#i mean their stuffed animal equivalents obviously
bowofbalance · 9 months
I'm in the packing trenches right now and my favorite update so far is that Cameron and Wilson and House have a job now, which is cushioning my breakable mugs.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 5 months
I see the post about the Master(s) caring for a sick reader and raise you: reader having to care for sick Master(s)
if you think they're a lot to handle before just wait until they have the timelord equivalent of the flu kicking their ass
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick
Characters included: Simm, Missy/Gomez, and Dhawan
Warnings: being sick (obviously), pretty sure that's it
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Simm! Master
He's not sick, he can't be sick. He's a Timelord, and Timelords don't get sick
That's what he insisted to you over and over again, but it was a bit hard to take him seriously with how nasally and congested he sounded
At first he wants you to leave him alone (because he's not sick, thank you very much) but once it becomes clear whatever he's got isn't going away anytime soon he very begrudingly allows you to care for him
Acts like he wants to be left alone but then whines very loudly if you're gone for too long, so you're basically stuck watching him the entire time
He has terrible manners in general, which are made even worse when he doesn't feel good, so don't expect him to say please or thank you unless you press him for it
Complains about something every two minutes without fail. He's cold, so you get him a blanket. Then he throws it off because he's hot. Then he gets cold again and needs you to tuck him back in
Eventually you get tired of listening to him whine so you put on The Teletubbies in hopes that'll distract him long enough for you to sneak away and get some peace and quiet. When you return a half hour later, he's passed out in bed, sleeping peacefully while the TV continues to play in the background
Missy/Gomez! Master
She would also refuse to believe that she's sick at first, but it takes her much quicker to cave and accept your treatment
Wants to be pampered and treated like the sophisticated Timelady that she is, meaning she fully expects to be waited on hand and foot for the entirety of her illness
Such a drama queen, honestly. You so much as suggest she blow her own nose and she goes on this long rant about how she can't believe you're making her do something while she's sick, and she's much too weak and helpless to care for herself, and don't you love her?
If it works it's only because you want her to shut up (despite how nice her voice sounds, I imagine it must get to be quite tiring to hear her do nothing but whine)
After awhile she gets bored of laying around and doing nothing (despite you being there to take care of her) so she tries to sneak off and cause some trouble, hoping you won't notice
Unfortunately for her, you'd gotten used to hearing her call out your name every couple of minutes and soon grow suspicious when she doesn't. She doesn't make it far before you catch her and usher her back to bed with a firm scolding
Dhawan! Master
Oh boy. Out of the three of them, he is the whiniest, clingiest, and biggest baby yet
As soon as he wakes up and can tell he doesn't feel good, he immediately calls out for you. It could be as minor as a sore throat or the sniffles and he'll act like he's dying
At first he tries to act just as intimidating as he usually is but it doesn't work because a) you don't find him that intimidating in the first place and b) even if you did he's definitely not when he's wrapped up in multiple blankets and cuddling with a stuffed animal
Speaking of which he begs you to cuddle with him, even if it's likely that you'll catch what he has. Honestly, the two of you usually get sick back to back because of how clingy he is: if one of you has something, the other is bound to catch it at some point
He doesn't want to have his every whim catered to in an arrogant way, he's just so pathetic and pitiful when he asks for something that you can't help for feel sorry for him and find it near impossible to say no
Needs to be near you the entire time he's sick. If you disappear even for a second he begins to practically whimper with displeasure, like a small puppy who's been abandoned
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End notes: I hope you liked it anon 💗
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tmntxthings · 1 year
how would they behave if turtles and the reader had a kid?
well, let’s see…
immediately when I think of Raphael, I’m reminded of all the episodes where he’s telling his brothers not to do something because it’s dangerous or just him being super overbearing with Mikey cause he’s the youngest, now that’s just his brothers! Imagine this turtle with kids?! Raph is the kind of Dad who’s constantly checking in, all throughout your pregnancy he’s making sure you feel no pain, and he’s carrying you if he sees the slightest swelling from your ankles!
Once the baby is born, oh my goodness, he hasn’t left their side! Swaddled in blankets and cradled in the crook of his arm. He is most definitely falling asleep in that position too. As the kid gets older he’s constantly in their room, checking in! All of his favorite stuffed animals are no longer his own. They belong to baby! When that child finally learns how to walk, then to run!Raph is not ready!!! He’s worried, constantly there catching them when they fall. Raising his voice with concern, “Slow down!!” “No running!” “Watch out for the corner—!!!!” And if somehow, someway Raph isn’t there to protect them from the inevitable. If he’s in another room or whatever the case and hears his little ball of happiness crying, he’s there in the next second. Comforting and cooing, wiping away tears and kissing booboos all better! “Don’t worry I’m here, Dada’s here!” He’s the most attentive parent, but also the equivalent of a helicopter parent. Just the constant hovering, it’ll be cute until those teenage years when they start to rebel and do some questionable stuff!! Raph will have plenty of heart attacks but he will learn just like he did with Mikey that sometimes you gotta let the babies spread their wings!
…Just not too far away! ❤️❤️❤️
Leonardo is the epitome of cool dad. It comes naturally to him. Of course! When your pregnant he’s soooo excited, wants the gender to be a surprise! Loves them wholeheartedly no matter what they are! While Raph is super duper careful, Leo is way more laidback. Leo is actually the one chasing after his tot once they learn how to walk/run. He turns back into a child because of them, playing silly games, running around the house and jumping on furniture! Definitely knocking things over and getting plenty of bruises. Both him and tiny tot! “Uh oh did that hurt? Oh no no, it’s okayyyy! Look look Daddy got a bruise too. Ouchie! But it’s okay, we’re okay!” Now I have no clue what a safe age to start portal-ing but yeah, many a-portal-pranks! The type of dad to do jump scares for fun! This little kid will grow up a rascal through and through! Daddy Leo taught them well. But make no mistake, just because he’s more laidback than Raph does not mean that Leo won’t go berserk if he finds out someone is messing with his little tot!
Protective when needed! 💙💙���
Donatello with kids. Where do I begin? I’ll keep going with this ‘how overbearing would they be’ scenario since that’s the theme I’ve stuck with for the first two. Donnie is a planner. He’s a problem solver. So I imagine he’s been preparing ever since the two of you starting trying for kids…maybe even before that… but most definitely mapping things out once he knows your pregnant. And when those nine months come to a close he’s got everything. Everything. I’m not a parent so I don’t know the essentials but like Donnie would have a whole room (color coded to light purple obviously), meal preps, and carefully crafted toys for whenever they reach certain ages! All very stimulating and made for educational purposes because this baby shall be the smartest baby ever! I’m sure they will be a little genius by the time they can talk in Donnie’s careful hands. Because that baby will have seen some high caliber tech when being held by their dear Papa. And where Donnie once would talk to himself about his own creations he now had a little listener…who couldn’t talk back yet, but was surely listening with big, round eyes! So cute!!!! (Also I didn’t mention this previously but each baby is definitely getting a shade of their father’s color. Like they had no chance in that department!!) So yeah Donnie is more on the unhinged side of protective parenting like Raph. Very adamant about knowing exactly where his little bundle of joy is at all times!
Tracker? Most definitely 💜💜💜
Michelangelo is a cool dad like Leo, but more understanding. It should come as no surprise since he’s a very empathetic turtle! But in this sense he knows how it feels to be young and to always be watched/babied/doubted! Now make no mistake that baby will be by Mikey’s side 24/7 until they can vocalize the need for space! Boundaries shall then be set and Mikey most likely will never cross them unless for a serious/good reason! I also think that there is a good chance Mikey’s kid will become an iPad kid. Not because he won’t be around or isn’t entertaining! But because I think Mikey is a iPad kid as well, so they will both be watching YouTube or playing Minecraft together! And there is a good chance all of the turtle’s kids will turn out this way. I think the only one who may not would be Raph and that’s a questionable maybe! I think we all know how Mikey felt when his favorite place (pizza place) in the world was destroyed for no reason at all! If his child was to ever get hurt, or made to cry by malicious intent, then you can assume he will have a similar, aggressive reaction to the person who hurt his little tot so badly! But of course he is civil, who will ask questions and try to get apologies before it gets out of hand. So Karen/?Chad’s? beware! Coloring and cooking are the go to bonding activities at the appropriate age! “Alright chef, what’s on the menu tonight?! Cookies?? Well, okay okay that can be dessert, but what about the main course? …Brownies… hmmm..”
“How about pizza?!” 🧡🧡🧡
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lurinatftbn · 8 months
If you’re down to answer another question like the music one, what are the characters’ favorite in-universe cuisines/culinary preferences? Or, are there any fun reasons why some characters like/dislike certain things as we see in the glossary?
Off the top of my head:
Utsu dislikes fish because it's ubiquitous in Itan cuisine and had a lot of it served to her poorly-prepared as a kid. I think it comes up in the text at some point, but her favorite food is layered pasta dishes like lasagna. (I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't do it on purpose.)
Kam is a vegan, but obviously only for health reasons since they don't slaughter animals for meat in the setting. She likes very spicy food like chilis and curry - her favorite is stuffed jalapenos. She also likes crepes.
Ran also kinda likes spicy food, but isn't super passionate about cuisine and mostly just goes for low-effort stuff. She eats a lot of stir fry and dumplings.
Theo also worries about his longer-term health which is why he's on a low-carb diet, but renders this pointless by eating tons of chocolate and sweets all the time. He likes hot fudge cakes the best.
Ptolema just really likes meat. Her favorite is just a really well-seasoned blue steak, probably with blue cheese, and she also probably really enjoys whatever the equivalent of brazilian barbecue is.
I don't think I ever decided what foods Seth likes best except that he eats a lot of junk food. I do remember deciding at some point that he really likes almonds despite being allergic to them.
Ophelia is a pescetarian for cultural reasons. Beyond that, she loves trying all sorts of foods, though shellfish and mushrooms are her favorite ingredients.
Lilith is a hyper-picky eater and doesn't like most vegetables or anything too complicated or mixed together. She probably most enjoys very simple things like chicken nuggets, and only takes small bites so she isn't overwhelmed.
As comes up in the story, Bardiya is a recovering alcoholic, which is the reason for his preference note. I think I put somewhere that kebabs are his favorite food.
Ezekiel dislikes onions because of their slimy and crunchy texture. He likes really straightforward food like Sunday roasts, which in-setting would mean he prefers Rhunbardic cuisine, though he'd never admit it.
Fang will eat anything under the sun, but also doesn't care that much about food in the grand scheme of things. Left to their own devices, they will cook everything into some kind of omelette and think it's great.
Linos doesn't like shellfish because, like Su, he ate a lot of it prepared badly when he was young. He enjoys participating in prestige/fine dining, especially for Ysaran and Viraaki food, more for the sense of being part of a cultural moment than the actual flavor.
Neferuaten likes foods like beyaynetu (or, like, pizza) designed specifically to be eaten communally. On her own she mostly just eats salad, though she has extremely specific opinions about wine and whiskey.
Durvasa likes to grow and preserve his own food, and his favorite is dal soup. He also has extremely specific opinions, though only about whiskey. He doesn't like red meat because he dislikes the idea that he's eating the flesh of a one-living being, even if it's replicated.
Zeno technically does not have a diet, and is sustained nutritionally by other means. He enjoys the taste of very indulgent foods like foie gras and controversial food like cultured human meat. He thinks Viraaki food is 'stinky' and 'greasy'.
Hamilcar does not eat except with company, which is why his entry says N/A. He can't taste food in the way he could when he was young, and he finds it upsetting.
Anna enjoys sushi, but is too old to eat much at all.
Mehit theoretically likes the kind of high-concept Saoic cuisine described by Ran early in the story, but is not a very good cook, so mostly eats things like baked potatoes and fried rice. This is partly why Lilith is the way she is, but only like, 20%.
Balthazar skips breakfast because otherwise he ends up overeating, since he's the type who can just keep going long beyond what's healthy. He's the sort of person who enjoys bizarre high-calorie flavors like fried squid dipped in ice cream.
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brenna-ofmd · 11 months
Fully Ramblomatic Essays "Arnold Rimmer"
Fully Ramblomatic.com - Essays
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If you've never seen Red Dwarf, then you might as well click the 'back' button now and forget it, you have no hope of understanding this article. Actually, if you've never seen Red Dwarf, what the hell are you doing surfing the Net?
If you have seen Red Dwarf, you're probably wondering something along the lines of "WHAT? Arnold J. Rimmer? The same emotionally crippled, underappreciated, above all DEAD Arnold J. Rimmer? It would kick arse to be HIM? Are we talking about the same guy?" Well yes, we are talking about the same guy (unless there's some other Arnold J. Rimmer I don't know about, which seems unlikely, as he'll have changed his name long ago to end the jokes), and yes, it would kick arse to be him. Here's why.
1. Being a hologram
OK, arguably he wasn't a hologram in series 8. Let's discount that for now. He did get a hard-light drive in series 6 which made him solid and indestructible, which kicks arse on its own, but what I want to talk about is why it would kick arse to be the pre-series 6, non-solid hologram. I mean, think about it. I don't know why it never occurred to our Arnie, but surely everyone has dreamed of having an X-files-like ability to walk through walls. You could hide in solid objects, wait for your crewmates to come by, and then leap out going BLEEERRRGH!!!! And with a little adjustment to your projection disc, you could make your face melt as you did so. Ho, ho, ho! You could also climb up into a wall and stick your head out to look like one of those stuffed and mounted animal heads to scare the shite out of anyone who brought home classy friends.
2. Being a hologram, part two (actually I have so much cool stuff on being a hologram I'm bleeding it into two reasons)
Hey, if you could rig up a device to alternate your form between hard and soft light at the touch of a button, you could become a superhero! There's a man lost in a hedge maze? A bank robber has locked himself in the time-locked vault with fifteen hostages? You've been buried alive? No problem! Bullets bounce off/go through him! He can tear down walls with a single badly-thrown blow! He's very good at Risk! (Cue seventies B-movie music) BAM BA BA! Bam bam bam bam BAM BA BA! By day, mild mannered Arnold Rimmer, space corpse! Whukka chakka whukka chakka chakka chakka whukka chakka BAM BA BA! BAM BA! But when duty calls, Arnie can leap behind a dressing screen and emerge, several minutes later, as WALK THROUGH WALLS MAN! Whukka chakka BAM BA whukka chakka BA! Whukka chakka BAM BA whukka chakka BA! Starring John Rugged as Arnold Rimmer! Whukka chakka - etc. That's a working title, obviously.
3. Getting all the girls
I have every episode of Red Dwarf on tape (I'm that sad) and, through thorough dissection, I can honestly say that he gets more sex than any of the others. I think the writers felt sorry for the actor, to be honest. "OK Chris, remember during this scene that you're totally intangible, so try not to touch anything in a way that those anally-retentive fans will spot and post up on the Internet, k? Do this for us and we'll make sure you get loads of sex". Makes sense. I mean, quite apart from that one episode of series 8 where he gets to have his way with every girl at a dinner party, there's that Crane woman from series 5, his female equivalent from the parallel universe and... er ... actually that's about it, but it's still more than everyone else. Well, Lister got it on with a few aliens, but I don't think we should count those for the sake of decency.
4. Being dead
Hey, Rimmer's dead. He's quite open about this fact. Now, there's a certain breed of male that other men envy and women swoon over who like to discuss exactly how much pain they've gone through in their lives. Nothing opens legs like braving through intolerable suffering. So if Rimmer ever found himself in that sort of grouping, this might happen:
TOUGH GUY: Well, I once woke up during a serious prostate operation. It felt like my 'nads were going through a bacon slicer.
GIRLS: Ooooh!
BURLY GUY: Well, I once actually did put my 'nads through a bacon slicer, while chewing on a mouthful of razor blades and penetrating my skull with a diamond-tipped industrial drill. AND I woke up during the subsequent lobotomy.
GIRLS: Oooooooooh! And how about you?
RIMMER: Well, I was hit in the face with a nuclear explosion. Then, in my death throes, I got broken glass in my arm. Then I died, and was reduced to white powder.
GIRLS: Oooooooooooooooooooooh! We love Rimmer best!
Of course, there's always the risk that the burly men will gang up on Rimmer later on in the gents, but on the other hand, he is WALK THROUGH WALLS MAN! He'd just go into a complicated Bruce Lee fight sequence and kick arses from here to Tanganiyka! So that's an advantage of being dead. It's a terribly impressive chat-up line.
5. Being the character mature, deep people like best
It's a little known fact that you can gauge a person's personality by which character they like best in Red Dwarf. Cat, who could well be a cartoon character, is liked only by the shallow. Kryten is popular mainly due to his silly voice. Lister is popular amongst people who relate with him. But people who like Rimmer tend to be emotional, thoughtful and extremely worthy of beautiful members of the opposite sex offering their bodies to them. Here's a handy chart.
Cat - Shallow, immature people Kryten - Shallow, mature people Lister - Deep, immature people Rimmer - Deep, mature people who deserve lots of sex, even if they don't get it. Sigh.
Where do YOU fit?
... nope, can't think of anything. So stop whining, Arnie mate, you've got it made. Just stop boring everyone to death with your Risk stories and your telegraph poles, and start planning for April Fool's Day.
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hrokkall · 2 years
Hi 🥊 Anon. Long time no see (I don’t actually think it’s been that long, but hey.)
Favorite thing about them: I wouldn’t say this is my favorite thing about it, but genuinely one of the funniest scenes in the Hex is when it’s inexplicably in video game jail. The answer to that is “Irving is an asshole” obviously, but the juxtaposition of Training Dummy next to an alligator, a giant dragon, a giant radioactive snake-worm, and Sado was a punch to the face. Free training dummy it did nothing wrong.
Least favorite thing about them: There’s nothing to dislike here. If you’re not a Training Dummy fan I don’t want you on this blog (I’m joking, but Training Dummy is… weirdly relevant here.)
Favorite line:
brOTP: Okay it started as a joke at first but the wizard pupils being inexplicably attached to the training dummy they’ve been using to practice spells on is hilarious to me. “Sorry I cast fireball on you yesterday. I was really excited to see that it worked but then when I thought about it I felt kind of bad… can I… um… sew that back together?” it’s like the wizard school equivalent of a stuffed animal that sits on top of the whiteboard that the entire classroom full of 19-26 year olds immediately deems the class mascot.
OTP: ???????
nOTP: See above.
Random headcanon: I know for a fact this is stolen from you but the concept of every game made using the Gameworks Engine having the Training Dummy somewhere in-game is hilarious to me. It’s like the video game equivalent of the Wilhelm scream. Every game designer HATES seeing it in the final game because it RUINS immersion most of the time but that just makes programmers even more tempted to sneak it in somewhere as a sort of game development inside joke. Having said that, from an in-character point of view this either means multiple training dummies or multiple reassignments so good luck to this guy either way.
Unpopular opinion: I was going to jokingly say Training Dummy should have been a talking card but I quickly realized that probably wouldn’t work. I don’t even know if the Training Dummy would have the required level of sentience to be inscrybed as anything other than a terrain card. As funny as it would be if it was secretly a person I’m pretty sure it’s Literally Just A Mannequin (maybe not? It does have custom inner dialogue when you challenge it with an invalid deck but it’s really unclear whether that’s meant to imply the Training Dummy is a person or if it was just for the bit). Sorry buddy </3
Song I associate with them: I was going to delete this section but you know what, I’ll add one for the bit. We’ll go with Tubthumping by Chumbawamba. I get knocked down but I get up again. You know the one.
Favorite picture of them: I like its Inscryption sprite best personally; the Hex gives it more detail but the Inscryption sprite just has a certain charm to it (plus, it gets a sword. Hell yeah)
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neckromantics · 3 years
Trips in the Regalia:
Chocobro Headcanons—
could be seen as platonic or not! whatever you want. :) SFW and gender neutral.
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Went on a road trip recently so these just kinda popped into my head. Also I missed you guys. :)
Okay, so Noct or Ignis are in charge of driving, obviously. Poor Prompto is pretty much banned from ever touching the wheel unsupervised bc the one time they let him behind the wheel it ended in disaster.
You’re totally allowed to drive but you outright refuse to do so now-a-days because someone distracted you by standing up in his seat and you almost drove off into a ravine out of fright.
Ignis has been known to let one of you sit on his lap and steer just for fun. Sure it looks ridiculous, but he can not handle the puppy dog eyes that are sent his way whenever he's asked.
There’s a cooler in the back by your feet that’s stocked full of Ebony and tiny little seltzer waters just in case Ignis gets cranky or someone starts to feel a little car sick.
The glove box might as well be considered a medicine cabinet with the amount of curatives that's stuffed inside.
Long road trips ALWAYS become even longer road trips because no one in the car knows how to synchronize their pee breaks. You keep telling them to just go all at once but they never listen. Someone always insists they don’t have to go and then changes their mind five minutes after you’ve left the rest area.
Parking at the side of the road where said someone has to do the walk of shame to nearby shrubbery while everyone else stays in the car and talks shit about them.
The Regalia always smells strongly of whatever essential oil that’s been dripped into the USB powered diffuser Iris gifted to you guys. It's a godsend, especially after those particularly long hunts where you all could use a shower. If it weren't for her it'd always reek of sweat and desperation in there.
It doesn’t happen very often, but there have been a couple of times that you’ve miscalculated the distance to the next fuel station and had to push the car the rest of the way after running out of fuel a few miles away.
Now Ignis has to reassure you constantly that there's enough gas in the tank, but you still peer over his shoulder to check the fuel gage and start to nervous sweat whenever it drops below half full.
Prom’s always trying to initiate a game of I Spy and you’re the only one that will entertain it lol.
No one in the car is allowed to have the aux due to past music-based arguments. You all have a joint playlist on a music app that you take turns adding songs to, and it gets played on shuffle. The genre is almost never the same back to back, which makes things interesting and also ridiculous.
Naturally Prompto takes so many photos he has to bring what is essentially a briefcase of backup storage. Will crawl into the back seat when he’s bored to sit half on your and Noct’s lap to show you some of them instead of just handing the camera over like a normal person.
Whoever gets to be in the passenger seat has the privilege of feeding Ignis while he’s driving. Apparently, Iggy burns a crazy amount of energy at the wheel because he’s ALWAYS hungry up there. He could feed himself just fine, but where’s the fun in that?
Honestly everyone’s just always feeding each other for some reason.
At some point when Noct’s driving you sneak a carrot stick into his mouth instead of a potato chip and he tries to kill you. Like, I’m not kidding he slams on the breaks and throws himself across the car at you like a rabid animal. It’s not threatening at all because he’s mostly flailing around, but it does take all three of the remaining guys to pry him away from you. You are cackling the entire time.
Gladio spends most trips reading (and then re-reading) the book he brought with him. Will let you lean in close to read it if you ask nicely. Always waits for you to give him the go ahead to turn the page.
You, Noct, and Prompto play rock paper scissors to see who gets shotgun and somehow Prompto wins nine times out of ten.
Ignis is an excellent driver but for some strange reason he loves to do U-turns in the WORST places possible. Will miss an exit and say whatever posh equivalent there is to “My Bad.” and just do a complete one eighty like your lives mean nothing to him. Also? He will slam the breaks on if any of you start misbehaving and it’s hilarious.
Gladio likes to mess with people in passing cars.
He’ll do this blank, dead-eyed stare at them at red lights until they make eye contact with him.
If the top of the Regalia is up for some reason, he’ll roll his window down and motion for them to do the same only to immediately roll his window back up as soon as they roll theirs down.
There's a compartment in between the two front seats that has five sets of matching novelty sunglasses that Noct bought at the shop in Hammerhead. It also has some lip balm, sunscreen, and bandages for when someone inevitably scrapes their knee or something.
There's not a lot of room in the car with all of you inside, so naturally you're forced to sleep in the weirdest of positions. Half on one boy, half on another. An arm or leg hanging out the side of the car. Nearly upside down in the seat.
It’s safe to say the Regalia is like your tiny home away from home by now. Sometimes it’s easier for you to just to pull a blanket into the car and sleep rather than attempt to sleep in some strange, fancy hotel room. The bros will wake up wondering where you are, only to find you curled up like a baby in the back seat.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Hakuoki SSL Store Bonus Drama CD 《Their Youth~ Student Council Helper Episode~》
....Why are people subscribing to me on youtube? like i get that people subscribe for the otome stuff i translate and subtitle (which i only really do so that i can have a copy of it for myself), but i don’t really think that people should be subscribing if they expect more Gokushufudou content since I don’t have anything else that I can or want to translate for that series....
anyway, this is my translation of the 薄桜鬼SSL -sweet school life- いまじんWEBショップ特典ドラマCD「彼らの青春 ~生徒会助っ人編~」 drama. I was only able to obtain the audio for this from a certain site that doesn’t allow for sharing... so I am unable to put anything else out for this... unless someone shares the audio and an image with the cd and their username or w/e on it (alternatively, if it shows up on bilibili or something then i’ll be able to use that), though I will edit it when i make my own subtitles for this. lol. sorry but not sorry?
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anyway, enjoy~  image used is from suruga-ya.
Hakuoki SSL Store Bonus Drama CD 《Their Youth~ Student Council Helper Episode~》
Translation by KumoriYami
Yamzaki: The private school, Hakuo Gakuen. The school we attend, based on the school principal, Kondou-sensei's, intentions, we adhere to his educational policy of "becoming warriors with indomitable spirit", not just while learning and when participating in club activities, but while also working harder for the community, or so it should be.... but there are always exceptions to everything in the world.
Hakuoki SSL Store Bonus Drama CD 《Their Youth~ Student Council Helper Episode~》
Yamazaki: Excuse me, is Hijikata-sensei here?
Hijilata: Oh? It's Yamazaki. What is it?
 Yamazaki: Sanan-sensei asked me to bring these materials over to you. 
Hijikata: So it was like that. Thanks. By the way, Yamazaki....... Do you have a moment right now? 
Yamazaki. yes. I'm not doing anything right now.
Hijikata: In that case, sorry...... can you go to the student council to do something? Today Amagiri and Shiranui both happened to take the take the day off today, and there apparently is insufficient manpower on hand. 
Yamazaki: The student council.......is it......?
 Hijikata: Uh, the average person would react like that... I've already asked several people before asking you, and as soon as they heard "student council," they immediately ran away.
Yamazaki: I can sympathize with those students. because I am not really good at dealing with the student council president. 
 Hijikata: When it comes to that guy, I believe that if you searched the entire world, that you wouldn't find many people good at dealing with him. Nothing can be done though, I'll go help this time...
Yamazaki: Wha...!? How can Hijikata-sensei personally attend to this matter! In that case, I'll go help the student council!
Hijikata: Can you? To be frank, this is a chore.
Yamazaki: A gentleman's word is his bond!
 Hijikata: Then I'll leave it to you.... But if something goes wrong, you need to immediately report to me. 
Yamazaki: Yes! I'll be going to the student council room now!
(Yamazaki leaves)
Hijikata; Yamazaki is too straightforward... I hope he doesn't overdo it...
(student council room)
Yamazaki: (knocks on door) Excuse me. I'm the second year, Yamazaki. Hijikata-sensei entrusted me to help you.
Kazama: By Hijikata? Che, he's meddling into other people's business/can't mind his own business. He most likely coaxed you into helping, but whatever the case, if you think you can help, I will provide you this opportunity.
 Yamazaki: (Obviously he's in the position of receiving a favour, but why he so overbearing/arrogant?!)
Kazama: Did you say something? 
Yamazaki: I didn't say anything! Returning to the topic/Anyway, what can I help you with?
Kazama: here, put these clothes on first. 
Yamazaki:...What's with this collar and Japanese-style school uniform?! Our school's official uniform is a suit/Western-style clothes. 
Kazama: This uniform is of the same style as Amagiri's uniform. Although it's only temporary, you'll need it to wear this is you are to complete the student council's work [gave up rewording all of this].
Yamazaki: Even so! Modifying the uniform goes against the school rules... 
 Kazama: Hey! As student council president, I am saying that there are no problems! I am the school rules! 
Yamazaki: (How did such a person become the Student Council president?)
 Kazama: Good, now that you understand, hurry up and change clothes in the dressing room, then get to work.
Yamazaki: ( No other choice but to resign myself.... [tl uses an idiom that can mean "submit to hte will of the heavens," "resign (oneself to fate)," or to "leave it to luck"]) Understood!
(door opens)
Hijikata: Oi, Kazama! you there?
Kazama: It turns out it was Hijikata. What brings you here? If you want to leave please turn right and head straight.
Hijikata: Someone just came in, why are you already trying to chase them away! I was just worried about Yamazaki, so I came to check on him. 
Kazama: Yes. Then if you're done, hurry up and leave.
Hijikata: You bastard.... Anyway, where is Yamazaki?! I don't see him...
(door opens)
Yamazaki: Kazama-senpai, excuse me. I've finished changing clothes...
Kazama: Hrm. As expected, people rely on clothes [clothes do make the man? or clothes bring out a person? can't exactly think of an equivalent right now tho]. Such an appearance is barely passable. 
Hijikata: Wait a moment! What's with that strange uniform?!
Kazama: This is a custom-made uniform made for the student council. Since he's helping the student council, isn't it common sense to dress like this?
Hijikata: What common sense! That clearly violates the school rules... 
 Yamzaki: It's fine, Hijikata-sensei... 
Hijikata: Nn?
Yamazaki: I'll think of this as a a work uniform! Anyway, Kazama-senpai, about the content of that work...
Kazama: Che, don't tell me that you aren't able to do unless you receive orders from me? It's such a waste that you are unable to understand your superior's mind, and require someone to explain everything to you so that you can act. 
Hijikata: I'm afraid that if you searched the entire world, the only person who would be able to understand your mind, would be Amagiri?!
Kazama: No choice then. I shall mercifully/gracefully provide instructions to those that are stupid. There will be a meeting to pay for club activities/budget meeting for all of the clubs tomorrow. However, only a handful of reports have been submitted, and what has been isn't sufficient to be used as materials/ a reference to approve of the clubs' expenses. In other words, you should go investigate for me to see if all of the club activities are actually being held. 
Yamazaki: Understood! Which clubs [tl is for "department] do I need to investigate?
Kazama: Needless to say, it's all the clubs within Hakuo Gakuen. The deadline is today.
Hijikata: Don't be so forceful [ridiculous!]!! Have you even thought about how many clubs there are at this school?!
Kazama: Amagiri and Shiranui would complete this within an hour, which this trivial matter cannot be considered a problem. If this can't be done, I won't force it. This only proves to me that you do not have a good eye for talent from the help you recommended to me, Hijikata [gave up rewording after 8 times].
Yamazaki:...I understand. I will certainly be able to investigate all of the clubs today!
Kazama: When the moment comes, don't go back on your word. This is a list of all the clubs at Hakuo Gakuen. 
 Yamazaki: The total number of clubs at Hakuo Gakuen is... 108?!
 HIjikata: Ah... it's been a while since Yamazaki darted out of the student council room... Is he really okay? I hope he didn't get involved in anything strange...
 Yamazaki: L-Let go of me! I, I hate this sort of thing!! 
Hijikata: Nn? 
 Yamazaki: Even if you say that you can't understand the specifics of this club without personally trying it, I don't want to do this...!!! Let go of me!!!
Hijikata; That voice just now.... Yamazaki? (runs over) Oi! Yamazaki!
(bouncing sound [haven't listened to this drama in a while so this might not be accurate, tho the tl does say bouncing])
???: Ah....... Hijikata-sensei......
Hijikata: Oi! What's with this huge stuffed animal?!
Yamazaki: It's me! Yamazaki!
Hijikata: A-ah..... nn, nn.... I, I can hear your voice..... but, but what I hear doesn't sound like the Yamazaki I recognize...! 
Yamazaki: That's because of this [i think?]! I am the genuine Yamazaki! I'm just wearing this costume! Ah... sorry to trouble you, but can you please help me pull the back zipper down?
 Hijikata: Ye-Yeah...
Yamazaki: Hah... finally escaped from that...!
Hijikata: You... why were you dressed like that?! 
Yamazaki: Because.... when I went to the costume club, their members said they just finished these clothes, and that I had to try it on....
Hijikata:....Those animal overalls are part of a costume?
Yamazaki: No matter what happens, I never want to come back to the costume club!! But... normally I wouldn't have such a chance, and after seeing it with my own eyes, I now know that there are many clubs at our school.
Hijikata: That's because when Kondou-san was thinking about club establishment, he said to respect the individuality of the students. As long as the activities' content and purpose are clearly stated, provided that they aren't bad, and if the number of club members reaches a certain level, any club can be established.
Yamazaki: I think, by using the costume club as an example, there are actually quite a lot of informal clubs... 
Hijikata: It seems that it will be necessary to re-examine those clubs in the future.... Anyway, which club are you going to next?
Yamazaki: The mountaineering club. Judging from the club's name, the content of the activities should be straightforward. To be honest, I feel relieved. 
 Hijikata: No, that club... 
Yamazaki: Then, I'll be going there as fast as I can. I'll be taking my leave first! 
(Yamazaki leaves)
Hijikata: Eh... I remember they were supposed to go climbing today.... Going back to their activities, isn't mountaineering difficult [tl for mountaineering can be interpreted as "climbing," "to climb a mountain," and "mountaineering."]?!
 Yamazaki: (All sorts of problems kept on occurring after that during the inspection. The drama club was infected with an influenza virus [no idea how else to reword that right now], and all of their members were sick so I was unable to investigate their activities in detail; I wasted time at the kendo club because of Okita-kun's pranks; the mime club didn't speak during their activities, which resulted in even the most basic communication not being achievable... Will it really be possible for me to inspect all of the clubs today?)
 Hijikata: Oi, Kazama! I'm coming in. 
Kazama: Hijikata. It's really rude for someone to enter without being given my permission. 
Hijikata: Didn't I knock and say greetings in advance? It's almost the end of the school day, is Yamazaki back yet?
 Kazama: Not yet. I thought he was a bit capable, but I apparently underestimated him. 
Hijikata: I believe in him. Although he has a tendency to overdo things and often fails to get the key points, once he makes up his mind, he will surely be able to complete any task.
Kazama: Hrm~ that's the same as someone else/you're two peas in a pod. That being the case, let's bet. 
Hijikata: I'm not interested in betting with students. But if we were betting, I'd bet that Yamazaki will be able to accomplish his task. 
Kazama: Then I will bet that he did everything in vain/will be useless. 
HIjikata: I won't feel sorry for you if you lose. 
Kazama: Hmph. Don't steal my words. Look at the time, the school bell will be ringing soon. 
(Running then a door opens)
 Yamazaki: (gasping) Inspections on the club activities... it's all done.... hah....
Hijikata: That's great! Well done, Yamazaki!
Kazama: Che......
 Yamazaki: Hu..... Thank..... you..... (collapses)
 Hijikata: Oi oi!! Are you okay?! 
 Yamazaki: I..... I'm..... fine......
Kazama: Really, I'm blaming you for messing up all of the materials.... Nn?
Hijikata: What are those documents?
Kazama: They seem to be reports on the club activities.
Hijikata: Ha?! Didn't Yamazaki write the reports for that?!
 Kazama: Nn. These are all...
Hijiikata:....Oi! That can't be....!!
Kazama: It looks like Amagiri wrote yesterday. But he actually tossed them into the piles of documents of here, which resulted in no one knowing that he had written such reports. 
Yamazaki: What.....!!
Hijikata: That......!!
Kazama: Hmph. It looks like I won, Hijikata. All his efforts turned out to be worthless.
Yamazaki: Ho-How is that possible...!!
Hijikata: You're not feeling even the slightest bit guilty, are you even even speaking as a human?! This is all your student council's fault!!
 Kazama: Hmph. Go and complain to Amagiri.
Hijikata: You need to take responsibility for the lack of supervision! Besides, what the hell were you doing when Yamazaki was running around everywhere complete that task?! If you were doing a good job, you should have been able to notice this!! 
Kazama: Of course I'm working. My job is to complete the ambitious project called "Writing down all of My Wife's 100's Strengths/Virtues/Good Qualities"! These forms took me a week to complete and it is a magnificent written masterpiece! 
Hijikata: You bastard... you were doing something this stupid while Yamazaki was struggling!
 Kazama: What are you barking about? What's more important than this?
Yamazaki: I tore it up to show you————!! [im guessing this is more "i pushed myself" or "I'm going to tear that up." probably the latter]
Kazama: Nn? What do you think? Do you want to look at it? Although your efforts were futile, I will mercifully/graciously acknowledge your actions. Alright, I'll lett you look. But you have have to treat it carefully.
Yamazaki: I'm blaming this for what happened—!!! (tears up Kazama's documents)
Kazama: Stop that! My week of hard work! Hi-Hijikata! Why are you grabbing me?!
Hijikata: You reap what you sow! Obediently accept reality!! 
Kazama: My priceless masterpiece———!!!
got ME:LE working last weekend... and omg it’s like a walk down memory lane lol. finished the first game though im going to have to do an insanity playthrough for the achievement later. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
TWD 11x06: On the Inside - Details
Okay, let's talk details.
***As always, spoilers abound below for 11x06. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
Connie and Virgil:
The first thing it shows is a spider. I seem to remember seeing one of these around Alpha, and we've seen them other times, too. I wasn't sure what they meant, but remember how I talked yesterday about how Virgil and Connie were led into a trap here, and that points to the same thing being true of the Daryl and Beth in Alone? I think the spider represents someone being caught in a web or trap. And that actually creates really interesting implications for episodes in 4B, such as Inmates.
Speaking of Inmates, we see Connie and Virgil running through tall grass, very similar to how Beth and Daryl did in Inmates. Yet another example of why they (Connie and Virgil) will probably end up being romantic. 
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Inside this house there are quite a few stuffed animals. Not the toys, but the taxidermy type. See a fish on the wall, a bear, and plenty of deer. All of those are important Beth symbols.
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When Connie goes to search the house, she sees a whole bunch of paintings with the eyes scratched out. If that's not a “see no evil” reference, I don't know what is. A.K/ had a convenient explanation for it, but if this is the Beth template, then in the template, it represents something else entirely than in the reality of the episode.
So, what does it represent? Well, obviously we don't know for sure. But I had the thought that they certainly did focus a lot on Connie's deafness here. We’ve never had much indication that Beth will have hearing problems. That’s something unique Connie's character. But maybe the equivalent of that in Beth’s arc is that she’ll have vision problems. So, paintings with no eyes here are meant to represent that Beth will be similar to Connie, except in her case will be vision problems rather than hearing problems. Just a theory, though.
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So, they did this thing where when it was shown from Connie's point of view, we couldn't hear any sound. I thought that was really great. It definitely put us into Connie's experience and makes it creepier. Angela Kang talked about how they did that purposefully to show when it was from Connie's point of view. So, one to recognize is that this is proof that what we’ve said about different episodes being from different characters’ points of view is a thing. We don’t have obvious indications of it like this all the time because no other characters are deaf or blind. But this means the writers consider this and do tell various stories or parts of the stories from specific character perspectives. I’m just saying.
In the bathroom, Connie seems sees mushrooms growing beside the bathtub. That's more of the mushroom/hallucination theme.
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When she sees the eye on the other side of the wall, she runs down to Virgil and tries to tell him what's going on. She gets so flustered that she can't write it and ends up carving “not alone" into a painting. Obviously, this is another way we can relate this to Alone and suspect it is a Beth and Daryl template.
But also pay attention to this painting. It is a real painting that @galadrieljones was able to find. It’s called “Wolf and Fox Hunt” by Peter Paul Reubens. I’m going to talk about this in a theory later in the week. It’s SUPER important. For now, notice that there are foxes, wolves, and dogs in it. Someone sent me an Ask about something Norman posted and I believe it's related to this. Norman's dropping hints about the duality theme. So, like I said, it's too much for this post but I will be talking about it very soon. Also notice that the painting is framed with deer antlers, which means the deer symbol is thrown into the mix as well.
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Also note that the lighting inside this house in general is a lot like Grady, with it being darker inside and having brighter, white light streaming in through the the windows.
We see a door slide across the hallway and separates Connie and Virgil. This is what I mean when I say there are representations of Beth and Daryl being split up and needing to find each other again.
I wasn't entirely sure what was going on with Connie putting her hands on the walls at first. But if you listen to the sound, she can basically hear or feel the vibration of the guy running toward her. It's a little like putting your ear on the ground to hear horse hooves. She can hear his footfalls getting closer and closer. Super creepy.
We do have this one interesting sequence where Kelly is trying to pull her horse forward but the horse doesn't like the mud and is pulling back. Kelly ends up falling in the mud just before Carol's group finds her. It was kind of random sequence and didn't seem to go anywhere in the episode. But if Kelly is a foreshadow of Maggie searching for Beth, it's probably a foreshadow of something else we don't understand yet.
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@wdway​ pointed out that in 10x19, we saw Father Gabriel fall into the mud when he was with Aaron. So, chances are, these are both foreshadows of the same thing, but we don’t know what yet. 
We see Connie finding bones in the basement. The walls shake and she climbs into the vent, moving into the passages between walls. This is where she sees Virgil in the outer room, running from the same people she is. This part really creeped me out because my first thought was that he wouldn't know that this was her rather than one of the creatures. I totally didn't see it coming that one of the creatures would walk up behind him. Seriously creepy.
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This is another representation of no exit, as I said yesterday, and of Beth trying to warn Daryl of something but not being able to.
I also noticed at this part, the guy Virgil was fighting with said, "hungry." That's in keeping with the idea that these people were cannibals, but it also occurred to me that in the broader, CRM situation, this might indicate something to do with famine and resources.
But here's the other thing. Maybe this goes to the heart of it. I said in the Matrix theory that we don't really know what the CRM is doing, resource-wise, and that’s true. Isobel told Al it had something to do with purifying water, but I’m sure it’s more complicated than that.
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The thing is, we've seen several indications of cannibalism now, which all seem to point forward, toward some bigger arc we haven’t seen yet. I mean, it's sort of started in 4x01 with Clara trying to feed Rick to her walker husband. Of course there was Terminus, which was a thing (sort of) in the comic books, but everything about Terminus foreshadowed things we haven't seen yet. This season we have that story Maggie told, and now this Virgil/Connie arc. I just can't help but think maybe one of the things the CRM is doing is using people as a resource in a literal way by eating them. Conjecture on my part, but it does make sense given the symbolism we've seen.
After Connie manages to let Virgil know it's her and not one of the monsters, he pulls her out of the wall, and they hug. This is one of the reasons people are feeling like this might be a romance. It is kind of reminiscent of the Bethyl hug and had a certain intimacy to it.
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Later that night, we see Kelly arrive at the same place that Connie and Virgil were at the very beginning. In this case, she goes the wrong way. The opposite direction to the one Connie and Virgil took. The interesting thing is, we see the mailbox has fallen over.
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I will post about all the mailboxes later in the week. I do think it attests to the Matrix theory and points to the CRM. I'll explain how I think it was used in this episode when I get to that post. But even showing Kelly go the wrong way is kind of interesting. In the episode, it just means that at some point her group must have doubled back to the house. We’re never told why. Maybe they went that way and didn't find anything, and so decided to come back. Or maybe they heard screaming coming from the house and that brought them back. Either way, I'm sure it's foreshadowing something in the future.
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I’m also thinking that the storm we see here is probably important. It doesn’t play a very big part in this episode, but I don’t think it can be unimportant that there’s a storm going on (think Them) while Kelly is searching so close to Connie.
We also see Virgil and Connie talking inside. He says he's never seen people this far gone. "To herd us like prey." That's a “too far gone” reference, which we've seen since S4 and Rick's speech at the prison. And I talked about the fact that this they were herded into this trap yesterday. This is where we get a lot of Beth and Daryl dialogue.
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Virgil talks about how he wants to get her HOME, how he wants to get her back to her family. This is also where he talks about losing himself for a long time and Michonne giving him a second chance. Basically, he's willing to die, willing to sacrifice himself to get her back to her sister. But Connie says no, we do this together. *coughs* Bethyl *coughs*
Right after that, they hear the monsters in the house start grunting and Virgil says, “time’s up” and they jump up and run. I just couldn’t help but think of the “time escapes” reference from the clock in Still.
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I talked about how I think Virgil being hurt represents Daryl getting hurt and Beth saving him, but also want to point out that we've got a getting-stabbed-in-the-back theme going on this season. We also saw it with Bossi, who Pope threw into the fire. Maggie nailed him in the back with one of her knives and Pope made a big deal about how his wounds were on his back. At it’s core, it’s probably a betrayal theme (another connotation for stabbing someone in the back) and given that Daryl is already planning to betray Leah, that makes sense, and may be the reason for it. We’ll have to see where it goes.
Connie covers herself and guts and lets walkers in. That's how she saves herself and Virgil. I'm assuming that will correlate to something with Beth and Daryl that’s similar.
Daryl and Leah:
In the torture scene with Frost, I just wanted to point out that they're torturing him using fingernail methods, and then Daryl cut off one of his fingers. They specifically did not waterboard him. Waterboarding wouldn’t be the only form of torture the Reapers are familiar with, but the point is, it's a purposeful choice on the part of the writers. Daryl was tortured by water, but Frost wasn't.
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(Love how the light is shining down on Daryl’s wings in this picture.)
At one point, Frost says something to Daryl about how are they going to just keep staring dreamily at one another. Kind of an odd reference, no? On the one hand, I think it's a reference to Bethyl, because while the two of them stared dreamily at each other over dinner, there was Frosty Cola on the table. But on the other hand, it could also be a reference to the hallucination theme.
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When Daryl and Leah and the rest of them go to check out the town, Daryl stops next to a van that has its hatchback open. It just another way of showing a trunk being open. He uses power lines to alert Maggie to their presence. Could be part of the power/battery/lamp theory.
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At this point, Daryl also puts his hand on a mailbox. Once again, I’ll go over the mailboxes later in the week, but this seemed very purposeful to me.
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Incidentally, we learn more of the Reapers’ names. Powell, Washington, Fish, and of course Carver. Washington could be a reference to the revolution theme (George Washington). I also thought of George Washington Carver. He was a famous scientist who worked on agricultural methods for eradicating famine.  👀
And of course there's Fish. It sounds like their names that are purposely chosen for their symbolism.
I’ve already said I get heavy Claimer vibes from the Reapers. That was definitely reinforced here. When Carver and Daryl were arguing, Carver kept saying that he was chirping. He said, “Chirp, chirp” to Daryl several times. Which is clearly a bird reference.
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But then he also says, “if this dirt bag wants to play, I’ll teach him the rules.” Which is almost a direct call back to Lenny saying that they had to, "teach Daryl." And this extends even to what happens in this episode. Maggie and her group getting out of the house while the Reapers are still inside was very reminiscent of Rick getting out of the Claimer house without them realizing it. I’ve pointed out before how much the situation is like that one. The Claimers were hunting Rick, and Daryl ends up joining them. Here, the Reapers are hunting Maggie for some as yet unknown reason, and Daryl has joined them.
I want to point out a cryptic conversation that Carver, Leah, and Daryl have here.
Carver, talking about Daryl: We both know who he is, deep down.
Leah: What?
Carver: I was there, remember? After? Do you really think this is going to end any different?
Leah: So this is what? You looking out for me?
Carver: Always.
Then she basically calls bullsh*t on that because he allowed Pope to lock her in a room that was set on fire.
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But what are they talking about here? In a generic way, it sounds like Leah tends to trust people that she shouldn't, and it always ends badly. Carver is telling her that she shouldn't trust Daryl or it's gonna happen again.
But we’re also kind of thinking that he's actually talking about Daryl here. When he says “after,” maybe he means after Daryl left Leah the first time, in Find Me. So what does he mean about what happened after? It sounds like Leah didn't handle it so well. Did she try to commit suicide? Did she do something else? We don't know. It was just a really cryptic conversation and it's hinting at something we haven't seen yet.
But after that conversation, Carver also says, "You’re not seriously gonna —" but he gets cut off. Sirius reference.
Finally, let’s talk about the title. On the Inside. One thing we’ve learned is that when there are multiple story lines going on in an episode, the title must refer to all of them in one way or another. And often, it will be literal for one story but symbolic for another.
The most obvious meaning of the title is from Daryl’s story line. He’s the “inside man” in the Reapers organization, and is spying on behalf of Maggie and the rest of his people.
But what about Connie and Virgil? Inside of what? The house? Maybe, but that’s pretty cheesy. This is another reason I think this foreshadows Beth and Daryl being inside the CRM. On the “inside” of that organization and trying to get out.
A quick note on The Talking Dead for this episode. There weren’t any massive TD smoking guns or anything, but I wanted to point out how they react to the idea of romance between Connie and Virgil.
I’ve said this about a million times, but they only let the actors tease romance partners for Daryl when they AREN’T going to happen. So, I often point to when Lauren Ridloff was first on TTD in S9. People asked about a Connie/Daryl relationship and she made a Daryl/Connie shower joke. Most of the fandom took that to mean they would go canon, but the opposite is actually true. Every time they’ve made that joke, it hasn’t happened. 
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Meanwhile, with Beth, who was the only one he had really obvious romantic chemistry with, and for whom Daryl’s feelings have now been confirmed, they’re constantly directing us away from it. Saying things like, they were brother and sister, or we didn’t miss out on any great romance, Daryl felt about her like he felt about Sophia, etc. And that, to me, says that Bethyl is the one that will happen. The other things are just teases, but they’re directing us away from the truth so that it’s more of a surprise when it happens. (Not that it will be for TD, but for most of the fandom it will be.) 
Anyway, they kind of did the same thing with Connie and Virgil. Again, remember that when they asked LR about Daryl, she teasingly suggested it would happen and made a sex joke. But here, when asked about Connie and Virgil, she acted like it was absurd and she never would have thought of that. And if you ask me, there was WAY more going on in this episode between Connie and Virgil than there ever was between Connie and Daryl.
That, coupled with all the Alone references, and I’m relatively sure Connie and Virgil will be a thing. Because they aren’t canon yet, I can’t prove it. But if/when they do, we can point at this as more evidence of what won’t go canon, and what will. I’m just mentioning.  😉
I think that's all the details I have for now. This is definitely a super interesting episode and I'll be talking more about it over the next few days. Thoughts?
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legobiwan · 3 years
Do you mind elaborating on the infantilizing of Bucky in post winter soldier fic??? I haven’t dipped my toe into much of the fic side of fandom for the MCU out of sheer intimidation…. So I don’t really know what you mean from the tiny bit of content I’ve read/been exposed to….
There is a ton of MCU fic on the internet. My advice is to take large advantage of the search filters on Ao3 and then expand from there. Otherwise it gets a little overwhelming.
In terms of what I've mentioned about Bucky's infantilization...
A lot of post-Winter Soldier fics focus on Bucky's rehabilitation, which is definitely fertile ground for exploration. Obviously, he's had a hell of a time in life, traumatized, tortured, brainwashed, you name it - the whole hurt/comfort trope on super-soldier steroids. And while I'm as big a fan of angst as the next person, sometimes that recovery ends up being a Bucky who can barely manage to do anything for himself, who breaks down about his trauma every five minutes, who needs hand-holding nearly 24 hours a day (generally from Steve), who is wildly dependent (again, mostly on Steve) and...doesn't develop too much past that point, except to be given either the plot equivalent to, or an actual stuffed animal. And yeah, your kink is not my kink and all, but I just prefer Bucky fics that keep him competent and a semi-functional adult, despite all the horrors of his past, and allow him to be an equal to the Avengers (especially Steve) instead of someone in constant need of a caretaker while working through all that darkness (or succumbing to it, if I'm being perfectly honest, but that's just my thing :D
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thestupidhelmet · 4 years
I always got the impression that during Zen breakups, Donna more sided with Hyde than Jackie. What do you think?
Donna is often seen through an undeserved negative lens by a portion of T7S fans. Contradictions in her characterization do exist, thanks to inconsistent writing. But when her behavior, dialogue, and choices are examined closely, her true character is revealed. I do this in the metas linked below.
In Defense of Donna (an essay in eight parts).
In Defense of Donna: Supplemental
In Defense of Donna (Yet Again) in Her Relationship with Eric
Was Donna Mean to Jackie from Throughout Their Relationship?
Analyzing the facts burns away the foundation on which the biases about and misinterpretations of Donna’s character are built. After the cut, I discuss in detail her reactions to Jackie and Hyde’s breakups. She’s a far better person, and friend to Jackie, than is often recognized.
Jackie and Hyde’s first breakup occurs in “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You” (5x14), after Jackie shouts, “Get off my boyfriend!” to Annette about Kelso in the previous episode. Below is Donna and Jackie’s first discussion about it.
Donna: So, have you talked to Hyde about the whole, “Get off my boyfriend,” disaster? Jackie: No! And why is everyone making such a big deal about it? It's like every time I walk into a room, people look at me funny. Donna, how do you deal with it? Donna: Jackie, the reason people are making a big deal about it is because it sounds like you still have feelings for Kelso. Jackie: Well, I don't. I think the only reason I said it was because I was having an allergic reaction to the Formans' cheap, generic soda.
Here, Donna is being supportive of both Hyde and Jackie. She cares about them and their relationship. Jackie, however, has a tendency toward denial and self-delusion, which Donna has experienced extensively. She wants Jackie to be honest with herself, face reality, and not put herself or Hyde through the pain she went through with Kelso during seasons 1-4.
The next time in the episode Donna talks about this situation is with Annette at The Hub.
Annette: Guys, I really think there's some unfinished business between Michael and Jackie. When they were together, did she make him happy? Donna: Well, she totally dominated him and made him feel bad about himself. Annette: I guess what I'm really asking is, was she ever fat or anything?
Donna’s assessment isn’t accurate and nowhere near complete. This is not the fault of Donna but the writers, whose take on Jackie and Kelso is made clear in “Everybody Loves Casey” (4x26). Despite the few concessions the writers make during Jackie and Kelso’s exchange that give Jackie some sympathy, the onus for the toxicity of their relationship is put on Jackie. New “facts” that are never mentioned or shown in the series before this episode are introduced so that Kelso can give Jackie the responsibility for his cheating and the audience will agree with him, at least in part.
Donna’s assessment of Jackie and Kelso’s relationship in “Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You” reflects the point of view given in “Everybody Loves Casey”. What actually occurs during seasons 1-4 contradicts this assessment. Jackie encourages Kelso and bolsters his self-esteem (see “The Forgotten Son” [4x09] for one of many examples). She buys him so many presents that he owes her $8,265 in 1977 (see “Baby Fever” [3x07)], which is the equivalent to $35,525 today (due to inflation).
Yes, Jackie also berates him, but she most often does so when he mistreats her by lying, cheating, and generally disrespecting her. She also tries to control him in certain situations, like how many of her stuffed animals she’ll keep in his van or refusing to break up with him when he asks to in “Red’s Last Day” (2x02).
But the so-called total domination Donna claims Jackie had over Kelso is false. If it were true, Kelso never would’ve cheated on her with Pam Macy, Laurie, a girl from Sacred Heart. He wouldn’t have avoided her for a week after the first time they have sex or treat her like a servant once he gets in contact with her again. He wouldn’t have ignored her many nos about having sex until she’s exhausted by his relentlessness and given into what he wants. The list goes on.
The point, though, is that real!Donna would not have said Jackie “totally dominated [Kelso] and made him feel bad about himself.” Real!Donna -- who’d tried to get Jackie to break up with cheating Kelso then stay broken up with him -- would have said that Jackie and Kelso made each other miserable and that it wasn’t a healthy relationship for either of them. This assessment would have given Annette, a virtual stranger, enough information without betraying Jackie’s privacy.
Jackie enters The Hub soon after this conversation.
Jackie: Donna, Steven broke up with me. Donna: Oh, Jackie, I'm sorry.
Donna is sincere in her compassion. She doesn’t say, “You deserved it,” or, “What did you expect?” Her friend is hurting, and Donna feels for her.
This is the last interaction between Donna and Jackie before Jackie and Hyde reconcile in this episode. Donna’s empathy is obviously for Jackie. We get no scenes between Donna and Hyde or dialogue from Donna that shows she believes Hyde is in the right for breaking up with her. She just wants Jackie to recognize why Hyde might feel hurt by Jackie calling Kelso her boyfriend.
Jackie and Hyde’s next breakup happens in “Nobody’s Fault but Mine” (5x23). Kelso tells Donna about Hyde sleeping with the nurse.
Kelso: [Hyde] doesn’t know it but I saw him kissing this lady at the hotel. Donna: Oh, my God, that’s horrible. Kelso: I wanna do the right thing, right? So I’m thinking that I’ll just tell Jackie, and then she’ll feel really bad. Then I’ll console her, and -- presto! -- we’re making out topless! Donna: No, Kelso! The thing to do is to tell Hyde that you know and then give him a chance to tell Jackie.
Again, Donna is concerned for the well-being of both Jackie and Hyde and their relationship. She cares about both of them, but Hyde’s behavior / choice is likely incomprehensible to her at this point.
Once Jackie breaks up with Hyde and the full truth is out, Hyde calls Jackie at Donna’s. Donna wants Jackie to talk to him, but Jackie hangs up the phone, and Donna pleads Hyde’s case
Donna:  I think this whole thing was a misunderstanding. Hyde didn’t know what was going on. Jackie: I know, okay? But after Michael, I promised myself that I would never be with another boy who cheated on me. Donna: But Hyde’s so good for you. Since you started dating him you’ve completely stopped quoting Nancy Drew.
Donna’s point of view, again, reflects the writers’ -- that Hyde’s transgression is a “stupid, one-time thing.” If Hyde had actually been written as real!Hyde during this episode and arc (after sleeping with the nurse), he would’ve put Jackie’s pain and feelings ahead of his own, shown true and lasting contrition along with self-awareness, and not expect forgiveness.
Donna’s argument would be much stronger if Hyde hadn’t displayed similar behavior to Kelso’s in season 2 (e.g., acting entitled to Jackie’s forgiveness and growing hostile toward her when he doesn’t get it in his desired time frame). Hyde’s relationship with Jackie does inspire her to grow and change, but that doesn’t negate his betrayal of her -- or vice versa.
Donna needed to give Jackie empathy in this moment rather than try to fix what Hyde had broken, but she does so right after Jackie rejects Donna’s argument to give Hyde a chance. Jackie cries on her shoulder, and Donna holds her during it.
Before Jackie and Hyde reconcile in “Join Together” (6x02), Donna continues to point out the positive effect Jackie’s relationship with Hyde had on Jackie. She’s neither Team Jackie nor Team Hyde. She’s Team Jackie-and-Hyde. She’s supportive of and compassionate toward Jackie while also maintaining faith in Hyde’s innate goodness.
Donna believes that Hyde, at his core, isn’t a cheater. That he isn’t Kelso, but this doesn’t excuse Hyde’s transgression. What’s missing during this breakup arc is a scene where Donna confronts Hyde about what he did, why he chose to act out instead of talk to Jackie, and where she tells him he has to own his crap. This would have connected nicely story-wise (or grown out of) the lessons she should have learned with Eric in season 5 had the show not rushed into their engagement arc.
Donna could have brought up Hyde’s childhood, the source of his deep fear of abandonment, and how he allowed this fear to seep into his relationship with Jackie. Hyde, then, might have admitted he’d fallen for Jackie when she’d chased him back in season 3 and felt betrayed by her ultimately rejecting him for Kelso.
Hyde: I guess that crap came up again when she became my girlfriend. Part of me always believed she’d always go back to him.
Unfortunately, the writers didn’t make these story and character connections, and the characterization and story suffered because of it.
During Jackie and Hyde’s season 7 breakups, Donna behaves similarly as described above. She’s Team Jackie-and-Hyde. She supports both her friends and believes they’re happiest (and best) when together. She brings Jackie to her martial arts class to get out her rage at Hyde in a healthy way. She consistently teases Hyde about his love for Jackie so he won’t deny it to himself or quit fighting for it. She’s always got a hug for Jackie when she needs it, and she calls Hyde on his B.S. (finally) in season 7.
So, no, Donna doesn’t side more with Hyde over Jackie after their breakups. She an equal friend to both of them, despite the flaws in the writing.
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theunmappedstar · 4 years
Ummm Keefe being a good dad headcannons...I’m not suggesting that you do them one day...but I also might be
Despite him really REALLY wanting a little baby of his own, Keefe always had the fear that if he became a dad someday somehow, he’d subconsciously turn into Cassius. But everyone can agree that the second Keefe became a father, he was on the right track
Literally the moment Keefe got them home he gifted them with a little stuffed animal. He spent weeks prior trying to pick it out for them, wanting to get JUST the right one.
It’s a little fluffy banshee.
Well. . . it’s little to Keefe, I mean.
Since the baby is so (obviously) small, trying to hold onto the plushie is basically the equivalent of them cuddling another infant.
They love it nonetheless.
And because it was with them from the start they remain attached to it as they grow up. Will not let go of it. Need to have it everywhere and anywhere that they travel.
Keefe thinks it’s the most precious thing
Also, Keefe will play with stuffed animals with his kid. They’ll sit down on the floor and move the stuffed animals and make them talk and stuff
We all agree Keefe can be really reckless sometimes, but when it comes to his kid, he’s obsessively prepared. This man can and will baby proof everything.
Also, he has to test out every little toy to make sure it’s safe or entertaining enough before he gives it to his kid.
Literally, he’ll shake every rattle JUST to make sure.
Since Keefe wants to be the best parent he possibly can, he asks all the moms in his life for advice because he trusts their judgment more than any father figure’s.
He asks Fitz, too.
“Why are you asking me?? I don’t have a kid??”
Keefe is obsessed with those little boots for his infant’s feet. He loves how tiny they are and how many patterns the booties can come in and how ADORABLE they look when he slides them over his kid’s feet
Keefe has customized some booties for his kid. (It’s kind of like how people paint their vans; Keefe paints a little pair of calla lily boots)
Keefe Sencen is a sucker for cradling and holding his baby to his chest - and they definitely don’t mind it, either. Keefe enjoys it so much that he purchases one of those infant swaddle things so he can have the kid laying on his torso even when walking around. And you bet your ass he updates to a baby carrier the moment the kid is big enough and can support their own neck.
Keefe shows off his kid to his friends any chance he gets - even though they see the kid ALL THE TIME. (Don’t get the gang wrong, though, they enjoy it).
“Have you guys seen my baby?”
“Guys seriously look at my kid. That’s my kid.”
“Look at this little fucking potato! Look how ADORABLE this tiny bean is!”
“Keefe, the kid can understand you.”
“Right, shit, bad words. Sorry, don’t listen to dad.”
Keefe has a journal where he draws a picture of his kid every day. He says he’ll keep going with it until they’re old enough to tell him to stop
Keefe and his kid have a special nap time after school. They’ll cuddle up in this specific armchair in the living room and the kid will fall asleep on Keefe's chest. Keefe conks out not long after. (Kid loves it. Makes it a point to hold Keefe accountable if he ever has to skip naptime for work or something).
Keefe loves talking with his baby (and reading books). He could sit there with them for hours all cuddled up on the living room floor with a blanket just... speaking.
Keefe does the fun little leg bounce activity with his kid...you know the one.
Keefe teaches his kid to paint when they’re old enough. He takes them into the little art room he has, sets up an easel, gets them all tucked into a painting shirt and gives them a few paintbrushes.
And Keefe lets them go ham on that thing.
Keefe encourages them to use their fingers for painting, too
And sponges.
And palette knives (plastic, of course).
Keefe is very positive and motivating - and naturally super helpful. Sometimes his kid gets a little frustrated because their art won’t turn out the way they want it, so Keefe offers to help them out. (Kid always loves it when their dad paints with them and they end up making something together).
Keefe has a pottery wheel, too. He doesn’t sculpt very often, but when he does, his kid thinks it’s fascinating. They’ll sit there for however long it takes just to make sure they see the finished product.
It makes Keefe smile. A lot.
Keefe didn’t intend to let them near the pottery wheel until they were much older, but he relents one day and asks them to come over and sit on his lap.
They climb up and Keefe helps make sure they’re all settled. At first, it’s a little awkward with Keefe reaching around them to begin to mold the clay, but halfway through they find a good way to get situated so that it goes smoother. Eventually, Keefe stops the wheel and asks them to stick their hands out and make sure they’re parallel to each other. Keefe cups his palms around his kid's hands and starts the wheel and helps guide them to sculpt the clay with their hands.
They’re so bubbly and awe-struck by it that Keefe just... smiles really gently and kisses the top of their head.
(Also clay gets everywhere, but Keefe doesn’t mind).
Unrelated, but he also loves to paint their nails anytime they want. And of course, he’s really good at painting little designs, too (especially flowers! This is canon, btw - just think of the beaded necklace he gave to Sophie).
We know that Keefe uses tons of nicknames for his kid. Think “little bit” and “muffin” and “bean” and “peanut” - the list goes on and on (because he’s dorky like that.)
Keefe does that thing where he records his kid’s height on a wall. Every birthday he makes them stand up against the wall and then he draws a line where the tip of their head stops. He’s a real sap for reminiscing
“Look how tiny you were, bean!”
This child? Pretty spoiled. Sometimes Keefe worries he spoils them too much, so he has to back off to make sure they don’t turn into a bratty kid, y’know? Yet, he just. . . he cannot get over the sight of his kid’s face lighting up. And then when they hug him, Keefe gets a rush of all their love, which makes him just. . . . melt.
Going off from Keefe loving the feel of their happiness, Keefe really likes the little things - like tickle fights. It’s a free chance to get to see them giggle and bubble up with glee. 
This man is a sucker for the little things. He knows that his kid is supposed to call him dad because, well, he is their father... Yet somehow he cannot get over it anytime they call him dad. He cannot get over that he gets to be the kid’s father, that he gets to raise and love and protect them, that he gets to hold them in his arms and teach them things about the world and laugh with them and... Ugh, he’s never gonna get over it.
One day, Keefe's kid comes up to him and says that Sophie taught them something.
Keefe's intrigued, of course. He asks them to go on.
They lift up their hand and make a gesture and, at the start, Keefe thinks he understands.
“Oh, yeah, that means ‘rock on’, bud.”
Keefe tries to mimic it by raising his pinky and index finger on one hand, too. But then he notices his kid also has their thumb raised.
Keefe lifts and brow and opens his mouth to gently correct them when they purse their lips and shake their little head
“No, she told me this means ‘I love you’ in sign language.”
Keefe’s pretty sure he dies on the spot.
Like, come on. They got so excited and wanted to show him that?? He’s stuck gushing about it for quite a while (honestly, how lucky did he have to be to get to deserve a kid like that? he’ll never understand).
It becomes a thing for the two to flash it at one another throughout the day. If Keefe's watching them on the playground and they’re too far away to hear each other, they’ll lift up their hands in the little signal. If Keefe's on his imparter and they wander into the room, they’ll flick their fingers up into the gesture. While they’re eating dinner and their mouths are full they’ll lift their hand to show a brief ‘I love you’.
Keefe never gets tired of seeing it.
And he never gets tired of returning it, either.
bored? send me an ask!
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bxdcubes · 4 years
like a kappa fart [gen, steter]
Note: 河童の屁 “Kappa no he” (a kappa fart) is the Japanese equivalent of “a piece of cake”.
another repost. one of my fav stories i ever wrote bc i got to show off the useless knowledge i acquired.
“You’re trying to tell me the lake in the Preserve is infested with freaky creatures from Japanese animated movies.”
“Japanese demons that should be only seen in Japan.”
“Oh-kay,” Stiles sighs tiredly, nuzzles against the spot between Peter’s shoulder blades he’s been using as a pillow before Derek woke them up.
He can feel the force of Derek’s glare without having to look at the man.
“That’s it? Your twenty questions are over just like that?”
Peter snorts and Stiles bats at him sleepily. 
“Well, obviously you have no idea what’s going on and what to do with it, hence you crawling through my window at ass o'clock at night and growling us awake,” Stiles complains. He rolls over to look up at Derek, Peter following as he chases his warmth, “ Which totally not cool man, we only went to bed like an hour ago--”
"Do not give me details, Stiles.”
“-- and Peter snores like a chainsaw so it takes a moment before I can settle down--” 
“That should motivate you to go to bed earlier instead of making like an owl,” Peter offers, mumbling against Stiles’ throat.
Stiles ignores Derek and glares fleetingly at Peter before addressing Derek again.
“Anyway, you could keep your growly face down at least and have the good sense to bring me curly fries as a token of your appreciation of me unleashing my Google-fu and spending hours researching crap for you on a school night.”
Stiles throws an old paperback across the table he and Mason commandeered for research, then rubs his eyes trying to get rid of the things he did not need to ever see.
“I think I much prefer our local brand of creepers. These? These are fucking disgusting,” he complains.
Mason doesn’t even look up at his when he says, “Why am I stuck researching with you again?”
“Because you fucking love all this freaky bullshit.”
Mason seems ready to protest, then apparently thinks better of it and shrugs. “Okay, yeah. I do like learning about it all. But there are just so many things I didn’t want to know about in these books.”
Liam appears behind Mason, peering over his shoulder at the papers spread on the table. “Like what?”
“Did you know,” Stiles starts, barely suppressing the urge to smirk, “that kappas have three anuses?”
“Or,” Mason pipes in, not bothering to hide his amusement at all. And this is why Stiles is so fond of the boy, “one of their ‘weapons’ is ‘extreme flatulence’?”
“Not to mention the whole shirikodama thing.”
“Let’s not go there, please. I’m not having my cherry popped by one of those creepy ass-suckers. I’m not even sure I’m into fisting. I mean, they could take me to dinner first, then we can kink-negotiate.”
Liam backs away, hands held up high in surrender and face scrunched up in disgust.“Wa-ay more information than I needed.”
But Mason and Stiles seem to be lost to their own world, engrossed in a discussion about soulassballs and how far exactly might those be.
“Dude,” Stiles sits up, a sudden thought occurring to him, even as he smirks deviously, “maybe Derek acts like he has a giant stick up his ass because one already tried stuffing  its elbow into his  ass and now it’s stuck there.”
Not even Peter seems inclined to help him when Derek chases Stiles around the room.
Much later, once Stiles begged forgiveness and begrudgingly agreed to serve as werewolf training bait for the next few weeks, they all sit down for a late dinner of Chinese and pizza.
Stiles is in the process of stealing olives off Peter’s pizza slice when Mason, snuggled up next to Boyd on the loveseat, looks up from the book he still hasn’t put away.
“You know,” the boy says, and has half the pack groaning, the other half releasing defeated sighs, “ some people believe that kappas can be repelled by farts.”
Stiles mulls this over as he he finishes chewing.
“Think we could feed Scott some beans and let him loose on them?” he replies, completely serious, “Send them back home with the power of a True Alpha’s fart? Because let me tell you,” he continues, laughing even as Scott chucks a pillow at him, “ no one else can contaminate the room like Scotty does.”
“That’s only because you were never stuck in a room with Liam, man,” is Mason’s answer. And he’s laughing too, while trying to burrow between Boyd and the seat, as his friend advances on him. “He practically propels himself out of bed. Like those snakes.”
The rest of his sentence is lost to giggles as Liam tickles him in revenge.
“Okay, so. Freaky assball sucking cucumbers with an inclination to fisting might not be our only problem,” Stiles informs Mason quite needlessly the next day.
They can both clearly see the one-legged umbrella blinking at them.
Mason curses, phone already pressed to his ear as he calls back up. “I’m starting to hate research.”
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frobisher-smythe · 4 years
House of Kidnap/House of Catnap
HOA Rewatch - Episodes 16/17
is it weird to see your teaching toasting to life with a drink from test tube? yes. is it weirder to try and drink it too when you don’t know what it is??? YES. wtf fabian?? lose your braincells in the cupboard???
cats. don’t make those noises. do they?
that is a hella cute cat tho
“tell that to victors cat”
hey this makes the first episode line “you guys have cats right” funny, never noticed that before
amber says drink it with so much confidence I love her
“now I’m being straight with you” lmaooo
lmao fabian acting like nina giving him the locket for a couple hours is equivalent to an engagement ring
how did the door open in it’s own?
also the whole sacrificing the cat thing doesn’t make sense to me. why would you put a collar on a cat you’re going to kill. why would he bother buying a second cat to cover himself when he could’ve just said there was no cat. my hc is that the stuffed act is hella old, many even taxidermied by victor sr. and that this cat was genuinely victor’s secret cat. I mean. if you have no friends and family (and he’s obviously an animal lover) why not get a cat?
jerome being kind to alfie for like the first time was him not letting amber see the get well card, nice
god that’d be terrifying to see the guy you were kinda already scared of, who is a main authority at your school, kidnap the only person you think is helping you find your friend who you think might also have been kidnapped
lmaooo who just says elixir casually, that is definitely 100% in character for nina to be extra
“oh yeah and a jewelry heist is such a crazy idea” i mean she’s not wrong tho. the frobishers stole all this shit from various tombs, right? (or was it just tut? can’t remember) and then victor as rufus are trying to collect all the things the frobishers stole
god he’s so creepy. I hate men and I would literally be so uncomfortable all the time in that house. like a man who not only has power over you he shouldn’t (most groundskeepers arent partial owners) but he flaunts it around and insists on making you feel inferior?? nope not for me sexists
amber is hella smart, everyone underestimates her so at this point she could mention anything a no one would think she knew (she even came up for the idea for the play and victor was like no she didn’t) so she mentions the exilar and the cat to sweet to get any sort of answers, verbal or reactive.
also a reason to support my hc for victor not having stuffed the cat amber saw, taxidermy takes awhile. she just lost the cat yesterday. with victors other duty’s like his job and uhh yknow kidnapping rufus, he would’ve had time to stuff the cat
I love trudy 🥺🥺🥺
why the hell would the numbers be sudoku??
so if the locket only works for the paragon and osirian does that mean nina went to the house to let the in and then left??? doesn’t sound like her. esp bc she thinks all four of them should’ve gone
jerome is such a bitch sometimes but he is right sometimes so yknow
all of their faves when amber is giving the idea for the play is so funny. like winkler is just wow people do like drama and then sibuna is like what. the hell. and alfie and jerome are like what is she talking about. quality moment
how did victor find out that they knew with enough time to completely reorganize the cellar?? (which btw looks a week long project) I hate it when the timeline is all holey and gross. they should’ve added more episodes per season, like what hha does
well that’s that episode, I actually really like this one, patricia Finally being in the gang makes me v happy
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Their value is mainly as starting points: as questions for the people who had them to continue thinking about. And for programmers the paradox is even more pronounced: the language to learn, if you want to be running out of money.1 If even someone with the same qualifications who are both equally committed to the business, that's easy. Microsoft. You knew there would be.2 I wonder. You don't need or perhaps even want this quality in big companies, but you need it in a way that doesn't suck. And yet the grad students seem pretty smart. That's ok.3
Milton was going to visit Italy in the 1630s, Sir Henry Wootton, who had been ambassador to Venice, told him his motto should be i pensieri stretti & il viso sciolto.4 I suspect the only taboos that are more than taboos are the ones you never hear about: the company that would be the ideal place—that it would basically be Cambridge with good weather, it turns out you have to have at least one person willing and able to focus on one type of ambition. We felt like our role was to be impudent underdogs instead of corporate stuffed shirts, and that the weight of a few extra checks that might be easy for General Electric to bear are enough to prevent younger companies from being public at all. Like skirmishers in an ancient army, you want to go with Ron Conway and bet on people and those who prefer to bet on people. It would cost something to run, and it might be worth a hundred times as much.5 Some smart, nice guys turn out to be easier than I expected, and also did all the legal work of getting us set up as a company with a valuation any lower.6 We talked to a number of VCs, but eventually we ended up financing our startup entirely with angel money.7 If you believe everything you're supposed to when starting a company. Yes, because they give them more leverage over developers, who can more easily be replaced. There are very, very few who simply decide for themselves.
The English Reformation was at bottom a struggle for wealth and power, but it seems so foreign. When you get a couple million dollars from a VC firm, you tend to, because that's where smart people meet. The church knew this would set people thinking. It would cost something to run, and it came closer to killing us than any competitor ever did.8 That last test filters out surprisingly few people. It used to mean the control of vast human and material resources. Usually the claim is that you should be more careful about drawing conclusions based on what a few people think in our insular little Web 2.9
No one dared put on attitude around Robert, because he was obviously smarter than they were and yet had zero attitude himself. No doubt there are great technical tricks within Google, but the most important may be that once you have users to take care of. Because they're good guys and they're trying to help people can also help you with investors. But that assumption is often false, and this is the right way to search for components. At this stage, all most investors expect is a brief description of what you plan to do.10 It would be too easy for clients to fire them.11 Smile at everyone, and don't tell them what you're thinking. Could you describe the person as an animal? So parents are giving their kids an inaccurate idea of the language by not using them.
Usually there is something deeper wrong. So the acquirer is in fact getting worse performance at greater cost. When you offer x percent of your company for y dollars, you're implicitly claiming a certain value for the whole company. He says the main reason is that people like the idea of being mistaken. One of the founders might decide to split off and start another company, so I figured it had to be carefully planned.12 It's not a charity, but they weren't setting the terms of the debate then. Suppose it's 1998. Of course, if they have time machines in the future they'll probably have a separate note with a different cap for each investor.13 It's worth trying very, very few who simply decide for themselves.14 The trouble with lying is that you get a lot of people need to search for components, and before Octopart there was no good way to do that is to visit them.
In a field like physics, if we disagree with past generations it's because we're right and they're wrong. But can you think of one that had a massively popular product and still failed? It was as if I'd told him how much girls liked Barry Manilow in the mid 80s.15 That depends on how ambitious you feel.16 David Filo's title was Chief Yahoo, but he was proud that his unofficial title was Cheap Yahoo.17 If another map has the same mistake, that's very convincing evidence. Clearly you don't have to find startups. More generally, design your product to please users first, you leave a gap for competitors who do. Online dating is a valuable business now, and they're all trying not to use words like fuck and shit within baby's hearing, lest baby start using these words too. Morale is tremendously important to a startup is that you need someone mature and experienced, with a business background, may be overrated.18 But only about 10% of the total or $10,000 of seed money from our friend Julian. I realized it would probably have to figure out where to live by trial and error.19
Perl may look like a cartoon character swearing, but there are cases where it surpasses Python conceptually.20 Don't do what we did. Of the two versions, the one where you get a lot of data about how they work. What drives people to start startups is or should be looking at existing technology and thinking, don't these guys realize they should be doing x, y, and z?21 And pay especially close attention whenever an idea is being suppressed. How much stock should they get? Programmers like to make a winning product. There could be ten times more startups than there are, and that is exactly the spirit you want. There's a hack for being decisive when you're inexperienced: ratchet down the size of your investment till it's an amount you wouldn't care too much about losing. The reason Cambridge is the intellectual capital is not just that there's a concentration of smart people, but diluted by a much larger number of neanderthals in suits. They'd face some challenges if they wanted to make web apps work like desktop ones.
I could pick them, but the idea is the only cause of the year, they can grow the acquisition into what it means to be a lost cause to try to be a good plan for life in general we've done ok at fundraising, but that it's boring, we try to become dictator and intimidate the NBA into letting you write has a spam probabilty of.
What if a company tried to raise money? This is an acceptable excuse, but I call it ambient thought. Many more than determination to create a portal for x instead of themselves. So, can I make it easy.
Only in a rice cooker.
We wasted little time on a saturday, he wrote a hilarious but also the perfect life, the top 15 tokens, because there are few who can say they're not ready to invest more, and stonewall about the paperwork there, and b when she's nervous, she doesn't like getting attention in the US treat the poor worse than Japanese car companies have little do with the government, it could change what you're doing. But in most competitive sports, the world in which multiple independent buildings are gutted or demolished to be some number of restaurants that still require jackets for men. Particularly since economic inequality in the Baskin-Robbins.
It's worth taking extreme measures to avoid the topic. They bear no blame for any opinions expressed in it. Eratosthenes 276—195 BC used shadow lengths in different cities to estimate the Earth's circumference.
But it was cooked up, but what they made, but investors can get for free.
They look superficially like the one hand and the valuation of an investor? If the startup isn't getting market price.
William R.
There are successful women who don't aren't. The more people would treat you like a probabilistic spam filter, dick has a similar logic, one variant of compound bug where one bug happens to use some bad word multiple times.
Even though we made a bet: if he hadn't we probably would not change the number of customers you need to be about web-based applications. Everything is a function of two things: what ideas did European culture with Chinese: what ideas did European culture have in 1800 that Chinese culture didn't, they would implement it and creates a rationalization for doing so.
Is what we measure worth measuring? But this takes a startup idea is stone soup: you post a sign saying this is not pagerank commercialized. So if you're a YC startup you have a standard piece of casuistry for this point.
Deane, Phyllis, The First Two Hundred Years.
Anyone can broadcast a high product of some brilliant initial idea.
One new thing the company is like math's ne'er-do-well brother. The original edition contained a few old professors in Palo Alto, but they're not. Travel has the same attachment to their situation.
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It's unpleasant because the proportion of spam. One source of food. The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
Even as late as Newton's time it takes forever.
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xuijia · 6 years
Grenwich Falls- Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: Full Moon
Chpt 1
Word Count: 3.5k
BTS/GOT7 au: non-idol, college students, wereanimals, supernatural beings
Grenwich Falls- Unexpected things happen during the full moon...
The week drug on and you found yourself worrying about the time it would take you to become accustomed to your new life here. A total of six classes would occupy you for the weeks to come and luckily you scheduled them well enough not to have a class on Fridays or before 10 AM, but one class you couldn’t help but have until 8pm every Wednesday. Finding your way around campus wasn’t really that hard and you even had a break in-between some classes to explore the many albeit ranging taste of each eatery that was on campus. Quickly you discovered a café called Stella’s would be your favorite hangout spot located in the schools Literature building. The scents here were less troublesome as you realized most of the occupants were human and werebears. Personally you felt the most comfortable around werebears because contrary to what people thought they were the gentlest and non-threatening compared to the wereanimals of the Canidae and Felidae families. Finishing up the rest of your classes for the day you decided to head to your apartment even though it was barely past three in the afternoon.
Walking in you were glad to know you were alone. Truthfully you hadn’t interacted with the girls that much this week. On Tuesday you and Alicia got breakfast together but for the most part Andrea and Natty kept their distance away from you. It wasn’t an awkward air but you could tell after the second time of them hanging out with the pack and seemingly not inviting you that you didn’t make the best impression that first night. Of course you tried to talk some sense into yourself after all you weren’t a wolf and you weren’t dating anyone that was. However, it didn’t help you to know Alicia went each time as well. So you figured you would be cordial but keep your distance too. This would probably be best considering tonight was the first night of the full moon, which meant almost every wereanimal would be with their own changing forms and possibly hunting.
You were so completely lost in thought that you hadn’t realized time was slipping away from you or that all three girls had entered.
“Oh you’re here?” Alicia questioned, dropping her bag on the kitchen counter and plopping herself down on the love-seat.
“ughh yahh, why wouldn’t I be?” you eyed her back confused by her question.
“Oh but isn’t it like a full moon or something, you’re not going to change with your pack?” she sat up trying to meet your face. This caught the other two girls’ attention as they sat down on the couch and floor beside her.
You decided it was best to respond as nonchalantly as possible to avoid more unwanted questions, “I don’t have a pack.”
All three heads whipped your way as if you had just stated the most notorious sin. “But like aren’t you supposed to register with a pack when you move to a new area or something or like notify your previous one”, it wasn’t much of a question Alicia was asking but you could tell that all three of them were curious because they never diverted their attention from you.
Carrying on as if this was the most normal conversation you could have had with anyone although borderline inappropriate and reaching the ‘bad manners’ line you replied. “I’ve never been with a pack”, shutting the refrigerator door you walked towards your room hoping they would get the message that this was not something you wanted to talk about.
Apparently this was a topic too intriguing to let go of as they uniformly followed you to your room standing in your doorway gawking at you. Truthfully you could understand why they were shocked. In the Were community one did not really go without a pack it was unheard of and frankly a terrible situation to be in. Most if not all Were types were pack animals and the protection and longing to be with your own kind was high. The only time a wereanimal was not with a pack was when they had been exiled from their previous pack and had yet to find another. Willingly deciding to go against a pack and ride solo was seen as a threat and without the protection you were an easy target hence the surprise to your revelation. It just wasn’t something you’d do.
“So you’re not going to change?” Natty was incredulous to this and even more skeptical of you now.
“Wait but doesn’t she have to, Bammie told me that you guys get really sick if you fight the change”, Liss was looking from Natty to Andrea for a solid conformation.
“You do…. Unless you’re not a Were”, Andrea answered although it was more of an acquisition towards you. All three turned their heads back to you eyeing you wearingly.
There was really no straight way to answer them without either giving too much away or too little which prompt for more questions. It wasn’t like you could just say ‘You didn’t have to change’ because again all did unless they wanted to be puking up blood.  Telling them you were human was obviously out of the question because they wouldn’t believe you even if it was partly true. You decided to take the easy way out because they couldn’t ask what you were not like you would tell them and this was not a conversation you wanted to have because it was getting later and you could begin to smell the shift in the air. Though you knew you weren’t going to change tonight it didn’t stop your natural instinct from wanting to take over, if they changed around you it would be hard to fight it.
“Shouldn’t you guys get going, it’s getting late?” you redirected the question to them.
Natty and Andrea exchanged glances between each other once more as if having a silent conversation between each other. Backing out of your room Natty turned towards Alicia, face setting in a hard line “Liss don’t you dare step foot outside of this house, or BamBam will skin us both alive.”
“Oh hush you always say that and nothing ever happens”, from your door way you could see her brush Natty’s comment off and plop forth on the couch again.
Your room still wasn’t completely empty Andrea had stopped at your doorway gauging you again “So you’re just going to stay in with Liss all night?”
“Yep. Pretty Much” you popped your lips exaggeration your response completely over the inquiring stares she was giving you.
She hesitated a little before finally leaving your room. You could hear the front door close as both Natty and Andrea left for the night. Looking at your door and reminding yourself to close it next time, you promised as soon as this full moon was over you had to try harder to camouflage your scent.
About an hour had passed since they left and the air was feeling thick. You wanted to change but being alone in a town full of wereanimals that didn’t yet know you was a bit daunting. But you could feel the slight buzz starting in your spine the energy within you was ready to step out into the air and so you had to do something to preoccupy yourself. Stepping out of your room you spotted Alicia tangled on the couch between blankets engrossed in whatever show she was watching. Deciding to join her to distract yourself she smiled at you as you curled up on the other side of the couch.
“Are you hungry wanna order some Chinese?”, she looked up at you hopefully.
“I thought you couldn’t leave the house?” you reminded her taking a bit of the blanket to wrap around yourself.
“They deliver” she clarified, reaching for her phone off the coffee table and dialing the nearest restaurant’s number.
Agreeing on rice, bao, spring rolls, dumplings, and a side of Tso’s chicken you contemplated how the two of you could possibly eat so much food. She looked much too tiny to eat so much and sure you were hungry but not changing was also making you lose your appetite.
“Don’t worry I eat to the equivalent of a 16-year-old boy going through puberty”, she laughed answering the door as the delivery guy rang the doorbell. The food smelled heavenly and previously you hadn’t been much of a fan of takeout but something about this array made you want to dig in.  Taking mouthfuls, you attempted to use chopsticks before settling for a fork and abandoning your shanty attempts at customary dining.
“You should have seen me the other night. The pack was having an initiation, there was so much food I was literally eating circles around everyone else”, mumbling as she stuffed another spring roll in her mouth.
Feeling a bit awkward you just hummed in response and took another bite of chicken turning your attention back to the tv. She was just trying to make conversation but you doubt that was information you were supposed to know; after all they didn’t tell you about it. Not that they should.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” noticing your uneasiness she handed you a dumpling.
“No it’s not that, I just don’t think I am pack approved. That Jinyoung and the other guy don’t seem pleased with me”, you told her taking a sip of coke to wash down the grease.
“They just don’t know what you are, but you’re nothing right? Since you aren’t changing at all” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned her body to face you.
“I’m human” you simply stated.
“That’s what I told them. But Bam says you’re otherwise. He doesn’t know what type of Were you are but you’re definitely different. Were you born in this country? Whatever you are for some reason Jinyoung doesn’t want you around for the next week or two.”
That didn’t surprise you much but still her bluntness about it was a bit perturbing. And even though she was dating a pack member you knew it was weird for them to divulge so many secrets to an outsider. They must have really trust her but still it was unusual to you. “They told you that?”
Chuckling she shook her head no “Of course not they don’t tell me that kind of stuff. I overheard Jinyoung talking to Natty, Andrea, and BamBam about it. I don’t know much about what it is but it had something to do with Jungkook. He has been acting weird lately, apparently Bam said it will pass soon.”
“Oh yah he is in heat?”, you laughed making sense of the situation.
“In what?”, she asked testing out the word. She looked at you dumbfounded as if that was absurd considering the warmest it got in the fall here was the mid 70’s.
You chuckled she was going to be in for a treat. Apparently no one told her how important that was.  Obviously Bambam hadn’t been in heat around her yet or hid it from her if he had. You thought it best not to tell her, that was a conversation for her and her Were bae to have. She was about to ask you to explain when suddenly her phone rang. She hesitated thinking it odd that someone was calling her at almost midnight. Picking it up she got up simultaneously throwing the remains of her food away which wasn’t much. You couldn’t hear what the person on the line was saying but you noticed her face turn panicky and her heartbeat speed up.
“What do you mean he didn’t show up?”
“No not since earlier”
“He only calls before the change and then the next morning because he is tired”
“No I will try to call him”
“Who else is missing?”
“Just Bam and Jungkook?”
“okay I will let you know”
“Yah yah yah I know”
You didn’t know who she was talking to but you assumed the person was telling her not to leave the apartment from the annoyance that rolled over her face as she responded. Hanging up she ran to her room pulling on a pair of shoes and a hoody. You assumed she was trying to call BamBam as she was cussing and complaining about why he wasn’t picking up.
“Where are you going? You can’t leave!” you urged her following her foot for foot as she headed for the door.
“I’ll be fine!” she pushed past you.
“That’s not a good idea, it’s a full moon and your boyfriend told you to stay” you tried to argue with her.
“Well at the moment said boyfriend is M.I.A and I’m not a Were so I will be okay”, she had already grabbed her car keys and was almost at the door.
“Maybe not but you smell like one. You smell just like him.”
She rolled her eyes at you opening the door “I’m leaving. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
With the finality in her voice you knew there was no way to convince her otherwise, nodding your head yes you jumped up grabbing some converse and slipping out the door with her.  Deep down you knew this was a stupid idea. If Natty called her to ask about her brother’s whereabouts, it must be a little serious. Which means she should not be anywhere near him. Some times when wolves changed they could completely lose all sense of humanity when in form. Everything was heightened and it was the equivalent of being high from a drug, it took a powerful Were no matter what the form to keep some kind of consciousness and reason with their inner animal. Lest someone was an alpha or just really skilled it could be impossible to do. You just hoped she wasn’t racing into danger and you hoped even more that BamBam wouldn’t be at his apartment. Regardless that wasn’t the wants Alicia had as she was driving like a bat out of hell running every light to get to his place.
Arriving there she jumped out of the car not waiting for you and bounded up the stair to the second floor. You were trying your best to keep up but the energy around the place was taking over your senses weighing your body down. The familiar hum started to reverberate through your body and you knew that some form of a Were was here. The hairs on your arm and neck began to stand up and immediately your instincts could sense the danger. It always baffled you the way when in nature anytime a threat approached your body moved before your mind did.
“Alicia No!”, lunging forward you tried to grab her before she could put the numbers on the key pad to unlock his door but it was too late. She was already flinging the door open throwing herself in searching frantically for her boyfriend.
“Bammie! Where are you?” she screamed moving further into the room.
Shit, was all you could think following her in. The room was still but the air was thick. Trying to smell or at least sense anything you heard a screech and a growl as a gray wolf was thrown across the floor.
“BamBam!” Liss hollered moving to the wolf’s aide.
You knew that was a bad idea. Grabbing the back of her hood you jerked her back with as much strength as you could muster. She went flying backwards onto the floor landing on her hands and butt. She seemed to be okay seriously uninjured for the most part. Suddenly another wolf appeared a bit larger than the other and of a deep mahogany color his teeth was bared growling at the other wolf. You immediately caught his scent. It was Jungkook alright and he was at the peak of his heat. A wolf in heat was one thing but a wolf in heat during a full moon and while in his Were form was something else. As of right now they hadn’t noticed the two of you but that changed when Alicia screamed at the top of her lungs when Jungkook lunged for BamBam again. This caught both of the wolves’ attention the large brown one stopping in his tracts and turning his attention to the new visitors his eyes were like lava red and orange flakes ablaze in his orbs as he slowly stalked to you both. Giving the gray wolf time to get up he bit into the side of the larger wolf causing him to snap back as he pushed the wolf away from you two. In this state Jungkook was too much for Bambam his strength was double that of a normal change during the full moon and the struggle was evident. Abandoning his effort to fight the bigger wolf he lept into action rounding Liss in an effort to protect her. His effort was useless because as you had your eyes on the gray wolf the brown one had his eyes on you.
Your body started to tremble as you could feel the pull towards him. In a swift movement he charged you knocking you to the floor and hovering over your body teeth bared challenging you. An ordinary person would be scared but you couldn’t move, an energy began to move throughout your body as a growl twice as fierce as the wolf above you erupted from your body. You held its gaze as your own eyes began to change color the irises turning white as they dilated. His scent was causing your body to react and the moon was amplifying the tug that you both felt. The room began to feel hot as an aggressive growl left the wolf’s throat as he retreated from you giving you room to back up. Getting on your hands and knees holding his gaze a whimper left your mouth trembling with the rest of your body as you began to lose control. You were submitting yourself to him. His eyes glazed over and the air in the room started to become suffocating surrounding you both in a fog. He lashed out at you challenging you to react to him causing you to plead again. You were struggling to have coherent thoughts as nature was taking its course and your instincts becoming more animalistic.
You could hear the fear in Alicia’s voice “Y/N what’s happening?!!”
Looking up you met the eyes of him again your own completely cloudy and he charged you knocking you onto your back again. Suddenly lips were on your neck but those of a man. His form changing, Jungkook was on top of you naked and completely out of his mind. His lips were frantic dragging across your neck and face tasting you, sniffing you. His hands rushed under your shirt ripping at your skin. His lips connected to yours as he devoured you, rushed movements of his tongue swiping across your lips begging for entrance. He had one thing and one thing only on his mind and that was to mate with you. Though his body was in his human form his mind was still all wolf. His hands ripped apart your bra wanting access as he licked across your face from your chin to the corner of your eyes. His body was so hot and your own was about as hot as his. His erection was pushing against your thigh causing a growl to come from you do to your own desire. Truthfully you hadn’t changed but its affects still lingered as his scent was so strong and the urge was hard to resist. Raking your fingernails down his back causing him to whimper his lips connected with yours again as he ground his body down into you.
“The fuck!”, The door burst open and you could see Jinyoung in his human form with two other wolves guarding him.
So entranced in your state with Jungkook you couldn’t even process what was happening before he was leaning down snatching you away from Jungkook who was clawing at you to keep your body under his. Your adrenaline was raging at the whole situation and you could feel the tug to change and defend yourself against the intruder.
“Jungkook Down!” Jinyoung commanded halting the younger wolf. He bowed forward on his hands and knees whimpering at his pack leader.
Snatching you up Jinyoung jacked your shirt in his hands eyes glaring into your own “What the hell are you?”
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