#bean writes
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@lara-cairncross I hope you don’t mind, but I wrote a little fic about your AU :) This would be Donnie showing his brace to his brothers after his leap of faith.
(Also you can definitely read Donnie & Kendra’s vibes as a crush if you want /pos 😂)
“Gentlemen, if you would be so kind,” Donnie motions for his brothers to take a seat on the chairs he clearly positioned near the edge of the branch.
“Dee, what are we doing here?” Leo sighs, exasperated by his brother’s dramatics, “You know I love spending time with you guys, but I actually have deliveries to make today.”
Raph throws an arm over Leo’s shoulders, “Pssh, relax Leo, you’re fast enough to make it there in time.”
“Ok I know you’re teasing me,” Leo shoots his brother a side eye, before crossing his arms over his chest in defiance, “but I could definitely make it there and back. With time to spare.”
Mikey laughs while Raph just sighs and they all take their seats.
They’re fairly high up in the Pixie Dust Tree, in an area Leo knows not many fairies fly past. It’s starting to make him a little concerned that his jokes about Donnie murdering Kendra one day aren’t jokes anymore.
His brother woke them up early this morning, telling them that he had something to show them, but refusing to answer what it actually is. He also lugged a massive bag with him all the way here, but didn’t let any of them help with it. And the chairs being up here already proves that Donnie has clearly planned this out. It’s really making Leo believe that this is the last he’s ever going to see of Kendra.
“Yes, yes we all know Leon is fast,” Donnie bats the statement away and turns to his bag, “now if I can bring your attention to why I've brought you here today.”
“Which you still haven't explained, by the way,” Mikey grouches, not quite his sunny self in the dim light of the morning.
Donnie grins in a mischievous way, “All part of the surprise, dear Angelo! Now I need you all to close your eyes.”
Leo rolls his eyes, but closes them anyway, knowing that if he complains they’ll just spend longer up here anyway. “Donald, if you did something to Kendra, just tell us, it’ll make hiding the body easier.”
Mikey snickers beside him.
“I– Wha– No! I haven't done anything to Kendra. Not yet anyway,” Donnie moves on quickly, “I made something and you’re going to like it. Trust me.”
Now, most fairies in the Hidden Hollow are under the impression that Donnie doesn’t do feelings, an achieved product of his so called “Emotionless Bad-Boy Image”. But Leo can hear the excitement in his brother’s voice. He’s fiddling with something in the bag, and the suspense is honestly starting to have an effect on Leo. He’s getting excited too.
“And… open!”
He opens his eyes (Still semi prepared to see Kendra trapped in some kind of way) and is a little confused by what he’s presented with. Donnie is standing near the edge of the branch. His wings, usually down, are spread proudly on either side of him. The tattered one is covered in something Leo can’t quite make out.
Donnie shoots them a smile, and Leo hears a whisper that sounds like “Leap of faith,” and then the tinker fairy drops backwards off the branch and out of sight.
“DONNIE!!” Mikey screams, and Raph leaps out of his chair but Leo, Leo just dives. There's no thoughts about windspeed, hawks, humidity or any of the other things Leo normally has to consider when he flies. There’s no thoughts about how stupid his genius of a brother is, or about how if he isn’t fast enough Donnie might—. No, there is simply the need to move.
And move he does.
He drops like a stone from the height of the Tree, colours blurring past him as he streaks after his brother. His heart is pounding wildly, filled with shock and dread, urging himself to go faster, faster. He thinks he has tears in his eyes, but he tells himself that it’s just from flying at this speed.
He actually moves so fast he overshoots Donnie, who is very safely fluttering in the air.
“Donnie?” Leo rights himself immediately and shoots back up towards his brother. “Donnie! Haha!!” He zips a quick circle around his brother, trying to get his racing heart to calm down. He can see the thing on Donnie’s wing now. It’s a brace. The contraption covering his tattered wing is so delicate, clearly made by Donnie himself. Thin strips reach up the wing, acting as a scaffold for the pieces to stretch across, giving Donnie enough surface area to generate lift. He might not be into science like his brother, but he knows a thing or two about flying, and Donnie’s design is genius.
He’s so relieved it takes him a second to realise that they are still very much hovering above the ground which means, “Holy shit! You're flying!!”
He’s giddy with excitement, this is all he’s ever wanted for Donnie! Leo grabs him by the hands, and spins them in the air with joy. Donnie can clearly sense what Leo’s about to do because he panics and yells, “Nardo wait!” but it’s too late, because Leo tosses him upwards and crashes into him with a hug.
“Hahaha! This is amazing!”
“Ohmigosh! Donnie’s flying!”
Two more sets of arms encircle them. Their other brothers have caught up and Leo can feel in the tightness of his hug how Raph’s panic morphs into shock and then amazement.
“Yes, yes I can fly. Hurrah,” Donnie pats the back of Raph’s shoulder, “Although my wings are still delicate so…”
They all immediately release Donnie. And then Raph whacks him on the back of the head.
“You idiot! What were you thinking! You gave Raph a heart attack!”
“Well I’ve done the jump before so I know the brace works–”
“You WHAT?”
“ –I just needed to show you guys too.”
“Yeah but you could’ve warned us Dee.” Mikey pokes him in the shoulder, a hint of Doctor Delicate Touch peeking through.
Donnie shoots him a cheeky grin, “Where’s the fun in that?”
Leo’s amazed. He’s still chuckling. Of course Donnie would build himself a way to fly. Something as silly as a tattered wing was never going to stop him. It was only a matter of time.
Also not seen:
Donnie pretty much immediately sagging, because his wings aren’t used to flying for extended periods yet, and Raph hoisting him onto his shoulders to fly them back to the tree.
Anyways hope you enjoyed! Go give Lara’s AU a look. It’s amazing 🤩
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yooo is there any chance I can request parent headcanons for the safehouse crew (cod: bocw)??? been replaying the bo2 campaign and the Adler is Graves' father theory has a grip on me esp recently now that that mf is coming back
I imagine that Adler is a pretty distant parent, what with work in the CIA taking up most of his time and probably isn't able to see his kid much to begin with after the divorce, no doubt his ex wife has full custody of any of the children they had during that marriage. he's the kind of dad to buy his teenage kid expensive gifts to make up for the times he couldn't be there, usually related to something they were mildly interested in when they were like 7. And that thing is probably one of the only things he knows about them because they ranted about it to him when they were really young and naive. Russ is not as good as vocalizing his affection, but he's observant, and would zero in on any information and likes that his kid has when they express it... It's just that the usually don't with the distance between them. I think he does genuinely care about his child and still wants to show that they appreciate them, but just doesn't know how to properly connect with them on an emotional level, and usually doesn't even have the time. I don't think he'd treat his kid much differently based on their gender, he's still an emotionally-supressed mostly absentee father that his child would kind of just grow to resent as they get older. Adler is the 'he tried' dad. (I hc that Graves his kid is also the most likely to have a wild rebellious teens phase, and he'd kind of just let it happen so long as they aren't getting into any legal trouble because at that point their relationship would be so strained and he's just kinda apathetic about it. I think he's the type that would come home late to catch his kid smoking, and the only thing he'd do is ask why they started and if they know the consequences of it, then promptly asks for one and never brings it up again.)
Hudson, on the contrary, would be the perfect dad. Girl dad 100%, this man has a wife and two daughters (I think, might need to double check this one, but point still stands because I think he'd be good with girls). This man deserves a bo burnham 1985 edit. I think that he's really the type of guy who tries to squeeze in as much quality time with his family even with his work, and is the type to frequently show affection and pride for his children. Jason is completely soft for his wife and children, in contrast to how much of a no-nonsense hardass he is on the job. I am utterly convinced that this is the man who would always play along with his daughter's tea parties when he has tine and would never miss any of his son's games (he'd ask Jenny to record it for him if he's knows he's gonna be on a mission for a long time). I imagine that he really goes the extra mile to be the best role model for his kids, being both responsible and loving even with the limited presence he has because of his job. Hudson is the father figure some us needed in life ngl.
I don't think Mason would be an abusive dad contrary to what most people would take away from the one interaction we see with him and a very young David. I definitely think he'd have some major anger issues though, no doubt that trauma from The Numbers™️ and all the shit he's gone through as soldier and later CIA op would have an impact on him. He would never lay a hand on his own kid, but he's definitely shouted at them pretty frequently and has likely broken objects around them when he's angry. Much more so after his wife's death and being left as a single dad who barely has any idea what he's doing, and the only other person who can rein him in from it is Frank. I think he's more affectionate and less emotionally distant than Adler, but still just not as close as he should be to his child. He'd apologize for his outbursts and all but, being raised with traditional values from the 30s-40s, he isn't really the type to have those heartfelt talks about feelings because men are supposed to be strong and being emotional makes you weak and all that crap. Would be tougher with a son, and stricter with a daughter. Alex would become a lot more understanding and open over time when his kid grows older, and mellow out as an old man and just be proud of how they turned out despite how he was. The anger issues never really dissipates, but he learns to control it and be better for his kid for the remainder of his life. Mason is the dad you'd resent and have so much anxiety over in your teens and twenties but eventually make up with and get closure by your late thirties or so.
Woods would definitely be more of a fun uncle than a dad. More of the tough love type, but will always remind his kid that they're appreciated at the end of the day. But I also imagine he's a lot more reckless snd clumsy, specially as a first-time father. May not be perfect, has his own shortcomings in a lot of places, but he's really trying his best. I imagine that he probably tiptoed a lot when it came to raising David, trying not to yell at him too much and tried to be his anchor as much as he can after he was tricked into killing Alex (and then promptly going off on him when he shows face again after thirty years). Frank would be considerate and very vocal about his appreciation for his kid despite . Woods is the lovable old man that you'd have a lot of funny memories to look back on, and cussing you out is just his own way of saying he loves you.
I don't have as much thoughts on them but I think Park would be very overprotective, especially if she had a daughter. Would shelter her child and be very strict with them, making sure she knows how and where her kid is all the time, who her kid is with, and how safe they are. Would make her child wear a tracker watch and tell her all and any people they meet or see. Madam Shell's betrayal and her brother's death have definitely left a mark on her, and she would excessively worry about them at all times, to the point of it being suffocating and very invasive Lazar is the balance to this, more lenient and lets his kid have a right to privacy and freedom. Sure, he still worries a lot, but he has enough faith in his child to let then go off on their own when they're at an appropriate age. I also imagine that he gives the best best hugs. Sims would be somewhere in between, albeit more leaning on the stricter side.
i love this idea so I'm gonna do silly little headcannons for it
How the Safehouse Crew treat their kid
Russell Adler
He's absolutely an absent dad
It's not that he does it on purpose, it's just what happens with his job
Russell tries so hard. So hard to be there, but a lot of the time he just can't because of work
If his kid does any sports, you can bet your ass that he's gonna be at any games he can
Now, that's not a lot, but still
Adler absolutely cheers the loudest anytime that his kid does anything
He'll also argue with the refs or umpires about dumb calls
Has been kicked out multiple times
Russell also buys his kid anything that they want
Christmas with him is like out of a damn movie
Presents are practically stacked to the roof and each one is more extravagant than the last
Is definitely the type of parent to dump a bunch of money on his kid for whatever they want
It's his way of making up for barely being around
Has missed his visitation days a lot
Every time he does, Adler sends money and presents as an apology
One time, his kid was staying over at his house because they got into an argument with their mom
He came home late and was met with the sight of his only child smoking cigarettes in the living room
"You know what those do to your lungs?"
The kid just stared for a second before nodding in shock
"Good. Don't be surprised when you get lung cancer. Lord knows I'm already getting close to that. Give me one."
The kid hands over the whole pack, and Adler takes one, lights it, and hands it back. "Don't tell your mother."
On the times that he actually has off and has the kid, he tries to make a whole day out of spending time together
Adler takes them to an amusement park or something, and its just plain awkward the whole time
But, by the end of the day, they're just a little closer
Mainly because they had a heart to heart on the car ride home
They even hugged!
And then nothing changed
Boo >:(
Jason Hudson
Girl dad 100%
He's the dad that everyone needs
So supportive, no matter what
Jason does, in fact, have two girls. And, if I remember right, he loves them more than anything
This man absolutely has been caught playing princesses and knights with his daughters by his wife
His favorite thing is to sit at the tiny tables and have a tea party
Loves his kids so much
If he had a son, Hudson would teach him how to throw a football
Definitely would push him to join a sport
If he does, Hudson goes to every game
Just like Adler, he cheers the loudest
If his girls get boyfriends, you can bet your ass that he's going to let them know that he has multiple guns and absolutely knows how to use it
Jason has to be told by his wife to leave them alone
He only does because he loves his wife so so much and he'd kill for her
Lots of physical affection
Hugs and all that good stuff
His kids definitely won't be touch starved
Is absolutely who they go to first whenever something happens and they need help/support
If he ever catches his kid doing something that they shouldn't, like smoking, he has to try really hard not to yell at them. He pretty much has to walk away to cool off before he can approach the conversation in a way that he wants to
Hudson and his kid are going to have a long talk that ends in a hug and a promise not to do it again
Overall his kids are well behaved and he's a good dad
Alex Mason
My poor boy
I love him so much, anger issues and all
Any time that he screams and breaks things in front of his kid, he calls Woods to come and pick them up so he can take care of things
He always feels horrible after he yells. Alex never wanted to hurt anyone. Quite the opposite, actually. He just doesn't know how to control his anger
Throughout the kids developmental years, he tries his best not to yell or get angry, but a lot of the time he can't stop himself in time
In comes one Frank Woods, who ends up coming over and taking the kid out for ice cream or to the park or just for a drive
He ends up being that cool uncle that the kid goes to when something happens
When he gets discharged (Honorably) from the military, Mason ends up going to therapy
And anger management classes
Only reason he does is because his kid ends up yelling back when he gets angry
And he realizes that he fucked up :(
So that helps him mellow out for his kids later years
Definitely apologizes to his kid for how they were raised
Alex won't over explain or get all mushy, but it'll come up as a simple "I'm sorry for how you were raised," and leave it at that
Will express his feelings through gifts or spending quality time with his kid
If he gets grandkids, Alex will take that as the time to make up for his kids shitty childhood
Best granddad for real
When he's older, he won't mind as much when it comes to telling his kid that he's proud of them
Lots of praise
Frank Woods
Definitely the type of dad to pretend that his kid is in trouble and then it turns out to be a prank
He would absolutely do it just like he did in the scene of the gif
Frank wouldn't yell at his kid, more just yell in general
He'll scream over football games, tv shows, dropping something, anything
He does not care
His kid would be used to loud noises by double digits
Woods would absolutely not know that his kid was sneaking out until Alex caught them
He doesn't particularly care, but he's a little disappointed that they didn't ask him if they could go
Instead of yelling, he would sit them down and have a serious discussion
Lots of "You could have just asked," and, "How many times have you done it?"
Basically he'd get his kid to quit because he knows it's a bad habit
I can't remember if he's a smoker or not, but if he is he would go through the process of quitting with said kid
Helen Park
She's kind of a shitty mom, ngl
Park can be good at it when she wants to, but she's got her own shit that he's going through
She can't handle a kid
In the early years, she's a little neglectful and absent
Then she does a full 180 and goes full over-protective mom mode
Trackers, constant phone calls, reassuring messages
The whole nine yards
She'll try her best to stop if her kid says something, but her anxiety is way too high to stop fully
Definitely the kind of mom to apologize through gifts
One fond memory that her kid would have of their younger years is her sneaking into their room and climbing into bed with them
She just sat there and held them, silently telling them how much she loved them
Helen thought their kid was asleep, not awake and hearing everything she was saying
Park definitely let her kid sneak into her bed when they had nightmares or got sick
She secretly loves it and is sad when they stop doing it
Okay that's all I got-
I didn't mean for this to take so long to make
#bean writes#cod cold war x reader#cod cold war#cod bocw#russell adler#russell adler x reader#helen park x reader#helen park#frank woods x reader#frank woods#alex mason x reader#alex mason#jason hudson x reader#jason hudson
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Katooni the Jedi (Star Wars), Cal Kestis, Satine Kryze (mentioned) - Character Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Professor Brickwall and Professor Oversharer AU, Alternate Universe - Professors, Cody is a brickwall, Obi-Wan overshares, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Ahsoka Tano's Parent, CC-2224 | Cody is So Done, How Do I Tag, no beta we die like the clones on umbara, first fic, Please be nice Summary:
Caleb is startled by his first lesson with the coldest professor he's ever met - Cody Fett could not be any more grumpy. The professor is easily compared to gray clouds, but thankfully his class is followed by the literal sunshine of a person that many people take a liking to. Everybody loves Professor Kenobi for his entertaining lessons and bubbly personality, although he has a big problem with oversharing. His constant talk about his mysterious partner leaves everybody intrigued.
Caleb spends his first semester at Corrie U gossiping with his friends Katooni and Cal, trying to find out who the secret partner is.
Posted my first fic ever (in english and on ao3 that is)! Just hoping someone will actually like it lol.
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Being a fic writer while also being in a English/Composition class is so fun because I get to turn in “creative writing” pieces and it’s just fanfiction
I’ll get comments like “so creative” about my situations/setting and all the while I’m like tehe they don’t know it’s about two minecraft bitches
“I liked how you made teenagers have to take on governmental roles to show how much pressure is put on their shoulders in todays society” yeah sure definitely it’s a metaphor and not just dsmp
#bean writes#that one was one from high school lol#turned in a screenplay script based on president tubbo sitting on the crater of l’manberg#bean thinks#tommyinnit#dream smp
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The Outsider's Gift: Dishonored fanfiction

You just had to temp the Outsider, didn't you? Hours of gameplay has proven there's no place you'd rather be than Dunwall, but when your musings catch the attention of The Outsider, you never believed he was real, let alone might actually listen to you. You find yourself thrust head first into the Wrenhaven River—but the plague rats look a lot bigger in real life and their teeth gnaw more than pixels now. You know more than you should in this world, more than you should possibly be able to - but will that be enough to save you?
#ao3#archive of our own#fanfic#fan fiction#dishonored#dishonored fic#dishonored fanfic#dishonored fanfiction#dishonored fans#dishonored fan fic#dishonored fan fiction#the outsider#daud#dunwall#when in dunwall#my fanfiction#my fanfics#bean writes
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I'm gonna break the trend and ask about the jaysteph, please 👀
jaysteph heatwave!!! thank u for asking!!! (and @paprikadotmp4 thank YOU for asking about them as well!!!) this was supposed to be a prompt fic for jaysteph weekend back in august but. uh. well. these two losers have taken the reins from my hands and steered my fic off its neatly outlined course. anyways!!! heres a snippet <3
She grabs a strawberry lime popsicle and bites off the top. She lets out a hum of contentment at the coolness of the treat and smiles happily, and Jason promptly forgets what he was going to say in response. Blinking hard to try and reset his brain, Jason says the first thing that comes to mind. “I thought you would be more of a grape gal.” He motions to her popsicle. “Y’know, because of the purple?” “Grape?” Her face twists in disgust, voice incredulous. “The medicine flavor???? Eugh, get outta here with that shit. Gross. Even my love for purple has limits. No, strawberry lime is where it’s at.” “Then why-“ “Why do I have them if I don’t like them? Blame Tim. They’re his favorite; he brought them over.” They sit in comfortable silence for a moment, savoring their popsicles and the minor reprieve from the heat they grant.
please ask me about my wips!!!
#im really happy with what i have of this fic so far!!!#but. i might be. a tad stuck rn.#if they would shut up about tim for a minute and makeout like i had planned...#i love them though#jaysteph#bean writes#bean speaks#ask game
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THANK U TO EVERYONE THAT STUCK AROUND FOR THE WHOLE RIDE. im sorry. take this peace offering. they r happy and in love. happy pride
#rinniki#rinky#enstars#bean art#bean writes#please take my peace offering#please#im sorry for all the damage ive done really#but im really happy so many of u like them... even the :( ones crying#time to let them be happy and let go of this au
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Hey guys ',:)
So I finished writing a drabble of @naffeclipse 's Bounty Hunter AU of Sleuth Jesters. Here's the Ao3 link, I will be drawing a piece to accompany it later. It's about Eclipse helping the vigilante fall asleep, how sweet.
Enjoy the read!! Naff I'm shaking you, I hope I got the vibes right on Eclipse and vigilante <3 Had a lot of fun writing this!
#sleuth jesters#bounty hunter au#bounty hunter eclipse#sleuth eclipse#bean writes#fic#fnaf fic#eclipse fnaf#read to fall asleep
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oops, thought too hard about "I don't believe in magic, I believe in chemistry" "oh, it's science, I see" and "works like magic" and Buck's experience working in construction and I accidentally wrote a 6x17 coda
On the difference between magic and chemistry, and their relationship to thermoset adhesives
6x17 coda, ~860 words
“I have never been so excited to get a call from you,” Buck says, barging into the house with a plastic bag bearing the name of a local craft store on his arm.
“Glad my deficiencies are so thrilling,” Eddie breathes out. He’s trying to focus on the pieces of the model in front of him–Chris’ drafts are irritatingly well-labeled, which makes how much he’s struggling to piece them together that much more embarrassing.
“Ah,” Buck grins, quirking an eyebrow as he settles down next to Eddie, drawing the model pieces away from Eddie to sit in front of him instead, “but it takes real wisdom to know when to call in the experts.”
He plucks the wall Eddie’s attempting to position from his fingertips, flipping it around and slotting it in place, right where it belongs. Eddie has the passing thought that maybe he should feel a little bit like he’s failing, needing Buck to come help him assemble his own kid’s design; he doesn’t, though. There was a twinge of it–when he was sitting here alone, staring at the pieces laid out on the coffee table, trying to make sense of it all–but calling Buck never feels like admitting defeat. It hasn't for a long, long time.
“Sorry to drag you over here. I’m sure you have better things to do on your 48 off,” Eddie says, not really meaning a word of it until–“Shit, you didn’t have plans with Natalia, did you?”
Buck looks away from the model pieces for the first time since he sat down, his gaze dropping into his lap. On his next inhale, his face cracks into a rueful smile Eddie’s seen too many times before. Maybe it's a little presumptuous to think he can read Buck’s insecurities in the tilt of his mouth, but Eddie’s pretty sure Buck can read him the same way.
“No, I, uh–” he stutters out, and Eddie wants to scream at the world for putting him through this, whatever it turns out to be this time, on top of everything else. “I think that’s probably over. Kameron showed up at my place while we were having dinner, and I had just had to tell her about Taylor, and we had run into Lucy the other night, and–I don’t know. Seemed like maybe it was too much for her.”
Seems like I was too much for her, Buck doesn’t say, but Eddie reads it in the wobble of his not-quite-right smile and the sadness behind his eyes.
“Anyways,” Buck says with a grin, a real one this time, “that’s why I was so glad you called.”
Eddie’s heart doesn’t skip in his chest, because what the hell would that say about him? Buck barrels on, “Kameron showed up at the loft looking for a place to stay–don’t ask, she was freaking out so much she wasn’t speaking in full sentences; except, conveniently, to tell me she really needed pickles; but I don’t know what’s happening with her and Connor–and then passes out in my bed, so I was stuck on the couch, and it sucks, Eddie, it’s so uncomfortable.”
“Well,” Eddie replies smoothly, somehow–despite the fact that he’d barely registered the majority of Buck’s run-on sentence, still stuck on the way his own breath hitched when he thought Buck had meant he was glad Eddie asked him to come over because–not important. There’s a bigger task at hand. “Glad I can offer you mine, at least,” Eddie says, gesturing at the couch, “for the small price of helping me put my kid’s genius plans together.”
“Like I wouldn’t do that anyway,” and Buck’s smiling so wide as he props the last wall up, it makes Eddie’s chest ache. Why is his chest aching?
“Task at hand,” Buck says, nodding down at the level’s four walls he’s holding in place, “where’s the glue?”
“Epoxy,” Eddie says, grabbing it off the table and uncapping it, bringing it down to the point where the balsa walls meet the plastic base they’re building on, “I ran into Marisol, that woman whose house we helped fix up last fall, at the hardware store. She said this one ‘works like magic.’”
As Eddie draws the little tube around the base of the four walls, hands slipping under and around Buck’s while they hold them steady, Buck goes suspiciously silent. Eddie glances up at Buck hovering over him, where he's now leaning awkwardly over the table to reach the model where Buck had pulled it in front of himself. There’s a funny look on Buck’s face where it looks down at Eddie, and this time he can't quite interpret the emotion behind it.
“It’s not magic,” Buck says, a little more pointedly than Eddie would expect for his usually whimsical nature, “It’s chemistry. I read about it a few weeks ago, when Chris was building that model water molecule for his science class out of styrofoam–we didn’t know why super glue wasn’t working and I went down a rabbit hole–anyways, its,” and he inhales, for the first time since he started talking, “it thermosets, that’s why it’s so strong. It’s chemistry.”
Forged in fire, Eddie thinks, and he doesn’t know what to do with that.
#featuring extensive run on sentences as I grapple with trying to capture their voices#I havent written in a long long LONG time and never fic so#idk! hope its good!#PSA: this is not the correct order of operations when assembling a scale model#and also I don’t actually know the science of epoxy and I wasn't gonna try to figure it out#911 fox#911 spoilers#buddie#buddie fic#bean writes
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the "Tweeter Diary" side story but dolshi is ergi. Ta-da !! new erkenna AU. Huge novel spoilers.
Part 1
Part 2
Summary: Angel gave ergi an enchanted bracelet that can turn a person into someone they wish to be. Ergi - with his self-insecurities and feelings for Mckenna - the bracelet turned him to a woman. He'll only come back to his true form once he took the bracelet off.
Angel stole the bracelet from the Eastern Empire dean.
The bracelet is rose-gold in color, and it looks like three handcuffs glued together.
Of course, the dean is beyond pissed at getting his bracelet stolen, and demands other mages to capture the thief. Other empires and kingdoms are searching for the bracelet as well because there's a huge cash price.
Angel gave the bracelet to Ergi as a "gift." Ergi accepts it reluctantly only because he wants the scoundrel out of his sight.
Surprise - ergi's father ordered angel to get rid of him in exchange of a huge sum of money. Angel decides to give the bracelet to the duke, because if his appearance is changed, no one will recognize him. Worse case scenario, the dean will eliminate him for "stealing" his bracelet. angel's hands won't get dirty, and the guy will be dead. It's a win-win situation.
Ergi's father wants him dead because he hates him... that's it
"Patience, grand duke. Your duplicitous son will be the one to decide his fate."
After repeatedly getting manipulated by his father about his own self as a whole (wishing that he had a daughter instead, etc.), and also hearing about mckenna looking for a lady to marry from heinrey as a tipping point, he got tempted to wear the bracelet.
He wore it, and turned to a woman.
His pronouns will be your/mom
He went outside of the palace, knowing that with his new appearance, he's not the duke anymore.
Ergi touches the somehow long strands of his hair, frowning. He's wearing a coat to hide himself. He's currently on the pathway in his dukedom. It'll took a while before he'll make it to the entrance. And it's morning! Just perfect for him to be seen and caught by the guards.
Who would have thought that Angel is being serious, anyway?
He tried taking the bracelet off, but it bear no good. It's persistently intact on his wrist. He keeps on walking out the pathway, and on his dismay, a guard blocked him in his way.
"Halt. Who are you?" Great.
"I'm a maid." He replied. Wow, my voice sounds nice, actually.
"I've never seen you before." Another sentinel enters. They held his chin, and he turned away with a subtle snarl. "She has a pretty face, don't you think?"
"As pretty as the grand duke's son, mayhaps."
A chill runs down Ergi's spine as both guards bursts into laughter. "My, what humor you have! If only he has a more petite figure to match his face, I would ravish him every night."
"You are lusting over him? Foul!"
"Quit it! Aren't you the same?!" The scandalous guard cages Ergi with their arms, and he winced. He feels so small, like a prey. He doesn't like it.
"What do you say, we have some fun with this woman? She doesn't look like she could lift a finger."
Son of a - is this how the society treats a lady?
"You're disgusting." Ergi says with gritted teeth. "Let go of me."
They laughed at his display, and he feels himself getting suffocated. Just as his pride begins to crumble, he sees a glimmer of blue hair. A glimmer of hope.
He launches forward, attempting to get away from the guards. "McKenna!" He yells, and the knight turned to his direction. Ergi almost sighs in relief at seeing him, desperately wanted to get out of the situation he didn't expect to be put in - not until the confused knight turned back his heel. He walked away.
Like he doesn't know him.
... he doesn't recognize me.
The torturous tittering among the duchy's guards is so close to sending ergi to a killing spree. He's not only annoyed, his pride is wounded. The insufferable feelings he had for the knight made it worse.
The guards pinned him to the wall roughly. The impact took the air out of him. He closed his eyes to minimize the pain.
It feels like thorns being tied on his neck.
They touched his ears as if he's an object.
He can't breathe.
You're supposed to be a knight, birdbrain. I'm a damsel in distress. Why aren't you helping me?
Do you really never cared for me?
Suddenly, he heard a loud crack! and the air around him felt lighter. He opened his eyes little by little, and he saw the guards passed out on the ground. Breathless, he looked up; and saw the pair of black eyes he adored so much.
"You must be new in this household, miss," McKenna utters, but Ergi is so lost in the moment to care about anything he says. So this is how being saved feels like. "most working men here are - um, well, perverted. I hope you talk to the head maid soon about the safe routes you can take to avoid them."
Ergi choked out a cry.
McKenna flinched, startled. This ... woman just called him minutes ago - he doesn't even know her! - and is confusing him even more. Why is she crying?
By then, he noticed her eyes. It's pretty. A cute shade of green. Almost as deep-colored as an endless sea. It feels familiar.
"Birdbrain!" Ergi jumps at him, forgetting proper decorum - enveloping him in a hug. His tears fall. Overwhelmed by all the things his father said to him, the helplessness of knowing that he will lose this man so soon when he never even got the chance to hold him like this.
McKenna makes the noise of a dying bird. Now, their emotions in this moment are clashing. Ergi is emotional. In the eyes of the birdbrain however, what the maiden is doing doesn't make a single sense.
"It's me, birdbrain, please ... " her cries are enough to make any men waver, including him. But still!
He awkwardly pushes her away.
"I-I'm really sorry, you must have confused me for your lover or, haha, something."
He saw her tearful eyes when he looks down on her. No in snowballs name of hell. He would not succumb to some crocodile tears!
"It's me, Ergi. I could explain all of this ... please listen to me." He heard her say once more. His jaw is on the floor, almost literally.
#mckenna: who tf are you?!!#ergi: 😭#i'm so sorry this au has been stuck in my head for months#remarried empress#duke ergi#mckenna#erkenna#bean writes#erkenna evermore au#spoilers
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Alright so this one is based on this post, of the lovely fairy AU by the lovelier @lara-cairncross<3
Some content warnings maybe?? if there's anything else let me know. Mentions of over stimulation and hints of the ol’ autism. Also mentions of dying although although that doesn't happen!!
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
He swears he didn’t mean to do it. He was just having one of those days, y’know?
The morning started off fine, he even got the hinges on his new project to work flawlessly! It’s just, he dropped his screwdriver. And then he dropped the nails. And then the workshop got too crowded and noisy. And, by then, The Feeling had set in.
Luckily, it didn’t Feel like full shut down. But it did make his mouth feel sour, and his head heavy and his skin all prickly. All in all, Donnie was in a Bad Mood. Just not bad enough to miss visiting April later though. He hoped.
April had introduced them to the Clumsy Big Box of Colours last week, and he was just dying to get a good look at how it all worked. How did those big, clumsy hands put those little miniatures into the Box and make them move? With speaking and music too!
At first they’d been horrified. His brothers thought the Clumsies had captured and de-winged fairies for their entertainment! But after April reassured them that it wasn’t anything like that, that it was purely Clumsy technology, Donnie had been hungry to figure out how it worked.
Unfortunately Mikey had started to feel a bit queasy in the bright light and colours of the Box, so April turned it off, much to Donnie’s dismay. But she promised him he could take a look at it when they visited again next week. Well it's been seven days and he hasn't been able to take his mind off the Box. He’s itching to get a look at it. And his family doesn’t have another gap in their schedule to fly to April for a while. So he has to go today. Bad Mood be damned.
But minutes start to feel like hours as the day drags on and every minor inconvenience becomes 10 times more aggravating. Donnie’s tense and quiet during the flight, just allowing the voices of his family to wash over him. It soothes him a little and his head feels less jumbled by the time they make it to the Main Land. It doesn’t take them long to reach April’s house, with Leo flying them at his top speed. She spots them a couple of seconds before they arrive, always seeming to know exactly when they’re coming. April throws open her windows with a smile and a bright “Hey guys! Come on in!”
They touch down on the kitchen island among the bowls of fruit. Raph immediately gets his hands on a strawberry to munch on, tossing one to Leo as well. April chuckles at their antics, and giggles when Mikey flutters up to her hair to admire her new headband, before spotting Donnie quiet on the counter.
“Oh Dee! The TV’s in the other room, c’mon.”
She reaches her hand out, palm up and some of the tension drains from his shoulders. He has his brace on, fully capable of flight, but the thought of putting his wings to use right now feels so draining, so he gladly takes her offered lift.
April walks them to the TV room, making short work of the journey that would have been a mission for him to fly. “It’s all set up, the power’s off so you won’t get a shock, so tinker to your heart’s content! Just, uh, try and put it all back in the right place?”
He just nods his head along to her words as April sets him down next to the Big Box of Colours. “Well, here you go. Uh, we’ll be in the kitchen, Mike wants to learn how baking works,” she chuckles, “Give me a shout if you need anything.” And with that she gives him a smile before turning back to the kitchen, “Enjoy!”
And then Donnie is alone with the Box. Shaking out the buzzing in his bones, he sets his toolbelt down and gets to work on the most interesting piece of equipment he’s ever laid eyes on.
So he promises it was an accident. He had felt so excited about this opportunity. But he underestimated the complexity of the Box and he was quickly growing frustrated at his inability to understand it. And the sounds of April and his brothers in the kitchen were starting to make his head pound.
And a half an hour later, when April came to check up on him, she didn’t know she was doing anything wrong. She just thought she was getting his attention. But she poked him, and Donnie did the thing he always does when one of his brothers pokes him while he’s working, or when his head is sore, or when he’s in a Bad Mood. He turns his head and he bites.
Now, he knows April is a Clumsy. He knows fairy bites are toxic to them. He knows his bite is the most poisonous of his whole family’s. So he knows that under no circumstances should he ever bite April. But in his Bad Mood he’d forgotten it all. And with dawning horror, he realises it might have just cost his best friend her life.
He hears his big brother shout his name, when Mikey and Leo shout for April, and the shock and fear in Raph’s voice is just too much. All of the Bad Mood comes surging up and he feels his eyes start to wet.
They're flying towards him and April, but Donnie can do nothing as he watches his venom course through April’s veins, slowly killing her. His brothers frantically fly around her, asking her all sorts of questions, but April tries to shoo them away. “It’s just a little bite,” she says clutching her finger, “Don’t worry guys, I’m fine!”
“No you’re not!” Donnie shouts, “I bit you, and fairy bites are fatal to Clumsies!”
April goes quiet. They all do. They're waiting. Eventually, after a minute of nothing happening, April speaks. “Is something supposed to happen? Nothing’s wrong.”
In the silence, Leo touches down on the table next to Donnie. He looks up at April, then to Donnie, then to Raph who landed next to him as well. “...No you should definitely feel bad. Dee’s bite is pretty quick working.”
Mikey still flutters worriedly between his brothers and April. “Do you guys think… it’s related to the voice thing?”
‘The voice thing?’
Raph puts it together first. “April is immune!” he cries suddenly. “It;s the same reason she can understand us! April is immune to fairy poison!”
Relief washes through Donnie because it makes sense. April can hear them, when humans shouldn't be able to. She always knows when they’re coming, and she didn't die when he bit her. April is immune.
Tears that never quite left, spring to his eyes again. “April I'm so so sorry, I should never have bit you. We didn't know. And you could've died, and it would've been all my fault–”
“Hey.” She kneels down next to the table so her eyes are level with his, “It’s alright Dee. You didn't mean it. And I’m perfectly fine. It’s even more proof that I’m the specialist snowflake,” she puts on her smug grin, like she always does, and laughs. Donnie gives a wet chuckle too.
“How about we leave the tinkering and watch something on the TV instead? Something black and white so the colours don’t affect Mikey. The muffins are almost done too and we can have a snack while we watch. The TV will always be here another day if you want to take a look then. So what do you say?”
She holds out her hand, offering him another lift, and he easily takes it again.
They end up watching some historic Clumsy movie that April calls a classic, munching on pieces of warm muffin. Mikey and Leo pass out relatively quick and Donnie sits leaning against Raph. They’re on April’s lap, which means the people he loves are all nearby and all healthy and safe.
His Bad Mood felt a little less bad after that.
Is Leo my favourite character? Yes. Do i keep writing Donnie-centric stories? Also yes.
I do plan to write on the others soon though, I swear I have other ideas y'all, this one just wrote the easiest.
Also RIP Frida, you're not mentioned bc I have no idea who you are yet. </3
#im tired rn#i might make changes tomorrow who knows#i just really wanted to finish this tonight#rottmnt#rottmnt fairy au#rottmnt donnie#rottmnt leo#rottmnt raph#rottmnt mikey#rottmnt april#bean writes#also that scene where raph figures it out was going to refrence his medical knowledge but i couldnt make it work lol
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Such Small Hands
Junkerqueen x gn!reader
Reader has a nightmare. Allusions to reader having a panic attack. Lots of comfort
The night had started off okay enough. Odessa had to step out for a little bit while you were falling asleep, leaving your subconscious to go haywire. It always did when she wasn’t there as you fell asleep, after all. Sometimes it even did when she was there.
Things were okay at first. The dream had started off normally. But then it got worse and worse. Your brain made you live out your worst nightmares. Dez leaving. You being forced to leave. Her dying. You dying without her. Coming home to find her dead. Over and over again. It was hell. You never understood why your brain hated you so much. Why it always insisted on putting you through the most horrific things it could think of.
You woke up in a cold sweat and unable to breathe. It was as if someone had come and stolen your breath from you while you slept. You laid a hand on your chest, trying to force it into moving again. Odessa still wasn’t back, and that panicked you even more. What if one of those nightmares wasn’t really a nightmare? What if she really had left or died?
The panic seemed to have multiplied at the thought, and any pretense of breathing that you had before seemed to be ripped away from you. You really couldn't breathe now, and that made you panic ever more. It was as if someone had shoved their arm down your throat and were gripping onto your heart so tightly that it was going to explode.
Just as you felt that you were going to pass out, Odessa came back into the bedroom. What a sight you must be to her. A hand to your chest and your face pale, wide eyed and scared. Your girlfriend instantly made her way to the bed, taking the hand on your chest into her own.
“Breathe, love. In and out, you can do it,” she assured. You tried, really you did. But it just wasn’t working. Every time you tried to breathe in it was like something clogged your lungs, stopping the air from getting to where it needed to go. When Odessa realized this, she placed your hand over her heart and said, “Do it with me.”
She breathed in, her chest rising. You tried to copy, and this time it worked. She breathed out, and so did you. You continued like this for a while until you could finally do it on your own. Still, your hand on her chest never moved. It was reassuring, feeling her heartbeat.
Odessa got into the bed, holding you in her arms. Your head was on her chest, listening to her heartbeat as she raked her hand up and down your back. Her sports bra that she had on was slowly getting damp, which confused you. It wasn’t until you brought a hand up to your cheek that you realized you were crying. With how badly your head hurt, you’ve probably been crying for a while.
“Do ya wanna talk about it?” Dessa asked, looking down at you. She was void of the makeup that she normally wore. Her lip piercing was out and her hair was down, all things that you normally only saw during bed time. You couldn’t help but find her striking, even without all of her touch ups that she dedicated an hour to every morning.
“Nightmares,” you mumble. “So many nightmares. You died or you left and I had to watch. Or I died or had to leave and you weren’t there. And every time, there was nothing I could do. Sometimes I’d kill you. Other times you’d scream at me before leaving. It was constant. And I woke up and you were gone and I just…”
Dez hummed in discontent but nodded. She knew what you meant, even when you didn’t or couldn’t say it.
“I ain’t leaving. Not if I can help it. I ain’t ever gonna leave you alone, babe. Gonna keep you with me always, even if I shouldn’t. Love showing you off far too much to leave you by yourself,” she said, running a hand through your hair.
“I promise. Hell, I’ll even pinky swear if it makes you feel better.”
Hesitantly, you brought your hand up with your pinky outstretched. Dez chuckled and brought her own hand up, interlocking her pinky with yours. When you finally let go, Dessa put her hand on your cheeks and wiped away any stray tears. “Go on and sleep. I promise I’ll fight off any nightmares and I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“My savior,” you said, a smile starting to spread across your face.
“Damn straight. Now sleep, I’m gonna take you around town tomorrow. We’re overdue for a date anyway.”
You let your head lay on her chest again, letting your girlfriend’s heartbeat lull you back to sleep. Odessa stayed up until she was sure that you were asleep before kissing the top of your head and going to bed herself.
~~~ Hey look I finally uploaded
#junker queen overwatch#junkerqueen#queen of junkertown#junker queen#junkerqueen x reader#odessa stone#overwatch 2#overwatch x reader#bean writes
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody Additional Tags: CC-2224 | Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine, Established CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hurt No Comfort, maybe a little comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, probably, How Do I Tag, No Beta, Grief/Mourning, Post-Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Post-Order 66 (Star Wars) Summary:
Obi-Wan and Cody reunite on Tatooine. However, life has never been too kind to them and it won't start now.
Today (actually it was like 6 days ago, i just forgot about it) I bring you a new fic. I could convince you to read this, however, I believe my friend’s reaction after he finished this fic are, in my opinion, a better way to market this:
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New fic! merthur magic reveal oneshot!! <3
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Why is it that when I saw this (admittedly very cool) post on Facebook, the first thing I thought of is what an unhinged D&D spellbook that would make?
I'm gonna make one and call it “Queneau’s Book of Spells” after the poet guy (and because his name sounds like a D&D character).
#dnd#d&d#dnd memes#dnd ideas#homebrew#dnd chaos#i cast fireball#roll for initiative#dnd wizard#dnd magic#spellbook#spell book#dnd spells#dungeons and dragons#bean's blog#bean writes
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wip ask game
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips
tagged by @ladytauria a lil bit ago - thank you for the tag ily!! now that im finally done w finals (and my bachelors degree 🫣) i can actually answer!!!
so i played this back in april and im gonna be so fr, all but 2 of those are in the same condition as found previously. so im only including the ones that i have added or worked on since then :) and im still not including my smut wips in this list but i have added to some of those so if u really wanna know i am open to sharing. u just gotta ask specifically 🫣
alfred jason birthday bread (answered!)
Epistolary Gotham EMS (answered!)
jaysteph heat wave 8/11 (answered!)
no pressure tagging: @jpeg-dot-jpeg @deepwithintheabyss @paprikadotmp4 @jzbnee
#pls ask me abt these wips i love them a lot#thank you for tagging me!!!#i love ask games#ask game#tag game#bean speaks#bean writes
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