#i like to ramble
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here's the rest of the oc ask meme, I just ended up filling out the rest of it for fun and I figured I wouldn't get anymore asks anyway so I'll just dump it all here. under the cut bc its long
Describe your OC physically- what do they look like? What notable features do they have, or what’s your favorite part of their design?
Neera- Neera's a pale bitch, she wears sunscreen every single day because she HATES getting sunburnt, that shit is SO annoying literally leave her alone. She has never given a shit about her hair but she doesn't cut it because she can't be bothered and it's a waste of money in opinion so she just throws it up and out of the way all the time but like sometimes she uses it as bait, like when bailey's trying to beat her ass for flaking out on payment, he always grabs her hair and that means he's not putting his hands anywhere else. Notable features would be uhhh her ahoge! i kinda use it as an indication of her emotional state in a very minor way? it wasnt intended at first but i started to notice i would draw it a certain way in her more lewd drawings so im making it a thing now As for fav part of her design, i think id say eyes because they're easy to draw and her expression usually remains the same blank/stoic one and its becoming muscle memory and i dont have to struggle with it lmao
Avis- When starting his save I went LARGE BODY immediately bc ive never played with it before and it has been LIFE CHANGING, BRO HE KICKS ASS IN GAME, so uh, he's tall and built, that's canon now, i was gonna do plain black hair but then my brain went "what if purple color theme tho" bc i like to color code my ocs so its like an dark midnight fig/eggplant color with the highlights because i liked it. anyway his eyes are like so black you can only see his pupil from like melee distance which means you are a target now, sorry there's no escaping now, and there's no reason in particular for this color except i like it on male chars a lot, i think its hot Notable features, not to be obvious points at fox tf. and ofc his demon tf, but he hides that because when it comes to ppl who can see his tf's, some of them will just look back and forth between them like, two things on head, two tails what- and he really just went, pick ONE so i wanna say demon tf generally only shows when he's using his demonic abilities or he's too horny to control it fav design-- EARS AND TAIL SORRY TO BE A FREAK BUT i wanna pet him, my fuzzy little bastard and i think he would kill me for it. it was def a struggle trying to figure out how to draw them at first but i think i figured it out, i cannot recall any other ocs i have that have animal ears WHICH IS SAD BC THEY'RE FUN but a lot of my ocs are set in universes where uhh those are impossible so i purposefully hunted for fox tf for him bc i wanted it and i thought it would make him hot
What is their stance on religion? Are they a devout believer, against the idea of gods, or somewhere in between? Do they make their practice or their opinions public, or keep it private?
Neera- Neera is an initiate on a technicality, uhh she has her virginity and she wanted to do the trial of purity to kind of… work on her pain tolerance? so she can hold off longer when she's assaulted (in game reason is to raise willpower) and also she'll take the free money once a month. she's not going to care about her grace increasing or decreasing simply because she's using the temple for her own benefit, but internally she kind of despises it as a system, considering how many times she's gotten molested by a member of the church just by literally going in there (lichen, geting the artifact from the rooms) and she's like "you fucking hypocrites" this is another instance of her NOT giving a shit about being a tattletale and goes to tell jordan and just never goes into the temple unless absolutely necessary
Avis- The temple is a JOKE to Avis, these guys preach about purity and and the innate goodness of humans and hes somewhere in the back, rolling his eyes and gagging (or fucking a cute nun who thought she could take advantage of him and instead gets railed in one of the pews) bro is so cynical and doesn't hide it. They're either snakes just like him or they're naive little bugs he has NO interest in interacting with
How do they act when they’re sick, and does it change depending on who they’re around or how sick they are?
Neera- "I don't get sick." shoves her out of the way Yes she does, see Neera likes to present the image of her having no weaknesses, but she can and does get sick. Not very often simply because she's neurotic about preventitive measures but when she DOES get sick she DISAPPEARS, she will lock herself away and just perservere until she's fine again. She does not want anyone seeing her in a weak state because then they'll take advantage of her ofc, what tf else would they do
Avis- This man… becomes even BITCHIER when he's sick if you can believe it. if he doesn't feel good it is now the problem of EVERYONE in his vicinity, note: he is not any less invulnerable, in fact he now has less of an interest of making a game out of you if you bother him, he will simply destroy you. If high love/relationship with him in general he would want to be taken care of, only in the sense of, "ofc you should take care of me, who else plays with you so well?" He really becomes the worlds most annoying man and somehow his ego is even more present in this state
Neera- Weak to both, she overheats so easily, she will go out of her way to not spend time outdoors when its hotter than 80 F (26C), because she hates sweating. She doesnt like being in the sun either. Cold is one she prefers, like her ideal room temp is low 70s (20C) cause she can just throw on a jacket or snuggle in a blanket. She fucking hates snow however, thinks its a mushy mess and forces her to wear socks when she's sleeping because her hands and feet become ICE cold easily
Avis- He has no preference towards one or the other. His tail provides him warmth is he's somwhere cold for too long, but his clothes are decent enough for that so it's usually just him shoving his hand into the fur if his hands get too cold for his liking. And when it comes to the heat, bro will take any opportunity to do away with his clothes. He's a showoff with a huge ego, and likes when people ogle him.
Share a sentence of dialogue from your OC that you think represents them well.
Neera- I don't think I have actual dialogue written for her in anything specific (yet) So unfortunately this one will have to come in the future
Avis- "I could make things really fun for you if you'd like. All you have to do is agree to be my toy. I promise to treat you well. (lie)"
What does their bed and/or desk look like? Tidy or cluttered - are they both the same, or is one neat and the other messy?
Neera- Organized clutter for both. Her desk is where she keeps almost all of her frequently used materials- books, sewing supplies, letters from her mother, school assignments, etc. The same can be said for her bed. This is her place of comfort and kind of a 'sacred' space to her as she doesn't let people in her room willingly unless she trusts them. Her bed is the ultimate form of that. She has many pillows and comfortable blankets and plush toys she sleeps against at night, (in my head this lowers her trauma hen she sleeps in her bed without interruption) and she okayed the money spent in the knowledge that it brings her continuous comfort.
Avis- Aint a damn thing besides a pillow and blanket on his bed (two pillows as an adult, ooh luxurious) gets in the way of sex, why would he do that unless its a toy, but the toys are much better place on his toy instead. His desk is mostly unused, he's got a little flip calendar on it and a deck of cards he swiped from Wren and then just has a cheap notepad he uses for school related stuff. he doesn't put effort into any of the school projects, he just does them when they interest him or he wants the reward but he won't spend longer than an hour at his desk. He keeps candlesticks on his desk and nightstand for reasons you can probably guess, but a fun initial thought with the one on his nightstand is he will fully just toss a lit candle at the gooners that pay Bailey to molest him in his sleep. It's very amusing to him.
How do they deal with pain (physical or emotional)?
Neera- In encounters, Neera is a manipulative bitch. Max school skills has her pain tolerance high and her apologizing and pleading interactions at max effectiveness and she uses that to her advantage. She's used to pain but she doesn't like it. She's learned to compartmentalize it in the moment to prevent others from taking advantage of her in a weak moment. Physical and emotional she bottles it up and swallows it. It will never get out.
Avis- This bitch is a MASSIVE SADIST, inflicting pain gets him off and he has such high willpower he can still keep kicking your ass mid nut. When that pain is inflicted on him however? He just gets annoyed, pissed off. If he was trying to have fun with it (a noncon encounter where he tried to switch positions with his assaulter? he'd get so bored and just fight them off and go about his day.) But if it was a consensual encounter and this person tries to Dom him and get all uppity? Haha, no. He will make one of two decisions, turn it into a noncon encounter where THEY are the victim and use them until he's bored, or make an example of them and beat them within an inch of their life so they never make such an amateur mistake again. Oh and emotional pain uhh.. as of this moment in time I cannot think of anything that would hurt his feelings. Not a one… (perhaps he has no feelings idk, he simply bastard)
How comfortable are they relying on other people, and what situations would change their comfort level?
Neera- She internalized her childhood before the Orphanage so much that literally nothing has changed her outlook on the world and leaving the youth ward only reinforced it actually. Her trust in others is all but completely withered, even if she cares about people like Robin, or the other orphans, she doesn't trust any of them. In an event where they had to choose to help her or save themselves, she knows they would save themselves and she doesn't blame them for it. So she doesn't "rely" on other people, she makes deals, interactions are transactional and an equal amount of give and take. Which to her, when she 'receives' help, she repays her debt in some way via monetary payment or something they want from her (within reason) and when she 'gives' it's usually like how she is with the orphans, she protects them because she wants to. It makes her feel better, strong, like she's worth something. Other people relying on her feels good, but relying on others is scary because she doesn't see herself as worthy of being cared for.
Avis- Literally why would he ever rely on someone else. He can take care of himself and even take care of others (sexually) when he wants so what's the point. He's not weak and things always go his way so he's never put in a vulnerable position where he needs to consider relying on someone else. His peers are weaker than him and adults are just as bad if not worse than he is so he wouldn't trust them as far as he could throw them. But he would absolutely blackmail them (Leighton) because that's fun.
How does your OC take up space? What do they do with their hands when they talk, or how do they sit in chairs?
Neera- She's so neutral in most scenarios that she gives off npc energy. She sits like, freakishly proper not even on purpose it's just how her body moves, it's giving robot. If she's sitting in any kind of reclined chair that's back even a little bit too far she's sitting in it at like a 90 degree angle uncomfortably, or she will pull the back up so she can sit at a 90 degree angle comfortably. The most natural you will see her is in her room, and if you got in there? Congrats you tamed the feral animal. She curls up into a ball around her cow plush when she sleeps, she looks so small and it's the most 'human' she looks in a frequent occurance. If she's having a conversation with someone her arms/hands like.. don't give at all, but she's one of those people where if you held something out to her she would hold it and continue talking like nothing happened and not acknowledge it unless you brought it up.
Avis- This man is cock and balls out in everything he does, he thinks he's so cool and so important and that everyone loves him or they're wrong. He spreads his legs pussy out to face the world on the subway and does NOT move or give space if an old person or pregnant person gets on the same car as him. If he's having a normal conversation with someone /this has never happened ever/ (ex: Niko or Brooke) he's got his hands in his pockets like he's so chill and cool, probably talking about pervert shit they is so absolutely atrocious and would be censored on any TV airing from 6am to midnight. And with someone he's like playing or flirting with his hands are so active and touchy, touching their hair, their face, leaning against the wall as he gets in close (kabedon). Personal space? No it's our space, actually no it's his space and you're just there too.
What are three moments in their life that impacted your OC the most?
Neera- The day her father died, the day her mother got admitted to the Asylum (and the day she was sent to the Orphanage), The day she left the youth ward and realized she was never going to have a chance at a comfortable life no matter how much she wanted it
Avis- (I wanna say he got his demon tf first so) When he got the full demon tf, his instincts changed and molded even more towards his extremely perverse nature that he has now, being entirely sex brained but now he feels stronger because of it. Meeting Wren; he mostly survived off of stealing semi valuable things to get by, paying off Bailey when he felt like it just to not have that particular annoyance hanging over his head, and when he met Wren, he was able to get into more… high risk high reward situations that awarded his current wealth. For the third one I want to leave it kind of open and ambiguous as a pc interaction like "YOU! Could make a huge impact on this terrible man's life!" Because in all seriousness you can. It's hard, but it's possible. If he didn't have his fox tf, it would be impossible, but because of it, he can be swayed to be in a monogamous relationship (per universe because everyone deserves to fuck this asshole if they so choose to do so) and "guided" to be gentler and more caring towards a pc that has built a relationship with him.
If they can or would drive, what would their car be like? Not gonna go super in depth on these ones bc im not a car person and i dont/cant drive Neera-She'd have something basic like an suv she did like minimal research into of being the like… safest to drive and crash survivability. She wouldn't like a small, lower to the ground car, cause they' just make her feel claustrophobic.
Avis- I'm gonna b e honest with you guys, it would be some kind of convertable or big fancy truck because 1. he likes to show off and and he would have fun parking somewhere semi public and fucking you in it (convertable-top rolled down, truck- in the truck bed)
How do they connect with the people around them? Love language, how they offer comfort, etc.
Neera- I'm gonna be real with you guys, this girl is so awkward internally, she doesn't know how to connect with people, which is why she wonders why people are interested are interested in her at all (Alex for one but she supposes it's due to her being the only non hostile interaction since he lives alone on his farm) her love language? I guess in the most general sense is acts of service? Protecting the orphans from bullies, paying for Robin's debt, making sure Yunie is hydrated and fed, etc. She's kind of a silent comforter, offering a hug if they want or wiping (licking) their tears. (Receiving, she would like physical touch the most)
Avis- At the risk of sounding like I'm repeating myself-- sex. He rarely has non sexual relationships with people he isn't forced to interact with on a recurring basis (i.e. Bailey, the teachers, etc.) So like even when he isn't actively having sex with someone to satiate his needs, his conversations revolve mostly around sex as well, talking about what or who he did recently. His love language… I'm not entirely sure? I think it's something that could vary depending on the PC he's "in a relationship" with, and he would cater to what he thinks would make them happy/appeased as an entirely calculated move.
#dol pc#dol#degrees of lewdity#degrees of lewdity pc#neera the faded#neera the madame#avis the foxy#avis the shifty#the answers to the other ones not listed can be found on my blog not too long ago!!#hope you guys enjoy#i like to ramble
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okay idc if anyone sees this i just need to spit it out people gotta stop shitting on the story of Borderlands 3 and actually just play the game without complaining because i personally think the story is still great and its so obnoxious not being able to find any positive videos that talk about it Like yes, i understand it definitely doesn't live up to the other games and it can be annoying how much everyone talks, but if you actually LISTEN there's so many cool tidbits Like how Tyreen and Angel are such direct parallels of each other, and how even sometimes Tyreen & Troy and Aurelia & Sir Hammerlock can be parallels Or how Mouthpiece introduces Tyreen as "the first sister" in regards to the Calypsos which can add further onto Troy trans headcanons and shit??? I genuinely adore this game and it has got to be my favourite batch of Vault Hunters thus far, and while some of the humor didn't age amazingly I still think it has its funny moments and getting to revisit some of my favourite characters is so fun and sillyy
#i like to ramble#i won't deny though i did play BL3 first out of all BL games#and it probably shows in the way i talk about it ngl#genuinely feral for this game#I love Tyreen and Troy so much#Borderlands 3#Borderlands 3 yapping#tyreen calypso#troy calypso#calypso twins
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If you had to write Helluva Boss, what would you change?
Get ready for a long ass rant. I’m actually planning on doing a full rewrite of Helluva and Hazbin with redesigns as well. But the major things I would change for Helluva are:
Blitzos and Stolas’ relationship: How they met will be the same as “The Circus” but they actually form a bond. Like, Blitzo is bored from being forced hanging out with Stolas by Paimon but after Stolas shows him his interest for pirates, he immediately becomes interested and they talk and play pirates like little kids do and Stolas falls for him even more. Then after they met again in the timeskip, instead of Stolas getting sexual and Blitzo SA’ing him, Stolas tries talking with Blitzo and telling him how much he missed him and even confesses his love for Blitzo but notices that he is trying to steal the Grimore and decides to make a deal with him that Blitzo could have the Grimore but meets Stolas once a month on the full moon to give the book back and just hang out. They do eventually fuck after a while but they actually both consent. While Stolas actually loves Blitzo, Blitzo wasn’t interested at first but as they continue their relationship, he actually starts slowly gains feelings for Stolas, but due to trust issues and his dark past, he tries to hide it.
Striker: He is going to remain mostly the same, but there are some changes I want to add. First off, he doesn’t make fun of Moxxie for not having much physical advantage like he did in the introduction episode, in fact, he actually gets along with him and relates to him. And second, his plan for stopping the Goetia family and bring equal rights to all creatures of hell will remain, but he won’t be presented as the bad guy, more of a gray area at first, then he realizes that Stolas isn’t like the rest of the Goetias and regrets trying to kill him before.
Millie: As shown in the show, shes just violent and loves Moxxie to death. While that’s great and all, there needs to be more outside of her relationship with her husband. In my version, she very overprotective of those she loves, violent, loves her husband to death, has family issues, sibling rivalry, especially with Sallie May, secretly has self confidence issues, sometimes speaks unclearly due to her verbal problems, on the autistic spectrum, has severe anger issues, and hates being alone. Also, the reason why she hated Chaz so much was because he has secretly cheated on her multiple times and all Millie wanted was someone to truly love her.
Blitzos relationship with Moxxie: It’s mostly the same, but Blitzo doesn’t call Moxxie the r-slur, isn’t ableist towards him, doesn’t SA him, doesn’t threaten to rape him, and actually treats Moxxie better after the events of “Truth Seekers” and even forms a good, healthy bond with him.
Sallie May: I think she’s cool and all but I wished that she had more character since she was merchandised so much. In my rewrite, she’s actually going to be shown as an actual character. She’s going to be shown as confident, high mighty, has a sibling rivalry with Millie but she cares for her and even killed for Millie before.
Stella and Octavia: For Stella, she won’t be shown as a complete antagonist. Stella was arranged to marry Stolas since they were children but she wasn’t a complete monster, though she had anger issues. Stella actually cares for him and Stolas and Stella actually had a pretty good, healthy relationship before he cheated on her. She was heartbroken after that and the reason why she hired Striker to kill Stolas was because the family manipulated her too. For Octavia, everything’s the same, except that in my rewrite, she doesn’t completely forgive Stolas but she doesn’t hate him and Stolas actually improves as a father and he and Octavia slowly start to have a good father daughter relationship again. I know that was a lot. I like to rant so if you want me to share my ideas for my Hazbin rewrite, expect more of my rants.
#helluva boss critique#helluva boss criticism#vizziepop critical#helluva boss#helluva boss redesign#helluva boss rewrite#i like to ramble#i like to rant#stoliz#stella helluva boss#octavia helluva boss#striker helluva boss#blitzo helluva boss#stolas helluva boss#moxxie helluva boss#sallie may#millie helluva boss#paimon helluva boss
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"Punk aesthetic"?
It really intrigues me to hear people talk about how it's important to "look punk" and stuff or how the way you present yourself (aesthetically, clothe-wise) is important or an important part of the countercouture when really - if we analyse it from the begining and its core - it isn't.
Why is that? Well, before I jump into the whole "why punk is anti-fashion to its core", I wanna start by saying that most people don't have the first idea what punk is nor what it looks like, because, to be fair, it doesn't have an uniform. This really brings me back to a discourse that existed within the uk punk scene in the 70s which was "Is there a 'punk uniform'? Are these kids all dressed like this, listening to this music, going to these shows because it's what's in?", and I really think if I were to point fingers, I'd say it's Malcolm McLaren and Vivianne Westwood (yes, high end, runway fashion designer, owner of the brand that bears her name. RIP) and the Sex Pistols; after all, when most people think of punk, the Pistols are the first to come to their minds - not because of their talent in song-making or in performing, nor their short lived success as a band, but because of their in-your-face marketing.
The Pistols were put together by Malcolm McLaren to promote his and Vivienne's shop, SEX, therefore making them a purely commercial band. Now, that doesn't mean they didn't have a past as musicians or that they were/are bad musicians by any means, I'm just telling you pure facts: the Sex Pistols were a commercial band put together and managed by McLaren to be dressed by his girlfriend, Vivienne. Their marketing was damn good and very loud and in-your-face, so much so that they are, wrongly, regarded as the pioneers of punk music.
But the reason why they dressed the way they did, and a lot of other big names in the scene *cough cough* Siouxsie Sioux *cough cough* was because they were little living, breathing mannequins for Vivienne. Their style wasn't original, wasn't genuine, wasn't theirs, it was just provocative and performative for the sake of it. All she wanted was to shock, to disturb (which is fine in art, but in this case was rather distasteful and greatly impactful): ripped clothing, tits out, full bush in a tule skirt, nazi symbols everywhere, you get the idea.
And they full on went with it, therefore making them just as responsible for the whole use of nazi paraphernalia and uniformization of punk style that was supposed to be anti-fashion and original, genuine. Because, to be fair, as much as I simpathise with them as humans, they were just a bunch of junkies who wanted to make it big, regardless of the price or impact on themselves and others.
If you take The Damned as example and analyse each member's style you notice just how diverse and genuine they are. Dave Vanian (vocalist) has always had the vampy, goth-y look, that of course evolved as he got older - whih is only natural -, Rat Scabies (drummer <3) wears usually jeans, work boots or sneakers, a jacket or blazers - nothing flashy and clothes you'd find in any working class boy in 1970s London -, Captain Sensible (bass, then guitar) has always been the flashiest and most loud with his fashion choices, not to push a product, but to express his own weirdness (still don't know where that fluffy set he uses in the cover of Machine Gun Etiquette and someother pictures came from lol), and Brian James (guitar) had always had the simple jean and jacket combo.
The Damned released the first uk punk single: New Rose on 22 of October, 1976, followed by their album Damned Damned Damned. They are otherworldly talented in my opinion and so important for the scene, even if they don't get as much recognition as they should; but the band was formed by for working class fellas from London who decided to make incredible music together, and so they did. At no point was any of their styles or attituded performatives, at no point did they use of any nazi paraphernalia, their name doesn't come from any nazi sexual exploitation wing *cough cough* Joy Division *cough cough*, in fact it comes from two 1960s films "The Damned" (1969) - admitedly, a historical drama set in 1930s nazi germany - and a horror film called "The Village Of The Damned" (1960).
To its core, punk has been formed by working class ladies and fellas who had their own clothes, styles and a lot of anger towards the system that throws and leaves them down where they are. Which brings us to why punk is inherently anti-fashion: because it is and has always been anti-capitalist, it is a leftist countercouture. Fashion is and has always been a way to uniformize physical appearence and and behavior, and to sell you things. If it can make you feel like you're less than because you don't dress in latest fashion, because you wear "out of date" clothes, because you behave in a way that is viewed as strange, unnusual or cringe, then it can make you feel like the only way to be accepted and to be seen as human is to buy the latest trend, regardless of how quick it changes, regarless of wether or not you like it, because it doesn't care about you. Fashion doesn't care about you. Fashion doesn't like you.
Fashion likes the rich, it likes the influencers, it likes the powerful, not you whose biggest acomplishment will be to die without debts. You are poor, after all, and the poor are not fashionable, the poor are not humans. You can only sell the poor in two ways: human traffic and performance. You can sell the poor the same way you can sell the alternative. Which is exactly what happened to punk already in its formative years. So, if you bring me that 70s question "[Were those] kids all dressed like [that], listening to [that] music, going to [those] shows because it's what [was] in?", I'd answer it's impossible to know that for each of the kids that were there in the 70s uk, dressed like that, behaving like that, but it's very clear how by the mid 80s punk was back underground and with a terrible reputation, and now it's buried deeper underground.
Honorable mentions:
The Damned, The Descendents, Buzzcocks and The Jam
#this is so long gee#<<< that's what she said#I like to ramble#and it's way too late at night already#punk#sex pistols#the damned#rat scabies#vivienne westwood#malcolm mclaren#fashion#anti capitalism#anti fashion#by fashion I don't mean art through clothes#I mean fashion by the oxford dictionary definition#uniformity#70s punk#uk punk
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Would ya look at that boys it's another doodle page

Stanley gets a box of chocolates and he can't just open it bc he doesn't live with normal people
Sidenote: I was listening to a very mixed playlist at the time of drawing this so there's a random evil scientist Auggie in there that isn't going to be expanded upon whatsoever

In honor of gay people I finally did some rough drafts for lovebug au versions of my bastards. (As you can tell I had more inspiration for Stanley than Auggie)
If there's a fandom trend you bet your ass I'm gonna think about it maybe just a little bit.
Also I can't draw flowers very well but the flowers in Stanley's pockets are primroses

#if it isnt apparent#i like to ramble#the stanley parable#the stanley parable ultra deluxe#stanley parable#stanley tsp#the narrator tsp#stannarrator#lovebug au#lovebug stanley#lovebug narrator#quens art tag#fanart#doodles
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hii I'm back with more Dandys world theories!!! :333
these i thought of when i was in dw rp mode looking at twisted animations on a call HSHSHDH
Curse the image limit
so first of all, I noticed that some twisteds are smiling and others are frowning. i thought it was really weird so i went through all of them (minus the ones without a mouth/visible mouth and twisted pebs and coal)
oh and i noticed that most of the twisteds frowning are also crying ichor- which kinda shows that they know what they're doing but don't want to do it
toons that are frowning also seem to not be AS transformed as compared to the ones smiling imo. The mains seem to be the most transformed (minus astro)
frowning twisteds:

smiling twisteds:

rudie is a bit weird imo, same as looey. though rudie peeks my curiosity a bit more.
rudie's attack face has him smiling, though his default face is frowning. i think rudie is halfway taken over by the ichor, or mostly taken over by it? his lower half is almost completely ichor, and his horns are elongated and also completely made out of ichor.
Rudie's attack face:
Looey's attack face:
Looey has sort of an 'unsure' attacking face. Like as if he's trying to debate if what he's doing is right or wrong
random edit: vee also just looks pissed off imo so idk where to put her
another thing I noticed is that dandy is the one who most likely displays the "true form" of the ichor (because he is behind the ichor operation)
A lot of twisteds who seem to be like- extremely far into their transformation have either claws or hooves. And Dandy has both. (Not counting rudie because he's a reindeer)
ANOTHER THING I NOTICED. Mostly with Boxte, Gigi, and Shelly, is their attack / moving animations. All three of them aren't really using their eyes, or like their arms. Gigi and Shelly are both looking at the ground while moving around, so they don't really know where they're going exactly.
Gigi and Boxten both have at least one limb coming from their 'lids', and those seem to really only be the most sentient part of them.

This is all I can think of currently AGH (tumblr is lagging for me rlly badly rn)
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The lore implications of twewy are so funny like...
When jesus was nailed to the cross, did he play? could he see the timer since theres like, yknow, holes in his hands.... how did he win on day 3?
how old is kariya? he clearly has enough points to coast for a long while and has been around much much longer than most other people in the story, he mustve died like, forever ago
imaging ur playing the game and you see david bowie or micheal jackson or some shit like ?????????
did hitler get to play?
both games show that you can play and win over and over and keep your levels and stuff so whats stopping you from just like.... winning every time and choosing to play again over and over and over and over
is twewy cannon to every soap-opera bc those fuckers just never die
the crossovers would be insane
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@lokiinmediasideblog tagged me to share five songs (thank you!! :D) so here are some i've been listening to recently, in no particular order:
harald foss - dronning ellisiv (put this on the long version of my nordic folk playlist like a year and a half ago and only recently remembered it) (why was i making a nordic folk playlist a year and a half ago? don't worry about it.)
vassa zheleznova - ay (someone i follow recommended this the other day)
a tribe called red - stadium pow wow (this was in the trailer for the new martin scorsese movie)
lindsey stirling - snow waltz (i was repeatedly recommended lindsey stirling literally like eight years ago and have only just got around to listening to her lol)
powerwolf - we drink your blood (silly vampire songs are a fundamental human need)
ummm i'm meant to tag ten of my followers to do the same but eight will have to do. @kidrat @sol1loqu1st @solderlessbreadbird @honeybeeofficial @catilinas @fromthemouthofkings @scalar @aro-caduceus
#you don't have to add commentary i just felt like it#i like to ramble#the phrasing of the original game was 'five songs you actually listen to' but i found that oddly passive aggressive#so it's just 'five songs' in this post. my city now
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I am very annoying about infodumping :(
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Tagged by: @celestialcrowley @agoodpairofsocks @rainbowpopeworld (Y'all are going to be really disappointed to find out how boring I am lol)
Favorite Color: Any and all shades of blue.
Last Song: I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
Other Stuff I Watched This Year: Good Omens, all things Star Wars, Eureka
Last Movie: Hot Fuzz
Currently Watching: At the moment, nothing. When I turn on the TV again, I'll probably go back to Good Omens. Or I'll watch Hot Fuzz again. Or Shaun of the Dead. Idk.
Shows I Dropped This Year: I think I've officially given up on caring about the MCU.
Currently Reading: At the moment, mostly just fanfiction, but also in the process of starting The Satanic Verses (reading all the banned books I can get my hands on), but I've been having trouble focusing on things as of late.
Currently Listening To: Nothing. The fan next to me. The football game on the TV out in the living room.
Currently Working On: Trying to figure out how to stop being a human disaster at 42. I'm not doing a very good job.
Current Obsessions: Good Omens, Obi-Wan Kenobi, finding as many ways as possible to avoid dealing with life (because the world's on fire and continues to break my heart)
No pressure tags: @shadowsrider-blog @nicgoldomens @chainsaw-raven @kristinsmindinpictures @ineffablymanky
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F.I.S.T is probably my favorite TTRPG just to make characters in like god damn it just kicks my creative juices to overdrive I love it I LOVE TABLETOP ROLEPLAYING GAMES GRAHHHH
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idk if this has been brought up before (it probably has but idc i love this game and i WILL rant whether you like it or not) and if its already super obvious to everyone but me when i first got into the game, but a cool little detail i like about omori is the parallels between aubrey and sunny. specifically, their very similar reactions in an argument under a lot of stress.
sunny had been under a lot of stress on the day of the recital, being unable to get the part right and disliking the violin because of how it took away from him getting to spend time with his friends. under that stress, he ended up throwing his violin down the stairs in the argument with mari. mari, obviously, gets angry (not really blaming her though, it’d be a normal reaction), and sunny, not seeing mari be angry before, gets even more stressed. when she gets in his way when he tries to run, he unconsciously reacts and then as we know, pushes her down the stairs which results in the whole incident. he didn’t want to hurt mari. he never would have wanted to kill her. but he was under pressure and his fight or flight reacted before he could know what he was doing. he just wanted to push her out of the way so he could leave.
aubrey does a really fucking similar thing. she was under stress at the lake. kel’s blaming her and not understanding her, and villainizes her. sunny, who hasn’t left his house in 4. FUCKING. YEARS. suddenly is back out of the blue and had fucking. stabbed her??? out of nowhere during a fight??? goddamn. basil, who she’s already had her issues with, was just screaming for help which is getting her in trouble (and she doesn’t know why he was screaming for help in the first place bc she hadn’t even done anything to him then), is also there, and he’s technically the reason sunny and kel had just fought her in the first place. she’s overwhelmed by all this, and when basil tries to talk to her and gets closer, she reacts and pushes him into the lake. her fight or flight reacted before she could know what she was doing. she wasn't thinking about how he couldn't swim. she didn’t want to push basil into the lake. she just wanted him to go away.
the difference between the 2 of them was that aubrey got so much luckier, with hero coming just in time to save basil. she had her chance to make up for it and apologize to him. she doesn't have to live with the guilt of having actually killed someone. poor 12 yr old sunny never got that lucky.
neither of them meant to hurt someone. neither of them wanted to hurt someone they cared about. they were just under pressure and pushed into a stressful situation. sunny's just ended so, so much worse than aubrey's. (i just feel bad for them both. i love them so much. i want them all to be happy again </3)
(this also feeds into my delusion that aubrey would forgive sunny, at least eventually. bc she did the same thing. she just got lucky. i like to think she'd at least eventually realize that and kind of empathize with him. he never got the opportunity that she got. and what's worse, the poor guy was only 12. </3)
#omori#omori spoilers#bit of a ramble#i love omori#can you tell? /j#marlo's stuff#aubrey omori#sunny omori#i like these parallels lol#my beloveds <3#i hope this made sense#i like to ramble#but i can't coherently explain my thoughts sometimes
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If we share a hyperfixation and you dont talk about with me for at least 2 hours straight, I WILL take it personally.
#hyperfixation#it's important to me#fixation#if its more than 3 hours i might fall for you#i like to ramble#rambling
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Really interesting thing I glimpsed on rednote today

I think We- we’re developing international class consciousness 
#ryders rambles#LIKE idk man i think it’s really cool how we’re learning about each other Ill be back with the reverse once I found a post on it
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Love it when Rolling Stone puts out an article about the 25 most influential internet creators and I've only heard of 7 of them
#kai rambles#god i feel old#but im not old#im 24#but im looking at this list like who are any of you?#why did this get 60k notes
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How it feels getting obsessed with something new and then realizing you're going to spend anywhere from a week to the rest of your life thinking about it
#sp-rambles#Edit: I'm happy a bunch of you are overjoyed when you get an interest but like#I can't Function when I get obsessed with something#When the hyperfixation is an actual hyperfixation and takes control of your whole life
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