#i kinda mixed both of her designs together LOL
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bmpmp3 · 8 months ago
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lara-cairncross · 12 days ago
Yo! You're art is awesome! (and great fandom choices (genuinely, love rottmnt and sonic)). The little marks you do on the sonic characters I.E. sonic with freckles, yellow bands on knuckles' hair(?), are so cute, they give your art such flavour. I'm super curious about the Shadow tear stain ish streaks on his cheeks, were they just like, they look cool or angsty reasons? (love it either way.)
thank you sm babes!! always happy to find more sonic and rise fans :DD
AHHHHH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM SOMEBODY MENTIONED SHADOW'S TEAR TRACKS!!! i've been wanting to talk about them!!! honestly, they're kind of a mix of both reasons? like in general i just cant resist adding extra little details to all the designs lol, but his tear tracks are fun because they only appeared after Maria's death :]
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i had this thought of like-- despite all the experimentation and testing and training, the first time Shadow ever cried was when his sister died. and idk they just kinda showed up. symbolic of his grief ??? listen i never said i had a GOOD reason for them to be there im just having fun LMAO
the other markings/the antennae didn't show up immediately after her death, but instead after his time in stasis! general idea is that his body got jolted into fight-or-flight mode so quickly after being released that some of his Black Doom biology presented itself or smth
I'm glad you like all the other little details too! they're so fun to add lmao i kinda just went ham. like yeah it makes things take slightly longer to draw but its FUN!!! sonic's freckles specifically are meant to match up with Tom's freckles, cuz i love the idea of the two of them spending tons of time outside together and getting sunburnt! father-son bonding yuh
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daka-d3monb0y · 4 days ago
Monty Designs!! :D
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Rambling and alternate designs below
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I tried to make them very genderfluid feeling. Mixed the male and female designs together ya know. I'm not the biggest fan of jumping between the models so I wanted one that does both, might change that later idk.
Uh canon reason why the model looks like this hmmmmmmm I dunno xD -
Other Montys (alt outfits)
Monika [EaPS Monty]
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Molly [FFNaFs Monty]
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With the alt outfits
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And the photo shown above again:
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(sorry I changed the format I did the background in lol)
I don't like the black and black on Monika, and I tried to make Molly "cuter" with her colourful shoes but I'm not feeling that. I thought the black and purple were too much tho. But the alt designs are kinda "similar".
Please tell me in the comments or reblogs which outfits you like better! I legit need help deciding!
Here's the old versions to compare:
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Old designs had different shades
I found a way I like to do the snout [Foxy's snout is next]
New design has a longer torso, just generally different portions
Yea idk. I'm really proud of myself. I think all the new ones look great :>
(Also btw I took away that thing off Monty's chest. It's supposed to be a plate but it looks stupid and I removed it, but I'm lazy so in these screenshots it's staying)
Here's some really bad reference photos lol
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mushroom-the-trauma · 3 months ago
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I want to try and yup about those guys. I have so many thoughts about them, but it is all over the place so idk how much coherent it will be. Should I explain each design separately and then compare them or just go with a flow?
A lot of yupping and more doodles under the cut
Well, they have strange relationships as both gods of war and I tried to put some personality in their designs besides just mixing their sacred animals. Which is owl and snake for Athena and dog, snake and vulture for Ares. So, they share the title, the tail and wings(they are like a war angels lol).
Athena has a lot of forms of her stuff, like her hand armor turns into a shield, and her spear can transform into a different weaving tools, and she like a goddess of crafts and smart war(so tricks) would make other stuff to transform or just find other use for them. But Ares is straightforward and simple guy so he does not like all those transformations and tricks. His axe can turn into a shield, but he almost never uses it because he despises it and because he is god of courage and no coward to hide behind the shield. He can take a blow. He uses it in emergency to protect those he cares about more like.
Ares also has more human like face while Athena is full on owl. It kinda shows how Ares is more grounded and more close to the people, while Athena is always somewhere high untouched and doesn't understand humans and is kinda unreachable for every one. Not like the others.
Ares is also has a lot of scars and is much more rugged. His cloak and wings are tourn to shreds, while Athena is all perfect and put together. It once again shows different how Ares is grounded and Athena is walking higher above the others because she is genius and the favorite. It also shows how Ares have lost before and learned to lose while Thena have yet have to fall, but now she thinks she is untouchable and can think her way out of everything. For this reason she also wears her helmet up all the time, except the battle, because she thinks she doesn't need a protection and prefers wider vision over useless safety. But Ares wears his helmet all of the time, because he knows he is not the all powerful and all knowing, and for intimidation. I also like to think he has a bit of a complex about his face scares, and how easily he shows his emotions so he is trying to hide it(but he is no coward no).
I already touched it a few times, but even so they love each other as siblings they have a huge problem (mainly Ares) because of Athena being favorite and being seen as superior and better at everything to him. Yes, he is simple and straightforward but he is not stupid. He is just looks dumb compared to genius Athena. But he is also much closer to humans and understands them and emotions better. He knows how to use it to make them fight , to build courage and determination. Yes he is not always wins, but he knows how to lose and sometimes it is as important. He is passionate and he loves his sister, but he is bitter about her being always praised by everyone while he gets scorned for every misfortune and misdoings, or for showing his emotions.
And I maybe made Athena a bit antagonist, but it was unintentional. It is not like she realizes that, she is really bad with emotions and doesn't understand them. She doesn't care about praise and can't see why would it be a problem. She loves her little brother (yes it is my hc), but doesn't know how to show affection or why is he so irritated and mad with her. She assumed it just what they are doing, fighting and bickering, because it is what Ares likes right?
I can't remember anything else right know, I may return and add some more lately. But yeah, wanted to explain their designs but ended up just spilling angst lore
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@thereareotherwaysofpersuasion I know you saw pictures, but as a person behind my motivation what are you thought on this duo?
@please-be-nice-im-sensitive @please-be-nice-im-sensitive-2 what do you think?
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avo-gal · 2 months ago
Varigo villian au lore (pt2?? Ig?)
Soz this took longer than expected lol.
So originally I had two ways for varigo to meet but this is the one I ended up liking more.
In this au when Rapunzel frees Quirin that was sort of Varian's breaking point bc Quirin didn't survive the Amber. Quirin possibly being alive and things going back to normal was the only hope Varian had left without that he.. lost it to keep it short. Andrew tries to work his way back in and Varian practically freaks out and kills him. Whether it was intentional or not he's still not sure. But a part of him that sick twisted part enjoyed it. So now his mission is to kill all those that cross him and in doing so rise to power. Varian in this au is (for lack of a better word) very insane. He's kinda similar to jinx from arcane? Except less childish. He's like a mix between Jinx and Silco personality wise.
Hugo meanwhile is still a thief. He finds the abandoned village of old Corona and decides to raid one of the few remaining houses for any goods. That house was old and messy. The rooms were filled with blueprints, designs, lab equipment, tools, metal, etc. Hugo is fascinated with these designs and is a good engineer. that's when a raven haired boy sees him and initially freaked out and is about to kill him (which he's kinda into cause like damn). But Hugo is able to schmooze his way out of that with a good ol "I hate the rich. You hate the rich. We should kiss- I MEAN build these robots and weapons and take over the kingdom together!" Over the course of about a year (more or less) Varian and Hugo build everything and take over (it actually wasn't too hard). Hugo in this au isn't too different from his regular self. He's more energetic however and isn't afraid to get gorey. He is def a masochist in this au lol. Whilst Varian does constantly give him opportunities to have the same level of power as him Hugo never takes it. One reason is he does want the responsibility another may be that he likes being below Varian.
Over all Varigo have a sort of situationship? They'll refer to the other as their partner, boyfriend, fiance, etc. But their relationship is very toxic. I wouldn't say manipulative exactly more power hungry? Or fear fueled? They do care very deeply abt the other (since they are the only ones that care abt the other) and if U hurt one of them the other wouldn't hesitate to kill you. But they often threaten each other physically and emotionally (and not always in a playful way). Hugo on the outside seems like he's only in the relationship for the money and sex and Varian seems like he's only in it for reassurance and weaponry. But they both have common interests and are almost unstoppable when they work as a team. There are a lot of layers to both of them the closest couples I can think of to reference them to is stolitz more so in the earlier seasons and maybe Harley Quinn and the Joker? I'm not very good at explaining their relationship but they are very fun to write lol.
I haven't given Donella much thought in this au. I think after finding out Hugo has taken over Corona with Varian she tries working with them offering her men and resources.
TTS Cast (may change)
Rapunzel, Cass, Eugene and the others have a sort of rebellion in the snuggly duckling. I haven't thought too much magic hair wise but I think Raps has lost her powers by now so they have a very low chance of winning. The current state of this au is abt a year after Vat7k would have happened.
Someone asked on the last post if I plan on writing a fic for this au.
The answer is not currently no. If I did write a fic for this I would want to have more planned out and there's alot in this au I'm still not sure abt. If it got enough attention or if someone also wanted to write a fic I might do a couple's one shots just to sort of show the characters and how they act in this au. But for now I'm prob just gonna stick with occasionally posting abt it. As I said if it gets enough attention or if I come up with more for the au then I might do something big or post more often abt it.
Okay byeee U guys are amazing make sure U eat today <33
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kaylatechheart · 6 months ago
Bunny And Bliss (Reset AU)
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Flat Colored:
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This has been made for a while but I haven't gotten around finishing it until now. These are designs for Bunny and Bliss for my Reset AU. (Will provide the link below about it)
What is Reset AU? It is a PPG AU that takes place around the 2010's having the classic girls from 1998- 2005 and the reboot girls from 2016-2018 be fused together. Being in a world of perfect mix and balance of both world. (With writing being good and not shit of course lol)
It took a while to come up with Bliss's design but I liked how it turned out so far, I want her to have like a reddish brownish hair to compliment with her silver color which was inspired by the OG "perfect girl" in the "Whoopass Girls" pilot. And no NOT Bell by Bleedman.
Which funny enough she was going to have silvery white hair as well but decide against it after many others say that the reddish brown hair looks better. I tried to reflect the hair style on the "original Bliss" as well as making her hair kinda like a mix of the girls each since that is what she is supposed to be.
She has back hair as well as a small heart shaped bun tied up. (Not a cowlick mind you)
Bunny does exist in my other AUs but I wanted to do something that reflects more on her canon design this time, as well as seeing a lot more recently people drawing Bunny being stablized whilest retaining her OG form and I kinda like that .3. Though that does not change the other Bunny designs from other AUs.
Honestly I liked how it turned out so far and hope you guys enjoy this ^^
PPG Classic is owned by: Craig McCracken  PPG Reboot is owned by: Nick Jennings and Bob Boyle
Link to PPG Reset AU:
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dozyrogue · 1 year ago
I love when the children have different skin tones or little things about them that make them rally unique
richas - being darkskin an afro AND the prosthetic leg I've also seen where parts of his afro are diyed and he has his siblings sign his jersey
Pomme - wearing a hijab is amazing, ive also seen her with this cool Joan of arc type design muah!! Now imagine them both together. My favorite little knight
ramon - with locs and have to agree that's canon, and he insisted on retwisting them himself. His outfits that r very steampunk
Dapper - looking like a straight demon just like his dad lol
sunny - vitaligo, BLACK GIRL SUNNY, braids or locks and bif feather boa because so true, sunny with white hair, her dramatic outfits, SUNNY IN STEAMPUNK OUTFITS MUAHMUAHMUAH
empanada - with vitaligo her hair is a mix of all her moms she kinda looks like a calico cat. HAVING TEXTURED HAIR, the lolita dress
TALLULAH - AND HER HEARING AIDS, YOULL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS, or where she has thick textured hair
Pepito - Black albinism!!!!
Leo - being visably brown, it may not seem like much but it means everything to me
Bobby - with busted teeth and bruises all the time because hes chaos in a mortal body, I've also seen him visibly brown as well, hes also covered in paint
Flippa - the hearts on her shirt changing depending on the lives she has. Where like a layer sweater shirt combo but specificly the sweater sleeves looks like the trans flag, the shirt looks like charlie and her skirt is yellow to match with Mariana
Chayanne - with neopolitin hair is really cute, hes the ONLY canon blondy to me and it stand on that, my favorite little warrior.
Tilin - JUST BEING A MINI QUACKITY IS SO FUNN, or they have a high collar that covers their mouth
Trumpet - has blue hair, with like lots of color and bracelets, or where he kinda looks like a jester
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leolithe · 9 months ago
For the ask game, since i cant find the emojis i need:
Family hc
Random hc
Clothes hc
Hobby hc
Oh my god i managed a thousand words of headcanon THANK YOU LOL. Ask game here!
🧬 Family
After the New War, Lotus sheds the part of her that's the clingy and anxious mission mom, and it kinda transfers over to Natah and Margulis instead LOL
Natah is a backseat gamer, telling the Tenno about patch notes the second they drop, giving them unsolicited modding advice, putting way too much detail in a mission transmission as if she doesn't know that the Tenno do not have Sentient processing capability. She watches over missions like a hawk... Very very diligently.
Margulis is the "you've been playing for over a hour" message in chat, just in overbearing mom form. She's very reluctant about leading missions without Natah or Lotus co-conscious; it's very overwhelming keeping track of so many mission feeds. If Natah is too present during missions, then Margulis is the opposite. She really tries to see the Tenno as who they are now, as capable warriors fighting to bring order to the Origin System, but she understandably struggles! She just wants her Tenno to be home safe and sound.
Some Tenno complain about them to the Lotus but all she does is smile. "Let them have their moments," she says. They eventually mellow out, but the first few months Natah and Margulis take the lead are rocky. The Tenno keep their patience with them, and the Space Moms take the time to learn what their children need, swapping between alters more and more fluidly as time goes on.
📓 Hobby
All three space moms share the joy of design! On Tau, Natah wasn't given the time to make her own blueprints or models on account of being put to use as a spy, so building new things together with her headmates really excite her, whether it's weapons or architecture or simple cosmetics. It's honestly adorable, you get to see Natah's innocent side during a brainstorming session.
Natah is big on overall shape design, while Margulis delves deeper into details and intricacies. Lotus is obviously a mix of both, so the other two kinda go through her for design vetting lmao. Surprisingly, they don't argue much during a design-related project! They bounce off each other's ideas and find plenty of value in them. It's very soothing. Margulis gets to exercise her proverbial Archimedean muscles and Natah gets to catch up on what she missed out on in her past.
When Margulis gets too tired in the middle of a project, Natah MOURNS the loss of her design partner. She's devastated to need to stop, she gets so sad that it's funny. Lotus goes "You can keep working on it while she rests" but Natah is like "I CANNOT PROCEED WITHOUT HER BRILLIANT MIND".
Cue them sleeping together while Natah's mind is still spinning with the vigor of a puppy wagging her tail.
👗 Clothes
Living in the body of a Sentient Mimic makes dressing up very easy. Just think of an outfit and boom the shared body adapts to it. Margulis picks out clothes that are comfortable and easy on the eyes, Lotus goes for something classy and elegant but not pompous, while Natah goes for more...... unorthodox fashion statements. she has a distinctly Sentient lens on the whole self-presentation thing.
For example. I've been playing with a Natah who, when outside of her usual mech, presents herself with the features of a Xenomorph. With the long, skeletal tail and just creepier general anatomy. She's honestly a furry, just a Sentient version of one lmfao. I think she maintains her default colour scheme when she changes up her body
Lotus and Margulis share each others' wardrobes and in their headspace they take the time to do little Human rituals like actually painstakingly put their clothes on and do each other's makeup. They definitely lean towards more femme fashion, but they both will indulge in a good suit...
😶 Random
Margulis: Bottom switch. Surprisingly commanding in bed if she wants to be. She is incredibly alluring and she knows how to tease... Ridiculously good at dirty talk........ Everything she says and does is like scientifically formulated to drive you up the wall. Being the OG Space Mom who owns the titty window I am inclined to say she can be verrrry slutty. Unfortunately still a regular Human in the datascape, but she's a curious woman and eventually finds out how to use the Sentient body for her own fantasies that i will not elaborate on 😶
Lotus: Vers Switch. Painfully. Excruciatingly. SWEET. In bed. She shows glimpses of herself that are so polite and innocent and affectionate that it makes you want to stop everything and just cuddle her and tell her you love her and she's safe. She NEEDS validation. It greatly upsets her if she thinks she's not doing a good job. Wins "most likely to cry while having sex" award (reasons range from being reminded of trauma or because you told her she's perfect the way she is or because she remembered again that she's free) and you HAVE to be nice about it...
Natah: Stone dom. Does not have nerve receptors and does not want them. She kinda just has sex to satisfy her curiosity and to fill her data banks. You should probably hope she likes you or she will not leave you....... Ahem. Alive? But if she DOES like you, she'll take joy in figuring out ways to push you to your limits and then give you aftercare. For her, sex is less about tactile pleasure and more about learning Human tendencies and how to best manipulate them.
Also she doesn't use her Human body (she reserves the intimacy it grants her for Lotus and Margulis) so you're stuck with her big beautiful mech shell thing and her clawed tentacles. Have fun!
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justsomerandomfanfic · 30 days ago
im so so so sorry about missing the age! a poor copy and paste job on my part! added that in where it was supposed to be 😅 you slay for doing these!!
hey there! i was hoping to get both the romantic/platonic matchup for DC! I am 24, use she/her pronouns and am bisexual, so no gender preference. physically i’d describe myself as: 5’7”, curvy/full figured, freckles on cheeks/nose/lips/arms/hands mostly and fairly tan, dark brown eyes, and super curly long dark brown hair.
Hobby wise I’m kinda all over the place! I read, paint, draw, and swim a lot. I’ve also started hiking and kayaking (if i can be outside in the sun, i will be outside in the sun lol). When i have time i’ve been volunteering with some local lgbtq+ orgs as well. I’d consider myself a romantic and am a confirmed extrovert! i can have a bit of a temper if someone hurts my loved ones/does something against my morals (known to be kinda petty unfortunately). very optimistic but i know life isn’t always 100% so i’m not here to judge people who aren’t. i’m also a major foodie and can say that making and sharing food is one of my top ways to bond. quality time is super important! sense of humor is served dead pan or over the top melodramatic, no in between.
I loooove alternative/pop/indie/rock music (dabbling in rap and r&b). style wise i wear a lot of black, blue, and green! it’s hot here so i’ve been embracing more casual boho or minimalist style alla 90s depending on my mood. chunky platform anything has my entire soul (haha). i keep my nails short but done with cool designs or bright colors and mix and match a lot of jewelry!
No worries, I totally understand!
I hope you like your matchups!
Romantic and Platonic Matchups; DC
Arthur Curry (Aquaman) -
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You joined the Justice League as one of the few metas with water-based abilities, immediately catching Arthur’s attention.
He had never met someone who could manipulate water and communicate with sea creatures like him who wasn't Atlantian.
Your first real conversation happened during a mission near the coast - Arthur was amused when you casually called in a group of dolphins to help with reconnaissance.
“Damn, I thought I was the only one who could do that.”
He tested your abilities immediately, summoning a wave to see if you could control it.
He knew he liked you when you sent it right back at him with a smirk.
Arthur enjoys your company because you’re one of the few people who understand the connection he has with the ocean.
You often swim together, diving deep where most people wouldn’t dare to go, sharing an unspoken bond with the sea.
You introduce him to new foods, insisting that he has to try your home-cooked meals.
He plays it cool but is secretly obsessed with your cooking and will absolutely pout if you bring food for someone else and not him.
He loves that you’re an extrovert and will drag him into social situations, making him loosen up.
Your boisterous personality balances out his more sarcastic, gruff nature, and he enjoys your dramatic humor.
He quickly picks up on your temper, and though he teases you about being petty, he loves it when you stand your ground.
“Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
You get Arthur into kayaking, though he’s a bit smug about being able to swim faster than the kayak.
You tell him to enjoy the vibe instead of showing off, and he (begrudgingly) agrees.
The two of you often just hang out by the ocean, soaking up the sun.
Arthur loves watching you relax, saying, “Ya’know, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who belongs outside as much as you.”
He takes you to Atlantis, showing you hidden places only he knows.
He loves watching your face light up when you see something new.
Since you’re both over-the-top at times, you get into ridiculous reenactments of League missions, complete with exaggerated voices and fake slow-motion action sequences.
Arthur starts getting annoyed when other League members get too close to you, though he won’t admit why.
He begins seeking you out more, whether it's for training or just to hang out.
Even when he's not talking much, he just enjoys being near you.
He realizes he has feelings for you when he gets genuinely jealous after seeing you joke around with Barry.
The next time you spar, he’s a little too competitive, and you call him out on it.
Arthur’s not great with words when it comes to feelings, so he just shows you.
After a long day, he takes you out on the ocean at night, using bioluminescent jellyfish to light the way.
“I like you. More than a friend, more than a teammate or oc-worker. I don’t know how to do this whole romance thing, but I know I don’t wanna do it with anyone but you.”
He leans in, giving you the chance to pull away - but you don’t.
The first kiss is slow, and deep, and leaves you breathless, the ocean waves crashing upon the shore echoing in the background.
Arthur is fiercely protective, but he loves that you can handle yourself.
He respects your strength and never underestimates you.
He shows love through quality time - whether it's cooking together, swimming, or just existing in the same space.
He’s not the biggest on words of affirmation, but when he does compliment you, it’s deep and meaningful.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You braid his hair sometimes, and he pretends not to care, but secretly loves it.
You’ll float together in the ocean, just staring at the stars, talking about anything and everything.
He’ll wrap his arms around you while you cook, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Whatcha makin’, sunshine?”
Sometimes, when no one’s around, he’ll put on music from your playlist and dance with you in the sand.
He loves kissing you when you least expect it - cheek, forehead, nose, anywhere.
He loves watching you paint, especially when you get in the zone.
He’ll sit nearby, quietly admiring you.
He’ll do little things, like bringing you cold drinks when you’re outside too long or making sure you reapply sunscreen.
If you fall asleep on the couch, he always carries you to bed.
Arthur will make fun of your music taste but secretly adds your songs to his playlist.
He has a thing for your freckles and will trace them absentmindedly when you're lying together.
He teaches you ancient Atlantean fighting techniques, making sure you can hold your own.
He will happily intimidate anyone who wrongs you, standing behind you with his arms crossed until they get the message.
When you’re overwhelmed, he’ll take you somewhere peaceful, away from everything.
You remind him that he doesn’t have to carry the weight of Atlantis alone - he’s allowed to lean on you.
You’ll steal his hoodies, and he pretends to be annoyed, but seeing you wear them makes him happy.
You take him out of his comfort zone - whether it’s new food, new experiences, or even just trying new music.
You help him keep his hair from getting tangled after long dives, and he secretly loves the attention.
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) -
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You met Diana when you joined the Justice League, and from the moment you stepped into the Watchtower, she could tell you had a strong spirit - one that reminded her of Themysciran warriors.
She immediately respected that.
You didn’t feel intimidated by her status as Wonder Woman; instead, your extroverted nature made it easy to strike up a conversation.
You cracked a joke - either deadpan or wildly dramatic - and to your surprise, Diana laughed.
A real, genuine laugh.
She admired your sense of justice and fierce protectiveness over others.
The first time she saw you stand your ground against someone doing something morally wrong, she knew you were someone she wanted by her side.
You bonded quickly, especially over shared training sessions.
She loved sparring with you - not just because of the physical aspect but because you had this unshakable determination that impressed her.
She never took it easy on you, but she always encouraged you, offering gentle but firm guidance.
Diana was fascinated by your artistic side.
One day, she caught you sketching, and when you hesitated to show her, she reassured you with a soft smile, saying, “Art is an expression of strength, just as battle is. Let me see how you wield your talent.”
The day she truly considered you her best friend was when she saw you volunteering for an LGBTQ+ organization.
Seeing you give so much of your time to help others resonated deeply with her values.
She immediately wanted to help, offering her time and support however she could.
Diana adores your optimism.
She knows the world isn’t always kind, but your ability to see beauty in it reminds her why she fights.
You’re one of the few people she feels comfortable talking to about the weight of being Wonder Woman because she knows you won’t judge her for moments of doubt.
She always has your back.
If someone crosses a line with you?
She’s there, standing tall, unshakable.
She won’t cause a scene unless necessary, but her presence alone is enough to make people rethink their choices.
She’s very protective of you, but she also respects your strength.
She won’t interfere in your fights unless absolutely necessary, trusting you to hold your own.
But if someone truly hurts you?
Pray for them.
She’s deeply appreciative of how much you care for your friends.
One time, you made an elaborate meal for the League after a rough mission, and Diana couldn’t stop praising your skills.
Now, it’s become a tradition - post-mission feasts with food, music, and laughter.
You introduced her to your favorite modern music.
She enjoys alternative and indie rock but gets particularly attached to songs with deep, poetic lyrics.
She thinks they tell stories in a way that reminds her of ancient myths.
You take hiking and kayaking trips together.
She loves being out in nature as much as you do, and these trips are when you have some of your best conversations - deep talks about life, justice, and humanity.
Diana has definitely picked you up bridal style at least once.
Probably after a fight when you were exhausted, but also just for fun.
She does it so effortlessly it’s almost unfair.
She steals your platform shoes for fun.
The first time she did it, she stood next to you in them, towering even more, and smirked.
“I see why you like these,” She teased.
Whenever you dramatically monologue about how hot it is outside, she listens with an amused expression before calmly saying, “You could always wear Amazonian armor.”
She’s your biggest hype woman.
You’re getting ready for an event?
She’s sitting on your bed, happily complimenting your style choices, occasionally adjusting your jewelry for a perfect balance.
If you’re ever in danger, she does not hesitate to come for you.
No matter where you are or who’s threatening you, Diana will find you.
You make her laugh.
She loves your humor, whether it’s witty sarcasm or over-the-top dramatics.
You’re one of the few people who can pull her out of a serious mindset.
She teaches you Themysciran battle techniques.
Not just because she wants you to be strong, but because she respects you enough to share Amazonian traditions.
You surprise her with small but meaningful gifts.
A sketch of her home, a book about mythology, a carefully crafted bracelet with colors that remind you of her.
She treasures them.
She reminds you to rest.
You tend to overextend yourself, and when she notices, she gently guides you to take a break - whether that means dragging you to the beach for a sunny day off or just sitting in comfortable silence.
You cook together.
She loves watching you make meals, and she always insists on helping, even if she’s still learning the nuances of modern kitchens.
Diana is grateful to have you in her life.
You remind her of the best parts of humanity - creativity, kindness, resilience, and a love for life.
You might not be an Amazon by birth, but in her heart, you are a sister in spirit.
If anyone ever doubted your strength, she’d simply smile and say, “They do not yet understand who they are underestimating.”
No matter what, she’ll always be by your side, as a warrior, as a friend, and as someone who believes in you completely.
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 1 year ago
Binged Nocturne yesterday, so here are my spoilery thoughts on the matter, in no particular order:
Watching this season was certainly an experience. Neither I nor my sibling have any knowledge of the Castlevania games beyond "there's a guy named Alucard who kills his dad multiple(?) times and also Belmonts are the player characters probably," so it's not like we were expecting anything, but there were a lot of "oh wouldn't it be funny if" or "I bet they'll do X" moments BUT THEN THEY ACTUALLY DID. "Why don't we continue this conversation somewhere more comfortable?" (Oh lol he's gonna fuck that priest.) *smashcut to Orlox and Mizrak naked in a bed together* (OH WAIT WHAT?!!?!)
"There's an underground secret passage to the abbey." (Uh yeah and how do YOU know that? 'I bet she fucked that old man.' Pfff I bet she did. 'I bet he's Maria's dad.' Ehhhh I mean maybe? Bit far-fetched.) "But then we wouldn't have had Maria!" (*unified unholy gibbon screeching*)
(I'm not saying this series is bad, I'm just going to be a little disappointed if absolutely nobody from the original series gets even mentioned.) *Alucard shows up at the very last second* (Oh we are winning this season! 'We are WINNING!')
Orlox served astronomical levels of cunt and I hope he continues to hang around being a nebulous problem for everybody else for the rest of the series. And then go be evil and gay somewhere else at the end, like Striga and Morana.
While I respect the power move of Drolta's heel-less platforms and the environmental storytelling of "ooh wow look how vampires can balance effortlessly on floating heels like it's nothing" personally speaking it did look a bit. weird. Like just give her stilettos, man.
Drolta was otherwise an absolute delight to watch for every moment of her time onscreen and her character design was absolute peak. Every outfit and hairstyle was immaculate.
Maybe this is just me having read up on her a lot, but having Erzebet Bathory be mixed with the Egyptian goddess Sekmet was... jarring. She was a Hungarian noble and had absolutely fuck-all to do with anything further south than the European frontier of the Ottoman Empire, so even the "drank a goddess's blood and got possessed a little bit" still feels cobbled-together and forced.
Personally speaking, I think it would've served the writer's "dread vampire Messiah come to swallow the sun and usher in a new age of blood and doom" purpose if they had EITHER the vampire Erzebet Bathory who committed all of her (mostly mythical/exaggerated) serial killing crimes and then some, OR an ancient vampiress infected by drinking a goddess's blood. You either pull the cachet of an infamous vampire-tangential historical figure or make up a story about a vampire being consumed by and becoming a channel for something more powerful than even them out of whole cloth, but please don't do both. Especially when both versions originally had nothing to do with each other.
We all none of us deserve Eduoard. I hope he gets to transform into something more human-looking by the end of the series (so he doesn't get mobbed) and then go home to his nameless boyfriend and live happily ever after. Maybe after kicking the Abbot's teeth in, since he deserves it.
Speaking of which, this was Annette's season. Richter may have had his name on the tin but this season was for her and she killed it. Absolutely stole the show, man.
I love the way her summoning was animated and find her realistic for both her age and her time period in terms of enthusiasm for revolution and a tendency to act with emotion rather than thought, but Maria was just kinda... also here. Presumably she'll have more to do next season.
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terristre · 2 years ago
Could we perhaps get some info on your OCs? Their designs are so cool and they seem really interesting :)
jidsajidoasjiodas SCREAMS sorry its been like a week im just so happy i needed it to be good
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uhh heres a good place to start for lore-grounding! alexander graves is a ghost from the 1500s who now serves in the court of the queen of monsters, notably being the only male member of the high court. hes far from a strong fighter, though his strengths are that as a ghost he cannnot die- and that for a ghost, hes VERY good at pretending to be alive
he has a confident, well-spoken air about him but its not hard to pin him as a more introverted, even shy person under it. the sort of person who would prefer keep their head down and go back to their business quietly, but one who holds the people close to him in an adoring regard. (hes NOT in the high court for his power after all- his value is in his kindness) hes been a diligent seamster since a young age & in-canon most of the clothing designs of characters under the queen can be credited to him lol
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marcus deangelo THE BIRD BOY OF ALL TIME is alex's notably more introverted angel son. he tends to take the role of the silly goon/errand boy in the queens court & forms a light-hearted team rocket-esque duo with the plague doctor to take back pandora's box, stolen from the queen & brought to the monster hunters
marcus is an immediately curious character because he fits the high-energy genki archetype like a glove & has nothing but positivity for others- but his philosophy towards his own life & future are absolutely bleak. and the thing to pin about him is, he isnt really all that dumb- its more a mix of lack of worldly knowledge & this ascetic fold of catholicism where Bad Things Happen To Me Because I Somehow Deserve Them so he has LITTLE self-preservation & accepts misfortune without a fight
alexander holds the same self-poisoning principles, but marcus is the only one naive enough to say the quiet parts out loud. its not something the man ever pushed upon his sons but rather something they adopted themselves after seeing it from their role model. congrats to them for inheriting all their fathers positive traits AND his negative traits theyre both adopted btw
YES THIS IS AN INTERGENERATIONAL TRAUMA PLOTLINE anyways marcus talks to animals all the time & it makes other people think he actually has the power to communicate with them but He Does Not. also sometime his misinformed beliefs about the world will coincidentally line up with what europeans thought in medieval times & its like. who told you that buddy. HOMESCHOOLING if i dont know it you dont either LMAO
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OUR BAT FRIEND IS THE PLAGUE DOCTOR! appearances can be deceiving my friend shes a recently-turned vampire whose only powers, really, are turning into a bat & burning in sunlight <:3c she refused to swear loyalty to the queen of monsters but couldnt bring herself to return to her old life Now Thats Shes A Monster so shes just kinda been. tossed around the court until she tragically rattled down to The Fuckers Whose Entire Personalities Are Being Catholic
if there is a musical episode the plague doctor is the one who goes WOAH WAIT WHATS GOING ON every day she wakes up & tries SO HARD to understand whats happening around her. shes definitely struggling to keep her miserable life together but despite that her kindness & good humor tend to shine through, most of the others actually quite enjoy her company the problem is shes always like "IM BETRAYING YOU GUYS FIRST CHANCE I GET"
but yeah as mentioned she makes for a good duo with marcus, hes great at fighting & she actually understands human society so together they make One Functional Person when venturing out of monster society lol. curiously for someone who doesnt want to be there, the plague doctor chose to assist in the chase for pandora's box of her own free will
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chattegeorgiana · 11 months ago
Happy NaruSaku Day & Happy Birthday to Hanami Uzumaki!!! 🍥🌸🥳
Quick Question about Hanami: What do you absolutely love about her? For me I don't know too much about her but I really love her design and she's really fun to draw. She's seems like a really fun character and I get such a really warm feeling whenever I look at her. My birthday is also within same month as Hanami's. Seven days away from hers really, which isn’t exactly close but it's close enough so I'm happy.
Comment on NaruSaku: I'm honestly really glad I gave NaruSaku a chance. I used to be a pro-NaruHina fan and didn't like when people said they liked NaruSaku better (very immature I know, still cringe at that til this day🤦‍♀️). Even when I was really disappointed in the ending, I still blindly defended NaruHina with my life. But over time I started to come to terms that NaruHina was not a good ship and joined the NaruSaku fandom out of genuine curiosity and because I was starting to notice details about them that got me interested. I started to fall out of love with NaruHina and leaned more to NaruSaku. I honestly had more fun with NaruSaku then I did with NaruHina because of the amount of symbolism they have together. I still like NaruHina but not as much as I used to. I've come to realize that I loved their potential as ship rather than what they are in canon. The potential was there but the execution was done very poorly. It's even worse when there was good potential in their kids but nothing was done with them but a bad story. But that's enough venting (sorry about that), I really love NaruSaku from their story, to their symbolism, and to their kids—ESPECIALLY their kids! My favorite detail about NaruSaku is that the Uzumaki-Haruno symbol looks like the rising sun flag and that they represent two of the most well known symbols of Japan! I also just really like how we're just finding so much hidden details about them that's most likely just a coincidence but who knows.
Anyway, Happy NaruSaku Day and I hope you enjoy yourself on this very special day!
Hi there!! Happy birthdaaaay to yooou!!!
Because if I'm understanding correctly, it's soon gonna be your birthday, right? :D Hope you're going to be having an amazing day.
ALSO HELL YEAH ARIES POWEEERRR! My birthday is a day after Sakura's, on the 29th of March haha.
I'm so happy that basically around my birthday I get to celebrate Sakura's birthday, NaruSaku's day, Hanami's birthday, Sakura's Brazilian VA's along with Junko-san's birthday is around the same time.
So really, HELLA MUCH POWER in this fam haha.
As for what I love about Hanami? Well, everything? How she's a mix of Naruto & Sakura's most inner mischievous selves and plays pranks. She's such a bubbly character, really. Full of life, like a full blown spring. After all, her name says it all.
I like that she's a very resourceful girl - she might not have her mother's & brother's patience to learn complicated techniques, but she is smart enough to work in her own way. Kinda like her dad, actually. Naruto was never the book smarts. He was more the "street smarts" and that served him so well in battle if we think about it.
In my interpretation of things, she's quick on her feet, so to speak. Both physically and mentally. That's why she doesn't have the patience to stay and study long boring texts about techniques, lol.
She's more of a "do you feel me" type of girl? As in very intuitive, just to be clear here.
So yeah, I basically love that she's a bubble of energy all around and everywhere she goes she just makes people bloom with her sweet & mischievous personality.
Also wow, you were a NH fan? What a surprise. Welcome to this side of the fandom, tho! We're happy to have you.
And hey, look, you don't have to feel bad for liking NH. It was a part of your life. Of your experience. You can like both if you ask me, lol.
Cuz for example while in canon I don't like how things worked out, in fanon tho? I could make countless scenarios where all the pairings work. That's the fun of fanon, hahaha.
So at the end of the day, feel free to enjoy both of them however YOU want because it's YOUR experience and no one else's.
I'm glad to see you've opened yourself to the NaruSaku experience. It's really awesome and as a former multishipper myself, I totally understand your predicament.
Once upon a time I was a NS/SS/NH multishipper. With time and different experiences I stayed NS only because as a symbolism enthusiast I just couldn't help but love their thematic symbolism and the little nuggets Kishimoto was dropping for these two.
Anyway, once again welcome to the NaruSaku fandom space! Hope you thoroughly enjoy your time here!
Also Happy NaruSaku day to you too!
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pulim-v · 3 months ago
Talk Shop Tuesday: what's your process for designing a new character? How do you determine things like their color scheme or what animal they're going to be? Do you usually spend a while refining your characters, or do they come to you all in one burst?
Okay so it's been a while since I last designed a character, but there is some method to my madness lol
For Mist and Spark, I wanted there to be a lot of contrast between them while also having stuff that ties them together - hence both of them sharing an accent color (yellow) and being dogs, while their main colors are complementary and their other species are very different
For the rest of the main six, I just asked my friends for two animals they like lol (with the stipulation that apart from Fern all of them had to be mammals)
Their colors... I don't remember how I did that part. I think I was going through the color wheel trying to pick something interesting for all of them, but I do know there was a lot of tweaking involved - Rowan's color scheme used to be a lot lighter, Dew used to be purple instead of orange, and Fern took quite some time to get the pink and black color scheme. For the girlie ever Basil, her color scheme came about just from her species, since she is a coral snake
For the side characters, most of them are just one-off archetypes that I end up messing with until they're something unique; like with Basil, I wanted her to be this sort of really sporty person and gave her a slightly more butch appearance than my female characters at the time, but that developed into her current style that I *think* can be categorized as punk, with the leather jacket and combat boots and all that.
Believe it or not whether I go with the first draft really depends on the character LMAO like with Dew and Via I had three separate design phases for each (Dew especially took a lot of tweaking and experimenting to get his hairstyle and color palette right), meanwhile Mist has been pretty much stagnant design-wise if you don't count his outfit changing as I got more and more experience with drawing clothes
The amount of designs I do also depends on a lot of stuff, like I did a whole burst of eight side characters at once (and haven't drawn any of them in months lmaooooo) but sometimes I just don't come up with anything for a while, especially right now that FGCC has hit a point where it has a good amount of characters and the other stories are mainly developing dynamics between characters I already have established
Now, with all those messy ramblings out of the way, here's how I would design a brand new character right now:
Think of a role that needs to be filled. Like, uhhh, the Calculus teacher.
What sort of basic premise can I go for here? I already have a concept for the Chem teacher (he'll show up for a bit on Rowan's Birthday) and he's a really chill teacher that doesn't mind if the students' methodology isn't perfect as long as they understand the concepts and get the right results, so I could go for the polar opposite: a really strict teacher that wants every aspect of the subject to be done perfectly, with little room for error
In terms of species, I think I could go for some more non-mammalian characters, as a way to make my lineup a tad more diverse, so how about an owl? It's a tad stereotypical, but I think it could work to kinda show their more strict and stern nature. Plus, there's a ton of visual variety in owl species irl, so there's a lot of design potential both if I limit it to a single species and if I mix and match them
Then I'd actually draw the design, mostly paying attention to their build, clothing, and animal features (I tend to forget stuff like wings at this point so it'd probably involve a ton of tries lol)
After I'm satisfied with how the design looks, I take a picture of the final sketch and draw over it on my phone, and this is where I actually choose the color palette. For this one, I'm thinking a simple palette is best since they'd be a very minor side character, so maybe something like a mix of grey and either blue or red. Blue for the usual color theory associations (and also tying them to Mist a bit since they're both rigorous) or red to tie them to Via, since Via's plot has a few ties to Calculus specifically
And done! After that I'd probably draw the character a lot until they've ship-of-theseus'd into something unrecognizable (like Dew who has changed almost everything in his design lmao)
Thanks for the ask! Sorry for the really rambly answer akjsdhaskjhdjkas
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helluvapurf · 1 year ago
First-Impression thoughts on Hazbin Hotel's "official" first ep, now that I checked it out on YT-
*Spoiler warning below for those who didn't see it yet-*
-Great to see Charlie & Vaggie again, still a wholesome lil supportive pair whilst having their own quirks/things to do on the side. Esp with Vaggie spending the whole time back at the hotel reshooting a whole commercial for Charlie's sake, awww :3
-Pleasantly surprised by the twist of Charlie's mom being the figure she was most inspired by to make her dream come true, along with her love for singing. Curious to see where Lilith's whereabouts could be if she's been away for so long?
-The new voices were... a mixed bag, I suppose? Mainly in the line/tone-deliveries for certain characters (& I guess I'm still moreso used to the OG pilot's portrayals lol), but I can see the good attempts made from those like Charlie & Alastor.
-I... don't know how I feel about the way Lucifer's backstory was handled? Like, yeah its interesting hearing of him & Lilith genuinely connecting over their "rebellious" natures (& thus fleeing from Heaven's wrath/staying in Hell to be together). But then, the whole thing with Lucifer apparently being some "doofy, misunderstood dreamer who only wanted the best for Humanity, got bullied by those mean ol' angels, and didn't meaaaan to spread Sin all across Earth~ 🥺🥺" ...ehhhhh, felt kinda lame imho 🤷‍♀️. Not that I mind giving nuanced/sympathetic angles to a character's development now & then... but with someone like Lucifer (who mind you, is meant to represent the "Ring of Pride" on top of his Hell-ruling duties), I guess I kinda expected more... "bite" to his portrayal, I guess? .3. But idk, maybe that's just me... (*Tho admittedly, one could argue that perhaps he and/or Lilith were simply lying in that storybook to make them look less "bad"... idk, given HB's track record with Stolas' writing and since both shows are made by the same people... part of me can't help having my doubts ^^; *)
-Adam... ooooooh boi .x.;; Ever since I saw his leaked design I've always been rather... "mixed" about him, and now seeing him on-screen & talking I... don't really get the concept behind him? I mean, yeah I'm all for a fun, chaotic-jackass type when done right (hell I still consider Blitz among my faves to this day lol). But with Adam apparently being the big leader behind Heaven's army, AND was even the "original" Adam from biblical times... how tf did he get the chance to be allowed in Heaven if he not only helped curse humanity to sin (aka: sharing Forbidden Fruit with Eve), but on top of him currently being a horny, misogynistic loudmouth? 🤨Discounting that is also the fact that his whole design vibe just... doesn't really give me "holy army leader" vibes, but more-or-less just Blitz in some weird angel cosplay lol 🤷‍♀️. No shade to those who genuinely do like Adam though (and I'll admit his song was surprisingly catchy lol), I just... feel like his whole personality/design vibe could've probably fit better to a fallen angel-type character (or even a demon-angel hybrid if you wanna play more into the Heaven vs. Hell conflict), someone who only takes up the "Adam" title as an ego trip to enact his revenge against Hell... or, something like that idk; my brain's tired lol. (*His sidekick Lute seems pretty cool tho, she kinda reminds me of Tempest Shadow from MLP in a way .3.*)
-Nice to see more of the old Hotel gang again, esp those like Nifty she was a cute :3 (her whole reaction to the camera honestly being a whole mood lol)
-Did not expect to see Brandon Rogers pop up voicing Katie Killjoy of all people, buuuut I guess I can see the amusing comparison potential to that one CEO persona of his lol
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....Aaaaaand yep, that's about the gist of my first-impression thoughts atm .3. Dunno if I'll be sitting down to watch the whole season of Amazon's Hazbin atm (*'cause like, I do have Amazon Prime, buuuuut I rarely ever use that to watch shows (save for some classic cartoons here & there lol) .w.; *), but I'd say it was still generally a decent watch for what it is imo👍(+any chance to see my girl Vaggie again, the better~ x3💜)
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itzpris · 1 year ago
Exams are coming up. Instead of studying, I wrote some silly thoughts I’ve had about my LPS humanizations. Because that’s more fun!
Disclaimer, these are just my personal perceptions of them- feel free to disagree on anything.
Oh, and. Since a couple of these mention their appearances, here’s a link to the post i made with their designs: https://www.tumblr.com/itzpris15634/735150326041247744/first-time-posting-on-this-account-here-we
Ready? Let’s go!
-First, let’s mention their sexualities. Sunil is pansexual, Zoe is bisexual, Pepper is also bisexual (with a preference for women), Penny is asexual and heteromantic, Vinnie is also bi (with a preference for men), Minka is aroace, and Russell is demisexual.
-All their colored hair is all natural. They just live in a world where human hair colors varies a whole lot more.
-Musical instruments? Ooh, yes! The ones that are most into music are Sunil, Penny, and Zoe. Zoe sings (pff, duh-) Sunil can play guitar- both electric and acoustic, but he prefers electric since it sounds cooler. Penny is learning piano. As for the others? Vinnie did drumming back in high school (he and Sunil would even play together sometimes) but he doesn’t as much now. Minka likes the smaller, portable instruments- idk how to describe it, lol. The stuff like triangles, maracas, tambourines… Meanwhile Pepper and Russell just aren’t into playing music that much, but will cheer the others on.
-Russell’s canines are a little sharper and longer than normal. The others like to joke that he’s a vampire because of it.
-Penny has a collection of stuffed animals. Her favorite is a blue-purple panda (which is literally just the actual panda Penny Ling from the show lol-)
-Minka has a fascination for bugs. Going out and observing them, collecting them, studying them- girly just finds bugs interesting.
-Contrasting with Sunil- he has a big big fear of bugs. And Pepper loves to exploit that fear. Most of the time its just playful scares involving plastic bug toys. Or pretending a bug is on his neck or something. While to her, his reactions are funny, he doesn’t think the same.
-In terms of money, Zoe is the most well off among everyone. Her parents are super rich and have spoiled her throughout life. So she does the same to her friends. She’ll just buy them extravagant, expensive gifts out of nowhere. Of course, everyone is friends with her beyond that, but it’s a neat little bonus.
-Pepper is super particular about smell. She owns several different perfumes, colognes, deodorants, sanitizers… Which one she picks depends on her mood for the day.
-Oh hey, more Pepper. When she gets nervous, she’ll sweat. A lot. Kinda adds onto the previous headcanon listing; she’ll use all this stuff to hide the odor. Sometimes she’ll go overboard though, and mix up different clashing scents together. so it becomes kinda strong and overwhelming.
-Vinnie can be super indecisive. Say for example, going to a restaurant. If he’s already been there many times before and already knows his favorite, then perfect! He’ll just go with that. But when it comes to new places… oh boy. He’ll take frickin’ forever to decide. So he’ll usually tag someone along to pick for him in cases like that (usually Sunil). He’ll probably end up liking it anyway.
-Minka wears crocs, right? And you can put lil jibbitz on crocs, right? Well, each jibbit on her crocs represents each of her friends- a banana for herself, a book for russell, a sparkly magic wand for Sunil, the same flower Pepper wears on her suspenders, a bow for Penny, a microphone for Zoe, and the same gecko foot print on Vinnie’s jacket.
Aaaaaand that’s about all I’ve got for now! Should I do more? Maybe even with more characters. Blythe? The other (humanized) pets? Do tell.
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friendsim2 · 1 year ago
I think that having Amisia as the outsider creative against the system was not necessarily the best use of the character. I think having a character like charun would have been better as their art is more avant-garde and outsider. Also if you were going to have a system supported empire person vs a person in a more freedom artistic breaking the mold way a better comparison for two appositions on privilege and creation could be Nikhee moolah and vikare ratite. Both being engineers but with nikhee having easier access to resources and it being expected of indigos vs vikare where it’s going against what the empire wants or him and any materials he needs he has to scrape together and or make do.
(director/lead writer responding)
Interesting perspective here, and I see your points, although a couple things specific to our interpretation of the game world and also the setting-specific stuff we've interpolated from canon:
Charun, while definitely a more "outsider" artist in terms of how they do their trash stuff, is a lowblood who happened to get caught up in conscription. So Amisia has had the position of being allowed to be creative and finding the whole thing kind of stagnating as they realize in the last few years that what the Empire will allow them to do is always going to be limited by what the Empire will allow. I think parallels here might be something like the vibe in the indigo car in Act 2, where the indigo-bloods are just kind of sitting around having this pointless academic-esque discussion with Joey because what else are they going to do? They're almost at the top of the pyramid, but find little satisfaction in it. And we see that with other indigos as well - Galekh isn't satisfied with his role as an enforcer of the system, Zebruh isn't really happy with who he is despite his power over others.
I think your point about Nihkee is a good one, but there's a very specific (and as-yet-unrevealed, so obviously you wouldn't know about it) reason why she isn't in that role. There are hints at what's happening with her, although they do require doing a bit of digging around inside of Volume 10's hacking segment specifically. Might've put some hints inside Volume 9 as well, but all of it is completely optional content and it's still kinda vague, but you might be able to start to piece together what's going on. I suspect, given the topic, that this ask might've been sent after playing Volume 8 so I suppose you also wouldn't have seen stuff from Volume 10, lol.
While I see your point about Vikare, and the idea of resource allocation definitely fits in with his route in FS1, I would say that from his route we kind of get "aspiring engineer" since he hasn't actually, like, built a successful design or anything. He has dreams and aspirations, but the Empire provides absolutely no path for him to make them a reality, especially given he's a lowblood. We don't necessarily go into this in hyper-specific detail, and it isn't canon (since canon says basically nothing about military structure), but we developed some degree of hierarchy for how the Alternian conscripts are handled, similar to how IRL military structures work. So, as a bronze blood with no particular cultural exemptions (like what's going on with Chixie) who got recruited into the Fleet (unlike Skylla, who's infantry), Vikare is trained in a role that is a bit more survivable (unlike Marsti and the other rust blood pilots, who are considered more disposable). So he ends up as a transport pilot through a combination of aptitude and enthusiasm. Not an engineer, because that kind of technical role is reserved for teals who aren't in Legiscorpus and jades who are in the Fleet. Maybe a particularly talented gold blood but, yknow, bigotry.
Anyhooo, thanks for the ask - it was an interesting one to talk through.
Full disclosure - I'm kinda mixed on answering "you should've done it this way instead" type asks - not because I think it's bad form or mean-spirited to send them, but just because I think that the whole "respond to all criticism" thing is kind of a trap for creators. You're allowed to have different opinions about the world we created, or think decisions we made didn't fully land. Similarly, we may not agree with your interpretation or just not want to do things the way you would've done them - and I don't want folks to think that translates into somehow attacking you for your thoughts/opinions.
That being said, I think you made some interesting points about Alternian hierarchical structures that were interesting to talk about, especially since some of them tie into our particular take on how the Alternian military is organized that doesn't necessarily get spelled out completely in-game. Plus, the whole plot of this game was laid out pretty far in advance. And some small details have changed, but some stuff - including what's going on with Nihkee Moolah - has been decided a long time ago, even if you're not gonna find out about it until later.
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