#i have no idea what the combined ship name for all three of them is and i'm not sold on glittery shrimp-shaped mask
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katiekatdragon27 · 4 months ago
Your my fav glisten x shrimpo artist btw (and your art is epic ^_^)
Awwww thank you! I'm so flattered to be your favorite shinyshrimp artist!! Here's a doodle as a thanks!
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Glisten: Hehe squishy❤️~ Shrimpo: I HATE THIS AND YOU!! Glisten: Your tail says otherwise~
But would you still like me if they were in a polycule~~~????
Yeah, polyamorous Glisten turns his partners poly too #livelaughlovepolycules (More art below cut):
Wanna guess who the third person in the polycule is?
You reeeeeeeeeeally wanna know?
HERE!! *runs for the hills*
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So like, I've been a closeted glittermask shipper for like, idk, two weeks now?? But shinyshrimp is my mvp, so like, what if I merged them? Poly Glisten isn't too out there so this could happen, right? (says the delusional idiot).
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Glisten: Teagan and Tisha helped me out. Whatcha think? Razzle: You look great, Hun~? What? Feeling underdressed "Shrimpy"?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Shrimpo and Razzle have beef. Razzle is petty. He doesn't like Shrimpo at all because he's bullied Dazzle in the past (and thinks that Glisten is too good for Shrimpo). Shrimpo hates Razzle for being whiney and smug to him (and also cuz he's slightly jealous of Razzle and Glisten's relationship). They work through these grievances as time passes, but it does take a while.
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These doodles are from one of the many work parties the toons get up to. Glisten decided to doll up more than he usually does as do his dates (to mixed levels of effort lol). They all end up drinking and partying the whole night and have a blast.
Drinking makes everyone get along ig.
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Yeah so some quick lore on glittermask: Glisten and Razzle have been in a relationship for a while now. They got together shortly after Glisten and Boxten broke up (on good terms btw). Razzle knows Glisten is poly and is chill with it, even if he questions the mirror's taste in men. Dazzle third wheels their relationship. but she and Glisten are friends so it's not too awkward lol.
Glittermask is everything shinyshrimp isn't. Where shinyshrimp is bickering, angst-comfort, and fighting over PDA, glittermask is a very PDA, lovey dovey, Hallmark movie-esque romance. Their only flaw is that there isn't open communication when it comes to darker problems. When Glisten is having one of his moments, Razzle does what he does when Dazzle is having one of her moments; he leaves Glisten alone. Which can be good, but it's not what Glisten needs (and what Shrimpo unintentionally excels at).
Both relationships are healthy but have flaws, like normal relationships lol. I hate when things are perfect. Make is messy! Give it ✨DRAMA✨!!
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???: So? Who broke it?
And since I'm cringe, I made a fankid! His name is Hamlet (Razzle named him) and he's a super blinged out masquerade mask. Now Shimmer has a little brother who is insanely hyperactive and attention seeking. He would throw a fit about not being served first at the dinner lol. They get along well enough, and Shimmer is happy to have a sibling, but they tend to get on each other's nerves a lot.
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But that doesn't stop the only slightly messed up family. They all care for each other in their own ways, and I love that for them.
Have a good one dudes!
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flufftober · 20 days ago
🍀🍂 Hello and welcome to Flufftober's (first) Fluff Bingo 🍀🍂
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In our poll, nearly 50% of you voted for a handful of bingo cards to fill the other half of the year with more fluff before we jump right back into the excitement that is Flufftober - and of course, we're here to deliver 😊
Find all the important info, more cards, and all the prompts in writing below the cut.
We hope you like this event and our prompts, and now
Happy Creating 🥳
🍀 Pick your card - we offer:
🍂 one card with 5x5 prompts (as seen at the top)
🍂 two cards with 3x3 prompts:
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🍂 three themed cards with 1x5 prompts:
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🍂 and as a bonus, a 3x3 card with tasks instead of prompts:
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🍀 How does this work?
🍂 our standard blog rules apply and you'll find answers to most questions on our FAQ post
🍂 aside from that, you can go wild: fill these cards however you like, as quick or as slow as you like, as often as you like, and use as many of them as you like. We just want you to have fun 😊
🍂 if there are prompts on the bigger cards you don't like, feel free to use the 1x5 cards as alternate prompts and switch them out
🍂 download the cards and tick them off once you've finished a square; make a post for every square or only once you have a bingo or even a blackout - it's all up to you!
🍂 as with all our events, this one will never close, you can always use these cards. If you need a timeframe/deadline because (like me) you'll never finish otherwise, consider these loose goals:
finish until July 1st when we release the new Flufftober list
finish during October, maybe by combining some of these with the Flufftober prompts
finish until the end of the year so you're ready for whatever event we plan for next spring
🍀 What about tumblr reblogs and ao3?
🍂 tumblr reblogs will still happen but not daily as you're used to during Flufftober. It will strongly depend on how many posts there happen to be at a time and how the modmin team will have time. But as long as you mention us and/or use the tag (and follow the rules, obviously), reblogs will happen
🍂 please use the tag #fluffbingo
🍂 feel free to also add the general #flufftober tag
🍂 please make sure to clearly show the fandom, either in the first few tags or noticeably in the post
🍂 contrary to how we do it during Flufftober, we will only use four tags during reblogs this time: #fluffbingo #fluffreblog #[fandom] #[your user name] - that means we will not tag any ships, characters, or which prompt you're covering
🍂 on ao3, our collection for this event is Flufftober Fluff Bingo
We're going left to right, top to bottom!
🍂 5x5 card
Fresh Start
To-Do List
Craft Fair
Creature AU
“This was a bad idea.”
Exploring Together
Secret Signal
“You’ll love it.”
Late Night
Hidden (...)
“It’s just so much.”
Free Space
Fake Dating
“You’re the best!”
Royal AU
Missing the Other
Never ever, ever
Pep Talk
“I really mean it.”
Movie AU
🍂 3x3 card I
“Where do I start?”
Famous AU
Traveling the World Together
Enjoying a Lazy Day
Task: Write in a tense you usually don’t write/write less than another tense
“You said you had it handled!” - “Yeah, well, I lied.”
“Hey, wait, that’s mine.”
🍂 3x3 card II
“You’re late!”
Hospital AU
Grocery Shopping Together
Going for a Walk
Task: Write from a POV you usually don’t write/write less than another POV
“Could you not do that, please?” - “Spoilsport.”
“I don’t know, you decide.”
🍂 1x5 card - Smiles
Secret Smile
Relieved Smile
Honest Smile
Devious Smile
Teary Smile
🍂 1x5 card - Hugs
Soothing Hug
Hug in Celebration
Sleepy Hug
Hug from behind
Desperate Hug
🍂 1x5 card - Kisses
Kiss on the Hand
Kiss to distract
Goodbye Kiss
Forhead Kiss
Kiss on the Cheek
🍂 3x3 card - Tasks
Finish your WIP
Sort all your Ideas and/or WIPs
Edit an entire Chapter or Oneshot
Outline a Story
Work on that hard Scene that is giving you so much trouble it is holding you back
Finish the next Chapter of your WIP
Join in a Writing Event (this card doesn’t count 😉 but the others do!)
Finish a Oneshot
Dig out an old Draft and work on it
Have Fun and Go Wild 🥳
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bon2bonn · 3 months ago
Those Eyes
Carlos Sainz Jr X female!driver!reader
WC : 1.9k ?.
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🌶️🍒*✧I close my eyes and all I see is you*✧🍒🌶️
This is war! :
A disaster, that what the challenge the team put up for them turned out to be , and what started as a simple taste testing ended up in a food fight, or war for better use of words.
The fire were a combination of Mellon juice that escalated to sour cream frosting and weirdly textured yellowish green juice that turned out to be blended beas, spinach,and a generous amount of egg yolk , the smell was something to remember, the media crew knew that for sure , as they were drenched in it when one of the two 'accidentally' quote and quote, splashed it backwards instead of the other way .
It was a misunderstanding, the blindfolds were a terrible idea and the directions they were given were misleading and resulted in both accidentally spilling cups on eachother, and it went from there to the point where Horner walked in to see what the screaming was about only to receive a fist full of mashed creamy potatoes to the face which then slides to his shirt and finally plopped to the ground in a loud splat .
Carlos with his hair coated in whipped cream pointed at our driver who was already pointing at him with her face covered in a cocktail of white cheese and chocolate sprinkles , shouting " he/she started it " to a stoic faced Horner.
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Voldemort? :
Carlos looked to his right where our driver sat on the long couch bored out of her mind while they went through the by now repeating questions asked for the god know how many times, so he leaned and asked her something, to which she shrugged before answering back , then counting three things to which he agreed with a scrunched up face , adding with pointed look to which she nod , both were caught off guard when the host directed his question to them " Carlos, Y/N , any thoughts on....you know who? " Their face twisted into confusion as they blurted out at the same time " Voldemort? " , to which they were given confused and startled looks, with Lando cackling from the other side .
°°°°°°°°°°°🌶️ °°°°°°°°°°°
Running up that hill :
Carlos face was zoomed in as he was about to keel over with exhaustion if not for his hand supporting his weight on his knees , breathing hard with aching muscles, drenched in sweat from head to toe with couple of strands stuck to Face.
Standing beside him was our driver , fresh as a daisy doing jumping jacks as if she didn't just ran a full lap around the circuit " come on! , let's gooooo ! " , and Carlos's glare could never be more bitter, cursing under his breath at the enthusiastic energy radiating off of her , clashing with his black hole of despair while he tried to find a way to ditch and crawl back to his hotel room . She grabbed the sleeve of his shirt but he swatted her hand with a scowl, making her smack his arm with a loud " rude! " , he retaliated with a smack of his own on her arm earning another one on his shoulder before she stepped back and gave him a 'did you just...' his own look screamed ' what are you going to do about it ? ' , then both started to swat at eachother landing hits on wherever they could reach , then our driver decided to shove him hard , caught off guard herself as he stumbled back making her gasp as she stared, eyes as wide as his before she held her arms up in defence, trying to bargain as he got back to his feet , her pleading fell into deaf ears as he charged at her , and she didn't waste time to sprint away from the now miraculously energised Carlos.
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The mandacity :
The Fans caught it many times, turning it into an inside joke of sort more so as a trait the two shared along the years . The mandacity meter of (CarlosXourdriver) ship name. The resent sighting was during the media day of the Dutch GP where Ferrari and Merc were having a shared open stage interview , and to say the hosts were overly biased against them would be an understatement , the two hosts kept throwing subtle comments here and there , which resulted in some of the fans boooing from the crowd making them tune it down for a bit, but alas the whole thing was a nuisance.
One of the two ran his mouth a bit two much , making Carlos lose his stoic face to a much so done look , turning to our driver to his left with questioning eyes , who herself had a milder version of 'wtf' face turned into a scowl , she locked eyes with him the second he looked her way , and he mouthed ' the audacity! ' to which she shook her face and corrected with the same scowl ' No , no , no , The Mandacity! ' making him snort loudly as he tried to hold back the laugh threatening to burst out .
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" you can't handle it " :
Carlos never leaned when it came to challenging our driver and her immune taste buds that he and almost everyone questioned whenever she came up with an abomination of concussion that she called tasty.
He wasn't one to judge but how on earth could she eat those combinations, and fans didn't waste time to notice when he fell into another crisis after one of her experiments.
Such as the chilli experiment as some called it where it started with our driver making her usual pre-summer break snack from hell . Consisting of a bot of instant noodles cooked with a shit ton of chilli powder then when serving she added a bag of flaming Doritos on top , a mix of cream cheese and a big spoon of chocolate drizzled on top and one scoop of ice-cream and a splash of hot sauce to top it off .
He sat comfortably after grabbing himself a fork and took one big bite, ignoring her warning of " you can't handle it " . And how he wished he didn't, the taste blended well , salty and sweet accompanied the spicy taste added to the crunch of the Doritos and the smooth texture of ice-cream, but then the chilli kicked right as he swallowed , and you could see his face turning shades into an alarming bright red along with his ears , his eyes turned unfocused with a faraway teary look as he slumped on the chair in a heap .
Our driver looked at him as she scooped another big bite and asked " you ok ? " Waving her hand Infront of his face , but he was lost to the world , she shrugged and added another splash of sauce, proceeding to take another bite .
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Prince Charming who!? I only know his highness , prince Carlos Sainz Jr :
Fans couldn't let go of the moments they collected of carlos's stary eyes as he 'admires' our driver (or what their shippers say) . And boy it was a sight to behold.
Eyes soft and dreamy when he looks at her , too lost to the world to care if someone would catch on , a small smile slowly creeping upon his lips with a small tilt of the head , you could almost hear him sigh longingly.
The most viral moment was caught when Carlos was sitting down on one of the foldable chairs, overly tired and fresh out of FP2 after a long day , a couple of other drivers waiting around along with our driver who scraping on a small note book , mumbling to herself as she wrote down for a couple of minutes before handing it over to one of the Merc engineers then turned around.
She took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes before looking around, her eyes fell on Carlos, who was already looking at her, a smile making it's way on her face , mirroring his as she approached and held his face in one hand while the other went to run through his gorgeously dishelved hair " Hi " , he smiled up at her and gave a sweet " hi " back , she asked with a tilt of her head " what are you doing? " He grins and answered easily " admiring the view , and you? " , she couldn't help the laugh bubbling out as she answered back with a dazzling smiles of her own " admiring you " .
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Chilli🌶️ and cherry 🍒 :
The carnival's Bright lights danced in the background, with Carlos holding on a giant bear with a giddy grin permanent on his face , his eyes squint as he let out a laugh at our driver who stood beside him with a scowl , in her hand she led two keychains, a chilli and a cherry, each bright in colour as she showed them and pointed to the delighted Carlos " I busted my ass and won him this !! " She pointed then held up her hand offendedly " and look what he got me !! " Carlos gave her a side eye and retorted " if you don't want them , give them back " then he snatched the chilli keychain and hooked it on the bow around the bear's neck .
With an accomplished humm he held out the bear and declared " meet thee Carlos Sainz Jr++ " . She stood with a dropped jaw at the declaration then snatched the said Jr++ and made a run for it , followed by a screaming Carlos " give me back my Carlos Jr++ !!!!" She called back as she dodged his attempts " heck no!!! I won him " he exclaimed " for me ! " She dismissed with a flipped bird over her shoulder " that was before I know how bad is your aim ! " He retorted back without thinking " that's not what she said " she gasped with a scandalised voice and shouted " chilli! " He called back with a smirk " cherry! " .
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Those Eyes :
Carlos was seen looking around with a deep frown, his eyes scanning in concern when his search was fruitless , he ran a hand through his still dishelved hair anxiously before tying his suit's hanging arms around his waist as he ventured around to look somewhere else.
He backed his steps as he passed by the small figure of our driver, huddled away and out of sight and didn't waste time to approach with a relieved look replacing the stress . He crouched down and tried to get her to talk to him , asking what's going on, she took a couple of minutes to focus on his eyes pleading with her , blinking her eyes with a frown twisting her face then the dam broke, then her breath turned erect as a sob followed by another fell out before she could hold them back .
His eyes softened with understanding, and he was quick to scoot over , covering her from view and trying to console her as best as he could , letting her lean her head on his shoulder with her arms tight around him with his hand on the back of her head .
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demonic0angel · 3 months ago
Ok I think you've answered this before but beside anger management, What are you favorite ships for other characters?
Ofc, my top fav ship in general and for Jazz is Anger Management/Hardcover (Jason x Jazz) XD
Another one of my favorite ships in general and for Dan is Bad Humor (Dick x Dan) AKA First Failures (but I hate that name). I can write other stuff, but I hardkey don’t care for it.
My favorite ship for Dani is any combination between her and Kon or Tim, or all three of them together. However, I do also like her with Valerie lmao.
For Danny, I am a multi-shipper so I kind of don’t care that much? However, I prefer Dead Silent (Danny x Cass), Deadlight (Duke x Danny), or Gray Ghost (Danny x Valerie) over the others.
The only hard limit I have is Dead on Main, and any ship with Jason or Jazz that aren’t involved with each other (Talia is an exception with Jazz bc I love the idea of Damian being Jazz’s kid bc they’re my favorite characters). But for the most part, I’m okay with most ships :3
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secondarysefikura · 9 days ago
Last ask made me think of an au where Gaia sent Cloud back in time to prevent the Nibelheim incident and everything that happened after it, but Sephiroth followed him and they both kept all their memories. After losing the fight, or because he knows Sephiroth will just keep coming back to life and screw things over, Cloud ends up marrying Sephiroth in exchange for Sephiroth not killing everyone or something
At first Cloud thinks they're gonna elope or something, except he forgot at this point in time Sephiroth was famous and well liked by the public as he was seen as a hero and what not, and there is no way Shinra wouldn't make their poster boy Sephiroth getting married a small thing, so they end up having a big ceremony transmitted live on TV (think of royal weddings type scenarios).
The worst thing that by this point in time he has just recently joined Shinra so he has little to no companions to help him (depending on whether you want Zack to already be his friend or not), and he has to lie to his mom that he's happy and he wants this to keep her safe from Sephiroth, who's just going along with all this because his soon-to-be wife deserves only the best. Also it's amusing seeing Cloud try to pretend to be in love with Sephiroth in front of everyone, and I mean everyone because now the whole world thinks they're together. When they're alone in their honeymoon though... I'll leave it up to your imagination
Bonus something something about Jenova being aware of what's happening and being excited to see her son getting a mate and also possibly getting some grandkids later
Me: why does this idea feel oddly familiar?
When Cloud proposed the idea of offering himself in exchange for Sephiroth not destroying the planet, he expected their so called "wedding" (Sephiroth's words, not his) to be something small and quiet. He imagined a courthouse wedding, or perhaps some weird ritual preformed in front of Jenova's head.
He did not expect the absolute nightmare that is a Shinra PR stunt.
"So you're the bride to be; wonderful to meet you! I'm Maria and I'll be your head wedding planner."
Barely awake after being practically dragged out of bed by Sephiroth (how did he even get into Sephiroth's bed? He has no idea, but honestly, Cloud is trying not to think about the fact he's now living in Sephiroth's apartment too hard lest he freaks out), Cloud can only stare at the woman sitting across from him like she has three heads.
"Apologizes for him, Miss Maria," Sephiroth calls from the kitchen when Cloud doesn't answer the woman, "He's not much of a conversationalist, especially not when he first wakes up."
"Oh it is not a worry, you don't get hired to lead the team planning such a massive wedding without getting used to all sorts of people. He's not my first shy bride."
"Um...massive wedding?" Cloud asks nervously.
Maria smiles at him as Sephiroth joins them in the living room, a fresh mug of coffee in hand. He sets it down in front of Cloud before joining his 'fiancé' on the couch across from Maria.
"The sefikura wedding is a big deal, you know. It has to be grand," Maria says.
"The what?"
"You're not very online, are you dear? My apologizes, that's what the fan club has dubbed the event. They combined your names together to make a cute little 'ship' name as they call it."
Cloud would ask, but he honestly doesn't want to know.
"I should ask Chairwoman H to make a post thanking the fans for their support..." Sephiroth mutters to himself, jotting a note down on a piece of scrap paper.
The wedding talk goes on for hours. Does Cloud have preferences for the wedding colours? Does he have a favourite flower? Does he have any 'cute little village traditions' he wants added to the wedding? Cloud really hates Maria after she asks him that last one, but he bites his tongue to keep himself from telling her off.
Finally, around 1pm, Maria takes her leave.
As soon as she does, Cloud turns to Sephiroth and snaps:
"Why are you acting like you're okay with this?"
Sephiroth gives him a look like Cloud just asked him the most idiotic question.
"Marrying you? I am more than okay with marrying you, Cloud."
"Not that! I mean all this big wedding stuff! She was talking about it being televised! Do not act like you're happy to have this stupid relationship be some big public affair!"
"This is how Shinra always was with me," Sephiroth shrugs, "Of course they would exploit any relationship I enter, especially one they can spin to show how 'supportive' they are of marginalized communities."
"Stop acting like you're fine with it! Do you really expect me to believe you enjoy this fucking Shinra propaganda bullshit?"
Sephiroth merely offers him an almost affectionate pat on the back.
"Well Cloud, when your already low opinion of Shinra drops even lower, do let me know. I will happily slaughter everyone on this planet as my wedding gift to you."
"Not. Interested." Cloud snaps between gritted teeth.
"We'll see how long that sentiment lasts. Shinra has a way of being...very controlling."
"That's rich coming from you."
"No matter what you think about me, I can assure you Shinra is worse. Truly Cloud, I pity your private and independent nature. Until you agree to let me end this planet, you'll never again know a moment without Turk supervision."
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childesblanket · 6 months ago
A pearl
chp 1; Let them eat cake!
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as you walk down the halls of tevyat university, three big textbooks and one overflowed binder in hand, on your way to a film class that you had randomly decided to take for the second semester. you stop by a vending machine and decide to reward yourself with one of the new snacks they had put in there. one random glass jar of coffee. unfortunately, trying to place your books down neatly, they slip out your hand. On your way down to pick it up, you hear loud stomps approaching, looking up you find your long time friend, childe, smiling up at you.
"i should've known it was your fat ass with those heavy footsteps."
"and that's why you're buying the 1000 calorie unknown tevyat coffee?"
you roll your eyes at childe's sassy replies, already used to it. you drop a couple dollars into the vending machine and watch the coffee drop from the bottom shelf.
"Where you headed? I didn't know you had classes at this time."
he picks your stuff up for you, handing the heavy textbooks and proceeding to take his long strides that you had to keep up with.
"I did, but i signed up for a film class because i felt underworked for one week. i'm totally not in the right state of mind to start another class, but we persevere!"
"Film? Ooh scara takes that class! He majors though, say hi to him for me he's really purple and hard to miss!"
is all childe says before running off, already spotting new friends like the social person he is. you take a sip of the coffee and instantly make a scowl face, choosing to close it and have it by your side the whole day.
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you sit down in the class, unfortunately for you there was less than twenty-five people in the class, so everyone had already become close friends along with the teacher.
you sit down on an empty seat when a small group of people come in, along with the teacher following behind.
A few minutes later, and everyones settled in and paying attention. you had grown to learn that there's nineteen people in the film class. The teacher calls out your name, and luckily for you, all he does is welcome you instead of making you introduce yourself. The boy next to you is the one you assumed childe was talking about, so you smile at him, but he just wierdly stares back.
"Ok.." you think in your head
"Alright, class. turn to anyone next to you, and that will be your partner for this project. I'm sure most of you are familiar with cinematography, this being your second semester here," and he looks right at you "but if your not, this will be a great opportunity to learn. I want a short, no more than thirty minute film. It has to be a glimpse into you and your partners life, either separately or it could be about any relationships or friend ships you have. This is due in two and a half months, it could be filmed on anything, but you guys obviously know what gets you extra points. I give you this class period to discuss. oh, and, it needs a song."
after listening to your teacher ramble, you curse yourself for not sitting between two students and instead opting for the edge seat, you turn to the purple headed boy who's already writing ideas in his notebook.
"uh.. what do you have so far?"
he lifts his head up, showing his notebook.
"Uh, I'm writing down a few movies that would fit this project, just to see how we should combine our stories, i guess."
from his tone of speech, you could see that he was excited about this project, but definitely not to do it with you.
"Bones and all? I see how the stories would combine now. hm. Okay so.. how about we do this, your story or whatever could go first, and we could move it to any experience i share, and then me, and it would bring us both here."
"oh. that's actually, pretty good."
and just like that, the two of you spent the rest of the fourty-five minutes of that class talking about your project, you leaving with a new number in your phone and a new address in your mind.
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soundwavereporting · 5 months ago
So you've heard Earthspark Season 3 is pretty good
Or maybe you just want to see the small screen's post-IDW take on Everyone's Favorite War Criminal (I'm not judging) but you heard season 2 is a hot mess.
Fear not! Under the cut, I present the cliffnotes of season two, so you can easily go into season three without having to watch season two! (or even season one, I guess, because I'm an overachiever)
Season Two Cliffnotes:
Decepticons are bad again. Starscream is in charge.
Something (I forget what tbh) creates 'chaos energy' and 'chaos terrans' which are terrans, but 'born bad'. They're named Aftermath and I forget the other one, but she's essentially Twitch's evil twin.
At a carnival, Mo, and the Terrans (I think all of them? idk it doesn't matter) get caught up in the nonsense of a guy named Fairmaestro. The big twist is Fairmaestro's super cool UFO space carnival ride is actually Cosmos! He fucks off into space at the end of the ep. Meanwhile Robbie meets a girl named Izzy and has a crush.
The Decepticons have also decided fucking off into space is a good idea (they want to go back to Cybertron. I forget why the Autobots don't want to), except Starscream wants to kill Megatron and OP or something, I don't remember, so they don't. Or they might've been trying to get control of a space bridge?
Mo and Thrash (I think? Definitely Mo though) meet a Quintesson.
Starscream does Stuff and raises a Titan named Terrortronus who lives under Witwicky (I think), and is powered with chaos energy. (see above), which ends up draining Aftermath & Twitch's Evil Twin of energy. Starscream also gets something called the Cyberslayer (I think) that can kill cybertronians. But also bring them back?
The kids and the Terrans realize they can 'sync', which means they turn into a combiner ship thing or something and create a dome around Terrortronus and part of Witwicky, which results in all the Decepticons being contained. Because Starscream is stuck inside Terrortronus, Shockwave takes over the Decepticons, whose goals are now to 1) escape 2) fuck off to Cybertron.
Season 1 Cliffnotes:
First, I really recommend watching season 1! It's very fun and stands on its own.
Robbie and Mo (siblings) find the Emberstone and get these cool cybersleeves, which allow them to feel each other's emotions. Finding the Emberstone also brings about the creation of two new bots (Terrans) named Twitch and Thrash, who are Robbie and Mo's partners, respectively.
The kids' mom, Dot, fought in the war and is buddies with Megatron, who defected to the Autobots at some point. Their dad, Alex, is a college professor and a Bumblebee stan.
Transformers/Cybertronians are known to humanity and there's even a comic series about them!
The Autobots & Megatron are working for a secretive organization called G.H.O.S.T. (I forget what it stands for). G.H.O.S.T. has lots of secret bases and whatever. Agent Schloder works for G.H.O.S.T. and is also a Bumblebee stan.
Bumblebee and Breakdown are umm "brothers"
In the midseason finale (I think) Robbie and Mo end up creating three new Terrans: Hashtag, Nightshade, and Jawbreaker. Hashtag's whole thing is social media (obviously) and Nightshade is a nonbinary science prodigy who makes a whole secret base for the Maltos, Autobots, and Terrans. Jawbreaker is just kind of there for comic relief and/or secondhand embarrassment.
The main threat is a guy named Mandroid, who hates Cybertronians. G.H.O.S.T. eventually becomes a strong secondary antagonist.
Eventually the Autobots and Decepticons team up to take down Mandroid/G.H.O.S.T. These last two points aren't actually mentioned in season 3 but in the interest of full context, here you go.
Q: Um, I heard Tarantulas was in this show?
A: He's in Season 1 Episode 13, "Missed Connection". Unfortunately he doesn't show up again afterwards :( but he is in my heart, always.
Q: Soundwave ep? Is he divorced?
A: Watch Season 1 Episode 8 "Decoy" for all the answers.
Q: Is Wheeljack really yeehaw?
A: Yes. Laserbeak is ALSO yeehaw.
Q: Why don't the Autobots want to go back to Cybertron?
A: I honestly don't remember.
Q: Are you a Prowl stan? Is that why you made this post?
A: Per my blog description: "despite the title of my blog, i am actually a soundwave stan."
Unfortunately, Soundwave doesn't have enough screentime in this show (especially season 3) to justify a "Season 2 Cliffnotes so you can see Soundwave". Prowl is another favorite, though.
Q: Is Season 2 really that bad?
A: To be entirely honest, it killed my interest in transformers for the last five months! YMMV.
There. I've done it. Go enjoy Prowl.
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talenlee · 2 years ago
Hanamusa, Explained
There is a nonzero chance if you follow me on tumblr, you’ve seen the term ‘Hanamusa’ attached to something I shared. It’s probably also some super cute art of Delia Ketchum and Jessie Teamrocket, and you may wonder what is going on and also, why is there so much good art of this.
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Hanamusa as a term derives from the Japanese names of the characters – Hanako and Musashi. If you’re into shipping name structures, Hana-Musa implies that Hanako is the seme and Musashi the uke, but I don’t think that holds for all use cases of the type of terminology. It’s a ship. It’s an AU ship, as in an ‘alternate universe’ ship, where the two characters are presented in a context outside of the normal context of the anime presentation of them.
The Hanamusa ship as I understand it is set at some point after Jessie and James stop chasing Ash around, and Jessie settles down into a relationship with Delia. There’s tension about her history with Ash and the confusion about finding Your Personal Villain dating your mom, but mostly it’s about showing a sweet domestic life between two characters you know very well in a format I kind of see as like, Comedy-Sabot Romantic 4koma. Like, Hanamusa content is funny (and it is VERY funny) but it doesn’t need to be funny, because the main thing it’s about is showing these two characters and their relationship as they do cute things together.
It’s why people watch shows like K-On basically.
As for where this idea comes from, (EDIT: Slightly wonky wording here, I should have phrased 'this current fandom push' - I don't have any reason to believe Mai INVENTED the ship, just that when you go looking you'll wind up at her work) it seems to have its genesis with the work of one Kiana Mai, who developed this ship some time ago. Kiana Mai is also an extremely skilled artist, and one of those skills seems to be focus, creating these extremely clean-line excellently structured scene vignettes with no unnecessary content in them but also no need to rocket along. It’s amazing, engaging work that uses every part of the small format amazingly well. Which makes sense because one of the things Kiana Mai does is storyboarding work for Disney animated TV shows, a task at which I am sure she no doubt excels.
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What I think is the most interesting aspect of Hanamusa, to me specifically, is that it manages to combine three things I don’t actually care about, in a way that doesn’t interfere with something I have unexpectedly strong opinions on. I do not watch Pokemon, and I have not shed a tear for Team Rocket and Ash Ketchum wandering into the sunset. That is a show that is not for or about my interests and that is okay. Indeed, imagining that it should be about what interests me is baffling. I think if I stopped watching a show twenty years ago, I have lost all right to act like I’m entitled to expect it remain the way it was all the way back then.
But I do have opinions on Jessie and James’ character voice. Not their voice acting – I mean, I know for a fact they’ve had to change over time and no voice actor should be obligated to kick it in the same role for what could be their entire career. I mean the way they talk about things and the words they use and kind of emphasis they put on words when they talk. About the way they voice their ideas, or the way they express who they are in the way they talk to one another, that stuff. It’s about affordances and persona, about the kind of people you project being by what words you choose to use and the affect when using them.
It’s why when, if a picture of a character is underneath it, you can read some dril posts as being ‘appropriately’ voiced by a character, even if it’s describing a candle situation that Francis Crozier did not have opinions on.
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Jessie has a voice.
Jessie, in my head, is someone capable of moments of tenderness and friendship that is normally overwhelmed by an incredible confidence in ability she does not have and mere reality will never be given permission to infringe on it. Jessie is unassailably unstoppably sure of herself, thoughtlessly stupid in a way that doesn’t mean she is stupid, but which exists in a context of someone who has relentlessly pursued excellence in her job which is also the equivalent of being a late night 7/11 manager. She is the Girlboss that is Gaslighting herself into thinking she has something to Gatekeep.
Delia Ketchum by comparison is a very nice piece of wallpaper. Every appearance of her in my mind is someone Very Nice who is Very Patient and Very Supportive and has managed to keep literally all emotionally challenging conversations from happening around Ash, which can be perhaps easier when you remember that he, too, is an idiot. I don’t know how Delia Ketchum talks, but I do know that there are ways that Delia Ketchum does not talk.
This is interesting! It’s interesting because it presents a character where I am very sure I know what she does do when she does it, and a character about whom I can only be sure wouldn’t do some things. It creates a character space, and it creates expectations of affect and performance within that space. Ash and other characters show up as well, but because they get to interact with this already-defined space, you get treated to this really lovely kind of resonance. Would Ash call Jessie ‘dad’? Maybe, to bug her. He was good at being a twerp. Wasn’t he? I mean I remember it that way, he seems to work out that way, but… how would I know?
I know more of this AU where Jessie is studying to be a Pokemon Doctor and Ash wears glasses than I do of the source material any more. And if you’re wondering ‘hey, do Jessie and Delia ever meet in the source material?’ Like, yeah, for a few seconds. What, the point is creating something new.
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If you want to check out Hanamusa stuff and read the comics, I recommend going and clicking on the hashtag on tumblr.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#Anime #Media
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years ago
Actual Traitors?
Here’s a new what-if for you, be warned for I have no idea where this might take us. Also, as ever, I’ve barely met canon. So please forgive any contradictions to the actual canon. 
It starts with a question: What if Palpatine’s Grand Plan had been ever so slightly different?
Palpatine wanted more than the utter destruction of the Jedi, he wanted more than for Jedi to be forgotten or made myth. He wanted their name to become poison for a thousand years. And yes declaring the Jedi traitors and Order 66 almost gets you there, but there were too many that remembered the Jedi fondly, or at least specific Jedi fondly, for it to have long term lasting power. Plus, with the Jedi dead ‘Forgotten’ happens way easier than ‘betrayer’. 
So Palpatine changes the plan slightly. The clone wars still happen as before. Dooku still  leads the separatist (though he manages to hide his identity as a Sith) and the Jedi and clones are still sent to fight and die by beings who by and large have no vested interest in lessening the loss of life. There is still no coherent, consistent idea of what winning would look like. All to Palpatine’s design. 
But it is not meant to end in Order 66 this time, no the plan is a little different. The war had two main purposes. The first to entrench Palpatine’s power deep enough that, when the time is right, he can take full control. The second was to make the Jedi love the clones, to make them protective, to make them mourn each clone life lost.  To that end Palpatine, to the extent he is able, ensures that the natborn officers stationed with the Jedi are odious and look down on the Clones as less than sentient.  The missions may be framed differently but Palpatine’s goal is to tie the clones and the Jedi together and begin to become insular. 
Three years in, Dooku surrenders and the war is won.  An armistice is signed and just, just as the combined Jedi/Clone forces begin to relax, begin to believe that that the Clones could be folded into the Order and they could move toward the future, Chancellor Palpatine knocks over the last domino. 
One of his lackeys, carefully not connected to him, brings up a motion. It is timed down to the exact moment for maxim effect. This lackey motions in the rotunda that, now that there is no war, there is no need for a standing army. But…the answer is not to give the clones sentience, it is to decommission all of them on the basis that the droid factories had been shut down. The speech was crafted to be as belittling to the clone sentience as possible, each word worse than the one before. There were also other lackeys strategically positioned through the rotunda to make it seem like the motion had much more support than it actually did (Really any support is too much, but it did not have near enough to pass). 
Palpatine felt the spark of fear shoot through the Coruscant Guard and the horror through the Jedi in the room. A heated debate sparks as the clones and the Jedi slip from the room. That the debate ended with the motion being shouted down doesn’t matter. That it was even entertained enough to be debated did the damage that Palpatine wanted.  Damage he furthered by passing on ‘rumors’ he had heard to Anakin Skywalker. Rumors that made it seem as though there were secret deals going on and the next time the motion was brought up it would pass and the clones would be killed. 
It had the effect that Palpatine wanted. The Jedi, fearing for the lives of the clones, drove themselves from the Republic (taking the clones and the ships with them, of course. Also the temple, which is space worthy), even taking Dooku with them (It should be noted that Anakin, well Anakin did abduct his senator wife and her retinue, and he is not letting them leave or contact the senate-Anakin is wanted for questioning by Coruscant's police force). 
Palpatine was able to spin their leaving as gathering their army and leaving, pointing out that this army was ordered FOR the Jedi.  It is not hard to arrange some incidents that make it appear to the Jedi that the Senate/Republic is hunting them and the clones, backing them into a corner where they have to fight back, while making it look like the Jedi and their army are taking the place of the Separatists. Dooku is with the Jedi, and is rapidly able to worm his way into several council member’s good graces, particularly as it seems like he was right all along about the republic. This throws the Republic back into a conflict, where Palpatine can continue to build his empire.
Here’s the part where Palpatine’s plan falls apart. The Jedi taking the place of the Separatist- lashing out because they are not being allowed to leave and being propagandized as the aggressor- only works as long as the Jedi act like the Separatists and keep acting as the aggressor. Except the Jedi do not react like they were supposed- which was to get so fed up that they decide they must strike first, for safety- instead they continue to retreat. Further and further from the core, and then into Wild Space at the edge of the known galaxy.  
To be clear the Jedi did not intend to leave the galaxy to its own mess, but from their perception they needed to protect the clones and they did honestly think they were escaping just ahead of a purge of the clones. Even Jedi like Pong Krell, because Palpatine’s plan required the Jedi to be exposed to the sentience of the clones as often as possible, so the missions tended to emphasize that.   
Here are some notes from the universe:
There are not actually many habitable planets in Wild Space, but the Agricorps was able to get some Hydroponics bays working on some of the ships, also some of the non habitable planets, and also the temple. So there is no worry about food. Also they figure out how to turn the waste into fuel for the ships. So the Jedi and clones are self-sustaining.
Some Jedi are still called to find Force Sensitives in the Galaxy, though the birthrate of Force Sensitives does drop sharply, outside of the procreation of various Jedi and clones (Please note that genetics has little to do with Force sensitivity). 
Obi Wan Kenobi is not the only Jedi to end up with a haram (or as part Cody’s Haram, no one is truly sure who the rotating group of Jedi, clones, and assorted others actually belong to, but everyone seems happy) but they did take the most scientific and enthusiastic view of experimenting with the Force in sexual situations. There are currently a dozen papers written and waiting to be reviewed, and replicated.  There is a lot of partner sharing. It is, however, not the Kenobi/Cody Polycule that needs to explain to the medics how they found out that Fox is somehow allergic to some highly salacious Force abilities (Quinlan Vos and Ventress were both involved. Fox is on record as saying it was worth the hives and the three day med bay stay, but it was not worth the video of him rambling while high that resulted). 
The Combined Jedi/Clones do end up abducting other sentients from formerly Republic Space. Or at least that is what the Empire Propaganda would tell you. It was less an abduction and more asking. Anakin did end up abducting Padme, her 13 body doubles, and 6 other bodyguards during the mad dash to exit the republic (somewhat forcibly). Over the course of 5 years the Jedi quietly collect the family of those 19, and others. 
Palpatine’s Empire lasted a total of three years before he was overthrown and killed. An Empire existed for another 10 years, with a variety of Emperors (none of which lasted even as long as Palpatine). Then the centralized government collapsed into system governments. It would take another 50 years for a Republic to begin to form again, still sans Jedi.
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lkfarrout · 5 months ago
Routine (family fic)
No ships/romance, just angst.
Summary: something I thought was likely to happen in the week it took Stan to get his memory back
Warnings: light angst, minimal swearing
For Stan Pines, it was the same routine every morning for the last twenty-or-so years: shower, suit, fez, lights, open sign, merchandise, cash register, don't forget to smile, no refunds, etc, etc. But before all of that, somewhere in the haze between the first sip of coffee and the hot water on his face, he always found himself in the basement. There wasn't a real reason for it. It wasn't like he could make much progress that early in the day, but he always went down anyway. Maybe it was just to make sure it was still there. That his twin was still gone. That he hadn't woken from what was simply a horrible nightmare.
On this particular morning, Stan wasn't even sure what day it was, but it didn't matter. The warm summer air told him the shack would be busy and he didn't have any time to waste.
His head hurt like a bitch. Like a bad hangover. He trudged down the hallway in his slippers, stepping over boards and other debris. Must have been a party last night. Gotta tell Soos to clean this up.
The smell of cheap instant coffee filled the kitchen, and Stan squinted at the fridge door. There was a drawing of him magnet-ed to it, and not a great one. Like a kid drew it. Covered in glitter and stickers. "Our Hero," it said. Huh, probably someone's idea of a joke.
The sun was barely peaking over the horizon, bathing the giftshop in soft orange light. Beep, beep, beep. He had learned years ago to put the wrong combination in sometimes, to keep the buttons from wearing unevenly and giving away the real combination. Beep, beep, beep.
His mug fell from his grip and shattered on the floor. Coffee seeped into the floorboards and under the vending machine. That name. Stan didn't dare move.
A large hand grabbed his shoulder. "Where are you going?"
With the corner of his eyes, Stan counted the fingers.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
One two three four five six.
With a deep inhale and one swift motion, Stan flipped around and grasped the face of the man behind him desperately with both hands.
He whispered, "Standford?"
His brother returned the gesture, playfully grabbing Stan's face and chuckling, "Yes, it's me, Stan."
Stanley choked on his words, he couldn't even think straight.
"How- how did you get here? I never, I- I couldn't fix it." His eyes began to fill with tears and he held on tighter to Stanford's face.
Ford pulled him into a tight hug, which was eagerly reciprocated.
"You did fix it, Stan," he reassured his brother, "You brought me back, you just forgot."
Stan pulled back and looked at Ford, confused.
Ford continued, "You were doing so well last night, I don't know what happened."
"But... I couldn't even find the other journals," Stan insisted.
Ford nodded, "I know, Dipper found them, remember?"
"...Dipper? Ain't that the name of Shermie's grandbaby? I think I was at the birth. How long ago was that?"
"Yes, the twins, Dipper and Mabel." Standford's tone was soft and reassuring, "They live here, they're up in the attic right now."
Stan groaned and rubbed his eyes, "Darn kids, they keep breakin' that window up there."
"Yes!" Ford exclaimed and grabbed Stan by the shoulders excitedly, "They keep breaking the window!"
Stan looked at his twin like he was crazy. "What, are you rootin' for em or something? You're the one that gave her the crossbow." He rolled his eyes, annoyed.
Stanford laughed, "I sure did." He embraced Stan in a hug once again.
"How's your headache today?" he asked.
"Still bad," Stan replied. He looked down at the wet floor and laughed, "I could use another coffee."
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inkedbydave · 4 months ago
I havnt read those books in the shadowhunter chronicles yet, what are your favorite things about them? (Im curious whether I should read them or not since I have such a big tbr already)
Oh maaan you're in for a ride
I have no idea which series in the Shadowhunter Universe you meant exactly but i'll start with my fav
Part I:
The Dark Artifices:
Do you ever feel like your soul needs a good mix of romantic pining, chaotic battles, and emotional devastation? The Dark Artifices is calling your name.
But seriously if you love stories that combine heart-pounding action, deep family bonds, and characters so real you’ll find yourself thinking about them long after you've finished the books? This is the series for you!
This series follows a family of Shadowhunters in sunny Los Angeles (yes, there are beaches AND demon fights) as they deal with forbidden love, ancient laws that make no sense, and plot twists that will leave you staring at the ceiling at 3 AM like: what just happened.
It’s got:
Two people who can’t be together because of reasons but have enough chemistry to destroy you.
A goofy warlock with more secrets than anyone is ready for.
A soft boy who paints and probably writes poetry but will absolutely murder you if you hurt his siblings and childhood friend.
A broody faerie loner who says “I work alone” but would probably die for his friends.
“I would die for my siblings, but also, they’re so annoying” energy.
Found-family dynamics that will have you texting your friends, “DO YOU SEE THIS?”
And, of course, the *painful but addictive* mix of love, loyalty, and chaos...
Enemies-to-lovers? No, wait—friends-to-lovers? Actually, it’s more like "reluctantly obsessed but too emotionally constipated to say it."
Three people staring dramatically at each other like ‘Is this polyamory or a REALLY complicated love triangle?
Characters who will make you scream, “JUST COMMUNICATE,” but you’ll love them anyway.
Enough family angst to fuel a therapy session for years.
A genius, autistic boy who solves mysteries but can’t solve the mystery of his own feelings
Main characters? Let’s just say there’s a parabatai bond that’s more complicated than your high school crush.
The plot? Fast-paced, full of betrayal, and packed with vicious fight scenes.
The family? Everything is fine...except when it’s not.
The romance? You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll probably scream and definitely ship things that should not be shipped. :)
Basically a murder mystery, faerie politics, and the most relatable struggle of all: Trying to keep your family alive and well while the world is falling apart.
Fair warning: you’ll never emotionally recover (and you’ll love every second).
part II:
The Mortal Instruments:
If you’re looking for a fast-paced urban fantasy series full of adventure, humor, and heart, you need to pick up The Mortal Instruments.
It’s got everything: shadowy secrets, epic battles, forbidden love, and enough twists and turns to keep you hooked from start to finish. Plus, the friendships and family bonds will hit you right in the feels.
If you like:
Hot people with emotional trauma
Family dynamics so messy even you would say "y’all need therapy"
Enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies-to-allies-to-love(maybe) but make it *gay*
Bonus gay dads with actual functional communication (because someone has to balance the chaos)
A love triangle that's not technically a triangle, but don't worry, it'll still destroy your soul
If you do then babe, let me introduce you to The Mortal Instruments:
It’s like Twilight, but everyone fights better is hotter and has sarcasm set to ✨maximum damage✨.
You'll question the characters' life choices, then realize your own aren’t much better.
There’s an overachieving golden boy with a superiority complex who definitely Googles his own name but is secretly baby.
A girl who just wants to vibe and maybe not be surrounded by apocalypses, but alas.
A cinnamon roll nerd who says, “I don’t want to be here,” but somehow ends up saving the day every time.
And a guy who walks in like: "I’m too goth for this mess," but then adopts everyone and pays for dinner.
The Mortal Instruments is what happens when an ex fanfic writer starts a writing carrier and makes a book series: chaotic, emotional, weirdly self-aware, and packed with heart. Read it. Your inner emo kid will thank you.
The plot? Like Supernatural on speed.
The dialogue? Whedon-esque but with more sass per square inch.
The drama? Every fanfic writer wishes they wrote this level of ✨chaotic bisexual disaster energy✨.
If this sounds appealing, congratulations! This series was literally written for you.
part III:
The Infernal Devices:
The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare is an absolute gem of a series, blending romance, adventure, and a touch of Victorian-era steampunk. If you love books with unforgettable characters, heart-wrenching love triangles (in the best way), and a beautifully atmospheric setting, this is the series for you.
It’s full of witty banter, emotional depth, and a story that stays with you long after you turn the last page. Trust me—there’s no ‘right’ team to root for, but you’ll love every moment of trying to decide.
The plot? Wild.
The romance? Devastating.
The side characters? Hot, chaotic, and probably more interesting than the main ones in most other books you’ve read.
Let’s not forget:
The Victorian Aesthetic™ (it’s giving Pinterest board).
A robot army that would make Skynet say, “You okay, bro?”
Poetry recitals that feel like life-or-death declarations.
And more tragic backstories than a Shakespearean play.
It's got:
a steampunk version of London where demons and shadowhunters roam the cobblestone streets, and your biggest problem isn’t the fog, but the ✨existential dread✨.
There’s a protagonist who just wanted to read books but accidentally became the center of everyone’s emotional drama (relatable queen).
A golden retriever boy who’s so perfect it physically hurts and is slowly dying.
And a sad boy™️ who looks like he stepped straight out of a My Chemical Romance album, only with a reading obsession.
A love triangle where instead of fighting, the two love interests are like, ‘Hey, what if we all just loved each other?’
Friendships so deep they’ll make you scream, “WHY CAN’T THE WORLD LET THEM BE HAPPY?”
A heroine who’s like, ‘Do I choose the guy who might secretly hate himself more than anyone else alive, or the literal angel in human form?’ (Spoiler: she chooses both. Iconic.)
Brooding boys who quote poetry in life-or-death situations (because of course they do).
*A love triangle where instead of fighting, the two love interests are like, ‘Hey, what if we all just loved each other?’
Start with Clockwork Angel and get ready to laugh, cry, and ugly sob over Will, Jem, and Tessa. But be warned: this series will RUIN you in the most beautiful way possible.
I won't write a summary of The Last Hours since i haven't finished it yet sorry babes, but hope you liked these *mwa*
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 months ago
Fire Emblem and Aesthetics-A Mini Discussion
So for those who don't know, I don't really play Fire Emblem Heroes, but I still have an interest in seeing what units they release. Usually for fanfic purposes or just keeping track of new resplendent designs. But recently, FEH had an update for the original character of Dagr and it got me thinking about how resplendent from jotunheim look
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Combined with FEH's ongoing storyline of taking from Norse mythology it really made me think-"Wait, why don't we have a Norse Fire Emblem game?"
Now look, I'm not here to bemoan that FEH don't have a console version, non gacha style game, but it really got me thinking about how we may be missing out on something relating to the use of a rich mythology and it only being in a mobile game more about collecting waifus and husbandos.
You see, Fire Emblem is no stranger to cribbing from existing mythologies like Norse in Genealogy, Arthurian myth and the matters of France in Elibe, and several characters just straight up being named after mythological/classic literature characters like Beowulf, Sampson, Priam etc. But its always done in this relatively Anglo-Saxon-British-French homogeny of aesthetics for their tales. So we can have a character named Sigurd, but he's not gonna look like he's fresh off the Viking Ship. Now Fire Emblem isn't the only franchise to do this, many pieces of media made by other countries draw upon these sort of exaggerated/romanticized look for fantasy stories all the time. And I want to be clear I am not advocating for "Medieval accuracy," I think that's silly. What I'm more getting at is I feel like FE could do with changing up its setting/aesthetics to perhaps inspire newer experiences.
Now I'm not saying FE as a franchise needs to be reinvented. In fact, I think FE has one of the most universal accessible mechanics in turn-based gaming. Simple to pick up, but still able to create many difficult maps and challenges. And by this point has made the support system one of the most iconic in gaming. But if the mechanics are good, doesn't that mean it could be transplanted into another setting? Well, In a way, yes. But once again, I'm not advocating for FE to stop being this fantasy style sword and sorcery story and become like the Napoleonic wars.
(That is a real Nintendo game by the way. Its wild!)
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No what I'm saying is that the broad terms of "Middle Ages Warfare" is much more than simply a certain type Eurocentric fantasy.
I'll tell you what, as much as people like to rip on Birthright, I'm still shocked how it took so long for Fire Emblem to have a game where Japanese culture and aesthetics is super prominent and a main setting for a game. Fire Emblem tends to have one character who is obviously inspired by Japanese culture or even sometimes a single country. But a full blown game where so many characters come from and embrace this Japanese backdrop was unique.
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Now of course it was still Birthright, so while you got these cool glimpses of a unique world and story like the Oni inspired Flame Tribe, the start of having a lot of retainers as main characters, the monk class and using fans as a weapons, and even roping in Kitsune. It still doesn't really do much than an average FE adventure with them. But it did at lease prove the the FE formula *could* still work removed from its conventional trappings.
Another in the different aesthetic, but missed opportunity category would be Fire Emblem Three Houses country of Almyra being pretty heavily inspired by Persian/Middle Eastern culture. A country that was gesturing so hard at an interesting idea that its left fan artist and fanfic writers to swoon over the idea of a possible FE game set in Almyra.
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And if you want an even more recent example, for all the desert backdrops we've had in Fire Emblem, its kinda astounding it wasn't until Engage that we got a lightly (And admittedly exaggerated) African inspired country.
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When I see stuff like this and what FEH is doing it makes me realize that we could be getting more. Im sure the next FE will likely still lean on its typical fantastical Anglo-Saxon look, but eventually there's got to be some spice to it. Sure it may be different, but Fire Emblem is a franchise that with each entry does try to be something different while maintaining certain core gameplay elements. So what is the harm of trying to approach something that looks a bit different?
Im not asking for an extreme change right away. Maybe start lighter. We have tons of pirates in Fire Emblem, why not a pirate/sea based game? We've even had the rare few pirate as a playable character. Its a type of story that could be told within the typical Fire Emblem world.
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Then perhaps maybe something a bit more culturally ubiquitous like Greeco-Roman inspired FE? There's plenty of gods and magic, but also swords and spears to draw forth on. Heck, that may even open up new potential enemies or stories to tell with like an Evil Senate or a Gladiator culture. It could even push FE to maybe drop or reinvent certain tropes like how they approach the knighthood type of character where a certain culture's version of knight is different. Maybe even make new classes the way Birthright had to.
Overall, I think Fire Emblem is and always has been a malleable franchise. And because of that, I think it can afford to take certain risks on something as simple as drawing from another culture during the medieval magic era, while still being able to provide things that people still love about the franchise like the combat system and support system. Will there be push back on it looking different? Of course, I remember when Three Houses first teasers dropped and everyone was wondering what was up with the military school outfits and what even race was Claude. And of course a different aesthetic doesn't make the game automatically good. But let's remember, that people were judgmental of Birthright not because it went all in on looking Japanese, but because the general story and writing was lackluster for many.
But if you can make an interesting and likable cast of a characters that elevate the story, and make a memorable world for people to wage war in, I see no reason why you couldn't make Fire Emblem work set in the Netherlands.
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If there is a personal aesthetic or theme you'd like to see Fire Emblem tackle, sound off in the replies. I'd love to hear what you guys think.
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shiny-gem-ocs · 9 months ago
Gem worldbuilding notes
Wanna make a Houseki no Kuni oc? Lucky you. I've been compiling notes on the manga's worldbuilding and this might help you if you wanna stay canon-compliant, disregard canon entirely, or even make your own lore!
Creating an OC is all about creativity, so I tried to include my ideas on how to meet canon in the middle too.
Notes are under the cut!
On the world:
After the Earth was destroyed by six comets, it was flooded, and the island where the story takes place is the only place where Gems - one of the three remaining sentient lifeforms on Earth - are born, on a place called Shore of Nascency.
There's very little animals, all which are invertebrate, such as bugs, jellyfish, and snails, the kind the Admirabilis mimic.
Lunarians always come out in the sun, so much that their ships were named Sunspots. Later it's revealed they can come out at night as well.
While on Earth, Lunarians cannot speak.
During all the time the Gems have been alive, maybe there were minor lifeform explosions or extinction events, if you want different animals or plants in your world. Maybe even the gems themselves cultivated or bred them.
Who knows if there are other islands, and what kind of post-apocalypse life is flourishing in them. Admirabilis live on the ocean, they might've been around other islands as well, and could tell stories. Gems might've travelled to other islands. You could ignore canon completely and say new Gems are being born on another island, completely cut off from the society Adamant raised, or that new sentient lifeforms are being born somewhere else in the world. Thought that would be the kinda canon-break that disregards the whole story.
On the Gems' formation:
Gems are born from a combination of microorganisms originating from the sea, that make their way through the cliffside on the Shore of Nascency in the island, in unspecified - but geological - ammounts of time. What makes them alive are those microorganisms, called inclusions. The cliffside is often producing bits and pieces of rocks, and sometimes, it produces "stillborn" gems that fully have humanoid shapes but no inclusions.
Gems don't necessarily have to all be see-through gemmy crystals like Phos, the cliffside spits out any type of naturally-formed rock, geography be damned, as seen by the existence of Lapis Lazuli and Obsidian. Rareness of the mineral doesn't seem to matter either. But given they are formed naturally, the existence of synthetic or organic gemstones are not canon. Think pearls, coral or amber, or think glass, aura quartz and goldstone. On that note, Gem society might lack the technology to make synthetic gems altogether.
I admit I don't really know how to circumvent it without fully ignoring canon, but I do have some thoughts. Maybe for organic gems, the animals or plants that produce said gems died near the cliffside on the Shore of Nascency, and were overcome with inclusions. For sythetic gems, maybe they're an experiment from the people on the Moons - though in canon they say they didn't have that technology. Maybe naturally formed gems were altered by chemical reactions. I don't know, I admit. But a creative fanbase as this one might find an answer.
On the Gems' biology:
The gems are immortal. They can't die of old age, and if they crack, they can be put back together. They're entirely homogenous, their body doesn't have organs, instead functioning as one. Their inclusions hold their memories, which means if they get a body part removed from the whole, they lose the memories in that body part.
Also, fun fact, the Gems don't have teeth! I supoose if you want your Gem to have teeth you can just ask Adamant to sculpt it on them. Maybe they get the idea from him having them.
If a Gem loses a body part, it can be replaced with new material. On that note, Gems can sometimes be born with imperfections such as missing body parts, as shown by Padparadscha.
Due to being able to break, gems with lower hardness must be more careful than gems with higher hardness.
They get their energy to move from the sun, so they lose their energy and sleep when it's dark. And come winter, when there's less sun, they prefer to hybernate.
Honestly, you can still give your gems different body types, it's not gonna hurt anyone. It doesn't stray from canon other than about their physical shape, so you can justify they can be formed with more body mass and still be the bones of humanity.
They all have the same height and same body type - those spindly things, all leg and arms and skinny torso with no boobs. This is explained in canon due to the fact they descend from humanity, specifically their bones, and so were reborn in that skeletal shape.
Sensei smooths them out in a mold, and gives them eyes made of simple rock with part of their gem as the iris, so they can see better.
Gems have feelings and emotions, which can manifest in their bodies if they are too stressed, as cracking and breaking.
Padparadscha shows us that some gems have weaker inclusions that don't take to new materials, therefore you can still make a canon-compliant disabled Gem. In fact, my own OC is one. On that note, Gems do have a concept of mental illness, as they can become mentally ill, so they can probably be born mentally disabled as well.
Gems sometimes have superpowers, which in canon always have to do with the properties and uses of their real life rocks.
On Gem society:
The gems are immortal, but they all have kind of a childlike personality. It's not like they are children, or teenagers, they're just somewhat innocent due to the world they live in - plus the constant state of war. But they can be mature and wise as well, especially older gems like Padparadscha or Yellow Diamond.
Usually only one gem stays in winter patrol duty as the other gems hybernate (usually). When the winter is warmer and has more sun, the gems, even though they are weaker, stay awake and patrol the island as normal.
Everything they have is in what the island produces. They use the plants found in there to make glue that restores cracked gems, to make the powder they wear on themselves to mimic skin, to make paper, clothes, furniture, everything. This means they have crops, agriculture, and animal breeding and handling.
On that note, due to the lack of resources, they have very little material to make anything. For exemple, fabric for clothes, which explains why they all wear the same uniforms, and only change into high fashion during hybernation once a year.
You could say there's eras when they have more material for clothes, if you want your Gems to have different fashion.
They wear a special powder on their bodies to mimic skin and to protect themselves from the elements. It became cultural in their society, with gems considering themselves ugly if they don't wear it. In canon they mimic specifically light skin because they want to look like Adamant.
Cairngorm is a Gem that couldn't care less about powder, so it's not wrong to want to have powderless gems - and even make it the new fashion in different eras of Gem society. On that note, if you want different "skin colors" for your Gems, just say the powder seeds come in variety of colors and shades, and let your Gems experiment with them.
Combining the lack of animals in the world and the fact all Gems are genderless and sexless, they don't really understand sex. They know how animals breed, but have no concept of sexuality. Culturally they have some sense of shame, since they wear clothes and don't like being seen without them, but that's about it.
Gems don't have the cultural act of kissing, but they have the concept of romance, in their own ways.
Okay fellas, as the resident asexual, I admit I have NO IDEA what the smut scene in this fandom is even like. I do like to ship gems, but if you want your gems to have gem sex, I leave that one to you. As for gender, who knows, maybe they can learn what it is from the Admirabilis or the Lunarians, decide they like it, and pick a gender for themselves. Maybe they can add boobs on their chest as a sort of transition. Adamant has never imposed gender on the gems, he will surely be supportive of his transgemder children. I'm not gonna get into Cairngorm or else we'll be here all day. (I don't consider either Cairngorn's gender nor sex scene to be consensual, that's all I'm gonna say on the matter.)
It's frowned upon to not have a designated job in Gem society. Due to the constant state of war, you must be useful. It can get ableist.
Phos was the only gem in canon to have so many parts of them replaced, to the point they became a new type of human and could pray away everyone.
Given that the first point motivated the entire story, and the second was the result of the entire story, I think ignoring canon in this instance indeed means, well, disregarding the whole story. But sometimes we just make OCs to play in the sandbox and that's okay.
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colettebronte · 24 days ago
Writer Interview Game
I saw this on @fayes-fics blog and wanted to do it as well 🫶❤️
How many works do you have on ao3?
62 fics total, 52 of them for Bridgerton, specifically
What’s your total ao3 word count?
Your top 5 stories by kudos?
on Ao3 (kudos)
Chicken Soup and Oral Sex: Lord Bridgerton's Surefire Sickness Cure
After the Gala
The Queen and The General Yule Special
Lord Bridgerton's List - Benedict's Reaction
on Tumblr (notes)
The Queen and the General Beltane Special
What Who Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
The Queen and the General 1: Captured and Collared
Lord Bridgerton's List - Day 27: Roleplay 12 - Angry Sex
Do you respond to comments?
It may take me a hot minute, but I absolutely do! They fuel my creativity and I am so grateful for each and every one
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Before I turned The Queen and the General into it's own series, the first bunch were roleplays in Lord Bridgerton's List: A Series for Kinktober and at that time, much shorter parts. In LBL as was, the part Day 16: Roleplay 6: The Queen and the General: Punishment Prologue ended in a pretty angsty spot. When it became an independent series, I combined it with the following part and expanded it to be The Queen and the General 3: Punishment and thus, changed the ending to be much more hopeful
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I meannnnnn as a fan of happy endings of ALL KINDS, most of them end with one 🤣 But I think one of the happiest is probably my most recent, 30,000 Feet Up in the Air (Drop Down)
Do you write crossovers?
I have not
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
not recently, but a milllllion years ago when I was much younger and first posted some things on fanfiction.net (under a completely different name that I will NEVER EVER reveal) I did
Do you write smut?
Ayup! 😏
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
In a previous fandom I did. But as soon as I found out about it, it was taken down
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not as yet
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, in a previous fandom
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I am a fan of most of them, but Kanthony, those horny beans, hold my heart. I am also really looking forward to seeing Benophie on the show
What’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a few long-gestating wips that I will get back around to, eventually. But the biggest one, which is totally outlined from start to finish is All the Time in the World
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at having dialogue flow pretty naturally between characters. I think I come up with some pretty fun AU ideas.
What are your writing weaknesses?
As my SUPER PATIENT beta can tell you, my punctuation is not always on point and I think I can get too into my own head and spend too much time on the unimportant details
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I haven't had a need to yet
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I am totally a "one fandom at a time" person and so Bridgerton is it for me for the foreseeable future
What’s your favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oooof that's . . . . yeah I don't think I could pick a favorite. A top three to five maybe. MAYBE
I'm not going to tag anyone for this because it involves A LOT of stat-checking but if any writer friends want to partake, I'd love to see it! 🫶❤️
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krisnixfeels · 7 months ago
FAQs for Krisnix Week 2024
When is Krisnix Week 2024?
Krisnix Week is October 13 (Sunday)-October 19 (Saturday) 2024. A list of prompts for the week can be found here.
What type of fanworks am I allowed to create for Krisnix Week?
You can create any type of fanwork that you wish. This includes but is not limited to: fan art, fanfiction, fan comics/doujinshi, fanmixes, fanvids, animatics, podfic, and more.
How should I share my work for Krisnix Week?
You can post your fanwork for Krisnix week on any platform(s) you wish. However, we recommend cross-posting or posting links to your creations on multiple platforms to ensure that as many fans see your work as possible.
If you are posting on tumblr, twitter, or instagram, we recommend that you use #KrisnixWeek2024 so that other fans are easily able to find it.
We have also created a collection on AO3 to host the works for the week.
Can I still participate even if English isn’t my first language and/or I don’t use the English localized names?
Of course. We want to celebrate and appreciate these characters in all their forms, whether they are being called Ryūichi Naruhodō and  Garyū Kirihito, Phoenix Wright and Kristoph Gavin, Chéngbùtáng Lóngyī (Naruhodo/Phoenix in the Chinese version), or  Krístofer Galvão (Kirihito/Kristoph in the unofficial Brazilian Portuguese localization). And in whatever language(s) you wish to share your appreciation for them. 
 Good art needs no translation, and I’m sure the shippers who speak your first language will be glad to have more fic in their native tongue. (Also  even English-only speakers  (like me) will sometimes brave google translate to enjoy a new work for their favorite ship).
What are the daily prompts? Do I have to use them? The optional daily prompts can be found here. There are three listed for each day. You can choose one, combine two or more--or ignore them entirely. You can also start with one of the prompts and then disregard it if inspiration takes you in a different direction.
For instance, the themes for the first day of the challenge are
Trust vs Betrayal; Partners (in Crime); & Supernatural, Horror & Fantasy.
Here are some, equally valid ideas of how you could incorporate these:
Krisix as werewolf hunting partners who betrayed each other at a critical moment. (combo of all 3 themes)
Phoenix is haunted by Kristoph's ghost after his death. (supernatural theme)
High School/College/University AU where Kristoph and Phoenix are dysfunctional lab partners. (loose interpretation of "partners" theme)
Do I have to participate in every day of Krisnix Week?
Absolutely not.  You can pick and choose which days you want to create for, depending on your schedule, creative inspiration, and level of interest.  Additionally, you can feel free to merge and combine multiple themes into one single creation!
Can I write something gen and/or incorporate other ships into my Krisnix Week creation?
Yes, we welcome gen works that explore Kristoph and Phoenix's unique dynamic as well as shippy and/or smutty works. Additionally, you are free to incorporate other ships (ex: klapollo, trupearl, etc) or to create a poly ship with Kristoph, Phoenix and a third-party. (ex: Kristoph/Phoenix/Ema).
However, we want to emphasize that Kristoph and Phoenix should really be of equal (if not greater) focus to any other pairings that you wish to incorporate in the fic. For example: A fic alludes to past/future/unrequited narumitsu but that ultimately focuses on Kristoph/Phoenix would probably qualify as appropriate for the event. Whereas a single allusion to past krisnix in a work that otherwise focuses on narumitsu would not count as a "krisnix work." (We encourage you to draw/write whatever you want--but maybe reconsider including a Krisnix Week tag).
Am I allowed to create NSFW content for Krisnix Week and if so, how can I share it?
Krisnix week is definitely open to all permutations/interpretations of the ship and their dynamic -in and outside of the bedroom.
However, we ask that you use appropriate content warnings/spoiler tags if your creation features graphic violence, explicit sexual content, or anything else you’d like to warn for.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 8 months ago
Got tagged by @chaotic-neutral-knitter to share my favorite fics I've written and I feel a little bad not putting any of my 3 OFMD fics on the list. But in my defense it was very hard to choose between my 116 slutty slutty children, and while I like my OFMD fics a lot (especially Learning and Remembering) I decided to limit myself to five fics across all the fandoms I have written for over the past nine (!!) years, and there are some that stand above the rest.
Maybe I'll Show You the Way (Dune, Paul/Chani). Maybe my recency bias is showing but I really think this is one of the best things I've written. Paul and Chani's whole "falling in love while fighting side by side in an anti-colonial armed resistance movement" romance in Dune Part Two felt like it was designed in a lab to appeal to me specifically, and I just wanted more of it! What started with a simple "5 times they fucked in between fighting the Harkonnens" premise has become a novella-length character study about war, politics, solidarity and resistance to oppression in all its forms, interlaced with a very sweet, youthful first-love romance that always has a bittersweet edge because we the audience know these characters are living in a tragedy. This fic is one chapter from completion and I've been stalling because I really wanna stick the landing on this one, but it will get finished!
a narrow door, swiftly closing (Dune, Paul/Duncan) Different ship, different era (post-Dune Part One) and a very different vibe. The fun of this ship is the multiple power imbalances running in different directions (younger/older, student/teacher, lord/vassal, end product of a 90-generation eugenics program with a mind that can bridge time and space/Just Some Guy). It's also got that chewy age gap thing where the older character has watched the younger character grow from a child to an adult and has to wrestle with the realization that they find them sexually attractive now. Peak forbidden romance and mutual pining in this one and not just one but two of my favorite finally-crossing-the-line kisses I have ever written.
Three Times Is a Habit (Trust, Primo/The Other Paul) Ah yes, my "which doomed curly-haired teenage twink heir to a powerful dynasty named Paul are we talking about?" era. For a hot second (most of 2021) I was really into this hidden gem FX limited series Trust, based (with many creative liberties taken) on the real kidnapping of John Paul Getty III in Italy in the 1970s. The fun of this fandom is that every ship is an absolute garbage fire of bad decisions, and writing the trainwreck emotional logic that leads to a traumatized teenager repeatedly hooking up with his kidnapper was an adventure. There's also a fun meta layer at play in the relationship between our reality, the fictionalized "true" version of the kidnapping that happens in the show, the lies the characters tell about the fictionalized version of the kidnapping in the show, and the version of the characters I'm writing, some of whom are based on real people and some of whom are made up. (Is this RPF? You decide.) This fic will make zero sense if you haven't watched the show. But you should! It's a wild ride with a great cast (Donald Sutherland presente!)
Salvage & Scrap (Mad Max: Fury Road, Gen) Two minor characters who have a combined total of maybe five minutes of screen time produced what was until recently my longest fic on AO3. This fic was based on a fantastic prompt: what if Ace (the older war boy who seems to be Furiosa's second in command on the War Rig) and Valkyrie (Furiosa's Green Place gal pal) both survived their violent vehicular encounters and met each other? The idea was immediately appealing to me because they both care about Furiosa but have known such different versions of her, and the way their worldviews would clash seemed like great story fodder. I still love the imagery of them meeting at the place where their worlds have literally collided--the wreck of the War Rig in the Rock Riders' canyon. Also I recently reread this and I forgot how devastating the tiny glimpse we get of Furiosa is in this fic.
Fightplay (Mad Max: Fury Road, Max/Furiosa) You know this list wouldn't be complete without a smutty Maxiosa fic. It was really hard to pick one piece of the 127k smut novel I wrote about them in non-chronological order over the course of about 3 years (2015-2018). But Fightplay was definitely the start of writing uhhh a certain kind of dynamic for them. The prose is very spare and exacting in a way that I still find hot 9 years later.
Tagging @thebyrchentwigges, @thetardigrape, @nandamai, @bethagain, @demolitionwoman-blog and anyone else who wants to do this!
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