#i love sibling duos
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yurishica · 2 years ago
Just was wondering. Had someone except me, though about James and Gordon's older sibling / younger sibling dynamic?
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lee-quiche · 1 year ago
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🌙 the duo ever 🦜
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nxptoons · 3 months ago
"The mask suits you"
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Sunburst siblings make me wanna explode
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kozmicmizuu · 9 months ago
silly sanegiyuu/giyuusane thing because the recent episode has fueled this.
also yes this is like kimetsu gakuen/modern au thingy for my sanity
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sanemi: genya, i’m going on a date, stay home and don’t do anything stupid.
genya: mom said i have to go with you!!
*cut to them being at a restaurant with genya sitting between giyuu and sanemi.*
sanemi: ….
giyuu: what are you ordering, genya?
genya: oh- i’m ordering a burger :)
sanemi: i fucking hate my life..
- - - -
sanemi can’t have shit when he has a big family, this is probably not the first time he’s had to take his siblings to his date nights
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ningadudexx · 1 year ago
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astraeajackson · 9 months ago
lester and meg will FOREVER be the most ICONIC duo in the HISTORY of the UNIVERSE. you have lester "i've always wanted my own little sister" papadopoulos, and meg "i just want to be LOVED" mccaffrey 🥺 their sibling dynamic is UNMATCHED and their humour is the whole reason i READ the series. like even though tragedy is EVERYWHERE in the trials of apollo, the books still feel so lighthearted because apollo and meg ALWAYS bully each other at EVERY opportunity no matter WHAT they're going through. honestly i think it's become a coping mechanism they SHARE to get through everything that happens and it's so BEAUTIFUL to watch 🤧
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eggsandramem · 2 months ago
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i found a headcanon where branzy and ivory were siblings and. i thought it was super cute so im finally drawing them together LAWL,,,, i love them
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bvckbiter · 1 month ago
fandom talks too little about hylla and reyna. reyna killed her father when she thought he'd killed hylla. hylla dragged them out of puerto rico and found them sanctuary and employment on circe's island AND became one of circe's favorites. then when they got captured by blackbeard hylla also got them out of that situation by out-pirating literal immortal pirates. then in a span of three years, they split up, found their own ways to the amazons and cj, and became the leaders of their respective factions. when hylla's queenship was being threatened by otrera in son, she plotted a counter-coup and defeated an amazon queen who couldn't die two nights in a row in one-on-one combat, THEN led her cavalry to camp jupiter. (ik this woman slept like a corpse for a week afterwards). hylla used reyna as an absolutely ruthless bait-and-switch to capture orion, and all reyna said in response to that was, "bet." reyna carries insurmountable amounts of both guilt and gratitude towards her sister. even though they havent seen each other in a while, hylla still drops everything and does everything in her power to save her baby sister when she knows reyna needs her.
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nordidia · 1 year ago
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little brother + cat memes = anxiety remedy
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birdy-babe · 4 months ago
Their friendship actually means everything to me. Just these two gossip divas giving each other the 🤨 look when bro is spittin some bullshit
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This is Older Sister and Gay Little Brother solidarity and I’m so here for it
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oxalisworks · 6 months ago
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demonadelem · 1 year ago
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The funny part is that I will always find someone in the fandom that denies the sibling dynamic because B doesn't think of the caretaker as a parent. Buddy, B doesn't need to.
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mikaikaika · 2 years ago
Forever really went "God Forbid a man tries to find love in the whore island" lmao
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etherisa · 18 hours ago
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no, because they deserve the world but DC won't let them stay happy for more than a few issues.
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shiningstarr15 · 11 days ago
Ok fine I’ve held off long enough on my thoughts so here
✨Doublestar Duo Headcanons✨
-Vanessa and Gregory have a very strong “enemies to friends to family” potential. I see them started off very strongly as rivals
-like, comically ridiculous rivals. As in the typical “I’m not gonna be bested by this squirt!” only to later fall for the very obvious trap bc your ego got in the way of your instincts
-despite this though, they do in fact, have a lot in common. Between both being stubborn and sassy, they both know what it’s like to be misunderstood.
-both are loners by nature that desperately want friends. However, their self esteem is low enough that it makes them feel that nothing they do is good enough and therefore are unworthy of anyone’s time or effort
-they both have been told that they’re ‘hard to handle’ which has led to them having severe attachment and abandonment issues.
-while both of them struggle to form meaningful relationships, they both see each other as a safe haven. Someone that they can be their 100% true selves around despite what others around them have told them.
-they took a while to actually become friends, given that Vanessa not only tried to kill him as Vanny, but was obscenely rude to him despite claiming to want to “help” him.
-Gregory only felt apprehensiveness towards her at first. Wondering what the next thing would be to set her off as she tended to have a very short temper. He basically felt he needed to walk on eggshells
-after some time passed, he was able to figure out her ticks and triggers. And not only felt more comfortable around her, but genuinely enjoyed her company
-they eventually fell into a sorta playful rivalry relationship. This has led to constant teasing, bickering, and even physical (playful) altercations
-they both enjoy it though, despite never saying it out loud
-Vanessa and Gregory height difference is quite substantial, with his mere almost 4 ft paling in comparison to her whopping 5’8.” And this is something BOTH have learned to use to their advantage.
-Gregory is playful by nature, which has a tendency to bring out Vanessa’s own child-like side.
-Vanessa has what can be described as “aggressive affection.” Wherein she won’t hurt him, but has a tendency to be a bit more rough with him (ex: pinching his cheeks, putting him in headlocks and giving noogies, squeezing so tight he can barely breathe, picking him up and swinging him around as he’s very light, etc)
-Despite their age gap being a significant 12 years apart, they are very much on par maturity wise (with her being young for her age and him being older for his)
-neither one of them remember their time together as coworkers under the mimics control. While Vanessa can recall very bare pieces through dreams, Gregory was completely under control as Rab. He has no recollection of that time whatsoever.
-despite this, they feel VERY drawn to each other. Like an unspoken connection that is telling them simply that they belonged in each others lives
-after some time Vanessa does become Gregory’s official legal guardian.
-they do not have a parent child relationship whatsoever. Rather they are best friends that very much view each other as siblings.
-there is no power play dynamic. This is a very much “we take care of each other” ordeal. Whereas they will basically hound each other for not taking care of themselves.
-they have emergency supplies for each other in their bags. (Etc she’s carrying around bandages and ibuprofen, he’s carrying around migraine meds and pads)
-Gregory is very much a rough houser, and while she can and will partake in that, she also will scold him anytime he’s gotten himself hurt while patching him up
-Vanessa grows a VERY protective side to her when it comes to him, it’s a very much “nobody messes with the kid but ME” sorta deal when it comes to people genuinely picking on him.
-he’s the same way with her, except he’ll genuinely threaten to beat their ass if they mess with her.
-while he finds it very amusing to “torment” her, he does look up to her a great deal and wants to make her proud (he will never admit this out loud)
-they have nicknames for each other, that can range from genuinely endearing to purposely trying to grate the others nerves (affectionately)
-they have MASTERED the art of annoying sibling without even trying. Having a competitive side by nature, they are CONSTANTLY at bat with each other. It is not coming from just one side, it’s definitely coming from both.
-they have both STRESSED Freddy tf out, whom they both have come to see as an unusual found father figure.
-despite being an adult, Freddy can and will treat Vanessa like a child when she’s acting like one.
-Vanessa tends to be a very versatile guardian, where she can approach Gregory in any way that seems fit. She has the capability to be his buddy, his annoying sister, and his caretaker, all in one.
-despite their bickering and quarrels, they care very deeply for each other, and will often seek each others company when the other is in distress.
-they both have a tendency to meltdowns and panic attacks, in which they are both deemed each others safe person.
-Gregory is actually the more comforting one. While Vanessa CAN comfort, she has a very unorthodox approach to it.
-because she can’t really understand emotions properly (alexithymia) she usually has to ask exactly what the kid needs or wants. And it can range from advice, to just a shoulder to cry on.
-after he’s feeling better, she will flip the switch to trying to cheer the kid up. Which she is substantially better at (she loves making the kid laugh)
-despite him not being all that touchy feely by nature, he does find solace and comfort being snuggled up to and held by Vanessa. She’s like a literal security blanket.
-despite having separate rooms, they find themselves having CONSTANT sleepovers, which can range from just simply sleeping in the same bed together to fully going out with movies, games, popcorn, candy, etc
-they both want to make up for the others lost childhood, so they’ll do things together that they may not have gotten to do or was forbidden from doing.
-despite having friends their own age (or around the same ages) they still will naturally gravitate back towards each other, and will want to partake in things together rather than separate
-they both have a tendency to be very vulnerable, but will usually mask it in public. However, around each other, they’re extremely open about it.
-even after the guardianship ends, they maintain that very strong sibling-like bond and continue to be major parts of each others lives.
And that’s it for now! This is the basic bulk of them but I’ve also got little more specific ones. Let me know if you wanna hear those at some point too! :3
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starrclown · 4 months ago
I chose to believe that Nezha is Wukongs biggest ironic hater. Like they have such a bigger sibling younger sibling dynamic.
Like Nezha could rant for DAYS about how annoying Wukong is but the SECOND anyone else does its a big issue.
Nezha: If Wukong messes with my weaponry one more time I'm going to lose my mind once again.
Macaque: Yeah he's pretty annoying lol.
Nezha: Watch your FUCKING mouth simian.
I think it just be funny. DBK does the same thing for both of them. Those 3 being brothers is my fav <3
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