My Emerald Lover
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imbouttasue · 1 month ago
no way ppl are using ai to write ao3. what happened to being a tortured writer. what happened to blood on the page. what happened to the ao3 curse. people used to get run over, have their houses burned down, break their entire spines and they still put in the work to finish a chapter. fuck you, using ai. y’all are weak
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imbouttasue · 1 month ago
I took a deep dive in tumblr for nostalgia and oh wow this post. It actually came true haha. This fandom is literally just a can of worms atp. It just made me a little sad because the era where these characters are appreciated for their own qualms as fictional is mostly gone.
some rashta defenders irks me.
don't get me wrong, it's about time they show up to knock some sense to the people who - in the words of one of my mutuals - have an iq of a spoon, but they're nonsense themselves too. they're defending rashta's actions to the point that they vilify other characters for rashta's compensation. "navier doesn't care for the commoners unlike rashta" i'm sorry, what? i don't care if you're being a troll but that's offensive and wrong. it's shown many times that navier cares for her people, the thing is people are used to fl's that literally goes on revolutions and fights with their sword and fists, unlike on someone like navier who is quiet, reserved and much prefers to have less conflict but a good foundation throughout.
defend rashta and stan her all you want, i'll join you even, but don't go as far as shitting on other characters just to put her in a better light. especially if your statements are not true. you'll just end up looking like a fool.
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imbouttasue · 6 months ago
OI leads realizing copyright laws cant transmigrate.
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THOSE male leads in a nutshell:
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OI maids after kissing the protagonists ass to survive the Wrath of main character centered morality:
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Reilynn after someone tries to tell her she can't date the child slave she bought when he grows up:
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toxic male leads when the wife they divorced in the first timeline asks for a divorce:
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Remarried empress fans when they see a slave getting a little too close to their queen:
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How it feels watching people do mental gymnastics to justify the FL partaking in workplace abuse:
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Marry my husband in a nutshell:
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Readers to Abusive Male leads when their mom didn't show up to the soccer game Vs Readers to any woman who slightly inconveniences the FL
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After reading the translators notes:
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Me everytime a Matthias fangirl walks in:
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When the intelligent white lotus from the first timeline comes back as a weak spoiled brat:
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Realizing the male lead is the 2000 year old God who met the FL when she was a baby
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The braincells being lost when the FL is out buying slaves and the comments are more concerned about the ML's lack of nipples.
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The one day I decided that I liked white lotus villains:
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imbouttasue · 6 months ago
Hate to admit it but yes. I was so excited for the paternity test and the trial only for most details to be left out.
Also Rashta's character has been boosted out so much in the webtoon to the point that the rest looks so bland in comparison (yes, even the protagonist). It makes so much sense that the fans prefer her more than the others because they are not as developed as much.
Read the novel, the manwha is poorly adapted
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the trial was so bad
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imbouttasue · 6 months ago
VICTORIA!!!! (I'm biased)
She's so classy 🥺
Victoria, my darling. ❤
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She's actually a last-minute addition to the series (c: writer's twitter). I'm glad because she fits in the story so seamlessly. She looks so gorgeous, too.
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imbouttasue · 6 months ago
Okay hear me out but instead of Charlotte being married off to Kaufman I think it would work miles better with McKenna instead. Both are work-oriented, expressive but reserved in formal occassions. They're compatible enough with each other. McKenna is illegitimate but he still has royal blood so maybe it works(? TRE monarchy doesn't make sense tbh. Yes I'm looking at you Lari).
I feel like it would help to expand their own characters more as their marriage will be relevant to the plot. In a way it would also give them bigger roles in the story.
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imbouttasue · 6 months ago
Victoria, my darling. ❤
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She's actually a last-minute addition to the series (c: writer's twitter). I'm glad because she fits in the story so seamlessly. She looks so gorgeous, too.
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imbouttasue · 6 months ago
If the author would give another side story in the next few years and make the "obsession" canon I will genuinely hate this entire story beyond passion (not that I already do, haha). Not only that it would assassinate Ergi's character furthermore, it will feel like the writer is just milking Sovieshu's character for engagement towards the fans (his redemption arc, regression AU, etc).
It's been a long while since I last talked about Remarried Empress, but anyway. I don't particularly agree that Ergi should be written instead as someone who hates Sovieshu and his said hatred slowly grows into an unhealthy, twisted obsession. Judging by how Alphatart has written him, I think the writer wanted to pull a "haha villain not" contradiction for his character but they keep on backpedalling. It comes to the point that the readers didn't take the bait and thus the author didn't explore his story further.
I'd break down the details of the story that subtly tells us about his character before elaborating, so the post won't be as messy. Beware of spoilers from the novel.
1. Baby breaths
Him holding baby breath flowers definitely struck me for a long time when I was first reading the story. It's a flower with a fragile meaning yet the writer made him hold it. It's included in the novel as well, so it's definitely an important detail. Or at least supposed to be.
2. Ergi's mother
His mother is sickly and thus he always cares for her. This is when Ergi’s warm side has been introduced and completely contradicts what his character is in the last seasons.
3. Heinrey
Their friendship is nothing more than a facade. He never called Heinrey by his name, only addressing him as "Your Majesty" or whichever his title is. While it's true that he calls him by his first name, he only does it in public. Whenever he talks to Heinrey personally, he insists on calling him by his title. It was proven further in the webtoon adaptation where they removed the part of Heinrey squishing Ergi’s cheeks on Navier’s pregnancy banquet when Ergi kept on frowning, which is supposed to be an indication that they are close friends.
4. Navier
It’s not included in the webtoon, but in the chapter where Ergi helps Navier escape from her house arrest in the East, Navier specifically says that "You have questionable methods, but you're a good person." There are also a few moments of them where Ergi shows vulnerability around her, talking about how people often cast you away despite all the good things you've done to them.
5. Guilt
Right after he ran away from the Eastern Empire when the paternity test was done, he was gloomy and kept on staring at the waters from his ship. The pirates have said along the lines of “He always falls into moods like these after he gets what he wants. He’ll go back to normal after he finds something new to be interested in.” It’s meant to be a representation of his guilt or a reflection of the things he had done. But he’s gone too far deep, so he won’t turn back.
6. Alessia
Ah, yes. Alessia. The root of his problems. The one who actually ruined his life but also the person he couldn’t bear to hurt because he firmly believes that she saved him; when in reality, it was a calculative move.
With those points laid out, I feel that Alphatart wanted to write him as a bastardous, but sensitive character. A man of contradiction. A villain with a heart, if that would make sense. While his morals are nothing but gray, there is a kindness beneath him that keeps on holding him back.
He wants to have his revenge, but he doesn’t want to harm the person (Alessia) who almost sacrificed her life (she didn’t, it’s all but a ploy) to save him. So instead of going after her, he exploits Sovieshu, who is secondly the person who only happens to be related to Alessia’s endeavors. And that’s it. No unnecessary feelings or obsession. He only uses Sovieshu as an outlet for his so-called revenge which is nothing but pointless. He knows it and he hates himself for it, but he doesn’t act on it. He doesn’t want to face it either.
In the end, his character is a coward. He would willingly hurt other people to scratch his itch for revenge but never the root of his pain. He preaches about morals when he couldn’t even fix his own. His character arc would be satisfying if he took on Alessia himself and made her run away, but instead he lets somebody else (Angel) expose her fraudulent acts in public. Why would he even hurt other women who happened to be like Alessia when he can just take on her and destroy her himself? His chance of being redeemed just gets thrown off the window. He never grew as a character and that is the only part I am disappointed in.
Saying that he’s obsessed with Sovieshu is too much of a stretch. And it’s just lazy writing to justify his actions. His actions on harming Sovieshu is nothing but pure cowardice. While he had executed his “revenge”, it will never give him comfort because of the other people he had harmed. He will live with guilt throughout his life.
His character doesn’t need much altering. I already like it as it is. Not too dark but he’s complex enough. It’s well enough on its own but only with very poor execution and inconsistency.
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
Alphatart’s TRE characters all have their own potential to be compelling but it ended up being trashed. Maybe the only exception is Rashta, whomst character growth really developed the series and her ending is more than impactful. I might talk about her character one of these days.
Now, to address the elephant (or snake) in the room, Ergi. His character had the potential of being a chaotic enigma with his womanizer persona and his flexible intellect. If you want to know more of my thoughts about his character, you can read here. 
I am thoroughly disappointed at how his character has become. He has a fun personality and an intriguing presence in the story. He never fails to steal the spotlight. 
His “tragic backstory” just lacks the punch and didn’t solidify his relationship enough with the other characters. It could be compelling if Ergi chose to redeem himself at the end of the story (esp: “Splitting” side story where his fraud stepmother is exposed), but he didn’t. He remained the same guy from the start. Even if he ended up living with his mother in peace, all his actions from before will haunt him because he never learned his lesson. He just lets Angel expose his stepmother when he is smart enough to plan for it himself. You beg to tell me that Ergi could turn the entire East against Sovieshu but he can’t even overthrow his stepmother whom he hates since he’s a child? 
All his side stories are very underwhelming and do not give me satisfaction regarding his character. It feels unfinished. While it had the potential to become a turning point for him, the author just chose to go to a somewhat tamer route. What is the point of giving us that sad backstory only for Ergi to not actually do something about it? Why didn’t he grow as a better character in the end? He doesn’t need to suddenly become a goody-two-shoes. What he needs is a better conclusion.
I personally think that the writer tried their best to make Ergi some kind of a popular homme fatale, but the readers just didn’t bite on it. He had the tragic backstory and everything else, but it’s a miss rather than a hit. So instead of continuing with his arc, they just gave us a half-baked ending which is nothing but disappointing.
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
I was having mixed feelings about her design when I first saw her. Maybe because she just has a different face, lol.
I'm so happy they kept the glasses like in the novel. Her personality is also very refreshing and I can't wait for the readers to see it.
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also her dress is so beautiful! it reminds me of Greek fashion, which makes me wonder is the Kingdom she comes from is inspired by Greece?
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
I said that I won't read 녹빛자정의 연인 / Lover of Green Midnight (unofficial title, there's no english translation available) but I caved and now I'm obsessed. It's historical-inspired but not isekai. All characters has a morally grey undertone. For now the characters are pointing and painting one villain but the narrative tells something else otherwise. It's incredibly intriguing.
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
I agree that June's character is bland. She is also very gullible. Everytime she falls for Cameron's seductions I pull my hair out of frustration lol. Her relationship with Edgar is very tame, I also prefer his chemistry with Victoria the most.
Spoiler alert, even if it's already obvious: June will end up sleeping with Cameron.
Victoria is the character that interests me at the moment. I find her more intruguing than Cameron haha. I feel like her character runs deeper than just having love-hate feelings for him.
So from the comments I gather Cameron is bi and sleeping with his sister Victoria's fiance. Trash being trash as usual.
As for June, girl I understand being bored but if you want to find excitement, find something exciting instead of snogging with the STD Hazzard tuberculosis looking blonde and cheating on Edgar, he deserves better.
Edgar is a cinnamon roll (the most handsome too) and I kinda ship him with Victoria (she's freaking gorgeous). They make a cute couple.
As for Cameron and Edgar, blonde is acting like "a mean boy with crush pulling the braid of the girl he likes" around Edgar. The tension is there but the author refuses to acknowledge anything going on between them (judging by her Twitter).
I feel like author emphasises more on their mental chemistry then being physical. It feels like I'm getting edged lol
But I love the tension. Edgar is a good protagonist, Cameron is a good villain (I hate him and that's how he's supposed to be received).
My only fear is that Edgar might get hurt in the end. And I feel bad for Victoria. June is a bit bland so far. But hope she gets better in the future.
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
It's been a long while since I last talked about Remarried Empress, but anyway. I don't particularly agree that Ergi should be written instead as someone who hates Sovieshu and his said hatred slowly grows into an unhealthy, twisted obsession. Judging by how Alphatart has written him, I think the writer wanted to pull a "haha villain not" contradiction for his character but they keep on backpedalling. It comes to the point that the readers didn't take the bait and thus the author didn't explore his story further.
I'd break down the details of the story that subtly tells us about his character before elaborating, so the post won't be as messy. Beware of spoilers from the novel.
1. Baby breaths
Him holding baby breath flowers definitely struck me for a long time when I was first reading the story. It's a flower with a fragile meaning yet the writer made him hold it. It's included in the novel as well, so it's definitely an important detail. Or at least supposed to be.
2. Ergi's mother
His mother is sickly and thus he always cares for her. This is when Ergi’s warm side has been introduced and completely contradicts what his character is in the last seasons.
3. Heinrey
Their friendship is nothing more than a facade. He never called Heinrey by his name, only addressing him as "Your Majesty" or whichever his title is. While it's true that he calls him by his first name, he only does it in public. Whenever he talks to Heinrey personally, he insists on calling him by his title. It was proven further in the webtoon adaptation where they removed the part of Heinrey squishing Ergi’s cheeks on Navier’s pregnancy banquet when Ergi kept on frowning, which is supposed to be an indication that they are close friends.
4. Navier
It’s not included in the webtoon, but in the chapter where Ergi helps Navier escape from her house arrest in the East, Navier specifically says that "You have questionable methods, but you're a good person." There are also a few moments of them where Ergi shows vulnerability around her, talking about how people often cast you away despite all the good things you've done to them.
5. Guilt
Right after he ran away from the Eastern Empire when the paternity test was done, he was gloomy and kept on staring at the waters from his ship. The pirates have said along the lines of “He always falls into moods like these after he gets what he wants. He’ll go back to normal after he finds something new to be interested in.” It’s meant to be a representation of his guilt or a reflection of the things he had done. But he’s gone too far deep, so he won’t turn back.
6. Alessia
Ah, yes. Alessia. The root of his problems. The one who actually ruined his life but also the person he couldn’t bear to hurt because he firmly believes that she saved him; when in reality, it was a calculative move.
With those points laid out, I feel that Alphatart wanted to write him as a bastardous, but sensitive character. A man of contradiction. A villain with a heart, if that would make sense. While his morals are nothing but gray, there is a kindness beneath him that keeps on holding him back.
He wants to have his revenge, but he doesn’t want to harm the person (Alessia) who almost sacrificed her life (she didn’t, it’s all but a ploy) to save him. So instead of going after her, he exploits Sovieshu, who is secondly the person who only happens to be related to Alessia’s endeavors. And that’s it. No unnecessary feelings or obsession. He only uses Sovieshu as an outlet for his so-called revenge which is nothing but pointless. He knows it and he hates himself for it, but he doesn’t act on it. He doesn’t want to face it either.
In the end, his character is a coward. He would willingly hurt other people to scratch his itch for revenge but never the root of his pain. He preaches about morals when he couldn’t even fix his own. His character arc would be satisfying if he took on Alessia himself and made her run away, but instead he lets somebody else (Angel) expose her fraudulent acts in public. Why would he even hurt other women who happened to be like Alessia when he can just take on her and destroy her himself? His chance of being redeemed just gets thrown off the window. He never grew as a character and that is the only part I am disappointed in.
Saying that he’s obsessed with Sovieshu is too much of a stretch. And it’s just lazy writing to justify his actions. His actions on harming Sovieshu is nothing but pure cowardice. While he had executed his “revenge”, it will never give him comfort because of the other people he had harmed. He will live with guilt throughout his life.
His character doesn’t need much altering. I already like it as it is. Not too dark but he’s complex enough. It’s well enough on its own but only with very poor execution and inconsistency.
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
Since the hiatus is almost over, I have a sudden urge to gush about Remarried Empress (again lol).
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
I love your work so much! 🥺
Slightly blushing Barbie animation 😆😆
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imbouttasue · 7 months ago
The English slangs is not something I expected from the story.
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