cj-schlatt · 2 days
not a song fic, but the vibes for this drabble are: > parfum d'étoiles - ichiko aoba > the fear of losing this - florist
thinking about sleepy afternoons with schlatt, where neither of you have the energy to do anything but lay in bed, reveling in each other's presence.
being swamped by the sheets and laying skin to skin with him, him either playing with your hair or humming a soft tune to you. your head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat thrumming a steady rhythm against your head. subconsciously trying to sync your own breathing with his.
the sunlight pours through the window, casting a golden glow on your bodies. the sheets are cool, yet the day and schlatt's body against you are so warm. the mere thought of this moment ever ending is torture in itself.
whatever tasks were on today's to-do list are a distant memory now. as schlatt's arms encase around your frame, your knowledge of just how deep your love for your big guy runs is only further solidified.
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cj-schlatt · 2 days
soft, slow, sleepy sex with schlatt in the morning is a need
just watched the new video and i fear i am inspired to write this finally sorry for taking so long! (nsfw, afab!reader, also creampie fyi)
schlatt, slowly sinking into you, the soft pelting of the rain against the windows of the hotel room.
a grey morning in japan, his arms wrapped around your waist as he fucks you from a spooning position, cock easily sliding in and out of your warm pussy as he fucks you awake. you groan into the silk pillows, holding onto his strong forearms as the flesh of his hips presses against yours, as deep as he can go.
his warm breath against your back as he sighs, whimpers coming from your lips as you squeeze around him, your head falling back against his as you whine out. "jay, fuck," it's gutteral and laced with the roughness of the morning, feeling the agonizing pressure of him fucking in and out of you.
"gonna cum, baby," he kisses in between your shoulder blades, before his hand comes up to cup your breast in his rough hand. he pinches your nipple slightly, earning a small yelp from you, as you reach down to cover your hand with his. "gonna fill up my baby."
you moaned at the thought, sucking one of his fingers into your mouth as he sputtered and pulled his grip tighter around you, your hips moving just slightly to curve into him as he moaned into the soft skin of your shoulder. you felt his kisses pepper your back, a string of "f-fuck, baby, oh, mmph, fuck," as his thrusts slowed and his finger released from the confines of your lips.
he caught his breath, holding you against him when you went to clean yourself up. "stay, please," his softening cock inside of you, pushing your hair from your shoulder as you turned to look at him. fluffy hair and sleepy eyes, he kissed your puffy morning lips, hands loosening to hold your belly and thighs in his hands.
"good morning, angel." you hummed into his kiss. "good morning handsome."
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cj-schlatt · 3 days
✭ 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐭. 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆.
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✭ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: schlatt shares a secret with you, and an unexpected groomsman shows up early.
✭ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: a little ted x reader 😏
✭ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: ~1.8k
✭ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: eeeeeee part three is finally here! it’s a little bit of filler but, like, meaningful filler. enjoy! 🩵
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You don’t want to be a buzzkill, but it’s hard to regulate your anxiety after the snake incident. Making your way back down the trail, in the same direction you came, proves to be pretty difficult when you have no idea where the snake fucked off to. Amelia holds your hand, leading you down the trail, but once you get back to the exact spot the snake was before, your legs start to turn to jelly.
“Do you want Schlatt to carry you again?” Amelia asks, and you see Schlatt pause in front of you.
“No,” You answer, probably too quickly, but you can’t help that. It was bad enough he felt the need to carry you in the first place, you aren’t about to embarrass yourself a second time by needing him. “I can do it, it’s okay.”
“Okay…” Amelia trails off, clearly struggling to believe you — and honestly, you don’t blame her. You’ve slowed down a significant amount since coming upon the spot.
“It’s okay if you can’t.” James says over his shoulder, before stopping. “Snakes are scary as fuck. We get it.” He gives you a comforting smile, “Come on, I’ll carry you this time. It’ll be good for me, since I’m skipping the gym this week.”
You narrow your eyes at him and his eyes go wide. “Oh my God, no I didn’t mean it like that, I swear.” He puts a hand over his heart and a laugh bubbles up and out of you. James has always been good at easing tension.
“Come on wit’ it, girl,” James beckons you to him with a playful grin before squatting down like Schlatt had before. You hop onto his back with ease, and he does a few more squats to show off, winking over at Amelia, who rolls her eyes. “Oh, yeah.” He nods, “I’ve still got it.”
“Alright, enough fuckin’ around,” Schlatt says, a hint of a scowl on his face, “We’ve got other shit to do.”
“Damn. Okay, Captain Cranky,” James mutters under his breath, falling in step behind Schlatt. Amelia shoots you a confused look, one that says, ‘What’s his problem all of a sudden?’ and you just shrug. You know Amelia was probably feeling hopeful that whatever issues you and Schlatt have with each other had just melted away in a single moment.
But you know it would take a hell of a lot more than that.
The next few hours go by surprisingly well — Schlatt keeps his distance on the beach and the boat, though there was a small moment where you feared he might shove you off of the boat, but you digress. As long as he continues to keep his distance, you’re perfectly content.
Except maybe you’re not.
There’s a small, little, itty bitty part of your heart that clenches as you recall how Schlatt had immediately come to your rescue earlier today, no questions asked, doing the most to make you feel safe. It would have been so easy for him to ignore your fears, to laugh in your face and tell you to get the fuck over it — and you’d expected him to do just that, but he’d put aside whatever his problem is with you to take care of you.
You feel like you should say something about it when you return to your rooms, thank him again, maybe, but the disdain in the way he said, “Don’t mention it.” plays on a loop in your head.
So you don’t. Instead, you follow several feet behind him, completely brushing past him as he sticks his card key in the slot of his door. He doesn’t spare you a single glance.
When you get in your room, you peel off your wet clothes and take a shower before changing into something dry and comfortable. Amelia and James are off doing couple-y things, so you have some time to yourself. You think about going out and exploring, but after the morning you’ve had, you think better of it. You need some good ol’ fashioned R&R right about now, and that balcony view is calling your name.
You grab your book and your headphones, heading out onto the balcony. You’re pleased to find that Schlatt is nowhere to be seen. You make yourself comfortable in one of the chairs, kicking your legs up onto the glass table and putting your headphones in. You press play on your favorite playlist and open up your book, immediately getting lost in it.
You read for a good hour before you just barely hear the sound of the sliding door of Schlatt’s room opening in between songs. You don’t look up, simply ignoring him as he comes outside.
That little voice in your head won’t shut up, though — the one that says you should thank him again. After thirty more minutes of distracted reading, you very discreetly pull one headphone out of your ear, turning the volume down on your phone. You look up to see Schlatt lounging in one of the chairs, with one hand resting behind his head, using the other to scroll aimlessly on his phone.
“Hey, um,” You speak up, and you see Schlatt’s eye just barely move to look at you through his peripherals. “Thanks, again, for earlier. I really appreciated it.” It’s hard to get the words out, and you can tell Schlatt clocks the strain in your voice, but you get them out nonetheless.
“It’s whatever.” Schlatt says with a shrug, not bothering to look at you.
Your lips press into a thin line as you get exactly the reaction you expected to.
But suddenly, Schlatt’s sitting up and turning to face your balcony. “Mel didn’t know you’re afraid of snakes?”
You bite the inside of your cheek, shaking your head. “Nope,” you say casually.
Schlatt’s scowls over at you in confusion. “Y’ never told her?”
“If she didn’t know, then chances are I never told her, no.”
Schlatt ignores your smart remark. “So, what, I’m the only one that knows?”
You pause, resisting the urge to huff out a frustrated sigh over this conversation. You wish Schlatt would leave it alone. You hate being reminded that Schlatt knows you more intimately than most.
“I’m the only one that knows.” Schlatt says in realization, and you turn your head away from his gaze to look at the view, hoping he can’t see the way your cheeks grow pink.
A beat of silence passes between the two of you.
“…I’m claustrophobic.” Schlatt utters, switching his own gaze to look over the ocean. “Have all kinds ‘f fuckin’ nightmares about being trapped in small spaces.”
You keep your eyes on the horizon. “I didn’t know that.”
“Nobody does,” Schlatt tells you, standing up from his chair. “Now we’re even.” He says, before disappearing back into his room.
A couple hours later, you’re almost fully finished with your book when your phone pings.
> wedding partaaay! 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️
> from: ams 🩵
>> put your dancing shoes on, friends! we’re leaving in an hour! 💃🏻
You give a heart react to Amelia’s message, standing up from the balcony to head back inside to get ready.
You cycle through the outfits you’ve packed, trying to figure out what you should wear. When they’re all laid out on the bed, you snap a pic of all your options and send it to Amelia for feedback.
> from: ams 🩵
>> wear the one with the red top. makes your tits look fuckin awesome.
You snort out a laugh, sending her a thumbs up emoji before setting your phone down to play some music while you get ready. You really go all out, taking your time to get yourself all pretty to enjoy the evening. Who knows, maybe you’ll capture someone’s attention on the dance floor. Anything’s possible.
When you’re finally ready, you snap a quick pic of yourself in a couple different poses, and then you grab your purse and head out the door. As soon as you close the door behind you, the door to Schlatt’s room opens, and he stops suddenly, his eyes drifting down your body. You brace yourself for the sleazy bullshit about to come out of his mouth.
“Y’ look nice.” Schlatt says, surprising you. You quirk an eyebrow.
An awkward silence descends over you, the two of you just awkwardly standing in the hallway. It gets to be a little too much, so you make the first move to step away from him to head to the elevator. He follows after you, and the two of you get into the elevator together.
It’s silent again, and you realize just how small elevators are. You look up at Schlatt, pursing your lips.
“So…” You start, “Elevators. They scare you?”
Schlatt almost smiles but it quickly turns into a neutral expression. “Nah. Like, maybe if it got stuck for a long time, but I can handle a minute in ‘em.”
“Hmm.” is all you say in response.
Amelia lets out a long, “Okaaaay!” as you stride up to her on the outskirts of the lobby, striking a pose, which then prompts James to play paparazzi for a second, taking so many up close photos of you and Amelia together with his phone. You both dissolve into giggles at the silliness of it all, and all of the craziness that’s happened today washes off of your shoulders. You’re fuckin’ ready to party.
Schlatt stands off to the side, checking his phone, and James all but tackles him and wraps an arm around his shoulders, shaking him excitedly. “Get pumped, bro!”
Schlatt laughs, shimmying out of James’ grip, “I’m pumped, dude.”
“I’m super fuckin’ pumped,” You hear a deep voice behind your little group, and you spin around to see Ted with his arms wide open. “Surprise!”
“Teddy!” You and Amelia call out in unison, both rushing him for a hug.
“I thought you weren’t gonna make it until later this week!” James says, and Ted beams, his arms around you and Amelia’s shoulders.
“What can I say, I’m persuasive,” Ted says, “Managed to convince my boss to let me come out early.” He looks down at you and Amelia and then over at James. “You guys look good as fuck. What are we doin’?”
“Clubbin’,” Amelia grins up at him. “You in?”
“Fuck yeah, I’m in.” Ted nods, pulling away from the two of you. “I gotta find somewhere to change, though. My room’s not ready because I showed up too early.”
“I got you, man,” Schlatt says, clapping a hand on his shoulder, “You can bunk with me for a few days.”
“Hell yeah, dude,” Ted nods, grabbing his suitcase, “Lead the way.”
“We’ll meet you at the club, I’ll send you the address.” James offers.
“Sounds good.” Ted responds, turning around to follow after Schlatt, but before they get very far, he turns back around.
“(Y/N)!” He calls out, and you turn around to see him smirking at you. “Save me a dance.”
Ted winks at you and you blush, nodding your head to promise him that dance.
You don’t see the way Schlatt’s face contorts with jealousy.
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cj-schlatt · 3 days
fake dating schlatt at a wedding? mayhaps?
this one has been sat in the inbox for a while and i've been working on it but i'm gonna post a lil snippet. let me know if you want more bc i like this idea :)
“No, absolutely fucking not.” He says, staring you down as though you had grown a second head.
You sigh. “Please. I’m begging you, Ted already said no!” You look over at him, his brow is furrowed and he’s leaning forward, hands clasped together as he stares right back at him.
He raises an eyebrow at that though. “You asked Ted first?”
Head cocked to the side, you give him a confused expression in response.
A moment of silence weighs heavily between you. You aren’t quite sure if he’s offended that you asked Ted before him. Your eyes plead with him silently, fingers crossed on top of your lap.
“I’ll pay for everything?” You offer. A desperate last offer. “Flights, accommodation, drinks, food. Literally everything.”
He rolls his eyes, leaning back into the couch, a loud sigh escaping his lips. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
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cj-schlatt · 3 days
Could I be 🥝if it isn’t already taken?
Okay okay okay
Musician!reader who’s under a pretty strict contract with a major label, she isn’t really able to get out much and live a casual life.
While out on the street minding her own business she bumps into Jschlatt who has no idea who she is— like wise she has no idea who he is either. The two are able to get close because neither feel the pressure of being some sort of influencer around each other.
Reader’s agents being mad that she’s dating him because he is NOT good for the brand. Similarly some of her fans getting mad about the rumors she’s dating him because “she’d NEVER hang around someone like that”
Heavy please please please by Sabrina inspo
OH I AM EATING THIS UP, 🥝 (i just scrolled back up and realized you said “minding her own business” which this technically is but i made it so dramatic and rom-com-y, hope that’s okay!) (hi, me a second time. this went so far off the rails because i was having so much fun) (me again. i blacked out.)
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you’re in new york for a week, opening for a pretty big artist currently on a stadium tour who has three shows in the city this week. these days, it’s rare that you’re in the same city for more than 24 hours, and you thank whoever is up in the sky that you get a little reprieve from the incessant travel.
the not great part is that your management doesn’t want you out of their sight for any reason. you’re just getting big, and it’s important you maintain the brand they’ve curated for you, which means no going out and doing anything fun. you are america’s sweetheart, and they can’t have anything screwing that up.
that doesn’t mean you always play by their rules, though.
you’ve been looking for an out all day. you’re sitting in the back of the car with your manager, who keeps taking phone call after phone call as the car idles in standstill traffic. you peer out the window longingly, and then it hits you. why not just fuckin’ bolt out of here?
you very discreetly unbuckle your seatbelt, slipping it off as gingerly as possible. your manager doesn’t suspect a thing, too busy staring out her own window at the traffic, growing more annoyed by the second.
in a flash, your fingers wrap around the handle of the door, throwing it open and taking off into the street. you don’t look back, but you hear your manager angrily calling for you, but her voice gets quieter and quieter as you run further and further away from the car.
you keep running for as long as you can, zigzagging through the crowds on the sidewalk, peeking behind you every few seconds to make sure you’re not being followed by your team, especially since you’ve slowed down significantly. you turn your head to check again, and because you aren’t looking at what’s in front of you, you run right into someone. you just barely clip their side, catching one of your feet on their leg. you brace yourself to smack into the ground, but two hands quickly grab onto you, catching you before that happens. you look up and see what might possibly be the hottest man you’ve ever seen.
“whoa, where’s the fire, toots?” he asks. “you’re lucky i have such quick reflexes or you woulda cracked your fuckin’ head open on the pavement.”
he helps you right yourself, his touches gentle and polite. when you stand up fully, he raises his eyebrows, waiting for a response. there’s no look of recognition on his face, and it’s oddly refreshing.
“sorry,” you say, sucking in a deep breath, not realizing just how much that run took out of you. “thought i saw… someone… fuck.” you pant, raising your arms above your head to open up your lungs.
the guy’s eyebrows furrow with concern and he puts a hand on your shoulder. “okay, sit down. lemme get you some water.”
you nod, putting a hand on your chest as you let him guide you to a seat at a table outside a random little cafe. “thanks, um…”
“schlatt.” he finishes for you, before retreating into the cafe. he comes back a few minutes later with an ice cold plastic cup of water.
“drink.” schlatt commands, setting the cup of water in front of you before taking a seat across from you.
“how much do i owe you?” you ask after taking several hearty gulps.
schlatt chuckles, “it’s a cup of ice water, toots. you don’t owe me nothin’.”
you thank him again, half expecting him to leave, but he stays put, leaning back in his chair and getting comfortable. you realize pretty quickly you don’t really feel like leaving either.
the two of you make pleasant conversation as you cool down, talking about the city, when you mention you’re only in town for the week. when schlatt asks what for, you just say, “business.” he doesn’t push, and instead says, “y’ever been here before?”
you shake your head no, and schlatt grins. “yeah, lucky you.” he muses, with a short chuckle, “lemme show you around.”
schlatt shows you all of the things new york has to offer (or at least, the things he deems good enough) and the two of you have such a good time together, with no added pressure of fame, just two strangers who happened to bump into each other on the streets of new york. (well, you bumped into him, but whatever.)
but of course, all good things have to come to an end. your show starts in two hours and you have to get back to your actual life. schlatt gives you his phone number, telling you to text him if you find yourself free again this week. you send him a quick hello text with your name before saying goodbye.
you are in so much trouble when you get back, but you don’t care. it was well worth it if it meant you got to meet schlatt.
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you and schlatt text every day after that. the next time you’re in new york for business, which is just a few months later, he’s inviting you over to his place for a proper date. (you sneak out of your hotel room to meet him.) he orders a shit ton of takeout (per your request to stay in, for reasons obvious to you, not so much him. you make an excuse about how all the travel for “business” has left you craving a night of normalcy) and the two of you slip into comfortable conversation, like not a day has passed since you saw each other last. he still has no idea you’re famous (and shockingly much more famous since the last time you saw him, your career skyrocketing) and you hope it stays that way.
of course, it doesn’t. shortly after the two of you decide to become exclusive despite the distance — both you and schlatt make enough money to sustain the relationship by traveling — schlatt’s filming an episode of chuckle sandwich, answering viewer questions.
“who are some new artists you guys are vibing with?” tucker reads out.
“man, have you guys listened to (y/n) (y/l/n)? she’s, like, all over my tiktok feed. her shit is good.” ted says, and schlatt’s eyeballs nearly pop out of his head in realization. a sort of scowl forms on his face as tucker pulls up hundreds of images of you on google.
“whoa, what’s that look for?” ted asks, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “i thought she was pretty good, but maybe not.”
“dude,” schlatt breathes out, dragging his hands down his face, “that’s my fuckin’ girlfriend.”
“your WHAT!” ted laughs into his mic, playing into what obviously has to be some kind of weird bit schlatt has decided to cook up on the spot, “this just in, schlatt is in love with international sensation (y/n) (y/l/n), everyone.”
“no, ted, i’m bein’ dead fuckin’ serious right now.” schlatt mumbles into his mic, still reeling from this discovery. he pulls his phone out of his pocket and goes to his photos, clicking on a shot of the two of you, his arm around you and you kissing his cheek.
“no fucking way.” ted leans close to his computer screen to get a better look, “you’re fucking lying.”
“i’m literally not. that is my fucking girlfriend.”
“and you had no idea?” tucker asks, unsure whether to laugh or not. it’s a little ridiculous, truly. schlatt is more than aware of this.
“no fuckin’ idea.”
the episode obviously doesn’t air.
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that same evening, you’re sitting on your couch, catching up on all your tv shows when your phone rings. it’s your manager.
before you even get a word out, she’s yelling into the phone. “have you been on twitter at all today?”
you know she knows the answer already. you don’t get on social media ever since becoming famous.
“who is… scklatt? schlatt?” your manager reads, no doubt from her laptop. you hear her click and suddenly hear schlatt’s voice coming out of the tinny speakers of her laptop. he’s yelling something absolutely insane, and your eyes go wide. why does she have a recording of schlatt?
“he’s my boyfriend,” you tell your manager, and she sighs a long, heavy sigh, no doubt ready to launch into a lecture about how you should have told her about him, how it’s important to know who you surround yourself with so she can keep you out of trouble, blah blah blah.
“well your fans aren’t too happy about it.” is all your manager says instead, and you scowl.
“look, i know the mutton chops aren’t ideal, but i like them—“
“they don’t care about that!” your manager barks, “i mean, some of them do, but that’s not the point. the point is he’s so… crass. your fans are all talking about how he’s so far from someone you’d ever be interested in.”
“i’m not following,” you say, because what the fuck is she even talking about? how does anyone know who he is?
“get on youtube and look up ‘jschlatt’ for me, would ya?” your manager says, and your stomach plummets. schlatt is a youtuber?
you do as you’re asked, watching a little compilation to get a good idea of what kind of content schlatt makes. you personally don’t think anything of it — the man is funny, which you already knew. and you’ve known schlatt long enough to know that whatever this persona of his is, it’s not the real him.
“how did this even come up? like, how did they find out?”
“you’re a celebrity, honey. paparazzi is everywhere.”
you frown. “well, i’m not breaking up with him.”
you hear another long, heavy sigh. “obviously i can’t tell you what to do, or you’d be much easier to work with. i’m simply here to advise.”
you’re about to say something when your phone vibrates against your ear. you pull it away from your head to look at it. it’s a text from schlatt.
> Hey, think we need to talk
it’s an understatement. you’re not mad, but his profession is something that would have been nice to know in advance. (you know you’re being hypocritical. perhaps it’s time to come clean to him too.)
> yeah, i think that’s probably a good idea
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“you’re trending on twitter.” is what schlatt says when he picks up your facetime. he doesn’t look mad — a little disappointed, maybe — but his expression is kind. a silent question lingers in his expression. why didn’t you tell me?
“so are you.” you respond, leaning back against the cushion of your couch, “because of me. i should have said something, but it was so nice to know you weren’t just with me because i’m famous. it was wrong of me to—“
“no, no, no, don’t do that,” schlatt shakes his head, effectively shutting you up, “don’t blame yourself. i didn’t tell ya about my gig, either.”
“yeah, that would have been nice to know too.” you say, biting your lip. schlatt falls silent for a moment.
“are you mad?” you ask him.
“mad?” schlatt makes a face, “nah, sweetheart. i’m not mad at ya. i get it, i liked havin’ somethin’ normal too.”
“i’m sorry things aren’t going to be normal anymore.”
“s’okay, toots. we’ll make a new normal.”
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cj-schlatt · 3 days
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵
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ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ! ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴜᴘ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ
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♡ "can you please come get me?"
♡ "hey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself"
♡ "no, don't cry, I hate it when you cry"
♡ "you look sad"
♡ "oh god, you're bleeding"
♡ "I could just use a hug"
♡ "don't touch me"
♡ "it's okay, just breathe"
♡ "I'll stay for as long as you need"
♡ "you can trust me"
♡ "can I touch you? is that okay?"
♡ "you don't need to apologize, ever"
♡ "hey, hey, you're alright! it's okay, just calm down"
♡ "shh, shh, you're okay now"
♡ "here, hold my hand"
♡ "there's no shame in crying, I promise"
♡ "are you crying?"
♡ "you are what's important right now"
♡ "I've got nowhere else to be"
♡ "I'm at the hospital"
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♡ "I don't want to die"
♡ "I was only using you"
♡ "stay away from me"
♡ "why am I always your second choice?"
♡ "we almost made it"
♡ "leave I don't want to see you"
♡ "why are you helping a monster?"
♡ "I'm barely holding on"
♡ "can I leave now?"
♡ "I guess that's just how little I meant to you"
♡ "I just want to know you care about me"
♡ "stop looking at me like I'm damaged goods"
♡ "there's no us and there never was"
♡ "you deserve so much better"
♡ "don't do this here"
♡ "am I too late?"
♡ "say something, just fucking say something"
♡ "I know. I know I wasn't enough. I always did"
♡ "I did care, I used to care"
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♡ "shh, stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair"
♡ "can I borrow your sweater? it smells like you"
♡ "you're my new pillow"
♡ "I'll be here to protect you"
♡ "it's okay, I couldn't sleep anyway"
♡ "you make me so happy"
♡ "aww, you're blushing"
♡ "wait...is this a date?"
♡ "can I kiss you?"
♡ "I'm glad you came"
♡ "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified"
♡ "thank you for being her for me"
♡ "you're so pretty when you first wake up"
♡ "I want you to stay, please"
♡ "dance with me"
♡ "your eyes are so pretty"
♡ "is someone sleepy?"
♡ "can I kiss you?"
♡ "you're so warm"
♡ "this/these are my favorite"
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♡ “you’re sure I’m sick?  ‘cause I feel fine”
♡  “I really cannot be sick right now”
♡  “everyone gets colds.  I’ll live”
♡  “I really hope this is just my allergies”
♡  “stop thinking so loud; my head hurts”
♡ "I'm scared"
♡ "I can't even talk properly"
♡  "I feel like I'm letting everyone down"
♡ "you're making a big deal out of nothing"
♡ "I'm so tired..."
♡ "no, you're not fine. you're burning up”
♡ "you need to rest. I'll stay here with you until you feel better"
♡ “just let me take care of you"
♡ "here, take my blanket”
♡ “I’ll make some tea”
♡ “you're in no condition to go anywhere”
♡ “just rest and let your body fight this off"
♡ “take this medicine, please"
♡ "I'm here now”
♡ "right now, the only person you need to help is yourself”
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cj-schlatt · 4 days
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you know, coming home from your serving job after getting stiffed by big tables and having to be spoken down to by old people wayyy too close to their expiration date REALLLYY takes a toll on a person. luckily for you, you have a boyfriend to go home and yap about it to and make you forget alllll about it!
“i fucking HATE this job, i hate my life! i want everyone to die!”
“WOAAAH, everyone??? baby??”
schlatt basically has to follow you around while you scream and complain about your day, eventually you calm down, slumping on the couch as a huff escapes your mouth.
“…but it’s whatever, i’m not even phased”
“oh yeah? couldn’t tell.”
now feeling all sticky and gross, you move to take a shower, kissing his cheek on your way to the bathroom. he leaves you be, knowing you definitely need the alone time.
your shower was calming, the ache in your feet slowly leaving- thank god- now you get quality time with your man like you’ve been aching for since you left.
yall lay in bed together, him letting you still yap away about whatever work drama fucking happened
“and then!!! emma told jason that she WASNT talking about me- but i had already heard from nessa-“
“wait- isn’t nessa emma’s like..work best friend or whatever??”
“oh she’s a mess..”
you just couldn’t seem to shake the irritation from the day you had, so schlatt had a plan (in his head).
“i’m sorry your day was so rough baby, ill tell you what, what if i tell you that i can help you forget all about it? hmm?”
and that is what led you guys here, bent over your shared bed, cheeks flush against the comforter as he takes you from behind.
“why are you upset baby?” he grunts in your ear,
“i-i don’t-“ you babble, your eyes rolling back as he stuffs you, pace harsh and you can barely keep up.
he coos at you, you’re so lost in the feeling of him fucking you, you can’t remember what you were even upset about!
“you don’t what doll? cmon”
“i don’t remember!!” you cry, coming for what feels like the hundredth time (it’s the 4th). he chuckles as your body falls limp, the sounds of your mewling and whining making him finish inside you.
he pulls you close to him, hand rubbing your back as he talks you down.
“shh, you did so good, looked so pretty too”
you finally come to, schlatt already two steps ahead and wiping you down, and getting you in more comfy clothes. he massages your legs and feet as you lay there blissfully, mumbling a sweet thank you as he eases your tense muscles (and for fucking you stupid). he kisses your ankle gently, muttering out a gruff “of course baby.” cracking your eye open as you hear your phone ding, you groan and roll over to grab it from the night stand, it’s your bestfriend:
‘okay i’m back! what did you want to complain to me about?!!’ it read.
you sat and thought for a moment before you replied:
‘i don’t remember..’
//this was so silly, pls be nice to me im a little rusty coming out of retirement
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cj-schlatt · 4 days
CJ's Masterlist
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Rewind (Schlatt x gn!reader)
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cj-schlatt · 4 days
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Pairing: Schlatt x gn!reader (no pronouns, no use of y/n)
Word Count: ~780
Summary: What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
Content: Fluff, pet names (angel). Schlatt and reader are childhood best friends who recently reconnected :)
A/N: Hi! This is my first attempt at writing for Schlatt. Let me know how I did! :)
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You’ve been stressing ever since you flipped the calendar page over this morning. Your first anniversary with Schlatt is this month, the date marked with a heart, and you have no idea what you’re going to get him.
What do you get as a gift for someone who has it all?
You’re in your parents’ attic, helping them to clean it up a bit, when you find the answer to your dilemma.
You come across an unmarked cardboard box, which by itself isn’t unusual; you’ve already sorted through a dozen just like it. What makes it special is what you find inside—it’s filled with VHS-C tapes from your family’s old camcorder. You’ve just stumbled upon a treasure trove of memories.
You know for a fact that there is footage of Schlatt within these tapes, from birthday celebrations to stupid “movies” the two of you made together. As you pick up a tape, labeled with both of your names and the date it was captured, you start to form a plan.
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Your childhood bedroom is exactly as you left it when you moved out, down to the old CRT TV and combination VHS and DVD player. After some quick Googling, you’re turning on the TV and popping the first tape, along with a blank DVD, into the player.
Static. Then, a picture comes into view: a grainy scene of a much younger version of you in front of a birthday cake, Schlatt right at your side as he and the rest of the party-goers sing “Happy Birthday” and you blow out the candles. You can’t help but smile at the display.
The video continues, showing you tearing into your birthday presents (with Schlatt right there to help you, of course). You’re transported back to that day, long forgotten until now, where you almost had more fun playing with the wrapping paper and tissue paper than the actual presents you received.
Soon, the first tape ends. If all went well, it should be copied onto the DVD now. You stay up well into the night converting tapes, too excited revisiting old memories to want to continue later.
The next day, phase two of your plan begins, with you uploading the new DVDs to your computer and putting your video editing skills to the test. You’re grinning like an idiot when it’s finally done.
You just hope Schlatt will like it.
You’re pretty sure he will.
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It’s a few weeks later when the big day finally arrives. You can’t even count how many times you’ve had to hold yourself back from giving him his gift early, so excited to see his reaction.
You’re practically vibrating when you lead him to the living room and turn the TV on.
“What’s all this about?” he asks, plopping down on the couch.
“You’ll see,” you say, smiling as you connect your laptop to the TV.
You watch with him as little you and Schlatt are projected onto the big screen. You join him on the couch, listening to your younger self introduce your imagined audience to what the two of you creatively titled “The Dumb Idiots Show.”
You glance over at Schlatt, who is completely glued to the TV. You think you see that his eyes are glistening a little, reflecting the light of the screen, but you don’t say anything, just let the video continue.
The video came out pretty damn good, if you do say so yourself. It had been so much fun reliving these memories, and it’s even better now that you get to share them with your best friend, the one who was with you for all of it.
Eventually, the screen fades to black, and the room falls silent.
“Wow,” is the first thing Schlatt says. He leans back into the couch, running a hand through his hair.
“Did you like it?” you ask, not quite able to keep the nervousness out of your voice.
“Are you kidding?” he asks, voice tinged with disbelief. “I loved it.”
“Really, angel,” he says, pulling you in for a hug.
You sink into the embrace, relief flooding through you.
“I’m impressed,” he says when you part.
“Looks like I’m not the only one with video-making skills around here.”
You grin at him. “I mean, did you see my camera work on episode two of ‘The Dumb Idiots Show?’ I’ve always had a knack for it.”
He laughs. “You oughta start your own channel.”
“Maybe I will,” you say with a little smirk. After a moment, your face softens. “Happy anniversary, J.”
“Happy anniversary,” he echoes, a lovesick smile on his own face as he leans in to kiss you.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! :)
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cj-schlatt · 4 days
ུᩧ   pink dividers by me  ✧ㅤᩧ ♩
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cj-schlatt · 5 days
wait i'm obsessed with the idea of librarian!reader actually. reader leading a craft, or helping the kid find books on whatever topic they're interested in... schlatt/ted loving how helpful and patient you are... you obviously noticing the cute, possibly single dad but wanting to remain professional... much to think about lol
god yes… much to think about indeed… that will perhaps be coming sometime tonight…
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cj-schlatt · 5 days
Hi there! 😊
Call me CJ! This is my new sideblog to read and share Schlatt (and possibly Ted) fics!
My asks are always open, so feel free to drop by!
(18+, MDNI)
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