#i just love seeing them work together lol i always knew their potential was there
diamondcitydarlin · 2 months
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lol also this moment went by too fast to really see but are they not giving 'kick his ass babe i got yo flower' energy??! Someone pissed Lydia the fuck OFF and Beetlejuice is just here to support her revenge arc lmao I am so here for Lydia/Beetlejuice team up FINALLY
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dumpywrites · 4 months
Adrift - Min Yoongi / Suga
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Prompt: He only comes to sleep with you and you accept because your heart allows you to.
Prompt request: HERE
Genre/tags: Angst (with happy ending), slight mentions of smut, friends to friends with benefits to lovers
Pairing: Yoongi x she/her reader
a/n: this was very very very lowkey inspired by real life situation, don't ask me lol
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The joy of making breakfast, or not. Carefully plating the pancakes you made, drizzling them with maple syrup, adding some blueberries from the fridge. The sight of two delicious pancakes in two separate plates should not irritate you this much. The matching cups of drinks, one with milk in it, one with black coffee. 
Making food at ten in the morning should not be this grim, but here you were, holding yourself together just at the thought of the person who would soon join you at the table. 
The sound of the bathroom faucet turning off and the light button being pressed made you look. 
There he was. The man you were so madly in love with. His dreamy black locks wet, small droplets fell down on the floor and he for sure would get an earful for walking straight to the dining table while still dripping with water from his hair. Or maybe not, you were too busy ogling at his bare upper body, nothing you had never seen, but would always made your jaw drop. With a small towel in his hand and that one sweatpants that he always left on your place on purpose covering his lower body, he slowly made his way towards you.
“Pancakes again?”
“You better not complain.” You rolled your eyes, which earned a smirk from the guy. 
“I love pancakes.” He simply said, sitting down and putting the towel around his neck so the water from his hair would not drip down. “Especially yours.”
“Cause it’s free, just say it.” You rolled your eyes again and sat down across the guy who had a huge smirk on his face. 
The man simply shrugged and proceeded to take a bite of the food. Technically, he did not deny it. 
You both ate in silence. It had been somewhat accustomed to you. Instead of bantering and sharing stories when you hangout, breakfast was a peaceful moment for both of you. Although, little did he know, you mostly spent it with him occupying your mind. 
What started as a joke ended up as a habit for the past three months. This was definitely not what you had in mind when you said yes to his silly claim that he could make anyone release in mere three minutes. You were suppose to just see if you could crush his ego. One night he just showed up looking absolutely hotter than he usually did on your doorstep. One thing led to another, you ended up with his face right in between your thighs. 
It started with just him coming to you, and he would sometimes finger you in between watching Netflix, or eat you out as you laid your head back against your pink Squishmallow. To then you returning the favor under the desk as he work. Before you knew it, you two had started fucking each other’s brains out on the daily.
This was not suppose to happen. Yoongi was supposed to be one of your closest friends. You both came from the same circle and none of them knew yet about the odd thing that had been going on between the two of you. 
It was only natural to hide it. You both agreed that it’d be super awkward if the rest of the guys knew about your so-called experiment. Although it was hard to behave like how you would normally act, you both managed to hide it for the past few months. While you, managed to hide your feelings for him for a month and a half so far. 
Didn’t matter though. You knew Yoongi could never see you as a potential lover. He had told you multiple times how career driven he was and how he could barely take care of himself. Therefore, there was no room for romance in his life, and you respected that.
Today marked as your second week of trying to tell Yoongi to put an end to whatever the hell that was going on between you and him. It was getting unhealthy, especially for you. Either you told him your feelings and end on a sour note, or the option you preferred, just straight up telling him that you were not feeling it anymore. It sounded easier and simpler, you were sure he’d understand. 
You just needed to stop him at your front door before he started grabbing you and shower you with sloppy kisses. 
It was easier said than done when your heart literally was on his side. 
“Jin’s birthday’s next week.” Yoongi suddenly said, breaking your daydream. “Are you coming?”
“I don’t know… don’t really have anything fancy to wear.” You shrugged. 
“Just wear whatever you think looks pretty, it’s just Jin. I’m sure his family won’t mind.” 
“I still don’t get why he suddenly wants to celebrate his birthday at a five-star hotel.” 
“I heard he just got promoted and his pay is now doubled.” The man said after he sipped his coffee. 
“That explains it.” You rolled your eyes. “Well, lucky him? But I still don’t have anything to wear…” You sighed. 
“I like that one dress you wore in your Instagram story…”
“Huh?” Your head jerked up at the sentence. Yoongi’s eyes weren’t focused on yours though. “The backless one?”
“Yeah.” He said with a blank expression. 
“That’s too short! Yoongi, his parents are gonna be there, you know.” You complained. 
“Why did you wear it before then?”
“I was in Bali for a holiday.” You rolled your eyes. “I’ll just show up in a dress shirt or something…”
Yoongi just answered with his mouth turning like an upside-down U and shrugged. 
Fifteen minutes after finishing the food, you both washed the dishes together, before he left for some work calling.
Once again you were alone with your thoughts. In fact, you were left with your thoughts for a few days before a text popped up from him again, as what you had expected. It was already a habit. 
It was exactly two at night and a day before Jin’s birthday celebration. Yoongi had just came back from some afterparty you did not bother to ask. You would be stupid to just open your door and let him in at this point. And yes, you were in fact simply that stupid. 
“Hey.” The guy casually said, placing his shoes on your rack, where he already had a designated spot. 
“Hey you.” You replied monotonously. 
Raising one of his eyebrows at you, he crooked his head to the side. “Something happened?”
“I’m just in a somewhat of a bad mood.” 
“I can fix that.” He smirked. 
You smiled weakly at him, clearly not in the mood to talk about whatever that was clouding your mind. “Let me shower real quick, I just got back from my night jog.” 
A hand grabbed you by your left wrist. 
“I need to shower first…” You complained trying to wiggle out from his grasp. 
He pulled you slightly closer to him, leaving small space in between your standing bodies. “I don’t wanna have sex.”
You looked at him as if you had seen a ghost. “You don’t?!”
“Come on, sit down.” He pulled you even closer, now grabbing you by your forearm. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Don’t even.” 
You sighed. “It’s fine…” 
“Your eyes are red.” 
You quickly shook your arm from him and wiped your eyes harshly. 
“Hey,” He grabbed both of your shoulders. “It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it. Let’s just sit down? I’ll be a silent cuddler.” 
If only he knew how his words made you wanna cry even more. 
“Come on…” 
He pulled you into a hug and you accidentally let out a sob. He soothingly rubbed your back before dragging you to the sofa. He helped you sit down and got up to turn on the tv, but quickly lowered down the volume. He knew how much you loved cuddling while watching something. Anything, even. He just did not know you enjoyed it so much mainly because it included him. 
“Yoongi, I stink.” You said through sniffles. 
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I hate you.” You let out a small giggle.
“Again, tell me something I don’t know.” 
Oh, if only it was that easy. You sighed. “It’s okay if I don’t talk about it, right?”
The man nodded. “I won’t die just because you won’t suck the soul out of my dick tonight.” 
“Yoongi!” You slapped his sides. 
He smiled, rubbing your shoulder gently. “Alright, I’ll shut up now.” 
And you overslept. You did not know at what specific time did he leave, but you were awaken by the sound of multiple notifications from your phone. It could only be your friends bombing you with texts about the upcoming surprise for Jin, no one else would be doing that to you on a Saturday morning. 
Yoongi’s grey sweater was barely wrapped around your body. It was funny how he refused to come inside your bedroom without your permission, even though he had been there countless of times. It was almost sweet even, and you smiled just by the thought of him going home without his sweater. 
“I’ll pick you up around 6?” Jimin’s private message said, followed by more notifications from a separate group dedicated to Jin’s surprise plan.
The idea was to surprise Jin in the middle of his party. You would all pretend to show up late and some already agreed to even give some convincing reasons for not coming. Since Hoseok had already contacted the hotel management to lend one of the backstage room, later, you would all suddenly appear right from behind the stage as he was about to give a toast, surprising him with a cake.
Halfway through reading the chat talking about the plan, a call interrupted you. 
“You awake?” You didn’t even get the chance to say hello. 
“You left your sweater.” 
“Your aircon’s pretty cold you know. I don’t want you to get sick.” 
“Yoongi, you can literally just wake me up though.” You chuckled. 
“Right.” You mirrored awkwardly. “By the way, Jimin’s picking me up tonight and I still don’t know what to wear.” You laughed. 
There was a second of silence before he replied. “There’s always that black dress…?” 
“I’ll raid my wardrobe and we’ll see. That’s my last option.” You chuckled. “By the way, why did you call?”
“Just wanna make sure you got up, that’s all.”
“Well, the group chat certainly was loud enough don’t worry.” You said. “I’ll see you?”
“Alright.” The guy said shortly before hanging up the call. 
Despite sounding rather cheerful when you answered the call, last night’s event was still filling up your mind. It was hard to pretend everything was alright when just by hearing his breathing made you feel stuffy. 
Sooner or later you needed to bring a stop to this situation. Clearly it was getting pretty toxic. Maybe loving him from afar was enough for you. Surely you could get over him in a few weeks, or months, maybe more. The point was, you would get over it. You hoped so. 
Jimin later arrived at your place at half past five, expecting to see you already ready with your hair and makeup. But plot twist, here you were, still struggling between your outfit options. Clothes were all over your bedroom bed and floor, not the prettiest sight.
“Bitch, didn’t I tell you we need to be early?!” Your friend looked at you and the whole apartment unit in disbelief. 
“I don’t know what to wear…” You said, slumping over your couch. 
“I’ve never seen you so stressed over an outfit.” Jimin folded his arms. 
“I should’ve bought a new dress if I knew I would look ugly in everything I own today!” You groaned. 
Your best friend just looked at you and studied your expression for a few minutes. 
“What?” You retorted at him. 
“Is this about Yoongi?”
“H-huh?!” You widened your eyes in shock. “What about him?”
“Girl, don’t act like he didn’t pinch your ass when we were hanging at Taehyung’s that one time.” 
You gasped in horror. “You saw?!!!”
“Me and Jungkook, yeah.” The guy shrugged casually.
You covered your face in embarrassment. “Of course you did.” You sighed into your palm. “Does everyone know?”
“I think Joon’s a little suspicious about it but he never brought it up again. Maybe just me and Jungkook for now.”
“Okay…” You exhaled. 
“So what’s going on between you two?”
“Nothing!” You exclaimed, rather loudly. “I’m going to break it off soon, I swear!”
“But why?!” Your friend walked and sat next to you, looking concerned. 
“Jimin, friends aren’t supposed to fuck each other.” You looked at your friend sternly. 
“Oh my god…” Was all the guy said in response. He appeared to be in shock.
“I also wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him like that…” You covered your face again. “I don’t know how to tell him or to break whatever the hell that is between us.”
Jimin looked at you sympathetically. “How long has this been going?”
“Three months or so.”
“I feel like such a bad friend for not confronting you about this sooner.” 
“Hey, I’m the one who did something I shouldn’t have in the first place…” Your voice start to shake again. 
“Don’t cry now…” He hugged you. “Come on, I’ll help you sort this out, I promise. But we can’t do this with you looking not-so hot.”
You wiped your tears harshly. “Okay, help me then.”
“First, missy, we get up.” He helped you up and you broke into a smile. “And we pick a damn dress. Show me your options.”
“You know…” You bit your lips, fidgeting your fingers. “There’s this dress that Yoongi’s been telling me to wear…”
“That’s it! Show me.” Your friend beamed in excitement. 
“But it’s too short…” You said as you walked to grab the dress to show him. “Look, it could barely cover my butt.”
“Do you have stockings?” Jimin eyed the dress up and down.
“Well, yeah?” 
“Then let’s wear that.” He took the dress from your hand. “Go, grab those stockings! Oh, and do you have any red panties?”
“Jimin!” You whined. 
“Hey, if we wanna make him fall head over his heels, we gotta go all out!!!” Your friend laughed. 
And that was how you wound up wearing that infamous dress, with a sheer stockings underneath, and a leather jacket quickly borrowed from your friend who conveniently had one in his car. The platformed Mary Janes that you rarely wore finally got their chance to shine. 
When you and Jimin arrived at the meeting spot, everyone was already there. Everyone including the guy you wished would stop staring at you ever since you entered the function. 
You knew you were right on telling him to grow out his hair. The combination with the suit? You were weak in the knees. Did he really have to sleek his hair back every couple of second? You were slowly losing your sanity. If it were not for the fact that your friends were literally in the room with you, you would probably jump at him the very chance you can. 
“Do you wanna hold the cake?” Taehyung said, looking at your direction. 
“Huh? Why me?” You pointed at yourself. “I don’t wanna hold a huge cake that looks like a dead tuna.” You eyed the hilarious looking cake. 
“Dunno, you look hot tonight.” Taehyung shrugged playfully. 
“Yeah, Yoongi hasn’t stopped staring at you since the first second you arrived.” Namjoon nudged the guy next to him. 
“Shut up.” He rolled his eyes, looking away. 
“Oooh.” Jungkook joined in, teasing. 
“He’s not denying it!” Hoseok pointed out. The man had a wide grin on his face. 
“Guys, focus.” Jimin said, stopping the commotion. “We got around ten minutes before Jin will start panic-calling some of us.”
“Not gonna lie, I kinda feel bad imagining him panicking over no sight of any of us.” Namjoon commented. 
“He’ll get over it.” Taehyung replied. 
Jimin snapped his fingers to catch everyone’s attention. “Okay, so the event organizer will signal us when it’s time. We will all wait from behind the stage as he prepare for the toast, just when he’s done with the whole speech, we’ll show up.”
“Do we have to sing Happy Birthday?” Jungkook asked. 
“Of course, dummy. Do you want us to sing Careless Whisper or something?!” Hoseok snapped, which earned an evil snicker from the youngest one. 
“You, missy,” Jimin pointed at you. “You'll stand at front since you’ll be holding the cake.” 
“I’m literally the only one here in platforms, why should I?!” You complained. 
“I’m not gonna repeat Taehyung’s statement and start a whole argument again.” The blond haired guy chuckled. “And we all are gonna be right behind you, in case shit happens.”
“Yeah! Yoongi is ready— Ouch!” Hoseok did not let Jungkook finish his sentence by hitting his back. 
At this point Yoongi’s stares and glares were making you really uneasy. He did not react to their teases which was good, but this was also the first time that they started teasing both of you. There was no way Jimin or Jungkook had told them, cause if they wanted to, they could had told them months prior. Whatever it was, you were at least glad that Yoongi found you attractive enough today to catch his attention. 
After finishing the so-called briefing session, it was finally time to step out and wait from behind the curtains. Oddly, none of you got any text or calls from the birthday guy. The sound of the jazzy instrumentals playing and loud talkings could be heard. Jimin handed you the cake as you walked with all the boys right behind you. The mic started echoing and you heard Jin’s voice through the speaker. 
“Good evening, everyone. Thank you so much for coming. I appreciate each and every one of you for your time.” The birthday boy stated. 
“I know it’s a bit much for a birthday, especially when I’m already entering this big age.” He laughed at the sight of thirty-one candle on his birthday cake. “I just wanna celebrate myself today and actually pat myself in the back for all the hard work I’ve done.”
It could be seen from his shadow that he was getting a little bit anxious, looking left and right. “I couldn’t be here without the support of my family and friends.” He exhaled. “Speaking of friends, I wonder where those rascals—“
In a flash, all of you appeared from behind the curtains, singing Happy Birthday loudly. One of the organizers had given you two mics, which were given to Jungkook and Jimin, since they were the actual ones blessed with singing voice. 
Pure expression of happiness was clearly painted on Jin’s face as he clapped and laughed at the sight of the tuna shaped cake with a single candle on its head. You all watched as he blew the candle quickly and snatched the cake from your hands to put it on the table beside him. Just seconds later, the oldest already scooped everyone into a big group hug. 
The after party came soon after all the old relatives went home. Bar was free flow open and the ballroom had transformed into a dance floor. 
Taehyung and Jungkook were dancing in sync, each with drinks in their hands. You could see Hoseok, Jin, and Jimin were goofing and laughing around as the DJ play an old trot song as per their request. Namjoon, you, and Yoongi were left chilling at the bar, enjoying the sight of your friends having fun. 
“Should we join them?” You said with a smile, eyes still looking at the dance floor. 
“Nah, I need to get up early tomorrow, can’t drink too much.” Namjoon said. 
You looked at Yoongi hesitantly, wanting to ask about his opinion, but before you could do that, you felt a hand over your shoulder. 
“Why aren’t you dancing with us???” Jin said to you, half shouting. 
“My dress isn’t exactly fitting to dance around with you goofballs.” You chuckled. 
“Aww, come on!” Jin pouted. “It’s my birthday!”
There was no saying no to Jin’s request. You were soon dragged to the center of the room, joining the boys. All their smiles and laughs were contagious, as in no time, you found yourself dancing along with them to yet another questionable song that Jin requested. 
You lost the track of time, but the pain in your feet reminded you to take a break. You slowly retracted yourself back to the bar area where Namjoon and Yoongi were. 
The speakers were blasting loudly. Even though it was incredibly loud, no amount of Britney Spears songs could make you unhear your name mentioned alongside the word “just” and “friends”. Yoongi was even saying it with an annoyed expression. It was crystal clear to you what the two of them were talking about and you needed no further explanation. 
Immediately the first thing you did was taking your phone from your handbag and texted Jimin. You told him that you needed to go home early and took the taxi. 
And you did. You managed to get out untracked without your any of your friends noticing. 
You barely sat down for five minutes on your sofa upon arriving. Tears that were pooling when you were in the cab now broke freely. You already knew, but hearing it first hand just made you feel sick. You thought you had prepared yourself better for the inevitable. Oh how you were wrong. 
The chat notifications of Jimin asking you multiple questions and three missed calls from him could be seen from your phone screen. You could not care less at the moment. Everything felt too much and it would drain you dead just to make a single reply. 
Freezing in place, hand balled into fists. You knew Yoongi enough to even know his door knocking pattern. You were tempted to just ignore and hoping he would go home, but as a matter of fact, the guy had a spare access key to your place and he only knocked out of habit. 
“I’m coming in.” The voice warned, seemingly right in front of the doorstep. 
The expression that was plastered on Yoongi's face was unreadable. He had ditched his suit and tie somewhere and his eyes were insignificantly droopy from the alcohol. Your eyes locked for a quick second before you looked away, remembering how puffy your eyes probably were and how your makeup looked like a mess because of the cryings. 
“Why are you here?” You managed to say. 
“My sweater.” He said stoically. 
“There,” You pointed with your eyes. “On the table.”
He approached closer after taking off his shoes. You saw him bent down in front of you, but instead of grabbing the sweater, he chose to sit next to you. 
You did not know what to say. He wasn’t exactly saying anything to you either, just simply sitting down, listening to your heavy breaths. 
“You know, I came here to tell you to put an end to us…” Yoongi suddenly broke the silence. 
You did not reply, nor look at him. Only tears flowing out quietly as your head crooked to other direction. 
“But seeing your red eyes and messy makeup, all I wanna do right now is to kiss you like I mean it.” 
“Yoongi, stop.” You said with shaky voice. 
“No.” He delicately took your wrist and pulled you closer. You still refused to look into his eyes. 
“Stop… Please.” You begged. At this point you were sobbing, biting your lips hard so you wouldn’t make too much noice. 
Instead of saying anything, he cupped your face with his palms, kissing you. Your gasp and whining were swallowed by him altogether with your tears. You tried to push him at first, but your body quickly gave up to his touch. 
He broke the kiss to give pecks on your forehead, your eyes, cheeks, ears, the tip of your nose, before going to your neck. He rested his head on your shoulder, hugging you comfortably. You could feel his heart beating in such rapid pace. 
“Both Namjoon and Jimin almost hit me.” He chuckled nervously, head still resting on your shoulders in a hug. “When I told Joon that we’re secretly messing around with each other, that was his initial reaction. Later on, when we found out you left, I’ve never seen Jimin’s eyes filled with so much rage.”
You didn’t say anything, just letting him continue. Quite frankly, you could not decipher anything he had just said to you.
“The thing is, I’m not angry at them for accusing me of doing vile things and hurting you. I’m angry because it’s true. I am dumb and we shouldn’t have played with fire.”
“I should’ve stopped.” He withdrew, looking at you softly.
You bit the inner of your cheeks, fighting the tears from coming out. “I’m at fault too, you didn’t force me into anything.”
“Yeah, but I wished I started differently.” He scoffed. “I wish we started differently…”
You looked at him directly with eyes full of hope. “Yoongi…”
“Can we start over? Can I take you on a date?” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Am I even allowed to?”
“But you told me you didn't want a girlfriend…”
“I said a lot of stupid things and also did not say some things I should've.” He sighed. “I called you this morning to offer you a ride.”
You looked at him with widened eyes. “Why didn't you say so?!”
“I'm a coward.” He slumped down, looking away from you. “And I thought it'd make you uncomfortable.”
You chewed your bottom lip. “Then what about what you said to Joon?”
“You heard?”
“Only parts when you said that we're just friends, with a very annoyed expression.”
“He asked about us and I told him the whole story. He was furious at first as I mentioned, but I explained more afterwards.” He paused for a few seconds, before exhaling deeply. “Of course I'm annoyed with the fact that we're just friends…” He took your hand and laced his fingers with yours. “I'm in love with you.”
A tear escaped your eye, the same time a big shaky smile formed on your lips. You laughed, it just felt right to. After all, this whole circumstance between the two of you was indeed funny. Funny how the two of you kept making love while hurting each other in the process. Funny how you were basically crying over your insecurity towards him when he was feeling the same way all along.
“Me too…” You chuckled. Tears now flowing freely and you did not give a damn. "I'm in love with you too.”
Yoongi smiled. His eyes looked glistened and his cheeks were a tad bit rosy. You thought he looked so pretty at that exact moment. He caressed your cheek with his right hand, before gently pulling you towards him for a soft kiss. He quickly kissed the top of your head and pulled you into a hug.
His fingers ghosted the zipper on your back, resting just a little over your butt. When he teasingly pulled down the zipper halfway, you slapped his chest playfully. He laughed and kissed your forehead. And your lips, your neck, and then every single part of your body.
You'd be okay this time though.
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Thank you for reading! 🌤️
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Prompt request: HERE
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moonchild9350 · 3 months
Swipe Right for Love
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Summary: You decided to take a chance at love, with the help of a dating app.
Pairing: nonidol Minho x fab reader x nonidol Jisung
Genre: smut- 18+ please MDNI
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: brief alcohol usage, oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering (m & f receiving), mention of pubic hair, anxiety (for like two seconds), p in v penetration, anal sex, creampie (wrap it up, wrap it up), mxm action, cum eating/cum swapping, i think that's it haha
Note: I love minsung omg. I'd love to swipe right on them lol. This is lightly edited so please excuse any typos. Anyhoo I hope you like it! Likes, reblogs, and comments appreciated :)
If you'd like to be added to the taglist let me know! (must have age in bio or pinned to be added)
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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“Find love here on Love Chat! Where millions of happy couples found love.”
You read on your phone, lost in thought, wondering if you should redownload a dating app. After being single for a while, you felt you were ready to get back into the dating game. The only problem was that you remembered how exhausting dating can be, especially in the early stages.
Tapping your fingers on your desk, you wrestled with the decision. You knew you wouldn’t be able to find anyone without a little help from an app as you were always either at work or at home, not much of a social person. However, after attending yet another friend’s engagement party, you felt that you should at least try to get back out there…you definitely weren’t getting younger.
“Fuck it,” you thought, pressing download on the app. You waited for the blue circle to fill in, signaling it was down downloading. Opening the app, you were greeted with the welcome page, prompting you to make a profile. You had to admit you enjoyed making a profile, choosing fun phrases and answers to questions, and adding your best pictures.
Once you were done creating your profile, you were prompted to start swiping on potential matches. You tucked your feet under your butt and began to look for potential matches. You swiped right on a few, not overly impressed, but at least what they answered on their profile met your minimum standards.
Your thumb was starting to get tired, about to close the app for the day when a particular profile caught your eye.
Minho and Jisung Age 25 and 23. About us: We are a happy couple looking for our 3rd counterpart to complete our relationship. We love to cook, sing, camp, and just spend quality time together. Serious inquiries only and must not be allergic to cats.
You’re not sure why their profile interested you. You definitely weren’t looking for more than one significant other…right? You exited the app, not completely closing it out and set your phone down. You tuned into the tv show you were watching, but you couldn’t focus. Your mind kept going back to the profile you just saw.
No, definitely not a good idea to get involved with two people…a couple at that, you thought. Your internal dialog with yourself caused your interest to pique. Grabbing your phone once more, you opened the app, the profile still on the page. You looked through the pictures, seeing the two men enjoying various activities. They were both gorgeous, that was a fact. One had pretty tanned skin, dark brown hair, a beautiful smile with cute little teeth that reminded you of a bunny. The other had honey toned skinned with brown hair as well. What really stood out though was his cheeks. They reminded you of a squirrels cheeks.
Figuring you had nothing left to lose, you swiped right on their profile, letting out a sigh, closing the app completely, and setting your phone down. Looking up at the tv screen, you continued to watch your show, although you couldn’t comprehend what was being said, your mind elsewhere.
All day, you kept checking your phone, seeing if you had any notification from the app saying you matched with anyone…particularly the couple Minho and Jisung. You admitted to yourself you were intrigued, but tried not to think about it too much.
Your plan was somewhat successful, not looking at your phone frequently. You decided to clean, knowing that would keep your mind occupied. As you were twirling around your kitchen belting out "The View" from your favorite band Stray Kids, broom in hand, you heard your phone chime and vibrate on the counter where you set it last.
Turning down the music, you walked over to your phone and viewed the notification on your lock screen. What you saw made you gasp. They accepted your match. You shook your head in disbelief, but there it was, the proof, they matched with you. Opening up the notification, you were brought to the message page. Taking a deep breath, you clicked on the unread message.
~Hey y/n! What’s up? Happy we matched. If you’re interested, wanna meet up over coffee to talk? Might be easier to explain the situation in person :)~
You read the message, then read it again. They want to meet up with you. Shaking your head, you typed out
~sure I’d love to meet you. Coffee sounds great.~
You read the message you wrote and then pressed send, placing your phone back on the counter. Within seconds, you got a reply. Opening the message you read,
~Awesome! Let’s meet at Red Bird Cafe this Friday at 1pm.~
You checked your calendar, noticing nothing was on the schedule. You responded back with a
~sounds good. See you guys then.~
You were crazy, yep, definitely crazy, meeting up with two men. ****************************************************Friday morning, you woke up, sun shining in your face. You groaned at the time. Your best friend Mina would be over soon to help you get ready for your date. Getting up, you padded your way to the bathroom to relieve yourself and start getting ready. While in the bathroom, you heard a key in the lock, your best friend’s voice echoing through the apartment.
“Hey bestie,” she called out.
You looked up and saw your friend plop down on your bed.
“So what are you gonna wear? You gotta look hot!”
“It’s just a coffee date Mina, I don’t exactly have to be dressed in a ballgown.”
“ Well no, you don’t. But you wanna snag these men girl, I mean they are hot.”
You laughed listening to your friend’s reasoning. For her, it was all about looks, but you wouldn’t mind having a personal connection with the next guy…or men you date. Walking into your bedroom, you made your way to your closet. You pulled out a plain, blue shirt and paired it with some shorts.
“How about this?”
Mina looked at you for a moment before saying, “absolutely not. There’s no charm in that outfit.”
She got up off the bed, walking to your closet. She went through your clothes before pulling out a floral dress.
“This. Wear this. It’s beautiful, looks good on you and provides easy access.”
“Ummm, I don’t think I’ll need something for easy access. It’s a coffee date.”
“You never know,” she said with a smirk on her face. “Wear cute panties too,” she added on with a wink.
You rolled your eyes, but took the dress. You picked out a cute pair of underwear and started getting dressed. It was a pretty dress, it had spaghetti straps, and hugged your curves just right, landing perfectly mid-thigh. Mina helped you with your hair and makeup, opting for a more natural look. Your hair hung down your back in waves.
Mina gave you a look over, nodding her head in satisfaction. You grabbed your bag before walking to the door.
“Let me know all the details!”
“Of course Mina,” you smiled, making your way out the door. ***************************************************The cafe wasn’t far from your apartment; therefore, you decided to walk there. You were nervous so to say. Once arriving, you took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked in. The smell of coffee hit your nose, the scent welcoming. There were tables filled with people, some working on their laptops, others laughing freely with friends. There were also couches with chairs, giving a more cozy feel. It was a nice atmosphere. You scanned the place, looking for your dates, finally spotting them on a couch in the back, nestled by a window.
You took a moment to observe them. The one with dark brown hair and bunny teeth had his arms around the other with chubby cheeks and boba eyes. Boba eyes said something to the other, both of them laughing afterwards. They looked so in love. How were you supposed to potentially fit into this? An outsider? Walking over to the couple, you stopped in front of them. Both men looked up at you, looking you up and down. You shifted on your feet at their gaze.
“Y/n?” the one with bunny teeth asked.
You nodded your head, looking down and twiddling your hands together. You looked up to see them both smile at you.
The one with boba eyes and chubby cheeks gestured at the seat behind you. You sat down, smoothing down your dress.
“Nice to meet you, y/n. I’m Minho,” the man with dark brown hair and bunny teeth said, “and this is Jisung,” he gestured at the man next to him, who gave a wave and flashed a smile.
You smiled back at them, lost in Minho’s voice. “So, you’re looking for,” you thought for a moment of the right word to say. “Another significant other?”
Minho nodded. “Yes, we’ve been dating for five years and decided to open up our relationship for one more. We feel that we’re missing the missing piece in our relationship.”
You nodded at his response, mind running at top speed.
“So like, how does this work?” You asked.
“Well we get to know you and if it seems right, you’d become our girlfriend.” Jisung answered.
“Why don’t we start by getting coffee, and then we can chat,” Minho said.
“Ok” you said, getting up with Jisung to get coffees.
“Minho will stay here so we don’t lose our spot,” Jisung explained.
You both walked to the counter, ordering three iced americanos. Jisung glanced at you, smiling his gummy smile, big boba eyes shining.
“Don’t be nervous,” he said, “we really want to get to know you, ok? No funny business,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender.
You laughed at his statement. How could someone look so adorable? At that moment, your drinks were placed at the pickup counter. You grabbed yours while Jisung grabbed his and Minho’s. You both walked back and sat back down.
You chatted with the boys, learning all their favorites and even how they met. You also watched them interact with each other, how they seemed to flow with each other, in tune with the other’s actions. They seemed very much in love, and your mind couldn’t help but wonder how it would look if you were apart of their relationship. ***************************************************Time went by. You were lost in conversation with the couple, but all good things must come to an end. They offered to walk with you, which you agreed. Was it dumb to let two men walk you home that you just met? Probably, but who listens to reason. Plus, you felt comfortable with them.
You showed them the way, with you in the middle of the two as you walked to your apartment. It felt natural to be in between the two, like you had been a part of the relationship for years too. Approaching your apartment building, you stopped at the door.
“Well, this is me,” you said gesturing to the building.
Minho and Jisung nodded, looking at the building, before looking back at you. You twiddled your thumbs, rocking back and forth on your feet. Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out, “would you like to come upstairs?”
The boys smiled and Minho said, “sure.”
You led them into the building, pressing the elevator button. Once the door opened, the three of you stepped in. You pressed the number 4 for your floor. You noticed how Minho was slightly behind you, and Jisung next to you. The tension was thick in the air, almost palpable. You turned your head, looking at Jisung. He looked at you, his eyes seeming bigger, if that was possible, before looking down at him your lips. You returned the look, eyes gazing at his soft, plump lips.
Jisung leaned forward slowly, stopping right before touching your lips.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered.
You whispered “yes” back.
With your permission, Jisung pressed his lips to yours, sighing into your lips. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. He pressed soft kisses against your lips again and again and again. You found yourself chasing after his lips each time he withdrew his head.
Your heart was pounding, not believing you were kissing Jisung. Yet alone kissing someone who was in a relationship, and their significant other standing right there watching. The elevator dinged, signaling you were at your floor. Stepping back, you cleared your throat.
“Umm, this is my floor,” you said, tucking a piece of hair behind your ears.
Minho and Jisung both looked at you before exiting the elevator, you in tow. You showed them the way to your apartment. Fumbling with the key, you eventually got it into the lock, unlocking your door and swinging it open. Once everyone was inside, you closed the door and placed your keys on the hallway table.
You all stood there in silence, that tension in the air again. Minho finally stepped up to you, brushing your cheek with the back of his hand.
“You ok, kitten?” he asked.
You nodded your head yes. Minho smiled at you, before taking your hand and gesturing for you to lead them further inside. You brought them to your living area, sitting on the couch, both boys following suit. Minho grabbed your chin, turning your head toward him before pressing his lips to yours. He licked and nipped your bottom lips, your mouth opening as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.
As you were kissing Minho, you felt a soft pair of lips brush against your shoulder before pressing a wet kiss there. You softly moaned at the sensation, Minho smiling into your lips at the sound. He pulled back, watching as you tilted your head to the side, giving Jisung more access.
“Hmm kitten is needy?” Minho said. He grinned at you as you looked at him through hooded eyes.
“Come here,” he motioned, helping you turn around to face Jisung. Jisung was looking at you, pupils huge, and cheeks flushed.
“Lay back jagi,” Jisung said, pushing you back gently so your back rested against Minho.
Minho got comfy behind you, his hands rubbing up and down your arms. You relaxed in his embrace, more comfortable than you probably should be. Whatever was about to happen, you were ready.
“Can I take care of you, jagi?” Jisung asked you.
You looked at him, giving him a smile, said yes.
Jisung smiled back at you before laying on his belly. He parted your legs, your dress covering your core. Jisung pressed kisses up your leg, nipping and squeezing the flesh. You sighed out softly, watching the man in front of you. Minho grabbed your hands in his at that moment, resting them on your belly, watching as Jisung made his way higher and higher up your leg, reaching your plush thighs.
He looked at you before grabbing the hem of your dress, and flipping it up, exposing your core to his eyes. You blushed as he stared, feeling your slick coat your panties. You’d have to thank Mina later for making you wear your cute pair.
Jisung leaned forward once more, breathing in your smell, before pressing a kiss to your clothed core. You shivered at the feeling, Minho squeezing your hands at your action.
“Go on Ji, give her what she wants,” you heard Minho rasp out.
Jisung licked a stripe up your panties, sucking on the material, drenching it with his spit. You squirmed at the feeling, letting out little sighs. He moaned out against your core, before licking at your covered clit. He nipped at the material, sucking the cloth and bud into his mouth. He gave one more kiss on your soaked panties before reaching up to drag them down your legs. You watched with bated breath as he tossed them away before opening your legs up more, one hanging off the couch, the other pressed into the back of the couch.
He was staring at your wet pussy, slick sticking to the hair that donned your nether region. You blushed and tucked your head into Minho as best as you could, embarrassed and a little self-conscious. You closed your legs some before Jisung stopped you, looking up at you with concerned eyes.
“What’s wrong kitten?” Minho asked, taking his hands to rub up and down your shoulders to soothe you once more.
You hesitated before saying, “well I haven’t shaved.” You covered your eyes with your hand.
“But jagi, your pussy is beautiful, and the hair makes it even more so!” Jisung said.
You uncovered your face, looking at Jisung. “You don’t mind?”
“Absolutely not jagi. Like I said, it’s beautiful and sexy.”
You nodded ok and watched as Jisung reached for your legs, looking at you for silent permission to continue.
“Go ahead,” you whispered.
Jisung gently pushed your legs open once more, before leaning down. He opened up your lips with his fingers, before licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit. You moaned out, hips bucking at the feeling. Your hand flew to Jisung’s hair, grabbing hold of the strands, pushing his face further into your pussy.
Jisung licked a few more stripes up your pussy before attaching his plump lips to your clit, rolling the bud around his tongue. He leaned back to spit on your pussy, watching as it mixed with your slick, before wrapping his lips around your clit once more. He suckled the bud, rolling it with his tongue, making out with your pussy like a man starved.
You closed your eyes, getting lost in the feeling, gripping Jisung’s hair harder in your hands. You rode his tongue, whining out, whimpering his name. Behind you, you felt as Minho slowly slid your dress straps down your shoulders, pushing them down to expose your breasts. Minho groped and pinched your nipples, while Jisung slid two fingers into your pussy, causing your back to arch at the intrusion.
Jisung slid his fingers in and out of your warm walls before curling his fingers up, pressing against your sweet spot. You rocked your hips in time with his fingers, letting out breathy moans. Minho fondled your nipples, giving them a pinch every now and then. You felt your orgasm approaching with the help of the two men.
“Keep, keep going,” you breathed out, “don’t stop.”
Jisung moaned into your pussy, speeding up the thrusting of his fingers. With a lick and bite of your clit, you came hard, loud moans spilling from your mouth. You rode out your high, sporadically rocking your hips against Jisung’s face. Minho continued to grope and knead your breast, whispering sweet praises in your ear as you came down.
You relaxed your hold on Jisung’s hair, watching as he lifted his head up and sat back. Your slick and his spit was dripping down his chin, your arousal painting his lips, leaving them shiny. He grinned at you before leaning over and pressing his lips against Minho’s. You looked up in awe at the two men above you, feeling yourself getting aroused again. Jisung leaned back and pressed a kiss to your lips next. It was gentle, his lips molding with yours. You could taste yourself and Minho on his lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, not wanting him to stop.
He grinned against your lips, gave you one more peck before sitting down next to you.
“Let me clean you up jagi,” he said, walking to your kitchen to get a towel.
He came over and wiped you down before picking up your panties and putting them back on. He fixed your dress for you and helped you sit up.
Sitting there, you were confused to say the least. Looking at their bulges, you could tell they were both hard and were sure it was not exactly comfortable. You wanted, no, needed to help them out.
“What about you guys?” you asked.
Minho just shook his head. “Don’t worry kitten. You can help us out next time.”
Next time. There would be a next time. You felt happy at that thought. You knew they would not be leaving your mind anytime soon. You nodded your head, a little smile spreading on your face.
Minho brushed the back of his hand down the side of your face, whispering “beautiful.” You leaned into his palm, sighing happily at his praise. Jisung looked over your shoulder at Minho, giving him a smile, unspoken words in his eyes. Minho knew exactly what Jisung was thinking, that you were the one, the person they were looking for to complete them.
“Well kitten, this has been fun. Can we see you again?” Minho asked.
“Yes!” you answered a little too quickly and enthusiastically. Clearing your throat in embarrassment, you said in a more calm voice, “I’d like that.”
Both boys chuckled, getting up from your couch. Jisung helped you up, steadying you as you wobbled a little. You walked them to the door, watching as they put their shoes on. They each gave you a kiss and said they’d be in touch for the next date. Closing the door behind them, you leaned back against the door. You cannot believe your day. You had to phone Mina immediately. ****************************************************A little while later, you and Mina were sitting on the floor, take out containers spread out around you. Mina opted to come over to have a girls night, and of course, to hear you spill the details of your date.
“They were so sweet, Mina. I mean, they are in love, you can definitely tell.” You explained. “At first I couldn’t see how I could fit in, but as the date went on, it felt….natural being with them? I guess that’s the word for it.” You chuckled.
“Well you are a catch,” Mina said tossing her hair over her shoulders, “they’d be dumb not to like you.”
“And afterwards, we came back here,” you tailed off.
“You came back here and what?” Mina questioned, setting her food down. She looked you in the eyes, all ears at what you were about to say.
“We kissed in the elevator and my god the tension was intense, Mina. Once we got in my apartment, one thing led to another, and before you know it, Jisung was eating me out.”
Mina started clapping her hands, “yes girl! And you said nothing was going to happen.” She smirked and picked up her food.
You truly were stunned at today’s events, your mind wandering to Jisung’s lips on your clit and Minho’s hands pinching your nipples.
“Earth to y/n!”
You snapped out of your reverie to see your friend wavering her hand in front of your face.
“You were thinking of your boos huh,” Mina chuckled.
“They’re not my boos…not yet at least.” You said blushing.
“You said yet! You want to be their girlfriend don’t you! Don’t lie y/n it’s all over your face!” Mina patted you on the back.
You did want to be their girlfriend. It was difficult to explain, but you felt like they were what you were looking for. Your phone buzzed. Looking down, you saw it was Minho. You grabbed your phone and read the text. They wanted to take you out again, this weekend, this time to a club.
“They want to go out this weekend,” you told Mina.
“Oh? Well we need to prepare your outfit!”
You responded to Minho agreeing to the date. You were happy having a friend like Mina since she was good at things like fashion and beauty, stuff you were never good at. ***************************************************The weekend came and so did the day of your date. You did your hair and makeup before putting on the dress Mina picked out for you. It was royal blue body con dress. You looked at yourself in the mirror, satisfied with the look, hoping the boys would like the look too. You grabbed your shoes and bag just as there was a knock at your door.
You opened the door and there they stood, looking absolutely gorgeous. You noticed them looking you over, little smirks forming on their faces.
“You look beautiful y/n” Jisung said grinning.
You said thank you before putting on your shoes. You locked your door and followed them out of your apartment building.
“We’ll take our car kitten,” Minho said.
You nodded, stepping aside as Jisung opened the door for you, sliding in beside you. Minho slid into the driver’s seat, starting the car. He pulled away from the curb, sliding smoothly into traffic. Watching him drive sparked something in you, which was stupid you knew, but watching the veins pop out of his hands as he maneuvered the wheel, the way he bit his lip every now and then as he watched the road….you were horny, no doubt about it.
Jisung scooted closer to you, giving you his gummy smile. You smiled back at him, his happiness contagious, watching as he reached out to grab your hand. He rubbed circles on your hand, which felt soothing. You relaxed into the seat, feeling comfortable. The destination wasn’t too far from your place. Minho pulled into a parking lot, parking the car (which was also hot to you). All three of you got out of the car and headed to the entrance.
Opening the door, the bass met your ears, lyrics of a popular rap song blaring throughout the room. There were people dancing in the middle of the room, while others were perched on couches that littered the corners of the place. Minho took your hand and led you through the crowd, Jisung’s hand perched on your lower back. He led you to one of the couches, a reserved sign placed on the table. All three of you sat down, a girl with a skimpy outfit coming by to get your drink orders. You ordered a vodka cranberry, sticking to the basics since you weren’t much of a drinker. Jisung ordered a twisted seltzer and Minho stuck to water being the driver.
You sat with the boys, being squished between the two, waiting on your drinks. They definitely like physical touch, you thought, which was no problem for you. Minho draped his arms around your shoulders, giving them a squeeze, while Jisung kept his hand on your thigh. Just their touch was causing sparks to shoot down your spine, settling in your core. Once your drinks came, you downed them before suggesting to go dance. The music was good, and you wanted to get on the dance floor.
“Sure kitten,” Minho said, getting up and reaching his hand out to you to help you get up, with Jisung right behind you.
The three of you made your way to the dance floor, settling amongst the bodies swaying to the music. Minho stood behind you, placing his hands on your hips, with Jisung in front of you. You draped your arms around Jisung’s neck, pulling him close. You swayed your hips in tune with the beat, feeling Minho pull you closer. After a while, all three of you were in synch, getting lost in the beat and each other’s arms. You felt your dress ride up slightly, allowing you to feel something hard press against your ass.
You pressed your ass back against Minho’s bulge, hearing his breath catch, and gripping your hips harder. Jisung smiled, watching Minho’s reaction. Jisung griped your chin before pressing a kiss on your lips, again and again. You loved his plush lips, the way they moulded perfectly with yours. You let out a whine, swiveling your hips once more against Minho’s. You’re not sure how much time passed, song after song passed, each moment getting more heated. You were wet, feeling your slick pool in your panties, causing them to stick to your pussy, a fluttery feeling spreading through your core with each touch and kiss from Minho and Jisung.
Eventually, Minho whispered in your ear, Jisung watching with his eyes wide and pupils dilated, “let’s take you home kitten, hmm?”
You nodded, more than ready to leave with them. Minho pressed a kiss to your shoulder before taking your hand once more, leading you out of the crowd, Jisung not far behind. You three quickly made your way to the car, Minho once more getting behind the wheel, Jisung sliding in next to you.
“Want go back to ours kitten?” Minho asked.
“Yes please,” you breathed out as Jisung peppered kisses up and down your jaw before slotting his lips over yours.
You returned the kiss eagerly, letting out a sigh at the feeling, tongues sliding against each other, as Jisung nipped at your lip. You took your hand and slide it down to Jisung’s bulge, giving it a squeeze, the boy whimpering against your lips. Popping open the button and unzipping his jeans, you slid your hand in his boxers, wrapping your hand around his cock, collecting the pre-cum that was leaking out. You looked into his eyes, seeing the need in his eyes, as you stroked his cock. You gave him a smile before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the tip, Jisung letting out a loud moan at the feeling. He opened his eyes, briefly making eye contact with Minho, before looking back down at you.
He gathered your hair so it wouldn’t get in the way as you bobbed your head, taking more of his length. He gently bucked his hips, sliding more of his cock into your mouth, hearing you moan, causing him to shudder at the vibration.
You suckled the head before lifting your head with a pop, Jisung whimpering at the sudden loss of the warmth of your mouth. You gathered some spit before spitting on his cock, spreading it around before taking him in your mouth once more. Hollowing out your cheeks, you sucked him off in earnest, loud, slick noises coming from your mouth. You felt Jisung moan and whine, his hips bucking up, causing his cock to kiss the back of your throat.
He gripped your hair harder, whimpering out, “don’t stop jagi..fuck, gonna cum. Keep going, fuck!”
You suckled his the tip once more, swiping your tongue over the slit before deep throating his cock. You felt him shudder, before he loudly came, cum shooting out of his cock and down your throat. You hummed around his cock, sucking him dry, feeling him squirm at the extra stimulation. Lifting your head with a pop, you opened your mouth so he could see his cum.
“Kiss me jagi,” he whimpered out.
You leaned forward, pressing your lips against his. he slid his tongue into your mouth, as you pushed some of his cum into his mouth. He groaned against your lips, tasting his cum before leaning back. You both swallowed, your chests heaving.
“God that was hot,” you heard a voice say behind you.
You turned your head, seeing Minho turned around in his seat, the car parked. You forgot that he was there, yet alone in a car, not noticing when you got to your destination.
“Let’s get inside kitten,” Minho smirked, watching as Jisung tucked his softened cock back in his boxers and zipped his pants back up. The boys took your hand, walking up to their apartment door, Minho unlocking the door. Stepping inside, you did a quick glance over of the place, noticing how comfy it seemed. Jisung skipped inside, kicking off his shoes before making his way to a room. Minho grabbed your hand and followed Jisung, entering what you assumed was their bedroom.
Jisung was already perched at the top of the bed, reclining against the mountain of pillows there. Minho slowly pushed you down, his eyes never leaving yours.
“It’s my turn to have some fun with you, hmm kitten,” Minho said, hovering over you.
“Yes, need you Min,” you said.
Minho smiled at the nickname, before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. You sighed into the kiss, your lips gently moving with his. Minho dragged his fingers down your chest and belly, before lightly pressing down on your panties, sliding his fingers through your lips. You gasped at the feeling of your soaked panties dragging through your folds, letting out a little moan. Minho slowly rubbed at your clit, the soaked fabric providing the lubrication he needed to ease the glide. He continued to gently kiss you, muffling the soft sounds coming from your mouth.
He pushed your panties to the side, the pad of his finger finally making direct contact with the little bud, your hips slightly jerking upwards at his touch. He watched you fall apart as he slid his finger back and forth, up, down on your clit. He withdrew his fingers, a whimper leaving your lips. Grasping the band of your panties, he dragged them down your legs and tossed them aside. Minho parted your legs, eyes locking in on your pussy, shiny from the dripping arousal from your pussy. He licked his lips before leaning down to slide his tongue through your folds.
He moaned at your taste, burying his head further into your pussy, understanding what Jisung meant when he told him your pussy just tasted too good. Minho licked another strip up your pussy before latching onto your clit, giving it kitten licks before suckling the bud. He held your hips down as you squirmed, listening to the sweet moans falling from your mouth. Minho sucked at your clit once more before dragging his tongue down to your entrance, his tongue pushing into your warm walls.
Minho fucking your walls with his tongue felt so good, you could barely lay still, rocking your hips up and down. His nose brushed against your clit, providing stimulation, causing you to mewl out, that tingling feeling building up within you. Through your foggy haze, you saw movement to the side and turning your head, you saw Jisung scoot beside you, grasping your hand.
“Sungie kiss me,“ you begged, as Minho kept fucking your pussy with his tongue.
Jisung grinned, latching his lips onto yours, immediately sliding his tongue into your mouth, sucking on your tongue. Your moans got louder as you felt close, your hips wildly bucking upwards. You felt Minho finger at your clit, circling the bud. Your breath hitched up and with a loud cry, you came, your legs closing to squeeze against Minho’s head, as your walls clenched around his tongue. He kept tongue fucking you through your high, moaning into you. Jisung peppered your face with kisses, swallowing up your moans, his lips on yours once more.
You breathed out, releasing your hold on Minho’s head. He gave a feather light kiss to your clit before sitting up and leaning down to kiss you. You could taste your arousal on his lips, groaning at the taste. He leaned back before leaning over to kiss Jisung, letting him have a taste of you too. You watched as your breathing returned to normal, grinning at the desperation between the two.
Minho and Jisung separated before turning to you.
“Let’s get this dress off jagi,” Jisung said reaching to unzip the back of the dress.
Minho stood up removing his shirt and pants, tossing them haphazardly in the room. You shimmied out of the dress, Jisung helping you the whole time. Laying naked on their bed, the boys stared at you, taking in your beauty.
Jisung brushed his fingers against your breasts, blowing on each one of them in turn, causing your nipples to harden. He repeated the action a few times, before kneading one of your breasts, leaning down to take a nipple in his mouth. He sucked and sucked, darting his tongue out to lick the mound, all the while fondling the other. Sighing at the feeling, you looked up to see that Minho had removed his boxers, his cock hard and leaking.
“I’m going to fuck you now kitten,” Minho said, spreading your legs more so he could settle between them.
He stroked his cock a few times, watching as Jisung sucked at your breasts. He slid his cock through your folds, gathering your slick, before tapping your clit a few times. Placed his cock at your entrance, he slowly pushed in, your walls stretching to accommodate his cock. The stretch felt good, a mixture of pleasure and pain. Minho bottomed out and stilled, looking down at you in concern.
“Move, please move,” you whimpered, lifting your hips up for some friction.
Minho pulled out before pushing in, his cock dragging along your walls. It felt so wet and warm, he didn’t want to pull out and he wouldn’t. He wanted to live within your walls. He started to snap his hips into yours, moans leaving his mouth and yours. The sight below him a dream. You were fucked out, mouth open, eyes in a daze, one hand on his chest, the other buried in Jisung’s hair as he suckled and nipped at your breasts.
You felt that tingle again in your belly, the feeling expanding as Minho fucked you, pounding into you in a steady rhythm, hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. You moaned out, whimpering, little “ahhhs” and “please” leaving your lips.
“Don’t stop, I’m close, ahhh” you whined.
You felt the coil snap, your orgasm hitting you hard. Your vision turned white, while your hearing turned fuzzy. Minho didn’t stop pounding into you, helping you ride out your high. He was close, he just needed to adjust a little and with your pussy clenching around him, he came, his cum hitting your walls, throwing his head back at the feeling, little bunny teeth showing.
He stilled his hips, and looked down at you and Jisung. Jisung lifted his head off your breast with a pop, a string of spit trailing from his mouth to your nipple. Jisung’s cock was hard again, and rutting his hips against the sheets to get some friction.
You moaned as Minho pulled out of you, watching as Jisung shuffled his way down to your pussy. He leaned down and quickly lapped up you and Minho’s cum, moaning at the taste. Minho laid down next to you, brushing the hair out of your face. You looked at him with glassy eyes, feeling at ease and relaxed, little sighs falling from you as Jisung lapped at you like it was his last meal.
Leaning back, Jisung wiped his mouth before shucking off his boxers, palming his cock before settling between your legs.
“My turn jagi,” he whispered.
You nodded, saying “need you Sungie please.”
He smiled down at you before pushing in, sliding right in because of your slick and being stretched open by Minho’s cock. Jisung was a little thicker, but you took it, wanting to feel all of him. Jisung bottomed out, whines and pants coming from his mouth.
“So hot and wet, made for us jagi, oh fuck”
Jisung snapped his hips again and again, lost in your wet walls, your body sliding up and down the sheets, mouth open in an “o” no sound coming out. Tears were forming in your eyes from the mix between pleasure and pain from overstimulation.
You reached up and wrapped your arms around Jisung causing him to fall forward and bury his head in your neck. You felt his little breath’s against your neck as he rocked his hips into yours, you locking your legs around him to keep him close.
“Fu..fuck!” Jisung panted out, jolting forward suddenly.
You looked over his shoulder to see Minho behind Jisung, his fingers sliding in and out of his hole, stretching him out. Jisung pounded into you faster, his high approaching with the extra stimulation. With a wail, Jisung came, filling you up to the brim, his cum leaking out. Minho helped Jisung pull out before laying him on his belly, and pushing his cock into Jisung’s hole.
Jisung let out another wail, little pants falling from his mouth as Minho fucked him, sliding his cock in and out, in and out. You watched the scene in front of you, taking in Jisung’s fucked out face, the way he just took what Minho gave him, to Minho, panting as he pounded into Jisung, his chest rising and falling, his head falling back in pleasure.
Jisung came again, cries falling from his lips, as his cock was still hard after fucking you, cum spilling all over the sheets. Minho slipped out of Jisung, removing the condom that he must have put on at some point, you being too fucked out to notice, before lifting Jisung up and on his knees.
“Suck,” Minho said, Jisung scrambling to wrap his lips around Minho’s cock. Jisung bobbed his head up and down, while Minho grabbed Jisung hair to control his pace. Minho groaned in pleasure, bunny teeth biting his lip, as Jisung sucked and sucked, Minho’s cock hitting the back of his throat again and again.
Jisung fondled Minho’s balls, as he continued to suck, Minho roaring out in pleasure, speeding up his thrusts into Jisung’s mouth. With a loud moan, he stilled his hips, pressing Jisung’s face to his pelvis, spurting cum into Jisung’s mouth. Once done, he released Jisung, who scrambled back, showing Minho his tongue with his cum on it before swallowing it.
Minho smiled, leaning down to give Jisung a kiss. Collapsing on the bed, Jisung crawled to you, wrapping his hands around your waist and burying his head in your neck. Minho settled on the other side, pressing gentle kisses to your face, causing you to giggle. He smiled, the sound of your laughter like heaven to him.
“Will you be ours kitten? Be our girlfriend?”
You simply nodded your head, “of course.”
You felt the happiest you’ve been in a long time, sandwiched between two men you were growing to love.
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Taglist: @jehhskz @jeonginsleftcheek
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yan-lorkai · 13 days
Hello! :) I just really love all of your works for Hellsing and an idea popped into my mind. Could you write an Alucard x darling!Reader where Integra sends them on a mission to Brazil in disguise as a newlyweds on their honeymoon? I'm just sooo obsessed with his Riocard look, I thought it would be so fun to imagine! <3
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: To be honest I get you anon. He is so handsome in his RioCard form, with his little glass full of blood and wearing that suit 🤭💕💕. @marieisaghost
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, reader is unsettled by Alucard but both of them keep flirting with one another lol, mention of killing, gn!reader
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"Lulu, you travel a lot, don't you?" You turn your face to stare at him, gorgeous smile already on his lips as soon as that little nickname left you. "What is it like in Brazil? How are the people?"
He thought about. Ancient as he was, Alucard was present to see or hear about all major events from humanity. And later on, to visit those same countries, as you two are doing now - hunting for a potentially dangerous vampire who climbed the stairs to the success, he was so important now, so powerful but Integra had her way of getting you and Alucard into one of his big parties.
After a few seconds pondering, Alucard glanced at his glass full of blood, long, dark hair hiding his eyes from you as he chuckled.
"The air smells like golden hour and the birds sing so loud, as if they wish for you to sing among them. The Brazilians are like fairies, if you will, as they can't lie but contour whatever promise they made with polite words and jokes. And the common folk are very affectionate." He sipped from his glass, little trinket of blood running down his lower lip before he could lick it. You laughed at that. "And their words sounds like a gentle song, so familiar yet so distante you can't quite remember where you have heard it."
The gentle hum of the plane's engines filled the cabin, the dim lighting casting soft shadows against the sleek leather seats. You sat beside Alucard, watching the clouds drift by through the small window. A moment goes by before you answer him.
"Quiet poetical, don't you think?" You mused, imagining the country based on his description. "Well, I'm looking forward to see it. We will be able to sightsee after the mission is done, right?"
Alucard turned his head slowly, he was still sipping from his glass, sometimes just shaking it to see the red liquid sway gently. His crimson eyes glimmered with amusement, lips curling into a slow, knowing smile. He always found your mortal, innocent optimism endearing — if not a bit naive. But he never discouraged it outright. No, he enjoyed watching you dangle the idea of freedom, without realizing he was the one holding the string.
He was the one who chose you for this role. So beautiful and all his, pretending to be his cute little spouse.
“Sightseeing?” Alucard repeated, his voice low, filled with the silky cadence you knew too well. He leaned back further into his seat, fingers steepled together as if considering your words. “That all depends. If the mission goes well and... if you behave, darling.”
You shifted uncomfortably, pretending to be preoccupied with the view outside. Sometimes Alucard took his jokes too far, the line between truth and joke unclear.
“Well, I just thought… if we’re pretending to be newlyweds, we might as well enjoy the facade a little more!” You explained your point of view, trying to sound casual. “A little sightseeing wouldn’t hurt. Husband.”
Alucard’s chuckle was soft but dark, a sound that sent a shiver down your spine. It was a beautiful sound yet terrifying in other circumstances. “Oh, you’ve been enjoying this facade more than you admit, darling” He teased, his eyes narrowing as he studied you. “Playing the role of my beloved spouse… It suits you.”
His words were laced with a possessiveness that you couldn’t ignore. You swallowed hard, your heart pounding as you tried to maintain composure under his piercing gaze. Alucard thrived on your uncertainty — on the way you balanced between curiosity and frustration in equal measures. He loved seeing you struggle. You knew that. He was an asshole like that sometimes.
“Maybe,” You replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper and your face heating up. Ultimately it was better to let him have this little win or he'll pout and throw a tantrum the entire time. “But it’s hard to keep up the act sometimes, you’re very convincing. I fear I won't be as convincing as you are.”
Alucard’s smile widened, a dark, predatory gleam flickering in his eyes. He leaned toward you, his cold fingers brushing against your cheek, tracing the line of your jaw with a delicate yet possessive touch. He seemed like he wanted to say something, a secret passing through his eyes, black long hair hiding his face like a curtain, and then he pulled back.
“Rest now, my love,” Alucard said, his voice softer as he reclined back in his seat but the command was clear. "We still have a few hours until we get there. And perhaps, I’ll indulge you with that sightseeing you’re so fond. There's so very interesting places that are open at night.”
You rolled your eyes. "Aye aye captain."
Yoou reached out, your hand sliding around his arm and tugging him toward you. His eyes widened slightly, not in surprise but in curiosity. You didn’t say a word, there was no need. All that mattered was the closeness, the warmth, even if it came from the cold embrace of a vampire. Without a word, you rested your head against his arm, and he allowed you to whatever you wanted, his lips curling into a soft smirk as he watched you for a few seconds.
The private plane had landed hours ago, and the sun now hung low on the horizon, casting the hotel room in a warm, golden glow. You stood in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the fabric of your outfit, a carefully chosen disguise for the next phase of the mission. The luxurious suite you were in felt almost too extravagant, too different from what you were used but trying to argument with Alucard was near impossível. And he wanted to stay at the most expensive place just for the sake of it.
Greedy vampire, you thought, he wouldn't even be able to sleep. After all, he's used to sleep at morning and you, as a Hellsing soldier, is more than used to sleep in whatever you can lie on during night. Extravagance was not your style.
Behind you, Alucard moved with quiet grace, his eyes fixed on you in the mirror. He had already shed his coat, his shirt untucked slightly, looking every bit the devilish rogue he was. He stepped closer, slipping a gloved hand around your waist, guiding you as you fumbled with the buttons on your collar.
"Let me," He asked, his voice low and smooth, as he brushed your hands away and began fastening the buttons for you. His fingers worked skillfully, but his touch lingered a bit too long. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, though a small smile tugged at your lips.
"You know, I can dress myself," You teased him, raising an eyebrow at him through the mirror.
"Of course you can," Alucard replied with a smirk, not missing a beat. "But why would I miss the chance to enjoy this view?" His hands slid up to adjust the collar, his eyes flickering with amusement.
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head. "You’re impossible, you know that?"
Alucard chuckled softly, his breath warm against your neck as he leaned in just a bit closer. "I’m many things, love. Impossible is only one of them." He finished with the last button, his hands lingering on your shoulders, fingers tracing the fabric as though he couldn’t help but touch you. You turned slightly to face him, a playful glint in your eyes.
"So husband, what's the plan?" You teased him, emphasizing the word, adjusting your sleeves as he watched you with that ever-present intensity. "Or you're just want to take care of everything alone while I stay helpless by your side, like a damsel?."
Alucard raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a smirk. "Playing the damsel role certainly is fun but not safe. Besides it's counterproductive. I'II catch our target while you search his office for those documents."
You nodded, trying to think of ways to enter the target's office, but the warmth in Alucard's eyes made it impossible. His thumb traced small circles against your waist, and though you hated to admit it, his presence was comforting in moments like these, when the mission loomed large and the stakes were high. He knew how you soothe your worries and fears with just a few gestures.
"Focus, Alucard," You said, but your voice lacked any real conviction.
"I am focused," He replied smoothly, his lips dangerously close to yours. "Just… not on the mission right now."
You felt your heartbeat quicken, and before you could stop yourself, you leaned into him just a little, your fingers brushing the fabric of his shirt. "You’re incorrigible."
His eyes gleamed as he leaned down, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, his voice a low, teasing purr. "And you love it."
You laughed softly, shaking your head again as you turned back toward the mirror. "You’re lucky you’re helping with this mission. Otherwise, I’d leave you to flirt with yourself.
Alucard chuckled, stepping back slightly, though his hand never left your waist. "Oh, I can flirt with myself just fine. But it’s much more fun with you."
You met his gaze in the mirror, your reflection showing the playful tension between you two. Despite everything, the danger, the complexity of your relationship, moments like this felt oddly natural. Easy, even.
"Fine," you said, adjusting the last piece of your outfit and putting your weapons in their proper places. "After this mission and you taking me to sightsee, you should really take me on a date, Alucard. I wouldn't say no."
Alucard’s smirk softened into a more genuine smile as he pressed a kiss to your temple, his hand squeezing your waist lightly. "Whatever you want, darling. But until then…" His eyes sparkled mischievously. "We make quite the team, don’t we?"
You couldn’t argue with that. Despite the chaos, despite the danger, there was something undeniably magnetic about being at his side. Even if he drove you crazy half the time and acted strange sometimes.
"Yeah," You said with a sigh, a smile tugging at your lips. "We do."
The night air was crisp as you stepped out of the grand hotel, the city’s lights reflecting off the polished black limousine waiting at the curb. The distant hum of life in the city created a soft backdrop of noise, but here, in front of the sleek vehicle, everything felt quieter, more intimate. Alucard, as always, had his hand lightly resting on your lower back as he guided you toward the car.
“After you, love,” He said smoothly, his voice laced with amusement as he opened the door for you. His crimson eyes gleamed under the streetlights, and even in the dim evening, he looked effortlessly sharp in his tailored suit, dark and dangerously handsome.
You gave him a playful smirk before slipping into the limousine’s spacious interior. The leather seats were cool against your skin as you settled in, and a faint, luxurious scent lingered in the air. Alucard followed, closing the door behind him as he took the seat beside you.
As the driver began pulling away from the curb, the city lights blurred past the tinted windows, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. Alucard stretched his arm along the back of the seat, his fingers lightly brushing against your shoulder in a way that felt casual yet intentional.
“Excited?” hHe asked, his voice low and teasing as his eyes flickered to yours. “Or is it nerves I sense?”
You glanced at him, rolling your eyes slightly. “Excited isn’t the word I’d use. This is a mission, remember? Focus, Alucard.”
He chuckled, his hand sliding down to lightly squeeze your shoulder. “I’m always focused. It’s you who seems to be on edge, dragul meu.” His voice was a playful murmur, but there was that undercurrent of seriousness you knew all too well. He thrived in these high-stakes situations, while you, well, you preferred a little less danger and a little more simplicity.
You preferred a better plan, you preferred having more allies. Yet, you had to make it do with just Alucard by your side. Either way, you knew he wouldn't let you hurt yourself.
“I’m not on edge,” You retorted lightly, turning to face him fully. “I’m just thinking about the plan. We’re supposed to be subtle, blend in, gather intel. You remember the whole ‘don’t draw attention to ourselves’ part, right?”
Alucard’s lips curled into that familiar, devilish smirk. “Subtlety isn’t always the most fun, but I suppose I can behave for one night.” He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Of course, if things get boring, I might have to… stir the pot a little.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “You’re incorrigible.”
“I prefer the term ‘charming,’” He corrected you, eyes gleaming mischievously.
The limousine cruised through the city, the lights outside glowing brighter as you approached the heart of the bustling nightlife. The party you were heading to was in one of the city’s most elite venues — a towering glass building that loomed in the distance, sparkling against the night sky. The event was exclusive, crawling with high-society types, all hiding secrets beneath their polished exteriors. You and Alucard were here to uncover one of those secrets.
As the limousine neared the grand entrance, you adjusted your clothes, making sure everything was in place. Alucard watched you with an almost predatory gleam in his eyes, though there was a softness in the way his gaze lingered.
“You look stunning,” He murmured, his voice softer now, devoid of the usual teasing edge. “They won’t know what hit them.”
You met his eyes, feeling a flutter in your chest despite yourself. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”
He smirked, leaning in just a bit closer. “Just ‘not so bad?’ I think I deserve more credit than that.”
You nudged him lightly with your elbow. “Let’s just get through this without any chaos, alright? Then I’ll give you all the credit you want.”
The limousine came to a smooth stop in front of the towering venue, the driver stepping out to open the door for you both. Alucard was out first, offering his hand to help you out, his grip firm but gentle. As you stepped out onto the red carpet, the flashes of cameras and the murmurs of the crowd were already starting.
He pulled you close, his arm slipping around your waist as you both made your way toward the entrance. You could feel the weight of his presence beside you, commanding and magnetic.
“We’ll be the perfect couple tonight,” Alucard whispered into your ear as you ascended the stairs, his breath warm against your skin. “Just follow my lead.”
You glanced up at him, your lips curving into a small smile. “I’m used to that by now.”
With that, you both stepped through the grand doors into the glittering party, where the real game was about to begin.
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koolades-world · 1 month
Hi i don't know if anyone else gave this idea but i'm saying it anyway. I like Satan x MC stories and i was thinking about...what if MC has anger issues and because of that they recived horrible comments?.
I like to think that MC doesn't have many friends because of that and because people don't understand them, It makes MC even more upset with others and themselves but everything changes when they meet Satan and see that they are not alone.
MC would spend a lot of time with him so they can both help each other and grow together, of course at first the brothers didn't care because they didn't understand them very well either but over time they began to feel jealous.
I think this Is a great idea for an MC and Satan angst/fluff story but feel free to write It or not, Hope you like this ♥️
you're so right, this has great hurt/comfort potential! i love anything satan and i love the dynamic these two would have!! the day i stop loving satan is the day i die. i'll be in the nursing home and still talking about my little pookie LOL
enjoy <3
If you would've told your past self where you were now, you would have laughed. You would've never guessed that it would taking going to hell and back, literally, to find someone you could be yourself around.
The day you arrived in the Devildom, it had just been another day. You were getting ready to wind down for the evening when you were swept away and planted in front of who you later got to know as Diavolo. Since you were half asleep, you thought what you were experiencing was a dream, so you went along with everything with no questions. When you awoke the next morning, it was a different story. The only one who was able to get through to you was Satan, who you'd only met briefly the previous day. After that, it was all history.
Before you'd met Satan, forming relationships had been somewhat of an endeavor. You struggled to get close to those around you without scaring them away by accident. You wished they would just stick around to hear you out. Satan did just that because he understood where you were coming from. It was refreshing. The two of you became fast friends and helped each other grow. You exchanged tips and tricks, as well as always being there for the other. Your bond was only strengthened when the two of you formed a pact to the point where the two of you were essentially inseparable.
However, while you grew closer to Satan, you grew more distant from the other brothers. It wasn't unexpected since Satan was the only one who'd truly understood you, but that didn't mean it wasn't upsetting. Just because you knew the pain didn't mean that it didn't hurt. You weren't all that sure why though. You'd been getting much better with keeping yourself in check, and they were used to your tendencies since they'd know Satan since arriving in the Devildom. You thought things might have been different this time.
But, insanity was doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
After another long day at RAD, you arrived home and sat in the living room by the fire. You were doing the work you'd been assigned earlier that day. You heard someone enter the room, and take a seat on the sofa behind you. Paying them no mind, you kept working. The longer you sat there, the more you felt their eyes boring a hole in the back of your head. You tried your best to keep your focus on your work, since you lived there too and had just as much of a right as they did to sit in common space.
But, as things usually went, you struggled to ignore the eyes trained on you. So, the moment they dared to utter a word, you blew up. You hadn't had a fit of rage that intense since you came to the Devildom. Of course, it wasn't just the staring that got to you. It was all the pent up emotions you'd accrued over the course of months. At some point, you felt tears slip down your face as you shouted whoever happened to was sitting there. They decorated your face as a display of your unspoken feelings. To you, there was no point in wiping them away when more were just going to fall. Through the blur of tears, you couldn't tell and you didn't bother to try to figure out.
You threw down your work on the coffee table, and stormed out of the room. You let your feet take you to where ever they wanted to, which is how you found yourself outside of Satan's door. But, your arms wouldn't move, so you just let your head hit the door. You heard Satan within, moving to the door. He cracked it, and upon seeing the state you were in, ushered you in.
For a bit, the two of you just sat in silence. You sat side by side on his bed, his arm around your shoulders. He offered you a tissue, which you simply balled up in your hand.
"What's wrong?" He finally spoke.
"It's dumb." You responsded.
"Nothing is dumb. This is a safe space. You can tell me." He reassured you. You were quiet again for a little bit, trying to gather your thoughts and put them into words.
"I don't know why, but I hate your brothers. Not in a hatred way, but they infuriate me. I can't describe it." You spat out the words like they were bitter in your mouth. Satan pondered your words for a moment. You were a little afraid to look at him, but you were greeted with his beautiful green eyes searching you.
"You just want them to like you, don't you?" He said. You slowly nodded, thinking about his words. "I was in the same position once. I was afraid they were going to hate me for what I was, so I tried to change." He looked as if he wanted to say more, but stopped himself.
"What did you do?" You weren't sure why exactly you were asking. To get advice for your current situation or to hear the end of the story, you were unsure.
"I stopped pretending to be something I wasn't, and just became me. Yes, I did learn to control my wrath, but I was myself." Satan had a far off look in his eyes, likely reminicing.
"Is that why they hate me?" You gnawed at your lip at the prospect of them hating the mask you tried to present to the outside world.
"No. I don't think they actually dislike you. I know them. It may not be as well as they know each other, but it's enough to know they don't distain you." He refocused his gaze on you again.
"Then what is it?" You felt a slight rage simmering again. Just the thought of the brothers was sending you into a tizzy.
"I think they're jealous." He stated.
"Of what? My anger issues?" You scoffed at yourself.
"Of us." He presented this as if it was common knowledge, leaving you a little puzzled.
"What do you mean?" Time felt like it slowed down when you heard his words.
"I think they envy the bond that we have. They see the you that you are around me, and wish they could have the same. Since they were so cold to you at first, however, they're finding it hard to break the ice." Satan spoke slowly, each word deliberate. "No pun intended." You let out a little snort at that.
"Do you really think that?" You could feel the rage begin to dissipate as you let his words sink in.
"I do." The two of you sat without exchanging words again as you digested the information. A small grin formed on your face. "There's that smile." He beamed.
"Thank you. Sorry for not telling you sooner." You hung your head a little, almost ashamed of your actions.
"No need to apologize. But, next time, do come to me. Even if I don't have the answer, you shouldn't keep it all in like that." Satan lightly ruffled your hair affectionately.
"I'm glad to have met you."
"Me too."
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thetaekookcloset · 2 months
Checking In ~! (And Signing Off)
Hello, everyone!
I logged in for a few minutes today just to check in on some other blogs, and I knew some people would probably see that I've been online so I wanted to say a quick hello and thank you to everyone who's been looking for me, thinking of me, and sending in sweet comments saying that you've missed the blog -- thanks so much for thinking of me!
I thought I'd give you a few rapid-fire answers to some questions I've seen since logging on and that have been floating around, starting with why I've been gone. The honest answer is that I never intended to run this blog forever, which is why I worked so hard to make sure it was well-organized, so that it could remain as a resource even after I moved on from it. I've had a lot going on in my life for the past couple of years, including buying a house with my partner and making a new best friend (you know who you are lol love youuuu), not to mention keeping up with all the members' solo projects! For the most part, I felt that I said what I had to say, and so I've been putting my fandom energy into other areas.
That said, there have of course been developments since I've been gone, so let me address some of them briefly.
Several people seemed to want to know how I feel about Taennie these days. I feel the same as I did before. I would be pretty damn surprised if anything legitimate were to ever come out about Tae and Jennie being involved. Everything that links them together is flimsy and circumstantial at best, whereas Jennie's links to G-Dragon have remained consistent and compelling, and regardless of Taehyung's relationship with Jungkook, I feel pretty confident that he is, shall we say, not especially interested in women in that way.
As for the developments in Jikook's relationship, and more specifically in the common Jikooker narratives lately, I feel the same as I always have. I think Jungkook and Jimin are clearly good friends who are very comfortable with each other. I'm glad they have each other close by for their military service as forced conscription must be hard on anyone and those two in particular seemed less than enthusiastic about the experience. I do not, however, believe that it would be safe for them to enlist together to potentially stay in close quarters if they were in a romantic relationship, nor do I think they would be put together by the company for content like a whole duo show, complete with photobook and merchandise, if they were in a relationship.
Taekook, on the other hand, proved again and again throughout 2023 that they were seeing each other often, keeping up with one another's lives and work, and remaining as close as they always have been, as there is and always has been ample evidence to prove. A few of my favorite moments: Tae saying that Jungkook would sing him "To Find You" from Sing Street, a song about being destined to find someone despite not believing in fate, and pulling up Jungkook's cover to listen to, while Jungkook was away; Jungkook mentioning Tae unprompted, like sharing his memory of going snowboarding with Tae and his friends when asked to talk about why he chose "Ditto" for his Spotify interview and mentioning that he loves the song "Golden Hour" during a live; Tae playing "For Us" and doing a little boxing move when JK happened to be in California; Jungkook asking Taehyung "Where have you been?" when he showed up late to Inkigayo -- I could go on honestly, probably forever, so I'll make myself stop here.
That's part of the thing with this blog. I could go on and on, and I have so much that I love and want to do and say, so many other directions I want to spread that energy, so I don't plan to stick around. But I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has missed me; I genuinely didn't anticipate that, and it means a lot. I hope you're all doing well, and finding spaces for yourselves in this wild fandom we share.
TL;DR -- I'm sure the question anyone would most want me to answer is just this: Do I still believe in Taekook?
Yeah, I do. More than ever before really. I think their relationship speaks for itself, more than I ever could, for anyone willing to listen.
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Next time I see you.
Soap x reader x könig.
This is my first time writing and posting something, please be nice, this is a long story, have mercy lol. Gif is not mine, if the story is good give me a ♥️.
Warning: English is not my first language, you will find some grammatical mistakes.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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You worked so hard with that team, you trained hard to prove you belonged there but, you fell in love. There wasn't a bigger mistake than that.
Soap, a sergeant, oh god, that man loved you too much, he just wanted to protect you, at first it was sweet but then it was annoying, you didn't become a soldier to never receive some hits, you wanted more action, you wanted more adrenaline and danger, you needed to improve your skills, be stronger, be at your limit but he was always there taking care of you, protecting you as if you were a porcelain doll, by extension, the rest of the team started to keep an eye on you, everything just became worse, you ended your relationship and still there were they, always protecting you.
- Oh! Come on Bunny, I just tried to protect you, you could die out there!
- Soap! I don't need protection! My Job is the same as yours! How do you expect me to be better if you keep putting me inside a bubble?
- listen... I love you, I don't want to think about losing you for a fucking bullet or a fucking knife or something worse!
- You can't protect me all the time Soap, I'm not fragile, I'm not a fucking deer or a fucking bunny! I'm tired of that nickname btw! I want to know how far I can go...
- How far you can go? Listen to yourself! This is not a fucking game, you're here to make the world better not to prove how strong or brave you are!
- it's not what I meant to say! Just... I can't do this anymore, I can't!
-...what? What are you talking about?
- It's over! All of this! This job, this team, this place, this fucking relationship! I love you Johnny but you're killing me in more than one way, I'm sorry, but I can't do it, I will not continue with this situation.
He just looked into your tired eyes, he didn't try to stop you, he knew he ruined your relationship, he lost you but not in the way he was constantly expecting.
After some months you decided you had enough, you left, disappeared without saying goodbye or giving a good reason, you thought you would never see them again or at least not in a long time.
Finally you had the job you always wanted, good payment, mates who let you do your job, you were feral and lethal, now, you were no longer a scared deer or a small rabbit, you were a wild predator, always ready to attack.
You were in a new relationship too, your colonel, König. He saw all your potential from the beginning, pushed you to your limit and taught you all he knew, he loved you, he respected you and was always helping and supporting you to be the better version of yourself, you fell hard for him.
You're his and he's yours, and he can't be more happy, proud and grateful because honestly, You're not only a wonderful girlfriend, you're a magnificent soldier and a very good addition to KorTac.
This new you, this new life, everything fit perfectly, until... destiny decided to play with you.
The small meeting was quick, there wasn't much to say, just details of the mission, still, könig looked very serious.
- This mission sounds easy and simple but it's important, we can't mess it up, okay? So Horangi and Wolfsbane, together. You will go for our informant, we need him alive.
You and Horangi smiled at each other, you were good friends and worked well together.
-Yes sir.
- understand.
- The rest of us, we'll clean the area, simple but still... We don't have chances for mistakes, understand?
There wasn't silence, everybody replied with a simple « Yes sir ».
- Any questions?
You saw the map with the location of the hostage, it looked familiar but you weren't sure, your curiosity talked for you.
- Sir, are we going to confront somebody else? This location is very isolated but maybe there will be more people trying to take the hostage too.
- No, we shouldn't have any problem, unless the informant tried to put any resistance or put us in the eye of the hurricane and someone appears, In that case, kill everybody who tries to stop you. NO MERCY, NO MISTAKES. Do y'all understand?
- YES SIR!!!
You were feeling something was out of place, an unusual vibe In the air, you didn't know what it was, you only felt something was wrong. Horangi noticed it, he knows you were not focused this time.
- Hey, you good?
- Uh? Oh... Yes, sorry I was just thinking if I already have all I will need. Let's go buddy, let's do this!.
You tried to sound calm and ready but you weren't, your senses were playing with you.
You look at König who was also very quiet and you could see how his mind is full of thoughts, you know him, he was elaborating more than one plan, just in case.
He finally feels your eyes on him, he walks in your direction and his big hand takes yours.
- Are you alright, Meine Liebe?
You nod, and fix something on his mask, while he puts on your own mask, he's still looking at you, you both know there's an unknown elephant filling the room.
- Schätz, I know you very well, I know there's something on your mind, I will not force you to tell me, I just want you to know that everything will be fine, I trust all of you, we will be fine.
You look at him one more time, you can't see his face but you're sure he's smiling at you, even with the mask you already know every expression, and without noticing you're smiling at him too, then, he kissed your hand In response. Both walked to the trucks and joined with the rest of the team.
The trip to the location was quick, the small conversation with the team helped you to relax, before you and Horangi separated from them, König let you know how much he loved you and asked you to take care, he wanted his team back to the base in one piece.
You and Horangi waited for König's approval to get inside to capture the objective, once there, the game started, König's voice sounded on your ear, letting you and all the team know that you're not alone.
- We have company! Some soldiers are here, secure our hostage, kill everybody who tries to take him!
All the team replied with a simple:
- copy!
You and Horangi were planning how to protect the hostage and yourself, which routes follow to arrive at the rendezvous point, until a window broke and the next thing you saw was a man jumping on Horangi, you took the hostage and without thinking you put the gun on his head, you knew this would turn into a negotiation or a race to see who dies first, your partner or your hostage, everything got blurry for a second when your enemy's face became to a familiar one.
- Let that man go now or I will kill your partner! All depends on you buddy!
You smiled under your mask, this man who you thought you would never see again is in front of you trying to put your nerves on charge of your next movements.
- I will not do such a thing... Sergeant.
You saw it in his eyes, he recognized your voice and still he couldn't believe it, this was your chance to take advantage.
- Bunny?... Is that you? What the hell are you... No, you're not with these people, tell me you're not...
You took off your mask, you wanted to show the new you, you had him out of balance, you saw how his mind was doing a mess with him.
- I'm no longer a Bunny, my new friends call me Wolfsbane, now let my partner go and I will not kill this not so innocent man.
You looked at Horangi who already knew what you were doing, he was ready to attack as soon as you gave him any sign.
Soap was out of his mind, his precious little bunny was now looking at him with uninterested eyes, cold and distant, his thoughts were distracting him of his mission, you were ready to give the sign to Horangi when Soap's radio spoke.
- Soap, where are you? let's go, they're more than we estimated, bring the hostage now!
Both were ready to speak when yours made a sound too. König needed your report.
- Horangi, Wolfsbane, report me, where are you? We will go to help...
- A little difficulties but all good sir, we can handle it, the hostage is still safe.
You interrupt your colonel, you didn't allow him to come to your rescue, you were sure you could handle it.
- Don't take too long guys, we have to leave soon.
- Copy.
You turned off your radio, looked at both and pressed your gun harder on your hostage head.
- You heard your captain, soap, we're too much for you to handle, and you heard mine, we don't have time to play, so... Let's make this simpler, I'll let this man go and you will let my partner go too, I already have the information I need, this piece of shit is not important for my boss anymore. What do u think? It's a good deal...
- look at you, you're a very different person... Who are you now? I barely recognize you...
- I'm not here to talk, I'm here for business! I'm giving you the chance to do this in the easy way, answer now or I shoot you and him.
Your cold attitude was Killing him, he wasn't thinking clearly, before he could even say a word u gave Horangi a quick sign, then Soap was on the floor.
The two of you and the hostage were running out of the room when soap took you by the leg, you put resistance instantly, fighting against your once lover. Horangi stopped on his tracks ready to help, his gun ready to end with Soap but something inside you reacted and before your brain could stop your mouth, you yelled at Horangi.
- Go, take the hostage now! I'll distract him, Go!
Horangi doubted for a second but nodded and while he was leaving he asked you not to take much time or he would be a dead man.
You give a wonderful fight, soap was very distracted by his own mind, your radio turned on once again and your Colonel's angry voice was filling the room.
- Wolfsbane, report! Where are you?...
No response from you, you're too busy to speak.
- meine Königin... where are you? I'll go to look for you.
You had a knife ready to cut Soap's throat, and yet... You couldn't do it, you knew you needed to do it and you couldn't. You threw your knife away and hit him repeatedly, he wasn't fighting you anymore, he was too heartbroken to fight you, you never saw him like that but it wasn't time to be weak.
- I'm on my way to join Horangi Sir, I already finished here, the hostage is safe.
- copy, I want all of you here NOW. Let's go home, meine liebling.
Before you answered to König, you looked one more time to Soap, he was on his knees you saw on his eyes how he was still putting the puzzle pieces together.
You took his face on your hands and kissed his forehead, before he could say something you put your mask on again and spoke first.
- This could be different Soap, but now, this is the way I choose, I will not have mercy next time I see you.
You took your radio and said with a soft and sweet voice:
- yes, mission successful, let's go home my love...
The last memory of Soap was your boot on his face, and the shadow of your body shape running away.
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vidavalor · 11 months
I just happened upon your blog (right terminology?) and I’m learning a lot. One thing that startled me was your referring to Crowley and Aziraphale’s love (sex) life as a matter of course, something seemingly everyone but me knew about. I was blown away and really wanted it to be true. After all, they’ve had to do without so much—openness, safety, the expectation of future togetherness. It would too unfair if they had to do without physical consummation too. What’s the deal with this? How do we know it’s so? What’s the history? Please enlighten me. Have you written posts about this? I’d love to read them. Thanks
Hello! Thanks for the ask. Nice to meet you. I call it a blog because I'm old and don't know the cool terms but we can call it whatever lol. I have no idea re: how many people who view the show and are able to see that Crowley & Aziraphale are more than friends (because, believe it or not, that concept still shocks some lol) who think that they're already lovers. I do think I'm sort of in the minority, maybe, even if there are a bunch of people who think that they're already a thing. When scrolling through the Ineffable Husbands tag on here, I tend to see a lot more posts that suggest that they aren't lovers and that 2.06 was their first kiss. (Let's hope that it's not lol.)
I guess I would say that if you are thinking about whether or not they might be, consider that Good Omens shows you most of its story out of chronological order in order to give layered meaning to the stuff you've already seen so, just with that knowledge alone, it would be actually pretty surprising if 2.06 was the first time they'd kissed. In S2 itself, earlier on, there's some heavy suggestion that it's not. If you want to read about when I think that happened, go here and I'll link you one more post at the bottom of this response here:
While I like to read all points of view-- I read a lot of aro ace GO stuff as well, even if I don't necessarily see that in my own interpretations of things-- I have thought they were sleeping together since the first time I watched S1 a few years back and S2 just kinda reinforced that for me. I think that, technically-speaking, there's a path to either they still haven't gotten together or that they're long-time lovers. I say that but honestly... it's more like if they somehow do something that suggests that they're only getting together during/after S3, I think it could kinda work but I honestly don't actually think that's the story they're writing. I'm pretty firmly set on the idea that they've been sleeping together for, uh, a very long time at this point. Someone told me the other day via messages that they would burn my house down if I did not finish a sex meta that I promised people so I best maybe get on that and also potentially call the police lol. (I am both flattered and scared?). So, uh, I'll get that up soon... I wrote a couple of longer metas lately about different eras of their relationship that are replies to recent asks on my blog-- I'd probably recommend the one about what they call each other and coded love confessions in 1941, if you're looking to read about them as a couple that's already a couple (even if they would have an anxiety attack at the word 'couple', as Crowley does in 2.06 lol). Will link it below. I'm very flattered that you and others have asked to read more of what I think and I have gotten asked a lot for more sex-related content so, uh, watch this space, I guess? :)
Make yourself a tea first or plan to come back to it as I'm wordy lol:
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theproperweirdo · 3 months
( I totally forgot I had this screenshot from the whole Lord thing so here’s a fun theory time while I clean my camera roll and reformat my Bryon/Lorsan headcanons google doc to something manageable. )
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I always found this specific interaction interesting because on multiple occasions Lorsan brags about being the one to find Merlin. Which even Lyca points out he didn’t really do shit lmao.
When he has the ‘Lord Lorsan’ title thrown back at him he actively humbles right the fuck down. It’s weird
If you choose the alternative dialogue option and call Lorsan shameless he doesn’t have the same reaction. It’s only if you call him Lord.
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Why would a character who’s shown to be a tad bit conceited reject an actually well acknowledged, difficult to achieve, and revered title like that?
~ for your consideration ~
Lorsan hates the title of Lord because he never had to actually do anything to get it. He was born smart and born talented and was given his title off pure luck and maybe a mild amount of work.
Compare that to Lyca, who worked tirelessly to become captain of the dusk patrollers (and still doesn’t think she’s as impressive as her brother)
Compare that to Eironn, who’s entire character arch across two games is him striving to become a better swordsman and someone who wants to become worthy of being the scion of the lucent tree
Hell even Bryon had to work to become (in his words) “capable” as a wind whisper
Lorsan hates his title because he doesn’t actually feel like he deserves it
So much of Lorsan’s character arch is dedicated to him not feeling like he’s strong enough. And he’s not. And he knows it.
I’m gonna preface what I’m about to say next because it’s gonna sound mean but I do love this rabbit dearly
I got the angst potential bugs and they’re out for blood
In terms of the quest to save the Dark Forest Lorsan is practically useless
What’s the point of being the best of the perception faction when the decay and death of your home it’s impossible to miss? What’s the point in trying to fight back if Lorsan and everyone around him acknowledges he’s not a strong enough fighter to do much besides get himself killed? What’s the point of being the most gifted wind whisper if all it ever does is convince him to abandon his own safety and everyone who’s loved him in favor of seeing a cruel but beautiful world beyond the tree line? What’s the point in having a title if it’s just empty words that put him above those he desperately wants to stand besides?
How do you live with that?
He doesn’t take credit for his title because he doesn’t want empty praises. He does take credit for finding Merlin because that’s the one thing he actually did with his own two hands to save the forest. And even then it’s still someone else’s strength he’s hiding behind
Genuinely I think what drew me to Lorsan’s character is because he’s so desperately a person who wants to become something greater. He’s genuinely kind, and considerate, and tries to make up for some of his shortcomings. He still tries his best even when he knows it’s likely not enough.
(As a former gifted kid who outgrew all their talents but still wants to be something good enough the projection is real)
Also sry this really rambled lol. His character is so fun I love dissecting it :3c
I love this!!! 😭😭❤️❤️ you’ve written him out so well!
Do you think it’s also why he was a troublemaker in school? Maybe he knew that this was all too easy for him, and that everyone else worked so hard while he got the easy route. Maybe he didn’t want to stand with his peers and possibly bring them down, and so he skipped classes and ran around on his own. All his friends struggled and learned through their own experiences, but he didn’t have that.
Arden probably knew, and it could’ve also been an underlying issue he was trying to help him out with during their teachings together. 😢
Also here’s the end bit of Lorsan’s story because I think it’s really cool
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I love his last line there, “what can you tell me that the wind hasn’t already?” It’s so cool, and really emphasizes his close relationship with the wind (。 ́︿ ̀。)
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goldenoyster · 10 days
Sept Stobin Extravaganza Alt-Prompt: "For You? Absolutely."
Rated T | @sept-stobin-extravaganza | 754 Words | Sequel to Day 5's Fill Here [AN: I filled this on the wrong blog but it's already been reblogged by the event, so this link will direct you to my writing blog, lol]
Steve and Robin had been “dating” for close to seven months now. Robin was almost about to graduate, and her parents were making noises about what the two were going to do after.
Before everything that happened at the mall, she’d been set on moving out of Hawkins to a bigger city and going to school to be a professional translator, but now? Steve was here, so here she’d stay. She figured she could always go in a few years once the kids were grown.
Her parents were kind of hippies, so they just wanted her to be happy, but they also wanted to see her taken care of.
“I hope he’s planning on proposing to you soon,” her mom told her one night at dinner.
“Mom! I haven’t even finished school yet!” Robin protested. “You couldn’t at least give me until summer before you started saying something?”
“She’s right, though,” her dad said, taking another bite of casserole. “You two are so sweet together. We just want you to be happy, Birdie, like how we are.”
Robin just pushed the rest of her food around on her plate and ignored her parents until she could be excused to go back to her room.
She laid in bed that night, just staring at the ceiling, thinking about what her parents said. Why not get married? It’s not like she would ever be able to get married to someone she was in love with, and she planned for the two of them to spend the rest of their lives together. Wasn’t that what marriage was anyway? Committing your life to someone?
The more she thought about it, the less downsides she saw. In March, when Steve’s bat bites got infected, they wouldn’t let her in his room until he woke up and made them. They’d never be able to keep the two apart. She could make sure she was the one making medical decisions for him instead of his parents who were never around and didn’t care.
They could find a place to live together without being judged for “cohabitating out of wedlock” or even buy a house together. She knew he didn’t want to stay at his parents’ house any longer than he had to.
He wanted kids, too. Sure, Robin hadn’t always been the biggest fan of kids, but the more she was around the little dorks that followed Steve everywhere, the more open she was to them. If Steve was having kids, they’d be just as much hers too. The thought of having sex with Steve made her want to gag, but she wouldn’t mind figuring out some other way to carry a baby for him.
The only thing that was holding her back? Steve himself. She couldn’t stop him from marrying someone he loved. He could still find a girl and fall in love and want to marry her. He’d said before that he’d marry her, but did he really mean it?
Without even thinking about the time, Robin crept down the stairs to the phone and punched in the number to Steve’s private line.
“Hullo?” she heard his voice come through, groggy and thick with sleep.
She heard the rustle of sheets over the line. “Robin?” he said back, much more awake this time. “It’s like three in the morning? Is something wrong?”
“Did you mean it when you said you’d marry me?”
“Wait, what?” he sounded so confused.
“When you asked me out,” she started, being mindful of the fact that her parents could potentially wake up and overhear, “did you mean it when you said you’d marry me?”
“Well… Yeah? I wouldn’t have said it otherwise,” he answered.
“Are you one-hundred percent sure?” she checked again.
“Yes, Robin! For you? Absolutely!” he said back, exasperatedly. “Is this the only reason you called me and woke me up? We have work in the morning!”
“Well, the answer’s ‘yes,’ dingus!”
“For… waking me up?” he asked. “Rob, you’ve gotta be clearer. I’m still over here half asleep.”
Robin took a deep breath. “The answer’s ‘yes,’ I’ll marry you!”
The other end of the line was silent for a moment. “Like, right now? It’s 3AM.”
“Ugh!” she huffed and slammed the phone on the receiver.
“Congrats, honey!” she heard her dad call from her parents’ room.
“Yeah, Birdie! Nail that boy down!” her mom called too.
“Arghhh!” Robin screamed, as loud as she could, in frustration, and stormed off to her room. Why did she even bother with these people?
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jtargaryen18 · 1 year
His Inheritance ~ Chapter 28 Preview
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A/N: Okay, I spent a good part of the weekend plotting out the next two chapters. I literally storyboarded this because there's so much going on and so many moving parts. Not nearly as cool as it sounds unless stick figures count lol
Two things you need to know moving forward with His Inheritance.
First, and you probably expected this. There will be a lot of physical fighting, torture, and violence in the next two chapters. This will be tagged with CW but I wanted to mention this anyway. It's going to get dark. Be prepared for the potential of secondary character death.
Second, these two chapters are going to feel like a grand finale. Does that mean we're almost done with this story? No. More like this is the end of the first act. You have been warned. 😎
Thank you for all the support on this one. It means everything to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 🙏💕
Clint paused to see Belova’s number on his phone, especially since Steve tossed her out. He understood why his boss did it, he just didn’t entirely agree with it. Belova was young but she had a lot of potential. She was strong. Clint had no reason not to trust her.
That, more than anything, had him answering the call.
“I’ve got a location on Banner,” she said.
That got his interest. “Where?”
Belova gave him the address, an apartment over a dive bar on Stark’s turf. He knew the place.
Neal’s words about Belova falling into enemy hands crossed his mind.
“How do I know you’re not walking me into a trap?” he had to ask.
“I may not be working for the Rogers family at the moment,” she said. “But I still serve Mrs. Rogers. She would want me to relay this information.”
Belova's tone was even. She sounded the same as she always did.
“Yeah, she would,” Clint said. Mrs. Rogers trusted her and considering how she’d supported him and Nat, well, that meant something to him.
“There’s more on Banner,” Belova went on quickly. “It will be sent to you from an unknown number when this call ends. I hope you’ll find it helpful.”
Clint did too. “Take care of yourself.”
“You too,” she said, ending the call.
Sure enough, the text came through a few seconds later. The attachment didn’t have much to offer about Bruce Banner. But his Senator brother? Clint had to read over it again to make sure he read it correctly. If the information he was reading got out, the scandal would likely ruin the entire Banner family.
How the hell did Belova pull it off?
He and Scott were supposed to carry out their part of the boss’s plan tonight, around midnight. Clint had almost six hours to kill before getting ready for that. Did he trust Belova? Would he find Banner if he went to that address?
Anger for every bruise, every cut on Nat’s body rushed to the surface as he considered the intel he’d just been given. His Nat would need weeks to physically heal from the beating she’d taken at the hands of her husband. The fear she’d experienced in the trap of her marriage would take a lot longer to recover from if she ever did.
Guilt clawed at him from the inside, like a feral beast. He could have put a stop to it. He could have taken her and run. He would have betrayed his loyalty to her brother, his boss. But maybe they’d be somewhere safe right now. Maybe she wouldn’t have terrible dreams and shadows behind her eyes.
Maybe Steve would have killed them.
No, Clint told her over and over that he loved her. That one day, maybe Steve would change his mind and they could be together as they were always meant to be.
And that day finally came. Neither of them dared to ask for more. Steve allowing them to be together was more than they could have hoped for.
But Nat had taken a severe beating to get them to that point. And Steve still wouldn’t have gone to check on her if hadn’t been for Mrs. Rogers insistence. Not with everything going on all around them.
He would have given anything to take that beating for Nat.  He’d felt so helpless that day when they found her like that in her husband’s house. Clint had been forced to contain the rage he hadn’t been allowed to express or act on. It had been one of the hardest things he’d done in his whole damn life. And he’d been recovering from getting shot on top of it.
But now, just maybe Belova had given him something he desperately wanted – a chance at some payback.
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
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Who You Are:
Daisy || She/her
I'm a fantasy enjoyer about to graduate from university with a degree in editing. In addition to writing, I like to draw/paint and play the piano. Also interested in linguistics and bookbinding
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Young and New Adult, Adult.
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
I love specfic in general, fantasy in particular (but the line between fantasy and scifi is blurrier than one might think). I particularly like the potential of alternate worlds to set up situations and character dynamics that simply couldn't exist in a historical or contemporary novel
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
I don't read or write smut/erotica but other than that everything else is potentially on the table. I couldn't see myself doing straight historical fiction, either, honestly, just because I probably wouldn't be able to resist adding some specfic elements and/or unanchoring it from time (Fantasy is freedom to me, whereas historical accuracy is something extra to adhere to.)
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
You mean other than myself?? Ok but actually it's pretty broadly just people who like fantasy. I have one wip that's technically YA just based on the age of the characters, but it could definitely be enjoyed by adults. My other wip is adult/NA but could also definitely be enjoyed by teenagers.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
hmmm….something about the juxtaposition of violence and tenderness? Guilt/responsibility and free will/predestination a la the Chosen One trope. Memory loss trope (so juicy)
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
I personally am not a fan of immortal love interests. sorry everyone.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
My current main wip is called Deep and Dark, Beautiful and Bright. I started it in November 2020. I also have a back burner project called Fear Me, which has been ship-of-Theseus-ing since I was like 10 lol. And I'm working on two short stories that are being more trouble than they're worth
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
I've been making up stories since I knew what stories were. Mostly started out playing elaborate pretend games with my sister. In second grade my best friend suggested we "write a book" together since our teacher would give out blank spiral-bound paper packets. (I think she was mostly interested in my illustration abilities tbh) Anyway we created a series centered around a character named Natalie (who was basically a ripoff of Ramona/Junie B. Jones.) But anyway I think around then is when I actually became interested in writing books as an outlet for making up stories. I didn't actually do a ton of writing as a kid, but I always collected story ideas and had a ton of ocs that I would draw in my secret sketchbook.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
Honestly I get inspiration from everywhere. My brain is a very productive idea factory (but not a productive draft finisher, sadly). Other media (for example taking one specific concept or plot point form a move and running in the opposite direction with it), dreams, songs, historical events, offhand comments from friends, etc. Sometimes justt out of nowhere I swear.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
Not yet and yes eventually
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
I want my projects to have a final form and I want other people to read them. I don't want anyone I know irl (or anyone else for that matter) to psychoanalyze me about them. I'm not looking forward to anything to do with marketing, writing to market, tight deadlines, adhering to standardized formats/lengths, etc. but so it goes…
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
I love coming up with ideas and characters and scenes. I love rambling in my notes doc. I love drafting in the rare moments when I actually do it. I really struggle with getting all the pieces of my plot to fit together. I like editing (I'm literally an editor). I cannot do project management to save my life.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
Right now what's working fro me is to have three distinct documents. One goes strictly in order. Another is to put all of the scenes I want to write that don't fit into that order yet. The third one is for me to yell about it all (notes). When I'm lucky, scenes form the chaos doc (scene bank) eventually find their way into the order doc.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
I joined tumblr predominantly for the writeblr community in 2018 (don't remember the specifics but I remember seeing writing posts on pinterest and was like hm well might as well go directly to the source)
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
in no particular order and not an exclusive list: @aohendo @mecharose @scarvenartist @woodhousejay @baroquesse @tracle0 @klywrites @garthcelyn @incandescent-creativity @zmwrites @ashen-crest @ambiguouspuzuma @ettawritesnstudies @megarywrites @magic-is-something-we-create @pinespittinink @isherwoodj just a few of the many excellent people here
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
I just love the community aspect of interacting with other writers, or even just seeing what everyone's working on and how it's going. Even if someone's wip isn't my exact cup of tea I still like seeing posts about their work and people encouraging each other.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
A lot of people say that interaction is dead etc. but I don't really think that's true. I think focusing less on reblogs and more on comments/asks as a form of interaction would strengthen the feeling of community. Not everyone is obligated to reblog everything and comments and asks can be more personal anyway. I like knowing other people are seeing what I put out there, and I especially love getting comments on my work, but that doesn't mean I need everyone to share it. I'd rather have 5 followers that interact with me than 1000 who don't. Quality over quantity, you know?
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
Of course everyone could always be doing more. I like to read other's snippets when I'm in the headspace for it, but sometimes I'm just here to mindlessly scroll and that's okay too. If I read something and I think it's cool or interesting or well-written or anything I try to either leave a reply or reblog with something in the tags. If I can't think of anything to say just quoting a line that I liked will suffice (I like when people do that to me). I do want to try sending more asks to people—I try to always send one when I see someone's reblogged an ask game, but I think everyone would appreciate some out-of-the-blue asks as well :)
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
All kinds but I am most likely to interact with shorter posts about peoples' process or something about their characters. @klywrites will post about tiny interactions between her characters and I literally love them just from seeing tiny scenes on my dash every so often. I really like to read longer snippets and short stories too (there's some amazing writers here y'all) but I'm more likely to scroll past those if I can't spare the focus. Also I love seeing art! even from people who don't consider themselves artists like aww you drew your little guy and I love them now
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
idk I end up just vagueposting about my process most of the time. I love to infodump about my characters/worldbuilding but I don't do it too often. I also like to post about writing things in general, but I don't consider myself an expert or anything so I'm not putting out a ton of advice—just what works for me
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pansy-picnics · 2 years
how did unknighted dream react to varian coming out/bringing home hugo lol
LMAOOO OK so this is one of my favorite things ever solely bc theres SO MANY different ways it can go and literally all of them are fucking gold
i feel like they always knew varian was Not Straight. im a big fan of the idea that varian transitions after qfad and has a big mental breakdown haircut when his dad gets trapped and considering his feelings towards both eugene and cass i think it was always this unspoken thing all of them knew about. rapunzel and eugene however were obviously Not expecting him to bring home a whole ass boyfriend
of course varian wrote tons of letters home so they both heard everything about the new friends he was making, but varian was insistent on not telling them ANYTHING about his crush because god knows how rapunzel would react if she found out about That. she was suspicious when he came back for the light trial but decided to keep her mouth shut until they were all finished with their work there
i love rapunzel and eugene being super supportive but also a Little protective. and its not really anything to do with anything hugo’s done, they’re all about second chances after all but they’re obviously not ready to see their baby brother grow up so fast. ive seen a lot of fics where one or both of them are very defensive and suspicious towards hugo and it ends with a VERY yummy confrontation from varian where he tells them they need to learn that he’s an adult now and is able to make his own choices and they have to be okay with that. but the route of them being so excited and supportive that it ends up being overbearing is also super funny and in character
i think rapunzel at first would be super excited varian is finding love, and very welcoming towards hugo on a surface level- but as time goes on the tiniest things start to make her paranoid, and she worries a lot about varian getting hurt in some way. cue her snooping around a lot just to make sure he’s okay, varian eventually confronting her about it and her apologizing and promising to recognize varian’s maturity and be more accepting of his choices.
when rapunzel actually starts to see hugo on a deeper level she starts to recognize a lot of his similarities to varian, eugene, and especially herself, and she’s now basically like “oh ok!!! new baby brother!! :)”
she then tries to be a lot more welcoming towards hugo, trying to help him settle into the castle without being too overbearing. of course from hugo’s perspective her seemingly constant mood swings make him very hesitant to trust her, but eventually through varian the two are able to bond and find a lot of common ground
eugene on the other hand is fun bc he’s way more versatile and it can go a LOT of different ways depending on how they’re introduced or how their past together is established. i love the idea of him basically becoming Cass 2.0 and being super overprotective of varian but i also like to imagine he’s mostly just so hostile towards hugo bc he recognizes so much of his younger self and is Cringing about it (he would literally NEVER admit it though). like he’s like “i cannot STAND that kid he always acts so cocky and like he’s sooo much better than me” and cass is like “lmao yeah right? he’s exactly like you when you first came here” and eugene’s just “😐”
anyways they’re best friends (they literally cant stand each other)
no they do start to get along eventually though and i have so many thoughts about the potential friendship between the former thieves, lance hugo and eugene would be SUCH a dynamic and this fandom is sleeping on it fr
and then theres cass. GOD cass is my favorite in this situation by far bc shes way more logical and is like the only grounding force between rapunzel and eugene. new dream are the overemotional parents/older siblings in this situation and cass is like. the wine aunt.
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bc see cass already ran into varian at some point during his journey and has already processed most of these changes ahead of time. she already recognized how much varian had matured and how much this trip had changed him. and most importantly she recognized what was going on between him and hugo a Long time ago and literally Did Not Care
in fact cass’s main concern is literally just that she thinks hugo is annoying. its not like she’s suspicious of him at all bc she fully trusts varians judgement and also knows varian is capable of handling himself. she’s aware that varian clearly saw something in hugo and chose him for a reason. she just doesn’t like him solely out of personal bias
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cass doesn’t straight up tell raps and eugene what the problem is because she knows they need to hear it from varian more than anything but she does try to kind of push them in that direction. she reminds them like “hey maybe you should try to give the kid more credit. i think he knows what he’s doing” yk that kind of thing.
ironically enough though hugo is WAY more scared of her than he is of anyone else. shes like on the same level as quirin on his list of threats which is hilarious because they are the main 2 people who have like, basically nothing against him
hugo: so is this the part where you tell me you’ll kill me if i hurt varian
cass: ? what?? oh no that bitch is fully capable of killing you himself if he wanted to
hugo: …….yeah thats fair actually.
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Hi!! I would love your thoughts on this,I read the books years ago, but kinda got the gist that Marius and Lestat were besties and kinda similar, like Lestat looked up to Marius a lot, but the show has already painted Marius in not a very flattering light, totally fair, also Jacob wanted to vomit talking about Marius lol, so how do you think the show will portray Lestat/Marius relationship, it could be potentially disastrous ://
Well.....Marius has always been terrible tbh. One of Anne Rice's favorite type of character was some pompous old white man who everyone knew was a pedophile (with a side order of misogyny) but just accepted him anyway and let him in a lot of spaces without question. Bcuz it's always someone who has "knowledge" somehow.
Fans argue constantly about these ppl, especially Marius, bcuz a lot of ppl read these books too young. Obviously ppl can write whatever they want but usually there is a purpose to the writing. Anne Rice put a lot of ideas out there that just kind of....do nothing. There's a lot of abuse in the books that just sits there. She's usually having the victims stifle their reactions to abusers and eventually convincing themselves it's all about love. It's a real pattern of behavior in abuse victims but it does nothing to add anything to the stories bcuz she writes it poorly. It's not like u *have* to criticize abuse in fiction, it can serve a lot of purposes, but hers is just.....there. It's treated as if the correct thing to do is *never* look at it at all, just get along with everyone without question. This is why ppl think the books teach "empathy" but tbh all it shows is that she couldn't write conflict or even navigate real relationships at any adult level.
The ugly truth about a lot of what she wrote is that she idolized rich, white, and abusive European men. Every single one of them is like this, no matter how much anyone wants to tone down Lestat or Marius or whoever. The show could bring attention in a more critical way to a *lot* of things. That would be amazing if they did tbh. Lestat is always seeking a father figure / mentor and Marius and David are the main men he looks to. It starts off fine but then becomes blurred in this sexual haze that isn't rly necessary for anything?? Marius isn't as sexual as David but it's still there a little....and his history with Armand and Lestat's relationship with Armand p much goes unexamined, which is insane. A lot of the reason the fandom is fucked up too is bcuz she kind of made a lot of serious things come across like a fun Daddy Kink. It's....rly weird. It's like she couldn't look a lot head on, she had to start blurring it into "is the character bothered rn or is this a fun, sexy time??" I think she could have benefitted from a lot of therapy or at least a clearer vision of her writing goals before she wrote most of any of this.
Anyway, my main point was that it isn't rly gonna be that shocking if a lot of rich, white men who do shitty things stick together. It depends how honest the show is gonna be. So far they've been a lot more critical of things Anne Rice never looked at, so the potential for a much better story is there. I think the point that a lot of book ppl insist is in the books is a good thing to pull more to the surface than she did. Awful ppl exist every day and how do u draw the line on interacting with them? What happens if other ppl like them and ur alone in it? Especially if it's ppl u trust and respect? What if the person is rly beautiful? Rly talented? What if it's the partner of someone u love who doesn't see abuse happening? What if ur all immortal too, how do u deal with having issues with someone u might have to see forever?
Since we've seen some of Marius through Armand's version already, I expect that they're going to be more up front on things than the books were. I also expect he's going to still be someone that Lestat looks up to in some way. How it works in the long term, idk, but it's one of the main things I'm looking forward to.
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
Especially for La Signora, because she used to go to the Akademiya about 500 years ago, and if Dottore was already in the Fatui 400 years ago (during the Tatarasuna incident), and therefore had been expelled a while ago, they could have been attending as students at the same time. Meaning that La Signora might have seen Dottore in his scrawny Akademiya scholar phase. (okay I know he probably wasn't that scrawny considering he strangled Sohreh to death but yk).
Plusssss if the theories about Colombina being a Seelie or one of the moon sisters are true, then she's probably been a live for a gazillion years and may have also seen Dottore when he was young.
I mean, Colombina did kind of already do it in A Winter's Night Lazzo when she commented on how young he looked and Dottore was like >:(
I love Dottore (me when mental illness 😍), but I also want to see him get bullied by other immortal Harbingers bc everyone in Teyvat is terrified of this man and yet these people are here like "L imagine getting kicked out of the Akademiya"
I'm sorry if this is extremely disorganized; my thoughts are always chaotic 😭 (ADHD core 😍😍😍)
Anyway, bye bye and I hope you have a good day!!!
signora when dottore: lol i got my degree and you didn't. loser.
YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT ON THIS. EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR ME OUT ON THIS. PLEASE. THEY'RE ALWAYS IN MY BRAIN. I DON'T EVEN LIKE DOTTORE (i am one wrong step away from becoming a dottore liker though LMFAO i walk a dangerous line as a pantalone liker......)
dottore: no lover? signora: no phd? 🥺
but seriously--YOU GET WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY!!! dottore was already part of the fatui ~400 years ago, and presumably already at his current harbinger status (or perhaps lower ranked, but i believe, based on his attitude, he was already a harbinger at that point).
whether it's been canonically confirmed or not, it's very very very likely that dottore is zandik. i wasn't into genshin when hyv was hinting at signora being rosalyne, but... looking back on it, the foreshadowing seems sort of obvious from a writing perspective. so, it is reasonable to assume they were at the akademiya around the same time. maybe they had no interest in one another (and probably were students of different darshans), but that doesn't really matter because they were probably there at the same time. rosalyne probably knew about him but didn't know him. he seemed infamous and shit.
THEREFORE it is COMPLETELY reasonable to assume signora would always be teasing him and shit. and we already know columbina DOES. i mean, girlie looked at him and said "you're looking young today, doctor 🤭" SO?????? THOSE TWO WOULD TOTALLY FUCK W/ HIM TOGETHER
and everyone else (save for pierro) is like ????? because what the fuck kind of messed up relationship is this.......
i bully dottore regularly and i think it's just so funmy to consider this potential dynamic.
...but, hear me out. do you think he had a hard time getting used to the silence after signora died? there's hardly anyone else on teyvat that had the guts to look him in the face and call him a loser and now the one who COULD do it died. she was harrassing him for like 500 years and now she's gone. crazy.
SO REAL FOR THAT BTW we do not control the adhd, the adhd controls us 🤝
i hope you have a lovely day as well dear!!!!! thank you for entertaining my thoughts mwah mwah /p <33
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tsutsumi-kurose · 10 months
okay i'm probably getting ahead of myself but i'm SO excited for the clock keepers' trial bc i'm constantly puzzling over all the time fuckery in tbhk and specifically wondering about how all of the time travel seems to center around nene. and i've been wondering, is this just bc she's the heroine so we see most of the story through her eyes? I feel like that's possible, but we get a lot of perspectives that aren't hers and scenes where she's not there as well!! so i think maybe it is specific to nene! and if so, she might be in some hot water with this trial, on account of her extensive list of:
time crimes!
(even if she didn't really have any control over them lol, they still all revolve around her! and i don't know how understanding the clock keepers are about that sort of thing...)
so before the trail, let's revisit nene's time crimes! (and let me know if i missed any!)
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time crime 1: meeting amane as a student after escaping the place between worlds. this is the first one, but perhaps also the one that could get her in the most trouble, as she straight up stole a key from the past and brought it to the present! who knows what butterfly effect that may have had!
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time crime 2: transporting to the 1964 star festival and chatting with a little amane! unintentional as always, but she left an impression, and figured out how to get herself back to her own time. impressive time skills with worrying implications about the repercussions!
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time crime 3: intentionally trying to change the timeline after meeting a 4-year-old tsukasa in the red house!
though, idk if this fits in with the theory, bc if nene gets in trouble with the timekeepers for this then kou should also be here in court right? but maybe they just couldn't find him lol. for his sake i hope that's the case...
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...bc if this actually affected the timeline it was probably the biggest time wreckage of the series yet, so. prayer circle for kou if this gets brought up in court lmao
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time crime 4: running into middle school tsukasa amidst some school festival time fuckery. really interesting that tsukasa doesn't seem surprised... like he knew he would find nene there... even more questions but that spiral is maybe for another time lol. once again it's not intentional on her part, but very much happens to (because of?) her specifically
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bonus: not necessarily a time crime, but maybe one? at least something that furthers the connection between nene and time working strangely around her: mitsuba's picture of the red house doesn't develop until it's in her hands specifically. sure, this could be red house magic. but why wouldn't it have developed for mitsuba? it sorta seems to me like nene could be the thing that developed this picture from the past, but it's a less solid theory, as we haven't really seen anything else like this that we can compare it to (unless i'm forgetting something! please let me know if i am!)
i'm super excited for the trial bc i have a lot of questions about why time moves so strangely around nene, and maybe we'll get answers about that in the trial!
the other most exciting part, for me, about these things potentially being brought up in the trial, is that nene hasn't told hanako about talking with past versions of tsukasa. and as someone who eats up angst like it's candy, i cannot express how much i would love to see hanako finding out from a third party (the clock keepers) that tsukasa and nene, the two most significant people in his life, who he usually tries to keep separate, have been traipsing through time together and never got around to telling him about it. how would hanako, who almost never willingly gives up information about himself, react to finding out that nene got information about him from tsukasa in secret?
and right after she just told him she loves him ): how sad would that be? <3
(it’s honestly likely that none of this will come up with all the clock stuff going on, but it’s fun to think about!!)
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