#i mean mostly
heretherebedork · 1 year
Palm pulling the same 'eat with me' move that Nueng pulled on him when they first met might actually take me out. They're so awkward and he's such a little shit about it and Nueng is just planning his revenge in his head the entire time. But it's such the perfect reflection but also shows the growth in their relationship and how they view each other.
(Palm just wants to spend all his time with Nueng, he wants to be with him for the entire time they have together, in the past or present, and he loves him so much... but Nueng wants to play along but still definitely wants to be in charge.
It's a very interesting role reversal but I'm much more looking forward to finding out that Nueng planned to stay abroad longer and keep them seperated because that is obviously what he was about to start talking to him about before the thug.
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Was going to text my best friend "the dentist said I need braces I'm going to kill myself" but decided to change it to "the dentist said I need braces I'm going to jump off a cliff" to show that my threats of suicide are fun and jokey and not an actual cry for help
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rattkachuk · 1 year
so look. i’m in denial about all the rumours in regards to prospective flames trades. i literally cannot think about it.
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I was right about the tree spiral!!
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rogueshadeaux · 2 years
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My twin was crushed by a tree and while I’m like, devastated and helping them with their medical stuff and all, like a good sister should…
I mean, titanium corrective rods and concrete are close enough, aren’t they?
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gimme-a-thrust · 2 years
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Knife thrower dude is getting the “background character turned OC” treatment, oops! He makes an appearance in Lonely Machines, at least chapter two, so I wanted to get it out there. Also bonus baby Stolas in the background lol I’ll add to this if I think of more.
His name is Anton, and he’s a lady killer! He maintains he was only convicted twice, though nobody is sure if he’s joking or not. 
He was Barbie’s first crush other than Cash because the only kids her age at the circus were her brother and Fizzarolli. She never said anything to him about it but she was always overjoyed for his attention.
Cash had her learn how to throw knives from him, and she’s a pretty good shot.
While he isn’t one for alcohol, he’s always happy for uppers in any form. He’s been known to sleep mostly if he drops unexpectedly. Cash discourages him from this during the Circus’ “On-Season.”
Blitzo went to him for most of his dating advice, since he didn’t think his father would take him seriously. Just about everything he was told would work without fail never once worked for him.
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dogd0m-charlie · 3 months
"doggy style" my ass. if the guy on top isn't tongue-out panting and growling like a dog and the guy bottoming isn't whining and whimpering like a dog, you are NOT doing it doggy style. you guys are POSERS.
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calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.
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alexandriad · 11 months
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back to the antiquity with these ancient grecian gal pals
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therealsinnohdawn · 11 months
listen i am a simple woman i don’t ask for much, just for every piece of sonic media to spend at least 75% of the time focused on shadow the hedgehog
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ducktollers · 7 months
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best friends
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heretherebedork · 1 year
I'm debating whether to watch A Boss and a Babe. Would you recommend it? Like is it worth watching it?
Okay, I am gonna try to do this in the most fair way I can.
My gut reaction is no. I cannot stand the show, I am watching it because I finish everything I start and I hate it here. Almost all my posts about the show can be found under my no tags here, criticism or negative tags because I dislike the show that much.
That's because I can't handle the poorly handled plot, side character or supposed villains. I think the show is constantly squandering potential they've set up to make the main characters have actual depth and are using the other characters making descriptive statements that contradict everything we've seen in the show as a form of 'character growth' aka the characters will outright state 'oh, wow, you're not yelling at me' when said character has never once yelled at him and then acts like this kindness, that has been present the entire time, is some kind of anomaly.
Now, if you are @absolutebl and @benkaaoi whom this does not bother overly much because you can ignore it for the, honestly, yes, healthy and fairly cute relationship... go for it. I know the relationship is healthy, I know it can be cute, I just can't get through the inherent contradictions of the plot and characters in order to enjoy it.
But if you're unbothered by a character going from 'you were too controlling and treated me badly' to 'I just used you because you were RICH!!!!!' because that's the plot... go for it.
Or if you're willing to reach deep and try to make up things to make that part make sense. No, I don't think Gun is lying to Cher at any point in the show, I think the writing is just really bad and they don't care. But maybe you might disagree?
What can I say.
I don't like the show. I am fairly obviously not going to like the show. But I know people who do and I, kind of, get why... I mean, honestly, very kind of but I know they do and this is one where I just shrug about it. Like, all the actors in this can act so that's not an issue, at least?
That's the best I'm gonna do, anon.
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cthulhum · 5 months
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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There's so much wrong with "everyone is a little bit autistic"
Yes, allistic people might know a lot of facts about the things they like. Yes, allistic people might get a bit overwhelmed or underwhelmed sometimes. Yes, allistic people might not get an expression sometimes, mostly if it's the first time they hear it.
That doesn't make them autistic.
Those traits only make someone autistic when they become disabling. Because, big shock, autism is a disability. Yeah, even if someone is low support needs, because that doesn't mean they don't need any support at all.
Saying "everyone is a little bit autistic" is like saying "everyone struggles with this, so suck it up, you have no right to need help". Which is just pure ableist bullshit. It denies the fact that autistic people have higher support needs than NTs, no matter where in the autistic spectrum they are. We're not "neurospicy", we're disabled, and denying this fact is denying us the right to get the help we need, we deserve, to have a good life.
(yes, this rant is just because I made the awful decision of listening to "neurospicy (interlude)" by Jax. honestly I'd rather be called a slur than listen to that shit again.)
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brokenclockgears · 3 months
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(The spotlight hurts your eyes.)
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i think im having a stroke
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