#i hope shubbles doing well is all i can hope for her
ultra-raging-ghost · 7 months
I dont think im gonna be liveblogging for tubbo this morning, nothing against him but the wilbur shit really shook me up and it was the first thing i saw this morning when i put on my glasses. I need a couple hours to get my mind together and figure all my shit out mentally and then ill be liveblogging for bbh later, need the morning to recuperate after that shit
Ask box is open for anyone who needs to talk/vent
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
This was hours ago but it's only just popped up on my dash for me but Rue bothers me so much (in reference to one of your anons discussing her)
Her initial post, after Dream posted a response that made me tear up as someone who's been in an abusive relationship, cut to her saying we don't want you here. Meanwhile she offered no words of support of her own (that I can remember, and if she did its been overshadowed by everything she's said and done since)
Meanwhile his post was the most powerful of any of the ones people made. Someone with a huge platform standing hand in hand with someone and offering such genuine words. And all she could say was get your brownie points somewhere else
Theres a tumblr post floating around how we need to stop caring if people's good actions are done for the right reasons cause if we police that, we'll see less good in the world and Rue sums that up perfectly
I don't care if *you* don't want Dream there, *I* do. I don't speak for Shubble, but between Shubble and Dream's posts after Wilbur's response I damn well near cried cause they hit so close to home. They were both the words of victims, spoken from a place of solidarity and pain. Rue essentially added nothing to the conversation but freaking people out. What she contributed too was a week of unnecessary pain and triggering people and causing a mass exodus and in the end only hurt caiti. Rue claims to speak for victims but she's part of the group of people that have made everything worse. She was reactionary and her actions didn't bring a single good thing to anyone
And again, beating the point to death about how she had more to say about George than Wilbur
It comes off as clout chasing and disingenuous. Sure, George fucked up. But it seems to have been a genuinely mistake vs Wilbur's very deliberate abuse and it's gross to paint the two scenarios with the same brush. I hope she's able to get help after whatever she experienced with wilbur, and I hope through time and reflection she's able to acknowledge her own wrongdoings
But as it stands right now, Rue clearly can't handle having a platform and she needs to go offline for a while. She is part of a problem whether she acknowledges it or not and something has to give sooner or later
honestly i have nothing to add to this you said it very well anon!
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thestreamdreampony · 7 months
Me adding my two cents is probably not gonna do much, but here I go, I guess:
I want to preface this with saying that Wilbur's content and Lovejoy have been incredibly important to me and I've put a lot of time, effort and money into supporting Lovejoy especially. So finding out about this, before finding out about the details, I had originally reacted with incredulous derision of twitter stans. And then erring on the side of caution about how things developed.
At this point there's almost no question that it's Wilbur, for the simple reason that Shubble would have cleared up his name if it wasn't. There's no way she would throw someone innocent under the bus, if she knew somebody else was guilty. Additionally, not a single person in Wilbur's surroundings has disputed any claims and have only narrowed it down further towards Wilbur. At this point it is incredibly unlikely she is talking about anybody else.
I do want to take a moment to comdemn those (mostly on twitter) who used this opportunity to dig into both Shubble and Wilbur's private lives, trying to construct a narrative of her abuse and in some cases going so far as doxxing Wilbur. It is entirely possible to support Shelby and condemn her abuser, without invading their privacy and endangering people's lives. Shelby's goal was to warn people and to make them more aware of the signs of abuse. As well as make it as clear as possible, who she's talking about without saying who it is directly, for a meriad of possible reasons. It was not an invitation to write abuse fanfiction about her private life.
That being said, the way I will feel about this in the long run will depend heavily on how Wilbur deals with this situation. I will definitely distance myself either way (slowly but surely), but his reaction to this will influence how I will act moving forward.
Should he stay silent or respond with insincerity/derision/defensiveness/etc., then that's it for me. Fuck him.
But should he come forward, own up to it, apologize and prove that he is working on himself, then I might be able to find it in myself to give him a second chance over time. I just don't believe that doing bad things makes you irredeemable forever and ever and ever.
We know for a fact that Wilbur has been struggling with mental health problems for most of his teen and adult life and from his solo music we are also aware that he is incredibly aware of the fact that he is the problem in his relationships. Expressing dark thoughts in music, does not automatically mean somebody is abusive. In fact, creating dark art is an excellent way to deal with harmful thoughts and impulses. I have literally never taken his lyrics to mean that.
However, his lyrics in YCGMA and MSR have always been incredibly autobiographical and do show that he is acutely aware that he's the unhealthy element in his unhealthy relationships.
We also know directly from him, that he has distanced himself from most of his social circle and sought out therapy as recently as 2 weeks ago in an effort to improve his mental health.
This does not excuse his actions whatsoever. Mentally ill people are still responsible for the harm that they cause and Shelby is unbelievably brave to tell their story. I hope they finds peace, I hope she has all the support she could ever need and I hope she has achieved her goal of making people more aware of how people end up in situations like this. She is an inspiration for standing up for herself like this.
But I also think that, should Wilbur come forward, admit to his wrongdoings and prove over time that he is working on becoming a better person, friend and partner, that he does not have to be shunned forever and ever and ever. He has a long life in front of him and I hope both for him and all his future friends and partners that he manages to find a healthy, happy way of living. This can happen, even while he never bothers Shelby, or the other people he hurt, again.
This is a best case scenario. I do think he is allowed to take some time to formulate a response. A hasty response to situations like this have never helped anyone ever, neither the victim, nor the accused. Taking his time to come to terms with the situation, which surely came as a shock, and to really think about how he wants to deal with this situation is much better than him writing a twitlonger as soon as he finds out.
Either way, I will distance myself from him and Lovejoy, slowly but surely. I won't get rid of the merch clothing I own because it was quite expensive and throwing it away is a waste of perfectly good clothing, but I won't find the joy I once felt wearing them. (I am salty about me being gone from home for a few months and having ordered Lovejoy merch, which had been waiting for me for weeks and then finding out about this literally the day I travelled back. It definitely felt weird as hell to unpack that stupid NORMAL longsleeve with his fucking face on it, while being hurt and confused and angry.)
Listening to Lovejoy's music, likewise, will never feel as euphoric as it once did, even if I go back to it. Which really sucks cuz they genuinly hit my sweet spot in music taste. YCGMA and SISV specifically, have been so, so important to me and removing them from my listening rotation i going to Hurt.
Interestingly, I don't feel quite as terrible as last time I had to suddenly cut a content creator out of my life. So I guess practice makes perfect lmao.
I don't know if me writing and posting this had any point. I guess I just wanted to get it off my chest and maybe it resonates with somebody.
Anyway, take care of yourselves. Take it easy and try to focus on other things, if this hit you hard (ideally offline). Try to meet with friends, maybe play some boardgames (or video games), go for a walk,read a book, have a coffee with a loved one. There's joy in the world, despite it all.
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missmssy · 7 months
I'm fucking hate that this has to be my first post on here but someone has to say this. I'm tired of seeing “they never dated or wilbur or shelby never said they were dating” they don't have to tell you that they are dating or that they are dating anyone, you don't know them in person you not their friend. Stop fucking act like you know them, the amount of people I seen saying “they never dating” how do you know another then the fact what they said on the Internet, I will say this THEY DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU WHO THEY DATING THEN THEY DATING OR ANYTHING. You don't know them off screen/internet, they are not your friends people can have privacy. People don't always have public relationships the same way the abuser who is a content creator that abuse selby you didn't know that she's was dating, also I seen bunch people of people make this all about Wilbur and not the fucking victim that is shubble! We supposed to support her and sent her love not fucking just talk about Wilbur and make this whole thing about a wilbur I seen people already defending wilbur before we can even know who the abuser is which isn't important what important is sending support to shubble not fucking wilbur. This is about the abuse victim which is shelby/shubble not wilbur. And it's actually terrifying me that some of y'all are already defending a man that we ain't fully sure is the abuser which showing also if shubble never said that it was Wilbur some y'all will fucking defend him! He's a grown ass man not a fucking child and this is not about him. He knows right from wrong if it never gets fully confirmed.
Some of y'all need to hear this because some of y'all are tone deaf and just dumbass. AND SHUBBLE ALREADY SAID IF SHE'S COULD SAY THE ABUSER NAME SHE'S WOULD!.
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I hope shelby is doing well now and she's healing amazing <3
Just another little note: shit is goes downhill from here because it is coming, but also I want everyone to remember you don't know your favorite content creator other than what they put on the internet people can be shitty people behind closed doors. I'm also scared of now knowing that wilbur could be a piece of shit too but we don't know. But what I already said I'm more terrified of the facts there already defending wilbur and supporting wilbur! Which is disturbing because we don't even really know anything yet and but there people that realize that wilbur soot could a be a possible abuser but at that they fully do believe that wilbur is the abuser but support him that's weird cuz if you think he's the abuser why you support someone you think is a abuser because it's really tell me if shelby abuser out themselves and end up being Wilbur you fucking attack her, shelby already said that her abuser has a big platform shelby gonna need our support the most then that happens or never does. but also remember is we don't know who the abuser is at all! MOST IMPORTANTLY SHELBY DOESN'T NEED YOUR HELP WITH SPEAKING FOR HERSELF. DON'T SPEAK FOR HER!
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g-xix · 3 months
You know whats the worst about this imalexx situation, i can see him not doing any of the house work, saying slurs and well abusing his partner, i have always gotten weird vibes from him, i hope im wrong but to me, those statments are believable
I was j writing a waffley response and tryna figure out whether to say that Alex was giving misogynist or incel vibes.
but tbh i feel like it's neither, there's j incellish and misogynistic elements within all of the things we've heard about him.
Yk, the whole "That's why I'm famous and you're not" smth or other - that SCREAMS misogyny in the fact of abusing power and rubbing it in others' faces - especially to a female partner where historically the man would be in control of a relationship... I feel there's some sorta misogynistic energy from Alex there.
And incel-ish within the sorta anime-loving-keyboard-warrior stereotyping of an "incel", whereby there's quite sorta odd gender roles or atl halves of a relationship - a bit like where the incel guy envisions a relationship where he gets to play games and live his life, whilst the partner sorta serves them - doing domestic work and fulfilling whatevs the incel-partner wants. By not doing any of the housework/refusing to help out and expecting Alice to do it all bc she works from home (I'm assuming as a video creator, like Alex) - THAT'S STUPIDLY HYPOCRITICAL!!! They work the same job, as content creators (CC's) - and sure - maybe Alex does have more 'fame' and more responsibilities because of that... But content creation I'm sure lots of CC's will agree is not a normal 9-5 job and CCing is in fact a lot easier. Like c'mon, helping out around the house - or just doing your part around the house isn't that much of an ask. Expecting Alice to do all of that and refusing to help or whatevs he did, comes across as so disrespectful and categorically incellish behaviour ibfr.
I've said this in all my posts so far but i cant even say i ever got those vibes from Alex. Which is mental bc with Wilbur Soot (Abused Shubble Shelby), yeah, I got weird vibes from him few months into watching him which sorta put me off.
Alex though? Never saw it coming. I never really felt as though Alex was "performative" or anything like that... I thought he was genuinely self-aware of morality (given his vids) so all this is just hocking imo
But yeah, idek whether id say the statements are believable but idc - for now - im supporting Alice, on her side, and j waiting to see how Alex will respond before fully making decisions iykwim
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qpenpals · 7 months
First of all, support Shubble and support all victims (which is a statement that while said a lot, seems not be followed as frequently, however i hope those who read this abide by it)
Second, I don’t support wilbur soot/william gold, and I don’t think that anyone should after this.
Third, while this situation is not about me, i have feelings and opinions about it that i would like to share, but even if you don’t read anymore,
Please watch shelby’s vod, and maybe try checking her content out, because while i don’t frequently watch her, i enjoy her streams and maybe you will too! her new hardcore series sounds great :)
This is quite long, but honestly this is kind of just for me to collect my thoughts, however if you read to the end thank you<3 im touched :)
Alright, so I have loved wilbur soot’s content for a very long time, 4 years or so. I watched the streams and listened to his music from the start. His content is entwined with many of my fond memories.
Earlier today, I had a breakdown over this whole situation, because, as I’ve been quite busy with school, my job, and other assorted things in my life, I found out about this morning. I had woken from a nightmare about my previous abuser. Who i will be talking about a lot more of as they really impacted my views on this situation.
However this nightmare had left me in a fragile mood, my girlfriend was still sleeping and i didn’t want to wake her, so to comfort myself i went to read one of my bookmarked fanfictions, this fanfiction, while i dont remember the title is one that i’ve found comforting for a very long time, so much so that when im stressed my partner has it saved to send to me so i can calm down.
It was a fanfiction about quackity and tubbo, wilbur soot was mentioned maybe 5 times, and the author had deleted it.
This caused me to try and find out why, so i went to their page and they had posted a temporary fic explaining what had been going on.
My first reaction had been disbelief, I then went to research everything. It was a lot to process.
I watched shelby’s vod. Before this i had mainly been disconnected from what i had seen, taking it it but not with any of my own feelings or thoughts really, just processing.
Shelby’s situation hits really hard for me because a lot of it mirrors my own abusive relationship of a few years ago. The wording Wilbur used against her, sounds like what my old partner would use against me. His actions, such as her having to clean and taking care of food, and amenities, were things i had to experience.
Abuse TW:
My old partner would physically abuse me through biting as well, he would claim that he just liked knowing i was his, and yet, like shubble, if i ever used our safe word, which happened so fucking often, he either wouldn’t listen, bite down harder on my neck, or fucking smile at me before letting go.
This got to the point that multiple times he had drawn blood from my neck, that i still have scars from today. And as i watch Shubble talk about her story which is ever so close to mine, I wonder that if I had watched this before, maybe i wouldn’t have stayed in that relationship.
I proceeded to stay in this relationship for 2 years before i realized how much harm he was doing to me, because i truly believed he loved me, because of all the lovebombing he would do.
End of Abuse TW:
And yet i felt pain aside from sympathy or memories, when learning of this, as the content Wilbur had put out had actually helped me out of this relationship, his music was pretty much all i listened to the months of healing after i got out and it helped, the art is good, and yet the author is one i cannot respect nor support in anyway now that i am aware.
i’d suggest watching this tiktok by @lasmanburg that really explains my thoughts and feelings on this
Right back to the content. I don’t believe that we should throw it all away, i don’t think that people should be deleting their art, fanfiction, or anything based on Wilbur. Because in the end it’s all art that we have created and interpreted and though the man who inspired it is horrible, all that has been made does not reflect his actions, but instead love and creativity from vast multifaceted community.
One can continue their writing and work because they are the ones creating it, not him, and besides most interpretations of him stray quite far from the source anyways
I think that one can continue to engage in his content as long as one does not directly support him, such as pirating his music, but personally at least right now listening to his music which brought me so much comfort-makes me feel sick. So think i’ll be taking a step back.
I don’t really know how to end this, i just needed to get my thoughts out honestly. I have therapy in an hour. I hope all of you who’ve made it to the end have a wonderful day and drink some water. I wish shelby well, and i’m glad she has been able to share this situation. And with that, I must now leave :)
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zooone · 7 months
hi friends!
despite not being as active, i felt like there was a need to speak on the elephant in the room. this is not at all in any way me taking sides for anything nor is it me being unsupportive of victims of domestic abuse. i just wanted to let the status of my blog be known.
until things are confirmed (and that doesnt mean there should be a rush to confirm anything, as shubble tweeted), i wont be posting about wilbur or lovejoy or anything of the sort. i feel that its the right decision as of now.
my blog will of course stay up, as will my fics, but i wont continue writing for wilbur. and if the claims turn out to be true, ill take down my fics in respect of that.
what will my blog look like now? in entire honesty, im not sure. ive been wanting to become an oc blog for quite a while now but theyre so sacred to flore and i, and im not sure if people will like it or not. regardless, if i get the okay from flore, the blog has the Potential of becoming something for my ocs :,) if not, maybe a new interest will take place of it >.< but rn my main interest is my ocs
still, however, this blog will always be a place in which you can talk to me. i dont want to let go of that prospect since its the point of the creation of this account, and i love interacting with each and every one of you. do not be afraid to talk !
i hope this could answer things about the future of my blog :^) <3 if you have any questions, lmk ! or if you just wish to talk, i am here. however, this was not the only goal of this post;
as i stated before, this is in no way me trying to steer the discussion away from the issue at hand, nor is it me trying to state what i believe and what i dont, and nor is it me trying to pressure shubble to name her abuser. no matter who it was, it was still abuse, and my love goes out to shubble as well as every single domestic abuse victim out there. you are all incredibly strong and deserving of so much more. i wish you all health and healing always 💝 i have some resources below for anyone struggling with this !
the national domestic violence hotline
local resource search
what is domestic abuse / common questions
what is domestic abuse / common signs of domestic abuse
all of these links have a button to quickly exit the website, just in case <3 this is also only a mere fraction of ways that you can get help. if anyone has more resources, feel free to let me know!
again, my heart goes out to all the victims out there who struggle with this awful situation. i wish everyone the best as always
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
Hope you're doing well, friend; your fics are what really got me into SBI just last year!
This whole situation is the first time I've actually felt nauseous from the Internet and felt the need to step back. I actually went to bed early to sleep the grief off after I found out.
Yet this morning, as I joked with my mother and helped clean the house, I found myself humming Your Sister Was Right as I worked. It made me realize that Wilbur Soot could write all of his problems down on paper and sing them in prose, but he can't, or at least couldn't for someone he claimed to love, address and curb those parts of himself.
I can. I won't keep financially supporting them, but I'll keep listening to what he's written because they remind me what I've grown from. That recognizing your problems is only the first step, and maybe having some background music will help you take action.
I'm still sad and angry about what he put her through and she deserves nothing but love and support right now. But for a fan, there is a freeing feeling in realizing you've surpassed someone you idolized.
That's my take, at least
we are shaking hands anon I also went to bed early the night I heard about the allegations because I needed to sleep all the nausea and anxiety off.
I think you put this very well. I don't really have anything to add but yeah, there's something freeing about the whole thing. And I'm so happy to see such an outpouring of love and support for Shubble after all of this
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tev-the-random · 2 years
So I may have come up with a whole Villain Jimmy AU...
Listen. I have way too many feelings about the events of Jimmy's Empires S2 Episode 31 and the immediate following stream. I also have way, way too many feelings about whatever the hell is happening in Sausage's and Shubble's lore and whatever is to come in Lizzie's, so I decided to only indulge one brainrot at a time and came up with... an interesting concept? I dunno, I'm easily entertained—
(There's a TLDR at the end if you don't want to read my insane and incessant ramblings o3o)
Ok so, after Walmart WRA kills Jimmy on the bridge for the kicks and giggles, Jimmy really starts questioning just what respect is and who his friends actually are. The conclusion? Dude has absolutely zero friends. Sure, he has this truce going on with Joel, and Katherine has been somewhat trustworthy so far. But actual friends? Nada. Closest thing he had were Scar and Tango, but they're gone now and he didn't even get a proper goodbye. His town is empty. He's alone.
Jimmy may be quick to anger, but this might be the first time he actually allows himself to be sad about it. There's something much more painful than rage crawling inside of him; be it guilt, self-hatred, loneliness, betrayal, there's just so much he's been burying under all the fighting that he can barely breathe through it all now. But once it's over, Jimmy's left with a strange feeling of clarity. This cold bitterness and complicated self-awareness that would turn into something far more sinister in the future.
The next day is really what decides his next course of action, though. He's touring the Old Sheriff around the server, kind of holding onto the last hope that someone might want him to stay after all. But then Fwhip comes along and decides that no, he doesn't get to have this, so they start bickering like the old divorced couple they are, like nothing's changed. Somehow, Fwhip manages to charm his way into the Old Sheriff's good books despite everything that Jimmy has said about his ex-deputy.
Martyn (that's what I'm calling him, he doesn't get his own name now) laughs at his jokes, makes little comments that... sound so familiar to Jimmy. This is how it all started: little comments — and this is how it's going to end. Maybe the Old Sheriff has good intentions. Maybe he does have the intention to stick with Jimmy and be a friend/mentor to him. But Jimmy, still raw from his most recent disillusionment, can't bear the thought of befriending someone only to have the rug pulled from under him again.
So Jimmy leaves Tumble Town in the dead of night.
Now, his first objective is to bring himself back to normal. He had to admit, no matter how hard he tried, it was hard to gather any respect from others when he was trapped in the body of a literal toy. He had already asked Joel to reverse this nonsense, but the god only offhandedly mentioned that this was Jimmy's true form and that it was how he was meant to look — which Jimmy took as "I have no idea how to, my name is Joel and I'm irresponsible with my powers and incompetent and also really short". So his next destination is the Witch Academy.
He had heard about the them from Shelby. She was a nice witch — or, well, nice enough. She was clearly going through some stuff at the moment, which is why he thought it would be better not to ask her for help to begin with — and was clearly able to change people's bodies, whether intentionally or not. So surely the people who taught her magic would be able to help him, right?
Little did Jimmy know that most witches do not, in fact, give a damn about helping other people. After travelling far and wide, he explained his curse to them, and all they did was close the door on his face.
Well, he's not having it! If the witches won't help him, he'll find someone else who will! This is when Jimmy starts travelling around in search of someone, anyone who could undo his curse so he may start his life anew. Through all the ensuing shenanigans, he gathers some... interesting allies.
It's not that he wants to ally himself with undead pirates; he may not be a sheriff anymore, but that doesn't mean he's about to become a criminal! But alas, when the boat he's travelling with is captured, it's not like he can do much else.
Jimmy is spared due to his... interesting predicament. Well, surely this tiny tiny man could be useful! Besides, didn't he use to live close to Pirate Joe? So in exchange for some information on Skeletron's rival and helping them get some treasure for a little while, Jimmy is dropped off at the next port with directions to a shady wizard who might be able to solve his problem.
When he gets to said wizard, they are already expecting him. You see, this is the same wizard who gave Scott his magic eye, and although I'm sure we'll get some actual canon explanation to it eventually, this is an AU in which the wizard may have some... ulterior motives. And they may or may not have been spying on a certain god who lives very close to Chromia. But that's a story for another time!
Jimmy wakes up the next day his normal-sized, human self again! It's almost overwhelming, how much he loves his own body right now. His chest quite literally aches... and that's when he notices a heart-shaped scar on it.
The wizard is still around. They explain to him that, to deal with the curse, they had to remove his heart. Literally. They stored it in this lamp, which emits a blinding red glow — an indicative of how strong it is, how much it feels. The farther away he is from it, the more detached he will be from his feelings. Although that would mean he should probably carry it close at all times, he should not forget that it is still his actual heart; you better keep it safe, kid.
Now that the deed is done, the only thing that the wizard asks for is a front row view when Stratos falls. Jimmy carries a lot of grief, clearly, and if they know anything about him — which they shouldn't, but they strangely do, — he is going to get back at the people who made him miserable for so long. It just so happens that the wizard also has a beef with Joel, so really, they both win in the end!
After some not-so-subtle persuasion and reminders of all the horrible things Jimmy had to endure in the past, the wizard manages to convince our ex-sheriff into going back to the empires to truly bring an end to this story of pain. He's never going to be able to start anew unless he gets rid of all traces of his weak past self, right? His enemies deserve to reap the hate they've sown fashioned in cold blood, right?
And so Jimmy concocts a plan, gathers resources and new (purely professional and with no emotional attachment, never again) allies, and returns to Tumble Town a new man with a new name. In the day, he's a charming and friendly traveller sneaking his way into the emperors' hearts. At night, he's a dangerous bandit carrying a lamp of dwindling red light, playing a game of metaphorical chess with the authorities to bring the pieces of his plan closer together.
TL;DR Jimmy leaves the empires bitter with his friends, searches for a way to turn back into a regular human and finds a wizard who does so in exchange for being able to watch the world burn. To reverse the curse, he had to lose his heart, which he now carries in a red lantern closely tied to his feelings. He goes back home for revenge.
Calling this one the Red Light Bandit AU òwó
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nobodywritingao3 · 7 months
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i feel kind of sick making this post so please excuse me if i sound like a rambling mess. i am not the type of person to talk in detail about my life in online places cuz i live in fear of this getting back to my abuser but shubble's story punched all my most sensitive spots and i want to talk about it
(really long sensitive post)
ive gotten kind messages from people that i havent responded to. the idea of responding to people individually kind of makes me feel sick. so im doing this instead. and im also going to vent really hard because i am not doing well and talking about this to my therapist is soul crushingly embarrassing because wilbur soot is a minecraft man and im a freshly turned 20 year old who pays rent and is respected by my therapist and i dont want to admit that i wrote fanfic about a 30 year old white boy i discovered in quarantine when i was 15. can you imagine that conversation? id have to explain what the dream smp is.
when i watched shubble's video for the first time, i was in total disbelief. i couldnt believe that wilbur soot had done these things but i knew that the liklihood of it being anyone else was pretty low. i chose to hope that the story was not about him, and that if it was that he was a reformed abuser who had reorganized his value system and respected his partners now. i had a lot expectations. then he released his statement and i was horrified. i was disappointed and kind of in denial. his statement was worse than anything i had prepared for as 'worst case scenario.' as time has passed my denial has mostly dulled but im ashamed and im embarassed and im badly triggered.
i kind of hysertically hoped that it was a sick prank that shubble and wilbur cooked up and would get horribly cancelled for, but its not a prank, theres no "haha sike" moment, and wilbur abused shelby.
his response undid me because i saw so much of my own abuse in the words he used.
abusers are really good at making people take a centrist "two sides to every story" stance. i dont know how to describe this to people who have never been abused, but i will do my best
most people are taught that when theres an argument between two people, both parties carry some amount of blame and if you want to resolve that issue, it's a good idea to look at your part in the dynamic. we're also taught to keep our disagreements between ourselves and to not involve other people in our drama.
these are sensible sentiments, but abusers are very good at manipulating these sentiments.
when a victim speaks up for themselves and they call someone an abuser, what they are saying is: "this person cruelly bullied me and hurt me and exerted control over me that i did not deserve or ask for or elicit."
that's a heavy accusation and it contradicts sentiments we are taught like "it takes two to tango" and "dont involve others with your relationship drama."
many abusers are charismatic people. id even say most. when you hear this accusation about someone you think is really cool, your natural instinct is to ask for their side of the story.
they will tell you some version of this:
"i am shocked and hurt that she would call me an abuser. we've been having relationship problems recently, and sometimes i lose my temper. im not proud of that. ive done a lot of things im not proud of. it's true that i did [insert played down act of violence] to her, but you wouldnt believe the horrible things she was saying to me. i lost control, and im so ashamed of myself."
this version of events makes the abuser seem reasonable, it makes the victim seem irrational and quick to blame and hysterical
from here, a lot of people will nod thoughtfully and go. "yeah. yeah. that makes sense. everyone has a unique perspective. the fact that shes attributing all the blame to him without recognizing her own flaws and contributions to the relationship while he does shows that hes the reasonable one here. hes such a chill guy. the things shes saying dont make sense at all. i probably wont say it to her face, but i think shes in the wrong."
wilbur's response hit all the beats im familiar with. it was so in line with everything my abuser used against me, and in line with what ive heard other victims say their abusers used against them, and in line with examples ive read and witnessed and had countless psychiatrists walk me through that reading it was like getting hit by a train.
the hope that i carried with me through that week was that wilbur was a reformed abuser. but reading that response gave me the gut wrenching confirmation that he wasnt.
thinking about it too much literally makes me sick and shaky in a way i havent experienced since my own abuser tracked me down the first time and gave me a beautifully wrapped gift. with my abuser, i had several years trapped with him where all the love i felt for him disappeared and was replaced by total hatred for everything he put me through. i wasnt expecting this from wilbur at all, and i feel fucking sick because this was a man i sincerely admired and looked up to a lot. i really liked wilbur soot. he released that response and this image in my head that i had of him was tainted by the memories of my abuser.
im reminded of one event several years ago where i was choked. i tried to ask for help but everyone who knew immediately reached out to him and asked for "his side of the story." i dont want to talk about what he did to me after that. all that matters is that in the end, no one believed me. everyone took his side over mine and insisted that i was lying or exaggerating or trying to get attention or trying to make him look bad. people who i loved and thought would always be there for me sent me paragraph long text messages calling me a bitch and a cunt. the person i loved the most in the world told me that i was out of line and said point blank that they were sorry, but couldnt believe me over the person who choked me. i had never felt so alone.
ive been having a rough time. i confided in a friend who is trying to escape his abusive husband, and he gently told me that this might mean i have "a type," meaning im naturally drawn to people who are abusive. after i escaped, i took a lot of solace in the fact that i was inspired so much by wilbur soot. i thought he was progressive and stood up for womens rights and was anti bigotry and all those lovely good things. this man i admired so much was the image of healthy, nonviolent, kind masculinity. finding out he isnt has made me question myself and my own judgment and it's making me wonder if the people i let in my life and the people im drawn to are people who i subconsciously know will hurt me.
as of now, its been a year and a half since i escaped my abusive family at 18 years old. i turned 20 like half a second ago. the past 18 months of my life have been devoted to looking into legal protection, getting therapy to undo nearly 2 decades worth of ptsd, trying to keep all my baggage to myself because i dont want to burden my friends anymore than i have, and holding down a steady job so that i can afford rent without having to rely on the parents of my friends to house and feed me and keep my location secret from an insane group of people who reeeeally want me to come back even tho im pretty sure one of them might """""accidentally"""" kill me one day
i feel ashamed and embarrassed by being this affected by wilbur soot. parasocial relationships are looked down upon and i feel like the perfect stereotype of a hysterical, delusional teenager / young lady finding out that her hero is "a flawed human being, just like you and me - seriously, what did you expect?!"
i already see people jumping to his defense, although i try to look away because that is also extremely triggering for me.
it is hard not to acknowledge wilbur's humanity, and i want to clarify that i do feel compassion for the amount of death threats, doxing, and isolation he is undoubtedly experiencing right now. no matter what you do, i dont believe that retributive justice or revenge is a proactive, sane response. i am sincerely worried that he will either try to kill himself as a last ditch attempt for sympathy OR that he will actually just kill himself from the public shaming. i do not want him to experience a mental health crisis and i do not want him to die, even tho he has horribly disappointed me and reminded me of so many bad things
this was kind of an insane post. im ready for it to get 1 note and then experience a horrifying amount of embarrassment as i realize that people read this and know disgusting amounts about me as a person, but i want to share my experience as someone who has been abused. i want to offer solace to people who are in the same boat and possibly reach someone who might have otherwise believed wilbur was telling the truth.
i want to end this post on a positive note, so im going to share some naive hope ive been repeating to myself for the past few days
i hope that people believe shubble. i hope she finds comfort and compassion and healing. i hope she can internalize that what happened to her was not her fault. i hope she lives a happy life surrounded by people who see her and care about her
i hope that the people close to wilbur make him confront this side of himself. i hope he fixes his abuse problem and reorganizes his values. i hope his network of people is strong enough not to abandon him entirely but to intervene and make him work on himself. i hope he stays alive and i hope that he becomes an advocate for abused women
this was cheesy and unrealistic but ive been sending my hope into the universe and trying not to shut down because i dont know what else to do and my two hours of government issued weekly ptsd therapy is already devoted to the horrible things i experienced firsthand
as far as my fanfiction goes???? i dont fucking know.
im not going to delete it. im definitely taking a break and at least stepping into a pause so i can properly reflect on what to do in the meantime. as a musician and writer and creative in general, i was inspired by many aspects of wilbur soot for years and i need a second to chill out and get a hold of myself
maybe ill complete my work. if i do ill upload the finished products in one go and probably orphan them. and maybe delete my ao3 account. god knows at this point
i am still cringing so hard at myself for making this post. it's very emotional and i try to sell myself as serious, intellectual person. maybe this post will be received great or badly or just be ignored. in any case ill be embarrassed so it doesnt really matter how anyone feels about me after this. if you took the time to read, thank you for hearing me out. and if you didnt, im glad that i got a little catharsis
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toasterrrr · 7 months
shubble is actually so brave for coming out this especially to so many people like its not like its just a few friends this is the whole fucking intertnet like the whole world knows now yknow its increably hard for victims to make statements and shit and to do thsi is actually so fucking shout out to her
but the amount of people ive seen defending wilbur soot is fucking mental. use ur brain and fuck ur parasocial relationship off,, hes committed a CRIME a FULL CRIME “oh but my wilby would never 🥺🥺” YEAH WELL HE FUCKING DID DIDNT HE hes addmitted it its all be confirmed dont even bother at this point these arent “allegations” this is real life plus the tosser made the worlds second worst apology ever actually maybe idve rathered he pull out a fucking uke
“im sorry you feel that way but i dont” is the whole plot summary sorry i dont wanna support that actual bullshit fuck how can that man sit there and type out how much of a “changed man” he is in his “apology” are you thick??? say ur sorry first up ?!?! nah noone even wants ur apology say thag to shelby and all ur other mates who uve manipulated and abused not some 13 year olds on twitter who will fall to their knees no mayter what u fo
also this is coming from someone who actually really looked up to this guy, one of the only ccs i genuinely liked and he was actually a fucking big role model to me,,. hes fucked up what he did was genuinely disgusting and disturbing and i hope he gets the worst payment ever i hope all his mods quit lovejoy disbands everyone unfollows he loses all his friends. money and fame truely get to people and this is such a real and clear example of this shit
i will NOT be supporting anything he does form this momet on. ive unsubsrubied unfollowed i wont be listening to lovejoy and if i do ill probably piarte it ngl thats a thing we can do ill burn a cd or some shit idk but i wont be giving anymore money than the cunt needs you can live with out it “it saved my life HE saved my life” i can not express this enough but and fully no offense if u say that but he reallt didnt u just liked his stiff and it gave u something to live for again he did NOTHING hes just some british guy in a screen who plays some video game and sings some song hes noone he doesnt know u u dont know him
hes a fucking freak and if you think thats okay that what hes done is okay and can actually be defended your just as much of a freak and fucked in the head as he is and u need be grow the fuck up and realise how this shit is mental behaviour
to conclude:
‼️‼️‼️ FUCK WILBUR SOOT ‼️‼️‼️
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thedroloisms · 7 months
Before I start, I wanna say all support to Shubble and she deserves truly the best, and I’m so glad that she is getting public support. But also I cannot hide that I have such a bad taste in my mouth on how ccs act. I know we shouldn’t make it about Dream, but I feel so fucking awful and pissed to see that everyone is supporting publicly Shubble (WHICH THEY SHOULD DO, GO GIVE HER ALL SUPPORT AND LOVE), while with Dream nothing. Just nothing. And they let their rabid fans continue to joke and claim Dream is a groomer. And they even have the courage to make grooming jokes and the next day supporting another victim because “hey at least this looks good on me”. I wanna believe it is genuine but after all the Dream situation, I’m looking at the ccs that are supporting Shubble with a very judgemental eyes and I can’t stop. I know it’s very wrong but I truly can’t stop think about it.
Sorry again for my ramble, I hope Shubble is able to get justice, she really deserves it
i feel u, i feel u. on one hand it's like ... well, i mean, this in itself makes it pretty obvious that these ccs don't think dream is guilty, bc this is the response that wilbur's allegations got from the content creator sphere. on the other hand, it's kind of sad how little attention a content creator in the space got after clearing his name. like, ,, false allegations are devastating to people. the personal, professional, and legal fallout of a false accusation can and has been life-ruining. people have compared the psychological effects of false accusations to losing a loved one.
it's like ,, while i understand why in this scenario so many people stayed silent for their own sakes, and because the way false accusations are perceived is so damn different from other scenarios, the psychological effects of these situations are severely traumatizing and involve isolation and constant stress in a way that's not unlike other traumatic situations where it's more socially acceptable to show support. just, yeah. it's sad.
all the support to shubble and i'm so glad people are speaking in her corner, especially in a content creator space where there's just so much hanging in the balance at any given moment and so much of their literal livelihoods can be destroyed by a tweet. i admire her bravery and i'm glad she's got public and private support, for sure <3 and no need to apologize for the ramble anon
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scoutpologist · 7 months
because this is originally a wilbur fan blog i want to talk about this a bit further, so: here’s what i want to say, feel free to skip if you don’t want to read.
i don’t think it’s fair to want 100% confirmation from shubble that wilbur is her abuser. it took a lot of courage to even vaguely point it out. naming names is a lot more than that. it’s a direct accusation that can lead to a lot of trouble for the victim.
plus, given that the details she talked about line up uncomfortably well with wilbur, i also don’t think it’s fair to say that people expressing that they no longer wish to support him are speculating. it’s a natural response to not want to support possible abusers. i’m also very uncomfortable with the idea that “don’t speculate” means, to some people, to get parasocial and defensive about wilbur.
from now on i'm not going to be associating myself with wilbur or his various projects. i may mention things like the dsmp occasionally, since it was such a huge part of my life, but overall i'm moving on.
i wanted to say this purely so that people know why i'm going to be doing the things i'm doing. i plan on changing my username and may ask for input on that. @dayssincemusicduo will no longer be running either, although it's been a long while since i updated it anyway.
and finally, leave shubble the fuck alone in all this and don’t ask her for any confirmation of her abuser’s identity. she did not state it directly for a reason. leave her be. let her heal. send her love instead of questions and please support her work.
i love you guys and i hope everyone is doing alright. this is a very stressful and triggering situation for a lot of people. please remember that you're loved and my inbox is open if you need to say your peace. <3
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asterssunzephyr · 27 days
Tumblr media
NOTES AS I GO: 1 I tried to finish this in one night however I have to be up at 5am 8/24. 2 I am watching Shelby Shubble's shubathon for her birthday. 3 If said shubathon is still going when this post is uploaded, go watch it :) 4 It is now 1:56 am 8/24, I am still watching the shubathon and have since showered.
Okay!! Im so sorry has taken me forever, I did not have the energy when you sent this last night. ANYWAY...
I tried to finish this in one night however I have to be up at 5am 8/24
You were very loose with this, I hope youre aware, so I will start at the most basic, with the gods I have bc I have NOT figured everything out for all the empires. This is a WIP au at all times of the day. All of this lore, at one point, does tie into the Crystal Cliffs: Academy for Magic (CC:AfM) au lore! Specifically with Scott and Xornoth.
Rivendell - The easiest
Rivendell has two canon gods, and one original god I made. This, ironically, reflects the royal family. There's Oytix - Goddess of Stars, Aeor and Exor - Twin Stag Gods. This reflects the royal family with three children being born since Alinar and Cohnal. They had a sister – Naexi. In this lore, Naexi was considered the champion of Stars, while Alinar the champion of Aeor and Cohnal the champion of Exor. Naexi lived the longest of the Riven siblings – being the one to live on and provide for the next generation of Rivendell royals.
This is seen later, in Scott & Xornoth's generation with a sister as well. In this au, Lauren (LaurenZSide) is canon to the empires universe. She's the older sister of Scott and Xornoth – as well as the champion of Oytix.
The Overgrown
The Overgrown has one god, which is The Spring – God of Fae. This is a nameless god, preferring to be known as "Spring" to everyone around them. Spring went into a slumber after the death of Alinar and Cohnal. The Spring that Katherine talks to in s1 is their concious, who wants the best for their land and leads her to the right answers no matter how cryptic they are. Every ruler of the overgrown has been handpicked by The Spring, regardless of how theyve behaved in the past.
The Grimlands has two gods in technicality, sharing one with two other empires. Sol - Goddess of the Sun and Diana - Goddess of the Moon. Theyre not related and Sol has a . . . complicated relationship with Exor. I can and will explain if asked about it. The grimlands also refers to Sol as the Goddess of Redstone (Grimlands corruption).
Crystal Cliffs
In the ancient days, the Cliffs once worshipped Diana, the goddess of the moon. As many people began finding logical and magical explanations, they ditched the idea of godly intervention for basically everything. Some people remember, but Diana is not worshipped like she once was in the cliffs, much less taught about in the Academy. Gandalf the cat remembers the most, he's been in the cliffs for just over six hundred years - he will not disrespect Diana, and he says goodnight to her when he goes to sleep if he can see the moon. The Cliffs doesnt get very cloudy, so he seems the moon almost nightly.
Gilded Helianthia (why isnt there a yellow on desktop?)
Gilded Helianthia has always and will always worship Diana, goddess of Moon. You'd think the farming queen and her empire would worship Sol, or A goddess of Harvest1. They worship the moon, Diana, because with out Diana and the moon then they would not sleep. If they do not sleep, then they do not have harvest days or a way to provide as they'd be consumed with fatigue. 1 The land of Gilded Helianthia becomes the building blocks of Sanctuary, where the Harvest Goddess - Madre de Girasoles (Later referenced as Santa Perla)
Mythland (look I only have so many colors to work with)
The start of Mythland worshipped one deity, the god of war Fern. Is ironic that a god of war is named after a plant? yes. Do I care? No. Up until the canon appearance of Xornoth, Fern was the only god in mythland worshipped. While people of Mythland considered Xornoth a god of corruption, he is not and they were worshipping Exor. Fern did not like the division of his people, much less did he like Exor. He has a rocky relationship with Sol, due to her relationship with Exor. Often times, Fern would butt heads with Sol, Exor, and Oytix.
Lost Empire
Zaerus, the god of pride and life. While the only one who has an official title amongst the pantheon. He loves his land, and has always done whatever it takes to save his people and the royal family. Zaerus will go to whatever lengths he must, including siding with Exor if he must. This caused issues during the first Prophecy, as Zaerus refused to let the then emperor help Alinar, as he prophesized that in doing so, the empire (one of great wealth and many people) would be lost to time. The emperor helped Alinar and Aeor anyway, which caused Zaerus cursing his bloodline and the empire to become lost within the jungle. The bloodline is now the one we canonically see as the Tiger Blood Prince and Princess.
Rhamus, God of Prophecy. Rhamus was the one to originally prophesize about Alinar and Cohnal; about Exor's betrayal to the pantheon. Although he knew virtually nothing about the betrayal, he knew Rivendell twins would have to pick a side - Aeor, or Exor. After the prophecy, Rhamus began to have scribes, or oracles, for his prophecies. The one to repeat the prophecy Rhamus had was the great grandfather of Pix, and after his great grandfather, he became the scribe of Rhamus. He knew the prophecy of war, and of the rapture.
Oceanic and Swamp Empires
This is the second easiet empire to work with, because Lizzie and Jimmy are gods themself, in technicality! Theyre the children of two gods, their father being an Axolotl and their mother being a Cod.
Kingdom of Mezalea
Also one of the easiest empires, as Mezalea as no gods. Joel himself becomes a god, but thats not until the end of season one and the start of season two. Mezalea has no gods, as they have no faith or souls to believe in gods. Other than Joel, Mezalea is simply an empire of dolls.
The Undergrove
Gnomes have strict belief in their deities, however as Shrub is away from her family and with the empires more they adopt the deity of the Wolf Spirit and eventually, under the guise of the wolf spirit when facing Xornoth, Joey and Sausage, the pantheon accepts Shrub as the wolf spirit - This leads to many confusing dreams for Shrub, as they are spoken to from the Pantheon during sleep. Shrub has not mentioned these "dreams" to anyone, and yet Pix knows. The Wolf Spirit is seen as a deity, whether or not Shrub is one.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Explosions Across Lifetimes - Chapter Thirteen: Beginning Of The End - 5k Words Fwhip has to wonder if Xornorth knows what the phrase taking a break means, because there's more trouble not even two weeks after Scott and Gem came home.
A03 Link
Fwhip spends the next week with Gem at the Crystal Cliffs. He's being overprotective, he knows that, but can anyone really blame him? Clara has the Grimlands covered anyways, he's sure of it. She's his favorite employee for a reason.
The Count thinks this is the slowest week of his life, and one of the hardest. Gem's not doing great mentally, but it's the best she can do. In some moments he would think about Scott, and would worry over how well the elf was fairing all by himself. He hopes Katherine or Jimmy dropped by at least once, and kept him company for just a few hours.
At the moment Gem’s off somewhere in her academy, trying to get back to her normal routine. Fwhip, having absolutely no interest in most magic, was hanging around. If Gem asked him to do something, fix some broken tech in the empire he would do it, but other than that he mostly felt like dead weight. But it was worth it, to make sure his sister was okay. And he wouldn't leave till he was one hundred percent sure of that and the paranoia finally left him. Another break never hurt either.
Gem’s familiar, Gandalf, didn’t seem to mind him hanging around though. He knows the cat usually follows Gem around throughout the day, and that it’s never been the most fond of him. It’s certainly never hung around the Count like this before. Your sister’s cat randomly following you around is unexpected alright, but this is a magic cat. So the little guy’s making Fwhip kinda suspicious that something’s wrong, and probably making his paranoia worse. At least he’s cute and likes to be cooed over, and makes Fwhip wonder if his other friends' pets are this irresistibly cute.
In hindsight, Fwhip feels more convinced that the cat was trying to warn him, because there ends up being a big break in this whole demon issue right around the corner. The start of it happens in the form of a message from Pearl, one he gets when Gandolf is sleeping in his lap; purring up a storm.
Pearlescentmoon: sausage just came by all distressed
GeminiTay: what did he say???
SolidarityGaming: possessed ooor???
fWhip: ??
Pearlescentmoon: he was unpossessed. Said he doesn't like being Xornorth's puppet anymore but he can't deflect because of the mind control stuff
Pearlescentmoon: we were gonna use this fighting arena before he went missing and now Xornorth's ordering a fight there
Pearlescentmoon: sausage thinks we can do something at this fight or we can save him
Smajor1995: that's….a lot
GeminiTay: I'm in.
Shubble: what about Joey?
Pearlescentmoon: he didn't say anything about him sorry
Katherineelizz: this sounds risky :/
Katherineelizz: you sure it's not a trick?
Pearlescentmoon: no, that was him for sure
fWhip: last time you said that I'm pretty sure that wasn’t him
Pearlescentmoon: well this time I'm certain
Smajor1995: why is it only this time?
Pearlescentmoon: because he looked scared . And sausage doesn't get scared like that.
GeminiTay: doesn't matter, tell him we'll do it
fWhip: !!!!????
SolidarityGaming: why are you so insistent on this Gem?
GeminiTay: because Xornorth might show up
GeminiTay: and i wanna kick that demons ass
Fwhip watched more messages be sent with a sigh. It was just stuff about the date of the fight, who could come, what they would do once Xornorth showed up. No,not once, if they showed up at all. Maybe if even it didn’t they’d get Sausage back, and Fwhip feels like trading the whole world to get his brother back most days. He scanned over the agreed upon arrangements in his communicator, only sending back a simple thumbs up when asked his opinion.
This all felt way too important to be discussing over text, but they were busy people. And no one could eavesdrop this way, could they? So maybe this method had its benefits. Fwhip was getting a little sick of House Blossom meetings anyways, the half dragon was pretty sure he’d been in Katherins empire more than his own recently. Which reminded him that he probably needed to go home the next day. Paranoia was still wearing away at the edges of his mind, but Fwhip couldn’t bask in his sister's hospitality forever. He was pretty sure he’d already gotten on her last nerve too, but that was normal.
The Count ran a hand through his hair, doing nothing helpful and making it look like a mess. He was pretty sure it looked like a mess regardless. Gandalf just looked up at him, blinking slowly. He met the cat’s yellow gaze, and the creature just let out a mrrp .
He huffed, going to scratch behind the cat’s ears. Gandalf purred at that, and rubbed his head into Fwhip’s hand. The little thing was surprisingly affectionate, which just endeared Fwhip to him a little more. He still thought this cat was some magic being with more sentiance than it let on, and would not be fooled by the cuteness.
Fwhip wasn’t sure if this cat was trying to warn him or comfort him, but he appreciated it nonetheless.
Arena day comes, and Fwhip doesn’t think he’s ever hated a string of numbers more in his life. He really isn’t excited for this, and has been glaring holes into his calendar for the past two days or so.
He landed in Pearl’s empire an hour early. The only other people there were Gem and Scott, who were preparing some magic thing. Pearl told him not to bother them, and Fwhip just decided to wait around until the grand event started.
Most people showed up, minus Shrub, Joey, Joel, Lizzie and Pix. Not exactly most actually, but about half of the emperors. He’d told Gem her and Scott shouldn’t come, that it probably wasn’t good for them to be close to Sausage again, but she’d argued back stubbornly. Both of them wanted to come, in case Xornorth showed his face. They were trying to perfect a spell against him, and this was too good on an opportunity to pass up. Fwhip hadn’t said anything after that, knowing he couldn’t change her mind; no matter how much he said it’d make him feel better if she just didn’t go .
The Count wished more people had shown up, because he didn’t feel very confident without all of them there. They were missing some valuable fighters too. Lizzie and Pix were both skilled with a trident, Shrub had a lot of wolves, and Joel was surprisingly good at combat, even if he didn’t partake in it much. According to Pearl, Xornroth liked to summon mobs. And six people against mobs, a demon, and maybe said demons pawns did not sound very welcoming. Even with the spell Scott was working on.
Seeing the arena doesn’t help his nerves. It’s more of a colosseum, and one of the smaller ones Fwhip had seen; granted he hadn’t seen too many of these types of builds. He wished Pearl and Sausage had picked a bigger spot for it, because it was sandwiched right between their two empires, on a plot of land that felt far too small for what was about to happen. It felt even smaller with all six of them standing in it, and was sure to feel even more tiny when their two opponents arrived. Well, one opponent and one maybe ally. The thing is also full of cactus, and he’s pretty sure they’re all going to fall on one at some point.
“He’s here.” Pearl said softly, and five heads turned at the sound, all of them having been waiting in the actual arena part.
Sausage stood there at the opposite end, Mythland’s side, and looked a little awkward. Fwhip, who’d been keeping a close eye on his sister, noticed how she went a little rigid. She hid that better than Scott though, who froze like a deer in headlights. Sausage noticed as well, and winced, especially when Katherine moved closer to the elf.
“Uh, hi guys?” Sausage called out a little hesitantly, and took a small step forward. Fwhip noticed Jimmy’s hand slowly shift closer towards his trident, the action not seemingly a conscious decision. A few other people did as well, but Fwhip found he couldn’t copy his fellow emperors. Sausage himself has weapons, including the staff, but his hands were nowhere near them.
Fwhip decided that Pearl was wrong last time, that whatever had attacked Jimmy hadn’t seen his brother, because the man standing in front of him was . He’d been so certain that that person had been Sausage, and was glad to admit he was wrong. The Count was also horrified how easily he believed it, even after seeing it with his own eyes. It was a little hard to wrap his head around honestly, that after all these months of worrying and trying to accept what was really happening, Sausage was standing right in front of him again. Not exactly the same as he had been before, but close enough, and that was better than just a week ago. A million times better than before.
“When’s you know who showing up?” Scott asked, seeming to break through his deer in the headlights stare. The way Sausage looks at the elf has a lot of emotions packed in, some Fwhip can recognize, some he looks at Gem with too. There’s other things he can’t decipher in there, but that’s not for him to investigate, not his story to tell. Especially not right now.
“It’ll probably take a minute. They do what they please.” Mythland’s king responds, and falls silent after that. He’s clearly unsure what to do, and it’s understandable. Besides Pearl, this is one of the first times most of his friends have seen him unpossessed in months, probably getting close to a year now.
“This isn’t a trick is it?” Katherine asks, deciding that they do have time to talk. She’d mentioned wanting too before, and was taking her shot it seemed.
“Not a trick. The staffs just here for appearances.” Sausage seems to spit out the name of his weapon, and his eyes flick to Jimmy as the cod asks the next question. Pearl, having done enough talking to the man, is letting the rest of them speak uninterrupted. Gem is oddly silent, Scott looks like he’s going through the five stages of grief again, and Fwhip wants to speak; he does so badly , but his tongue feels locked in place.
“Why….why do you think you can deflect this way?” Jimmy’s hand has moved away from his spear, and rests at his side. All his petty arguments with Sausage means he knows the man reasonably well, well enough to tell when he’s being truly sincere. Fwhip never thought he’d be glad for all those fights, but now he is, now that the tension in the air starts to lessen just a little.
“I think Xornorths gonna try and kill me here.” Sausage says it so casually it’s almost horrifying, and on the list of fucked up things no one should ever have to say. Fwhip’s been making a list of that, by the way, because his dumb friends keep saying the most terrible phrases about themselves. “It’s been getting annoyed with how I’m not, uh, compiling recently. Joey mentioned something about it a few days ago, something Xornorth had apparently said.”
“What if Joey’s lying?” Jimmy asks, and there genuine concern in his tone. He’s aware of how horribly that could go for both of the demon’s pawns if Joey had been lying.
“Nah. He’s never lied about what Xornorth’s said. Joey’s too smitten to even think of that.” Sausage’s answer was the most confident he would sound all day. They all fell into a stilted silence after that, not quite sure what to do.
Pearl cleared her throat, seeming to break the spell that fell over the seven of them. “We should probably start sparring now, just in case they show up soon.” She mumbled, glancing between all of them. She was asking if certain people were ready, if they were okay with this.
“Yeah.” Gem agreed, and no one else gave further comment. So the spar started, with Pearl flinging herself straight for Sausage. The Mythlander countered quickly, and it very quickly looked like one of their usual matches. True to his word, the staff was mostly just for display, and Sausage didn’t touch it one bit.
All seven of them started facing off against each other, not just against Sausage. Though they all got a turn against him, and Fwhip found that the other wasn’t truly attacking. The rest of them were confident in their movements, apologizing if they accidentally scrapped their opponent, never aiming for serious injury of course. Sausage looked confident from a distance, but when Fwhip actually fought him he could tell that his brother wasn’t really trying, and all the attacks were just for show.
It became a little fun, the whole thing, so much so Fwhip almost forgot what they were here for. The tension had left his shoulders, and he had long since joined in on some playfully banter. But nothing good lasts forever, not even the smallest moments like this. The Count’s closest to Scott when it happens, and catches how the elf suddenly goes rigid.
Sausage senses it too, but doesn’t show it, minus the fear now very evident in his gaze. Scott freezes again, almost losing his balance as he does. “ They’re here .” Is all Fwhip hears the elf whisper, before the sky seems to turn gray above them.
In the stands there's Xornoth, a look that one could call amused plastered across his face. They’re standing above their banner, one hung on the arena’s walls, and Fwhip doesn;t know how he ignored such an ominous object before.
There’s no warning, only the sound of rattling skeleton bones and the tell-tale sounds of Evokers and Pilligars now coming from the colosseum's inner wall. None of them speak, and they all lose sight of Sausage for one vital second, all six pairs of eyes focused on their now compromised exits. Gem and Pearl move to start attempting the spell, not caring if Xornoth sees it. Pearl, far too used to how the demon fights, is charging at the mobs as soon as she catches a glimpse of them.
She’s stopped when Katherine yelps, arm being sliced open. It’s Sausage, and he’s clearly a little different than he was a moment ago. Fwhip watches in shock as the fight, a real, actual fight, starts to break out, and calls to his twin. “Did he just get possessed?” He asks, moving away from a skeleton. It's a common, easy to kill mob, and the Count is pretty sure Xornoth chose them because of how annoying they are to handle.
“Not possession!” Gem called, her staff starting to glow a little. “He’s got a different aura to Joey!”
“Was he like this when he kidnapped you?” Katherine called, clearly a little puzzled. Fwhip was as well, not knowing how what Sausage was experiencing wasn’t demon possession. Blood red eyes looked pretty demon-like to him.
“Yeah!” His sister called. “I can explain more later!”
There’s not much conversation after that, and Fwhip hates how they’re basically being used as amusement for the demon. There’s vindicators now, swinging axes left and right, and every ruler has a swarm of vexes of them. It’s a little much for them to handle, as fwhip predicted, but they’ll manage. They have to manage.
Gem and Scott gave up on the spell, but not after struggling to fight it. Sausage, in whatever state he was in, had focused his attention on making sure they didn’t get room to breathe in between a barrage of attacks. And Fwhip knows that’s not his brother, because he;s using the staff, and he has to wonder what kind of mental hell the elf and the wizard are currently going through. The two stop even trying to attempt the spell once the Illuiosner’s and zombies show up, now having too many dangerous mobs around to do anything but fight for their lives.
There’s an Illusioner next to him suddenly, and Fwhip manages to knock his enemy away before they can activate a spell. The small space is starting to get overrun with mobs and people alike, and the Illuioner is quickly whisked off into another area, and replaced by even more vexes. Fwhip didn’t think his hatred for Evokers could increase so drastically in mere seconds, but here they are.
Ravagers were the next mob to be summoned. Which was great . Three ravagers in a small arena was a horrible combination, nevermind the vexes already floating around. He’s being swarmed by the little things currently, and they stop him from swooping in to save Katherine. About three Vindicators were on her, and she was backed into a corner. The half dragon sees her make it out, but not without some pretty nasty wounds to show for it.
It’s one of the last parts of the battle he sees though, because suddenly a Ravager next to him, charging. Already injured, the Count isn’t fast enough to dodge.
Fwhip let out a yelp of pain, horns slamming into his backside. He felt himself be flung into the air, wings thrashing out of instinct, before landing in a heap on the ground. He’d never really seen a ravager throw someone before, but knew they could. Because of course they could. What else were those weirdly placed horns for?
He was pretty sure something, or several things, made the cracking noise when he landed. It sure felt like he had several broken bones, pain shooting through him from multiple points. He heard the ravagers breath behind him, before the beast let out a roar of pain. Fwhip didn’t know who was currently saving his life, but he’s grateful.
There’s a flash of green and yellow, accompanied by a shout nearby. Someone’s crouching over him, making sure he’s safe until they can get a healing potion in him. He’s pretty sure it’s Pearl, being able to recognize the colors of her dress anywhere. His vision is a bit unfocused right now, an unfortunate side effect of being thrown like a ragdoll, and when Pearl leaves to rejoin the fight it takes Fwhip a good minute to see who replaces her. When he does there's a very familiar blonde fish guy in front of him, and it sends a whole wave of emotions through him.
Jimmy’s crouched over him, and all Fwhip can focus on his worried face, and how he hates that he’s worrying Jimmy. The half dragon has to turn his head a little awkwardly to even see the Codfather, but it's better than looking at the arena’s floor. He senses Gem nearby, and figures he’s soon to be dragged back into the colosseum walls. Not that that will do much about the vexes, but it is better than the open arena. His back is throbbing with pain, and he can only hope his wings go undamaged. He can't (and doesn't like to) use them very much, but he'd still prefer to keep them unharmed.
Until now he’s been laying on a useless heap on the floor, curled into himself best he can manage. Normally, he would’ve gotten up and kept fighting, even with a broken arm or leg, but this time it’s his back that's broken. He had landed right on it, before somehow managing to scramble into whatever position he’s in. Fwhip’s pretty sure he has several fractures, and really hopes they’re all fixable. His breathing’s been pretty labored and panicked as well, which wasn’t helping at all, considering he probably hurt some of his organs as well.
The Count has other injuries, but the most pressing one is apparently to his back. That’s what he hears Gem say, as she and Jimmy somehow maneuver him inside the colosseum walls. Fwhip’s aware that he’s basically being carried around, but focuses only on the ground. He does this even when inside, eyes now tracing the cracks in the concrete instead of the grains of sand.
Healing potions could be used in several different ways, but the most common way was to drink them. They could also be directly applied to a wound, for an ever faster result. That’s what Gem and Jimmy were arguing about when he finally tuned in, the two not even trying to be discreet about it.
“I don’t know which one is best!” He heard Gem hissed. “I’ve never dealt with this kind of injury before!” “If it’s external we should apply it directly!” Jimmy spat, and Fwhip knew exactly what glare he received.
“I don’t wanna risk moving his coat off!” Gem argued back again, and the Count had already had it with this conversation. He could sympathize with not knowing what to do in this situation, really he could. It was just a little irritating when people were arguing over how to heal you, as you were in pain is all.
“Just give me the damn potion!” Fwhip managed through gritted teeth. Both of them shut up and that, and he managed to down a healing potion in record time. They had decided to do both ways, apparently, as he felt the familiar sting of the potion on his backside; Fwhip hadn’t even realized it was littered with cuts as well as the bone being fractured, and it made him wonder what exactly he;d hit on his way down. The half dragon really wished these things worked just a minute faster, or at least that he’d been knocked unconscious about ten minutes ago.
Fwhip isn’t exactly sure what happens after that, just feels the potion start to work its magic. The pain lessens, but doesn’t go away completely. He’s moved out of the arena once the coast is clear enough, and doesn’t know where anyone else is. Besides Gem, who hadn’t left his side since she'd gotten to it. Jimmy, still relatively without major injury, had disappeared back into the thick of the fight at some point.
Eventually he passes out, frustrated and still throbbing from pain. He’s frustrated he couldn’t do more in the chaos of that battle, frustrated he couldn’t help his friends, and that they couldn’t even get Sausage back. He wonders if they even know what became of him.
After waking up late, Fwhip spent most of the next morning at Pearl’s dining table, being extra careful with all his previously broken bones. He’d been given two potions, maybe more, but was still a little concerned about just how much they’d managed to cover.
He’d been sitting there for a good two or so hours, doing nothing but thinking and processing, when he felt another person’s gaze on him. The Count turned, only to see Jimmy standing there, unable to tell if he was leaning against the wall casually or for support. Usually he;d have beamed a little at the sight of the cod, but all the ginger could manage for the moment was a nod of acknowledgement.
“You look horrible.” Fwhip observed, gaze traveling over the cod. The blonde looked like a mess, his hair sticking out in multiple places and his clothes still torn from yesterday’s battle. Jimmy just mutters in response. “I was on watch duty all night, making sure all the stray mobs died.” Well, that explained it.
“Where’s everyone else?” Fwhip muttered, worry itching at the back of his mind. He didn’t like being in the dark on everyone’s statuses, and was honestly a bit annoyed at passing out in the first place. Not being able to help for half of the fight didn’t sit right with him, and he wondered what the six of them would have accomplished without having to take care of his stupid back. He wondered if they could’ve gotten his brother back.
“Resting.” The blonde informed him, taking a second to stretch probably aching limbs. “Gem and Pearl are still working on healing stuff, and told me to check on you. I messaged everyone who didn’t show up, and all of ‘em responded but Shrub.” The ginger raised an eyebrow at that. Shrub was usually pretty decent about answering her messages, so the fact that she hadn;t was a little suspicious; especially after the day before. But maybe she’d been busy, or maybe she’d been sleeping. He didn’t know, and what their little gnome friend was up to was a problem for later.
Jimmy doesn’t mention Sausage, and Fwhip assumes no one else knows where he disappeared too. They’d tell him if he knew, he’s sure of it.
“Who’s hurt?” Fwhip failed to keep the concern out of his tone as he spoke, and hoped it wasn’t obvious how worried he was. He’d been worried since he woke up, enough to feel sick to his stomach and skip breakfast. Gem was gonna be so mad at him for that later, but he’d eat eventually.
“Katherine got pretty wrecked trying to protect us.” Jimmy responded, pulling out the chair next to him. “Scott needs bed rest again, more than last time.” The blonde looked tired as he spoke, and Fwhip is all the more aware of the dark circles lining his eyes. “He had a panic attack, I think. And Gem’s obviously been fighting off some sort of breakdown.” He doesn’t need to say why that happened, they both know. Fwhip was right, those two shouldn’t have come.
Instead of mentioning that Fwhip just sighs, and carefully moves to rest his head on Jimmy’s shoulder. “Hey.” The cod mumbled.
“Hi.” Fwhip’s response is a little deadpan, but Jimmy chuckled at the exchange anyways.
“Pearl said to give you another healing potion, just in case.” He mumbled, removing the half dragon’s head from his shoulder. Fwhip grumbles at that, feeling like a sick and whiny child. He does not want to take another healing potion. After this whole demon ordeal is over he hopes he never has to see one again in his life. The Count’s getting too used to all the injuries, and that is not a good thing to get used too.
He watched as Jimmy stood from the table, and moved further into Pearl’s kitchen. The cod returned a few seconds later with a potion carefully clutched in his grasp, and Fwhip held in another sigh. He’d suck it up and take the potion, not putting it past Jimmy to force it down his throat. And if he couldn’t do it then the cd would get Pearl, who definitely could make him take his medicine.
When Jimmy handed him the potion, Fwhip took it without complaint. Unless you counted a grumpy glare as a complaint, but Jimmy either didn’t or was too tired to care, so it wasn’t one this time. The Count wrinkled his nose at the taste of it, resisting the urge to spit out the magical elixir. Some people said these things tasted good, or even bland, and Fwhip had never gotten that. Every potion he’d ever taken had tasted disgusting on his tongue. He placed the now empty bottle down a little roughly, watching as the glass kinlinked against the table.
“How’s your back now?” The cod waited a few minutes or so to ask the question, until the healing potion had properly started to kick in. Fwhip just huffed, feeling like the thing was more numbing his pain than causing it. “Still sore, my wings don’t feel great either.”
“Maybe some more sleep with help that?” Jimmy suggested, trying to crack a weak smile at him. Sleep sounded wonderful, actually, and Fwhip let himself be helped into one of Pearl’s guest rooms. Her humble home looked small on the outsider, and always felt twenty times bigger whenever the Count actually entered it. He wasn’t even sure how many rooms she had, even after all these years of friendship. Too many, probably.
He ended up laying on his stomach, Jimmy shoving a pillow under him. It was one of the sleeping positions for a broken back Gem had told the cod about, apparently. She’d ordered Fwhip to sleep on his stomach, because of the whole injured wings thing; Gem didn’t want to risk putting too much pressure on him. His wings had always been a bit of a pain when it came to health stuff and sleeping, so he wasn’t very surprised anymore. He usually slept on his side, but would rarely switch it up, his wings usually being too uncomfortable to fold under him and not large enough to crush him with their weight.
Jimmy was sitting on the bed next to him, saying he wouldn;t leave until he was sure Fwhip was asleep. The Count appreciated it, knowing his thoughts would overwhelm him if he was alone. However he did not appreciate the topic of their conversation at all. Too personal, way too feely feely right now. “I get what you said,” The cod muttered. “About thinking you’re gonna lose me.” He muttered it into ginger hair, nuzzling his head into it.
“Not a fun thought, is it?” He mumbled, the other shifting closer, sadly not really being able to cuddle him like this. “I think we both have horrible luck.” He huffed, clicking noise emitting from his throat.
“And terrible anxiety.” Fwhip offered, and the other made another clicking sound in agreement.
“Why’re you so scared of that in the first place? I mean, I kinda get it, but I think we have different reasons?” That just made Fwhip want to know what those reasons were, which was another thing added to his list of things to think about.
He was hesitant in his answer, not really being the talking about his feelings kinda guy. He preferred bottling it up instead. Also this was a… hard subject, to say the least. “Because I’ve….never had anything like this before, so it’s special.” That explanation wasn’t everything, not by a long shot, but he thought it made sense.
“Yeah, yeah..” Was all Jimmy responded with, slipping a hand into his hair, running his fingers through it. Fwhip didn’t say anything else, and just leaned into the touch. Healing potions had some side effects, such as the occasional tiredness, and that one always got the Count every time he took one. He felt his eyes begin to droop, and was very content to fall asleep right here right now.
He fell asleep, purring quietly as Jimmy played with his hair. It was the worst sleep he’d ever had probably, and nothing got better when he woke up. Everything probably got a hundred times worse, actually.
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kaytrawrites · 2 years
Love knows no binds
Summary In which Tommy thinks about the past
Notes So, this started as something about oRanboo and became this. Hope I got the characterizations right! XD Also, bless demonadelem for doing like 87% of the heavy lifting on the 'backstory' of Wilbur's Phantom status in his Origins’ Origins comic. (Seriously go read it here. It’s very good :D )
Tommy pushed up the edge of his floppy hat as he watched Ranboo traipse across the bridge toward the ladder up to the Pub.
He narrowed his eyes at her improbably pristine attire. Practical knee high boots, a lacy button down, an embroidered silk vest and flounced silk knee length skirt that emphasized the Enderian slender build. And of course her cozy deep purple cloak.
And somehow she always managed to stay a perfect temperature. Unlike Mr Tommy Innit who never left his home without a binder. Yeah, half the time his father was running around without his, but that was Phil's choice.
As for Wilbur; Tommy grimaced, remembering the last living moments he had spent with his brother.
Hetta pushed her head through the gap between Tommy's elbow and the side of his chest. He cuddled his eldest daughter, his attention turning back to the lanky Enderian 'princess' that was teleporting between the islands up to the Pub.
Her newfound confidence in her skin was a recent development. Probably ever since she had taken the step to start wearing more skirts? Or it might have been a bit further back to when Niki, Shubble and Trixtin had gotten a hold of Ranboo and tried some cosmetics on her?
Or it might have even been before that… A time after Tommy had met her. He couldn't pin down when. Just that it had happened, and that she was happier now.
It kinda hurt a little bit to see one of his good friends so comfortable in her own body when he wasn't entirely satisfied with his own. But blah-de-blah cultural pressures to present a certain way and all that.
Tommy gently stroked Hetta's red hair. She was getting pretty big now. He would need to dig out some of his old clothes for her soon. Maybe check with Beau if she had some old stuff that Hetta would like.
Hetta sighed happily. "Dad." She started, turning and looking up at her father. "Why does Grandfather Philza sometimes have boobs and sometimes doesn't?"
Tommy snerked, caught off guard by the question. "Wot? Now where did that question come from?" He exclaimed.
Hetta shrugged. "Just curious about Grandfather Philza's Phiddies." Her last words drew a snort of amusement from her father.
Tommy took a breath. "Well, your Grandfather sometimes wears what is called a 'Binder'. We Elyrians and Avians use them to smooth out our flight muscles."
"A binder…" Hetta spoke slowly. "Why?"
"Ah." Tommy paused, thinking back to when he himself asked his father and older brother that question. "Well, some use it to put pressure on the flight muscles to prevent tears. Some use it because they like the way it looks. And long ago…"
He trailed off, remembering the history he had been taught about it.
"Long ago Elytrians wore it to help other species to differentiate between males and females." He finished. It wasn't the whole story. Just the beginning. And Tommy didn't want to tell Hetta. Yet.
Not today.
She will learn someday. But till then, Tommy was determined to let her see the world as a good place for at least one more day.
"What about Uncle Wil?" Hetta asked.
Tommy smiled at the thought of the expressions that Wilbur would make at being called 'uncle'. "Well. Your Uncle Wil can't use his wings to fly anymore like your grandpapa can. So he doesn't use a binder."
"Ohh." Hetta nodded, her expression as somber as a smiley little Avian could make it. "Why did he stop flying like Grandfather Philza?" She asked.
"Ah." Tommy paused, considering how to answer. "Well. A while back when your papa was about your age."
"So, a loo~ong time ago!" Hetta exclaimed.
Tommy gently booped his daughter on the nose. "Not that long ago, chickling." He smiled, but it quickly dropped as he kept talking. "When I was about your age, your Uncle Wil got really sick. He had been hurt. Really badly."
"But he got better!" Hetta nodded. "Cause he's here now!"
Tommy shook his head. "No chickling. He didn't. He got a lot worse. Your grandpapa and grandmama scoured the land and seas searching for what is referred to as an Enchanted Golden Apple. It was supposed to have incredible healing properties."
"Did they find it?" Hetta asked. "They must have!"
"They did." Tommy nodded. "But it was too late. When they arrived home. It was too late for its power to work fully."
Hetta cocked her head, looking up at her father with her large blue eyes.
"For a moment, your Uncle Wilbur was gone. Then he began Changing. He Changed from an Avian into the Phantom uncle you know and love." Tommy gently ran his talons through Hetta's hair.
"Now. Enough with the sad backstory!" Tommy scooped up his eldest daughter. "How about we go see if we can 'scam' a few ice creams out of someone for all of us."
Hetta giggled as Tommy hefted her onto his shoulder. Her little hand rested on the top of his head and her slight talons lightly massaged his scalp. "Onward!" She declared.
The two managed to commander a few ice creams for the family and were heading home past Wilbur's little cottage.
The sound of something heavy falling over followed by angry expletives made the pair pause. "You al'right there Wil?" Tommy called out.
"Yes!" The silence hung there for a moment while Tommy took a lick of his ice cream. "No." Came the much quieter correction.
Tommy looked down at Hetta. "Well? Shall we go help Uncle Wil?" He asked his daughter who was currently trying to lick mostly melted ice cream off her nose.
Hetta nodded excitedly and nearly pulled her father over as she took off toward the ajar door to Wilbur's basement.
Wilbur was sprawled inelegantly over a toppled low stool, sans shirt. An old familiar article of clothing was on his torso, obviously too small for the lanky phantom to the point where it obviously wouldn't fasten. But it seemed that Wilbur had been trying anyway.
Tommy and Hetta stared down at Wilbur, who let out a defeated sigh. "I can feel your judgment from here…" He grumbled into the floor.
Tommy burst into laughter, needing to basically fold in half. "Wil you look absolutely ridiculous!"
"I know that Tommy!" Wilbur snapped back. He half sank into the floor, righting himself in his floating state. "Help me get this off."
Tommy wiped a tear from his eye and started to help his older brother get the old binder off. When they were done, Wilbur tossed the offending bit of cloth across the room. "Fuck that." He grumbled, his words contrary to the slight smirk on his face.
Tommy took a step back and stared at his brother. He had changed. Slightly.
"Your flight muscles are coming back?" Tommy said, each word sticking on his tongue.
Wilbur nodded, turning away to look for his sweater. "Dad has been helping me relearn how to fly. Watch this!" He paused and slowly extended his right arm. His right wing smoothly followed the motion, rather than the slow jerky movement that had been ever present since Wilbur's Change.
And for a moment, Tommy saw Wilbur's old golden-brown feathers overlaid over the blued skin of Wilbur's skeletal wing.
"Uncle Wil! Does this mean you'll be able to fly with Dad and Grandfather Philza?" Hetta looked up at Wilbur.
Wilbur smiled and scooped up his little niece. "Soon. And if you keep calling me 'Uncle' I will cry." He gently booped Hetta's nose. Wilbur glanced over at his little brother, who was rubbing at his eyes. "Well? Come on then!" Wilbur said, holding his free arm open for Tommy.
Tommy gladly took the invitation and thumped into Wilbur's chest, drawing an "oof" from his older brother. "Wil, if you cry, I'm gonna cry…" He mumbled.
Wilbur patted Tommy's head. "I missed flying with dad, and I promised that I would fly with you someday."
Tommy nodded slowly. "Yeah. Yeah you did."
End Notes Speaking of binders, don't forget to take a break from yours! I know that it makes you feel much gender, but it's still a tight article of clothing, and your body could use a break sometimes.
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