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secondarysefikura · 7 hours ago
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secondarysefikura · 7 hours ago
Imagine Cloud is topping for the first time and Sephiroth promptly calls him mommy in bed
Cloud climbs on top and Sephiroth just melts. Starts purring and starts going "mommy, please."
Cloud stops for a moment, almost as if considering walking away, before Sephiroth whines a bit. Cloud quickly makes up his mind to stay. He'll play mother, if it means getting to see Sephiroth like that more often~~~
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secondarysefikura · 8 hours ago
Sefikura reacting to the other saying "I love you" for the first time
There are two very different reactions the two would have depending on the context.
Sephiroth says it first. The two are having dinner and Cloud knocks a cup off the table and breaks it. He calls himself stupid and profusely apologizes as he quickly tries to clean the glass up. Sephiroth just looks at Cloud before blurting out "I love you."
Cloud is shocked, but Sephiroth just tells Cloud to sit back down while he goes to grab a dust pan to sweep up the broken glass. He's not good at comforting people, so he just hopes saying "I love you" will help make Cloud see he's not upset over a broken glass.
When Cloud says it to Sephiroth, he is drunk. He very carefully waves Sephiroth over and stands on his tip toes to whisper "I love you" into Sephiroth's ear. Then he pats Sephiroth on the head while Sephiroth blue screens.
Sephiroth says it first in this case too. He has Cloud pinned down, his sword pieced through him, when he has the nerve to tell Cloud "I love you." Cloud laughs, and laughs, and then laughs some more.
When Cloud eventually says "I love you" back, his eyes are green and cat slit. He doesn't really sound like himself when he says it either.
Sephiroth ignores that. As long as he can hear Cloud say it, it doesn't matter how or why he's saying it.
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secondarysefikura · 11 hours ago
Sorry but everytime I read "Sephiroth does a home c-section" I always imagine him going like this lmao
Oh my goodness thank you for reminding me about that person's animatics. They've made some great little sefikura ones too.
Now luckily for Cloud, Sephiroth does not use Masasume for the home c-section and instead uses a brand new, normal sized knife. I do think he still wields it as if it's Masasume though.
It's really a miracle both Cloud and the baby survive, actually.
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secondarysefikura · 13 hours ago
Speaking of burns from Nibelheim, afaik Cloud, Tifa, and Zack don’t have any long term lung damage from the Nibelheim incident. They found themselves in the middle of a burning VILLAGE, so surely their lungs would have been affected, even if only temporarily
Storytime! I worked in aquatics for 6 years at a pool that was not properly taken care of. The vent system was old, never cleaned, and didn't properly filter out chlorine from the air. The vents would also frequently turn off.
Management either lied to us or just didn't know that the air quality was dangerous, especially when the vents turned off. I only discovered just how bad things could get when I once WENT BLIND FOR SEVERAL HOURS and almost passed out from the poor quality. A few years later, I had to take a week off from work because I got so ill from the poor air I could barely get out of bed.
Now around the time I started working there, I developed asthma. For 6 years I struggled with my breathing and airways! But interestingly, a few months after I stopped working there I stopped showing signs of asthma. It's been about a year since I stopped working there and I'd say I'm mostly healthy again, but sometimes I feel like I have flare ups.
So needless to say, Zack, Cloud, and Tifa absolutely experienced some issues with their breathing. Now I can excuse Zack and Cloud on account of them being in mako tanks for 5 years and their bodies being enhanced, but Tifa? She absolutely went through a period of time where she was quite sick.
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secondarysefikura · 14 hours ago
Honestly something that has always bothered me a tiny bit is the fact that neither Cloud nor Tifa (or heck, even Zack) have any sort of burns from Nibelhiem. Like you mean to tell me all of them were in a giant fire and none of them so much as got a single burn?
Maybe that's what I'll draw first when I get a new drawing tablet next month.
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secondarysefikura · 14 hours ago
Honestly something that has always bothered me a tiny bit is the fact that neither Cloud nor Tifa (or heck, even Zack) have any sort of burns from Nibelhiem. Like you mean to tell me all of them were in a giant fire and none of them so much as got a single burn?
Maybe that's what I'll draw first when I get a new drawing tablet next month.
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secondarysefikura · 14 hours ago
Sephiroth having a mental breakdown as he mumbles to himself things like “Don’t worry Cloud I’ll find you.” and “You’ll never leave my side every again.”
Meanwhile in the past Cloud gets to see a chocobo for the first time in many years, and even gets to pet it after past Sephiroth reassured him for a minute that it was ok to do.
Can you torture the lifeblood of the planet? Well Sephiroth is certainly trying to do so, if it means that he can figure out where the lifestream has taken his precious Cloud.
All the while he's muttering insane statements under his breath about what he's going to do once he gets Cloud back, how he's never going to let Cloud out of his sight again, and how he's going to make anyone involved in this situation regret touching what is his.
Meanwhile, Cloud has grown very fascinated with the tv ever since he saw Sephiroth watching the evening news one night (and bitterly laughing at some of the propaganda). Sometimes, if Sephiroth needs to coax Cloud out of hiding for dinner or for medicine (which is a whole ordeal) he'll turn the tv on to some animal documentary and just wait for Cloud to inevitably pop his head into the living room to watch the weird little moving pictures. Sephiroth quickly discovers that Cloud is especially fond of any show that includes chocobos.
Although it takes some time for Cloud to feel comfortable enough to leave Sephiroth's apartment (all those people outside...all the lights and's very overwhelming and frightening for him), he does eventually follow Sephiroth outside one day. To celebrate, Sephiroth takes Cloud to meet a chocobo.
The way Cloud's face lights up when he sees the bird is just precious. Sephiroth watches Cloud almost fight himself as he tries not to reach out and touch the bird, but as soon as Sephiroth gives him a reaffirming nod Cloud wraps his arm's around the chocobo's neck and just holds it for a brief moment. Then Cloud very gently strokes the chocobo before giving it another hug and nervously returning to Sephiroth's side.
Sephiroth makes a mental note to take Cloud to see the chocobos more often and it becomes a weekly habit of theirs. Much to Sephiroth's shock, Cloud seems to know a lot about chocobos, their care, and even how to race them. It really makes him wonder what Cloud was up to before becoming the scared and confused person he is now.
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secondarysefikura · 15 hours ago
I’m glad we agree that Sephiroth has a mommy kink
Does that extend to an Oedipus complex as well? He already hates Hojo so…
I feel like the answer is complicated. By the time Sephiroth meets his 'mother' he is more than aware that Hojo is no threat to him, especially in any sort of romantic contest.
BUT, if we say Sephiroth has a mommy kink that he sort of projects onto Cloud (ie making Cloud play the role of mother to him), then perhaps we could make an argument for Sephiroth feeling jealous and resentful towards anyone who has ever hurt Cloud besides him. And Hojo did experiment on Cloud....
So uh, just like my last relationship, it's complicated.
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secondarysefikura · 1 day ago
Sephiroth gives Destiny to Cloud so he can feed her for the first time. At first Cloud is confused because Sephiroth didn’t bring a bottle, that is until he feels her latch on.
I think what would be really funny is if Destiny latched on out of instinct but nothing actually happened. Cloud may have had his body mutate a pseudo-uterus, but he didn't develop milk glands. So everyone ends up staring at each other for a long moment before Cloud tells Sephiroth to get a bottle and some formula.
But that's boring, instead we need Cloud having his 5th crisis of the week (the first 4 were the home c-section) as he finds out he is responsible for feeding this dang baby with his body. Was it not bad enough that he had to carry this child, but now he's also responsible for feeding the kid? From his chest??????????
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secondarysefikura · 1 day ago
Move over Shinra you ain't got SHIT on the Sydney tar ponds.
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secondarysefikura · 1 day ago
You know that ask about Cloud saving the world by agreeing to marry and have Sephiroth's kids? That but instead it's by playing into Sephiroth's mommy kink
How do you think that conversation went?
Cloud: I know you want me.
Sephiroth: How perceptive of you.
Cloud: If I give myself to you, will you stop trying to destroy the planet?
Sephiroth, smug: Oh? And are you willing to have children?
Cloud, mentally shuddering but keeping a straight face: If it would make you happy.
Sephiroth: Wonderful! I'll call you mom from now on! You can tuck me into bed and sing me lullabies.
Cloud: Uh...sure?
Sephiroth: You'll take me to soccer practice, right? And watch the big game? Please?! I know you're busy with work but it's really important!!! I think I'm going to score a lot of goals this game!
Cloud: What the fuck kind of roleplay even is this.
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secondarysefikura · 1 day ago
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(Friend got a new cat)
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secondarysefikura · 2 days ago
Cloud with his lactation kink and Sephiroth definitely having a mommy kink he hasn't dared to explore are a wild combo
There is some wild shit going on at their house and it involves some serious Freudian kinks and Cloud playing mother to several children + Sephiroth.
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secondarysefikura · 2 days ago
That idea about a Cloud from a post Sephiroth wins future being sent to the past of before Sephiroth went insane, has me wondering about future Cloud’s Sephiroth dealing with Cloud’s suddenly disappearance. No doubt it wouldn’t be pretty, and for Cloud’s and really everyone from the past’s sake hopefully he never finds out what happened, and if he does he never finds away to travel threw time.
At the same time (or...not time?) that Cloud is slowly healing, Sephiroth is going even more insane in the future. He is enraged and desperately trying to figure out where Cloud has gone. There are so many ways he had grown slack in his security regarding Cloud, convinced as he was that Cloud would never so much as dream of leaving him anymore, that now he has to try to piece together how Cloud got away and where he went.
He searches whatever home he keeps Cloud in for days, tearing everything apart to try to find some clue as to what Cloud is up to. He combs the remains of the planet for any sign of Cloud and tries, in vain, to locate Cloud based on their mental connection.
Nothing. It's almost as if Cloud had never even existed in the first place.
I'm sure once the more logical possibilities (ie Cloud having run away) are exhausted, Sephiroth starts looking into the more outlandish possibilities. Although he consumed most of the lifestream upon ascending to godhood, he did allow a very small portion of it to remain. Keeping a little bit of the planet's lifeblood was useful, after all, in keeping a portion of the planet relatively inhabitable for Cloud (or, you know, keeping the planet familiar enough that Cloud would be comfortable. The joy of forcing immortality upon someone is that concepts of "inhabitable" or "uninhabitable" are really more of a comfort thing rather than a necessity).
So he checks on the little bit of the lifestream he allowed to remain to see if perhaps it had something to do with Cloud's disappearance. Sure enough, he can sense some lingering evidence of Cloud passing through the area. But he can't sense Cloud in the's almost as if he passed through it to a different plane.
Something beyond Sephiroth's reach at the current moment, but not for much longer. He will find Cloud, no matter what the cost or how long it takes.
He does hope to find Cloud sooner rather than later though. He's terribly worried about the poor thing. Last Sephiroth checked on him, Cloud was barely functioning. And while Cloud may not be able to die anymore, Sephiroth can only imagine the damage his precious doll may sustain if he's lost and alone for much longer.
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secondarysefikura · 2 days ago
polycule where one guy has an “i can fix him” mindset and another guy has an “i can make him worse” mindset about the same third guy. net zero moral change
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secondarysefikura · 2 days ago
Oh hey if we're talking lactation kink then that's yet another reason for Sephiroth to get Cloud pregnant. With how mako enhances a human's metabolism, there'll be enough milk for everyone
Enough for all 300 of their children??!!! That's impressive!
Other perks include:
Cloud looks good pregnant (at least in Sephiroth's opinion)
He's more mellow when he's pregnant or has recently given birth
More children=more opportunities to see Cloud be a good mother.
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