#i liked the Makoto and Leon stuff
teddybearty · 4 months
After reading a fanfic called Another Side: Sporting Hopefuls, I’ve constantly had Celeste X Chihiro on the brain. Is it ok if you draw them, I love your art style and I’d love to see them shipped together more often?
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Lovers of Dresses 🐱💕🐰
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le-agent-egg · 3 months
This is not me hating but is it ok if I ask how come you think THH is badly written?
Don’t worry about it! Personally for me, I really dislike how many of the characters were treated, especially with the first character (how Leon and Sayaka weren’t given proper time to develop, how Makoto in my opinion does seem a bit flat in terms of personality, how the writers killed Leon and Sayaka off first because they were sick of drawing them). The second chapter also irks me with how they treated Toko’s DID and Chihiro’s gender, though I will admit a lot of stuff in game with Mondo and Taka’s relationship was actually pretty well written and honestly really cute. And I think Sakura’s death was honestly (in my opinion) one of the best parts of the game, though this could just be because I love Sakura.
This is just a personal gripe but I feel like post chapter two the game gets almost slow, especially with killing Taka off before he got any development and Celeste’s really weird motive. Plus I wish the fifth trial was just a little more interesting, and that some of the survivors like Hina, Hiro, Byakuya and Toko got a little more time to shine in game. I’m happy they got expanded on in other media, I just wish THH (especially the latter half) wasn’t so Kyoko and Makoto centric.
By no means am I saying THH is completely terrible! Believe me, I love it and I love the characters, I just really wish everyone got expended upon in game more. That’s just my opinion, and obviously I’m missing out on a lot of both good and bad things in this post. (I’m very sleep deprived rn haha) Just to summarize I think it’s writing could have been really improved if everyone got just a bit more screen time!
(I do yap a little more in the tags, mostly just about 1-1 and 1-2)
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imaginehappyhavoc · 12 days
Heya! Could i ask for some headcanons of the thh boys with an ultimate crafter reader that likes making little trinkets for them? -🔥
A/N: Naww Crow!Reader!! (◠‿◠✿)
Pairing: thh boys x Reader
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: N/A
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Makoto Naegi:
♡ Oh, this makes him SO HAPPY.
♡ He’s the type to love absolutely anything homemade. Art, cooking, you name it.
♡ It’s honestly comedic how fast his face lights up when you say “I made something for you.”
♡ Just immediately the brightest smile he can manage, and all but running to see what it is this time.
♡ Sometimes he’ll even make you things in return! Though, it normally doesn’t come out as good as he’d like. His damned luck cycle gets in the way.
♡ He keeps everything you make him, no matter how much space it takes up.
Byakuya Togami (platonic):
♡ No one’s… ever done that for him before.
♡ He was raised to recognize an item’s worth by its price tag. Mainly because no one in his life actually cared enough to take time out of their day and make something for him.
♡ He’s honestly flabbergasted every time you do this tbh.
♡ He’ll just hold whatever you made in his hands, staring at it for a just a bit too long. It’s the only time you’ll ever see him speechless.
♡ You tell him it’s okay if he doesn’t want to keep it. He says he won’t.
♡ He does.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
♡ Did you mean: Ultimate Hype Man?
♡ He’ll get a gift from you and he’s bolting to the common room of the dorms to show it off to everyone.
♡ Always something along the lines of “look at what my SUPER amazing, SUPER talented partner MADE for me!”
♡ He loves anything you have to give him, obviously, but especially if he doesn’t know what the fuck it is.
♡ The things he treasures most in the world are useless lil trinkets that look funky and cool. So if you like metalworking, he might marry you on the spot.
Leon Kuwata:
♡ He loves it so much he loves you so much and no he is totally not about to cry shut up-
♡ Leon is an unexpectedly emotional guy. He reacts to everything, especially positive things, with so much enthusiasm.
♡ So when you come up to him and sheepishly give him a small trinket you made for him, his “cool guy” front just melts.
♡ He’ll like. Hop. Just bounce in place like a really excited rabbit, because that’s basically what he is in this moment.
♡ He keeps it on him wherever he goes. Either he’ll fashion it into an add on for his chain necklace, or he’ll make use of one of his many pockets.
♡ Anytime someone asks about you, he’ll smile so wide and take it as an invitation to show them everything you’ve ever made for him.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
♡ Hugs. Just the tightest, most love-packed hugs you’ve ever experienced in your life.
♡ They try really hard not to cry, they really do, but they can’t help it. It just means so much to them that you would go out of your way to do that!
♡ They’ll ask you to teach them how to make stuff like what you make, so that they can return the favor.
♡ Whether you agree or not, Chihiro’s riding the high for the rest of the week.
♡ They go to class the next day and wait so impatiently for someone to ask about the new charm on their school bag so they have an excuse to ramble about you.
♡ Another person who will keep your trinkets with them all the time.
Mondo Owada:
♡ What a coincidence! He loves making things for you, too!
♡ Only difference is that, while you love to make small trinkets, Mondo likes to make larger, wooden trinkets.
♡ It’s a match made in heaven, honestly. Biweekly gift exchanges.
♡ When you give your gifts to him, it’s kinda like watching a big dog trying to play with a much smaller animal.
♡ He’s so excited, and he knows he has to be gentle, but it’s so hard for him to contain himself! He’ll hold it so gingerly so as not to break it, but every other part of his body’s wiggling because of how happy he is.
♡ He admires your craftsmanship so much, and he loves being able to see all your little design quirks in the things you make for him.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
♡ He will straight up cry, and he does not care how many people look at him weird because of it.
♡ It was rare that Taka received gifts at all, never mind gifts that were so personal!
♡ That was, until he met you.
♡ Any gift that you make for him by hand will be treasured so dearly, but especially things that are related to his interests.
♡ You once made him a keychain in the form of a teeny tiny Kendo sword. He kissed you for a solid ten minutes because he was so deeply moved by your affection for him.
♡ He insists on repaying you in some way for everything you make him, though he doesn’t quite know how.
♡ He settles on: anything you need, you get.
Hifumi Yamada (platonic):
♡ The crowd goes WILD.
♡ Of all people, Hifumi can appreciate handmade gifts. He’s given so many of them before, after all.
♡ He loves your trinkets so much that he actually— and stay with me here cause this is a doozy— takes down his figurines and puts your crafts up instead.
♡ Your classmates are convinced you just triggered The End Times because of that but whatever.
♡ He shows them off just as proudly, too.
♡ Like: “Hey, Yamada, what’s all that on your bookshelf?” “I’m SO glad you asked!” *pulls up a 300 page PowerPoint essay.
♡ In return, you get any art you want. Free of charge. You lucky dog.
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theamityelf · 5 months
Who all has who in the mini thh au
Great question!
Hajime- Kyoko
Both forgot their talents, both kind of on the abrasive side. Kyoko will be frequently sneaking out to investigate stuff on her own, which stresses Hajime out because he gets in trouble if he loses her. Built-in conflict.
Nagito- Makoto
Lucky students, and I love imagining the drama of Makoto necessarily being present for everything Nagito gets up to and trying to stop him and maybe succeeding in talking him down from some stuff. And just the idea of Nagito talking while they're in the cabin together each night, saying his usual weird stuff about talent and hope to Makoto while Makoto is all the way in his terrarium and so he can't reply loudly enough for Nagito to hear. So maybe instead he breaks something, just to make enough noise to interrupt. Honestly, there would just be so much going on with them.
Chiaki- Celeste
The gamers, lol. Chiaki would do her best to indulge Celeste's vibe, and I think that could be very fun, because she really does not know how. They reach a point of common ground when Chiaki starts making bets with Celeste about the outcome of her video games, and getting the other senpais and kouhais in on it.
Teruteru- Yasuhiro
This matchup was by default, but Hiro not liking smoke does add some tension.
Imposter- Junko
Imposter and fashionista are super compatible talents, and imposter and analyst are super compatible talents. Both of them read people and put on personas. They would see right through each other.
Mahiru- Hifumi
Both have visual art talents, and Mahiru would whip him into shape.
Peko- Mukuro
The loyal warriors. Very similar vibe. They would be very polite and impersonal to each other. Protecting Mukuro is secondary to protecting Fuyuhiko, of course, but having to care someone so similar to herself, but tiny and powerless, might be a very moving experience for Peko.
Hiyoko- Sakura
Both masters of a particular physical art form. Sakura's steady presence, both respectful and demanding of respect, would be a good influence on Hiyoko. Oh, she would still be super rude, but her interactions would shape up differently and she'd eat a more balanced diet, lol.
Ibuki- Sayaka
Musicians. Sayaka, being more on the calculated side, would be interesting to have as the person whispering in Ibuki's ear. She might try to convince Ibuki to do something she wouldn't normally do. It most likely wouldn't work; Ibuki is very independent. But Sayaka is pretty resourceful, and as a side note, one might think about the despair disease...
Mikan- Kiyotaka
This one was also kind of by default, once the more obvious ones were sorted away. Personality-wise, his bold presence contrasts with her more meek disposition, and she would be really proud of that. Taka argues with bullies! He cares about making sure everyone behaves. She loves him. She loves that someone so principled depends on her. Also, important note: When murders happen on the island, usually the kouhais are left alive. (Though murdering specifically the kouhai so that the senpai gets killed as punishment for losing them is also potentially a thing. Most people would consider it too low a blow to murder someone who's four inches tall, but still. Worth considering. The kouhais' role in this adds a new dimension to the kinds of murders that can happen.) When a murderer is executed, their kouhai is also left alive. Mikan always volunteers to take in the unattended kouhai, because she just really likes this dynamic. (If the Undead AU is Nagito's best timeline, this genuinely might be Mikan's, lol.)
Nekomaru- Leon
Because sports. I could have had Akane and Nekomaru trade, but this was the alignment I chose. (Anyway, if one of them dies, the other will take care of their kouhai, so there's a good chance Akane will have Leon later on.) Nekomaru is a good enough coach to make Leon actually enjoy practicing baseball. Just, you know, tiny baseball. Or, he's a good enough coach to identify what Leon likes and dislikes about baseball and direct him to excel in a way that emphasizes the aspects he likes.
Gundham- Toko
Another "by default" one, where breeding animals and writing romance novels are kind of close if you squint. The idea of Toko being in the care of someone like Gundham is actually super heartwarming; he would make sure she has everything she needs, he would tolerate any lashing out on her part in the same way he does the bites of his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Toko would be very unused to being so cared for and accommodated that way. If Gundham dies, Sonia will take Toko. Which...would be interesting in a lot of ways, starting with Sonia's enthusiastic interest in serial killers and Toko's romantic obsession with Sonia's assigned kouhai.
Fuyuhiko- Mondo
Both gangsters with a need to present as strong. Fuyuhiko takes it farther than Mondo does (to the point where Mondo is often protesting the things Fuyuhiko says), and they butt heads a lot, but they also have each other's backs.
Kazuichi- Chihiro
Both STEM. I feel like Chihiro would be constantly blushing about everything Kazuichi says and does, and they would also be fascinated by his work. I think it would change his whole deal for the better, if he had the constant company of someone like Chihiro. I think he would be less comfortable openly bugging Sonia if there was an underclassman sitting in the fold of his beanie.
Akane- Aoi
Athletes. Their personalities would go really well together, and Akane would be so serious about making sure Hina is okay, getting enough exercise, eating enough food, etc. It's like she has a new little sibling. Like I've mentioned, she would get a fishbowl from the market so Hina can swim when they're in the cabin. (When Hina has trouble scaling the side of the fishbowl to get in, she would teach her a few parkour tricks.) She would take her to Mikan every time she hurts herself exercising.
Sonia- Byakuya
Heirs. And it's really funny to imagine Byakuya being his cold-blooded self while he's sitting on the shoulder of someone really nice. I also like imagining Sonia trying to make a luxurious enough living space for him. Using her own jewelry to decorate, a silk scarf for bedsheets, etc. She's very proud of her handiwork.
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plumpybread · 7 months
So with your newest drawing of Makoto, are we gonna see a potential Danganronpa obesity AU? Or maybe more Leon?
When I think of making an AU for a series I like its cause I have correlating storylines and overarching plot ideas behind multiple characters/entire societies being involved in being super fat (the genshin and honkai aus and the cookie run butter epidemic). In Danganronpa's case, it's more like I have separate ideas/motives for some of the DR boys to get big instead of it all happening simultaneously, so I wouldn't say it's an actual AU, but yeah I'd love to do some more danganronpa stuff! I just don't have any strong ideas other than for Makoto...
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
Hear me out, Leon ignores Sayakas message to go to her room because after makoto got knocked out he went to the cafeteria with mukuro (as Junko) and then they begin to talk about clingy family members and stuff. And like romantic tension builds and they kiss and leon runs hid hands through her hair and the junko wig falls off... ghhh I need them
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ultimatetattletale · 26 days
Hi sorry I died for a while but I've been waiting for my computer to be fixed so I can draw pretty stuff again (yes it's taken like 6 months). Now please consider my thoughts on what animals different danganronpa characters would be
I tried to make sure there weren't any duplicates unless the characters are related and some of these I've put more thought into lol
Yasuhiro is a goat but like the fainting ones because it sounds funny and I can see him freezing up and falling over.
Junko and ikusaba are both chihuahuas because they're super cute but stereotypically people say they're little demons and that fits junko, she seems innocent but is just a big meanie. And I see ikusaba as being like a buff chihuahua who's all awkward but could eat you alive.
Makoto and Komaru are ferrets, ferrets need other ferrets for inrichment and that's basically makoto he wants friends to be happy. Also I think ferrets are very silly, I have 4 named noodle, little man, chonk, and rebel (like Starbuck).
Kyoko is a cat, I felt like a cat could match many different characters but I believe that she fits a cat the most. Cats are cute but pretty solitary also I think it matches with the fact she isn't very scary compared to some characters (ik she's like mysterious type scary and stone cold but I think she's a cutie).
Fukawa is a skunk bc she's stinky.
Byakuya is a cheetah and I thought about this quite a bit, I had a few different ideas on what to pick but honestly I think since he's blonde he's obviously a cheetah!! Duh!!
Asahina is an otter bc swimming and cute.
Sakura... I had so much trouble deciding this one ommmgg 😭 I was thinking about bigger animals and like martial arts and I was thinking about a gorilla and how they like punch their chests. It's the best I could come up with.
Leon is a weasel because I could see a weasel trying baseball and not liking it very much.
Sayaka is a panda because people love pandas and I could see a panda singing pop music.
Chihiro is a bunny because cute and small, also he's like Judy hops cuz he and her wanna prove they're stronge or smth 💪🏻
Mondo is an alligator bc grrrr scary 🐊
Hijumi is a walrus bc his lips kinda look like a walrus and he's chunky like a walrus, I thought of a hamster too but I thought it fit another character better.
Ishimaru I can see being a Labrador dog bc he's a silly little guy. He'd be the dog that barks at flys.
Celeste is a fruit bat bc vampire bat is what she wishes she was so she tries to be scary and goth but she's just a cute fuzz baby.
Nagito is a wolf bc he's literally wolf in sheep's clothing but he's also kinda cute.
Hajime is a panther who doesn't know how to be a panther, he tries to be a house cat.
Teruteru is a mouse bc ratatouille but I wanted him to be a mouse bc they're smaller and I think someone else fits the rat better.
Twogami I was thinking maybe a pig who wears cheetah fur or smth, like he wears the animal skin of what he's imitating.
Pekoyama is a gazelle bc they're coooool.
Mahiru is a red panda cuz they're small and cute and red like her hair
Soda is a rat bc I can imagine him being a sewer rat who smells bad in his silly little jumper.
Sonia is a swan bc they're elegant and pretty like a princess.
Fuyuhiko is a honey badger bc they're not very big but they give 0 fucks abt anything.
Tanaka is a Vulture and everyone's like 'whaaat a vulture taking care of hamsters???? Craaazy he'll eat them' but really he loves his little guys and would never.
Nekomaru is a lion bc team work and big.
Akane is a jaguar bc big and grrrr.
Chiaki is a sugar glider bc tiny and cute.
Saionji is the basilisk bc I can see her Jesus running on water.
Ibuki is a parrot bc caawww and repeating people and singing bird.
Mikan is a possum bc they faint when scared and that's funny haha but also I think they're cute.
Kamukura is a panther but he knows how to be a panther and doesn't wanna be a house cat like Hajime.
Shuichi is a coyote bc he ain't a big wolf but he isn't a tiny dog, he's like in the middle and he's adaptable I'd say.
Kaede is a spider monkey cuz they're like very social but can be aggressive and I think kaede is a more bold but friendly character (ignoring pregame)
Amami is idk!!! I thought about it alot and I stuck with a tortus or a super chill deer.
Maki is like a black mamba cuz they're fast and when I think of an assassin I think of snakes. Also I believe black mambas aren't super aggressive unless bothered and I think this applies to Maki. She isn't aggressive really for no reason she might be sassy sometimes but she isn't gonna throttle you for no reason at all.
Himiko is a dove bc magician.
Kiibo is a chicken bc it made me think of the robot chicken TV channel thing.
Tsumugi is a fox bc cute and pretty but sneaky and will probably give you rabies.
Kirumi is an owl because she seems wise and owls are usually depicted as wise in media.
Ryouma is a poison dart frog bc tiny but will kill you with his tennis balls.
Korekiyo is a giraffe bc tall and lanky.
Tenko is a mongoose and honestly idk why I couldn't think of anything else except maybe that lizard that's like only girls and reproduces asexually so they're all female lizards.
Angie is an African wolf dog bc they work really well when hunting and it would be her little cult of dogs.
Kaito is a border collie bc they're really smart but cute and people always assume they're dumb but they're very smart and everyone says Kaito is dumb but honestly he's gotta be smart to be an astronaut.
Kokichi is a racoon bc he's a trash panda who would also give you rabies.
Miu is a pelican bc she has a big mouth and doesn't shut upppppp!!
Gonta Is an eleghant bc usually elephants are pretty chill and they're suuuuper cute and big.
OK thanks for listening to my Ted talk I might post drawings of chiaki soon bc she's my favorite female danganronpa character and I love her
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drawbauchery · 1 year
I'm curious about the recovery timeline. Sakura and Aoi were there to help with Shuichi and Kaede. Does that mean there was quite a big gap between DR1 and DR3's killing games in this AU?
Are all of the DR1 cast recovered (as much as can be expected) by the time the DR2 cast's killing game occurred and ready to help or was there a crossover where the two classes were in the hospital together? Were there still DR1/DR2 cast members in the hospital as patients when the DR3 killing game happened or were they all out by then and ready to help with physiotherapy and whatever else?
I'm asking because I can't get over how sad it would be those who had recovered well were in one room helping another group of traumatised people with physiotherapy whilst thinking about how some of their friends are still in the hospital dealing with the same stuff.
uruhhmm...again we don't really have it mapped out yet, i'm no good at this and i'm taking a LOT of liberties so bear with me. but i think all of these are relatively close together. makoto's class is rescued by the future foundation and the ones who "died" are holed up in the hospital wing. i'm gonna say it's maybe just a few months before the remnants are captured and 2 happens.
so by the time the remnants wake up from their comas (and are also placed in the ff hospital wing because they're too messed up to take care of themselves on jabberwock) it's likely makoto's class is mostly (physically) recovered but now unable to function like they used to. leon, hifumi, & mondo especially spend the most time in and out of the hospital even when the others in their class have recovered.
v3 here is not part of a dumb meta show, it's run by a cult trying to replicate junko's "work" (dr1 was broadcast after all, and tsumugi became inspired). so i'm gonna say tsumugi started planning her masterpiece at the same time that the remnants were mucking around, during peak chaos times. right when the remnants wake from their comas in the hospital is when tsumugi streams v3.
SO. makoto's class is pretty much post-recovery while hajime & shuichi's classes share hospital time. they don't mingle much, but the survivors get to know each other and hajime takes care of the v3 class along with his own.
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
I'm so tired right now. Is 10pm at the time of sending this on my end. I DID IT THOUGH!!! Woooo. Since there are two, my blabbering won't be as long though.
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Chapter 2 is the reason why there are two of them here. Would have sent yesterday on my end but I struggled so hard on the composition here. Like, I blanked the minute there was more than 3 people. This is what I get for not looking up a reference T-T. Also, I just had no clue what to do with Leon's outfit. Like, looked references of the pre-despair pics. Like, the photos. He never wears his school uniform though!! Like, he's just allergic to it I guess. It's just so close to his og clothes in canon though so I didn't wanna just draw that. So, I tried a balance? Who knows. Maybe he just slipped on the uniform jacket cus it was closer than his regular jacket and he was just too tired to change out of it for the day. I dunno though!
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For chapter 3, this one was also a bit of a struggle since no matter what I did, I felt Chihiro didn't quite look right. Also, as you can tell, I drew Chihiro getting the hairs all ruffled. It was too cuuuuuute!! I loved that so much. That scene was adorable and also illustrated the nueance of these "mean" students. Like, I could gush more about the fic but I am just too tired unfortunately. Another thing to note that I wish to state here is that I was unsure how I should have posed Junko. I won't lie. Her posing isn't as good as it was in the first drawing. I did try and just play around with her outfit though. I liked the idea of her wearing a new bow each time cus she just has that kind of money to have each bow be different since she's just extra like that. Also, I am so sorry for what became of Byakuya's torso. It just became mush cus he's in the middle and I drew him last ;-; I'm glad I got Makoto in here though this time! He's just lost. And I totally didn't even bother to draw the troublesome trio's lunch cus I just had no clue what they'd eat. I am bad with that stuff. All I know is bad quality American school lunches and it shows -_-
AHHHH!!! Thank you!!! They're both sooo awesome!
Really love how happy Sayaka just is in that first picture. Like, they're discussing sorta serious things and she's just like "new friend!"
And the way u drew the second picture is sooo cute! Love the fact that Junko had a different hairstyle this time around- she would so be like that!!
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nite-puff · 1 year
OKAY! So I checked out the snippets for the thh fan musical that is currently in development and I gotta say that I’m liking what I’m hearing so far.
So in case anyone else wants to hear them too, I made a list of links to each snippet. I also labeled them in case there’s a specific song or character anyone wants to hear about. I’ll also include the titles of the songs if I see that they have them (which doesn’t mean that some songs are actually untitled. The titles might’ve just not be revealed yet, or I haven’t found them).
First off, I’m just gonna put a link to the creator’s tiktok account because there’s still more than what I’m going to be covering here. Stuff like updates, introducing the actors, and songs for other dangan installments.
Alright, now to the songs (in no particular order):
- “A Million Lifetimes Away”: A Byakuya solo song that sounds like it details on his backstory.
- “Killer School Life”: A song sung by Monokuma as he introduces the concept of the killing game to the students.
- “Turn it Around”: The “trial 1” song. It sounds like it’s sung when the class suspects Makoto of killing Sayaka, and other classmates (mainly Kyoko) try to push the suspicion off of him.
- Untitled Kyoko song: Like the Byakuya song, the snippet covers Kyoko’s backstory. It also sounds like it may be a duet with Makoto (who joins in at the end).
- Untitled Celeste song: Sounds like it’s Celeste trying to defend herself during the third class trial. It sounds like the song will go over her breakdown.
- Untitled Sauna Battle song: The Mondo and Kiyotaka duet. The snippet takes place before the actual battle, so it’s the two airing their grievances with each other. It even has a double-entendre that could be seen as a sexual innuendo.
- “Deep End”: An Aoi solo song. Sounds like it’s Aoi expressing her mentality throughout the killing game and how she’s struggling to stay optimistic through it.
- Untitled Chihiro song: Takes place during Chihiro and Mondo’s meetup in the locker room. Chihiro sings about her appearance and identity and how she’s struggled with it.
And while we’re at it-
- Untitled Mondo song/reprise: A reprise of the song above but sung by Mondo. Sounds like it takes place after he’s discovered as the blackened during the class trial. He sings about the night of the race and how he sees himself as weak.
Side Note: I don’t know how exactly the musical is going to approach Chihiro’s identity, but it sounds like they’ll be deviating from the game in that regard. Because it sounds like at least Mondo still refers to her with she/her pronouns after everything is discovered. Just thought I’d share that bit of info for the people wondering.
Back to the list:
- “Soundproof”: A Sayaka and Leon duet. Takes place during the actual attack and murder and illustrates both of their thoughts during it.
- “World Ended”: The Junko villain song. Mainly details Junko’s backstory and explains how she found everything super boring so she destroyed it.
- Untitled opening number: Like it says, it’s the opening number! Everyone sings about how great Hope’s Peak is and how they’re so excited to be attending.
- “My Sacrifice”: The Sakura solo song. Takes place during Sakura’s confrontation with Monokuma, and she sings about how she’ll start to fight back to stop the killing game.
- Untitled Trial 4 song: Like the other trial song, it’s a musical rendition of something like a non-stop debate. The snippet itself goes over the whole “Byakuya, Toko, and Hiro being suspects” thing.
- Another Kyoko song: I don’t think it’s the same as the other Kyoko song mentioned earlier. If I had to guess, I think it takes place when Kyoko and Makoto find Jin’s skeleton in the box.
- Untitled Toko song: Toko sings about needing to repress Syo and not letting her “take the wheel.” The snippet also briefly goes over her backstory.
- Untitled Hiro song: Silly Hiro song that doesn’t have anything to do with the plot. It’s him going on about his conspiracy theories (like how ghosts and aliens are real). There’s also an earlier version of it on the account that has some dialogue at the beginning if people are interested in checking it out.
And lastly, I thought I’d just group these four together. Monokuma sings a little song before each execution. They’re all similar with some lyrical and instrumental changes based on who’s getting executed and what they did:
Trial One- Leon
Trial Two- Mondo
Trial Three- Celeste
Trial Four- Alter Ego
And that should be it! I hope I got them all. By the looks of it, they’ll be going along the lines of the game/anime itself instead of the stageplay in terms of story. And there still should be a few more songs since the gofundme mentioned there will be 24 tracks, and this list only has 21.
The cast album has been recorded and is currently still being edited. I don’t know if any of the songs on this list have changed in the span of time between the snippets being uploaded and the actual recording of the songs. But I’m excited to see how it will turn out.
Until then, if you’re interested in the project, I recommend going over the creator’s account and giving them some support. It sounds like this is coming from a place a passion, and talented creators and performers are working to make this a great product.
Anyways, that’s it from me!
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thelittleghoul · 2 days
.˚🕸️๋࣭ Welcome To The Cemetery˚🕸️๋࣭
Master list coming soon!!
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⋆˚˖ Rules ⋆˚˖
I will not write
• Incest, pedo, detailed SA or anything that’s in the proship category and do not want that on my page!
• NSFW agere in anyway that’s ✨nasty✨
•SH in detail (very triggering for me)
•Pregnancy (just something I don’t know/have a lot of interest in writing sorry)
•Yandere (feels weird and icky to write and I don’t want to romanticize that stuff)
•Addiction in detail (a trigger)
•Smut (Maybe in the future but for now I’m not comfortable in writing that)
Thin Ice but I will write
•SH as long as it’s not too detailed (example “I have scars from SH.”)
•I can mention SA briefly if I am writing about trauma and or symptoms that stem for traumatic events like SA but that’s it (example “I don’t like physical touch do to SA.”)
•I will mention addiction but again not in detail (again a trigger)
I will write
•SFW agere
•Mental and physical health/conditions (I am not an expert but I will research and study before writing anything I do not know/have a lot of knowledge about!)
•Headcanons and one shots can be non x reader
•I prefer headcanons but I will definitely do one shots as well!
POC and any culture and background (with research!!)
⋆˚˖ Fandoms and Characters I will write ⋆˚˖
⋆˚˖ MHA ⋆˚˖
•Izuku Midoriya
•Katsuki Bakugo
•Shoto Todoroki
•Eijiro Kirishima
•Denki Kaminari
•Hanta Sero
•Tenya Iida
•Kyoka Jiro
•Mina Ashido
•Ochaco Uraraka
•Momo Yaoyorozu
•Fumikage Tokoyami
•Mashirao Ojiro
•Toru Hagakure
•Minoru Mineta (only with a redemption arch lol)
•Mezo Shoji
•Tsuyu Asui
•Koji Koda
•Shota Aizawa
•Present Mic
•All Might
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa THH ⋆˚˖
•Makoto Naegi
•Kyoko Kirigiri
•Byakuya Togami
•Celestia Ludenberg
•Chihiro Fujisaki
•Aoi Asahina
•Kiyotaka Ishimaru
•Leon Kuwata
•Mondo Owada
•Mukuro Ikusaba
•Sakura Ogami
•Sayaka Maizono
•Yasuhiro Hagakure
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa V2 ⋆˚˖
•Hajime Hinata
•Nagito Komaeda
•Peko Pekoyama
•Sonia Nevermind
•Nekomaru Nidai
•Mikan Tsumiki
•Mahiru Koizumi
•Kazuichi Soda (Not as a simp)
•Ibuki Mioda
•Akane Owari
•Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
•Chiaki Nanami
•Gundham Tanaka
⋆˚˖ Danganronpa V3 ⋆˚˖
•Shuichi Saihara
•Kaede Akamastu
•Rantaro Amami
•Korekiyo Shinguji (not writing about his backstory or him with his sister)
•Angie Yonaga
•Gonta Gokuhara
•Kokichi Oma
•Kaito Momota
•Kirumi Tojo
•Maki Harukawa
•Ryoma Hoshi
•Tenko Chabashira
⋆˚˖ TMNT 2012 ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
⋆˚˖ ROTTMNT ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
•April O’Neil
⋆˚˖ TMNT Bayverse ⋆˚˖
•All four brothers
•April O’Neil
•Casey Joan’s
⋆˚˖ About Me ⋆˚˖
Hi!! I’m the little ghoul! I’m autistic, a agere and part of the LGBTQ community! I’m from Canada and I am currently in school (I am a minor) I am doing this for fun and would love for people to send requests!! I am so happy to do this and I hope all of you like my work in the future thanks so much!! ♡
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rainbow-crane · 4 months
What's the canon FTE theory, explain it in full detail, rant, ramble!!! :0
okay so basically canon FTE theory is the theory that all FTEs have a spot in the canon that takes place over the course of Trigger Happy Havoc to some capacity, whether they happen with Makoto or not. Each character has specific characters they speak to in order for these FTEs to carry out as well, aligning with the events of the game.
For example, Toko's FTEs would canonically be carried out with Makoto, as immediately after maxing out the Toko FTEs you "lose" a potential FTE slot to Toko approaching Makoto specifically to wingman for her with Byakuya, even going so far as to say that she hopes Makoto will know the feeling of being in love one day, something exceedingly out of character for her at this point in time unless there's been an active effort to get to know her.
Another good example of this would be Sakura's FTEs, which would almost definitely be carried out with Hina. Her FTEs consist of her slowly opening up about the history of her martial arts training and eventually talking about her relationship with Kenshiro, all stuff that would be shared with an extremely close friend. And considering that not only do we know for a fact Hina and Sakura spend a lot of one-on-one time together during the game, they also canonically have entire sleepovers and Sakura admits to having considered admitting being the traitor to Hina in chapter 4.
Mondo's FTEs were most likely spent with Taka, during and after the sauna incident. Though to be honest, his first one probably could've happened even before then. The idea of Taka panicking at the idea of getting on a delinquent's motorcycle and Mondo fucking with him a little bit fits their dynamic pre-sauna.
I'm pretty sure Sayaka's, Toko's, Kyoko's, Jack's and Byakuya's all happen through Makoto. I'm still debating on some of the placements for the others, but I'm fairly confident a good few (Chihiro, Sakura, Hiro) happen through Hina specifically. Mukuro's are the only FTEs that likely don't happen at all, but that's purely because we know for a fact they happen in DR: IF and are only completable in school mode anyway.
Obviously I don't think they all translate over 1:1 but I think the major points of the FTEs are likely things the characters would've expressed to the people they felt closer to. Like, did Celeste yap to Hifumi about the magic of luck they both had? No, because Makoto is the one who's got the title Ultimate Lucky Student. Do I think she'd let him exist around her long enough to earn his undying loyalties and falsely declare him C Class? Absolutely. That's basically the idea of FTE theory; not a perfect translation, but the FTEs exist to give us an idea of what's happening in the characters' heads we as an audience wouldn't get to see ourselves. I'll list who I think goes with who for reference
Sayaka- Makoto
Mukuro- DR IF
Leon- Mondo
Chihiro- Hina
Mondo- Taka
Taka- Hina
Hifumi- Alter Ego
Celeste- Hifumi
Sakura- Hina
Hiro- Hina
Hina- Sakura
Toko- Makoto
Jack- Makoto
Kyoko- Makoto
Byakuya- Makoto
A lot of them are kind of just "when in doubt, it's probably Hina" bc Hina is just so cool like that
I still need to do the proper math bc there are 19 FTE slots in Trigger Happy Havoc. I'm 100% confident on the ones that happen with Makoto bc I've tested the numbers but not so sure on the others; a lot of variables to consider with some characters not being available at some points and some being limited due to. ya know. Dying
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imaginehappyhavoc · 8 days
EuImagine the boys' reaction when you (female reader) have dark humor for jokes XD.
F I would really like all the boys, especially Chihiro!
Pairing: thh boys x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: Dark humor and everything that comes with it (Death, violence, self deprecation, etc.)
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Makoto Naegi:
♡ Honestly just. So startled.
♡ The first time you made a joke like that, he jolted in his seat, and turned to look at you with the widest eyes.
♡ It catches him so off guard every time. He has no idea what to do.
♡ Does he laugh? Did he think it was funny? He has no clue.
♡ He usually just ends up freezing, which only makes you laugh harder. The look on his face is priceless.
Byakuya Togami (platonic):
♡ He’ll never admit it, but he thinks you’re hilarious.
♡ Every time you make a joke about a tragic event in history, you can see him purse his lips as he tries so hard not to laugh.
♡ This inevitably leads to teasing on your end. “C’mon, you’re smiling! You think it’s funny!”
♡ He just rolls his eyes and keeps reading whatever lame ass book he’s got this time.
♡ Later though, when he’s alone in his dorm, he’ll think back to your jokes, and let himself have a laugh.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
♡ His jaw drops. Doesn’t matter how many times you do it, he’s shocked at your audacity.
♡ He thinks your jokes are funny, but it takes him a solid fifteen seconds to get over the surprise before he laughs.
♡ You two just stare at each other, his eyes wide as you wait eagerly for his response.
♡ Eventually, he gives a little “snrk” and starts giggling.
♡ His reaction is every bit worth the wait, in your opinion.
Leon Kuwata:
♡ This man is wheezing; he thinks you’re so funny.
♡ The most fun is when he’s eating or drinking, cause he’ll choke up and start laughing in the middle of it every time.
♡ He’ll always say something along the lines of “Baby, you can’t just say stuff like that!”
♡ But he’ll be the first to admit the joke was funny.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
♡ Oh they hate it. Especially if you like to make self deprecating jokes.
♡ They’ll whip around to look at you. Then, very slowly, their eyes start misting up with tears.
♡ They’re chronically compassionate. They just can’t stand it when you talk about yourself like that!
♡ They’ll say, in the most pitiful voice imaginable: “Please don’t… don’t sa-say that…”
♡ This turns into you giving them the righted hug, and reassuring them that you didn’t mean it.
Mondo Owada:
♡ He loves dark humor! He makes jokes like that all the time.
♡ Needless to say, he thinks you’re the funniest girl on the planet.
♡ His friends will tease him about laughing at every joke you make, but he doesn’t care. A funny joke is a funny joke.
♡ All this hinges on whether or not you’re talking about yourself or not.
♡ God forbid you make a joke about harming yourself. He’ll turn around and give you the biggest earful of your life.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
♡ He thinks it’s hilarious, and he hates it.
♡ Every time you make a dark joke, he’ll give a single, barking laugh before slapping his hand over his mouth.
♡ He knows he shouldn’t think it’s funny, but give him a break! He’s been through a lot.
♡ It takes him a little bit to laugh openly at your jokes. He doesn’t quite understand the whole “coping with humor” thing.
♡ He’ll get there eventually. Be patient.
Hifumi Yamada (platonic):
♡ Hifumi, surprisingly, doesn’t even bat an eye before he starts laughing.
♡ He knows his audience well, and sometimes includes humor akin to yours in his stories.
♡ Sometimes, to be funny, he’ll pretend to clutch his pearls in horror.
♡ After he’s got most of the giggles out, he’ll say something like “You know, if you keep saying things like that, you’re going to get punched one day.”
♡ He knows that doesn’t bother you a bit. It would be so worth it.
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theamityelf · 4 months
ignore this if you’ve already said something like this, but do you have any headcannons on Danganronpa characters with Percy Jackson godly parents.
Oooh, so like the inverse of my PJO Danganronpa AU! I haven't done that yet. I'm torn between just giving a straightforward, in-a-vacuum answer for this, and fully migrating the characters into the Percy Jackson universe and letting that inform my answer. I'm doing the latter now, but you can send another ask if you want "in a vacuum". Also, I might have a different answer if I think about it longer.
Makoto- I think I want him to be a mortal, for this. I think I want it to be a Rachel situation, where he accidentally ends up involved in a quest with some of the demigods, and then he gains godly powers of some kind as a reward or consequence of helping them. I see him interning for a god, after everything is over. Maybe he's an operator for Iris. Very humble beginnings, is what I'm saying. It's wild that he keeps having a pivotal role in saving the world, and showing up in prophecies, and being approached by the gods themselves. He's not innately powerful; they just think he's neat. If I had to give him a godly parent, though, it'd probably be Hestia. Even as a mortal, I might say he has the blessing of Hestia...which is a thing I just made up, btw. If Hestia has any equivalent for Artemis's Hunters, he's one. Just a person who hangs out with Hestia and doing hero stuff with the blessings of Hestia. Instead of Artemis's values of wilderness, archery, etc., he champions Hestia's values of home, hearth, family, and safety. I feel like he's been offered immortality but turned it down. (Side option: he's a satyr. Not what I'm going with, but it's an option.)
Sayaka- My first thought is Apollo, for the arts and music, but I'm also feeling her as an Aphrodite kid who can charmspeak. Yeah, I think Aphrodite for her. Her skills as a singer and dancer are her own.
Leon- Oh gosh. Gotta be Apollo, I guess. Baseball = archery. He does both. And he thinks he can tap into his dad's musical gifts without any respect for them, which is why he fails.
Mukuro- Ares. And she has the same mortal mother as Junko. (An argument could be made for Athena, but I'm going with Ares.)
Junko- I like Dionysus's association with madness and frivolity, for her, and I do want to go with a god or goddess who very much isn't about what Junko is about, just to keep from letting her unique vibe be lost to some hand-wave about godly inheritance. I don't want to go with one of the scary-sounding ones. (Plus, if this were taking place in Camp Half-Blood, which I doubt it actually is, being the daughter of the camp director would allow her to avoid scrutiny in a lot of ways.) That's my in-a-vacuum answer. But...I think the not-in-a-vacuum answer has to be Apollo. First of all, he's Apollo in both Greek and Roman form; she has access to both "camps" in a way many don't. Second of all, I like the idea that she has a twisted version of Apollo's gifts. The gift of prophecy is the tedium of foresight. The gift of sunrise is the curse of waking– the inevitable end of comfort. The gift of art is a deadly creativity. No one thinks to pay that much attention to another Apollo kid; Apollo has lots of kids! But she's secretly very dangerous.
Chihiro- Ooh! Ooh! Hecate. Besides being the goddess of magic, she's also the goddess of crossroads, which fits Chihiro's personality and talent. (Like, imagine a computer program as a set of crossroads. Each branch of an if statement, etc.) Also, it would be cool if Chihiro can do magic.
Mondo- That has to be Hermes, right? He looks like an Ares kid, but travel and outcasts are way more in Hermes' domain. Mondo would love to have winged shoes.
Taka- For some reason I'm really getting Demeter vibes. If pressed to defend it, I can imagine someone wondering how someone so "uptight" could have a nature goddess as a mom, since nature is so chaotic, and Taka responding that animals are chaotic, but argiculture and crops are very orderly and precise. There is a right and wrong time to sow anything, a right and wrong time to reap anything. Oh, I think I'm getting Demeter from his "staple food source" line. That's it.
Hifumi- Another Apollo.
Celeste- So many ways to go about this. First of all, do I want one she would be proud of and lean into, or one she would be embarrassed by and overcompensate for? Right away, I'm feeling Dionysus for her. I even said in one of my "Kamukura Wrangler AU" posts that her eyes are wine-colored, and her self-indulgence just seems so great for Dionysus. But Nike would also be a cool one, both for her Ultimate and for how much she would hate being associated with the sports shoe brand. I can imagine a gag where Celeste proudly says "I am a daughter of Nike," and Aoi cheerfully replies, "Oooh, I love Nike's!" Celeste would be so annoyed. I genuinely can't choose; they're both so great.
Sakura- I'm not feeling Ares at all. I can see Athena, but...Sakura's strength isn't really for war. She works hard and strives for excellence, but she's a practitioner of martial arts for their own sake, not to exert them over people outside the constraints of sanctioned contest. I'm not feeling a war god for her. If I were going to put her anywhere, she'd be partway between the strategy/wisdom aspect of Athena (so, more Minerva) and the arts aspect of Apollo. I think what I'll say is that she's a daughter of Deimos, god of fear and dread, which manifests in the way others react to her. The effect wears off if someone takes the time to try to feel anything for her but fear, but a lot of people don't. She herself is very peaceable and kind, and she values her friendship with anyone who doesn't fear her.
Aoi- I think Nike makes maybe the most sense, but I'm going to give her Poseidon because I want to. Despite being able to breathe underwater, she usually holds her breath while swimming, because she likes to. She finds the challenge thrilling. If she's breathing underwater, it's usually for social reasons like talking to fish or sea nymphs. And having her intelligence underestimated is very Percy Jackson of her.
Byakuya- Oh, I'm torn. My first thought was Hades, specifically because he would be insufferable if he was a child of the Big Three (though Pluto would be more apt, because riches), but in keeping with his mortal family's whole deal, and my aim for the THH group to all be in the Greek pantheon, I think Athena is the fit for him. His father is still a Togami; Byakuya was given to his father by Athena, born from her head. That's part of his justification for his inflated sense of his own competency. Not only is he the Togami heir; he's also a son of Athena. Imagine canon Byakuya if his mother was also a goddess. He's going to be insufferable, and I'm fine with that.
Kyoko- She...So the thing is, she...She said she can hear the footsteps of the god of death, and...Once again, I'm tempted to say Hades, or perhaps Thanatos. I'll go a different way with it, though; I feel like making her dad a god feels too close to outsourcing her feelings of abandonment from Jin onto the inherent premise of the Percy Jackson universe, and I don't want to do that. Jin has to just be a mortal absentee father. (Although daughter-of-the-god-of-death Kyoko would be so, so cool in a vacuum. And her gloves could be partially because her touch can kill. AHHH!) I'm going to say Nyx. Goddess of night. Helpful for a detective (like, she can probably see in the dark and stuff), but not fully making her detective skills a direct byproduct of her godly parentage. Plus, Nyx is the mother of Thanatos, meaning her hearing the footsteps of the god of death can still be relevant. The real question is how Jin had a kid with night itself.
Toko- It's either gonna be Apollo or Aphrodite, and I'm going with Aphrodite. Toko would have a field day with "What? You've never seen such an ugly daughter of Aphrodite?!" But also exposure therapy for her deep resentment of attractive people. They're her siblings, and they care about her and defend her, even if she's kind of sour.
Hiro- Gotta be Apollo. He's great at random day-to-day prophecy.
Hajime- I'm thinking he's also a mortal who something supernatural happened to. Maybe he was chosen as the Oracle of Delphi, or maybe he was abducted and given trace amounts of ambrosia until something weird happened to him (to create Izuru). Maybe both. Whatever the case, the answer is none, lol. I'm feeling "bored Oracle" for him.
Imposter- Um, Janus. God of beginnings, gates/doorways/transitions, time, duality, and endings. Initially, I said this because Janus is depicted with two faces and that seemed fitting for an imposter, but I think the focus on choices and transitions also suits someone whose sense of self is so fluid.
Teruteru- I think it's gotta be Bacchus for him.
Mahiru- I wish I could give her Iris, but I want this cast (except Hajime) to be Roman! So I'll say Minerva.
Peko- Bellona. Same/similar backstory with Fuyuhiko, though; she's just a demigod who got abandoned and left with a well-known family of demigods.
Hiyoko- I'm giving her Apollo for now, but I'm open to changing that.
Ibuki- Discordia, goddess of discord and troublemaking. (As you can see, I like giving the most dangerous people benign ones and vice versa.) Ibuki likes noise, she values her own uniqueness, and just generally I think this one works for her.
Mikan- Gotta be Apollo, for the healing. This means she and Hiyoko would be half-siblings, which certainly paints their relationship in an interesting way.
Nekomaru- You know what? I'll give him Jupiter. His eyebrows are lightning, and I never give him attention in my other AUs, so he can have Jupiter.
Gundham- I am feeling Diana for him. Yes, I know, but still. It's cool. The wilderness, the moon, it all just suits his vibe so well. The impact this would have on his backstory is manageable. Everything said to be the case about his mother can just be about a human step-mother.
Nagito- I kind of want to make him the Octavian equivalent. Like, a legacy of Apollo who serves as the Roman augur. Parallels with Hajime being the Oracle on the Greek side. He has a unique relationship with Fortuna that parallels Makoto's unique relationship with Hestia.
Chiaki- Going with Somnus, god of sleep. She has the ability to make others tired, but she chooses not to use it like that. Mostly, she exercises her power over herself so that she can power nap frequently and stay up all night playing video games.
Akane- I feel complicated feelings about saying this, but I really think Venus for her. The reason I feel complicated about it is that it feels too close to giving the people who mistreated her in her life a magical excuse, but I feel like even ignoring that whole aspect of her backstory, she doesn't read to me as a daughter of a war god or goddess; she reads as a passionately emotional person who is inured to hardship/loss and values strength as a result of the environment in which she was brought up.
Fuyuhiko- I'm going to say he's a distant legacy of Pluto and a direct son of Minerva. This would make him half-siblings with Mahiru.
Sonia- Daughter of Pluto. It would be cool if she could summon gems and precious metals. And she would also enjoy speaking with the dead.
Kazuichi- Gotta be Vulcan.
Kaede- I almost didn't go with Apollo just because I said it so many times, but then I remembered that moment in Chapter 6 where the in-universe lore suddenly decided that Kaede had a twin, just to service a bait-and-switch about her being another Junko, and with that in mind, her also being a daughter of Apollo is just more of a connection to Junko.
Shuichi- I am feeling Nemesis for Shuichi. Goddess of retribution, evening the scales. It fits his kind of...simple? Way of viewing the world, where punitive justice isn't something that he enjoys, but rather something that he finds inevitable.
Rantaro- Hermes, certainly. The travel aspect, the social aspect.
Ryoma- He's a Nike, I think. He is burdened by victory and excellence.
Kirumi- If anyone gets Hera or Juno, it would be her. I think I will say Vesta, though. The Roman form of Hestia. She is less blessed by Vesta than burdened with the compulsion to satisfy everyone.
Angie- Ooooh, despite the obvious connections between Apollo and art, I'm feeling Morpheus for her: she knows everyone's dreams. Her art skills are just a separate thing where she practiced and got good at a genuine hobby of hers. Her demigod abilities are her insights into the minds, wants, and fears of others. Also, I'm going to say she has frequent waking dreams and waking nightmares, because it feels right for her whole vibe.
Tenko- I wanted to go Athena or Bellona, but I think I'm actually feeling Mars for her. She probably becomes a Huntress of Artemis, or works under Circe.
Korekiyo- I checked to make sure the Muses count as goddesses, and it seems they do. Therefore, I'm going with Clio, Muse of history.
Miu- Gotta go Hephaestus.
Gonta- I feel like it's got to be either Apollo or Athena for him. I'll say Athena, since his devotion to a particular study reads as an Athena kid trait to me.
Kokichi- There is a part of me that really wants to say Hermes. But I think I'll say Dionysus. Dionysus is the god of wine, parties, madness, chaos, and the theater. I think a lot of that energy is what Kokichi both thrives on and languishes in– especially theater.
Kaito- Is Astraios too obvious? He's getting Astraios. He feels drawn to the stars, and I don't think he loses anything if that feeling becomes supernatural.
Maki- Okay, she'll be a daughter of Thanatos. But she lies about it at first. And she can kill someone with a touch, but only if she chooses to, so touching her is an act of trust. (Cue sentimental moment where one of her friends, probably Kaito, touches her arm or something and she's surprised.)
Himiko- I kind of want to be subversive and not say Hecate, but I will actually give her Hecate. She would be really proud of it.
Kiibo- Well, he's a robot. Maybe an automaton made by a child of Hephaestus or Vulcan.
Tsumugi- She gets Janus, too.
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At the beggining of the year (i would say like two months after they arrived), Sayaka mentioned to Taka that the school uniform's jackets are way too small for her chest. Him being like "i get it it's too small for me too, my father accidently bought a smaller size than i'm supposed to wear".
Leon, back then having a crush on Sayaka, telling Hifumi that he is kinda worried Sayaka's uniform buttons are gonna go bye bye. Hifumi being like Nah don't worry dude that only happens in weird anime and stuff like that
And he was, like half right because not even a minutes later while Taka is stretching a bit because he sat down for too long and he's back hurt- JUST POP HE'S FUCKING UNIFORM BUTTON.
Sure it was the first one but he CRIED about that, thinking that he ruined the uniform he's dad brough him and that he didn't have the money for the thread. All the girls (+Chihiro) try to reasure him while the guys are in the back
Leon : ... Yamada-kun, what happened when what i said earlier happen but to a guy ?
Hifumi : I-I'm not sure Mister Kuwata...
Makoto : S-Should we go help him or something ??
Mondo : *brain has stopped working please try again later, blushing too*
Hiro : Damn, Kiyotaks will need to resew that one in place later...
Byakuya : *blushing and alredy planning on paying for Taka's uniform.*
PFFFFF, bro's tits were too big the button went bye-bye. But, damn, hate it when shirts are tight. Thank God the shirts with buttons that I own are usually male sizes so there's a little bit of breathing room and the buttons won't give out. But I have had tight ass button up shirts (which sucked because I really liked that Deadpool button up.) Thank God it's an anime thing...*nervously looks it up*
The poor button. Poor Taka, lol. Don't worry, Taka, you can easily sew it back on with some good ol' thread that one of us might own! It's cheap, anyways.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
Sorry, same ask as the fanfic one but I want to continue telling more about this fic so basically the plot is they were teleported to a place to watch the future and after the 1st chapter Kyoko confront Sayaka about her framing Makoto, and got mad at her and stuff and she didn't even mention what she did to Leon. So basically they've also change lots of dialogue... And about the bath scene, Makoto thoughts about the bath scene wasn't mentioned and how the scene also changed of instead of him willing peeking through, he was dragged by and force to see the girls. Also apparently Sayaka in the fanfic purposely flirts with Makoto and give the other girls with crushes 'sly smile' and giving them a 'murderous aura of jealousy' and Mukuro called Sayaka a 'vixen' and they always defend Makoto even tho what the others said were a bit of teasing (etc Leon teasing Makoto about him referring Sayaka as a doll and Sayaka suddenly quips back)
Please remember, no hate to the original creator of the novel!
Okay so this is literally one of those "gacha life danganronpa reacts to the future" with more plot. Alright let me break this down word by word. /hj
"Kyoko confront Sayaka about her framing Makoto, and got mad at her and stuff" - Okay so that's OOC for both of them because 1. Kyoko wouldn't be the one to try and change the course of the future, unless she really liked Sayaka, but later it's shown that Sayaka is mean to her and the others. and 2. Sayaka isn't mean? She knows the future, and it must mean she knows she's on national tv and being watched, she wouldn't let her idol mask drop just like that for being accused of a murder she is later to attempt.
"she didn't even mention what she did to Leon." - If Kyoko was trying to save Sayaka who she wasn't close with why would she not try and save Leon too?
"And about the bath scene, Makoto thoughts about the bath scene wasn't mentioned and how the scene also changed of instead of him willing peeking through, he was dragged by and force to see the girls." - ooc because he did it in canon, it's fine if it's like... Hifumi being reluctant to see ("I'm only into 2D!") <- but it would work because he has so many other flaws. Throughout the course of THH we get to see like... 3 flaws from Makoto. Number One: The bath scene, which is his biggest flaw. Number Two: "he's too trusting" <- that's not even a fucking flaw bro and Number Three: He's willing to let Byakuya step all over him and bully him. Removing the bath scene removes his biggest flaw, and if girls are around him all the time Byakuya won't get a chance to be a little bitch. So techincally, Makoto is a Y/N self insert character.
"Also apparently Sayaka in the fanfic purposely flirts with Makoto and give the other girls with crushes 'sly smile'" - Okay goddam. Take a look at this sprite set.
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DO ANY OF THESE GIVE YOU "mean girl vibes" OR "She's sly" OR "boyfriendkisserIthoughtshewasmyfriendwehadagoodtimebutnowI'mgonnamissherBOYFRIENDKISSER" (<- TDWT) vibes??? NO. NONE OF THESE PORTRAY SAYAKA LIKE THAT! NONE!
"'murderous aura of jealousy'"
Ah yes, a murderous aura of jealousy!
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"Mukuro called Sayaka a 'vixen' and they always defend Makoto even tho what the others said were a bit of teasing" - WHY WOULD MUKURO START BEEF WITH ANYBODY IF SHE HAS SEEN THE FUTURE AND KNOWS SHE'S GOING TO DIE TO JUNKO?! WOULDN'T SHE WANT TO STAY SAFE?!
Okay so this whole fic is OOC and they turned MAKOTO into the dating sim protagonist. (Like I was watching a stream yesterday at the streamer was like "Oh I thought it was a dating sim, chat how old are these people?") like, they're teenagers they want to survive and see their parents again, NOT FAWN OVER A GUY THEY JUST MET-
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