#i hope they’re enchanted to not be hot in warm weather!
coincasual · 1 year
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day 27: autumn festival at hogwarts
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pair: Harry Potter x reader
summary: Harry would be the one to invite y/n(she/her) to an autumn festival at Hogwarts, offering a simple yet heartwarming date
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The crisp air of early autumn filled the Hogwarts grounds, swirling leaves of red, orange, and gold around the courtyard as students buzzed with excitement for the annual Autumn Festival. It was a tradition that brought warmth to the school as the weather began to cool—a night filled with enchanted lanterns, cozy treats, and laughter echoing through the halls.You stood near the entrance to the festival, watching as students gathered in groups, some heading to the pumpkin-carving station, others indulging in mugs of steaming hot cider. Despite the festive atmosphere, you felt a little out of place, unsure of how to spend the evening.That’s when you saw him—Harry Potter—his messy black hair even more windswept than usual as he made his way toward you, his green eyes bright against the backdrop of the autumn leaves."Hey," Harry said, slightly out of breath. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his robes, looking almost shy. "I was hoping to find you before things got too busy."You smiled, feeling a flutter in your chest. "You were looking for me?""Yeah," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in that endearing way he always did when he was nervous. "I was wondering if you wanted to walk around the festival with me. You know, just the two of us."
Your heart skipped a beat. Harry Potter was inviting you to spend the evening with him. "I’d love that," you replied, your smile widening.
Relief washed over Harry’s face, and he nodded. "Great. I was thinking we could check out the lanterns. They’re supposed to float up into the sky later tonight."
As you walked side by side through the festival, the vibrant colors of the lanterns illuminated the path, casting a soft glow on Harry’s face. He pointed out different stalls, laughing with you as you both tried some of the treats, like caramel apples and roasted chestnuts. The warmth of the evening wasn’t just from the hot drinks and fire pits—it was from the way Harry made you feel so effortlessly at ease.
After a while, the two of you found a quieter spot near the Black Lake, where the reflections of the lanterns shimmered on the water. Harry handed you a small, enchanted lantern of your own.
"Here," he said, his voice soft. "We’re supposed to make a wish before we let them go."
You held the lantern in your hands, glancing over at Harry as he stared at his own. The flickering light danced across his features, and for a moment, you wondered what he was wishing for. Closing your eyes, you whispered your wish and let the lantern go, watching as it floated up into the night sky, joining the others in a sea of golden light.
"Thank you for inviting me, Harry," you said, turning to face him. "This night’s been amazing."
Harry looked at you, his smile warm and genuine. "I’m really glad you came. I’ve been wanting to spend more time with you."
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weirdthinkingdragon · 3 years
Dragons’ Biggest Treasure
Yandere dragon shifter erasermic x reader
Fantasy AU
Here’s a long one for you guys! (10k) FINALLY WROTE A FIC AGAIN! YAY!(hahaha I’m so exhausted)
Warnings: Swearing, graphic fights and scenes, multiple character deaths (not EraserMic or reader), harm towards reader (again, not by EraserMic. Well, mostly), burn mentions (with dragons it’s gonna happen), and a handful of times about eardrums bursting (the harm towards reader by EraserMic). As well as dragon abuse. This does have much darker stuff than I usually write. Also a slow start for the yandere stuff. Pretty happy with the details in it. Hope you guys like it!
dragonerasermicdragonerasermicdragonerasermicdragon- *gets smacked*
These two as yandere dragons will now forever rot in my head. Hng, why have I not thought of it sooner!? Just THINKING of them as yandere dragons makes brain go brrr. Obviously going to write them as yandere dragon shifters again at some point. More than once too.
I’m close to the entrance gates to the kingdom ruled by a man that calls himself All For One. No one knows his real name. He’s a sick bastard that no one wants to be around, but no one can do anything since he’s a lot smarter than he looks with that damn mask over his head. My job by him is to heal dragons after their fights he forces them into, like the most recent one who is incredibly injured in front of me. He likes them by the entrance to torture them with the taste of freedom they will never get from the enchanted chains wrapped all over them. 
While using my natural healing abilities that are actually a pretty rare thing, there is a commotion over towards the gates. The large metal doors open to reveal many men on horses and even a few on their feet holding ropes, pulling something large behind them. I sadly already know what’s being brought in. A saddened sigh escapes me at the sight of two new dragons that are heavily wounded being dragged in through the gates at the end of the ropes. More dragons that are bound to reach their unfortunate fate until they die. 
Looking a bit closer, there are arrows sticking out of the two of them, and blood trailing on the ground. Both of their bodies are black, but one has everything black but a grey underbelly. Instead of spines, it has a feather-like long mane that is also black. The skin on their wings matches the grey of their underbelly. It’s impossible to know the eye color since they’re asleep for the moment. 
The other quite possibly has the largest yellow spines I have ever seen. The same with his horns, they’re curved upwards at a slight angle. Their underbelly, as well as their wings match the color of the spines and horns. There are odd scales around their eyes with orange closer to the center, and a white outer rim, almost like it’s wearing sunglasses. 
The dragon I was tending to just curls itself as much as it can away from me after healing it a small amount. I was ordered to only heal them enough for their wounds to not need stitching so they will still be rather weak to even try escaping. Why he would need enchanted chains then I have absolutely no clue. He takes a sick pleasure in his favorite dragons having such an advantage in the arena. 
I lock eyes with Masura who gives me a giant sadistic smile in return. He enjoys hurting dragons way too much. A few have even ended up dying on the way here from wherever he and the others keep finding them. 
“Brought some fresh meat for you to take care of. These two put up an incredible fight. Can’t wait to see what they will do in the arena.” 
He and the others go to the line of chains near me and hook them all over the two dragons, including the specially created muzzle. Specially created by it having holes so they can dip their snout in the trough of water and get it in that way, and fire can’t get through. Feeding is still a bit of a problem though. Especially since I’m stuck being in charge of that as well. So many times being bitten or burned from having to remove it for that time. 
I gently rub the scarred burn on my right forearm from a problem with an incredibly feisty and almost explosive yellow dragon before. Miraculously, he was the first and only dragon to escape alive. Then again, it was the turn of a different caretaker that night who ended up sentenced to death for it. 
They quickly leave to let me tend to the injured duo. I sigh and quickly finish up the one in front of me with a rather large wound on its right hind leg. The bucket of healing water I enchanted helped the wound close up to a point. It can sadly easily be ripped open, which it obviously will tomorrow in its next fight. I would love nothing more than to be able to heal them better than I have to. There are serious consequences if it’s found out I did though. Emi was proof of that. Despite her joking personality, she really cared for the dragons. That was her downfall when a dragon was healed too much and almost overpowered one of All For One’s most prided dragons. Can’t remember which, but I’m pretty sure it was the female dragon named “Toga”. She- no. Don’t think about Emi’s final screams of pain. 
I scan over the two dragons to see who is worse off. By far it seems to be the black one with the mane instead of spines. The most concerning is the arrow that seems to be in one of its lungs. It’s going to die if I don’t do something. I don’t want it to die so soon. Well, I do, yet I don’t. Do just so they don’t have to suffer fighting in battles, but don’t since they have such a long life to live yet. I just wish they’d be able to really be free after being caught. 
Damn it, I might get into so much trouble for this… 
A bright green glow comes from my hands as I wrap one around the arrow and one on its underside right next to the arrow. A quick and firm tug is able to get it out. I quickly enhance my healing power further to fully heal this one wound. 
Not even a scar is left behind. Hopefully, they forgot the arrow was around there when they brought the dragons. I lean on the wall to steel my groundings from being exhausted from it. Ugh, it’s been too long since I’ve done that. My body is no longer used to my own powers. How sad. I’m the only one known for being born with such power. Emi was gifted it by enchantment by All For One. How he has the power to do that no one wants to know. We all just know he does, and he gets whatever he wants since no one can stop him. 
After collecting myself for a moment, I scan the rest of their injuries and find out both of them are male. The maned one has more slashes on him than arrows, but the other has an incredible amount of arrows. Luckily, none of them are in vital places though. 
The already reddened bucket shows it doesn’t have much more healing capabilities. I’m going to have to get a new one for healing. As long as it’s clear, the water covers the rag in a way it can close wounds. It’s an odd thing that somehow works and helps the healer keep more of their energy. 
I decide to leave for a minute and refill the bucket. After dumping out the blood water, I refill it from the rather clean river that runs through this place. Using my healing ability, I stick my hand in the fresh freezing water and stir it around to leave a green glow for a moment. It will quickly warm up in this rather hot weather. 
I go towards the two again to finish up their wounds. What surprises me is both have already woken up and are glaring at me greatly upon entrance. The maned one has the most piercing steel-white-like eyes I’ve ever seen. The other has bright green with an odd circle swirl in them I’ve never seen before. Have to say they almost seem a bit hypnotic. 
The wonder doesn’t last long though as the green-eyed one lets out a noise that greatly hurts my ears. With that sound and this close proximity, my eardrums more likely than not just burst with the severe pain that came with it. A few tears threaten to escape with a pain I’m not used to.
The mask wasn’t made for dragons with a sound ability! We’ve never had one of these! Why didn’t Masura warn me!? Or more importantly, how wasn’t he heard before being dragged here with how loud he is!?
With my hands instinctively on my ears to try preventing it from bursting my eardrums again though it would be useless, All For One enters right after. Out of nowhere he summons another enchanted chain that wraps around his snout, preventing him from doing the same… Screaming? Shouting? Whatever that ability is to be used again. 
He waits for a minute for me to heal my eardrums before attempting to speak to me. 
I nearly start shaking as his head turns towards the non-wound area on the maned one. Masura must have informed him or slipped up talking about it. 
Quick, I have to save my own skin! “I had to remove the arrow and fully heal it, otherwise it would have died from the arrow puncturing its lung, as you most likely knew already. I understand that’s no worry for you, but it would have been rather annoying if he died before being in even one fight to watch, right?” Oh please tell me that works! 
A dead silence looms for a second before All For One turns towards me and gives me a curt nod. I almost heaved a sigh of relief. Almost being the key word. I held it in to make sure it wouldn’t annoy him. Probably wouldn’t, but it’s safer to not take a chance. 
He creates another muzzle that’s more fitting for this dragon. He removes the chain around the snout and puts it on before he can get snapped at, or possibly screamed at? By said dragon. The belt part is wrapped rather tightly around his snout, making it look impossible for him to even move his jaw. At least the other has a bit of loose room for it to open ever so slightly so it doesn’t become stiff. That one is going to be a lot harder to take off for feeding them.
As if All For One could read my thoughts, which is terrifying to think, he glances at me. "You have a healing ability. If it screams with the muzzle removed, heal yourself. Don’t disappoint me." He then walks off. Probably to his dragons that he treats like gods to keep them loyal to him. Even one of them being obsessed with blood getting a human a week to feast upon. Usually, it’s prisoners that have tried to kill All For One or “dragon liberators” that caught wind of how he treats most of the dragons and tried to free them. Obviously with no succession. 
I let out the unknown breath being held. Man, he’s terrifying and can suffocate someone by just his presence alone. The maned one looked almost worried at the other one while he almost seemed to be panicking with the tight muzzle around his snout. Can’t blame him. Imagine being in something similar. I’d be scared too. 
His glance shifted from the still-panicking dragon towards me, glaring ten times worse than before. I sigh. “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t want you two to be here anymore than you do.” Can dragons even understand human speech? The explosive one that burned me before almost seemed like he did, but maybe it was just my imagination. The other turns towards me and tries to scream, or whatever it is again with no succession. Makes me wonder if he hasn’t had a similar experience somehow in the past. Ugh, thinking of that just makes me feel worse. Finally free only to be dragged back to somewhere that will probably be worse. 
Saying “probably” because there are no branding marks or dents in their wrists from ropes that are usually on dragons from other places.
They’re probably already going to be fighting in the arena tomorrow. Thinking about that reminds me of how exhausted I am from healing the maned one. It’s going to be good for them to get names tomorrow in the arena. Already tired of trying to think of what to call them separately. 
I was right. Miraculously, All For One wanted it to be the last fight of the day involving those two. He wants me to be there to take off the loud one’s muzzle for every fight now and in the future. Starting to hate my healing ability now. 
The chains are still wrapped around the two, and they’re led into different stalls for the arena. Of course, I was left alone with the loud one. Don’t know how that could POSSIBLY go wrong. Note the sarcasm. At least All For One was able to make it where the chains are held on the sturdy walls until he can let them leave. His sound should be plenty enough signal for All For One to release him. 
He looks at me as I reach up to take the muzzle off. He stays quiet for a moment once it’s off, moving his more than likely stiff jaw around. There’s already a slight dent around his snout and jaw. 
I shake my head disappointedly. “This is beyond fucking inhumane.” Leaving him waiting, my body goes towards the doors in front of him and opens them. They lead into the arena, which has a net high up in the air so dragons can’t fly away. Not like they could anyway with how fast All For One can summon chains to drag them to the ground. 
The peace wasn’t kept long though as he uses his ability again. The chains snapped free off of him and he immediately charged out into the arena, where the other already was. Wait, he’s having double dragon fights? That’s new. He’s never done that before. On the other side of the arena, The wounded one from yesterday and a very feisty solid white one were on the other side. The white one looked like it was too eager to try to kill. The two closer to me were more on edge and almost seem like they really don’t want to fight the other two. 
They didn’t get the chance to reject though as the white one immediately lunges towards them. They separate and dodge out of the way of it. It keeps snapping and blowing ice towards the maned one. He slams his front claws on the snout of it to prevent the ice from freezing him or the other. He screams at the ice dragon. It’s not as loud as it was when he yelled at me yesterday. 
It’s almost as if… They’re more humane? This doesn’t make sense. Dragons are usually down to fight to the death, even when not healed much. At least, that’s what seemed to be until these two. 
I look towards the other one who doesn’t seem to want to fight, but it knows as well as I this fight will go on until at least one dies. 
As the two new dragons kept easily dodging and not striking too hard back, the crowd watching are not too happy with the lack of injuries. Some booing, and others even attempting to throw their held items like food at the dragons. The loud one snaps and uses his ability towards the crowd, almost or possibly even louder than yesterday. At least that shut them up. 
I lean against the right door and snicker. “Serves them right.” For a quick second, the loud one turns his head towards me. There’s no way he could have heard me, right? Especially with that ability. Or maybe his body was born with being able to stand it? Super hearing yet super loud yelling doesn’t make sense to have though. Dragons are incredibly strange in the ways their bodies work. It’s also quite possible to just be thinking too much. 
Fuck it, don’t think too much about that. 
The wounded one from yesterday half-heartedly swipes at the maned one.  Even he seems to notice the odd behavior of the wounded dragon. Then again, three out of the four are acting a way I’ve never seen before. I look up towards the “throne” All For One has. He’s shaking his head and points towards the other side of the arena. The male with glasses sitting next to him nods and lifts one of the levers next to him. 
Oh no. Not already. 
Two familiar dragons exit the cell they were comfortably kept in. They’re not his top ones, but still get the job done in killing dragons when given the chance. He calls them Spinner and… I think the other was Moon something if remembered correctly. He’s not used as often as others, so his name isn’t exactly remembered. Calling him Moon is enough for me. 
The crowd goes wild for the two. They know things get messy when Moon gets let out because of his freakish weird teeth ability. And… How he eats parts of dragons he kills. 
In speaking of killing, immediately those two go for the kill. The wounded one didn’t stand a chance and had its neck snapped instantly by Spinner. Moon something lashes its teeth out and almost punctures the ice dragon. 
Just watching the moon one move is quite unnerving. He’s so insanely fast and agile. Still wondering why he’s basically bound in a way. Then again, he’s at least twice as unhinged as Toga. I fear how fast he might be if he wasn’t bound. 
In the blink of an eye, these two were much more defensive as the teeth blades went to strike them again. The ice dragon stopped going for them, and tries going after Moon Something. Ugh, what was that something? MoonFresh? No. MoonFlesh? I don’t think so. 
He makes his teeth curve like a hook and tries again towards the ice dragon. It dodges again. Wait, hook… Fishing… MoonFish! That’s what it was! 
I feel like slapping myself stupid for forgetting that. 
Spinner jumps onto the wall and tries to use that to sneak up on the loud one. It doesn’t work as he was focused on Spinner as soon as the two new ones entered. He moves out of the way and instead of screaming, screeches this time. It’s much higher and worse than any sound he’s made yet. The maned one doesn’t even flinch, but the other three definitely do. Spinner was right beside the loud one. He recoils in obvious pain and stands there shaking his head. 
It hurt my ears as well, but this time it didn’t make them burst, surprisingly. I don’t think the same could be said for Spinner. They have internal ears, so I’m not exactly sure if they burst, or whatever it is their species’ ears do. 
I look up to see All For One leaning a bit forward in his chair, now taking slight interest. Moonfish recovers incredibly quickly and lunges his teeth again. This time it punctures right through the ice dragon’s chest as they did a final ice breath. At the same time, a few land on the other two, causing some decently deep cuts. The ice breath freezes the rest of MoonFish’s body. 
The maned one wastes no time in swiping his tail towards the frozen body, shattering it upon impact. 
The crowd goes eerily quiet. Looking at All For One, he remains indifferent. It’s too hard to tell his emotions about what just happened. Spinner tries again to sneak behind the two and breathe his fire. The two seem so focused on the death of three dragons in one fight. Are they not used to it? 
They still haven’t noticed Spinner on the wall. At least I thought. The loud one instantly turns and rears onto his back legs and slams Spinner onto the ground with an almost punch-like move of his right talon. 
Before anything can be done, these two are chained again. The loud one being yanked off of Spinner, who instantly retreats back towards the open gate he came from. I’m honestly a little disappointed he wasn’t finished off as well. 
I sigh and go towards the stalls again, preparing to heal them. An already created healing bucket sitting in the same spot I used for them yesterday. 
It doesn’t take long for the two to be dragged in again by Masura and the bunch of… well, meatheads to say the least. I swear none of them even think half the time about anything. The two are definitely fighting and struggling with the men. 
The loud one goes to use his ability again. “Pipe down you overgrown lizard!” Masura punches the dragon in the jaw as hard as he can. It makes a sickening “crack” noise. 
The maned one gets pissed and starts snapping at him as well. The only reason I can think of why he’d do that is he knows the other one. Why didn’t I make the connection sooner? These two must know each other! 
Masura rolls his eye at them. So glad some good dragons before were able to take out one of his eyes. If only they could have taken out both. The chains get put where they were before, making the two unable to move much again. 
I’d put the muzzle on the loud one, but with his now broken or dislocated jaw it wouldn’t be the best and needs to be healed first. I can tell Masura is itching to punch one of them again. 
He stands there and smirks with his arms crossed as I dip the rag into the bucket. The loud one’s jaw is first. That’s now by far the most concerning injury. Looking a bit closer, it is definitely dislocated. I shake my head in disapproval at Masura while remaining eye contact with the dragon. It almost feels like he’s able to read me. “Did you seriously have to dislocate his jaw?” 
“Heh, the damn thing deserved it for trying to use their voice at me,” I roll my eyes at his comment. Of fucking course he’d try to use his ability. We kidnapped, or more like dragonnapped him and are forcing him to fight other dragons. I’d use anything I could too. “Not everyone has a goody-perfect healing thing like you either,” he continued. 
I shrug, then gently try to grab his lower jaw to try setting it back in place. “I’d just have to heal your sorry ass.” 
“Tch, my sorry ass? You’re the one who always seems to get all buddy-buddy with dragons. You heal them too gently. You’re the one with a sorry ass.” 
Cue my sarcastic mode. “Oh, I’m sorry for calling you a sorry ass. I must so clearly be the worst one since I’d rather not have dragons fight me all the time like you,” There was another sickening “crack” as its jaw was put back into place. The dragon hisses in obvious pain. I bring up the rag to the side of his jaw to try quickly relieving it. “Easy bud,” I try to whisper to make Masura not hear. Thankfully he didn’t seem to since he didn’t comment on it.  “We can’t all think with our muscles rather than with our brains. Nothing would get done right,” I continue, but this time out loud. The loud dragon lets out a snort. 
His footsteps go away, indicating he left. Probably upset. Good. I roll my eyes at him as I look over the dragon’s jaw. Good as new. Good thing about that is there’s not really any way to tell if I healed it all the way or not. Broken or dislocated bones are crazy enough easier and faster to heal than wounds. How that works with leaving the layer right under cut open and easily able to tear open again, but heals bone instantly is beyond me. 
Looking around and closing any other wounds, I then go to the maned one. He nips at me to try getting my hands away. It’s far more gentle and human-like than the others that have tried to bite me before. Almost like he’s telling me he doesn’t want to be healed by human hands. Understandable. 
… wait a minute. Bite, or opening jaw… I look towards the loud one and flinch, preparing for his voice. Of course I can heal, but it still hurts. My shoulders even tense upwards. It never comes. Looking at him, he still just looks at me. 
Well, now I’m in a dilemma. Do I put on the muzzle now, and possibly break this trust or whatever he seems to somehow already be giving me, or leave it off and possibly get yelled at later by him, or even someone coming in to see him without his muzzle? 
Ugh, I might regret this. Might as well risk it for now. I can just lie that it was forgotten to be put on if someone asks about it. Turning back to this one, I heal him anyways. He makes a slight hissing fuss but accepts it after a moment. After finishing, I leave to get them some raw meat to eat. Sadly, the biggest thing available is some moderately sized fish. They don’t seem like river or ocean dragons, so chunks of deer will have to do. It gets placed down not too far from them. They look at me warily for a bit. Maybe they don’t want me to watch them eat? It’s time for me to leave anyway. 
Ugh, but the muzzles… Hopefully, they’ll eat when I’m away for a bit. I have a stupid idea I’ve never done before. Sleeping beside the dragons. Walking out lets me give that a little more thought. At least one night to see how they do couldn’t hurt. But first, there is a need to talk to All For One about their names.
I enter the area he usually is with his prized dragons. Most are pretty indifferent to me, except for Toga who has tried to stab me more than once with her blade-like tail. 
I stand behind him awkwardly while he pats Spinner’s right shoulder. “They’re both… Interesting to say the least. A shame for Moonfish, but the ones tomorrow will be entertaining as well. Let’s see if they can handle Toga and Dabi.” Dread slightly seeps into me. He’s already making them face all his most dangerous ones? 
“What about their names if you decide to manipulate them after and keep them as pawns?” 
He shakes his head. “I have enough pawns. The audience has decided on Shatter for the loud one, and Lion for the other..” 
… What? “Lion?” 
“Must be the hair on it. I don’t name the things. The people do. The one thing they do have control over.” Which is beyond sad. Fucking tyrant. 
I nod in reply. “Sounds good.” After that, I leave before he could say or do anything else. The less around him the better, even if he hasn’t done anything negative towards me yet.  
Upon entering the same place again, they did eventually eat the meat while I was gone. That’s good. There’s an open area a bit to the left and away from the dragons. I plan on laying there for the night. It’s only to make sure no one comes in and sees them without their muzzles. No one but me knows a feeding schedule so it’s a good lie saying they were just fed. I’ve decided to think they can understand human speech, even if they don’t. They’re more pleasant to talk to than most people around. 
“All right you two, I normally don’t do this, but I’ll be sleeping in here a bit away from the both of you for a few nights. My back won’t appreciate it, but I sure hope you two do. It’s only because I’d rather not put those muzzles back on,” I look at the still slightly dented skin of Shatter. Damn, and that was only for like what? Half a day of him wearing it? “But if someone comes in, I will have to temporarily put them back on. Please don’t fight it too much.” 
Shatter tilts his head in an almost cute type of way. Well, that’s certainly unique. I go over to the corner and sit down against the wall. Leaning slightly back so my back fully touches it, and tilt my head up. My ass won’t be too happy tomorrow either. Maybe bringing my pillow for tomorrow night or something will help. 
I am rudely woken up by something sharp stabbing my foot. Looking down, it’s a feisty Bombay kitten biting and clawing at it. Where did it come from? Another thing noticed is my body is now fully laying sideways on the ground. “Ouch! Hey there you little feisty thing.” I go to grab it, and it notices. It then takes off towards the dragons, making my heart sink thinking it’s about to become a tiny snack for one of them. Strange enough, neither do. Lion just looks at it in an almost caring way. Shatter looks at Lion in a way I can’t fully understand. 
Looking outside, the sun is just starting to fully show. That means in just a few hours the arena fights will begin again. Knowing All For One, he’s going to save these two for last again. Turning back to the two, Lion has one of his claws gently extended for the kitten to play with. That is once again extremely odd behavior for a dragon. Maybe everything known about them is wrong? 
“Be careful today. I was informed of who you two will be fighting. They’re much more dangerous than the other two yesterday. One has fire hot enough to burn scales off dragons. The other is agile and very good at injuring.” 
They just look at me. 
A few fights have already passed, and my anxiety increases for the two. I’ve already had to heal the other dragons that fought today. Except for the ones that died. Getting really tired of seeing so many die for no cause other than the sick entertainment of humans. 
The muzzles were already temporarily put back on the two. Shatter’s is rather loose, just to help him not freak out again, and he obviously doesn’t deserve something like that. Luckily once again, I’m the only one taking care of Shatter. He doesn’t scream at me as I quickly take it off. I risk it and pat his shoulder. “Good luck out there. You’re going to need it. He doesn’t bite me! Man, this is crazy.
Again, the gate opens and his chains come off of him. Lion bolts out of the stall next to us, and glares inside it, probably involving Masura. 
Straight to the chase, Toga and Dabi are released from their places. Dabi almost gets a grin on his face from his teeth being shown in what seems to be a smile. Or maybe even a sneer with how stuck up he seems to be. Toga immediately poises her sharp tail above her. 
It feels like everyone holds their breath for a second as the four stand still in the arena. Toga is the first to charge for Shatter. He immediately jumps out of the way, and tries to swing his tail towards her legs to make her fall off balance. She jumps over his tail and stabs it in the process. She then licks the blood off of the blade of her tail. 
Shit! I forgot to warn about her transformation! The one thing though it could still be easy to tell which is the real shatter from his ability, and he wouldn’t attack Lion. I don’t think All For One knows they care about each other. Wait… But if she fights Shatter in his form and Lion tries to help… Oh no. 
Dabi starts using his fire towards Lion. It slightly grazes him before he can get out of the way. He lets out a growl in slight pain as smoke comes from some of his scales. Shatter goes to use his ability at Dabi, but stops abruptly as Toga transforms into him. She goes to attack him again. She might remember his ability from listening and possibly watching yesterday. They’re able to watch for an even better chance at winning. 
She swings her claws at his throat, making him go to the defensive and try to back away. 
While that is going on, Lion is too busy being focused on Dabi’s fire, and constantly jumping from it. It gets to the point Lion is facing me, and the back of Dabi is visible. He glares at Dabi, and I see his eyes turn red. Why the FUCK are these two dragons so much stranger than most!? What is up with his eyes changing color!? Dabi goes to use his fire, but… It doesn’t come out? 
… !!! A cancellation ability!? 
Now that seems to catch the attention of everyone, especially All For One. He leans a bit forward in his chair. I can’t see Dabi’s face, but I bet it’s one of surprise judging by his tensed body. He freezes for a moment, giving Lion the chance to strike first. He’s able to manage a pretty deep slash onto Dabi’s side when he tries to move away. One quick glance shows Lion’s eyes are back to his steel or whitish color. He only manages another rather deep slash to Dabi’s shoulder. He tries to use his fire again, and succeeds. With the close range I worry that Lion was burned to a crisp immediately. 
He glares again to cancel the fire again before it can do serious damage to him. Ah, so there is a timer-like thing for it. He slams his tail into Dabi, knocking him towards his back. He’s able to manage another slash onto Dabi’s exposed stomach. It’s easy to tell Dabi is slightly panicking, not used to never being hit so much before. Probably the cancellation as well. 
Presumably Toga notices Dabi having a hard time, meanwhile, she’s giving Shatter a surprisingly hard time, and a lot of injuries. She charges towards him still as Shatter and manages to get a clean deep swipe to his right eye. My heart sinks to my stomach. 
Lion hardly gives it a chance though since he notices Dabi trying to get back up. He claws again at Dabi, striking his chest. There’s now a good pool of blood being trailed onto the ground from all Dabi’s wounds. Now that Shatter has a bit of freedom, he’s able to scream. Just like yesterday, it’s much more of a screech than a scream. Again like before, Dabi and Toga flinch in pain at the sound. It gives Lion the chance to injure the Shatter that attacked him, making the transformation wear off. 
Before anything else can be done, chain envelops the two again, allowing Dabi and Toga to get away freely. Of course the coward would do this when his precious pawns are losing. “Cheating bastard.” I mumble with obvious frustration. Shatter looks towards me again. 
That’s the least of my concern now though. Lion’s eye needs to be looked at ASAP. I go back to their stalls to prepare for their return. 
Again, it doesn’t take long. Neither are wearing muzzles, but Shatter doesn’t scream, possibly in fear of his jaw being dislocated again. Masura almost seems disappointed when he and the others drag them in. It was almost too much to wait for all of them to leave before rushing towards the two dragons, especially Lion.
When reaching up for his head, I almost yank it down to my eye level to see the damage to his eye. They almost seem surprised by my concern. Thankfully, his eye was missed, just barely. My foot nervously taps onto the ground for a second while in thought. It’s still a really deep wound, but fully healing it would raise suspicion, and All For One already isn’t too happy with these two defeating so many of his favorites. Not many have been able to beat Dabi and Toga. My hand gets its familiar glow and comes into contact with the wound. I don’t heal it all the way. There’s a giant scar left instead. They gave me a look. “I’m sorry. I really badly want to heal it fully, but I don’t want to die by healing you guys too much like the last person did,” I look towards the burned scales as well. “Those can’t be fully healed either. Some reason my healing doesn’t really work on burns.” 
Their eyes almost seem to widen. 
Shatter looks towards the entrance instead a moment later and hisses. I rush for the muzzles. Obviously, they’re really resilient to them being put on. 
I get Shatter’s on just in time for All For One to enter. He goes right up to Lion. “A canceling ability. Simply magnificent. I wonder, how many can he cancel at once? Guess tomorrow we will see,” He almost seems to glare at Shatter. “Although I do not trust that one to not get in the way. Tomorrow will be just Lion, or now given the name Suppress.”
He goes to touch the now named “Suppress”, but he smacks his head against All For One’s hand, making him pull it away. “Ah, still got good fight as well. Good. Tomorrow will be interesting.”
“Uh, S-sir? If I may ask, what is your plan for him tomorrow?” Damn it, why did I have to stutter? 
He turns his masked head towards me. I can almost FEEL his grinning under the thing. “He’s going to fight Tomura as well tomorrow.” 
I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing. There’s no way he can fight Dabi, Toga, AND Tomura at the same time without being killed! 
He doesn’t say anything else as he turns and leaves. I quickly take their muzzles back off. There’s nothing that can be done. I can only hope he’s strong enough to survive. No dragon has survived Tomura though. I sigh heavily and look at Suppress. “I hope you can handle a lot at once. If I’m right, you might be against three tomorrow. Be as ruthless as you can. They won't be holding back.” 
I leave and grab food for them again. This time, they eat it with me there. I sit in the same spot as before. 
The next day comes too soon. This time I’m woken up to the sun shining right on my face. That means it’s much later than yesterday. I go to sit up, and nearly groan in stiffness. Yep, here comes the pain and stiffness of laying on the floor. The two of them are staring at me while growling, or probably talking to each other. Well that’s a little weird. 
I get up lean backwards, giving my back a good crack. It felt satisfying and did relieve the tiniest bit of discomfort. Using my healing, it doesn’t take long to feel fully normal again. I look at the giant scar still under Suppress’ eye. Pity courses through me at it. Well, at least she didn’t strike slightly higher, permanently losing his sight. Judging that Suppressor might be taken soon for a final fight today, I get up and grab the muzzles yet again. I’m so sick of even seeing these damn things. Suppressor’s gets put on properly, but I keep Shatter’s a bit loose again. He almost seems appreciative of it. “When they come to take you, save your energy for the fight. You’re going to need everything you can get.” 
They were put on just in time too since Masura comes in with a few others to take Suppress. “Already?” I question. 
“Yeah, he wants this to be the only fight today. He couldn’t wait to see what this thing is made of.” 
This “thing” is a he, you overdeveloped rotten cabbage. 
The dragon must have been able to understand me since he doesn’t fight them that strongly as they drag him out by the chains. I sigh and look towards Shatter. “I hope he’s strong. He’s going to need everything he can get.” 
I follow Masura into the stall. It’s odd being in a different one for once, and I’m horrified with how roughly they throw him around with the chains. I go up front and take off his muzzle yet again, allowing him to snap at the people. I smirk as he gets dangerously close to his teeth meeting the flesh of one of the men close to me on my left. He shrieks and stumbles far away. 
He then gets shoved forward out of the stall into the arena. Masura and the others quickly leave, probably to the stands to get a better view of the fight higher up. 
It’s dead silent in the stands. “Now, I know there are usually a few every day, but this is a chance that can’t be taken up. Today is a one fight only, and three against one. Now, that usually doesn’t happen with the lack of action that would normally cause, but this dragon has an incredibly special ability I want to see how they fare on their own,” three separate gates open, revealing what I feared. He’s given them a higher advantage by not all being together to have their abilities eliminated. Now, Toga’s not really a problem since Suppress doesn’t have an ally, but she’s still incredibly agile and dangerous. 
Tomura is probably one of the oddest dragons. His scales look incredibly dry, despite not exactly being a desert dragon. Bright red eyes glowing with hate, and talons of dead dragons latched onto his body. Don’t know why they’re there, but it’s still such a sickening thing to see. 
Dabi looks good as before with no slash wounds to be seen. Of course the fucker is willing to fully heal his dragons whenever they’re injured. 
Toga is in front, Dabi on Suppress’ left, and Tomura on his right. There was an eerie stillness for a moment, almost like they're all waiting for something. That something was Tomura. He hissed something, and they all lunged for him. He manages to dodge all three. Tomura is trying to get a grip on him for disintegration, or decay, or whatever terrifying thing it is he does. Suppress is trying to keep an eye on him and ducks down in time to avoid Dabi’s fire. Toga tries to stab him with her tail while he’s lowered against Dabi’s fire and watching Tomura.  
Turns out he was somehow also able to keep watch of Toga. He brings his tail in front of him and pushes Toga up without her realizing. Dabi’s fire hits her for a moment, making her let out a sound that makes Dabi stop. Even from here smoke is coming off of her back. 
She jumps out of the way for Dabi to continue. He uses his ability to stop Dabi from using his hot fire. Since he’s so distracted by keeping his sight on Dabi, and ends up focusing more on Toga’s location. Tomura is able to get up on him again. He manages to grab Suppress' right arm. It’s not for long as he seems to notice immediately what the dragon’s ability does. It stops decaying as he glares at Tomura instead. 
Dabi notices and tries to use his fire again. It works. So his ability must need to keep his eyes in contact with a dragon to stop their ability. Chunks of his arm fall away, leaving his arm to start bleeding rather heavily. Suppress flinches is obvious pain. He’s able to keep a level head and use Tomura’s grip on him to pull him in front in the path of Dabi’s fire. Really clever using a long-range foe’s ability to harm its allies. 
Dabi doesn’t stop in time, greatly charring Tomura’s already bad scales as well. 
All For One isn’t too happy of his favorite pawn being injured so quickly already. Well, it’s obviously his fault for the other two joining in the first place. 
A sick pleasure grows in me at his frustrated stance of tight grip on his chair. Though pity courses through me as well looking at his partially decayed arm. Should have warned him about that. 
Toga manages to ignore the pain of her burned scales and attempts to attack Suppress again. He swipes his tail as hard as he can, making Toga go flying and crash into the wall from her rather small size. Especially compared to the others. The back of her head hit the wall as well, and she slumps to the ground, unmoving. She doesn’t seem to be dead though, her stomach still slightly rising. 
Now All For One seems to be getting angrier. He doesn’t seem to be the only one. Tomura lets out a rather angry growl. Suppress is facing me again, and blinks, though he really didn’t seem to want to. That’s all the two needed to go all-out on him again. 
Tomura tries to grab him again but wasn’t able to. Suppress grabs right above his two front talons to prevent more decay. One thing going for him is he’s much stronger physically, so he’s able to manage quite easily keeping him pinned down. 
With Dabi’s fire consistently being shot at him, he does something his body shows he didn’t really want to do. He tilts his head and leans down, biting into the sides of Tomura’s neck. He slowly continues to bite down harder as Dabi doesn’t cease using his fire at him. Tomura is visually starting to panic at this point.
I think I know his plan, but it probably won’t work. Dabi doesn’t really care about the others but tolerates them for his own enjoyment of the arena. 
Looking at All For One, I freeze. He’s angrier than I’ve ever seen him. I can swear I see his hands shaking from here. Huh, he’s not usually the type to have strong visual emotion besides slight interest. 
Eventually, there was a sickening “crunch”, indicating that Suppress must have bitten into bone. Tomura’s neck slumps to the side, and he can’t seem to pick his head back up. 
All For One had enough as he stood up from his chair for the first time and I can see the chains going for Suppress again. The chains yank Suppress so harshly that he drops Tomura, and ends up being slammed into one of the walls himself. 
My body freezes completely as All For One’s head turns to look directly at me. I’m happy Suppress was able to survive, but now I’m dreading what All For One’s going to do to him. 
I rush back to Shatter since I can tell All For One is about to come in this time. He seems desperate to have the muzzle off again. His eyes almost light up as I enter. “Sorry, I can’t take it off yet. Your friend is in pretty bad shape though and will be coming shortly.” 
I almost waited with bated breath for a good few minutes. This time, instead of Masura and the others, it was All For One himself, easily dragging the dragon along. The chains pull him back by the other and latch back onto the walls. He has chains wrapped around his snout like the other did before. He’s between me and the dragons, and I can see their expressions behind him. Suppress is still flinching in pain from his decayed flesh. 
He turns his head to me. “Kill them both.”
I was in shock. I have never been demanded to kill a dragon, yet alone two before. He won fairly! Even with injuries! He and Shatter deserve to be let free! 
I notice the two dragons tense behind him. 
“I will not repeat myself. They nearly killed my best pawn. Nothing gets to pass my pawn. That will not stand, so they will be killed,” He looks at Shatter’s loosened muzzle. Fuck. “I noticed they seem to be trusting of you, so I’m making you do it. You have one hour,” he turns around and leaves. 
I look at the wounds of his fight from earlier. You know what? Fuck him. If I die, I die. 
“I think you both more than earned your freedom by now. Hell, neither of you should have been here in the first place. Do me a favor and warn the others to not come near here ever again.” Shatter tilts his head at me again as I take off his muzzle and the chains around Suppress' snout.  Here’s to hoping they can understand me. The sword hanging on the wall out of reach of the two dragons should be able to break the chains. 
My first priority is to fully heal that decayed part. The scar under his eye is sadly permanent now though. My hand glows its familiar green and it hovers over the wound. Unfortunately, it couldn’t be fully healed either, but the scar is much smaller than it would have been. I try my best with the burns, but it doesn’t do much. 
The longer my hand hovers right above his scales and heals him, the more drained and tired I feel. It gets to the point my body tries to fall forward. I push my hand onto him to try keeping my balance. “Whew. Not quite… Used to using so much energy. Haha.” His shoulder that I’m leaning against twitches. I take it as my cue to step away and end up leaning against the wall not far behind me to catch my breath. Looking towards Shatter, he’s still in pretty good shape, but the wounds from before can be healed a bit more to make sure they don’t reopen. 
I trudge over to him and do the same, ending up leaning on him like Suppress. This time even more tired though. I can’t rest yet. There’s so little time to get them free yet. I push myself off him and go to grab the sword. With my tired state it’s almost too heavy to be lifted. 
The first thing was their wings with metal being wrapped around them and pulled outwards. I grab the chain closer to him to try preventing it from pulling. The sword gets slammed down as hard as possible, making the chain break. One by one, the others were broken too. Eventually, all were broken off of both. My arm is so sore from lifting the sword so many times, and being drained in the first place. My breath is incredibly ragged. 
After dropping the sword after the final chain, I close my eyes and lean against the wall. It’s hard to stay awake. “There. Now… Get going before someone returns.” 
Both of them stop towards the entrance and look at me. “Go!” I yell at them and point forward. They stay for a moment longer, then bolt out. 
I stay leaned for a few minutes. That was beyond exhausting. Two familiar sets of footsteps enter.
“You damn traitor. I really thought you’d be better than the last. I should kill you now!” 
I look towards the entrance. All For One and Masura. Guess just get it over with then.
All For One stops him with an arm in front of him. “No. They deserve much worse than death for their betrayal.”    
Well shit.
Locked in a dark cell for a good week. Hardly any food, and quite possibly the bare minimum of water given for me to stay alive. At least it wasn’t permanent. Almost wish it was with that happens after leaving the cell. After leaving, he gave the others free rein to injure me whenever they pleased. Masura was more than happy to oblige, leaving me with some rather problematic injuries that made me so tired to heal I could barely heal dragons if I tried. Of course, now someone is always watching me when it’s my time to heal the dragons. My job is only partial now though since he wants someone more “loyal” for the job. Hopefully, those two are happy at least. That’s all that matters. 
In speaking of that, today was a day I wasn’t in charge of it. But Masura sure as hell had a lot of fun tossing me around like a ragdoll. Many show pity for me, but they know not to help. I can’t blame them no matter how much it hurts. A younger one with green curly hair looks like he wanted to deck Masura himself. Same with the dual-haired one beside him. Another rather tall one with glasses stops them and uses a chopping motion to tell them something, making them not intervene. They were a bit too far to be heard. My body is too tired today to heal the recent wounds from him as well. Pretty sure my right eye is a black eye from it being stuck partially closed and obviously the pain. 
While looking around to make sure he’s not near me or any of the others for now today, I stumble upon a rather intimidating-looking man. His back is facing me as someone with really long blue hair is talking to him. He just radiates a strong and uncomfortable type of feeling. Never seen them around before. He doesn’t even turn around. “Sorry, sir.” Some reason that seems to catch his attention. The other two, which is a rather pretty woman. Rather long and messy black hair turns around to lock steely-gray-like eyes with mine. 
That scar reminds me too much of the dragon from before. Wasn’t the scar about the same place too? Huh, he must have been too interested in that fight and lacks self-preservation or something. His eyes widen for some reason. He must have been told by others to not even come near the now outcast. 
I don’t even get to blink when he grabs one of my arms to pull me towards him again. My body instinctively flinches and gets prepared to be hit again. It never comes. My eyes open to see him staring at small cuts still bleeding slightly. His sight then immediately goes towards my swollen eye. There’s an odd fury that grows in his eyes the more he sees. Too tired to think what that must be about. I try to pull my arm free from his grip. ‘I’m sorry sir, but could you please let me go? I’m really tired and just want to go home for the day.” 
He doesn’t. If anything, his grip gets slightly tighter from me trying to pull away. Not painfully so, but it’s there. The other turns to look, and her eyes widen a substantial amount. She looks at him. “They the one? They’re not looking so hot.”
“We got what we need. Tell Zashi and the others.” 
She nods and pushes something hidden against her ear. “We found the target.” She says something else too, but my mind is too caught up in the “target” part. 
T-target!? That snaps me to attention. What did All For One tell them? Are they looking for something and he pinned the blame on me that I have it? Did he hire them to make my life more insufferable?  
A set of footsteps comes up rapidly. They must be running as fast as they could. It’s another male. He has incredibly long hair and some rather odd facial hair. He suddenly hugs me. “So glad to have finally found you! The week has been terrible! Sho! We shoulda taken then with us!” 
I don’t know you weirdos. What kind of sick prank is this? I try to push him away. “You must have the wrong person. I don’t know either of you.” He latches on tighter. “C’mon, we’re not dragons now, but you gotta recognize us! Especially Sho’s scar! 
...What? Looking closer, the blond one seems to have small scales poking at his clothing. That… This cannot be possible. I shake my head in disbelief. “There’s no way! Dragon shifters aren’t real!” 
“Oh, we definitely are, dear- what happened!? Why do you have so many injuries!?” 
“That Masura man I’m guessing. Problem child informed me of it not too long ago.” 
Problem child? 
The blond one almost seems to growl. “Don’t regret our decision for today then.”
“Decision?” I question. 
They both grow a rather sadistic smirk. I can’t tell which is more unnerving. The blond’s is bigger and shows more of his teeth, but there’s just something about the black-haired one’s that seems more unnatural.  
“Well, we’ve been lookin’ for ya for about a week now. We were starting to think he did kill you, and we weren’t happy. Besides! A dragon killer like him can’t live anyway. He’s a danger to our kind!” he turns towards the woman. “Give everyone the signal,” He turns towards this ‘“Sho” or whatever he is. “You should take them. Don’t want any more damage to our poor lovely healer, huh?” He smiles at me. 
I’m… still trying to wrap my frazzled mind and body around this. I don’t get to though from the sudden thing of many of the people around suddenly growing rapidly in size, and obtaining dragon qualities. 
It doesn’t even take a minute for them all to be full dragons, and ripped clothes everywhere. As well as the two familiar ones right in front of me. Shatter and Suppress. 
Shatter picks me up and flies up a bit, being careful with his claws. He places me on Suppress’ back. 
Can things please stop for two minutes to let me think!? Again, I don’t get to as Suppress takes off into the air. There’s nothing to really grab onto to not fall off, so I grab his hair. It’s surprisingly soft. Wasn’t expecting that. My hands make the hair wrap around my hands a few times to not have to clench it so tightly. I’d rather not fall to my death. 
He either dosn’t feel me pulling on his hair or doesn’t care. I lean closer to ignore the air whipping by as he speeds around flying. The screaming of the people is also a bit too much. They have nothing to fend themselves since dragons have never attacked this place before. Usually they get caught before they do.  
There’s the familiar screaming or yelling of Shatter in the distance. I look over to see him with multiple other dragons against All For One. He’s gotten a few chained to the ground, but the sheer amount of them that keep using their abilities against him is making it really hard for him to focus. 
A familiar exploding dragon zooms past to fight one of his prized dragons he must have let free to help. They’re not helping much. They can’t. There are too many. Toga tries to stab him with her tail, but the exploding one is relentless. He has a sick smile, almost like he’s enjoying the fight. He almost too quickly manages to pin her to the ground and slams explosion after explosion onto her face. 
Dabi is being managed by an oddly colored dragon that reminds me of the red and white-haired one from earlier. With him fighting Dabi is a green one with an oddly long tongue, and a pink and brown one who somehow can move large buildings to fall onto Dabi, making him constantly jump around to avoid being hit. 
Tomura doesn’t seem to be having much luck either. The two must have informed the others of his ability. He’s against multiple with long-ranged abilities like Shatter. 
Despite all the noise around, I’m getting even more tired with the rocking of his body with the movement of his wings. Same with his oddly warm scales being rather comforting, and hair draping around me like a blanket. Exhaustion overtakes me as the sounds of screaming people, roaring dragons, and crackling fire of houses slowly fades to silence with me drifting off. 
Not edited to the fullest capability. We die like captains with their sinking ships. Will be doing a part two with better yandere stuff...
….. Eventually…...
294 notes · View notes
got-svt · 3 years
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order up !  large americano at 75% sweetness, a slice of strawberry shortcake, and a slice of cherry pie with mingyu for anon <3 order notes :  mingyu x reader, angst, fluff, a first date, brief mentions of other members, cameo from eunwoo bec i watched true beauty and was in need of another 97 liner, and a very nervous mingyu, he just wants everything to go well smh look, something’s written on your cup... hi ! for transparency’s sake this is an edited version of something that i posted a while back that i deleted. so if you are the anon who requested this but couldn’t find it, here it is now ! 
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summary : all mingyu wanted was to go on one nice date with you, was that too much to ask? well, according to the universe, it was.
word count : ~2.8k
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The first sign was he woke up a little too late, technically it wasn’t even a sign, considering that it was entirely his fault anyway. Mingyu had spent all of the previous night preparing for your date with him — making little sandwiches, cutting up some fruit, baking cookies to be put in little plastic containers. After hearing that you hadn’t been to the park in quite a while, never really having a reason to go, he decided that a picnic wasn’t too bad of an idea for a first date. 
Mingyu had wanted to ask you out for the longest time, being friends with him ever since both of you knew how to talk. It was easy, your friendship with him. Neither of you ever felt like you had to put up some sort of front, or have walls up incredibly high. He asked you out in the most casual of ways too, like it wasn’t that big of a deal. You couldn’t tell but on the inside, he was freaking out — that came with not knowing how you’d react and the possibility of rejection.
“Are you free tomorrow?” Mingyu asked, unable to meet your eyes.
You nodded, slightly confused at his inability to match your gaze.
“Okay, I was thinking we can go to the park tomorrow since you told me you haven’t been there in a while. Maybe we could go on a picnic?” He spoke as if he didn’t start preparing for this days ago, looking up fun things to do while on a picnic or a park — picking wildflowers together was high up on the list of things he wanted to do with you.
“Oh, sure! I’ll text Wonwoo and the others to see if they want to join us—”
“No!” Mingyu exclaimed, a little too loud and a little too quickly, a hand in front of you like he was about to physically stop you from doing something. “I was thinking that it could be just the two of us, you know?”
He hoped you would pick up on it, the implication from the nervous tone in his voice, how when he finally gazed up at you with softness in his yes. He was asking you out, on a date. Mingyu wished that you could tell. Unfortunately for him, you didn’t.
You shrugged your shoulders before giving him a smile, “Sure! We’ll meet there at around 10?”
And he couldn’t tell that you didn’t pick up on it either.
Mingyu woke up groggy that morning, his phone on the bedside table, calling out to him with the sound of a text notification. 
[Y/N]: where are you? I’m already here >:(
His eyes widened, falling off his bed in shock once he realized it was already five minutes past 10 am. Mingyu took a shower, put on his clothes, grabbed everything he needed, and sped past the door in twenty minutes. This was not how he planned it out in his head. Mingyu was supposed to surprise you at your place, a bouquet of your favorite flowers in hand. No matter, he still had the rest of the day to sweep you off your feet and ask you to be his.
The sun shone brightly that morning, but it was neither hot nor humid. It was actually the perfect to be outside, with multiple white clouds littering the pale blue sky, a soft breeze blowing through the blades of grass, children running around playing tag — their laughter filling the air. Mingyu smiled, determined that today was going to be perfect
His eyes scanned around the are for any sight of your familiar figure, eyes lighting up when he finally spots you. Mingyu makes his way over, the nervousness that slowly started to creep up on him becoming amplified once he realizes that you were talking to someone else. 
The first thing he noticed was how big your smile was as you talked to this person, stretching across your face and crinkling your eyes. Did you ever smile this much around him? You stood a few feet away from the man, but you were very clearly comfortable around him — lightly pushing his shoulder as you laughed, peering up at him through your eye lashes. You finally notice him walking to you, waving your hand and beckoning him to move quicker.
“Hey Gyu!” You grinned, greeting him like you always did, a quick one armed side-hug.
“Hi, Yn.” Mingyu attempted a smile, but it felt a little restrained, gesturing to the person you were just talking to, “Who’s this?”
“Oh! This is Eunwoo, we dated a while ago but it never really worked out.” You shrugged, waving it off like it wasn’t that big of a deal. “You were taking so long and I happened to run into him so we were just catching up a bit.”
“I see..” He trailed off, holding a hand out for Eunwoo to shake. He had known you for years now, and yet he had never heard you mention an Eunwoo to him before. “Nice to meet you, man.”
“Likewise.” Eunwoo replied, shaking Mingyu’s hand before turning to face you. “I won’t keep you too long. My number’s still the same, we should meet up for coffee sometime.”
Mingyu couldn’t help but furrow his brows at the sight of you enthusiastically accepting Eunwoo’s invitation. The little tug on his heartstrings was hard to ignore as he watched you give a quick hug goodbye to your ex-boyfriend — a very attractive ex-boyfriend for that matter. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go, why did he have to wake up so late? If he had been there on time, you wouldn’t have been able to catch up with him for as long as you did. If he had stuck to his original plan of picking you up, you probably wouldn’t have seen him at all. 
Kim Mingyu wasn’t the jealous type, but in that moment, he couldn’t help but feel exactly that. Especially when he had been pining after for you for so long now, he didn’t want it to come crashing down just because of one person. 
“You’re pouting.” You commented, quickly noticing how uncharacteristically quiet he had become. The two of you walked side by side, hands ever so slightly brushing against one another. You hoped that the warm weather would be enough of an excuse for the red flush that made its way to your cheeks.
Mingyu shook his head, he didn’t mean to have you worrying for him. “Don’t worry about it.”
His reply made you even more skeptical, should there be something you’re meant to be worrying about? But you decided to drop the question, maybe it truly wasn’t that big of a deal.
You and Mingyu found a spot in a less crowded area of the park, you no longer the heard the sound of children screaming or their exhausted parents calling out over them. Instead the melodious sounds of birds tweeting up at the sky filled your ears, a delicate wind blew between the two of you, and the sun’s glare becoming much softer as it finally became covered by the clouds. 
He takes out a blue picnic blanket and lays it flat on the ground, smoothing out imaginary creases in the process. You hold a hand out to him, wordlessly letting him know that you’d like to set the picnic up with him. Mingyu hands you the picnic basket, and you spent the next couple of minutes in silence as you tried to make everything look almost picture perfect. The silence was far from uncomfortable, manifested by the small smiles and the growing blushes on both of your faces. There was something rather domestic about the activity, handing him different containers of food, deciding together where everything should be placed.
“Did you make these yourself?” You asked once both of you finally settled down, gesturing to the wide array of food that lay in front of you. 
Mingyu smiled, a hand on the back of his neck as he suddenly became ever so slightly bashful, “Yeah. I hope you like it.”
You take a bite of one of the chocolate chip cookies, something in you decided to tease him a little, making a face of slight disgust as you swallowed. His heart sank, a look of disappointment clearly covering his face. He spent all night making those, weren’t they up to your standard?
Panic washes over you as you saw a frown overtake his once smiling face, “I’m kidding! They’re good.”
Mingyu lets out a breath, the disappointment slowly disappearing as the two of you settled into an easy conversation, though that was never really difficult for the two of you. You and him have been friends for about a few years now, but he didn’t really know when exactly he started to see you as something more. He just knew that he did. This much was clear to him when he catches himself staring at you for a little too long, definitely longer than what would be considered normal. There was just something about you that enchanted him, whether it was you laughing over some silly joke he made, frowning as you become disappointed in the latest episode of a show you were watching, face illuminated by the light of a tv screen. You could be reading him your grocery list and he’d still think it was the most interesting thing in the world. 
The extent of his feelings terrified him the first time he realized they were there in the first place. Mingyu wasn’t meant to feel that way for you, one of his closest friends. But he did, and the thought of you possibly not feeling the same way terrified him even more. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked, head tilted to the side, “Do I have something on my face?”
Mingyu shook his head quickly, he didn’t mean to stare again.
You felt a sharp sting on your ankle, wincing as you immediately yelped from the pain, “Ouch!”
“What’s wrong?” Mingyu asked, eyes alight with concern. 
You shook your head in response, thinking it was just a lone ant deciding to inconvenience you. That thought was quickly dismissed when you felt another equally sharp sting near that same area. 
“Oh no…” You trailed off, looking a few meters to the side of your picnic blanket,  “Mingyu…”
“Oh!” He exclaimed, following your gaze to the trail of ants that were quickly making their way to the two of you. Great, was nature against him too?
The both of you immediately got up, covering containers, placing them in the basket, and folding up the picnic blanket before the rest of the ants could step their tiny little feet onto the blanket and into the food. As you walked to find a new spot to continue the rest of your date, Mingyu couldn’t help but feel a little bit discouraged. Three things had gone wrong in the span of a few hours, was this just the universe warning him that the two of you will never work out? Maybe telling him to back off early before he gets his heart broken. 
In the distance, a low rumble breaks through what would’ve been the perfect day out, followed by a sharp crackle piercing through the air. The sky once a brilliant blue was suddenly covered in heavy, stormy clouds. The park that once basked in the sun’s golden glow became shrouded in gray, people seemed to know what was about to happen as they hurriedly packed their things and go home.
It started out a small droplets, like little kisses on your skin that almost felt like nothing. They were small, and they fell ever so slowly. For a brief moment, Mingyu thought that this was going to be over quick. Then suddenly, the sky weeped, loud and heavy as it drenched the entirety of the park in rain. 
Okay, nature was definitely against him now. 
Mingyu stopped walking, was there even a point to moving forward? Everything was ruined. The food should be inedible at this point, you and him were soaked and freezing, and it’s not like you could have a picnic on muddy park soil. At this point, the universe had sent him so many signs, he’d feel like a fool if he didn’t listen now. But still, he wished things had happened the way it did in his head. He let out a frustrated groan, tears nearly pricking the corners of his eyes.
“Are you okay?” You asked, a gentle hand on his shoulder. Mingyu was very clearly distressed, but you failed to see why. It’s nature, it’s not something you or him could control. Things like this happen and you should be spending your energy trying to find a place to shelter yourselves from the rain. You grab onto his arm, trying to pull him away, “Come on, let’s find a place that can cover us.”
“No! I’m not okay, Yn…” He trailed off, agitation seeping into each and every one of his words. He shrugs off his arm, much to your surprise. Usually, he’d let you cling onto him for as long as you liked. “I just wanted today to be perfect.”
You furrowed your brows, slightly confused at his irritation, “Why does it matter if today is perfect or not?”
Mingyu sighed, he was getting cold now. He wanted nothing more to be wrapped up in a blanket and have you in his arms. But he knew the chances of the happening now are essentially slim to none. The day was already ruined, and there’s nothing he could do to even remotely salvage it. “I just…”
You gestured for him to continue, waiting patiently as he tried to find the words to say.
“I wanted to give you the perfect date…” He spoke, looking down at his feet.
“Wait, this was a date?” You didn’t mean to sound surprised, you just genuinely were. Voice raising octaves and eyebrows shot up, talking too quickly to catch most of the words, “Like a date-date? I thought we were just hanging out! All you asked me yesterday was whether or not I was free!”
Mingyu’s shoulder’s slumped. He didn’t have to ask you to repeat himself, he heard you clearly despite how hard the rain currently came down, the beating of his own heart deafening him. In a way, he was thankful for the rain; at least you wouldn’t be able to tell if a few tears escaped his eyes. “I’m sorry, I just thought…yeah, no. I should have expected this.”
Guilt immediately flooded your senses, he must’ve read your shock as a rejection of his feelings. You didn’t mean to sound so startled at him thinking the entire day as a date, you just couldn’t believe the possibility that he felt the same way you did for him. “Mingyu.”
You were sure if he had heard you, his gaze still on the ground. You called out to him again, this time your voice much louder and sterner, hoping that it would get his attention. “Gyu.”
“What is it, Yn?” He looked up to find you making your way towards him, a small pout forming on your lips. Mingyu sighed, “You don’t have to do this. I’ll be fine.” 
“I like you.” You spoke, just as you were about a few feet away from him, looking into his eyes to make sure he knew that you meant it — that you were being completely serious.
His world stopped. Suddenly, it seemed like the earlier events of the day never happened. He never woke up late, you hadn’t gotten the chance to catch-up with your ex-boyfriend, ants never tried to show up uninvited to your picnic, rain never poured down on the two of you. All these things he thought were signs from the universe, never occurred. There was only you and him, and you liked him back. 
“Oooooh you wanna kiss me so bad.” You teased, attempting to snap him out of his trance.
Mingyu didn’t mean to stare at you again, speechless. He just couldn’t believe that this was real just yet. But your words, how you looked at him with a smile — expectant, like you were challenging him to do something, to make a move — finally made him realize just how real this was. “And what if I do?”
You blinked back, not expecting that bold of a response. Still, you took a single step forward, further closing the already small distance between the two of you. “I’d let you.”
Without another word, he moves a hand to your chin, gently tilting your face up so his lips could meet yours in a kiss.
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— thank you for visiting cafe amore ! feel like ordering something else? check the menu here.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for the meet uglies, 55 indruck sfw? sorry apollo
Here you go! For those wondering, Apollo originates in my Amnesty Super Hero AU
“Okay sir, I’m gonna say this as nice as I can.”
Indrid looks up from his drawing of some mushrooms. The ranger, a man about his age whose little bronze name tag reads “D. Newton”, has the look of someone choosing his words very, very carefully.
“You are this close to me writin you up. And I mean this. Close.” He puts his thumb against his finger.
“I, is this not allowed?” The log he’s sitting on is technically on the trail, just next to it.
“This ain’t the problem. It’s everythin you done since this morning that’s the problem.”
“First there was leavin your breakfast trash on the picnic table by the visitor center so chipmunks got into it--it’s real bad for them y’know, makes ‘em too bold--then there was the selfies on off-limits spots, then you had the fu, uh, freakin nerve to be rude to Juno when she asked you to stay in safe areas, you littered left and right, then you left a beer can in the reeds by the plover nestin’ grounds. I don’t even know where to start with that one; you know we don’t allow alcohol in the park. Campgrounds sure, but we don’t want fellas like you gettin drunk and then fallin off a rock. How can you be so careless, or not give a shit for a place people put time into protectin?
The smile that’s been spreading across Indrid’s face since the word “selfie” is wide enough that the ranger spots it.
“Man, if you think this is funny, you won’t when you’re too drunk to swim or run from a bear. Then I’m gonna have to bail your ass out, which I will, and you’re gonna eat a slice of humble pie big as that overinflated ego of yours.”
Indrid snickers. The ranger glares. Slowly, Indrid pulls back the hood of his sweatshirt and retrieves his glasses from the front of his shirt (he doesn’t wear them when drawing in color due to their red lenses). The other mans expression slides off confusion and tumbles into horror.
“Aw hell, I’m sorry sir. Thought you were your, uh, well, guessin you got a twin runnin around this park.” He pulls the brim of his hat down in a charming attempt to hide his face.
“I do, and this is far from the first time I’ve been scolded in his place. Less so since I dyed my hair” he indicates the artificial silver framing his face, “I’m mostly amused by how accurately you captured his orientation towards the world. It’s also bitterly funny to discover he made someone else's day as unpleasant as he made mine.”
The ranger studies him, seems to notice the creases by his eyes and mouth, “Seem a little old to be gettin forced into family time. Not that you look old. Just, uh, I mean, you might be younger than me, hard to tell with the hair, uh, yeah.”
Indrid points in the direction of the beachside campsites, “The Cold Family Reunion can only be begged off so long.” His phone dings, the reminder that it’s his turn to help his aunt with dinner, “speaking of which, I should pack up.” He quickly gathers his supplies, sends the other man a final smile, “thank you for the laugh, Ranger Newton.”
“You’re uh, you’re welcome. And tell your twin to throw his damn trash away.” He smiles as he says this, suggesting a joke, but Indrid resolves to remind Apollo of his manners anyway.
The fog caresses the coastline, hiding the dawn entirely. Indrid pulls his hood up against the chill, the wooden bench and viewing deck damp from the weather. He’s not going back to camp until he’s captured the sight before him; dozens of fishing boats on the dark water, their lights beautiful and soft against the grey world.
Sandy gravel crunches to his right, and then Ranger Newton appears. He keeps glancing at Indrid as he writes something indecipherable on a clipboard.
“I’m the nice one.” Indrid says in response to the quick, searching, looks.
“Thank fuck.” He turns so they’re actually looking at each other, “guess we’re both on the early shift.”
“Normally I wouldn’t be, but the cold and quiet is preferable to my twin snoring. I brought my own one person tent, but then my aunt and uncle had their monthly argument and she needed a new place to sleep.”
“That was mighty kind of you.”
Indrid shrugs, “Not really. I just want to get through this reunion with as little conflict as possible.”
“How’d you end up on this thing? Said you couldn’t get out of it but-”
“I just moved to town a month ago. Turns out this is a place my parents have always wanted to visit. Not enough to see me, mind you, or refrain from criticizing my choice of towns, but enough to host the reunion here so I had no escape. And if I want to eat with the family, I have to spend the night in the camp and not at home. And since money is tight after moving, well..."
The ranger whistles, “Damn, that’s rough. But uh, since you live in town you’ll actually get to see this place in nice weather.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” He shivers, “though I enjoy the cold when I can be in my nice little apartment. In a tent, not so much.”
“If you get a good sleepin bag or good company, gets a lot better.” The ranger smiles, then looks at his notes, “sorry, that ain’t appropriate talk around a visitor.”
Indrid meets his green eyes, “If you have recommendations for either, I’m all ears.”
A gust of wind carries salt spray all the way to the platform, Indrid shivering as it mists his glasses.
“Here” the ranger holds out his hnd, “I gotta go open the visitor center; nice and warm in there.”
“...Could you possibly come back in ten minutes? I’d like to finish my sketch.”
“Sure, won’t kill me to check on the tide measures while I’m out here.” He tips his hat and soon Indrid sees him winding down a path to the beach. Eleven minutes later he’s back, telling Indrid about a huge starfish he saw.
On the walk to the visitor center, he learns the “D” on his nametag is for “Duck,” that he’s a transplant from West Virginia, and that they’re actually the same age. When Indrid explains that he’s a tattoo artist who sells his drawings on the side.
“You’ll appreciate this, then” Duck bends down to roll up his pant leg. Indrid appreciates the view and the well executed geometric tree tattoo on his ankle.
“Juno and I got ‘em together. Had to go with the ankle because I already got some on my arms. Can’t show those off right now though.”
“My, my, Ranger Newton, you’ll flash a scandalous ankle at a guest but not take him to the gun show?”
Duck laughs, the sound like the mating call of a strange tropical bird; absurd and enchanting.
“Glad you’re in town to stay, Indrid. Think you’re the kind of fella I’d like to get to know.”
Maybe he’s being childish. It’s not wrong for Apollo to say he’s making their father proud, that he’s successful, that he’s a golden boy of his field.
It’s just obnoxious for him to do this the one time their extended family expressed Indrid’s professional accomplishments. With that smile, the one Indrid knows for a damn fact he had fixed, that tone, that, that….
That voice sounds familiar.
He reverses course, takes the path he passed by that points towards the amphitheater. What he gets is more a firepit with a small stage, but standing at the center and addressing fascinated families is Duck.
Indrid sits on the rickety bench furthest from the stage, lets Ducks explanations of night blooming plants and the creatures that pollinate them drown out the echoes of family dinner. When the program ends and the parents shepherd their children off with instructions for bedtime and brushing teeth Indrid stays, not ready to leave but not intending to attract Duck’s attention.
He gets it anyway.
“Enjoy the talk?” Duck stays two steps down from him, rests a foot up on the bench, “this one is always real popular; when it gets warm, the little animal rehab place south of town brings education animals in. Y’know, bats and owls, stuff like that.”
“I’ll have to come back to see them.” The thought of seeing bats up close excites him, but he’s too tired to sell the emotion.
Duck frowns, “You okay?”
Indrid shakes his head, tells him about the constant comments, the threat of living forever as the family disappointment, a threat he can deal with until he’s around them all. Then he’s right back to being seventeen and afraid of failing them.
“....Apollo’s always been the golden boy, ruthless and goal focused like our father. He always knows just what to say to get under my skin and dig out the scar tissue,” Indrid sighs, “All I wanted tonight was to roast marshmallows and go to bed early.”
The ranger moved from the steps to the bench beside him as he told his story. Now, Duck looks at him, smile more soothing than the thrum of the distant waves, “I got an idea. Guessin’ you don’t gotta tell your family where you’re goin, right?”
“No, most of them will assume I’m off sulking and Apollo will hope I’ve fallen off a cliff.”
“Then leave ‘em to be their shitty selves and come home with me. Uh, not, not-not like that, fuck, like what you’re thinkin, uh. Fuck. What I mean is; I got a fireplace and some marshmallows. You want in?”
Indrid watches the dying fire flicker of the curves of his face, thinks back on the last week. The ranger has been a frequent companion, brings him hot cocoa from the little cafe and tells him where he’ll be for chunks of the day in case Indrid needs a break from his family. Last night, all Indrid could think about was wanting Duck to be in the tent beside him.
On the drive over, Indrid points out his apartment complex and Duck points out the best places to eat and the cheapest laundromats. His house is tiny, looks like it was built when the town was a logging hub and not a tourist destination.
“Make yourself at home, it’ll take me a sec to get the fire goin’--uhuh, Taco, stop tryin’ to open that cabinet.” He hoists a yowling, blonde ball of fur on the couch. The cat directs a suspicious look Indrid’s way and then settles on top of the pile of blankets.
“You a s’more man?” Duck calls from the kitchen.
“No, thank you. I prefer my sugar in a single bite.”
“You eat marshmallows in one bite? I’m always worried I’ll choke.”
“I have an accommodating mouth.” Indrid smirks when Duck audibly drops the bag. He’s not always the best with social cues, but if the way Duck kept brushing their hands together on the center armrest in his car is any indication, the ranger is trying to pick him up.
Once the fire is going Duck sits on the rug, patting the spot to his left. Indrid joins him. Caramelizing sugar and increasingly sleepy laughter soon fills the air. Neither of them keep their knees from touching, and Duck keeps dropping his head to Indrid’s shoulder when he giggles. The whole scene is so heavenly Indrid isn’t paying attention to their marshmellow consumption. He reaches into the empty bag and makes a disappointed noise.
“Damn, we really went through ‘em.” He catches Indrid’s eye with a playful grin, “you still cravin’ sugar?”
Indrid licks his lips, “Yes.”
Duck cups his cheek, guiding him into a sleepy, close-mouthed kiss, brushing their noses together when he pulls back to murmur, “That do the trick?”
“Hmmmmm?” Indrid cocks his head, “no.”
The other man guffaws as Indrid pulls him down on top of him, kissing him happily and wiggling his hips when Duck digs his fingers into his hair. His own hands migrate under Duck’s shirts, finding his body just as warm and wonderful as he hoped.
He nips Duck’s lower lip. The ranger growls and Indrid is no longer tired.
“Care to see just how accommodating my mouth can be?”
Duck rolls them twice so they’re a safe distance from the fire, “Hell yeah.”
Indrid saunters into camp late in the morning, some of the Colds already packing up to depart. His twin is stuck on dish duty, grins like a barracuda when he spots Indrid.
“I don’t know why you’re here. You missed breakfast, and you weren’t in camp last night, so you don’t get lunch or dinner either. May as well skulk back into the shadows.”
“Mmm, yes, I was rather undutiful.” Indrid spots a figure checking campsite permits, who stealthily blows him a kiss, “but at this moment in time, I don’t particularly care.”
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justgenshinstuf · 4 years
Exploring Dragonspine
Wanted to give you something unrelated to requests I’m currently doing. I think I’ll make two parts of this one!
These are headcanons I have about different characters accompanying traveler/reader on their quest exploring Dragonspine. I hope it can get you in the mood if you aren’t done with all the secrets of the new location already.
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Oh, he is a walking heater. You are not entirely sure, but it seems like his body temperature is higher than average, so he is a great companion for exploring snowy mountains with.
Would definitely offer you to take his coat, since he is not as affected by cold. It’s big, warm and smells nice. You like to absorb into it completely while staying in a cave or a camp for the night, gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Better than that are the times when Diluc lets you snuggle close to him to get warmer. He tries to play it cool, but his shifty eyes and pinky cheeks totally give him away. «What? Do I have frostbite on my face?» He’d ask, turning even more red.
His extensive warmth granted from his pyro vision has a serious downside to it. If he faces extreme conditions, like being lost in blizzard somewhere high up in the snow-peaks or falling through ice into a cold mountain river, when he is unable to accumulate warmth fast enough, it hits him strongly.
In this state he absolutely can’t endure staying out in the cold for long and has to find a source of heat asap, even his elemental powers weaken. You can tell by his expressive eyes such powerless state frightens him as he clutches the hilt of his heavy sword tighter, visibly shiverring from freezing cold.
Thankfully, he always has just enough power to light a fire in almost any conditions. Even if it’s only a small one, he maintains it well so to let everyone on the team get their hands warm again. The only thing required is some dry wood or a pyro enchanted statue.
He gets really excited when you suggest exploring Dragonspine together. The climate reminds him too much of Snezhnaya, bringing a lot of nice memories and a bittersweet feeling of homesickness.
Childe is prepared for the harsh conditions of snowy mountains like no one else, running around snowy rocks like a fish in the water. He may even get a bit too excited, especially when it finally comes to fighting someone.
Ancient defence mechanisms appearing out of nowhere truly amaze him, serving as a great target for the never-ending bow practice. But his favourite ones are the Frostarm Lawachurls. Despite you almost begging Childe not to provoke them without need, it seems like he specifically looks for their dwelling places.
Cryo enemies being especially dangerous to Hydro users just whets his appetite, so to say, heating up the thrill to kill. You have to drag him out of battles by the collar, seeing his knuckles being white from cold and lips almost turning blue.
Tartaglia is unsurprisingly quite mischievous in starting sudden snowball fights. Absolutely the type to put some snow or ice down one’s back or push someone into a snowdrift to get a few laughs. Would also roll down the snowy slope given the chance.
He would take you ice fishing with him, which you absolutely should not take lightly. It is a very personal thing for him that comes from his childhood. You would be amazed to see Childe so calm and concentrated as if it is some kind of meditation. «It kinda helps practice endurance and gives you a moment to reflect on things… But I’m glad to have you by my side».
She is often afraid to use her Hydro Vision while traveling across Dragonspine, since anything she casts quickly turns into ice, being more of a problem than help. She concentrates mostly on the healing aspect of her powers, trying her hardest to heal all the frostbites as well as all the usual wounds.
Would probably wear some cute winter-themed idol costume with fluffy hood. You really like to touch it and stroke it, gives you a pleasant feeling of warmth and calmness.
She also brought fuzzy woollen mittens just for you. Even though impractical during battles in terms of holding a sword you still love them, they keep your hands warm. And they match her’s too!
Striving to be useful, she comes up with a brilliant idea of cooking hot spicy meals while you take a rest. Since those are her favourite, Barbara has mastered them perfectly, not only in taste but also in long-lasting effect of warmth. It’s like having a little heater inside your belly and face tingling with a funny feeling of warnth.
Barbara loves when it snows. Not in a deadly blizzard kind of way, but when big fluffy snowflakes slowly fall down on a sunny day or in the light of the fire during a windless night, disappearing gracefully when touching the ground. «Look! It’s like they’re dancing in the air!» You think she looks like a pretty snowflake herself in her cute little fur coat.
When the weather is harsh and your team has to seek shelter in some cave, snuggled up close together beside a fireplace, Barbara takes the initiative of cheering you up with a song. Sometimes acoustics are quite impressive, almost like you are in one of her official performances.
Would totally build snowmen, a lot of them. The thing is she always puts bombs in them (obviously). So they act more like boobytraps for any unfortunate soul who decides to touch them. Or, God forbid, break them.
Asks you to make snow-angels with her. Thankfully, those are safe. She generally likes to play in snow, but gets bored easily. So you have to be creative to entertain her before she decides to blow something up again.
Finds throwing bombs in the water under the ice even more amusing than just simple fish blasting. You have to be all eyes and ears since the ice is not always thick enough, sometimes Klee’s mischiefs can cause a lot more trouble that intended!
She is very useful in battle because little to no one can survive those explosions of hers. Ice shields blow to bits in a second and everything that melts disappears in a wide radius. Klee is always happy to be useful and will do her best to come up with even better explosives, which can be more destructive in such cold.
Her enthusiasm will eventually lead to a snow avalanche (which is certainly solitary confinement-worthy), so be cautious and ready to run!
Klee is also great at treasure-hunting. It’s her favourite part of the adventure and she would often wonder off exploring. «Jean will never allow me to go on a treasure hunt here, so I’ll do what I can now. Will you help me finding treasure? Pleeeease?»
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acousticcheeze · 3 years
Here's my 100 questions for my OC thing!
My OC is Laureli, a 6'2 Altmer trying to make his way in Skyrim
1. What do they smell like?
Whatever alchemy ingredient he’s been working with, really. Lavender is what he smells like most often, though.
2. What is their voice like?
A smooth-ish medium pitch Altmer voice that has elements of calm and irritation.
3. What is their biggest motivator?
Helping others through his alchemy. He wants to improve medicine for Skyrim, as well as all of Tamriel.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
He had a whole scientific presentation one year that ended up being completely wrong. He got humiliated in front of everyone.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
Winces at it, curses, and then gets to treating the problem.
6. What do they like to wear?
Functional clothes that keep him warm and allow him to carry alchemy ingredients in his pockets.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
The relationships with some of the people he’s helped over the years. It gave him a sense of purpose and fulfillment knowing that he could help people, save people.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
He’s an alchemist...in Skyrim...I’m pretty sure there are a few contenders… (giants toe, large/small antlers, ectoplasm, the list goes on)
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Normal side sleeper. Prefers to sleep on his left side.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
Horker stew. It’s actually way better than he thought it would be.
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
If what he’s doing is good enough. He has big problems with perfectionism that still persist with him even after leaving Summerset.
12. How do they like to dress?
Robes with an alchemy enchantment and a hood.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
He tries to shake them off, but has panic attacks and whatnot sometimes as a result of them.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Is completely shattered by it. He’s dealt with this so many times before, though, so he keeps his cards close to his chest.
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Creating potions that help much more than the average cure disease potion would, as well as all sorts of other concoctions. Also, he’s created a sort of disinfectant and is working on a hand sanitizer.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Cranky, cranky, cranky.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Drunk? Oh no no no no Laureli does not drink (and even if he did he’d be out real quick)
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
He isn’t really into music, but he enjoys the songs the bard plays at the Bannered Mare.
19. Are they right or left handed?
Right, but is practicing with his left hand too in case something happens to his right.
20. Fears?
Death and failure, mostly.
21. Favorite kind of weather?
As the sun rises and there’s dew all over the grass, the light reflecting through each drop.
22. Favorite color?
The color of eyes. Or, more specifically, the hundreds of little pinpricks of different colors inside of eyes, It’s really quite fascinating.
23. Do they collect anything?
OH YEAH. So many different alchemy ingredients and random stuff to be used in his next works-
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Cold, which is good since he lives in Skyrim.
25. What is their eye color?
Chartreuse (like most Altmer)
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
27. Hair color?
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
Yup. Breezehome is small, but manageable, and Whiterun is a decent hold to live in.
29. Are they a morning person?
Yes. He gets tired around 9 and can’t stay up past 12.
30. Sunrise or sunset?
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
Very organized. Again, he’s a perfectionist.
32. Pet peeves?
People touching his things as well as people inserting themselves into his business.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
An amulet of Talos a Nord gave him. He hadn’t gotten the chance to learn much about Talos at home, and he found it very interesting talking to the local Nords about their beliefs. That amulet reminds him of his first day in Skyrim, the first day of his new life.
34. Least favorite food?
Taffy treats, or anything with that sort of texture and stickiness that can get stuck to his teeth very easily.
35. Least favorite color?
Very pale green. It looks gross.
36. Least favorite smell?
Death. (Yes, death has a smell)
37. When was the last time they cried?
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
No. Oh Auri-el, no no no no. He cries alone and he makes sure of it.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
Was in a fire when he was younger, he has a burn going up the inner leg on his right leg.
40. Do they have any scars?
Only mental ones. (and the burn scar on his leg)
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Perfectionism, past abuse, self hate, among others.
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Picking at his nails. He knows it makes them hurt and get bloody, but sometimes he just can’t help it.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He can be very rude if he’s working, but to be fair, it is really annoying to be bothered in the middle of your work.
44. Why might someone love them?
Who wouldn’t love an overworked science boye? But in all seriousness, if he loves someone, he will be very caring towards them and is also just great listener. Tries not to care any more though because of personal trauma.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Yup. He’s heard of people’s encounters with them. Honestly, you’d be stupid to not believe in them.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
At this point? No. Farkas later down the line? Yes.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
Farkas, but we ain’t talking about that yet~
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
49. Do they like surprises?
No. Please do not surprise this poor man he will stagger back and crash into everything.
50. When is their birthday?
9th of Hearthfire (September 9th)
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
He takes a few seconds to acknowledge it and then gets on with his work.
52. Do they have any family?
Yup! A Mom, a Dad, a younger sister, and a male cousin that lives nearby (he’s in the Thalmor and the whole family has very Pro-Thalmor views)
53. Are they close to their family?
HAH- no~
54. What is their MBTI type?
INTJ (Damn this list for making me look up stereotypes for this. Honestly I hate the MBTI system so much-)
55. What is their zodiac sign?
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
57. What D&D alignment are they?
If lawful chaotic good was a thing then yes
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Yes, but they are often so tangled up that it’s hard to get any real meaning from them.
59. What are their views on death?
“It’s fine, it’s fine, I’ll be fine-” Hopes that he’ll be fine but is really scared about it.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Bad science puns. He will stifle a chuckle before telling you how bad your joke was.
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
This man does not get bored. He will always find something alchemy related to study or look into.
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
Yes. Laureli loves the Skyrim weather (for the most part. Places like Dawnstar and Winterhold suck)
63. Do they have an accent?
Yes. He has the typical Altmer accent.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
“Why is this here? This isn’t mine.”
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say
He would probably take too long deciding and die before he could do/say anything.
66. How do they feel about sex?
Sex repulsed asexual.
67. What is their sexuality?
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
He’s seen so much it would take a lot to surprise him here.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
Grumpy scientist with no people skills.
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
Yes, definitely
72. Are they allergic to anything?
Not really. (Lucky)
73. Do they have a pet?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Nope, unless you press his buttons. His anger is pretty much “What in the name of Auri-el is wrong with you?! Don’t touch my equipment!!”
75. How patient are they?
Very...until you hit his limit. Then he gets passive aggressive.
76. Are they good at cooking?
Not really. He can be good at it, he just chose not to learn in favor of working on his projects. Can make enough to live on, though.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
He doesn't have a favorite insult (he rarely insults people).
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Talking fast, pacing, flappy hands.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
Try to avoid bringing those fears up around them and avoiding making fun of them. If their fear is nearby, he will either tell them or take care of it. (which is good because Farkas is scared of spiders)
80. Are they trustworthy?
Yes, but you have to be a very certain kind of person to work with him.
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
Sometimes, especially romantic feelings. Romantic attraction? Nope, not possible- (It totally is; he’s in denial)
82. Do they exercise regularly?
With all of the walking he does around various holds, yes.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Yes. He’s a perfectionist with many things, but has learned to let go a bit more when it comes to his appearance. He still will take ages to get ready, though.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
Tattoos, braids, basically everything you’d see on a typical Nord. It’s so different from his home and he’s completely enamored.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Himbo nord men. Sweet morons basically.
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Not really. Sweet foods do have their place, but he isn’t wanting to get any cavities, so he tries to limit his sugar. (Especially since Altmer live 200-300 years aprox)
87. What is their age?
52 (~20s for an Altmer)
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
Tall, but about average for an Altmer
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
No, but if he did he would have half-moon spectacles.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
Not really. He doesn’t really think anyone is attractive. (Well, except for Nord himbos, but he doesn’t know that until he meets Farkas)
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Practically nonexistent, but when there is humor it’s mostly dry and sardonic.
92. What mood are they most often in?
That sort of focused work mode you get in when you’re really concentrating, as well as somewhat-sociable-but-still-kind-of-tired-and-grumpy
93. What kinds of things anger them?
People messing up his equipment. Oh sweet Auri-el, if you touch his things he will explode. Also, he hates the racism that the Thalmor promote. (He hates racism in general, but he hates the Thalmor’s views the most).
94. Outlook on life?
“It sucks, but I do find quite a bit fascinating and I’ll help where I can.”
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
His perfectionism, how lonely he knows he is, and more.
96. What is their greatest weakness?
Again, his perfectionism, as well as having his work dictate more in his life than he should.
97. What is the greatest strength?
His brain. He remembers small details extremely well, and is practically an encyclopedia when it comes to alchemy.
98. Something that they regret?
How awful he used to be to everyone back home. He got a lot of pushback on his dreams and who he was, so he lashed out. Even though there wasn’t much he could do there, he still regrets hiring his family and wants to try at a relationship again with them (lol good luck).
99. Biggest accomplishment?
How is this different from “Greatest Achievement”?
100. Create your own! (Why is his alchemy so different from the norm?)
Because he’s trying to do something much more along the lines of modern medicine as opposed to just potions.
101. (Bonus!) Why is he in Skyrim?
Because it’s rather lacking in the medicine department compared to the other provinces, so he decided his talents would be best used there. Obviously, his family protested, but he went anyways.
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probablyjustamagpie · 3 years
So I wrote this last October, and figured I’d share. Hope you enjoy!
The Witch’s Brew
Inkblot, my raven, perches on my shoulder as I close the door to the dorm, cooing softly to the  rhythm of my roommate’s snores from where she lays among a tangle of blankets. Our morning walk is quiet and uneventful, with the city just barely awake. The autumn air fills my lungs and I feel good despite the rather dreary weather of the morning. The rain patters gently as I walk, and I resolve to make myself a mocha when I get to the store to warm myself up.
The Witch’s Brew is only a few blocks away from the dorm, and is still technically on campus. Nora is already there when I arrive, getting the register ready. Inkblot swoops over to the ornate metal tree that many bird familiars like to inhabit when they come in. Occasionally, the odd raccoon or squirrel familiar will find their place there too.  Nora and I smile at each other, but we don’t talk much unless it’s about work.
As I’m placing the last of the blueberry muffins in the glass display case, the first of the morning coffee rush begins to trickle in. The day always starts the same way, with the early morning regulars hurrying in to get their caffeine fix, off to their office jobs. Nora and I rush to get all the orders out in time; macchiato with a luck enchantment, plain black coffee with a joy enchantment, a regular cinnamon bun, the list only goes on and on and the rain only drums harder and harder on the windows.
The morning coffee surge is still in full swing nearly an hour later, but now it's more tourists and travelers, bright eyed and bushy tailed, sometimes literally. The full moon was last night, so tired werewolves are commonplace this morning.
It’s yet another hour and a half before Micha and Cecily wander in. They'd promised that they were going to stop by, just like every week. By now it was just another part of our routine. Cecily always orders iced coffee with an extra shot of espresso and two pumps of vanilla, while Micha likes to switch it up. Neither of them ever asks for an enchantment on their drink.
“What will it be, oh-indecisive-one?” I ask Micha as he stares helplessly at the menu. 
Alphonse, his familiar, peers at me from the pocket in Micha’s hoodie, before scrabbling up his arm and curling his long ferret body around Micha’s shoulders like a fluffy, living scarf.
“Uh, Chai tea? With extra cinnamon?”
“Hot or cold?” “Hot. Seems too late in the year to get it iced.”
“Lame,” interjects Cecily, “It is never too cold for iced coffee!”
“You are a living stereotype,” Micha tells her.
I make their drinks quickly, as they head off to find one of the unclaimed tables among the crowded coffee shop. The Witch’s Brew is a popular place, big windows and lots of seating, though most of it is now taken. Along one side of the main counter, there is a bar of sorts, where people can sit, order drinks, and chat with the baristas as they zip around. It’s there that Micha and Cecily inevitably find themselves..
“It’s only because we don’t want to take up a table. We definitely wouldn’t want to distract you.”
“Mmhmm, somehow I don’t believe you, Cess,” I say, handing them their drinks.
I turn back to the door in time to catch a flash of bright red hair, a smiling face, and a denim jacket coming through the glass doors. My calm demeanor cracks for a moment and I’m certain my mouth won’t close all the way.
There is one girl from school who I am absolutely terrified of talking to, and that's Blaine Rynn, the owner of that bright, soft hair, that kind and stunning smile, that fur-lined and pin-covered jacket. I’ve never seen a pride pin on it, though, and thus is the endless torment of a gay girl.
I whirl back to Micha and Cecily, who snicker. As my best friends they, of course, have been subjected to my endless pining for the one girl I can’t muster the guts to talk too. But Nora is helping someone else, and I shall never cease suffering, so I make my way to the register.
“Hello! Welcome to the Witch’s Brew, what can I get you today?” My brain goes into autopilot, and I plaster on my best customer service smile.
“I’ll get an iced caramel mocha - for here, please.”
That only reminds me of the mocha I never made this morning, and suddenly I wish I was making that instead. Nevertheless, I try to make some semblance of conversation, though my voice shakes just a little.  “Squeezing out the last few days of the season?”
“It's never too cold for iced coffee.”
I laugh a little, finally look Blaine in the eyes, and smile. Tamping down the little flare in my chest, I try to return to the task at hand. Iced coffee year-round does not mean she’s gay, despite to jokes Micha and I make.
“Anything else?” My voice comes out an octave too high.
“Uh, maybe a blueberry muffin too. Luck enchantment on the coffee, please.”
I nod, and ring her up, silent. I no longer trust my voice.
“I like your glasses by the way. They’re cute.” Blaine says, before finding a table.
“Thanks!” I say, and  in that moment, my face gets oh-so-very warm.
Her order shouldn’t take much time, but it takes longer for me to make than normal due to Micha and Cecily winking at me and making faces. The sigil for the enchantment is easy enough when I cast it on her glass, and using my magic steals something inside me, easing the stormy sea that is my stomach.
I place it delicately at her table, and she smiles so brightly when I give it to her that I almost ask her out right there, but I hold myself back. You hardly know her, Tia, I try to remind myself. Well, you know she volunteers at the aquarium, and takes bio with Iris, and that she’s a selkie. You know Blaine has the best smiles and her choppy bob is perpetually messy in a stylish way, and she always steps on the crunchy leaves, and-
I shake my head a little as I make my way back to the counter. That line of thinking never leads anywhere good.
“Have you asked her out yet?” Cecily asks.
“Just do it! What could go wrong?”
“So, so much. She could be straight, she could be homophobic, she could just plain not be interested!”
“But do you know that?” Micha adds.
“No?” I despise his voice of reason.
“Then ask!” they say at the same time.
“I - no. Too much could go wrong.”
Cecily grabs a pen from the counter, and scribbles a note on the just slightly coffee-stained napkin next to her.
He swoops over, and lands at her side.
“Give this to the selkie over in the window, please.”
In a traitorous swish of black feathers, he does. 
“Cecily!” I say, loudly enough that a patron or two gives me a look.
I look over at Blaine, who seems perplexed at the bird now trying to drop a napkin in her drink. When she grabs it though, and reads it, her face turns a light shade of pink. It's a really cute blush, in all honesty, and her freckles contrast against the red of her cheeks.
I watch as she stands up, and Inkblot flutters back to me, like he didn’t sign my death warrant. As she makes her way over, I swear someone must have done a time freeze spell, because even the rain seems to stop.
“Was this yours?”
“Yeah, the little traitor bird belongs to me.”
Blaine laughs a bit, and the full force of her smile shines on me, rendering me somewhat speechless.
“I think my luck enchantment worked. I’ll, uh, call you tonight?”
“Yeah, tonight works.” I give her a smile too, and the little flare in my chest turns to a blaze.
As Blaine walks back to her table, Micha gives me a ‘I told you so’ look, which Alphonse mimics. I can’t help but laugh at how easy and simple that was, and how light I feel now. 
“Perhaps, just maybe, I should listen to you two more often.”
Cecily and Micha leave soon after, coffee finished and homework looming,  and I find the rest of the day passes in a blur. When I leave the shop in the late afternoon, there’s a spring in my step and I practically float, despite not casting any spells. Inkblot soars above me, enjoying the clear sky. The leaves seem a little brighter in color on the few trees along the sidewalk, the sky a fresh, bright blue after the morning rain.
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Written by @jeranasblog​ and Kinkybeanlien
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Moodboard by @jeranasblog​
Tony has big plans for the rest of the time spent in Gerlos.
Notes: Adult Peter Parker, Fake dating, One sided enemies to lovers, No powers!AU, Mutual pining, Sugar daddy!Tony, Sugar baby!Peter, Fluff, Smut and Angst.
Smut tags (for the earlier chapters): Wet Dream, Dry Humping, Daddy Kink, Mirror Sex, Dom/Sub Undertones, Bondage, Humiliation, Oral Sex,  Anal Sex, Fingering, Edging, Lingerie, Dom/Top!Tony, Sub/Bottom!Peter
Read One Bed on AO3!
The Anderson lady ended up being a blessing in disguise. Her cruel, impulsive actions made the event reach the front pages of the news. The awareness it created for the charity resulted in a massive influx of donations. And while Tony’s lawyers were working on the assault case that was set up soon afterward, Tony and Peter decided to enjoy Gerlos for another few days. Tony had been acting a little suspicious all morning. He barely spoke a word to Peter, but from the mischievous gleam in his eye, Peter could tell Tony was up to something. They had started their day nice and slow; a good sleep in, breakfast served in bed by the hotel and an incredibly satisfying lazy fuck… Life was good, but Tony was hiding something and it itched Peter’s insides. What was the man planning? Just about after lunch at the hotel, Tony urged Peter back to the penthouse first to grab their mittens, scarfs and hats. They walked back out and the sun was shining. The snow reflected the bright light and when Tony spoke, Peter knew something big was about to happen. “Our ride should be here soon.” “Ride?” Peter scoffed a laugh. “Don’t tell me you arranged a limo.” Tony cocked a cheeky eyebrow and Peter’s eyes went wide. “You did?!” “You’ll see,” Tony said with a smile as he sat down on the bench at the road. He patted the seat next to him, so Peter joined him. “You’ll see…” After basking in the sunlight on a bench right outside the hotel for a bit and watching the Isskogel gondola make its rounds a few dozen times, Peter heard an unfamiliar sound. Bells… And… Hoofs? Peter turned to the road and sat up straight. His mouth fell open at the sight. A carriage sleigh, pulled by two horses, was approaching them. “You’re kidding,” Peter whispered in awe. Tony’s hand rested on his shoulder and squeezed. “I hope you’re not afraid of horses?” Peter snorted and stood up. “Are you?” Peter reached out with his hand and smiled wide. “Well, they’re big.” Tony joined Peter and curled his gloved fingers around Peter’s. “As are you.” Tony burst out laughing and Peter grinned cheekily as they approached the carriage. Tony quickly exchanged some German words with the rider who welcomed them with open arms. They got in and made themselves comfortable among the fluffy pillows and blankets. It wasn’t long before they started the trek through the mountains. The horses whinnied a couple times, startling Tony but it only made him and Peter cuddle closer together. They didn’t talk much, simply enjoying the view, the weather, the ride and each other’s presence. Peter had no idea where the carriage would take them, but he loved it, somehow- loved surrendering every part of himself to Tony. Be spoiled by him. Be taken care of. It’s perfect. Peter laid his head on Tony’s shoulder and let himself be carried to God knows where. As long as he was with Tony, all would be good. … After about an hour, the carriage stopped. They’d made their way up on the mountain, but Peter wasn’t sure where the trail would lead. They were surrounded by trees, and a small path led them further up. Peter shyly waved at the horses and thanked the rider for the lift before turning around. Tony took Peter’s hand in his and smiled warmly before walking them both up the path. It was a slithery route, much of the same view but absolutely enchanting nonetheless. Especially once the woods became a little more dense, resulting in less sunlight pushing through the trees. Fairy lights illuminated the path they walked and Peter couldn’t help but press himself closer against Tony. Whatever the man had planned, it was absolutely mindblowing already. Eventually, they reached a clearing that had a view that was incomparable to anything else. Of all the places Peter had seen in Austria, this one was by far the most breathtaking. There was a small cottage a little to the left, completely secluded from the busy tourist life down in Gerlos. Inside, an early dinner had been prepared for them. The interior design could only be described as typically Austrian. Intricately carved wood and dark stone, with fuzzy blankets and a beautiful fireplace to keep them warm. Peter didn’t know half of what he was eating. All he knew was that it tasted absolutely delicious. Tony held Peter’s hand through most of the dinner, candle-light illuminating his face and warming up his smile even further. Dessert was a shared plate of about everything Peter had once mentioned he enjoyed. From sorbet scoops and cheesecake to chocolate mousse and fresh fruits. Peter seemed surprised when there was a knock on the cottage door. Tony swiftly excused himself, but soon came back with a suitcase. “What’s that?” “Everything we need to get us through the night.” Tony wiggled his eyebrows and Peter stared at him amazed. “We’re staying here?” “If you want to?” “Yes.” … Tony took Peter’s hand once again and brought him outside, back to the clearing. He sat them down on a bench, covered with more soft blankets. From inside his coat, he conjured up a flask with warm Gluhwein, which both men thoroughly enjoyed as they watched the sun set. When it was almost dark, the sun barely visible on the horizon and the fairy lights slowly appearing again, Tony turned to Peter and took off both their gloves. “Peter…?” Tony lifted their hands and kissed Peter’s fingers one by one, simultaneously caressing them with his thumbs. “Tony?” Peter whispered. He stared at Tony with wonder, unsure what to expect, but loving every second of their time together. “I promised you a grand gesture.” All the puzzle pieces fell together and Peter gasped quietly, a wide-open smile spreading across his face at the knowledge of what Tony would be asking next. “You did,” his reply was soft. Gentle. Like Tony’s touch. The man sweetly kissed Peter’s fingers again and then looked up at Peter with a hopeful gleam in his eye. “Peter Benjamin Parker, will you be my boyfriend?” Peter’s sight became blurred with happy tears and he leaned in, colliding his and Tony’s lips in a soft kiss. They remained glued together for a short while, holding hands and tugging hair. When they finally broke free, Tony smiled. “Is that a yes?” “Mm…” Peter moaned and closed his eyes, leaning in for another kiss. “Oh, Petey,” Tony said with a smirk, pulling back and raising one eyebrow. “You know I’m big on consent.” Peter snorted and shook his head slightly. “Will you be my boyfriend? Yes or no?” Peter leaned in again, pulling Tony closer to press their noses together. Their gazes locked and they exchanged hot breaths on the cold February early evening. “Yes.” … Back at the cottage, Peter made them tea. Before they sat down, though, Tony got that mischievous sparkle back in his eyes. And there was something else. Something… More. “What are you up to this time?” Peter inquired with a chuckle. Tony simply gestured at one of the two doors inside of the cottage. One led to the bathroom, the other to the bedroom, Peter supposed. He made his way to the door Tony pointed at and opened it. The bedroom. Peter walked in and turned back to Tony, waiting for him to say something. Tony did a dramatic faux gasp, as he looked at the bed wide-eyed. He held his hands in front of his mouth and glanced back at Peter, the mischief still evident in his eyes. “And there was only one bed,” he exclaimed. Peter scoffed a laugh and looked at his feet shyly before sitting down at the end and invitingly spreading his legs, letting his hands run up his thighs and circling them around his crotch. He fluttered his eyes and spoke. “And there was only one bed.”
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lololova · 4 years
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A/N: A lot of you wanted a continuation on Why do you think? so here you go, here’s quite a longer sequel to the previous shot. ALSO, this is M-RATED!!
There, you’ve been warned, go ahead and enjoy, Happy Easter y’all!
Kate was amazed by his beach house the second she sat foot here three hours ago. Her partner had showed her a tour of his property and she has to admit she can’t wait till tomorrow when she can lay out by the pool and work on her tan. Especially when she knows he’s going to be observing her.
“I’m going to make us some dinner, you want some wine?” Castle interrupts her thoughts and she puts away the book she’d brought.
“Yes please,” she raises from the couch and follows him as he walks into the big kitchen. 
“Here you go.”
She accepts the red wine with a thanks and takes the first sip only to moan at the taste, not being prepared at the heavenly taste. 
“You like it?” he asks with a smirk landing on his lips and she tries to scold her features. 
“It’s good.” She walks to the windows to look out towards the beach while he starts cooking. 
She takes another sip as she watches the waves sparkle in the moonlight. Some part of her can’t really believe she’s here, with him. She dumped Demming, they solved the case with the fake spies and now she’s here. All alone with her favorite writer who also happens to be her annoying shadow and the best partner she’d ever had. Another sip makes it past her lips and down her throat before her teeth sink into her lower lip. She’s here. She’s really here. Her mind can’t stop going to the things she secretly wants to happen. At the same time there’s a part of her that wants to resist, wants to protect herself and her heart from hurting the way she hurt when her mom was taken from her. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
She jerks at the sudden sound of his voice but tries to play it off by moving her hand through her hair. 
“So, now even my thoughts aren’t private anymore huh?” she questions with a small tease hiding in her voice, her eyes finding his as he observes her.
“Oh,” a smirk lands on his lips, “so they’re private thoughts, got it.”
She rolls her eyes, shaking her head as she looks away again. “Shut up.” But once she knows he can’t see it her lips pull up in a smile and she has to bite it down in order not to grin. After a few more minutes she takes another heavenly sip and feels her cheeks get a bit warm.
“You know, if you want to we can always take a dip in the ocean later,” he suggests and she tries but fails to think about that.
Taking a dip in the ocean with him would definitely involve some touching and even though she wouldn’t mind one bit it just… feels strange. And then she remembers what she suggested only a day ago and she has to bite her lip again in order to try and push down her inner rebel that would do it within a heartbeat. The reason it feels so strange must be because she’s denied her all these thoughts for so long that it feels like they’re completely taking over her mind right now. It’s the only kind of thing she’s been able to think about for the past two days, apart from the case that is. 
She’s lost in her thoughts again and next time he opens his mouth it’s to announce that the dinner is done. When she sits down to eat she can’t believe he’s been able to be quiet for that long, but she’s not focused on that issue for very long because the second the food gets on her tongue she’s distracted by the taste. She really can’t deny she’s missed his cooking from the days when she had to stay over at his place during that Nikki Heat case.
“This was delicious, thanks Castle,” she says once she’s full and can’t take another bite without bursting. 
“Good, I hoped the silence meant you enjoyed it,” he teases and she rolls her eyes despite the smile growing on her lips. 
“Well, I’ve never tasted it before, what’s it called?”
He chuckles and she furrows her forehead, wondering what’s so funny. “It’s called flying Jacob.”
Her forehead wrinkles even more. “Flying Jacob?”
“Yeah, it’s a Swedish dish. Apparently a man named Jacob created it or something, I found it once when I searched for new chicken recipes.” Castle explains as Kate drinks the last of her wine.
Kate’s mind starts racing again, without any warning, and she feels her cheeks blush at the thoughts. For some reason she was thinking about the poker game she halfway promised him. She raise up from her seat and puts everything of hers into the dishes while he takes his own parts before turning the leftovers into lunch boxes. 
“So,” he starts once everything is done, “ what do you want to do?”
You. She bites her lip. “Are you up for some poker?”
She can practically hear the gulp he takes and tries not to grin at the knowledge she’s getting to him with that simple sentence. God, they were a mess. 
“Sure,” he says as casually as he can. He offers more wine which she accepts before pouring a glass to himself, and then she follows him into the living room.
She takes a sip as she’s observing him taking out a deck of cards. 
“You wanna play for money, or clothing?” he asks and she smirks.
Sitting in only her bra, panties and leggings has her skin tingling with excitement. She should be cold, because no matter how hot the weather was during the day it was always colder during the evening, but she wasn’t. She was actually kind of warm. Castle only had two items left, his boxers and his pants. She can see he’s just as excited as she is, especially since he can’t really hide his bulge. It’s hard to focus on the game, knowing he wants her as much as she wants him. But the fact that he hasn’t made a move makes her unsure of how focused he is, if he truly has that kind of self-control or if he’s waiting for her to make a move. 
“So, what’s your next move?” she says in a teasing tone, has kept her tone teasing and lips in a smirk during the whole game.
That wine must’ve helped her confidence quite a bit, she makes a mental note to ask for the label later. 
Kate observes his face the same way he’s always been observing her, and is still observing her at this moment. Her cheeks turn warmer and she bites her lip, knowing full well he can see the blush burning her face. He clears his throat and she wants to laugh, wants to put down her cards and just say “screw this”, but no matter how much she knows that’s where this is going she can’t yet get herself to do it. When they cross this line there is no going back. Then again, she dumped her boyfriend for him, because it killed her knowing he’d leave her if she didn’t stop fooling herself, and him.
“I’ll bet my pants,” he interrupts her thoughts and starts pulling off the jeans, putting them at the top of the small mountain of clothes they have between them. 
His boxers are a dark blue and she feels her breath hitch a bit at the sudden thought of being the one pulling them off, the way she knows his skin would twitch under her fingertips. Or her tongue. 
She shrugs out of her mind, put down her cards in order to pull off her leggings, letting them join his pants in the pile. “I’m not folding that easily,” she teases and sees his eyes roaming her body. Even though his sight isn’t at all somehow magical she can still feel how his eyes are leaving a trail of fire along her skin. 
He gulps before turning his gaze to his cards again. “Hmm, I’m thinking about going All-In,” he emphasizes the poker-term while turning his eyes back on hers and she feels a chill go down her spine.
“Honestly,” she says putting down her cards and pretending to stretch her back from the sitting down at the floor for too long. Before he can do or say anything else, his eyes big as they follow her every move, she crawls towards him to take his cards and putting them down as well. “I don’t care anymore.” She leans closer with her face in order to let her lips barely touch his.
There’s no more encouragement needed because before she knows it his hands land on her hips and pulling her onto his as his mouth takes hers in a demanding demeanor she isn’t used feeling from him. His fingers dig into her naked skin just above her panties and she can’t help but start grinding onto him, her tongue seeking permission to enter his mouth. She can’t believe how he’s already got her panting, out of breath yet not willing to break away because fuck his taste is invasive and so damn enchanting and addictive and she never wants to stop. One of his hands gets adventurous and she feels it land on her buttcheek, squeezing to pull her closer, as if that was a possibility. His bulge is poking her in just the right way and she moans when his tongue swirls around hers in a dancing pattern. 
Kate lets her fingers wander into his hair, feeling the thickness and softness of it makes her heart skip a beat. She can’t believe she hasn’t done this before, let down her guard like this, given in. It’s what part of her brain had told her to do ever since his first offer after that first case. She loses her breath and has to pull away, which to her surprise results in his lips landing on her throat, kissing her pulsepoint driving her pulse crazy. One of her hands lands on his shoulder, massaging in a way she’s never found herself doing on anyone else. It was almost like his lips and touches was possessing her own touches and moves. His tongue sticks out and licks her skin as he places wet kisses down her throat, her neck, and before she can question why he moves away she feels his breath blowing air onto the wet spots and it sends electric waves down her body straight to her core. 
“Castle,” she pants and feels his grin once his lips attaches to her neck once again. 
He trails his lips down and she isn’t aware of his hand at her back until he’s unclasped her bra and his mouth takes one of her breasts in a sucking matter making her whimper at the feeling. On another note she’s very much aware of the fingers trailing the hem of her panties, dipping inside without any warning and she loses her breath at the sudden connection of his fingers against her wet folds.
“Damnit Beckett,” he groans and she wonders if he truly has no idea how much he’s able to turn her on. If only he knew what his fictional representations of him and her having sex had done to her. 
When he starts rubbing her she has to grab a hold of his hand to stop him, she’s so damn close and she hasn’t felt him inside her yet. She wants to feel him first, doesn’t want her first time coming with him being due to riding his fingers. Lifting her body off of his she starts pulling at his dark blue boxers stating “off”, and it doesn’t take him a nano-second before he’s helping her out of her own panties. Just as she’s about to take him inside her he’s holding her hips to stop her.
“Are you sure?” he asks and she feels her heart swoon at him. He’s not planned on just using the situation they’re in and taking her, he’s making sure she truly wants this as much as he does, not just physically but mentally too. It makes her even more sure of the decision she made two days earlier.
“I’m sure, I want you. Just you,” she reveals and after they’ve searched each other’s eyes for a minute, both confirming this was something they both cherished and wanted, the two of them dives deep into each other. Touching, kissing, connecting. Turning each other into moaning messes as they reach their highs together and falls over.
“Hey, you want some sun lotion?” Castle asks and Kate squints her eyes in order to look at him walking towards her and she can’t stop the smile from spreading on her lips. 
“I think you covered it pretty well the first time,” she says in a mocking tone and he chuckles.
“It was worth a try,” he states and she laughs. 
“Yeah, like all the other times you try.”
“Can’t blame a man from loving his wife,” he shrugs his shoulders and she sits up in order to raise from the chair.
She closes the distance between them in order to lay her arms around his neck in a hug, his arms finding their own way around her body. She steps onto her toes and kisses his lips.
“Come on, let’s make use of that pool, I’m burning,” she says and he laughs, kisses her lips once more before the two of them races to the pool.
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jeanjauthor · 3 years
Hello, hope you’re having a good day. I was wondering for you lovely expertise. I’d like to write more of ladies in my little book, since it’s highly undervalued in books, and want each regions to have their own distinctive style. Also all the gossip happens whilst they’re embroidering. It’s historical based and but it’s quite a mesh of different cultures at different times yet the foods pretty European mediveal and south Asian based it’s not nearly sexist. Have you got any style ideas or types?
I’ll presume you mean it’s a non-Earth setting that’s pre-industrial medieval in its tech level, with influences from South Asia and Europe.
If it’s pre-industrial, then they won’t have instantaneous communication with far-flung places...but you can still have them living within, say, walking distance of each other.  How?  Well, if it involves a whole bunch of different styles and regions and foods, etc, you will want some sort of crossroads city for your characters to live in. Examples of highly multicultural cities include Rome, Constantinople, Mumbai, Hangzhou, places like that. 
Port cities are great for this because sailing can be faster than land-based travel (boats with sails don’t get tired so long as the wind keeps blowing more or less steadily), but land-locked crossroads are doable, too--cities along the Silk Road, for instance, would see a flux of travelers seasonally, and some would bring their families, or fall in love, settle down, and stay.  You definitely will want to consider a couple of things though, and trade with other regions is merely the first of them.
European medieval...well, everything...was influenced by its climate.  The foods that could be grown, the architecture needed to survive the hotter Mediterranean areas or the very cold taiga (subarctic forests) of Scandinavia, and everything in between.  They developed many methods of preserving foods to keep it from going rotten, but a lot of it relied on smoking, drying, salting, and even freezing  (icehouses were a thing in some regions even before it became industrialized).  Clothing styles are definitely designed more for surviving the cold and staying warm than in keeping cool, and to keep their clothing warm even when wet (yay wool).
South India (except in the more mountainous areas) tend to be very hot and vacillates between hot and dry and very very wet (yay monsoon season).  Food preservation did include salting, dehydrating, smoking, but very little freezing, and the flavoring profiles were completely different, as (unlike herbs) a lot of spice plants actually require a hot climate to grow.  (People trying to grow peppers in Alaska are still having a hard time despite decades of careful cultivation, breeding, and selecting for cold-weather hardiness.)  South Asian clothing styles are designed to keep the wearer cool and comfortable, and to dry quickly when it rains (yay sari fashion, the one garment that has been in continuous use / popularity for over 5,000 years).
So you’re going to have to decide what kind of region this city is located in, and what kind of weather and/or seasons it experiences.  From there, you can figure out what kinds of architecture they’ll have, the size of the windows, whether they’re covered all year round (glass, oiled parchment, sheets of horn, etc), or only partial, or narrow pierced openings to keep the air flowing while keeping out hot sunlight, etc.
From that, you can also interpret what kinds of clothing people will be wearing.  If cultural identity is strong, some groups will cling more to their saris and chamsas, while others will wear their hose and their houppelandes, or their Norse apron dresses, their great kilts, whatever.  (Archer hoodies, aka mantles, will be popular across a wide range of eras; they’re great for keeping head, shoulders, and a bit of the chest dry in the rain, and you can turn them into those fancy cockscomb hats if you know how--ask me if interested!)
Once you have climate, architecture, clothing established, figure out which foods will be locally available, which will be imported, from how far away, and whether or not any special equipment is needed for growing said food--if glass is a locally produced commodity, with sand reserves and limestone for flux (lowering the temperature) and plenty of wood or coal for burning in the furnaces, it is possible that a colder climate has glazed greenhouses in which to grow the plants that need hot conditions to produce spices, for example.  Or it’s just that all the colder climate foods are grown on the north-facing slopes of nearby hills, and there are irrigation canals everywhere to keep everything watered.
(If it’s a world with magic, do consider the ecology of how the magic is generated, used, spent, where it goes when it’s used up, how difficult it is to use, what system is required to access it (inner energies of a mage, special runes or material components, the blessing of a deity or patron entity, etc).)
If it’s not going to be nearly as sexist (thank youuuu!!  *gives you a basket of hugs, prepackaged in biodegradable shrinkwrapped, magically enchanted in stasis so they’re a fresh-from-the-dryer snuggly warm blanket kind of hug*), then you’ll want to decide what legal protections females (and/or any nonbinary folks) have.  What positions they can hold, how much of their personal belongings and/or income they can retain or control, what they’re legally allowed to inherit, and what say they have in who they marry or what job they take up, what apprenticeships they can hold, etc.
You don’t have to shove it in people’s faces, but you can definitely weave it throughout the story--Guildmistresses of various craft positions, noblewomen in leadership roles, royalty inherits based either on the firstborn, period, or on whoever is deemed the most competent--this can be an interesting plot point for a disaffected male “heir” who was set aside in favor of his more competent sister, etc--and in other ways.  You can also have women warriors being taken seriously, whether they’re town guards or kingdom soldiers, and women sailors being treated as equal to the men, without the superstition of “a woman on a ship will curse it!!!1!”  which was the medieval version of “ewww, girl cooties!” I guess... (idek *eyerolls at medieval/age of exploration men*)
Your plot will also have a lot to tell you about the world these people live in.  If they’re embroiderers who gossip a lot, are they living in a town where their embroidery is sought out by merchants from near and far?  How valued by their society is it?  Are they plotting while embroidering to change certain laws, social situations, etc, because “nobody would suspect embroiderers of favoring the disposed Crown Prince over his sister, since surely the sister will buy all their wares? (except she doesn’t; the crown princess expects them to provide it for free, how dare!!)”
I have no idea what your plot might be, but it can give you directions and ideas if you think about it.  The most important thing to remember in all of this is that all these things interweave together.  Sometimes this will cause problems (side plots!--zomg we’re all out of purple thread and the crown princess will kill us for not having any purple dye!!) and sometimes this will create solutions (sending secret messages to the prince’s supporters via embroidery!!), etc, etc.
Hope that helps at least somewhat!
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frozenartscapes · 5 years
Love Vanquishes Storms - Frozen AU Fic
@the-magic-one-is-you I hope you like!
Thunder rumbled overhead of the royal castle. Summer in Arendelle often brought storms, especially overnight. Lightning illuminated the otherwise dark world for a brief second. Driving rain and howling wind made it difficult to keep lamps lit outside. It was a night best spent indoors, safely tucked into a warm bed.
However, the terribly loud crashes of thunder and the angry wind didn’t make one feel too safe, especially if one is a little girl left alone in her bedroom. Cowering under her blankets wasn’t enough, as each flash of lightning would cast shadows from the trees outside the window over her blankets, producing all sorts of shadowy monsters just waiting for her.
What was more: this little girl had magic. And the storm called to it. She could feel her icy powers swirling inside, disturbed by the nasty weather outside. She felt funny on the inside, like the time she got sick with a stomach bug. Her head pounded, her muscles were sore, and her tummy was upset. It wasn’t helping her fear of such a natural phenomenon.
Eventually, her fear and the storm proved too great, and she quickly leapt out of bed and bolted for the door. She only got about halfway before she remembered someone important, and doubled back to grab her little puffin knight to help keep her safe on her journey.
She quickly made her way through the dark castle halls, jumping with a squeal with every crash of thunder. Occasionally, she’d have to dive behind the nearest curtain or statue to hide from the shadow monsters, Sir Jorgenbjorgen held protectively in front of her to scare them off.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she reached her destination: the large, double doors of the royal bedchamber. And, to her immense relief, there was still light spilling out from under the crack in the door. She knocked once, and then reached for the door handle. She had recently just grown tall enough to reach it. It then took all her strength to push the heavy door open just wide enough to peek in.
Her eyes landed on her Mama, sitting in the window nook and gazing out at the tempest outside. And to that little girl, who was trembling worse than the leaves on the trees outside, so fearful of the storm, she felt immediate comfort. ‘Mama’s not afraid of the storm. She’ll keep me safe,’ she thought. Her Mama looked so calm, so confident, as she stared out into the eye of the monstrous storm and actually smiled as if she enjoyed the show. ‘Mama’s so brave.’
She pushed the door open just a little bit more with a grunt, and the noise caught her mother’s attention. Wide blue eyes left the window and fell onto her, and as her gaze was keeping the storm quiet, another flash of lightning struck, the light dancing off her silvery hair. Upon spotting her daughter at her door, she smiled knowingly. “The storm scaring you, Sunshine?” she asked softly.
On cue, the thunder then crashed high above, and the girl could only let out a panicked whimper as she cowered from the sound.
Elsa patted the open space next to her in the nook, and Solveig quickly accepted the invitation and scampered over to her. As soon as she was up, she climbed into her Mama’s lap, and Elsa wrapped the blanket that had been around her shoulders across them both. Solveig snuggled into the embrace happily, already feeling a lot safer in her mother’s arms. Almost immediately she felt her magic settle - not fully, but it was better, as if merely being in her Mama’s presence helped with her control.
She buried her face against her mother’s chest as another flash of lightning came, holding onto the blanket for dear life. Elsa reached up and gently ran a hand through her daughter’s hair, repeating the soothing action until she felt her little girl start to relax.
“Can you make the storm stop, Mama?” Solveig asked quietly, peeking up at her Mama with fearful eyes, “With your magic?”
Elsa sighed, and replied, “I’m sorry, Sweetheart, but my magic doesn’t work that way.”
“But you can make storms,” Solveig pointed out, “Can’t you stop them?”
“My storms, yes,” Elsa told her gently, “But this one is not my storm, my Sunshine.”
Solveig released a small noise of despair, daring a brief glance out the window before ducking back into her mother’s arms.
“Is it another kind of magic, then? Another magic user?” Solveig asked carefully, “Like that water horse Olaf told me you once faced?”
Elsa chuckled softly. Solveig had just turned five, and she had quickly proven herself to be quiet imaginative. She had been enamoured with the tales of her mother’s journey to the Unknown Lands ever since Olaf had let them slip a few months ago. The idea of her own mother facing off against powerful magic spirits completely enchanted her, and her imagined adventures as of late had featured the spirits quite a bit.
“The Nøkk commanded the ocean, not the storms themselves. Besides - this one isn’t a magical storm,” she explained.
Solveig frowned. “How can you tell?” she asked.
Elsa shrugged. “I just can,” she replied simply.
“But if it’s not magic, then why is it so big and scary?” Solveig asked anxiously. As if on cue, another loud rumble of thunder shook the castle. “It’s got to be some kind of magic doing this!”
Elsa smiled and gently lifted her daughter’s chin. “It is a type of magic, Sunshine: it’s science,” she told her daughter with wonder in her voice.
“Science?” Solveig asked skeptically. She had heard vaguely of science. She had seen some books and notes on her Mama’s desk that she had been told were about science. And it seemed...very complicated and boring. Nothing like magic. Magic just sort of...happened. Like a feeling. It wasn’t at all boring.
Elsa nodded and pointed out the window. “Storms like this happen when it’s hot outside,” she explained, “That’s why they happen in the summer. The ocean is cold, and so is the air above the ocean. But here on land, it’s hot. And what is it that Olaf says about the hot and the cold?”
“That...they’re both so intense,” Solveig answered after a moment, “But he says that mixing them together makes sense. If this is what happens, then that doesn’t make sense. Why would anyone want this?”
“The plants need water from the rain,” Elsa replied, “I’m sure the trees and the crops are very happy. Everything was starting to wilt.”
“But why does it need to be so loud?” Solveig asked just as more thunder hit, “Or be so windy?”
“That’s the intense part,” Elsa told her, “The hot air and the cold air are mixing, spiralling around each other. The hot air wants to go up, high into the sky, while the cold air wants to be down near the ground. They’re both moving so fast to get where they want to be, they’re creating the wind.”
“And the thunder?”
“The lightning makes the thunder. Notice how the thunder always comes after the lightning.” They waited for a minute, then another flash lit up the world below. Seconds later, the thunder came. “Hmm, the storm’s moving away,” Elsa murmured.
Solveig turned to look at her mother in awe. “How do you know? Did your magic tell you?” she asked excitedly.
Elsa shook her head. “You can tell just by watching and listening,” she said simply, “Lightning is...well, light. And light moves a lot faster than sound, which is thunder. That’s why you see the lightning before you hear the thunder.”
“But how do you know if it’s leaving?”
“It takes longer for you to hear something the further away it is. So the longer you have to wait for the thunder, the further away the storm is. Remember a few minutes ago, when the lightning and thunder happened almost at the same time?”
Solveig nodded slowly.
“That was when the storm was right overhead. Now, let’s wait for the next lightning strike, then count the seconds together, alright?”
Solveig nodded again, and they waited. Sure enough, lightning happened again. Elsa held out her hand, and pointed to each finger as she counted aloud, Solveig following as best she could. She had only just started her numbers lessons, after all. “One...two...three...four...” Thunder rolled in, then.
“Four seconds!” Solveig stated, “But what does that mean?”
“That means it’s about four miles away. Let’s do that again, for the next strike, ok?”
After another minute or so, lightning struck.
Thunder rumbled in the distance.
“We got to five that time,” Solveig noticed, “That means it’s five miles?”
Elsa nodded with pride. “That means it’s moving away from here,” she said, “The worst is over.”
Solveig looked out the window. The wind did seem quieter than it was before, and the rain wasn’t coming down quite so hard. She waited for another lightning strike, and counted on her hand like Mama had shown her. It was more than five - she lost count after that, but it was more. The storm had moved away even further.
She felt the tension in her shoulders release.
“Storms like that don’t last very long,” Elsa assured her, “But they can be fun to watch.”
“I still don’t like them,” Solveig commented in a low voice, “They’re still scary.”
“And it’s alright to be afraid,” Elsa told her, “In fact, we should be. Those storms are dangerous if you are outside in them. Especially out there, on the ocean. But we’re not out there, are we?”
Solveig shook her head. “We’re in the castle,” she said.
“We’re nice and safe in here,” Elsa promised her.
“Warm, dry, and cozy,” Solveig stated as she pressed closer to her Mama. Now that the fear was started to wean, she was beginning to feel sleepy. Her powers had settled down and exhaustion could now take hold. She yawned, and struggled to keep her eyes from drooping shut.
“I think it’s time for little Princesses to go to bed,” Elsa observed with amusement.
At that, Solveig’s eyes opened and she looked up at her mother with slight panic and desperation. “But Mama,” she groaned in protest, “I don’t wanna go back to bed! I wanna stay here with you.”
Elsa smiled and tenderly tucked a stray strand of hair behind her child’s ear. “I never said your bed, now did I?” she asked playfully. She struggled to stifle a yawn, and added, “I’m pretty tired myself.”
“So I can stay?”
Elsa nodded before scooping her daughter up and carrying her effortlessly to the bed. Solveig was small, despite her age, and Elsa’s magic gave her strength most people did not have. It made moments like this just that much nicer. She tucked Solveig in on one side of the bed before moving around and climbing in on the other. The moment she was settled under the covers, Solveig nestled right up beside her again.
Solveig sighed contentedly as her Mama wrapped her into a warm embrace. Thunder rumbled in the distance, but the fear it brought had passed just as the storm had. The rain remained, present in little pitter-patters on the window panes, but it was a soft, gentle rain now. The wind had quieted, too. Her Mama might not have vanquished the storm herself, but she had guided Solveig through it, offering comfort to chase away the fear.
“Warm, dry, and cozy,” she repeated, mostly to herself, as she began to drift off to sleep in her mother’s arms. Warm, dry, cozy. Safe.
Being this close, she could feel her mother’s magic. It was immense, as powerful as the storm that had just passed and then some, but now it lay calmly at rest, gently humming as it flowed through the Snow Queen’s veins. It reached out to Solveig’s - which felt so small and pitiful in comparison, like a snowflake to a blizzard - and soothed it into a restful state as well, singing a lullaby only the two of them could share.
Elsa leaned over and lovingly kissed her daughter’s forehead. “Goodnight, my Sunshine,” she murmured, “Sleep well.”
“G’night, Mama,” Solveig replied sleepily, “I love you.”
Elsa pulled her daughter a little closer, holding her tight, protecting her from all danger and fear. “I love you too, Solveig.”
And Mother and Daughter drifted off to sleep together, the remnants of the storm that had brought them together petering out to a quiet, summer night. Love surrounded them, filled them, and calmed their own, inner storms. Love had always been the key to defeating fear, as was proven that night. And there was no shortage of love between the great Snow Queen of Arendelle and her little daughter.
A love that will conquer all storms.
AN: Well, this was my first fic in the Snow and Sunshine AU (formerly Elsa’s Daughter AU) I guess I have now. I’ve changed the name of the AU because I now have an idea of what it’s about, and I know I’m not the only one in this fandom who has given Elsa a daughter. Snow obviously represents Elsa, and Sunshine represents Solveig, who very much like Anna, Elsa sees as a ray of sunshine in her life. I doubt I’ll ever have a full-fledged story, but there will definitely be little bits and pieces as I get time to write. This was just my first idea to finally get written, something I think really shows what this relationship is going to be like. I definitely drew inspiration from my own childhood for this one.
Elsa and Solveig are kind of on their own. Obviously Anna and Kristoff are still around, as is Olaf, Sven, and the servants. But Solveig’s father is not. He died at sea, like Elsa’s parents, and while his loss was sad, Elsa had only married him for political reasons and didn’t truly love him. But she adores her daughter. She’ll do anything for Solveig, and swears to love and protect her, always. Things don’t always go right. Elsa’s never been a parent before - only a big sister. And Solveig’s learning how the world works, and especially how her magic fits into things. The two of them have to rely on each other and others to grow and learn. But one thing’s for sure: their love will carry them through any hardship.
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chinatea · 5 years
sg/di, personas au, abo au, royal au, arranged marriage. (feat. ian/bg).
>>> Diminie (Jisoo) and BG (Jiyeon) are omega princelings from the South Kingdom (I know, a very creative name, but it’s a short story, so why bother). BG got married to Ian, the crown alpha prince of the North Kingdom, a few years back, and Diminie has been just married to Ian’s younger brother, SG (Jungkook). They were married through proxies before meeting each other, which they’re going to do in the fic. Hope you enjoy. <3
His carriage comes to a halt with a low tremor.
The long journey is finally over and what a journey that was. Months of travel. Traversing places, sceneries, seasons. And Jisoo spent most of it inside his little carriage, staring out of the window, but mostly sleeping after taking sleep draughts provided in advance. The people of the North are known for their practicalities, they’d thought of everything - even Jisoo’s boredom throughout the travel.
Jisoo yawns so wide a tear springs at the corner of his eye. Last time he looked outside it was snowing - a mind bending sight for someone hailing from the lush evergreen meadows of the South. He’s so far from home, it’s almost a different world out here. And just like they say, the North is one harsh beauty. Makes him wonder if he’ll ever be able to call this place home and mean it from the bottom of his heart. He wonders if his brother does.
Peering once again through the screen of the door, he sees the hustle and bustle of people outside, some of them he recognizes as part of his procession. All of them are from the North. None of his close friends or attendants were allowed to accompany him, for the journey would be too severe for a southerner to withstand. For the same reason, no effort was spared to keep Jisoo as safe and comfortable as possible.
His carriage was fortified with magic. The northern kind of magic, the likes of which Jisoo has never witnessed before. And it's not that the Southerners are less proficient in magical arts, but they do rely on it less than in the North, where the magic is all about survival and harnessing power over the elements, not kitchen remedies and pretty lightworks.
His bespoke fur coat is also layered with a web of magic, enveloping his form like an armour. It looks heavy but in reality, it's almost weightless, swaddling him in comfort and tingling warmth. A wedding gift from his husband. He still remembers unwrapping the furs for the first time, the softness of it as he ran his palms over it, musing to himself - this is it, soon to be married to an alpha prince from a country on the other side of the world where days barely last and nights never really end.
And today, at last, he will meet his husband for the first time. Having spent months fretting over this very day, he feels resigned to his fate, tired of the tyranny of his nervous thoughts. With that, he burrows deeper into his furs and steps out of the carriage down the propped up ladder, his attendants supporting him under his elbows like he’s a fragile doll ready to keel over and shutter into tiny pieces. He thanks them nevertheless with a shy smile.
Outside, it’s so cold he feels pinned down to the spot. And from that spot, all he can see is the Snow Castle that presents like a vision. Otherworldly and breathtaking. A true child of the snowy mountain peaks surrounding it. Diminie has to uncomfortably crank his neck up to take it all in, to no great success, as the castle’s spires drown in the sea of thick clouds up above.
The Snow Castle has been the residence of the crown prince since days of old, as he learned from Jiyeon's letters. His older brother married the crown prince a few years ago, undertaking the same journey as Jisoo all on his own, with no familiar face to greet him on the other end. His brother is as brave as he's enchanting. And Jisoo has missed him dearly, having kept in touch only through letters.
Jisoo had worried about him, but luckily, his worries were in vain. Even if Jiyeon has never been the one to openly speak about his private feelings, whenever he talked about Ian in his letters, every word spoke of love and great admiration for his alpha. Jisoo only hopes he’d be as lucky.
What he knows about Jeon Jungkook could barely fill a thimble. And uncertainty often breeds fear. Even dread, in his case. Would he be gentle with him? Understanding? Even Jiyeon hadn’t been much help - apparently the second prince spent most of his time away, travelling and learning from the world.
That is another thing that has been troubling Jisoo something terrible. Clearly, his husband is a man of knowledge and intellectual pursuits. What if he finds Jisoo dull and ignorant? Being a prince, Jisoo, of course, received the best education their country had to offer, yet he wasn’t as diligent or naturally gifted as his brother, and would often be found playing truant in their labyrinthian gardens, with little remorse for his naughtiness.
And now, he wishes he had paid more attention. If only not to lose face in front of his husband.
“My darling,” a voice calls after him and Jisoo’s limbs grow weak as tears well in his eyes, a wave of emotions rising in his chest. He leaps into his brother’s embrace, taking in his peach golden scent - something that always whispers of summers and vibrant skies. In other words, home.
Jiyeon presses kisses all over his face, his chubby rosy cheeks and button nose - they must make quite a chaotic sight, but Jisoo can only giggle, giddy with happiness, clinging to his brother like lifeline.
A few moments pass like that, exchanging kisses, greetings and giggles, before both of them finally get a hold on their bearings. Besides, the cold starts really getting to him, which he voices to Jiyeon quietly, teeth chattering to add to his point.
The other omega grips Jisoo’s hands in his, warmth running through his fingers.
“I was like you, at first, little one,” he lilts. “The weather is beastly here, but with time, you’ll adapt. We’ll teach you everything you need to know, but meanwhile...”
Jiyeon smiles impishly.
“Ask your alpha to keep you warm,” he adds, unabashed, as Jisoo’s cheeks light up in chagrin. “That’s what I did.”
That's the Jiyeon he knows all right - always the little devil.
With that, he tugs Jisoo along as they traverse the inner yard, leaving his carriage and people behind, with only a couple of attendants following suit. What boggles Jisoo is how quiet castle is, like someone casted a muffling spell on everything. Perhaps, that was the design. From what he knows about the crown prince, the alpha enjoys quietude and privacy, spending most of the year here rather than at the capital.
Jisoo will only visit in a few months, officially presenting himself to the court and the Omega Monarch, his terrifying father-in-law. But first, he’ll have some time to settle into his new married life and get to know his husband better, away from the curious eyes of the public.
“We have some time before dinner,” Jiyeon says as they enter the maze of private quarters, full of long empty hallways and stone. “And as much as I’d love to show you around, I’m sure you’re starving, darling, so I had us a light meal prepared.”
Jisoo follows him dutifully into a room with a fireplace that gobbles most of the wall. It’s blasting hot and Jisoo sighs, happy, taking his coat off and folding it neatly over the back of a couch.
The help minces in and out of the room, going about their business, and every time someone new steps in, Jisoo’s heart flutters, expecting Jungkook to strut in any moment now, which would be disastrous as Jisoo is so strung up, so prickly with nerves, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to string together a simple sentence. Maybe Jiyeon picks up on that as he coos,
“Relax, love, he and Ian went hunting at dawn. Ian was adamant they hunt their own game for dinner because tradition and, oh, you know, typical alpha silliness,” the omega clucks his tongue, but his eyes brim with fondness. “Jungkook is lovely though, such a sweet awkward thing. As much as you must be fretting over meeting him, trust me, my darling, he’s thousand times more worried. Be gentle with him, will you?”
Jisoo nods, a shy smile flowering on his lips. He’s cradling a dainty teacup between his palms, mulling over Jiyeon’s words. They put him at ease, somewhat. All Jisoo had to go off all these months to decipher Jungkook’s personality was his portrait, a very fine and dashing one, but still hardly trustworthy since most portraits are notoriously deceiving. He barely recognized himself when he saw his own and immediately requested it be redone as he couldn’t have Jungkook expect some ethereal beauty that doesn’t exist.
Not that Jisoo isn’t confident. He knows he’s pretty - all omegas in his family are. Many alphas have expressed their admiration for him and his cuteness, which, in their kingdom at least, is legendary. Hence, he has no need for a lie, simple as that.
After the tea break, Jiyeon showed him around their private wing, their last stop being the nursery. Jisoo squealed at the sight of his brother’s pup, six months old now, all chubby cheeks and smart inquisitive eyes. He’s been dying to hold his tiny nephew ever since Jiyeon wrote about his pregnancy.
"Goodness, he’s so tiny," Jisoo coos, cradling the precious bundle to his chest. "A tiny omega pup."
"And a whiny one at that," Jiyeon remarks wryly. He boops his son’s nose and the pup babbles at them happily, tiny digits wrapping around Jiyeon’s thumb. "You just caught him on a good day."
Jisoo kisses the pup’s temple, nuzzling tufts of dark baby hair. Pups have the best scents about them, milky and soft and just new. Which makes him a touch wistful - he wants all the pups, as soon as possible, and hopefully his husband would be on-board with that.
"Do you think Jungkook would love to have many pups?"
"I think you should ask him yourself," Jiyeon says with an amused curve of his mouth. "Speak of the devil…"
The Devil, indeed, steps in and the whole room hushes. A tender smile blossoms on Jiyeon’s lips and in an instant, he is enveloped in his alpha’s arms, rising on his tiptoes for a kiss.
Ian might have an intimidating presence about him, but the way he is holding his brother is precious and sweet. It’s endearing and it makes Jisoo let out the quietest sigh. To be embraced and kissed and held by the person he loves is something he's wanted for himself for the longest time.
"Well? What are you waiting for?"
Jiyeon gives him the briefest of glances while Ian is pressing a kiss to his hand, eyes only on him.
"It’s down the hallway and up the stairs. He has his little study up in the tower. We’ll see you both at dinner, now shoo."
And this is how Jisoo meets his husband for the first time - by tracking him down down the hallway and up the stairs. Two hundred steps up the spiral staircase. Not that he'd been counting, only he did, to keep his racing heart still. He’s out of breath and livid with nerves by the end of it.
Left with no other option, he braces for the worst and knocks on the door, delicate knuckles barely grazing the sturdy wood. No reply comes, but that's to be expected from how faint the sound was.
Jisoo pushes the door open and meekly peeks inside a modestly spaced study. A wild unkempt look to it, a bunch of empty flowerpots, surprisingly, cluttering up the place - the shelves and bookcases, the working desk, the floor. And in the center of this chaos, exists he, Jeon Jungkook, none the wiser about Jisoo's presence, examining some papers scattered all over the tabletop.
A fireplace is roaring in the corner.
Jisoo coughs politely to gain his attention and
Jungkook swooshes around, his papers flying into the air.
"Oh dear, I’m so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," Jisoo bubbles, stumbling forward to help subdue the mess he caused. Naturally Jungkook does the same. Their hands touch and Jungkook recoils, eyes wide and frightened. A sheet of paper clutched to his chest. It’s too quiet all of a sudden, and Jisoo feels like crawling out of his skin.
It’s so, so awkward.
"I’m sorry for intruding," Jisoo mutters, bottom lip trembling. "I should have waited for dinner, I’ll leave…"
"No," Jungkook says, even quieter. “Don’t go. Please?”
He’s nothing what Jisoo imagined him to be. Jiyeon was right on the nose with his description - a lovely awkward thing. Dark swept hair and big hands, pretty lips, eyes that are out of this world, imploring him to stay. His husband. And Jisoo stays.
Just nods and helps him pick up the scattered papers and as they do so, mindful of every movement and hyper aware of each other's presence, Jisoo finds his calm again, even allowing a tentative smile to slip through - Jungkook ducks his head down, a blush spreading across his cheeks.
“I was told that nothing really blooms in the North,” Jisoo speaks up then, his earlier observation coming to mind as he points at the flowerpots. While most of them are indeed empty, a rare few host sickly looking sprouts. A far cry from the verdancy he enjoyed in his private garden back home.   
“That’s, ah, correct,” Jungkook confirms with a sigh, reaching out to caress one of the sprouts despondently. “These ones won’t survive either.”
“Oh,” Jisoo hums, gaze drown to Jungkook's fingers, the well-moulded shape of them. “There was more?”
Jungkook cracks a smile, just the corners of his lips tipping up.
“More than I could count, probably,” he confesses. “These are the first batch that sprouted, well, some of them anyhow. I thought I'd be able to make something bloom by the time you...eh...arrive.”
Jisoo cocks his head in a curious tilt, pondering over Jungkook's words.
“Well, ah...”  Jungkook stutters, fingers locked in front of him. “You know...”
Suddenly, it dawns on him.
“You’re doing this for me,” Jisoo says, in quiet wonder.
“They said you love flowers, spending time in your garden, we...ah, don't have that here, still I thought...I should at least try...”
Jungkook rambles, eyes glued to some spot at the floor. He's blushing. And Jisoo's heart races, a hand flies to cover his mouth, bubbling excitement zipping through his body.
“You’re doing this for me,” he repeats, voice rising in pitch. He feels so elated he could just kiss him. Instead he settles for a smile and adored, “You’re too kind.”
“It’s...it’s nothing,” Jungkook mutters, but he glows under the praise, chest pushing forward. A shy he may be, but still an alpha. His handsome and kind alpha husband.
“It’s the thought that counts.” Jisoo steps forward, reaching out for Jungkook's hands. Their palms touch, fingers lancing together. A pleasant hum of their energies erupting upon the caress. “Before we even met, you've thought of me. That means a lot. Thank you.”
“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” Jungkook says, with quiet vigor and honesty that leaves Jisoo speechless. A touch breathless. A bit teary-eyed.
And maybe already in love.
AN: Yeah, it’s kinda short, but if you have any questions about this world, SG/Di or Ian/BG, etc., I might write some bonuses or extras later.
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Coffee Shop AU Oneshot - I'm Oliver You, Tom Riddle
I'll admit, Tom is a little OOC (out of character) in this, but like, I really wanted to write him with a raging boner for Oliver :/ just suffer through it, I guess,,,
Also I'm on mobile and dont know how to make a "Read More" thing so
Darkly stained hardwood floors met emerald green counters, topped with clean, if slightly cluttered, darker-stained butcher block countertops; a silver register sat at one end of the counter space, an empty fish bowl filled with various pens of varying degrees of frilliness directly beside it; two-thirds of the counterspace was behind lightly frosted glass, which quite untastefully hid all of the various coffee making and blending apparatuses; round tables of a matching register-silver sat around the space, with cozy chairs of varying shades of green pushed in or hastily shoved aside were small comforts lying around the little caffe. Three of the walls of the caffe, the left, the right, and the entry wall, were the same shade of emerald green as the counters - Tom painted them all at the same time himself, while the back wall was tastefully and painstakingly painted various greys to sort of give more depth to the actual brickwork, but not leave it the natural red brick it was before. Tom still wasnt entirely happy with the paint on the brick, even today, but continually added more and more small touches here and there. A bright pink handprint smacked the top of the bricks, small spatters of pink on the stark white ceiling resulting from it, while a more carefully placed yellow print stood beside it. Anne had helped him paint and stain the caffe before she actually began working there, and had seen it fit to climb on top of the countertops, hand nearly dripping in pink paint, before she jumped - and fell off the countertop soon after as a result of her recklessness - and smacked her hand as high as she could. The yellow one came from him; he stood on the countertop, painted his hand, and pressed it firmly as high as he could.
Tom loved the sight of it. Every morning, he came in, started up a brew, had his morning cuppa - black, no sugar - and then was immediately greeted with his most hated thing: customers.
Usually, however, the early morning crowd wasnt too terribly awful, but there were exceptions to every rule. Especially when it came to, Tom shuddered, youngsters.
But he digressed.
It was drab and dreary that momentous day. Outside, it was raining fairly well, making the air outside pleasantly cool and delightfully scented. The streets had a mist, and Tom wanted nothing more than to go out and just breathe the rainy air in. Rainy weather had to be his most favourite type of weather.
But unfortunately, people enjoyed a hot, freshly made beverage on a rainy day, and that meant that his cafe would be busy. Just as it was now.
Thankfully, he wasnt dealing with the customers today, that was Anne's job on Wednesdays. All he had to do was work behind the counter, make the drinks, and call out the names or whatever the customers insisted on being called.
And, occassionally, when Anne needed a break, interact with the customers. Tom nearly shuddered at the vague thought.
"Tom!" Anne called. "I need 7 hot chocolates, two with two pumps of vanilla, whole milk, one of those with with whipped cream, cinnamon lightly dusted on top, one with 4 pumps of your Hot Unicorn Blood Elixir, coconut milk instead, three made with soy milk, and one with almond."
Anne was a very near and dear working companion of his. She was dark skinned, with very large breasts, a sweet face, and someone who enjoyed wearing clothing that was much too small for her. Even her uniform was too small, which shouldn't be as Tom had given her clothing that had to have been several sizes too large; it was all he had on hand at the moment. Anne must have known a tailor, or had done them herself.
"We should have never offered drink customization, Anne." Tom griped.
He made the hot chocolates, as asked for, and called out, "Ridiculous hot chocolate order for 7."
Six giggling girls came up and grabbed their order, one taking two cups, before returning to their table and awaiting friend.
Business slowed for a moment soon after that, but they werent ever completely devoid of customers in the queue.
And then, it was time for Anne's break.
Oh, how Tom dreaded Anne's break! Now he had to both take orders and make them.
Oh well, he supposed, time to get to work.
Taking the second customers order, the bell above the door rang as someone new entered, or as a customer was leaving. Tom glanced up, saw that it was someone coming in, and greeted him, "Good morning, welcome to the Half-Life Caffe. I'll be with you in just a moment."
And of course, the customer he was currently helping ordered a ridiculous hot beverage, but this time, it was completely asinine; a soy latte, no soy. They're "allergic to soy", as they have so far claimed, but enjoyed the way a soy-free soy latte tasted.
Tom tried his very best to not roll his eyes or groan at this persons incompetence.
It was the single most difficult thing he had ever done. He deserved a solid gold plaque for his deed. Or at the very least an official day of recognition. Perhaps a national holiday, The Day Tom Marvolo Riddle Didnt Roll His Eyes or Make Any Dissenting Noise at the Customers Stupidity.
It had a very nice ring to it, Tom thought.
And now, it was the new customer's turn to order.
"How can I help you this fine, if wet, morning?" And that's when Tom looked up, and met his gorgeous ocean blue eyes. And the rest of his beautiful face, for that matter.
Tom instantly took back what he had previously thought. Not openly gawking at this simply, perfectly stunning individual was the single most difficult thing he had ever done.
The customer was distinctly male, wild, curly blond hair falling every which way seemingly perfectly, even if it was dripping water onto his clothes, his cheeks and nose tinged a slight pink from the nippy air outside, giving him a perpetual blush. He parted his perfectly kissable lips and flashed a smile, all perfectly straight, white teeth, and oh! Then he spoke!
"Actually, I'm not quite sure what I want quite yet. I've never been here before." The stranger told him. His voice was like the sweetest music Tom had ever heard, lilted and bright and airy.
"May I recommend our unique Unicorn Blood Elixir? I invented it myself, and it's only available while I work." How Tom had managed to say that without stuttering was beyond him.
"Oh, that sounds lovely! I'll have the largest size you have, please! I'm not planning on going anywhere, if that makes a difference?" He smiled once again, and Tom very nearly dropped the tall ceramic mug he had just grabbed.
"Can I get a name for your order?" Tom cleared his throat, grabbing an Expo marker from the flowery fish bowl next to the register, and focused his entire will on writing this persons name.
"Oliver," he giggled.
Tom discreetly wiped his mistake away, and god he felt his cheeks begin to warm, how embarrassing.
"£6.50 please."
Money was exchanged, Oliver waved his farewell, and took a seat in the corner, pulling his phone out of his thigh bag and smiling down at whatever was on the screen.
Tom had a not-so-subtle hope it wasnt his boyfriend.
Or girlfriend, Tom wasnt one to judge, but he didnt look the type to have a girlfriend, if his fluffy, gaudy yellow sweater, sinfully tight black skinny jeans, shiny silver mid calf heeled boots, and dark leather thigh bag was anything to go by.
But, who knew, maybe she dressed him?
Tom returned to work, just as Anne came back in. Tom turned to glance at whoever it was, and sighed in relief when he saw it was just his coworker.
"Anne, get your arse back to work!" Tom called over the loudspeaker.
"Oh piss off!" She called back, already putting her apron back on. "What orders do we have now?"
Tom handed over the two easier orders, and worked on Oliver's Unicorn Blood Elixir.
" "soy latte, absolutely no soy"?" Anne questioned. "Couldnt they have just ordered a regular latte?"
"I tried to convince them, but they're adamant the soy-free soy lattes taste the best."
"Well. Oh well, more money in the drawer for us." She shrugged and began making the orders.
Tom braced his hands against his clean counter, staring down at the mug. He didnt ask if it were hot or cold. Why was he acting like this?
Tom! He scolded himself. Pull yourself together. This isnt you, and quite frankly, it's annoying.
He sucked in as much air as his lungs would let him, let it out slowly, and turned toward the front and called out "Oliver?"
Said boy looked up, a question clear on his face. He stood, leaving heavily charmed cell phone at the table, and approached the counter. "That was fast?" He seemed skeptical.
"Actually no. I just remembered I didnt ask you if you wanted it hot or cold."
"Oh! Yes. Of course, cold please! I just looked them up, over there, at that table, and they look so magical cold!" His eyes shone of a glowing wonder. Tom heartrate increased, and he could nearly swear he was dying because of this ethereal, tacky dressed vision in front of him.
Oliver should go to prison for attempted murder. Or maybe he just got out? Either way, he was, actively or not, trying to kill Tom.
Tom chuckled, "Yes, they're very blasé warm, I will admit. But still equally delicious, of course. You may return to your seat, I'll have your order ready momentarily." He smiled graciously, waiting until Oliver smiled back and returned to his seat.
Tom grabbed a new cup, a clear, tall glass this time, wrote Oliver's name on it with the Expo marker, and, before he thought better of it, wrote on the opposite side, this time in Sharpie, as if it were supposed to have it and wasnt just an additional, spur of the moment decision:
bewitching (verb):
Enchant or delight (someone)
Time to get to work, then.
He blended a thick pink, vanilla cupcake flavoured concoction in one blender, an equally thick pale green, Earl Grey flavored in another, and started up the lavender purple, lavender flavoured into the last of the blenders. He poured black tapioca pearls into the bottom of the glass and drizzled edible glitter laced caramel down the inside of the glass while he waited for the three blenders to finish their work, and, once they were done, carefully poured each of the blenders contents into reusable piping bags.
Normally, Tom didnt go through this step, but he wanted to make the drink absolutely perfect for the single most beautiful man in the shop. The rest of the customers who would inevitably see it, be damned; they were worth nothing in comparison to pretty Oliver and his heart stopping smile.
He piped in a thick line of pink, then green, and finally purple, filling the glass completely. He took one of the stainless steel stirrers nearby and very gently, very carefully swirled the colours just a bit, so it wasn't a stark pink, green, and purple, but a much softer, less defined array of colour.
Then, he brought out the hand-prepared pale blue whipped cream, swirled it on top, and brought out Anne's favourite decorations: the silver sugar pearls and sugar crystals. He tossed a handful of pearls on the top of the very colourful creation before doing the same with the silver sugar crystals.
Very nearly perfect. Tom grabbed two of the thick, white straws and arranged them just so, one taller than the other, and sighed.
"Anne?" He asked, cringing all the while. "Do we have any more of those pink, edible hearts?"
Anne gasped dramatically. Why does she have to do this? What does she have against him?!
Please dont draw Oliver's attention! He mentally pleaded.
"You dont put hearts on anything! Even if it's one of our Valentines Specials! What is wrong with you!" She was so loud, and Tom could cry, surely the bitch was going to get Oliver's attention, but then she reached up, into one of the cabinets in the back, and grabbed a small container filled with them. "Here you are, go nuts." And returned to her work.
Tom opened the container, grabbed one of the smaller hearts, and gently placed it in front of the straws. He smiled at his handiwork - Oliver's perfect face would light up as soon as he saw this! - and turned around, ready to call out the order, slightly startled to find Oliver already at the counter, looking flustered and a tad embarrassed.
Oh fuck, did he hear her Tom was going to murder her--
"I'm sorry," his eyes flicked down to Tom's nametag, "Tom. I know I said I wouldnt be going anywhere, but I just got a text from my friend, Gwen. I'm going to need my order to go." He looked dejected.
Tom had an instant hatred toward that look.
"That's alright, here's your order." He passed the glass over to him, a small, reassuring smile over his lips. "Dont worry about the glass, just take it." He said, before Oliver could protest on taking one of their more expensive glasses.
Oliver smiled gently, "Thank you, Tom. Though I do still feel bad at taking one of your glass cups."
"How about this;" Anne rudely shoved her way in, "give him your number, make it even."
Oliver, caught off guard, guffawed, setting his drink down on the countertop so he didnt tip it over on accident, and brought his hand up to try and quiet his harmonic laugh. "I'm sorry!" He got out through a laugh. "I'm not laughing at you, I just didnt expect that!"
Anne reached over, made the receipt machine spit out more paper, and grabbed one of her overly frilled, ostensibly girly, click pens, and passed the two of them over to Oliver.
Through his giggles, he managed to write down his phone number, his name just under it, a tiny heart dotting his "i".
"Here you are, Tom!" He slid the slip of paper over to Tom. "Call me sometime? If not, I'll just have to come back with my friends and make a huge dramatic scene. Maybe get the police involved?"
The cheeky shit! "Well, we cant have that, now can we? I'll call you when I'm off work later this evening, then. Dont make any plans to ruin my life or business just yet, darling." He winked.
. . . .1. . . .
. . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . . . . .
His face burst into actual flames, "I'm so sorry, please ignore that last word." Can I die now? Please and thank you! He thought as he buried his face in his hands.
Both Anne and Oliver laughed at him, but Oliver reached his hand over the countertop and gently pulled Tom's hand away from his burning face, and looked imploringly at him. "I'll never forget it, dear." And then, when Tom looked up at him, Oliver pulled Tom's hand to his face, and, to Tom's horrified delight, pressed a kiss to his knuckles. "Anne, was it?" He turned his focus to her, "Could you make sure he calls me?"
She grinned, looking very much like a shark in that one Pixar movie. "I'll make sure he at least sends you a text. And if not him, I know I will~" she winked flirtingly at him.
Oliver giggled his perfect laugh, winked back, took his drink in hand, and left, waving goodbye just outside the window.
"Your face is still red." Anne so helpfully pointed out. "And seriously, you had better call him! He seems nice, and it would do you good to actually get in the game!"
"I will, Anne. He said he'd make a scene with his friends, maybe get the police involved, if I didn't." Tom sighed. "And hes the most wonderful person I've ever seen, can you imagine his disappointed face? Go ahead, Anne. Imagine that perfect face, disappointed. It breaks your heart!"
He paused. "Well, not mine. But I'm sure you get my point."
"I do, and I'm glad we're on the same page." She reached out and touched his shoulder gently, smiling a bit as she said it, before clapping her hands. "Time to get back to work!"
Tom sat there, on his couch, cell phone in one hand, and Oliver's phone number in the other, and he was nervous.
After Oliver left, they got so busy that Tom had completely forgotten about Oliver's phone number, which had previously been a burning weight in his pocket.
And now, hes on his couch at home, completely nervous.
He may have already stated that, but to his current state of mind, it didnt matter.
He needed to call Oliver. And to do that, he needed to put the numbers in his phone, and then press the green "call" button. One step at a time, Tom.
To put the numbers in.
Right now.
There! The first 2 digits!
00769 7659
And there are the rest! Now, to make the call.
(A/N, I dont know english phone numbers, so idk if that's even correct in the slightest. I know mobile numbers start with 07 and are 11 numbers long, but idk about the rest)
(A/N: Also, DONT CALL IT. It might actually be someones number idk but like srsly dont call it) (I mean it)
He took several deep, calming breaths, or at least he tried to. He ended up hyperventilating for a few minutes. Once he calmed down enough, he turned his phone screen back on, and unlocked it with his password, "v0ld3m0rt".
Before he had any second to think about his actions, once more that day, he pressed the "call" button.
Then, he panicked, nearly dropping the device.
For 3 entire rings, he was frozen in place, staring in horror at his phones screen, nearly silently hoping Oliver wouldnt pick up-
But then he did!
"Hello?" Even from this distance he sounded beautiful ♡
And like he had just woken up.
He quickly brought the phone up to his ear, "Yes, Oliver? This is Tom. From-from the Half-Life Caffe?"
"Oh! Tom! Hi, hello! It's good to finally hear from you!" Despite his obvious giddiness, his voice still sounded rough. "I was just saying to Gwen a few hours ago that we were going to have to start a riot." He laughed, but it came across as more of a few breathy chuckles than anything. "Why are you calling so late though? Its half passed midnight." There was a rustling on the other side of the phone, like maybe Oliver was shifting in his. Bed, Tom figured, or perhaps he was rubbing his eyes, to get the sleep from them.
"Is it really?" He pulled his phone from his ear and checked the time; 12:34. "Oh, I suppose it is. My apologies, it must have taken more time to build up the courage to call you than I thought."
"Wait, 'build up the courage'?" He giggled softly. "Were you afraid of calling me?" Tom could hear the smile in his voice.
"Not afraid, necessarily, just. Nervous."
"Dont be nervous, Tom. It's just me." There was more rustling, and a series of pop-ing noises, before Oliver was back on the line. "Sorry, i was stretching."
They were silent for a few moments, and just when Tom started to feel like an awkward mess, Oliver spoke quietly, "I'm glad you called me, Tom. I really was worried you'd never call."
"Of course I'd call you, Oliver." Tom spoke equally quietly. This was a space in time all their own, and he hated to break the serene moment. He leaned back on the sofa, resting his slightly aching back. "Though, if I'm quite honest, I dont know what to say."
"I think I do. I was cleaning my glass from earlier, and I must say, what an amazing drink, when I noticed a little something on the side."
"Could it have been... your name?" Tom smiled.
"No, you shit!" Oliver laughed. Tom soaked in the feeling it brought him. "The other thing. Does the word "bewitching" ring any bells?"
"Oh, yes, of course. That. A different word and definition is written on all of our glasses, you see-"
"Mmm no, I dont think so." He said in a silly, sing-song voice. "Robert, another of my friends, tried my amazing beverage and wanted one of his own. So I told him where to get it, and to take it there, and he did. But oddly enough, there was no word on it, besides his name."
Oh, well. Maybe it just rubbed off. It's just sharpie on glass, it doesnt last forever."
"Mm-hmm. I thought youd say that. My best friend Andrea was there, too, while I was there. You, however, know her as Anne."
Tom made a terrible noise in the back of his throat.
Oliver must have heard because he giggled, "And she said that you put bewitching on my glass because, and I quote her exact words, I am the "most wonderful person with the most perfect face", and then she prattled on about how red your face was, among other things, and-"
Tom made another noise, and rushed out "I'm so sorry Oliver, I know it was bold of me--"
"Oliver?" A female voice asked. She sounded far away, and quite young, at that, Tom couldnt help but wonder who she was.
A girlfriend? A female friend? His mother?
"Who are you talking to?" She sounded much nearer now. "Its 1 o'clock in the morning, my love."
Tom deduced she was either a very affectionate mother or his girlfriend. No fenale friend called their male friend "my love" for no reason.
Tom felt a cold stab of jealous shame low in his belly. Anne had gotten his hopes up, the incredible bitch. "I'm sorry, Oliver. I'll text you later, I've kept you up for long enough. You should get back to your girlfriend, and get back to sleep while you're at it." Tom couldnt believe he was rambling; Oliver brought out the worst in him, that was for sure.
"What? My what? Tom--" Oliver asked.
- Click -
Tom hung up.
Well. There went that. Oliver had a girlfriend.
So why did Tom feel so crushed?
Oh, yes. That's right. He had a crush, so of course his little infatuation would crush him. It was in the name.
Tom's phone lit up, and the song Different as Can Be, his ringtone that Anne had set up for him, started playing. Without even glancing at the devices screen, he denied the call and shut the phone completely off. Oliver wouldnt, or rather, shouldnt, have anything more to say to him. Tom knew he didnt have anything to say to the other boy, so why should he bother answering a phone call?
Tom was exhausted. And he had to get up early the next morning to open up shop. 
...10am the next morning...
Holy fuck Tom was l a t e
His phone was his alarm, and like a complete fucking dumbarse, Tom had shut his phone off the night before and didnt bother to turn the fucker back on.
He could have simply blocked Oliver's phone number, and yet.
Tom could well and truly throttle himself at his absolute stupidity, and he may or may not have tied his tie a tiny but tighter this morning as a result.
But, onward and upward. He had a business to run, no use fretting over more sleep. Anne had the key to the caffe, and today was Thursday, so she was, in fact, working this morning. Time to get to work.
Tom dressed, brushed his teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, and flossed evenly for good measure, before he brushed his hair out. He didnt have time to shower that morning, so styling his hair had to be a must that morning. After it was perfectly styled, he deemed himself ready for the day. Time to grab his wallet, his car keys, and--
Oh, right. His cat, Professor Quirrell.
"I'm sorry, sweet boy. I nearly forgot all about you, didnt I?" Tom apologized to his cat. "Its just I'm late for work."
"I know, being late is no excuse to not feed you. Let's get you breakfast, shall we?" Tom made his way to the kitchen, where his dearly beloved cat was sat at his spot at the kitchenette's small  table. "It's going to have to be cheap this morning, dear, I dont have time to cook for you. Or for me, for that matter. But I can at least get something at the shop. You, my poor little man," Tom scooped his small, slightly overweight black cat up in his arms, "would starve all day. And that's just not fair, is it?"
Brrrrw, Professor Quirrell agreed. Tom nodded, gently setting Professor Quirrell back down onto the table, before reaching up into a cabinet to get one of his special breakfast plates, and grabbed a can of wet cat food on a lower shelf. He popped the can open, grabbed a fork from the drawer, and gently divvied up his sweet Professor Quirrell's breakfast.
And, of course, Professor Quirrell, being an asshole, took one smell of it, and proceeded to bury it with invisible dirt, before he moved on to the "empty" dish of kibble. You see, it wasnt really empty, but just had a small empty patch in the middle. Tom fondly shook his head at the little bastard man, grabbed a small scoop of crunchies, and filled the dish back up.
Once Professor Quirrell started eating, Tom gently stroked down his back. "There. Now you wont starve." Tom stood, "I'll see you tonight, stinky boy. Behave."
Tom grabbed his keys and wallet, conveniently left at the door, before he called out, "No wild parties, Professor. You know the rules."
He locked his apartment door behind him and strolled down the stairs, before getting to his car, a yellow, 3-door Vauxhall Astra with a silver grill, parked conveniently at the kerb. Dont worry, there werent any double yellows anywhere in the vicinity, so it's not like he would get a parking ticket from the traffic warden. Tom was an exceptionally safe car owner. :)
(A/N: my british bestie helped me with all of that. Everything you just read in that last paragraph is factually correct and 100% certified true by him, an actual british person. The rest cannot be accounted for)
Arriving to work, however, was a completely different story. Several police cars sat out front, two with lights flashing.
Oh. Shit.
Tom parked hastily just down the block a bit, desperate to see what had happened to his caffe. He stepped inside, expecting a murder spree, blood on everything, only to find seven or so officers of the law sitting at the tables, nursing mugs of drinks, and at least four more queued up to order more beverages, and Anne, grinning evilly behind the register, who all turned toward him as he entered, with nothing else amiss in the shop.
"Er... Hello, officers. Working hard. Or hardly working?"
Oliver suddenly turned a corner from the back of the caffe, assumedly returning from the restrooms, when a tall brunet officer from the front of the caffe turned to him. "This the one, Oliver?"
His beautiful face and gorgeous curls, a perfect vision he was yesterday, wearing the same shiny boots and thigh bag as then, but instead of a yellow sweater and black pants, he was wearing rose print white jeans, yellow suspenders, and a form fitted white button up shirt. Such a lovely sight.
Tom! Control yourself! He has a girlfriend.
"Yes, Robert. This is Tom." Oliver puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms over his chest, and Tom just felt even deeper infatuation with him.
(It couldnt possibly be love, oh no. Tom didnt do that.)
"That's all I need to hear. You're under arrest, Tom." The officer, Robert, pulled his handcuffs from his belt. "Hands behind your back please."
"What? What for?" Tom asked for the sake of his sanity. Of course, he still turned his back against the officer, hands behind him, but that was more out of courtesy and respect for the law than anything else.
Officer Robert came closer, snapping one cuff against his wrist, and pausing before doing up the other. "Why, for hanging up on sweet Oliver, of course. And then, for not answering any of his 17 phone calls after." And then he snapped the other cuff on.
Oliver had really gotten the police involved, just as he promised. The little tart!
"Oh, but that wasnt the agreement." Tom started.
"Oh?" Officer Robert questioned. "Then what was the agreement?" Tom thought he heard a smug grin leaking through his voice.
"The agreement was I would call him, or Oliver would get the police involved. I did call him, so there are no reasons to arrest me, officer. I held up my end of the bargain." Tom smoothly talked.
"Why would you hang up on him, though? Have you ever spoken to him? You wont ever want to hang up." Another officer, presumably from the sitting crowd, asked.
"It was nearing 1am, officer. And I had to get to work early this morning."
"But here you are, at 11am. I don't count that as early, do any of you?" A woman asked. That voice... it wasnt Anne, and it sounded familiar...
"I turned my phone off last night. My phone is my alarm, so of course I didnt wake up at the right time." Tom explained.
"You didn't have to turn your phone off." Oliver said. He sounded grouchy, and Tom desperately wanted to see his Mr. Grouchy Face.
"You're right, I could have just blocked your number."
"You didnt have to do that, either!" There was a small k'thunk, very soon after that. Did Oliver just stomp his foot? How very childish, Tom couldnt help but chuckle at the mere thought.
"Oliver, it was late. I needed to sleep. You needed to sleep, your girlfriend needed to sleep, I dont understand why you're getting so upset with me for being responsible."
"I dont have a girlfriend!" Another k'thunk. "Gwen is a lesbian!"
"Hey, whoa now." The same female voice from earlier spoke up. "Let's not put any labels on anything, shall we? I prefer women, yes, that is true, but I would totally bang him too."
"You're just saying that because hes in handcuffs, Gwen."
"Can I be released now, please?" Tom asked, quite done with the uncomfortable cuffs. "Its obvious this is just a sham arrest."
Officer Robert cleared his throat. "Well, everything seems to check out, at least from what an eyewitness testimony states." Officer Robert quickly pulled the key from its place, "Dont let it happen again, however, young man. Next time, I wont be so lenient." And he unlocked the cuffs.
An entire five minutes and 15 seconds of being handcuffed, all because Oliver was a little pissy. Tom could already see himself dating this dramatic train wreck of a human.
"Thank you."
"Are we done now? I'm sure we ruined this poor man's business forever." Another officer spoke.
"Yeah, and now he knows Oliver can and will get the police involved in the future. I'm sure hes been scared enough for today."
Officers Robert and Gwen turned toward Oliver, as if asking if they were still needed. "Yeah, fine. Go away." Oliver said, suddenly sounding very tired. "Tom and I need to talk about a few things, and I know this is already going to spread around the precinct  like fiend fire."
The officers stood, bringing their empty mugs to the counter to be cleaned, and getting to-go paper cups for the road. Anne was a saint for making more carafes.
Speaking of...
Anne, who had been suspiciously silent the entire time, was standing behind the counter, elbows resting against it, grinning madly, looking exactly like the shark from that Pixar movie. Or the Cheshire cat. Maybe a mix of the two.
"Fish are friends, Anne." Tom told her.
"I'm going to give the two of you a moment," she said, still grinning her crazed grin. "I need to say goodbye to Gwen. Oliver, we have security cameras. If you murder him, I cant help you with anything, but I am planning on making some meat pies eventually." She winked, took her apron off and hung it on the hook behind the counter, before she too left the caffe.
Once the last officer left, making the comment about how good the coffee here was, Oliver grabbed Tom's wrist to get his attention. "Tom. I dont have a girlfriend. I'm living with Gwen. The couch is uncomfortable, and we're close enough that we can share the bed without it being weird. Is that really the reason why you hung up on me-why you turned your phone off and ignored me? Or was all this just. Some little mistake?"
"I apologize for making such a bold assumption. You just seem to bring out the worst in my behaviour. I apologize for that as well. Yes, it was because I believed you had a girlfriend. I may have developed a sort of. Infatuation, if you will, with you. And while I know that's not any grounds for anything to become of us, I couldnt help but feel." Tom paused and chewed his lower lip, averting his eyes. "Jealous. I want you to be mine, and just the thought of you being hers, well. It didn't settle well with me." He finished quietly.
Oliver, the sweet boy, giggled. Tom looked up at him. "How about this? I get your work schedule, come in whenever I can, I get a drink, you get a drink, we chat for a while, and see where this gets us? Maybe, possibly, going on some real dates in between?" If Tom had known better, he would know that Oliver was blatantly flirting.
"That sounds wonderful, Oliver. Thank you." Tom truly meant it, too.
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shelleycollinsna · 3 years
17 Things to Do in Toronto in Winter: Full Guide to the City
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Headed to Canada quickly as well as hoping to check out all the things to do in Toronto in the winter months? Order your snow boots and hop on analysis-- this Toronto wintertime overview will have you dressing and preparing to discover in no time at all!
Toronto, sometimes referred to as "The 6" (thanks, Drake), is the ultimate year-round location, however can be particularly quite (albeit chilly) during the winter season time.
But do not fret-- if your plans have you going to Toronto in the winter, there are plenty of means to enjoy this attractive city, both out in the frigid temperatures in addition to inside to remain warm.
Regardless of the season, if this is your first time seeing Toronto, plan to look into the leading city spots (believe me-- they're a lot more stunning with a fresh layer of the fine-grained white stuff ... we're speaking about snow right here).
I have actually checked out Canada many times during the warmer summer months (Montreal, Quebec City, Banff, Whistler, Jasper,, Niagara Falls, and also Toronto), yet have never ever risked to tip foot in the wintertime paradise that is Canada once the air's transformed frigid. Well, besides a snowy couple of days in Banff, as well as I have to claim it's my newest fixation.
But lucky us, we have Diana (an indigenous Torontonian) from Diana's Healthy Living to share with us her favored things to do in Toronto in winter, from discovering neighboring islands (yes, even in winter months) to delighting in peameal bacon sandwiches. Take it away, Diana!
And psst-- you might hear Torontonians referring to our lovely city as Toronno. If you pronounce it ToronTo, you're screaming visitor from the top of your lungs. Just FYI if you wan na assimilate with the locals a little bit much more.
It's constantly a great time to take a trip to Toronto (although I may be biased- I'm from the city!), however a winter months browse through actually displays the extra enchanting panache you'll see showcased around the location. From Xmas markets, ice skating, and other holiday celebrations, don't forget about winter in Toronto just because of the winter!
And while Toronto is recognized for its cold temperatures, it's not aaaassss chilly as one might think. Typical January temperatures (the coldest month of the year) hover around 30 levels F, which, while a little below freezing, isn't allll that bad if you bundle if appropriately!
Nevertheless, do note that temperature levels might get to 14 degrees F once in a while, with night time temps below -4 levels F (specifically in the north suburban areas). As well as let me inform ya, that wind chill will eliminate you-- making it feel like -22 levels (and also no, that-- is a not a typo).
Plan your interior activities once the sunlight sets in order to maintain your outdoors exploring when the sun's high in the sky.
As for snow goes, anticipate the initial snowfall to happen around November, but don't be surprised if it's snowing in October (this takes place more frequently than not). Snow lasts up till around March or April. With all this being stated, you can anticipate a winter terrific loaded with cosy white snow in between the months of October with April. Make sure to load and also clothe properly! Extra on that particular below.
As you most likely believed, if you're traveling to Toronto in the winter there's a couple of apparel things that come extremely suggested. This do without stating, but leave your flip flops behind and load your hottest winter boots.
If you have not listened to (or check out the weather report up above), Toronto obtains a suitable quantity of snow and thus can be relatively cold; however, don't let the cool scare you away. Gown warmly in a winter season layer, tuque (that's Canadian for winter season hat), handwear covers, and also winter boots, and also you're ready to check out the city with hot delicious chocolate in hand!
A few of my favored cold-winter weather condition things to pack:
Hand warmers: these single-use air activated heat packs give heat as well as are excellent for keeping your hands (and body!) warm in cold temps.
thermals/long underwear/heat-tech uniqlo t shirts
warm, light-weight socks
chapstick as well as lotion
heavy coats
If you are taking a trip from the flight terminal there is the UP Express that leaves from Toronto Pearson Terminal 1 every 15 minutes as well as takes you directly to Union Terminal. You can likewise take an airport terminal limo, taxi, Uber, or Lyft.
A fantastic method to navigate the city and absorb several of the well-known sights is a Get on Hop Off Bus as it will help you see the highlights promptly particularly if you are on a time restriction.
The TTC (subway- the bullet) isn't one of the most lavish method to travel as well as you might be packed during heavy traffic however it is clean (a lot of the moment) and also secure. Prices set you back $3.25. You can likewise purchase symbols for a Presto Card.
If you're driving in the city I would certainly suggest that you load your perseverance and also budget for the fairly expensive city parking. Make sure to keep an eye out for the cyclists as they are pedaling when traveling year round. Yes, also in winter. The cold's got nothin' on the residents.
Hotels in Toronto
There's a wealth of resort choices in Toronto If you are looking to remain in the heart of the city and cost is not an issue, after that I would certainly advise the new St. Regis Resort. If you want a resort with a stunning view of Lake Ontario, then I would advise the brand-new Hotel X Toronto. Can't go wrong with either option!
AirBnbs in Toronto.
If you're searching for a much more regional remain, certainly take into consideration renting out an AirBnb instead! Search for your ideal keep from a whole number of Airbnds in Toronto below! I advise these, excellent for a wintertime remain in the city!
Cosy Central Apartment (near midtown): There's a sectional sofa, widescreen television, and also views with city lights. And also, the entire space is so beautiful! Charming, clean, and practical. Condominium with Sensational City Views: Super fashionable (with a lemon yellow couch as well as gold accents) and a bird's-eye view! Near everything midtown!
Much like we articulate Toronto "Toronno" you may hear a few other weird expressions. To aid you fit right in.
Eh?: this word is used to indicate that you do not comprehend something, can not believe something is true or if you want the individual to respond or we usually state this at the end of every sentence.
A Loonie: a $1 Canadian coin.
A Toonie: a $2 Canadian coin.
Double-Double: refers to a coffee (commonly from Tim Hortons) with two creams and two sugars.
Timmies: it refers to the much-loved fast-food coffee chain, Tim Horton's.
If you do not know or love Timmies, you're not a real Canadian.
The 6ix: Toronto's label.
Two-Four: frequently made use of to describe a situation of 24 beers.
Pop: frequently utilized to refer to soft drink
Canuck: a slang term for Canadians.
Caker: another slack term for Canadian
Language: English or Canadian
Electrical Energy: 110V (like the U.S.A.).
Currency: The Canadian currency is the Canadian Dollar. Canadian currency is vivid-- the 5 dollar bill is blue, 10 dollar bill is purple, fifty dollar bill is red, and also the one hundred dollar bill is brown. We likewise have Loonies (one buck coin) and toonies (two buck coin).
Tax obligation: When getting anything in Toronto, consisting of food, beverage, clothes, anything actually, you have tax obligation ahead. This is 13% and also the price you see of items on the shelves, in menus etc, will normally be before tax.
Points to do in Toronto in Winter season.
Toronto's most popular attraction is the CN Tower, the tallest free-standing structure in the western hemisphere as well as it now consists of EdgeWalk (seasonal), an awesome hands-free walk around the outdoors walk of the tower.
Standing at 1,815 feet high and designated as one of the 7 Marvels of the Modern Globe, it is a need to visit as it's a Canadian symbol and a sign of Toronto.
You can consume supper at the revolving restaurant, walk on the glass floor, take in the 360 level sights of Toronto from in and out, appreciate a virtual reality flight, learn about the making of the CN Tower and for an actual thrill, head outdoors as well as lean over the side of the tower on the amazing Edge Walk. If you are brave enough to hang off the CN Tower double check the dates of operation.
If you are a history buff after that checking out the Royal Ontario Museum is a must as it is Canada's biggest museum of globe cultures and also nature. There are extensive galleries and also interactive displays from dinosaurs to old Egypt situated right in the heart of Toronto.
The Art Gallery of Ontario is amongst the most prominent art museums in North America. View the works of the Team of Seven to work of arts of European art.
St. Lawrence Market has actually been ranked by National Geographic as the globe's ideal food market. It is located in Old Town Toronto where you can taste your way through the food stalls, as well as restaurants. Make sure to try the popular peameal bacon sandwich at Slide carousel Pastry shop. I would drive into the city simply to sink my teeth right into this sandwich.
I make sure when you think about Canada the first thing that enters your mind is Hockey. Hockey is more than a game to Canadians. Hockey is a sign of Canada, and even a way of life.
The Hockey Hall of Fame features one of the most intricate collection of hockey souvenirs as well as equipment from around the world, as well as interactive video games, multimedia stations and also shows on the video game's greatest gamers, there's something for every person at the Hockey Hall of Popularity.
The Toronto Eaton Centre is one of the city's most prominent destinations situated in the heart of midtown Toronto. There more than 250 sellers so you are sure to find something to please your shopping addiction.
Betcha really did not assume you would certainly have the chance to go to a castle while in Toronto. Casa Loma was developed as an exclusive home by Canadian sponsor Sir Henry Pellatt in 1914 that features sophisticated spaces, secret passages, sweeping stairs, stables and rich gardens. Casa Loma is Spanish for "Hill Residence," as well as attracts guests from around the globe to watch the attractive grounds.
The Ontario Scientific research Centre is residence to greater than 500 interactive experiences, spread throughout 8 display halls. It also flaunts Ontario's only IMAX ® Dome theatre, an advanced planetarium, an authentic rainforest atmosphere as well as a discovery location just for children 8 as well as under.
Situated at the base of the CN Tower in the heart of the home entertainment area, Ripley's Fish tank of Cabada is 135,000 square feet of interactive, underwater exhibits, the country's largest indoor fish tank. This is especially a prominent place for households over the weekend as well as holidays.
Take the breathtaking ferry flight over to the Toronto Islands, which offers a terrific sight and also photo opportunity of the city skyline. It is only a 10-minute ferryboat ride from midtown Toronto. It makes for a fantastic winter months expedition if you enjoy outdoor tasks. Only the Ward's Island ferry runs during the winter season and also will certainly take you to the eastern part of the islands.
Part of Ontario Location's current rejuvenation movement includes an excellent and cost-free winter months light event that's paired with skating fire pits, as well as food suppliers. It's open all winter season long.
Skating seems to be Toronto's much-loved winter months task, and there are plenty of magical skate routes to check out throughout the city along with a lengthy checklist of public skating rinks. Some rinks are also open late right into the evening. Be sure to wrap-- you will find outside skating a whole lot extra pleasant if clothed comfortably.
The Distillery District is fantastic to go to over the Christmas vacations as it Toronto's Xmas Market. The Toronto Light Celebration will start on January 19 that will change the Distillery Area back into an enchanting exhibition of light and art.
The TORONTO indicator, initially set up as part of the Frying pan American Gamings in 2015, was such a hit with residents as well as site visitors that it's stayed. See it in Nathan Phillips Square before Municipal government that is illuminated at night.
Roadway Trips From Toronto in Wintertime.
If you are still trying to find things to do in Toronto in the wintertime then there are some great roadway suggestions.
Niagara Falls, Ontario, is a Canadian city at the renowned waterfalls of the exact same name, related to the united state by the Rainbow Bridge. You can make it to Niagara Falls from Toronto in under 2 hours making this a fantastic destination for an excursion or stay the evening to delight in the nighttime light show.
The Loss are beautiful however even more so during the wintertime as some areas panic. A wonderful way to see the drops is through the nighttime totally free illumination. Annually the Winter months Celebration of Lighting happens from early November proceeding till the end of January. The celebration boasts over 2 million lights as well as over 125 computer animated light display screens along the Niagara Parkway.
It is complimentary as well as great for the entire family. See to it to bundle up as it can be rather cold during the cold weather.
Niagara-on-the-Lake is a town in southerly Ontario. It's recognized for its vineyards and also the summertime Shaw Celebration, a collection of theater productions. You can make it to Niagara-on-the-Lake in under 2 hours from Toronto. There are also helicopter packages from Toronto with Flygta. It is fantastic outing or weekend trip from Toronto.
Throughout the winter season you can enjoy several of the numerous winter months occasions such as the Niagara Icewine Event that ranges from January 18-- 28.
If you love the outdoors then I would certainly recommend heading up North to heaven Hills region, about a two hr drive from Toronto, where you can ski, snowshoe, go caving, skating. The tasks are endless and also there is something for every person.
The post “ 17 Things to Do in Toronto in Winter: Full Guide to the City “ was appeared first on A passion and A passport
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l0chn3ss · 7 years
further than the spread of whispers
Written for @souleaterpolyamweek Soul Eater Polyamory Week 2018 Day 3- Kisses
Soul Eater Evans, Maka Albarn, Death the Kid | Day 3 Read on FFNET or AO3
He makes his way to the Great Hall where the crowd of student is most dense. They’re all too busy to notice him, he believes, until the amount of giggling in the hallway increases. Soul looks down, walking faster.
Normally, he doesn’t feel this shy. He has his books to hold as a shield, and friends who circle him away from the pushing mass. However, there are no side conversations for him to tune into in favor of the rumors, no person to glare at the perpetrators into silence. He would just have to soldier on and hope that Maka and Kid are already waiting for him outside of the Hufflepuff commons.
When he reaches his destination, the two are nowhere to be found, and Soul can already feel the stares on his back, questioning why a Ravenclaw was standing outside of another house’s territory. In a way, the people watching him have already decided on the answer.
Slumping against the wall, struggling to make himself appear unbothered and effortless. He examines his wand, pretending to flick a couple of practice spells from his classes, anything but show that he was interested in what the others were saying.
They speak ill of Maka; that’s the most common complaint that he could hear in the building. Her dad, one of the professors in school, caused the most damage to her reputation, even before she entered school. It wasn’t her that they knew, but the transfiguration professor’s nightly activities as told by parents who had the same habits as their children. Maka both denies the rumors and her relationship with her dad, but Soul knows differently. He sees her leaving the dinner table early on some nights that Professor Spirit isn’t present at the front, taking a plate of food and a goblet of juice with her.
She is kind and considerate. For a slytherin, people will follow with after.
What other atrocities did they say about her? Other than about how she was similar to the most promiscuous professor on campus? They call her easy, yet prudish in the same breath. Stern and bossy. Bright and overachieving. A halfblood. A slytherin.
Soul feels himself growing more anxious the longer he stands. The stories begin to mix in his name and Kid’s. He hears how picky she is, but how she leads men on with sweet words and flirtatious giggles. They offer personal recounts about how Soul was seen with Maka last weekend in Hogsmeade, and then how Maka was studying with Kid in the library late into the night. Finally, they sneered about why Soul is waiting for her in front of a commons that belonged to neither him nor her.
They didn’t come close to the truth.
Soul wishes that Maka and Kid would come out sooner, chastising himself for coming earlier than their appointed time. He checks his enchanted pocket watch and focuses on the clouds that move across the background. It’s gift from Kid, charmed to show the state of the sky above Soul with deadly accuracy. He has a unique hand in magical objects, possibly a skill that he received from his stepfather, Professor Eibon.
Involuntarily, Soul remembers that Kid is another student plagued with the same animosity that Maka faced. Kid, the son of the headmaster, the stepson of another professor, is fated to be another hot topic in the hallways. From eccentric to tedious, and nit-picky to unaware, Kid has been called the entire spectrum of labels by those who couldn’t quite wrap their heads around him.
Perhaps that’s why they avoid him, Soul thinks. Despite him being in one the house most reputable for their hospitality and warmth, Kid prefers to stay with his unique group of friends rather than anyone else. He makes no effort to conform, and that’s probably why Soul doesn’t hide himself in front of Kid either.
A rumbling sound alerts his attention to his left side. The barrels beside him quiver, expanding until a nice opening is formed, and out comes Maka, and then Kid.
“Soul!” Maka says, bouncing to his side and hugging him tightly. “You came early.”
It is a wonder how Maka isn’t the one who belongs to Hufflepuff; her smiles should’ve easily given her the clear. He reaches to carry the basket hanging off from her arm, but she slaps him away.
Soul sighs, “I wasn’t waiting long. Are you two ready?”
Kid nods to him as a greeting. “The sky is clear today. It should be optimal weather.”
“Look at what the house elves gave us! Lots of sweets and finger foods. I can’t wait to eat them.”
“Be patient,” Kid says, plucking the basket away. “The last time we had something planned, you ate half of the basket before we reached our destination.”
She pouts, “The courtyard is close this time.”
As he watches their banter, Soul couldn’t help but to notice other voices overshadowing theirs.
She just wants to marry into power, the whispers carry. Anyone would do, so long as they were rich.
Plot twist, the two guys are dating instead.
So who do you think she’ll choose? I prefer the moody one.
How weird is it to date someone outside of your house, though? Let alone the both of them, at the same time.
“Soul?” Kid calls.
Maka looks behind her in worry.
He realizes that he’s stopped in the middle of the hallway, and moves his feet again. “Sorry, what were you saying?” His mind still pricks with annoyance and anxiety.
Instead of answering his question, Kid waits for Soul to catch up, and he says softly, “Don’t worry about them. You have us.” He slips his hand into Soul’s, who then squeezes it tightly.
The space on his other side is immediately filled, too. Maka holds his hand and grins. “Fuck ‘em. Let’s go eat good.”
Once they reach the courtyard, they lay a blanket on top of the grass and climb onto it together. Maka uncaps a muggle thermal mug, while Kid frets about whether there really is enough food for all three of them. Maka hushes him, handing him a cup of warm tea, and tells him that he is the one who packed the basket. He is over prepared, as always, she jokes.
Before Soul could lay down, Kid passes his cup to him, raising an eyebrow. It doesn’t seem like Maka is pouring another one, so he takes it, sipping on it and blushing at the thought of an indirect kiss. They call him silly, but endearingly so.
The three of them continue their date beyond the eyes of the people around them, and Soul knows that their love goes further than the spread of whispers.
“turns out hogwarts students only give you weird looks when you date multiple people from multiple other houses huh who knew” au
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