#i know it doesn't have to do with me entirely like the fact is as u get older dating pools shrink
egophiliac · 2 days
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(breathing into a paper bag) FRALIO....
can't believe they gave us another guy. oh my god. so I guess Kelka is more, uhhh, more OOO then, and Fralio is Ankh? not that it matters too much, although they do seem to be doing something with the connected Riders so. who knows. anything goes! or if I may, anything gOOOes! god. of course they're the Ambition parallel. of course they are. oh my god.
fortunately there's nothing else they can throw at me right now that could possibly --
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mullermilkshake · 2 days
The last time.
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—-Minors DNI—-
Yandere!Satoru Gojo
Tags: Breed kink. Breeding. Kidnapping. Imprisonment. Unprotected sex. Plotting murder. Cream pie.
"Fuck me like it's the last time." That's what you say to Satoru's face after you have everything ready to make your move and run from him.
It's certain that if you stay here, Satoru will trap you in other ways, and you aren't about to let that happen. It's taken meticulous planning to get to this point, earning his trust finally and getting your leash extended enough for wiggle room.
Satoru takes your statement as a challenge, but constantly reinforces the face that you aren't leaving and that this is all role play. He doesn't deny that it is turning him on, going further in gorging himself on his favourite kink.
He needs to breed you.
You aren't sure where it's come from, you don't want to know either. You've been lucky so far, despite his best efforts and bold disappointment when nothing came of it.
The last time doing this and the last time seeing his smug face before you disappear and vanish into the night. Satoru won't ever find you, you've made sure of it.
Satoru fucks you. His thrusts are hard and unforgiving, repeating over and over how you'll stay with him, bear his children and somehow be alright with raising them for his legacy he's been pressured to fulfil.
Not a fucking chance.
You let him, taking the chance to think of all the good times you'll have after you leave, but the danger you'll be in to ensure he never finds you.
Satoru Gojo isn't as trusting as he might appear. Time and exhausting effort to throw off this sniffer dogs nose. He never seems wise to it the entire time, how you'll leave him in his bed and fight the urge to slit his throat in his sleep.
After he comes inside you for the very last time, he takes a hold of your wrist and drags you out of the bedroom, throwing you back into that awful closet he had you in when you arrived here.
"C'mon, you really think I don't know? I thought you were intelligent." Is all he says before slamming the door shut with his grin the last thing you see into the darkness.
With his come still leaking between your thighs.
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Yandere!Suguru Geto
Tags: Murder. Indoctrination. Choking.
"Fuck me like it's the last time." Suguru hears you loud and clear.
He understands what you are saying, and takes it as literally as possible.
Originally, you hated the idea of being with him after he snatched you up, but he convinced you that his logic was the way forward. that he was the way forward. And eventually, you started to believe it yourself.
Now, you applaud his reasonings, even go as far as to thank him for doing what he does. You aren't sure when it was, but there is a moment in the timeline from when you first met to now, that urges your brain to enjoy it whenever he takes a life.
Almost to the point that it impresses you how he does it with such ease. Though it's most probably due to the fact that it fascinates you. You battled with the guilt for the longest time, shaming yourself against your better judgement until you became numb to it.
Numb. Like now. The last time. Suguru decides the best way to fulfil this request its to lace his slender fingers at your throat, whispering filthy things into your ear to allow the dark spots at your eyes to collect around the outside.
He presses just right, light pressure, enough to hear your gasps of pleasure as you watch all the red on his face, on his open yukata to reveal his bear chest. Yes, he had killed again, but that doesn't deter you to let the bubbling itch in your abdomen grow and grow until you can't take it anymore.
The agonising part is that he fucks you slowly, dreadfully teasing until you come around his cock and he tells you what a good girl you are.
This path isn't one you ever saw yourself walking, but you guess you're in too deep now to ever think about leaving him.
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Yandere!Kento Nanami
Tags: Psychological abuse. Spanking. Humiliation.
"Fuck me like it's the last time." It's supposed to be a comment to throw him off, but to be honest, you aren't sure why you said it.
Kento in hyper critical of you all the time. There's a spec of dirt on your face, your hair is out of place, your shirt is crooked, you haven't taken care of your nails. He's always picking up on something wrong.
You fought it originally, but when you realised that you weren't getting anywhere, you stopped. Now, you let him have his say, correct it and go about your day like he doesn't exist.
It's always manners with him. Watch your posture, manage your words and stop using curse words like they command the room. Verbally, you reel it in, though internally, you scream and say every word under the sun. You constantly think of all the ways you want to hurt him, to kill him.
There are many ways to kill a man.
At first, when you asked this of Kento, you assumed he would pick up on the curse word and reprimand you. But he doesn't. He never says a word, he only leads you up to the bedroom and sits down on the bed.
He asks you to bend over, to lay across his lap with your clothed ass pointing up. It makes you feel like a petulant child, you hate it. He's done this before, because he has picked up on how you said the word 'fuck'.
Kento pulls your leggings and panties over your ass and leaves it there, bulging at the plush of your thighs. He tells you that he won't sleep with you, not right now. Which meant that he's going to make an example of you.
At least if he is fucking you, the crack of his hand making the connection with your bare skin, isn't nearly as embarrassing. But alas, he doesn't, he strikes your ass in the weighted silence, heavy with burden and humiliation.
At least if he fucks you and finishes all over your stomach, there's a likely chance he'll fall asleep. Then you can have a moments peace to yourself. Trying to escape him is impossible now, you can't count the the amount of times you have tried on ten fingers anymore.
Ten times he spanks you, cupped hand with the extra sting he likes, his free hand laying flat on the small of your back like it's supposed to soother you, but it's not.
It's to keep you there so he has control.
Kento always needs to have control.
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Yandere!Ryomen Sukuna
Tags: Mark making. Physical abuse. Rough sex. Dubious consent. Shaming.
"Fuck me like it's the last time."
Why the fuck did you just say that? You think it was a way to stop him glaring at you the way he just did because you were sure he was going to make your day miserable.
Sukuna actually laughs at this, cackles even. He says that it's not up for debate, there is no chance he would ever let you get far enough to make this the last time. Because he will always find you.
You have not ever attempted to escape him, it's like he can read your mind and even the slightest whiff of a plan to leave makes him give you the look as though he would burn you alive right where you stand.
He thinks you're weak, in comparison to him, you are. But your spirit is much stronger than he assumes, even if he can see straight through you.
There's no point in trying to fight him, no chance to slip from his grasp as his nails dig in with those little present shapes over your skin. Little deeper marks when his nails are especially sharp. You're sure he does this purpose, just to watch your eyes wince no matter how much you try to hide it.
"It it's to be the last time, let's make the most of it." He says, taking you in his bed like an animal howling in the night.
Terrifying. Ghastly. A demon unlike anything you ever read in books. The cursed man believes in no boundaries, no safe words. Just pure raw sex, hormones to run rampant while he's balls deep inside you. The bare skin slaps and sucks each other in until you are screaming from under him.
He only laughs. This is exactly what he wants. What he craves.
Just what he expects from his little pathetic whore.
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Yandere!Toji Fushiguro
Tags: Forced marriage? Restraints. Power imbalance. Marriage. Psychological tactics. Cunnilingus.
"Fuck me like it's the last time." You said it out of anger.
You want it to be the last time. Truly.
Most days you often ask yourself how in the hell Toji managed to persuade you to get married. The old ball and chain as they said back in the day.
You didn’t realise that it meant an actual restraint around your ankle. Not that Toji needs it to keep you right where you are, but you assume it’s for dramatic effect.
There isn’t a day that goes by now that you don’t hate his guts, often questioning yourself how you even said yes to him in the first place.
It’s odd, because you don’t even remember.
Today, Toji promised he would let you out again after much deliberation. Like a fucking dog more like. It angered you, the only reason you have been kept inside was because the cashier spoke words to you while Toji stood right there and watched. How were you supposed to pay if you did not talk?
Why did you say yes to marrying him again?
You don’t remember. You only remember how he uses his tongue over your body because he claims to own it. He tells you this every time, because the difference in power between you is so immense.
You can't leave even if you tried.
This whole thing is fucked, while you get fucked. Toji enjoys eating you, pulling every guttural moan from your lips so he can savour it because no one else has the privilege to hear it. But you know it’s because he’s insanely possessive over you. It’s unhealthy. This relationship is unhealthy, yet he’s convinced you to stay.
After he makes you come a few times, you’re in a daze. Is that when he convinces you?
You’re married. He gets half of everything you own. Everything you worked hard for. What does he actually bring to the table besides some misinformed ownership over you?
At times it’s like he wants you to divorce him, but still keep you here. It’s obvious he will make things difficult for you.
He always makes things difficult for you.
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Tags: Obsessed. Mentions of making a family. Missionary sex. Attempted break up.
"Fuck me like it's the last time." You have had enough of Choso’s clingy nature, trailing behind you like a lost puppy. You’re tired of it.
One last time, and then you will see whether or not you would leave. The connection is there, but his protective, over bearing nature is suffocating.
Choso looks at you like you have just broken up with him point blank. You haven’t. But you are unsure of how to proceed with this.
He tells you he’ll do anything to keep you happy. He will do anything. He’d steal for you, hurt for you, kill for you. Die for you.
It’s all very intense.
You can’t live this way, you know this when he holds you, pulls you close and presses precious little kisses all over your face, your neck. He holds your hands softly, lacing your fingers with his as he leads you over to the bed.
Choso makes love to you slowly, intimately, whispering all sorts of nonsensical drivel. He loves you. He adores you. He wants you to be in his life forever, live in a little bubble, start a family together.
He wants it all with you, he says as much as he’s inside you, rutting slowly, sensually enough it allows you to clear your mind.
This is not healthy.
But how can you deny him now after he’s saying all of this?
When he comes inside you, he draws back to look down at you, staring up at him.
“I love you. This isn’t the last time, is it?” He strokes your hair and presses his lips to your nose and he loves you, it’s true.
How can you deny this now?
This is not healthy.
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shouts-into-the-void · 17 hours
Just read screenshots of the Aaron extra chapter and I have so many thoughts, so here they are:
It's always so funny to me to be reminded of the fact that the animosity between Aaron and Neil is mostly one-sided. Like, Neil finds Aaron frustrating, but all the antagonistic stuff he does to him is ultimately in service of helping him in some way and while he's angry when Aaron provokes him, he otherwise regards him with disinterest and even expresses the desire to see what he's like when he's relaxed and enjoying himself during the party with the Vixens. Meanwhile Aaron just really hates that man.
I really appreciated Nora using this chapter to clear up some of the gripes a lot of the fandom has had with Aaron's character in the past and confirm that Aaron's comments to Nicky have to do with his cousin making graphic and unwanted sexual advances on their teammates, and his accusations towards Neil were from a place of concern for his brother. I also liked that it was pointed out that of course he would have at least some internalized homophobia due to being raised by religious zealots in a conservative area, but is unlearning it due to Nicky.
On a similar note, I'm glad that we were provided the context that Nicky's inappropriate behavior is a defense mechanism to weed out people who might hurt him rather than legitimate advances, because I think the fandom tends to forget that he is also a character with extreme trauma written outside of the "perfect victim" stereotype. His actions aren't okay, but the entire point is that they are the result of what he's had to endure just like every other member of the team
The implication that Andrew specifically signed with the Foxes so Aaron could go to college
Aaron and Andrew have the same nervous habit of picking at loose thread
It causes me physical pain to see Andrew clearly trying to open up to Aaron about his self-harm, but because his way of communicating is less straightforward (he doesn't lie, but he because he stuggles to confront and be open with his emotions, he presents the truth in flowery, vague language) and because the two dont really know or understand each other, Aaron can't fully grasp the implications of what he's saying
On the subject of things that cause me physical pain: baby Aaron telling his mom that he wanted to be a neurosurgeon like the people on TV and her laughing and saying he'd never make anything of himself. Fuck Tilda Minyard, all my homies hate Tilda.
Andrew is so uncomfortable, someone Get Him Out of There.
Going off that and his nervous habits (that Aaron mentions he did often enough to be noticable as a habit premedication), I am highkey wondering if the reason Sober Andrew doesn't talk to anyone outside Neil is because he's just. Socially Awkward.
We get a little bit of insight into Andrew's "misogyny" (I personally think distrusting certain people as a result of extreme personal trauma is a little bit different than just being sexist, in the same way women distrusting men because they're used to being harassed and belittled isn't misandry, but that's up to your personal opinion) and that his distain for Katelyn comes from the fact that he thinks she's stringing Aaron along and will turn out to be awful like his previous girlfriends (there's also a notable implication that Aaron has the same self-destructive tendencies as Andrew, and may be why he went out of his way to get him into college and on the straight-and-narrow) also see that this extends to Bee as well despite their close relationship, with him being so afraid that she'd reject him for being gay that he can't even look at her while talking about Neil, probably made worse by the fact that she's a maternal figure for him, which is where this trauma response originates.
Aaron is the only person on the team who's aware that Andrew hasn't slept with Neil, and the only one to grasp the significance of the fact that they've gotten close to that point already despite Andrew's trauma, outside of Renee
It was overall really interesting to see inside Aaron's head (I actually wouldn't mind a book from his perspective, he has a similar way of thinking to Neil but much more grounded) and to see Andrew through the lense of someone who just views him as Just A Guy
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raticalshoez · 2 days
I just feel the need to get this out there because this has been sitting in my Google Docs brainrot document:
I will always believe that Scar is the saddest, most tragic Life Series character.
I'm unsure whether this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I feel like if I were to ask people who they think the most tragic member is they might say Grian, or Martyn, or Jimmy simply because of #lore implications, but when I'm bored I like to reflect on the Life Series characters and...like...
3rd Life had Grian indebted to Scar, creating a narrative based around loyalty that inevitably had to end in tragedy when they were the last two standing, neither one of them wanting to be to one to lead to the dekise of the other. Everyone knows the origin story of Desert Duo, come on now. I'd argue this is one of Scar's less tragic seasons though because throughout the entire thing, he had the unfaltering loyalty of a person, and that loyalty didn't waver on his end either. One might be tempted to bring up the Bdubs friendship pass, but that was all part of a plan Scar formulated, and Grian just never happened to see the secret message sent to him. All in all, a story of companionship that's only tragic towards the end.
Then, Last Life comes, and he is lonely. People are really quick to point to Joel for being lonely this season, but if anything, I'd describe Joel as manic over just lonely. This whole season, Scar tries to make friends after losing his only one to the curse of a red life. Time and time again he's seen trying to help people, he acts as a life dispenser, and at every turn he us either dismissed and never truly seen as an ally, or he faces death, whether by natural causes or by the hand of another player. In fact, instead of making friends, he seems to make a sworn enemy out of Team BEST. This season is really what kickstarts Scar's progression into being one of the staples of Lonely Characters ™️ of the Life Series, for even his final death is practically alone, with no happy reunions with allies, and no boos from any sworn enemies either.
I could argue this is another case of Scar being faced with lonliness because his once closely knit ally in Grian, has now shown scorn for their new fated bond. Scar is left behind as Grian goes to be with BigB, and out of them two, BigB has the guilt to tell Ren the whole secret soulmate ordeal, but Grian keeps his mouth shut. Scar finds out about the whole situation on his own, bitterly offering gifts for Grian to give, and hanging out with Pearl, the girl who is quite literally the commonly accepted poster child for all aspects of loneliness depicted in the Life Series. In this series, I think Scar gets some sort of closure in Grian and him working together again towards the end of the season, but even so, the two of them die apart, in a way symbolizing the disconnect they had all season long.
Limited Life is quite possibly Scar's happiest season, and therefore I don't really have anything to say about it. I think to some degree, everyone in the Life Series has the ability to be an asshole, and I think every single character is morally grey, and with all that being said I think the person Scar needed most was Cleo. Sure, they enable him to be as chaotic as possible, and yeah, being around Ckeo thus season quite possibly made Scar the snarkiest he's been, but the connection he had with her, and just the Clockers overall was so strong. Yes, there's the whole Etho dad thing, and you could argue that's another tally for Scar's abandonment board, but really, that whole bit has always been more comedic to me than it has been entirely dramatic or angsty.
And everyone knows Secret Life. Once again, Scar finds himself in the role of the lonely merchant, running a shop solo, and constantly trying to make friends, but there is always something stopping him from doing so because something in this world HATES him. Scar doesn't make friends, no, in fact, the Secret Keeper screws him over so much that by the end of this season he is literally embracing the role of a villain. He goes on a killing spree, more successful than he's ever done before, and he finds himself face to face with Pearl, who wants him to take her life. He calls it lame, and not fair because if Pearl's good at the game, she should own it and between me and you personally, I think Scar's just got a soft spot for a fair fight between the last two standing. I think the saddest part of Secret Life is the lack of closure Scar gets because he is the only winner that doesn't get to die and meet in this sort of afterlife where everyone reunites and talks like friends again, as if they all hadn't caused each others' demise. Scar doesn't get that, and is instead stuck in, at least in Martyn's interpretation, an endless loop of pressing that succeed button over and over as he goes mad.
This is a ridiculously long post, but I just NEEDED to get it out of my system. I feel like people could argue the curse of having allies is more tragic because you have to witness their deaths, or you can make the argument that maybe trying to fund the most tragic Life Series character is redundant because with how this game is, everyone is bound to be tragic either way, and to which I say true. I just feel like in a game where it's so natural for people to split up into groups of 3, 4, sometimes even 5, Scar's a character that has ended up alone so many times. It's honestly quite insane. I will always say that Pearl and Joel are the lonely dog girl and lonely dog boy of the series, but if there was ever just...the Lonliest, that title would probably go to Scar.
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yan-randomfandom · 2 days
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Yandere!Stanford Pines & Borrower!GN!Reader
[PLATONIC] Borrowers are really tiny humans who "borrow" items and food! requested,,, am so sorry if this isn't what u expected 😔
Ford's toothbrush is missing.
In fact, many of his things have gone missing for the past few days. Did Bill possess his body again and decide to prank him?
His eyes catch color behind the toilet. Ah, there's his toothbrush. It must have fallen off.
When he picked it up, it was much heavier than usual. Of course, anything else could've been a reasonable explanation and not some tiny human holding onto the toothbrush for their dear life.
Ford doesn't let you escape, immediately bringing you to his office. You spit out profanities on the way, banging your fists on his fingers.
"Fascinating," he mutters, moving your limbs around. "You're just a tiny human."
"They call us borrowers," you say as you keep avoiding his hands. You notice something. "You have six fingers. Did giants always have that? Never noticed."
He suddenly feels smaller than you. "Not usually."
Ford learned that you actually lived under his floorboards. He had to compromise with you so that you would stop stealing his stuff.
"Roommates?" you tilt your head. "As long as you don't kill me, I guess. And I said I was going to return it!"
He doesn't believe you. He hums, scratching his chin. "Your species must have been hit by the light of height-altering crystals. I'm guessing the way your people survive is by stealing from others."
He gave you all sorts of delicious food. Well, they're mostly store-bought, but it's better than anything you've gotten before.
Not to mention his stuff. He had way more than what you were expecting. All the more to decorate your house and expand your collections! He's generous; you'll give him that...
There's something you can't shake off though. Ford's a weirdo if anything.
Bill Cipher knows about you. But he doesn't really care because you're just like any other creature that Ford has gotten. He'll only intervene if you manage to distract Ford from the portal.
So it's a good thing you're doing the opposite. You're actually helping in your own little ways, such as bringing him pen and paper.
Sitting on Ford's shoulder, you keep yapping about rats eating your house. He doesn't mind the noise, albeit he's not really listening, but it's so much better than silence.
He has fallen asleep. You grab the blanket from a nearby table and drape it over his body the best you can. This man does more work than your entire lifespan; it's so concerning.
"You don't want to try becoming a full-sized human? Why not?" Ford asks sincerely, almost concerned. You becoming not tiny is what you were supposed to be.
"Me? Turning into your size?" you make a disturbed face, "no thanks. I feel like my life would be more complicated. You're taking care of me, and that's enough."
He smiles. "Interesting."
Once again, you find him asleep on the desk. You search for a good spot next to his arm and curl up to his warmth, closing your eyes and drifting to sleep.
...You wake up to relentless movement. Looking up, you meet Ford's crazed, hectic eyes.
"You," he exhales, his voice sounding different. "Not here to steal my eyes, are you?"
Without warning, he grabs your body. You tremble. "Bill didn't tell you to, right? You're the perfect size to scoop out someone's eye..."
"Ford—" A bright flashlight shines on your eyes.
He forces one eye open. A few seconds pass. "You're, ah, clear. I'm so sorry."
The human finally lets you go. "What the hell was that?! Are you okay??"
"There's something dangerous here," he winces as he goes around the room, locking all possible entrances. "We have to stop everything we've ever worked for! What I worked for!"
He walks over to you, a smile curling on his lips. "Don't worry. I'll protect you, little borrower. Won't let him lay a single finger in you."
Before you could even blink, you're pushed inside something. You quickly run to the front, holding the bars that kept you away from escaping. "Wait, let me go! You're being crazy!"
"I know this seems bad, but it's only temporary," he replies, locking your cage. "Not until I finish the protection around the house. I'll have to call Stan..."
yes he has cages.... he caged shmebulock 😭
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gotta thank @shabbyshoebox for this treasure (tell me if u wanna be untagged!)
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cesilly · 2 days
- temporary fix
hamzah x reader
contains: established relationship, thigh riding
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“no, that’s not right,” you mumble to yourself, shaking your head. “fuck, come on, i know this.”
you continue scribbling out jumbled definitions, equations, and practice problems all over the comedically large classroom-sized whiteboard that you impulsively purchased and brought home to study for your exams, which now sits in the living room of you and hamzah’s shared apartment.
speaking of, he’s watching you from the couch as your sanity slowly slips away. the stress of your upcoming exam in just a few hours is completely fucking with you.
college is exhausting.
“and this is my last marker,” you whisper as the ink from the whiteboard pen dwindles and becomes streaky, your handwriting becoming basically unintelligible now. “shit!” you grumble in defeat, tossing the marker over your shoulder.
“hey, watch where you throw that,” hamzah’s teasing voice comes from behind you, and you turn to see that he’s caught the marker you hurled at him. “could’ve poked my eye out.”
“sorry,” you groan, burying your face in your hands. “i’m just, ugh, i’m gonna fail this.”
“no, you’re not.” hamzah shakes his head. “c’mere.”
you peek through your fingers to see your boyfriend waiting for you, legs spread, head tilted back against the wall behind the couch.
reluctantly, not wanting to be taken out of your little academic headspace, you walk over towards him. his fingers splay out over his own thigh, a small movement that you’re not sure how to interpret. he reaches out to you, grasping the fabric of your underwear and guiding you down onto his lap, your legs fitting together with his like puzzle pieces as you straddle one of his muscular thighs.
"my smart girl, working so hard, but she can't even put some pants on." he quips, hooking his finger into the side of your panties, then quickly letting go and snapping them back onto your skin.
you place your hands on his shoulders, looking down at him. your brows are knitted together, a remnant of the constant stressed expression you’ve had for hours on end. even his carefree demeanor can't calm you down right now.
he reaches around you, sliding your hair tie off and letting your hair fall down your back. your scalp immediately feels lighter, the pressure lifted away immediately after having it twisted into a bun all day.
“just relax.” he murmurs.
“can’t.” you reply. “m’not prepared.”
“baby,” he laughs in disbelief. “you are. i’ve been watching you study the entire day. i don’t know how you couldn’t be ready." his fingers slip underneath your t-shirt, holding you firmly as he brushes his thumbs across your abdomen.
"everything's getting me frustrated," you say, leaning into him and allowing yourself to let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. the tips of his fingers trace delicate patterns across your lower back as you wrap your arms around his neck and place your head on his shoulder. "i'm worried i won't be able to focus."
"let me help, sweetheart." he whispers against the fabric of your shirt.
"how would you even- oh,"
he doesn't give any time for you to finish your question before he shifts his leg underneath you, the material of his shorts pressing against your thinly covered clit in the best way possible.
"please," he says, looking up at you, your face contorted with shock and pleasure from the fact that one simple movement made your brain go all fuzzy. "let me help you get out all that anger."
you meet his eyes, your lips parted. "hamzah, i dont have time."
"shh," he hushes you with another movement of his thigh, that same wave of satisfaction washing over you. "you do, baby. you have time. i'll take care of you."
his eyes are genuine, his words are honest. and the muscles in his thigh flexing under your core are so fucking tempting.
in a matter of seconds, you lose restraint and your lips are on his. you start rolling your hips back and forth across his leg, his hands pushing you down onto him, forcing more contact. the friction is downright euphoric, all your worries melting away.
"good girl, use it. get yourself off."
even the smallest hint of praise to leave his lips is enough to make you moan like crazy. your panties start to become absolutely soaked, and you know he can feel it too.
"hamzah," his name is the only word you can force out, and it sounds like a fucking prayer. your head tips back, your chest heaving as you buck your hips desperately.
he admires you as you come undone on top of him, his hands exploring under your shirt like he's mapping every inch of your body.
"s'fucking pretty." he holds the fabric out of the way, pressing a kiss to your ribcage just below your bra. "ride it, angel. wanna make you all better."
you grab fistfuls of his shirt, your pleasured cries growing louder and louder in his ear.
"yeah, baby, i know. let it out, beautiful." he smacks your ass. "fucking finish on me, dirty girl."
a stray tear slides down your cheek, not from frustration - from overwhelming relief as you inch closer to your breaking point.
hamzah notices your movements becoming erratic, your moans getting breathier.
grabbing your chin, he tilts your head down towards him and presses his thumb into your bottom lip. "look at me," he instructs. "wanna see that fuckin' face when you make a mess out of yourself."
"mmh," you hum. "feels so good, hamzah."
"yeah, sweetheart?" he tucks a few stray hairs behind your ear, his eyes carefully tracking all your movements as you lose control. "love watching you like this." he breathes out. "beautiful."
"mhm, mhm, i'm close," as a last act before you finally snap, you cling onto his curls and tug, earning a deep groan out of him. "fuck, fuck!"
your orgasm rips through your entire body, making you tremble and writhe on top of him, your warm release dripping out of you and soaking through your panties onto his shorts.
hamzah's jaw is dropped in utter disbelief, like he just got all the wind knocked out of him. "jesus christ," his pupils are blown up almost completely, making his eyes appear black.
you collapse onto his chest, shuddering and gasping as you try to control yourself. he rubs your back comfortingly, both of you seeming to be in a state of shock.
"you're.." he tries to speak, but can't seem to find the right words to describe what just happened. "you're okay? that help at all?" he presses lazy kisses to your neck and jaw, feeling your skin radiate heat.
you swallow hard. "think so."
"good, baby." he says, and you can practically hear the grin he has on his face. he's not gonna admit it, but you know he just got an insane ego boost from making you cum all over his leg.
"you gonna pass that test now?"
p.s this is a little short oops but i got better ideas yall dont even know
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HII!! Its my first time requesting here!! But i have thought about this idea just a minute ago while daydreaming
So, mc was back in the human world and basically, lucifer or satan was forced to get married to maddi. And when mc came back it was the wedding day, and mc was so surprised, scared, angry qbout the news she heard and she feels betrayed so she immediately went to confront him about it and yeah. Idk how will this go but you can decide the ending!!! Thank you so much and have a good day/night/afternoon when u are reading this
Lucifer would not put such a responsibility on any of his brother's shoulders. While conversations of the Wedding Day come about, and your visage dances around his mind, his decision remains the same. "It's gonna break their heart, you know?" Asmodeus, might not be the person responsible for your upcoming heartbreak, but the thought of your sorrows gut him all the same. "Is there really no way out of this?" There's not. Had there been he would have made it so. But it looks like everyone's hands are tied in the situation.
"What would you have me do?"
"Do what you always do and figure it out!" There was nothing left to figure. The ceremony is in a week. Supposedly, The Great Witch has invited all of the guest, picked the venue, and her dress. He'd already been measured for his suit. You already knew, not that he told any of the others. He had gone to the Human World himself to inform you, it was the right thing to do.
You'd been furious. Tears streamed down your face, as you continued to ask how he could do this? His response of that he had to, did not console you, it instead made you all the more irate, sentencing to leave and wishing him a happy life. His only regret, was that in that moment, he could do nothing to soothe you. That after all the times you'd brought him comfort and joy; he brought you misery without any means of alleviating the pain.
The night before, Lucifer dreams of you. Dreams of your smile, of your humour, of the precious memories that he'll keep with him for centuries down the road. Only to awaken with a start upon watching it crumble. The image of you crying and asking how he could do this to you, haunt him right up to the altar as he stands awaiting for it all to end.
"Should anyone wish to object, speak now or forever hold your peace." It's like something out of those movies you'd used to sit and watch with Asmo, the doors slam open, followed by your angry shouting.
"I object! I seriously object!" Lucifer takes a good minute to get over the shock of seeing you.
"How did you get here?" When a certain white-haired demon, who had been missing for a suspicious amount of time, stumbles in behind you, Lucifer can't even prevent his name from falling out of his mouth. "Mammooooon!" Mammon, just hides himself behind you.
"It doesn't matter. You can't stop this, it's for the betterment of the Devildom after all." Maddi, isn't bothered by your interruption, merely shrugging at your presence.
"What if he's already my husband?" The whole room turns to you, Lucifer quirks a brow, surely you don't think your lie is going to convince an entire room of nobles? Especially while, Diavolo sits in the front row, who would have known straight away if this was the case.
"Excuse me?" Maddi now seems to be very irked.
"You heard me, we're already married!" He's got no clue where your confidence is coming from, or how you even concocted this whole idea, but he wants to laugh. "You'd really break the first ever human-demon marriage for something that's been done time and time again?"
"And why was no one of aware of this?" Lucifer thinks your lie has come to an end, especially from how shrink ever so slightly at her questioning.
"You'll have to forgive me Maddi, but I requested the pair to keep it a secret." Only for Diavolo to chime in. "In fact everyone will have to forgive me, because I can't allow for this ceremony to continue, especially given the importance for the Devildom's future that these two remain together." The room break out into murmuring, and Maddi is outraged.
"Lord Diavolo, what about-"
"Yes that agreement, Barbatos found something most interesting about the information you presented me that I believe requires a private discussion." There's not much time for Maddi to react, while Barbatos comes up beside her dragging her through a portal.
The events that follow are almost a blur, until it's just Lucifer, Mammon, Diavolo and yourself in the room. Diavolo lets out a loud laugh, turning to you with a signature grin. "I must say, you're always full of surprises! I had a feeling you were going to appear, but I didn't think you'd be bold enough to tell an outright lie in a room full of Demon Nobles."
"What can I say it's part of my charm." You match his grin with one of your own, something that amuses the prince even further.
"Indeed." Lucifer chimes in almost immediately, and the two of you exchange a wordless glance. There's several words that linger on both of your tongues, eagerly awaiting to be said. But as you both stare at each other neither of you are entirely sure where to even begin.
"...so you guys aren't actually married, right?" Mammon does not help. Neither does Diavolo as his laughter starts up again.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 days
frustrating levels of discourse continue happening on twt ugh https://x.com/lara_e_brown/status/1839303817256645101
Lol yeah, I've honestly just given up on reading takes like that because once you've seen one, you've seen 'em all.
It's an extremely shallow reading, using things like "pale", which you can in fact be while having a darker complexion, with both examples relating less to a physical appearance and more to his aspect in the moment (his face is "white" because he's scared; he's "pale and effeminate" because he's in a wan and weakened state). And I say "both" because you tend to come up with faaaar fewer examples of the text relating Heathcliff as pale than... not.
I also find it funny that this user uses Heathcliff marrying Isabella as an example of why he MUST be white, when Heathcliff and Isabella literally run away together because nobody wants them to be together, PARTICULARLY her brother, and this rips the Linton family asunder. Almost as if.......... it was............... breaking a taboo......................
Like, yeah! 18th century Yorkshire wouldn't have accepted that marriage. And if there's one thing we know about Heathcliff—if it's not accepted, he's not gonna do it.
One of the entire points of his character is that he lives against law and taboo and societal norms (while at the same time being deeply aware of the fact that his existence doesn't gel with them). In that thread, that user references the Byronic hero, with the name drawing from Lord Byron and his own literary fascinations. Byron was obsessed with taboo, lived to break them (most famously the taboo of sleeping with people of the same sex, and probably the taboo of incest as well... COME TO MY TED TALK TO DISCUSS HOW THAT COULD RELATE TO HEATHCLIFF, ALSO). One of the reasons why more recent scholarship (and I don't even mean super recent) surrounding Wuthering Heights has come to terms with the interpretation of Heathcliff as a man of color is that he does embody the taboo even more.
And obviously... some taboos (the incest one) exist for a reason. But the book also seems interested in questioning how much we really gain by treating someone (someone like Heathcliff) as other and wrong simply for existing. Again, we go into the cycle of abuse.
I also find it rather belittling of people to refer to general 18th and 19th century values when discussing how people "would have" seen Heathcliff, or interpreted the text. Because, for one thing—yeah! A lot of contemporary readers did not in fact Get It. Perhaps in part because they did have the biases that people like that user seem to believe would have prevented the author from exploring Heathcliff as a man of color.
... But if Emily Bronte thought exactly as the detractors of her novel (who condemned it as wicked and aberrant) did, she never would have written the book, I think. Who's to say, though? It's difficult for EITHER side to make leaps about what Emily knew or thought, because she is someone who didn't live very long, has been portrayed as an eccentric (and perhaps even maligned by Elizabeth Gaskell's portrayal of her) and definitely had something of an offbeat upbringing. We just don't have much directly from HER. So it's a bit rich to me to make assumptions about the kind of limited worldview she may have had on topics like race, when we really do not have a lot of definitive information about her worldview, but DO know that the book she wrote, which some theorize to be about a man of color, REALLY upset some conventional readers.
Like... why would you contextualize that book within a purely conventional reading when the entire reason why Wuthering Heights matters is that it defies convention?
I do shy away from using the word "canonical" to describe Heathcliff's race, because while I know what people mean when they say it (and I'm sure I've said it at some point) it's just a word choice that people like that user will latch on to. Like I've said before, there is no way to prove with 100% certainty Heathcliff's race either way. Which isn't to say that you have to do so to state that he's a man of color. It's just the kind of pedantic strategy people will use in threads like these.
And I'll notice, too, that she omits Nelly's line wherein she speculates that Heathcliff's mother could be Chinese or Indian. I mean, what's her take on that specificity combined with the lascar speculation? No mention of Liverpool relating to people... not... from America or Spain...?
I do worry sometimes that people see someone's major concentration (say, if someone has a BA in English or something, which for the record I don't) and go "Damn, that's end-all, be-all" A) it's not, there's more to research than getting a degree B) you could also use literal wikipedia footnotes to kickstart your own deeper dive into this, there are tons of people who've made careers discussing books like WH debating the issue C) having a degree of any level never kicks your bias.
To go back to my own degree... I knew old art historians who saw nothing gay at all in Michelangelo's work. You can know a lot about a lot, and it doesn't mean you have an open mind.
I think anyone can read WH, do some research about the era and Emily, and drawn their own conclusions. And you are just going to have to make your conclusions based on your own assessment. There is no smoking gun here, and there never will be because the smoking gun would be a living Emily Bronte willingly telling you what she meant.
And I didn't read Heathcliff as a person of color from the jump, for the record. I was thirteen when I read that book for the first time; I'm white; I picked that book in the context of it being a Great English Classic, and as far as I knew, those were all about white people. Because... that's what you were taught about WH at the time, at least where I was.
But when I was first introduced to that interpretation some time later, it was a literal "OH!" moment. Because like... yeah. There isn't a smoking gun for Dorian Gray's sexuality (and yes, we know a lot more about Oscar Wilde than we do about Emily Bronte; but the absence of knowledge of Emily's interests and attitudes doesn't mean we can assume she DIDN'T have an interest in writing Heathcliff as a person of color) but The Picture of Dorian Gray makes way more sense when you interpret his queerness for what it is. Wuthering Heights makes way more sense when you interpret Heathcliff's race for what it is.
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agentlizardofowca · 3 days
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜ //SHOT
Friday evening was telenovela evening.
"Rodrigo, that wasn't me at the ball! That was my twin sister Camilla!" The actress was beautiful. Her hair and chest bounced dramatically as she spoke. It was almost distracting enough to make you ignore her horrendous acting. Almost.
"No!" Rodrigo gasped dramatically on the TV screen. "She tricked me! Clara, I promise my heart only belongs to you!" The actor who played Rodrigo was barely wearing his shirt. Just two buttons held it ""closed"" and his shimmering pecks sparkled in the studio lights.
This was the worst TV show Perry had ever seen. He has to know what happens next.
Without looking, Perry reached to the left and grasped a handful of popcorn. He didn't even check his hand before he stuffed all of it into his mouth, his eyes were glued to the TV.
"He's going to end up with the evil twin sister, I'm sure of it," Heinz informed his soap opera buddy with full confidence. "They'll get married and everything."
Perry arched one sceptical eyebrow at his nemesis. His legs were draped over Heinz's lap, a comforting position to lean back in. But it made reaching for popcorn a little impractical. Obviously, Heinz wasn't aware enough to offer him any assistance. So, Perry had to fold himself in half every time he reached for more.
He had paused, mid lean, fist full of popcorn, to doubt Heinz's expertise.
"She's probably pregnant with his baby right now. You know they didn't just kiss in that broom closet during the gala."
Perry dumped his popcorn into his mouth so he could sign. 「But he's been faithful to Clara for three seasons.」
"Which is way too long in tv-land! They need to shake things up and the evil sister is perfect! She has all the same features as Clara, but evil! And we all know evil is sexy!"
Perry shook his head lightly.「They can't stand each other, she's going to try to kill him during the rehearsal dinner.」 He wasn't going to touch that evil is sexy remark.
"And Rodrigo is going to think it's so hot!" Heinz yes-and'd
Perry shot him a look that attempted- and succeeded in conveying: you're insane.
"No, I'm right! I'll bet you anything they're going to hate each other so much that Rodrigo forgets all about Clara. He only focuses on Camilla and they have a love-hate relationship.
「That would never work.」 Perry's hands moved with confidence, but Doof only scoffed.
"As if you don't know that enemies make the best lovers! It's true!"
Perry removed his legs from Heinz's lap to get up. Arguing with him was no use, so he was going to go to the balcony and lament the fact that Disney doesn't let him smoke.
Heinz scrambled to pause the episode and got up to follow him. He almost knocked the bowl of popcorn over, but there wasn't much left inside to spill anyway.
"You're only avoiding me because you can't handle the truth!" Heinz said and he followed his nemesis outside.
"You get back here!"
Perry had a feeling Doofenshmirtz thought he was soooo funny.
"Just accept that they're super us-coded and watch the next episode with me! Come on Perry! Cliffhangers are bad enough, but being left hanging because you need to throw a hissy fit is way worse."
Now on the balcony, Perry sighed tiredly. Up here, the air was cold enough that it escaped his mouth like a cloud of vapour. Close enough.
"I'm going to continue watching without you!" Heinz threatened, but he caught the glowering look Perry cast over his shoulder and suddenly fell silent.
When pretending to be dramatic was no longer funny, Perry returned to the couch to watch the rest of the season. Heinz wasn't entirely correct, but Rodrigo did end up kissing Camilla at the wedding, not realizing that his actual bride was tied up in the broom closet with a bomb strapped to her chest. The finale cliffhanger ended when Rodrigo learned who he had married and where his bride was.
Heinz groaned as the credits rolled. "Now I'm going to have to wait for months! Do you think she'll live, Perry?"
Perry frowned as he tried to get into the writers' heads. 「It would be so dramatic if she died.」
Doofenshmirtz flopped over and threw the last few kernels from the popcorn bowl at the screen. "This show sucks."
Perry agreed as he googled the release date for the next season.
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thefirstlioveyou · 21 hours
"i didn't want to tell you because the last time i was sick, you made me go to school anyway."
this is a subtle indicator that mike's emotional and physical needs can go ignored. although yes he's lying about being sick in this scene, the fact he saw that as an excuse his mom would buy shows you this may be insight on how he actually feels. he doesn't say things because he knows what will be said, and it's never helpful. it explains why he bottles up his emotions and hides them throughout the rest of the show. and the times he does open up, he's reminded of why he didn't want to in the first place. (and actually, the only person he can tell things without being rejected has been will)
let's explore more instances like this.
"i've been bullied my entire life, i understand."
"no you don't."
i get it. i don't hold this against el by any means. but it DOES still carry the theme of mike's issues being ignored. although it's not the POINT of the scene, it's still there. you can put down your pitchforks now.
this boy has been threatened to jump off a cliff and ultimately kill himself, physically bullied, verbally bullied, socially rejected. that had to have stung to hear her say that.
mike hasn't had a proper scene of how he feels about the bullying he's experienced all his life. the moment he does bring it up, it's denied.
"these [toys] have emotional value to me."
"don't care. throw it away. also why are you suddenly so rebellious recently? why are your grades lacking? actually, i don't care why. i won't actually bother to ask. just stop doing that."
"i know your dnd club is tonight -"
"why don't you just call it the club for high school dropouts?"
karen not remembering the name to the club is an indication that mike probably doesn't bring the club up or his interests with his parents much. makes sense. they've made it explicitly clear they don't care about the emotional value his interests have to him. and ted's comment directly after yet again reminds him why he never brings it up in the first place.
"i want you feel like you can talk to me. i'm here for you."
"no more secrets. from now on we tell each other everything."
such sweet support right? now.. where are they? karen has made no effort to understand mike the way she has for nancy. and although what nancy said is technically something that goes two ways, she's the one that initiated that promise.
i still understand why she and karen are this way to him, and i don't hold it against them! mike is just as emotionally distant to nancy. the wheelers are a very complex family and i can't wait for them to be dissected like bugs in s5.
and as i'm typing this, i realize all this makes the subtext in the junkyard make even more sense.
"sometimes it's hard to say what you really feel, especially to the people you care about the most, because what if they don't like the truth?"
anytime mike tells someone what he really feels or thinks, it's been denied, rejected or undermined. it scares him even more that this truth has to do with his sexuality. it puts him at more risk. he's seen how people treat gay people, how brutal they can be. he's internalized all of it despite it not being targeted towards him. it pushes him further into the closet and denial.
if his parents can't even see him more than a rebellious kid with failing grades that is in a "club for high school dropouts," what makes him believe they would accept him for being gay?
if his sister and mom truly are there for him, they truly care, then why didn't they mean what they said? where are they?
obviously, they do. but in mike's perspective, what else is he meant to think from this? what conclusion should he draw? my mom and sister just told me they'll be here for me and we'll be closer, just for them to act otherwise, just for us to be even farther apart. what the hell?
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respectthepetty · 1 day
Pride Petty Watch (SOTUS) 4.5/5
I'm almost done watching my second blacklisted shows (Love in the Air and The Untamed are the others), but what was only supposed to be a five part rewatch for my former sworn enemy SOTUS has magically turned into six because the last half of this show is AMAZING! I suffered through four other parts to be here in this glorious moment (first, second, third, fourth), so what was supposed to be the fifth and final part is now two parts since I'm saving the finale for its own post.
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I'm so fucking hype! LET'S GO!
The picture on Arthits vanity is of The Beatles and their song "HELP!" but I feel that image is speaking directly to me and Arthit because this queer crisis is hurting us both, and I need this boy to kiss another boy RIGHT NOW!
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She dated Bright?! BRIGHT?! You know what? It makes sense. I would've done it to.
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This awkward tension at the wedding is fucking delicious. Can't even stand next to each other without making it everyone's problem.
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The fact that I forgot everything about this show even though this second half is doing everything I love is very telling of the fallout of the Krist bullshit. I'm not elaborating on that drama because if you know, you know, and if you try to gaslight me saying it never happened or try to defend him in retrospect, you can miss me with that bullshit, but in a way, I'm glad I forgot this show because I'm sitting here in 2024 losing my shit over Arthit grabbing Kong to stop him from walking away.
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And making small talk about colors to keep Kong standing there because Arthit just needs Kong near him but can't sort his feelings out long enough to understand why he needs him. This is my special brand of drug.
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And this is why confessions change things. Arthit can't just be nice to Kong anymore because it will give Kong hope. They can't be like before. Arthit can't have a friend because Kong doesn't want to be just friends. I am seated, sat, and sitted for this pink moment!
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AND NOW WE ARE GETTING THE BRIDGE SCENE! Arthit is saying how awful he is and can't understand why Kong would like him, but baby, he likes you BECAUSE YOU ARE AWFUL! He likes that you yell at him. He likes that you push him around. He likes that you drink pink milk. HE LIKES YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE YOU!
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Can he accept you?! Kong is the smartest boy in his class and possibly the school, and he wants to fuck you so badly that he looks stupid! So can he accept you?! BITCH, ALL HE WANTS IS YOU! HE IS LIVING AND BREATHING FOR YOU! HE DOES NOT EXIST IF YOU AREN'T TELLING HIM TO EXIST! KISS HIM ALREADY!
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That Krist fallout involving kisses is popping back up to attack me and the show is trying to sell this kiss as something big with this background music (MUTE!), but I'm going to give it a pass because, in this moment, it works. Kong is surprised. The kiss is quick. Arthit is still reserved. I can work with this kiss under these conditions.
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This entire sequence is saving the kiss moment. Kong is a puppy trying to play, and Arthit is not having it. My GIF is shitty, but the dynamic is elite!
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And now Kong is fully embracing his BDE, and everyone in their friend group should know what's up because if I can feel the tension from my screen eight years later, they had to have felt the shift in the air in that hallway.
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Kong drinking pink milk. Arthit trying iced coffee. Kong giving Arthit his heart. AND NOW ARTHIT IS GIVING HIS HEART TO KONG. My hair is shining. My skin is glowing. My immune system is thriving!
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Yes, he did! It's their kink and they are embracing it. LET THEM LIVE!
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Homophobe-to-homo Arthit understood this eight years ago, and some of y'all are still struggling with this today. Sorry I didn't recognize your evolution, King.
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Singto and these damn eyes of his! This man can act, and I feel bad for his acting partners because they look weak in comparison to him, which is why He's Coming to Me is my number one Thai BL. Ohm and Singto were breaking my heart with just one glance, and here in this moment, Singto is telling me that Kong felt that icy shift from Arthit when he mentioned kids. The United States had barely implemented marriage equality the year before this, and now I'm in my feels all because Singto can fucking act.
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And now that string bracelet is right there between them with Arthit saying Kong could take it off because IT'S DIRTY (break their bond because it's something bad), and Kong saying Arthit was the one who tied it (brought them together), and I NEED A DRINK BECAUSE I'M IN MY FEELINGS over eyes, marriage equality, and string bracelets.
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I know I just wrote Singto can act, which implies Krist can't (and it's partially true and why I dislike him - I wrote what I wrote!), but Krist acting out Arthit's uncomfortableness when Prae sees them together is sitting in my throat in a way that makes me want to explode. He keeps shuffling back, crossing his arms, and looking away, until Prae asks if they came together, and even though Kong just said they were on a date, and even though Arthit was so happy about that, he immediately says NO and that they just randomly bumped into each other, and every queer in the audience is ready to breakdown over the trauma of our youth.
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This episode is beating my ass on a Sunday while I was just trying to enjoy my tea. The barrier between them during this meal. The stunted conversation. All of it hurts, but what gets me the most is Arthit didn't switch his meal with Kong's. He didn't berate Kong for his 'baby food' choices. If Kong wasn't in pain before, he is definitely in it now because if there is one thing that Kong needs in this moment is reassurance that Arthit cares about him even if it's through punishment, yet Arthit is giving him nothing. Poor little masochist is really going through it at this table.
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The way Arthit yelled at Kong to not touch him! This is so good. The second half of this show did not need to go so hard especially after that lackluster first half, yet here it is, giving me everything and more.
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ARTHIT IS IN PINK! He is pink and telling his best friend that he likes a guy but doesn't want to ruin that guy's life because Kong is smart and handsome and could be with anybody, but Knot said what every BL boy needs to be reminded of is that Kong wouldn't be happy with anyone else but Arthit. Arthit cannot sacrifice himself when that would make neither of them happy. Arthit is exactly what Kong needs. Now go punish him so he knows you care.
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Unlike Bright's casual use of "fag," this "queerbag" feels right. It's from one queer to another and it shows me that Arthit has accepted himself as a queer. Am I getting emotional over a man screaming "queerbag"? Yes.
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Kong wrote Arthit a love letter where he states that he is disobedient, self-absorbed, and teases Arthit to the point that it stresses Arthit out, but only Arthit makes him happy, and the kink is staring me directly in my eyes. It is breathing down my neck. It is reaching into my soul. It is touching the deepest part of my heart, and I am in love with this!
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The face that Kong (Singto) made when Arthit untied the string was the perfect way to punish this disobedient boy because two seconds later Arthit replaced it with matching bracelets and declared them as boyfriends in front of all his friends and God, and that's how you treat a masochist. That's the thrill you gotta give them. It's pain then pleasure.
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I love it so much that I'm excusing Kong's "I don't like men" because it feels right that he doesn't like men, only Arthit. Once again, watching this from a kinky lens has changed the way I view this plot. Before, I saw it as a BL and this felt like a cop-out, but now it makes sense that he doesn't like anyone. He only likes the one person who reprimands him and rewards him.
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He is a dog, and I mean that with all the affection in my entire body.
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Much better kiss. The first kiss was a test. The second kiss was a promise.
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The smile after the kiss and the way Arthit scrunches up his body to be smaller because he is shy. My heart is exploding. I'm dying. I'm dead. I've died. Deceased.
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I did not remember that Arthit spoke to Kong when he was applying to schools and convinced him to stick with engineering. This is so Thai BL of them, but I have no energy to complain about it because Arthit finding his home and queerness in a safe place and giving that to Kong is what I'm taking away from this.
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Now to the finale and my final thoughts.
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zaynes-nieve · 6 hours
Spoilers for all of Thorns Under the Moon
Back into Aether core lore. Let's go!!!
We got some new hunter models
Bruhhhh, even Carter's model looks slimy 😭
Zayne did not want me to take those flowers lmfao. Not that I would. Who tries to poach people's patients wtf
Yeahh we already know Carter is batshit insane.
This entire scenario is a little too much like Finding Tobias 😭
Greyson showing us the videos of the hospital and this dimensional Wanderer is making so obvious we about to isekaied into DawnBreaker world bruh.
I'm tried of people playing god with these protocores especially cause Astra is an asshole 😭
Yooo Zayne and Greyson in scrubs???? My man is great with his hands lmfaoo. No but fr really good surgeon ten out of ten, no one is better than my boy Zayne.
God damn these metafluxes wtffff. Where tf is this Wanderer.
Not the Wanderer taking out a sandwich. What do you mean he woke up???? Ain't no way he is awake already. Wtf is Xander Sciences doing???
This man is raving mad. Wtf is the dawn breaker world. Is it an alternative universe? A spliting timeline? In the future? In the past? Now yall telling me it's a protocore dream?
Oh shit we finally fighting this Wanderer? Or we getting....yup we got isekaied now the question is...
Dude is that Zayne or Zayne.
Cause he is wearing the Dawnbreaker fit. I think he is straight up lying to my face rn. He is trying to pretend that he is our Zayne. Or is it our Zayne stuck in Dawn Breaker. Or are we not even in Dawn Breaker world just Zaynes dream.
Bruh this dreamception is too big brain for me at 8 am in the morning.
This is definitely Dawn Breakers house. It's got those weird energy drinks. But Our Zayne could have easily seen this just like Dawn Breaker could see our Zaynes life. Idk anymore.
Lying about the chocolate is crazy work. Not carrot flavored 🥕🍫
I'm like 85% certain this is Dawn Breaker. He is just slightly enough different to be not our Zayne at least fully. But the dark ice and light ice is confusing me again. Are they merged in this one? Cause William is our Zayne, but George and his mother is Dawn Breaker
Also this resonance isn't it. To me it doesn't look like it's working very well. Especially when It looks like we got knocked out cause of it. Also he is taking the ice from us. So is it like an Astra thing or when we do that resonance to take the ice from Zayne we end up taking it for ourselves?
Also, I haven't fought with a non-exclusive companion in so long. Seeing the Dawnbreaker fighting set is crazy again XD. Just make him an exclusive set, too, with the myth story I beg 🙏🏾
It's implied that we know that that wasn't our Zayne. So I guess that was Dawn Breaker. It isn't the first time that they've made reference to the fact that we can recognize Dawn Breaker as separate from our Dr.Zayne either. But Zayne was also sucked into the protofield, too.
Zayne needs his rest. I hope he won't have anymore nightmares 😔
Ain't no way that Wanderer was summoned by that fucking tool, are you kidding me??? Bruh when I get my hands on Carter, Xander Scicnes and fuckign Ever. I swear I'm pulling up with a demolition squad.
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ranpazz · 1 day
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𝖱𝖺𝗇𝗉𝗈 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌 ✦ 𝖲𝖥𝖶!𝖵𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇
Boyfriend!Ranpo is the type of boyfriend who will definitely whine, pout, and throw a tantrum if you don't give him what he wants.
Boyfriend!Ranpo who will take any chance to use the fact he's the world's greatest detective, or that he completed a case so you can praise him. (plz praise him he deserves it)
Boyfriend!Ranpo will not hesitate to kiss the sugar on your lips after you eat something sweet. It's not his fault they taste so sweet! "C'mon, one more kiss? Pleaseeee?"
Boyfriend!Ranpo definitely needs to be reminded to eat regular food. The last time he had a proper meal is literally unknown. Although he'll pout and complain how he doesn't need real food because he's the greatest detective, but with enough persuasion – and a promise of candy and a kiss later – he'll eat whatever you made/brought him.
Boyfriend!Ranpo is the type to randomly hop on your back or into your arms and demand to be carried. He's like the Disney princesses who get picked up and spun around. If you refuse, be prepared for an entire day of whiney and pouty Ranpo.
Boyfriend!Ranpo who refuses to go to sleep without a goodnight kiss. Poor baby can't sleep without it. "I can't sleep without your kiss. Just one. That's all I want."
Boyfriend!Ranpo who's the living embodiment of a koala. He definitely clings to you no matter the situation. Oh you're working on a case? He's in your lap. You want to take a nap? He's on top of you with his arms around you, and he's not letting go. You're baking something? He's already behind you with his arms around your waist waiting to lick the spoon.
Boyfriend!Ranpo who can read you like a damn book. Don't think you can get away feeling some type of way around him – he will figure it out.
Boyfriend!Ranpo pinches your cheeks to get your attention. If you're zoning out, he'll poke you or pinch your nose.
Boyfriend!Ranpo despises when you come back from a mission injured. At first, he'll claim that if it were him, they never would've touch him. But once he realizes that he could've lost you, he clings to you more than before.
Boyfriend!Ranpo who, even though doesn't share his candy, will leave a piece for you when you're about to leave for a mission. It's his good luck charm to you.
Boyfriend!Ranpo loves making you ask for something even though he knows exactly what you want. This man is just as much of a tease as Dazai, if not more.
Boyfriend!Ranpo who will not hesitate to search up the entire encyclopedia and concrete facts when you somehow manage to prove him wrong.
Boyfriend!Ranpo who holds your hand on the train so he doesn't get lost – he says it's for your sake but we all know better –
Boyfriend!Ranpo who will point out every minor detail in a horror movie. He definitely complain how the mc does the dumbest things. "How does she trip? There's nothing to trip on-" "If that were me, I'd survive easily."
Boyfriend!Ranpo will rant to you about his cases, or even how the police should've called for him instead of trying to work it out themselves.
Boyfriend!Ranpo who's definitely a sucker for your touch. He'll do anything to have your fingers gently raking across his scalp.
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jolyne-best-jojo · 2 days
After sleeping on the JJK ending l honestly still can't believe GeGe made a character as good as Gojo and then fucked up the ending that bad.
You create this really fun and interesting character who's goofy but cares a lot about his students like making them play a sport instead of individual battles after an attack on the school. A guy who wants to create a better world but doesn't hesitate to send his students into dangerous shit in hopes of letting them grow and become strong to help create that better world and someone so selfless that he prioritising saving lives over taking out the villains which directly leads to him being captured and when he's freed he actively asks what happened to the people he was protecting.
When Gojo comes back from being trapped and instead of giving him some character development with the entire month there was before the Sukuna fight GeGe basically just skips straight to it. Like wtf? I want to know how Gojo feels about how him holding back his domain led to the death of one of his students, the traumatisation of another, a third getting burned severely, a fourth losing their arm and a fifth losing their body to Sukuna alongside one of his friends dying. How does he feel about Maki reaching her potential and reaching Toji, the man who beat Gojo so bad at 16 that he was forced to learn reverse techniques, level? What about Kashimo? Both he and Gojo are the strongest of their eras yet the pair never talk about how it feels to be the strongest. And then instead of this we just skip to the big fight which ends with Gojo getting killed off-screen and then being insulted by his friends. Like wtf was up with Nanami saying Gojo didn't care about protecting people or continuing sorcery and cared more about fighting? Because that just isn't what you read in the text of the show when he promises Megumi he'll try to save Yuji's life after being asked, monologuing about wanting to train stronger sorcerers to restart the shitty world of Jujutsu society and holding back his domain to 0.2 seconds to save innocents in the subway leading to his trapping.
And that's not mentioning GeGe having Gojo hype up Sukuna as being super strong and how he might have lost even if Sukuna didn't Megumi's technique instead of, idk, caring about the fact his students are now gonna have to face Sukuna? I've seen some people try to claim that him mentioning how he's taken care of Megumi finding out about his dad even if Gojo himself dies but that offhand comment isn't really enough for me, he doesn't give a single thought to Yuta, Yuji or Maki as the three have to face the strongest sorcerer there is when it'd be interesting to see what he thinks of them at the end of everything.
And then there's the bait, holy shit, what was the point of Yujo? You have Yuta defile Gojo's body by putting his own brain into it, have him fight Sukuna, land Gojo's ultimate move, have it do basically no fucking damage because Yuta's inexperienced (just firing a red at a blue to make an impromptu purple was enough to take out Sukuna's arm and that was the first time Gojo ever tried that), then he just falls down because his body control technique is burnt out from using domain expansion and after that they set up Kenjaku having had a way to not have to deal with this problem and never mention Yuta again until the fight's over. What a stellar display of capitalism using characters popularity to make money while giving no respect to the character Yujo is.
And then Gojo isn't mentioned again until two letters given to Megumi and Nobara which gives basically no development to their relationships with Gojo, especially Nobara given her letter is about some new detail we didn't know about her (no relationship with her mum) and then she just rips the letter up. And then at the very last chapter we get a conversation flashback between Gojo and Yuji about how Gojo thinks one day his students will forget him and Yuji tells him he'd never forget Gojo with Gojo replying "Haven't we had enough Gojo Saturo" no GeGe, we haven't, because you haven't given him a proper arc.
Gojo's arc is about the question of "is he the strongest because he's Gojo Saturo or is the Gojo Saturo because he's the strongest" a question some people think is about whether his skill is what made him the strongest or if it was just the powers he got at birth. But what it's really about is is being the strongest just one part of Gojo or is Gojo just the strongest. And this is never really properly addressed, the only way it really is points towards Gojo just being the strongest because that's what is said about him by his students, another school's student and one of his colleagues that he's the strongest, after he dies fighting Sukuna his corpse is used as a means to keep fighting Sukuna and no one ever really honours all Gojo's done for them. Meanwhile Sukuna gets to have this whole conclusion where he decides that him losing means his ideals were wrong and that in the next life he'd follow a different path. Some people have tried to say this is fair as Sukuna's the main villain and Gojo's a side character but Gojo isn't just a side character, he's JJK's most popular character, some of the main JJK memes involve him (Nah, I'd Win, Throughout Heaven and Earth I alone am the honoured one) and he's basically the face of the show given sales dropped after his death and it just sucks so much to see such a good character not get a proper conclusion.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 days
Could I request
Surfing, sand and waves with JD Dempsey please?
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @burningpeachpuppy @luckyladycreator2 @toheavenwmydrms @gatefleet
Companion piece to:
One Night - You and JD spend the night together.
Key To Her Heart - JD has to to sell you to make his case.
A Good Thing (NSFW) - JD doesn't want you to ruin a good thing.
Peppermint (NSFW) - JD isn't ready to let you go just yet.
Stormy Night - You turn up at JD's door in the middle of the night.
You & Me - After the death of your ex, your relationship with JD is brought to light.
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You’re on the water when JD gets to the beach, your surfboard cresting across the water as you chase the waves. He watches from the shore, his feet sinking into the sand as he shields his eyes from the sun glinting off the ocean. You’re beautiful out there, practically poetry in motion and JD, he just can’t take his eyes off you.
He’s still waiting for you when you eventually set foot back on dry land, your wet hair falling across your features as you carry your board. He can’t tell if you’re happy to see him or not, the two of you haven’t spoken since he discovered you’d handed in your badge.
When the case with your ex was being investigated you’d both been placed on leave due to the nature of your on again/off again relationship. That also meant no contact. After they’d arrested the suspect, JD had returned to work find your desk vacant and your name plate missing.
“She’s gone.” Mackie had told him. “She resigned a couple of days ago.”
He knows it’s because of the videos, the fact everyone who work with now knows how you like to get fucked. Blue still can’t look him in the face without blushing.
He’s tried texting you, calling but you don’t pick up. When he drives past your house the car is never in the driveway, which leaves the only other place he knows you’ll be at six in the morning. The beach where he taught you to surf.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He says as you stand the board up in the sand and begin to wring the water from your hair.
“I thought a clean break would do us both some good.” You tell him as you shake out the remaining droplets.
“Is that what you want?” He asks you as he picks up your board and begins to carry it to your car. “A clean break?”
The dampness soaks through his shirt but he doesn’t care, all he cares about is your answer because he’s just as in love with you as he’s always been.
“We don’t have the same obstacles we did when we first started.” You tell him as you reach your Jeep and he props the board up against the car before he gives you his entire attention. “You’re not married anymore and I’m not in your chain of command. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if we’d started it right…”
“We could start it right.” JD says, his fingertips tucking an errant strand of hair back behind your ear. “You could let me take you out and we can figure out who we are without the drama.”
“Alright.” You say, with that pretty smile of yours, the one that lights up his entire world. “Let’s start with breakfast.”
Love JD? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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stormblessed-s · 2 days
Alright, so let’s talk about the season 2 finale. I have two main points I'd like to talk about.
First one: Dean's sacrifice to get Sam back.
I knew it was coming, so this time around I could pay more attention to details during the whole season. We could see something like that was building up since John's death.
Dean never accepted John's sacrifice, not really. Knowing that his father made a deal with the very demon they had spent their lives hunting down, and knowing he did that to bring Dean back to life, broke him. It became quite clear that he felt undeserving of it. Most episodes this season we can feel Dean's anger and self-loathing, and all this goes back to John's sacrifice; Dean really believes he should have died that night and stayed dead.
His behavior gets erratic, he's always on edge. Dean's always been more of an action kind of guy, but he gets more reckless as episodes go by. In his mind, he shouldn't be alive anymore, so he doesn't care much about what could happen to him.
And then we get to episode 21 and Sam dies. That’s when Dean reaches his breaking point. He had already lost his father; he was not willing to lose his brother too. So he does what he had been entertaining on doing since “Crossroad Blues”; he summons a demon and makes a deal to get Sam back, in exchange for his own soul.
I’m not gonna lie, when I watched this the first time, I thought Dean was kind of a hypocrite, because he resented John for his decision, but ended up taking the same path when faced with similar circumstances. Rewatching it now, I don’t think my first assessment was actually wrong, but there’s more to Dean’s motivations than just selfishness.
John had given him a mission; he had to keep Sam safe and find a way to save him, but Dean failed. And in failing, he also lost the only thing he had left in the world; his brother. And when we take into consideration that Dean truly believed he shouldn’t be alive anymore, along with his tendency to do anything within his reach to protect his family... Well, maybe it was kinda selfish and hypocritical of him, but it was so in character as well. There was nothing Dean wouldn't do to protect his brother, and he proved that when he accepted that deal.
(Also, I don't think Dean would have the strength to keep going and living his life without Sam, at least not at that point. He had just lost his father, there was no way he would be able to move on from these traumas by himself. Dean is a lot of things, but he's not the best when it comes to dealing with his grief.)
And then we get to my second point: Sam.
I don't even have enough words to describe how much this boy broke my heart this season.
After the death of their father, he was forced to watch, powerless, his big brother spiraling into something he had never seen before. It was so sad how he tried to do his best to help Dean, just for Dean to shut down every one of his attempts. And the way Jared played everything was just great; I suffered with him the entire time, could almost feel Sam’s pain as if my own. And for me, who’s never been much of a Sam fan, it was kinda surprising how empathetic I ended up being with his struggles.
Then, Sam died, and everything went to shit. And now I’m here, getting all emotional because Sam has to deal with the fact that his big brother is going to die in a year and again he has no idea what he can do to help him. (Yeah, we all know Dean’s gonna be back, but Sam doesn’t know that at that point, so I’m going along with it and allowing myself to feel sorry for him.)
The satisfaction I felt when they killed the yellow-eyed demon doesn’t compare to the emotional trauma this show causes… there’s so much angst, dear lord. But even though they break my heart, I still love this show a lot so… I regret nothing.
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