#i have watch many a video on how your first big project and what not actually should NOT be your magnum opus but a more smaller scaled
famouslysleepy · 11 months
when the main plot line for your Magnus Opus group of ocs is really starting to come together in your mind
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vaspider · 5 months
Okay so someone shared this link on the server for the Chronicles of Darkness game I've been running since 2020 and I looked at the link and went 'yeah right' and then I read the article and went 'hunh' and then I watched the first three episodes of 'Knuckles,' which didn't take long because each episode is about half an hour long, and actually I fucking cried my eyes out at the big fight that is referenced because like... it's ... good, actually?
The show is very silly, and a lot of the humor is very childish, which makes a lot of sense, right, because it's about a fucking video game, but, at least so far, it's an extremely sincere show.
The siblings in this show act like highly exaggerated siblings. Of course adults wouldn't act like this, but it doesn't matter, because that's not really who the show is for. The show is for kids. It's goofy. The heart of sibling rivalry is there. The heart of hurting over a parent who abandoned you is there. The heart of a parent missing a family tradition is there.
The jokes that are made are made with love for Jewishness. Whoever made the food jokes has eaten a lot of gefilte fish and matzoh ball soup. Whoever wrote the episode understands how important it is that nothing puts out the Shabbat candles. Whoever wrote the episode understands the importance of minhagim -- the traditions that are unique to your family, to your synagogue, whatever.
Clearly they're not shomer Shabbos because their traditions include watching movies after Shabbat dinner, but that's not presented as them being Bad Jews -- it's just their family tradition, and that's just how it is.
Mom's bracha for the candles has the 'Adenoy' pronunciation which is so very New York Older Ashkenazi Jewish that it made my heart ache and made me powerfully homesick for the East Coast, since so many of the older people at my old shul used that specific pronunciation.
The fact that they literally centered a pair of Shabbas candles (with what are clearly kosher candles burning!!) in the fight, and the entire fight revolves around those candles? It just hit me right in the middle of the chest.
There's a difference between a show being silly and a show being insincere, and Knuckles is silly but it's not insincere. I will fully admit that I watched the first three episodes to get to the episode entitled The Shabbat Dinner, but you know... I might just finish the series? It's got heart, and all of the actors are clearly having such a good time. It's one of those projects that I refer to as a Summer Camp Show/Movie, where everybody's getting a nice paycheck and having a very good time and not taking themselves too seriously.
Plus, Christopher Lloyd made me laugh until I choked.
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gammasnippets · 8 months
[CHANNEL_9] fromis_9 '채널나인' EP58. Spotlighting🎬 Part.1
fromis_9 Lee Saerom, Song Hayoung, Jang Gyuri, Park Jiwon, Roh Jisun, Lee Seoyeon, Lee Chaeyoung, Lee Nagyung, Baek Jiheon
2,824 words (Unedited)
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It’s the year 2027.
With the immense attention social media content garners these days, K-pop groups must put out a lot of various kinds of content for their fans to stay in their boat. And as of late, some artists are even resorting to a more risqué and sexual form of media just to stay in the game. The morality and ethics of it is something that shouldn’t be scoffed at, as it has sparked controversy around the industry. Others are in favor of it, while some are against it.
But as time goes by, this venture becomes harder and harder to resist as more and more fans are eating all forms of content… Until their perception of it all becomes grayed out.
Being one of the industry's most revered groups, the members of fromis_9 are just some of the artists who started partaking in more provocative and sensual concepts for their content to provide fans with a more sensual form of fanservice. Their agency has always been reluctant to do so, as they had their reputation to keep up. But with many groups competing for the top spot, these nine girls have to “exploit” what assets they have to push themselves higher in the industry.
As the group delved deeper into this sensual rabbit hole, they made a variety of content that fans will surely go crazy about. From music videos that show their bodies in tight, revealing clothes, and a bunch of photoshoots that would make you blush with the sheer sensuality of the outfits and poses that they had, fromis_9 has gone to the world that only the most daring of groups would dare venture in. And being a part of a group of editors tasked to produce content like this, you often find yourself getting a lot of material to jerk off to from these girls.
To commemorate the group’s 10th anniversary, the company has planned a series of special videos featuring the girls for their ever-loyal fans. And after several passes and editing by the other editors, the videos finally came in your email, waiting for a final review to be conducted by no other than you. The pressure is high, as this could very well be the most successful video project yet. As the last editor to get the content, it's all up to you to give it the final touches and make these videos—12 in total— as flawless as possible. With tissues and lotion just within arm's reach, you start reviewing the footage.
You press play on the first video on the list and the unforgettable intro for their variety series “Channel_9” starts.
The episode begins as the camera shows a large studio complex, almost like the ones they have in other countries where they create live-action films and such, panning through the many large structures and beautiful gardenscapes scattered around the area. It then transitions to a drone shot, where the girls can be seen walking through the complex. They pass by large water fountains and flower patches, all the while showing how nice and beautiful the place is. All of them gasped in awe at the sight of the complex.
“This place looks like a big hotel. They could be hiding the rides in those buildings,” says Hayoung.
Seoyeon chuckles. “You mean a theme park?”
“Ah… Right,” she answers.
You can hear all the girls laughing at that short yet funny conversation.
“Unnie,” says Chaeyoung. “We just visited one recently and you still can’t forget about it.”
“That place was fun, though,” she retorts.
“Yeah. You’re right,” Saerom and Chaeyoung answer, almost in unison.
“Wish we can return to that place,” Jiheon tells everyone.
"Maybe the crew's planning to take us to a theme park," Jiwon tells the group as she looks at the cameraman with a smug look on her face.
Everyone giggles at that.
Gyuri then sighs. "There she goes again."
"Watch it get jinxed," Nagyung adds.
Seoyeon laughs out loud at that. "Her plans never work out."
"Ya!" Jiwon protests, "It'll work out this time. Just watch!"
She looks back at the camera again, nodding as if persuading them to agree with her.
However… She got silence for an answer.
Jiwon playfully sulks, making everyone laugh.
They continue to walk through the complex until they've reached the center of a huge courtyard, where the rest of the filming crew is waiting for them. As they are all getting into their respective positions, you see the members getting excited to start shooting the first episode.
"This will be exciting, hmmm?" Hayoung asks them, looking eager.
"I sure hope so," Jisun replies, smiling.
"Oh, me too," says Saerom.
One of the staff members then began to speak up.
"Hello, everyone," the staff member began, greeting them.
The group greeted her back in unison, bowing their heads.
"Welcome to the country's biggest filming facility," the staff member continued.
"Oh! So this is what it is!" Jiheon gasps.
The camera then pans out in a drone camera, giving the viewers another good look of the entire complex.
"This is probably where they filmed that one train movie I just watched," Chaeyoung says in excitement, her eyes sparkling in awe.
Suddenly, Hayoung yells.
"Ahh! Ahh!"
Everyone looks at her, shocked.
"What is it?" asks Saerom.
Hayoung, still looking shocked, excitedly points somewhere far.
"I… I've seen that bench from my favorite drama show!"
"Really?" Gyuri asks.
Hayoung nods.
The camera then pans over to a familiar bench that looks identical to the one in the show.
"It really does look like that one," Seoyeon says.
"Wow, unnie," Nagyung says. "You do know your stuff."
Hayoung smiles and gives her a thumbs-up.
"Anyway… We have prepared a series of challenges for all of you," the staff member resumes.
Oohs and ahhs can be heard from the girls.
“We call these Spotlighting Challenges.”
Another wave of amazement envelops the group.
Hayoung then raises her hand. “Spotlighting Challenge?”
The staff member nods. “These challenges refer to a study about how people behave differently when they are being watched—be it on camera or in the spotlight.”
Everyone nods at the given explanation.
“Ooh. So that’s why there’s ‘spotlight’ in the name,” Chaeyoung remarks, nodding her head.
“Yeah,” Jisun hears her and agrees. “But we’re definitely used to it by now, right?”
Chaeyoung nods back, laughing. “Yeah. This should be easy for us!”
"Every single challenge has different goals and rules to achieve,” the staff member follows up. “All of you must do your best to complete each challenge."
"I see…" Nagyung replies, attentively listening.
"So where are these challenges located?" Saerom asks.
"Each challenge is located at different areas within the complex. There are nine challenges—one for each member."
Everyone is shocked at the announcement.
"Woah! Nine?" Jiheon exclaims.
"Yes, each member has a unique challenge."
"Unique challenge?" Jiwon asks, her eyes wide in shock. "So we'll be alone?"
"Yes," the staff member nods her head. "These challenges can only be completed individually."
A sudden silence fills the air as they process the information.
"Jeez… This is going to be nerve-wracking," Gyuri mumbles, scratching her head.
"I feel the same," Jiheon tells her, her body shaking in nervousness.
"We know you girls will worry about not having each other by your side," the staff member tells them reassuringly. "But we believe in each of your skills and strengths."
"Thank you," Jisun bows, accepting the encouragement.
"Are the challenges going to be difficult?" Chaeyoung asks, curiously.
The staff member shrugs her shoulders and replies in a soft tone.
Everyone then lets out sighs and grunts at the answer.
“Oh dear. We’re done for,” Nagyung frowns.
"But we made each challenge doable for any member," the staff member explains.
Everyone responds with a mixture of relief and determination.
"Well that's good news," she says with a smile.
"I know right?" Jiwon replies, also relieved.
"These challenges will require all of you to be creative. So do your best," the staff member adds.
Those words piqued the girls' curiosity. Some of them begin thinking of what they could mean.
"Be creative, huh?" Saerom asks them, her tone doubtful.
The staff member nods. She follows up with the instructions with a smirk forming on her face.
"And maybe some of your… Physical skills."
A mischievous glint suddenly sparkles in the girls' eyes as they exchange knowing looks.
"Hmmm… I wonder how physical these challenges can get?" Jiwon mischievously suggests with a playful tone.
Her teasing remark sends a wave of laughter through the group, instantly lightening the tense atmosphere.
"Oh, boy. Jiwon's at it again," Hayoung chuckles at Jiwon's suggestive remark.
The group can't help but blush at the playful insinuation.
"Surely it's nothing like that… Right?" Chaeyoung asks, looking dumbfounded at the revelation of their challenges.
The staff member smiles knowingly, making the girls even more intrigued
"Oh, dear…" Jiheon whispers under her breath, her cheeks slowly blushing. "This is going to be interesting."
"Are we really going to do it? Here?" Jisun murmurs, sounding both nervous and excited.
"I guess so," Gyuri responds with a sly grin.
The girls look at each other once again, giggling, as if they're sharing a naughty secret only they know.
"But what do we get if we win?" Nagyung then asks, diverting the topic to their goal.
"We have prepared something for all of you if you win," the staff member replies. "Since there are nine of you, the group will need five members to successfully complete the challenges."
Everyone is intrigued, their curiosity piqued by the promise of a reward.
"What's the prize? Can we get a hint?" Saerom asks, sounding mischievously.
"Yeah! Tell us!" Jiwon follows up, yelling in excitement.
"Jeez, unnie. Tone it down," Chaeyoung playfully berates her.
"Well… Is there anything you girls like?" the staff member asks the group.
Some of the members start thinking of an answer, but the others already have their minds made up.
"An all-you-can-eat buffet!"
"A trip to a theme park!"
"Rent a cinema, maybe?"
"Ooh! Let's go overseas!"
Those are some of the answers the girls excitedly shout out, their enthusiasm shooting through the roof.
The entire staff bursts into laughter at their liveliness and shared excitement.
"I guess we'll have to discuss that later," the staff member says with a smile.
"Alright!" Hayoung replies, pumping her fist in the air.
"I'm actually kinda excited now," Gyuri admits, a joyous look on her face.
"Me too," Jisun adds.
"So please do your best, everyone," the staff member encourages.
Saerom nods, looking determined. "Of course."
The other members nod, too.
The rest of the staff then carries, in front of them, a ballot box. Colorful envelopes can be seen inside the transparent box.
"Wow! So pretty," Jiheon exclaims, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
"That's cute," Nagyung agrees, a smile forming on her face.
"Everyone, please take turns drawing an envelope," the staff member instructs, gesturing towards the box.
The girls eagerly step towards the box one by one, reaching into the ballot box. They then head back to their original spots, envelopes in hand, excitement radiating from each of them. Some are careful in picking their envelopes, while some are swift and waste no time… And some play around with their selection.
All the members seem eager to open the envelopes and reveal the contents. But everyone is waiting for a signal, patiently, as their anticipation builds.
"Please remember that you shouldn't reveal the contents of your envelopes to anyone," the staff member reminds them.
Everyone responds in affirmation as they grip their envelopes tightly, excitement and curiosity swirling in their eyes.
"Okay. You can open your envelopes now."
The members rip open their envelopes, their eyes meticulously scanning the contents.
"Oh. So this is just instructions to where we should head for," Chaeyoung asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
The staff member nods. "Yes. You will be informed about the challenge once you reach your designated location."
She nods back in understanding. "I see…"
"I hope the missions are fun!" Saerom exclaims with a grin on her face.
"I'm more hoping that they're easy," Gyuri chuckles, crossing her fingers.
"That too!" Saerom adds, laughing along with her.
"Ugh! I'm getting nervous!" Seoyeon whines, hopping from foot to foot.
"Pretty sure you can do it," Hayoung reassures her, giving Seoyeon a comforting pat on the back.
"How cute," Nagyung murmurs, giggling at the two.
"So, is everyone ready?"
Everyone responds in unison, their voices filled with anticipation.
"We're ready!"
"Let's go!"
"The Spotlight Challenge has started! Again do your best, everyone!" the staff member announces as she cheers them on.
"Thank you!" In response, the girls bowed to everyone in gratitude.
Each member then reviewed their instructions and began looking around, figuring out where to go.
"Hmmm… I guess I should be going here," Jisun muses to herself, reading the directions on her instructions sheet as she walks off.
"Hey, unnie!" Jiheon calls out to her. "Are you going?"
Jisun turns around and nods. "Ah! Uhmm... Yes."
"Wait! I'm coming with you!" Jiheon decides, running up to join Jisun on their journey.
On the other hand, the rest of the group continued to figure out their destinations.
"Well… I think I'm heading this way," Seoyeon says, pointing opposite to Jisun's direction.
"You're heading there, too?" Hayoung asks her curiously, glancing at her own instructions.
Seoyeon just nods with a sheepish smile.
"Yay! Let's go together!" she excitedly screams as she hugs her.
"Hey! I’m also heading there too!" Nagyung adds, joining in on the hug.
As the trio embraced each other tightly, the remaining members were still working out the instructions given to them.
"If this is here, then…" Gyuri mumbles. "Then this one is… Hmmm…"
"I guess I should be going… This way?" Chaeyoung says, scratching her head in confusion as she tries to decipher the instructions.
"Huh? Chaeyoung-ah," Gyuri calls out.
"Yes, unnie?"
"Are you leaving already?"
"Yeah, I think so," Chaeyoung responds, looking unsure.
"Okay. Do your best, then!" she encourages her, waving her hand at her.
"Will do! Thank you!" Chaeyoung replies cheerfully, waving back at Gyuri. "See you later!"
Suddenly, Jiwon appears behind her, as if peeking at her unnie's instructions. Gyuri quickly spots her and hides her envelope, giving Jiwon a playful glare.
"What are you doing?" the older girl asks, pretending to be annoyed.
"What?" Jiwon acts coy, smiling as if she's innocent. "I'm doing nothing?"
"You aren't supposed to peek at my directions," Gyuri scolds her, wagging her finger at Jiwon.
"No, I'm not," she continues her innocent act, blinking her eyes innocently at Gyuri.
But Gyuri sees through her act and playfully pinches Jiwon's cheek.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Unnie!" Jiwon yelps as she feigns pain.
"Come on now, don't be sneaky," she says with a smirk.
"I'm not! Really!" Jiwon insists, rubbing her cheek dramatically.
Gyuri chuckles. "Alright. Where are you heading?"
"I'm heading that way," she points to the huge building behind the filming crew.
"Ooh. That looks big."
"I bet that's the main building."
"Seems like it. Yeah."
Suddenly, Saerom spots the two, approaches them, and joins in on the conversation.
"So, where are you going?" she asks.
Gyuri is the first to answer, pondering her options.
"I think I'll head to that building and ask around," she says, pointing to the same building Jiwon had mentioned earlier.
"Me too," Jiwon adds, nodding in agreement. "I think my challenge is somewhere in that building."
"I see…" Saerom replies, nodding at their answers.
"So where will you go?" asks Jiwon.
The two other girls nod expectantly.
"Same as you two. To that building," Saerom answers, confirming their choice.
"Oh. Then we all should go together," Gyuri suggests with a smile.
"Yes! Let's all go!" Jiwon exclaims excitedly, grabbing onto Gyuri and Saerom's arms.
Now with all the nine members of fromis_9 walking off in different directions, the view then shifts to a drone shot, showing the immense size of the complex, before showing a slo-mo view from each camera team that follows every member towards their respective destinations. Nervousness and excitement can be read on their faces, adding anticipation for the upcoming events.
All of a sudden, a brief montage teasing the future episodes plays. It showcases the members meeting new people, strategizing for their challenges, and lots of pure, unadulterated sex—the girls letting out screams and moans no one has probably heard. Your heart skips a beat as you process what you just saw. Doing sexy projects might not be new to them at this point, but nothing that's as bold and intense as this is.
You can't deny the creeping sense of unease that you're suddenly feeling. Yet, at the same time, it's an undeniable fact that you are getting excited and eager to see more.
Finally, the screen fades out, leaving you excited to review all of fromis_9's thrilling new series.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
I'm back... I guess? 😅 I apologize for the sudden absence that took more than a year. I left everyone without saying a word. And with that, I would like to make up with a huge series starring all of fromis_9.
Yes. Including Gyuri. 🍊
As ambitious as this might be, and given the fact that I'm not the most creative writer with the most amount of creative juice there is, I'm gonna try and sprinkle a few other stories featuring other idols in between... Just to add variety, and to not bore myself (and everyone) with just one group.
And, yes. I know. I still have 6 more Girls' Generations to write a story about. We'll get there when we get there, okay? It'll happen... When it happens. 😂
A huge thanks to @braaan for the poster! You are too kind. 🫂
And with that, thank you very much for reading! 🙇
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 7 months
It's home cinema manufacturing time! 🏴‍☠️ Gonna put my pirate show on my shelf! (I'm doing an Arts and Crafts Project and I'm making it everyone's problem.)
After seeing how much they cost, I abandoned the idea of getting a Blu-ray writer for now. For the time being, good old DVDs is what it's going to be! My TV is old and not very big, so DVD resolution is gonna be fine.
It's been ages since I last burned a DVD. For the full experience, I'm gonna create nice menus and pretty sleeves for the boxes. Graphic design is my passion! Um.
Well. First needed to find a program to do stuff with. I'm a Linux guy, so I'm using Devede. (Which is free, btw. In case someone else wants to do a low cost spot of putting pirate show on the shelf.)
DVDs fit a maximum of 120 minutes of video. So, four episodes, I thought. But after a quick attempt, the program refused to do more than three (maybe because of the menu also taking up space, and four episodes cutting pretty close to the 120 min mark?). Anyway, three episodes per disc it is. It's a pretty nice runtime for watching the entire disc, IMO. An hour and a half, and then you can return to reality to realise you should probably eat something, or go to bed because it's midnight.
OFMD with its current two seasons has a total of eighteen episodes, which is divisible by three. You get the following setup:
Disc 1: Pilot, A Damned Man, The Gentleman Pirate - That's pretty good, Stede's introduction to piracy all on one disc!
Disc 2: Discomfort in a Married State, The Best Revenge is Dressing Well, The Art of Fuckery - All bangers. Great to watch together, our boys meet and shenanigans happen!
Disc 3: This is Happening, We Gull Way Back, Act of Grace - Many romantic moments, lots of great scenes, shit hits the fan at the end there. Alright!
Disc 4: Wherever you go, there you are, Impossible Birds, Red Flags - ... Pain and angst! What have I done!?! The disc of horrors. Gotta make sure to have tissues at hand when I watch this. But hey, it also has messy bun Ed! Small mercies.
Disc 5: The Innkeeper, Fun and Games, The Curse of the Seafaring Life. - Another disc with all winners. I love all these episodes so much! (You can watch this disc to recover from the trauma of the previous one!) But seriously, this one slaps.
Disc 6: Calypso's Birthday, Man on Fire, Mermen - Great combination again. Season finale! Love and excitement!
... Honestly, except for the psychological damage of putting all the most painful episodes together, this is coming out pretty cool. Says a lot about how good the show is. I actually really love all the episodes (yes even the painful angsty episodes of massive depression). Thinking about this little project really reminded me how much I love this entire show.
So, we got a tracklist, now menus, then we can burn this stuff!
I did the menu backgrounds in GIMP. Realised I have a big folder full of screenshots I took myself, screenshots someone else took and posted on Tumblr, official promo pics for the show, and I have no idea anymore where most of them are from, because I named the files according to what's on them. Which is useful for when you want to find pics (Need a picture of cursed suit Stede? I have files named that, easy peasy!), but not so great if you wanted to give credit to whoever took a given pic you used. (It's probably @sherlockig or @ofmd-ann or @blakbonnet. Please feel credited, your beautiful screens and gifs brighten my day, and some of them are now probably part of my DVD menus. Shrunk down and cropped, but, yeah.)
I originally wanted to structure my menus as having the title of an episode, then some pics from it, then the next episode, then pics from that, and so forth, but I couldn't convince the program to give me the necessary padding between the menu items, so I ended up just putting the episode images below the menu. Still like it.
Anyway, DVD menus can also play sound! Behold a crappy video of my beautiful creation (provided entirely for sound):
It plays Gnossienne N°5!
More crappy pics of my other disc menus:
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Gonna make them some nice sleeves next. Some day. Gotta make sure they all work properly first. So. I'll be on my sofa, watching my DVDs. With menus! (Edit: here are!)
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softerglow · 1 year
how to create a good morning routine
in comparison to a night routine, a good morning routine should be a bit more intensive. the morning should be the time of day where you get the most important or off-putting tasks on your to do list out of the way. there's two different approaches i would take to creating a morning routine, depending on if you're used to waking up on time, or if you have trouble getting out of bed.
the big question:
what do you want to get out of your morning routine? do you want more productive hours in the day? do you want more time to spend with yourself? find your answer and make sure it's a good one. if you don't have a reason that's good enough to get you out of bed, you won't.
the benefits of a morning routine:
starting the day off on the right foot. you have time to regulate yourself and get ready without missing any steps. feeling organized and prepared for the day will help your overall mood as the day goes on. a good morning routine should reduce the stress you feel in your daily life.
punctuality. you know what you need to do, what order to do it in and you're leaving the house on time. many of us have a habit of running late. it's rude and gives the impression that you're unreliable. being on time should always be a priority.
more free time later in the day. you could have more time for self improvement, leisure or picking up new projects if you set up your morning properly.
how to plan a morning routine:
how much time do you have? make sure you have a clear picture of how long you have to run through your morning routine and how much of that time it takes to get ready.
choose what your first activity of the day is. once you've turned off your alarm, you need to stay out of bed. if you have faith in your discipline already, exercise or chores should be first on the list. if you're still adjusting to early mornings or you just prefer a more laid back morning, make yourself an easy breakfast and watch a show or a youtube video. make sure your first activity is something that will get you out of bed, and is not so overwhelming that you're tempted to press snooze.
choose what the last activity of your morning routine is. this needs to be something that will take pressure off the rest of your day. it can change from day to day too, as long as you know what it is by the day before. if you're behind on emails, this is your chance. if you have a speech that's not well enough practiced, practice it. use this time slot to change the mood of your day for the better, get the worst out of the way.
write out a schedule. this can always change later, but you need an idea of what you're aiming for. be realistic in how long it takes to get things done.
example morning routine:
6.00am - 6.30am: yoga
6.30am - 7.30am: shower, skincare, get dressed, do hair and makeup
7.30am - 8.00am: breakfast
8.00am - 9.00am: revise for quiz
9.00am: leave house
other tips:
try to stay off your phone for the first hour of the day. this is to minimize distraction and to make you less dependent on social media. you don't need a rush of dopamine first thing in the morning.
try to drink a glass of water before you go for coffee. being well hydrated helps you stay awake and alert and is a lot kinder to your digestive system than coffee. in addition, caffeine is a diuretic so it's important to drink a lot of water with it.
make sure your breakfast is satisfying in order to maintain energy levels throughout the day. go for protein and fats over carbs first thing in the morning (fats especially if you're taking supplements, several nutrients absorb better when taken with fat). that being said, don't avoid carbs. add a low gi option such as fruit, steel cut oats or certain breads (most grocery stores have low gi options for bread).
most importantly, cater your morning routine to you. being productive might be less important to you than curling your hair just right, or taking your dog for a walk might improve your mood better than getting ahead of your emails. it's your day and you know what will make it good. honour yourself and enjoy your morning.
hi there, thank you for reading this far. this is a follow up post to how to create a good night routine. i'm glad you're all enjoying my blog so far. wishing light, love and prosperity to all <3
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cj-schlatt · 3 months
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Pairing: Schlatt x gn!reader (no pronouns, no use of y/n)
Word Count: ~780
Summary: What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
Content: Fluff, pet names (angel). Schlatt and reader are childhood best friends who recently reconnected :)
A/N: Hi! This is my first attempt at writing for Schlatt. Let me know how I did! :)
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You’ve been stressing ever since you flipped the calendar page over this morning. Your first anniversary with Schlatt is this month, the date marked with a heart, and you have no idea what you’re going to get him.
What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
You’re in your parents’ attic, helping them to clean it up a bit, when you find the answer to your dilemma.
You come across an unmarked cardboard box, which by itself isn’t unusual; you’ve already sorted through a dozen just like it. What makes it special is what you find inside—it’s filled with VHS-C tapes from your family’s old camcorder. You’ve just stumbled upon a treasure trove of memories.
You know for a fact that there is footage of Schlatt within these tapes, from birthday celebrations to stupid “movies” the two of you made together. As you pick up a tape, labeled with both of your names and the date it was captured, you start to form a plan.
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Your childhood bedroom is exactly as you left it when you moved out, down to the old CRT TV and combination VHS and DVD player. After some quick Googling, you’re turning on the TV and popping the first tape, along with a blank DVD, into the player.
Static. Then, a picture comes into view: a grainy scene of a much younger version of you in front of a birthday cake, Schlatt right at your side as he and the rest of the party-goers sing “Happy Birthday” and you blow out the candles. You can’t help but smile at the display.
The video continues, showing you tearing into your birthday presents (with Schlatt right there to help you, of course). You’re transported back to that day, long forgotten until now, where you almost had more fun playing with the wrapping paper and tissue paper than the actual presents you received.
Soon, the first tape ends. If all went well, it should be copied onto the DVD now. You stay up well into the night converting tapes, too excited revisiting old memories to want to continue later.
The next day, phase two of your plan begins, with you uploading the new DVDs to your computer and putting your video editing skills to the test. You’re grinning like an idiot when it’s finally done.
You just hope Schlatt will like it.
You’re pretty sure he will.
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It’s a few weeks later when the big day finally arrives. You can’t even count how many times you’ve had to hold yourself back from giving him his gift early, so excited to see his reaction.
You’re practically vibrating when you lead him to the living room and turn the TV on.
“What’s all this about?” he asks, plopping down on the couch.
“You’ll see,” you say, smiling as you connect your laptop to the TV.
You watch with him as little you and Schlatt are projected onto the big screen. You join him on the couch, listening to your younger self introduce your imagined audience to what the two of you creatively titled “The Dumb Idiots Show.”
You glance over at Schlatt, who is completely glued to the TV. You think you see that his eyes are glistening a little, reflecting the light of the screen, but you don’t say anything, just let the video continue.
The video came out pretty damn good, if you do say so yourself. It had been so much fun reliving these memories, and it’s even better now that you get to share them with your best friend, the one who was with you for all of it.
Eventually, the screen fades to black, and the room falls silent.
“Wow,” is the first thing Schlatt says. He leans back into the couch, running a hand through his hair.
“Did you like it?” you ask, not quite able to keep the nervousness out of your voice.
“Are you kidding?” he asks, voice tinged with disbelief. “I loved it.”
“Really, angel,” he says, pulling you in for a hug.
You sink into the embrace, relief flooding through you.
“I’m impressed,” he says when you part.
“Looks like I’m not the only one with video-making skills around here.”
You grin at him. “I mean, did you see my camera work on episode two of ‘The Dumb Idiots Show?’ I’ve always had a knack for it.”
He laughs. “You oughta start your own channel.”
“Maybe I will,” you say with a little smirk. After a moment, your face softens. “Happy anniversary, J.”
“Happy anniversary,” he echoes, a lovesick smile on his own face as he leans in to kiss you.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! :)
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sillyassboy · 2 months
Benjamin Goofy, let me start off by saying I love what u do and this series has unironically become one of the few great representations of autism in media I’ve seen. Idk if that was intentional or not, but thank you, I genuinely appreciate it and you have no clue lol
Second, take your time with bugbo 5, showrunnng is a tough process, no matter how silly or serious, big or small the cast and production team is. But please promise me you’ll have at least one person have the cast say how fun their adventure in bugbo 4 was. Of course, you don’t have to make them say much, as it WAS a lot to take in, just a little nod back to the last episode is fine, because we can’t just forget an adventure like that, you understand.
Third, how do you feel about Lacey games Lacey games are so cool I have a plush coming in September if you don’t know Lacey games go watch it on YouTube right now or I’m stealing your son bugbo
Fourth, can u say hi to my friend smal real quick? It would make her day lol
I think that’s it, stay safe, take care of yourself, always have fun when making bugbo and any other project you have a passion for, cherish your loved ones because one day we will all simultaneously combust, and remember the most important thing you’ve taught your audience. Say it with me now,
okay bye father thanks for coming back to your children
many thanks for the awesome tumblr ask 🦆🍻 ...I did not intend for bugbo to be autistic representation but I guess that's just the side effect of havijg mostly autistic people (including myself) on the team. our autism mustve rubbed off on the series I suppose
The thing about bugbo 4 is that it's a canon episode but it's also just completely ignorable bullshit that means nothing. its genuinely canon for no reason . its such an annoying video to exist. And yet despite all odds , it is canon because I deem it so. That is the beauty of bugbo 4. We can do whatever we want forever
Lacey games is bloody awesome. i was a fan ever since the first video was posted because tundra first promoted it in a discord server I was in and I was instantly sold
and finally...
Hi smal 🌞
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zweiginator · 3 months
ARARARARARAARA i love the way you write so much, big fan fr
maybe college!artrick even send you like a voice message or something of them jerking off together and talking about you...how much they want you, how beautiful you are, what they want to do to you, how much they want to share you... thinking many thoughts about these two 😵‍💫
and you're kind of a goody-two-shoes!!! you've only ever been with your high school sweetheart. you only really have passionless missionary sex and you don't know any different. you don't know how much it can be fueled by passion and tension. how you should have butterflies in your stomach and you should feel the need to hold back the sounds that threaten to come out of you like a fucking animal--but you've never had to hold back.
so you're having second thoughts about your relationship. because you've never felt those butterflies. but when you're in class giving a presentation you're full of them--not because you're in front of a sea of people, no, because art and patrick are in the front row. they're leaning forward and chewing on peppermint gum and looking you up and down unabashedly. you'd think those butterflies were just anxiety if not for the slippery wetness between your legs.
it makes you resent your boyfriend a little. because he doesn't look at you like that. like he wants to devour you until his mouth is dripping with you.
and you don't want someone who is just going through the motions. you contemplate ending things with him and in a moment of weakness you gave art and patrick your number after class, as they complimented your presentation. asked if you would be willing to help them out with their projects. they'd been so busy with tennis.
you nod. of course you'd help them. you feel awful now, tilting your phone away from your boyfriend as patrick sends you a message. a video.
you excuse yourself and watch it on low volume. your breath hitches and you squeeze your legs together and you don't know what you're looking at until your eyes seem to finally focus and patrick and art's cocks are on full display. you can't see their faces but you can tell who is who by the skin tones, the scattering of hair on patrick's chest and abdomen, compared to art's smooth, almost hairless skin.
and you can see that they aren't touching themselves, no, they are touching each other in long strokes and talking about you. using vulgar words that sound syrupy and sweet coming out of their mouths. talking about your cunt, how soft it must be, how tight. how you'd beg for them because they know you've never been fucked like that before. they chuckle, because they know they're right.
and the video is finished as they do, warm cum coating their abs that flex and pulse and you save the video but delete the conversation.
you touch yourself that night and watch it. you really never do this, but you feel so horny for the first time that you have to. and you realize, after the mere sounds of their voices, as you pretend they're cooing in your ears, is enough to make you cum harder than you ever have before. they're right. of course they are.
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theprismyyy · 8 months
can you make a headcannon of gwen having a introvert or super shy girlfriend?
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend
Gwen Stacy x Fem!Reader
Tw: Nothing, basically just cuteness (not revised)
(English is not my first language)
I feel like this could be better, but honestly I'm not at my best... so I guess that's it, I still hope you like it ❤️
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Gwen with a super shy girlfriend------------ I feel like Gwen is an ambivert type of person, so she can kind of be on both sides of the coin depending on the situation or her mood in day. Either way, this girl would be super understanding with you, always trying her best to make sure you are comfortable in her surroundings.
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend------------ If you were in a circle of people talking and she noticed that you had something to say, she would do her best to help you to integrate into the conversation, in addition to listening carefully to what you have to say.
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend----------- Whenever you are in very crowded places, she keeps her hand firmly attached to yours, arms intertwined, hand in your back pocket, around your shoulder, on your waist or belt strap, in general anything that helps her stay close and not end up losing you in the middle of so many people (she also wants you to have this guarantee that it is there and not going anywhere).
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend----------- If you're the type who's too embarrassed to ask for directions on the street or order your own food, she wouldn't mind doing it for you. But she always tries to encourage you in a healthy way, obviously, to do it alone and be SUPER proud when you succeed, even if you stutter or fumble a little while speaking she still couldn't be most proud of your girl😭 she is your number one supporter.
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend-------- I imagine a scenario where you would have to present a project in class, in front of the whole class and you're like: Internal screams, anxiety, hyperventilating, wanting to faint, cry and vomit all at once. But Gwen is such a supportive and understanding girlfriend that she would never diminish the way you feel about it, and instead of saying it's silly and that you need to learn to deal, she tries her best to set aside at least one hour a day (either in person or via video calls), to help you practice your lines, comforting you and giving you words of support.
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend-------- Who when the dreaded presentation day finally arrived, would sit with you under the stairs about an hour early and just She would let you go over your lines if things were really bad for you, she would help you with breathing exercises and even hold your hair if you were the kind of person who needed to throw up. Regardless of anything, when the time finally came she would be right up front to hear everything you had to say, sussurrando palavras de conforto sempre que você gaguejasse, now...if by chance she doesn't have that particular class with you, make SURE she would be standing at the room window or opening the door to watch the presentation, with a big proud smile and a thumbs up as confirmation that you are doing well.
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend-------- No matter what grade the teacher gave you on that presentation paper, she would be there for you congratulate you and tell you that you were incredible simply for having the courage to go in front of everyone to speak, that this is how you start and that soon you would be doing it to the letter.
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend-------- The beginning of the relationship would be so weirdly cute and funny, this girl is crazy and hungry for physical touch, but you don't know exactly how comfortable you are with that, you're both a shy mess and too embarrassed to ask each other.
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend—------- But things start to flow and work naturally little by little, until you finally reach your first kiss. Gwen would probably be the one to initiate it... and you to walk away, not because you didn't like it but because it was unexpected, like, you were casually at her house at a sleepover, talking and being silly teenagers when suddenly she He leaned over and kissed you, more like a peck since you got scared and went to the other side of the room 😭😭 (you didn't talk about it for about three days).
Gwen with a super shy girlfriend-------- The first time the two of you actually kiss without running away from each other is at an even more random moment, you're in the bathroom, Gwen leaning against the sink counter as you fix your makeup in the mirror. As soon as you finish, you approach Gwen softly, both of you with a silly smile on your face when she compliments some of your makeup, it's just a super sweet interaction before you realize how close you are to each other, how you wouldn't need to lean in so much for touching your lips and how your breaths seem to mix perfectly.
Then they both go in for the kiss…and damn, that's awkward.
A small shy peck, followed by lots of silly giggles that barely allow you to put your lips together properly, hands shaking and not knowing where to rest, your teeth they probably clash a little...but at the same time as it's strange it's also so adorable. Soon you find a little rhythm that is still shy, but more comfortable for both of them, with Gwen holding her face with an almost crushing softness and her (very shaky) hands resting and delicately gripping her waist her. Anyway, a student ends up getting in the middle of this, disrupting this little moment and making the two of them separate like scared cats (you still laugh about that whenever you remember)
© 2023 theprismyyy — please do not copy, translate or repost any of my works without my permission.
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flower-boi16 · 3 months
I think what's actually alarming about Helluva Boss and Vivziepop is that the shower suffers from heavy creator-fan enmeshment, and the writers/Vivziepop don't see themselves as the problem for it. It's like they see themselves as the victims, too, while encouraging their fandom's toxic mindset and behaviors.
The writers/Vivziepop are not only too entangled with their fans, but they're THINKING like fan artists/fanfic writers instead of actually making a show. There's a difference between writers of a show and fanfic writing. When you take up the mantel to create a show you have to carry yourself in a way and write your show with a point otherwise you end up with shows like Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, Miraculous Lady Bug, SVFOE, SPOP, and other shows that fall into that category. Some of them focus more on the shipping than the point of their show to begin with.
What makes a good show is having that distinction or maintaining that professionalism. Creators of shows should NEVER let themselves sink into the cesspool of their Fandoms because they should be focused on their story/message instead of all this shipping/woobing bullshit.
TLDR: Helluva Boss never had potential with VivziePop holding the reigns to begin with. It's too disorganized and unfocused, and with the Fan Enmeshment, it was never going to grow or expand from its fanfic-y feeling. If the creator of the show never grew up, we should never expect the show to grow, too.
Though it is a shame since it could have been charming, had someone more professional taken the show.
Viv definitely was never cut out to handle a big project like this. I’ve said this many times before, but ya, Viv writes like a fanfic writer; everything with how messy the structuring of how her shows is and how poorly they are planned makes me think this.
It reminds me of when I tried to make my first fanfic and just went in without a plan with how to structure it which led to me just abandoning it early on. Viv writes like that.
She didn't listen to criticism of her Zoophobia comic and she still isn’t listing here. She shifted the focus of HB away from the premise to shipping nonsense and now we have this weird mess of a show that doesn’t even know what it wants to be anymore.
Season 2 seems to prioritize relationship drama over the actual premise which caused the show’s downfall. Hazbin feels a bit less fan-ficy but it’s still very messy.
Viv just crams too much shit into too little time which results in the pacing being awful. She paces her shows like a fan fic writer. It feels like she only came In with a small understanding of how show running works and jumped right into the industry because she was excited to show off her gizzalion OCs she had since high school.
Everything about HH/HB feels amateur. I really think that before you get into storytelling you need to actually study how to create good stories, like there are YouTube videos out there you could watch for free that give a run down of what is good or bad writing.
You don’t need to spend 20+ in school to be a good writer but you need to have a basic understanding of how to even write your ideas before you start making stories…which Viv clearly does not.
HB Season 2 in general doesn’t feel like a natural continuation of the first season. It feels like a fan-fic written by a fan after season 1 ended posted on wattpad that the show runners decided to animate and voice into a full season.
Viv should have learned how to run a show before jumping into something as ambitious as this, but she didn’t, and look at what we got.
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cherrynwinesk · 1 year
Not really a fic but any headcanons with this idea? Reader is a big streamer so quackity asked them to join the qsmp server, they kinda talked earlier so they know about each others existence but it's not like they were ever friends. How would quackity act after he started to develop a crush on reader??
🍒:It's very long, sorry
Quackity Headcanon's
Added to QSMP
Story g: sfw
Language: English/Inglés
⚠️: None
CC's: Quackity
Reader g: Neutral reader
📝: All the content is fictitious and an attempt is made to adapt the PUBLIC personality of the cc's, that is, the personality that is shown in front of cameras, I do not know the true personality and any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.
🍒: Hello, writing requests are always open, if you want something in particular, ask without fear. I clarify that English is not my main language, I apologize for any error and accept corrections to improve the quality of the content
Master List
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•The invitation to be part of the QSMP would arrive in your business email
•You would be so busy streaming, editing some videos for YouTube that you hadn't even noticed that email
•Your manager would notify you of this
•You had heard about the server, even watched some clips on tiktok, but you didn't know what the main function was or what it was about, you only knew that Quackity was the owner
•You came to feel confused, you had never had contact with Quackity, you had never spoken, you had never met at any event, so why would he invite a stranger to his precious project?
•You had friends in common, but fate had never brought you together
•You thought about the invitation, since you had many things to do, including creating your plan for the entire week's content on stream and organizing your schedules to be able to edit
•So stay at the highest level where you have always been among the biggest creators in the world
•But you didn't have many ideas currently, so you considered the invitation
•Quackity himself would immediately contact you
•You would like to plan everything directly with the server members so that there are no misunderstandings
•Both would schedule a call on Discord, trying to coincide with your free time
•There was not much communication between you until the day you agreed
•Nothing out of the ordinary, he would explain to you about the project, the creators who are already on the server, he would talk a little about the lore that some members already have
•It sounded very interesting by the way.
•You both got along very well, you were able to communicate easily and there were no problems in your first time interacting
•Agreed on a date on which you will join the server
•The day you would be announced as a member of QSMP Quackity would do his routine stream in Spanish playing a little time with Roier, Ironmouse, Forever or someone
•Then he would raid his main channel and in it he would talk about how he was excited for this new member, since you are a global content creator, and that it meant a lot to have you on his server (being humble)
•Immediately you were announced as part of QSMP, Twitter exploded
•Your name and Quackity being a trend, and it was all because no one expected this good news
•The next day you entered the server for the first time and started with the basics by playing Minecraft, wood, sticks, pickaxe, killing cows
•You immediately made a good relationship with the other members, it was such a relaxed atmosphere
•You have never laughed so much in your life
•Even outside the server that friendship continued
•But you were closer with Quackity
•You two had a humor that complemented each other
•There was no fear of saying something wrong, you could be yourself
•You might not think anything strange, for you it would just be a good friendship like with any other member
•But actually for Quackity it was a little different
•At first Quackity was a little excited that you would agree to be on his server
•First of all cause you are a big cc
•Quackity saw your content a few times, and knew that your personality would fit perfectly into QSMP
•From the beginning he liked the way you stayed active in your streams, never stopping talking, interacting with your chat even though your community was so big
•He even wanted to learn a little about you, because he knew that everything you were and had you got fairly
•You deserved everything you had and he even admired you too much
•He was so nervous about talking to you, doing something wrong or that something in the project wouldn't interest you, since he hadn't even hoped that you would accept the invitation
•Now that you were closer, Quackity started to feel different around you.
•He started to like you, but he still doesn't accept it
•At first he would think that he just likes you too much.
•But the day his sister asked him "Do you like y/n?"
•He'd notice and he'd be like "No, why do you ask that? He/she's my friend."
•Most likely, his sister had to hear about what happened inside QSMP, but you being the one he always mentions, that's why she would come to such a conclusion.
•Besides, Quackity would act very excited when it comes to you.
•"Your eyes shine when you talk about y/n" and his cheeks would be red.
•And Quackity would feel so comfortable with you
•He would really like your personality and that would be what made him fall in love.
•Also the way you bring out his true personality without fear
•Once he realized that if he actually liked you he would start to feel nervous around you.
•He would also go watch your streams while he is busy
•Over time he would also like you physically and too much
•Inside him maybe he would have this obsessive crush on you, but he doesn't want to show it.
•He would worry that you had a partner or that he wasn't your type
•More people around him would realize that he is in love and would convince him to tell you what he feels.
•He would refuse for a long time with the excuse that he is married to his job
•His friends would do him the favor (without Quackity asking) of asking you personal things
•Like if you have a partner, what kind of people do you like for a relationship, being very obvious (maybe Roier who doesn't care about anything or Baghera but she would be more subtle with the questions)
•Quackity would travel to meet you irl
•Once you were together he would try to show interest with subtle compliments
•Like saying you're smart
•Or talk about your hair color and mention that he like people with that color
•You would definitely understand and ask him if he is flirting with you
•He would get very nervous but he knows you got him
•"It's very obvious?"
•"Don't worry Quackity, Roier and Cellbit already told me everything"
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osleeplessflowero · 7 months
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I figured it's time to bring back Classic Sans for a oneshot. Haven't posted about him since Stargazing! My very first Sans oneshot and Undertale oneshot as a whole. - Reader is Gender Neutral as always! Their SOUL type is up to you. - This is a good way to tie these oneshots to another series of mine :)
It's quiet..before a breeze fills your ears. Your senses are overloaded with sound. Soon you can feel the breeze too, gently hitting your skin as you slowly open your eyes and move your hands over the grass beneath you.
How long had you been asleep? What happened? Did you miss anything? Your head is spinning..
A familiar voice pulls you out of your thoughts softly, calmly. Just like he always does.
"heya. glad to see you're back." He greets you with a smile once you look over, just as he always does. You can't help but smile too. Sitting up, you scoot a bit closer to him and abruptly drop your head on his shoulder, to his surprise. "woah there, what's this all about?" He raises a browbone as he looks down at you, feeling your arm move behind his back so you can awkwardly hug him.
"How long was I asleep?" You ask, getting straight to the point. He looks back up, focusing on the rising sun before the two of you. "not much time has passed here since you fell asleep. or, i guess you could say we fell asleep, huh?" He chuckles. "guessing you've had lots of opportunities to explore. i couldn't imagine doing all that."
"..Yeah." You think about places you've been, your consciousness moving about through different timelines and possibilities. It is only right here, in this space, that you can truly remember things..and where you originally came from. You've certainly seen a lot of interesting figures recently. All of them being different variants of Sans, and even his brother, Papyrus. The same two, just..in various different fonts.
"it's kinda weird, when i think about it." You turn to look at him. "how there's so many other mes just..hangin' around in other timelines. that even the smallest decision can make an entirely new form, a new me. up to the point where..it's like i'm a whole other person. they're sorta..physical "what if"s. aaand prove that the timeline theory is real..so..that's complicated. i guess i can see why you like to go see them all. curiosity."
"..Yeah..it's..like a new adventure each time." You earn a nod from him, before you sit up and move so you're in front of him, placing your hands at the sides of his legs. "But..just so we're clear, that doesn't mean I want to see you any less, Sans. You're still you, the original you, that..that I fell for in the beginning." Heat rises to your cheeks, burning even warmer as you watch a shade of blue make its way onto the skeleton's cheekbones to match.
"i mean, i understand if you prefer some variations of me more. i'm not gonna take it personally-" You cut him off, placing your hand on his left cheekbone. He freezes like a deer in the headlights, his eyesockets relaxing a little as he leans into your touch almost instinctively.
"Just because I like to see other outcomes it doesn't mean I'll love you any less. I refuse to leave you behind. I won't leave Paps behind either. I promise."
"seems like a pretty big promise. sure you can keep it?" "I'm absolutely sure." You lean forward, pressing your forehead against his own. "No matter what..you'll always remain in my heart, Sans. The true you, I mean." "why settle for me when you can have so many other mes?" He raises a browbone, a soft smile on his face. "At the end of the day it was the two of you that my heart belonged to first. Nothing will change that." His face is now a prettier, brighter shade of blue..you can't help but smile, seeing him like this.
"You're not making puns." "it's not the time for that." He averts his eyelights, earning a chuckle from you. You lightly tap his cheek. "C'mon..look at me." "i dunno.." "Please?" "what if i fall for you all over again?" You smile. "I'd be alright with that."
He turns his eyelights to you, unable to look away the moment he does. You can hear his breath hitch, the lights shifting into little heart shapes the moment he blinks. "..Can I?..Or would that be too forward?-" You mutter, your face heating up again at the thought. "just get over here, you." He puts his arms around your waist, pulling you a little closer so you can make contact yourself.
You lean forwards, pressing your lips against his teeth..feeling yourself becoming lost in the moment. Your heart pounds in your ears, your faces both madly flushed as you embrace each other's company. Eventually you have to break the kiss for air, softly regaining your breath as he stares at you with admiring eyes. He reaches up his hands, placing them on the sides of your face now. The cool feeling both calms your nerves and makes you even more flushed. "you alright being stuck with me? with us, even?" "Always. Don't ever question that." You smile, earning a grin from him in return as you hear footsteps approaching in the distance.
"There You Two Are! I've Been Looking Everywhere For You!" Papyrus comes to a stop before you, pressing his hands on his hips with his all-too-familiar grin. A few seconds pass before he takes in your states, a smug look crossing his face. "Am I Interrupting Something?"
"nah, you got here just in time. right?" Sans lightly nudges you, earning rapid nods from you in return. If you let him hear your voice tremble or crack you would quite literally die inside.
"so, what's up? something going on?" He asks, putting an arm around you. "I Thought You Might Want To See Our New Neighbors! They Are Quite The Interesting Bunch. And..Oddly Familiar Looking.."
You and Sans give each other a knowing look. "You don't think?.." "awfully convenient timing, universe." "Might as well make a good first impression, huh?"
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tuesday again 8/6/2024
people mad at a video game for being woke, i'm mad at it for not being woke enough. so it goes.
also i wrote a yeehawgust fic
another addition to the "SOMEBODY COME FUCK THIS (GAY)" playlist, thank u charli xcx and billie eilish
im still really annoyed with Retraction Watch for platforming a terf last year and then not doing any sort of sockpuppet damage control in the comments. since they got acquired by crossref they've done way less guest editorials. not to be all "stick to sports!" but stick to sports, retraction watch.
they did introduce me to this substack series i will be following with great interest about the rise and fall of hindawi. wiley acquired a paper mill a few years back, bc they seemingly did zero diligence, and then blithely ignored the problem for two years before being forced to do the single largest retraction of papers in scientific publishing history, somewhere above ten thousand articles because it is STILL ONGOING.
i do love following various retractions bc i like seeing what finally made someone go "wait a minute", and, as i have just written in a cover letter, "I studied astronomy and have held several data jobs because I’m fascinated with how and why systems work and fail..."
my best friend has decided while i'm at her home in the evenings eating her food and bothering her children (for my mental health, it is very important i am fed tiny bits of mushed up banana by hand by her one-year-old), our new project is watching all the xmen movies. i have no particular desire to do this or special affinity for the xmen, and i would like to keep eating very good texmex and bothering her children (for my mental health, it is very important i play hot wheels with the five-year-old). this sounds so super bitchy of me but it's hard to convey that these are essentially on for background noise.
saw the first two. the two things i know about them are that hugh jackman is in them and they're at the statue of liberty in one
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an ideologically baffling little environmental game free in the epic store this week, LumberJack. this is on PC and Switch for $13, which is far more money than the playtime anyone can get out of this game. tiny tiny tiny little Spain-headquartered studio without an active website, it looks like one guy hired out to make this and two more games and then went back to single-dev projects. i can respect that!
steam reviewers are mad at this game for being woke, and i'm mad at it for being woke in a very strange way. your one mechanic, as a bear, is swinging a big axe to remove cars and trailer offices and portapotties and various garbage from the landscape.
i wish the movement and look controls are inverted, and i wish they weren't, or at least had an option to make them normal. i know Why this isn't a mobile game (can't monetize something with twoish hours of gameplay and twenty levels) but it's a very straightforward and simple game that would translate very well to mobile. much like donut county.
now for being picky about the political mindset of the developers: as much fun as it is to be a bear swinging an axe around, lumberjacks are not the people i associate with wild preservation movements.
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saving the land and turning it back into pristine and perfect land for wild animals in this game looks like erasing every hint of human activity from a site and turning it into sheer recreational use. many levels are heavily polluted, but some can definitely be read as recycling centers. im confused by the erasing every hint of humans in early levels, and then this level where you break down a radio station, slap the host with your axe, and she turns into a park ranger who starts gardening and taking care of chickens?
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i don't think that removing all the traces of people from the landscape will magically fix everything, nor do i think simply being in unspoiled wilderness will magically fix me.
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there's a golfing level where you whack bombs into various small buildings. i think golfing to save the environment is a strange choice to make for designing a game.
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i also briefly thought this bird in every level was an extinct ivory-billed woodpecker, which was a little alarming bc there are some real nutjobs out there with very strong beliefs about this bird and government overreach and how much the government is lying to you about the extinctness of various animals.
i stopped playing about halfway through bc i was not having fun and found the underlying environmental message a little confused. they've managed to sell at least 10k units which is...not very good. i am not surprised this is free on epic, and i wonder what their payout for that was. would not be surprised if they negotiated a payment to their nonprofit partner ecologi as part of that.
yeehawgust fill! i have another bitchy blond babygirl!
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what the fuck is the prisoner? cult 60s british spy tv. with all the surreality and anxieties about the cold war and midcentury psychological horror you could possibly want
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He’d been drugged enough times to recognize the splitting migraine rapidly galloping down his neurons. “Where am I?” He fought down the taste of bile (ketamine? xylazine, by the aftertaste) and the rising panic. Oddly enough, the migraine was always worse with veterinary sedatives. One would think a mind would adapt to nearly three hundred years of irregular drugging and constant experiments. One’s body had adapted and ghoulified, but in equally unhelpful ways. The tycoon flickered, approximating an appraising blink. “This meeting has been a long time coming, hasn't it? You've come a long ways, literally and, I suspect, figuratively as well. You’re in the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas.” They’d pretended the prisons were so many different places: across the Continent, in various parts of London, up and down and all around the East Coast of these wretched States. Rarely this far west, aside from the awful escapade in the faux pre-War Western town. “What do you want?” He managed to swing his ankles off the saddle (also pre-War? Heavily used. It certainly wasn’t his, the equestrian event had always been his worst event in the pentathalon) and jolted what felt like every half-dead nerve in his half-dead body.
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odditycircus-2002 · 7 months
This is the same anon who sent you the reaction requests to several music videos as well as the Outworlders stumbling upon an Adult store and I had another reaction request for you. Could you please do a reaction of Medusa Reader and Syzoth accidentally stumbling upon an adult website like Pornhub and watching several videos with the volume set on high so when Johnny and several of the Outworlders as well as a few Earthrealm fighters drop in on them everyone's just having a massive freakout trying to understand what's going on. You wrote how both of them like to watch random videos online whenever they're with Johnny and they just happened to see a link to a video so they check it out not thinking much and after watching several videos they badger Johnny with questions as well and they even get inspired by some videos to try out on their partners later on and both Ashrah and Baraka quietly thank Johnny without telling him why they're thanking him.
A/N: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You always come up with the FUNNIEST scenarios!!! Hope you don’t mind headcanons and your request slightly altered in minor ways😂
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To set the scene, you and Syzoth were in your dressing room in between shoots for Johnny’s latest movie project. One that’s somewhat more physically demanding than either you or your Zaterran friend anticipated. Primarily because of how Johnny keeps demanding dozens of multiple takes for a lot of fighting scenes until he deems it just right. Honestly, it can be tedious.
So now that you and Syzoth had some downtime, you decided to pull out one of the magical devices (this one an iPad), Johnny Cage, which was confiscated initially from you. Immediately you start looking up the sequel to the Predator movie Cage showed you and Syzoth.
"Why would you look up more of that Predator film?"
"Because I found it rather fun to watch despite how frightening it was. You don't have to watch if you don't want to."
Syzoth eventually joins you in watching since, at first, it seemed more like one of Johnny's movies. However, you and Syzoth didn't know how many sketchy ads pop up when using one of these pirating sites. One of these ads includes a woman with her butt front and center looking over her shoulder. You and Syzoth weren't surprised by this as much as you were irritated since it blocked you from seeing the movie. Of course, you go to push the x button to delete the advertisement; however, it was tiny, and so the ad took you both away from your movie to an adult film site.
You're immediately greeted by a plethora of naked women being pleasured by muscular men in every way imaginable. Syzoth shouts at you for clicking the site as he attempts to exit, but the device doesn't quite pick up his heat signature needed to interact with it. So Syzoth just ended up selecting a video about a student wanting their swimming instructor's big dick.
You don't know why you and Syzoth sat through the 40-minute video, nor why you both continued to watch the next one and then the next one, then another. You hypothesized it was because you and Syzoth wanted to absorb how to please your partners, or it was akin to a train wreck. This is true for everyone else, although to varying degrees. See, you and Syzoth were watching the video at full volume, so anyone who passes by your dressing room would be able to hear every moan, whimper, and cry of ecstasy.
When Mileena and Tanya passed by while the video was playing, Mileena immediately stopped dead in her tracks as her entire face turned red when hearing a woman's voice begging for more. Tanya didn't have any of it and immediately turned her Empress around in the opposite direction before walking away.
Kitana lingers for a bit at the sounds, but walks away mortified when hearing you and Syzoth with said noises and thinking that you must be cheating your partners.
Li Mei shouts over the noise that Cage wants you and Syzoth on set soon and to cut that racket out. Also, it is a reminder that public indecency is a crime. You open the door to apologize to Li Mei and promise to turn it down. Li Mei doesn't assume the worst with you, seeing as you and Syzoth have no wrinkle of fabric out of place, and the room smells the same as the other dressing rooms. Syzoth does turn invisible out of embarrassment, though.
However, unlike Li Mei, Johnny Cage does assume the worst especially when you both speak
"I'm not sure we should be doing this, Y/N. I mean, what if we get caught?"
"The door is locked, which should give us some privacy."
Johnny being a bro to Baraka and Ashrah, immediately breaks down the door after hearing all of that.
Johnny's accusations die in his throat when he gets a good look at the porn video playing on the IPad he lent you, with every noise of flesh slapping flesh echoing in the now silent room. You're the first to break the silence.
"So Cage, I have a few questions about-"
Johnny then turns around and walks the fuck away from the room. But then turns around to swipe the iPad from you again. He states that the next time you have it back, there's gonna be full parental controls on it. Then, the action star runs out when Syzoth tries to inquire about the videos he saw.
A few months after you and Syzoth stumble upon those porn videos, Johnny Cage is once more in Outworld for some research for his next project and to shoot some of the locations. When he ran into Ashrah, she seemed to be on cloud nine, more or less. Cage thought it was because the former demon was closer to absolution. The action star, now director, finds himself dumbfounded when Ashrah shakes his hand with a grateful smile on her face, stating that Cage has her deepest gratitude. Johnny is left even MORE befuddled when he later runs into Baraka, who just gives him a curt nod with a slow blink of his eyes.
What Johnny didn't know was that you and Syzoth took what you learned from those porn videos and applied them to your respective partners. You don't know about Syzoth, but you can confidently say you have no regrets about stumbling upon those sites if it meant bringing Baraka to Nirvana in ways you could never have initially thought of.
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Scared to Commit to Dream Project
xuliaxuxu asked: I'm an aspiring author who has been writing for a long time but never actually committed to my dream project because it scares me. I've read a lot about structure, good character development and arcs, and how it all works, but I'm still scared of not being able to write a story I'm proud of. Do you have any tips on how to get through the outlining process and first draft without feeling so much pressure on your shoulders? And are the first steps in writing a novel where you have so many ideas but don’t know how to organise them? It’s been a lonely process since I have no writer friends to talk about these specific struggles. Thank you for your lovely work here on tumblr it has been inspiring me a whole lot!
[Ask edited for length]
If it's any reassurance, the fact that you've been teaching yourself about structure and character development puts you ahead of a lot of writers when they first start out. But it's also a bit of a double-edged sword, because that knowledge raises the bar for what you expect to be able to accomplish. And unfortunately, having the knowledge doesn't mean you can instantly apply it perfectly. You still need to practice applying that knowledge before you can get really good at it. It's sort of like this: if you wanted to get really good at hand lettering, you could watch hours and hours of videos about how to do it... you could learn about the different techniques and the lingo, etc., but that doesn't mean you'll be able to do flawless hand lettering the first time you pick up a brush marker. You'll still have to actually practice those techniques for a while to get really good at it. Writing is the exact same way. And that can be frustrating because you know what you want to accomplish, and you have the knowledge to get yourself there, you just don't have the actual skills to actually get there yet.
So, here's what I recommend... keep the dream project on the back-burner for now. You can still work on the pre-planning (because even that qualifies as practice), but in the meantime work on other projects to get the practice in. There's a little bit of sacrifice here because you should find ideas you're excited about, but you have to write them knowing they're not going to be your best work. And that's fine, because writing them doesn't mean you have to share them or publish them. You can write them and keep them on the shelf as a reminder of the work you've done along the way. You can also revisit favorite projects later to revamp them with a more practiced skill set.
Working on something you're excited about and love--but which has the leeway to be not your best work--is the absolute best way to take the pressure off yourself when outlining and getting through the first draft. Once you've done this a few times and you know you're getting the hang of it, you can revisit your dream project, and just the fact that you know what you're doing will take a ton of that pressure off. Another thing that will help once you get to that point is remembering that your outline and first draft don't have to be perfect--and they won't be. Part of the writing process is having the flexibility to change things as you go, to tweak and improve, even into the later drafts. Developmental editing wouldn't exist if your outline and first draft had to be structurally perfect. :)
As far as organizing a lot of ideas, you might find it helpful to find a story planner of some kind. These exist as web sites (Novlr), apps (Fabula), programs (Scrivener), workbooks (Outlining Your Novel Workbook by K.M. Weiland), and you can even find time for download on Etsy. You can probably also find free ones to download if you can't spend any money. If nothing else, get yourself a multi-subject notebook and divide it into sections like plot, characters, world, brainstorm and get all those ideas out into their individual sections. Even that can make a big difference.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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podfeels · 3 months
Podfeels Season 1 Retrospective
4/13/2024 marked the two year anniversary of Podfeels’ first airing, and in August, we will celebrate the three year anniversary of its inception as a project. It feels so strange, looking back on it all. To me, it feels simultaneously like its always been in my life, and also like it just started yesterday.
I’ve spent nearly three years now spearheading this project, and we’ve expanded from a team of ten to a team of thirty in that time, and have put out roughly four hours of highly produced, full cast, full sound effect audio drama.
That may not sound like much, but for a team composed almost exclusively of first timers at its inception, and with two big hiatuses out of everyone’s control, I’m pretty damn proud.
With Season 1 ending back in January, us currently in the exact two month midpoint between anniversaries, and Season 2 being worked on behind the scenes, I thought now would be a good time to release a bit of a retrospective on our first season. Talk about the process, what went wrong, what went right, and also release our assets for the public.
I’m splitting this into three sections so you can skip around based on what you give a shit about. 
Looking 8ack
Reminiscence about how I got into godfeels through a series of insane coincidences that make my heart feel warm.
2. Adapt8ion
Discussing the process of adapting the work into our medium.
3. Portr8s, 8ackgrounds, and Sound8ites
A release of Season 1’s art and sound assets for your perusal outside of the videos, use as desktop wallpapers, or what have you. 
Looking 8ack
In March 2020, I got covid for the first time. My workplace had no protections for it yet, so I lost my job. And while bedridden with covid, subsisting off a diet of lukewarm broth, saltines, and nyquil, I set my youtube Watch Later (ok, thats a lie, it was my Likes, which i used ((still use)) as a watch later instead of using the actual watch later function, BUT-) playlist to shuffle. And in this fugue state, I stumbled on the video that would completely change the trajectory of my life.
“What I Learned Writing 50,000 Words of Homestuck Fanfiction”, by Sarah Zedig. I vaguely remembered her from some video about the McElroys and from Hbomberguy’s stream, and I had put off watching this because at the time of its release, I hadn’t yet finished Homestuck. So I shuffled it away for later, and it found its way back into my lap at the perfect time. Having now finished the comic, read the Epilogues, actively reading Homestuck ^2: Beyond Canon, and five months in to my first ever real creative outlet in my semi-abandoned video essay channel, I was interested to hear what this goat had to say.
In the video Sarah went into detail about a ton of wider context about the Homestuck Renaissance that I was fully unaware of, and made a very strong case for her own postcanon work, godfeels. Her passion bled through and I figured, sure, why not, I’ve got nothing better going on, I’ll read the story of Spiderjeggings’ No Good Very Bad Transition. Why not!
55,660 words later, crying alone in bed, I was now a girl. Reading the scene of June making her list of wants the morning after Terezi’s return, I said out loud to myself, hoarse as can be, “I can’t put it off any longer.” 
After reading to current I ended up joining the godfeels fanserver, and from getting settled in these circles I’ve met so many people I wouldn’t have otherwise, and come into myself in ways I can’t begin to fully quantify. I went from one relationship to fourteen to now a stable four, the other person in my head shook back loose after a decade of suppression by me (sorry again, Aegis), I’ve become more cultured, I’ve gained more friends, I’ve gained more hobbies, and most relevant of all… I’ve gained Podfeels.
Podfeels proper actually started in a really funny and impromptu way. In Sarah’s video she mentions wanting to start a podfic adaptation of it, but with that being two years past with no more word, a conversation about it cropped up in the server, and it was revealed that it had been canceled for various reasons. Everyone immediately understood why that had to happen. It was an insane amount of work, especially now that Godfeels was entering the territory of a space opera. But the demand was there among all of us, and after almost a dozen loops of us all going “drat, would be cool. I wish someone would take the helm on that!”, I just went ALRIGHT I GET IT and opened up casting. Podfeels was actually originally a joke name made by someone in the server before I even entered the conversation, but we used it for so long during development that by the time we came to release day it just felt wrong to call the project anything else. The name just stuck.
After a few hours of people daydreaming about it happening, and me encouraging other people to take the helm, I finally gave in and opened up casting. Now, it’s important to understand, I had never directed ANYTHING like this before in my life. I made a really terrible sketch in high school theater class and that’s about it. I’ve always been a bit of a natural leader but never anything with the kind of scale this would require, and it showed. I crowdfunded almost all ideas for what to do and how to handle it, and my best idea for how to do auditions was “just send in a few lines of you doing whatever character you want”. And my language was… insufferably fawning. I was hedging my bets at every opportunity. Every development in the project was “tentative”, I was the “director” until someone else took charge, etc. Looking back its actually kind of adorable? 
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Look at that sweetheart. She’s so scared. She has no idea the beautiful changes she is in for.
The casting process was an unmitigated DISASTER. Nobody there knew how to audition, and I didn’t know how to wrangle. We were an unstructured gaggle of doofasses stumbling into each other. And due to the limited pool, I was stretched kind of thin on where to put people. Obviously I stand by all our decisions and love our cast, but because I was pulling entirely from the fanserver, options were very limited. I wanted to get everyone who wanted one into a role, but having to do the math of “this person is 40% good at Character A and 60% good at Character B, but this OTHER person is 80% good at Character B and the closest runner up for Character A is only 35% good” was agonizing.
We ended up deciding to make a few demos first, to test our chops as actors and mine as editor. We had four planned. But after we fully produced our first two demos and had recorded the third… I decided we should immediately start chronological production.
Why did I make this decision, you ask? Well. We had a few months until 4/13/2022. If we immediately all went overdrive, me especially, we had the chance to get our first episode out on the 13th 4/13 anniversary of Homestuck, and like HELL was I about to let us pass that up. 
This was the right call, I think, but it did bring us into a BUNCH of complications. First off, it meant we never really tested our violence and drama chops on the houseraid. Second, if I had waited, we would have been able to dodge our first big hiatus, where I put us on pause for a couple months while we waited to see if our Terezi wanted to leave after she floated the idea, which she ended up doing. If we had stayed in prepro, we would have skipped a huge hiatus and not replaced a key character between episode one and two. It also meant that we didn’t fully solidify an editing pipeline, and I was handling practically all editing until around episode 3. Additional prepro time would have helped us iron that out, as well, rather than me breaking myself on the first couple episodes before bringing in help out of desperation. This rush ALSO led to us having to release episode 1’s video around a week after the audio’s release, and with a fucked up background because I was crunching so hard I didn’t notice I’d accidentally completely butchered John’s bedroom somehow! I think I somehow content aware filled the wall? Fucked if I know why!
This is an abridged version because I want to get us to the meat of the matter today and I feel a lot of the longer story is best saved for a video I plan on making down the line, when we’ve reached 50 hours of runtime. For now, let’s move on.
A few folks have asked for indepth adaptation notes for what we change in an episode and why. As a general rule, we make changes with three primary motivations. First, adjusting text-based ideas to sound-based. Godfeels plays with its medium in countless compelling ways that, when shifted to a different medium, are either clunky or incomprehensible. So our first job is to translate those into sound. Second, turning narration into sound effects. We don’t need to discuss sounds in the scene, or a character’s tone, when we can just hear it all ourselves now. This then expands into further issues, however, as some things DO need to stay as narration. There’s a lot of pathos in the narration, and often there’s details that can’t be conveyed through audio alone. But by removing just the audio cues, we are left with very clunky phrasing that does our source material no justice. So we have to rephrase entire sections to give them the same resonance, meaning, and clarity while also getting rid of all the things that are now extraneous in our medium. The third main type of edit is bringing it more in line with what comes later. Godfeels has been running a long time and has become a very different beast from where it began. I love this about it, but some ideas have ended up with insufficient preparation, and some thematic resonances are easy to see looking back but may be partially unintentional. We can take advantage of hindsight and bring certain things more in line with the work’s modern philosophies, such as putting an additional focus on the citizens of Earth C, introducing X as its own entity, playing with Dirk more as a villain, and introducing the question of “what happens to the leftover Junes in a retcon?”, all during Episode 6. 
I’ll be releasing a few other posts soon with detailed adaptation notes for every episode in the coming days, but I’ll leave it here for now and bring us to our final section-
Portr8s, 8ackgrounds, and Sound8ites
While the idea for video versions was a relatively late addition to our process, I’m very proud of the work everyone has put into making them what they are. Our art team and video editor do wonders. First up, we’ve got the talkpogs.
The talkpogs were my own invention, but I can hardly claim they’re an original idea. I’m sure something almost identical has been done before. What directly inspired me, though, was the old Polygon podcasts, where they’d have the hosts faces made out of polygons, with one loose and separated, synced to that host’s audio track. It was the first time I’d seen something like that and I knew I wanted something similar to indicate who was talking. From there it all fell into place pretty easily. The outer ring and the waveform is the character’s text color, and the background is their name color. If those two are the same (as they usually are), I apply a slight darkening to the background just for differentiation. The sprites, though, were all the art team. Unfortunately we didn’t have a base early on, so different artists drew to different scales. 
For the art style I told the artists to try to strike a middleground between Homestuck classic and girlpillz’s style which had just been shown in GF3.1.8.E, where godfeels got its first spritework. Otherwise, designs were largely up to the artists but we had conversations about them as a project. Overall I’m very satisfied with the work everyone turned in.
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Backgrounds were a more complicated beast, but paradoxically also have less to talk about. We started out with one background per episode, which was pretty doable, but with the season 1 finale, and our expanded art team, we opted to expand out into a background per setting. The first two are just Pesterquest backgrounds I edited by hand, but after that we started having custom art. That was largely due to restraints lifting as the team grew, but it also turned out pretty good thematically, as the first episode with custom art was Episode 3, where June’s egg cracks. We left official art behind as June left the officially plotted course. I think it’s resonant.
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Now we come to our latest introduction. KEY ART. We started doing this in Episode 6 and it’s so sick. Don’t expect these inclusions to be TOO common, but… we have some cool things in store here, and I think you’ll all be really excited to see ‘em. For now, here’s our first and so far only public piece of key art, Dirk menacing June against the tree. The final piece of art of Season 1, and the final piece of art of Season 1’s retrospective. It only seems fair.
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Which now brings us to my own inclusion: sound assets. I’m very proud of the work I’ve put in to giving each character and concept their own unique aural profile. From the magical girl burning radiation of Jade’s magic, to the shattering static of June’s retcon, to threading the needle of Hammer, Sword, Plastic Toy, Dice, And Doomsday Device in June’s vrillyhoo. 
That’s all for today. In the coming week or so I’ll put together a few more posts, going over each episode in more detail, from point by point script edit notes, to specific art discussions. I also plan to bring in a few people who have been around since day one to talk about our experience setting up the project.
But for now, look forward to seeing more from us soon. Both in the upcoming devposts, and in Season 2. We've been on a hiatus to get our preproduction pipeline settled, and because we wanted to get a few episodes prepped so we can try to maintain a monthly schedule. But we're getting to the end of this phase now, and will be announcing Episode 7's release date very soon.
Until next time! :::;)
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