A Teeny-Tiny Version of this Ship!
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A place to store the pirate madness. It was way past time! Will probably ramble here; that's what I do. He/him.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
teeny-tiny-revenge · 37 minutes ago
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You wear fine things well 💙💛
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 3 hours ago
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 5 hours ago
Ed flopping his head down on Stede's lap and looking up at him with big enormous doe eyes, fluttering his eyelashes. Feeling completely at peace, completely safe.
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 19 hours ago
Got called a weirdo irl for the way I write my fics sooo
I am the “writes in document tabs” if anyone’s wondering
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 1 day ago
I already knew I was the luckiest human on the planet because I get to count @bizarrelittlemew as a close friend, but now it's even MORE so because they graced me with the VERY BEST SURPRISE: MY VERY OWN MERSTEDE AND OCTO-ED.
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I should have taken a video of me unboxing them but honestly for the best because the sound I made can only be heard by dogs.
Speaking of, Daphne is very intrigued by her new siblings and could not stop sniffing them...or using them as her pillow.
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Can't say I blame her! They are SOFT. SOFT. And the absolute perfect little squishes that fit perfectly in the crook of your elbow and did I mention SOFT?! Honestly the word soft is inadequate and I'm going to have to humbly request we invent a new word in the English language just so we have a proper way to describe HOW!!! SOFT!!!!
Anyway, Ed and Stede are settling into their new home quite nicely! Except I keep finding them canoodling all over the house! Fortunately thanks to @blakbonnet Ed has a lil jingly bell cat collar so I can hear where they're sneaking off to.
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And then Ida of course had to spoil me even MORE with lots of delicious sweet treats, including a FORBIDDEN EGG!!! Ed naturally tried to steal them, and Stede naturally tried to help him, but, again. Kitty collar.
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I cannot begin to describe how extremely loved I felt when I was going through this package, and frankly I'm getting a little weepy now thinking about it. I could get really sappy right now but instead I'll just say if anyone tries to tell you that fandom friendships that span oceans aren't real, laugh in their face. And then also get yourself a friend like Ida, because they're the ones who make even the darkest stretches of life shine with warmth and love. 💕
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 1 day ago
Just gonna say that Ed would not go back to sea to seek vengeance for Izzy, but he will go back for Stede.
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 1 day ago
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This event surpassed our wildest imaginations, with 493 listings, 150+ donors, over a thousand participants, and -- in the end, $85,417 pledged!!!
If you want to donate to the Campaign for Southern Equality's Trans Youth Emergency Fund, use our link: bit.ly/OFMDcraft
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 2 days ago
My shadowban has finally been removed 😍
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 2 days ago
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 2 days ago
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Practicing with some water color brushes in procreate
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 3 days ago
Drawing from the great discussion on this post and on the topic of Ed and anger issues!
Not anger issues:
getting pissed off at someone for calling you "a donkey" in a way that is very obviously racialized
feeling threatened and upset when a room full of rich assholes mocks you (and you are the only brown guest in the room)
performing anger and violence in a very obviously calculated way as part of your job (like how Ed easily goes from zero to a hundred and all the way back down again when demonstrating for Stede how to threaten a hostage)
punching someone in the face once after they tried to kill your crush (and very nearly succeeded) and then sold you all out to the cops, including explicitly claiming custody of you
being a bit catty and pissy after waking up from your near-death experience to find your crush who abandoned you is back
freaking out about a snake that falls on your head (what was Ed supposed to do here?? why am I still seeing this as justification that Ed has anger issues? like I love snakes and have pet snakes and I would not react calmly in that situation)
Ed has a super long fuse, we can almost always see him need a moment to psyche himself up to perform anger in a very clearly calculated way, and he doesn't read as angry at all in scenes like when he cuts off Izzy's toe - it's just calculated and performative. He is not given to angry outbursts.
But yeah, as a lot of people pointed out, there's a great argument to be made for Izzy pretty obviously having issues with managing his anger!
Many times we see him so angry he's just like literally growling (like how he rows away from the ship in s1e6)
it takes absolutely nothing to reduce this man to shouting
one of the factors in how Stede won their duel in s1e6 was how Izzy was getting so angry he was getting sloppy and just swinging his sword around wildly, it bought Stede a lot of time to get into the right position
his response to Fang and Ivan asking mild and reasonable questions is to shout and berate and yank on beards
he frequently escalates situations out of anger
Ed's performance of anger and violence is almost always inspired by fear. He has learned that people will take it at face value that he is angry and dangerous (it's not a coincidence that he's an Indigenous man) and he knows this perfomance will keep him safe (and often keep him from actually needing to do any real violence himself). When we see him truly angry (like, I genuinely do think he's rightfully pissed off when he shoots Izzy in s2e1), his manner is cool and calm, not explosive. In contrast, Izzy is easily and frequently given to explosive anger and has trouble managing it.
Very interesting that we so often see it taken at face value in fandom discourse that Ed is the one who has trouble keeping his anger in check, not Izzy.
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 3 days ago
Ed is genuinely such a patient and long-suffering guy that the idea he has anger issues at all completely baffles me (we know it's the racism, but still).
Every single time we see him get angry, he has to visibly hype himself up to it. With the racist French captain, with Izzy's threats in s1e10, every time, there's such a weighty moment of pause as he considers his options. You never get the idea that this is someone who is given to impulsive angry outbursts, his anger is calculated and cool and calm, and when he wants to look violent or enraged, it's very obviously a calculated choice. Like, you can count the times we see him angry in the show on one hand, and even when he's pissed off at Stede in s2e4 he's mostly just...sad. We see this guy put through so many extremes that he would be 100% justified in acting way more angry and we just don't see it.
Ed gives people a million chances - just look at Izzy, Izzy literally sold them out to the English after trying to kill Ed's crush and Ed still didn't do shit. He let Pop-Pop topple him over without even lifting a finger. Straight-up I think outside of very specific scenarios you could probably just go up to Ed and punch him in the face and he'd apologize to you.
The reaction to Ed's behavior shouldn't be "oh man this guy has anger issues," it should be "oh, shit, that made Ed angry? That's how you know it's bad!"
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 3 days ago
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you find him on your doorstep what do you do
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 4 days ago
i do write for attention, actually, because that's a normal reason to create art
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 4 days ago
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Merstede forever!! 🧜‍♂️
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 5 days ago
"you're my only family" (exclusionary, isolating) -> "your family is my family" (inclusive, expansive)
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 5 days ago
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happy together <3333
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