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mj-iza-writer · 9 months ago
Warning: Hanahaki disease. A fictional disease where flowers grow in the lungs and throat of someone who is suffering from unrequited love. This causes a long drawn-out death unless that love is shown back or a fictional surgeon can remove it. This would cause the sufferer to lose all love for that person who gave them the disease. Oh how I've wanted to write a story based on this since I've first heard about it. -MJ
Includes an aromantic asexual character.
"Master, their is a message for you", Whumpee handed an opened envelope to Whumper.
"For me.. how did it arrive?", Whumper sighed. It took a lot of work to get messages to their hidden home. Notes to them were never good news. Somebody desperately needed their services.
Whumpee poured a cup of tea for Whumper while they read the letter.
"Poor soul", Whumper set the letter down and reached for the cup.
"Is it... uh you know?", Whumpee knelt beside them.
Whumper cupped their face lovingly, "yes my dear.. Hanahaki disease. Our services are needed", Whumper sighed.
Whumpee nodded.
"Will you take this letter to Caretaker for me. I will work at packing my necessities", Whumper stood.
"Master may I come with you?", Whumpee followed, "I can help you and Master Caretaker."
"This is not a vacation, someone might be dying. Caretaker and I have to serve them and perform surgery. That may not even help them", Whumper frowned, "this is a somber time for this person and their family who are begging for us to come. Plus, who will be here to take care of my home?"
"Honey never goes with Caretaker, maybe they can watch over your home while we go", Whumpee folded the letter, "please Master it's an honor watching you perform your part of the surgery. It's an honor knowing that you, my Master, is saving someone."
Whumper sighed and thought for a few minutes.
Whumpee felt uncomfortable in the silence.
"Ask Caretaker what they think, and you ask Honey. If Honey says they do not want to take care of my home, then you may not go. I'm okay with it, and Caretaker has to agree", Whumper frowned, "you will be there to help us... understood."
"Yes Master... thankyou thankyou thankyou", Whumpee excitedly jumped up and down.
"Okay go on to Caretaker, hurry up", Whumper turned.
Caretaker frowned as they took the message from Whumpee.
"Goodness", Caretaker read it over, "yes we must hurry."
Whumpee nodded.
"Master Caretaker, Master Whumper has allowed me to come with both of you. They said that you have to permit it, and I must ask Honey if they would watch Master's home for me", Whumpee fiddled with their fingers, "would you allow me to go with you if Honey is okay with me going?"
"I don't mind if you come with us. You haven't come with us in quite some time", Caretaker nodded.
Whumpee excitedly smiled.
Honey had been listening in to the conversation.
"I'll watch over Master Whumper's home for you", Honey smiled, "I don't mind, and I can get complete peace and quiet if you go."
Whumpee excitedly jumped up and down again.
"Please let Whumper know I will down soon, you best get packed yourself", Caretaker smiled.
Whumpee followed Whumper and Caretaker into the home.
They were led to the bedroom of the ill person.
Whumpee took in the person on the bed. Their raspy labored breathing, pale skin.
The person violently coughed as Whumper and Caretaker set their things down. Vibrant flowers fell from their mouth. Blue, orange, yellow, red.
"Please help me", they gargled, "I can't breath."
"We are here to help you", Caretaker turned to them.
"But we must know first how this happened", Whumper frowned, "who caused you to contract the hanahaki disease. The surgery we perform is both drastic and could possibly fail if you are not careful."
The person winced as they turned to a family member who was in the room.
"Their was a person who came into our lives a few months ago. They caused my partner to fall in love with them to take our money. Once they got what they wanted they left. Around a month ago my partner started to cough up flowers. It took forever for us to find someone who could name the disease. Thankfully, they knew how to contact you. My partner hasn't been able to forget that person. They are still in love", the family member explained sadly, "I don't mind that they fell in love with someone else. They were enticed by them, I don't blame them at all. They need help. I don't have the money or anything to repay you, but we will find a way."
Whumper and Caretaker looked at each other.
"We will concern ourselves with payment once we've finished", Whumper turned to Whumpee.
"My servant here will be available to help us during the surgery. We require absolute privacy. No one can bother us while we work", Whumper sighed.
Caretaker stepped forward, "you must understand this surgery will remove all feelings you had towards that person. You will no longer feel anything for them. Remember though. Once you've contracted this disease, you can contract it again. If it returns, it returns faster and stronger. You might not have time for us to come."
The person coughed more, flowers cascaded around everyone's feet, "help me please", they pleaded.
Whumpee looked down and frowned.
"Masters, there is blood", Whumpee held up a petal.
"We need to hurry, they may have something punctured", Caretaker started to unpack their tools. Whumper followed.
Whumpee ushered the family member out.
"Wait", Whumper walked to the door, "are all of the flowers they've coughed out in this room. I must destroy all pieces of the disease."
"Destroy?", the person frowned.
"Yes Caretaker offers peace and comfort. I, on the other hand, have to destroy it. That is why many fear me, and many don't want to be with me. I destroy things."
"It's a hard job, but I wouldn't be able to do this without them", Caretaker sighed.
"The person we talked to said to keep all the petals and flowers together. They are all here", the person looked down, "what has my partner gotten themself into?"
"Something you should pray never happens to you", Whumper sighed, "we must begin, I will send Whumpee when we have finished."
Once the door was closed Caretaker stepped beside Whumpee and ran their finger along the door.
"My barrier is set. The room and all of us in here will now be made clean", Caretaker smiled at Whumpee. A bright light shown throughout the room and danced around the four of them.
Whumper was at their table setting up.
"Whumpee I need you to collect the petals and flowers from the floor", Whumper spoke over their shoulder, "I will destroy them at home."
Whumpee looked over the floor covered in colorful petals, "Master with yours and Master Caretaker's magic being used, do you think the veil is opened enough that I may be able to use some of my psychic abilities to help pick everything up?"
"Psychic abilities?", Caretaker looked at Whumper.
"Yes a few months ago they were playing while I was using magic and decided to copy me. They found they could do a few things themself. I have to be openly using magic though", Whumper looked at Whumpee, "I've allowed them to practice."
"You may try, just nothing to big. You may have a little boost since Caretaker is here", Whumper frowned, "be careful."
Caretaker had already closed the patients eyes. They were peacefully asleep and didn't seem to be uncomfortable.
Whumper held up two fingers and ran them down the patients chest and stomach. A cut followed the fingers down. Whumper then did the same thing to open the chest cavity.
"This is worse than I thought", Whumper frowned.
Caretaker and Whumpee both approached and looked.
"This was a stonger love then I care to admit to their partner. See the thorns, they've long stabbed through the lungs, they've climbed their throat both inside and out. Unfortunately they've also tangled into the ribs and spine. This is a mess. I'm surprised they're alive still."
Whumpee listened, "I never realized love could be so dangerous until I started serving you."
"Yes it is very dangerous. I'm glad I've never had any feelings of this type of love towards someone", Whumper sighed as they started to cut away the thorny stems.
"Master doesn't that seem weird that you've never experienced love before?", Whumpee began to concentrate some of their own magic to clean up the room.
"I've experienced love before. Their are different forms or love... I've just never had a romantic or honestly a sexual interest in anyone. I can still feel love for you and Caretaker and Honey. I can still love my family and friends. Their are so many ways to love, its not as limited as the world makes it out to be."
Caretaker watched Whumpee's confusion.
"Whumpee you love your Master right?", Caretaker smiled as Whumpee lost their concentration and dropped some petals.
"Yes of course", Whumpee nodded.
"Would you want to marry Whumper?", Caretaker chuckled.
Whumper looked at Whumpee for a second before going back to work.
"No Master, I wouldn't", Whumpee looked at Caretaker with puppy eyes.
"Well that is a different love then. You don't have a certain love toward them. But, maybe a family type love. Their are so many different forms of love."
"I think I understand... thankyou for helping me understand", Whumpee smiled.
"You're welcome", Caretaker smiled before turning back to help Whumper.
"I'll be opening their lungs next", Whumper frowned, I could feel two strong flowers growing up into their airway."
Whumper and Caretaker did a final check before Caretaker closed the openings with their fingers.
Whumpee twirled their hands a few more times as the leftover flowers fell into their bag.
"Two bags full... this was a really bad case", Whumper frowned.
Whumpee nodded.
Caretaker completely closed the openings. The magic healed all without leaving a scar.
"You may go tell the family it is done", Whumper sighed, "I am so tired."
Caretaker leaned on the wall, "I'm afraid using that much magic is becoming a little much for the both of us."
Whumper nodded.
Whumpee stood at the door.
"Uh, Masters, the door still has a barrier. I can't open it", Whumpee looked at them.
Caretaker snapped their finger at the door.
"Sorry Whumpee", Caretaker smiled weakly.
"Hello the Masters are finished with the surgical removal of the disease. You may come back in now", Whumpee told the family and partner, "please don't overcrowd them. The Masters are very tired from the surgery, they will instruct you on next steps and promptly leave after."
"What about paying them?", the partner stood.
"The Masters don't receive payment from you for their services. It is paid later in time from the universe", Whumpee grinned, "they perform this surgery to help."
"But why?", the partner pleaded, "they deserve something for this... they saved them."
"Don't concern yourself with the details", Whumper came out, "we will receive our payment as it is supposed to be done. We were gifted with our abilities, and we would never seek payment for using them. The universe provides for us. That is all."
"Oh, uh okay", the partner looked down in disappointment.
"Come now", Whumper ordered weakly.
"Why are they so weak now", the partner whispered to Whumpee.
"The surgery takes a lot out of them", Whumpee replied.
"What exactly did they do", the partner looked over the ill person, "there's no scars or anything."
"Unfortunately we are not able to tell you that", Caretaker sighed, "they are better now. They will need time to rest and recuperate for a while."
They knelt beside their partner and took their hand, "will they be okay?"
"We took out every bit of the hanahaki disease. As long as they don't contract it again, they will be okay", Caretaker sighed tiredly, "just allow them to rest."
"Masters speaking of rest, I think it's time to leave so you both may regain strength", Whumpee interrupted.
"I think you're right Whumpee", Whumper nodded.
The person led them out, "thankyou so much. I can't tell you how much we appreciate you both. Are you sure I can't repay you in any way?"
"No, trust us, it will be taken care of", Caretaker smiled, "we are happy we could help you."
Whumpee sat against a tree and watched over Caretaker and Whumper while they slept.
They quietly braided blades of grass together while waiting.
Caretaker stirred first and looked up at Whumpee.
"Hello Master, how did you rest?", Whumpee whispered.
"Very well, I feel like some of my energy has been replenished", Caretaker sat up.
"I'm glad to hear", Whumpee nodded, "would you like some food?"
"No no, I'm okay. Honey said they'd make us a big meal when we returned. I'm about ready to be home", Caretaker sighed.
"Then let's get packed up and move on", Whumper groaned as they woke up, "I'm about ready for some home cooked food myself."
"Honey invited both of you over for dinner when we get their", Caretaker looked over to Whumper.
"Sounds good", Whumper nodded, "after that we can destroy these hanahaki flowers."
"May I help you Master?", Whumpee looked at the bags.
"I'd appreciate it."
"Alright let's get this area cleaned up, then we can go", Caretaker looked around.
It was late at night, Whumper and Whumpee had left Caretaker's home with full bellies thanks to Honey.
Whumper had now prepared a fire to destroy the flowers.
Whumpee sighed as they lifted one of the bags.
"It's so sad that flowers so beautiful come from an unfortunate disease. It's a shame we have to destroy them", Whumpee frowned as they watched Whumper fill the fire with wood.
"Yes", Whumper nodded, "the more vibrant the flowers, the more love that person held for the other. If their are a lot of thorns, the person of interest had bad intentions toward the other", Whumper reached for the bag, "I didn't want to tell the victim or the partner this, but the victim felt a huge love for this stranger. It could have easily led to an affair."
"Why didn't you?", Whumpee listened, "their partner should have known that it was that deep don't you think?"
"My job isn't to fix a relationship, just to remove a disease and save their life. My magic isn't meant to tangle with the heart strings, and it's a messy chore to do that", Whumper dumped the first bag into the flames, "also Hanahaki surgeons are rare, that is why most of us are immortal. We forget what mortality feels like. Things like relationships and love... well, we forget how those work after a while. One can't help if they dont know the feelings behind it. It is not our job, though, to give you the easiest answer."
Whumpee nodded and handed the second bag to Whumper.
Whumper dumped the flowers, "I appreciate all of the work you did for us. You were very helpful."
"Thankyou Master", Whumpee stood up a little straighter with the praise.
"Don't worry about the couple, though. I removed all feelings they had for the stranger. They must now find it in their heart to love their partner", Whumper sat down by the fire.
Whumpee knelt beside them, "what if they don't though. The partner worked so hard to find you and Master Caretaker. What if all is lost in their relationship?"
"Best case is they part ways and both find someone they will truly love... worst case is we have to go do another surgery", Whumper sighed, "no more troubling yourself over this... understand. It is out of our control what happens."
"Yes Master", Whumpee whispered.. still not settled on the relationship.
"Come sit down. Let's watch the fire for a few minutes", Whumper grinned.
Whumpee sat down next to Whumper and let Whumper pull them close and place their arm around them.
"I know your brain is still worried, but please understand that as a magic user, you still will not be able to control everything around you. You may feel more powerful as you learn and grow what capabilities you do have, but even then it will still feel limiting", Whumper turned to Whumpee, "that's what my Master told me."
Whumpee nodded and yawned quietly.
"I'm sure you're tired. Go ahead to bed", Whumper watched them, "I'll sit out here for a while longer to make sure the fire goes out. The petals should be gone now."
"Yes Master, thankyou", Whumpee stood, "goodnight Master."
"Goodnight", Whumper smiled.
Whumper watched as Whumpee's candle darkened inside the house. The fire had also smoldered itself and died out.
Whumper looked up to the stars and sighed.
"My heart breaks for anyone who lays in bed at night and wonders why they weren't enough for the one person they would give the world to. That could ruin a person."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
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scarlet-strings · 25 days ago
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some sketch i did when my internet is down (also been writing more art note stuff for some writing practice if ya dont mind that) also this is how you tell ive been watching Utena recently ahaha (havent finished it tho looking forward to that as seeing how my boyfriend reacts) also heavily inspired by @hyakunana Jamahaki art so go check their art out pls
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sleepypanda01 · 7 days ago
Plot twist, Nox has hanakaki disease.
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heimonas · 7 days ago
okay so since I've been obsessed with aftg lately and haven't written for it in sooo long I was thinking of reworking/finally finishing some old fics of mine! your opinion is appreciated 🙏
details about the fics under the cut! 🫶
deadly encounters ! my vampire!andrew vs immortal!neil fic tehee I like how it is as a standalone fic and it's one of my newer ones so I don't think it's bad but maybe? I could expand it a bit? write one more little instalment? (basically Andrew drains Neil one halloween night but Neil can't die so he wakes up next morning and freaks out because. vampires are real?? and one just killed him??)
rayons du soleil ! well, a jerejean hanakaki au written too long ago. the characters are extremely off to me now and I would like to write something jerejean so it would be a good chance. I'm not crazy about hanakaki aus now but hmm.
just couple things ! one of my most famous fics lmaoo it's that one where andreil starts dying their hair all the time in all colours to fuck with the press etc. it's a bit old so I think I can write it better now
the trc/aftg crossover ! Matthew gets signed at the foxes and the monsters take him to Columbia... well after ronan sees his little brother hurt he moves there to look after him and discover what the hell happened because Matthew ain't talking. I want the rest of the trc gang to be there too but I haven't figured it much
the sense8 au ! that definitely needs a new title. well you might have seen it. due to unforeseen circumstances (I destroyed my laptop) I never finished it although I only needed like. two more chapters... I remember doing such intricate plans for it and maybe it would be fun to pick it up again
something completely new? taking suggestions
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empressgeekt · 7 months ago
Not sure if you read the Hanahaki Branch au story "A bloody bouquet for you (please tell me our love is true"), where Branch is literary dying from the love he has from his brothers, so I'm curious on your take on combining it with FoF
Oh yeah i have read that one. It's one of my favorites.
Hmmm...If Branch were to have platonic Hanakaki in FOF, Keith would be the first to learn of his condition. And post adoption, the kid would be extremely worried for Branch, as his father also had breathing issues and Mosey died. Though, the effects of the disease might lessen slightly once Keith moves in as Branch while he still loves his bio-brothers, he also hates them too for doing this to him (or something else I'm not an expert in this troupe so please correct me if I'm wrong).
No one would likely learn about Branch's condition until post chef attack and the docs saw the flowers during the surgery to save his life, and one stable enough trim the flowers back, but the roots are too embedded to remove completely so it would grow back. Though before that as the Guardian he'd have some public coughing fits, and everyone just assumes he has asthma. However once the truth is out, people gossip wondering who the flowers are for. Poppy is the only one he tells other then Keith.
I think that out of all the endings that FOF Branch could have with hanakaki, he'd take the bluemoon potion. He's got Keith to worry about and the last thing he ever wants to do is leave the kid behind like he was. Post the world tour, he takes it. Progressing to the bud stage is too close, so a couple of weeks before Bridget and Gristle's wedding he's laid up in hospital bed recovering from the violent effects of the cure.
Only for the brothers he needed so badly to show up the moment he's forgotten about them.
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aki16official · 11 months ago
what if melon had hanahaki for pear
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lawrencespen1777 · 9 months ago
1) fictional diseases (ex. Hanakaki disease or some sci-fi alien fever) or real diseases?
2) food poisoning/stomach bug or chronic stomach issues?
3) When describing the effects of the poison: fever or internal bleeding (for example from ingesting some rat poison)
I hope it’s not too late.
Sincerely yours, anon with whumperflies
Anon with whumperflies, my fav, I’m going with:
1) Real diseases. I find it easier as a reader to relate to the real diseases thus I find it easier as a writer to relay the real ones. Not against a good sci-fi one though.
2) I love food poisoning because it could clear up in a day or it could lead to complications. It all depends on how committed I feel to the story. ;)
3) This is a really hard one because I love both. But I think I’m partial to fever just because it could be the flu or you could be dying. Who knows? Not me. Or the characters. Until we get there together.
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possumsarenice · 2 years ago
As someone who was into MLP (and listened to a certain song a bunch) when they were little, the Welcome Home fandom has the right idea. I want more Rainbow Factory AUs. This is what fandoms need. We need AUs where our favorite characters work in an edgy murder factory that does unspeakable horrors on the daily as their 9-5 (or 3-12 depending on how overworked you want them to be). I believe Rainbow Factory AUs should be just Fanfiction AU trope like coffee shop AUs and Hanakaki AUs. We as society should normalize making edgy AUs inspired by that one MLP fan song
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birchtreecat · 5 months ago
my math notes are just doodles with an equation atp.
1- Oliver concept for the Venue SEKAI. Not sure if I’ll actually use it.
2- Everyone decking out the stage in the Venue early on. Kichi is on the left, Kojika is on Aki’s shoulders on the right. Polaroid ideas, kinda like OMORI Basil’s memory book!
3- Nozomi taking a nap with Aki. Same concept as 2!
4- hanakaki Nozomi idea that won’t be cannon. Just an evil idea considering Akko’s slowly forgetting her :3
5- if Aki met Akko. semi cannon idk???
6- oh golly oh gee oh boy!!! what is Akko so scared of I wonder :)?
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entityupdates · 1 year ago
2023 Fanfic Summary
I posted 10 new fics this year, finished 2 fics from previous years, and I have 5 unposted.
I started the year by finishing a few WIPs. Specifically,
The final installment of my Rook Gets the Omnitrix AU series
A continuation of my ATLA fic The Spirits Threw Down Their Spears And Watered Heaven With Their Tears
I then wrote a few oneshots:
Synapses, a Big Bang Theory/Young Sheldon platonic soulmate au
Death Comes In Threes, an ATLA fic focused on Zuko's reactions to Lu Ten, Azulon, and Ursa's deaths
I Want You In My Life (But Not Like That), an mcu fic about Clint and Natasha's (queerplatonic) relationship
We're Not Star-Crossed, another ending to Puss In Boots: The Lass Wish. Soulmates!
Around April I said I wasn’t going to write any more fanfiction and instead I was going to write some original works but that didn’t happen because I was then immediately consumed by Submas and began writing a Hisuian Zoroark Ingo fic.
Masking (complete), the main fic. Ingo becomes a Hisuian Zoroark and returns to Unova
Whoops, We Forgot To Tell Iris (oneshot), an unused epilogue to Masking
Boss, Warden, Alpha (oneshot), another unused epilogue to Masking
Destructive Interference (incomplete), a spin-off to Masking where Ingo gets caught by Rei
Between finishing Masking and starting Destructive Interference, I wrote two other fics:
Immortality Is Hard On the Mind (complete), a submas fic where Volo befriends the twins before Ingo's disappearance
We're Not the Monsters of Your Dreams (incomplete, unposted), a Submas werewolf/vampire/monster AU of PLA.
Some other things I wrote/worked on during the year:
Who Am I?, a oneshot for that new Superman cartoon except Superman is trans in this one
Hypoxia, a short (ATLA) Mailee Hanakaki AU
Currently untitled Miraculous oneshot (unposted) where Gabriel doesn't make the wish in time and instead tells Adrien everything
Currently untitled/unposted longfic Miraculous/MCU crossover
I also continued to work on the fourth (fifth?) rewrite Naruto/Young Justice crossover fic that I have never mentioned on ao3 or tumblr but has been in the works for nearly five years and I still have no plans to post it anytime soon
By my estimate, this is around 230K words.
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capozzy · 1 year ago
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20 is hanakaki! ive never posted art of this oc on tumble but she's been around. her name is Eve
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grac3enocturne · 10 months ago
Unrequited that stay unrequited, but the characters learn to accept it, to move on and to find solace in someone else or something else 👍👍👍 (and without the other one feeling guilty for having rejected the other)
Unrequited love hanakaki or the characters either die, or forget the person their are in love with , or the other one actually loves A too or feels like he has to love A because he doesn't want their friends to die. 👎👎👎
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mariacardenas162002 · 1 year ago
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TFA:La enfermedad hanakaki 💙❤️🤢🌺
Optimus tiene la enfermedad de hanakaki es cuando un flor crece entre sus pulmones y pasa al enamorarse tanto, esto es lo que está afectando a optimus pero al expulsarlos sale sangre es debido a las espinas que lastiman su boca por dentro su y/n está preocupada por el pero no sabe que hacer exactamente
Optimus prime:Que pero porque sale esto de mi cuerpo 🤢🌺
Y/N: optimus me preocupas que eso este saliendo de ti 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Empieza a salir sangre de su boca 🤢🩸
Optimus prime:Ahhhhh eso duele mucho 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
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kakayamaweek2023 · 2 years ago
Apologies for the radio silence for the last week or so. Obstacles on the path of life etc. We will try to be a little more on the ball next week.
Our discussion prompt today is Flowers, scheduled for 6 October. As always prompts can be combined on their days, across multiple days, or over the course of the entire week, or they can be done on their own. We encourage everyone to discuss the prompts in replies or reblogs and to bounce ideas off each other here or wherever you have fun batting fic concepts around.
Please ensure all nsfw or difficult subject matter be tagged appropriately.
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“This prompt has so much potential! For some angst one could use the hanakaki trope, for some fluff one could write a flower shop AU, for something sensual perhaps some smut in the garden or the classic “sex pollen?” There are so many different ways to incorporate flowers into a story! 
The first thing that comes to my mind is a bouquet given at the start of a date, or a boutonniere worn on a tuxedo at a prom or wedding. What kind of flowers would Tenzō give Kakashi? Would he grow his own or pick out something special from the shop?  
I can also imagine a wilting flower as a metaphor for loss a la Beauty and the Beast. Do the plants that Tenzō created with mokuton wax and wane his mood or his health? Or perhaps they bloom around him (or on him) when he is feeling certain emotions?”
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justtoarguewithyou · 2 years ago
The flowers and my love Passed away under the rain While I idly looked upon them: Where is my yester-love?
—Ono no Komachi
A Hanakaki trope subversion for JayDick Week.
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narrators-journal · 1 year ago
ryomina hanakaki au bc they’re doomed or ryomina orgasm denial and ryoji’s a whiny bottom bc they’re silly
Ngl, this sort of au is probably gonna stick w me now lol. I’m not usually one for angst, but I did my best to make this good and painful in that department heheheheheh. Bc while I love Ryomina, no beloved ship of mine can escape a bit of pain lol. I hope you enjoy it tho!
CW: Spoilers for p3! Both implied and outright said! Do not read if you don’t want anything to spoil your playthrough, bc this is set in late-game timing!
Every week day, the SEES’ chosen dormitory would sit still and silent in the late morning hours. And, that day was no different from those ones. Even with a thick layer of clouds to dampen the already weak winter sun, the dormitory sat almost empty. After all, winter break had ended, and classes had started back up. And even as The Fall crept closer and closer, grades couldn’t be allowed to slip too far.
What else would they be doing though? They can’t train their personas before the dark hour, so what does that leave them to do other than go to school? Sit and rot inside? Ryoji thought as he sat against the heavy metal door of the dormitory’s roof. His once lustrous eyes dull as they watched the lint-colored clouds boil and stir above his head. Wouldn’t that be poetic. The brunette thought with bitter amusement, I give Minato a month to decide what to do about me, and then I reap his friends one by one while I wait.
If Ryoji hadn’t felt like the wrong breath would break him, he may have laughed at the morbid thought. Fill the chilly winter air with a sound that wasn’t the depressing gurgle of his breaths or the distant coughs of the only SEES member that occupied the massive dormitory building that day. Minato…
Despite being the harbinger of the fall and thus not human, in the few weeks Ryoji had attended Gekkoukan he’d grown a softness for the asocial wildcard. A soft spot that the many girls and boys who’d taken a shine to him hadn’t managed to achieve. Even with how sweetly they treated him. Which, in the moment, had stirred up twinges of guilt for them after each date. But, now that he’d realized his true identity, that guilt had not only switched targets, but taken root to bloom a bitter flower. After all, how could Ryoji grow to care for a human so fast yet so much, and still look into those smokey eyes and tell him that he’d end the world in a few short months? Yes, Ryoji was never known for compassion and good timing, but confessing to his affection for the wildcard only a few hours before confessing to his deception felt a step too far.
A wheezy cough drifted up from Minato’s dorm room to draw another shakey sigh from the brooding brunette. “What did you expect? To grow old with him?” He muttered darkly to the still chill of the season, his words punctuated by a coughing fit of his own.
But, the fit that tore through his already aching body wasn’t the result of a simple cold. Ryoji Mochizuki was Death, he could streak through Antarctica with nothing more than a shiver, so the flu wasn’t something he had to worry about. Plus, the flu didn’t leave a thin, delicately curved petal of crimson in Ryoji’s pale palm. What did famously choke its victims with the silky petals of flowers though, was a more insidious disease.
But, as he watched that petal wither and yellow in the cold air of the winter, Ryoji still didn’t fear for himself, only Minato. After all, he was a god, he didn’t need to breathe. So, whether his lungs inflated with petals didn’t matter. On the other hand, though, was his beloved wildcard. The deadpan wildcard who had coughed up his first snowy flower petal a mere three days after Ryoji had came across him in front of that train station.
Back then, Ryoji was new to the world, stupid. He’d seen Minato at the stairs of the train station and thought he’d found an angel with the way the soft light of the full moon made a halo of light on his hair, and that same silver glow set the snow alight with winter fire.
But, that was weeks ago, at that point. Back before the roots of the toxic flowers had begun to sap the color from Minato’s skin and sheen from his blue locks. Back before Ryoji had destroyed his life for the second time.
Maybe all this could’ve been avoided if I’d not made myself known… He mused while he stared down at the petal he’d coughed up. Images of all the petals he’d seen Minato stealth into his pocket or toss away on repeat in his head. If only I’d kept to myself like I was supposed to, Minato would’ve left Tatsumi port. He could’ve spent his remaining days blissfully unaware and happy instead of choking to death.
But, when his inhuman senses picked up yet another of Minato's rough coughing fits, the gentle splash of his tears in his palm were all he could do to help. Yet another fight that Minato wouldn’t have had to face if Ryoji Mochizuki hadn’t been so selfish.
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