#shrimpo x reader
donutz · 2 months
Shrimpo confession + Headcanons!!
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You might not read this bcus its Shrimpo, but like... He's adorable..
— Shrimpo warms up to you, suddenly not hating burgers anymore..
Warnings: Bright colors; That's all I think
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^^This is you(If you'd like to look that way)
"Does this mean I'm a girl?!" No, if you remove the eyelashes
It's kinda wonky but I did my best ^_^
When you two met, you were a newbie. A lot of the toons surrounded you, wanting to see who you were.
Of course, you were shy. There’s 17 different toons looking at you. One of them is looking at you with a frown.
You jumped a little, because of his sudden abrupt voice.
"That's Shrimpo."
“He’s kinda mean.”
“Kinda is an understatement. Also it’s kind of, not kinda.”
“Potato potato Rodger.”
After Shrimpo’s hateful statement, you just stared. You two made eye contact, and he looked away first! So you won!
You smiled at him, and he looked away again.
A day after that, you thought—
‘Maybe Shrimpo could be my friend?’
You hung out with Shrimpo, a lot. He couldn’t understand why you weren’t going away.
Why don’t you hate him like everybody else?
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As days passed, he tolerated your presence more and more. Like not yelling at you as much. Somehow managing to be less of a hater, and him continuously losing ‘staring contests’.
You could convince him to do arts and crafts. Convince him to hang with the other toons, convince him to not bang his head on the machines. Say, why does he do that?
“... I DON’T… Know..”
Oh okay.
The other toons noticed obviously! Have you seen how calm Shrimpo was around them? Only when you’re around though. When you’re gone it seems like he’s more angry compared to before meeting you.
Dandy was walking around, looking for you and Shrimpo.
He was walking around, with his hands on his hips.
‘Where did those gremlins go?’
He looked into a smaller room, seeing you.
You were facing Shrimpo, the both of you sitting on your legs. With you holding his hands.
“Why.. Do you like me so much?”
“Well, it’s just that I was hoping for you to not hate me. So it resulted in me hanging out with you a lot. Then the more I hung out with you the more I started to like you.”
“It led to love, I guess. The other toons might not like you but I do. I like you a lot actually.”
Looking up from his hands, you two make eye contact.
“I love you, Shrimpo.”
You heard a gasp, but it wasn’t Shrimpo’s.
Sensing who it was, you got up, walking over to…
"Hey you..!! The toons sent me to look for you guys!" (That’s a lie, he did it himself)
“Oh wow really! That’s nice, it’d be more nice if you left!”
"... Yeah alright, just meet up with us in less than five alright?"
Dandy walked away. Mainly happy because his theories are right, you two do love each other! He thinks…
You turn around, looking for Shrimpo.
You could see his little feet hiding behind the wall.
“Aww, silly.”
You came back to him, holding his hands once more. There he was, red as ever.
You’d think that if he got any more red he’d cook himself.
“So..? Do you love me back?”
“...YES. LET’S GO” 
He quickly got up and dragged you over to where the rest of the toons were.
Yells at everybody, except you
Of course he still yells at you, but not as much when it comes to the others
He’s actually started to stop banging his head on the machines, or tries to
You’re very important to him, just your presence can calm him down
That’s one of the reasons Dandy suspected he liked you
Because of how calm Shrimpo was acting around you
All of a sudden he likes burgers.. I wonder why..
Minus burgers, if you’re any type of thing, food, anything really, he’ll like whatever visible trait you have
Like if you were a tape type of character then he would suddenly like tape
PDA is a no no, it’s not like an ego thing or like embarrassment thing(That’s another lie, he gets really embarrassed) he just feels off about public displays of affection
He gets pretty cuddly in private, probably the little spoon, but wouldn’t mind switching it
He’s soft around you
It took some time to get him to smile, it happened when you gave him multiple kisses on his face
He was slightly functioning, then blinked away his non functioning self
Before he knew it, he was smiling
You quickly took a picture
Surprisingly, for the rest of the day he was smiling more, not in front of the toons, but just in front of you
He was really clingy too, he hadn’t realized that those kisses were all he needed to be happy and smiling for a day
It’s hard for him to communicate his feelings, you really gotta reel it out of him
He’s very vulnerable in that moment, so try to not make any jokes or else he’ll be mad at you for the rest of the day
One little giggle and he’s out!! Is what he says
Your first kiss was adorable, it was on his birthday!!
Publicly and sneakily!!
He was trying SO HARD to not blush
He started shaking
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I don't even care for Shrimpo that much
113 notes · View notes
kakitetan · 1 month
Yandere! Glisten x GN! Reader | His One And Only Desire
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Synopsis: Toodles was helping Dandy with some work in the museum and gets lost. You decide to help Rodger find her, which inspires other toons to help find her. Along with all this, one by one, everyone gets infected by ichor. You're the last one, and you find Glisten.
WARNING: Contains mentions of gore, obsession, stalking, murder, torture, and child endangerment. Your discretion is advised.
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You were a toon, and so were your friends. There were eight, then seven, then six. Then one, you. You were the last one, you regret it. You should've listened, but with that optimistic mindset, everyone had disbelief. You made a mistake, you didn't even know what death was before this, and that reflection of innocence was shattered. Staring at your reflection in the haunting elevator, was a constant reminder of how this all began...
"What? Toodles is missing?" You repeated, "I'm afraid so... She went to help Dandy with some machines. I have to go look for her." Rodger spoke, and you felt for him. Toodles meant a lot to him, he was practically a father figure. Plus, she must be so scared! The museum is so big!
"I'll come too!" You said, "Why, I might as well tag along." Glisten spoke up, inspiring your other friends to tag along as well.
You never saw it coming...
"Great! I can help supply you guys, why now there's nothing to fear! Toodles will be just fine!" Dandy said.
Why was it that Dandy was never worried in the first place, he just grinned at you and your friends. All he wanted in exchange for his help, were some tapes and supplying the museum with an odd black fluid. Dandy always had a smile on his face, no matter what the situation. He seemed almost amused by the difficult situations you seemed to constantly find yourself and the rest of the toons in. It was unnerving, the way he could remain unruffled when everyone else was in a state of conflict, and his confidence bordered on arrogance. With his relaxed attitude, he was the star of the show. He acted like it too... All he wanted in return for his help was some tapes and the occasional delivery of a strange black fluid to supply his museum's exhibits.
On the first floor, Boxten found Toodle's plush. Toodle's beloved plush toy lay abandoned on the floor, its battered stuffing peeking out of a tear in its side. Boxten paused to pick it up, feeling a pang of sympathy for its owner. The worn edges and faded fabric hinted at many nights of comfort and companionship.
"She would never leave this lying around," Boxten spoke, giving the plush to Rodger. He had no words.
We had never experienced anything like fear, grief, or anything like that. We had lived a life of privilege, shielded from the harsher realities of the world. The closest thing to sadness we ever experienced was Shrimpo's bullying. That was tame compared to the sinking feeling of loss, and fear. It was strong, it took the words right out of everyone's mouths. But nothing could have prepared us for the feeling that washed over us at that moment - a heavy, sinking sensation that left us all breathless and afraid. We stood there, frozen and speechless, as the realization of what was happening slowly sank in.
When we got back to the elevator, Poppy tried to lighten the mood. Poppy, ever the optimist, attempted to alleviate the tension by making a light-hearted remark as we gathered in the elevator.
Boxten's voice cut through the silence as he voiced his concern. "I'm scared maybe we missed something on the last floor," Boxten spoke.
"Boxteeenn! You worry WAAAAYYYYY too much! Everything's gonna be okay!" She cheered.
Boxten's voice cracked as he countered Poppy's question. "We didn't check everywhere, what if there's something important we missed?" His words hung in the air, the fear of the unknown hanging over him heavier than the silence.
"You're doing it again!" Poppy replied, causing some of the toons in the elevator to laugh.
The next floor took us by surprise as we came face to face with copies of ourselves. They were aggressive and unsettling. Twisted Boxten let out a distressing, gurgling sound as if he were submerged in water. It was a chilling noise that lingered in your mind long after the encounter. Your arm was still scarred by the arms that grew out of his box.
Out of everyone to take it harshly, it was Boxten.
"I can't-- can't do this!" He was pacing in the elevator.
"Boxten... It's okay." Poppy spoke, placing her hand on his shoulder
"No! It's not, Poppy!" Boxten snapped, slapping her hand away. She gasped.
Poppy stared at him, her eyes brimming with tears, reflecting the deep well of emotions within her.
"Alright, enough. It's hard for everyone, let's just stay calm. I'm sure Dandy will know what to do." Rodger spoke, it calmed everyone down, but that was only temporary.
We never did get an explanation...
"What? Monsters? What are you guys talking about?" Dandy spoke.
"There's been monsters of us, explain yourself," Glisten leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms in a display of defiance as he spoke.
"Now now, there are no such things as monsters. That's only in nightmares, right, Astro?" Dandy replied to the group, Astro held up his blanket to cover his face. Astro didn't like being put in the spotlight.
"Why don't you all give me the tapes, and I'll give you some candy in exchange?" Dandy spoke.
And before we knew it, it became a cycle. A repeating cycle.
We lost Poppy first.
"Boxten!" She yelled, trying to reach out for him. He saw a twisted version of himself, grabbing Poppy, and then eating her alive.
"BOXTEN! HELP ME! IT HURTS! BOXTEN! HELP ME!" She screamed, blood filling her lungs. Her screams became more gurgled, he watched in horror.
His little legs trembled in fear before he ran off from her mutilated body.
After that encounter, Boxten fell silent. It seemed as though he had relinquished his voice, leaving the air heavy with his unspoken words. The departure of Poppy and Boxten only seemed to thicken the atmosphere.
Before the elevator door opened, Goob took out a box of bandages and bandaged your cuts. He carefully began to unwrap them and apply the adhesive strips to my injured wrists, wrapping them with a gentle and practised touch. His hand slumped back and forth to each one, he always had a bit of difficulty controlling his arms.
"I couldn't help but notice your arm was bleeding." Goob smiled at you, you smiled back.
"Thanks, Goob! You're the best." You spoke with a grin.
We tried to defend ourselves from the twisted versions of our friends, but it became clear that they were stronger, faster, and more dangerous than us. Every blow we landed was met with a counterattack, every dodge was followed by a swift and brutal strike. We fought desperately, trying to keep them at bay, but the twisted copies seemed almost untouchable. Our every move was countered, and our attacks met with swift and brutal responses. Every time one of us gained an advantage, the twisted versions would quickly find a way to turn the tide back in their favour.
"It's okay! I'll distract them." Goob offered, carrying the line of twisteds. His self-sacrifice helped keep many toon's fear at bay, however, that didn't last long.
Goob left next...
Astro found his mutilated body, Astro's normally shy demeanour was replaced by a quiet resolve as he stumbled upon the mangled body of his friend. Astro closed Goob's eyes, a silent tribute to the fallen toon, before forcing himself to move on and continue onward, dragging his blanket along.
The elevator became quieter after those three were gone... The air felt thicker than ever before. The elevator ride to the next floor was sombre and still, the loss of our friends weighing heavily on everyone left. The air felt thick and oppressive like a heavy blanket suffocating any attempts at lighthearted conversation. Every glance at each other felt like a constant reminder of the reality of the situation.
As everyone diligently worked in quiet concentration, you found yourself engrossed in turning a pipe handle. Lost in the repetitive motion, your heart leapt into your throat and you were brought crashing back to reality, you were startled out of my trance by a sudden, piercing shriek. The ear-piercing shriek took us all by surprise, jolting us out of our thoughts and back into reality. No one spoke aloud, but the shared look of alarm and confusion was enough to tell me that we all felt the same way - startled and uncertain as to the source of the noise. Footsteps pitter-pattered into the room.
"GOOB! You're back! I just knew you were okay!" That sounded like Scraps..
You walked out of the room you were in, into the large corridor. Scraps was running over to the twisted version of her brother.
"SCRAPS, NO!" The words ripped out of your throat like a furious roar, and you were filled with urgency as you saw her charging towards danger. Your voice was raw from the force of my yell, and though it burned your throat, you couldn't let her put herself in harm's way.
Goob picked up Scraps, squeezing her mercilessly, tightening.
"No! NO!" You yelled as Goob grabbed Scraps and squeezed her mercilessly.
"GOOB! It's too tight! You're hurting me! IT H--" Scraps yelled, her little body straining under the pressure. Scraps' screams were abruptly silenced by a sickening SPLAT. Her blood, flesh, and cartilage stained the walls. Scraps of flesh splatted onto you, but your hand was still reached out for her. Her body parts fly off from the impact, hitting every surface imaginable.
But Scraps didn't exist anymore.
As you took a step back, Goob appeared unfazed by the fact that he had just taken the life of his sister. With a chilling calmness, he extended his arms towards you, and in a panic, you turned and sprinted back towards the elevator, desperate to escape the terrifying scene. The doors close behind you with a metallic clank, providing a momentary reprieve from the horror that awaits outside. But even as you attempt to distance yourself from the carnage, the echo of Scraps' final moments lingers.
One by one, everyone left this world.
Everyone except for you, you aren't even sure why you're still going. In a trance-like state, you exit out of the elevator. You had been alone for a while, so suddenly hearing a familiar voice speak caught you off guard.
"D-Did I just hear someone?" Glisten spoke.
You never ran so fast, running over to him. Your heart pounds fiercely in your chest as you approach Glisten. Your speed slowed down as you saw his appearance, half of his face was broken, and his hands were tied by his belt. Half of his face is disfigured beyond recognition, and Glisten's torso is mutilated., a mangled mess. He looks up at you with vacant, hollow eyes, the light within them extinguished forever. Blood trickles slowly from the gaping wounds, staining the floor beneath him. Despite the horrific sight before you, you can't help but feel a pang of pity for this once graceful man reduced to have such a horrific fate.
You felt vomit in your throat, tasting a bit of the candy you had earlier. The sight of ichor instantly made you sick to your stomach. Causing your stomach to churn violently. Your body recoils instinctively, refusing to accept the sight before you. Ichor, the thick, dark fluid of life, spills from Glisten's wounds.
His voice, once commanding and confident, now comes out as a weak plea. "Oh, it's you.." he murmurs, barely above a whisper. "Stop! Please don't run!" Glisten begged, stumbling towards you, his movements slow and laboured. One of his eyes is a ghastly shade of pink, the other staring blankly ahead.
You nodded, showing any fear wasn't a good idea. This was scarier for him than it was for you. "What.. What happened?" You asked him. Yet, despite everything, you extend a sliver of compassion, reaching out to offer some semblance of comfort amidst the horror that was around the both of you.
"I was attacked earlier, I found myself here. I'm so glad you're here, Y/N. I don't want to be alone.. Please... Don't leave me, please stay." He begged.
You nodded again, albeit lacking confidence. You didn't want to say it, but you knew what you had to do. "Don't worry, I'm not hurt at all. I'll keep you company. I just have to do these pipes." You said to him, reassuring Glisten.
"Alright.." He responded.
You navigate the dimly lit corridor, your steps deliberate and sure. Reaching out, you grasp the cold metal of the first pipe, twisting the handle firmly. The pipe groans in protest, releasing a torrent of ichor that cascades downwards.
"How have you managed to avoid getting infected?" Glisten asked.
That perked your attention, it was a hard question to answer, due to his own circumstances. You felt your mouth dry up.
".. I'm very careful." You responded, trying to play it safe. You flashed him a smile, that faded as you turned back your attention to the pipe.
"That's smart.. But I believe even the most cautious people would break under these circumstances." Glisten said.
You glanced at him, thinking. You wondered if this was even your Glisten or some kind of clone. In all honesty, you were going mad. This was hell. How could you not tell the difference anymore?
"Why haven't you given up yet?" Glisten asked.
You turned the pipe handle in thought, before turning your head in thought. "I think I have, I'm just bad at showing it." You answered back.
"Nonsense, Y/N. That doesn't sound like something someone who has given up would say." Glisten responded.
You were just trying to be honest, "It’s true, I can’t accomplish my dreams if I have no one to share it with, and.. Everyone is depleting so fast. But.. I still continue to do these pipes. I don’t know why I do it, ever since I’ve been here, I feel like I’ve been out of touch with myself. I’ve been running on adrenaline." You expressed, gripping the pipe harder. This whole time, you were just trying to do it for Toodles, but now you have no one to live for, no one to continue for. You've just been working in a trance-like state.
It made no sense to you.
Glisten listened to your confession, his single red eye reflecting a depth of empathy that belies his twisted exterior.
"You're doing this for yourself and for those who came before," he says gently, stepping closer as if offering comfort despite his monstrous appearance.
It made you uneasy, but you didn't step away. This is one of your friends and the only one you have left...
You fake a smile, "Mhm." You nodded.
Glisten stared at you, admiring you. Feeling a sense of connection with you, Glisten allows himself to relax slightly. For the first time in what felt like ages, he allowed himself to open up.
"There used to be so much life here," he murmurs softly, looking around at the desolate lobby. "People laughing, music playing..."
A melancholic smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he remembers happier times.
"But now... it's just us." He said rather quietly.
A chill ran down your spine at that sentence alone. You never felt so unsafe with someone you trusted before. You catch a glint of your reflection in his mirror, you make your way to another pipe. He followed you like a lost puppy. You struggle to come up with something to say in response, trying to hide your fear.
"That may be true, but it can always happen again. Even if things seem rather dull right now, it doesn’t have to stay that way forever." You walked over to another pipe, turning the handle, letting the ichor pour into the pipe. Just what was this stuff anyway, and why does Dandy need it so badly?
Watching you guide him towards the pipe, Glisten can't help but admire your determination. Despite all odds, they refuse to give up. "Even amidst this chaos," he whispers, gazing down at the swirling ichor filling the pipe. "You find ways to bring back some semblance of normalcy." His pink eye follows every movement of your hand as it manipulates the pipe handle. "It's... inspiring," he admits quietly, feeling strangely uplifted by their actions.
This didn't sound like Glisten at all, maybe he's just saying this out of fear, or maybe even regret.
"I guess so, I’m not really sure why. Even before all of this, Shrimpo used to bully me for it. He said I was just being stubborn. I think it’s pretty funny at times, kinda like now. I’m not stupid, I see what’s going on around me, but I believe that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I try to think that way anyway.. I have nothing else to lose." You confess to him, you were being honest.
Glisten listens intently as you share your thoughts, a flicker of respect igniting within him. The resilience and optimism in their words strike a chord deep within his own psyche.
"You know, I never thought of it that way," he muses, his gaze drifting to the floor as he ponders your perspective. "Maybe holding onto hope, no matter how slim, is what keeps us sane." He said, which was a huge contrast to his appearance.
You look at him again, as he stares at you with fear and admiration.
Slowly, he raises his head to meet your eyes, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "If anyone can find that light, it's you," he says rather sincerely, his voice carrying a note of encouragement. "And I'll be right here beside you, trying to do the same."
That caught you off guard again, as much as you wanted to bring him with you, you couldn't. Maybe he was saying all of this as a means of survival.
As you stood there silently in awe, the pipe slowly filled with a dark, viscous ichor. You then proceeded to explore the expansive corridors, scanning for additional pipes. He followed you silently, fidgeting with the bonds on his wrists.
Observing your silent resolve, Glisten watches you move around the room, searching for more pipes to fill. A strange warmth begins to spread throughout his chest — a sensation he hasn't felt in quite some time.
"Hey," he calls out after a moment, "Do you want some help?"
As you paused in your tracks, his words echoed in your mind, stirring up a sense of unease. Despite feeling unsettled, you made a conscious effort to conceal your internal turmoil. You managed to mask your inner thoughts with a smile as you turned to face him. "Oh come on, Glisten! The last person that should be working is you, you’re hurt. Focus on resting, okay?" You choked out.
Glisten pauses, considering your words carefully. They carry a weight that he hadn't expected, stirring up emotions within him that were long buried.
"I appreciate your concern," he replies, his tone sincere despite the slight edge of frustration seeping through. "But right now, I'd rather focus on helping you."
You didn't look at him, staring at his reflection through the pipe. He didn't blink, he stared at you.
He stepped closer to you. "And besides..." A soft sigh escapes from between his lips as he gestures vaguely around them at the desolation surrounding them. "...What else do we have left to do?"
"Pipes, pipes, and more pipes. But really, I got this. Maybe if you rest, your body can heal too. So don’t worry about it, okay? I got this." You walked over to the next pipe, turning the handle. Your smile faded when he wasn’t looking.
Noticing your subtle change in demeanour, Glisten remains silent for a moment. He watches them work, admiring their dedication while also sensing their underlying unease. Glisten's eye narrows slightly as he notices the shift in your demeanour, a flicker of understanding dawning on his battered face. He observes you working, his gaze lingering on the focused determination etched across your features. At the same time, he senses the unease simmering just below the surface, a tension that threatens to erupt at any moment. The air grows heavy with unspoken questions and fears, the silence between you two becoming almost palpable.
"Are you alright?" he finally asks, breaking the silence. "It seems like something's bothering you."
His gaze lingers on your face, searching for signs of distress that might indicate otherwise.
"You don't have to keep smiling all the time, you know." he continues gently. "We're in this together." He spoke
There it was again, together. He must've been delirious or something, or delusional. Maybe both! You weren't taking him with you.
".. No, I’m just listening for any noise that may cause concern. The darkness.. I’m afraid of the dark, so I’ve been having to rely on my other senses for comfort in these situations." You confess.
Hearing your admission, Glisten feels a pang of sympathy. Despite everything, their vulnerability touches him deeply.
"That must be hard." He acknowledges, his voice softening even further. But you're braver than you realize. Moving closer, he offers a comforting touch on your shoulder. "Just remember," he insists firmly, 
"We're not alone here. And I promise, I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe." He murmured darkly.
You faked another smile, "Thanks Glisten." The pipe finished filling up, moving on to the next one, the last one. Turning the handle to fill it up.
As you move onto the final pipe, Glisten finds himself drawn to watch them. There's an almost hypnotic quality to their movements, their dedication serving as a stark contrast against the eerie stillness of their surroundings. As you move toward the last pipe, Glisten's attention becomes fixated on your every movement. Something is captivating about your unwavering commitment, a relentless pursuit of survival that contrasts sharply with the oppressive quietude of your environment. His battered form leans against the wall, watching intently as you twist the final handle, triggering another wave of water that cascades down.
"Almost done," he murmurs appreciatively, "And then we can rest."
If only he knew that statement was far from the truth...
A faint glimmer of satisfaction shines in his red eye as he takes in the sight of all three pipes filled with ichor. The sight of the three pipes brimming with ichor elicits a minuscule flash of satisfaction in Glisten's single functional eye.
"But until then," he adds with a tired smile, "I'm just glad you'll stay with me forever, Y/N."
You stayed silent, filling the pipe with ichor, twisting and turning the handle. You didn't want to break him, not now. You knew it was inevitable, but you had to focus on your survival. The silence stretches between you, thick and suffocating, broken only by the rhythmic sound of the ichor-filled water gurgling through the pipes. You maintain your focus, twisting and turning the handles with mechanical precision, your mind numb to the grisly nature of your task. There's a certain detached efficiency in your actions, a desperate attempt to cling to sanity in the face of unimaginable horror. You know what must come next, but for now, you push those thoughts aside, channelling all your energy into the singular goal of survival.
Observing your focused concentration, Glisten allows himself a moment of quiet contemplation. Their steadfast commitment to making the best out of such dire circumstances is nothing short of remarkable.
"Incredible," He cooed. He steps closer, his presence offering a silent testament to their shared struggle.
As your hands leave the wheel, the reality of your situation crashes over you like a tidal wave. You can't bring yourself to meet Glisten's gaze, the shame and guilt gnawing at your insides like ravenous twisted. Your eyes drift downward, fixating on the grimy floor beneath your feet, as if searching for answers in the cracks and stains. The silence between you two is deafening, a physical manifestation of the chasm that has opened up, threatening to swallow you whole. It was all eating at you.
"Glisten?" You asked him, your voice wavered.
Startled by the unexpected sound of his name, Glisten snaps back to attention. His heart skips a beat as he locks his one eye with you, their gaze heavy with unspoken questions and concerns.
"Yes?" He responds softly, leaning in slightly to better hear them. "What is it?"
Your head perked up, turning your head to face him.
".. I think you’re incredible. You do defy beauty. Now, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, alright? I’ll whack them if they try." You said, trying to add confidence to your tone. What was left of your sanity, and confidence felt like it was thrown out the window when the light turned green. Suddenly, a loud shatter noise filled the room. The ichor was consuming Glisten, your unease turned into fear in an instant. Your initial unease morphs into sheer, primal fear as you watch in horror the ichor begin its relentless assault on Glisten's ravaged form. He recoils instinctively, his body tensing as the corrosive substance envelops him, seeping into his wounds and devouring his flesh with alarming speed. Panic sets in, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he thrashes about, desperately trying to escape the inexorable grip of the ichor. Glisten instinctively recoils. As the ichor engulfs him, panic surges through his system.
"H-HELP ME! DON'T L-LEAVE ME!" He stammers out, struggling to maintain control as the familiar intoxicating rush of the infection takes hold. His words trail off into a guttural growl as he loses himself to the transformation.
With a burst of adrenaline-fueled desperation, you sprint towards the elevator, your heart pounding in your chest like a war drum. Behind you, Glisten's frantic cries echo through the corridors, each plea slicing through your already fractured composure. Every step you take seems to drag behind you, weighed down by the guilt and fear that threaten to consume you whole. The chase is a race against time and your own failing sanity.
His one and only desire.
Feeling your retreat, Glisten lets out a low, menacing snarl. His remaining eye blazes with an unholy glow as he struggles to retain his sanity. you crash into the wall trying to make your way to the elevator, causing him to bump into it, trying to catch you. Your head was dizzy, running, sprinting to the elevator!
You ran into the elevator, chasing the elevator doors, you knew at that point, that wasn’t Glisten speaking, but rather the infection of ichor. He was already gone.
As you back away, Glisten's form begins to contort under the influence of the ichor. His yellow appearance darkens, taking on a sickly hue as his once-toon features morph into something far more monstrous.
You jump into the elevator, as the elevator doors slam shut, sealing you inside, you tumble forward, your body crashing against the cold metal walls. You manage to pull yourself upright, turning your head to catch one final glimpse of Glisten's agonized form. His crimson eye blazes with pain and desperation, reaching out his arm to you. The door shut all the way, crushing his arm. You heard his guttural scream of agony, the elevator began to ascend. It pulled his arm down, and he screamed in agony, choking on his spit and the ichor that consumed him. His skin was being crushed by the weight of the wall and elevator, it became too much. The sound of his flesh and bones cracking filled the air, before completely detaching itself from Glisten. His arm lay on the floor, in a pool of ichor.
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AUTHORS NOTES: Soooo I'm completely aware this came out of no where, and literally no one asked for this, buuuuttttt I decided to do it anyways, because MAN I love my Roblox games. I also just couldn't get this idea out of my head, hrrrmmmmm!! I know I know, "TAN WHAT ABOUT YOUR SEBASTIAN SERIES!! IM WAITING?!?!?!???!!" YEA I KNOW. I KNOW. But, I did want to write something new, something FRESH as some squids may sayy. So yea! Enjoy!!
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spilledbeans116 · 11 months
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Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog! My name is Beans, and I'm a 21 year old fan-fic writer who specializes in DBZ! I mostly write self-ship stories, but it depends on my mood. My request box is open! I don't bite, I promise! My Master List is found below. I hope you enjoy your stay!
My FO's are Vegeta and Din Djarin and I love them both! A lot of what I write revolves around them, even if I don't always post it!
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Color Coded for a Quick Glance! Usually char x reader unless specified as otherwise! :)
B= Vegeta O= Goku R= Raditz
DBZ: The Princess Saga ao3 Wattpad Tumblr
Saiyan Day Tumblr
Saiyan Day Tumblr
The Plan Tumblr
When You Need Me Tumblr
Taking a Sick Day Tumblr
Just In Case (Vegebul) Tumblr
Just In Case Tumblr
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All the art above was commissioned by me from various artists and posted here with permission! In order, from top to bottom and then left to right, the artists are as follows:
@st1kky , @shrimpoe , @amartbee , Shrimp again , and finally @gavalaa ! Thanks so much to these wonderful artists for making such silliness a reality!
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myreallycoolblog · 14 days
Hello!! The entirety of this intro card will be out of character, meaning I, Koi, will be talking about the ask's rules, DNIs and overall HCs!!! (Please don't mind the actually rancid doodles that will go with dialogue. I'm grounded and am on a laptop- expect better doodles later on! (when I'm allowed to use a phone/late December))
With the interactions with them, (mainly Shrimpo ofc) please, no NSFW questions, any asks that include NSFW wording or are being flat out weird with the toons will be disregarded!
Please don't promote problematic ships in the comments- (Toodles x anyone, Pebbles x anyone & Scraps x Goob ESPECIALLY aren't allowed.)
I honestly reallyyyy like Magic Anons, so depending on the M!A it might go on for 3+ posts!!
Please do refrain from shipping wars in my comments- this is all for fun and really doesn't mean to cause harm to myself or any askers/readers!!
Please DNI if...
You ship problematic ships, as stated in rule 2.
You will ACTIVELY go against ships and will actually throw a fit if there is a single pairing.
You will send NSFW asks even though I have already stated in rule 1 that I don't want those in my askbox. I am a minor and that stuff kinda creeps me out.
I feel like he uses any/all pronouns tbh. They have ass eyesight and has antennae which helps her detect stuff around him, still needs reading glasses though.
Hi there! I am Koi, the owner of this blog and my main blog @koieatsbabies !! I think i put myself into Shrimpo with some headcanons- but most of what you need to know is that I use any pronouns!
Asks are obviously open!! go ham as long as it follows the rules!
(DISCLAIMERS: I do ship HateHugs and other ships. Characters do belong to Blushcrunch but I do not support them or their actions.)
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bingbongsupremacy · 3 years
Pairing: Sapnap x Reader
Type of Story: Crush
Warnings: Bullying
Summary: Dream and Sapnap defend you when you're being bullied at school.
*Not Proof Read*
I nervously make my way outside of Mrs. Kay's classroom, keeping my eye out for Lyle and Layla.
I need to make it to my hiding place behind the big oak tree but I don't know how to get there without those two seeing me. Why did Mrs. Kay have to keep us in late?!
I usually run to the big oak tree a few minutes before the Fifth graders are let out to join us, but today my class got out for recess late.
I scan the court yard, trying to find the twins.
I end up spotting the twins playing soccer on the field. The field I need to cross in order to get to the oak tree...
I can't go there today. Otherwise they'll find out where I go.
I guess I gotta try to make it to the playground. Maybe I'll be able to hide under the slide until we go back inside.
I quickly walk over the the playground, past some kids playing basketball. I recognize a few of the kids playing, but some of them I don't. We got a couple new kids today. One of them's in my class. I think his name's Sapnap or something.
I make it to the slide and let out a sigh of relief. Only ten minutes until we go inside. I can wait ten minutes, right?
I glance out at the soccer field to see if I can spot the twins, but they're not there. Where did they go?
" Well well well...Look at who's here. " A familiar voice scares me from behind.
I flip around to find Layla glaring down at me. " L-Layla! Lyle..."
" Haven't seen you in a while, shrimpo. Where've you been? We've missed having someone to laugh at..." Lyle smirks.
" Oo what's that? " Layla asks while reaching for my hair. She yanks out a diamond hairclip my mom gave me while fixing my hair this morning.
" Hey! " I shout, reaching for the clip. " Stop! Give it back! "
Lyle laughs. " Why? Whatcha gonna do, snail? Take it from us? "
I hate it when they call me snail. I know I'm not a fast runner, but I'm not that slow!
" Give it back! "
" No. I like it. I think I'm going to keep it. " Layla goes to put it in her hair when someone snatches it from her hands.
Shocked and angry, Layla turns to see the culprit. " What the hell are you-"
" Leave her alone! " Sapnap, glares at the older girl. " What did she do to you? "
" Oo Shrimpo...I see you've got a boyfriend now, huh? Listen newbie, I don't know who you think you are but we-" Lyle begins to threaten.
He's immediately interrupted by another person. " Leave the girl and my brother alone. " A blonde boy I've never seen before snaps.
Layla's eyes widen in surprise. " D-dream?! Oh h-hey! It's not what it looks like-"
" Sure it isn't. " The blonde guy rolls his eyes. " Looks like you're bugging two kids who are younger then you. Leave them the hell alone. "
" You don't understan-"
" Shut up Layla. " Dream scoffs. " You're insufferable, I hope you know. Now run along before I punch one of you. "
Obviously embarrassed, Layla lets out a huff and turns around. She stomps away, woodchips flying behind her. Lyle chases after her, glancing back at us one last time.
" Are you okay? " Sapnap asks while handing me my hairclip back.
" Y-yeah. Thank you. " I mutter nervously.
Sapnap smiles slightly and nods. " No problem. "
" If they bug you again, just let us know. We'll help you out. That girl's been getting on my nerves all morning. " Dream sighs.
" Thanks. "
Dream smiles slightly and nods.
" Dream! Sapnap! Are you going to play again?! " A voice shouts.
" Yeah! We'll be right there! " Dream answers while giving me a slight wave and walking away.
" Cya..." Sapnap trails off.
" Y/N. " I answer with a small smile.
" Y/N. " He grins. " Nice name. Cya in class. " With that he runs after his brother and friends.
I feel butterflies bounce around my stomach while I replay what happened in my head. He's so cute.
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kagettarius · 7 years
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i’m not good in descriptive writing so i’m giving this one a shot :^D plsdontletthisflop 
i used this app called “yazzy” in my android and it’s completely FREE.
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