#i have resorted to not moving unless necessary
boxowo · 2 years
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oh my fucking GOD WHY is it so fucking HOT RN?????????
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
hello and greetings to all my friends moving into college dorms this time of year!!!
while it is a well known fact that college dorms are often not cleaned at all between people, it is important to tell the administration about things that are absolutely Abysmal.
for example: things that are beyond broken, extremely dirty conditions, clear evidence of vomit/bodily fluids, anything that plain doesn’t work, etc.
to be clear, i am not talking about things that can be fixed with a bottle of clorox wipes, some disinfectant, or a screwdriver. these are things that are either a health hazard or are not in proper working condition.
my credentials on this matter: i was a resident assistant for 2 years. i’ve seen some shit.
here’s what you can do!!!
do not try to talk to anyone in person ESPECIALLY on move in day. all administration that can deal with your problems are probably dealing with bigger problems. move in day is an absolute mess. don’t try and bother res life on move in day unless you physically cannot move into your room for some reason (like there’s a clear cut maintenance problem). you can try to talk to someone, but chances are it won’t get you anywhere other than frustration. it sucks, but that’s the reality of it.
take before and after pictures!!! document everything!!! make sure your pictures are clear, take photos, etc. you will need these. show what you did to clean/fix the problem if necessary.
send a long and detailed email to the following people: the director of residential life, the head of facilities/ building management, the office of accessibility/ student services/whatever it’s called on your campus (even if it is not an accessibility issue usually these people are the fastest to respond), and the college president (often they won’t respond but it gets everyone else’s attention). if applicable you can also send the email to the head of campus safety/security and student health services/ health center). include your photos and make the email as long and detailed as possible. send this email ASAP. you need a paper trail. if you got get a response in three business days send a follow up email and go down to the res life office (often they will say they are busy and no one can speak to you, but sometimes you just have to annoy the crap out of them)
tell your ra. tell them multiple times. a lot of the time they can’t do anything about it, but they can tell their supervisor about it.
keep pestering people until you get an answer. don’t feel bad about it. you should not be paying tuition to live in a shit hole that violates health codes. a lot of the time they can’t move you elsewhere, but the school should still know about the problem.
get your parents involved as a last resort. generally offices hate dealing with parents but if you’ve exhausted all other avenues then go ahead and do it.
i wish you all the best of luck, remember that you are in college to learn and learning how to deal with stubborn administration is definitely one of those things. a little dirt is normal, but sticky carpets, broken glass, broken thermostats, etc, are not. you’re paying to go there, get someone to fix it.
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honeytonedhottie · 21 days
dealing with ur period⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍰
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in this post im gonna talk about how i deal with my periods, some tips and hopefully helpful information on how to manage urself while ur on ur period cuz it can be rly difficult sometimes…💬🎀
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so cramps are like the main thing i struggle with on my period, along with like, majority of women and here are some ways that i appease my cramps ->
♡ pain killers
okay so this is like a last resort for me cuz i always opt for more natural options such as teas and essential oils but sometimes the pain is just so much in that moment and i dont wanna let myself suffer…💬🎀
♡ rubbing my tummy with essential oils
♡ heating pads and hot water bottles
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♡ ginger tea or raspberry leaf tea
a misconception that i see a lot is that u can't be productive on ur period which isnt entirely true. if u feel like your able to get some things done then by all means do that, but if u feel tired or if ur in pain dont force urself to do something unless its absolutely necessary. listen to your body!!
and if there is something that u absolutely have to do while on ur period i recommend breaking it down a LOT. like bite sized…💬🎀
when im on my period i find it rly difficult to get up and stay active but its important to stay healthy and moving. today i had a high intensity workout planned out for myself, but because i got my period i simply changed the workout instead of cutting it out completely. when on my period i like to focus on yoga and pilates.
get plenty of rest
stay hydrated
keep ur feet and tummy warm and covered
avoid cold drinks
when u feel unmotivated make a list of the bare minimum and make sure that ur doing at least that ♡
♡ pads or tampons
♡ ginger root
♡ raspberry leaf tea
♡ fluffy socks
♡ whatever u might be craving
remember to be nice to yourself and your body and if u have any other tips feel free to share…💬🎀
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soulessjourney · 10 months
Vengeance Trail
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Part 1
Paring: Billy the kid x Reader
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: You and Billy had known each other during your younger years. However, following an argument, you departed to forge your own path, leaving things on bad terms between the two of you. Years later, circumstances led you back, having been recruited to assist John Tunstall. As the war drew nearer, tensions resurfaced between both of you.
Warnings: Some violence, language, Billy again not knowing what to do with himself
A/N: She's not perfect, but I hope this helps feed your hunger for part 2. I did decide to make a google form if you would like to be tagged in any future works of mine, so feel free to fill it out! Join the taglist!
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You had been staying at Tunstall's ranch for about a week now, and during this time, contact between you and Billy had been minimal following the events of last week. Part of you felt grateful for this lack of interaction. You didn’t know how to face him anymore, especially after what had transpired that morning. Billy attempted to pull you aside and talk, but you consistently brushed him off, providing any excuse that came to mind. Fortunately, Tunstall kept you occupied with plenty of tasks, effectively keeping you away from Billy.
As you walked through the house, adjusting the gun belt delicately resting on your hips, you closed your eyes momentarily, letting out a small sigh. Upon reopening them, you stepped into the kitchen, where Charlie was busy preparing breakfast. “Good morning, Charlie. You’re here quite early,” you remarked, moving around the kitchen to assist him with the food.
“Well, you know me—I’m an early riser. Tunstall called for a meeting this morning to discuss plans with you and the others, particularly addressing the steps we’re going to take concerning Murphy. He's displeased with the current situation in town, especially the trouble that arose between you and Jesse,” Charlie mentioned, raising a brow.
Inhaling sharply, you chuckled softly. “That wasn’t entirely my fault. Jesse didn’t grasp the concept of boundaries, so I merely reminded him. It's not my fault that it resulted in me punching him in the face,” you grumbled, smiling as Charlie burst into laughter. Over your time here, you and Charlie had grown close, especially after he provided comfort following what happened with Billy. He had become a devoted friend, for which you were immensely grateful. “Let's serve the food to the boys. I assume they’re all in the other room?” Charlie nodded, leading you into the large dining area, where Tunstall, Billy, and George were seated.
Placing the plates in front of the boys, you took a seat next to Charlie, which unfortunately positioned you directly in front of Billy. As everyone began to eat, Tunstall glanced at you from his position at the head of the table. “Y/N, I heard about the incident involving you and Jesse the other day. I must say, I’m somewhat disappointed in your actions, but also oddly proud,” he remarked, and you beamed, noting the confused expression Billy shot your way.
“Well, as I mentioned to Charlie, Jesse simply needed a gentle reminder about boundaries, and you know I don’t resort to certain measures unless absolutely necessary, Mr. Tunstall.” You grinned, earning an approving nod from Tunstall and a thumbs-up from George. “But I do promise to be more mindful of my conduct from now on and steer clear of any further confrontations.” You offered the boys a soft smile. Tunstall nodded before delving into detailed discussions about what to expect in the coming days and assigning tasks to each of you.
“Finally, Billy and Y/N, I’m teaming you both up. I want the two of you in town with Charlie. Whatever it is—shopping or sitting in the saloon—I want the three of you to keep an ear on Murphy’s men,” Tunstall instructed. Charlie nodded and glanced between you and Billy. “I don’t care about your history. You both need to find common ground. I won’t tolerate your feud jeopardizing our efforts. You both have skills, and together, you can help achieve our goals.” Tunstall’s stern gaze was fixed on both you and Billy.
You nodded in agreement before Billy could interject. “Certainly, Mr. Tunstall. I’m sure Billy and I can find common ground. I wouldn’t want any of this to jeopardize our hard work,” you smiled before standing. Gathering the empty dishes, you made your way to the kitchen, tidying up the room. Someone entered, prompting a sigh. “I know, Charlie, I’ll sort things out with Billy. I don’t need a lecture,” you grumbled, looking up only to freeze in your tracks.
“Well, I hope you and I can reach an understanding,” Billy said, offering a small smile. “Now that I have you here, I really want to discuss what happened between us.” Dismissing him, you wiped your hands on your black trousers and pushed past Billy.
“There’s nothing to discuss, Billy. It was a mistake, and it shouldn’t have happened,” you stated, arranging the cans on the shelf. “Finding common ground means civil conversation, not me returning to you. I allowed myself to trust you again, even though I vowed I wouldn’t, and you took advantage of it,” you muttered, fiddling with a can in your hands. “I can’t forgive you for that, not after what you did.” Slamming the can down, you flung the door open and walked out, biting your lip.
Billy followed and grabbed your arm, turning you towards him. “Stop walking away, Y/N, and let me explain, please.” His eyes held a mix of sadness and fear. Sighing, you tilted your head back, jaw clenched. Meeting his gaze, you raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to speak.
“I want to be with you. Everything I said that night was genuine. I was just scared—I thought acknowledging our connection would make me vulnerable, especially with Murphy’s situation. I thought saying it was a mistake would protect you somehow,” he explained, his eyes softening more than you thought possible. He looked vulnerable, and all you wanted was to hold him close.
“You hurt me, Billy. I was willing to risk everything and admit feelings I’ve had since we were kids. Waking up next to you was all I wanted. I still care about you deeply, but you hurt me,” tears welled up in your eyes, and he cupped your face in his hands, wiping away any tears that fell.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I was foolish, and I didn’t know what I was doing. I want you with me more than anything. Let me make it up to you and prove my dedication to you,” he whispered, receiving a small nod from you in response. With that, he leaned in and kissed you.
You, Billy, and Charlie strolled through town, observing kids running about and families engaging in various activities while vendors attempted to sell their wares. Billy walked to your left, his arm occasionally brushing against yours as you scanned the surroundings. Meeting his gaze, you offered a slight smile, which was reciprocated as he gently clasped your hand, giving it a tender squeeze.
“Why don’t we split up? We can cover more ground without drawing attention to ourselves. Y/N, you can wander the streets and listen in on conversations. We know Murphy’s men will be around to keep things in check. I'll hang around the Saloon and see what I can gather. Charlie, you know where you're needed,” Billy suggested, glancing between both of you. Charlie nodded, turning on his heel and departing. Before you could step away, Billy tightened his grip on your hand, causing your gaze to meet his.
“Please be cautious. If you and Jesse had a confrontation, he won’t take it lightly and might come after you. He’s dangerous, Y/N. I don’t want to see you hurt,” he murmured softly.
Smiling reassuringly, you reached up, gently caressing his cheek. “I won’t let him near me. Besides, I can hold my ground. That punch was just a warning. Trust me, Cowboy,” you grinned, leaning in to tenderly press your lips against his. Billy reciprocated before pulling back, smiling down at you.
Brushing a stray hair from your eyes, he leaned down, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead. “I trust you. Go, but if anything goes wrong, find me. You know where I’ll be,” he murmured against your forehead. Stepping back, you squeezed his hand before navigating through the crowd. You could sense his watchful gaze on your back as you walked away—a small yet tender gesture.
Walking through the bustling crowd, a smile graced your lips as you observed a younger girl being playfully chased by a boy around her age. It brought back memories of you and Billy in your younger days, his playful pursuit as the self-proclaimed notorious outlaw, countered by your claim to that title. Chuckling to yourself, those innocent words seemed ironically true now. You and Billy had become the very outlaws you once playfully pretended to be, but this time, it was no game. Bounties were placed on your heads, and life had become a constant vigil, always watching over your shoulder.
Billy feared losing you, while you feared losing yourself in this harsh existence. You understood that while bounties hung over you, a normal life remained out of reach. The fear of walking an irreversible path haunted you, and it seemed like the only direction you were heading. Working for Tunstall had been your ticket out of this harrowing path, but as time passed, freedom appeared more elusive.
Lost in contemplation, you collided with someone, jolting you out of your reverie. Meeting the person's eyes, your gaze hardened upon recognizing Jesse. “Ah, Sadie Bennet, the girl who thought she could throw a punch and get away with it,” Jesse sneered, a sly smile creeping onto his lips.
Arms crossed, you stood firm. “What do you want, Jesse? Another reminder of our last encounter? Be grateful I didn’t reveal the full extent of what you did, or they wouldn’t just be after Murphy—they’d be after you too,” you spat, grimacing as Jesse tightly gripped your wrist.
“Oh, come on, Sadie. We had quite the time together. Last I recall, you warmed my bed,” Jesse taunted, causing you to scoff, wrenching your wrist free from his grasp. “Don’t deny it. You’re not angry about my advances. We shared quite a few unforgettable moments not long ago. But does your dear Billy know the truth about us?”
“Billy doesn’t know because nothing happened, Jesse. You took advantage of my vulnerability when I was ill. And let me remind you, I’m not yours to claim whenever you wish. I mean it, Jesse. Lay a hand on me again, and it’ll be a bullet in your head,” you warned, fixing him with a steely glare. Jesse let out a derisive laugh, taking a step back, nodding before addressing you.
Bending down, Jesse whispered in your ear, “Fine, Sadie. I'll behave, only because I know what you’re capable of. But I’ve got my eye on you. Step out of line, and I’ll spill everything to Billy and end you. Watch yourself, Ms. Bennet. You’re on thin ice.” He straightened, tipping his hat in your direction before sauntering away. Unable to suppress a snarl, you watched him depart, feeling the anger simmering within.
Your attention snapped to Charlie as he rounded the corner, his raised brows signaling his curiosity as he approached you. “Should I ask what that was all about?” he inquired, his gaze scrutinizing your every move as you shifted uncomfortably on your feet. Scanning your surroundings, you pondered how you would tell him, feeling his penetrating stare only intensify your unease. "Was there something between you and Jesse before Lincoln County?” he prodded, pressing for an answer.
Sighing, you dropped your arms to your sides and nodded. “Yes, but I wouldn’t really call it something happening. A few months prior to your invitation to Lincoln County, Jesse and his crew found me by the river. I’d fallen ill after being alone for some time. They took me back to their camp and nursed me back to health. Jesse misconstrued that as me owing him something and tried to pursue a relationship. Unfortunately, that led to him trying to share my bed one night. Nothing occurred, but he certainly aimed to leave that impression. I woke up the next morning and left. Clearly, he's still bitter about it and insists I owe him something, which I don’t,” you explained, shooting a glare in the direction Jesse had walked off in.
Charlie nodded along with your explanation, offering a gentle pat on your shoulder. “I suppose that's why you didn’t tell Billy about Jesse, as you mentioned. Billy's a good lad, but he sometimes doesn’t think rationally. I get why you've refrained from telling him. But considering whatever's between you two, don’t you think it’s best to inform him so he doesn't find out through the grapevine?” Charlie suggested, prompting you to focus on his words. He had a valid point; it would be wiser to tell the truth about Jesse to Billy before Jesse could manipulate his thoughts.
“You make a good point. Let's head back to the saloon. I didn’t catch much while walking, so we can all just unwind this evening, have a drink, and talk. It’s been too long since we’ve sat down for a relaxed conversation,” you beamed, beginning to move toward the Saloon with Charlie beside you. You knew you had to tell Billy, but the timing needed to be right. You didn’t want him constantly fretting about your safety concerning Jesse, especially with the ongoing tension between Tunstall and Murphy.
As both of you arrived, Billy emerged from the building, adjusting his suspenders, his eyes brightening upon seeing you. He nodded toward Charlie before glancing between both of you. “Did you find anything while you were out?” he inquired, reaching up to gently caress your arm. Charlie shook his head, diverting his gaze to you. You sensed his expectation for an explanation, but you couldn't bring yourself to disclose the truth just yet.
“Nothing much, just people expressing discontent with Murphy’s power,” you shrugged, noting the disappointment in Charlie’s eyes as he shot you a disapproving look. It felt wrong to withhold the truth about your encounter with Jesse, but revealing it to Billy without instigating him to pursue Jesse seemed daunting. “Let’s head back. We can update Tunstall on whatever little information we gathered tonight. Even though it was minimal, he’d like to be informed,” you suggested, glancing at the boys.
Billy's attention shifted over your shoulder toward the saloon behind you. “Just a moment,” he uttered, walking past you toward the Saloon. Observing his movements closely, Charlie moved to stand beside you. You noticed a carriage parked nearby. Shortly after Billy positioned himself against the saloon pillar, the door opened, and two women stepped out. One was older, while the other, quite beautiful, caught your eye. Glancing at Charlie for clarification, he shrugged and kept his focus on Billy. “Señorita Del Tobosco,” he spoke up.
Your eyebrows shot up at his nervous tone and fidgeting. “Who is she?” you asked Charlie in a hushed tone as the two conversed in Spanish.
“Her name is Dulcinea del Tobosco. She belongs to one of Mexico’s wealthiest families. Billy spotted her some time ago, around the time of your fallout, and seemed intrigued,” Charlie explained quietly, observing your reaction. You felt a twinge of discomfort at Charlie’s revelation and Billy’s interest. As they continued their conversation, Dulcinea’s confident demeanor exuded elegance in her burnt orange dress, holding an envelope as she raised her chin in Billy’s direction, almost challenging him.
Billy adjusted his posture, resting his arm on his holstered pistol. The interaction made you uneasy, and you were determined to understand Billy's sudden interest. “Who are you?” Dulcinea inquired, her gaze fixed on him, issuing an unspoken challenge.
“I’m Billy,” he replied, a sudden surge of confidence in his tone. “I just wanted to introduce myself.” You couldn’t help but scoff quietly, prompting Charlie to grasp your wrist and pull you away. Billy wasn't one to introduce himself casually, especially to other women, unless he had an ulterior motive.
Halting Charlie's attempt to pull you away, you shifted your stance, determined to catch the remainder of their conversation. “That’s hardly a reason to ambush someone in the street,” she remarked, prompting an eye-roll from you. Billy's approach hardly qualified as an ambush, and her overbearing confidence grated on your nerves. Deciding you'd heard enough, you pivoted on your heel, intending to leave, only to halt at her next question. “Do you have another motive?” she probed, causing your mind to race. Glancing over your shoulder at Billy, you hoped his response wouldn’t push you over the edge.
Billy remained silent for a moment, seemingly contemplating his next words to her. “I’d like to see you again,” he eventually stated. Anger surged within you at his words. Just hours ago, Billy had been pleading with you to comprehend his hesitation, yet here he was, asking to meet another woman as if the intimacy he shared with you earlier meant nothing. Turning to Charlie, you muttered about leaving, then mounted your horse, riding back to Tunstall's residence, refusing to listen to any further conversation.
That evening, you lay on your bed, gazing at the ceiling, lost in thought, replaying the recent hours in your mind. Between Jesse's confrontation in the street and Billy's interest in another woman, you wished you could simply vanish. Tunstall and the others had given you space, allowing you to return upstairs without a word, slamming your door shut behind you upon entering your room. Toying with the necklace around your neck, you rested an arm behind your head before dropping the locket onto your chest. Sitting up, you swung your legs over the bed's edge, running your fingers through your hair, when the door behind you creaked open.
"I was wondering where you went off to. Charlie said you left in a hurry," Billy spoke quietly from behind, gently closing the door.
Releasing a sarcastic laugh, you kept your back turned, tilting your head back to compose yourself. "Yeah, well, I wasn’t sure how much longer I could stand there as you asked for the time of another woman," you mumbled, your gaze fixated on the painting in front of you. Part of you recognized the hypocrisy of being upset with Billy when you were keeping something from him, but this felt different.
Billy remained silent for a moment before walking toward the bed. "It’s not what you think. I just want to gather information from her about her family. They’re powerful, Y/N, that kind of influence could be useful in the future, even you can’t deny that," he reasoned, prompting a scoff from you as you stood and turned to face him.
"That’s not believable, Billy. No man is that nervous to talk to a woman just to know about her family. You may be good at manipulating people, but you’re not that skilled of an actor to fool someone like you're trying to do now. Charlie mentioned your sudden interest in her, and how you tend to look for her whenever you’re in town," you challenged, even though the last part was an exaggeration, hoping to catch him in a lie. His avoidance confirmed your suspicions.
"Okay, you're not far off. She has a certain allure, and I want to uncover it," he admitted, reaching out to you. "I promise there are no romantic feelings involved."
Slapping his hand away, you moved around the bed, standing before him, projecting confidence. "Well, Billy, don’t expect me to stick around while you play games," you asserted, meeting his gaze firmly.
Billy nodded, trying to caress your cheek. "Then come with us. She wants to go riding in a few days. Why don’t you join us? Perhaps you’ll understand what I’m trying to do," he suggested, pressing his forehead against yours. Suppressing the urge to push him away and confront him further, you hesitated, unsure if his words were sincere or just another facade.
You relented, placing your hands on his chest. "Fine, I’ll come along, but remember, Billy, if you’re deceiving me, I won’t hesitate to throw you off a nearby cliff," you grumbled, drawing a soft chuckle from him, noting the rapid pulse under your hand.
Leaning down, Billy pressed his lips against yours, and foolishly, you reciprocated, succumbing to your desires. "I promise, you're the only one for me," he whispered after breaking the kiss. You responded with a small nod, pulling him closer. You felt young and naive, already regretting trusting his reassurances.
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Tags: @andwhatofthelight @sabrinasbd @snowlandstop @obsesseddd @quicksilversg1rl @runningfrom2am @weeeoosworld
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WIBTA if i lied about my family having covid?
so i (ftm20s) work in retail and live with my parents. i have been wearing my mask since the start of the pandemic and never stopped wearing it. for the record i am not immunocompromised or at higher risk for covid, in fact i have still yet to get it (knock on wood...), and i live in an area that up until recently wasn't so high risk anymore. i just knew regardless of all that, it was safer to mask up, so i just kept doing it.
anyways, i work retail, and have been wearing my mask for A While, and i live in an area that is fairly liberal but definitely has an extreme conservative underbelly. i have been harassed for many aspects of my identity here, and mostly i can just brush it off or rage about it in private and then move on, but what consistently pisses me off are the customers who bitch at me for wearing a mask.
it starts off one of two ways: "are they forcing you to wear that again?" or "SORRY 😇😇 i can't HEAR YOU 😇😇 over your STUPID FUCKING MASK 😇😇😇" (both of which i have received verbatim multiple times!) and always ends the same: with me saying "well, it's a personal choice!" and then, if they were complaining about not being able to hear me, i refuse to speak any more than strictly necessary during the transaction, and if i do need to speak, i announce it in my most projecting voice, as loudly as possible before it can be qualified as a "yell". if they continue to be pissed about that, i resort to writing my questions/responses down on a piece of paper.
at my job i am the best we have at customer service, and anyone who isn't acting like a fucking tool the entire time (and even people who do act like fucking tools but at least don't bother me about the goddamn mask) gets my absolute best effort. i enjoy it! i like helping people!
but it can get tiring to do this song and dance every single day! and while i have not gotten covid (yet, knock on wood), both of my parents have gotten in twice. so it's not technically a lie to say "sorry, my family has had covid and i am masking to keep everyone else safe," right?? not sure if this would even get them to shut up, but it's worth a try (unless i am an asshole for doing this LOL)
What are these acronyms?
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sammysmaddy · 9 months
Last Resort (Demon!Dean x Reader)
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Summary: Sam's long-term girlfriend makes a deal with Dean.
Pairing(s): Demon!Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader (mentioned)
Warning(s): dubcon, semi-cheating (sort of), manipulation, blackmail, talks of torture, p in v, creampie, slight praise kink
W/C: 4.5k+
A/N: For once, a fanfiction actually turned out as I intended it to! Most of the time I lose myself halfway and start going in the opposite direction 😅
"Dean," Y/N's eyes are wide when Dean finally opens the door. 
"Y/N," Dean seems presently surprised. "Something real bad must be happening for you to be standing there."
"Yeah," Y/N sighs. "It's Sam. I think he's in trouble. He hasn't been home in a few days and I know he was on a witch hunt. I don't know who else to turn to."
"And you expect me to help you find him?" Dean raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. 
"Yeah, actually I do. Mostly I was expecting you to want to find your brother but... I know the circumstances have changed." Y/N frowns. 
"What circumstances?" Dean teases, his eyes flashing black. 
Ever since Dean has been a demon, Y/N has avoided the older Winchester at all costs. This is the first Dean has heard from her in months. 
"Exactly," Y/N huffs, also crossing her arms. "Look. You don't have to care about finding him or keeping him safe, but I do and I need your help."
"What's in it for me?" Dean scoffs, causing Y/N to roll her eyes in return. 
"I don't know, Dean," Y/N glares back. "What could you possibly want?"
"I can think of a few things," Dean smirks, looking the woman up and down. 
"You're disgusting. I hope you know that." Y/N rejects Dean's advances, growing more impatient by the second. 
"You're not helping your case," Dean tuts, clicking his tongue. 
"What'd you expect, Dean? It's like I don't even know you anymore." She retorts. "Sam is in trouble. I guess I thought it'd bring the humanity out of you."
"What humanity?" Dean counteracts. "Unless there's something in it for me, I'm not doing shit."
"Seriously, what could you possibly want that you don't already have?" Y/N seems to be getting antsier as she stands in front of Dean. "Please, Dean. You know I wouldn't be here unless it was necessary." 
"Hm," Dean considers for a moment, squinting his eyes as he stares whilst pursing his lips. "Why don't you come in and tell me what happened."
"Thank you," Y/N sighs in relief as Dean moves his body so that she is able to walk in. 
It's clear to Dean that Y/N is a complete wreck. The kitchen table is littered with dirty, tear-stained tissues. But Dean is doing his best to mitigate her emotions and remind her that Sam is probably just fine. He is trying even harder not to be annoyed by her incessant tears. 
The only reason Y/N isn't crying over Sam right now is because she had fallen asleep at the table. Dean, on his laptop researching the witch, looks over at Y/N and sighs. 
"Y/N," Dean nudges the sleeping girl's shoulder, causing her to stir awake. "Go get some rest. There's a couch and some blankets over there."
"Have you found anything?" Y/N asks groggily, rubbing her eyes. 
"I have an idea of where he could be but nothing concrete yet," Dean reveals and Y/N's eyes widen. 
"Then, let's go," Y/N sits up straight, stretching her arms. 
"Oh, no," Dean chuckles at Y/N's readiness to leave. "We'll go in the morning after you've properly rested."
"What? Why?" Y/N furrows her brows, frowning. 
"Because you're clearly exhausted," Dean scoffs, thinking it was unnecessary to explain. 
"Yeah, but you're not," Y/N tries to reason. "You could drive. It's not like you need to sleep or anything."
"I was going to drive regardless, sweetheart. I just don't feel like going right now," Dean shrugs, making Y/N's jaw clench. 
"Fine," Y/N announces, standing up from the table in a swift motion. "I'll go by myself. Where is he?"
"Why should I tell you?" Dean grins, closing his laptop. 
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Y/N seems confused, crossing her arms as she stands opposite of Dean. 
"Because there's nothing in it for me," Dean explains with a smirk. "I told you, I'm not doing shit until I get a proper bargain."
Y/N sighs. She stares at Dean, arms crossed and foot tapping. Dean continues to smirk, watching the way Y/N tries to calculate what Dean might find valuable. 
"I promise, whatever you think of won't be enough," Dean stops her from thinking too much about it. He knows that there's only one thing that could possibly convince him. 
"Help me out, Dean. Why'd you let me in if you didn't plan on helping?" Y/N is growing visibly frustrated with the older Winchester. 
"I already told you what I want," Dean sits back, watching for her reaction. 
At first, Y/N doesn't seem to realize what Dean is suggesting. Dean watches as Y/N's eyebrows furrow and her chest rises and flattens. It's evident to Dean when Y/N figures out, but she tries her best to play it off. 
"What was it?" Y/N does her best to keep her eyes from widening, but Dean can see right through her. 
"Don't play dumb, sweetheart," Dean smirks and Y/N bites her lip before looking away. 
"I can't believe you," Y/N says in a whisper as she stares into the living room. "I knew I shouldn't have come here."
Y/N quickly pivots on her heel. She hurries across the room and into the living room, grabbing her bag as she makes her way toward the exit. 
Dean, being much faster, manages to get in front of her. He places both hands on either of Y/N's arms to stop her from moving any further. 
"Don't you want my help?" Dean looks down at her, cocking his head to the side as he fake-pouts a lip. 
"Let go of me," Y/N spits as she clenches her jaw, her angry eyes staring up at Dean. Dean lets go of her arms, resting his own at his side. "I'll find him myself."
"How?" Dean questions, knowing that Y/N won't get very far without him. "Thought I was last resort?"
"I'll figure it out," Y/N huffs as she tries to get around Dean. He blocks her from progressing. "Move."
"No, I don't think I will," Dean continues to block her advances. "I'm not sending you on a death mission. You don't know the first thing about the witches Sam got himself involved with."
"Witches?" Y/N asks softly, looking as though she has received the worst news of her life. 
"Yeah. Witches, plural. You're going to get yourself killed if you go alone." Dean informs her. He can see how the hope leaves Y/N's eyes with each passing second. "I can help you. For a price."
"Unless the price is my gratitude, I think I'll skip," Y/N rolls her eyes before sighing and looking up at Dean. "Sammy needs our help, Dean. Can't you see that? He's going to die if we don't save him and I'm not sure how much time we have left."
Suddenly, Y/N's phone rings and she is quick to pull it out of her pocket. She looks down at the bright screen. 
"It's an unknown number." Y/N lets out before accepting the call. "Sammy? Is that you? Are you okay?"
Dean can't help but let out a small laugh when he hears Sam grunt over the phone. Y/N's eyes are wide and tear-filled as they both listen to the sounds of Sam in pain. 
"Sammy, please say something!" Y/N begs, tears falling at a rapid pace down her cheeks. 
"He can't hear you, love," A woman's voice can be heard on the other line. "Raya, do it again."
Y/N shrieks as Sam screams out in pain, her hands trembling as she grips the phone tighter. 
"Stop!" Y/N yells into the phone. "What do you want with him?! Who are you?!"
"To make him suffer. He's trying to ruin my life. Didn't get very far though." The woman chuckles. "You know, when I dug into that little mind of Sam's earlier, I only found thoughts of you, Y/N."
"That's sweet," Dean chuckles, causing Y/N to glare at him through her tears. 
"Is that the other Winchester I hear?" The witch, presumably, asks. 
"No!" Sam's voice can be heard as a reaction to the witch's statement. 
"That was the one thing our sweet Sam was afraid of. He didn't want his little girlfriend to be involved with anything demon-related, especially not his big brother." She lets out a deep, sinister laugh. "Put me on the phone with Dean."
Y/N grunts in frustration, quickly handing the phone to Dean. Dean brings the device up to his ear, a wide smile spread across his face. 
"If it isn't my favorite sisters," Dean looks at Y/N, gauging her reaction. "How the hell are you, Rhi?"
"You know her? Why didn't you tell me?!" Y/N whisper-shouts at Dean who brings a finger up, signaling her to be quiet. 
"Your brother has caused quite the scene. Almost got us figured out by our townfolk. You know I'd do anything to keep this 'witch' thing a secret." Rhi speaks to Dean before sighing. "But. I still owe you for that time in New York. Only reason I haven't killed him yet."
"Oh, I don't care if you kill him," Dean scoffs. Y/N begins to reach for her phone only to be pushed back by Dean. 
"Is that so?" Rhi asks and Dean hums his approval.
"Dean, please!" Y/N cries out in frustration before giving up on getting her phone back. 
"But," Dean starts. "If he's been too much trouble for you, I can take him off your hands. I'm sure Y/N would appreciate that."
"Thank you," Y/N mouths, her body relaxing a bit. 
"By all means. We'll try not to have too much fun with him before you guys get here." Rhi laughs cockily before hanging the phone up. 
Dean hands the phone back to Y/N. Y/N runs a hand through her hair, letting out a sigh of relief. 
"Alright, let's go," Y/N begins to try to move past Dean. 
"That's now how this works, sweetheart," Dean chuckles, grabbing her arms and pushing her back. "You get something and I get something in return. It's a fair exchange."
"Seriously, Dean?!" Y/N utters out, attempting to move past the demon again. "I don't have time for this. We need to help Sam."
"Sam is fine... for now," Dean, still holding onto her arms, continues to hold her in place. "But he won't be unless I get what I want."
"Let go of me," Y/N grits through her teeth. "Dean, I'm serious. Let's go!"
"Fulfill your end of the bargain and we'll be on the road. I've got the rest of eternity, but I know how impatient you can be."
"Dean," Y/N stops moving, glaring up into Dean's eyes. "What exactly are you asking me to do right now?"
"Well, for a woman like you, I would have liked to take you to dinner first. However, with Sam being in trouble and all, we can just skip to the good part if you want." Dean smirks, listening to the way Y/N's heart rate keeps climbing. 
"No way. I'm not doing that," Y/N shakes her head, swallowing the lump in her throat. "You are so fucking sick."
"I'd be a lot nicer to me if I were you," Dean grips Y/N's arms tighter as a warning. Y/N winces, trying to escape his hold. "At the end of the day, I'm not asking for a lot. It is preferable if you at least pretend to enjoy it. I don't mind forcing it out of you, but that's ultimately your choice."
"Sam's going to kill you," Y/N mutters under her breath. 
"And I'll kill you if he tries anything. Funny how that works, isn't it?" Dean raises an eyebrow with a small grin. "It really is up to you. I don't care if Sam lives or dies, I just want the prize."
"And if I do this?" Y/N thinks aloud, her body extremely tense in Dean's grip. "You'll save Sam? And you swear it on your life?"
"Of course. I'm a man of my word, always have been," Dean nods his agreement, rubbing Y/N's arms with his thumbs. "Plus, I want to see Sammy's reaction when he finds out I've taken advantage of his most prized possession."
"Why are you doing this?" Y/N asks quietly, tears filling her eyes once again. 
"The human part of me would never admit it, but I've always been a bit jealous that Sam got to you first. I didn't think I would care after I turned but... here we are. Guess you found the humanity in me after all." Dean chuckles as Y/N looks away, reaching up to wipe her tears.
"I can't believe you," Y/N sniffles, looking back up at Dean. "It would kill Sam."
"And I don't really care," Dean shrugs. "At least this way he won't be killed by witches. Instead, he'll be killed by the betrayal of the two people he loves most."
"Sam will never forgive you," Y/N threatens and Dean shakes his head in return, laughing at her warning. 
"No, Sam will never forgive you, princess," Dean finally lets his hold on Y/N go, decently certain that she won't try to escape again. "Or maybe he will. Maybe he'll forgive both of us. We are saving his life after all."
"He'll know that it didn't have to be this way," Y/N's jaw clenches as she reaches up to rub where Dean's hands once were. 
"I feel like you're stalling. I can sense that you're going to give in eventually. Why do you keep putting it off?" Dean takes a step towards Y/N and is surprised when she stands in place. "It'll feel good if you let it."
Y/N stays silent as Dean reaches up to brush her hair behind her ear. She shivers at his touch, screwing her eyes shut as Dean takes another step closer, their bodies now nearly touching. 
"Wait," Y/N opens her eyes again, gently pushing Dean's hand away. "If I... enjoy this..."
"Hm?" Dean questions, curious as to where she's going with it. 
"Will it be over faster?" Y/N finally gets out, crossing her arms with determination as she stares into Dean's eyes. 
"Depends. I guess you'll have to figure that out yourself," Dean smirks, giving Y/N all the confirmation she needed. 
To Dean's surprise, Y/N reaches up and grabs Dean by the back of his neck, pulling him down into a deep and passionate kiss. Dean's eyes widen at her boldness, smirking into the kiss before shutting his eyes. 
Dean's hands snake their way around Y/N's tense waist, pulling her into his body. One of Y/N's hands stays on the back of Dean's neck whilst the other rests in his hair, making it so that their faces are pressed tightly against one another.
Dean can feel the excitement growing in his boxers as he pushes his hips into her body. He lets out a groan as some of the pressure from her stomach pressed against his groin is relieved. 
Y/N still seems incredibly determined as she attacks his lips with hers, biting lightly into Dean's bottom lip every few seconds. Dean's lips chase hers as she pulls back. 
"Where do you want it?" Y/N asks through pants as she tries to catch her breath. "We can do it right here. I don't care."
"So eager," Dean hums with a smile as he looks down at Y/N, continuing to pull her against his body to create some friction. "Ladies choice."
"Let's go to your room," Y/N nods without wasting time, grabbing Dean's hand. Dean lets Y/N drag him up the stairs, admiring her determination. 
Y/N, still holding onto Dean's hand as they enter the bedroom, heads straight toward the bed. When she turns around to face Dean, he reaches down to kiss her. 
Dean places his hands comfortably on Y/N's hips and begins to attack her lips once again. There is no trace of hesitance as Y/N begins kissing back, and Dean feels chills run down his spine as she places her hands on his sides. 
Dean surprised yet again, is turned around by Y/N and pushed until his back lands against the soft mattress. Y/N takes no time climbing on top of Dean, kissing him feverishly as her committed hands begin to undo the buttons on his flannel. 
As Y/N begins to grind her hips atop Dean's, he reaches his hands around to grab her ass, pushing her core harder into his. Y/N groans into the kiss with the new pressure, taking a brief pause from working on Dean's buttons. 
Dean kneads and squeezes Y/N's ass as she pulls herself from the kiss. Y/N shifts her weight so that it is solely on Dean's groin before reaching down to pull her shirt off. It isn't very much longer until Y/N's bra is tossed on the floor. Dean watches intently as Y/N's perfect breasts are revealed to him. 
Y/N doesn't look Dean in the eyes as she looks down, pushing her hands into his flannel so that it comes off easier. Dean sits up slightly, allowing Y/N to continue to undress him, and reaches up to play with her breasts. 
Dean groans, throwing his head back as Y/N begins to work on getting his jeans' button undone. Though when he was a human he tried to repress fantasies of Y/N, he never expected her to be like this in bed. 
Sure, Y/N was headstrong and determined when she wanted to be, but at the end of the day, she was the sweetest thing Dean had ever met. He kind of figured that she'd be sweet in bed too. Not that he was complaining about Y/N taking charge. 
Once Y/N unzips Dean's jeans, she continues to waste no time. She climbs off of Dean, standing before him as she undoes her own jeans' button. Dean sits up to watch Y/N undress herself.
Y/N hooks her thumbs into both layers of clothing, pushing her underwear down her legs along with her jeans. Hastily, she steps out of the blue pile and Dean nearly salivates at the sight of her fully naked form. 
Y/N climbs back onto Dean, straddling him once again before dipping her head down to lock lips. Dean reaches around, grabbing her ass again as he dips into her core with a finger. He lets out a guttural groan into her mouth when he makes contact with a very warm and wet center. 
Dean squeezes her tighter, moaning as he starts to feel impossibly confined in his clothing. Y/N seems to get the hint as she reaches between their bodies, dipping her hand into his boxers. Dean smirks when Y/N lets out a gasp as she grabs onto his member. 
"Think you can handle it?" Dean smirks in between kisses. 
"I don't have a choice," Y/N grits out, glaring as she pulls back. 
Y/N works Dean in her hand, alternating between pumping and squeezing for a few moments. When Y/N removes her hand momentarily, Dean takes his opportunity to reverse the roles. 
Y/N lets out a small shriek when she lands on her back and Dean quickly rids himself from any clothes. She turns her head away when Dean climbs back on top of her. 
Dean doesn't mind as he reaches down to kiss her neck. Y/N moans as Dean leaves his mark, sucking and then biting at the thin skin. Though he is unable to tell if Y/N is moaning out of discomfort or pleasure, it only makes Dean's cock throb. 
Dean's member brushes past Y/N's warm, welcoming center, causing Dean to groan into her neck. He paws at her breasts, resting his weight on his elbows as he brings his face down. Y/N squirms as Dean places his wet lips onto one of her nipples.
While he pays attention to one breast at a time, relishing in the way Y/N's body is moving involuntarily, he reaches down and grabs himself in his hand. He pulls his face away from her breasts and straightens his other arm so that he can see where he's going. 
"Gonna need you to look at me for this one, sweetheart," Dean reaches down briefly to whisper in Y/N's ear. 
Y/N lets out a sigh as she continues to stare off into the distance. Dean waits for her to follow his demands by running his thick tip through her slippery slit. 
"I can wait," Dean looks back up to see Y/N still looking to the side. "I can keep myself hard for however long it takes you to finally look, so don't try to wait me out, sweetheart."
Y/N, hesitant for the first time, turns her head so that she is looking up into Dean's eyes. Dean can see the tears building and admires how gorgeous she looks underneath him and completely vulnerable to his use. 
"Missionary gets a bad rap, you know?" Dean chuckles, looking down at her miserable face. "Nothing hotter than watching your face twist when I finally push into you."
Dean watches the way Y/N's eyes widen at his statement before rapidly pushing into her. Though Dean experiences a great amount of pleasure being constricted by her tight walls, he keeps his eyes open to watch Y/N's face. 
Dean stays still after he pushes himself impossibly deeper, sitting back to watch the way that Y/N holds her breath. Eventually, she gasps for air and pushes her head back into the mattress. Her breasts raise closer toward Dean as her back arches. Dean can only assume she's still getting used to his size. 
"Doin' alright?" Dean smirks, waiting for her eyes to open again. 
"Just move," Y/N mumbles through shortened breaths. Dean remains still until she looks up at him. "Please, Dean!" 
"That's more like it," Dean grunts whilst granting her wish.
Dean begins to move his hips slowly in and out of Y/N, finally shutting his eyes and allowing himself to feel her for all her glory. He can tell that she's trying her best to stay quiet and he opens his eyes again to gauge how she's feeling. 
Y/N is biting her lip, her breasts bouncing with each thrust of Dean's hip. Her eyes are once again shut and her eyebrows are furrowed. Small gasps and moans escape past Y/N's lips as Dean begins to snap his hips faster. 
As Dean continues to increase his speed, Y/N eventually stops fighting the moans wanting to escape her throat. Dean takes note of what makes her most vocal, copying those movements over and over to maximize her pleasure. 
Dean switches back and forth from watching himself slam into her and looking up to watch her face contort. He no longer minds that her eyes are sealed shut, he can tell that she's enjoying him inside of her even if she doesn't want to admit it. 
Y/N squeezes around Dean's cock, spasming every few seconds when Dean bottoms inside of her. At this point, Dean is a lot closer to climax than he normally is. The stamina of being a demon has been a blessing and a curse, but Y/N seems to be doing the trick better than anyone Dean's been with since turning. 
Dean stretches to reach above Y/N's head and in the process finds himself deeper inside of Y/N than he could have ever imagined. Y/N's body reacts to being completely filled by Dean by her legs shaking with a mind of their own. 
Once Dean grabs the pillow from above Y/N, he reaches down to place it underneath the arch in her back. Dean lets out a guttural moan, shutting his eyes as the angles change. Y/N only grows louder when Dean begins to thrust in and out of her again. 
Holding onto her hips for support, Dean snaps faster. He can't help the groans that escape from his mouth and starts to feel that familiar tension building rapidly. 
"Fuck!" Y/N yells out in pleasure, grabbing onto Dean's forearms and looking up at him. 
"That's it," Dean chuckles in between panting as he looks down at her. "Such a good girl taking my cock like that."
Y/N whines as she throws her head back, digging her nails into the skin of Dean's forearms. As tightly as she's holding onto him, Dean manages to get one of his arms free and brings his thumb down onto her sweet spot. 
As he begins to rub circles against her clit, Dean watches Y/N bite down on her lip. Y/N continues to push her head back as her eyebrows furrow and lets go of Dean's forearms. She brings her hands up to hold onto her breasts, making Dean's cock throb inside of her. 
"Feel good, sweetheart?" Dean smirks in accomplishment, pressing into her clit harder with his thumb. 
"Shut up," Y/N mutters out, pinching onto her own nipples as her face continues to contort. 
"That's not how you get what you want," Dean scolds, going slower with his thrusts as he dials back the pressure from his thumb. 
Y/N's eyes open and her head returns to its natural position. She lets go of her breasts before sitting up. Dean isn't sure why Y/N is moving so suddenly until she pulls him into her chest so that all of his weight is on top of her. 
Y/N wraps her arms around the back of Dean's neck, pulling him closer as she locks her legs behind Dean's back. Dean takes the hint and begins to thrust his hips faster than before. 
With the new position, Dean feels himself getting closer to climax. To add to his imminent release, Y/N's breath is hot against Dean's ear and her whimpers are traveling directly to his brain. 
"Oh my god, Dean!" Y/N trembles underneath Dean and grabs his head with her hands. 
Y/N begins to clench around Dean harder than ever before as she smashes her lips into his. Dean kisses her back with desperation, both moaning into each other's mouths. As Y/N continues to ride out her orgasm, Dean's begins to erupt. 
Dean feels his legs shake as he cums, deep and hot inside her tight cavity. He breaks the kiss as he snaps his hips as fast and hard as he can without being too overstimulated, spilling whatever he had left inside of him into Y/N. 
Y/N tries to catch her breath as Dean slows down, still sporadically releasing inside of her every few seconds. His eyes are screwed shut and his entire body trembles when he feels Y/N's hands on the back of his neck again. 
Dean is pleasantly surprised when Y/N brings him down for a kiss. This time, she is more tender, overlapping her lips with his at a much slower, more passionate pace. Dean isn't usually the type to continue on after he's climaxed, but with Y/N, he is finding it to be a very pleasurable ending.
With Y/N's legs still wrapped around Dean's body and her walls still periodically contracting, Dean's cock twitches inside of her as his climax finally comes to an end. 
"That was," Dean begins as he pulls back, still catching his breath. "That was the best sex I've had in a very long time."
Y/N's body relaxes into the bed as her hands unwrap themselves from Dean's neck, her legs following suit. 
"Good," Y/N showcases a post-orgasm smile for a fraction of a second, and then her face straightens out completely. "Let's go find Sam now, yeah?"
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onelocket · 1 year
Being Fyodor’s selective mute lover
Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN!Reader
PROMPTING GUIDE -- You’re Fyodor’s high-school lover, who is selective mute and uses notes to communicate. How would he tend to you in school hours?
INVOLVES -- mentions of violence, one mention of a feminine nickname (belladonna). not much warnings thankfully
I do want to mention that I am selective mute myself, but there may be points within this post that other selective mute people will not find relation to.
THEME -- mainly fluff, high-school au
WORD COUNT -- 2.3k
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Fyodor always has his eyes on you
Of course, don’t take it the wrong way. He has other stuff to deal with than being a stalker of yours, and besides—you two are already dating anyway. What more will he not know about you? Even if you’re selective mute, he always seems to know everything. But moving on, whenever you and Fyodor share a class period, he will mainly spend that hour or two watching over you. And you don’t even know it.
Because his chair is always ‘seemingly’ behind you, he has more access to you than you do to him. Unless, of course, you wouldn’t care if he sees you turn your head to him every minute of class. But you do, and with the facts that the teacher could see you do that too—you pretty much.. never turn around unless needed. There will be times where he softly calls you, just to get your head turning around to look at him. You think there isn’t an exact reason for this, but what you don’t know is that Fyodor does so just to see your expression. One’s expression tells a lot about their current emotion, so he uses that as an advantage to at least see how you were feeling. Especially since you don’t speak and can’t get your thoughts out through words.
Even if you guys aren’t in class, let’s say; eating lunch or attending a school event, Fyodor will always be watching you. If not close to you, then from a distance. It’s to ensure you were safe, and also to watch whoever tries to talk to you—and he was always taking note of who they were. There are times where other students notice his pattern, but Fyodor will always be able to make up an excuse to trick their foolish minds, for he does not want to admit it to others. But for closer students like Gogol and Sigma, perhaps even Dazai, he admits the truth to them. And if he ever does admit it to Dazai? The look on your face can be so funny when you hear Dazai’s overdramatic words. "Hey belladonna, don’t you find it bizarre that your boyfriend still stalks you?" "…??"
Sometimes, when the staring becomes too much of a boring activity for him—mostly when nothing dangerous seems to be around to threaten you, Fyodor may end up walking close and hold your hand to let you know of his presence. Of course, you do not mind. It’s one of the many ways that he can comfort you, especially if wherever you would be was somewhere full of students.
Your notes are never thrown away
Since phones aren’t a common occasion in your school, your small little notepads are always the resort to your interaction. There will be very, very rare times that you willingly speak to continue the chat, but never had anyone received this treatment other than a selected few. And obviously, Fyodor would be one of that few. Yet for how rare it happens, it’s almost forgettable.
You tend to use your notepads to everyone, regardless of who they may be. Your high school is pretty supportive, well—at least that’s what their surface was to you, so the students and teachers take the time to let you write your reply or inquiry to them. Inquiry—because you’d never start a conversation unless absolutely needed. Paper can cost quite a bit too, you know? It would be a waste to use them on situations that aren’t even necessary to you, especially ink. You sometimes use pencils, but you always have pens rather than pencils in your pockets, so ink takes the majority.
Your boyfriend is no exception to the notes. Since you can’t bring yourself to speak every time, you have to use notes to continue a conversation with Fyodor. And he doesn’t mind, for he always replies afterward and even asks if you’re okay after the chat. He even helps you out as well, insisting that he can keep the paper so that no more trash would stay in your bag. Because whenever you’re done with an interaction, you always keep the notes in your bag to refrain from any ‘blackmail’ or have a stranger hold your notes, and he knows that too.
But what you don’t know is that your boyfriends ‘act of kindness’ is pretty much just to brag, if we’re talking surface level here. Fyodor keeps some of the many small notes in his desk drawer—especially those notes which held such cheesy and sweet words from you. For having classmates like Gogol and Dazai, it’s not avoidable to have his drawer opened sometimes. And whenever any of the two see your cute little "Can we head to the nearby tea shop after class…? I miss spending more time with you, Fedya.. ♡", it’s best assured that you’d receive teasing from the other party after. And Fyodor could only chuckle at the scene.
He speaks for you when needed
As stated, you always use notes to interact with others. Some don’t mind, some do. Those who don’t always seem to have their reasons as they either don’t genuinely understand why you’re selective mute, or are either just complete ignorant people. Nonetheless, being with those types of people always makes your stomach upset. While Fyodor was in the same school, it’s not every second where he’s always with you, so for times that you’re left alone with such ignorant people… oh, just how badly would you love to run away and find your boyfriend.
There are times where, while Fyodor wasn’t nearby—a student will ask you "Why are you selective mute?", and damn does it always make you nearly cry. With the quietest hiccup replying first, you look down, trying to not let them see the upset look you had on as your stomach formed uncomfortable knots. Oh god.. write faster.. You’d think, fingers shaking as they slide the ink on your paper to form words. You lift the paper up, "I’m scared to speak. Please don’t push this question further." earning them either a confused look—or an apologetic one as they become quick to say sorry for asking that. Of course, you always accept it..
But for situations where teachers take place, especially recitations, you have very little to use to keep your comfort. There are teachers that let you write down your answer, but there are those who will deny that alternative and pretty much demand for you to talk. As much as you hated speaking, Fyodor hated the sight of these teachers forcing you something you clearly could not do. If only he wasn’t a student with a reputation to keep, then perhaps he would have been yelling at them each time it happens to you. But of course, Fyodor was a man of patience and held a collected demeanor.
So instead of starting an issue, Fyodor raises his hand before standing up from his seat. Gaining you and the teachers attention, he will politely ask if he, as your boyfriend, can help and speak for you. Thankfully, because of his ‘position’ and valid reason, he’s mostly allowed to help you, the teacher letting him walk closer to you so he could ask what you want to say. Fyodor always kisses your worries off first, peppering them light on your cheeks without a care on what the other students will think of. And for the teacher? Well, he can always shoot back another valid excuse for his affection. And besides, it always seems to help, for you end up very quietly whispering to him what you desire to say, letting him say it out loud to the class with his hand tightly holding yours. These were times you were so grateful he can still be around you in this school, and that he’s not afraid to speak for you when you need it.
"[…], Keep his protectiveness to an extent, please."
While the majority of those who talked to you were respecting and kind, a school experience can never be complete without a conflict some way or another, can’t it? Poor you, not excluded from that ‘unspoken rule’. Well, you’re thankful that you weren’t a constant target of bullying, but there just has to be some students who think they’re so good, so you still end up receiving negative treatment sometimes.
Fyodor is not a student council member by any means, in fact, he doesn’t like what kind of attention that role could bring him. However, people do know who he is, and what he seems to be capable of. Being once called a demon by the student council secretary himself, Dazai Osamu, a lot became wary and almost scared of his persona. And you were just another addition to peoples list. Well, maybe not as bad as Fyodors—since you were a very kind person to everyone nonetheless, so less saw you as a warning alone. Perhaps these less were even the people who decided to be offensive with you, unironically enough.
Even if you decided to go through with it to refrain from an angry assault, Fyodor always thinks otherwise of your decision. How dare they, insult and go on harassing you just because you can’t bring yourself to speak? Each hostile interaction made him angry. It makes him want to hurt the other party—which is a thought he never entertains. So somebody had to really be on their tail to have the demon do what he doesn’t like to. And Fyodor wasn’t the type to be afraid either, shooting the other side with such glare that usually makes them agitated and cause a larger ruckus with your boyfriend. But thankfully, you were there, somebody who’s able to try or at least make him discard any harsher words and actions until the situation was over. It wasn’t everyday somebody decides to be rude to you, and so would be his anger, so if you even let a portion of it escape Fyodor, best bet that you and him go straight to the guidance counselor.
But actually, it seemed to have happened once. One school afternoon, you were simply packing your bag in preparation for leaving before a teacher came close to you. A very close and friendly teacher, so their presence alone did not mind you. Until you hear them speak, "Dostoevsky is your boyfriend, right?" causing your head to nod and face them. They hum before they fell silent, looking away to watch the beautiful hues of sunset as they replied to you, "He has punched a guy that ended up bleeding just a few days ago, when you were absent. The other boy always defends himself by saying Fyodor shouldn’t be hostile just for his lover, which brings me here to you now. Well, I guess what I’m trying to say is.. keep his protectiveness to an extent, please."
Free time turns into ‘comforting time’
To end with some actual fluff—Fyodor’s way of comforting you is probably one of the bestest things ever set foot in your life, set aside him in general. You and him have a freer way of showing affection and communicating outside the school campus, but as long as you two were inside said building, there was a limit to it. And it made you upset, really. How comforting would it be to have your lover stay by your side every second in class and help you focus.. too bad you can’t have that.
But it’s evident enough that Fyodor sees the distress you feel, so he tends to bring you to secluded places during free time. You and his schedules weren’t so far off, so there was plenty of time to spend. He does want more than just watching you from afar, too. Whenever you two are presented with free time; usually during the afternoons, he will gently take your hand and bring you somewhere else that’s quieter—mostly the rooftop, which also has such a lovely view of the calming colors of sunset. If wherever you two first were was already quiet, then he doesn’t find need to bring you out the of room, but that finds itself to be rare because of the other students. But it does not bother you both as long as a relaxing space can be yours and his for a couple of minutes.
As Fyodor delicately presses kisses on your palms, he will occasionally stop to ask how today was going, and if anything negative happened while he had himself separated from you. He may also eventually cuddle up with you when your body seems to be asking for it. His concern was something that makes you melt, your heart beating as you reply to him with your notes. But there are times of these sessions where you feel comfortable enough to speak, starting off with a quiet voice calling his name, "F-Fyodor, I’m…okay.". And oh, just how bad his heart warms up to that too. He knows how difficult it is for you to even stutter a word, and for each word you manage to speak out—expect soft little praises from him. Nothing too major since he can’t have you overwhelmed more than you already would be, but enough to keep your face pink as he slowly tucks strands of your hair behind your ear, your eyes seeing such a faint smile that compliment his beautiful features.
Isn’t it a shock, somebody like you able to soften the heart of someone who was called a demon by your school’s student council secretary? Dazai was never known to be wrong, either. You’re a somebody who can’t speak to others because of your extreme fear, and for the eyes of others—you weren’t somebody worth to entertain even a minute to. Yet you manage to take in the attention of Fyodor, why could that be? You never knew, and maybe you never wanted to know. His love for you was enough in this high-school experience.
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thefrenchydude · 5 months
Could we have a character sheet for Macaque and Wukong, and for the other characters in the visual novel, please?
Oki doki (sorry for the time it took me to anwser it ;-;)
Name: Sun Wukong
Age: ??? (physical appearance: 27)
Place: Flower Fruit Mountain
Status: Demon King
Physical description:
Sun Wukong has a sleek, athletic appearance, with supple, powerful muscles. His sparkling eyes reflect a sharp intelligence mixed with a glint of madness. His golden skin seems to emit a glow of its own. His smile is often teasing, but behind this facade lies a deep intensity.
With an oversized ego and an impulsive temperament, Sun Wukong is as charismatic as he is dangerous. His self-confidence borders on arrogance, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Beneath his mischievous exterior lies an obsessive possessiveness and a sickly jealousy. He'll do anything to protect what he considers his, even if it means resorting to extreme methods (unless it hurts his beloved Peach).
As Monkey King, Sun Wukong is a master of the martial arts, able to fight with superhuman agility and power. He is also a master of the mystic arts, including metamorphosis, teleportation and the manipulation of natural elements. He can also duplicate himself and use his hair to create things like objects or food. His magic staff, the Ruyi Jingu Bang, is a formidable weapon capable of changing size at will.
Sun Wukong is deeply obsessed by his love for his Reader. His relationship with Reader is intense, oscillating between all-consuming passion and overwhelming possessiveness.
Sun Wukong's main motivation is to protect and conquer Reader at all costs. Nothing can stop him in his quest to obtain the absolute love of the person he desires, even if it means destroying everything in his path.
Special note:
Due to his yandere nature, Sun Wukong is extremely dangerous to anyone who comes between him and his Peach. His actions are often unpredictable and violent. Better not get close to Reader.
Name: Liu'er Mihou
Age: ??? (physical appearance: 27)
Place: Flower Fruit Mountain
Status : Demon king
Physical description:
Liu'er Mihou is a demon physically quite similar to Wukong. He has silky black fur that glistens in the sunlight, and he takes good care of it. He has three ears on both sides of his face -6 in all-. His charming smile can go from warm to menacing in an instant, revealing his sharp, pointed teeth. His posture is always elegant, accentuating his aura of mystery and danger.
Liu'er Mihou is closed and calculating towards anyone other than Reader and Wukong. Once he's with Reader, things change and he becomes a lamb who loves the touch of his love. His jealousy is fierce, and he's ready to get rid of anyone who come between him and Reader.
Liu'er Mihou possesses demonic agility and strength, as well as exceptional intelligence.
He excels in the art of combat and manipulation, and can use his charm to get what he wants from Reader. He can also blend into his natural environment and move with silent grace. His acute sense of hearing and smell enable him to track any prey with frightening precision. He can also manipulate shadows to: control someone's movements, duplicate himself, open portals or plunge places into a kind of shadow dimension…
Liu'er Mihou is deeply obsessed with Reader, whom he considers the love of his life. He can't stand the idea of anyone else getting close to his Reader, and is ready to eliminate any perceived threat. His relationship with Reader oscillates between tenderness and ardent desire, not hesitating to tease his love. And he's ready to use any means necessary to make sure Reader is his forever.
Liu'er Mihou's main motivation is to keep his love safe and close at all costs. He's willing to sacrifice everything to ensure that no one else can get close to him -unless it's Wukong, both are cool with the sharing part, even if it wasn't easy at first-. His obsession is fueled by an insatiable desire for more of Reader.
Special note:
Due to his yandere nature, Liu'er Mihou is extremely dangerous to anyone who comes between him and his Reader.
For the rest I will write it later, I have other ask to anwser. I know I'm very slow to do it, but I will so no worry.
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
word count: 1386
Valerie gets the support she deserves. @summerssixecho
more fic ooh ahah
“So, what? You’re just going to stop being my friend because my dad doesn’t have money anymore?”
Paulina tsked and looked at her newly manicured nails. “That’s how it works, chica. You can’t be in with the in crowd if you can’t afford the in crowd.”
Valerie balled her hands into fists. “I wasn’t friends with you to be in the ‘in crowd’. I was friends with you guys because I liked hanging out with you? I thought you were cool people?” Valerie’s glare deepened. “But now I know that you’re all just a bunch of shallow assholes.”
“Ooh, resorting to name calling?” Paulina looked at Valerie. “You know we’re right.”
Valerie growled and turned away from them. She stomped down the hallway and out of sight. 
“Paulina, is this really necessary?” Star asked, looking down the hallway at where Valerie disappeared. “I thought we were friends for more than the money our parents have too.”
“She needs to know her place in this world.” Paulina turned to Star and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “People like her won’t make it in this world unless they have money. She needs to learn that.”
“People like her?” Star asked skeptically.
Star backed away, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She’s been friends with Paulina since they were little girls. She remembered when Paulina first moved here from Columbia. She was so young and she already knew two languages. Star had thought it was so cool. She loved listening to Paulina talk in her native tongue. 
She didn’t know what happened but Paulina seemed to get meaner, more controlling and hostile every year. She didn’t want to admit it but it was to the point where her friends were starting to become nervous to talk to her. She controlled Casper High’s entire rumor mill. One lie from her and their lives could be ruined.
So everyone stayed quiet, hoping Paulina would change one day. But Star looked at where Valerie disappeared and felt remorseful. She wished there was something she could do. 
Star was in the library during her study hall. She was working on an english paper and had books spread out all around her on the table. She leaned back and looked down at it all when she heard it. 
Coming from the corner of the room near her was the sound of crying. 
Star’s never been one to comfort people before. It’s not something she was good at. She usually left or ignored it when she could hear someone having a rough time near her. But this time she was compelled to get out of her seat.
The closer she got, the louder the sniffles were. As she rounded the corner her heart dropped as she saw who was sitting on the floor in the corner of the library. 
Valerie sat with her arms hugging her legs, her face tucked into her knees. She was trembling with the force of keeping the sounds in, but they trickled out without her permission. Star’s heart twisted in her chest and she walked over to where Valerie sat on the floor. 
Star sat down and wrapped an arm around Valerie’s shoulders and held her. Valerie looked up for a moment to see who had come to comfort her and a louder sob left her once she made eye contact with Star. She turned her head and tucked it into Star’s shoulder, quietly crying onto her shirt. She rubbed Valerie’s shoulder, hoping that would be enough to comfort her.
She didn’t get any more work done that hour. 
Star and Valerie started hanging out a lot more again after that. Paulina tried to make a big deal out of it but this was the one thing Star wasn’t going to back down on.
“Paulina, you can’t make me do this. Not this time.”
She snorted. “Why, is she your new best friend or something?” She sneered.
Star threw her hands up into the air. “No! Never! She just needs some support right now! All you want to do is put her down!” 
“She doesn’t need any support. She just needs to get over it and accept her place.”
Star clenched her teeth together. “You know what, I’m over this. She might as well be my new best friend because all you’ve been for the past couple years is a complete bitch.”
Paulina gasped but Star continued, emboldened by the words she had already spoken. 
“No one really likes you much anymore, Paulina. Everyone’s afraid of you. I tried to be there for you, you were my best friend. But now all you do is manipulate and hurt people. Until you don’t do that anymore, we’re no longer friends.” 
Paulina glared at her with her hands clenched. “How dare you. How could you do this?”
“The same way you did all that to Valerie.”
Star walked away. She could hear Paulina still trying to talk to her, but her words faded away as her hands shook and tingled. 
Star and Valerie laughed. They sat outside on the bleachers by the football field. Dash just fell over as he was trying to show off during practice.
“That’s what you get, Baxter!” Valerie cupped her hands around her mouth as she shouted at him. He shot her a glare but smiled right after. 
It was a nice, sunny day out and Dash had asked Star and Valerie if they wanted to watch the guys during practice. And then afterwards they’d go to the Nasty Burger. Star was glad to see no one was treating her differently after her outburst at Paulina and Valerie was happy to hang out with her friends again. 
Dash had just turned to go back to practice when a screeching sound echoed around the football field. Valerie took a defensive stance next to her and Star looked around, trying to figure out where the sound came from. 
There it was. Up above them squawked an animalistic ghost. It looked like some kind of bird. It had breaks in its limbs and looked deformed. It screeched at them again. 
Star stood up, getting ready to run. “I hope the ghost boy gets here soon!” 
Valerie growled. “We don’t need that stupid ghost boy! Come on, follow me.” 
Valerie ran away off the bleachers, Star following behind. On the last step though, she tripped and fell to the ground. The yell she made on the way down caught the ghost’s attention and it flew towards her. 
Star turned away and covered her head. She prepared herself for the blow, for the stinging of ectoplasm but it never came. 
The ghost screeched and Star turned her to look at what happened and her eyes widened when she saw who was standing in front of her, stance wide with a new ecto-gun floating above her wrist that had not been there before. 
Valerie stood in front of her with the posture of a soldier in battle. Then right before Star’s eyes, Valerie began to change. A familiar suit appeared around her, replacing her clothes. There stood the Red Huntress.
“Oh my god.” Star whispered. 
“You and your kind will not be taking anything else away from me!” Valerie yelled at it. 
She watched as Valerie vehemently fought the ghost, flying into the air once her hoverboard appeared. Soon enough it was captured in the thermos that appeared in Valerie’s hand seemingly out of nothing. Once the ghost was defeated, she glided back to the ground and the hoverboard disappeared back to wherever it came from. 
Star stared at her for a few moments before she finally stood up. She ran at Valerie and threw her arms around her shoulders. 
“This is what you’ve been doing all this time?” She yelled into her ear.
Valerie pulled her head back at the sound. “Yeah. Ever since the ghost boy and his dog ruined my life.” 
Star pulled back, a sad expression on her face. Before she could voice any of her thoughts though, the football players came over cheering. 
“Way to go Valerie!”
“Yeah! You beat that ghost ass!”
They continued cheering and congratulating her. They picked her up and started carrying her around on their shoulders. Valerie’s suit transformed and disappeared, leaving her smiling face visible to everyone. 
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i totally agree with your post about ds9 execpt for the part about kira looking at it solely from in universe, its definitely not great. but nana has said that the plot was what allowed her to keep her job on the show, and i think thats incredibly important to keep in mind. again, the fact they had to do that is shitty, but she has said that the plot was what allowed her to continue doing ds9 without having to only be in shots that would not show her belly. and honestly i dont think the plot itself is too horrible either. its not great but its not as bad as it could have been. i do agree with a lot of your points though
In reference to this post.
I understand the sentiment behind this ask, and I'm aware of the reason why it was necessary to work around Nana Visitor's real life pregnancy. Kira's pregnancy plot on DS9, however, is not the only way this could've been achieved. One option, like you mentioned, would've simply been to pretend it wasn't happening, like in the case of Gates McFadden's pregnancy on TNG or Roxann Dawson's during most of season 4 of Voyager. I don't think that the production, however awful it was to the actors, would've risked losing one of the show's biggest roles over this.
I don't mind the idea of having Kira be pregnant on the show, on the contrary, but I take issue with how this was presented. Even beyond the fact that it boggles the mind that this at all happened through an emergency medical procedure between aliens (??), at no point either Kira or Keiko (and I'm very sorry for having left Keiko out of the equation in the original post, I shouldn't have) are allowed to have feelings about what happened to them, about the choice not-quite-choice they were given, the risks inherent for Kira in carrying a fetus (not even of her own species!!) to term, what it means to gestate for someone else. Nothing except acceptance of whatever may come, which can make sense on a character perspective but it sends a certain message just as much (ie pregnancy is a blessing so if it happens by accident you roll with the punches! unless when it is a curse, ie when you want it for yourself, see Jadzia).
Again, the trouble with the Kira pregnancy plot to me is that it represents the first in many similar narrative threads in which pregnancy is a plot device with dubious relations to choice, and where the protagonists of said plots have pretty much no space to grapple with what it means for them! Which is crazy because wouldn't be an inter-species gestational surrogacy be exactly the kind of absurd scifi scenario Trek loves so much in order to make a point, or even just have characters Have Emotions over the enormity of the question that the situation asks? But no, what Kira gets is one small scene where the only one who affirms her right to decide over her own body is Jadzia, and later on, after giving birth, confessing to Odo that she doesn't know how to express the feelings of loss she has re: Kirayoshi. Keiko gets exactly zero scenes. It's so so glaring, especially in a show that has dealt with people's ownership of their own bodies so often, especially with Odo! And upon reflection you can see this trend already in some of Jadzia's plots, where so often she is the object of someone else's choices (Verad's, Joran's and the Symbiosis Commission's, Curzon's) and her only agency is to bear the consequences on her own shoulders over and over, and she simply never speaks of it again. And well, then she dies just as she was making decisions about her future.
Of course the case of Sarah Sisko (and, on a lesser degree, Kasidy's pregnancy later in s7) the lack of choice or voice is SO MUCH WORSE. We never even meet her. We never hear Sarah's opinion unmediated by the Prophets. We just hear this horrifying story about lack of anything resembling consent surrounding Benjamin's birth and we simply have to move on. It's perhaps the final culmination of DS9 resorting to using women (glaringly, women of color—see Keiko above) as devices upon which the plot can be enacted, or men can have feelings about, once the show starts running a bit on fumes in the rush to complete the final seasons. Those fumes are revealing, imho, of underlying assumptions.
I suppose it looks especially evident in Kira's case because in other situations she is allowed to have feelings about what happens to her. But then again, Season 5 doesn't even let her mourn her dead friends, so. Don't get me wrong, I love Kira and I still think her existence in 90s television is nothing short of extraordinary; there are many places, though, where DS9 fails her (and the rest of the female cast) pretty badly, and the pregnancy plot is one of them.
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thelunarfairy · 10 months
Hola 💗 I really love your content 😍 that's why I come and go all the time, I come to ask you something else and my point of view :)
The truth is that I have always believed that Nene is going to die in the end because there are many things that point to that, if it happens I think it will be one of the strongest things that we will see in the manga, AidaIro is dramatic and crude, Nene is the most human character, that is why she is considered less important but her importance is really extremely great, she is one of the pillars of the story, so seeing her die she will be very strong.
Especially how everyone who knows her will take it, she wins the affection of people easily, she has interacted with the most misunderstood teenagers, she saw the pains, desires and regrets of the specters, they have liked her, Hanako is in love with her, you could say that she is a friend of Mitsuba, she was a friend of Sumire, Shijima-San supports her along with Tsuchigomori, even Yako, a constantly furious being, likes being with her and Tsukasa approve her, I asked me how she will get along with the mysteries No.1
But hey, you can see the importance, I wondered how she will die and how it will affect the characters and the story?
Oh, Thank you sweet 💗💗 >.<
Yashiro is the protagonist and it's no surprise. She is the most important piece in the story. Without her, Hanako would remain alone, Tsukasa would not return, the seals would not be removed, lives would not be saved, Kou would not know Mitsuba, because if there is no Tsukasa, there is no Mitsuba. The fate of the twins would not have been changed.
It suggests that the twins were waiting for her arrival to begin their goal, and of course, these goals have consequences, whether good or bad. In any case, the twins could only move forward with her. Tsukasa didn't kidnap her for nothing, he needs her too.
Yashiro was narratively constructed to seem weak and useless, a little girl who was naive and got involved with the supernatural, but that's not what it's about. She is one of the key players, and if you analyze everything she did, it had a consequence. She prevented Kou from exorcising Hanako, he started to want to better understand supernaturals.
Hanako is no longer as cold as before, I could mention all the changes in his behavior but I would spend the whole day. She saved Aoi several times (even without Aoi knowing), she showed Sumire what freedom was (when she took her from that village) wow, if I'm going to say everything this post will be just for that hahaha.
Nene's death is destined, so there is no way to save her unless specific methods are used to do so. They can use Tsuchigomori or the god. In both cases a sacrifice is necessary. In the case of Tsuchigomori he would sacrifice himself, and in God's case, they would need to remove all the seals.
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There is a third alternative, going back in time. In the latter, there are some possibilities for her to be kept alive, either by stopping her time, or going back in time to change something, or in the last resort, going to the future to prevent her from going through the event that will bring about her death. .
Apparently, Hanako is thinking about the possibility of using the time to their advantage.
About what her death would be like, I have a theory about it, if you want to see it, take a look at this post here.
I'm going to summarize the post I mentioned above, basically they need to remove all the seals, after these seals are removed something will happen (the last cursed seal will break) imagining that the cursed seal is Hanako's, which is the only one that has a seal and isn't a yorishiro, so we assume Hanako is going to transform into something dangerous.
Yashiro manages to purify, and you see that when she does this to Tsukasa, he "melts" a little. On other occasions, such as in the mokke of the dead chapter, she purifies all the students at once.
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So I imagine that she will try to save Hanako, but he, who has no control over himself, will end up killing her in the process (like he did with Tsukasa), she will manage to save him, but when he realizes what he did , will ask Kou to exorcise him.
I explain better in the post I mentioned.
The second hypothesis is that it is used as a sacrifice to the God, to grant a wish. Although the Kannagis don't actually die, they are trapped in the house/abyss. Yashiro actually dies, so I wonder if this hypothesis is so valid.
We saw how her body became lifeless and there were no signs that her soul would be present at the place, or the fact that she didn't remember anything after Mirai advanced her time, that is, she won't be trapped anywhere like the kannagis stay. Tsukasa was also sacrificed, but he remains in the house, meaning Yashiro actually dies, there is no return for her.
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The ways that Hanako found to save her included locking her in a safe place, where nothing bad could happen to her, that is, while she was there, no supernatural would attack her or there would be no way to get her out of there to use her as a sacrifice. She also wouldn't risk her life trying to save Hanako, because she would be with Amane from the PP arc.
He made a wish to God and asked for her life span to increase, that is, he changed her destiny when he made her live longer than was intended. So even if she was in danger, she wouldn't die. Remembering that Hanako removed her from the supernatural world, Aoi's sacrifice closed all the doors, meaning she wouldn't be there if Hanako transformed and attacked her.
We're still going to see more of his attempts to save her, and I believe that in this current arc we will too.
Nene's death will mainly affect Hanako, and if Hanako loses control… That will be problematic.....
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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redux-iterum · 10 months
Two Tigerclaw questions- 1) did he actually expect cats to side with him during his trial? Like agree with why he did it and stand against Bluestar? Or was he… that disillusioned?
Also 2) Was Redtail sort of the catalyst for him to start resorting to murder against those he deemed not loyal enough? Like was it a thought before??
Tigerclaw really was delusional. He genuinely thought that, once he explained his actions, everyone would understand and agree. This included the cats he murdered or arranged to have murdered - Redtail just needed to be told why he died and he would approve of Tigerclaw's goal. Lionface, too. The only one he didn't anticipate support from was Bluestar, which is why he knew she had to be put out of the way for any of his ideas to advance into actions. Maybe Fireheart too, but surely he could sway him over to his side with a gentle discussion about the importance of ThunderClan's safety.
The real problem is that no one saw his extremist thoughts in time to stop them before they evolved. He was mulling over the idea of becoming leader by any means necessary before he was even a warrior, and it only got worse when Bluedusk had her kits and yet somehow didn't lose the deputy position. He kept this to himself for a long time, but that just resulted in him essentially having a solo echo chamber in his mind that got worse and worse until he came to the conclusion, as a middle-aged warrior, that Bluestar had to die. There was no one who could tell him that was crazy, because he never said a word of this to anyone. He believed that action had to be taken first before he could explain himself. Somehow that seemed easier. Asking forgiveness vs permission, or something.
Redtail was on the list of targets for quite a while, but Tigerclaw didn't make a move until he had the opportunity. Redtail was doomed to die unless he retired from deputyhood and stood back from authority. At least, that was the idea, until he supported helping ShadowClan out loud. Then he had to die anyway. So maybe it didn't matter. Either way, whoever was in charge and making things "dangerous" for ThunderClan was going to go.
If anyone wants to know about Greystripe, he never imagined that tom to have a position of authority. But he was a traitor of the highest degree, and punishment was due. I don't think he was going to apologize to Greystripe, alive or in StarClan (and yes, Tigerclaw thought he was going to StarClan). I think he just felt the pain of betrayal stronger than everyone else, and he felt the drive to make Greystripe pay the price for that. He wasn't remotely sorry about it.
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7directions · 5 months
MUN INTRO: hey! my name's peyton [th/th, cst, 21+] & i'll be writing for sverre olsen, lee hyeon, selena palacio & dylan hwang here. you can find me on discord @ #seamonkeydefender & please feel free to add me w/o asking as well! discord is my preferred plotting method. all of my characters are on sideblogs aside from sverre, so i will be dming from @portra400s when necessary... hehe
CHARA INTRO: finally... my girl selena palacio. she's a 23yr old girl just trying to live her life. her dad was one of the supervisors for the construction of the resort, so their little family relocated to yuseong bay temporarily abt a year and a half ago and then selena decided to stay after construction wrapped up and her parents moved back to seoul. she's a pharmaceutical sciences major @ jeju natl uni (in her senior year) and part-time receptionist at the clinic. you can view her stats here & her pinterest here if interested!
answer the following prompts, either ooc or ic!
when did your muse first arrive in yuseong bay?: about a year and a half ago.
what does an average day look like for your muse?: wake up around 6/6:30am, get ready for the day, have breakfast, go to jeju city for classes until around 1pm (unless it's a tuesday or wednesday in which case she doesn't have classes and instead reports to work @ cheongdanhae clinic until 3pm), maybe hit the recreational center gym or go run errands (or go home for a bit and clean if necessary), she's usually free by 6pm and will spend the rest of her evening socializing in some capacity (i.e chatting her shit at the bar or going out to a club in the city with her friends), have a late dinner, go to bed by 10:30pm.
where can your muse usually be found?: literally everywhere... she's the girl who u start to think is either (a) a ghost or (b) stalking you because she's all over the place. most often found at 88& bar, eclectique 33, the recreation center's gym, lemon martes, or lounging on the beach. every now and then she'll secure a seat at andante cafe to do work on her laptop / people-watch. checks out the farmer's market every weekend.
how does your muse feel about hanwha resort?: well... her dad was one of the construction supervisors, so if we're being honest, she's pretty alright with it. open to hearing people out / will likely change her opinion as she hears & observes how the resort affects locals.
is there an aspiration for your muse to stay in or leave yuseong bay?: currently, the only reason she's still in yuseong bay is because the rent's cheaper than it is in jeju city and she also doesn't want to transfer out to another school again after she had to transfer to jeju natl university. will likely move back to seoul after she graduates, as the slow small community life is not for her.
answer the following, ooc!
list your muse's three favorite songs: some by bol4, parking lot by the weather station, is it over now? by taylor swift; claims that she doesn't really have any musical preferences beyond liking feminine vocals more than masculine.
describe your muse's style: primarily wears neutrals or muted colors with some pops of bright reds or pinks—lots of sun dresses and skirts with simple blouses or the occasional graphic tee. cowboy boot fanatic.
color, word, and emoji to describe your muse: wine red, "fate", 💌
three strong likes and dislikes for your muse: really likes romcoms, getting the first slice of cake, gossiping with her friends / really doesn't like falling asleep during movies (despite the frequency in which this happens), windy days, being proven wrong.
three positive and negative traits for your muse: positive friendly, hardworking, devoted / negative naive, hungry for attention, doesn't consider the enemies of her friends to be her enemies as well
three talents and shortcomings for your muse: possesses the gift of gab, super super organized (will never forget a birthday/anniversary/etc), can do her hair and makeup in a shockingly short amt of time / can and will fall asleep during any movie or show, leaves dishes in the sink, can't whistle
what is a book/tv series/movie/video game character that you feel your character relates to?: will everyone groan and throw tomatoes if i say jessica day from new girl... she's a (very) loose inspo for selena <3
a relevant goal or arch for your character to overcome: she's pretty emotionally immature at this point in time, so it wld be cool to see her grow up a little??? maybe become more comfortable in her skin as well because current selena WILL NOT step out into public without a full face of makeup
selena is 100% mexican, but was born in new york and has spent a majority of her life in south korea. speaks fluent spanish and her parents cultivated a very "mexican" environment in the home growing up but there's obviously a disconnect that selena was never fully able to bridge, and consequently has felt like an outsider pretty much her entire life.
speaks fluent korean, very familiar with korean culture and customs and has korean citizenship but she is a perpetual foreigner. has constantly experienced not being taken seriously, being talked down to, being cut excessive slack because "she doesn't know any better", being stared at, being denied access to certain places because she's a foreigner even though she's literally a citizen, etc etc etc. so it goes. it used to bother her and it still kind of does, but after a while she realized she had to take it with a grain of salt. luckily it's not so bad anymore now that non-korean ppl in korea are more common of a sight.
was spoiled rotten growing up. wasn't rich, but her dad made more than enough money to provide for her & her mom and then treat them to nice things as well; often ended up not having much leftover of paychecks, but he's the type to view money as something that you can't take with you when you die, so no point in not spending it...
got a lot of compliments from her parents throughout her life as well. was never made to feel like she wasn't good enough, wasn't impressing them, wasn't succeeding, etc etc etc. they raised her to be incredibly confident and forward. she knows what she wants and she's confident in asking for or pursuing those things.
unfortunately, she's not much of an independent girlboss </3 loves her mom so bad and will never speak an ill word of her, but one error she made in raising selena was making her believe (a) as a woman, beauty is the most important thing and the only way to be respected and (b) women must always have a man supporting them. these aren't things that selena consciously believes, but things that are so embedded in her subconscious that they guide how she lives. type of girl to always have a bf or always have a date lined up, puts on a full face of makeup + does her hair + wears a nice outfit just to run errands, so on and so forth. forgive her...
what else is there to say that i haven't already said... she's super chatty & friendly. mostly a girl's girl, but can be a little jealous if her friends are doing better than she is. likes to go clubbing. likes to gossip, and often ends up accidentally spreading rumors. has a notebook full of love letters. she has two jobs: one in which she works the front desk @ cheongdanhae clinic, and the other is a remote info-inputting job for the local pharmacy. she used to work in-person at the pharmacy, but was moved to a remote position due to the fact that she kept waving co-pay fees. she's a sucker; tell her anything and she'll believe it. does a lot of things that she regrets 2 hours later.
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pvrkacciosan · 10 months
The Heart of the Lioness: ☽⋆30⋆☾
Hearts be Sold
The Heart of the Lioness Masterlist
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Enola didn't require more then a second to react as Brielle moved forward, wrapping her spy up in a hug that popped a bubble in her spine, Brielle knew they didn't have long, Connall giving her a much time as possible, so Brielle pulled away after a few seconds.
She stayed holding onto Enola's arms, the female lightly coloured hair, which matched the feathers of her owl form was silken smooth and long, hanging loosely over her shoulders.
"I need you to gather information for me"
Enola's smile met her eyes, beaming widely, "I thought you'd never ask." She too kept grip of Brielle's forearm, eyes wild with a fire of excitement and relief, 
"I need you to listen, find out if Maeve knows any other fire wielder's within the world." Brielle sighed heavily, "I don't want to turn to Bronwyn unless I have to."
Enola frowned, "You thinking about world walking to find help?"  
Brielle could have chewed up the inside of her own mouth in thought, "I don't know if it would work, but If Aelin needs me to. I'll go." Enola's expression shifted uneasily at the thought, "I don't believe anything good ever comes from world walking." Unease coiled in her gut, The same it had when Baba Yellowlegs had found her in that mountain pass almost a decade ago.
"Yeah well. We need more fire." Brielle had not been able to fall sleep whilst thinking of Aelin's request. If anyone could find a hidden Fire wielder, it would be the Pride. Through any means necessary. "I want it to be a last resort." Going to Isaiah's mate for help, should  be their last resort.
A quirk of curiosity shied its way into Enola's expression, "Have you heard much from my brother?" Brielle's thoughts wandered to her twin brother, the almost polar opposite to his sister, The Lord and the Messenger had always been a continent apart, for centuries. Brielle had been unable to unite them, but connect them and communicate for them: She could do.
"Last I heard he was wandering close to Terrasen's southern borders. Stirring up a rebellion there no doubt."
Enola finally nodded, moving to go back towards the window when the conversation shifted, 
"I also need you to take this" Brielle reached into a drawer at the desk, Enola extended a hand to take it, 
"You know what to do with it."
Enola flipped it, seeing the Lioness' paw print on the other side of the envelope she nodded. She turned for the window, exhaling deeply into the cool breeze blowing in from outside. Before a flash of light consumed the room, the owl hovered beating its wings to stay steady in the air.
Brielle met her eyes, "Stay safe."
Enola's eyes narrow, snapping her beak once, as though to remind Brielle that she had gotten this far, with a couple beats of her wings, Enola dropped from the window, letting the updraft of wind catch her wings, driving herself into a dive when she tucked them to her side. Her small body vanishing in the shadow that crested the side of the building.
Brielle pulled the window shut, Enola could take care of herself. Her brother more so. She turned back towards the bed in the middle of her room. 
She would spend the next few hours sieving through reports from the coastal fight at the Marshes. It was vital, she knew it in her bones, but she was yet to find something that could give her leverage.
She got through one paper before Connall appeared once more, shutting the door softly behind him. Brielle sat up from her place on the floor, moving the papers around from her lap.
"Did she suspect anything?"
Connall dropped to the ground beside her, taking up more space as he outstretched his legs. Fucking Fae males and their height. 
"You're messing up my organised piles," she leaned forward to slap his leg lightly, 
Connall chuckled lowly at the back of his throat, rolling onto his back, and onto the pile she had already been through— mixing the papers up. Brielle dropped the page from her hand, scowling at the male, 
"Don't think she caught on." he rolled over them again and finally sat up. Brielle had already scrunched up a random half blank page and chucked it at his face when he rightened himself up. 
"Hey!" he tried to swat it away when it smacked him, 
"You are going to help sort through all of these" she hissed, already moving to re-right the pages in their piles. 
Connall chuckled once more, before he began helping. Watching her as they cleaned up together.
Brielle had arisen before sunrise, moving through the dark to the camp surrounding the city. She didn't expect any of the group to be there by the time she arrived at the fighting pit in the centre of the camp. 
But she would admit to that shock when the whole group stood around watching each other warm up at her arrival. They all stopped, some panting for breathe, Regrouping they watched her approach in silence. Perhaps curious to why the Commander of Maeve's spy court had overtaken their training. They all looked cold to hell in their training clothes, despite their bodies steaming from their own warm up.
Brielle scanned each of them, trying to commit the details of their faces to memory. She paused on the female who's face was already engraved into her memories. There was the urge to ask them of their names, but apart of her, perhaps the only sane part left, refused to go through the pain of knowing them should she come to fighting them. Having to kill them.
 "Lets get started."
The group didn't move, Brielle walked forward. Clasping her hand together, Today she wasn't the Lioness, or a commander. She was a teacher, hoping to impart her wisdom to them, should they be smart enough to pay attention.
"I want to assess each of you." She stepped closer to the middle fighting ring, gesturing to the space before her "Who's up first?" she beckoned with an arm when none of them moved from their places. A horde of status, She huffed a deep sigh.
It might have become a reoccurring theme for their paths to cross one another; The female who's face Brielle had already fully committed to memory the moment she had managed to land a punch. Stepping forward from the group she already had a hardened expression stoning her features. The group parted and watched her walk away from them, 
Everyone of them watched her intently, looks of longing following her as she drew closer to the fighting pit. If Brielle could gain her trust, she might just convince the others to follow.
Brielle eased back a few paces, opening the ring to the female. As she took that final step over the barrier, foot planting into the sand. Brielle moved. There was no point to play a waiting game between them, no time to let her prepare. The fates of those who hesitate in a fight was already decided for them, Death is simple it doesn't discriminate.
The female looked stunned reeling back on her weight with widening eyes as Brielle threw the first punch. The blow hit dead on its mark, the warriors in the group surrounding them inhaled sharply at the sound that rippled within their friends shoulder. 
It sagged low out the socket, Brielle swung again, attentively watching how the limb stiffened in the females attempt to ease the next blow. She hissed though tightly clenched teeth, twisting to guard her face with her working arm. She was quick to drive that elbow back. Brielle had preempted this, she swung back on her heels, narrowly avoiding the strike that would have send her temple throbbing.
The female dropped and rolled across the ground avoiding Brielle, began supporting the unmoving arm as she back up to the edge of the circle.
"Why did you come back? Word is you all betrayed for some foreign child who claims to be fae royalty." She breathed heavily, circling the fighting pit. Her words lacked the bite Brielle was looking for, choosing to ignore the insult that had been directed for Aelin, Brille stayed still.
She watched, from the centre of the ring, listening to the crunch of sand beneath the feet of her opponent,
"Some say the Lioness has a mate-" Brielle tracked her movement watching over the curve of her own shoulder, " in Doranelle. One which she has come back for." The words were heavier than any punch this female would every throw. 
Brielle allowed her magic to coil, welcomed its warmth in her hands from deep within her, it poured fueling a heat inside her chest. 
The female now stalking dangerously close didn't seem to notice the tang of power. The group around the ring shifted unsteadily watching from every angle of the fight. Brielle turned over her shoulder, magic reeling around her form. Tracking the female with her eyes low. The magic shadowed her.
"Yeah" her own voice cracked the early morning air. The female paused, now positioned directly before the Lioness. Brielle drew her chin up, felt a muscle in her jaw tick "Maeve has Fenrys Moonbeam locked up beneath the castle."
The group paused, the female was stunned into silence, a pre-natural stillness at the realisation that Brielle had denied nothing, was so wrapped up in this new truth she hadn't felt the magic taking root around her ankles, climbing through ever vein and cell within her; an ivy that tightened a deathly grip.
By the time she startled at its presence, stumbling back to look down at herself. Before she could realise the rising pounding in her head was force upon her by the Lioness; her vision blurred followed quickly by a trickle of blood that drained from her nose.
Brielle eagerly watched, allowing more power to flow through her, from her. When the female swayed on unstable feet, Brielle breezed no more then half a stride. A well positioned strike knocked the female backwards onto her ass, sprawling to crawl away in the sand.
The commander did not advance further.
"That's cheating!" the female spat out, blinking wildly at the blood on her hand once she wiped the space between her nose and upper lip. 
"Did I explain any rules?" The whole group stayed silent in response of Brielle's question. "Didn't think so. In a fight never assume your enemy won't go to any length to kill you."
Brielle allowed a paused for her words to be heard, let them strike the group hard with their weight, turning back to the female she tracked her magic— let it pool and pour into her sagging shoulder. "You're out." The females expression had infused to an ashen colour under Brielle's stare.
With her words of finality, Brielle eased to face the main group once more, clicking her fingers she let her power snap the females dislocated joint back into place. 
Brielle waited for the screaming and cries of agony to diminish behind her before addressing the group, "So, Who's next?"
For the next hour Brielle fought ever member of the group, To their best efforts they threw everything they had in their set of skills at her. But every time she still came out standing. After they all went once, she made them go a second time, hopeful for some improvement.
She was highly disappointed.
"I though Maeve's captains might have trained you to at least defend yourself for longer then each of you lasted." She strides a step towards them, "Clearly they do not hold your lives in such a high regard."
Half the group had already sought refuge on the solid ground, their limbs too heavy to hold their own weight up, others sat further away, still within earshot, attending to their injuries. At her words, heads swiveled to scowl in her direction, she flicked a hand at them.
"Be here again tomorrow, same time."
Their expressions only darkened at her directions, lips pulled back in half snarls they didn't quite commit to. Brielle stayed long after they left, stalling to watch them all walk or limp away. This might be more difficult than she thought.
The next morning was cooler then the last. This time around, Brielle stood waiting at the edge of the camp's main training field for the group to arrive.
When they spotted her form, bundled in clothes that would shield her from the chilling bite to the air, but not an easy outfit to fight in they couldn't help but stare on in confusion. She was not dressed for fighter, or even training for that matter. They didn't drop their frowns even as they slowed on their approach.
Brielle smiled softly, counting each member silently in her mind, she hadn't lost anyone from yesterdays session— yet. They stopped before, shuffling out so they could all watch her from where they stood.
"After yesterday. I've decided upon a different approach." she dropped the smile, 
She couldn't ignore the resentment that began to line across each of their faces. It was an art form to not scoff at that fact. They would have to learn to live with that resentment because after today, they certainly weren't going to like her.
The group didn't speak a word, as one by one they seemed to track a movement behind her. Brielle smiled at Connall as he stilled slowly to a stop beside her. He returned the expression, extending the reins of the mare he lead out to her. The Horse adjusted her stance as Brielle pulled her closer.
Connall nodded to her once, eyeing up the group with an amused expression that pulled his face into a smile that hurt Brielle's chest. It was an expression Fenrys wore with pride when around her, Brielle glanced to the ground at her feet. She was doing this to help him, hep them all. She needed to focus.
When she looked back up, Connall had already began to walk back along the path he had taken to arrive in the field.
Brielle ignored the groups uneasy glances, they blinked at one another while she fitted one foot into a stirrup, grabbing for the pommel at the front of the saddle, Brielle pulled herself up mounting onto the mare's back.
If she had to break this group to square one in order to build them back up, then so be it. Kicking the mare into a quick trot, she spoke over her shoulder,
"Keep up." As she began setting the pace, the mare throwing her head backwards as Brielle controlled her speed, she smiled at the sound of footfall beyond the noise of the hoofs below her. 
After every ten minutes that passed with the group following, Brielle leading them on a run around the camps surrounding the whole city, she began to quicken the pace. Continued to push them all to the point of which their immortal speed began to eat away at their energy. 
By the time the whole group made it back, they had fallen into each other, collapsing onto the ground and leaning into each other in exhaustion, seeking support when Brielle offered none. Dismounting she gripped the reins at her side, giving the mare a few scratches along her nose.
"Meet an hour later tomorrow."
When she had nothing more to say to the group, who looked about ready to fall asleep where they dropped. Brielle led the mare away feeling the scathing looks that were shot at her back. She didn't react to a single one of them.
Brielle repeated the same session the next day and the next, and the day after that and the two following  that.  During each session she made then go faster, pushing them to run further and each day they started an hour later then the last. Many passing warriors stopped to stare at the Lioness astride the dark chestnut mare, leading the front of the group. 
The routine never changed once, neither did the groups dislike for her. But they never utter any words in protest despite the swearing and mumbles of exhaustion when their bodies were pushed to near breaking point day after day. In the opposite their distaste for her only seemed to grow the more time she spent with them.
Brielle waited at the outer edge of the camp's training field, watching the other groups as they trained, honing their bodies to become the ultimate weapon. She didn't recall how long she stood observing. It had become somewhat of a ritual to watch the other groups, to the details of how they treated others around them.
A broad shouldered male in the third mat, showed zero to no mercy to his fellow warriors, laughing as he kicked them to black and blue, disregarding that they looked about ready to tap out. Brielle glanced down to make a note in the parchment she kept concealed inside her pocket. Folding it once she finished her writings for the day, turning she moved off toward the side her group had claimed a corner. A quiet side where she could easily watch them train.
She slowed in her pace upon noticing the general absence of the whole group. They had never been a group who's time management was particularly bad unlike some warriors she has trained in the past. Perhaps they had finally decided to forgo her training, their dislike for her having won over. Brielle knew it was only a matter of time, but she had hoped for a day or two more.
She slowed to almost a stop to scan the open empty section of the field. Brielle moved to search for the group else where in the camp when a familiar female figure darted out from behind the supply tent at that edge of their corner. She was the youngest and the smallest person in the group, she had gotten to be one of the fastest but even now she stumbled in her dash.
When she pushed off the ground with both palms, dragging herself upright her eyes locked onto Brielle, who had begun in her direction once more.
Brielle continued to close the gap between them, in the same moments as two male figure Brielle didn't recognised burst from the direction the female had come from.
As if the scent alone wasn't enough to expose the female hammering panic, Brielle's brush of her magic across the females body was enough to skyrocket herself to scowl at the males.
When the female finally reached her, uttering not a word beyond her panic pants and terrified expression that seemed to pull the lines of her face taut under its tension ageing her about five years. She hide behind Brielle's frame. Through her clothing she felt the female clutch the fabric covering her back, Her warm breath still anting against her spine.
The males were grinning, a sleezy smile that only reminded Brielle of one other— Cairn. Squaring out her shoulders, blocking the female entirely from their view.
"Where is that wench—" the shorter of the two males barked his words, that smile never once leaving him. It had become clear the excitement on his face flipped Brielle's stomach.
The female tightened her already balled fists further into Brielle's back.
"Stop hiding you little bitch" the other males side-stepped to glance around Brielle, The Lioness mirrored him, keeping the female behind her hidden.
"She deserves a good beating, No one tells me no."
A spark of power shot to the surface, tingling into her fingers. Brielle smiled a simple gesture which only seemed to anger the males further, when he lurched forward in an effort to swing around Brielle and grab the female, he was thrown back smacking into a force of power.
"I will give you both one chance to walk away" There was no bite in her tone, almost beckoning them to chance their luck. The shorter of the two glanced to his friend on the floor, brow shot up into his hairline, a dagger slid down into his hand, Brielle waited for him to wield it.
It was simple to attach her magic to the nerves in his harm. So when he reeled an arm back to throw the dagger, Brielle leashed in her power, electrical signals were rerouted in his nervous system. His arm swung low, hand twisting to stab the dagger into his own thigh.
His howl of pain only seemed to draw attention. Hands flying to his leg, he wrapped a hand around the dagger blade, blood coating his hands within seconds. At least he was smart enough to not pull it out in pained panic, for she had aimed straight for his artery.
"Commander Brielle." The one on the ground, lip bleeding seethed her title. 
Brielle mustered the sweetest smile she could, bowing slightly at the waist, "The one and only."
Keeping bowed, Brielle glanced up through the cover of her lases, allowed for that small swirl of power that had wrapped itself around her wrist to evade into the space before the male. His nostrils flared at the hint of magic, Kicked at the ground when it's heat licked up his leg curling around the boned curve of his ankle. The power pulling itself into the muscle, seizing it within its painful grasp, cramping the muscle.
He cried out, swaying to his feet hauling his companion's arm around his shoulder, Brielle smirked when he almost dropped his friends weight when her power constricted his muscles like a snake around its prey. They limped away together, The commander waited for them to skitter off the side of the field before turning to address the female behind her.
The small warrior now before her, had hidden from danger. Cowered away just as Brielle had taught them to do the opposite. The female flinched when Brielle settled her stare on her, Down casting her gaze with a wince to avoid the scrutinising look she assumed the commander now shot her way.
She hadn't expected the gentle comforting stroke of a hand against her hair, smoothing down across the side of her face. She couldn't stop herself from blinking at the Lioness in surprise.
"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" there was a command and worry in Brielle's tone that she didn't try to hide, worrying for the younger Fae before her. She continued to gape, jaw falling lose as she stuttered for a response, nodding when the words did not formulate themselves.
Brielle dropped her hand to the jutting bone of Elle's shoulder, marking the movement of the group that slowed in their haste to the duo's side.
Elle shot an unsure glance between Brielle and the group, The Commander narrowed her stare at the remaining group, folding her arms across her chest.
"You're all late. Where have you been?" Somewhere within her worry Brielle had misplaced her anger, the power still thundering under her surface cracked into the air like an uncontrolled storm cloud of lightening, the group backed slightly into one another "Why did not one of you come to her aid whilst those bastards hunted her." For that is what they had been doing, animals playing with their next meal.
The group startled, confusions rippled across their faces. Brielle waited a beat, expected a response.
"They-" Elle hesitated, eyes flicking back and forth between her friends and the commander. She began picking the skin on her fingers. Brielle marked the switch in the group, finally noticed the blood and bruises that littered across faces and bodies.
Whipping back to Elle, Brielle carefully pried the females hands apart, Elle's eyes were bloodshot when they flicked to meet her own.
"They were distracting the others. So I could get away." Brielle didn't need to get any confirmation, not when the evidence was marred across them, their bodies made to look lie canvases of blooming colours.
The Lioness straightened, "Who is these 'others' ?"
"It's another one of the units, Captained by Zakurio"
She thought as much, remembering the vile Captain from the first ship she ventured into in the marshes the night before . . . Everything. Brielle swallowed ignoring the memories from that beach, She subtly rubbed two fingers along the ridge from the scar on her abdomen.
Brielle nodded, turning from the group to face the rest of the field, she wasn't going to pry into their secrets, Stealing and forcing them to come out was not a way to gain trust. Brielle needed them to want  to tell her, to trust her enough to do so.
"You are all dismissed. Training is cancelled for the day." She began marching for the line of tents surrounding the camp's training field.
"What are we supposed to do then?" an uncertain voice of a male called out behind her, reaching for the retreating commander.
"Drink, Gamble, Fuck I don't particularly care, Just stay away from that other unit." Her words were final, they were also the only ones that managed to make it through the barrier of her barreling thoughts. A calculating spiral of secrets and schemes the Gods of this world themselves wouldn't be able to predict.
Later that day when the group ventured into the city walls, in search of a tavern to spend their afternoon, to enjoy their time with one another, They hadn't anticipated the silence that would greet them upon arrival.
They also hadn't expected for Zakurio's other unit laying half lifeless in the middle of the tavern, other patrons in the building had moved to the corners of the room, edging from the events that had spiralled moments before the groups arrival.
They frowned at the unit on the ground, many of them in various stages of unconsciousness.
Brielle nodded at her group, dusting both hands off on the muscle of her thigh. Stepping over the bodies at her feet, leaving the carnage in her wake, She strolled past the group stunned into surprise by the door.  Easing around them to leave. The silence eating up the room's shock.
The next day when the training resumed as normal, the group uttered not a complaint or shot a soured expression as the Lioness made them run double their usual amount.
Brielle dragged both hands down her face, she wasn't nearing a burnout but she could feel the well of power tugging her into a draught of exhaustion.
Hunting down the unit and acquainting herself with them in the tavern had been the most thrilling thing she had done since being released a couple weeks ago. She couldn't shake the guilt that ate away, a raw feeling that made her mind numb to the most basic of interactions.
Her body yearned for the touch of her mates, The company of his brother only made the ache grow. Connall knew, there was no way he couldn't. Not when there was moments when Brielle couldn't meet his gaze, or be around his presence, it only aided in making the pain in her chest triple.
The hallways leading to their sleeping quarters was deathly quiet, as it so often was. Not many people had reason to venture down here, especially since the room occupants hadn't returned. Brielle's heart throbbed while she passed the fading scent of her brother, his door meters from her own.
Looking to the door of her room now, Brielle stilled. The door swung ajar, despite her locking it ever time she left, She crept along the wall, hugging her body into it to avoid the creaking floorboards in the middle line of the hall.
Pulling her magic from the dept of that well, Brielle pushed the door open wide. Freezing in the doorway at the sight that filled and greeted her like a strike to the jaw.
Connall's eyes flared wide when she spotted him. She honed her attention in on the knife held to his throat, it tightened when he shifted to be closer to her.
She didn't need to look to know who held it there. Not hen she had gifted that knife to him. Isaiah's expression was emotionless, displaying nothing beyond the void it had become to be. A shadow of the male he had once been.
Power weighed into her hands a she leveled her gaze to the figure sat on the edge of her bed. Cairn was grinning, chuckling as he flipped through a stack of papers in his lap.
"Well, Look what we have here"
Every cell of blood left her feeling cold as Cairn's excited expression met hers, holding the captains reports up for her to see.
The Lioness failed to keep her mind calm, giving way to the rising panic when she realised Cairn had found all the reports under her bed. She couldn't breath past the lump in her throat, tried to swallow it away.
"This is going to be fun."
Cairn's voice made ever scar left by him on her body seize.
. . .
Taglist: @dreamiezpsycho @lunaralaraspace @mis-lil-red @mali22 @the-fae-are-taking-over
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justaholycorpse · 2 years
“The Giant and The Bird.”
|| König x gn!reader pt.2||
some touch of angst, no comfort, detachment, jealousy if you squint
“König, I..” Your voice trailed off, brows furrowed together as you lost yourself in thought. “Oh gods, König, you are such a nerd.” Your words spilled from your lips, he was confused by what you were saying. You looked at him, eyes softening as you traced over his hooded face, you began to speak again but his anxiety pulled his feet to move in the direction of the door. He didn’t want to move anywhere but his body wasn’t his to control, it was either he zoned out while you spoke and didn’t realize you had felt the same for him or you would turn him down. He didn’t want to find out. His body carried him to his room while you tried to keep up with him, calling out to him in a soft yet desperate tone. You didn’t want him to leave, hell if anything you wanted to crawl into his arms and be with him until each star in the sky died.
You mentally beat yourself up about it for weeks afterwards, he never looked at you anymore, he seemingly moved on from you. König followed around the medic more now, becoming her giant. It was a change you hated, seeing him with her of all people? being close to her and looking at her with the same softness he looked at you with? It ate at you, breaking open your ribs and hollowing you out until it was all you felt. Rage and sorrow carving you into a husk, if he was her giant now, would you still be his bird? König along with a handful of others called you “Birdy” since you were silent and, at times, was a sniper for the team. You pushed past the medic holding onto König like she was dying, pulling them apart and drifting past, not so much as a glance their way. König, despite not admitting it, had missed your soft smile whenever he locked eyes with you, he had missed everything about you. You voice was always hollow and void of anything but the mission at hand.
After a few months had passed you became more reserved, not talking unless you were called upon, not leaving your room for anything other than what was necessary. You had become the person they all met when you first joined the team, it was chilling, like you weren’t their “Birdy” any more. You had slipped out of your room, suited up and ready to head out, your gaze never fell on König even if he was stood right in front of you. You never talked to König directly, even if it was about the mission, you always made someone else give him orders. “Y/n, do you have eyes on the target?” A familiar voice rung over your comms and to no response. You did have eyes on the target but since he asked it, you didn’t respond even though you enjoyed the sound of his voice finally saying his name after so long. “Y/n. Do you have eyes on the target?” A different voice rang out, it was Ghost’s, the slight hint of softness hidden in his tone. “Yes, sir.” Your voice rang back, hearing a soft german curse after you gave an answer. “Wait for my orders to take the shot.” Ghost spoke again, earning another ‘yes sir’ from you. It didn’t take long before you got the order, calming your breathing as you followed the person in your scope, you emptied your lungs and pulled the trigger. It hit home and the person came tumbling down. “Good shot, y/n. Head back to the heli for evac.” Ghost commanded and you followed, hitting any enemies that shot at you along the way.
You made it back to base relatively safe, save for the bullet wounds in your body, nothing life threatening but it still hurt like hell. You resorted to taking the things you needed to mend yourself. You didn’t want to deal with that medic, she wouldn’t shut up about who ‘liked’ her or whatever crossed her pea sized brain. It saved you the headache and the time it took, she would be busy talking your ear off rather than fixing you up, even if you were bleeding. You trudged to your room, peeling off the layers once the door clicked shut behind you. You made the habit of checking around your room for people or things out of place, just for safety. You let your muscles relax when everything was in place and no one was hidden in your room, you began to fix yourself up, almost finishing when a knock cut the peaceful silence of your room. “For fuck sake..” You grumbled as you reached for the door handle, cracking it open to find a familiar sniper hood waiting for you on the other side.
||another cliffhanger, i hope your enjoying the story so far, the next part will be the final part so i have a few things in mind for that. thank you for reading the first part and hopefully enjoying this part too. Reblog as well since it helps my works get out there more!!||
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WIBTA if i don’t directly voice my concerns?
I (18NB) am a bit into my first year at college. i have two roommates- one of them (J, 19F) is wonderful and honestly one of my best friends here. the other (M, 18?NB) i don’t have much in common with but is overall a chill person. except for one thing.
both J and i have noticed a bunch of little things around our dorm- dishes piling up or disappearing (especially cutlery, which frustrates me bc i bought it), the water pitcher being left out or nearly empty, the microwave being stopped with 2-3 seconds still on it (petty yes but it bugs us) the toilet seat being left up (M is the only amab), notes asking for someone to take out the trash (if you have time to leave a note why not do it yourself?) and, probably worst of all, our door is often left unlocked, including at night. since neither of us were doing these things (plus times we had directly witnessed it), we concluded it had to be M.
M also does a couple things that violate the actual rules of living in our hall- they’ll bring people in on short notice or without notice (while i’m normally fine with this, having a space to myself is really important to me and i like knowing if someone will come in), and also take distracting phone calls even when we’re studying (i usually turn up my headphones to drown out the noise)
a couple weeks ago J and i brought these up in our roommate group chat disguised as a “check-in” to prevent M from feeling ganged up on. we all set boundaries and agreed to work on them.
some of these did improve! our pitcher is filled more (though i have started seeing it nearly empty again lately), less dishes get left out (i’m still missing some of my cutlery though), and we all have assigned chores for each week.
but a lot of it hasn’t. our door, for example, still gets left unlocked a ton. not only am i too paranoid for that, but also we recently got an official warning about someone who was breaking into dorms at night and watching people sleep, so locking the door is extra important right now.
i want to bring this up, because i know if i don’t do anything, i’m gonna have all this built up frustration and i’m really not interested in snapping. however, when we all first moved in together, M was really set on sticking to the rules we set up and even proposed like half of them (ironic i know). it gave me the impression that if i said anything directly, i’d either hurt their feelings or accidentally put them on the defensive. i don’t wanna go to the RA about it unless i absolutely have to, either, since that’s a one-way ticket to grudge town and the dorm really doesn’t need that tension (i will as a last resort if J and i agree it’s necessary, though.)
i’ve been thinking of finding subtle ways to encourage M to follow the rules more- maybe a sticky note on the door saying “don’t forget to lock me!” or something like that. i could explain that as a reminder for myself and avoid any animosity that way.
however, i also know i’m a bit too conflict avoidant and i really really really don’t want to be petty. that said, i want to resolve the situation with as little bitterness as possible, and if this doesn’t work, i’ll try to get myself to actually be assertive. so uhhh. WIBTA if i try to indirectly encourage my roommate to respect our boundaries?
What are these acronyms?
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