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huneybeen · 27 days ago
Holy shit i love the moonberrycake fic.., could I just have more of them
thank yewww and of course!!
poly! moonberrycake x f! reader
warnings: none but pure fluff
synopsis: mornings with them
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Limbs tangled with one another, blankets scattered around the blue bed, and on top of that, four toons.
-Sprout is the first one to get out of the pile of limbs. He blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the brightness. His gaze lands on you, cosmo, and astro. A sleepy smile plastered on his face as he sees the gentle breaths “singing” a soothing rhythm.
Gently, sprout moves out of the wide bed, careful not to disturb the slumber of you three. With a light hop, his feet lands on the floor. Light footsteps start following their way to the kitchen.
-Cosmo, who’s nestled beside you, stretches his short arms and legs and lets out a deep sigh. His eyes flutter open, blinking slowly as he modifies to the light. His brown irises look over at you and astro’s sleeping figures, and a tsunami of happiness washes over him. Oh how he wished he could stay in bed longer.
He slowly sits up, kissing both the sleepy toons on their warm cheeks, feeling the warmth on his lips. The short brown roll gently gets off the bed, pitter pattering on the wooden floor to go meet up with his much taller partner in the kitchen.
“Good morning sprout”. He says as he leans his roll-shaped head onto sprouts long, red arm.
"Good morning cosmo," replied sprout happily. He then proceeded to pester the top of Cosmo's head with warm, affectionate kisses, causing the brown toon to giggle softly, his laughter echoing through the kitchen like a gentle melody.
-Astro, the third one to wake up, finally stirs. His eyes squinting as he tries to fight off sleep. Astro’s lips start to twitch into a smile as he hears the softest of giggles and the sound of lips on skin. He lazily rolls over beside your sleeping figure, with a yawn as he stretches his limbs.
He then makes his way to the affectionate commotion, curiosity flooding his mind about what’s happening. After a few steps out of the bedroom, he sees his two partners engaged in a tender display of affection. They are gently pecking and nuzzling every part of each other's heads. The soft sounds of their affectionate murmurs start to fill the air. He watches them for a moment, way too hypnotized by the sweetness of the moment and the simple beauty of their shared tenderness.
The blue toon didn’t realize you were behind him until he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. “Good morning sleepy head” you say in a raspy tone. Astro jumped by the sound of your voice, but quickly rested his head against your hand. “Good morning star light” he said in a soft tone. You can hear the smile on his face.
-Both cosmo and sprout turned their heads to see you both staring at them. Their cheeks turning to a dark hue in an instant, astro quietly laughed at their adorable reactions while walking over to them, peppering more kisses on their faces.
You giggled at the scene, with sprout and cosmo smiling so big you would’ve thought the smiles would stay permanent!
-Astro kisses sprout one more time on the cheek, then he looks at you and says in the most softest tone, “Starlight, would you like some too?”. before you could even react he quickly pulled you into the group with his star shards. You yelped, not expecting to be added. They all have a small smile on their faces as they make room for you.
Immediately, they all try to get a chance to kiss every inch of your face. Your quiet laughs start getting louder and louder.
finally did this request after like 3 months…. anyways! i’m working on the valentines fic now!! so stay tuned!
(sorry the ending was so short, i was rushing 😔)
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huneybeen · 1 month ago
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huneybeen · 2 months ago
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huneybeen · 2 months ago
Poly beautifulangrybowl x reader
warnings: none but pure fluff
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shrimpo (surprisingly) has a very subtle soft side for you three.
glisten does makeup “tests” on you guys (he likes to see your faces all dolled up and he compliments the three of you just to see your flustered reaction).
finn gives fish petnames like bubbles, gold fish, lucky rod, goldie, etc.
glistens gives basic petnames like darling (his favorite one), beautiful, angel, baby, babe is only on rare occasions.
all three of them are really clingy, sometimes you see 2 or all of them cuddled up together in one of their rooms.
everybody knows about your guys relationship, some people wondered how the two of you (glisten and you) can handle finn and/or shrimpo.
if glisten (or finn) sees one of you for even a split second, he’s speed walking (or running) to give you a kiss.
shrimpo will just call the three of you by your names or just idiot.
shrimpo can and WILL fight (or argue) whoever walks in and disturbs y’all cuddling sessions and beauty sleep.
if you, shrimpo, or finn don’t talk like you guys usually do daily, glisten KNOWS something is wrong and will check up on that person. he will ignore whoever who needs him for something and stay by his partners side.
finn will immediately stop with the fish jokes if one you is having a gloomy day, and will wait patiently on what’s making his partner sad while hugging (or cuddling) them
shrimpo doesn’t exactly know what to do whenever someone’s having a bad day, but his words are quite obnoxiously comforting. “I HATE WHEN YOUR SAD!” “AND I HATE WHEN YOU DONT TELL ME WHATS WRONG!”. will wait patiently while resting his head on your shoulder or he hugs you tightly (only if his lovers ask of course)
physical touch is a MUST in the relationship
finn will try to stop with the fish jokes (he can’t help)
shrimpo says he hates kisses, cuddles, hugs, or anything that involves touchy things. he doesn’t say anything when one of his lovers do those things
glisten makes beauty face masks when you all don’t have anything to do
you or glisten are the ones who initiate cuddle piles
shrimpo once got so embarrassed and red, when you picked him up bridal style to save him from twisteds, he almost didn’t talk to you for a whole day
finn yaps about fishes at random times
you got injured so bad one time, your partners immediately dropped whatever they were holding and ran as fast they could to you
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twisted hc’s and angst hc’s will be in part 2 (which is coming soon) :3
i love poly dw ships sm.
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huneybeen · 2 months ago
working on it rn 😋😋😋 (maybe i’ll add their twisteds to the hc’s)
… 5 likes and i’ll make poly beautifulangrybowl x reader hc’s
(glisten x shrimpo x finn)
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huneybeen · 2 months ago
… 5 likes and i’ll make poly beautifulangrybowl x reader hc’s
(glisten x shrimpo x finn)
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huneybeen · 2 months ago
◦˚~ SPACE DIVIDERS ( colourful ) by enchanthings ~˚◦
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Info: these were all drawn & edited by me. please reblog/like if use!
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huneybeen · 2 months ago
Poly! MoonBerryCake x Reader
I took some inspiration from @huneybeen who wrote this first so please please dont hate me but I've been thinking about them for the past 3 days and I needed to word vomit.
...K thanks bye.
Divider Credit: @sister-lucifer
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☁ The dynamic of this alone is something I'd like to touch on especially because it's so fun to me.
☁ I imagine if anything the reader would be a common toon, so that changed things. You have two mains, Astro and Sprout, and two commons, yourself and Cosmo.
☁ You and Cosmo probably meet first because of that. You get close because of similar interests and stay close during runs.
☁ To add an extra layer to this, imagine Distactor! Reader too? Licking my fingers at this.
☁ Cosmo thought he had just gotten a new friend! He loves giving them treats and using them as a taste tester and even taking naps together wherever possible! It's great!
☁'s not? Why are you taking off? Why do the trinkets hooked onto your belt look suspiciously like the ones Goob and Tisha are known to use? Why are you actively getting the Twisteds attention?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
☁ The first time he sees you distract is a little stressful for poor Cosmo. The second you're back in the elevator and it clinks shut, he is whirling on you and demanding an explanation.
☁ He's so exasperated that he's left speechless when you simply smile up at him, still high off adrenaline, while talking a mile a minute about how much fun that was.
☁....Are you insane?
☁ That being said, after the fact, Cosmo is literally your personal healer. He is constantly fighting Toodles the other toons for heals, not for himself, not really, but so he's never left with nothing to give you.
☁ That's probably when he realizes he has an initial crush on you. He's mid-way through using a med-kit on you, on a floor high enough he can see the running starting to effect you. You're sluggish and fatigued and can't chug pop fast enough. It makes his chest ache at the sight before he's swallowing his nerves and wrapping his arms around you.
☁ "You're doing great. Thank you for the work you do."
☁ Feeling you melt against him made every grueling floor worth it in that moment. The draining yank of his own health leaving him to go to you through every new treat was far beyond repaid. He would do it a million times over for you if only for a smidge chance at this moment again.
☁ The run was finished soon after that, and you were quick to express your thanks towards him after that. Safe to say, if you thought he was clingy before, that was nothing. It's like he literally took an invisible chain and connected it between you two and you just haven't found it yet.
☁ He's always there with a smile and a treat and a snuggle if time and twisteds permit.
☁ Now, some world building for ya. I imagine that the OG Twisteds of the mains you see, are the real mains until that research is completed. Then Dandy lets you purchase an...un-twist antidote or something and that's when they come back. It's fun to me >:(.
☁ Following this, most people are gonna assume Sprout comes first.
☁ WRONG. I got Astro first so guess whose coming back. Astro.
☁ When Astro comes back, he's evidently shaken by the whole ordeal. The mains probably didn't know the commons overly well unless they were explicitly paired together. Like Sprout and Cosmo in that one animation, or Glisten and Vee, etc. Astro isn't seen with any commons, as far as I know, so he's probably a little lost and feels like an outsider.
☁ While he's recovering he's banned from any runs. Point blank period. However, that means he's alone while the commons are all out scavenging for research.
☁ Guess who comes in? Guess :)
☁ It's you!
☁ Unlike Cosmo, there are other distracting toons. Tisha and Goob both are more than happy to take some shifts while you stay back to recover yourself. Unfortunately, there's only one Cosmo, so he's left going on the runs as a healer and leaving you behind. You always see him off though, giving him pecks on the cheek before he's stepping into the elevator.
☁ You take the time to wander through Gardenview, eyeing each room as you pass before blinking at the infirmary. The new toon was in there.
☁ Astro half expected you to just continue on, regardless of if he was there or not. He was fine on his own, even if it wasn't his favorite. It reminded him too much of when he was... Of before.
☁ But you poked the top of your head in the doorway, your eyes being the only part of you visible. He blinked at the action, making eye contact. Your head tilted at the action and his own mirrored it. It made you giggle as you disappeared back around the door.
☁ Despite it, Astro found himself smiling at the action. what an odd toon you were.
☁ He never heard your footsteps disappear however, stunning himself when you popped your eyes back in, gleaming with mischief. The rest of you stepped in right after, pressing a finger to your lips with a humorous little wink. "Wanna sneak into the kitchen and steal some cookies?"
☁ Needless to say, he found himself in the kitchen, sitting beside you with a cookie jar shaped like a suspicious, rainbow petal'd plant sat between you munching on cookies that looked a little too familiar for comfort.
☁ You filled the silence whenever something popped into your brain, talking about things you felt he should know for whatever reason. He now knew all about Rodger and Glisten and Teagan's tension, which he wouldn't have guessed, and all about Gigi's...problem with misplaced objects. He even knew about your own rumors that laid hushed in the walls, spoken like they were about someone else.
☁ "Yeah! People keep saying Cosmo and I are a thing but he's never asked so until then, that's a no."
☁ He hummed at the time, even if some part of him felt a bit relieved at the information.
☁ By the time he was cleared to go on runs, you were bouncing up and down by his side excitedly, trinkets clinking from where you had hooked them onto your waist, with Cosmo excitedly grinning behind you.
☁ He liked seeing you two like that.
☁ Now. Sprout. Mr. Seedly.
☁ He's last to join. Astro helps with this tremendously. When you're downed from a surprise Shrimpo attack, clutching your arm as Ichor pooled over, Cosmo is quick to try and jump in to help, only for a twisted clone of himself to turn and lock in onto him.
☁ As much as I love to proclaim "Distractor! Cosmo!" he's not actually a distractor. So, he has to run to lose the twisteds quickly before getting bit himself. This is where Astro comes in. Not only does he quickly re-energize both you and Cosmo, he is able to give you a momentary heal, letting you run off, air horn blazing, while hiding in the back to turn his attention to Cosmo.
☁ Whatever pieces you or Cosmo may lose, Astro picks up. Yet, not all of them seem to click into place just yet.
☁ When the elevator stills and you all hear the telltale steps, Astro is quick to grab your shoulders and spit all sorts of warnings. "Watch the tentacles. You'll know where they're going to appear. Don't try to test them. It's not worth it." "He's slow but don't take that for advantage. He will find a way to keep up." "Ignore every other twisted. We can handle them."
☁ Blinking, he watched you slowly nod before blinking and giving a much more firm acknowledgement. "Understood."
☁ When the elevators opened, Astro watched as you quickly got Sprout's attention, darting around a budding pile of ichor before sharply turning the other way. The reason why quickly became apparent when a twisted Teagan turned the corner, which Goob quickly took away.
☁ Nodding to himself, Astro found himself turning to face Cosmo, who looked terrified at the what just happened. Did he look that way when Astro was...That way with him? He hoped not.
☁ Frowning, he gripped his blanket tighter before letting out a breath, extending one of his hands through the opening towards Cosmo. The other looked at it with wide eyes before his eyes upturned to look at Astro's. "I'll stay with you the entire time."
☁ They had to follow you after all.
☁ They stayed a good distance away from where you and Goob were distracting (which was rather entertaining to watch actually), grabbing capsules wherever possible and tossing healing treats to you both as you passed.
☁ It was a rather seamless process actually up until the elevator timer began, sending the other toons of the squad running. Cosmo, who had been waiting for Astro to finish the last machine, seemed to halt before Astro was urging him forward, steeling himself to stay behind. "They'll run out of stamina before getting to the elevator. We'll be fine!"
☁ Albeit hesitantly, Cosmo did turn and run, finding safety next to Rodger while Astro stayed a ways away outside. Goob was quick to return, free of twisteds, but looking no less stressed. "They were far! Sprout cut off their exit!" Goob quickly explained, twiddling his fingers in front of him.
☁ Astro nodded before instructing him to stand in the elevator as well just in case.
☁ As the seconds ticked down, Astro was seconds away from stepping just far enough to remain out of Goob's range just in case when you came skidding around a corner. He could tell you were running on low as you kept looking back, narrowly avoiding Sprout's clawed grasp. Waiting until you were close enough, he let his power thrum along the ground, watching as you immediately perked up.
☁ Goob took this as a signal, or maybe you gave him one, as you quickly moved to push Astro forward, right into the awaiting arms as you continued towards the elevator. Just as the elevator began to close, you dove, making it just under the steel metal as it slammed shut behind you.
☁ You were panting as you laid on the ground, the entire elevator silent save for your heavy breaths and the sound of Dandy preparing for his arrival.
☁ Cosmo was quick to jump onto you, hurling threats of no more heals if you ever tried anything like that ever again. You took it with grace, gently resting a hand on his head as he cried into your shoulder. Your eyes angled back, catching his and extending your free hand. "You can't fool me. I know that scared you too."
☁ If Astro moved forward to take your hand, sitting close enough to you his knees brushed your shoulders.
☁ You had gotten what you needed though, evident with the glower Dandy shot at you, hidden behind a plastic smile.
☁ Getting Sprout back was harder than getting Astro back, admittedly. You had explained that when getting a main back, you kept most of the toons behind simply for everyone's sake. Distractors, Cosmo and fast extractors was where you drew the line.
☁ Which Astro understood. But didn't like. However, that being said, his power made him a valuable asset, which he used to argue his point. When you acquiesced, he nearly cheered, triumphantly trekking into the elevator with Cosmo by his side.
☁ To say this was like the previous runs, but on some sort of crack would be an understatement. It was fast. It was grueling. It was a thing of constant motion with machines constantly being done and the elevator a repeating pattern of opening and closing.
☁ There were no jokes like usual. There was no chatting. There was a new tension among the people in the elevator, simply waiting for the countdown before starting it all over again.
☁ Cosmo ensured he stuck beside Astro the entire time, remaining a rock the entire time while you were busy. They kept close enough they could rush to you should the need arise, and have a few times, but stayed within hands reach of each other.
☁ By the time they reached floor 24, with all of you tired and injured to some extent, the sound of his steps were both a welcome reprieve and a dreaded expectation.
☁ You were the one trusted with the serum, clutching it tightly as you glared at the elevator before you were turning to look at Cosmo and Astro over your shoulder. "Stay safe, please. Don't wait for me."
☁ It was a harrowing ask, but not one they could linger on as the elevator opened and you took off.
☁ But then the lights went out.
☁ And then they heard Sprout let out a shrill roar signaling he spotted you.
☁ Then they heard the snarling of Pebble signaling he too also spotted you.
☁ That was all they needed before the group of them dispersed, eager to complete the machines as quick as possible before you paid the price for their lack of action.
☁ One by one each ticked off before the elevator was reopening and they all rushed back to the elevator. Goob, Cosmo and Astro stood right up at the lip of the elevator, eyes darting for you. You appeared much quicker, both Pebble and Sprout on your heels as you did.
☁ You dropped a quick smoke bomb, loosing both of their attentions as you quickly rounded around a counter. Pebble let out a snarl as he ran off in the other direction. He didn't get far before hearing you move and it was like a movie.
☁ You moved, launching at Sprout with the Serum poised and ready while Pebble snarled, rushing to catch you. You managed to catch Sprout, digging the spout of the needle into his neck before being chucked off, making you scramble as you quickly darted back around the counter. Astro let his power thrum as Goob snapped his arms out, Cosmo catching you as you ran into the elevator while Goob's arms snapped back. The elevator snapped shut as Glisten moved to end the run and send the elevator back up, both you and Cosmo moving to where Goob cradled an ichor riddle body.
☁ You quickly let Cosmo do what he needed too, diverging to wrap your arms around Astro, who's eyes were locked onto Sprout.
☁ He spent the night with you and Cosmo, both of which he dragged out of your rooms to sleep in his that night.
☁ Sprout's recovery is quicker than Astro's, as he's a toon made for healing. He's up and bitching before any of you can stop him.
☁ Cosmo is his first stop, duh, they're canonically very close, with Astro a close second as he would know the other main. But you? Sprout's got no idea who you are.
☁ So he's a little stand-offish. He sees you interacting with Cosmo and sees you with Astro, and both seem to thoroughly enjoy your company, but he also saw you when he was a twisted.
☁ You were a dumbass if he had anything to say about it.
☁ You'd see someone way down a hallway and risk running into a wall to avoid them getting maybe even possibly spotted. He'd seen you eat enough chocolate bars to make him sake just to stay just in front of Pebble. He'd seen you slip on a stray jumper cable only to get right back up and do the same thing when you rounded around.
☁ He wasn't sure he wanted that rubbing off on him.
☁ But you stuck around. When Cosmo wanted to bake, you were the first to get a bit of the final product. When Astro wanted a nap, you were right there with a blanket, acting as a pillow while you napped with him.
☁ Even on runs, you were quick to come to his aid, taking back the twisteds once he'd gotten his aggro-tapes. All with a stupid smile.
☁ He kind of hated that smile.
☁ Man this is getting LONGGG
☁ Anyway, how would you and Sprout bond? Uh, the common denominators silly!
☁ You were injured on a previous run, bad enough to warrant bed rest decrees from both Cosmo AND Astro. Lucky you!
☁ Sprout had only been cleared for basic runs and this was another possible retrieval run, which you heavily protested against with not only you injured but your second healer still on probation.
☁ Still, they went on with it. You and Sprout were left in the infirmary, awkward silence settling between you. Neither of you knew what to say from there. Your buffers were gone.
☁ With a huff, you sat up, running a hand down your face before turning to face Sprout. Who was watching you.
☁ He watched you like a hawk, watching as you swung your feet off the bed and slowly stood like a shaky new born fawn. "Cosmo's not gonna like that."
☁ You snorted at him, falling back onto the bed only to try again. Sprout's eyes narrowed as he scoffed. "Astro's not gonna like it either."
☁ You snorted again, finally finding your standing before turning to look at him, narrowing your eyes at him. "Are you coming with me to get cookies or not?"
☁ ...well, he can't say he didn't warn you. He did follow you to go get treats, acting as a crutch along the way simply for the reason he didn't want to wait for you to hobble along.
☁ That was the only reason.
☁ By the time you both got to the kitchen, munching on treats, you had picked up a fun back and forth with each other, trading quips as you dug into the cookie jar once more. You pulled out the last cookie, offering it to him.
☁ He looked at it before shaking his head, only for you to roll your eyes and split it in two. He took it with a grumble, scoffing. "I made them I can make more."
☁ "Gonna make them with Astro's face again?" You shot back with a grin, nibbling onto your own half.
☁ He gave an affronted gasp before the ding of the elevator was making you both look over, Sprout giving you a hand to welcome back the group. They hadn't been gone very long, so it either went very well or not well at all.
☁ It turned out be neither. The run had been called as they were unable to fall into a rhythm and Scraps and Brightney had gotten into quite the altercation.
☁ Both you and Sprout find yourselves looked for Cosmo and Astro, only to find them chatting near the entrance, completely fine. There's a moment between you and hi m, where you both side eye each other before you're reaching out and shoving him. Without trinkets you two are practically the same speed, only he has you outmatched with stamina.
☁ Which was his only hope as he stumbled, not expecting the dirty play, watching you take off towards them. He quickly caught up trying to shove you only for you to dodge him with a laugh.
☁ He knew he should've distracted more. He had gotten complacent with Pebble and was now paying the price for it. He should've known you were a dirty filthy cheater. He should've guessed.
☁ In a last ditch effort he launched himself at you, making you squawk as you both rolled forward, giving both Cosmo and Astro little time before the two of you collided into them sending the four of you into a heap of undignified limbs and cackles.
☁ I spent that entire time just developing that omfg and its already long. sobbing.
☁ Anyway how y'all get together is gonna be TBD bc my head is hurty and my tummy is empty. ~<3
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huneybeen · 2 months ago
hello huneys! i’m sorry i haven’t been posting as much. i’ve been dealing with a lot of stuff lately so that’s why stuff has been delayed. But do not worry! i am working on the following:
shrimpbowl x reader
moonberrycake x reader
moonflower x reader
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huneybeen · 3 months ago
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huneybeen · 3 months ago
Could I just have a ficc about that one part in the moonberrycake fic where reader slaps cosmos butt (I’m assuming they do it to the other 2) so they team up against them heh (sorry if this is weird…..,)
THIS IS SO FUNNY IM ACTUSLLY GIGGLING WRITING THIS (also dw this isn’t weird :3) and i’m so sorry if this isn’t what you expected :<
poly! moonberrycake x nb! reader
warnings: none but pure fluff
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One evening, you decided it was time to pull another one of your tricks on your three partners. You’ve been planning this for a while and finally felt ready to execute the perfect prank on each of them.
First was poor cosmo. You found Cosmo focused on icing his new batch of cookies. Sneaking up quietly, you gave cosmo a pretty harsh slap on his bottom. Cosmo immediately dropped the icing and yelped, jumping in surprise before turning around with wide eyes. "What was that for?" he exclaimed while rubbing the spot that was slapped. You merely giggled while running off to your next victim.
Next was berry-boy. You spotted Sprout in the lobby, talking with shelly about some important main stuff. With a mischievous grin, you tiptoed behind him and delivered another harsh slap. Sprout sucked his words, and in surprise, he almost screamed. “Y/N!!", he shouted. His face turned into a dark red hue when noticing both you and shelly were laughing. Quickly you dashed away as sprout snapped his head towards you.
Finally it was time for Astro. You found him resting his arms on the counter, his body a bit bent over. With two swift motions, you gave Astro four cheeky slaps on both of his buttocks. Astro bolted upright, blushing, looking both shocked and flustered. "i- what-" he tried to form words on what just happened with wide eyes as he watched you sprinting off.
Later that day, the three toons gathered to discuss for revenge. “they slapped me so hard," Astro said, still rubbing his butt. Sprout nodded in agreement, "i know, but no worries. We’ll get them back."
Cosmo, confused, replied "really? but how?". Sprout merely chuckled and said “I’ll tell you two”
After taking a nap, you woke up feeling quite pleased with yourself. Little did you know, Astro, Sprout, and Cosmo had been up, planning. As you went about to Astros bedroom, you suddenly felt 4 firm slaps on your butt. Screaming at the top of your lungs, you turned around seeing Astro chuckling behind his blanket. Before you could say anything, another slap came—Sprout was there, giggling. You finally put the pieces together and tried to escape, but Cosmo was waiting with the final slap.
You yelped. "Okay, okay, i’m sorry!!" you exclaimed in defeat, rubbing your butt as it kind of stung from how hard they slapped it. Your three partners still laughing from your reaction.
From that day on, you knew not to do something like this ever again.
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(you still do it to cosmo sometimes)
requests are open btw!!
(plz i need requests.)
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huneybeen · 3 months ago
poly! moonberrycake x f! reader
warnings: nothing but pure fluff
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-sprout and cosmo will ALWAYS check on and heal you and astro first since one time you both were on one heart on floor 9 and didn’t even tell them until floor 18. poor cosmo and sprout were FREAKING OUT when you told them.
-you all mostly sleep in astro’s room (his bed is wide asf)
-cuddle sessions are so quiet and peaceful. you’re (sometimes) in the middle with sprout on your left, holding cosmo’s hand who’s on your right, and astro laying on your chest with his two upper arms wrapped around you and his lower arms resting on cosmo and sprout’s waist
-astro gives you three the best dreams every night
-one time you smacked cosmo’s butt while he was baking, he yelped so loud to the point you were concerned if you hurt him
-whenever you, astro, or cosmo do a machine, sprout always wraps those long arms around your/their waist
-astro sometimes has episodes about his four arms, you guys always kiss the upper/lower pair of arms and comfort him everytime
-sprout gets POSSESSIVE whenever he sees one of you (especially astro) talking to dandy (he’ll slowly pull you guys away until someone notices)
-astro is slightly clingy, sprout and cosmo are the most clingy
-astro always blames himself if one you EVER get a nightmare (dw, you assure him that it’s not it fault)
-whenever your having a bad day, they team up and tackle you with a bunch of hugs and kisses on your face
-you four always travel together around the map when doing a run (most of the time you guys just do nothing and talk or cuddle behind piles of boxes)
-cosmo bakes cookies the shapes of you, astro, and sprout faces.
-astro has fun with cosmo being so ticklish
-sprout LOVES startling/scaring you guys
-astro and cosmo get flustered when you or sprout compliment them
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so sorry it was very short :<
feel free to request poly ships tho :3
(plz do request.)
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huneybeen · 3 months ago
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