#razzle x glisten
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 month ago
Hey. Hey, guys. You'll never guess what I've been drawing.
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Glisten: ...??
Glisten and his lame ass boyfriends!!!!!! Cheers to art dumps <3
[CW: SUGGESTIVE JOKE] More doodles below cut:
So! I know most of you come for the shinyshrimp stuff (WHICH WE WILL GET TO) but let me yap about Glisten and Razzle for a bit.
Glisten and Razzle got together like 3 months after Glisten and Boxten broke up. Razzle never really looked to Glisten that much outside of acquaintances (cuz he was kinda sorta lowkey jealous of Glisten's charisma and stage-presence). In fact, they were much more focused on Vee and maybe possibly had a crush on her, which is really funny in hindsight with Dazzle lol. However, after learning that Vee was a lesbian/being very rudely rejected by her, Razzle found comfort in Glisten and fell head-over-heels almost immediately.
The only problem is, Razzle has -10000 aura. His ass cannot be flirty or cool-charismatic at all.
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Glisten: What do you do when you aren't distracting? Razzle: (Glisten likes mysterious people) I sell drugs!! Glisten: ... Excuse me? Razzle: (But Glisten also likes kind people) But ONLY to kids in need! Dazzle: (STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP-) *defeated whimper*
Razzle thinks he's that guy (they're not, they're pathetic honestly lol)
Also like, Razzle is suuuper dense when it comes to everyone except Dazzle. They struggle with self-reflection and other-people reflection, so he is completely convinced he is doing all the right things, when in actuality, they are very very very cringe.
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Razzle: No see Dazzie, this is why they call me Rizzle. Dazzle: (No one has EVER called you that.)
Denseness is one hell of a drug, aye, fellas?
Dazzle is being pulled through the wringer trying to preserve whatever was left of her (and Razzle's) pride. It's not working. Girl is fighting for their life every time she is dragged over by Razzle in order to say a horrible pick-up line to Glisten.
(This is all pre-relationship btw. After they get together it becomes an inside joke and Glisten retorts with his own awful (although not nearly as bad) pick-up lines)
Now the moment you've been waiting forrrr 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
✨ Shinyshrimp ✨
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I love them chat, I love them sm. They have so much drama and love and interesting things going on, they're so cool and fun n stuff and AUGHHHHH💥💥💥
Shrimpo being that one guy who craves affection but would literally bite anyone who gives it to him is so real to me. Homie wants a hug but ends up suplexing whoever hugged him outta reflex. Glisten, on the other hand, is one of the most affectionate people ever. He's not affectionate to everyone, but when you catch his interest (both platonic and romantic), he is very verbally and physically affectionate. He'll buy you things, he'll give you hugs, he'll let you invade his personal space, all stuff he would never let normies do.
Shrimpo loves this, however, homie has no idea how to deal with any kind of affection in a positive way. Cat-coded ahh guy. Glisten does find this amusing tho, so he's more inclined to be affectionate with Shrimpo to help him "get over it" in a way.
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This is just for shits and giggles. I feel like everyone should draw this meme with their ships. It's a canon event at this point.
What can I say? He was hungry.
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Can't forget my fankids. I love my fankids. I miss my fankids. I need to draw my fankids more istg I need to revamp their ask blog soon (especially with some new editions coming soon).
Also Hamlet looks smaller because most of his internal structure is made of ribbon and stuffing, so he shrinks into a ball when happy. He also loafs like a cat, what a guy.
Also also also what the skibidi sigma happened to my prep-jock ship?? Why is it backwards???
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I drew these because I had a vision of the little doodle below and only thought it would work if they were swaped... sooooo... here we are.
Scapmi is a preppy goth-ish shrimp with an eye for fashion and artistry. With a smart mouth and a massive ego, he often comes off as an annoyance to others. He loves to be front and center in everything but often has to fight with his internalized idea that everything is a competition that he needs to win no matter what. It causes him a lot of stress and self-doubt, but he'd never let anyone see his weaknesses.
Gash is a shrap-toned violent mirror who speaks more with his fists than his voice. He hates everything that is not himself (and sweets) and makes sure people know that. He used to be a perfectionist, but after an accident permanently cracked his face, he dropped his "perfect" persona in favor of a messy, more hateful one. He wants connection but doesn't know how to express his needs in an understandable way, and that frustrates him immensely.
As you can see, match made in heaven.
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Gash: DUDE, WHAT THE F*CK!? Scampi: There's a smudge on you- Gash: I DON'T CARE! LET GO!! Scampi: Not 'til I'm done. (Your natural blush is gorgeous; shame it's on you tho)
So yeah, swap shinyshrimp lore drop yippee.
Have a good one chat, til I reappear again✌️✌️
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zinkysworld · 4 months ago
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grrrrrrrr rnd ships
I tried for so long to make little doodles of goob suckin on rnds ribbons as like a stim thing (ribbons taste so good /gen) but every single time it looked so freaky so banished to the undo button they all went
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scagsaurus · 4 months ago
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Art dump
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cinnabon0 · 4 months ago
Hi all! I recently joined a new fandom, so here are some drawings for you!
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and also my new oc/fan character
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how-to-humaning-401 · 7 months ago
hello dandys world fandom i bring dumb drawings while i go insane in a corner about this stupis game...
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yuri and yaoi ?!?!?!
ft. oc ?!?!?!
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and oc x canon ?!?!?!? (im extremely normal)
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oh yeah and these ig...
(second video as a tiktok link bc tumblr is being stupid)
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rachaeldafrog · 8 days ago
My current fixation is Dandy’s world and now I’m just gonna post a bunch of yandere dandy’s world x reader art just because I can.
So if any of you see this, feel free to drop any specific toons you wanna see :)
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I also drew everyone because I love them so so so so so so much
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leytwopoints · 1 month ago
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starlightwoofwoof · 25 days ago
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dw this is just part 1, this isn’t over yet lol
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sillybillywilly08 · 2 months ago
Uhhhhh hi!!!!
Please don’t kill me 💔💔
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fandomt4keover · 4 months ago
Ship chart but it's everyone shipped with boxten
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Yeah ( every boxten ship is my otp trust )
should i make a crack au of this
im working on my other stuff too trust this is just a quick silly thing trust me /silly
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katiekatdragon27 · 3 months ago
Your my fav glisten x shrimpo artist btw (and your art is epic ^_^)
Awwww thank you! I'm so flattered to be your favorite shinyshrimp artist!! Here's a doodle as a thanks!
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Glisten: Hehe squishy❤️~ Shrimpo: I HATE THIS AND YOU!! Glisten: Your tail says otherwise~
But would you still like me if they were in a polycule~~~????
Yeah, polyamorous Glisten turns his partners poly too #livelaughlovepolycules (More art below cut):
Wanna guess who the third person in the polycule is?
You reeeeeeeeeeally wanna know?
HERE!! *runs for the hills*
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So like, I've been a closeted glittermask shipper for like, idk, two weeks now?? But shinyshrimp is my mvp, so like, what if I merged them? Poly Glisten isn't too out there so this could happen, right? (says the delusional idiot).
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Glisten: Teagan and Tisha helped me out. Whatcha think? Razzle: You look great, Hun~? What? Feeling underdressed "Shrimpy"?
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Shrimpo and Razzle have beef. Razzle is petty. He doesn't like Shrimpo at all because he's bullied Dazzle in the past (and thinks that Glisten is too good for Shrimpo). Shrimpo hates Razzle for being whiney and smug to him (and also cuz he's slightly jealous of Razzle and Glisten's relationship). They work through these grievances as time passes, but it does take a while.
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These doodles are from one of the many work parties the toons get up to. Glisten decided to doll up more than he usually does as do his dates (to mixed levels of effort lol). They all end up drinking and partying the whole night and have a blast.
Drinking makes everyone get along ig.
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Yeah so some quick lore on glittermask: Glisten and Razzle have been in a relationship for a while now. They got together shortly after Glisten and Boxten broke up (on good terms btw). Razzle knows Glisten is poly and is chill with it, even if he questions the mirror's taste in men. Dazzle third wheels their relationship. but she and Glisten are friends so it's not too awkward lol.
Glittermask is everything shinyshrimp isn't. Where shinyshrimp is bickering, angst-comfort, and fighting over PDA, glittermask is a very PDA, lovey dovey, Hallmark movie-esque romance. Their only flaw is that there isn't open communication when it comes to darker problems. When Glisten is having one of his moments, Razzle does what he does when Dazzle is having one of her moments; he leaves Glisten alone. Which can be good, but it's not what Glisten needs (and what Shrimpo unintentionally excels at).
Both relationships are healthy but have flaws, like normal relationships lol. I hate when things are perfect. Make is messy! Give it ✨DRAMA✨!!
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???: So? Who broke it?
And since I'm cringe, I made a fankid! His name is Hamlet (Razzle named him) and he's a super blinged out masquerade mask. Now Shimmer has a little brother who is insanely hyperactive and attention seeking. He would throw a fit about not being served first at the dinner lol. They get along well enough, and Shimmer is happy to have a sibling, but they tend to get on each other's nerves a lot.
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But that doesn't stop the only slightly messed up family. They all care for each other in their own ways, and I love that for them.
Have a good one dudes!
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zinkysworld · 5 months ago
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rainbow-wolf120 · 4 months ago
I played Dandy's World recently. Can you guess who my favorite is?
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I love you Razzle and Dazzle. I love you sm you don't get it. I would always be you two if I didn't want to get Vee.
I have a plethora of headcanons for them, but one of them is that they can control each other's limbs.
Like, most of the time Razzle has the right and Dazzle has the left, but when both parties agree, Razzle can have both and vice versa.
And you know if this is happening when their hand changes to the opposite color
Before y'all hate me, I do like the other characters as well
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Some Shinyshrimp (Shrimpo x Glisten [named by my dearest sibling]) and doodles of Toons my friends requested
I'm a Shinyshrimp shipper. I think it's cute, and I love the dynamic. Very much "I hate you so much I would kiss you" type vibe and I'm here for it
Speaking of ships....
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Sorta ship art sorta not?? But I think Dazzle (Not Razzle or Razzle and Dazzle, just Dazzle) x Vee is cute
They met in Brightney's Book Club after Brightney invited Vee over for a meeting. Dazzle was given the privilege of helping Vee get settled and that's how they met.
Dazzle knows a bit about Vee, but she was pretty neutral about her. Razzle loves Vee and her work, so that's where Dazzle got all her info (also, they watch her game show together whether Dazzle's in the mood or not)
Vee knows nothing about Dazzle besides "Oh. Your brother is the one sending me the fan mail begging me to give him a role"
At first, Vee is fine with Dazzle because she assumes she's a fan, but after finding out that Dazzle couldn't really care less, she gets a bit more hostile. Astro and Brightney normally come to settle the water, but Dazzle gains a small fear of Vee after that
So yeah. They gotta work through their issues, lol. Vee figures out that people can have their own opinions, and Dazzle learns how to open up about his
Their ship is called Dazzling Performance because I said so <3
Enough of me yapping, I like this game a normal amount. I may show y'all my OC as well. Who knows?
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dralexxxx · 4 months ago
A little fruitbowl, goldfish, fiscapsule doodles because i haven't had that many ideas for drawings
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Also more stuff for the au i'm making
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ballooonsxxx · 6 months ago
more random crap :3
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[13]: Twirling Thread
(Longer than my usual stories.)
This took a while, heh. Sorry for the wait in regards of stories, writer's block has arrived at Destination Me.
Not sure if I'll do the rest of the characters, feeling pretty down. Maybe someday.
(Reader is the costume designer for the toons. The names above each paragraph of writing are the names of certain skins in the game.)
Boxten: “Cloudy Dream”
You sat up to lean back and look over your work.The prettiest shade of lavender dripped from a small paintbrush you held, a can of white as well close by.
“Okay, we can let it dry, and then you can take the tarp off. Don’t want your clothes to get paint on them too.”
He reached up gingerly to pat his face down as he normally would, but you grabbed his hand quickly, forcing it away.
“Sorry, sorry! It’s a habit…”
Poppy: “Sapphire Dots”
“You’re sure this isn't a bit tacky?”
“I don’t care if it's tacky, what matters is I’m wearing it, and I’m proud!”
“Being proud doesn’t hide a poor sense of fashion.”
Tisha: “Lavender Maid”
“And to top it all off…”
You brought out the item from behind your back and gave it to her.
“A brand new feather duster!”
She gasped in delight, and gently put it down, then hugged you.
“Oh my goodness, thank you so much! The old one I had was getting so dirty, and I can't really wash stuff like that…”
“Hehe, I’m excited to see you use it! Have fun!”
Finn: “Prismatic Pal”
Razzle And Dazzle: “Seafoam”
“You’re doing a lot for us, you know. (Are you sure?)”
“Yes I’m sure! Besides, if you guys are going to perform sometime, you’ll need different outfits, right?”
“She’s got a point!” “(Alright then…but at least make it something simple.)”
“Aw, okay then. How does a mix of greens sound?”
“It won't be something like yellow-green, will it? (Yuck…)”
“Nope, more like turquoise.”
“Oooh, I’m excited to see how it looks! (Sounds pretty…)”
Cosmo: “Caramel Drizzle”
“I thought that maybe because you and Sprout are friends, you guys could have matching outfits! Whaddya say?”
“Really? Oh, yes please! That’s very sweet of you to think of us…”
“It’s not much really. Here, can you turn around so I can adjust your apron?”
Cosmo patiently did as you said, waiting as you secured the warm orange bow around his back. He only turned around again under your gentle pulling motions so you could smooth out his apron.
“And…this might be a bit hot, but please bear with me. It’s caramel after all.”
You took the bottle from the stand next to you, making a quick drizzle motion so it lined perfectly on top of his head.
You poured a little sauce on your hand to dab on his cheeks, then wiped your hands off and leaned down to get the perfect angle to place the stars in, sticking your tongue out as you worked.
He didn’t tear up or hiss at how hot it is though, he seemed to let out a sigh and…melt?
…He actually looked pretty content.
I guess that confirms it.
Flutter: “Vibrant Monarch”
“Be still, I’m almost done.”
Flutter nervously flapped her wings, slapping you in the face every so often and nearly knocking you out of your chair.
“Please Flutter, the paint will be blurry and won’t look good if you keep moving.”
“I know you don’t like standing, but you need to right now! You can fly all you want when I’m done.”
“Thank you.”
She lightly tapped the floor with her foot as if testing the waters, flinching every so often, before she set both feet on the ground and stood stiffly, anxiously waiting for you to finish.
Goob: “Special Spaghetti”
“I want to commit cannibalism on myself.”
Goob: “Fun Partygoer”
“Ooooooh, I get a party hat too??”
“Yes you do Goob, let- let me- adjust it please-! Please stOp BOunCIng!“
“Sorry, I’m just so excited to see how I look!”
“I get it I get it, but pleas-!”
The party hat crumpled under a particularly high jump.
You sat down, head in your hands and started crying.
Glisten: “Warm Sweater”
(Based off my opinion! I love blue and white, but THE MAKEUP RAAAAA-)
“I still think the eyeshadow is a bit much.”
“Well, I don’t!”
“But you say you look good no matter what you wear, right…?”
“So you shouldn’t have a problem with no eyeshadow because it’ll look just as good!”
“But I- you-!”
“End of conversation.”
(Glisten somehow convinced you to give him back his makeup)
Gigi: “Rainy Day”
“But I don’t waaaaaannaaaaa!”
“Gigi, it’s still an oversized sweater. You’re basically just changing the color of it and adding some drawstrings, okay?”
“Yeah I know what a butt is, you have one yourself. Now give me that―”
You yanked the sweater out of her hands, cutting yourself off as you stumbled back, “―Thank you!”
Quickly checking for rips and finding nothing, you let out a sigh of relief, then immediately raised your hand in the air to avoid her grabbing ones.
“Nooooooo, gimme it back!”
You sighed again, walking over to the dresser―well, as best you could with a whiny Gigi trying to trip you― and pulled out a yellow sweater with a hood.
Placing her old clothes on a high shelf so she couldn’t reach it, you turned and picked her up, setting her down to sit on the edge of the dresser and pulled the yellow sweater over her head.
Her crying instantly stopped and she snuggled down into it, content. You let out another(she’s a handful to deal with) sigh and sat down next to her, petting her head.
Sprout: “Salted Caramel”
“And you’re sure that you’ll be fine?”
“Yes, Y/n! Now just do it!”
You hesitantly poured the bucket of caramel on him, covering half of his face bit by bit while also making sure not to get the petals wet.
You let out a sigh of relief as the last drop dripped from the container, making a quiet plip sound as it joined the rest of the warm sauce.
The rest of it settled on the tarp below, collecting in a puddle that stained his feet orange. You’d have to clean him later.
He reached up a hand, messing with the caramel on his face before you slapped his hand away.
“No! I’ll have to put a new coating on you if you mess with it.”
He simply chuckled in response, “Not like I’d mind.”
Vee: “Cosmic Signal”
You sighed in relief as you checked over her mic, making sure there weren’t any scratches.
“Okay…finally done. Oof, that took a lot out of me.”
“I can tell. Making 25 different costumes that actually look good isn’t exactly an easy job.”
You perked up upon hearing this.
“So you DO like Scraps' costume!”
“What!? I-”
“I’m joking, I already know.”
She just glared at you and looked to the side.
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