#i laughed so many times while reading it/pos
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heartsforseo · 10 months ago
Straw hats with a member/ S/o who still sleeps with plushies.
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A/n: so I’ve been gone for almost 2 months but shhh I got some motivation now😼😼. PLUS I got this inspo from reading something somewhere. SO TY FOR GIVING ME THE THINGY TO WRITE AGAIN. request=open requested: <yes> <no> wc:970 ft: the straw hats (excluding chopper) warning: ??
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⭑Luffy honestly wouldn’t care. If he ever crashes into your room (girls' room) and sleeps on your bed, he’d even shove the stuff toys away.
⭑When he sees your pouting/sad face he’d be clueless and continue whining for you to hop on the bed with him.
⭑When you finally told him why you were mad, he just tilted his head and let out a LONG sigh
⭑Would use his gum-gum abilities and get all your stuffy back in the bed (while groaning. He does NOT want to share)
⭑Speaking of sharing, why coddle a plushie when you have Luffy? Would def get jealous and maybe even tear one of them.
⭑P.s. He did…
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⭑Zoro, just like Luffy, couldn’t be bothered. He’d probably think of it as a design at first. I mean, a pirate sleeping with plushies??? That’s rare
⭑But as the creator said, everyone in the crew is a weird person. So, here you are—in your room. Shock and in awe.
⭑Believe it or not, Zoro was sleeping with one of your plushies (that looked like a reindeer…)
⭑He had always denied sleeping next/with them. (Only if you convinced him enough, he’d let out a groan but still follow)
⭑You’d have to tease him about it now. I mean, Zoro sleeping before you??? Shocking with that 3 hrs sleep schedule.
⭑And a certain chef might’ve heard what you’ve said and used it against a certain swordsman…
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⭑Nami, would even tax the poor plushies:~((
⭑Jokes aside, she’ll think of it as cute and nice decorations. They’re cuddly, colorful, and good for distress.
⭑But sometimes there’s a limit. She couldn’t even sleep on her OWN bed cuz of how many you got.
⭑Would roll her eyes when she saw you pout and give you a 35% discount.
⭑To help you get “rid” (as she says) of plushies, she’ll take a mini tangerine and place it on her work desk.
⭑Now she talks to it after dinner, drawing the map of the world.
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⭑Ussop I’d say would make a story about how he once traveled to a stuffed toy island.
⭑Everything there was colorful, soft, and cuddly! He’d even point at one of your plushies and say he met them on the island!
⭑Your plushie would just stare and stare and stare… Until Ussop had to let out a fake cough and do his other stuff.
⭑He’d ask for your permission to get one of your plushies for support. (You said yes ofc).
⭑Now, whenever he has to modify Nami’s weapon/ whenever he’s alone from the group—he’ll hold the small plushie tightly and hug it, waiting for ideas to pop up.
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⭑Sanji the beigest of them all. I could see Sanji:
⭑1) getting jealous about it. You have a whole husband in front of you. And you’re picking the plushie to cuddle…THAN HIM?!
⭑Would give the plushie dirty stares (especially if it was given by someone not him/by his crew)
⭑When you’re doing something else, he’d wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your neck.
⭑He’d give the plushie a smirk and laugh a bit. (Nurse gising na po sya)
⭑2) Sanji would write that down in his “All about Y/n!” Notebook and put hearts all over it.
⭑He would give you plushies, and on every island you visit, he insists on getting you at least one stuffed animal.
⭑Would even sculpt one of his foods as your plushie.
⭑Plus he’d get all giddy iddy when he sees you coddling the plushie he bought. It’s really satisfying to see when the person you love appreciates what they give you.
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⭑Robin would let out a smile and maybe even tease you (when she's feeling it)
⭑Might get jealous when you're spending more of your time with them. She's your crew member and s/o, you should focus on her!
⭑She once woke up with your back in front of her, and you were cuddling your plushie.
⭑Sad to say you couldn't find your stuffies for a week… :(
⭑But Robin was there for you!
⭑In the end, it was a win-win situation!
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⭑While you were worrying about how he'll react (unknowingly to you, he already found out and named one of them cola jr.) Franky already made a small plushie (robot) that does the SUPEERRRRRRR with him.
⭑When he saw you sad that one of your plushies got teared up, he'd secretly take it and repatch it (w/h metal scraps)
⭑Would sweat when you confronted him about it, and even DENY IT.
⭑"Franky you're the only one I know that'd use metal scraps for repair…"
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⭑Brook is a cutie patootie.
⭑He already knows what you like, from the panties you wear to the plushies you like!
⭑Would make one of those and have some delightful little tea parties. If you're too occupied to join in, why not let your mini-version take part instead?
⭑Anyways, if you'd ever show him a soul king merch/plushie. HE'D FLY OVER THE MOONN.
⭑He didn't know they were selling those! Especially when the cane he has can be removed and shown as a knife.
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⭑Our good boy Jinbe.
⭑While on his trip, he saw a lot of them. But of course wouldn't bother to buy one.
⭑I mean, you're on a business trip for sake. And a pirate should always be ready and need no time for aesthetics.
⭑Well, that's what he thought BEFORE he met you. When he saw your room he was SHOOK
⭑How did you have time for all of this? How were you gonna sleep? How will you keep them clean?
⭑Many thoughts were roaming in his head. But when he saw your adoring smile, he made up his mind and would do anything to make you happy.
⭑Even keeping your plushies clean.
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A/n: I hope you all enjoyed it. nd sorry for the almost 2-month break.
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buckysegan · 1 year ago
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With all my gratitude, hope and returned adoration - Part Two
Summary: John writes back to his friend from home and we hear from our friend across the way. John x She. Word Count: 1.2k. A/N: we are def rolling with some historical inaccuracies in regards to letters here but sue me. he deserves it. pstttt also should we name her? do you all want to send me random john prompts. my baby isn't ok and i'm not ok. Part one linked here. Part three linked here.
John was sure he wasn't sweating a normal amount as he looked down at the piece of paper that Buck had offered him. It had taken two whole days of questions from the man for Bucky to even decide that he was going to reply. He’d been offered the hope, what more could he ask of her. Could he ask more? There had been a return address on the letter which Buck had insisted was there for a reason and she had opened herself out for a reply from him but the Major couldn’t help but be unsure.
It was an odd feeling for him, before the war he hadn't been unsure of anything and since he’d been here? Well he hadn’t been sober enough to doubt anything that he had done. These days though Bucky felt like he doubted every single thing. The thing was, he wasn't sure that he could afford to doubt this, to look past the life line that had been offered to him. Not when each day he could feel his mind draw a little further toward the edge no matter how much he or Buck tried to keep it in check.
With a sigh he pulled the pen into his hand, eyes locked on the page for a moment before he began to scrawl.
Dear Friend From Home 
You’re gunna have to forgive me because I ain’t going to be as good as this as you are. I’ve written so many letters this war you would think that I’d have gotten a handle on it by now but I find myself at a loss when it comes to what to say to you. 
I think the first thing I got to say is thank you. I don’t know if the words I can put on paper are ever going to really tell you how much your letter meant to me. See I was a certain type of man that didn’t think much to pen pals. I figured that I’d be ok, you know, that with my boys I’d have what I needed to make it through the hard days but watching the letters for everyone else roll in has been harder than I thought it might. 
There are things that I can’t tell you cause I don’t know who might read these letters, and where I am I can’t get you no picture but I can tell you that my favorite dish is a meat and potato pie, simple I know but really I’m a simple hearty kind of guy. What makes me laugh, you asked? That’s kind of simple for me too, just good company, myself sometimes, Buck, he’s my best friend, he makes me laugh a lot. What makes you laugh? I’d like to know that. 
May I know where you are? I know that might be a big ask but you said I could ask anything I know and if I get out of here…we get some leave, I’d like to know where I need to ask for me leave to be. Then I can show you what I sound and look like and know that in return. 
If this letter doesn’t reach you for a while, know you’ve been with me the whole time. 
With all my gratitude, hope and returned adoration
Major John Egan 
“What if she doesn’t get it?” He found himself questioning quietly to Buck as he handed over the letter to make it out of camp. His best friend settled him with a soft look, one that always made Bucky feel like he had some worldly knowledge the rest of them had missed out on, that assured him everything was going to be alright. “You just gotta have hope she will John, she’ll get it.” 
With a huff Bucky nodded, pulling his hat on as he watched his letter vanish from his view all together. “Alright well I can��t sit here and wonder, I’m off to play baseball or something.”
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The letter that Bucky had so carefully handed over changed hands many more times, some fingers as rough as the pilots, some dirtier, some softer, but the last set of fingers to slide the letter from her post box had perfectly manicured fingers. Her flicking of her post was greedy as she looked for the same thing that she had every day since she’d posted her own letter.
At first, her hopes of finding what she was looking for had been unrealistic; she knew that, it hadn’t even been long enough for her letter to be received, let alone for him to get one back to her, then the other girls at the centre, they’d gotten letters back, notes, anything. That was when she had allowed her hope to return, for a moment at least. Days without anything had turned into weeks and then weeks had turned into months. Anything could have happened, that was what she tried to tell herself, he might not have gotten her letter, he might have thought it was weird and had chosen not to reply. That thought was enough to miff her, he could have at least said thank you. When she had decided no one could be that mean, her diminishing hope had turned to worry, what if he hadn't been able to receive her letter.
Flicking through each white envelope today, she almost missed it, how she didn't know because it was clearly different from the rest of them, maybe she hadn't wanted to look. "Not…" Trailing off she flicked back to the second to last letter, her eyes taking in the scrawling of her address, her eyes checking the postage before she was taring inside. "It's here, he wrote it's here." She called through the halls to the other girls that she lived with, all of which had been holding their breath with her. "Oh god I can't read it, what if he's telling me I was weird!" She cried, thrusting the unopened letter into the hands of her eager friend.
"Don't be dramatic, he's going to be throwing down his gratitude at you being a doll, you should have attached a picture with it I told you!" Meg beamed easily back at her, the same sense of reservation missing from her actions as she tore into the letter so that it could be read to the group. "Dear Friend From Home. You’re gunna have to forgive me because I ain’t going to be as good as this as you are. I’ve written so many letters this war you would think that I’d have gotten a handle on it by now but I find myself at a loss when it comes to what to say to you." That was enough, pulling the letter from Megs hands she was quick to scramble away from the group once more, locking herself into her room as re-read the opening line herself, the tears in her eyes only welling even further as she continued.
An ache in her chest formed as she read the words once more, taking in each strike of his pen where he had corrected himself or smudge from whatever he'd had on his fingers. The state of the letter was enough to make her wonder, but at least for now, she knew her friend was ok. He was alive, and he wanted to hear more from her. It couldn't have been normal, to feel this level of emotion for a man that she had never met, but she had found herself here regardless and in the middle of so much uncertainty, she wasn't going to question the pull she felt across the way to England.
Pushing from her bed she moved to her desk, paper pulled from her stationary pot, the quicker she could post this the quicker it could get to him.
"Dear Major Egan,
I'm delighted to hear I'm with you. I hope you know, that you've been with me too…"
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copperbadge · 1 month ago
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It's post office bounty time! Been a while, eh? I'm not sure how many of my readers know this but I have a PO Box for a number of purposes, one of which is that if you want to send me postcards or cards or whatnot, you can!
The layout on these was not my finest, I try to group relevant cards together, but sometimes spacing is an issue. In any case, top image is a lovely pair of socks, a gorgeous Discworldy-style sword and lilacs, a worry stone, and a Maryland Crab lucky coin from @shirokou, along with a super fun Hanukkah card (thanks also for the stamps!); also a fun holiday card from -- I'm so bad at handwriting but I believe @traykor, and I loved the car stickers on the inside!
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Next up, starting in the upper left, a lovely photo card that I turned over to the text side of so that I'm not showing anyone's faces :) I do have to apologize too, I thought "tumbalina" was the username and it wasn't; the person who sent it is @algaegirl17 and it took me a month to come back and edit this in. SORRY OH GOD.
Moving on....
Clockwise from left, we have a pretty bird card and fun stickers (I also loved the photo card, and thanks for the giftcard!) from @jadesymb, a new year's card with a lovely "kick ass" sentiment from Inny and Deeks (also I love how you always greet the mail carrier on the envelope!) and a delightfully ghoulish holiday card with more stickers from E in PA (happy to add your username if you drop it).
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And finally some more gorgeous holiday cards! Starting with the Hannukatz, top left, from Kris & Josh, and I'm wishing I hadn't covered up the spinning dreidel they're staring at. We got a cute polar bear from @kimmiesue13 -- thank you for including the cryptids in my mailing address, that made me laugh -- and a lovely wreath with some fun Avengers decor inside from W. in CA. Beautiful horses in the snow from @celticjade13 -- thank you for the Hanukkah wishes, Hanukkah cards are hard to find, I should know -- a gorgeous maritime scene from @elopingllama and I promise there will be more Teens On Boats eventually. Lastly, a funny card from Daniel the Tarot Guy, featuring birds looking at a sign that reads "Keep off the Grass" -- I'm sorry for your loss, bud -- and in the center a beautiful folk-art style card from C overseas -- on the flip side of the front of the card, they have outlines so you can cut out the little critters and use them as ornaments, and I just might :)
Thank you all as always for sending me mail to brighten my day even when I am profoundly late in both picking up the mail and sharing it with everyone :)
And for those who wish, the address for my PO Box is:
Copperbadge PO Box A3309 Chicago, IL 60609 USA
(it's important that it says Copperbadge, not Sam Starbuck, since Copperbadge is what the box is registered under.)
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r-aindr0p · 8 days ago
Thoughts on book 6 while it's still fresh in my mind because that was a lot :')
The whole story in general is great to me tbh It's one of the rare visual novel format games where I actually take the time to read the main story but book 6 felt very special for many reasons
I think it's since everyone in the teams (minus the fools that came to get grim and bring Vil his cosmetics) Has overblotted already and they know how it is, they were already more or less in the process of working on themselves and somehow kept on thinking things through during the long descent into tartarus. In every book there's a sense of urgency during the overblot phase, and there too but it takes them so much time to actually reach down and realize what's has been happening for the last 4 to 5 hours that they had time to experience conflict and bonding. I did every single battle in every hangar to read all these little interactions, the bickering, kicks and compliments.
It was exhausting in the best possible way.
Making a bullet list of what struck me from this point because I have trouble explaining things clearly especially when there is a lot of things :')
Battles : so many, poorly rewarded in gems but great reward in interactions actually
Ost : 10/10 will remember, I love synthetizer sounds and Ignihyde/book 6 did not disappoint
Jamil mumbling the whole time trying to have a strategy against the phantoms while Leona casually keeps ripping into him (and firing spells at him because he's in the way, cats are assholes so this checks out/pos)
Riddle and Azul both wanting to be right in their explanations everyone yaps and no one listens
Pomefiore was vibing though and I loved that for them
Jamil you had 3 hours you could've slept it doesnt take that long to gather supplies for two please sleep
Azul so exhausted he slept on Riddle's shoulder, aww :)
So uh...? Did the phantoms lure Ortho to merge with them or was there and Actual part of late Ortho down there....? Either way, eerie, I like that
Robots getting a heart/soul is one of my favorite themes ever I am so happy for the little guy
Also Ortho has the same seiyuu as Mikaze Ai from utapri who is a singing robot i am going insane about that (and he sings the op song for kono oto tomare but that's unrelated) Love that seiyuu
Sobbing for Idia because he must've felt really done with everything and desperate to be able to actually Overblot (Au bord du gouffre, et au fond du trou as I'd say in french idk how to explain this)
Please Idia share things, it's scary to think about it but it's actually not that bad and sharing your interests feels great, you already do that in a way at the board games club, continue this way
Vil was the MVP throughout the whole book honestly beautiful in every way hearing him genuinely cry and then laugh in such a short span of time threw me off positively
More Rook lore hello wdym "oh I have several family villas and a bunch of siblings" WHAT DO YOU MEAN SIR
Unfortunately I remembered Grim has the same seiyuu as h*talia england so hearing him cry felt weird for a second, happy he's back though
Hey wdym "we renovated the whole ass dorm and every single room but lmao not yours though"
Mickey apparitions feel so off everytime it pulls me out of the immersion in the story because it's so goofy (it's like hearing donald duck take damage in Kingdom hearts battles I can't take it seriously it's too funny)
Fuck legend of the underworld.
That's about it ! And I'm probably forgetting a bunch of other details right now but I loved book 6 despite my complaining posts :") I have trouble knowing how I feel in general/processing my own feelings and put words onto them but I like stories like this because it helps with that ?? I really feel happy and sad and other things, and realize it the moment I feel it ?? Once again I don't really know how to explain it but it's a positive experience.
Thanks for sticking along with my yapping and during my speedrun of the book :')
Minor book 7 stuff under the cut
Wdym I need to level up good cards for book 7 ???
Is it that hard and hellish ?? I barely crawled out of the 6000 tartarus fights 😭
Well I hope you can choose whoever unlike the teams in book 6 because I'm about to create the dream team called "Oops ! All Rook Hunt !"/hj
Anyway here's my ssrs, what's painful is farming for the spell materials honestly but My Rollo is maxed out and well taken care of ��️ Malleus and Lilia do decent damage as well and have their spells either maxed or at 8 each. Though I tend to level up cards based on their looks and favorites rather than how useful they are :)) I have no idea if there's a single healer in there I'll check it out later.
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But for now I will harrass Sam until I get at least one ssr perfume in his lootboxes so I can uncap savanaclaw Rook once more and have him forever locked up in the guest room with Rollo, the closest thing to croissant de lune I'll have in game hhhjgfje
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greensbeanspotatoestomatoes · 10 months ago
@lara-cairncross I hope you don’t mind, but I wrote a little fic about your AU :) This would be Donnie showing his brace to his brothers after his leap of faith.
(Also you can definitely read Donnie & Kendra’s vibes as a crush if you want /pos 😂)
“Gentlemen, if you would be so kind,” Donnie motions for his brothers to take a seat on the chairs he clearly positioned near the edge of the branch.
“Dee, what are we doing here?” Leo sighs, exasperated by his brother’s dramatics, “You know I love spending time with you guys, but I actually have deliveries to make today.”
Raph throws an arm over Leo’s shoulders, “Pssh, relax Leo, you’re fast enough to make it there in time.”
“Ok I know you’re teasing me,” Leo shoots his brother a side eye, before crossing his arms over his chest in defiance, “but I could definitely make it there and back. With time to spare.”
Mikey laughs while Raph just sighs and they all take their seats.
They’re fairly high up in the Pixie Dust Tree, in an area Leo knows not many fairies fly past. It’s starting to make him a little concerned that his jokes about Donnie murdering Kendra one day aren’t jokes anymore.
His brother woke them up early this morning, telling them that he had something to show them, but refusing to answer what it actually is. He also lugged a massive bag with him all the way here, but didn’t let any of them help with it. And the chairs being up here already proves that Donnie has clearly planned this out. It’s really making Leo believe that this is the last he’s ever going to see of Kendra.
“Yes, yes we all know Leon is fast,” Donnie bats the statement away and turns to his bag, “now if I can bring your attention to why I've brought you here today.”
“Which you still haven't explained, by the way,” Mikey grouches, not quite his sunny self in the dim light of the morning.
Donnie grins in a mischievous way, “All part of the surprise, dear Angelo! Now I need you all to close your eyes.”
Leo rolls his eyes, but closes them anyway, knowing that if he complains they’ll just spend longer up here anyway. “Donald, if you did something to Kendra, just tell us, it’ll make hiding the body easier.”
Mikey snickers beside him.
“I– Wha– No! I haven't done anything to Kendra. Not yet anyway,” Donnie moves on quickly, “I made something and you’re going to like it. Trust me.”
Now, most fairies in the Hidden Hollow are under the impression that Donnie doesn’t do feelings, an achieved product of his so called “Emotionless Bad-Boy Image”. But Leo can hear the excitement in his brother’s voice. He’s fiddling with something in the bag, and the suspense is honestly starting to have an effect on Leo. He’s getting excited too.
“And… open!”
He opens his eyes (Still semi prepared to see Kendra trapped in some kind of way) and is a little confused by what he’s presented with. Donnie is standing near the edge of the branch. His wings, usually down, are spread proudly on either side of him. The tattered one is covered in something Leo can’t quite make out.
Donnie shoots them a smile, and Leo hears a whisper that sounds like “Leap of faith,” and then the tinker fairy drops backwards off the branch and out of sight.
“DONNIE!!” Mikey screams, and Raph leaps out of his chair but Leo, Leo just dives. There's no thoughts about windspeed, hawks, humidity or any of the other things Leo normally has to consider when he flies. There’s no thoughts about how stupid his genius of a brother is, or about how if he isn’t fast enough Donnie might—. No, there is simply the need to move.
And move he does.
He drops like a stone from the height of the Tree, colours blurring past him as he streaks after his brother. His heart is pounding wildly, filled with shock and dread, urging himself to go faster, faster. He thinks he has tears in his eyes, but he tells himself that it’s just from flying at this speed.
He actually moves so fast he overshoots Donnie, who is very safely fluttering in the air.
“Donnie?” Leo rights himself immediately and shoots back up towards his brother. “Donnie! Haha!!” He zips a quick circle around his brother, trying to get his racing heart to calm down. He can see the thing on Donnie’s wing now. It’s a brace. The contraption covering his tattered wing is so delicate, clearly made by Donnie himself. Thin strips reach up the wing, acting as a scaffold for the pieces to stretch across, giving Donnie enough surface area to generate lift. He might not be into science like his brother, but he knows a thing or two about flying, and Donnie’s design is genius.
He’s so relieved it takes him a second to realise that they are still very much hovering above the ground which means, “Holy shit! You're flying!!”
He’s giddy with excitement, this is all he’s ever wanted for Donnie! Leo grabs him by the hands, and spins them in the air with joy. Donnie can clearly sense what Leo’s about to do because he panics and yells, “Nardo wait!” but it’s too late, because Leo tosses him upwards and crashes into him with a hug.
“Hahaha! This is amazing!”
“Ohmigosh! Donnie’s flying!”
Two more sets of arms encircle them. Their other brothers have caught up and Leo can feel in the tightness of his hug how Raph’s panic morphs into shock and then amazement.
“Yes, yes I can fly. Hurrah,” Donnie pats the back of Raph’s shoulder, “Although my wings are still delicate so…”
They all immediately release Donnie. And then Raph whacks him on the back of the head.
“You idiot! What were you thinking! You gave Raph a heart attack!”
“Well I’ve done the jump before so I know the brace works–”
“You WHAT?”
“ –I just needed to show you guys too.”
“Yeah but you could’ve warned us Dee.” Mikey pokes him in the shoulder, a hint of Doctor Delicate Touch peeking through.
Donnie shoots him a cheeky grin, “Where’s the fun in that?”
Leo’s amazed. He’s still chuckling. Of course Donnie would build himself a way to fly. Something as silly as a tattered wing was never going to stop him. It was only a matter of time.
Also not seen:
Donnie pretty much immediately sagging, because his wings aren’t used to flying for extended periods yet, and Raph hoisting him onto his shoulders to fly them back to the tree.
Anyways hope you enjoyed! Go give Lara’s AU a look. It’s amazing 🤩
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galahadwilder · 1 month ago
Never Giving Up On You (Blisters and Bedrock)
Chapter 3: All the Ghosts I Carry
This is a preview. Read the full chapter on my AO3!
The other Powder looks wrong in so many ways.
She's skinny, unhealthy skinny, in a way that makes Powder thankful that Ekko and Claggor are always reminding her to eat while she's working. The girl seems to be practically starving herself, leading Powder to wonder if she's got anyone in her universe who cares about her, who takes care of her. She knows so little about this girl, this other her.
Some things, though, are readable on her skin. The network of scars across her arms and exposed midriff speak of shrapnel, of bullet wounds, of electrical burns and worse. The prosthetic middle finger on her left hand indicates a brutality that Powder has never known, never had to fear, not since the Peace began.  The tattoos on her arm are old, older than the scars, and Powder wonders who made them for her, and why that person hasn't been feeding her. Or clothing her—all of her clothes are torn, the wrong size, either made for a child or hanging off her like she stole them from someone much, much larger.
Worse, the girl looks sick in every way that someone can look sick. Her skin, instead of Powder's healthy peach, looks almost gray, like all the blood has clotted within her veins. Her excessive mascara does a poor job of hiding the exhaustion bruises under her eyes, the emptiness of her gaze.
Her eyes, though, are the worst part. Powder's eyes are blue. They've always been blue. While Vi inherited their mother's stormy grays, Vander always said that Powder had Connol's eyes. Her father's eyes. This other girl, this... off version of her, has eyes of an impossible sickly pink. They shouldn't look like that. No eyes should look like that.
"Are you real?" the Other Powder rasps, holding her gaze unblinking, with a stare that chills Powder's bones. She's hunched, tense, like she's about to explode into violence at any second.
"I'm real," Powder says. She knows full well how this must look to the Other Powder, knows exactly what she would assume in the same situation. She holds out one hand, palm up. "Here, touch me."
The Other Powder leans forward without moving her feet and sniffs, looking for all the world like a feral cat. Then, much to Powder's surprise, she takes her hand in both hands and licks, rough tongue running up her palm.
"Ugh!" Powder yelps, yanking her hand back. "What the hell?"
The Other Powder smirks. "Just saying hi," she says.
She's starting to understand why Ekko was so scared of her. Everything about the Other Powder screams unstable, like she's a tightly-coiled spring waiting to erupt and stab someone with the end of the curved wire. For the first time, Powder notices the bizarre gun strapped to the Other Powder's leg. How many times has she pulled that trigger? How many people has she used it on?
"I met your Ekko," Powder says. "He seems like a good guy."
The Other Powder rolls her eyes, turning and pacing, flickering between spaces of the Anomaly as her body seems to break down, then snap back into place. "The Boy Savior," she sneers. "Of course perfect, prissy me would like him."
Powder grinds her teeth. "Powder—" she begins—
Only for Other Powder's eyes to snap back to her, her head lolling backward to look. "Jinx," she snaps. "Powder's been dead for years. I’m Jinx.”
You're just a jinx, child Milo says in her ear.
The last thing he'd said to her before Vi—before Vi—
"Why would you willingly call yourself that?"
The Other Po—Jinx—spreads her arms like a circus ringmaster. "Because it's what we are!" she says. "Everyone's favorite bad luck charm, who won't even have the decency to die when she's supposed to!"
Powder gets a sinking feeling. This girl cannot be her. The amount of things that would have to go wrong in her life... the very thought is staggering.
“…Jinx,” Powder says, her voice quiet, “what happened to you?”
Jinx laughs, and there's an unsettling, mirthless hyena quality to her laugh—before, suddenly, she cuts off mid-cackle, her expression dead, her eyes boring into Powder's. "I killed Vander," she says, her voice flat.
Powder's eyes widen as her heart seizes in her chest. Vander? Kind, gentle, fatherly Vander, who'd held her when she had nightmares, who'd opened his home to her when she had nowhere else to go, who'd given her every birthday cake and every kiss goodnight, who always told her he was proud of her and he believed in her, and Jinx had just... killed him?
"And Mylo. And Claggor," the emaciated girl continues. There's no emotion in her voice. It's like she's not even there, not even present in her own body as she speaks.
For a moment, Powder can't breathe, can't find her voice. Losing Vi was hard enough—she doesn't know how she could've survived losing her brothers too. She can see it, Mylo's frantic joy and Claggor's gentle kindness, snuffed out in an instant, taken by flames of electric blue, and her body hollows out at the thought. And for it to be her own fault?
"...Why?" she whispers, through tears, desperately wrapping her arms around her stomach as if it'll stop her insides from escaping. "Why would you...?"
Jinx's eerie, inhuman eyes—previously blank and empty—lock on hers. "Because that's what we do, Pow-pow," she sings. "We kill everyone we love."
"No," Powder whispers.
"It's our fault," Jinx continues in her unnerving sing-song. "Always our fault."
"Your fault," Vi echoes, blood streaming down her face.
"No!" Powder screams, wildly flinging a fist through Vi's face. "It wasn't my—it wasn't my fault!"
Jinx grins savagely. "You hear 'em too?" she says. "Who'd you kill?"
"I didn't kill Vi!" Powder shrieks, and for a moment, she feels her face split into a thousand faces, all screaming at once. "It was an accident!"
Every one of the thousand colors around Jinx suddenly bleeds pink, the same pink as her eyes, and suddenly Jinx is standing in front of her, lifting Powder by a thousand necks forced down into one by her inhuman grip. "You... killed Vi?" Jinx says with a broken voice, naked anguish raw on her face.
Powder struggles in Jinx's grip, barely able to breathe���but part of her notes that Jinx's tears are the same glowing pink as her irises. What—what is she?
“Your Vi,” Powder gasps, scrabbling at the hand on her neck. “She’s… alive?”
There's an indescribable pain in Jinx's eyes, one Powder can't even begin to understand. “…yeah,” Jinx says, blinking away poison tears. “She’s… she’s happy.” She looks down, opening her hand, releasing Powder to drop to whatever surface they're standing on. “I hope she’s happy,” she mumbles.
Everything in Powder stops.
She'd been right. Ekko had known that Vi, that strong, brave woman he'd painted on the walls that Powder had never gotten to see. Vi, somewhere, somehow, had lived.
"Does it matter?" Vi says. "I'm still dead."
No. No, her sister—she cannot stay dead. Powder has spent a month working on this, she's barely slept, she's barely eaten, Vi has been in her ear more and more every day, and it has to have been for something.
"Please," Powder says, climbing to her knees, clasping her hands, begging. "Please, I have to—I have to see her."
Jinx stares down at her, horror in those monstrous, yet somehow innocent eyes.
"Please." Powder sobs. "Bring me back with you. Carry me to Zaun. I need—" Her voice breaks. "I need to see my sister."
"I'm not going back," Jinx says. "I'm not taking you with me. Weren't you listening?" She grabs Powder by the chin. "We kill everything we touch," she growls. "If you want her to stay alive, never ask me to go back again."
Powder feels her chance, maybe her only chance, slipping away. She has to get to Ekko's Zaun. She has to find her sister. She has to get past Jinx, she has to know. She has to know.
She has to see Vi.
"Have fun in your universe," Jinx says, turning, striding towards the edge of the anomaly. "Try not to fuck it up."
"Jinx!" Powder screams, trying to stop her alternate before she vanishes. "Jinx!"
Oh, hell. She's not stopping. Jinx is ignoring her, charging off—she's going to have to do something drastic—
"Felicia!" Powder screams.
The effect on both of them is immediate.
Powder finds herself standing on the bridge again, fire and gas and blood, so small and so scared, Vi's hands covering her eyes, and Powder's heart stops.
But, however bad she has it, Jinx feels it worse. The emaciated girl immediately collapses to her knees and shrieks, a sound of raw and bloody agony tearing itself from her chest. She starts scrabbling, desperately, at the spars of magic that pass by, but each rainbow spike passes through her fingers like ghosts.
Powder forces down the bile in her throat, the rock in her stomach, and drags herself to Jinx, wrapping her arms around the other girl. "Come on," she whispers. "Dear friend, across the river..."
Jinx's fist smashes into her cheek with astounding force, launching Powder a full three feet and filling her vision with stars. When she looks up, Jinx is standing over her, bizarre gun in her hand.
"You're not my fucking mother," Jinx says. "And nobody gets to use my real name. Not even you."
Powder grins weakly, even though the very act sends daggers through the cheek Jinx struck. "Got you to stop, didn't I?" she says.
Jinx glares at her. "You're just like Vi," she says.
Then she jams her gun into Powder's gut and pulls the trigger.
Electricity courses through Powder's body like copper-hot fire, her muscles all seizing at once, dropping her to the nonexistent ground as every limb locks up in agony. She barely sees Jinx sneer at her as she turns and leaps out of the Anomaly-space, as the whole space begins to collapse.
The last thing she thinks before she blacks out is, Her gun was nonlethal?
@embershroud108 @mellkellyismyhero @echo-has-queries @citizensun @unhingedaccuracy @something-broken-failing-rotting @chaoticpinetree @jaijeijayjei @robylovi @darlingitsagathaharkness
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princesssmars · 2 years ago
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an ellabs x black!streamer!reader
some times your viewers expect you're in a relationship, and one time you spell it out clearly for them.
wc : 1.860
contains : reader is feminine ! the picture is more lightskin but all shades can read <333 ltlvc reference
a/n : coming up with chat usernames is so hard what the fawk??? but yeah while i ignore trolls the ones under these tags were pissing me off so i wrote this for my fellow black girlies <333 i hope u enjoy :)
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lets get one thing out of the way, you loved being a streamer. now that you had a good following of a few thousand regular watchers, you were more than financially stable, got to do something you enjoyed as a job, and even made a few new streaming friends.
but when it came to those friends, every content creator knew simple friendships could stir up drama. you had heard of many cases of friendships being strained or ruined because of this job. more specifically because of the fans.
which is why you took an oath to leave finer details like relationships out of your work. if you did tell a story about that time you and your friends nearly got kicked out of a local mall's journey's, you would keep descriptions of friends brief and blank, even resorting to calling people "friend number one, friend number two..."
luckily most of your fans were more than understanding that you wanted to keep some of your life private.
most of them.
case one : the first p.o. box
it was another po box opening stream you decided to start early in the day, wanting to show and appreciate chat with the things they got for you.
lululemonsz : babe i hope its a new keyboard urs is on a iv drip !
wariolover96 : open it open the box OPEN IT
shelovedantee : damn is there a bomb in it hurry up
you laughed looking at all the people in chat begging you to open the current package in your hand.
"everybody chill out. look, im gonna open the first one now."
you quickly got a pair of scissors to cut off the packing tape on both ends, hurrying to pull the cardboard from its place.
the chat started speeding up when your mouth fell open in shock, slowly reaching in and pulling out the keyboard. it was sleek, mechanical, and your favorite color.
biiiigpoo : omg isnt that thing like $250?
lululemonsz : this as the first gift is CRAZY
ilovestardewmc1237 : one of your viewers is in love with you
you couldn't even respond, turning the keyboard over and back again to admire the details of it. out of the corner of your eye you spot a little yellow sticky note at the bottom, bringing it up to read it without letting the camera see. once you got to the end, your eyes widened and you quickly moved on to the next gifts.
but the light reflecting from your window and monitor was enough for chat to see a few letters on the note. after that, your fandom quickly began talking of a person named "A" who had not only the money to get you crazy expensive keyboards, but was also able to fluster you with a small note.
case two : the search history.
every so often, your mods would host little events on your stream. these could include giveaways, shitty chat therapy, and little games for everyone to play. today it was a challenege : the more bits people donated, the crazier stuff you had to do for them. it was all pretty tame, and the end goal was one you didnt think you'd manage to hit.
never doubt the power of charisma and a pretty face, because after only three hours you manged to reach that two thousand dollar mark, and chat was raving at what you'd have to reveal next : your search history.
ariagatorr : damn this lowkey invasive 💀
devonchcgo22 : and we dont give a fuck
plantsnparsnip : right open that shit up
"i hate yall, do you know that? like genuinely." you groaned, slowly movied your mouse to open your chrome history.
there wasn't much for chat to bully you about thankfully, just some light teasing about how much you use pinterest and asking what it was you bought on etsy. and just when you thought you were done, someone had to open their big damn mouth.
pian0picass0 : wait a minute why did you open ellies stream THREE times ????
chat started moving faster as they read the comment, everyone asking you to open the stream and show them what was going on. sucking your teeth and denying them as you had shown them what they wanted!
after quickly wrapping up the stream and giving your thanks and goodbyes, a portion of viewers went on a manhunt for any ellie who was streaming at the moment.
once clicking on the stream, they found it was just a casual stream with ellie. she was obviously pretty, but was super laid-back in her jeans and converse as she strummed some songs on her guitar.
"oh hey, welcome to the stream i guess. any requests? i was gonna practice some radiohead because my friend asked for it."
pian0picass0 : hey ellie! do you know who (y/u) is by any chance?
"'sup casso. uhhhh no i dont think i do. did she send yall over here? maybe ill check her channel out."
case three : the enhanced dm's
"everybody shut the fuck up and lets start this stupid thing."
this was it, one of your biggest streams of the year. and also the most fun. and most aggravating.
the gist was simple. you and 5 other streamers were thrown into a discord call and whoever lasted the longest through the sleep deprivation and challenges won a heap of cash.
what the hell was it with you getting screwed over by challenges?
it didn't seem that bad. the host, a close friend of yours, told you to share your screen so everyone could decide something to tweet from your twitter.
now, your friends in the call didn't notice what was on your screen when you shared it, and if they did they didn't say anything. but never doubt the perseverance of your crazy ass viewers, because one took the liberty to see exactly what you were saying in that split second they could see your dm's, because they swore they knew that profile picture...
abby : don't worry you'll do fine
abby : you're not gonna get embarrassed by any of the challenges
abby : i hope
y/n : seriously
abby : come onn you know i'm rooting for you &lt;3
y/n : aww thanks bee
abby : yup. for the whole event i'm gonna be your personal cheerleader ^3^
y/n : oooo you gonna put on a uniform for me?
abby : don't push it.
case four : the voice chat slip up
at this point, there was no point in acting like you didn't know the two streamers.
the first was abby. mostly posted fitness, health, and lifestyle videos on youtube, but would occasionally go live on twitch to talk with her fans or stream herself working out at the gym.
(you may or may not have admitted live that you found her by watching a few of her workout streams. whoops.)
and then there was ellie, a gaming streamer who was known for being chill and quiet when playing music but as loud as a plane engine when playing cs:go. don't even get her started on cod.
but luckily you'd manage to convince her to play some games with you on your latest stream! some stardew, maybe some overcooked. even if she kept burning all of the damn food.
leave it to ellie williams to always surprise you, though.
when you hear the du-dum of the discord join noise, your face lights up and your mouth opens to greet ellie before she beats you to it.
"ok, babe, which game we playin first?"
to make a long story shot, your chat went ballistic and you gave a stern talking to the red head after the stream ended.
case five : the instagram post
most of the time you leave most of your notifications off to avoid your phone sounding like a constant alarm. but you're guessing your recent endeavor of babysitting your cute but horrifically grabby nephew screwed you over, because before you know it the sound of dozens on instagram notifications are waking you up and pushing your bonnet from where it slipped down your eyes before unlocking your phone.
at first it seems like a normal picture abby posted, standing in front of a mirror in her living room , flexing her arm and covered in a thin sheen of sweat after an apparent workout session. ever the show off.
but when you zoomed into a blip of color in the background, your eyes almost pop out of your head when you see it.
its you and ellie, you sitting in her lap while she showed you some stupid meme on her phone she said reminded her of you.
the post was only thirty minutes old but already had a few thousand comments, the previes of 'OMG?????' and "no fucking way" giving you a hint to what people were thinking.
you turned off your phone, tossed it back on the nightstand and went back to sleep.
case six : the joint stream
y/nsstan69 : not an unscheduled stream ??? is it judgement day ???
onlycuntz : "ft surprise guest" girl we aren't stupid
you had to hide the smile from appearing on your face as you read through the comments of your chat. you knew some of them were probably smart enough to know what was going on. the three of you hadn't really been discrete in the days following abby's slip up post, and viewers jumped at the chance to point you out in the background of some of her workout videos. and to point out how you were staring at her.
so, here you sat in the comfort of your cute gaming chair ready to tell chat the big news with your special guest.
"so, i bet some of you are wondering why im streaming off schedule, but i had something big in my personal life that i wanted to tell you guys! in a few minutes my gest should be here..."
your voice trailed off as you kept your eye on chat, seeing a bunch of comments that you werent expecting from this big announcement.
motionpickers : lmaooooo are they serious
lululemonsz : she's gonna be so pissed
you begin to turn around in your chair when two pairs of lips press a kiss to each of your cheeks.
"you guys are so unserious."
"and you are so bad at hiding things." ellie pulls up and extra chair and rolls it up to yours so her knees touch yours. she tugs your hand into hers to sit on her lap, ignoring when you pinch her with your nails.
"ignore her. we could tell what you were doing and figured we should all do it together," abby is on your other side, resting her hip on the arm of your chair. "so, go ahead. it's pretty obvious already."
"wow, thanks for the support you guys."
"anytime, hun."
uhuhstasia : i literally cant tell whos luckier
ilovestardewmc1237 : is it appropiate to say i called this
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miscellaneous ghiaccio headcanons? i really like your interpretation of the character
La Squadra Miscellanea p.1 -Ghiaccio's random headcanons
Tw: drugs, alcohol, general violence and degradation, blasphemies, Loretta Goggi
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Hates when people are late for appointments (or dates). This is a trait he shares with Illuso.
He has really poor eyesight. But that doesn't really matter since he's farsighted and he doesn't really care 'where to punch'.
Violence is not an answer. Violence is the question and the answer is 'Yes'.
Extremely violent outbursts for "no apparent reason".
When he first met Illuso, he punched him in the guts after he teased him for his thick glasses
"ma te vara questo... Uè pistola, ma ci vedi attraverso quei bicchieri ?"
(Look at this nerd...Hey fuckface, can you see behind those magnifying lens?)
And then kicked Formaggio in the knee because he laughed...
Doesn't know how to properly compliment or show that 'he cares' to anyone.
Jealous partner. Jealous admirer.
"Me so rabiato? No me so rabiato. Davèr-Te lo dico con calma...DIO BOIA CHI CAZO È CHE TE CIÀMA?!? DIO PORSELÀSO CAN! DAME STO PORCODIO DE TELEFONO."
(I'm calm. I just want to know-No.no. really I'm calm-I just want to know WHO DA FUCK IS CALLING YOU RIGHT NOW?! GIVE ME THE DAMN PHONE.)
He usually redirects his anger towards the target but sometimes La Squadra are not the only people who take advantage of his outbursts...
According to Melone:
"Deh, Gliè rabbia repressa. Un ce po' fah dimorto. Ir problema è 'he diventa fascile da manipolare. Boia,Le bimbe s'approfittano. Peffozza."
(Repressed rage is even better than plain and simple rage. It is so easy to manipulate him through his feelings.)
Melone is the only person in the group that allows him to be vulnerable.
Deep conversations late at night while 'Maledetta Primavera' plays.
Eats a lot. Many carbs and protein but doesn't get fat (lucky him.)
Ghiaccio can chug an entire bottle of Vodka lemon with an empty stomach
Then he would vomit and shit himself. Those are usual consequences
He hits the gym at least 3 times a week. Sometimes Formaggio goes with him to catcall the girls
"ABBONA! Dopo la ciclett te lo fai un giro su st'attrezzo?! Annamo!"
(HEY BABE! Can I be part of your workout?! I can make you sweat for good)
"TASI. TASI DIOPORCO. Qui mi conoscono, Diopittore."
(SHUT UP. SHUTTHEFUCK UP. I pay for a regular membership here, you balding fag)
He gets the snow. He's usually in charge of that. (Read the misadventures et al. Tequila Sale e limone)
He cuts it with whatever.
Malox,Brufen,Tachipirina? That's fine
Before joining the gang he used to drink, snort and smoke like it was the end of the world.
Now he's more in control.
He occasionally does LSD with Melone and never refuses a drag from Pesci's joint.
Formula 1 enjoyer. He's a great fan of Michael Schumacher and a Ferrari estimator.
Unnecessary hate for poor Mika Häkkinen and McLaren
Once he and Melone lost a bet at the strip club and the girls turned their hair blonde.
There are pictures of the event.
Pesci kept them in secret
-La Principessa della Squadra
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strawb3rryhachi · 18 days ago
Waterbaby - Toji Fushiguro
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18+ MDNI!!!
inspired by this song
Summary: this is a long one bc i like back story LOL didn’t proof read bc i had to rewrite so much ): so srry if there’s any mistakes
contains: assassin!tojixreader, kinda yanderextoji if uoi squint, tojixfemreader, POS toji, established ‘relationship’, use of daddy (once), possessiveness, unprotected s*x, mention of breeding, sq**rting, essentially if you don’t like seggs don’t read(-:
You kept your eyes closed, pretending not to hear the way Toji’s pants sounded brushing against his thighs on their way up. Your ‘meet ups’ consisted of him using your body in any way he could imagine, praising you with backhanded remarks about how your slutty warmth felt so delicious around him, fucking into you until you both passed out from exhaustion. Only to back out of your apartment quietly the next morning, while you pretended to be none the wiser. Irritation furrowing your brow as you heard the lock click.
You two had begun this song and dance almost a year ago, you had spotted him in a shady club, surrounded by women who did nothing but fawn all over him. Of course, you knew him by his reputation as an assassin and the fact that your now ex-boyfriend held a strong grudge against the man for some spat that had happened years before you had come around. That night felt like the perfect opportunity to get some kind of petty revenge for your lovers lack of loyalty. Fucking his sworn enemy ought to take him down a few pegs.
And Toji knew you too. All too familiar with the sexy little minx attached to the hip of the stupid punk who swore they had ‘beef’. He’d wanted to steal you from your boyfriend, not because he was particularly interested in you, but more so he wanted to rub it in the runts face. To have you wrapped around his little finger and for your boyfriend to completely lose his mind over it.
He noticed you from the moment you walked into the club and he slowly but surely made his way over to you, offering you a drink and a scarred smile and all but hauling you over his shoulder in anticipation by the end of the night. It was sloppy and dirty and feral. A mixture of teeth and animalistic need.
Everything was going exactly to plan, Toji thought. But he would soon realize you had no intention of trying to keep a man who didn’t want to be kept. You were intelligent and calculating, quick to brush him off when he teased you about becoming his ‘real girlfriend’. He liked that about you, despite the fact that he knew you hated being kept a secret no matter how many times you’d deadpan, looking him square in the face as you said, “I don’t have the energy to tame you.” You understood him and what he wanted and you gave it to him without asking for anything in return.
Though, this morning you found yourself resenting him. You had no idea when the next time you’d see him was. He’d text you on a whim, inviting himself over to stay for a couple days, filled with nofucking just for him to leave without a word. That isn’t to say, you didn’t know anything about each otd to him bitch about losing money on a bet. He listened to your favorite records while you cooked and quickly came to learn breakfast was all you were really qualified to make. You spent a lot of time laughing and teasing, though that was mostly Toji. And after a long night wrestling between the sheets, you’d take a nice bath together, taking turns washing each other as the sun started to peak over the horizon. Toji enjoyed things the way they were and had no desire to change them, though you were slowly growing tired of desiring something that was seemingly out of reach.
What was really the point of waiting for Toji to change his mind about you? You thought, scrolling mindlessly on your phone, refreshing your messaging app in hopes of a text from Toji that would never come. It had been fun for a while, but you couldn’t keep denying the way your heart ached when you thought about what he was up to while he was gone. Wondering how he spent his time after his jobs; was he with other women? Entertaining them the way he was the night you’d met?
To hell with it, you thought. Tonight you’d go out on your own, no expectations other than to be flirted with and go home alone and watch Nana before you fell asleep. You didn’t want to be shut in while Toji did as he pleased anymore, waiting patiently by your phone with your tail wagging while he was up to god knows what.
* * *
The nightclub was packed, people pressed against each other tightly like a can of sardines. The scent of sweat and alcohol permeating through the crowd as you pushed your way towards the bar, towing behind some poor fool who thought he was gonna get lucky after buying you drinks all night. His brown hair was shaved close to his head giving way to a strong jawline, he was conventionally attractive and his over confident demeanor would’ve probably been attractive to anyone other woman in the building. You could only think of Toji as you swirled your drink around your cup while trying to pay attention to what he was saying.
"How does a pretty thing like you end up all alone on a Friday night?" He smiles, it was charming and you couldn't help but scoff at the question. He's leaning closely over the bar, his face less than a foot away, you might've played into it if Toji wasn't tugging at the back of your mind.
"I’m a boring old lady." You laugh breathily and he joins in, one of his hands slyly coming to rest on your hip, "I'm usually in bed by now."
Unbeknownst to you, Toji was a quiet observer of your little interaction. He had spotted you the moment you walked in, eyes boring greedily over the way your tight top hugged the supple meat of your breasts, brow furrowing as he noticed your hardened peaks poking through the thin fabric, it was a rather cold spring night. He wrestled between jumping to his feet to yank you out of the building or snapping the punks neck, instead opting to wait for you to approach him. You were his favorite little secret, nobody could know about you after all. No one other than the ex of yours he had been harassing with voice recordings of you begging, screaming for Toji.
He was sure you’d notice him right away, catch his eye and get that cute jealous look he loved so much. But you didn’t notice him, didn’t even look at him from your peripheral. Too busy being entertained by someone who wasn’t him.
So Toji sat there, knuckles turning white as his fingers dug harshly into his palms, watching you laugh, flirt and grind on the scrawny punk who had been buying you drink after drink. His muscles screamed as he watched the man’s fingers grip the little piece of flesh poking above your jeans, touching you in an environment Toji hadn't. Hell, the only time you’d been spotted together publicly was the night he'd pursued you a year ago. His fury was rolling off him, almost tangible as he strode towards the spot where you continued to giggle and accept the advances that made Toji sick to his stomach.
You still hadn't noticed him, even as he grew closer and closer still. He was stood right behind you as he watched the sloppy drunk push your hair behind your ear, trying to slither his way into a kiss. He was acting out of pure animalistic instinct as he ripped the guy around by his shoulder, watching the shock on your face as you finally noticed him. He landed an explosive blow smack dab in middle of his face before the poor guy could even register what was happening. Reveling in the fleeting look of relief you had when your eyes connected.
“Hey man! The fuck is your problem?!” The brown haired man shrieked, clutching his now broken nose that was oozing with blood. He was crumpled up on the floor, other patrons crowding around him but none daring to even make eye contact with the dark haired aggressor. Toji flipped to you, eyes wide with an emotion you couldn't place. If you didn’t know him, you might’ve been scared. But all you could do, once the shock settled, was give him that same blank stare you’d been giving him the last few times he had shown up on your doorstep. He hated that look. Hated the way you looked so unimpressed with him, so disinterested you didn’t even care to explain why some douche had been touching what belonged to him.
“If I ever see you again I'll kill you, punk.” He spit, giving the guy a kick to the ribs before grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of the club. You could barely form a coherent thought as your heels click-clacked hurriedly under you. You could smell the alcohol on him, the way it seeped out from his pores and mixed with the minty gum popped in his mouth. His jaw was clean he’d tightly, muscles and veins in his temple bulging from the pressure of his chewing. There was no point in fighting him, especially when you didn’t feel solid on your own two feet either. You sat in silence as he stuffed you both in a cab, only uttering an address to the driver and not granting you so much as a glance the whole ride back. A quick ‘keep the change’ to the driver was spat as he hoisted you over his shoulder and took thundering steps up to your apartment. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears as he pulled your keys from your purse, thrusting it into the lock so aggressively it took him a few tries, undoubtedly adding to his annoyance.
Before you even heard the door click back into the frame Toji had you backed against the wall, neck craning down so his breath was tickling over your pulse, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“You’ve been naughty tonight, mama.” He growled. The sound of his voice, so deep and husky, reverberated through your body, igniting a fire deep in your belly.
“Have I?” You whispered, biting onto his earlobe and earning yourself a needy grind of Toji’s hips against yours. You wouldn't submit to him tonight, or any future nights. Not if this was the only way you could have him. His fingers dug into the skin on your hips, keeping you in place so he could show you how much he wanted you. How much you made him want you.
“ ‘S my fault. Should’ve locked you up so you couldn’t escape.” And the feral smile on his face as he says it should probably be more concerning than it was, instead only making you squeeze your thighs together for some kind of reprieve from the ache between them. His lips latch onto your neck, suckling and licking the skin there as he got drunk off the smell of you. His hands struggling to free your soft breasts from your too tight top, getting too worked up to struggle for long and just ripping it off you impatiently.
“If I- haah-- didn't know any better...,” Your breaths were ragged, giving way to your ever crumbling strong demeanor as your arms come round his neck to support yourself when he begins roughly kneading at your breasts. "I'd think you were jealous."
"Nothin' to be jealous of, doll." His hand roved roughly down your body, squeezing and prodding until he rested just above that sweet little spot you were all too familiar with. "You think he could make you feel good right here, mama?" He pushed lightly at your lower belly. Your breath hitched, your body remembered all too well the depths Toji was all too capable of reaching. The way he could pull orgasm after orgasm from you as easy as breathing.
Choosing to stay silent in defiance, staring up at him with half-lidded eyes as he reached up your skirt, hands massaging over the sopping fabric that used to be your panties. He was intoxicated with your scent as he pressed his slick covered fingers past his parted lips, tongue lapping and sucking all evidence of your arousal from his skin.
"Fuuuck..." His headtipped all the way back, bottom lip sucked between his teeth as he savored you. He didn't even look human anymore, he didn't feel human either. His painfully hard cock strained again the unforgiving fabric of his pants, only throbbing harder as you pulled his pants and briefs down in one go, his 'thank you' coming in the form of his two thick fingers pushing past that first ring of muscle inside you and teeth nipping at one of your hardened peaks. You couldn't help the less-than-gentle squeeze you gave his shaft as his fingers slid in and out of you, earning a hiss from him.
He easily hoisted you over his shoulder for the second time tonight, making his feral stride to your all too familiar bedroom, throwing you down the bed. He only grew more unsatiated as he watched your hair fan out underneath you, creating a perfect halo around you. You truly were an angel, he thought, and oh how he loved to corrupt the heavenly being in front of him. He crawled up the bed, like an animal sneaking up on its prey, stopping to hover his heavy girth over your face, sliding his meaty hands behind your skull to pull you up. He was practically bursting with pleasure without you even touching him.
"C'mon mama, let me feel that pretty mouth." His smile was wide as he traced his leaky tip over your lips, grunting at the stimulation. You obliged him, opening your needy throat to grant him the access you knew he was all too desperate for. Overeager, he slid into your drooling maw, meanly bottoming out as you gasped and choked for air. His grip only tightened in your hair, keeping your nose pressed flush against the stubble on his pubic bone. He was babbling incoherently, one hand trailing thick fingers down your jaw, your throat to feel exactly how deep you could swallow him.
"My angel... such a— fuckin' shit—good girl f'me." He was stuck in a loop, repeating himself over and over. You felt devious watching him come undone above you, you wanted to punish him for always looking over you, for dragging you home when you knew he'd be gone in the morning as you pretended to sleep. You wanted him to suffer at the though of another man being where he was, taking what had been offered to him. These feelings had bred an evil idea within you.
You pulled yourself free, his grip had begun loosening as he rode closer and closer to his high, his hips thrashing erratically inside your unhooked jaw, his length slips out and a frustrated grunt follows along with it.
"Enjoy yourself," You smile, villainously, swiping the puddle of drool from your chin, "This is the last time you'll have me like this."
Your words made him halt, pulling himself just far enough from you that you could look him in the eye, so you could see the crazed look you had created. You didn’t care about the grave you were digging yourself, popping him back in your mouth, grabbing at the small of his back as you forced him all the way back in, tongue laving out and licking stripes against his base every time he you pulled him back to meet you , tears pricking at your eyes at the stretch you’d never get used to.
“Wanna take this slutty mouth away from me?” His words came out in pants, he wasn’t looking at you despite how much he wanted to. He knew those big teary eyes would take him over the edge. In truth, your little act of defiance turned him on but that didn’t mean it didn’t still royally piss him off. “Wanna give what’s mine to some punk who can’t even get you off?”
You continued your assault on his cock, his precum sticking to the walls of your throat, your spit bubbling around his base as you drooled over him. You didn’t want anyone else, you knew that, but you couldn’t miss an opportunity to give back Toji what he’d given you. After all, you’d never asked for anything in return all this time, so what if he had to suffer for one night.
Toji wasn’t satisfied with you staying silent. He loved eliciting any emotion from you, no matter what that may be or the consequences after. He loved seeing the life bubble up inside you and letting it explode for him. He finally looked down, seeing the way you were desperately using your mouth as a fleshlight to pull that yummy, salty sweetness from him.
“Answer me, doll.” He demanded through gritted teeth, trying as hard as he could to push back that warm sticky feeling that was begging to be released. He pulls your mouth from him, allowing you a moment to catch your breath. He was desperate for the venom he was sure you were going to spit back at him,
“‘s just… dick…” blowing hot air against his tip with your answer, his member twitching for more friction. “Can’t tame you.”
Your mascara was leaving black smudges around your eyes, your lipstick smeared around your mouth so enticingly.
“Don’t wanna be tamed,” His bottom lip juts out in a mock pout, lightly slapping his reddened mushroom tip against your lips, “Want you to be a good girl and wait for daddy to come home to you.” His smile is intoxicating as he fishhooks one side of your mouth, only growing more feverish as you loll out your tongue.
He gathers the spit in his mouth, sending down a glissading treat for you as it plops in your fucked out mouth you can’t help but moan, the sweet minty taste of his gum mixing with tabaco. He was making it harder and harder for you to keep your composure, all your body wanted to do was melt into him and give him his way, let him use you as he pleased.
Toji slides down your trembling figure, leaving hot, suckling kisses as he moves farther and farther down. He was playing with you, he only made that much more apparent as he placed a way too long kiss to your bundle of nerves, breathing in your mind numbing scent.
“If you think I’ll let another bastard touch…” His breath against your heat left goosebumps pricking over your whole body, a faint heartbeat pulsing where you were most needy. “this pretty little pussy, you’re outta your mind.”
You were squirming underneath him as he continued denying you any sort of friction, his long fingers wrapped around your hips, keeping you (mostly) docile. Pressing kiss after kiss to your bud, your angelic mewls like church bells in his ears.
“T-Toji please… no more. Wan’ your cock.” You knew you were playing unfairly, reaching down and spreading yourself open so that Toji could come face to face with your insides, all but face planting into your slick as he bored into your gummy walls pulsating around nothing. “Give it to me. One last time.”
You knew as soon as the words left your lips how dangerous they were, especially when spoken to the beast of a man in front of you. Especially when you knew you were lying through your teeth, tomorrow you’d turn your ringer on and wait by the door like a good little puppy.
But oh, you didn’t understand just how dangerous it really was. It was almost like you could see something in Toji snap, he moved too fast, too precise. His strong hands locked around your ankles, pulling you down your cheap sheets, as if you weren’t close enough already, your ass pressed against the smooth skin on his thighs, pelvis tilted high. He was silent, taking hold of his length and slapping it harshly against your sopping, sticky folds as if trying to punish you. Without warning, pressing fully into you as your wetness gushed around him, your mouth gaping into the perfect ‘O’ at the sheer stretch, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the delicious burn.
He wasted no time in bending you into a mating press, locking your legs next to your head. You felt like you had the wind knocked out of you, your vision full of stars at his desperation.
“G-guess I better —hah— leave you with a gift.” His tone was threatening, his eyes so dark they almost looked black. He was fucking you like he hated you, balls slapping loudly against your ass, only providing him with more stinging pleasure as he sped up his movements. He was determined to make you regret your words. Like hell it’s the last time. He’d kill every punk who tried to get in his way, if he had to.
You were clawing his back, leaving raised nail marks on his skin. Toji couldn’t keep his eyes off you, the way you looked oh-so pretty as you cried out for him, telling him it was too big, too much before desperately pulling him closer, deeper. He watched the way your greedy, gushy pussy slobbered and pulled him in, opening up so beautifully for him.
“I think a baby would make a great gift, don’t you mama?” He asked, stuffing his fingers inside your mouth, your plush tongue wrapping around his digits and suckling them, hearts practically forming in his eyes as he watched you turn into the monster he had created. It was beautiful watching you be so unabashedly lewd, like a yummy little secret just for him.
You were babbling incoherently, his abrasive hips jutting somehow deeper, rougher, poking at that yummy spongey spot inside you. And Toji knew it wouldn’t be much longer now. He pulled his fingers from your maw, bringing them to rub meanly at your swollen clit , never relenting on that sweet spot that made you curse his name as he pushed his hand harder and harder on that spot in your lower belly where he could feel himself inside you. That spot was burning, that pressure building and building inside you.
God, he wanted to give you a baby. Something to keep you busy and remind you of him when he was gone for work. Something that was both you and him. He almost wondered where these feelings were coming from, this possessiveness, this desperate hunger to claim you and make you his in anyway possible. Maybe a serious girlfriend would be okay, if it was you?
But you snapped him back, your trembling fingers locking into the short hairs at his nape and pulling, nuzzling into his neck and biting as you felt that dam of pressure finally burst. Toji pulled out, rubbing his thick girth against you as you sprayed all over him, you suckling on the spot where his neck and shoulder met trying to muffle your mewls. Wasting no time to let you catch your breath before slamming back into you, giving up on holding your legs, instead trying to focus on not filling your pretty little walls with his seed. Yet.
“Look how excited she is for a baby.” He smiles, eyes not locked on you but on your dripping cunt. “T-Take you to get a… big—fucking—ring tomorrow if that’s what it takes.” He was mostly babbling to himself at this point, completely pussy drunk as he slap slap slaps into you, the creamy ring forming at his base only egging him on further in his madness. His words aren’t lost on you, you both think you’ve got the other exactly where you want them. The possessiveness emanating from both of you only feeding into the other.
“Gimme it Toji.” Your voice was low, sultry, all semblance of reason leaving your body as you begged him to fill you and thanked him for fucking you.
“Gonna be such a pretty mama,” He cooed in your ear, sweat dripping from his forehead onto your shoulder. “Gonna show everyone how pretty and round my girl is.” His possessiveness was getting the better of him, his head swirling with all the way he could, legally, latch you to him.
“Gonna hold you to that.” You breathlessly giggled, taking his earlobe between your teeth and suckling lightly, reveling in the way his shoulders shuddered, losing balance for just one barely there second the way you knew he would. You were pulling him closer and closer, and he was letting you, bottoming out inside you with a guttural groan.
Tightening, milking him, cooing out masked praises against the shell of his ear. Telling him how big he was, how good he felt, how you deep you wanted him to cum. All of these things combined had him gasping and moaning out, cursing you for pulling out every trick you knew that would make him fall to pieces.
You wondered if anyone else had ever seen this side of Toji. The small tinge of pink on his cheeks that you knew was more from the sounds he couldn’t help rather than the war hammer thrusts he was giving you.
“S-Shut…your pretty f-fuckin’ mouth,” He panted, balancing himself on one arm so he could lazily cover your mouth with his too large palm. He was truly a wild animal now, poking and prodding your cervix as if demanding entry, the sounds emanating from him were reverberating around the room. His hands snaked under your sweat coated skin on your back, reaching further and clawing at the meat of your ass and trying to do everything he could to push impossibly deeper.
“T-Toji… can’t take anymore.” You cried out, vision foggy and distorted from the cracks of pleasure wracking through you, you were pretty sure you were gonna cum again.
“Good girl,” He purred, feeling the way your walls were frantically clenching and unclenching, so distinctly different to the calculated rhythm you had previously created. “Cum for me one more time baby, then I’ll give you what you need.”
He chuckled darkly, he knew it was really him who needed it. Needed it to feel grounded again, to feel.. secure? He didn’t really care why, just that he had this aching ball of hunger deep in the pit of his stomach and you were the only way to make it go away.
“Cum on my cock mama, one more time.” He kept repeating it like a mantra, truly it was the only thing holding back the sticky white liquid threatening to drip out of his pretty pink tip. And you did as you were told, unable to hold back your moans and yells of Toji’s name this time, finally giving him what he wanted. He loved feeling you spasm as he came inside you, your toes curling, fingers clutching at his bare skin painfully, only adding to his own ecstasy. He was pressed firmly against your cervix, your pussy locking and unlocking around him, pulling, milking every last drop of him directly into your womb. His teeth biting and nipping anywhere he could, trying to keep himself from toppling all his body weight directly on top of you.
He sits inside of you, for a moment, plugging you up as best he can before giving you a few shallow thrusts that leave you twitching and pulling out. He takes in the sight of you, arm slung over your eyes as you pant heavily, legs still spread, showing off the beautiful mess Toji had made you. He takes his fingers, collecting the cum leaking out of you on the pads and stuffing it back inside, not being able to help himself and giving you a few more pumps of his fingers, making you whine and smack his hand away.
He wasn’t done with you, not for a good long while. His next mission was to get you to beg for forgiveness (while he drilled into you mercilessly) for even suggesting a parting. Even with the post nut clarity, he felt no different than he had while he was inside you. That carnal need to keep you close was still burning under his skin.
But for now, he decides you’ve been good enough that he’ll let you rest for a bit. After all, you weren’t gonna be able to get rid of him now. He picks up your limp form, carrying you to the bathroom and starting the shower, relishing in the fact that you really were gonna give him a baby. He’d make sure of it.
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metis-iphigenia · 3 months ago
As someone who has been a fan of The Odyssey, being inside the Epic: The Musical fandom has been absolutely so amazing. Every Saga that has happened up to the Ithaca Saga was just so,,, great that I can't find words😭😭 Not only that it has been amazing to read other peoples interpretion of the Gods, Myths, Monsters and Heroes alike.
Anyway, I can't get over the Ithaca Saga and how beautiful every song sounds. So have some of my favourite moments in this Saga.
1- The Challenge
In the past Sagas, I have already been too in love with the violin playing whenever Penelope was mentioned etc, not only that I already knew the singer of Penelope had an amazing voice. BUT OH MY LOVE DID THE VOICE CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD./pos
Sirens are real guys and she is one of them(real information)
I don't have a significant favourite part in this song because honestly Anna Lea's voice is so captivating that the entire song passes in a very fun way. Just a very beautiful, sorrowful song overall.
2- Hold Them Down
I already knew this song from the snippets released before but hearing it from Ayron's voice was a whole different experience. He was SO good. Again, the whole song was amazing.
"Can't you guys see we're being played? This is how they hold us down while the throne gets colder. Hold us down while we slowly age. Hold us down while the boy gets bolder. Where in the hell is our pride and our rage?"
One of my favourite moments in this song was this probably. While listening, I actually got the feeling that the suitors were fed up from waiting for Penelope to choose a king. I think Ayron did a wonderful job in not only singing a villainous song but also making us feel how entitled the suitors are actually are.
I especially loved the moment where Antinous gets hit with an arrow by Odysseus and him encouraging the others about their plan is cut off. I will admit, I did audibly laughed at that.
3- Odysseus
I literally can't think of words to describe the emotions I was feeling while listening to this song. I think this is my favourite song alongside of "Would You Fall in Love with Me Again".
The electric guitar playing in the start, again the symbol of him becoming a monster and leaving his humanity(the acoustic guitar) MAN I LOVED THIS SONG.
Him aiming for the torches just like Scylla has done was a great add to that too. Bunch of people has already pointed out this before but it can never be too many amiright? But yeah he really is using every trick in his domain just like Hermes told him to and I love it.
"Somewhere in the shadows lurks an agile, deadly foe..."
"He's using the darkness to hide his approaches!"
The image of Odysseus as Batman popped up in my head after these lines and I can't get it out😭(That au would be so amazing though, especially Talia as Penelope and Damian as Telemachus.)
"You don't think I know my own palace? I built it."
I was already smiling during this whole song and I screamed when he said this. like okay king you go slay I am right behind you
"Old king, our leader is dead. You've destroyed the serpent's head, now the rest of us are no longer a threat.
Old king, forgive us instead, so that no more blood is shed. Let's have open arms instead."
Well It is not a Saga if it doesn't have an "open arms" comeback I guess. Though I did cackle when Odysseus said "No" and killed the guy.
Honestly, deserved. I might be remembering it wrong but I think Eurymachus also asks for forgiveness in The Odyssey? Really glad Odysseus didn't grant it in The Odyssey and in The Epic because from what I remember in The Odyssey, Eurymachus was Antinous' right-hand man and just as bad as him. (Correct me if I am wrong please, It has been a while since the last time I read The Odyssey)
I have no idea who sings Eurymachus in Epic but this whole part was just enough for me to want to learn who it is.
TELEMACHUS' PART! Mico's voice is already beautiful to listen to and it became way more beautiful with the backround music. His own theme music, violin symbolising all that he has learned from his mother. Those sounds just went really well against eachother in my opinion.
"Brothers, we have company, and he's made a grave mistake."
The way this guy sang the sentence, especially "grave mistake" was so satisfying. Absolutely so satisfying I love it.
Also, I heard somewhere that the "Odysseus" repeating in the backround was how the name was pronounced and I love that detail. I loved whenever his name was said in the backround and it is also very interesting how every monsters song is named after them, just like this song.
The screams of the suitors after the whole slaughter is over was a really nice touch, I love it when Jorge adds screams into his songs.
The speech Odysseus gives is also worth to mention.
Mercy? Mercy? My mercy has long since drowned, It died to bring me home. And as long as you're around, my family's fate is left unknown.
You plotted to kill my son, you planned to rape my wife! All of you are going to die!
I also love how it doesn't beat it around the bush about what the suitors were planning to do to Penelope. It should be said as it is, they were planning to rape her which is so vile and awful. Which what made their deaths so satisfying exactly.
Overall, Odysseus was an amazing song. So amazing that I will be going insane about it to my friends for the next 2 months probably.
4- I Can't Help but Wonder
I was crying by the end of this song. Seeing them FINALLY reunite was so 😭😭😭 ALSO THEIR HUG. ☹️☹️☹️/pos
Oh my son, look how much you've grown. Oh my boy, the sweetest joy I've known. Twenty years ago I held you in my arms, how time has flown.
Used to say I'd make the storm clouds cry for you, used to say I'd capture wind and sky for you. Held you in my arms prepared to die for you, oh how times has flown.
Hi, so this should be illegal! All I want to say about this song is how emotional and beautiful it was. And I love how it reminded me of "Dear Theodosia" in Hamilton.
THE WARRIOR OF THE MIND COMEBACK. DEAD AND BURIED. I am not well after that ☹️☹️ Also Odysseus putting everything behind for his family,,, falls to knees with my hands ripping my hair... I am so happy for them.
5- Would You Fall in Love with Me Again?
Finally, we are onto the song that made me shit tears. The OdyPen reunion we all were waiting for just like they were.
THE VIOLIN IN THE START. It is so beautiful just like Penelope, I can't get over it.
Again, Anna Lea's voice make me want to just drop everything I have and listen to it until I start to lose the ability to hear. It is so amazing.
Love how whenever someone uses the word "Waiting" in the song, Its volume and impact raises more than the last one. I especially loved Penelope ending it with "for you." saying that it was him she was waiting for, not love itself because to her, he is her love. I don' know if that made sense but hope I was able to explain it.
The part where Penelope asks Odysseus to carry their wedding bed away from here was such a beautiful moment becasue Anna Lea just sang it very beautifully(as she does as always) It was so emotional and so beautiful.
How could you say this?
I had built that wedding bed with my blood and sweat, carved it into the olive tree where we first met. A symbol of my love everlasting...
Do you realize what you have asked me? The only way to move it is to it cut from its roots!
I just find their Tree Bed very sweet that is all. And a lot of people have pointed out how in The Odyssey, Penelope asked her husband this to prove to herself that this is her husband, while in Epic she asked this to prove to him that he is her husband. I find that change very sweet.
I will fall in love with you over and over again. I don’t care how, where, or when, no matter how long it’s been you're mine.
Don’t tell me you’re not the same person! You’re always my husband and I’ve been waiting, waiting.
The emotion in her voice OHHHH I AM NOT SURVIVING THIS SAGA.
Never getting over the fact that Epic The Musical ended with Odysseus and Penelope saying "I love you." to eachother. NEVER.
There are so much more things I want to say about this banger of a Saga. But for now, I will just congratulate them all on their beautiful voices(EVERY single person who sang in this musical has amazing voice, counting other Sagas too. Holy damn, y'all are amazing.)
The fandom has been an AWESOME one to be in too! Everyone is such amazing people and not only that all of you are very talented. So congratulations to every and each one of you who have done fanarts, fanfictions, animations, fan songs, analysis and so so much more about the Musical, all of you are amazing. <33
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lunarleonardo · 2 months ago
So you write a lot of fanfiction uwu… but do you read any fic too? ;3c
Ik you don’t have public bookmarks but do you have any saiouma fic recommendations?? Can be whump or not but!! I’m curious!!/gen
Plus we need something to tide us over while we wait for new chapters!!/lh (its ok if not please don’t feel pressured to!!!!!)
I'll be honest... I don't know how bookmarks work. I never use them. I have a big google doc where I link every fic I enjoy and save stuff from there. I didn't know ao3 bookmarks could even Be private @_@;??? It took me like 30 minutes trying to figure out how to make a series. I feel like a 70 year old man using the internet for the first time trying to do anything on ao3
I went over some general fics I liked here, but Saiouma fics... qwq oohh ones that I enjoy are so difficult to find, much less LONGFICS like what I do. I started writing because whump was so agonizingly scarce in the Shuichi tag (i also have major character death filtered out so maybe thats why but still (  ̄- ̄)). Umm let me check my library!!
ok so there's "a faith most particular" by defectivehero. It's 2k words, short and sweet and fluffy. It makes me laugh. I like the idea of Kokichi doing stupid nonsense like this. It's cute ^w^
There's this mer fic! It's called "A Song of Sacrifice" by SomeoneSpoopy. Kokichi is a siren! And he can't read. It's awesome B) I also love love love mer fics in general and speaking of mer fics
"Where the Music Meets the Ocean" by paris_23. I'll be one hundred percent honest I almost stopped reading this because I wasn't really clicking with their characterization at first, but then I reached the end of chapter 1 and fell in love. I love how Teruteru is there. I love the ending. I love how funny mental visual of Lifeguard Kokichi is. This fic is the reason I want to write a mer fic but struggle to because every idea I have comes from this (/pos). Worth the read, it made me feel nostalgic for a life I've never had
I think I mentioned Hoarding Humans on the last post... still one of my all time favorites. Okay here's another shorter one,, I reread it a lot when I'm in Stasis and it makes me feel better. Do mind the trigger warnings though, "Sleepless" by ToxicPineapple. Short and sweet and Shuichi trenches. Absolutely peak
I do NOT remember if I mentioned this one last time but I'll recommend it again cus it's that good, "Steps from Your Pulse" by A_Viscari. I like the whole "postgame Kokichi with claustrophobia" thing but this fic gave me a whole new perspective and I Looove it!! ♪ヽ(´▽`)/
"you're in love and i'm unlucky" by Holy crap it's defectivehero again I didn't even notice O_O ok umm basically Shuichi is the one who falls into the floorboard like the absolute AMATEUR he is. I love caretaker!Kokichi so much I'm so insane over them
I skimmed through my entire library and that's.. kind of. all i have. q_q Other ones are either really old and thus kind of lacking in...grammatical correctness... also "shumai" causes me physical pain and i can only endure it in so many fics LOL. So I think I'm just picky ;_;
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mirai-e-jump · 2 years ago
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Hero Vision Vol.9 (2003/Winter) ft. Kamen Rider Ryuki Cast Members Pre-Final Episode Interviews (translations below)
Takamasa Suga (Shinji Kido) Interview (page 22,25)
"Recollections, within the calm after the war" Takamasa Suga
After a year of playing the star role of the protagonist in "Kamen Rider Ryuki," Suga-kun finally has time to get back to regular life…
Looking back, from season to season, what were the most emotional scenes that still remain in his mind? On an off day before recording the final episode, we asked him to look back on those passionate days.
"I always wanted to die. I wanted to fulfill my role within the show"
Suga: (niho~)
If the sound of Suga-kun's smile could be written out, it would look like that. It gives off a calm, quiet and tender feeling. At first glance, the main character of Ryuki, the annoying (?) Shinji Kido, doesn't seem to resemble him, but as the story progresses, we think they are very similar on the inside. It's impressive in the fact that he always tries his best to think about the challenges that appear before him while also moving forward, even when he "doesn't know what to do," he somehow manages to find integrity within the many possibilities, and puts them into action.
"You were so busy this past year, that you didn't even have much time to sleep. What memorable moments will stay with you forever?"
Suga: What made me happy was the movie "Episode Final." I'm very happy I was given the opportunity to play the lead role again, and that it was released nationwide. Since becoming an actor, it had been a dream of mine to do opening day stage greetings.
"However, in parallel to shooting the TV version, the movie was performed within a hellish schedule. It wasn't enough to just act happy or even be "enraged" about it, rather, it was physically demanding."
Suga: Man~ I couldn't understand the reason for anything that was happening at the time (laughs). Filming for the movie would start in the morning, then we would return to the hotel at midnight, sleep for about an hour, and then start filming on location again for the TV series.
"Every day, you had almost no private time. But even so, you said you never felt stressed because "doing the performance in and of itself was fun."
Suga: It's an unusual experience for an actor my age to be able to devote an entire year to a single role, isn't it? When playing a role, conveying the "joy" and "fun" of something was much greater than the "difficult."
"I see. It seems that Suga-kun's "pleasure" is being an actor itself. Then, on the other hand, were there any sad moments?"
Suga: Hmmm…The scene where Ren dies in the TV Special was really sad. While we were filming, I was thinking about everything that had happened up until that point…it felt like it was the final episode.
"There are multiple final episodes of Ryuki. There's the movie, the special, and the main show. As those who have seen the broadcast already know, there was an unprecedented development in the main story where the main character dies before the final episode."
Suga: I always wanted to die. If I could die in the show, then I could fulfill my role within in it…is the feeling I had. I didn't know I was actually going to die until I finally saw the episode's script. I read it for the first time on the travel bus, and cried straight throughout. As for the way in which he dies, it's entirely convincing.
Shinji, who had been in agony up untill that point, was finally able to let go of the burden he carried for so long and die. Shinji followed what he believed in, and in the end death awaited him…or rather, Shinji's Survive, wasn't it? (laughs).
Before, I would've been lost in all my choices, but now I was finally able to choose and follow through with what I believe in…like Shinji, I'm satisfied with it. Shinji had "nothing to point to," but in the end, I think he was able to show off "the strength that comes from having nothing"…is what I feel when filming (laughs). That's the point I hope to get across.
"You said you thought deeply about the theme of Ryuki for a while, and when producer Shirakura explained that among other things, the show was made based on the recent terrorist attacks in New York, you read articles on the subject."
Suga: It's becoming more difficult for people to understand what is "justice" and what is "evil" in the world. The same can be said about the world of Ryuki. I can't say for certain if what Shinji says is right. I can't really say if what Ren says is right either. Even now, I still don't have a clear answer as to what's right or wrong. But, I have a feeling like I'm starting to understand. For this, I think it's important for each and every one of us to ask ourselves, "What is justice?" I hope that through Ryuki, we've been able to convey these feelings to the audience.
"Many of the themes dealt with in ordinary televised dramas are that of love affairs. It's unique because usually, we only see such major themes taken seriously in longer running programs."
Suga: That's right. It can be hard for people to watch things that they don't understand. Even so, it's something that everyone should think about more!
The way Suga-kun makes his strong arguments seem to overlap with Shinji. His manager looked at him and laughed saying, "He seems to have grown a lot as a person over the past year." He was also praised on the set of another production, saying, "You're young, but you're good!" He feels that he has gotten alot out of Ryuki.
Suga: Even after the broadcast is over, I hope people will remember that this show existed and think, "This is what they were trying to say." As time passes and children become adults, I hope that they will still remember.
Satoshi Matsuda (Akiyama Ren) Interview (page 27,29)
"As human" Satoshi Matsuda
At a glance, Akiyama Ren of Kamen Rider Ryuki looks really cool. But, he is in fact, a very compassionate person. So what kind of person is Matsuda-kun, who played the role, really like? He says, "I don't like showing my true self," and we felt that there were no lies or bad faith in his words.
"In the past, I always looked at the people around me as rivals. It's much easier to think of them as enemies"
Matsuda: Good Morning.
The way he arrived made us feel as if an old acquaintance had come to visit. After hearing his voice, the nervous staff on set became oddly relaxed. He seems to be an unusual type an actor. When I told him that he was very natural, he laughed and said, "Yeah, my managers used to tell me that alot, they said I should become aware that I'm a celebrity.
Seeing him with relaxed shoulders, people say, he's a "nice guy," and "looks full of confidence." But what kind of person is the real Satoshi Matsuda?
"You write essays once a week on your blog "Matsuda Lab." Even when we read it, we can't see your true emotions."
Matsuda: Is that so? In the "lab" I intentionally write in such a way that the "image of Matsuda" is not particularly set. I thought it wouldn't be interesting to show my true character. If I did, I would lose the image of playing the role of "Akiyama Ren."
"Since the Fall, he's appeared in the Kansai regional TV program "Asa Cafe," which is an informational program, but he's also an actor, as he acts as the viewer's lover."
"Every 2 weeks he shoots 2 episodes while also filming Kamen Rider Ryuki. The opposite of Ren's character, he plays an upbeat and energetic character that speaks for 30 minutes straight. It's also understood that the script is as long as one episode of Ryuki."
Matsuda: At first I was under a lot of pressure, because all those lines were my lines. The crew comes from Osaka to Tokyo to shoot the program, and if they push back because the scene is NG (no good), they won't be able to make the last train home.
"Although he's busy filming every day, he's had his own TV show and has been featured in magazines and other media, over the past year, his popularity has increased rapidly."
Matsuda: I have to admit that the sudden boom worried me. I never thought I would be on an 8 a.m. Sunday morning show and not be able to walk the streets like a normal person…hmm.
"He had been aware of the recent tokusatsu boom from its start, which is why he took the audition. He had actually hoped this would boost his popularity. Still, he was baffled by the public frenzy."
Matsuda: One time, I was on site with a fever of 40C (104F). With the exception of the scenes I appeared in, I had to sit in a chair and cool my head with ice due to how bad it was. Then suddenly, while laying down, a random fan lifted my head with her hand and took a picture next to me. She and her friends then left saying, 'bye, until next time~." At the time, I got really angry. I was skeptical that such intense fans even existed…
"When something like that happens, I think, "What a weird world we're living in." On the flipside, he also has plenty of supportive fans that are loyal and kind."
Matsuda: I like to play games of catch when meeting with fans. I also write on the official fan site every day, so I'm close to them (laughs). I write at least 30 replies to fan letters every week.
"By the way, when you write for "Matsuda Lab," you don't reply to letters that end with "please reply."
Matsuda: I think that's what makes even the most favorable messages feel dull. I can't help but think they're thinking more about themselves than about me.
"He doesn't acknowledge those who call him "Knight," as he thinks, "they don't even know my name." Matsuda-kun is very sensitive to other people's feelings. Whenever someone offers true affection, he is almost like a cat, looking up at you as if asking, "Do you really mean it?"
Matsuda: I've always been sensitive to other people's feelings. Since I come from a single mother household, I felt as though I had to support my mother and sister. In the past, I always looked at the people around me as rivals. It was much easier to think of them as enemies. Especially when competing……
"Competing? Have you always competed with friends and the very world around you?"
Matsuda: I always thought so. However, when I came to Tokyo……on that day, I realized. I've noticed that "those guys I don't get along with," I ended up getting along with well later on. I thought to myself, "I've wasted time." Since then, I've never made assumptions about other people by our first meetings. I'm having a lot of fun meeting people, and opening one new door after another.
"And Ryuki, which brought you many good encounters, has also come to an end."
Matsuda: By the time this issue releases, the broadcast will be over. I wonder how everyone did…..There's always a discrepancy between the performance I imagine in my mind and the one that I actually do. This has been a difficult time for me, as I've been in a slump for over a month. The TV Special was the one were I made the least mistakes. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I was able to create exactly what I had imagined in my mind. Where do I go from here? I have to develop into the person I see in my mind.
We're still uncertain of the type of person he is really is, but we really sensed his sincerity.
Ryohei x Takashi Hagino Interviews (Page 31)
"Heinous Men" Ryohei x Takashi Hagino
Zolda (Kitaoka) and Ouja (Asakura), arrived as two dark "Kamen Riders." Evil men who fight not for justice, but for the sake of his own desire. Money, appearance and of course, power. They already have these things, but are still hungry for more. And yet……women, for some reason, find men like them attractive? …
"I was certain I was a rider who would die much earlier (laughs)" "Well, it's a good thing you didn't die so easily"
… Hagino: Have you seen the script yet?
Hagino-san called out to Ryohei-san as soon as he arrived at the studio. He appears to be very enthusiastic. It's no surprise, the script for the ending had been delivered just yesterday. From the start, I asked them a very important question.
"Did you ever think that Asakura (Takashi Hagino) and Kitaoka (Ryohei) would be among the last riders that made it to the end?"
Hagino: Ah, no, not really (laughs)
Ryohei: Honestly, until just recently, I was certain I was a rider who would die much earlier (laughs).
Hagino: Well, it's a good thing you didn't die so easily (laughs). Don't you think overall, it expanded the story and made it more interesting?
"Asakura and Kitaoka are very involved with each other, but what kind of relationship do these two really have?"
Ryohei: I think maybe Asakura is instinctive, while Kitaoka is rational? They always get involved with each other because they're complete opposites. That's the kind of relationship they have.
Hagino: "Asakura is the kind of guy who just wants to fight. He thinks fighting has meaning, and will go off like a tea kettle at a moment's notice. So, when he goes to Kitaoka he'll say, "Oi, let's fight."
Ryohei: Kitaoka didn't want to help Asakura with his sentence, so he's the kind of guy who'll fight just for that reason. On top of that, Kitaoka is always provoking me (laughs).
Hagino: Yeah, and no matter how many times I'm caught, I'll just keep breaking out (laughs). In the first scene when Kitaoka and Asakura meet, the contrast between the inside and outside world, with a sheet of glass separating them, was very interesting to see.
"Come to think of it, it was impressive to see Asakura wearing a seat belt while driving the hijacked vehicle as he was trying to escape from prison (laughs)."
Hagino: Yeah, Asakura likes to wear a seat belt or even straitjackets. Even when he sleeps, he needs to be tied to something in order to feel safe (laughs).
"Regarding Asakura's character, wouldn't he have had plenty of chances to kill Kitaoka when he was in person?"
Ryohei: Like when he was on his knees (laughs). But for Asakura, fighting as a rider is far more pleasurable for him than fighting untransformed. That's why he brings out his Card Deck.
Hagino: Asakura naturally chooses to fight for the superior pleasure of fighting. He isn't afraid of dying, much less surviving to the end as a rider.
Ryohei: That's the difference between Kitaoka's and Asakura's fighting style. Kitaoka, who is fixated on living, tries to win by fighting as little as possible.
"Leaving the roles of Asakura and Kitaoka aside, how do Hagino-san and Ryohei-san feel about each other?"
Hagino: This type of question, it's not really a conversation, saying such stuff in front of each other like, "Well, Ryohei-san is (…), isn't he?"
"…No, that is a conversation (laughs)."
Hagino: "Well, Ryohei-san is cheerful and is the complete opposite of me. His character is so loud, that I once told him to shut up (laughs). But, I can't remember what he said in response.
Ryohei: Hagino-san doesn't say much, but his personality is that of a big brother.
Hagino: "Eh?! That's just not true. I'm just lonely. But, Ryohei, he makes everyone feel at ease."
"Do the two of you ever discuss your roles together?"
Hagino: We don't, and it's because I don't want to. If we talk about what we want to do or how we want to do it, how we plan on performing may need to be constantly adjusted. I think it's interesting to see how the two of us have developed separately when we end up bumping into each other. If the action is going to be intense, we'll talk about it beforehand.
Ryohei: I have no prior experience as an actor, so I just have to rely on my intuition. I didn't really understand the process of creating a role. But, thanks to the influence of Hagino-san, I think I'm beginning to understand a little more now.
"Finally, What are both of your future prospects, as well as a message to your fans."
Ryohei: Specifically, I'm scheduled to perform on stage this coming March, and would like to try out the realism of a live performance. I have not yet decided how I will proceed as an actor, so I'd like to challenge various other projects and improve my career in order to decide where I'd like to go from here.
Hagino: Any message for the fans?
Ryohei: "Ah, I will do my best in the future, so please lend me your support.
Hagino: Hey now, answer more thoroughly (laughs). I'll be releasing a photobook, so you'll be able to see Takashi Hagino from various different angles. I would like to play different roles in the future, so please continue to support me! To all the fans of the Ouja, I will show you all the final special attack of Genocider! It's going to be a blood bath…… I haven't seen Black Hole myself because it's CG, so I'm looking forward to the airing, and I'd personally love to put all the fans in that hole! (laughs).
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The Christmas Rumble
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“Alright Alright! Listen up my dearest demon-humans! For the holiday rumble we’ll decide who’s doing what! Now everyone write your names on the pieces of papers and I’ll throw them into my top hat!” 
The former Upper Moons respectfully groaned and cheered as everyone took their respective slips of paper and pens that you had them pass around. Spread across and in front of the circular sofa; the papers made their way around enough for you to collect them all. You made sure to turn around to Muzan who was pouting in the leather arm-chair behind you. 
Flipping your hat off you begin to shake it, full of the names of the humanified Upper Moons. Thanks to whatever mysterious force isekai’d them to your world, their demon statuses had been revoked. Time is reversed for them long before their encounters with the demon slayers. You had gone on long enough without them discovering their origins and you’d like to keep it that way.
“Alright first pick for head of decorations iiiissss–”
“Please let it be me! Please let it be me!” 
It was Daki or Ume who was pleading that it’d be her. You almost felt bad for what you were going to read.
Daki screamed, glaring at her feet while she dug her nails into her arms. Gyutarou simply put a worried hand over his face; which had a resigned look with a splash of embarrassment. While they weren’t demons anymore they still respected their leader, who was smiling at the 1st Upper Moon. 
“Kokushibo as a decorator, eh?”
Kokushibo refused to look up, while Daki shot a glare in his direction.
“Hey Kookie its not so bad!” You decided to pipe in. “You are basically in charge of everyone getting in the Joyful mood! Which is super important this time of year!”
A small smile crept on his face as he looked to you. 
“Besides I’m always happy to help and you’ll have your assistant!”
“What about me (Y/n)!?”
Hanging on your waist was Daki, no longer having a tantrum on the couch. With no doubt phony tears she hugged at your waist; purposefully making puppy dog eyes up at you. You didn’t mind her forwardness but Muzan did. 
“Daki, you’ll get something I promise. I just can’t give the position to you without being unfair to the others.”
“Who cares about the others? Don’t you love me?!”
The ‘L-word’ had many perking up. Even instigating Sekido to fling his slipper in her direction, lightly plopping off her head. She turned slowly with a growl rising in her throat. Gyutarou also snapped to attention clutching a throw pillow as he glared at the humanized clone.
“Oi oi you looking to lose your hand today!?”
“Guys! Guys!? Come on not now please!”
“Grrr I just washed my hair (Y/n! And it threw it at you too, (Y/n)! Don’t you think it should be disqualified?”
“It?! Why you selfish little b–”
“Watch your tongue or I’ll cut it off!”
You wanted to move between the two, only for your trek to be stopped by Daki who seemed insistent on keeping you in place. Right now it was pillows but you knew it would escalate. Aizetsu looked as though he would cry while Urogi and Karaku began to laugh. Also amused another Upper Moon clapped.
“Ooo how exciting! Who knew assigning positions could be so fun?”
“No! No, Doma this is not fun this is–”
“A mess (Y/n).” Muzan interrupted, matter of factly. “I suggest we should post po-”
“Oh? Are we fighting with pillows now!? What are you all children?!”
You tried again, “Zohakuten…”
“Shut up!”
“Hey don’t tell them to shut-up, brat!” This was Daki still clutching your waist.
“I’m higher than you!”
“So? You can barely reach the table now.”
He growled at her to which she returned the favor. Meanwhile the others were getting quite violent with smashing those pillows against eachother. You’re sure just a second ago you caught Urogi straight-up punching the newcomer Gyokko. You could hear the embarrassed sigh from Kokushibo and the giggles-turning to laughter from Doma. Somehow all were still oblivious to the angry aura surrounding Muzan.
“At this rate there’s only one way to get them to stop.” Akaza spoke earning the attention of those not participating in the pillow-brawl this had become. He shot you a look before looking at the hat and back at you. You smiled nodding your head as you got the message. You took a big breath readying your vocal chords for a much needed shout.
“ALRIGHT! Who ever stops fighting both verbally and physically gets to choose who works with me them as well as their position.”
In a manner of seconds the room had quieted. Gyutarou settling to glare at Sekido who returned the favor. The other iterations of Hantengu settled down as well, leaving Daki to quickly scramble back to her seat. All semblance of fighting had ceased as they waited for your verdict.
You nodded in thanks at Akaza, smugly sending a look towards Muzan who had an unreadable expression on his face. You turned to the group with a triumphant smile. 
“Alright everybody so the winner is–”
“This sucks! This isn’t fun at all!”
“Stop your whining Urogi and finish your piping! I’m going to be mad if you screw up these cupcakes with your sporadic designs.”
“But your always mad!”
“Shut up!” 
Even though he was shouting at his team it was nice to see…most of Hantengu’s clones working together. Sure, Aizetsu was whining about something, Karaku was playing with dough, and Zohakuten occasionally yelling at the former two. But this was nice. 
A far cry from the usual chaos these four tended to create. 
Speaking of chaos you spotted Douma and Kokushibo dawning their hand-made ugly sweaters as they played (read as: fought over) the soft tape measure. Kokushibo surprisingly took up the task of stitching the ugly sweaters together having found sewing and crochetting as his latest hobby. Douma, after whining about not being able to work with you decided he’d join the 1st Upper Moon. No doubt, totally planning to be the biggest obstacle Kokushibo is going to have to face.
“Oh (Y/n)! We’re working on taking measurements, just come over here and I’ll ack–” 
The blonde was caught in an unrelenting headlock that had him gasping for air. The one performing the headlock, was Kokushibo trying to wrench the cloth tape measure from the other’s tight grip. He casually looked to you and bowed his head.
“I apologize (Y/n) but while we’re on the topic. May I get your measurements?”
You chuckled nervously. “Uh how about I send it to you later, okay?”
Kokushibo nodded, tightening his hold on Douma who had the nerve to whine about it. 
Passing by them you happily watched Daki, rocking a spare cosplay of a bedazzled captain outfit, as she ordered her brother and Gyokko around. Both joined (also read as: blackmailed into joining) her team of decorators. Pointing her manicured index in tandem with her shouting orders only stopping when she saw you in her peripheral. 
“So what do you think? I know you said…whatever you said about tradition or whatever. But I figured some other colors would go better than red and green here.”
“Oh wow. That really is…fantastic.”
That’s all you could conjure as she posed near the mantle that looked as though a confetti canon was turned into a strip of garland. You rubbed at your eyes as you spotted the doorway surrounded by mistletoe. You rejected the urge to shudder. 
“Why all the mistletoe? For the tradition you only need one.”
“She said somethin’ about there being  ‘no case of plausible deniability.’” Gyutarou offered coming down from the ladder he was on. 
He sent an apologetic and tired look as he stared back at his her handiwork. 
“Sorry if this isn’t the look you were going for…she wasn’t exactly willing to honor it.” You both looked to the pink bats she began hanging on the wall. “Like at all.”
A smile spread on your face. “It’s fine. All I wanted was for you guys to make the holiday you’re own. So if your happy that’s all I can ask for.”
A fervent blush spread across his face, forcing his eyes to trail away from you as he kicked at the ground. You were too cute! Before you could ask if he was okay, Gyokko stomped into the room holding one of his many handmade ceramics. That of which resembled a disfigured child painted with a swirl of various colors. If it wasn’t for the…unfortunate inspiration of past memories, you’d say it’d fit perfectly with the theme Daki was going for. 
The head decorator sneered. “Ew you don’t plan to put that near my christmas decor, do you?”
Gyokko obnoxiously growled, ”Shut up! You’ve been telling me from the get-go how to dress this disaster of yours–”
Daki let out an offended gasp. 
“Disaster!? Why you have some nerve! I should just tell (Y/n) how you got your ‘inspiration’ for those misguided portraits you made. ”
“--You wench! Those were a beautiful!”
“They were nude and badly drawn! If I wasn’t destined to see it myself one day I’d draw it just like you–a desperate cretin–would!”
“Guys how about you both—Oh My Gosh!” 
From fingers poking into one another’s chest to kitchen knives they seemed to get a hold of. Moving to intervene, you’re suddenly jerked backwards behind Gyutarou who is arguably getting more red than before. 
“I’ll break it up….you’d be upset if Gyokko bled out right?”
“Yes! Of course I would!”
“Figured. I’ll try to get him out…in some piece.”
He forged on and you were grateful he offered in the first place. Unfortunately just being human against former-demons who’ve successfully killed in their human forms doesn’t make you equal. In fact your more often surprised at the vast difference in strength. 
Speaking of strength you turned your attention to see a ladder tapping haphazardly on the window. You run to the door quickly donning a coat and hat before running out to the ladder by the window. As you suspected Akaza was on there wobbling occasionally as he set the lights. 
Putting your foot on the bottom of the ladder, stabilizing it. The Upper Moon looked down at you. No longer in danger of falling at any time you scold him.
“Akaza! I told you to wait for me! I or my helper would of helped you!” 
He sighed,”I wouldn’t want to bother you or the Master anyway.”
“I’m bothered because you didn’t ask me! I’d also me be more than bothered if you fell down this ladder!”
You’re sure he’s laughing as he finishes putting up the lights, sliding down with expert ease. Still holding onto a leg of the ladder you’re finally face-to-face with the decorator of the outside, smiling smugly as he pushes past you. 
“Thanks for your help (Y/n). Now will you go inside? I wouldn’t want you catch a cold.”
Putting your hands on your waist, you made a face. “Stop acting like I’m made of glass, Mister and let me help!”
He unexpectedly grabs you by your shoulders, easily lifting you up and placing you out of his path.  Shaking his head he reaches for the other lights he left on the ground before beginning to unraveling them. You stomp your foot before catching up to him, you begin to help grabbing the other end of the tangled string of lights.
“Don’t underestimate your helper, Akaza.”
“I never said underestimated you.”
“You didn’t have to.”
You playfully nudged him as you began to succeed in detangling it. Missing the way he longingly looks at your focused face you only recognize his sudden change of mood. Following his line of sight you watched the man with fedora beckon you from the door of the house. He stops his creeping hands, the ones that nearly intertwined with yours along with the messy knot of lights.
You debate ignoring him before sending a look to Akaza. He shakes his head giving a woeful smile as he nudges you in the direction of the door. With a dramatized huff you leave the untangled lights to follow Muzan who urges you to follow him into the house.
“Was there actually something you needed me for?”
“Does there have to be anything?”
“I already decided that I’m going to help everyone get ready! What could you possibly need?”
He quirked an eyebrow, casually snatching the hat off your head before turning. Easily dodging your attempts to grab it back as he calmly pretended to study the trim, that had a brand name inscribed.
“I need you. I don’t need any other reason.”
In a desperate attempt you pulled at his sleeve, making his cat like eyes flick to your frustrated face. 
“Well yeah but you kind of do. Everyone needs me today.”
Fasterthan you could comprehend, pale hands unzip your jacket holding you close to his towering form as he peeled it off your shoulders. 
“Perhaps but I always take priority.”
You struggle against him, “No you don’t. Everyone matters-”
He pulls you even closer by the coat, your arms still within the sleeves. Rendering you unable to pull away as you’re trapped by the coat’s design. You looked up at Muzan attempting to hold your stance as the heat of his breath danced at the top of your head and intense gaze stayed on you. 
“Not like I do.”
In swift movements the coat was off of you, Muzan was hanging your jacket, and the door you walked through was closed once more. After a glance you went for the door again only to stop at the grip on your wrist. 
You wriggled your wrist as he pulled you close. With his arm wrapped over your chest, he let you struggle as his hold was unrelenting. When you relaxed, you could now feel that heated breath on the lobe of your ear. 
“Are you finished?”
“I-I don’t understand you Muzan.”
“And I, you.”
“Could you just let me go, I want to help everyone.”
“Then you can help me.”
He stepped forward, forcing you to follow his steps as he guided you both to the steps. You stopped struggling after skidding your feet along the floor did nothing to brake his path. 
“What do you need help with?”
He didn’t bother to respond instead opting to tickle your neck with the cool sharpness of his fangs. Threatening to pierce your skin, it was telling enough. You relented, willingly letting Muzan led you to the room he claimed his own. Holding his hand instead you found his stare to be…forgiving. 
“This is the season of giving is it not?”
Strewn on the former-demon’s bed, you held your hand over your heart as if trying to still it’s frantic beating. His pale hands cupped your own, trailing the length of your arm until it led to your shoulder, then to your neck. 
“It is.”
“Then for this Christmas,” he gingerly caresses your jaw. He leans in with his ever-insistent fuschia stare honing on his prey. Swallowing a scream you closed your eyes as he trailed down your neck to the buttons of your shirt. 
“Give yourself to me and only me.”
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bun-lapin · 2 years ago
Hello I am not the same person who asked for the game night with the freshmen. But I really injoied it. Can u make a part 2./ gen pos
Hello and thanks for the request! I'm so glad you liked the first one! I loved writing the 'hanging out with your buddies' mood of this prompt. Really brought back a lot of fun memories from my high school days~! Hope it's ok that they're playing a different game this time and that I tweaked the rules a bit to fit the story better. I also tried out a slightly different formatting due to the extra dialogue <3
Game night part 1: link here
CW: humor, platonic friendship, silly time
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First Years Game Night: part 2
Walking into the lounge with a broom and dustpan in hand, you take in the chaotic scene of spilled popcorn on the floor, countless empty cans of juice scattered around the room, and your fellow first years excitedly shouting and running all over the place. You stride over to where Grim is lounging on a cushioned chair and hand him the cleaning tools with a stern look. He reluctantly takes the broom from you and sighs, “Yeah, yeah I got it. My mess, my job to clean it up.” He halfheartedly begins cleaning and you turn to face the rest of the group as Ace begins speaking.
“Alright everyone!” Ace shouts and everyone settles down. “Time for our next game which is: Who am I?” He holds up a small box of folded paper scraps and shakes it. “I just finished writing the names and the overall category is important people on campus. So basically housewardens, vice housewardens, staff, you get the picture. The teams have been reshuffled and you’ll have one minute to ask as many ‘yes or no’ questions as you can to your partner to figure out who you are. Everyone understand?” He grins as everyone nods their head. “Sweet! Let’s get this game started then!”
Round 1: Ace ❤️ and Deuce ♠️
Ace stands with his back to the group as Deuce fishes out a random name from the box. He sticks the paper to Ace’s back with some tape and then walks over to stand facing him. The rest of the first years stand behind Ace and read the name on his back. Epel tries not to burst out laughing when he sees the name ‘Vil Schoenheit’.
Ace: Am I a housewarden? Deuce: Yes. Ace: Sweet! That narrows it down to like seven people! Ace: Am I rich? Deuce: What!? How would I even know something like that?! Jack: The rules state you can only answer yes or no! Deuce: (He thinks really hard as many seconds go by) ...Yes? Ace: Do I put a lot of care into my appearance? Deuce: Yeah! Ace: Am I a hard worker? Deuce: Yes. (You hear Epel sigh very tiredly next to you.)
Ace suddenly yells out, “I got it! I’m Azul Ashengrotto!” The timer rings out.
As Ace checks the paper on his back, everyone sits in stunned silence thinking about how Vil and Azul share a surprising amount of characteristics.
Round 2: Jack 🐺 and Sebek 🐊
Jack tapes his selected name to Sebek’s back and then swiftly takes his place facing his teammate. Everyone else leans in to read the paper and then immediately hold their sides with silent laughter as they see the name ‘Malleus Draconia’ taped to Sebek’s back.
As soon as the timer is started, Sebek begins shouting a stream of questions without leaving a single pause for Jack to answer back.
Covering his ears with his hands, a pained grimace on his face, Jack yells back, “Stop! Stop! My hearing is way more sensitive than anyone else here! Plus, you’re going too fast for me to even answer!”
Sebek begins yelling in a slightly reduced volume about how speed is of the essence and the last team lost because they ran out of time. The timer continues to tick away and Jacks yells over Sebek’s voice, “Our time’s almost out! Ask something!”
Sebek shouts, “Alright! Fine! Am I Lord Mal-” The timer’s ringing cuts him off.
The rest of the room dies laughing while Jack and Sebek start arguing and throwing couch cushions at each other.
Round 3: Epel 🍎 and Grim 🐱
Epel tapes the name to Grim’s ribbon (because the tape doesn’t stick very well to his fur) and then stands facing him. The rest of the group raise their eyebrows in mild surprise as everyone reads the name ‘Dire Crowley’ on the paper. Making sure Grim can’t hear, Ace starts a bet about whether or not he’ll be able to guess in time. You’re the only one to wager in favor of Grim.
Grim: Am I a member of the staff? Epel: Yes! Grim: Am I well dressed? Epel: Uhh... (He looks towards you and, making sure no one is looking, you slightly nod at Epel) Yes? Grim: Am I good at my job? Epel: (He looks at you again but this time the rest of the group are watching you like hawks) ...Yes?
Grim laughs and jokes, “Well if I’m good at my job, there’s no way I’m Crowley, right?” Grim sees the expression on Epel’s face and shouts, “Wait! Epel! Am I Crowley!?”
The timer rings and you collect your winnings from the bet as Grim yells at Epel that his opinion of the headmaster is too high.
Round 4: Ortho 🤖 and You 🦐
As you stand with your back to your friends, you hear Ortho grab a piece of paper from the box and then you feel him tape it on your back. You raise an eyebrow in fierce curiosity as you hear everyone burst out laughing behind you.
You: Am I a member of the staff? Ortho: No. You: Am I a vice housewarden? Ortho: No.
You silently celebrate because with those two questions, you realize you must be a housewarden. There are only five people you could be because Vil and Malleus have already been selected.
You quickly go through the list of remaining housewardens, leaving enough of a pause for Ortho to respond, and ask if you’re each one. Ortho responds ‘No’ to each question.
You pause with intense confusion, trying to remember if you’ve left a name off the list. While you’re thinking, the timer rings and you rip the paper off your back to read the answer.
Everyone else in the room falls to the floor with laughter as you read the piece of paper with your name on it. You smile and laugh along with your friends, feeling just how important you are to this close knit group of first years.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 1 year ago
actually hold on i have SO many itty gaz thoughts
-> he regressed between 5-8! on days he’s having a really rough time, he can go as low as 3.
-> has a stuffed koala from when he was a kid names benny!! he has seasonal outfits from build a bear.
-> lots of affection!! hand holding, hugs, etc. he LOVES. he thinks kate’s wife and nik give the best hugs (behind price, who can send kyle dropping with a single one of his dad hugs)
-> picky eater when it comes to texture, and none of his foods can touch. some of his favorite snacks while small and veggies and dip, french fries, and pasta (spaghetti especially). luckily, he and simon’s sensory issues line up when it comes to food so price is able to work with both of them to get dinner done.
-> enjoys playing on the switch price got for the rec room and using toys, but at heart he is an outside child. he needs to find the smoothest rock! make potions! make sure the worms on the pavement are safely in the grass!!
-> re the worm thing: very very empathetic for animals (same). he has a hard time telling what other people are feeling, but he’s in tune with animals.
-> loves the magic treehouse books, either to read alone or read to him at bedtime.
-> i mentioned this in another ask, but kyle has a fear of swallowing pills and the act always makes him feel small and anxious, even when big. price always makes sure they have a sweet juice in the fridge for him to make the meds process even just a little bit easier.
-> always joking that price has a big dad sneeze, cough, laugh. at first price had no idea what the hell a “papa sneeze” was, but he caught on.
-> likes being in the passenger seat when price drives. it always makes him feel super small :^)
You ever hear something that feels so right?
Yeah that's me at this ask /silly /pos
ANON IM PUTTING YOUR ASK IN THE HCS LIST <333 then maybe later I'll do my own Gaz hcs 😭
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differentsublimephantom · 7 months ago
@prisen09 @the-abnormal-anatomy @unchocoflan @shiberamune @friendlyneighborhoodgaycousin
@aiyanawyld @tiptapricot @tillandbed-travelingvlog @bueller-alf @its-a-hare-pom-pom
Hey, I know I just tagged all of you in another Bill and Ted fanfic, but here’s another, based on my ship of Rufus, and Emmet ‘doc’ Brown from back to the future, and also some fandom recognition for the three leaders of the future, who don’t have much character, so their basically my ocs at this po, but they need some attention imo
Also, @professional-termite idk if you’re in the bill and ted fandom, but I once shared a fic with you, and you said I should try to space out the paragraphs more? Feedback? Is this good? I tried lmao
Also, also, tell me if you’d read more of this, because I’ll def write more!
Rufus woke up to his usual morning alarm at 6:30am, and he heard his husband start moving to get up. “Sorry honey, did my alarm wake you?”
He heard a very tired Emmet L. “Doc” Brown reply back an “Mm hm” as a “yes”. “Well, the most excellent thing about having an alarm, is the days when you can ignore it. We can sleep in for a while if you want?”
He heard another, more enthusiastic “Mm hmm!” from his partner, and chuckled, shutting off the alarm and getting back underneath the covers on the bed.
Rufus had fallen in love with Emmet Brown two years ago now, during a time-travelling mishap. They had kept in touch, and despite the two of them living in different points in time, they thought dating was worth a shot.
Emmet still technically lived in the year 1985, but he visited Rufus and stayed nights at his house whenever he could.
They had date nights every Friday, and made each other dinner at least once every week, and delivered it to the other’s house.
~~~~~~~~~~ time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~
Doc heard Rufus’ cell phone buzz on the bedside table. He glanced at the digital alarm clock sitting next to his husband’s side of the bed. 9:36AM. Emmet grunted, sitting up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“Rufus, dear. Time to get up.” Rufus immediately sat up. “Good morning my most excellent partner.” He said sleepily. Emmet chuckled at his tired husband, and his way of speaking. “Why’d your cell phone buzz?” Emmet asked.
Rufus held back a small laugh at Emmet still calling it a “cell phone”. Even though Rufus had shown his husband many futuristic inventions and concepts, he was still a slightly old-fashioned soul.
His train of thought ended abruptly when he realized the question he had been asked had so far been unanswered. “It was probably a text, let me look.” Rufus mumbled as he stretched, his back making multiple cracking sounds, and then reached for his phone.
Rufus sighed and read the notification on his phone. “One new message from Alex Lavender” Ah. It was Alex. Alex, Caleb, and Jackie were some of Rufus’ best friends, other than Emmet of course.
They also just so happened to be the Three Leaders of the Future, aka the most important people of Rufus’ era. No big deal or anything. They were all dorks anyways. Sure, they seemed all serious, intimidating, and stoic while at work, but at home?
They were the most friendly, most lovely, and most chaotic (in a good way, of course!) people Rufus’ knew.
(On Rufus’ phone, if I didn’t make that clear enough) 👇
Non-bi-babe: hey @Best-TeacherEVER;) and @GREAT.SCOTT! Wanna go to an outdoor concert and market? You’d better because you have 30 minutes to get ready and we’ll be outside your house to pick you up! See you then! <3<3<3
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