#i love him tho hes a little freak
foolsocracy · 8 days
Bapping you. Mind if I ask what got you into comics??? Partially bc curious + you have good taste, even if I'm probably biased
I'm so serious when i tell you Who's to Say
The thing about me is that im totally normal one day and then suddenly an interest will be activated in my brain with no warning. There's a pattern to it once im stuck in an interest too, where I'll start off being a fan one one character for a decent amount of time and then overnight I'll switch to another for no reason at all. It happened with DC, it happened with Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, it happened with TMNT (though this was an iteration switch not character lol), it happened before that, and it'll happen again. The only exception to this i can think of is spider noir but there's like.. 5 characters who are all friends/in close relation so. If you're talking about one of them you're talking about the others too lol.
If i think really far back, I first got into comics in elementary school, but it was a very casual, short lived thing. I was actually really into captain america? But comics were confusing to me then so I didn't stick it out very long. I did watch a lot of x-men and marvel movies when I was younger too, but nothing crazy to note fan-wise beyond like..... sometimes roleplaying x-men on forums in middle school LOL. I got back into comics in high school, and by comics i mean 1 (one) spider noir. Spiderverse came out and boom. Mr. Dark and Emo had me in his clutches. I became a noir scholar right then and there, with much help from HopelesslyLost.
I was very content with that being my comic experience until pretty recently. Maybe 5-6 months ago? This is going to sound insane but i swear DC got to me this past year through subliminal messaging. Once I became lowkey obsessed overnight I started noticing a lot of DC stuff id unknowingly consumed on pinterest and tiktok LMAO.
I wish I had a real answer beyond I am at the mercy of some unknown force bewitching me every so often. I hope this... helps? answers your question?
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mintygreencake · 3 months
We don't talk about how unhinged early Seth was, bro DEADASS took Boo's phone and started talking his shit to Al 😭 BROOO...
Then he OFFERED Boo to come find him if Al leaves them OH NAHHH 💀
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Dame near gave Al a heart attack when he answered the phone and HE KNEW THAT 😭
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sysig · 6 months
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Two big softies(?) (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Flowey#Flowey is still my favourite UT character so honestly a lot of this was just self-indulgent doodles lol#But then - as always - it did turn into Thinking A Lot about [thing] lol#Starting with the classic tho! Flowey friendly-like coiled around whoever he's talking to ♪ It's too fun hehe#I love Flowey getting just a liiiiittle too close and personal to a discomfort degree ♫ He's just being friendly! It's a hug! A snuggle!#He's your best friend so you don't mind right? :) Why would Fellplates!Gaster mind ♪#He's always posed to stage right when I draw him haha - I'm still fond of the one Gravity Falls/Undertale crossover piece I made with him#Anyhow lol - yet more fluffy wings! It's just fun if they're expressive I want real feathers lol#Gaster's face completely neutral but his wings all puffed up and freaked out hehe#Flowey would definitely be able to tell if those are when he chose to wrap around!#If they were just the decorative version he'd fall right off from his own weight pulling them loose lol#Absolutely thinking of the one of Gaster screaming while being vine-wrapped by Flowey haha - he's totally innocent here! ♥#And then a little idea of how each of them react to humans - UkaGaster talks a lot about his general positive feelings for humans#And Fell!Flowey is.....well I have my own thoughts about how he might react to humans now that he's been...himself for a while#There have been Fallen Humans in the time between being locked in the Underground and [now] even in Underfell hasn't there?#I guess none of them would've made it as far as meeting up with Gaster - bit of a dark thought heh - but Flowey would know#Is it selfish? To wish for humans or to keep them a secret from the rest of the Underground? What might happen?#It's interesting to think about! If there were humans then surely Gaster must be aware of the Souls?#But even if not - even if this could be before all that - Flowey would still know about human Determination to an extent - being what he is#It wouldn't turn out well for anyone :) That's what makes it interesting ♪
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4belphie · 1 year
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the rook vs childe debate via twitter
the people who started jokingly shipping the two in response to the debate 😭
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cerealmonster15 · 19 days
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silver 😑 with his one(1) facial expression + the two most expressive people on this earth that he hangs out with every day
and kalisil :3
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horsemeatluvr23 · 2 months
every time someone draws bdubs white an angel dies
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winchester101 · 1 year
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*holds gently*
More mers here
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sadmages · 1 year
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God's specialest little weirdo, World's most okayest cleric
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Need Gus to know that 🍕 head wants Pep and he is a Lil Shit about it. Like u get what I mean right,.
This is so fucking funny 😭😭 he cant even square up to Gus bc in the same way Peppino is kind of a freak of nature by human standards, Gus is also freakishly strong for a gnome. So he just has to sit there fuming outside the shop as Peppino does Casual Shit like holding his hand on Gustavos hip as they both read this huge order or idly chatting with Gus about the football game on the mounted tv 😭
Even when Peppino (EVENTUALLY) starts to be more tolerant and amicable w 🍕head, and hes allowed to visit the shop without worrying for his doughy life, he still hates going there bc Gus WORKS there and he always seems to work the counter when he comes in. And hes always so quick to look at him like 😏 what brings you in today mr. 🍕head? 😏 like its so infuriating 😭😭😭
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nyxronomicon-art · 1 month
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I needed to start something new for my sanity
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 months
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guy trapped in a hell of his own creation: haha ive never done anything wrong in my entire life. and im always right:] anyway. why did my little brother move out:(
its so funny to me that at first glance tashi seems like hed be the most 'normal' out of all the clones but at least all the others are slowly healing n shit while hes just getting more and more insane each day and one day hell snap and explode and maim someone
#my art#my funky guys#HES SO FUCKING STUPID.#tashi im sorry ily but youre literally the dumbes fucking motherfucker ive ever seen. and a cringe loser. never change king<3#like. this guy realised he was a clone when he was a month old and decided to base his new personality entirely#on the idealised version of the original he made up in his head.#like he did this to himself!!! he chose to revolve his entire personality around being a 'perfect flawless mom friend'!!!!!!!#in his head hes like the most selfless & altruistic person to ever walk the earth but in reality hes a sad selfish mess who just wants to#be loved.#he started out as a pretty nice and level headed guy who wanted to help ppl but then it just spiraled when he made that his entire#personality bc of his inability to move on from a lie he really wanted to be true.#he percieves shiro as this perfect flawless leader figure and he wants DESPERATELY to imitate that. deep down its not enough for him to#simply coparent and share responsibility w the others. no no no he has to be The Leader and do everything himself!#this mindset results in him later on starting to dismiss and undervalue his familys work and commitment to keeping them all alive-#esp soup. like sHE WAS THERE W HIM FROM THE VERY BEGINNING THEY ARE EQUALS THEY ARE BOTH EQUALLY IMPORTRANT#AND HES SO FAR UP HIS ASS HE FORGOT. somewhere along the line he forgot. he missed the point. he spiraled too deep.#and he knows. he knows but hes so terrified of change and growth and admitting he CANT do this alone.#he wants to be a cool epic capable solo leader AND he craves family and connection soooo badly he cant live w/o his loved ones.#so yeah. hes an angry little pathetic freak<3 i love him#despite all that hes not a bad person. just a flawed guy thrown into a situation so stressful and traumatising that he clinged to the only#coping mechanism he had at the time and just sorta. ran with it.#dw he gets better tho! it takes a lot and his and sticks relationship is strained for a LONG time but he slowly gets better. good for him
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wurmwizzard · 5 days
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Uhhhhhh who let this demure old man in da club? He got his sweater on oh lord
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navree · 22 days
very sexy of me to find every single one of daemon's other relationships infinitely more interesting than daemyra
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greg-montgomery · 2 days
when ollie gets on my lap on his own to sleep >>>
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solcarow · 27 days
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gregmarriage · 6 months
i heavily relate to oswald cobblepot, bc i too walk like a penguin, and am rather sensitive about it, and wanna kill people who make fun of it
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