#i know that magic bloom is not canon with the rest of the show but i still want to see it
ami-atmosphere · 12 hours
See What I See 🪞
[Read on AO3] [Full Illustration, R18] Pairing: Gale x Amihan (Tav) / WindWeave
Summary: Amihan is worried about her apparent lack of expression. Gale proves otherwise in front of a magic mirror.
Warnings: Mirror Sex, Vaginal Sex, Smut, Post-Canon
Word Count: 1.2k
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“Gale,” Amihan whimpered. “Is…is this truly necessary?”
The couple stood bare in front of a magnificently-sized mirror, not one of their already existing mirrors, but one that Gale conjured himself with his magic– a demonstration, he insisted. Amihan had previously spoken of her dismay regarding her own inexpressiveness– how she knows she can appear distant and unconcerned, how it makes her feel unattractive compared to the blooming ladies of Waterdeep. Naturally, Gale disagreed with this notion and decided he must go about and prove that she already was beautiful and expressive.
“Of course, my breeze,” Gale replied. “Otherwise, I fear you would refuse to believe me, stubborn as you are.” He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“No, I want you to see what I see,” He whispered against her neck, voice dripping with desire.
A shiver ran through Amihan’s spine, and he smirked, feeling her tremble within his embrace. Gale knew she loved his voice, particularly when he’d take a more commanding tone. She loved giving him control, loved learning about what he likes, and that in turn was intoxicating for him. Amihan turned her face towards him, her lips parting and her eyes looking at him with that touch of innocence and pleading he loved so much.
“Show me,” she managed, voice wavering but still full of resolve.
“With pleasure.”
Immediately, his lips found hers in a heated kiss, his tongue gently coaxing her lips to open and allowing her very own to swirl with his.
“Mmph…” Amihan moaned in their kiss, her legs losing balance as he put more fervour in his movements. He was devouring her, and if not for their mortal lungs, he was convinced he would never part his lips with hers. Alas, Gale did eventually break away from the kiss, allowing the two of them to breathe, a thin string of saliva connecting them for a few more seconds. He marvelled at her reddened lips, her lustful gaze. Oh, how he loved seeing her like this.
“Simply exquisite,” he grinned. “Now, my breeze– If you would, please.”
His hand beckoned her eyes to face the mirror, and Amihan watched herself with heavy eyes. She never saw herself this way, never seen herself looking so positively sinful.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered against her ear.
“I don’t–” she tried to protest but was quickly interrupted by Gale’s wandering hands. One settled on her breast, while the other slowly moved lower towards her core.
“So sensitive…” he continued.
“Gale…” Amihan mewled, her head resting on his shoulder as both of his hands began to move simultaneously. He had always been a master of concentration and of the somatic component, and he capitalised on this skill just as much as his practised tongue on his darling wife. His hand below slid between her folds, feeling her slickness, coating his fingers with her.
“…And so wet.”
Oh, what he wouldn't give to have his tongue lap her essence at that very moment, but he relented. There are plenty of days ahead of them to do just that. Still, he found his hips moving softly against her ass, his hot, aching cock dripping generously on her ivory skin.
“Need…you…please–” Amihan begged, her voice ragged full of need. “I want…to see myself…as you fuck me…”
Seeing, hearing, feeling a person like Amihan, who's normally so full of self-control, calm, and collectedness, in this state, so deeply affected by him, begging for him— needing him. Him, only him. It was better than any pleasure the Weave could provide, and it’s a wonder he didn't burst right there and then. Of course, this was not their first time, but by the gods is it intoxicating, like anew, every single time. So how could Gale possibly deny his precious wife’s adorable pleading? When with just the sound of her voice, with the way she looked at him— hells , if she wanted him spinning around her during the act, he was certain to follow.
He lined himself to her centre, the length of him rubbing against her soft folds for some moment, coating his length with her fluids, breath hitching at the feeling. Amihan whimpered, he was so close but refused to enter still. Her hand wrapped around his arm, nails digging on his skin. His teasing was torture for both of them he knew, and yet that made their joining all the more rewarding.
With a knowing smirk, he finally let his cock enter her tight, warm entrance, and immediately Gale was reduced to a mumbling, grunting mess. He took a deep shaky breath to help himself recover composure and continue his hands’ previous ministrations, now joined with his thrusts, tender in pace but firm, and deep.
His hands were relentless in their attention to her body. One rolled a nipple between his fingers, while the other rubbed at her swollen bud, in time with his thrusts. Amihan bit back her moans, her eyes instinctively closing in her own attempt of focusing and recomposing herself.
“My love…my breeze,” Gale murmured between thrusts, “Open your eyes…you promised…please.”
“Gods, Gale–” She let out a needy whine, finding it hard to focus. Her eyes opened once more, and her gaze flitted to their reflections. Of Gale desperately rutting against her, and of her own wanton expression.
“See what I see,” he rasped with a wide smirk. “Look how alluring you are…how lewd…how expressive,” followed by indistinctive strings of praises against her neck.
Gale felt her clench around him at his words, making him drown in that sweet sensation of her tightness. His hips slammed further against her in response. Amihan held on to the mirror, watching her own expression with hazy, unfocused eyes.
“So perfect,” Gale began again, his grip on her becoming tighter, getting more possessive. “Mine…only mine. Only I get to see you like this. Only I…”
“Gale , fuck– ” Amihan cried out curses from her delicate lips. Gale could tell she was close, as was he. His thrusts became more frenzied and erratic, determined to make her reach her peak with him.
“Let go, my breeze. Let me feel you, let me see you,” he cooed, the hand on her breast moving up to her chin to keep her gaze anchored to the mirror.
“Can’t…anymore…coming…Gale– I’m–”
Her back arched against him, mouth opened wide, followed by a gasp and a shiver. Gale felt her contract around him and he followed soon after, spilling inside of her with more strings of incomprehensible praises, not quite as poetic as he normally preferred to be. He kept himself within her for a few more moments, burying his nose in her hair, arms still tight around her, savouring every last drop of their release.
“I love you,” Amihan whispered, her head turning to plant a soft kiss on his temple.
“And I you. I trust I have convinced you on the matter?”
“I don’t know…” she smiled playfully. “Perhaps we need to repeat the activity three more times in order for me to make a sound judgement.”
Gale’s eyes widened in surprise at his wife’s remark, then laughed.
“Have I rubbed off on you that much, dear?”
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nono-c-wam · 7 months
The Winx Club official Instagram account just made a post about the production of the show and they shared an HQ screenshot of Magic Bloom :
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What are they waiting to release it ? People have been asking for the pilot to be released for years now but they still manage to gatekeep it.
Also here is my hateful comment about the situation :
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Link to the original post
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Can you recommend fanfiction that you personally really like?
Yes! Love this ask. I’ve never made a Zutara fic rec list partially because I’ve read so many wonderful stories over time that I find the prospect daunting! 
But there are absolutely certain stories that I have a personal soft spot for, that I return to again and again. And that’s my criteria for what’s included below. This is a sampling of fics that I find myself coming back to, in no particular order. I may come back and add more, because this list is so far from exhaustive. A mix of ratings (marked), so keep that in mind.
Wish I Was the Moon by Like a Dove (T), post-canon: There’s so much that I love about the way this one-shot explores Katara’s character and what she faces post-canon, how she frees herself, strikes out in the world and finds her way home. Her feelings for Zuko, and her inner-conflict around them, are rendered tangibly, both through scene and subtext. A really good example of how an author can show a character’s lack of/journey to self-knowledge without breaking voice.
Refraction by caroes3725 (E), post-canon: When I started reading Zutara fanfic (for me this was in 2020), this was the fic I was looking for—a deep, realistic-to-canon, in-character exploration of how Zutara could unfold after the events of ATLA in a way that gives Katara in particular the arc she deserves. Really well-done development of the Fire Nation court world, well-developed characters, shining dialogue. An amazingly well-worth-it slow burn.
Wildfire by rainstormdragon (E), post-canon: To me this story is kind of a steamy Zutara thesis. The characters are so spot on and alive, their flaws are on full display in a way that feels realistic, and their chemistry is powered by their compatibility—matched in passion and stubbornness, and also in what they want from life. And I think it really gets Aang, too, which is something that can be hard to find in ZK fic. Also really hot, but that's only part of what makes it really shine.
Partners in Learning by evergreenonthehorizon (T), Modern AU: One of the things I love in modern AUs is watching an author weave that invisible string between these characters. Sometimes, it’s by writing narrative arcs that parallel the series, and sometimes it’s by drawing out the personality traits that make the characters both lovable to readers and such a compelling match and watching that spark bloom into flame. This beautifully written story does that so, so well in a really compelling Modern AU setting. Zuko and Katara here are so wonderfully lovable, and it’s a joy to watch them fall for one another, too.
Journeys by Smediterranea (E), Modern AU: In real life, I want to see my friends in relationships with people who can recognize why they’re so particularly amazing. That potential, I think, part of the appeal of ZK as a ship, and that’s part of the special magic of this fic. Watching these two characters get to know one another—really see one another—and fall in love deliciously sweeps the reader up. Plus, really fun, in character cameos from the rest of the Gaang along the way.
Spark, set fire by marijayne (T), Modern AU: literary fanfic, and I mean that in the best way. This story is beautiful and bittersweet, the latter is not often something I seek out in fanfic (where I hide from life), but here it’s gorgeous and worth it. The world building here is really cool—allows the author to explore some of a set of cultural issues/interactions that both echo the ATLA world and ours. The characters are so tenderly drawn (dadko especially)—and the connection between them builds beautifully and tangibly—and the longing is…chef’s kiss. 
Wrong when it's right by nire (T), Book 1 Canon Divergence: Before I read this, I couldn't imagine wanting to read a Book 1 Zutara. After, I wanted more. Bickering, bed-roll sharing, shared heat, tenderness and common ground. A delight from start to finish.
Anyway, thanks for asking and happy reading! <3 And if you want more recs, let me know.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Alana Bloom
she kissed will graham in s1 and dated hannibal in s2 so you can imagine how bad the fandom is to her. fun fact she's in a canon lesbian relationship now tho <3
The show literally does the yaoi treatment of victimisation for the benefit of the male leads to her. And then the fandom mistreats her
I'm not sure if this even counts but...Literally a victim of Yaoi along with several other characters in-series, but she got it almost the worst. The entire show is just people dying because the two male leads are OBSESSED with each other and can't be normal about anything. Alana Bloom, actual PhD of psychology and consultant to the FBI, got kissed by one guy, fucked and fed people-meant by the other, and pushed out a window by the murder husbands' forced-surrogate daughter. Like. Actual victim of several crimes caused by yaoi. She's probably one of the few examples of a Yaoi Victim overcoming and evolving past her yaoi-related trauma into a stronger person/character, though: She gets an entire character overhaul and a hot, millionairess for a wife. She kills a man with an eel. She becomes head of the BSHCI, effectively putting her in complete power over her jackass cannibal ex-bf. She does quite well. Unfortunately, the rest of her screen time is spent trying not to get killed in the ongoing fallout of Hannibal and Will's fucked up courtship, but hey. Can't have everything. I don't even know if I'm saying anything valid here: the fandom loves her, but I supposed her position outside of the Hannigram relationship relegates her to a non-subject in a lot of Hannigram-focused fanwork. She's an 'obstacle' to their relationship only in the sense that Will had a crush on her once that went nowhere and Hannibal started an actual relationship with her SPECIFICALLY to piss off Will. I guess she's also a more literal obstacle as Hannibal's jailer and Will's friend who's constantly pointing out to him that Morals exist and he should try having some of those, maybe.
She stands in the way of Merthur, by far the most popular ship in the fandom. I haven’t seen it as much in recent years, but back in the days of fanfiction.net she got slut shamed so badly for having been romantically interested in three of the male characters over the course of the show, which is just... normal straight woman behavior, meanwhile Merlin crushed on pretty much every woman who even looked at him in the early seasons of the show and got no hate for that whatsoever. I barely even read Merthur fics (not because it’s m/m, just because certain aspects of their relationship don’t appeal to me) but the “Gwen is a slut” attitude was so pervasive across the fandom, even fics that weren’t explicitly anti-Gwen would “jokingly” call her a slut. I even saw a few fics demonizing her for having an affair with Lancelot despite the fact that SHE WAS ENCHANTED when that happened, and surprise surprise, Lancelot (who was also under the influence of magic) got none of that hate, and neither did Arthur, who got enchanted to fall in love with multiple women over the course of the show.
Canonically Arthur Pendragon's love interest and an important and interesting character in the show who's completely shoved aside and ignored in favour of the medieval bbc yaoi ship. At best they put her and Morgana in Lesbian Timeout (ie make them get together and then reduce them to wingwomen at best because god forbid we focus on the medieval bbc yuri). Justice for Gwen right now!
She is prince Arthur's love interest (eventually wife). Arthur is MADLY in love with her. He tells his tyrannical father he would give up his crown to be with her (she's a servant in the series). He forgives her cheating on him with Lancelot (!), which in the show is caused by an evil enchantment, but the characters never find out about it. He chooses her time and time again. His love for Gwen is literally never put into question. Many fans insist to this day that there was no chemistry between Gwen and Arthur compared to Arthur and Merlin. Arthur isn’t even particularly nice to Merlin most of the time! The funny thing is that Merlin himself ships these two so hard and does everything he can to help them get together!! Gwen & Arthur are adorable and too many fans were drunk on the yaoi fumes to see it. ARTHUR WAS A SIMP FOR GWEN.
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loosesodamarble · 10 months
Hello, I was the one who requested a few Nacht head canons that you wrote recently. I loved them so I'm here with one more request. It's a very long one so you can ignore it or take as much time as you want. So here it goes: How would the magic knight squads react if they find out one of their members has a crush on Nacht? How would things play out after that.
Oh my! Welcome back then, Anon! Glad you enjoyed them, despite their timing.
Black Bulls
Everyone would have to pause and go "our Nacht Faust?"
And you'd have to confirm "yes, our Nacht Faust. As if there are any others."
Half the squad would bust out in hysterics.
The other half would be dead silent from shock.
Remember, Nacht's first impression with several members was... poor. To say the least. So hearing that you liked Nacht was an experience for everyone.
Asta and Yami are the first ones to cheer you and Nacht on though.
Followed by the likes of Noelle, Henry ("Henry, don't change the floor plans so their room are together. HENRY WAIT!"), Grey, and Gordon.
Vanessa and Finral would be down to set you and Nacht up on a date. And they'd throw in a makeover free of charge!
Gimodelo and the other devils are very excited to see Nacht get all romantic. They just want their master to be happy!
Don't be surprised if the Bulls start calling you to dinner later than the rest of them and doing the same to Nacht so you both are force to sit with each other at the only empty seats.
And there would be other schemes to keep you two in close proximity.
Really, the whole squad just wants to support their squadmates and friends in the very normal endeavor of starting a relationship.
Golden Dawn
William does his best to show a polite amount of interest in your crush. After Nacht's key role in the Spade Invasion, William feels he owes a debt to that man.
And William thinks that he can repay the debt by setting Nacht up with you since you've taken an interest in him.
At best, William offers you opportunities to visit in the Black Bulls' base (delivering paperwork or parcels) if you want to see Nacht in person.
David is the nosiest of the squad and will ask all the details. How you first met Nacht, when you started liking him, do you plan on confessing, etc.
You might start hanging around Yuno if you weren't already close with him. You know, to ask about Nacht's appearances at any vice captain meetings.
Blue Rose Knights
The ladies of the Blue Rose Knights are going to have your back if they find out about your crush on Nacht.
First Charlotte is blushing over Yami and now you for Nacht? It's like the squads are destined for something greater together!
The other squad members will insist that you and Charlotte have a double date with Nacht and Yami. Let your loves bloom together~!
It actually works out relatively well.
You keep Charlotte from panicking around Yami and in turn, Charlotte gives you plenty of openings to initiate conversation with Nacht.
And don't worry. Charlotte will shut down any egregious meddling from the squad.
Like say, locking you and Nacht in a closet without your grimoires so Nacht can't just shadow out of there.
Puli, the brains behind Operation Get the Devil (Host)'s Heart, is going to contrive of a lot of ridiculous scenarios though... Good luck.
Crimson Lion Kings
Nacht puts Fuegoleon on edge. His practices and demeanor aren't ideal in Fuegoleon's eyes but as a loyal Knight of Clover, Nacht is at least decent.
Fuegoleon warmly encourages you in pursuing Nacht. But he also warns you not to get too distracted.
"I don't have any romantic experiences to speak of but adding to your personal life is sure to give you more to fight for as a Knight."
It's just a nice way of saying that getting a boyfriend might improve your morale for work.../lh
Leopold doesn't know Nacht at all but he'd very willing to be your wingman by dragging you along to the Bulls' base when he goes to visit Asta.
I'm sure if you asked, Randall might bring your name up at a vice captain meeting and gauge Nacht's response.
Don't let Mereoleona catch you waffling on your feeling for too long. If she thinks you're being coward about your crush, then her hand might be forced and you'll find yourself doing volcano training alongside Nacht.
I say not in the sense that Mereo has an interest in romance, let alone others' romances, but I honestly think she'd get pissed off to know that a member of the Crimson Lions is being a coward about anything.
Other members of the squad would generally support you and urge you to do your best with getting Nacht's attention.
Silver Eagles
To me, the Silver Eagles are a squad wherein the members largely keep to themselves. It's mostly polite conversation with a bit of gossip from the noble circles.
Most of the Silver Eagles wouldn't pay much attention to your love life, if I'm to be honest.
However, they are an elitist squad (or at least that's their vibe) and with devil possession being Forbidden Magic, some might raise a brow at your crush.
"Even if he's a vice captain, that Faust man can't be anything but trouble. Especially if he's a Bull."
If Nozel hears of your crush, he'll have mixed opinions.
His opinion of devils and devil hosts is abysmally low due to his own history but Nacht proved himself a worthy ally and so not a horrible pick.
Nozel's bad at showing it but he does wish the best for you in your romance with Nacht. You are a member of his squad after all.
Like Fuegoleon, Nozel warns you not to let your infatuation get in the way of work.
Aqua Deers
The Aqua Deer has the vibe of being some free-spirited folks. Not so much as the Green Mantises or Black Bulls, but with a captain as young as Rill, the squad has learned to be able to accept anything.
"Following the captain's example and falling hard for someone, are we?" some will joke with you.
If you can catch Rill during his free time, he two of you could have a heart-to-heart and help each other sort through your crushes.
"Love can happen so suddenly, can't it?" Rill remarks. "Like bolt of lightning or like throwing a palette at an easel! It's bold and messy and scary too! But that's what makes it so amazing, huh?"
I imagine Fragil being a bit of a romantic so she might have some advice based on a romance novel or dating advice column if you went to her. But that's just what I think of her.
Coral Peacocks
Dorothy will be poking her nose into the business of your crush. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!
She's a bit of a gossip. So uh... prepare for Yami finding out via her loose lips.
In her sparse free time, Dorothy will encourage you to practice confessing to Nacht in her Glamour World.
Only to turn on you and tease you with her imaginary versions of Nacht.
This gif of Shouto form BNHA:
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Dorothy creates a Nacht version of that to tease you. Good luck.
Kirsch will give you advice on how to be "beautiful" for Nacht to fall in love with you.
Green Praying Mantis
The folks in the Green Mantis squad are largely commoners. They're casual and a little wild.
So I'd imagine some of the more interested parties placing bets on how long it'll take for you to confess or maybe even betting on how you confess.
Some of the members might mention that Jack might've known Nacht in the past but going to him earns you the threat of being sliced apart (Jack being twin blind will be a sore spot for him from now on. No, this isn't relevant but I'm saying my piece.)
I dunno why but the Green Mantis squad gives off the vibes of inviting you and Nacht to a bar to let the alcohol break down your walls.
(Although if you're not a drinker of alcohol, that plan is a bust.)
The squad members would probably go out of their way to mess with the Black Bulls to get Nacht's attention for you.
Which... you might be thankful for the support or you might be horrified by their "plan."
They mean well, really.
Purple Orcas
All I can really say for the Purple Orcas is that Kaiser and her wife would be more than happy to give their insight on starting and maintaining a loving partnership.
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darkpoisonouslove · 6 months
Can we please talk about the fact that after Griffin's escape Valtor just left the Cloud Tower? Like first he told the girls that they will go to Cloud tower bc it is a good and powerfull place to stay. That there are only advantages to be there. And then Griffins escaped. And three episodes later he just drops it like it was nothing and decides to live in a cave with the trix again. A cave. He chose a cave over a magical school. Only to get one over on Griffin and leave her in confusion? Something he couldn't even see? If that doesn't show that he only went to cloud tower in the first place to see Griffin and mess up her life , I don't know.
We should talk about it! Because it doesn't make any sense! It's no secret that I'm a die-hard Griffin x Valtor truther but even if you operate with the idea that they were a thing, his behavior still doesn't make sense.
Griffin is his enemy now. He was very obviously mad at her and he did everything in his power to imprison her and keep her imprisoned. He raged that she escaped (and that his plan to get rid of Bloom was foiled but the shot focusing on Griffin specifically being teleported away before his spell could connect is very clear text there). Why in hell would he just leave CT and let her return without a fight or a dirty trick? He did conceal CT in 3x23 so why did he not do that in 3x18 instead? That would have made more sense.
The fact is that he was comfortably stationed in CT while at least everyone at Alfea and RF were aware where he was hiding. Ergo, this does not present a threat to him. The Specialist raid from the beginning of 3x18 could have taken place in any of the previous episodes but that didn't bother him, nor did the possibility of actual law enforcement barging into CT. Griffin alone could not change that situation so drastically as to make him flee CT and canon is very explicit about that. Griffin, Saladin and Faragonda combined could barely hold Valtor back for a minute so her escape couldn't have bothered him enough to motivate his decision.
I think the writers just didn't want to deal with CT anymore and wanted to move the plot along. Because if Valtor had put up a fight for CT, they would have had to spend the episode on that instead of doing the museum heist (really makes wasting 3x20 on the pixies an even worse decision if that were possible). And the thing is that Valtor should have won that fight too if they wanted to be consistent which just changes the plot trajectory too much. Concealing CT could have worked so much better but I think they didn't want to do it while the witches under his control were still inside. So what I would have proposed was to use the pixies to undo the mind control over the witches (somehow) and that way you get an infinitely better version of 3x20. They spend 3x18 on that plot and in the end Valtor uses the spell that makes CT vanish. Then 3x19 would be the museum heist and 3x20 would be Stella saving her father from Cassandra with the rest of the episodes remaining as they are now. It would have worked out way better for both plot and characters.
That said, the lack of logic absolutely does not cancel out your point! He did essentially lose interest in CT as soon as Griffin was out of there. You know, if you're willing to go the somewhat unhinged route, you could say that the reason why he left without doing any damage was to lure Griffin back and keep her away from Faragonda. I don't think he'd be too worried about what the two of them (+ Saladin) can come up with to defeat him but letting them hang out together after he boasted to both of them about how he'll hunt down and tear apart the Company of Light one by one is kind of humiliating. He has to keep them apart for that reason, not because he's jealous or anything! And the best way to do that is keep them all in their respective schools under threat of him finding a way in to create more problems if they don't watch over their students and colleagues and the buildings themselves 24/7. He'll win this by the exhaustion hyper vigilance causes them, you'll see!
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue One: The Castle
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I love how excited Vanessa is to see a fairy school, she's so down for this fairy stuff 🧚‍♀️✨
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"They do that sometimes." What does this mean?? Like some barriers just inherently keep magic-less out without even being programmed to do that?? Wild
Also the collective term for magic users in the comics is "Magicians" which is interesting. Like you have your technicians, your politicians, and of course your magicians. Important jobs in the magical dimension
I definitely like magus and magi more bc it sounds fancier for my own stuff but I'm now going to call the Winx magicians in canon thank you
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The implication being that Mike kept this phone on him the entire time instead of giving it to her before they left to the magic dimension
Tho this does contribute to why Bloom was so upset about what Tecna said to her, her dad literally just got her this phone
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The fact that he still has his face is so fucking creepy
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According to the comics, Alfea is a five year school
Which, according to my research (aka texting my Italian friends) is normal in Italy
Also why is talking to them like their freshmen??? Italian freshmen are 14, they're 16. They've cut out two of those years already
Because the Winx are 16, that means Bloom skipped two whole years of magic school
They're probably on intermediate spells at this point no wonder she struggles so much in the first ep
Tbh she should be struggling more
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Alfea is the only fairy school in Magix, CT is likely the only witch school, idk about RF bc is it really even a magic school??
The implications of how big the magical population is compared to the rest of the dimension is insane if the entire magical population of one planet can fit into two schools
Six billion, which was the population of earth in 2000, is gonna be our stand in for how many people are on Magix
Alfea is a boarding highschool, and at most schools like that hold about ~1200 students, usually they only hold about 300-400 students
If we were to put the number of Alfea students at 1200, the fairy population of individual planets (bc in later seasons we only see one magic school per planet too) is about .00002% of six billion
And pretending that Wizards, Witches and Faries are just as common as each other for a moment, that would make the magician population per planet .00006%
Or per every 6 billion people there are 3600 magicians
And that's at most
You are more likely to win the lottery because that's 1% of 292.2 million
This one line of dialogue has so many implications to it omggg
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I love how Bloom is excited to see some witches and Stella is like "Woah woah woah there, hold your fucking horses. Witches are to be avoided and disliked." No other place is the division between witches and faires seemed more like a very weird magic caste system
I wonder what would have happened to Bloom if she presented as a witch instead of a fairy... unlikely because Bloom doesn't have a negative bone in her body, but she and Mirta could become besties
The Trix would also have a much easier time manipulating her...rip Bloom
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You know I just realized
Princess Stella di Solaria gets a room for herself, but Princess Varanda di Callisto doesn't. This is also true in the show, which sorta calls into question the idea that Stella has no roommate just because she's a princess
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I love how Tecna's dialogue here comes off "She left because she's offended by me." Sounds like something that would come out of an extremely annoying person's mouth but Tecna means it literally
I love her
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I really like how the comics use the idea that Stella can't transform without her ring by having people fighting with her stop her from using it
It's a really good and compelling way to use that piece of plot that the show only remembered when it wanted too
Also Stella saying Domino strengthens the connection between the sword ring and Domino but it's very very weird
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Where is the favorite??? Where is the drama??? These are just three nomral ass bitches, and one is wearing a collared crop top
-10/10 not impressed
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Seeing them do magical battles without transforming is so fucking weird
It's like the uncanny valley for Winx, they aren't supposed to be doing that
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In this house we hate comics Griselda
Seriously what the fuck is this dialogue, fucking YIKES
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assaultvvyvern · 1 year
"so much for fairy dust" / ygo winx au / intro
or also: where i put my blorbos in wings and sparkly outfits and make them go through emotional hell
"what do you mean emotional hell aint this the magical girl fairy show" yes :)
this isnt a 1:1 retelling for both medias, i mostly retell the duel monsters story but set in the magical universe, with plot and worldbuilding elements of both. there are 8 "seasons" and one "movie".
both og and 4kids versions of both medias will be taken into consideration for ideas and such
the worldbuilding is also not a 1:1 of winx but an expanded version of it, with both changes and additions. basically whatever the winx fandom has been doing for the past three years. theres going to be another post for worldbuilding that im eventually going to link in a masterpost
there are some ocs but they have minimal roles or are inspired by a version of the character (like s0 yami)
took some liberty with ages and family relations for storytelling reasons (atem and yuugi are brothers as theyre basically daphne and bloom, so are ryou and yamiba, mokuba and seto are older than the gang BUT STILL BIG BRO AND LITTLE BRO)
this is an intro post for whoever is interested so it like, doesnt have all the details ofc
stuff under cut!!
yuugi is basically the bloom of the au: has lived with his (unknowingly to him not biological) grandfather since he can remember, helped him manage his game shop in the city of gardenia. he's actually the lost prince of the kingdom of domino (shocker!) and a fairy. theres this weird spirit clad in gold with a mask and spiky hair begging him to help him remember who he is and which speaks to him in his dreams. no hes not going to unpack that yet
jonouchi (who is on the run and using the name joey) is saved by yuugi awakening his powers during a fight exactly like stella is saved by bloom. jou is also a fairy of the sun and moon. said fight is against rishid, who was supposed to get the "ring of solaria" from jou, who then refused, so he had to resort to drastic measures (*malik voice* "get his ass")
yuugi goes to alfea with jou!! boy has two invites which he stole for himself (and shizuka in case she ever found out she was a fairy jic), and so yuugi can get in. for some reason all the professors look at him weird (save him). also everyone keeps talking about the anniversary of this "fall of domino" which happened 16 years ago and he doesnt know why he gets shivers everytime he thinks abt it
there he meets his and jou's roommates for the rest of the year!! anzu (princess of lynphea and fairy of nature), honda (ex-specialist who just awakened his fairy form and transfered from red fountain, fairy of metals from zenith) and ryou (fairy of sounds from melody). they all get along immediately although with some awkwardness. with this, the plot starts setting into motion, and its a mix of winx s1 and duelist kingdom
alfea is run by pegasus, who was the vice-headmaster before his wife cynthia, former headmaster, died in the fall of domino while trying to help civilians. he's as spoiled and weird as in canon and as obsessed with his goal to bring her back. he's a fairy of imagination
the rest of the faculty isnt really fond of him tbh. especially newly appointed technomagic and draconology professor seto kaiba, who is also the crown prince of the planet of zenith and fairy of dragons. many thought he wasnt ready to take a seat in the faculty as he isnt a guardian fairy or even earned the charmix power up, but he's one of the smartest and best students they've ever had, so *of course* he managed to get it. being filthy rich also helped.
(kaibacorp is still a thing here, and seto is still ceo. however here gozaburo is alive and king of zenith, and thus he still watches over seto like an hawk. he will die eventually ofc but i wanted to explore how seto would be like in adulthood if gozaburo was still around, although a distant threat. dw, the "losing is death" thing still gets drilled into seto's head)
rule of thumb for every student and teacher is: do not ask professor kaiba about his time at alfea, he really doesnt want to think about it. others will tell you he was close friends with current queen of andros ishizu ishtar (fairy of waves and nymph of andros) and deceased crown prince of domino atem, former fairy and nymph of the dragon flame.
mokuba is a specialist. he has graduated and completed his knighthood training at redfountain for a while, and is now an assistant to both his brother and the redfountain headmaster for all magic-school related bs. he may be older than in canon but hes still baby And a little shit. and! he and seto are still two peas in a pod <3
other than alfea and redfountain, of course there is the school for witches: cloudtower. the headmaster is tkb, here named yuzuru (fake name!!!), an extremely powerful dark witch of sands, nobody knows his true age. one of their best students is mai valentine, a witch of storms from callisto who is finishing up her last year and thinks the concept of covens is lame and overrated
"yeah but whos the trix" well i mean three people who are/have been antagonists and would have beef with the protagonists for personal reasons but also would work really well with each other as characters and have a fun and even slightly dramatic synergy bc of the fuckery between them all. tl;dr:
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irresistiibles · 2 years
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was that ana hikari? Oh no no, that was just binx choppley, a canon character from a court of fey and flowers. They are unknown/appears twenty seven years old, use she/they, and are aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
gonna say about three weeks
what is your character’s job
she owns a shop that sells random trinkets. it comes off as an odd sort of antique shop or thrift shop. though they don’t need people to bring/sell the shop items binx isn’t against it either. she also will take commissions to craft objects or outfits for people but they don’t advertise that much.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
the current point of the show which is episode 8. i will probably continue to update binx as the show continues to come out
has any magic affected your character
any other info!
okay hear me out i know this is a niche character so i’m going to info dump on y’all
binx choppley is a fey of the court of craft. in their world all the fae exist in a regency era sort of world with ladies and lords and courts.
she is also the last fey of her court, making them technically the leader. 
they are almost entirely certain their court was killed on purpose, that another court stole their magic leaving the rest of the court stuck in the human realm, which eventually led the fey to turn into objects.
the last weaver of fate (the title of the leader of their court) turned into a tree. binx’s sister turned into a haunted house
binx was never made to be a leader. her job was bringing blankets and cocoa to her court members after a long day until one day there was no one left
they managed to survive by essential becoming a warlock patron, and making a feedback loop in which she gave magic to mortals, and got some magic back in return 
so so sweet and down to earth but also pretty guarded. when they showed up at the bloom (sort of a big festival with all the courts) to confirm how hers disappeared she showed up disguised as a different fey in order to avoid any issues
so binx doesn’t trust super easily, and can be extremely blunt will speak their mind no matter what
can craft nearly anything in like the course of an hour
a fey of lost things and liminal spaces. when an object goes missing behind a drawer or gets left on a train or something of that ature it will often show up in binx’s shop a day or two later
technically she’s got moth wings but i’m gonna have them concealed with a glamor all the time, they just also provide a way for her to store things
they’re definitely worried about being in the mortal realm when certain fey are trying to get rid of magic flowing into this existence, but is also kinda relived because they’re way more comfortable around humans than other fey
possible connections
employees/work connections: if anyone wants to work at her store binx could definitely use one or two people, but also anyone who comes in semi regularly would also be cool
warlocks??: so this one is a bit much but if anyone decides they want their character to have magic binx can give those sorts of powers, to an extent. she wouldn’t give them to just anyone, it would need to be someone they find trustworthy, but it’s definitely something i’d be down to plot
any friends at all: pls they’ve been on their own for a hot minute some people to just get along with would be awesome
accidental enemy: like i said binx is real blunt and could def step on some toes and upset someone without meaning to 
literally anything pls this is my current hyperfixation
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
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Sweeties, it’s time for
I’m In The Mood For A Fic Where…
1.  Ahhh mojo your blog makes my world go round and back and around again.  [You’re so sweet!] I was wondering if you could help me out with your next "I'm in the mood for a fic where".. I'm looking for two types of fics
A) fics in which WWX regains his core somehow (either by working on it, divine intervention, core sharing, anything!!) I so desperately want my boy to have his precious and favourite sword back (◡ ω ◡)
B) fics where WWX (or LWJ) *almost* marries someone else.
Thank you for your help!!! (~ ̄³ ̄)~❤️ ~ @akyra-talanoa​
nothing gold can stay by rikke (M, 10k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (not rated [G], 15k, wangxian, my post)
the path to heaven / immortal wangxian by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 51k, wangxian)
Chimera by nirejseki (T, 18k, wangxian)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, 3zun)
24 Hours by tailor31415 (E, 6k, wangxian)
Core-Thieving Hand by x_los (T, 5k, wangxian)
Field Trips with Wei Wuxian by antebunny (G, 43k, wangxian)
to swim through the fires by littledust (M, 37k, wangxian)
❤️Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 46k, wangxian, my post)
Rebound Betrothal by mondengel (not rated (G), 2k, wangxian, my post)
History Will Call Us Wives by silvermarie (E, 17k, wangxian)
today was a smoking sky by typefortydeductions (E, 38k, wangxian)
2.  hello! any recs wangxian modern au/mpreg? please and thank you!
Here’s my mpreg post (mostly current) and also
Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 54k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Winter Moon, White Rabbit by nachttour (E, 62k, wangxian, WIP)
Stale Spice, Sandalwood, and Nests by Tyongslips (M, 18k, wangxian, WIP)
3.  Hello!! This might not be specific enough to find anything, but I was looking for modern wangxian fics that have a very distinct italicized 'oh' moments together? Like both of them or either of the pair doing something that makes them suddenly realize
every time we kiss i swear i could fly by sarahyyy (T, 3k, wangxian, my post)
【那夏天的我們】a stroke of fate by puddingcatbeans (G, 60k, wangxian)
not in so many words by jaws_3 (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
4.  In the mood for fics where WWX is genuinely afraid of LWJ, believing that he will kill him/hurt him/cast him out/haul him back to Gusu for punishment; with emphasis on LWJ's reaction when he realizes and it hits him like a sack of bricks, and ideally on his efforts to regain WWX's trust. Not looking for something where LWJ really does wish WWX significant harm, but it's ok if he has well-intended ideas that he doesn't realize would hurt him. Any time period, canon version, or AU is good. Example: decay by antebunny.
5.  Hi there! First of all thank you for making such a helpful blog. I have been reading tons of great stories due to you.  [I’m so glad!] Secondly I would love to read a fic (a) where lwj is a single dad and then meets wwx (b) Best modern au fics with lots of angst. Thanks!!! ~ @pastashouldbeeatenwithafork​
❤️A Flower That Blooms In Adversity by thunderwear (M, 62k, wangxian, WIP, my post)
like wildflowers (we grow) by moonsteps (T, 80k, wangxian)
say it's here where our pieces fall in place by Lirelyn (E, 69k, wangxian)
plant a little happiness (let the roots run deep) by fleurdeliser (E, 48k, wangxian)
tear out the thread one by one from your skin (’til your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention) by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 41k, wangxian)
paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 54k, wangxian)
love thy neighbor by wincechesters (M, 7k, wangxian)
No Need to Change a Tune by yeolinski (T, 10k, wangxian)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108, wangxian, my post)
A Sequence of Coming Outs by kippalittlefox (M, 24k, wangxian)
new york, i love you by Anonymous (T, 7k, wangxian)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32, wangxian)
An Ocean Between Us by feenwitch (E, 11k, wangxian)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, wangxian, *mind the tags!*)
me and you, always and forever by fyredancer (E, 150k, wangxian)
Momentum Deferred by DisasterBiAlert (T, 13k, wangxian, my post)
After the Final Rose by azurewaxwing (E, 55k, wangxian)
there's no promised goodbye here by Anonymous (T, 54k, wangxian)
defective requiems by Misila (M, 9k, wangxian)
❤️Common love isn't for us by feyburner (M, 8k, wangxian, my post)
twice by Misila (T, 8k, wangxian)
one good thing by Yuu_chi (T, 27k, wangxian, my post)
6.  Hey! Can you rec some fics with wangxian being in cloud recesses or modern au of college?? Thanks!
I have tags for #students at cloud recesses and #college/university au
7.  Would you happen to know any fics where lqr and wwx actually get along and have a good relationship? Lqr the scholar he is and wwx the inventor/genious ???? There are a lot of possibilities there.  Thank you so much have a great day and stay hydrated!!!
❤️To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 79k, wangxian, my post)
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
Just Say Yes by edenwolfie (M, 312k, wangxian)
Post-war baby! by like_a_bird_that_flew (E, 23k, wangxian, WIP)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
8.  Hello! I love your fic recs and the hard work you do! I've discovered so many new favourites thanks to you! [Yay!] I was wondering if you know of any fics where they're shapeshifters or some such? Animals or wing-fics or something similar? ❤
I have an official tag for #animal transformation, and on my AO3 wangxian collection (which returns more search results than tumblr) here is the search for shapeshifter, and wingfic
over forests and mountains by beechtree (T, 9k, wangxian, WIP)
9.  hii do you know any fics that focus on lwj and lxc and their relation?? thanks <33
❤️Begotten by ecorie (G, 37k, wangxian, my post)
Brotherly Concern by Ibijau (G, 11k, wangxian, my post)
10.  hellooo! do you know any fics where jiang cheng finds a-yuan instead of lwj? thank you for all your recs btw, they're super helpful!!! [Thank you!]
grieve the living by Misila (M, 161k, wangxian)
Overflow the autumn pools by Mhalachai (T, 74k, jiang cheng & lan wangji)
11.  I love your blog! Thank you so much for all the wonderful recs! [Thank you!]  I don't suppose you know of any fics where WWX is a non-human entity of some sort, but presents or is disguised as a human? (Or maybe he even thinks he is human?)
Cruise the tags mentioned above in #8, too.
❤️Spellbound by Latios (T, 37k, wangxian, my post)
When fish soar by mondengel (G, 2k, wangxian, my post)
Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 111k, wangxian)
flame and rust by cl410 (M, 29k, wangxian, WIP)
❤️The Tiger has Destroyed his Cage by updatebug (G, 55k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 376k, wangxian)
Ever Distant Shores by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (T, 69k wangxian, WIP)
12.  Hiii do you know any fics where wwx or lwj OR wangxian leave the cultivation world/retire/grow old together away from cultivation drama? Something like And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness by cosmicmilktea , All that is solid melts into air by huxiyi , and that fic where post resurrection wwx just decides to not bother with dafan mountain and opens a flower shop:  focal, filler, and line by bosbie.
Dan Tian / Heaven by ArchiveWriter (T, 20k, wangxian, WIP)
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Moonpuddles (T, 3k, wangxian)
Pair of Swallows, you and I~ by Moonpuddles (T, 13k, wangxian, series in progress)
13.  Hello! Do you know any fics where wangxian has some incompatibility issues/dysfunctional relationship that isnt because of canon typical one braincell wwx, but because of more structural things like their mental age gaps, how wwx will prolly hate cloud recesses after the honeymoon bliss is over etc. Generally fics that show wangxian having to work to build the relationship
14.  Hi! Any wangxian onlyfans au fics? I read For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm and the ongoing sequel KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) and those were so good!!! I'd like to find more similar fics!
Temptation's Mask by threerings (E, 58k, wangxian, camboy wwx)
A ghost by the light of the phone by shibrogane (E, 10k, wangxian)
15.  Hey, do you have any fics where lxc doesn't like (or outright despises) wwx?
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
I don't like your boyfriend by lazulisong (G, 3k, wangxian, my post)
16.  Do you know of any fics where the Lan Elders (unsuccessfully) try to make Lan Zhan marry someone other than Wei Ying?
Lie Open To One Another by levament (M, 41k, wangxian, WIP)
17.  Hii! Do you know any fics that similar to Ardent Desires by crestre / Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva ? I've been searching for it and want to read fics that similar to those so bad. I hope you and your followers can help me! Thankyouuu
The Trouble with Talismans: a Treatise on Time-Travel by Young Master Lan Xiaohui (Age 6) by stiltonbasket (G, 17k, wangxian, WIP)
18.  Do you know any wangxian fics where either one or both of them are models/actors/musicians/famous in some way?
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
Patient came so hard from prostate exam he kicked me in the dick by Hades_the_Blingking (e, 17k, wangxian, my post)
An ocean in a drop (not a drop in the ocean) by dea_liberty (E, 10k, RPF, yizhan, my post)
how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by Anonymous (T, 55k, wangxian, my post)
Make It Count by wearing_tearing (E, 47k, wangxian, my bookmark)
❤️Love wakes me by dea_liberty (e, 46k, wangxian, my post)
life, drama and action by Akai__hana (G, 13k, wangxian)
call me, beep me by myung (T, 39k, wangxian)
Rest by sassybluee (T, 115k, wangxian)
19.  hello, i'm searching for a fic where wwx like... transmigrates into mdzs/cql? like i think there were a couple of them and but i can't find them for some reason?
Untitled. by c11to (M, 61k, wangxian, WIP)
223 notes · View notes
Finale - Rewrite - POYW - Harry Hook x reader - part 5 - the ember
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*Mals transformation (skull is the symbol on her back)
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Hadie and Celia
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Uma (for her first appearance, she's wearing her canon dress)
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The vks finally arrived at the closest shore facing the isle, Mal taking a deep breath and lifting her goggles to look at Celia. They didn’t want to draw too much attention to themselves on the isle so they would get off and on with the spell that Mal had used years back. “you remember what I said?” Mal asked Celia, Celia nodded, slightly unsure this would even work but Mal was sure Celia could use magic, and therefore cast the spell.
Celia took a deep breath and face the isle, picturing all five motor-bikes in her head as she spoke the incantation “Noble steeds/proud and fair, you shall take us/anywhere” the bikes all glowed a reddish-purple, matching Celia’s hair, and Mal nodded, knowing the spell had worked.
Mal put her goggles back down and revved the engine of her bike, leading the others onto the ocean. Hadie looked down at the water in awe as the bikes easily rode on the water as if it was solid ground, he whistled then looked back up to see the isle coming closer and closer. Celia laughed, feeling giddy as it sunk in, she used her magic, she had done it! She couldn’t wait to tell her dad!
After a few minutes the bikes passed through the barrier, both Hadie and Celia winced at the feeling of magical being forced back underneath their skin, and soon they rolled onto land, Mal taking a few turns towards Faciliers arcade that rested right next to curl up and dye. They passed through the wharf marketplace and through the alleyway where their old hideout was (which had been emptied and claimed by someone else)
Mal turned one last corner and parked her bike right in front of the place that used to be Hades Greek restaurant (he used to be there a lot, but at one point he stopped coming completely and left it in the hands of his hires and son, who ‘sold’ it and it was turned into a regular shop with furniture and decor)
The others parked next to Mal and turned off their bikes, taking off their helmets and leaving them on the seats as (y/n), Hadie, and Celia continued to carry theirs. Mal brought a lock of her hair in front of her and sighed, nope, still brown. She had a small hope that the barrier would reverse the spell that Audrey had cast but Mal supposed she was out of luck on that one. “Come on” Mal muttered, Celia leading the way to the arcade as the vks and (y/n) followed her to the arcade door.
Celia placed her helmet onto the fortune reading table for safekeeping (I mean, who would dare steal from the daughter of the shadow man?) (y/n) and Hadie doing the same, and walked up to a multicolored door with the words ‘Do Not Disturb’ in French painted on it.
Celia grinned at the vks and turned back to the door, excited to show off the arcade. She made a few quick beats with her fist, dancing as someone knocked back in a different beat. She did it once more and bounced in excitement as the door unlocked and slid open, the bouncer inside stepping aside as Celia gestured for everyone to follow her. (y/n), Mal, and Evie shared a proud grin and followed after her, Carlos and Jay looking around as they hadn’t been to the arcade in years, and the surrounding area had changed since the last time they were there.
Celia rushed through the entrance, gasping in delight as she saw the back of her father's head, she practically jumped down the steps and grinned widely as her father turned and smiled. “Hey!” he turned and threw his cane to one of his workers who caught it and turned back to a card reading table. Facilier turned back to his daughter and held his arms out “there she is!”
“Daddy~!!” Celia squealed as she ran towards him and slammed into his arms, laughing as he lifted her into the air and set her down on his other side. The two engaged in a little dance that had obviously been done time and time again, created years ago and they had decided to keep it up. Mal didn’t stop the smile from blooming on her face, while they were on a time crunch and the worlds impending doom was on its way, it warmed her heart to see good parents on the isle, it was rare to see one of the adults not seer at their kids, it was a wonder to see them be fully affectionate.
Plus Facilier had always been one of those adults the kids went to if they needed help, he was “nice” like that. Facilier tapped his cheek, expecting a kiss from Celia but the girl cheekily tapped his hat instead and started to run, squealing with laughter as he caught her and pulled her into his side. Mal and Evie grinned at each other, their delight at seeing the father-daughter relationship slightly dimmed by their lack of one.
The vks loosely followed the two Facilier’s as (y/n) explored the arcade, whistling a bit as she looked around at the extravagant displays and games surrounding her. She had heard Harry and Gil talk about this place before but she had never had the opportunity to visit it when it was active.
Celia grinned as her dad leaned down next to her ear “so what kinda hustle do you got goin’ on with them, shiny people?” Celia just grinned and pulled a small purple velvet drawstring bag out of her shoulder bag, plopping it in his hand and kipping over to the wall of signs next to her dad’s card reading table and grabbing the skull-shaped key then looping it around her neck.
Her father looked at her with pride as he held the piles of coins in his hands, all from the Auradon people she had read cards for in the last day. “Cher” her dad whispered, pride clear in his voice as he carefully poured the coins back into the pouch and tossed it back to his daughter “look at my little girl go, already conning half of Auradon~” Celia just grinned, perking up as Carlos called everyone over to a static tv that was connected to the Auradon network.
The reporter on screen stood at Auradon prep, next to the statue of Adam, as the camera followed him as he walked “Alerts of a sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads across Auradon, sources say the daughter of Aurora, Audrey, is responsible for this spell; were trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil” the man stopped and held his finger up to his earpiece, his face paling in fear “it’s what? it's heading this way, cut it-cut it! we have to run!” the screen cut to static and the vks looked at each other in terror.
“We have to go get the ember” Mal rushed out, Hadie leading the way as you waited for Facilier to release his daughter's shoulder as he stared at the screen in fear for his daughter.
“I’ll protect her,” you said with a smile, holding out your hand to the girl as Facilier nodded and let Celia go.
“You better” he muttered, crossing his arms as you and Celia raced out after the others.
“Rookie mistake” Carlos grumbled as he spotted some of Umas crew members on top of their bikes as they rounded the corner of the alleyway. You sighed, looking over Jay’s shoulder to see Jonas on Jay’s bike, grinning wildly.
“Get off my bike!” Jay yelled out, leaping forward in an attempt to grab Jonas’ jacket as the pirate laughed. Jay just missed as Jonas and his four other pirate cohorts all raced off on your bikes, and you could recognize Bonnie on top of yours. “Over the roofs!” Jay yelled out, Evie and Carlos nodding and running off as Jay turned to you “cut them off” you looked back at Mal and nodded, climbing the buildings and running after the sound of the bike engines.
Celia went to follow but Hadie and Mal grabbed her arms, preventing her from joining the case “Hey, hey hey! They got this, we need to get the ember ASAP” Mal stated, nodding as Celia sighed in slight disappointment.
“Good timing too” Hadie muttered, checking his watch “right about his nap time” Mal raised her brow but followed her fellow vks as they quickly walked towards the other end of the isle where the mines were.
‘he takes naps?’ Mal thought, looking behind her and seeing you dropping down into an alleyway a few buildings away. She turned back to Hadie and Celia then quickly caught up to them as they had walked faster than she thought they would.
After a few minutes of (almost running) rushed walking, the three vks arrived at the mines, guarded by an intimidating metal gate with Hades symbol, made out of wooden planks and old tires, on the front, with multiple keep out and warning signs plastered around. “Hey” Mal interrupted Celia, who was unlocking the door. Hadie and Celia stopped to look at her confused, Hadie halfway wondering if she was backing out of the plan “how big is that dog?” Mal nodded that sign behind Celia and she turned, Celia sighed and shook her head as Hadie snorted at a joke that wasn’t there.
“You’ll see” Celia muttered as Hadie snorted again, pulling the gate open and leading the two girls inside. Celia gasped quietly and turned back on Mal, holding her finger up to her lips “Okay, you have to stay quiet it echoes like crazy in here” even as Celia whispered it reverberated against the old rocky walls of the isle mines. Mal nodded and glanced around at the multiple record speakers that hung off the walls, following Celia as Hadie stood by the railway that led towards his father's lair.
Mal jumped at the sudden sound of multiple dogs barking and grabbed onto Hadie, who laughed quietly and pointed at the speakers “not here” Hadie whispered, waving Celia off the bike turned-makeshift minecart hybrid “too loud, if we’re stealing the ember, we need to be quiet as possible, we walk. It’s not too far” Mal nodded and kept her grip on Hadie’s arm, tensing up each time the guardian of the underworld's barks echoed around her. Hadie glanced at her but said nothing, letting her use him as a crutch as the three vks walked down the dark and damp tunnels of the abandoned mineshafts.
Hadie took a few twists and turns, apparently a shortcut to his room (which was also a back way towards Hades main area of his lair), and soon the three stepped out into a pretty large room with a queen-sized bed with a dark grey and blue bedspread. Hadie grabbed a bass from his wall and carried it, nodding out towards the curtain door “an excuse, case he wakes up as we walk out” Hadie whispered, Celia went first as they stepped through the curtain.
Mal stopped as her eyes locked onto the back of the god of the underworld's head, his hair was a dim dark blue, the side effect of his hair unable to light ablaze. Mal sighed in relief as the god snored loudly…very loudly, it reminded Mal of when Ben’s dad had fallen asleep during a late-night hangout back when Mal was still in school at Auradon prep.
As the three crept closer, the sounds of dogs barking started to loop, and Mal looked around confused before Hadie pointed at an old record player, it had hit a scratch on the disc and was now looping on a singular bark. Mal breathed a quiet sigh of relief, that meant no dog to be fed to if Hades caught them.
Mal walked heel to toe as she snuck over to Hades, while Hadie and Celia slowly made their way around the other way. Just as Mal got close, Celia got fed up with the record and lifted the needle, sending a loud screeching noise through the cave. Mal and Hadie glared at Celia, as the rash decision had made Hades wake up. He lifted his head slightly and look directly at his son and Celia “What are you doing here?” he grumbled in a tired tone, yawning a bit as Hadie raised his bass in the air.
“Forgot my bass” Hadie simply said as Celia took out a can of corn and a packaged blue rock candy.
“I noticed, you were out, of canned corn” she tossed the candy and can to the god and he caught them with one hand. Mal by then had lifted the ember out of the dish it was sitting in and was bringing it to her chest, screaming lightly as Hades suddenly grabbed her hand, stopping her from crouching out of sight.
Hades turned to look at her, his yellow eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Mal harshly swallowed and released the ember as he took it from her, moving to rest his head on his arm. He and Mal stared at each other for a moment, Hadie and Celia standing awkwardly near the old wooden stairs that lead back up to the tunnels. “um-“ Mal started in a meek voice, watching his eyes as he looked at her newly brown hair and eyes “-can I have that?” her usual confidence was gone, she was powerless and in front of a god who could pick her up with one hand and chuck her across the room even without his powers.
Hades raised his brow and turned his head to look at the ember, which was black as coal, in his hand. Then he looked back at her. “And why should I give it to you?” Hades asked coolly, taking off his glasses and tossing them to the side, leaning back in his minecart turned chair, lofting his boots up next to Mal’s face. “uh-“ Mal clearly hadn't expected him to ask that, she had expected him to get angry and throw her out of his lair. Quick mal, come up with an excuse or something! “I need it?”…nice one Mal, top-notch, he’ll for sure give you the ember now.
Hades rolled his eyes and looked to Hadie, who just shrugged. “Auradon is in danger and we need the ember” Hadie answered dryly, watching Mal carefully as she stepped in front of Hades and held out her hand, his father's yellow eyes staring down at Mal carelessly.
“Please?” Mal asked in a much firmer tone, her eyes looking directly into Hades. Hades huffed and lifted up the ember, waving the black gem around a bit.
“You’re only half Hades, the ember won't do everything for you that it does for me” Mal clicked her jaw and gestured to Hadie, not really paying attention to what Hades had just said.
“Hadie’s gonna be the one to use it anyway, I just wanted-to…” Mal’s brain caught up to the words that had just come out of Hades mouth and she looked back up at him with wide eyes, Celia’s jaw had dropped as she realized what he had meant “IM HALF WHAT?!” now Hades looked confused, looking at Mal as if she was crazy.
“you-you didn’t know?” Hades has lost his confidence, his brow raising in confusion, then he looked to Hadie “she doesn’t know?”
Hadie just pinched his brow and sat down on the wooden steps, ignoring his father and (newly announced) half-sister as the Mal started to squabble about her mother and Hades. “fuckin-what?!” Mal screeched, running her hands through her hair and starting to pace around the lair, Celia looking concerned as Mal tugged at her brown locks “you?! My dad?! That’s-that’s not right?! My mom said he was human, a full-on human!? It can’t be you it-“ Mal started to hyperventilate and Hades took her hands, bringing her closer to him and looking into her eyes. “Kid, calm down, you’re having a panic attack, breathe with me, okay?” Mal knew she had to listen or she would pass out so she followed Hades lead. When she got control of her breath again, she pushed him away, wiping away the tears that had gathered in her eyes “she never told you?”
“I guess fucking not” Mal assumed he meant her mother never telling her about her true father “and-also HOW?!” Hades just gave her a knowing look “NOT LIKE THAT-“ Mal did NOT want to think about her mother and Hades doing the do “-I mean-how did” Mal gestured to herself then Hades “this! Happen?? I thought you were loyal to Persephone!?” “Mom knows about this by the way” Hadie interrupted, motioning between his father and sister “and she’s pissed the fuck off, so whenever you see her again dad, you have millennia of making up to do” Hades winced at the thought of his wife being very mad at him, but it wasn’t unwarranted, but he had another matter to attend to.
Hades sighed and turned back to Mal, rubbing his stubble “I got drunk, very drunk, I don’t remember much but I woke up next to your mother and eleven months later you were dropped off for me to babysit” Mal’s jaw dropped in shock and slight disgust “I didn’t know about you until you were already two months old, and then I took care of you for about three months before your mother took you back, something about an heir of darkness.” Hades waved off the notion of Maleficent abandoning Mal on his doorstep and continued on as Mal gawked at him. “and before you ask-I do know I am really your dad because your hair was blueish-purple when she dropped you off and it was almost completely blue when she took you away, I think your magic reacted to whomever you were around the most-“ Mal shook her head, she didn’t have time for this!
“Okay, whatever, I don’t care. I don’t have time for all this” Mal waved her hands around in frustration(noticeably in the same way Hades did but no one commented on it) and held out her hand again “but! If you wanna make up for being a lousy dad” Hades frowned at that “gimme the ember” he stared down at her for a moment before gently placing the ember into Mal's palm, Mal closing her hand around it and nodding “thank you, it’ll be returned after we save Auradon”
“It won’t work for you completely, you are still only half Hades” Hades warned as Mal pocketed the ember into her thigh bag, raising his brow as she glared up at him. “So what? I’m not the one using it, dad” Mal hissed the last word, as if it was poison in her mouth. She didn’t fully believe him, after all, if her mother had lied to her for years about her father, who's to say he wasn’t lying to her now?
Mal pushed past him and up the steps, Celia quickly following her as Hadie set down his bass and looked back at his dad.
“Did she really never tell her?” Hades asked  quietly, looking up at the stairs after Mal, an upset look on his face. “all this time, almost 19 years of standing by, she didn’t even know?”
Hadie sighed and crossed his arms “You really think Maleficent would have told Mal about her true parentage? If Mal had known you were her dad, she would have never listened to Maleficent, she manipulated Mal…I have to go, kingdom to save n all” Hades nodded, watching his son walk out after his daughter and sighing. So much for respecting Mal’s wishes.
Celia looked up at Mal, pressing her lips together as the awkward silence pierced the air. “I guess that’s why he was always asking about you” Celia murmured, stopping in front of the front gate as Mal paused, looking directly at the ground.
Mal then shook her head, lifting it up to stare straight ahead “let's go, we’re wasting time” Mal continued forward towards the main area of the isle again, Hadie and Celia giving each other a look before following after her. Mal was right, there were more important things to get to than her parentage.
Ben was back at his desk, talking on his phone with one of the captains of the royal guard “No. no, I want the royal guard handing out gas masks!” Ben said in a stressed tone, tapping through his tablet as more reports of the sleeping spell came through. Ben growled a bit as the captain on the other side muttered something about the spell “Well not everyone's asleep!” Ben hung up and tossed his phone on his desk, looking up and pointing at the servant standing at his door “Find out if anyone has seen Audrey, and see if she has a list of demands!” the servant nodded and turned out the door.
Ben sighed and unzipped his jacket, flopping back on his chair and running his hand through his hair as he tried to calm down. Why had this happened? What had happened with Audrey that caused Maleficent to possess her?
Mal had texted him earlier that the spell used the victim's emotions against them, so whoever had taken the scepter was feeling very intense emotions, enough for her mother to feed on that. So what had Audrey been feeling when Maleficent took control?
Ben had a sinking feeling it had to do with one very bitter grandmother.
“just one~” Ben yelped and stood from his chair as he spun around, eyes widening as he locked into Audrey’s eyes, which were swimming with green. “I demand my life back”
Ben looked behind him at his door, mentally cursing as all his guards had left to go help the people. “I have a proposition for you~” he turned back to Audrey and watched as he pointed behind her towards the rest of the kingdom “I’ll wake everybody up right now, under one, itty bitty condition” she stepped closer to him, her eyes flashing green. “make me queen”
‘queen?’ Ben thought confused, why would Audrey want to be queen? Why would Maleficent want to be queen? Then Ben remembered when he overheard one of Leah’s bullshit rants about Audrey’s right to the crown. Audrey was just doing exactly what her grandmother wanted, just in a twisted way…that’s why Leah had been turned to stone that morning.
And Maleficent was just going along with Audrey’s ‘desires’ so she wouldn’t be detected by the young princess, she was waiting for the opportune moment to take over completely. “Audrey” Ben started softly, taking her hand and bringing it towards him. Audrey looked confused, her eyes flickering with magenta and green. “someone spelled you, you have to let me help you-“Audrey's eyes turned fully green and she ripped away from Ben, and Ben knew Maleficent was in control now.
“Pathetic” Audrey hissed in a cold tone, her face morphing into a sneer as the scepter glowed bright green in her hand “so kind, so trusting, you won't even strike your precious little friend down just when you had the chance” Ben glared at Maleficent, hand drawing behind him to the hidden dagger that (y/n) had stashed a couple of months ago. “just like your mother…” Audrey’s eyes turned bright green and then she grinned cruelly “but so afraid of being like your father~” Ben froze in fear, realizing what she was talking about. No, she wouldn’t “let's see how you like being a beast~” Ben raced forward in an attempt to snatch the scepter from Audrey but he was blown back as it flashed green and his body was overtaken in a green flash.
Ben screamed out in pain, but It only came out as a monstrous roar, his teeth becoming fangs as his nails pushed out and sharpened, fur erupting from his entire body and everything just became so loud.
He let out another painful roar, Audrey cackling in the background as the scepter flashed magenta and Ben swore he heard someone screaming then everything went silent.
Ben blacked out from the pain and when he woke up a few moments later, Audrey was gone, the only thing left was a few wisps of smoke. Ben crawled over to his balcony and looked down, a whimper slipping through his new snout as he saw many of the servants now turned to stone. Ben turned on his heels and ran through the castle, looking for anybody who could help him, his claws ripped and scratched at the walls as he raced through them, he ended up at the hall of armor and ripped open the doors, claws digging into the frame and Ben ended up with a large splinter in his palm.
He roared in pain again and ran out the other side of the hall, crashing through the doors and running into the forest, he couldn’t let anybody see him like this, he had to find a way to turn back into a human before he hurt someone.
Mal, Hadie, and Celia walked back into the arcade, Celia racing towards her dad as Mal walked over to her friends who were playing some odd combo of foosball and pool. “M!” Evie called, relieved her friend was okay as Mal trotted over to her and wrapped her arms around Evie’s arm. Evie grabbed Mal’s shoulder with her free hand and looked at her “do you have it?” Mal nodded and dug into her thigh bag, taking out the black as coal ember. “Good, let's get off this rock”
Mal nodded, turning to jay to ask him where the bikes were but he interrupted her “how’d you get it? I assume he either gave to Hadie or you snatched it?” Mal winced at the reminder of how she had gotten the ember.
Welp, no better time to tell them then now, eh? “uh, yeah about that” Mal muttered, looking down at the ember in her hand “uh, he just-gave it to me?” it sounded more like a question than anything else. Mal was unsure if Hades really was her dad, but she would spill details about the entire thing later, right now the short and sweet answer was best.
“He just” Carlos started, furrowing his brows in confusion and glancing to Hadie “gave it to you? And not Hadie?”
“Yeah well, there's a reason behind it which is-guess whomst the fuckiest my dad is?” Mal laughed, giving her friends a tilted smile as they looked at her strangely, why bring up her dad at a time like this?
“Oh no fucking way” it hit Carlos first, his eyes widening “no fucking way but you said-“ Mal laughed again, sounding strangled.
“I know! I know! I thought so too! But I guess it's just another thing my mother lied to me about” Jay looked a little miffed at not understanding what Carlos and Mal were talking about, Evie looking lost as well “Remember how I said my dad was human? For the last 19 fucking years?” Jay and Evie nodded, (y/n) cleaning up the table behind them before freezing as realization dawned on her.
“Oh, no fucking way” (y/n) groaned, looking to Mal with an exasperated look “your dad is-that means-what the actual fuck” Evie finally had enough and turned to Mal with her brow raised.
“Okay spill before I stab you”
“Apparently, my dad is fucking Hades” Mal hissed quietly, leaning closer to Jay and Evie as their eyes went wide in shock “Yep, my mother lied, again, about my dad. Told me he was human to keep me in check and shit.”
“I-“ Jay stuttered, unable to get anything out as his mouth opened and closed. “are you sure?” At this Mal shook her head, no she wasn’t sure, but this was helping them in their favor, Hades had given Mal the ember willingly under the pretense she was his kid.
“no im not, and I don’t want to know how or why, but we can do all this processing shit later when Auradon or Audrey aren’t in danger, let’s go. You got our bikes back, right?” Mal asked the boys, wincing as (y/n) glared darkly. She would take that as a no then.
“Nope, they got away” Carlos muttered, crossing his arms.
“The only way back to Auradon is the bridge” Mal sighed, smiling as Evie clicked her heels on the dusty arcade floor.
“Glad I wore my comfortable heels then” Jay grabbed Evie's arm before the two could leave.
“Yeah, we need the remote, and I left it at the house” Mal and Evie shared a horrified look, what were they going to do? Auradon was in danger and they were stuck on the isle with no way off.
“I lifted it off of you” the group turned to Celia, who was holding the golden remote to the barrier “I thought it would be useful and it is” Evie smiled, stepping towards Celia and leaning on a support beam.
“Good job” Celia smiled and Jay took the remote, pressing his lips together in an impressed smirk.
“Sweet” Celia turned to hug her father one last time as everyone grabbed their bags and started to make their way out of the arcade, she kissed him on the cheek and ran after (y/n), meeting (y/n)’s stride as she patted Celia’s back.
“Good job kid” Celia beamed again, happy her thieving skills were being appreciated. “also Mal!” Mal turned her head to show she was listening “After this shit is over, we're coming back here and getting those damn bikes back, that thing is too damn expensive to lose to a fucking isle goon” Mal snorted and nodded.
“Noted” honestly Mal wanted her bike back anyway, Carlos had spent several months making and modifying their bikes to fit them perfectly, she wasn’t about to let them be stripped.
The group of vks, and one dimension traveling girl, finally arrived at the bridge, Jay taking out the remote and pressing the bottom button opening the barrier. “Come on” Mal mumbled, nodding her head towards the opening. The others followed her lead and stepped over the barrier line.
Just as the ember crossed over the line, it ignited in a strong flash of light and heat, Mal felt fire shoot up her hand holding the ember and cover her entire body. Mal gasped in slight pain as the flash of energy flooded through her and filled her with a brand-new feeling of power and magic she had never felt before.
Mal let out the shuddering breath she had been holding and shook her head, the fire that had been drained by Audrey had been returned at full force…but it felt…different from her normal fire. Mal opened her eyes and looked down at her hands, gasping as she realized her entire outfit had changed. Gone were the purples and greens of her maleficent-themed outfit, replaced by the cool blues and dark greys of Hades, blue flames licking up her jacket-turned-vest and boots.
…guess Hades wasn’t lying then, Mal frowned, looking at herself a bit more as she realized she had transformed into ‘the daughter of Hades’. She had no other explanation for why the ember had done what it did otherwise.
“Holy shit” Carlos muttered, grabbing Mal's arm to stabilize her as she wobbled on her feet slightly “What happened?”
“I don’t know” Mal muttered slightly grumpy as she twisted the ember in her eyes, it had ignited in a strong blue “It might have to do something with the ‘Hades being my dad’ thing? Hadie?” Mal looked to Hadie, frowning as he looked just as confused as she felt. “shit, okay, um-ya know what? We’re gonna ignore this for now and figure out what the fuck happened when all this shit is over with okay? Okay.” Evie picked up a lock of Mal's hair, bringing it in front of Mal's face “Evie-my hairs blue….my hair is fucking blue it was brown two seconds ago and now it's blue”
“To be fair your hair was purple three hours ago, and it's also purple at the top.” Jay supplied, pulling back a bit as Mal whirled around to glare at him. “uh-yellow eyes too” Mal scrunched her nose at Jay and huffed.
“Not helping Jay” Mal hissed, she turned back towards Auradon and closed her eyes “Okay, we-let’s just go, we’re wasting-HEY!” just as Mal was handing the ember to Hadie, Evie lifted her arm to push a lock of hair behind her ear and bumped Mal's hand, sending the ember flying. “no!” Mal screamed in panic, running towards the edge and about to jump for the ember when a very familiar tentacle sprung from the eater and grabbed the ember “wha-“
Uma rose from the water, looking absolutely ethereal in her golden shell crown and teal dress, her turquoise locs pulled back halfway as the rest framed her shoulders. Uma grinned and raised her arms, the tentacle holding the ember following them “drop something~?”
“It can't get wet!” Mal yelled in a pleading tone, gesturing for Uma to get onto the bridge “give it back before it goes out!” Mal could see the ember sparking and flickering in Uma’s hold. Uma just laughed and her tentacle curled around the ember, sealing it airtight between two suckers. her eyes turned to you, who was grinning down at her from the bridge.
“Uma~!” you yelled in excitement, bouncing on your heels as she gave you a little wave.
“That’s my name~” she purred, giving one last smirk to Mal then she sunk into the water, the ember still tight in her grip.
“Wait!” Mal called desperately, she couldn’t lose the ember, it was their only hope! Mal took a step back in fear as from where Uma had sunk a large tunnel of water began to rise until it burst, soaking everyone but you.
“Ah!” Mal yelled, pausing as she noticed the water starting to evaporate almost immediately, off her body, especially her hair. “I wha-“ nope, nope nope nope, not important right now. She noticed the same was happening to Hadie, and the two were the first dry out of everyone else.
Mal looked back down at the water, searching for Uma “Behind you~” Mal gasped and spun around, seeing Uma in a dark teal button-up, dark blue leather pants, and brown boots, her golden shell necklace sitting proudly on her neck.
Before anyone else could say anything, Mal spoke up, lifting her arms into the air in exasperation “Where the hell have you been?!”
Uma looked genuinely surprised that those were the words that had come out of Mal’s mouth instead of just accusing her of villainy and trying to steal the ember back “We’ve been looking for you for three fucking years!! Do you know how much Harry and Gil bugged Ben and I because you wouldn’t show your damn face?!” Mal screeched, rubbing her face in exhaustion at the reminder of when Harry and Gil had straight up annoyed her and Ben back when the search for Uma was fresh. “Do you even know you were pardoned two years ago? You could've surfaced at any point and you would have been fine!!”
“That’s what I said to-….her” you covered your mouth as Mal slowly turned to look at you with wide eyes, Uma face palming as you winced “uh-“
“…(y/n) did you harbor a criminal?” Mal asked dryly, raising her brow as you shrugged.
“Technically no, I just, brought her food n all that…I honestly have no idea where she stayed, but we had a meeting place?” Mal sighed and shook her head, turning to look back at Uma who stiffened up in a defensive stance. “Also, Ex-criminal” you stated, shrugging as Mal just gave you an exasperated look “jus’ sayin”
“Whatever, Uma, I need that” Mal held her hand out towards Uma, looking at the ember in the sea-witches hand. “to break a spell”
“Cast by maleficent, proxied by Audrey, sleeping beauty’s daughter” Carlos explained, eyes locked onto the ember in Uma’s hand.
“So-the good guys the bad guy-“ Uma furrowed her brows as she tried to figure out how Maleficent cast the spell through Audrey. “well, I might not give it back, see what happens” your smile dropped and you stepped closer to Uma, taking her shoulder.
“Uma no, Harry and Gil are still in Auradon and we need the ember to save them if anything has happened to them, neither of them answered my calls and I don’t want to risk anything” Uma just pursed her lips, looking between you and the pleading Mal, who looked more worried as time went on.
“Guarantee me, that any single villain kid that wants to, can get off the isle” Mal pressed her lips together at Uma’s demand, wanting to agree but the deal she had made with Beast prodded the back of her mind.
“I-I can’t do that” Mal stuttered, clenching her hands by her sides, watching the ember carefully as Uma rolled her eyes and walked to the edge of the bridge. “Can't do that” Uma muttered, turning and holding the ember over the water “Well how bout now?!”
“Deal!” Mal screamed desperately, not bothering to hide the panic on her face as she held her hands out towards Uma “Deal, deal! I promise every kid will come off, but please!...Please.” Uma looked at Mal carefully, looking for any deception before she relented.
“Fine” Uma muttered, sliding the ember into her jacket “but I’m keeping it, because if you think I trust you to save Auradon on your own” she laughed a bit, giving Mal a once over “Think again” Mal closed her eyes and sighed, at least the ember would be on their side.
“Okay fine, this is fine, we need to go now though, Jay!” he nodded and pressed the bridge button, the magic extending from the broken bits they were standing on towards Auradon. “let’s go, we have no time to lose!” Mal jogged forward, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Celia, and Hadie following close behind, leaving you with Uma.
“When we find the boys, I’m blaming the entire ‘hiding you for 3 years and never telling them’ thing on you, since it was your idea and I would like to stay in Harry’s good graces” you joked, booping Uma’s nose and grabbing her hand to drag her along to follow the others down the bridge.
Uma rolled her eyes and hurried her pace, realizing that things were a lot more serious than she had thought, Mal hadn't even tried to start an argument, only focused on saving Auradon.
-end of p5-
part 5 yall!!!! the vks got the ember and mal discovered something new~!!! her dad! yeah in this Mal legit had no idea who her dad was, all she knew was that he was human and he was banished by her mother for his human weaknesses. so Mal thought her dad was a completely different person due to her mothers lies and just now found out it was a lie an all that. yeah bunch of shit XD so Ben is now a beast and Uma is here~!!!! hope yall enjoyed~!!
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​    @random-thoughts-003​ ​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​ @imtryingthisout​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ @verboetoperee​
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
They can’t stop each other from being hurt by the past so they do what they can now. They protect each other, their love fierce and soft in equal measure.
Words: 2.5k 
Warnings: Canon typical violence 
Thanks to @aubreyprc for reading this for me to ensure it made sense because I wrote 98% of it in a sleep deprived state. You’re the best, bestie <3 
Read over on ao3 or below the cut.
Let me know what you think!
Emily was sure she had never been so grateful for a case to be over. Eight days in a small town, with almost as many dead young boys. Lost at the hands of a man who was taking out his anger at losing his own son out on innocent local families.
She had watched as the man she loved struggled with it, the similarity between the dead children and his own son not lost on anyone in the team. She knew she’d hovered, stayed maybe a little too close, but she missed Jack too. She kept thinking about the homework she had been helping him with before they were called away, how it was probably still spread out on their dining room table.
She couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel to never finish it, to walk back into a home that only had memories of the boy she loved as her own. They finished the case a little too late to fly home that evening. Aaron’s disappointment was sharp, his frustration coming out in barbed shouts at the team and the local cops as they packed away, broke down the room they had called home for more than a week. Some work needed finishing in the morning, the finilalsing of interviews that Aaron had said they would help with before they headed back to DC.
Dave had given her a silent look, asked her to work her magic. Emily led Aaron down a small, quiet, hallway and she gently assured him they’d see Jack the following day, that they’d pick him up from school and take him to see the movie he’d been raving about for weeks. It drew a smile out of him, and she had squeezed his hand, quipping that he owed everyone a drink.
It’s how they found themselves in a local dive bar, all crowded around a table. Aaron had his arm around her, slung over her shoulders, and she had hers around his waist. Any discomfort of public displays of affection in front of the team had melted away years ago. She could feel some eyes on them, cops they had worked with over the last week casting curious gazes in their direction, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The case was over, they were heading home in the morning. They could allow themselves to act like a normal couple.
Emily looks up at him and smiles when he looks back at her. She reaches up to press a quick kiss to his lips, her hand coming to rest on his cheek.
“I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be back in a sec.” She kisses him again, and flips Derek off as she walks away when she hears him making a fake gagging noise.
As she enters the hallway she sees two of the officers from the case. Officer Peters, a difficult man who had looked at them all with contempt since they arrived, and his partner Officer Hayes. Peters was clearly a misogynist, his defiance towards her when they’d been partnered up on a couple of interviews over the last few weeks made that clear. She gets closer to them and stops, their conversation loud enough for her to hear.
“I looked him up, you know?” Officer Peters says, taking a sip of his drink, leaning in towards his partner like he was about to tell some grand secret, but not lowering his voice. “Do you remember The Boston Reaper?” He waits for a nod. “The suit killed him. With his bare hands.”
The mention of Foyet always made her blood run cold even all these years later. Haley’s last words echoing around her head as she remembers them finding Aaron with Foyet’s body, still beating him as if the man wasn’t long dead. She lived with a little boy who had very few memories of his mother now, who would still sometimes find his way into her and Aaron’s bed. Nightmares fused with half remembered moments of the worst day of his life. The things he had overheard, but could not understand, twisting into something that was somehow worse than reality.
“Wouldn’t think he had it in him.” Officer Hayes says in disbelief.
“There's got to be something interesting about him to bag Agent Prentiss. You know she's a wild one just by looking at her.” Officer Peters takes another swig of his drink. “He’s a stern bastard, didn’t crack a smile the whole time they were here.”
She knows it’s true, she makes fun of Aaron for it herself often enough. Good natured jibes to make him relax a little, to remind him that they were all there too. Hearing someone else say it, someone who didn’t know them, set her on edge. She knew how Aaron wore his stoicism like an armour, something to protect himself from the things they saw, from the responsibilities he carried. She was there when it all fell away, when he became her Aaron, not Hotch, and it made her protective of him. Something fierce building in her chest.
She clears her throat before she can stop herself, and the officers both turn to look at her.
“Excuse me, gentlemen.” She says, an eyebrow raised. “I’ve got to get past you.” She nods down the hallway towards the bathrooms, indicating the amount of room they were taking up.
Officer Hayes has the decency to look caught out, and he steps back almost immediately. Officer Peters, however, stands in her way. Purposely blocking her with a defiant look on his face.
“The case is closed.” He says, and she can smell the alcohol on his breath. Emily wonders how long they had been here, if they had been drinking since the unsub was brought in several hours ago. “Your team can’t tell us what to do anymore.”
Emily rolls her eyes and walks past him, easily getting by, and he grabs her arm, yanks her back towards him. She tries to pull her arm free, but he holds on tighter, squeezing her skin in a way that hurts. She doesn’t let it show.
“Let go of me.”
“Terry-” Officer Hayes tries to warn his partner, cut off before he can get beyond the man's given name.
“What are you going to do?” He asks, getting closer to her, making rage as opposed to the fear she was sure he was after rising in her chest. “Tell your boyfriend.”
When she looks back on it in the weeks to come Emily isn’t sure what made her say something. What made her push past the voice in her head, that sounded suspiciously like her boyfriend, telling her to leave it. To walk away. She thinks it’s down to the brutality of the case, the way she knew it had impacted Aaron much more than he would let anyone other than her know. His facade cracking when their hotel room door closed at the end of a long day, too many hours worked behind them and too few hours of sleep ahead.
Emily had watched as he loosened his tie every night, the stoicism on his face giving way to sadness and something too close to guilt for her liking. She had held him tightly in her embrace, trying to transfer some of her strength to him, kisses and words of love pressed against his skin. A loan she gave freely but knew he would pay back, and then some, the next time it was her turn to fall apart behind closed doors.
“I don’t need to tell him anything.” She smiles at him, and it pisses Officer Peters off more. “I’m a federal agent, this is assault. I’d think long and hard before making me involve him. It won't end well for you.” She tears her arm free, holds back the wince when she can feel her skin bruise. She starts to walk away, forgoing the bathroom altogether to walk back to the team, to Aaron.
“Is that a threat, bitch?”
Emily doesn’t exactly know what happens next, Officer Hayes and Peters move at the same time. She’s sure the former is trying to stop his partner, but she ends up getting a blow to her left cheek either way. She cries out, her hand coming up to her face, pain spreading from the point of impact. She hears Derek yelling from across the bar and she sighs.
All hell was about to break loose. _______________
Emily finds herself grateful that Aaron is not there when everything happened, that he’d stepped out to call Jessica and speak to Jack before he went to bed for the night. When he walks back into the bar she can tell he immediately knows something has happened. She watches as he pauses in the doorway, the relative silence in the bar deafening in comparison to the noise he had left behind.
Aaron looks over and sees Derek and Dave talking to a couple of officers from the case, Officer Hayes included, and then he looks over at where she is sitting, JJ holding ice wrapped in a towel the barman had given them against her cheek.
He’s by her side in seconds, JJ handing over the makeshift ice pack silently, linking arms with Spencer to lead him away to give them some privacy
“What happened to your face?” He cups her jaw gently, his thumb ghosting over the swelling already appearing under her skin, bruising blooming on her cheek.
“It’s ok.” She says, her self deprecating laugh turning into a wince as he presses the wrapped ice to her cheek. “It’s nothing. You should see the other guy. Derek did a number on him.”
“Em.” Aaron says, grabbing her hand with his spare one, gently squeezing it. “Please.”
She sighs and closes her eyes. “Ok.” She swallows and looks at him again, attempting a smile to reassure him. “But you’ve got to understand it is not your fault.”
His face falls, eyebrows furrowing enough that the crease she loves to soothe with her thumb appears on his forehead.
“A couple of the officers from the case were over by the bathroom, I heard them talking about you.” It riles her up again, frustration burning in her chest. “I let them know I was there. One of them was pretty drunk and he grabbed me. I got away and he managed to get a good punch in whilst his partner tried to stop him.”
“Where?” He grits out.
“Where did he grab you?” He asks, his voice dangerous. She sighs, rolls the sleeve up on her sweater to show where the finger shaped bruises were forming on her arm. She sees him clench his jaw, the hand not gently holding ice against her cheek forming a fist.
“I’ll kill him.”
Emily stops him from moving, wrapping her hand around his fist. “Aaron, just breathe. It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine, Emily.” He seethes, anger vibrating off of him in a way she couldn’t remember seeing in years. “He hurt you.”
“Come on, love. I can take a punch just as well as the rest of you.” She says, smiling at him. “Probably better actually.”
“It’s not worth it. He’ll already be losing his badge for this. I’d rather you didn’t go to prison for killing him.” She reaches out and cups his cheek, tries to coax a smile out of him. “I don’t think I could keep up with the mortgage payments by myself and it would be a shame to move.” She presses her forehead to his. “I love the bay window too much.”
Aaron does laugh at that. It’s cracked, catching in his chest, but it’s something and it relieves the tension. “I always knew that’s why you agreed to move in with me. The house.”
“You’ll do too, I suppose.” She kisses him, and becomes serious when she pulls away. “Let’s just get out of here, ok? I’d like to go climb into that tiny excuse for a bath in our hotel room with you.”
She doesn’t have to ask twice, their goodbyes to the team short as they leave the bar. When they get outside Officer Peters is there, his superior officer having arrived once the incident had called through.
Emily has to physically pull Aaron in the opposite direction, she feels the tension in him build again as they take a couple steps away.
“She threatened me first, you know.” Officer Peters yells after them, his anger at Emily still clear. “This is what happens when you let women do this kind of work.”
Aaron rarely used his strength against her, unless she asked him to, but he was out of her grasp before she even knew what was happening.
“Aaron.” She calls after him, catching up with him and grabbing his arm again, her fingers digging into his bicep. “It’s not worth it.”
“She is better at her job than you could ever hope to be.” Aaron spits out, anger flowing from him. “When I’m done with you they won’t even let you direct traffic.” He turns to the detective in charge of the case. “We won’t be back in the morning as discussed, we will be leaving first thing. My team will liaise with you on anything you need.”
He walks away, pulling her with him, before there is any chance of a response. _______________
She wants to distract him, his fingers grazing gently over the bruising on her arm as they sit in the bath together. She was on his lap, crushed up against him so they could both fit. Emily could feel how delicately he was treating her. Even though she couldn’t see his face she knew he was frowning, on a downward spiral, blaming himself for not protecting her.
She links her fingers through his, drags his arm around her so he’s no longer focused on her injuries. “That was pretty hot, you know.” She turns her head to press a kiss into his throat, her fingers dancing across his skin. “What was?” He asks, and she turns her whole body to look at him, settling herself back over his thighs. She bites her lip before she kisses him so he can’t focus too much on her bruised cheek.
“You wanting to go all caveman like that.” She says, moving her lips to his ear lobe, nipping at the delicate skin. “However unnecessary it was.”
His hands grip her hips, pulling her closer to him, and she knows she’s achieved what she had set out to.
“Oh really?” He asks as his hands trail up her back.
She kisses him, and all other thoughts are lost.
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Okay, so in the interest of avoiding a lot of annoying comment writing later on, here are my thoughts on Valtor and just why he was so power thirsty in season 3.
So in episode 5, season 3, Valtor says how he wants to be the supreme sorcerer of magic dimension because according to him, he used to be that in the past. He also says how he only wants to return all that's his. Now, do I believe all of that? Sort of. Valtor kind of contradicts himself when he tells Bloom 'the truth' about her parents (because Oritel is really powerful and had he not lowered his guard, he would've never defeated him). We, of course, learn that's a lie. Now as to how powerful he truly was before he got captured... he was probably pretty damn powerful but not as much as he wished to be and how much he just likes stroking his own ego.
Comparing Valtor to the rest of winx villains, both past and future, it's clear that none of them are even close to him, in virtually all aspects. Darkar, for example, was defeated by winx wearing magic purses, like what the hell. Plus, he himself chose to sit in his underground castle most of the time while sending trix and his minions to do his job. And theoretically, isn't he supposed to be, idk, more powerful than Valtor being a prince of darkness?
Ancient Witches themselves proved to be less of a challenge for winx than Valtor. Shouldn't they at least, being the mothers of all evil, present more of a threat? Now as to what sort of relationship Valtor has with them... I imagine, not really good one. My guess is that Ancestrals, though they created Valtor, couldn't control him to the point they wished to, so in my opinion that's where that infamous demon form comes into play. It very well could've been their attempt at putting a leash on him.
They probably feared, as Valtor grew more powerful, that he would eventually surpass them and he would seek freedom. For as far as I'm concerned, that very well could've happened because the timeline we are presented with in canon doesn't fit. My guess is, it wasn't Valtor that destroyed Domino, but the witches themselves (like we see it in a movie). We know that Valtor was captured before that final battle because he is nowhere in it.
Company of Light fought that final battle exclusively against the three old witches, but we all know how that one turned out. Oritel and Marion sent them hurtling into Obsidian but they paid the price themselves. In a desperate attempt to cover their own asses, Company of Light settles for the second best option aka Valtor.
Now as to how Valtor exactly ended up in the hands of Company Of Light, we can only speculate. One very plausible scenario is that he truly was captured by them and defeated. But the other one, and the one that speaks to me a bit more because of how angry Valtor was at his 'mothers' in the last episode of season 3, is that it was the witches themselves that served Valtor on a silver platter to them because he either rebelled against them or simply became too much of a threat to them.
Valtor was probably furious at the witches but my guess is that he was more angry at Faragonda and the rest of the bunch that accused him and convicted him, probably falsely, of the crime he didn't commit. I'm not saying he didn't do some terrible things in life, but he probably didn't destroy Domino either. Plus, they keep telling us how Valtor is responsible for many deaths, but as far as we've seen, he didn't kill anyone. He imprisoned Faragonda into a tree and also threw Grifin into a dungeon but he didn't kill them and he was more powerful than them at that point, so he probably could've.
Also, he never actually tried to actively kill any of the winx, he wanted them out of his way. Sure, leaving the Omega portal open was a dick move, but he probably assumed that the planet would simply be evacuated. In my opinion, he has an understanding that there is a fine line between destroying realms and ruling them.
And that brings us to last few episodes that show us just how dangerous he can be when cornered but also sheds light on how much of a puppet he truly was in the hands of his mothers. Which leads me to believe that all of those charades were solely in order to become powerful enough to finally get rid of the witches and that hideous demon form (because he wasn't exactly happy when the witches forcefully turned him into that, probably because he wasn't a demon from the very beginning of his creation and was probably placed on him in order to control him).
I think his pride in general wouldn't allow him to admit or let alone seek help from anyone and that ultimately lead to his downfall. But with a character as interesting as Valtor, I think his past deserves a spinoff that sheds light onto his life before Omega. But if they're gonna butcher it like they butchered him in Season 8... I think I'll pass.
Also guys this is just my perspective, if you have any other ideas, do share.
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a-written-dream · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,020
Fandom: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Uther Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Execution, Fire, Post-Magic Reveal, Canon Era, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Immortal Merlin (Merlin), Dialogue Heavy
The sorcerer is tied to the pyre like so many before him, but magic itself cannot burn.
A wind moves over the crowded courtyard, eerie and whispering. It rustles through skirts and tunics, gives life to the leaves resting on the cobbled ground, carries with it the murmured words of those gathering around the wooden structure. The pyre stands proud and tall, as does the King on his arching balcony as he makes a proclamation of the ruthlessness of magic and the corruption of those who practice it. He stands alone, for the Prince and the King’s Ward are nowhere to be seen. The wind takes his words and distorts them, leaving little more than a whisper to reach the ears of those who stand below him.
The sorcerer shows no fear, as he is lead and tied to the pyre. On wood and sticks and dried grass he stands, chin held high and face set in an expression of apathy, as if he does not wish to, will not, give the King and his executioner — and the people, perhaps — the satisfaction of letting them see the fear that they wish to. He is young, surely not more than twenty summers old, and looks none the part of the wicked wizard the King has claimed him to be. But then, perhaps they never do.
“Do you have any final words, sorcerer?” the King calls, even though, in his eyes, the young sorcerer’s words hold no value. Perhaps it is a small act of mercy, or a far cry for confirmation, for the sorcerer to affirm his beliefs for the kingdom to see.
The sorcerer says nothing.
The King orders the execution with a wave of his hand, the pyre is lit, and the crowd waits with bated breath for the sorcerer to be set alight with it. The fire engulfs him, and for one moment he is gone with the flames, his body swallowed by the burning embers. There are no screams; not a single sound permeates the courtyard except the crackling of burning wood, the wind whipping against the flags hung about the castle, the faraway sounds of life just beyond the castle walls. The silence is almost deafening, in its rarity.
And then, much like the devil rising from the ashes of hell, the flames part like an amber veil, and within them the sorcerer stands, arms stretched wide and palms facing the sky. His expression is stone and the fire in his golden eyes set on the King burn with the same fervour as the flames around him.
“You cannot kill me with flames for I was born out of fire, born out of the smoke that took the lives of so many of those that came before me.” His voice booms across the stone, echoes and rebounds against the castle walls, rumbles underneath the people’s feet. The flames around him move with it, flickering around him, licking at his feet and arms and his back without inflicting any pain.
“I cannot be killed by your petty hand for I carry the souls of the hundreds that you have murdered. Their strength and their power lie within me, have grown since the day of my birth.”
The fire around him moves in tandem with his words. The flames form creatures and monsters and human figures, dancing and bright. The overcast sky rumbles.
“I am all my kin reincarnate. I am their strength, their power, their love, and their hate. I am magic itself.”
Lightning illuminates the sky, crackles against the towers of the castle. Thunder follows.
“You may have outlawed my existence, banished me from these lands, slaughtered my kind, but mark my words, Uther Pendragon, you will never rid me from the earth, and one day, when you are no longer king and a better man has taken your place, I will once again exists freely on the streets and in the forests and across the fields of Camelot.”
The fire roars as it stretches towards the sky, swallowing the sorcerer in its burning jaws. Lightning showers down around them, leaving scorching marks upon the cobbled ground and the stone walls, and thunder shakes the earth and leaves the structures trembling. The wind howls and the flags snap sharply against their staffs. It is as if nature itself is crying, outraged and anguished, proclaiming its dismay and aggravation with the ways of men.
And then, in a single breath, the fire turns to nothing and the clouds leave the sky and the thunder quiets and the lightning ceases and the wind turns into a tranquil breeze. The marks on the grounds and the walls are nowhere to be seen, the pyre stands unlit and unburnt, and the world moves on as if untouched.
The sorcerer is gone, but his magic — strong, potent, blessed to those who know not to fear it — leaves a trail, permeates through the air. A red neckerchief flutters in the wind from where it is tied to the top of the pyre, not a declaration of war, but a reminder. A warning for those who condemn it and a promise to those who reverent the old ways.
Weeks and months and years pass and life in Camelot flourishes. Fields that had once been claimed dead and infertile carry crops in amounts never before seen. Rain falls to water the fields and replenish water supplies, but floods are but a distant memory. Disease and sickness do not touch her people, nor do famine and drought. Natural creatures live in harmony with those of tales and monsters are rarely seen. Nature is in harmony and only the vice of man can turn life into death and love into hatred, turn peace into war. But even when self-inflicted war rages across the lands of Camelot, the world rises to fight alongside the knights and warriors of the kingdom, and when the battles are won the broken city and the damaged villages are repaired faster than any mortal man can work.
The flowers bloom in Camelot year after year, even as sorcerers and witches burn on the pyre, a silent protest, a reminder that magic will always exist at the heart of Camelot.
[And when Prince is crowned King laws are changed and magic itself is once again allowed to freely roam the kingdom of Camelot. Peace and prosperity rein the lands and Albion’s first and lasting Court Sorcerer finally returns home.]
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florelia12 · 3 years
Why do you think flora holds back her powers when fighting. Also do you think that if flora got too mad during a battle she could destroy the magic universe.
Well, the reason’s never explicitly mentioned in canon but I do have a few theories
In the earlier seasons, especially season 1, you don’t really see her hold back her powers so whatever the reason might be, I think it developed during the series
In the later seasons, they do try and show it as her lack of confidence that stops her from being very ‘aggressive
Personally, from what I remember, I think the change from her being somewhat passive in her attacks to her really pulling her punches happened in season 4
In season 1, you have her almost killing Tecna and not even understanding why everyone was mad about it. Even from the episode that she is introduced, you see her standing up for a girl she barely knows and willingly getting into a fight with a bunch of witches on the first day of school. So, Flora is not really a pacifist. In my opinion. And, she’s more than willing to throw hands if necessary.
Okay a bit off-topic but Pacifist literally means someone who thinks war and violence is unjustifiable and refuses to participate or support in a war. So, I don’t think anyone of the winx & specialists (helia to be exact) are pacifists because…then i don’t think they’d even be involved in all the trouble they find themselves in.
Anyways, in season 2, you do get Flora being anxious and doubting herself when she has to heal the flower at pixie village. Which I think is not exactly an unjustifiable thing to be anxious about. All her friends had gotten her charmix, and she was the only one left so I think anyone in her position would have doubted themselves. Also, i think her shyness came into play with that scene because she is shown to be quite friendly and open, except when she started crushing on Helia. That boy clearly made her nervous and she was able to save the flower once he supported her.
Later when they are fighing darkar and while Musa and her are holding up shields to protect the rest from his attacks, she gets shot down first. Again, i don’t think its because she’s just a weak fairy in general but because like Stella, she also relies on sunlight. The situations just aren’t in her favour most of the time but I think she still does pretty good despite them.
And, in season 3, she’s still pretty strong. She gets her enchantix, she holds back guards chasing them through Solaria and Eraklyon. There is even one scene where the girls are practicing and they fight against Bloom to see if they can figure out a way to defeat Valtor. And, Flora apologises but still doesn’t hesitate to go against her friend. So, again, she doesn’t hold back.
Now, in season 4. I know a lot people stopped watching and dont really like this season but I really did. The only part that bothered me was how there were so many new transformations that seemed unnecessary. But, other than I liked their life post-alfea. Anyways, You have Flora being sassy with Anagan and also the first episode where she stands up against the wizards. and one thing I hope doesn't come off as hate is that the voice actress for season 4...did not do justice to her character. it made her sound whiny and I really really miss how soft and breathy flora's voice used to be in the earlier seasons.
also, Im not just saying this because I wrote a fic about it, but I am pretty sure Flora was affected by earth's pollution. Like, come on. The planet sucks and we've destroyed it beyond help at this point. and I doubt the fairy of nature would actually enjoy it. Then we have that episode with Diana where she is so weak she can barely fight.
I will forever be salty that Flora did not get the spotlight in those episodes.
you have that scene where Helia encourages her to fight against Diana's vines and she fails. miserably. That is bound to have made her feel embarrassed. Helia even did that before when she had tied up Anagan. I'm sure Flora's ego must have taken a hit from all the failed attempts.
and then you have Nabu's death. I read this amazing fic, but I forgot the name but I'm sure you can find it on yet-it's account. it was basically how Flora and bloom being the healers of the group reflect on how and why they didn't help Nabu.
So taking ALL of this into context, and then the oil spill on earth in season 5 where Flora tries to help but makes it worse and the tube literally explodes and all the oil spills into the ocean. She basically indirectly caused the events of season 5.
And that's when Flora starts to get more and more doubtful of herself. Going against my own fic, the Krystal-helia-flora love triangle was not actually about flora thinking Helia liked Krystal. I think it had to do with her self-doubts.
Flora is actually powerful, she just gets bad writing and little screen time. This is the girl who punched Darcy in the face for cursing the Black Willow waterfall and blew Icy off with a bunch of petals (bad writing but kinda cool).
I think that Miele or Helia being killed off would definitely result in her committing murder. I do think all the winx have the potential to destroy the universe. Especially flora because of how nature is basically...everything. She could tear apart planets, she could make eco systems attack people, and she has a pretty big motive to take revenge to for people's actions against nature both on earth and in the magic dimension.
I would love to see Flora go berserk. I've been waiting for it my whole life and I hope it happens soon haha
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
part of canon you found tedious or boring
part of canon you think is overhyped
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
The Company of Light. I don't know what else you want me to say. I think I made that clear already. Really, I don't think I could give a different answer because they just deserve so much better.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
The Pyros arc. I see what they were trying to do but this was not the way. Not to mention the fact that while Bloom is away the rest of the story seems to come to a grinding halt. Love to see the implication that the others are useless without Bloom take root all the way back into season 3.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Season 3. The amount of people saying that season 3 is the best season in terms of writing and structure is starting to get on my nerves. Season 3 has problems. Valtor starts off strong as a villain but his stage presence so to say diminishes incredibly over the season. By the end of it he's almost too pathetic to stand and his plan is just... what exactly? He steals so much magic and we don't really see him use any of it towards the goal of becoming the most powerful wizard. Like, what does being the most powerful wizard even look like? 'Cause he's getting his ass kicked by a bunch of teenagers and most of the dimension seems to go on completely unbothered by his existence. The plan of weakening Bloom through Sky goes nowhere. It's over before it can even begin and if Bloom had a single brain cell she would have figured out Sky was spelled immediately. It was so obvious that it makes me seethe every time. Episodes 8 and 9 are certainly some of the worst from the entire show. The storyline with Chimera and Cassandra loses traction halfway through and disappears for 10 solid episodes. We're not even talking about episode 20. Enchantix has problems as well. The Company of Light backstory - while literally one of my favorite things on the show - creates several plot holes and was obviously not planned from the beginning. Not to mention that they hardly get to do anything, which just doesn't make sense. The connection between Bloom and Valtor works at random only when it's convenient for the plot. The whole thing is much worse than people seem to realize. And okay, I have nostalgia for it too. But I think the fandom worships season 3 way too much.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
The pixies/pets/selkies/fairy animals/lumens being annoying. Look, I get the problems with capitalism and wasting screen time that are in the core of this problem but, honestly, just like everything else the animal companions (umbrella term including all of these I listed) had potential. The pixies proved that in season 2 even if they were underutilized since way back then. The same could have been done with all of the other companions introduced. They just didn't care about it. But I am really sick of hearing about this when there are much worse problems with the whole show. Also, if I hear someone else saying that Kiko should be dead by now, it's on sight.
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