#i remembered a conversation that i had with my sister
iamred-iamyellow · 2 days
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Think Fast, You Only Get One Try - [Part 1]
♥ prev | masterlist
♥ pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
♥ series synopsis: you didn't think twice about the dj you hooked up with until you found out you were pregnant. turns out the man wasn't just some dj but a famous formula 1 driver.
♥ chapter one synopsis: after almost two months it was finally time to tell lando about your daughter.
♥ smau + written - fc: girls on pinterest - none of the pictures are mine
♥ warnings: swearing !!!
♥ a/n: thank you so much for almost 400 followers and 1k+ notes on the intro <3 i really hope this part 1 lives up to your expectations! The next parts will have more smau and will ideally be longer (I just had to get the plot rolling with this first chapter lol)
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liked by yourbestfriend, yoursister, and 12,593 more
yourusername vroom vroom
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You knocked on Lando’s penthouse apartment door, knowing there was no going back now. Bless your sister for being able to find where he lives in just a couple of minutes on the internet.
The man who opened the door wasn’t Lando, but Max Fewtrell. His gaze narrowed.
“Who are you?”
“I’m not sure if you remember me... but I met you and Lando at a club in Melbourne last year.”
His eyes saccaded between you and the baby you were holding.
"Lando," he shouted from the doorway. "Stay here. I'll go get him."
Max made his way to one of Lando's rooms, where he was talking to Oscar.
"There's a woman here to see you," he paused. "With a baby. She said she knew you from Melbourne last year."
Lando got up quickly and made his way to the front door. Once he got there, he stared at you and your daughter.
You nodded. "Her name is Camila."
He held his arms out, silently asking to hold her. After you handed Camila to him, he gently rocked her in his arms.
"Come in."
You had a very long conversation on the couch with Lando as his two friends eavesdropped from the hallway. They didn't even bother going into another room and closing the door.
"I want to be a part of her life, if that's okay with you?"
You nodded. "Could you start tomorrow?"
"What?" Lando blinked at you.
"My sitter quit, and I have work tomorrow. I checked your race calendar; you just got back from Japan and don't have to go to Shanghai until next week."
"Yeah, but I still have sim and training and-"
"You better hope your physical therapist knows how to rock a baby to sleep then," you said sternly.
"I can help if you want," Oscar piped up. "With Max and I, I'm sure you'll be able to spend some time with your daughter."
You smiled at Oscar. "I'll be leaving you in charge."
That statement elicited an eye roll out of Lando.
He shifted his gaze from Camila to you. "Alright, yeah, I'll take care of her for the next few days."
"Thank you," you placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'll drop her off tomorrow at 10?"
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-The Next Day-
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liked by maxfewtrell, logansargeant, and 403,584 more
oscarpiastri babysitting duty
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user7 who's baby?
user3 oscar would be such a cute girl dad
lilyzniemer I agree
user1 🥹
user5 AWWW
user8 that should be me 😔
user2 holding your hand
user9 that should be me
user4 making you laugh
user12 you and lily are so cute :(
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-first is lando's phone, second is yours-
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-A Week Later-
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell, and 339,530 more
landonorris life lately
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user7 Shanghai is soooo pretty
user9 so glad china back on the calendar
oscarpiastri proof that instagram is fake
maxfewtrell he's forgetting about sm REALLY important in his "life lately"
user8 ???
user2 @/oscarpiastri @/maxfewtrell what do you know
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taglist; @hc-dutch, @papaya-twinks, @2pagenumb, @formulaal, @littlegrapejuice, @erin-odonnell04, @drunkinthemiddleoftheday,
@kissesandmartinis, @ironmaiden1313, @six-call, @wolflover384, @tremendousstarlighttragedy,
@ilivbullyingjeongin, @celestialend, @silentreader128, @wolflover384, @ellesssssxzxz
@clowngirlsstuff, @ln4smiamitrophy, @whoneedsgeorge, @chezmardybum, @warlike-morning,
@gigicisneros, @hard4ndsoft, @eveninggstar, @jolixtreesunn, @acesofspadess,
@formulaonebuff, @notpeachybby, @shesmugirl, @mxdi0, @ririyulife,
@kravitzwhore, @bellinghambby22, @helaenatargaryensfavoritebug, @maplesyrupsainz, @harrysdimple05,
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delulujuls · 2 days
the right one | jacaerys velaryon
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hi, here comes the pt2 for the other one because i think i might actually be falling in love with jace lmao.
for the first time on this blog i tried not to use y/n mentioning because i know that not everyone is a fan of it so yeah, i hope i did well
also i know that the tension is immaculate here so i might write a smutty smut in pt3 eventually so lmk what you think!
summary: the hardened and hateful heart of the future king of westeros is no match for the tender and loving heart of the young prince of dragonstone. so it's not difficult to guess whose heart belongs to the young targaryen princess
warnings: swearing, mentions of threatening with a knife
pairing: sister!targaryen reader x jacaerys velaryon (ft. best-uncle-in-the-world daemon, aemond and this little menace to humanity aegon)
taglist: @gorlillaglue25 @aegonswife @fallout-girl219 @lyssaluvs @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @aleemendoza2425-blog @darkgvk @faeoffaith @slayraxes-blogs
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The young princess sat at the table, but her mind was elsewhere. She didn't participate in the lively conversations, nor did she laugh and joke as she had the previous evening during the feast. Her gaze was fixed on her wine goblet, from which she had not taken a single sip. Her silverware was also untouched.
The girl's behavior did not go unnoticed by those present. Jacaerys, who sat across from her, immediately noticed something was wrong. He didn't have the courage to ask, so he was relieved when the king took that burden off his shoulders.
"Is something troubling you, dear daughter?" he asked, addressing her. The princess didn't hear his question at first; she only came to her senses when Helaena nudged her arm.
"I must have caught a chill," she replied, adjusting her high-collared dress. "My throat hurts."
Aegon wished he could sink into the ground. He remembered the events of the previous night vaguely but knew what had happened. He knew what he had done. He sat next to his sister just as they had been seated the day before but he saw her pull her chair away. She had every right to. He had gone too far.
The king didn't notice Aegon's broken nose, which had been tended to by a maester that morning, nor did he remark on Jacaerys' bruised brow, which he tried to hide under his dark curls. Small scuffles between the boys were normal, and since everyone was sitting at the table eating together, he figured nothing major had happened. He was, however, worried about his daughter.
Daemon was not as blind as his brother, who might have been somewhat blinded by his illness. Viserys, however, had long failed to notice what was consuming his family. Perhaps he simply didn't want to see.
"A sore throat?" he asked as they both left the dining room. "Really?"
"I don't know what you mean," she replied, avoiding his gaze.
Daemon, however, watched her closely, and her reaction only confirmed his suspicion that something was wrong.
"I'm sure I have something for that," he said, nodding towards the corridor leading to the right. His look indicated he wouldn't take no for an answer. The girl followed him without a word. When they were in Daemon's chambers, the princess knew that lies were unnecessary. Her uncle must have seen through her at the table.
"So?" he asked, closing the door. "I'm all ears."
"I don't want to talk about it," she said, looking at him. The prince now saw even more clearly her puffy eyes from crying and her chapped lips. "Besides, it's nothing significant."
"Nothing significant, yet you wasted a night crying," he observed, pouring wine and offering her a goblet. She shook her head, so he took a sip himself.
The princess looked at him silently. She had no arguments. Daemon knew this perfectly well.
The young girl sighed, accepting her defeat. She lowered her gaze and unbuttoned a few buttons of her collar, which was fastened up to her chin. She parted the fabric to reveal her fair skin, marked by a thin, bloody cut.
Daemon took a sip from the goblet and set it down, approaching his niece. He pulled the fabric aside a bit more, looking at her neck.
"Care to share how you got that?"
"Aegon is a maniac who should be locked up in the Sept and treated," she said bitterly. "A drunk who thinks he's the lord of the world, to whom everyone must bow."
"So, I hope you taught him a lesson in humility?" he asked, moving to the table and picking up one of the ointments. He unscrewed it, returning to the girl and taking some on his finger.
"He has the same mark on his neck."
Daemon chuckled, shaking his head.
"You are impossible, I swear by the Seven," he scoffed, applying the ointment to the cut on her neck.
"They attacked Jace. I couldn't let that happen," she said, frowning. "Those fools think they can terrorize anyone they want. It's not true!"
The prince smiled, sitting down after a moment and taking the goblet in his hand.
"You defended Jacaerys?"
The young princess blushed and looked away. However, she nodded.
"Then it's clear," he answered, crossing his legs. "Aegon is jealous."
"He's a complete idiot!" she said angrily, pouring herself some wine. "Maybe I won't marry him after all, and what then? Maybe they'll find me another husband?"
"I'm afraid the decision has already been made, little bird," he said, looking at her. Her pale cheeks were flushed with embarrassment over her lover and anger at her brother.
"We're connected only by blood and name, nothing more," she cut bitterly, taking a sip of wine. "I will never love someone with such a hardened heart."
"Not like Jacaerys, right?" he asked, glancing at her. He was smiling, but it was a sad smile. All he could do was pity his niece.
"He's a good boy," she said, pressing the cool metal of the goblet to her lips. "His wife will be the happiest girl in Westeros."
This, however, could not be expected by Aegon's future wife. The young prince hadn't learned much from the previous night's events, as he refrained from drinking only at breakfast. But when only the maids remained in the dining room, he emptied almost half a jug of wine himself.
"Will you tell me what happened last night?" Aemond spoke from behind him, causing the elder brother to almost spill his wine. "I know you didn't go straight back to your room."
"Are you following me?" he looked at him nervously, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"I was checking if you could make it back to bed in your current state."
The maids, who were cleaning up after breakfast, glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes. Aegon felt their gazes on him.
"Get out!" he shouted, gesturing for them to leave. Shortly after, the brothers were alone. Aegon sat heavily in one of the chairs and rubbed his face with his hands.
"I threatened her with a knife," he said quietly, feeling his confession burn his throat. "I threatened her with a knife while Helaena was asleep inches away."
He shook his head, reaching for the wine goblet. "If I had been more drunk, Helaena might have woken up in a bed full of blood with a corpse next to her."
Aemond only needed the first sentence from his brother. He took the goblet from his hand and threw it across the dining room. Aegon froze.
"This has to stop," Aemond said quietly and calmly, but sharply and firmly at the same time. "This has gone too far, Aegon."
The young prince rubbed his face with his hands and leaned on the armrests, pressing his joined fingers to his lips. His younger brother was right. He had crossed the line.
"You know I'm always on your side, but you threatened our sister," he shook his head. "I can't agree to something like that."
Aegon gritted his teeth and lowered his head. He felt tears in his eyes. He felt anger, regret, and guilt. But he wasn't angry at himself; he was angry at Jacaerys. He believed the fault lay with him, and if he hadn't been hitting on his sister, nothing would have happened.
"You're right," he sniffed. "I should kill that mongrel."
Aemond clenched his jaw. He didn't recognize the person before him. Had he been so blindly devoted to his brother all these years that he hadn't noticed what a monster he had become?
"You want to...kill him?" he asked, looking at him. He wanted to make sure he understood correctly.
Aegon nodded.
"It's all his fault!" he slammed his hands on the table. "If it weren't for him, none of this would have happened, and I wouldn't have raised a hand against that bitch!"
Aemond now saw before him not his beloved brother but a maniac wrapped in alcohol, hatred, and delusions. Tears were streaming down Aegon's face, but it was hard to tell their nature. Sorrow over hurting his sister? Anger? If so, at whom? At Jacaerys? At his sister? At himself?
However, Aegon wasn't the only one crying. In the doorway of the dining room stood their sister, who, drawn by the sound of the thrown goblet, had quietly peeked her head in. She had heard the entire conversation between her brothers and was devastated.
"You really are a monster," she said in a trembling voice. Two pairs of eyes turned towards her. Aegon hastily stood up, wanting to approach his sister, but Aemond firmly held him back, keeping him in place.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he sobbed, falling to his knees. Aemond still held him tightly, not wanting to let him do anything to their sister. Aegon was now unpredictable and had shown he posed a threat.
"Please, sweet sister!" he shouted, trying to free himself from Aemond's embrace "Please!"
The young princess took a step back, shaking her head and causing another cascade of tears to run down her cheeks. She couldn't believe what her brother had become.
Aegon fell at her feet, apologizing and begging for forgiveness, but she quickly left the dining room. She began heading towards Jacaerys' chambers, hoping to find the young prince there. However, he was busy searching for the girl just as she was.
They met by chance, bumping into each other on one of the staircases. Seeing her tear-streaked face, Jacaerys didn’t even have time to ask what had happened before she threw herself into his arms. He hugged her tightly, pressing her face to his chest.
“Hey, it’s alright,” he whispered, holding her close. “I’m here, it's okay.”
“Take me away from here,” she managed through her tears. She didn’t have to ask twice.
Not long after, they left the castle walls, which seemed to suffocate her. It wasn’t until the cold wind dried the tears on her cheeks that she was able to breathe. They walked along the stone wall towards the beach, not saying a word. The young princess clung to her nephew’s arm, who glanced at her from time to time, sincerely worried.
When they reached the beach, they sat on a salt-worn log cast ashore by the sea. Jacaerys pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the girl. She wiped her tears, staring at the waves angrily crashing against the shore. After a moment, she turned her gaze to the boy’s face, which looked at her with concern.
“Will you run away with me?” she asked, her voice filled with sorrow. “Far from here. Where the map doesn’t reach.”
The young prince smiled warmly at her and raised his hand, touching her tear-stained cheek and gently caressing it with his thumb.
“I haven’t been to the end of the map yet.”
The girl sniffed and lay down, resting her head on his lap. Jacaerys leaned down and kissed her cheek. He began to stroke her head, gently running his fingers through her hair. He wanted to ask what had happened when he found her crying. He wanted to ask if her mood at breakfast was really due to a sore throat. But he knew his questions were unnecessary and only thing that mattered was the comfort he could offer. The young princess gratefully accepted it.
She closed her eyes, listening to the whistle of the wind and the roar of the waves. After a while, the sound of the sea began to blend with the sound of the boy’s fingers gently moving through her hair. The girl’s bitter face took on a calm expression, and the tears on her cheeks dried. Jacaerys smiled softly to himself. He had calmed a dragon.
“Aegon threatened me with a knife,” the girl spoke after some time. Despite the heavy confession, her voice was calm. “He came to me at night, completely drunk, and tried to intimidate me.”
The young prince clenched his jaw, his whole body tensing. But he didn’t stop stroking her hair. The princess opened her eyes and turned her head away from the sea, fixing her gaze on him. A piece of her dress’s collar had shifted, and Jacaerys noticed the cut on her neck.
“I’m afraid to have someone like him as my husband.”
He cupped her face in his hand, leaning toward her.
“If you have fears, I’ll speak to the king myself,” he said calmly but firmly. “Either he will shake some sense into Aegon, or someone else will seek your hand.”
“No one will be brave enough, Jacaerys,” she shook her head, looking away. “They’ve already announced the news of the upcoming wedding to everyone.”
“I will be,” he said, capturing her violet eyes with his own. “I’m ready to fight for you, princess.”
The girl looked at him in shock, surprised by his words. She didn’t know what to say, but she knew what to do. She entwined her fingers in the prince’s dark curls and pulled him towards her, kissing him tenderly. She poured all the love she had inside into that kiss—a love that would never be given to the right person.
“And if they don’t want a fight, we’ll run away,” he continued, whispering into her lips.
“We’ll run away to where the map doesn’t reach.”
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hayleythesugarbowl · 2 days
i don’t think ur req are open but i’ve been dying thinking about this idea 😭 an angela x fem reader fic where they meet at the gym or are gym buddies!!! suuuuper fluffy bc angela is the best ever
Same Time Tomorrow || Angela Giarratana x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: you’ve been going to the same gym for a while now, crushing on the same girl who’s always there but never actually talking to her. that is, until the letters start appearing in your locker
word count: 2k
warnings: none
a/n: ahh it’s been a minute since i’ve written for angela, i love her so much. i kinda put a little twist on this and i hope you enjoy this!! also fem!reader!
     You saw her immediately after you walked in. 
     Gym girl, you’d started calling her. You’d seen her the past seven times you’d been to this gym. Sometimes she was already working out when you arrived, sometimes she she got there just as you were heading home.
     You’d said nothing more to each other than the occasional ‘what’s up’ or ‘hey can I use those 20s when you’re done with them?’ or ‘mornings am i right’
     But you’d remembered every interaction you’d had with her.
     She had short, brown hair and always wore the same baseball cap and white tank top almost every time you’d seen her.
     Now though, as you watched her on the elliptical, you saw that she wore a light blue zip-up hoodie overtop it. 
     You stepped up onto the treadmill, your back facing her as you began your workout.
     You’d started to come to the gym at the same time every day, knowing you’d see the woman if you did.
     Okay, now that you said all of this to yourself in your head, it sounded mildly stalker-ish.
     But you couldn’t help it, she was so gorgeous that you were drawn to her. 
     Every time you came here, you tried to think of something interesting to say to her. Something to start a conversation, more than just a couple words.
     But what would you even say? 
     Hey, I think you’re really cute and I’ve been watching you work out for weeks, wanna go out sometime? 
     Gym girl suddenly appeared in your peripheral vision, getting on the treadmill next to you. 
     You turned to her, seeing she was already looking at you, and shot her a quick smile.
     “So, you come here often?” She said, beginning to pick up the pace, now moving at a swift jog. 
     “Well, um,” you started, caught off guard. “I guess? I mean, I try to hit the gym every day if I can.”
     “That was supposed to be a joke,” she grinned. “Y’know, cause we’re always here at the same time. Not my best material, I’ll admit.”
     “No, it was good,” you chucked, giving her a reassuring smile. “Treadmill brain.”
     “Real,” she agreed, before turning back to her machine. 
     You smoothed down you hair, suddenly aware of the hasty ponytail you had thrown your hair up in before you had left.
     You bumped up the speed to 10mph, running faster now.
     “So? You always go this fast?” The woman asked you, looking over at the screen on your treadmill.
      “Oh, yeah,” you got out, lying through your teeth as you fought for breath. “I love running.”
      “Well, props to you, cause I max out at 4,” she breathed. 
     “Well in that case,” you slowed down the speed of the treadmill. “So do I.”
     You both burst out laughing. 
     You couldn’t stop the smile from forming on your face. This was the longest conversation you’d had with gym girl. It only took a week, but you were finally having a conversation with her. 
     And she was funny and charming and kind.
     “What?” She looked at you quizzically.
     “Nothing,” you covered. “It’s just, I always feel so much better when I’m at the gym. It’s relaxing.”
     “I feel ya, sister,” Angela nodded her head. “It’s nice to get away from work and just focus.”
      You braved asking her an actual question. “So, what do you do for work?”
      “I’m in digital media,” she answered. “Entertainment. What about you?”
      You told her what you did while you both ran, your legs in sync. She took off her sweater, throwing it to the side and revealing the white shirt she always wore.
      You went on like this for many minutes, working out in silence, in each other’s company. 
     There were may other people in the gym, but you hardly noticed them. You were only focused on yourself and the woman next to you. 
     Finally, after an hour or so had passed, the woman stopped running and stepped off the treadmill, grabbing her sweatshirt and throwing it over her shoulder.
     She ran a hand through her hair, looking towards you. “Well, I think I’m going to head out. I’ll see you later.”
     “See ya,” you called to her as she walked away.
     You realized you had never caught her name.
     Your head was filled with thoughts of gym girl as you made your way to the locker room sometime later. You couldn’t wait to see her again. Not only because you thought she was the most attractive person you had ever seen, but also because you had enjoyed talking to her and you wanted to do it again. 
     You made your way to your own locker, passing the one you knew was her’s and opening the door. 
     As you did, a small slip of paper fell out. You picked it up off the floor. 
     Roses are red, violets are blue, I had an amazing time working out with you.  —A
     Your heart beat faster. Whoever had written this must’ve slipped it in one of the holes at the top of your locker.
     You immediately thought of gym girl. Could it have been from her? You dared to hope, even though you tried to tell yourself there was no way it was from her.
     Then again, you didn’t know her name. It could’ve started with an ‘A’. 
     You stood there for a moment, contemplating this, before you finished gathering your things and headed out of the building.
     You couldn’t wait for tomorrow. You couldn’t wait to see her again.
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     Tomorrow ended up being kind of a bust. 
     The woman was there, but other than a quick ‘hey’ and an expectant look at you which you couldn’t decipher, she kept to herself and you didn’t cross paths. 
     You had looked forward to talking with her again. And also finding out if she was the one who’d left the note in your gym locker. 
      But, when she didn’t approach you, you gave up and left to go get changed. 
     You opened your locker to another note, this time catching it before it hit the ground.
     Daisies are yellow, tulips are pink, you looked even cuter today than yesterday, i think. —A
      You smiled at the rhyme. It was corny, but you got the feeling the author knew that, and that just made it even better. You thought it was sweet, that someone would go out of their way to do this for you.
     And you couldn’t pretend you didn’t desperately hope that that someone was gym girl. 
    That was pretty much the thought that occupied your mind all week, 24/7, as you kept receiving the notes. You had collected six more of them, all rhyming, and had still yet to discover who actually was giving them to you. 
     After that one conversion you’d had with gym girl, you’d yet to talk again. You had tried to make yourself go talk to her multiple times, but she always looked busy or uninterested and you always got in your own head about it.
     What if she wasn’t the one writing you the notes? Just because it made sense, didn’t mean it was the case.
     It didn’t look like you were going to get an answer to that question anytime soon. 
     Until finally, one Friday, as you went to put your stuff in your locker before you started your workout, you saw her.
     Gym girl. She was walking towards her locker, looking like she was in a rush.
     You quickly stepped behind a pillar, safely out of sight. 
     You watched her set her own stuff down, before hurrying over to your locker. You held your breath. You watched as she pulled a slip of paper out of her pocket, and slipped it into your locker.
     Your heart soared. So it was her! You were beginning to worry that it was just some gym creep! 
     She began to walk in your direction, and you hurried into a bathroom stall a few feet away, letting her pass.
     Once you were sure she had exited the locker room, you left your hiding spot. 
     You set your stuff in your own locker, stopping to read her note.
     Lemons are sour, so is the lime, I’d really like to go out with you sometime. —A
      You held the scrap of paper to your chest. Now that you knew for sure that it was her who was writing these, you let yourself get all giddy.
      She wanted to go out with you! She thought you were cute! 
     You walked towards the exit door, feeling more confident and sure than you had before. You were going to walk up to gym girl and talk to her. Maybe even ask her out.
     You were about to walk out the door when you realized you were will wearing the pajama pants you had worn there. 
     Right after you changed! 
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     You spotted her instantly amongst the dozens of other people working out. She seemed to stand out, but maybe that was just because you were looking. 
     “Hey,” you approached her, sitting down on the weight bench next to hers.
     “Sup,” She looked up at you, a question in her eyes. She had a light sheen of sweat on her bare arms and you had the sudden urge to rub your hands all over her.
      Focus! You told yourself.
     “Hey, can you help me with something?” You asked her, your heart racing.
     “Need me to spot you?” She asked.
     “No, not exactly,” you answered.
     “Good, cause I don’t know what that means,” she shrugged. “What do you need?”
     “Well,” you started. “There’s this song that’s stuck in my head—and has been for days—but I can’t figure out what it is. I was wondering if you might know.”
     “Shoot. I’m a walking Shazam,” the woman rested her chin in her hand. 
     “It goes a little something like this,” you said, pretending to think. “Roses are red. Violets are blue…”
     You watched as her eyes widened, searching yours for a sign.
     “…and then something about working out and a cute lemon?” You finished.
     “I don’t know if I know that one,” Angela breathed. 
     You shrugged. “Probably just some cheesy rhyme I heard somewhere,”
     “Hey!” She smiled. “I put—I mean, whoever wrote that, probably put a lot of time and thought into it.”
      You giggled. “Shakespeare would be proud.”
     “How long did you know it was me?” She asked you. 
     “Not until today,” you answered honestly. “But I’d kinda hoped.”
     Her eyes snapped up to yours. 
     “But then I thought, there’s no way the girl I’ve been too scared to talk to cause she’s so cute, is the same one who’s been writing me love poems,” you finished.  
     The girl smiled, “I kinda figured I was being really obvious. When you never said anything, I thought maybe you thought they were lame—I mean, you were so cool and pretty and can run a lot faster than me.”
     You shook your head. How could this woman, who was so gorgeous and charming and perfect, have been worried that you wouldn’t like her? 
     “I can’t run that fast,” you teased her. “I was just trying to impress you, remember?”
     “Oh yeah? Well, maybe we could go running together sometime and you can prove it to me.”
     She paused.
     “And by running, I mean like a coffee shop or something.”
     You booth laughed and you nodded. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
     “It’s a date then,” she said, standing up and letting your shoulders brush as she walked past you. 
     You couldn’t believe it. Gym girl thought you were pretty. You were going on a date with her. Which reminded you…
     “I never did catch your name,” you called to her, as she began walking away.
     She turned around. “Angela. It’s Angela.”
     “I’m (Y/n).”
     “Well (Y/n), I’ll see you around,” she said, winking at you as she walked backwards.
     “Same time tomorrow?” You called.
     She grinned. “Same time tomorrow.”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this lovelies!! have the best of days 💘
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acourtofthought · 8 hours
Hi! * waves * I don't want to re-read the series rn and I may be forgetting stuff... But when did Feyre and Azriel have 'DeEP' conversations? I must've missed it...
I need this info for... scientific reasons lol
Hope you're doing well btw, love your posts as always!
HI!!! I am doing really well, thank you for your added message at the end. We've had a busy month because our sump pump broke and flooded our basement so there's been a lot of knocking down walls and tearing up carpet and throwing things on but now we're onto the new drywall / painting / decorating phase and that particular part is my favorite!
As to your ACOTAR question, I think I know what you're referring to because someone shared with my a few things after a particular blogger blocked me then proceeded to write how it's strange that my name is acourtofthought when I have no good thoughts 😂
Feyre and Az shared one deep conversation and one other meaningful comment from what I remember and the truly deep conversation was mostly about someone else.
The first:
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The second:
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Then Az goes on to tell her the story of Nephellle which is followed by this:
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But as far as Az and Feyre and their relationship, this is where we're currently at:
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In the novella Feyre thinks nothing of Azriel's happiness but of Lucien's, Nesta, and Elain's.
In SF we're given this:
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Is the Feyre and Azriel friendship in the room with us? From what I can tell the strongest friendships for the Archeron's as of SF are Azriel and Nesta (something Sarah reminded us of in HOFAS) and Lucien and Feyre.
Throughout the series it was Lucien who spoke to her about Jesminda, about his mistreatment from his father and brothers growing up, who expressed concern and sadness for her sister, Lucien who she spent hours riding horses with, Lucien who comforted her after her nightmare, who fished for her, who spoke to her about the times she was under the influence of faerie wine UTM, Lucien who watched over her while fleeing Spring, who covered her with his cloak, Lucien's gift Feyre thought of in her bonus, Lucien she threw her arms around after the war, Lucien she expressed jealousy over in the novella, Lucien's happiness she worried about in the same, Lucien she sent to watch Nesta's training because she thought he might enjoy it, Lucien who she was standing by on Starfall.
Did Lucien and Feyre have a temporary falling out earlier in the series? Yes, as friends sometimes do.
But is it clear Sarah has now begun the process of mending their friendship? That crazy chemistry she spoke of in interviews? Also yes.
Lucien has and always will be Feyre's friend because she always intended him to end up as Feyre's brother in-law.
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swallowedbyfandom · 2 days
Had Anthony known the hell his dumbest brother and sister were about to unleash upon themselves he would never have invited Miss Featherington over for tea. In his defense he and mother had only wanted to speak with her regarding the announcement of her acceptance of Lord Samadani's courtship. Unfortunately Colin and Eloise decided to crash the meeting.
Really he should have expected it, neither of his problem siblings have ever handled Penelope turning her attentions from them well. He should have remembered how aggressive and short tempered they were getting. Most of all he should have made sure they were not in the house when he invited her over. Perhaps then he
would not want to consume his family's entire stock of spirits. He could have sailed off with Kate for their third honeymoon blissfully ignorant of the mess his family had become.
They had all barely settled in with their tea when Colin and Eloise stormed into his study to confront Miss Featherington. Miss Featherington and mother both seemed to be unsurprised by their actions. Mother had quickly risen to lock the doors behind them, while Miss Featherington had calmly set her teacup down.
Colin began to rant almost instantly.
"Tell me it is not true? Tell me you have not been deceiving me all these years. Tell me you are not Lady Whistledown! My god, I asked you to marry me! I courted you! You have made a fool of me! I will never forgive you this! Do you even care about the lives you have ruined?
Mother Anthony noticed did not appear surprised.
Miss Featherington did not cower away from his brother's temper to his great surprise. She simply looked Colin in his face and responded defiantly.
"I am Lady Whistledown. What great deception have I committed against you? What rights do you believe you hold over me that would make you entitled to my secrets? I shall remind you that you are not my brother, father, or my husband! I did not owe you my secrets. I shall also remind you that I turned your proposals. Had you taken the time to court me properly, there would have come a time I would have told you about Whistledown. I would not call your abysmal attempts at shallow conversations and floral arrangements courtship. That is the bare minimum for a gentleman caller."
"The question you should ask yourself Colin, is why you did not see I was Lady Whistledown? I have never hidden my distain for the hypocrisy of society from you. Nor have I hidden my wits or barbs from you.
We have exchanged corresponded at least half a hundred times! No one should be more familiar with my writing style than you! How am I to blame for your refusal to acknowledge that I am no longer the small child you first met."
Eloise scoffs in disgust, while beginning her no doubt long winded rant. "You ruined me! You ruined me for profit and spite! You ruined your family for profit . You ruined Marina out of jealousy. You tried to ruin Daphne out of jealousy. I will not let you take advantage of my family any longer. I have freed us from your poison quill."
It is remarkable to Anthony, watching the wrath that takes over Miss Featherington's demeanor. Were he not so startled by the change he may have moved to gain control of the situation. Instead he watches wide eyed as Miss Featherington stands and drops a gentle kiss on the crown of his mother's head.
"I apologize for everything you shall learn here tonight, Lady Bridgerton."She whispers sadly to his mother.
Then she turns to Eloise with the coldest stare he has ever seen.
Her tone while composed is so full of condemnation he cannot help but brace himself for what revelations she would reveal.
"I did not ruin you. You ruined yourself, eagerly in the hopes of what? What Eloise? Recognition? Adventure?an attempt to free yourself from boredom? You want to speak of lies, of poison? Let us be frank then. While you were painting me the villain in your sad little tale, did you tell your family that you were a day away from committing treason? Did you tell your family how you were hours away from getting their titles, lands and wealth stripped from them? Did you tell your family that your desire to uncover my identity had you cavorting about unchaperoned with a common boy? Did you mention by chance that your meetings with said boy, was what lead the Queen to believe you to be Lady Whistledown?"
"No I imagine you left all that information conveniently out of your story. My publication was the only thing that kept you out of the gallows. You can scoff at me all you want, you ridiculous child! I saved you and your family and all it took was exposing your most minor offenses. Offenses you committed of your own free will. Actions I warned you against. I was not the poison that almost ended nine generations of the Bridgerton legacy. You were, Eloise!
Eloise released a cry of outrage but she was quickly cut off by Miss Featherington.
"No. You will be silent, now! I am not done speaking! You have laid your accusations, I will answer them. Not because I owe you anything, but because I tired of your incessant belief that you have any moral high ground here."
"You speak of profit as if you have any understanding of what that word even means. As if you have ever had to do more than hold your hand out to Anthony and simply ask. All while complaining about how the brother whom funds your lifestyle expects you to comport yourself in an appropriate manner in public. As if that is an unreasonable request in exchange for having your every whim fulfilled. As if behaving as a lady is some grand hardship to endure in exchange for safety and the well being of your family. You have everything in the world and all you do is complain about it."
"Do you have any idea the financial hardships you have created for those paperboys whom had to quit working because of the attention you brought down upon them? 10 families now go with out the security of the increased wages I negotiated for them! All because you had to meddle in affairs beyond your understanding."
Anthony was shocked by her unexpected defense of him. Mother he can see watches Penelope with such sorrow and pride. He knows mother has always counted Penelope as one of her daughters. Penelope he can see now is lost to their family forevermore. It is a wound he does not believe his mother will ever truly overcome.
It is only his years of exercising control that allows him to remain quiet. His rage is an inferno as he thinks about how close Eloise came to destroying their family. He cannot allow himself to think on it just yet for he will lash out. He will have her shipped off to Australia if he acts right now. She should prepare for the reckoning he plans to rain down on her. Before he can descend into madness Penelope continues to speak.
"Lady Whistledown is not some hobby I created to buy myself pretty babbles. Lady Whistledown is the Featherington family's primary source of income. It is the livelihood that has allowed me since the age of seventeen to pay off my papa's debts. It is the sole reason my family did not end up losing our estate. It has clothed and fed my family and staff for three years. It has generated the dowries for both my sisters. I did that and I cannot even lay claim to it because I am a woman! You will not shame me for keeping secrets necessary to ensure the safety of that income."
Anthony had not thought it was possible for a voice or a stare to contain so much vitriol, but little Miss Penelope was expanding his knowledge on the hidden rage a lady can conceal. God lord, had Penelope shown him this fire before he met Kate he likely would have ended up with a much different Viscountess. Even now as a married man he was stirred by her intellect and passion. He quickly made to cross his legs before his problem became evident.
"Since you are so concerned for poor innocent Marina allow me to set the record straight. She came to us already ruined and proud of it. Her courtship with George Crane was a prolonged affair. They courted over time. He was not some feckless fool, he was honorable. He offered to marry her before he left off to the battlefield. She did not want a rushed affair at Greta Green, so she denied him. She wanted to wait to have a grand wedding. Still that didn't stop her from engaging in marital relations. 5 days later he went off to war."
"Before I knew she was with child I tried to help her avoid her more persistent suitors. I helped her send and receive her letters from George. I thought it wildly romantic. That she was waiting for her solider rather than allow her Papa to sell her off to fill his coffers. She took advantage of my naivety. I can see that now. I did not see it then."
"Once it was discovered that she was with child my mama tried to send her back to her family. She locked Marina away and forbid my sisters and I from speaking with her. I do not know what blackmail Mr. Thompson had over my papa but he would not send her away. It mattered not how my mama pled or cried. It mattered not that our reputations would be destroyed by housing her, my father would not be moved. He said he had to marry her off to a titled family or else. My parents made quiet and quick arrangements for several older lords whom were in need of heirs and willing to ask no questions to meet with Marina. She refused them all, rudely."
"Still I tried to help her. I send off her letter to George. I tried to convince her to contact the Crane family, so they could hurry things along. She refused. I could not understand why she would not just contact the Crane family. She carried the heir of their heir under her heart. Surely they would come for her? Then a letter came from George denouncing her. She finally agreed to marry for the safety of her children."
"Do you know why she picked you, Colin? I do. You see she confessed her grand plan to me later that night, after you cut in and saved her from Lord Rutledge."
His brother released a growl like sound.
"Pen, please. Do not."
"No you are still so quick to believe the best of her, all while being so happy to believe the worst of me. You hold on to this fantasy version of her, where she is just some helpless maiden. Marina was many things good and bad. She was not helpless or simple minded. She made her choices, for good or ill."
"You have accused me. I will tell you the whole truth. The details I withheld to spare your already shattered confidence. She said you were so eager, it would be easy to get you to propose. That you did not know how to play the games that most men play. She was so excited. She did not understand why I did not share her excitement."
"Did you know my mama actually tried to stop her from going after you and your family? Of course you don't, you believe my mama the mastermind that forced Marina into it. I tried to stop her. I pled with her, not to involve your family in her mess. I pointed her to several young wealthy men whom would quite enjoy a lavender marriage. She was already too far along by that point. She told me she needed the Bridgerton name to protect her child. When I would not feed her information about your family, she stopped playing at kindness."
"Marina became cruel in a way I had not thought ladies could be. I do not know if she was always cruel or if desperation made her cruel but the result was the same. She took pleasure in holding our reputations hostage. She took pleasure in blackmailing Madame Delacroix to conceal her pregnancy. She took pleasure in besting me every time I pointed out her lies to you and you brushed it off. Maybe she was just lashing out I did not know and by then I did not care."
Anthony watches helplessly as Penelope cried silent delicate tears. He can tell this is something she needs to reveal to finally move on from it. It breaks something in him to hear her talk about it. Mother moves to take her hand.
Penelope releases a shuddering breath before continuing hoarsely.
"Mama was so nervous and panicked, all the time. It frightened me to see her drink and lose sleep. I overheard her and Marina fighting. She gave Marina a deadline. One week to get a proposal or she would force her to marry one of old Lords still willing to take her. Marina agreed, she told mama she was going to seduce you, so you would be honor bound to marry. Then she could past the child off as yours. My mother thought her foolish. She claimed Marina was 6 months away from child birth 7 if she were lucky. The next day you walked happily into her trap. You proposed, publicly."
He can hear his brother throw a glass at the wall. Penelope still does not stop talking.
"I tried to tell you about Marina at the engagement dinner, once again you brushed me off. Do remember that, Colin? Almost a decade of trust built between us and you would not hear me. You just kept cutting me off. I found out that night that mama and Varley forged the letter from George Crane."
"I went to Marina with proof that George never denounced her only to find that you were both to elope the next morning. I will not get into the cruelties Marina spewed against me. However she made it clear she cared not for you, she cared not for the ruin my family would face, and that once you realized the child could not be yours it would be too late. She was confident you were too gentle and besotted to ever turn her out on the streets."
"She was right, you are too kind. Anthony however is not. I knew if Marina succeeded in marrying you only to deliver a child 5 months later your family would be ruined. Your sister's marriage prospects would have been ruined. Anthony as Viscount Bridgerton would have been forced to disown you to protect your sisters and your family's position in society. God Colin, neither of your brothers had heirs. My family would never have survived his rage if he had to do such a thing."
"Everything I know about sacrifice, about ruthlessness, and about tactics, I learned at Anthony's knee. Why on earth would I ever allow some distance cousin to come in and pit my family against him? I am loyal. You may like the shape that loyalty has taken but I stand by my decision."
"So you see, I exposed Marina and I would do it again. I did it to protect my family. I did it to protect your family. It was an impossible situation, Lady Whistledown felt like the best way to control the fallout for both our families. I knew that my family would be tarnished by the scandal that was unavoidable. She lived in our home. I knew my mama would take the blame but I knew my mama would happily take the fall to protect my sisters and I. I believed that we could recover from it, with time. I did not believe my family could ever recover from Anthony."
She locks eyes with him then and asks,
"Would you have believed me if I had come to you? If I spoke as Penelope Featherington? Knowing I did not know how a Lady comes to be with child?"
Anthony ponders her question for a second before answering her honestly.
"No. I would have thought you too innocent to understand such matters. However I have always known you to be sensible. I would have had the matter investigated. It may have been too late by then."
She deserves more than his siblings have given her. He gentled his tone before continuing.
"You are also correct in your belief that your family would not have survived my ire.You made the right call Miss Featherington."
She gives him a small sad smile.
"Thank you for your honesty, My Lord."
"I did not try to ruin Daphne. I have never held any ill will toward her. She is all things lovely,kind and most importantly cunning. Every jab I took at her was light and meant to provoke her. Daphne was drowning under the pressure to play docile debutant. I wanted her angry enough to find her fire again. There was no way to avoid writing about Daphne without raising suspicions as too many people were gossiping about her. I printed the kindest of the talk and helped your mama run Berbrooke out of town so Daphne could be safe."
"You both may believe yourselves above reproach, but neither one of you have the experience necessary to scold me, to question me, or to judge me for the sacrifices I have made to keep my family safe. While I have been harsh on my family in the society papers, I rather the Ton laugh at us than have them prey upon us because we are without the protection of a Lord. Until either of you are responsible for more than your own entertainments I will not hear you try to deride my choices."
He cuts in then because his siblings appear to be gathering their second wind.
"Eloise you will remain quiet."
"Colin if you can collect yourself mother will remain here with you and Miss Featherington, so you may speak. I should not need to say that everything that has been discussed tonight is to never be spoken of outside this room."
He drops kisses on the crown of his mother and Penelope's head before dragging Eloise out of the study.
Colin wishes he had taken the time to control his temper before speaking but all rational thought had left him once El had spilled Pen's identity. He can see now that Eloise's motivations were spite driven. He cannot however make his peace with this version of Pen. She was not supposed to join the ranks of people whom overshadow him.
He loves her. Or at least he loves the version he thought he knew. His sweet girl. His dearest friend. Has she ever really been his? Was any of it real? He had thought himself her white knight. Was she just humoring him this entire time? What need did she have for him? He must appear so childish in her eyes.
He cannot bring himself to speak with her. He is too angry. He is too confused. He cannot bring himself to make it real. If he opens his mouth now, he will say more things he will regret later. So instead he closes his eyes and shakes his head.
He hears the sound of ruffled skirts, vague whispers, and light footsteps before he hears the door open and shut once more. He hears his mother return to her seat.
"Do you wish for tea, dearest?"
He finally opens his eyes to stare incredulously at his mother. There she is serenely pouring herself tea. As if Penelope had not been revealed to be a liar! As if Pen has not been putting herself in danger for years!
"How can you be so calm about this?" He asked.
She gives him a small smile. While pouring him a cup of tea.
"Oh, Colin. I know all my children. Penelope has never hidden who she is. Not truly, not with us. I have long suspected Penelope was Lady Whistledown. I chose not to ask questions because discretion is her best protection. After her and Eloise stopped talking it was obvious to me they must have fought over the article. I trusted that if Penelope exposed Eloise, then it was necessary. Was I happy about it? Of course not. However, I know Penelope's heart. She is not one to act without due consideration. Her position in life does not afford her the option to be reckless."
"I know you are hurt dearest. You will unfortunately always carry this hurt with you. If you are ever to heal and move on from this you have to be honest with yourself. Penelope has made mistakes but so have you, my love. Allow yourself to grow from your mistakes."
He cannot tolerate her sad eyes any longer. He nods at her before heading to his room. He needs to be alone.
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rraveboy · 11 months
anyone else. who is arospec . feel this primal need to be desired romantically . or like at least have someone think that you’re attractive or handsome or pretty or whatever term you want to use . but like nobody has ever thought you were attractive or handsome or pretty. and the only times you’ve ever been asked out was as a joke. like i don’t want to be asked out that’s kinda awkward and i don’t want anybody who’s my friend or who i know think that i’m handsome or attractive. but like i wanna be desired by strangers or told i’m handsome . but i’ve only been asked out once in middle school as a joke . idk i love being aro and i’m perfectly confident in my lack of romantic attraction but i want to be desired
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Shout-out to everyone who survived a "fun" easter with the family
#fucking hell#it started with finding out my dad smoked in my car when I picked up my sister#who was equally dreading the day#my mum turns into the world's tensest and judgemental presence. worsened by my aunt#then hell for autistic people (of which there are multiple present)#multiple deaf people means one uninspired conversation that isn't interesting in any way.#combinations of passive aggressiveness and people not saying a thing because they can't participate. voice volumes too damn high#weirdass food situations. Very full table. so many smells.#this goes on for over an hour. wishing for literally anything but being there. soul crushing.#then you still have to sit in that room for 2.5 hours. it just goes on and on.#my autistic deaf dad physically looks like how I feel. my mum and aunt keep piling on top of him to demand his mental presence#i leave the room once (to get my phone to show pictures to my uncle) and am immediately followed upstairs by my mum#who demands I don't leave the room (What's next. following me when I need the toilet?)#me and my sister are so bored we start throwing paper planes and fake fighting.#Which amuses the bored and the deaf#but of course my mum and aunt have opinions and this is not allowed. only soul crushing boredom allowed#they complain to each other over it while aggressively doing dishes#finally it ends because my mum and aunt start insisting my dad should go to bed if he's 'that tired'. *sprinkle on some additional ableism*#still sitting through a conversation about allergies one of my sister's friends has. my mum preaching that people should take that seriously#(meanwhile i had to cook for myself for 9 years because when my allergies were really bad no one bothered to check if i could eat something)#me and my sister go sit upstairs to discover our mum has made things we care about vanish in her room#and made things appear that should not be there#I've washed the interior of my car and hope the smell will go#you think it's over after that. but woke up with the realisation that even more things have disappeared from my sister's room.#i can't remember a time when things left outside of my room didn't disappear#I don't know why we do these family gatherings at all. no one has fun on days like that.#the housing crisis isn't making these things easy. my sister is losing her place to live again as well#she'll go hiking for a month and then work on a campsite over the summer#maybe I'll go house sitting again. idk.#can't make commitments a few months in advance like that because I'll cancel everything the second Sparks announces anything important
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I think I am faceblind [never had a diagnosis] and I cannot, for the life of me, tell David Burke and Edward Hardwicke apart. They are the same person, maybe also because I only know them as Watson(s).
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Even if I put them right next to each other like here they look the same to me. :,( (Yes, the hair is a bit different and one has darker eyebrows, but apart from that - they - are - the - same.)
It took me almost the whole episode of The Empty House to realise why I felt so uneasy about Watson. :D If I concentrate now, I can see they have different mannerisms, but over all, it's a lost cause. :(
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tangledinink · 1 year
great news! my mother has taken the time to inform me that mother's day is going to be awful this year not simply because my twin brother is dead, but furthermore because i don't love her enough to live closer to her and compensate for his absence.
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obstinatecondolement · 8 months
My sister was saying "You should write that idea for a novel about [REDACTED] that you had a while ago for NaNo. I think that could be really fun" and I was like oh yeah! I remember we got a kick out of that one. And then, after a pause, had be like... could you remind me what the plot was again? Because litearlly all I could remember was that it had been funny At The Time and involved [REDACTED].
It was like when my mum reads a book and strongly recommends it to me the day after she finishes it, but can't remember any of the characters names or what happened, but it was definitely very good and I should read it so we can talk about it!
Except this was a story I made up myself and devoted not an insignificant amount of thought to, and then never committed any of what I came up with to the page because it was still early stages and I would "remember" what my initial ideas were 🙄
#fortunately my sister did remember enough that it kickstarted my brain and I remembered#but jesus christ...#how many perfectly good ideas have I squandered because I didn't think I would forget about them?#it's one thing not ever writing stuff I had ideas for because of y'know *gestures towards my general inability to follow through on things*#but actually forgetting ideas entirely feels much worse#I miss having an eidetic memory :(#but also I kind of wish I'd never had it because I never developed the habit of writing things down to remember them#until WELL into adulthood#because I'd ever needed to for most of my life#I just remembered every single word I had ever read or heard and almost every idea I'd given more than passing thought to in perfect detail#as a child I'd get so angry about people getting single words of quotations wrong or misremembering minute details of conversations we'd ha#because I *did not understand* that they weren't just being sloppy and inexact#and that they really couldn't remember things the same way I could#I really did not understand that other people experienced the world differently to me at that age#when they contradicted what I believed to be universal truths I thought they were trying to upset me or make me feel bad about myself#like when my friend agreed with my parents that apple juice was nicer than orange juice (when no one could *really* believe that)#I fully felt that as a betrayal#and thought she was implicitly co-signing my parents to hurt me#and that the subtext of the criticism was that I was evil and self indulgent for not resisting the wicked temptations of orange juice#and never even trying to be virtuous and subject myself to apple juice#which was obviously not as nice but was the more moral and 'healthy' (which was the same things as moral) choice#oh christ this has gotten away from me...#I hate being triggered by dumb bullshit that brings me back to weird esoteric traumas from my youth#can I please stop being triggered by such embarrassingly trivial bullshit for five minutes???
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iscariotapologist · 1 year
my friend asked me what my core religious beliefs were and i had to sit there like 🫥 It's Complicated. have you heard of mysticism
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dietbeverage · 3 months
Sometimes I remember a conversation I had with my mom around the time they were learning about my younger sisters adhd and she said "a lot of people with adhd need to do something to occupy themselves to help their brains think. A lot of them doodle or bounce their leg or do something like that in class and it helps them focus." And I remember thinking yeah I do both of those things but I'm built different lmao I just do those for fun and not bc of adhd. Girl...
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mittenhater · 7 months
“i would never want to be an only child they seem so lonely :(“ i promise you, as someone with a sibling who is somewhat close in age to me, having siblings will not mean you are automatically not lonely
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void-tiger · 9 months
“Hey I wanted to say __ but I didn’t want to stress you out (again.)”
“Hey no stress! All good!”
“…well GOOD because I have been stressing myself about that for (months) awhile. But if it’s all good it’s all good. (I can tell my anxiety to shadduuuup about it if I know that directly.)”
[continues to resist the urge to send bird and cat memes and music covers]
(Wait until y’all actually feel comfortable talking without that Wall of social anxiety specifically around eachother, Tiger. Don’t abuse the dms. Patience. You at least know he won’t run away from you again. He showed up to your party and wore the bandana you threw at him playfully, and apparently did pay attention to what patterns you wear on your nicer clothes despite him getting more avoidant than ever when you do. Tell the dopamine to CHILL and BREATHE. Ya know. Like ya promised.)
#tiger’s musings#social crap#socializing is haaaard you guuuuyyys…#but…yeah. his sister remembered the one (1) conversation we had and bought me fandom merch of my favorite character#and he…apparently got the gift bag and tissue paper and probably assembled it ‘cause of Who’s Handwriting on the giftbag from them both?!#and?! he matched the same ‘daisylike flowers + wildflowers on white background’ that I wear to church?!#(look it’s one of two (2) floral pattern I like: ‘dried’ flowers on white or daisies (with jewel tones)#(but who tf actually NOTICES stuff like that?! how long has he noticed that?! does that mean he likes my SEE? FEMME I GUESS style#(that I wear to church?! (when otherwise I’m a ‘color tanks/graphic tees with cargos or jeans/jorts’ sorta gal#(and he has seemed to find me more approachable when I Quirk It Up with a burgundy hat and denim jacket and the same pair of converse)#but…yeah. I don’t think I’ve /ever/ had someone notice /me/ with that much attention to detail instead of…my body.#it’s…kinda nice. to feel seen. and apparently liked. but not objectified. not salivated over#and for fuck’s sake I just turned 30 and he apparently helped everyone else set up big and shiny 30 decorations everywhere#so yEAH I am YOUR age (and actually 6 months older) even if…I still look 19 to 21 apparently (whyyyyyyy?!)#and…probably act much younger than I should ‘cause…egh. social trauma I’m literally in therapy for#but…yeah. I was ready to give up before that conversation#I’m digging in now. especially after that conversation + he and his sister picked out my gift at least a week prior
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I’m gonna do what I do best and ramble about a nonsensical idea regarding to, “The Politician”.
Don’t click/tap, “Read More” unless you want utter nonsense… and even more rambling after the first rambling is finished…
I know that Payton learns Mandarin in high school as his foreign language credit, because it’s one of the hardest languages to learn (meaning that it’ll look impressive to colleges) and, obviously, so he can be tutored by River, sparking all of their tension.
So, my random thought is, “Thank goodness River didn’t tutor Payton in ASL.”
I, myself, took American Sign Language for two years in high school, taught by a lovely teacher.
One of the first things the teacher taught her students is that to help each other learn the language, we had to be comfortable with helping each other when we sign something incorrectly.
Meaning that we had to be comfortable with (politely and respectfully), moving a person’s hand around. The teacher I had did it to her students, the students moved each other’s hands to help them.
A lot of touching, for the sake of helping our fellow classmates out, as well as being close to a person physically to understand things.
So, it made me think that Payton had an entire crisis with—
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This much space between them, just with River correcting his verbal pronunciation, no physical contact (until the kiss duhh) involved.
So the ridiculous point I’m getting at is… Payton would most likely loose his mind with River having to be close to him in order to tutor him, having to touch his hands to help him.
My very critical sister said it would be quote, “So gay but also so cute” so I wanted to throw it to this hellsite. (She is seriously so critical and judgmental of everything so the fact that she likes this stupid thought of mine means something to me)
(Fun unrelated side note: In my sign language class, my teacher had a bunch of magazines for that arts-and-crafts project where you cut out letters and glue them on paper to make words and there was one open magazine on the table. Guess who just so happened to be on the page… Ben Platt during his time in DEH on Broadway! I just thought that was cool.)
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casekt · 1 year
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