#i literally do anything BUT write on my own game
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jelloapocalypse · 3 days ago
I admittedly haven't watched your stream playthrough of TGAA games, mostly because I was playing through them with my fiancé very slowly, but we just finished them and I was curious what your opinion on them was? My fiancé and I enjoyed them but we both felt like they were pretty... Tame, compared to mainline AA. Like, there wasn't really any insane twists that shook the characters to their cores, everything wrapped up so neatly for everyone, it felt too easy, in a way? Also the big bad was wayyyyy too predictable.
I'd recommend checking out these amazing animatics that Infamouslydorky did of our playthrough!
My feelings re: The Great Ace Attorney games are sort of complicated, so this answer's going to be kind of long. I'll keep it spoiler-free, though.
I think they have the best main cast of any AA game. The music, character designs, and quality of life are basically the best they've ever been. That's really cool. I really love a lot of the one-off characters too. Enoch Drebber, Pat and Rollie, and the little plague mask coroner girl are huge stand-outs for me.
However, I think Shu Takumi has a lot of... foibles as a writer, and the way they manifest in these games is more evident and more obnoxious than basically anything else he's ever made.
I've played every game he's ever made and I can tell you that Shu Takumi writes the mysteries and twists in his stories first before anything else. I think he has a great sense of when he wants the twists to hit for the audience and he's great at figuring out where a twist will hit in a case... but he's remarkably bad at making character motivations match up to the story he's trying to tell.
In particular, he's awful at giving characters reasons not to tell each other things. 90% of a time your protagonist in a Shu Takumi game will ask a completely reasonable question to an ally, and the ally will avoid answering simply because it's not time for the player to know the answer yet. This is an issue in every game he's ever made. Even his best game Ghost Tric, is plagued by this. i.e. The way Lynne refuses to tell you her goals even though you're a literal ghost who's saved her life 3+ times in the same evening. Like, what do you have to lose, Lynne? Do you think this ghost is going to leak your goals to the police? No, it's just in service of delaying information so the player gets that information when it really hits. My friend circle has some to refer to characters in video games not telling you information for no reason as "Shu Takumi-ing".
Because most AA games are really silly, this isn't usually a gamebreaking issue. Why isn't your ally telling you information that would allow you to help them? Well, they're stupid, that's why. This is a game where you get possessed by dead people to get evidence and cross-examine a parrot. It's not serious. Everyone's a little bit on the stupid spectrum.
That's not really the case with TGAA. The games still have silly moments, but the characters are very explicitly smart. Kazuma is meant to be a legal prodigy on an exchange program. Susato is incredibly well-read and her father is a well-traveled and well-respected man of the law himself. Iris is a genius. Sholmes is whacky, but he's supposed to be cannier than he lets on.
Because of that, it's really noticeable when Shu Takumi doesn't know how to delay information or elegantly set up an interpersonal conflict. His fallback is always to have a character drink The Stupid Juice. For Case X, this character is suddenly stupid and does stuff they'd never do. For Case Y, it's someone else.
When you're dealing with Larry Butz and Lotta Hart, you come to expect that sort of thing. The inconsistency is part of their character. But when Susato can't identify her own father sleeping on the couch because... I dunno, I guess she landed on her head when she fell out of bed this morning, what the hell are we doing here, gang? Why are we doing this? Some people in our chat were like "This is a joke". I don't know. Is it? it really a joke if it takes 20 minutes of real gameplay to SOLVE THE MYSTERY instead of walking over and look at him, like any rational person would do?
I also can't go into too many details about this without spoiling things, but I really really hate the core overarching plot of this duology. I would bet almost all the money in my bank account that Shu Takumi didn't have the details of the second game 100% ironed out by the time he wrote the first. They don't lead into each other at all and so many characters' actions need to be unfathomably stupid for everything to work out the way it does. It kind of makes me retroactively dislike a lot of the cast. Especially Sholmes.
Also the assistant Van Zieks gets in the 2nd game is unfathomably bad. Everything about that setup and how that character acts is my least favorite thing about the game and maybe my least favorite thing that ever happens in the entire franchise. It makes me SO angry.
The games are still pretty good though.
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sadgirlglimmeringdarling · 2 days ago
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I'm going to try and write this in a way that I don't sound like a cold hearted monster towards Sky, because at the end of the day, I love her and I love her music.
Sky should point blank stop telling people when she is going to release stuff. Every single time she says she's going to release this or release that, on a certain day, month or time - it never happens.
She should just pull a Fiona Apple. Announce a release a week ahead when she is 100% sure and then go ahead and release it.
Mind you, Fiona isn't on social media. It's her roommate who announces Fiona's updates and new album releases.
Fiona doesn't talk to the media until after the album is released.
Fiona isn't going around telling anyone anything is coming out until she is 100,000 % sure it's coming out.
Fiona also happens to release albums once every 10 years.
By Sky putting dates or speaking about things being released at certain particular times, she is putting a certain timeline that fans, stans and critics are counting on for that particular thing to be released.
You would think she would have learned this already since Night Time My Time. How many times was the date for that album changed? Many times. How many times has she said Masochism was going to be out soon? Many times.
As for the Leash music video, I already knew by week one of December 2024 that it wasn't happening. I won't name my source, but it's someone I know from A24 who actually told me. He works for that film company. He said that as soon as Babygirl was getting bad reviews and panned by the critics, they knew there would be no music video.
Then Leash and Babygirl wasn't nominated for anything, so that also confirmed everything for A24 too.
I watched Babygirl. As a Nicole Kidman fan, it's one of Nicole's worst movie. The best thing about the movie is the song Leash. That's pretty much it.
Blaming the fires? Seriously - It's a great excuse. I would have said the same. The fires had nothing to do with Sky's video not being made. The bad reviews and having no nominations was the real factor here.
However, I understand why Sky lied. She has to be diplomatic and the last thing she wants to do is piss off A24 since they paid for the studio time, the producer and the mix/mastering to create Leash.
The new single isn't coming out anytime soon in my opinion. I don't see that happening for months or even maybe next year.
As for music videos, Suki Waterhouse recorded her entire music video for Dream Woman by camcorder with her sister. Her sister also edited it. Budget = $0.00
Lana Del Rey's sister filmed several of Lana's music videos over the years. Chuck (Lana's sister) films it with her phone. Then Lana edits it on her laptop. Budget = $0.00
Then there's the Summer Wine music video that Lana filmed all by her own self with her own phone and she used the Grain Damage Analogue Video filter app on her phone to give the video that 1960's vintage look. She edited the video on her own laptop. Budget = $0.00.
She did the same for her Video Games music video. Budget = $0.00
I could go on with Lana and Suki videos but you get my driff.
You can also look up many many other independent artists in rock, country and pop who also film there own videos whether by phone or camcorder. Trust me, the budget isn't so big if you know what you're doing or how you're doing it.
Sky doesn't know how to make a music video on her own. I'm amazed after all these years, she never bothered to learn how to do that. It's really not that hard. She instead always battled Capitol to film her videos, costing Capitol thousands to make a simple video like Everything Is Embarrassing.
Do you know what the budget for the music video for Everything Is Embarrassing was? $0.00. Capitol had to pay the director Grant Singer thousands of dollars to literally follow Sky all over Los Angeles to film that music video. A video that was a $0.00 budget because it was just Sky and the streets of Los Angeles being filmed. Capitol had to literally pay Grant thousands of dollars for a $0.00 costing video, which is absolutely insane. Sky could have easily filmed that video all by herself with her phone and edited it herself. The video looks like it was filmed on a phone, which I think was the aesthetic Sky was looking for. The other videos Grant directed for Sky had budgets in the thousands, which was paid for by Capitol.
So all this gibberish talk that rich people are the only ones who can create a music video by phone is BS. There is the low budget phone music videos done by Suki and Lana. There are the high budget phone music videos done by Lady Gaga.
And if you have the time, Google all the other indie artists who have created their music videos by phone with a zero budget.
Again, Sky has no idea how to do any of this on her own - but if she wants to be an independent artist, she needs to learn how to do it on her own.
This is not me attacking Sky. As I said earlier, I support her 100%. Love her music. The wait for Leash was worth it. But this is my opinion.
However, stans need to stop babying Sky. Some of you are jumping on people who have differing opinions and asking honest questions.
It's not cool that Free Sky Ferreira and _night_time_my_time_ on IG copied/pasted @bellafemme tumblr post onto their IG Stories. Now @bellafemme is being attacked in her inbox. People just sending her nasty messages. @bellafemme had to delete her post.
@bellafemme has always supported the Free Sky movement as well as myself. There was no need to attack her on IG for having questions and having a different opinion. I'm not trying to start drama here, but I think that was totally not cool.
Sky will release whatever she needs to release when she's ready. By her own admission, she is very OCD when it comes to her music. She will do 100 takes on a song alone until she likes it. Same with her music videos.
I truly hope Sky remains quite when it comes to her future releases. Not announcing any of them until she is 100% sure they will be released on time. This will also stop people from attacking her. Right now X and Lanaboards is having a field day because both the Leash music video and the new single never came out.
I also hope she takes the time to learn to make her own music videos/edit them like other indie artists.
At the end of the day, she could just choose to release music with no music videos like Beyoncé did for her last two albums.
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hedwigoprah · 2 days ago
WIP Word Game
“Rules: you will be given a word. Then you share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that starts with each letter of your word.” I was tagged by @jouskaroo and @thedissonantverses. Thanks ya'll, this helps with the weather anxiety I'm dealing with right now :) This includes parts that are already published of Children of the Dark, and stuff that isn't (cause I don't have that much unpublished and everything is always a WIP with me.) "Lotta blood."
Unfortunately, Detre's gestures and behavior was growing a touch more desperate as Heinrich didn't reciprocate in the obvious way he was used to.
"Charming old fellow, really knew how to heckle an opera singer."
If and when she and Emmrich shared anything about the Necropolis it was usually a story of his that she piggy backed off of.
Detre's grave gold clinked against each other as he gestured widely and Veryl slyly hooked a hand around the wine glass he was waving about, saving it and it's contents from an untimely demise.
Keepers knew to keep it free and clear for them lest any overly-friendly patron's piss their pants after getting too close to a knife at their table.
"And I suppose I'm just to call them this one and that one."
"Looks like it's a bad day for me," Veryl had said as she hauled them up to their feet by the collar. "and you."
Each time that she faced one in this line of work that had been imposed upon her, a little piece of her heart started to mold.
It was less than helpful, but there wasn't anything to be done really.
Davrin, ever the mystery solver, was quick to get the story back on track before they could get elbow deep into the particulars of corpse preservation.
"Oh for fu-" Jeltje was observing her own hand when Veryl made eye contact with her.
She didn't even blink as it ran down her face in red rivulets.
Close quarters combat with an undead could get sticky, literally.
"One of the daughters married a well-to-do Orlesian to give their name more gravitas. Frightfully tacky if you ask me."
Personally, she was hoping it wasn't the undead army.
Emmrich had his hands steepled as he observed her from across the table, a coy look on his face.
I did it, I found exactly one K. Are you proud of me? ;) I think I'm just gonna (very calmly and without pressure) tag @strugglinggranola, @trashwithvariety, @basic-x-witch Your word is LITHE (and not abibliophobia like my mom suggested) This was edited from Elixir cause omg nobody uses x's like that my apologies. abibliophobia: the fear of running out of things to read. I’m unfamiliar with this fear with ya'll around.
Have fun! I'm gonna go write till a tornado takes me away.
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obsolete-stars-if · 5 months ago
There are so many things I do instead of writing on my own game. And one of it includes NSFW FF for @pressplay-if
BCS I haven't bitten you today yet. (Yes it's shortly past midnight, get over it, I'm at work and I'm having so many thinkerings about Lincoln.)
Written with m Lin and TM MC in mind. I will only ever write TM MC. You can't stop me.
This is smut, so I will moderate heavily on it. Also mention of self harm scars.
Lincoln makes an audible "oof" as he falls onto the mattress, and your body follows him on top. Well, technically he has been pulling you with him onto the mattress, not that you're too annoyed by it, but landing on his stomach wasn't as soft as the TV Shows and movies always made it out to be.
You pull yourself up into a sitting position, your hair cascading down, he watches it intently. Both hands are placed on the mattress next to him. "Now what?" You ask.
It's not that you didn't have a handful of extremely awkward sexual encounters before, or that you had never thought of being on top of another person. There tends to be one really important logistical error on those fantasies. You're honestly lazy and sex has never been a motivator on your end.
"Do whatever you want to me." Lincoln answers, his words hasty, as his hands reach your legs, slowly caressing them, until they stop at your hips. His eyes flicker down to his hands and then back up.
You cock your head, looking over his face. Sure, he seems to be happy with whatever you will do. You could ask him to flip you over and go crazy until he's satisfied. You could probably slap his face and he'd thank you for it. It's not that you don't care which one, but both ends sound fine to you. "I do really well with instructions, Lin."
"O-oh." He looks away, for a moment, flushing cheeks, he turns back to you, rather determined, he gives you an instruction. "Hurt me."
"Okay, I can do that." You finally lean back and shift your entire weight on his hips. If Lin had been older, you wouldn't do that, but you can make him sore without much moving. He wants to be hurt? He picked a great person to do that.
His fingers hold onto your hip, biting his lip for just a moment- He thinks you're going to chicken out. You give him a smile and reach for the hem of your T Shirt, it's enough to keep him entertained, while you take a look around his bedroom.
"You're rich." You finally remark. His fingers glide to join yours, but as they touch you scratch him, a gasp escapes him and he retreats his hands to your hip. "You could have anyone, really. It's not like anyone would say no. Not with the amount of money you have."
Lin answers quickly, "I don't want anyone, I want-"
"Me." You interrupt him. "You want me. You want someone who hurts you, defies you, takes away. And I know why it has to be me." You take your time taking your shirt off. It doesn't have to be sexy, or hot. He wants you, for what you are. You let him look you up and down. His eyes are halting first at your chest, you have forgotten how intimidating the mastectomy scars can look to someone who hasn't seen them before. His eyes widen and it slowly clicks in his brain. Instinctually, his eyes wander to your crotch, you know the kind of questions he has.
You answer none, instead you let your hands travel below his shirt as you carefully rock back and forth. It takes a moment, a good moment where his eyes flutter shut, and you can hear him suppress a moan in the back of his throat. But eventually he lays eyes on your hands, and subsequently, your wrists.
"There is a pain inside you, that no one was able to take care of. And it resonates with the pain I sing about." You hum some lyric before continuing, "Maybe you're jealous, or just a coward."
You brace yourself when suddenly his hips roll against yours. There goes your pretty speech, you were so ready to degrade him for connecting to your music while having none of your struggles. You're sure if you talk now, moans and stutters would escape you. You suddenly feel much more aware of yourself, grinding against him, technically being the least clothed person in the room. And how hot your face is getting.
A shaky breath escapes you as you push your hair behind your ear. You then dig your nails into his side, trying to find steady ground in him, but Lincoln offers none. "Fuck you," you breathe, "I was going to- ah-" you bite your tongue to keep yourself quiet.
Your muscles feel tight, like they are begging to be fed, and they only desire one thing. You want to give into it, as he pulls and pushes your hips against his. "Call you pathetic." You try to breathe, "For wanting me." There is an urge inside you to crawl inside him, to enjoy the warmth of his body. You claw at his stomach. Your fingernails are digging into the skin before quickly pulling them across his skin, leaving deep red marks on him.
He lets out a shaky moan, and it feeds the need inside you. Lin is so stupid for making you need him, want him, for filling the emptiness inside of you, and a part of you wants to strangle him. Instead you both stop at the sound of your hand connecting to his cheek. A red spot forms on his face and you reach out, wide eyed, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that and-"
"Do that again."
You blink, voice quieter now, "What?"
He lets out another shaky breath before finding your line of sight, "Hit me again." You open your mouth to answer and close it shut again. You had partners who liked being scratched and bitten- but hit? "That's an instruction." He adds.
"Okay." You nod, but first your hand cups his face, your fingers caressing the red spot. You make sure to hit the spot again, the red deepening quickly, a few times more and you're sure it'll bruise. You watch as Lincolns chest rises quickly, his head pushed into the mattress. And it finally clicks for you. Hurt him.
"You're getting off on this." You say, sounding a bit too excited, "You really meant it. To hurt you. Physically." You grasp his hand and pull it closer to your face, "You're going to let me do anything."
He nods eagerly, "Anything, really- Just hurt me." You grin not unlike a child, toothy and way too wide. You bring his wrist to your mouth and bite down.
Lincolns gasp and cry of pain fills your insides. You hold eye contact until he bleeds, and then you lick it up from his arm. Something carnal has been awakened, and you find yourself bitting, hitting, grinding, scratching, whatever you can do. His body is like one of those dolls you used to have, all easy to push around, manipulate, and destroy.
You wouldn't kill him, no. You're not that unhinged. But he opened up an opportunity you hadn't before in sex, to do what you want, to let your instincts and impulses take over. You don't even need to think. All you need is to take him, consume him, hurt him. And you have an appetite.
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lizzybeeee · 4 months ago
DATV explaining the 'Regret Prison'
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TL;DR: a prison can serve as a metaphor but it shouldn't be entirely comprised of a metaphor.
From what I understood from what the game gave us: Solas has made a new prison to move the God's too - since bringing down the veil would free them from the Black City. This new prison is separate(?) from the fade or so far removed/contained that bringing down the veil would not compromise it...apparently. We interrupt his ritual, Solas gets sucked into the new prison he made, and the elven gods are free.
When Rook gets kicked into the fade they're physically there - which means it's a physical place in the fade, like how it was a mixture of physical/thought when we entered it in DAI. Which makes sense - the gods are real and living beings, they need to be in a place, there must be some aspect of physicality to it.
Alright, cool, it's a Black City 2.0 - I assume it's better defended to prevent people breaking in/out again?
We get there and it's a 'regret prison'?? It's tied to the regrets of those within it? Composed of regrets??? Solas had to wait for the right moment for Rook to be sufficiently 'full of regret' that they could switch places?
So is the prison tied to Solas's regrets? If so, how can Rook escape? The prison seems to work around the idea that it relies on the regrets of the person it's holding to work - which is how/why Rook was able to be trapped and later free themselves (along with whatever remains of the team apparently being able to do something on their end, not that we hear about it).
Are you telling me the prison intended to hold to megalomaniac elven gods was going to imprison them based on their own regrets? Is Solas assuming that Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain are as self-pitying as he is? They'd break out quicker than Rook did! He made a time out corner for the elven gods to sit in and gave them an out if they reflected on their emotions/regrets or decided that they don't regret what they did. Elgar'nan, a spirit of tyranny, is not going to 'regret' his actions - he is going to justify them by telling himself and others that he knows what's best.
We can come across some of Solas's regrets in the prison if you run around a bit and explore:
Remnant of Failure - talking about the orb from Inquisition.
Remnant of Parting - talking about Mythal
Remnant of Reflection - more vague, talking about the Titans I believe.
So maybe he altered it - maybe he intended the prison to be 'locked' with his own regrets because after a millennia of having a pity party he still can't bring himself to self-reflect and look to the future. But what if Solas died? Or if his guilt lessened - would it diminish the strength of the regret prison?
We already have pre-established lore (though DATV has shown they don't really give a crap tbh) that once the being that has claimed/altered an area of the fade is slain, it's influence diminishes both in and outside of the fade. So if the prison was tied to his regrets then it would require Solas to basically live forever to keep it stable - especially if he brought down the veil and removed the one barrier that kept the world and the fade apart.
Rook and Solas needed some assistance to exit - but it doesn't seem like it was much! Solas used his dagger and Rook just...got out through a fade tear? This is Solas's 'more secure' second prison? It has a worse track record than the Black City! If Rook - who is not an elven god - managed to escape the regret prison what is to stop anyone else from breaking in and out of the prison?
And what did Solas intend to do with the blight - the bulk of which is apparently in the black city?? If bringing down the Veil would free the gods in the black city doesn't that mean that the blight would also be released?! Did he have a plan? Why does he go fully ahead with bringing down the veil at the end if the black city is still there and filled with blight?!
I get it: the 'regret prison' is a metaphor for how Solas holds onto the past and how Rook can move past their regrets and grow. He's trapped by the past - it's a prison. Cool. But this prison is supposed to by a physical place to contain the gods - not just to solely contain Solas. The mission is literally called 'A Cage for Gods'.
The Black City is an actual place that's so far out of reach of anywhere else in the fade that no mage can ever reach it while in dreams - let alone physically, which was only done once and took tremendous effort/blood sacrifices. It made sense - it was cool to see floating in the sky in DAO!
Though it's not said specifically, it's strongly implied that Arlathan is the Black City. You can see in the concept art that floating elven city is exactly the same as the black city in DAO! It's this foreboding thing just lurking in the sky - a constant reminder of the sin that led to the horrors of the blights and darkspawn. A real place with lore and history that also serves as a metaphor for the hubris and destruction of those who call themselves gods and act as tyrants -> for both the evanuris and the magisters.
#we'll need Mickey and Donald to break us out of this one#this screams 'this sounds so cool lets put it in' and not 'how can we do something cool that works with the world we've established'#“it's metaphorical-” it can be metaphorical and make sense!!!#trying to invoke 'emotion' with that black and white tone and only succeeded in getting me to feel pure confusion and rage#THE FADE IS GREEN TINTED - THE LAST GAME WAS LITERALLY COLOUR THEMED AFTER IT#i'm passionate about the fade being green the same way i'm passionate about Aurora's dress being blue and Cinderella's being silver#solas's more secure second prison literally has a worse track record than the black city - why is he so dumb???#I regretted no choices in datv besides the decision to actually play this game lmao#if the game actually acknowledged that Rook's actions led to thousands of people dying maybe I'd feel something in the regret prison#no mention of treviso/ minrathous/ or southern thedas??#the team all knew the risks of what they were doing! they volunteered/made their own choices - ME2 did this so much better#played as an elf so I didn't even feel bad when Harding died because of the weird elf specific dialogue she had#I'm not sorry for the titans/what Solas did - I wasn't even there! Doesn't justify the shit that happened to the elves after either!#this game made me apathetic to LACE HARDING and i loved her in Inquisition#i'm sorry but I had more regret for choosing to speak mean to Merrill once than anything I did in this game#currently writing about the magisters sidereal in my lore post and I needed to blurt this out because its so stupid#typed out the word 'regret' so much is has no meaning in my head anymore lmao#datv critical#datv spoilers#bioware critical#dragon age the veilguard#veilguard critical
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lyxchen · 28 days ago
Okay so I've heard this said a bunch of times and I'm gonna admit I thought like that too for a while but no, Gi-hun did not win the games because he was lucky. A lot of people think that's how he won because he never killed anybody but that's really not the point. Gi-hun won the games because a) he's smart and is able to look at things from a different angle, b) because he is a good and kind person who also believes in others and c) because of the goodness and care get got back from other people.
In the first game he survived because Ali saved him and that wasn't luck, that was Ali being a good person and helping somebody not get killed. Ali could've not caught him, let him die, he didn't even know Gi-hun at all at that point and he put himself in more danger too by having to hold on to a person while standing completely still but he still saved Gi-hun because Ali is a good person.
In the Dalgona game he quite literally Was Not Lucky. He decided to go with the umbrella which is the worst shape to pick and he probably would have died if he hadn't looked at the game in a different way and decided to change his strategy. Gi-hun is smart. He is also optimistic and so he tried something new and found a different way to beat that game.
In the third game he survived because he was smart and kind enough to listen to Il-nam. The other people in their group dismissed him as just an old man speaking but Gi-hun didn't and that way they had a good strategy to beat the other team. The same goes for him listening to Sang-woo's idea of running three steps and then stopping, which ultimately was what saved them. His group also chose him as their leader (who, as Il-nam said, needs to not seem weak or loose hope because then the whole team is doomed). His team trusted in him and his optimism and they were right to do so.
In the marbles game he won because he was once again kind and decided to team up with Il-nam and also because in the end Il-nam decided to "sacrifice himself" for Gi-hun because he showed him kindness before. Yes Il-nam didn't actually die but he also knew that Gi-hun had cheated and still let him continue on to the next game, probably because Gi-hun had been good and kind and caring towards him before, even though he really didn't have to be. Gi-hun also didn't know this but by teaming up with Il-nam he inadvertently ensured that Il-nam had a lot more fun in the games than he would have had, had everybody just ignored to "old, fragile man". Gi-hun was good to Il-nam throughout all the games and it ended up saving him in the marbles game.
In the fifth game it's only some small moments as Gi-hun isn't really involved in the game because he's the last number but still it wasn't just luck. First of all he was kind enough to give the number 1 to the player that asked him for it. Yes, that number was bad but he didn't know that and had he been selfish enough to say no to that other player he wouldn't have survived. Being the last to play in any game can end up being bad for you, still he decided to give up the number he picked because the other player asked him to. Secondly he also survived that game because Sae-byeok was kind enough to remind him of which glass tile to step on after he had forgotten which one it was. It's only small but she didn't have to tell him and still she did. Sae-byeok btw is also good to him because before that he was good to her and protected her (even though he was angry at her at first) and that way he was able to gain her trust.
Lastly he won the Squid Game because Gi-hun was kind to Sang-woo and because Sang-woo deep down was still a good person. There were probably many reasons as to why Sang-woo decided to kill himself in the end but part of it, I'm sure, was also because Gi-hun was a good friend to him. I mean Gi-hun was even willing to give up all the money and go back home with nothing gained if it meant that Sang-woo didn't have to die and would be able to come home with him. Gi-hun deserved that win and that money and in the end Sang-woo knew that. He also knew that Gi-hun would make sure to take care of Sang-woo's mother and that he wouldn't just take all the money for himself because Sang-woo knew that Gi-hun is a good person. (Gi-hun technically also won the Squid Game because he was good at it which is also him being smart)
So in conclusion and I hope y'all haven't stopped reading yet: Gi-hun didn't win the games because he was lucky. He didn't just sit around doing nothing and won anyways. He won because he was smart but even more importantly he won because of the kindness and goodness that exists in humans and that is especially present in him. He won because he had empathy, because people trusted him, because he got back from them what he gave to them first. He never killed anyone and we can clearly see that he Could Never kill anyone in those games but that's not his weakness. Just because he didn't let himself get corrupted and turned into what the games wanted him to turn into doesn't mean he won because of luck. Him not playing by those subtle, hidden rules that are made to force him to be bad, to not care about others and to give up his kindness actually means he was better than the games. He won because he didn't let them turn him into a monster. They tried really hard and they failed and that's how he won!! But also on top of that he also won because he isn't the only good person in this show. He also won because other people helped him, were kind to him and gave a shit about him. Each and every person that helped Gi-hun didn't have to do that. They all could have not helped him, Ali could have not caught him, Sae-byeok could have not told him which one was the correct glass tile, hell, she could have Lied to him about it and the only difference it would have made for the other players would have been them being one more dead person closer to winning all that money. But that's really not how humans are and act which is why all these people helped Gi-hun, helped each other in small or big ways and in the end his own kindness and the kindness that exists in other people is what lead to Gi-hun winning. That's not luck. That humans being good
#people underestimate my man so much and he's literally the main character#gosh this post is so long i hope people even read it fully#man (gn) i was never able to just write out essays on some random topic for school#but when it's about my favorite show i can write some long ass analysis post on the goodness in humans shown in a series about death games#or really anything to do with any show or movie i love#like#it's mostly in the small details which are much more subtle and unnoticed than the bad things some characters do#but also#it's because that isn't normal#somebody like deoksu pushing people to their deaths in the glass bridge game is much more uncommon than somebody like saebyeok reminding you#which tile is the right one to step on#of course we notice that big bad thing happening more because it's not normal it's not what we see every day#but somebody helping you out somebody being kind that somebody maybe even being someone you don't know at all#we see that every day#every day we go out into the world and help each other survive and sometimes it's in big ways but even if it's just small things#we see that every day everywhere in the world because in the end that's what people are like#people aren't mean for no reason or actively plan on how to take you down#(well some people are but those people are the exception)#instead most people will either just let you live your life but very often also help you and care and be good#anyways i feel like i'm getting off topic but yeah#that's how gihun won#because humanity is good and he represents the best of humanity#as in kindness goodness care and sometimes even sacrificing your own comfort to save somebody else#that is who gihun is and that is ultimately what helped him survive#lea's random thoughts#squid game#squid game analysis#seong gi hun#seong gihun#cho sang woo
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thegoldencontracts · 9 months ago
Every single time someone makes Azul out to be a pathetic easily bullied guy with no ability to defend himself whatsoever an angel loses its wings falls to the ground and fucking dies.
Please remember, Azul's overblot was the exception, not the norm. He's not a pathetic little crybaby. The thing about this portrayal is that it does insinuate the idea that someone is weak and "pathetic" for having a breakdown when it's this widespread, clearly genuinely belief that a character is pathetic as evidenced by one breakdown.
Same goes for Riddle. Yes, he had a breakdown during his overblot, but with both him and Azul, that was an exception, not the norm. There are plenty of scenes where they've both shown themselves to be smug and powerful characters.
Heck, even during Azul's breakdown, he did end up displaying his true power by sucking that literal magic and talent out of all the students nearby. Leona literally stated that his Unique Magic was forbidden. Riddle was known as the Crimson Tyrant because of the way he treated others. Azul isn't going to cry every time someone insults him, case in point, the way he behaves with Jamil, who makes a habit out of it. He doesn't run off feeling hollow after every interaction, because, well, he keeps coming back! And his enthusiasm is never hankered!
Even when dealing with physically stronger individuals, like Floyd (and most twst characters let's face it most of the cast has six packs), Riddle is never afraid. It was once mentioned that he effortlessly overpowered Floyd during the opening ceremony in Beans Day. With his magic, he's not weak, and he's certainly not helpless.
Obviously, while you can write whatever you want, I just want to explain why I believe that characterization is inaccurate. I love writing fics myself, and I (a long with most fic writers I've asked) prefer writing things that seem like they could reasonably happen with the characters and/or au in question.
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icewindandboringhorror · 24 days ago
I'm so heavily anti-advertising that all pitches sound goofy silly to me/I can never take them seriously, so I have no idea how I'll manage to to advertise my game even if I do finally finish it soon-ish lol...
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#Especially how so much modern media advertising is like... getting people excited about random tropes and stuff like#''Do you love enemies to lovers? Do you love sad stories that make you do a heckin CRY? Do you love big stupid dumbo muffin cake#sinnamon roll babies who are too good for this world? Have you ever wanted to read a blah blach blah" whatever stuff and it's like#... i cannot type that... I couldnt do it.. I couldn't even think of how to do it ghbjhbjh#I am such a literal person... Like I love when an advertisement is just like 'This product works well. Look at it. Buy it if you want. Ok'#You know what makes me want to read a book or watch a show or play a game? Reading a detailed plot synopsis or the full wiki page#for it and then deciding 'yeah I wouldnt mind sitting through seeing the events I just read about happen in more detail' lol#OR aesthetics. since I do often watch things JUST for the set/costume design. Sometimes I will watch stuff literally#just because I saw a picture of a costume in it that looked really cool and I want to sketch costume looks whilst watching#But aside from appearance like... little bullet point break downs of things that are in a story just ... do not do anything to me at all.#And i just hate 'selling' things to begin with. I don't want to have to convince people to like something.. they should just... like it...#LOL.. like.. just be born liking it. just like it automatically please. Dont make me beg to you like a weird little freak. So many commerci#als seem weirdly desperate and manipulative. Like those Truck/Car commercials that will have like a freaking dog crying and#a war vet in a wheelchair with the american flag in the background and a family hugging around a christmas tree or some shint and its#just like oh my GODDD... shut UPP.. you could literally not be MORE blantant about just trying to prey on peoples emotions to build#some sort of fabricated positive association with your product/brand.. begone.. Or brands having their own twitters where they post#~~relatable content~~ as a means of shallow audience endearment GGGRR..... ANYWAY.. hhrgh...................#Maybe that's something I can ask playtesters I guess like.. I feel like I don't know my own audience very well because I am not#much of a media person?? ironically.. Like I do enjoy MAKING media. But I've never been in a fandom. I've never read fanfiction. I've never#spent much time in those spaces. I've just never really had the inclination and don't personally derive much joy out of stuff like that#(since I'm already so focused on my OWN world and projects its like.. hard for me to even find the time and mental energy to expend on#others). Even when I finish a movie or game and really like it.. I just kind of like...move on? and don't really dwell on it much? At most#I will get into the worldbuilding of a piece of media and read the wiki for a while or watch Lore info or critical analysis videos. But I#never really care for or attach to the characters or the plot itself very much. So I feel like.. the way my brain works. I'm just not as#good at approaching things from that angle? Kind of like how if you're a lifelong vegetarian whos never eaten meat - you might#struggle to write an ad for fancy brand of steaks bc you'd be like... idk what meat eaters are even looking for? whats the selling point??#Which I'm not saying that I wouldn't play my own game. i AM definitely the audience for it. But it's more like.. I would play it for my own#very niche specific reasons that I think are different from what MOST people might want to play it for. So I need to somehow#tap into the minds of the Majority who play things for Normal Reasons than pure lore collection or whatever lol.
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hanzajesthanza · 5 months ago
allowed myself the time to spend to write a scene because the fancy took me, ended up destroying my sleep schedule to write it, woke up at 4 pm just to realize it’s not good and i would need to redo it
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Playlist Title tag!
thank you to @sleepyowlwrites for creating this fun funky game and tagging me in the origin post <3 im about to show my whole unedited ass in these generic titles
rules: make a poll to see which of your playlist titles is the coolest to your followers and tag some friends
ill tag @vacantgodling, @writeblrfantasy, @authoralexharvey, @birlwrites, and @nacricissa <3
as always, absolutely 0 pressure to play, and feel free to treat this as an open tag if you want to join in!
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miodiodavinci · 1 year ago
laying down by a brook with one hand in the water like some kind of tragic prince , , , , , ,
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desertdragon · 9 months ago
This shit is so ass I just want it to be over
#the moment i saw it has FFX But From Wish.com my intelligence 100% just feels insulted#it was already boring this entire time but disrespecting X's point by turning it into a cheap commodity device is kicking my nuts#just spitting on Sakaguchi by trying to copy his homework in the hopes idiots will clap like seals bc they recognize the reference alone#but when hasn't msq's point been pushing out nostalgia and by the book trope slop for the sake of illiterate's money#gameplay and collectables is all this shit has ever had aside from the occasional side story or side character#i like the collectables. the gameplay is interesting enough. i have a story of my own at home.#they even ripped off IX for more HEY YOU REMEMBER FF9 RIGHT? BUY OUR GAME BC WE SAID ALEXANDRIA & MIMICKED SOME BUILDINGS#YOU'LL BUY IT AND LIKE IT JUST BC IT SAYS SOLUTION NINE LIKE ZIDANE EVEN WHEN IT HAS NOTHING IN LINE WITH FF9- YOU DUMB TOOL#the solution 9 plot is just the twist from ff9 but if it had nothing to do with anything aside from being one giant reference#it's never made to fit xiv itself and it only appears at literally the last quarter of the story with virtually zero mention of it before#and then to drag it out even more they added a sprinkle of ffx fayth but make them disconnected from the themes and have no personal connec#with the protagonist (s)#everything before this is pure seasonal anime lowest grade shounen tropes with no seasoning bc it's played so predictably flat and straight#zero novelty beyond fringe ideas that just get mentioned w/o much writing behind them which this game loves doing#they love mentioning shit just to postpone it to the last second when it's suddenly important despite having no depth attached before#saves money on actually having to write a complete story#they even got Wish.com Steiner in here lmao#if anything the time for them to rip off IX was in EW because those stories actually have themes in common to make some sense#also the way characters are expendable to the story in the sense the game forgets they exist after they play their role#is at the worst it's ever been- they drop even long time main characters like flies once their exposition is done#it's so abrupt too just when you think a character might contribute more they're already gone#this expac is everything bad about the game which makes it worse than bad- it's unbearably boring and tedious#even characters that were HYPED IN THE TRAILER literally only show up for a few lines of dialogue then leave
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trentcrimminallybeautiful · 2 years ago
your superhero AU has broken my heart 💔💔💔 protective Ted is so important to me
thank you!! ive been enjoying playing with it. and yeah!! like. i just. protective, pining ted and trent's like i am NOT a damsel!! (<- in this instance, is, in fact, a damsel. he will make an exception for one (1) person)
and like more seriously just. the trust it's about the trust!!! trent doesn't rely on anyone and he gets himself out of bad situations and he's lowkey terrified of this hero who's got him cornered and he's been in this horrible situation for so long but then it's ted and he immediately relaxes. and ted--you know ted realized they had trent and immediately panicked and was ready to just bust in there and it was only beard holding him back and making him be practical about it that didnt have him just bursting through the walls ten minutes after realizing. and him realizing trent trusts him.... holding him and being like oh. i can protect him this way and i can comfort him this way and it's working... augh
anyway im glad you like it 😩
#listen. im a simple man. sometimes i want to write my blorbo being battered and scared getting rescued#but it doesnt always make sense for whatever fandom it is so. hence. elaborate au#admittedly that wasn't my sole motivation for writing it or anything but it was up there.#ANYWAY can you blame him?#trents like im a reporter and a damn good one villains literally hate kidnapping me because im the worst hostage and heroes hate rescuing m#bc i am no fucking damsel.#and then ted 'tenderly holds him as he rescues him and asks him so so softly if hes okay with big warm brown eyes' lasso comes along#and its like. okay so i can get out on my own or i can let my crush simply cradle me in his beefy arms and carry me home. hmm#(im being silly ofc but it also has a lot more to do with like. the actual circumstances. but i think that if trent got kidnapped in the re#regular way where hes just rolling his eyes bc this is How The Game Goes ted would show up and he'd be like#oh nooooo look ive been tied up.... (glances down then sticks hands back in ropes) oh nooooo#and the villains like what the h--#please actually now a crack version of this au where trent just lets himself get kidnapped so ted can rescue him and they're the world's mo#most obnoxious couple. villains stop kidnapping him entirely bc then that one hero just shows up and they banter--totally ignoring the vill#villain--for like ten whole minutes while beard quietly dismantles the villain's shit behind them#ANYWAY IM SORRY IVE GOTTEN OFF TRACK#askbox#anonymous#superhero au
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rainbowtvz · 2 years ago
the time will pass anyway. the time will pass anyway. the time will pass anyway
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Hmm my parents made me do theater for like 5+ years, multiple shows a year despite me hating it and vocalizing I wanted to quit because I was a very anxious child who hated having attention on me. They said I had to do it to get out of my shell more cause as a child I would literally not speak if someone I didn’t really know (like anyone but immediate family, one grandparent, and like 2 family friends my age) was even just near me, like it was kinda alarming. But I love theater from every other perspective besides being on stage (watching/backstage/analyzing/designing/writing) and I still will gladly go see shows with my family and my friends
No Pressure Tags: @rywritess @the-words-forever-unwritten @yawping-poets-society and You 🫵
it's so weird to me that everyone on this website is a human person outside of their weird internet niche so rb this with a random bit of your lore
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
In the spirit of encouraging people to comment on fanfics while also making it easier to do so, I feel obliged to share a browser extension for ao3 that has quite literally revolutionized the comment game for me.
I present to you: the floating ao3 comment box!
From what I've seen, a big problem for many people is that once you reach the comments at the bottom of a fic, your memory of it miraculously disappears. Anything you wanted to say is stuck ten paragraphs ago, and you barely remember what you thought while reading. This fixes that!
I'll give a little explanation on the features and how it works, but if you want to skip all that, here's the link.
Edit: Yes, this also works on mobile!
The extension is visible as a small blue box in the upper left corner.
(Side note: The green colouring is not from the extension, that's me.)
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If you click on it, you open a comment box window at the bottom of your screen but not at the bottom of the fic. I opened my own fic for demonstrative purposes.
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The website also gives explanations on how exactly it functions, but I'll summarize regardless.
insert selection -> if you highlight a sentence in the fic it will be added in italics to the comment box
add to comment box -> once you're done writing your comment, you click this button and the entire thing will automatically copied to the ao3 comment box
delete -> self explanatory
on mulitchapter fics, you will be given the option to either add the comment to just the current chapter or the entire fic
The best part? You can simply close the window the same way you opened it and your progress will automatically be saved. So you can open it, comment on a paragraph, and then close it and keep reading without having the box in your face.
Comments are what keep writers going, and as both a writer and a reader, I think it's such an easy way of showing support and enthusiasm.
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