told that his future was set towards a doctorate degree and nothing less. it was the first time semi had exploded, startling you at the sink and causing you to shatter the cup you were holding.
he had come to apologize later for causing you to hurt yourself, taking your bandaged hand and rubbing it gently for a moment before quietly asking why they couldn’t understand. you yourself didn’t understand and it made you feel almost guilty because they wholeheartedly supported your own career choice-- psychology, with a minor in social services. it was a nice, stable path, they said, unlike semi’s, which would be tumultuous and unfulfilling-- for them.
it was unusual to see the strong willed semi so unsure of himself and for a while you just sat there with him in silence, unsure of what to say to him until you finally asked, “how bad do you want it, eita? i don’t-- i can’t say you absolutely should ignore what they say, but if you really won’t be happy until you’ve at least tried then… maybe you should.”
semi had looked at you with a pensive expression and then sighed. “they won’t be happy.”
you squeezed his hand and gave him a smile, though it was thin with worry. “i’ll support you, eita. your music is amazing, you’ll do well if you have the chance, i know it.”
the transformation in his face was staggering, and it made your heart skip a beat to see the smile that spread across it. you couldn’t blame him for wanting to pursue his dreams, and you certainly wouldn’t tell him he shouldn’t.
the fighting started more frequently after that, a lot of it revolving around him going out to open mic nights at clubs, bars, and cafes-- anywhere he could get some stage time. you also learned shortly after that that he had dropped some of his courses and replaced them with musical theory classes and the like, asking you to help keep his cover, which you agreed to without hesitation. for the most part, he had kept you from getting involved or blowing that you were supporting him behind the scenes. you often pretended that semi was studying with you while he was actually practicing his songs or out at mic nights. on nights when he couldn’t use you was when the fights would escalate, except today it seemed that it wasn’t about just his music.
there was the sound of slamming doors and then the house fell silent, which wasn’t unusual in itself, but there was something heavier than usual in it, as if something had irreparably changed. sitting up on your bed, you strained your ears and picked up the lightest footsteps coming up the stairs. they stopped just outside your bedroom and the gentle rap on your door indicated who it was, and you called him in quietly.
“eita,” you whispered, reaching out to him. his eyes were rimmed red and his mouth was twisted in a feral scowl which, in another instance, might have frightened you. but you knew without a doubt that it wasn’t directed at you, and he collapsed face down on your bed, groaning into the blanket. “what was that about?”
you had to scoot closer to hear his muffled voice against the fabric as he said, “they found out i switched my classes. they opened my fucking mail.”
“fuck, i’m so sorry, eita,” you said, carding your fingers through his hair. there was a lot of tension in his shoulders even after he relaxed under your touch. “what are you gonna do?”
he shrugged before rolling onto his back. his long fingers wrapped around your hand as he did and pulled you down to splay across his chest. you wiggled around frantically, hoping to hide your fiery face before he could see it and ended up tucking your head beneath his chin. the sound of his heartbeat was erratic in your ear, belying how nervous he was under his aggravated facade.
“they want me to change the courses back or they’ll stop helping me pay,” he whispered, and his arm tightened around you.
a startled gasp flew from your lips and you pulled up, turning your body halfway so you were hovering over him. “no way, they-- those assholes. i don’t-- why can they not just accept what you want to do? i don’t get it.”
he smiled at that, a cold uptick at the corners of his lips as he said, “of course you don’t. you’re doing exactly what they want.”
the reaction was instant.
your shoulders deflated and you pulled away, sitting up cross-legged behind him. it wasn’t exactly your fault you happened to enjoy something they approved of. turning your head away, you stared at the closet door, biting the inside of your lip to stem the tears stinging your eyes. 
semi’s lips parted and he sat up as well, shifting the mattress beside you while he scratched the back of his neck. “i-- sorry, that didn’t come out the way i meant it to. you’ve always been their golden child without even meaning to. i know you enjoy what you’re doing, it’s just that they actually approve of what you’re doing. wish i could do that too.”
“you’re fine just the way you are, eita,” you whispered, turning back to look at him. you could still feel the tears sitting in your eyes, not quite heavy enough to fall but definitely there, and semi’s hand came up to cup your cheek. his brows were furrowed, guilt evident on his face, and you covered his hand with yours. “you should do what makes you happy, not force yourself to live the life they wanted to have.”
the room grew silent after you said that, unsure of what to say from there even though he wanted to disagree. it would make things so much easier if he just gave in and stopped fighting, and he wouldn’t have to worry about funding or how he was going to pay for the classes he did want to take. he propped his elbow up on his knee, resting his chin on it as he stared forlornly at your bedroom door, listening to the bed shift until there was a soft touch on his shoulder.
your head was resting on his shoulder, arm wound around his in an effort to comfort him, and he smiled. his lips pressed to the top of your head, eyes closing while a feeling of fondness overcame him. how he had never noticed, before this whole thing started, what a sweet person you were was beyond him and he realized what an idiot he had been to ignore you all this time.
“thank you, by the way. i don’t say it enough, but i probably wouldn’t still be trying if you weren’t encouraging me,” he said against your hair, and felt you nuzzle against his neck. warmth rushed through him at the small gesture of affection, and he had to resist the urge to pull you closer. he wouldn’t consider himself a bad older brother. whenever you needed help studying, he would walk you through the steps or if you had to stay late at school for an extra curricular, he would wait around to walk you home. it was just that there was a disconnect, a distance between the two of you that had a lot to do with age and his own self-absorption-- and he would be the first to admit he was pretty full of himself sometimes.
“that’s okay, eita. i want you to be happy and I’ll support you however you need,” you whispered, squeezing his arm. “wanna go get something to eat?”
“that sounds great,” he said, pulling you to your feet.
again. a-fucking-gain, they were fighting. you could hear stomping and yelling, cabinets slamming and what ultimately sounded like glass shattering. it fell silent just after that, and you sat in your bed with your head in your hands, just listening to the eerie quiet.
after a moment, there was a quiet conversation that made you more nervous than the yelling, and then footsteps passed your bedroom door. a door closed downstairs and a light flicked on out in the hallway, and you stood up and opened your door to find semi hovering over the sink in the bathroom, the water running a vivid red that set your anxiety off.
“what happened?” you murmured, pulling his hand out from under the stream. 
he winced as you picked up a clean hand towel and pressed hard against the wound to staunch the bleeding. “i was holding a glass and squeezed it too hard. he told me it’s stupid to pursue a career when i have no talent.”
where there should have been bitterness or anger in his voice, you heard cold amusement and defeat, and looked up at him. “that isn’t true, eita. i’m an expert, i would know.”
your joke fell flat and his chuckle was humorless and empty while he watched you examine the cut on his hand. it was shallow and had already stopped bleeding, not even requiring a bandage, and he flexed his fingers. “i think i’m just going to quit. this isn’t worth it,” he said, so quietly you would have missed it if you weren’t standing close enough to touch him.
sadness welled up, a quiet ache filling your chest for your sweet stepbrother, who was sometimes an ass and kind of a narcissist. cupping his cheek in one soft hand, his eyes fluttered shut as he leaned into your touch, frowning as you said, “if you really feel that way, then you should step back. but don’t let them tell you you wouldn’t make it. i know you would, eita-nii. you’ve never let anything hold you back when you really wanted it, and your music is amazing. you fill up those mic nights, it’s only a matter of time until someone sees you.”
his lips pursed and he looked at you, a quiet sadness in his eyes that you were sure mirrored your own as he said, “i’m not sure i’m passionate enough about it anymore, _____. they’ve taken it out of me. maybe i won’t go down the path they want me to but… i don’t know if i want to pursue music anymore.”
that was surprising, at least for a moment, and then you realized how normal that was. when you were forced to choose between the thing you loved and people you love, sometimes the love for the thing faded away because of it. you just hoped semi didn’t come to resent them too much, though they would deserve it.
“what do you think you’ll do?” you asked, linking your fingers with his. his skin was cool and soft, worn from years of volleyball and strong-- you could feel it in the way he squeezed your hand, that he could hurt you if he wanted but he didn’t. it was comforting and made you feel safe, and you found yourself lost in the sadness swimming in his eyes.
he took a step forward and you took a step back, the motion repeating until you were backed into your bedroom, the door closing with a soft click behind him. the bed creaked beneath you as he forced you to sit before climbing on beside you. he picked up the remote for your tv and clicked the power button, mulling over your question.
he wasn’t really sure, truth be told. it was something he had been thinking about for a while but when he really thought about it, he couldn’t see himself doing anything else. but the fighting was too much right now, he was too tired of trying to make them understand him to want to do it anymore, so he would find something else to focus on.
you were warm beside him, staring up at him with bemused concern as he scowled at your tv. if anyone else were to look at semi right now, they would think he was pissed, but you knew better. it was easy to see the sadness, and the confusion and fear beneath it on his face. music was something he had been wholeheartedly set on, and all of a sudden he was adrift, unsure of himself. even though he didn’t answer, you knew what it was already.
i don’t know. 
it was written all over his face, screaming at you and you stretched your arms out to him. 
he allowed himself to be engulfed in your arms, curling his massive frame down over you and resting his chin on your shoulder. his eyes remained locked on the flickering screen, unseeing as you rubbed his back and, in the end, he gave into the urge to hide his face in your neck. 
releasing a long suffering sigh, he sagged into you, but his weight was too much to bear and you fell backwards into the mattress, pulling him down on top of you.
praying he couldn’t hear your heart pounding away in your pulse, you relaxed into your pillows and wiggled until you could see the tv. he had put an anime on, probably one tendo had recommended to him, and it was at least interesting enough to keep your attention.
until semi’s hands started to move.
it started off with him adjusting his head so he could watch tv, his hair tickling your neck before his fingers started tracing patterns over your clothed stomach. you giggled and swatted at his hand and he snickered, pretending to stop until you were relaxed again and then he attacked, pinning you down while he tickled your stomach and sides.
you squealed, curling down on yourself for a moment before reaching for one of the pillows beneath your head. raining blows down on him, he used one arm to shield himself while the other continued to attack. he was straddling your hips by then while you bucked up, trying to throw him off. it was a miracle you didn’t wake your parents up with your laughter and squeaking bed frame, but by the time you were done you were out of breath, residual laughter lingering in the air between you.
staring up at him, cheeks red and eyes finally alight with something other than that lingering sadness, lips parted as he panted above you. like a switch was flipped, you realized two things simultaneously: one, the position you were in, laying beneath him as you were and two, that he was rock hard against your stomach.
“shit, sorry,” he muttered when he caught sight of your eyes widening. he made no move to get off though, continuing to stare down at you with an unfathomable look, taking in the flush in your cheeks and nervous, not quite repulsed glimmer in your eyes. your arms were spread out across the bed beside you, and you tensed when he finally moved off to the side. “roll over.”
“huh?” you said intelligently, giving him a confused look.
he sighed, pushing at your hip. “roll over. onto your stomach.”
even as you do so, you say, “um, i don’t think we should--”
but he cut you off, coming to rest over your thighs, and you clammed up upon feeling his hands slide up your shirt and over your back. you could feel his hard on, resting now between the cheeks of your ass and you were nervous but not in the way you should have been at having your brother groping you. swallowing thickly when his fingertips grazed the sides of your breasts, you wiggled and he tutted you.
“don’t fight, princess. i know you’re wet already,” he said, voice a low, not-quite-whisper in your ear and you whined quietly. his fingers hooked in the waistband of the shorts you were wearing and pulled, slowly peeling them down. you tensed your thighs to hide the fact that he was right, you were soaked but his sharp eyes didn’t miss the way your panties peeled off your slick folds or the wet spot that had been left behind on them. “oh hell.”
you bit your lip when he ghosted over the round cheeks of your ass, barely a touch against your skin and then he squeezed, parting your lips so he could get a peek at your soaked cunt. it was almost surreal, your head spinning as you wondered how you went from a playfight to semi practically eyefucking you. it was impossible to wrap your head around and you jumped when he moved so he was sitting between your legs, spreading your thighs far enough that he could lay between them..
“e-eita--,” you called out quietly, not sure what you want from him when the first swipe of his tongue covered your pussy from your clit up to your clenching hole. “mm, wait, please, we--”
“it’s too late, princess,” he groaned against you, feeling you jerk hard in his hands. he looped his arms beneath your hips and canted your hips up so he could devour you with ease. “you taste so fucking good, i couldn’t stop even if i wanted to.”
the way his tongue flicked at your clit sent shocks through you, and your toes curled when he forced his tongue into your spongy walls, filling you up. he lapped at your walls, tasting you with another groan before returning to your clit. already, you could feel your orgasm building, something about not being able to see him taking you right up to the edge and when he dipped his tongue into you again, you came with a cry, legs bending at the knee and back arching down into the bed.
he continued to eat you out for another moment, until you were trembling and trying to get away, releasing your clit with a wet pop. before you could say anything, a complaint or otherwise, he was sliding his shorts down his legs and throwing his shirt over the side of the bed. both hit the floor with a faint noise, and then your shirt joined them. you didn’t argue when he settled over you again, pinning your thighs together between his while he settled his cock between the cheeks of your ass.
you knew it was going to happen regardless of if you asked him to stop. the part of you that felt it was wrong was growing smaller and smaller anyway as he rocked his hips, the soft skin of his hard cock sliding between your cheeks, occasionally dipping down to nudge your entrance. you could how big he was and your toes curled every time he seemed like he was about to slide into you. he would pull back though, and you could feel your juices on his skin, smearing it across yours.
“i don’t hear you complaining anymore, princess,” he said, and you could practically feel the smugness radiating off of him. he stilled above you, hands squeezing and kneading your flesh and you craned your neck to look up at him. 
you nearly stopped his heart when he caught sight of your flushed face and lips swollen from nibbling on them, eyes wide and glittery while you whined, “i’m not, eita-nii. please, i-- please put it in, i want it--”
oh fuck.
his cock throbbed at your words, at the nickname, so innocent and yet you used it now.
“fuck, whatever you want, pretty girl,” he whispered, barely containing his own need as he positioned himself at your entrance. he knew it was cruel, not prepping you when he was as big as he is, but you were such a good girl, he knew you would take it without complaining.
even just the tip was enough to make you whine, nails digging into the comforter beneath you and you used that to try and pull away as he forced more of himself into you. it was a heady mix of pain and pleasure; you wanted it so bad you could taste it but the pain of him forcing you open was almost too much. it didn’t even feel like you were stretching, he was just pushing everything out of the way to make room for his girth.
your teeth sank into the pillow to stifle your scream, drool dripping onto the fabric as your eyes fluttered and rolled, focus narrowing down to the incredible feeling of him buried deep inside you. as pretty as you acknowledged him to be, this wasn’t something you had ever fantasized about and you were wondering if he was going to split you in half when he finally stopped. you took a deep breath, ready to cry in relief when he pulled back out and pushed in again, your cunt already partially open and offering no resistance as he worked to hilt himself inside you. 
it took a few more thrusts that left you winded and crying before his hips finally met yours and, just as he said, you didn’t complain once. 
not that you could when he took your breath away with each thrust.
he braced himself up on his elbows over you, muscles tense on either side of your head, and you tilted it back to look up at him. his face was swimming in your vision, but you thought he was smiling even though he was panting.
and he was, even though his face was twisted with pleasure over how tight you were squeezing around him. he could feel you pulsing around him, still trying to suck him in deeper even though he was already nestled right against your cervix. there was something so wrong about being buried balls deep inside you, his little sister, someone he grew up in the same house with for so many years. it was taboo, wrong, fucked up and he pulled his hips back to your stifled whines before slamming back into you with abandon.
the noise you made was choked and high pitched and he throbbed at it, doing it again just to see if you would make it again and he was rewarded for his efforts. he wasn’t going to last long with you choking his cock like that. the tight fit made incredible noises, your pussy gushing around him and dribbling down to the blanket, and they filled the room along with your muffled noises. he was grateful you had the forethought to silence yourself as his hips slammed into yours because he couldn’t hold back even if he wanted to.
your legs kicked up against his back because he was grazing the swollen, spongy spot inside you with every thrust and you could feel every ridge and vein rubbing along your walls. it felt like he was dragging himself out of you every time and you gasped when he snapped back in, cunt stretching with the effort to take him even though he was fucking you like he was trying to imprint the shape of his cock into you.
his hair was matted to his forehead and there were red marks where his fingers were digging into your hips but it didn’t phase either one of you as you tightened up around him, cunt fluttering as you teetered on the edge. 
you’d never cum without pressure on your clit but there was a spot inside you that he kept fucking rubbing and you were going to lose your mind. the whines that fell from your lips were mindless, eyes streaming tears and you thought it was going to be too much just as the coil snapped and your whole body tensed because he wouldn’t stop moving. you screamed into the pillow, a loud, whiny noise as he hips continued to roll, forcing your twitching walls to part around and pressing into the spot that made you cum in the first place and the bed below you soaks.
he knew you squirted, knew you were too sensitive and when you were trembling with overstimulation he stopped and let himself cum deep inside you with a broken, rough moan. his fingers bit into your hips and ass, keeping you still until he was done and then he collapsed over top of you, forehead resting on his arm beside your face and he saw that your eyes were closed.
at least you released the pillow.
when he had finally caught his breath, he nuzzled your cheek and you sighed, leaning into it. after a moment, you turned your head and bumped his nose, blindly seeking something and sighed again when his lips met yours. the corners of your mouth turned up and he can taste salt on his tongue and he worried for a moment that he might actually have hurt you.
“are you okay? you aren’t hurt, are you?” he whispered, unwilling to break the soft afterglow between the two of you, and you shook your head.
“no, i’m okay,” you answered, just as softly, and moveed so that your arm pressed to his.
balancing his weight carefully, he linked his fingers with yours, moving your arms up above your head, so that his chest was plastered against your back and you were fully encased in his arms. “eita, what now?”
he shrugged, breathing evenly against your cheek and pressing small kisses to your skin. “what do you want to happen?”
you mimicked him, shrugging as best you can beneath him and bit your lip. “i don’t know. can we even be anything? and would it end well if we wanted to be? i just…”
his normally sharp eyes softened as you stared up at him, doubt and confusion and worry all twisting your sweet face into a grimace, and he squeezed your hands. “we’ve only lived together for how many years? we already know each other’s bad habits and negative traits. we’d probably do a lot better than most.”
“what about them?” you persisted, and he knew you meant your parents. but there was a tinge of hope to your question, a little less tension in your body beneath him, and he kissed you full on the lips again.
“what about them? if we’re careful, they won’t know the difference,” he answered, breathing the words against your lips. he was over talking now, your wet cunt still gripping his cock and he could feel himself hardening again. 
a careful roll of his hips produced a gasp and a whine, and your fingers squeezed down on his like your walls were around his shaft, buried all the way inside you. 
“e-eita-nii,” you whined, lips parting in a quiet moan as he slid slowly out and back in. you were so loose and relaxed now that he had no issue slipping back inside with a wet squelch, groaning into your ear as you swallow him whole.
“feels so good, princess. ‘m not leaving this hole all night, i promise,” he whispered, and he can feel you trying to rock your hips back into his.
“fill me up, eita-nii,” you begged, voice ragged with need. there was already a throbbing between your legs, each drag of his cockhead over your walls leading you towards your high for a third time. “want all of you inside me, all the time.”
he growled at that, jerking his hips hard and forcing himself into you so fast it took your breath away. “don’t ask for things you can’t handle, pretty girl. i’d hate to break you so soon.”
a shudder ran through you at that, his words filled with dark promise and a question, and you breathed out shakily.
“break me, eita. please, please, break me.”
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⇥  masterlist
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sleeplesscenarios · 4 years
bingqiu and headpats - an essay
or something... this is just me word vomiting after rereading chapter 49, have fun :)
so, for context, this is the chapter when luo binghe kisses shen qingqiu after shen qingqiu pats him on the head and there are some important points to make.
now there’s a whole ass paragraph in there going on about how much sqq loves to pat ppl on the head and there’s one sentence that’s something like “don’t touch a man’s head or a woman’s waist” and it barely makes sense tbh but it’s sqq, shit barely ever make sense in his head. what’s important here is three things:
1. shen qingqiu loves patting people’s head 2. he got the idea that he’s not supposed to pat people’s head 3. luo binghe always let him pat his head
there we need to clear one thing up: 
what are headpats?
headpats are the most affectionate things in the world. based on the gay content i consumed, i’ve come to the conclusion that headpats are an “i like you” in gay. unfortunately, not everyone is aware of that (maybe it’s not even true but it makes sense if you consider that quote above) but i can 100% guarantee you that you can make a person’s heart flutter if you pat their head a lot more than a hug could ever do.
headpats not only make one’s heart flutter but also give comfort. it also means “you did well” and i know for a fact that this sentence could make many stressed af people cry (imagine a lbh who lost the only person who ever loved him and then gets him back... yeah...). usually the older is the one giving comfort to the younger bc parental instincts or whatever so it’s also extra heart fluttering when the younger gives it to the older uwu. anyways, headpats don’t only give comfort, they could also provide safety.
most importantly, it suggests that the person’s palm is resting on top of your head, the highest point of your body which calms you down and keeps you grounded. good for anxiety (if the person can be touched, please don’t touch an anxious/panicked person if they don’t give a sign that it’s ok you could alert them and make it worse) and easing nerves.
next, headpats from luo binghe’s point of view:
we have our white lotus precious sunshine half demon child who suffered through every shit possible before finally meeting this man whose attitude took a 180° turn. as said before, sqq LOVES patting people’s head and sqq always thought that binghe is a very cute boy so how could he resist just patting his head and ruffling his hair all the time? he can’t. he won’t. luo binghe is both touch starved and affection starved so this man is not only the first person who treated him well but also probably the first person who touched him with affection instead of beating him.
imagine this long suffered, touch and affection starved 14 years old luo binghe having his head patted by shen qingqiu for the first time. yes. i would fall in love on the spot too.
and after that, shen qingqiu keeps doing it because it’s what he does and luo binghe thinks he would get used to it by the time he’s 17 or smth but no??? it’s always the same fluttering feeling he gets in his heart, and it warms his whole body up and fills him with happiness and god, he never wants sqq to let go of him :(( it calms him down, comforts him, encourages him, makes him feel cared for and loved........ *cries*
moving on to the most interesting part, headpats from shen qingqiu’s point of view:
so shen qingqiu LOVES giving headpats and he finally found this adorable, enthusiastic little boy who lets him pat his head for all he wants (see the never wants him to let go part above). but sqq has his doubts because should he really pat the head of this half demon boi who would cut off his whole arm later on? yes. he keeps doing it anyways because yolo (his words not mine).
at first, he pats binghe’s head because “good little baby protagonist, grow strong, kill ppl, get women uwuwu shizun supports you pls remember not to kill me later”. and he doesn’t even notice it but he grows super attached to this kid, like the novel didn’t mention but i’d bet money that when he ditched binghe to the abyss, he would stare at his open palm and imagine what binghe’s head/hair felt like beneath his palm/fingers. because he did give him a lot of his love and affection so of course, he wouldn’t come out of this unscathed. headpats affect the giver too. everytime he patted binghe’s head, sqq would look at the way lbh’s eyes lit up and he relaxed under his touch because he trusted him so much, and hhhhhhhhhh shen qingqiu had no chance either, he’s just dumb af.
at that moment, when shen qingqiu saw the sad and lonely grown up luo binghe and his arm moved automatically to give binghe his headpats that was not only because it became a routine born out of something he enjoyed doing. it was also from his strong desire to protect him (which we can see a lot in the second half of the novel), see his eyes bright and twinkling again instead of piercing and cold, to see a thoughtless and happy smile on his face again, to make him feel loved and cared for instead of lonely, to give him comfort, affection, whatever just to not see him like that anymore.
at that time, shen qingqiu’s arm moved to pat luo binghe’s head because he loved luo binghe very much (even if he didn’t realize it yet or if it wasn’t to that extent yet) and hated to see him so miserable, especially after knowing full well what luo binghe had to go through ever since he was born. 
and at that time, luo binghe really couldn’t help but kiss him because even if that was only his own delusional dream, he could feel the real sqq for a moment, he could feel the same kind of warmth and comfort and affection that he fell in love with, and since shen qingqiu moved unconsciously, the movement came from his heart so it reached directly luo binghe’s heart who responded with his own.
actually, shen qingqiu patting luo binghe’s head at that exact moment like that truly felt like a love confession, it must have felt like that to luo binghe.
thank you for your attention, bingqiu headpats forever! ^^
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
What if the Red and Blue clans exchanged kings. Reisi as King of the Red Clan and Mikoto as King of the Blue Clan for one week.^^
I just imagine Munakata walking into Homra probably wearing like some kind of awful leather jacket and being all 'Yolo, fellow barbarians' XD Maybe Kokujouji makes them do this as some kind of learning experience, like maybe you two wouldn't fight as much and cause massive property damage if you walked in each other's shoes for a week. Kusanagi and Awashima are rightfully horrified by this idea but Munakata is intrigued and Mikoto's like whatever fine and so it's decided that they'll switch clans for a single week. Munakata is very interested in seeing how a clan like Homra might function with someone competent in charge (which he makes certain to say right in front of Kusanagi, who twitches slightly and almost breaks the glass he's cleaning). He decides that he must 'blend in with the locals' and so he lets his hair be slightly more ruffled than usual, finds himself a leather jacket and has Doumyouji print him out a helpful list of all the latest slang used among the wilder youth. The Homra alphabet are fairly certain that Munakata doesn't actually know what most of it means, as he greets everyone with 'yolo' and suggests they all go out and do some yeeting amongst the populace. Kusanagi has to explain that Homra doesn't do any paperwork and that Munakata should just relax, Munakata says he is relaxing as he sits there straight and proper in his chair at the bar slowly drinking his drink and basically looking extremely out of place.
The Homra guys are in general not very pleased at having to answer to the Blue King all week, Yata's pretty loudly declaring that Mikoto-san is way better when Munakata smiles serenely and says that Suoh agreed to this and he hopes that they will get along well 'Garasu-kun.' Yata is pretty sure he's being mocked but Munakata's so polite about it that he can't actually pinpoint how he's being mocked and it's pissing him off. Kusanagi just hopes his bar can make it until the end of the week, though he doesn't realize the true danger of the switch until Totsuka shows up asking if anyone wants to help him with his new hobby, creating scale versions of Mt. Fuji out of mashed potatoes. Munakata has immediate interest and soon he and Totsuka are discussing possible clan bonding activities for the week, Kusanagi feels like somehow they've just created a monster.
Meanwhile over at Scepter 4 Mikoto is asleep on Fushimi's desk and Akiyama is trying to keep Fushimi from stabbing the Red King because that would probably be bad (more from a diplomacy standpoint than an actual moral one as Akiyama is not in fact opposed to Fushimi stabbing the Red King, since the first thing Mikoto said when Akiyama politely greeted him that morning was 'Who's this shorty?'). Fushimi is really not happy about this change and not shy about saying so, complaining about why do they have to deal with this irritating person and it's not like Mikoto's going to actually do anything King-like while he's here, it's like they were forced to adopt a lion and can't get rid of him. At some point they manage to run him out of the office by briefly using him as a table to stack documents on, Mikoto eventually gets up and yawns and sends everything flying. Fushimi irritably tells him to go sleep somewhere else and Mikoto just shrugs and lights a cigarette, Akiyama coughs pointedly and points at the 'no smoking' sign on the wall and Mikoto just keeps smoking anyway.
Eventually he gets bored of scaring Munakata's minions and decides to check out Munakata's office, probably finding whatever puzzle Munakata was working on and burning an important piece just for fun (also the puzzle seems to have been of a blown up picture of Fushimi's face so that was kinda creepy). He looks around the office for a while, thinking this is just the kind of place a stuffy guy like Munakata would work in, and then settles himself in the big plush chair for a nice long nap. This time he's awoken by a pointed cough, Mikoto opens one eye and there's Awashima staring down at him and informing him in no uncertain terms that as acting Blue King he is expected to handle the duties that come with that title. Mikoto's all 'eh?' as Awashima sets a giant stack of documents down in front of him, informing him that these all require a signature. Mikoto tries to get out of it by saying she should have Munakata do them when he gets back and Awashima says there is no time for that, and she'll wait while he does it. Mikoto kinda wants to burn her but he's also getting this familiar feeling, like what he's felt before when he accidentally singed the bar and Kusanagi made him clean it up, and he finally sighs and starts writing, thinking that this is definitely a pain.
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completeotometrash · 4 years
Hanakaki (Yukimura angst)
TW: Includes death, blood, and one sided love. Has a sad ending, as well. (Ofc, it’s angst. Lmao)
She/her pronouns
On a side note: This is my first real attempt at writing angst, so I apologize if it’s not sad enough,,, (Although, I think it’s pretty mf sad.) I was thinking of making this a series including all of the warlords getting the fictional disease? I just find the concept really interesting, and, I would appreciate it a lot if you guys could take a moment to share your thoughts and comment whether or not if you’d like this as a series!
I wrote this on complete impulse instead of working on the negleted stuff in my askbox, YOLO-
Yes I just used “YOLO” in a sentence and it’s the year 2020, yikes.
For those of you who are unaware of the Hanakaki disease: It’s when a victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from a one sided love. Over time it becomes deadly, and suffocates the victim. There’s two ways you can overcome the disease, the first- of course, being when your love for the person is no longer one sided, as the second is a potential surgury; if you recieve it, as it may save your life, you can never feel love again.
His chest grows tight, painfully tight.
Familiarly tight.
His throat burns with each swallow, as does each slow breath he tries to suppress. Everyone is laughing with joy at the table in which he sits. His eyes look around the room, scanning each of their expressions- a sad attempt to distract himself from the pain. 
A pain that increases when his now blurry vision focuses on her. 
She smiles, setting down her cup. She carries it with her own sort of grace, unlike anyone else in the room. Of course, her still in tact sobriety probably plays a part in this.
Actually, her sobriety had nothing to do with the way she moved. How she set the cup down was completely normal, it hit the table with a gentle clink. How can one even have grace when holding a simple wooden cup? Ridiculous.
In Yukimura’s eyes, everything she does has some sort of unique way to it. Not because he was drunk. Not because of the people around her. Yukimura is in love with her. Oh so desperately, smitten.
His hand grips onto the table, knuckles white from his insane grip. He stifles a cough, mouth full with a sticky, iron tasting, substance; his own blood. Quickly, and without a word, he leaves the room. His frenzied walk becomes a fast trot until he is outside.
Knees weak, they meet the soft dirt, and his shoulders begin to shake. His body becomes heavy as he coughs ferociously. Soon enough, between each desperate gasp for air, are the same florescent pink petals drenched in his blood. The thorns scratch his throat. He fears what they could do to his voice. Perhaps he would lose it, live the rest of his days mute.
At the end of the day, even a life mute as long as she is in his presence is a good one. The thought once again makes his now daily cycle repeat its self. 
When he finishes, he wipes his mouth clean; ready to go back and pretend this never happened. He figured he will say he drank a little too much, and was feeling sick. Yes, that will work just fine.
Or at least he thought it would, until he turns around.
There she leans against the castle wall, arms crossed in an unformal- but of course, beautiful way. The bright moonlight shines just enough for him to make out the details in her distraught expression.
Yukimura’s eyes widen, and he wonders worriedly as to how much she just witnessed? What she would think of him, after looking so vulnerable and weak before her.
Before he can even say anything, she’s moving forward, her hand gently touching his cheek. He blushes, pulling away quickly as he coughs for the third time tonight. A new personal record.
She watches the stained petals fall to the ground, biting her lip. Yukimura continues to cough, but this time, the pain is more excruciating than before.    
After his croaking, there’s silence. An awkward, long period of silence.
“How long have you had it?” He flinches at the sound of her voice. The happiest noise in the world for him now sounds so sad.
It’s challenging, but his dry lips manage to curve into a big smile. A fake one, that is so wide it travels to what he hopes are his convincing eyes. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. We should be getting back.” He walks past her, legs screaming begging him for rest.
“Cut the shit, Yukimura.”
Once again, there’s silence.
He turns his head to look at her. She stands still before him, taking a mostly clean petal from the ground that he expelled only moments before.
“You have Hanakaki disease; and it’s clearly getting quite severe. How could you not tell me?”
He slowly inhales, looking at the ground in shame. He wished to tell her, he really did. As a matter of fact, he’s wanted to tell her everything about the matter. How she is the one he longs for, how his lungs and heart burn for her. But, when the disease is revolved around an unrequited love, what’s the point?
So he stays silent, hoping she’ll just forget about it for the time being. 
“So, you don’t want to talk about it?” She gazes at him longingly, trying to read his face. She finds nothing. “Fine.”
MC takes his hand, dragging him to a nearby seat. Gently, she plops beside him with hoax gusto. “Then I suppose we’ll just have awkward small talk until you do. Allow me to think.”
Almost in a joking manner, she rests her hand on her chin, looking off in the distance. Moments later, her face lights up with excitement. 
She’s so cute.
“This morning’s weather was terrible! The wind was so cold, I believe it gave me whiplash. What do you think?” He can tell she’s trying to sound casual, but her pitiful voice crack a the end makes her feelings obvious. His brow furrows as he dryly exhales.
“There was no point in telling you, Dummy. I’ll be fine, you don’t need to worry about it.” His voice is raspy still, desperately in need of hydration. 
Her posture straightens as she stares at him, clearly irritated. 
“Listen... Have you even talked to this person? Do they know what you’re going through?”
“No.” A lie. One used to protect her from the pain he knows she’d feel if the truth was revealed. “Can we just stop talking about this and go? The guys are going to start getting suspicious, and I don’t want Shingen to get annoying because he has the wrong idea.” 
She now looks down, closing her eyes sadly. He notices her hands clench the silk fabric of her kimono, fabric he bought her when they first met. Oh how unbelievably good the shade of red looks on her; his color.
“Alright. But please tell them soon, before it’s too late. You’re an amazing man, Yukimura, anyone would be extremely lucky to have you. I care for you too much to see you die.” With that, she stands, walking inside without looking back.
What did that mean? 
His heart beats in his chest quickly, thinking of her last words.
“I care for you too much to see you die.“
Perhaps it was possible if she felt something for him. Interest beyond platonic? He ponders on, the new hope of living a long and happy life with her. 
A chance to be with the woman he loves.
He gasps, blood dripping out of his nose and mouth now. There’s petals everywhere, suffocating him as his mouth fills with more and more. Yukimura’s airways are blocked.
No, I need to know if she can ever love me! This can’t be it!!! 
He swallows some petals, immense pressure on his chest as he clutches it. His mind grows fuzzy- as he is unable to form any proper thoughts.
He collapses to the ground yet again, and there’s a moment where his body finally relaxes, where he feels almost at peace. His hope is not strong enough to keep his heart beating.
I love you, MC. I really do... I’ll never forgive myself for not telling you that.
And with his final gasp for air, his mind is brought into a black abyss, and his body goes limp- death taking its turn.
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