#Munakata gets to spend all week being passive aggressive towards Kusanagi instead
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
What if the Red and Blue clans exchanged kings. Reisi as King of the Red Clan and Mikoto as King of the Blue Clan for one week.^^
I just imagine Munakata walking into Homra probably wearing like some kind of awful leather jacket and being all 'Yolo, fellow barbarians' XD Maybe Kokujouji makes them do this as some kind of learning experience, like maybe you two wouldn't fight as much and cause massive property damage if you walked in each other's shoes for a week. Kusanagi and Awashima are rightfully horrified by this idea but Munakata is intrigued and Mikoto's like whatever fine and so it's decided that they'll switch clans for a single week. Munakata is very interested in seeing how a clan like Homra might function with someone competent in charge (which he makes certain to say right in front of Kusanagi, who twitches slightly and almost breaks the glass he's cleaning). He decides that he must 'blend in with the locals' and so he lets his hair be slightly more ruffled than usual, finds himself a leather jacket and has Doumyouji print him out a helpful list of all the latest slang used among the wilder youth. The Homra alphabet are fairly certain that Munakata doesn't actually know what most of it means, as he greets everyone with 'yolo' and suggests they all go out and do some yeeting amongst the populace. Kusanagi has to explain that Homra doesn't do any paperwork and that Munakata should just relax, Munakata says he is relaxing as he sits there straight and proper in his chair at the bar slowly drinking his drink and basically looking extremely out of place.
The Homra guys are in general not very pleased at having to answer to the Blue King all week, Yata's pretty loudly declaring that Mikoto-san is way better when Munakata smiles serenely and says that Suoh agreed to this and he hopes that they will get along well 'Garasu-kun.' Yata is pretty sure he's being mocked but Munakata's so polite about it that he can't actually pinpoint how he's being mocked and it's pissing him off. Kusanagi just hopes his bar can make it until the end of the week, though he doesn't realize the true danger of the switch until Totsuka shows up asking if anyone wants to help him with his new hobby, creating scale versions of Mt. Fuji out of mashed potatoes. Munakata has immediate interest and soon he and Totsuka are discussing possible clan bonding activities for the week, Kusanagi feels like somehow they've just created a monster.
Meanwhile over at Scepter 4 Mikoto is asleep on Fushimi's desk and Akiyama is trying to keep Fushimi from stabbing the Red King because that would probably be bad (more from a diplomacy standpoint than an actual moral one as Akiyama is not in fact opposed to Fushimi stabbing the Red King, since the first thing Mikoto said when Akiyama politely greeted him that morning was 'Who's this shorty?'). Fushimi is really not happy about this change and not shy about saying so, complaining about why do they have to deal with this irritating person and it's not like Mikoto's going to actually do anything King-like while he's here, it's like they were forced to adopt a lion and can't get rid of him. At some point they manage to run him out of the office by briefly using him as a table to stack documents on, Mikoto eventually gets up and yawns and sends everything flying. Fushimi irritably tells him to go sleep somewhere else and Mikoto just shrugs and lights a cigarette, Akiyama coughs pointedly and points at the 'no smoking' sign on the wall and Mikoto just keeps smoking anyway.
Eventually he gets bored of scaring Munakata's minions and decides to check out Munakata's office, probably finding whatever puzzle Munakata was working on and burning an important piece just for fun (also the puzzle seems to have been of a blown up picture of Fushimi's face so that was kinda creepy). He looks around the office for a while, thinking this is just the kind of place a stuffy guy like Munakata would work in, and then settles himself in the big plush chair for a nice long nap. This time he's awoken by a pointed cough, Mikoto opens one eye and there's Awashima staring down at him and informing him in no uncertain terms that as acting Blue King he is expected to handle the duties that come with that title. Mikoto's all 'eh?' as Awashima sets a giant stack of documents down in front of him, informing him that these all require a signature. Mikoto tries to get out of it by saying she should have Munakata do them when he gets back and Awashima says there is no time for that, and she'll wait while he does it. Mikoto kinda wants to burn her but he's also getting this familiar feeling, like what he's felt before when he accidentally singed the bar and Kusanagi made him clean it up, and he finally sighs and starts writing, thinking that this is definitely a pain.
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