#i have no idea what daeron is like or if he has anything important to do
carebooks · 3 months
he just could not give a single shit about the family drama, he said “nope”
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novembermorgon · 5 months
ok now I need to know about your lannister oc and her targaryen sons uwu
yes siree!!!!
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get used to her because despite my boltonposting shes the only one ive been putting in any sort of work writing for . <3
her name is myrielle lannister :-) she's around during the dunk and egg era born aboutttt 192 ac ..? daughter of damon lannister and cerissa brax (one year younger than tybolt and one year older than gerold) - she's honestly just kind of awful sorry . spoiled and vain and selfish like a high school mean girl who goes to nursing school but if you put her in the place of the only daughter of an unbelievably wealthy medieval lord that's given her anything she could ever ask for . while tybolt is heir and the golden boy myrielle ends up being the favourite exclusively off the idea of being a good daughter who smiles politely and sits and looks pretty when they're meeting with this lord or the other . she has a pretty strained relationship with tybolt when they're younger but when they get past being 10 and insulting your sibling over every little thing they end up being really close .
her relationship with gerold on the other hand iiiis . weird . i think they're a little bit too similar in that they like to plot and scheme a little bit and she never really knows what to make of him . they're kind of at odds and while she always has some sense of loyalty to him by virtue of them being family she's never very fond of him, especially after tybolt and his daughter die (which she'd probably believe he's got some hand in).
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when you really get into it grrm is notably not very good at telling us exactly what year things happen in this part of the timeline nor is he very in depth with a lot of these targs so a lot of this is going to be headcanon + assumptions etc don't get mad if you're the number one dunk and egg lorehead...
when she's 11 years old she goes to king's landing with tybolt and their father and she ends up engaged to aerion targaryen - which neither of them are suuuper enthused by . aerion because he's a little bit of a child emperor esque horrorshow of a son that holds fast to the idea of the targ legacy and traditions and from what we know about him he'd prefer to marry a sister. myrielle on the other hand finds herself at court and very quickly realizes that She wants to be important and She wants to be special and She wants to be queen so she has a bit of a period where she resents aerion for being a second son of a fourth son (!) and kind of goes well i shouldve married valarr or matarys or even daeron more out of a childish belief that she's owed something that stems from being raised the way she was. her and aerion end up bickering a lot but eventually settle into some kind of acceptance and eventually a fondness for each other in the way only two freaks of nature can . <3
at court she meets odessa dayne (oc + art by chloe), who's betrothed to valarr - they become bestiesss and form a very weird very complicated vaguely homosexual relationship that i don't know how to summarize but i think in some way myrielle ends up wishing she could be odessa's husband . doesn't know how to put words to her feelings that are so different from what she should feel (attraction to a woman) that she ends up kind of taking on a role of makeshift caretaker in the way a husband would - especially when valarr dies later on and odessa is kind of left in the dust at court in favor of her son. myrielle in my mind of much much more fond of her than odessa is of her by virtue of being the kind of person who makes up a complex made up version of their relationship in her mind .
she marries aerion around 208 and instead of being sent off to lys in 209 after the tourney of ashford meadow he's kind of put on house arrest a bit - aerion, myrielle and odessa end up in dorne when the great spring sickness hits (odessa has family business and myrielle + aerion end up tagging along because they have nothing better to do) . valarr dies in 209 and myrielle's dad dies in 210 right before myrielle gives birth to twins anddd well i'll cut the timeline off there for now . sorry anon i could go on for way too long .
she has twin sons with aerion in 210, one of which like in canon aerion insists they name maegor (kid on the left in the first img) and to match she names the other aenys (kid on the right) . funny . by this time given that odessa had a surviving son with valarr she ends up becoming a bit jealous . my son/s should rule etc even if they're like number 234923 in line . raises them to be resentful and ambitious which works for aenys who becomes exactly like she wants but not maegor who ends up being very gentle and kind and trusting . get it.. its funny because theyre like their namesakes but reversed
when she gets a little older myrielle more actively pursues the idea of being queen because these targs just will not stop dying. by the time maekar becomes king she begins to make more and more attempts at convincing aerion to get rid of daeron in advance and really really pushes hard for him to consider himself heir and because he's kind of batshit it works . a strong sense of entitlement between the both of them and a belief that he'd do a better job than daeron when the time comes (very doubtful).
errr.. well in an ideal world in her mind they kill daeron and maekar dies and aerion is crowned after which she also ends up killing him when she gets sick of him or he gets a little older and less nice to look at and one of their sons gets the throne. errr . of course it doesn't end that well . but that's about what i have so far we'll get more in depth one day . <3
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velvet4510 · 6 months
I ship every canonical Tolkien couple - except Aerin & Brodda, Aredhel & Eöl, and Tar-Míriel & Ar-Pharazôn. Those poor ladies deserved so much better than those pathetic a-holes.
(I also kinda think Melian could’ve done better than Thingol.)
These are the “non-canonical” Tolkien pairings that I ship, since nobody asked.
Frodo x Sam (it’s literally canon, period, forget the “non-canonical” category, it’s right there, it’s real)
Frodo x Sam x Rosie (Sam being shared during that year in Bag End; also all but spelled out)
Bilbo x Thorin (obviously; even in the book, it’s subtextual, but it’s THERE)
Fingon x Maedhros (Beren/Lúthien + Frodo/Sam parallels are no joke; yes yes i know i know they’re first cousins and that should be a dealbreaker, and for a while it was for me, but technically they’re HALF-cousins, they only share one grandparent, and it’s not like they can procreate together, so it’s very different from what it would be if one of them was female)
Túrin x Beleg (also, obviously; just read their scenes and you can tell - ALSO the fact that Túrin never mentions Beleg again after Glaurung’s attack … do y’all realize that Glaurung is canonically a memory-eraser … that dragon wiped his memories of the love of his life and the reason he was triggered into romantic feelings for Níniel was because he saw a blond person lying on the ground under a flash of lightning which was also the way he saw Beleg for the last time and his heart remembered that even though his mind didn’t!!!!!!)
Mablung x Nienor (he just did so much for her and never gave up on searching for her until he then had to live with the knowledge that she was dead and he failed her … she lost all her memories of him and married her brother … the idea that they fell in love in Doriath before all this makes for a practically perfect tragic love story. Best part is he knew and loved her for her real self, whereas Turambar and Brandir both fell in love with an amnesiac shell of herself.)
Finrod x Bëor (yes, Finrod loved Amarië too …BUT look at how Bëor gave up everything to spend the rest of his life with Finrod, and how Finrod lost Bëor to mortality but then laid down his life for Bëor’s descendant; the angst is just too juicy to ignore)
Maglor x Daeron (two nasty but guilt-ridden minstrels who deserve each other, perfect)
I do not ship Merry and Pippin at all; not only are they full blooded first cousins, but since Merry is an only child and Pippin only has sisters, they very clearly fill that “brother” role in each other’s lives.
After a lot of thought, I’ve decided that queerplatonic Legolas/Gimli makes the most sense to me. They also fill the “brother” role in each other’s lives since they both have no blood siblings. I understand why many people do ship them romantically/sexually, but the thought of anything sexual between them just doesn’t feel right to me, personally. Even the thought of kisses just doesn’t seem to fit them, IMO; they’re about mutual respect and sharing quality time, rather than anything physical. To me they exemplify “heterosexual life partners” perfectly. It is important in this shipping-obsessed culture to never undermine platonic friendship.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 9 months
The writers alr fucked up and i SWEAR I SWEAR if they decided to make Aegon III "fall" in love with Jaehaera i would scream 😭😭😭 bcuz HE FALL IN LOVE WITH DAENAERA THE ONE WHO MANAGE TO MAKE HIM SMILE AND IF THEY RUINED THAT I JUST AUGHHHH
I hear you. I really do. I can see them do anything at this point, especially since they are trying their hardest to make the Greens look like an innocent party with all the excuses:
“It was an accident.”
“This is not what I wanted.”
Daenaera is Aegon III’s Queen, mother of his children and nothing can change GRRM’s canon. There are many good reasons why he chose to eliminate Jaehaera and introduce Daenaera Velaryon.
First of all, the “Green conspiracy” orchestrated by Otto Hightower and his daughter for control over the Seven Kingdoms needed to permanently end and the only way to do that was to eradicate the entire faction, including Jaehaera. No Hightower blood would be allowed to continue on the Iron Throne this way as punishment for their actions, and none ever will again.
Second of all, the Velaryons deserved a win in this. They really did. They are kin to the Targaryens and despite the few troubles they had, they remained loyal till the end (including Corlys, who in my view, acted as a double agent for the Blacks after Rhaenyra’s death, ensuring her son would succeed on the Iron Throne, and putting aside all personal ambition in order to end the war).
Thirdly, Aegon III, given what he has been through, needed someone like Daenaera. He chose her because of her light, so to speak. If he had remained married to someone like Jaehaera, the highly depressed daughter of the man who murdered his mother in front of him, I bet you Aegon would have committed suicide not long after the war.
I don’t understand why some are obsessed with the idea of “uniting the factions” through the bullshit marriage between Aegon and Jaehaera. There is nothing to unite. This war was not even Targaryen vs Targaryen. It was Targaryen vs Hightower. The Targaryens won. The end.
And given that the Blacks were the clear winners (both in terms of whose bloodline got the throne and whose army prevailed on the battlefield in the end), they didn’t have to create this union if they didn’t want to. They did it to force peace in the Realm, and make sure there would be no uprisings against the clear winners.
I actually find it kind of ironic that the Greens managed to end themselves eventually (Unwin Peake - Green supporter, killed Jaehaera for his own ambitions). This is something of high importance that the show writers have to include.
Bottom line, if they go so far as to change the family tree and keep Jaehaera as Aegon’s wife, they will risk an even greater backlash than that of GOT season 8, and that’s something they really wouldn’t want at this point. Especially since the Velaryons are all black now in the show. They would be accused of racism.
And yeah, sure, they’re going to have to try really, really, really hard to convince me that characters like Daeron I Targaryen, Daena the Defiant, Elaena Targaryen and Daemon Blackfyre (named after the Rogue Prince himself) have Hightower blood in them.
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witheredoffherwitch · 10 months
So TG enjoyer here, I'd just like to share some opinions about the dreaded Daeron cut. First, your anon is probably right about Helaena being the only other dragonrider for TG. There is really no way Aemond can't do it all by himself being the sole dragonrider. Helaena would be the only one left to fill that void while Aegon is out of commission. The Reach plot would need one, which I think Aemond would be taking, especially once Hugh and Ulf betray TB. He can't be holding both the Riverlands and the Reach by himself, which is where Helaena comes in. I think many of you have this fixed idea of Helaena being a pure, incorruptible victim but I think she fits parts of Daeron's arc well. She can start off just like Daeron who was kind then got corrupted along the way. Helaena has a bigger stake than Daeron which could be used as her motivation. This is why I disagree with you wanting Helaena to be just a "plot device". They didn't give her the dreamer ability for nothing, not with all the other dreamers that are going to be adapted in the future. Idk how they'll do it but it could be visions of the prophecy and rumored past Targaryens through her.
I'm also going to be honest here: Aemond was NOT doing anything important in the Riverlands. He just burns smallfolk, makes stupid decisions that costs TG greatly, then he gets killed by Martin's favorite Daemon. He wasn't fighting any army while there and neither was he getting Riverland lords to pledge for TG. This was all Criston Cole's work during Rook's Rest and he dies shortly after he steps in the Riverlands because of Aemond's indecision. His whole arc in the book was written to look pathetic compared to Daemon, so I really wonder why some people are looking forward to his arc where he was rendered useless compared to say Daeron or Aegon. There wasn't much about Alys either except for her association with Aemond and she didn't make any significant impact to the plot during the Dance. So this is like people in glass houses throwing stones when you talk about Helaena being just a plot device.
I also don't think the TG Riverlands plot would do well long-term in a tv adaptation because of how skippable it would be. Most of the Riverlands plot is about TB. For TG, there isn't much happening there until the Battle Above God's Eye. It wasn't just because Aemond makes stupid decisions, but other plots happening to other characters just completely eclipses his arc while he does nothing of import. His mass murdering is also going to be a tired act so this is why I can see him getting parts of Daeron's arc too. So if he's going to be the biggest threat in the show, then he has to be moving around. This can equalize him and Daemon in the show and give him something significant to do.
In conclusion, to all TG enjoyers here, I think what many of you fear with Daeron being cut is not as bad as you think. Imo the show is already giving more to TG than we think and Ryan Condal seems to favor TG a bit more.
Daeron will be featured in the show!
He's introduced in the opening sequence and his dragon is mentioned by Daemon in Episode 10 (Edit: the dragon part is disputed but he will included either way). Rest assured, he will make an appearance either in season 2 or 3!
No need to twist someone's arc out of shape to make it fit with our own wacky idea. Instead - let's just wait and see what happens!
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francesminos-tt · 9 months
Do you think you can do one like the movie pride and prejudice? With Daeron being Mr. Darcy and Joff being Lizzie? I'd love you forever and ever if you could! If you want that's fine too! ABO!
I made a small summary of some things if you want something more explained, but I love your ideas so you can and should write whatever you want, the things I wrote are not a requirement.
Viserys is not king, but is considered an important Lord in Westeros society. Rhaenyra marries Harwin Strong, a man far below Nyra's social standing and this is outrageous and shameful for Alicent. Viserys dies (and you know, at that time women had no right to any inheritance) and obviously all his riches would go to Aegon (if it weren't for the fact that Aegon is running away at the exact moment he receives the news, he doesn't want to be Lord but to party and fuck as much as he can) Now all the properties are being looked after and maintained by Aemond. So as expected, Aemond urgently needs to marry some rich and well-educated noblewoman. Alicent has her favorite options - baratheon girls -, but Aemond denies. Aemond insists on leaving Kings Landing to try and find his wife and Alicent sends Daeron with him on this mission because she knows her third son has some shared thoughts with her.
Rhaenyra discovers that her brothers are in town and like the intelligent woman she is, sends her three oldest children to the grand ball that will feature all the single Omegas and Betas. Rhaenyra OBVIOUSLY doesn't regret marrying Harwin but she wants her children to have a good future, wants them to have a good life.
Jace is the oldest, most responsible and most mature. Rhaenyra considers Jace to be the ideal choice for this marriage.
Luke is sweet, smart and kind but Rhaenyra still remembers when Aemond lost his eye and looked at the boy with nothing but hatred.
Joffrey is a smart and cheeky omega and wants to have a broader life than just dedicating himself to marriage. He hates Aemond, but he hates snobbish Daeron even more.
To be honest, Joffrey is more Lydia to me than Lizzie, but I managed to adapt the plot according to their dynamics. Here is the result. I tried to write their first meeting. Daeron may seem snobbish, but in fact he’s just trying to flirt with Joff (and failed epically). I think Joff hates him more and more until Daeron goes to propose to him, which sends Joff into total shock and he refuses Daeron. You can imagine the rest🤣
“I think I should burn a hole in my dress, so that mother cannot force me to go to the ball with my boobs exposed.” Joffrey said, sprawling on the bed in his underclothes. The room was pleasantly warm, even in the early spring chill, as the lazy afternoon sun shone through the window. Joffrey would rather spend his day hiking in the sun, than preparing his outfit for the stupid ball.
“Stop using words so vulgar.” Jacaerys scolded, but only half-heartedly, “Where did you learn it from anyway?”
“The lads in the market.” Joffrey replied, flipping over to lie on his stomach and watching his brothers ironing their respective dress, a simple light green one with embroidered bodice for Jace, and a sea blue one lined with intricate lace for Luke. The dresses were not extravagant, but beautiful and well-maintained, a gift from their mother to celebrate their presentation.
“You are an omega now, Joff.” Jace said, sounding very much like their father Harwin, “You shouldn't spend too much time with them.”
“Why not?” Joffrey scoffed, blowing a strand of curls from his face, “I am still me. My omega status doesn't change anything.”
“Joff.” Jace sighed, looking up from his work, “You know what I mean. Mother will not be pleased to learn you hang out with lads from the market. You have duties to fulfill-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I need to sell myself to some rich alpha like a whore, right? Being myself only destroys my price.” Joffrey mocked, rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.
“Do you really think mother will sell you like a piece of meat on the marriage market?” Lucerys chimed in before Jace could scold their younger brother more, “Answer me, Joff. Do you not trust mother to want the best for us?”
Joffrey bit his lower lip. He loved his mother. Rhaenyra might not be considered a conventional good mother, running away with her lover and cutting off all the ties to her family, but she was the best mother Joffrey could ever wish for. She cared for her children. That was part of the reason why she remarried Daemon after Harwin had sadly passed away, because with her husband’s inheritance snatched away by her brother-in-law, Rhaenyra had no means to support her three sons on her own. She had suffered so much just trying to give her children a decent life. It was no surprise that she wanted to secure the best marriage deal for her three omega sons. Joffrey knew for a fact that Rhaenyra would never force him to marry. She was merely providing the brothers a chance to broaden their views so that they could make wiser choices in the future.
“Sorry, Luke,” Joffrey sagged, his thick brows turning downwards like a sad puppy, “and Jace. I shouldn't have let my frustration out on you and mother. I know you only mean good for me.”
“It’s ok, Joff.” Jace put down his dress and came to sit on the bed, “Come here.”
Joffrey placed his head on Jace’s lap as if he was still a little boy, innocent, young, and ignorant of the cruelty the world had to offer. Jace brushed Joffrey’s wild curls with his fingers, gently untangling the knots one by one. Joffrey’s hair was just like him, wild and unruly, but could be tamed with patience.
“I don't want you to change, omega or not.” Jace told him, “You are charming just as you are. If you decide to marry, your future husband should love and respect who you really are, not some obedient omega you pretend to be.”
“I don't think anyone will love an omega who says boobs all the time.” Joffrey joked, “But hey, no worries! I don't want to marry anyway. I can be an old maid and look after you and Luke’s children.”
“You never know until you meet someone.” Lucerys joined them too, squeezing himself on the bed and giving Joffrey’s butt a playful slap, “I wouldn't say no to a cute ass like that.”
“Luke!” Jace sighed heavily, “Stop encouraging him! Did you learn the words from the market lads as well?”
“I don't know.” Lucerys laughed, flipping his lush hair sassily, “Maybe it’s Joff’s bad influence.”
“God help me.” Jace murmured, but his voice was drowned out by the hysterical laughter of his two younger brothers.
The ball was boring. It was no surprise, for Joffrey never had the interest or the patience to exchange pleasantries and gossips with other omegas. Balls were boring. Boring Balls. It actually rhymed, which made Joffrey chuckle to himself as he settled down on an armchair and watched his brothers dancing. Jace and Luke looked ravishing with their respective dresses, each piece bringing out the best of their features. Jace’s long legs and slender figure, Luke’s beautiful eyes and plump body, like two shining stars among the sea of dancers.
Joffrey saw himself as undesirable compared to his brothers. He was too tall for an omega, his skin too tanned, his brows too thick, and he always made sure to hide his plump chest under the humble clothes he chose to wear. Today, he was wearing one of his mother’s old dresses, a black one with golden embroideries on the collar and waist. The dress had a low cut originally, aimed to showing off one’s cleavage, but Joffrey had it altered, putting some sheer black laces on the chest area to hide the only charm point of his body, his full breast.
A song ended, and the dancers all retired from the floor to catch their breaths and have a little drink. Lucerys glided gracefully to Joffrey, smiling at everyone who waved their hands at him but never stopping for anyone.
“Where is Jace?” Lucerys asked, taking a glass of wine from Joffrey.
“Too busy flirting with Mr. Stark.” Joffrey tilted his chin to the corner of the ball room, where Jace was having an animated chat with a man in soldier uniform almost a header taller than him.
“I danced with him for a song.” Lucerys said, looking in the direction of Joffrey’s faze, “Mr. Stark is very pleasant.”
“I doubt it.” Joffrey was skeptical about all alphas’ characters, “He’s an army man. It is a miracle that he actually knows how to dance.”
“Papa Harwin was an army man, too.” Lucerys chuckled. He knew Joffrey didn’t really mean it. His little brother was just very protective of Jace.
Joffrey shrugged, taking a sip of his wine. This was his third glass, the alcohol making his cheeks pink and his head pleasantly buzzed.
“I am sure Jace is having a good time with Mr. Stark, but I can’t say the same about you, Joff.” Lucerys changed the subject of the conversation, “You haven’t danced tonight. No one takes your fancy?”
“You know I don’t like alphas, especially the snobbish ones.” Joffrey scrunched his nose in disgust, “They think we are all gold diggers who want their fortune. I can’t stand someone treating me like some kind of a prize.”
“You are not going to find a partner if you keep drinking wine alone.” Lucerys shook his head, reaching out to wipe off a drop of sweat on Joffrey’s nose, “I am not forcing you to socialize, but sometimes you cannot judge one’s true nature only by their looks.”
Just when Joffrey was about to retort, the room went silent as two newcomers joined the crowd. Joffrey could hear some omegas, even betas, gasping at the two alphas who had just entered the room. At first look, Joffrey had to admit that those alphas were indeed eye-catching. They were both tall, clad in the finest clothes Joffrey had ever seen, the silky fabric of their clothes and the gems on their rings and belts showing off their fortune. Joffrey could tell that they must be related, because they both had silver hair and purple eyes, one of them with long, smooth hair that pulled back into a low ponytail, while the other kept his curls short and fluffy. Normally, Joffrey was a hard man to impress, but he found he couldn’t take his eyes off the newcomers now. His alcohol-infused mind had a hard time processing the fact that his two uncles from that side of the family showed up at the same ball that he and his brothers attended.
“Luke,” Joffrey turned to Lucerys abruptly, “let’s go.”
Joffrey’s first instinct was to take Lucerys as far away as possible from uncle Aemond. It was a logical reaction, for Lucerys and Aemond had a strained history, to put it lightly. Aemond had drawn the most attention from the crowd since his arrival, partly because he was rich, tall, mysterious and handsome, but another reason was undoubtedly, his eye-patch. A leather eye patch covered Aemond’s left eye, but unable to hide the twisted scar underneath completely. The eye-patch gave Aemond a somewhat dangerous vibe, but Joffrey knew the danger was real.
“Go where?” Lucerys said a bit nervously, wiping his hand on his dress, “We can’t flee, Joff.”
“Why not? Let’s get out of here before they see us.” Joffrey grabbed Lucerys’s wrist and tried to drag his brother away, but his back hit a warm body before he could take a step.
“I am afraid it’s too late, nephew.” A soft voice came from behind as a warm hand placed on Joffrey’s waist to keep the omega from stumbling, “We have already seen you, haven’t we, brother?”
Daeron smiled at his one-eyed brother, but Aemond didn’t reply, keeping his gaze on Lucerys the entire time. Lucerys swallowed, but held Aemond’s intense gaze bravely.
“Uncles, what a coincidence.” Lucerys said, his voice quivering a little.
“Nephew.” Aemond’s lips curled up dangerously, “It is a pleasure seeing you here. Will you honor me to a dance?”
Unlike Lucerys, Aemond didn’t address them both, choosing to address Lucerys alone instead. He bowed slightly and offered his hand to Lucerys. Joffrey could taste the jealousy in the air, the sweet scent of surrounding omegas turning pungent. It baffled Joffrey that why would Aemond invite the boy who had taken his eye to a dance, but to his surprise, Lucerys actually said yes.
“Of course, uncle.” Lucerys took a big inhale to steady himself before placing his hand in Aemond’s inviting palm. They headed to the floor and began to dance to the upbeat rhythm. Joffrey knew Lucerys was a good dancer, but he had never expected Aemond to be one, too. Aemond’s moves were graceful and precise. He swung Lucerys in his arms with incredible ease, not even a single strand hair out of place.
“They make a lovely couple, don’t they?” Daeron’s voice almost jolted Joffrey out of his skin. The omega had completely forgotten about his other uncle. Daeron had come so close at some point that Joffrey could feel the heat from the alpha’s body. A unique scent of incense invaded Joffrey’s personal space, causing Joffrey’s head to spin.
“They are no couple.” Joffrey bit the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from being carried away by Daeron’s alluring scent, “Why do you say that? Lucerys is just being polite.”
“Is he? Well, my brother certainly isn’t.” Daeron replied as he offered Joffrey a fresh glass of wine, “Wine? I see you have already finished yours.”
“No, thank you. I can get my own wine.” Joffrey said defensively.
“I just want to have a chat with you, nephew.” Daeron raised an eyebrow, his hand still reaching out, “I didn’t mean to insult you or anything. No need to be so offended.”
Joffrey knew he might have acted too defensively, so he took the glass from Daeron and murmured a quiet thank you to the alpha.
“We haven’t met for so long, nephew.” Daeron said, sipping his own drink, “Last time we met was like, almost ten years ago. I never expect you to present as an omega.”
“What do you mean, uncle?” Joffrey frowned, but he didn’t lash out, “I apologize if I am not coy enough to be an omega.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I am sure you are a very pleasant omega. I just need some time to process this wonderful surprise.” Daeron smiled, seemingly unaffected by Joffrey’s sarcastic words, “You were so…wild, as a boy. I always thought you would present as an alpha, or at least, a beta.”
Joffrey didn’t like Daeron’s attitude, at all. The way Daeron talked about his omega status made his skin prickle with frustration and anger. Daeron seemed to have no respect for omegas, as if they were somewhat inferior creatures. It was a common thought shared by most alphas, seeing omegas as weak, emotional, and had to depend on alphas to live. That was why Joffrey hated to interact with alphas. He might be an omega, but he was a person at first. He had his own thoughts and aspirations. He didn’t need an alpha to tell him what to do.
“I am satisfied with my status, uncle.” Joffrey said coldly.
“Really? Are you here today to socialize with other alphas? Have you found anyone to your liking so far?” Daeron looked around the room, “Is that Jacaerys? Who is the soldier he’s talking to? Are they engaged?”
Joffrey wanted to say none of your business, but that would be too rude. He didn’t mind to be rude, but he didn’t want Daeron to look down upon him more than the alpha already had.
“No. Mr. Stark is just a good friend.” So far, Joffrey added silently.
“Oh, I’ve known the Starks. They are from the North.” Daeron said dismissingly, “I imagine he will be blown by the social scene here in King’s Landing. I’ve heard that winters in the North are so harsh that people cannot stay outside for more than a few minutes. I presume there aren’t many social events to be held in that weather.”
“They can find a way to enjoy themselves, I am sure.” Joffrey said, taking a sip from wine Daeron had handed him before. He wasn’t planning to drink more, but Daeron’s attitude just antagonized him so much that he needed alcohol to hold himself together.
“The Starks don’t have much of a fortune. I’ve heard that their estate only provides a small income each year.” Daeron continued, “I think Jacaerys can do better.”
“If my brother gets married, he’s marrying for love and mutual respect, not yearly income.” Joffrey put the wine glass down on the small table next to him with a loud bang, “You seem to think a large fortune is the only thing that attracts omegas, but let me tell you that you are wrong.”
“Did I say something that offends you, Joff?” Daeron sounded genuinely surprised, the bastard, “If I did, I am terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you in any way.”
“You’ve said enough, uncle.” Joffrey said with gritted teeth, “You and your family have already taken what should belong to my mother. I suggest you find someone else who is actually interested in your stolen fortune, because I definitely am not.”
Joffrey turned to leave. He was so furious that if he didn’t leave now, he would punch Daeron in the face. He didn’t even have time to look for his brothers before he stepped into the bitter cold of the night.
Joffrey hated alphas, and he hated Daeron the most.
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visenyaism · 2 years
Ever since I watched HOT D I have felt conflicted about Alicent's character because I can't figure out her motivation. At the beginning it's clear she's only doing what Otto wants but later on... What is the reason she wants her son to be on the throne so bad ? ( When it doesn't seem to me like she cares about having power )
The only thing that I see is that she is extremely bitter and angry that she had to be this perfect woman when she was still a child and marry and have children with and old man. Meanwhile her friend is just fucking around not respecting any of the value she has to uphold.
But idk is it really only anger at Rhaenyra that makes her want this ?
one of the reasons I like alicent as a character so much is the 8 layers of cognitive dissonance she processes everything through at all times. She’s constantly trying to convince herself everything will be fine and also not allowing herself to really want anything for herself. She’s not a rational actor because she was robbed of the ability to emotionally mature past the age of 15 in a lot of respects, but it makes her a compelling (and confusing!) character.
I think it’s safe to say that on a fundamental level she at least wants a) to be close to Rhaenyra b) for her family to be safe and for her father to be proud of her and c) for someone to acknowledge her suffering (she cannot conceptualize a world where what she went through didn’t have to happen, she just wants anyone to recognize it as painful.)
She thought that Rhaenyra was also going to be suffering in a loveless marriage alongside her, and they’d have that in common. To see her “breaking the rules” that have made Alicent’s entire life completely miserable is just too much. She got her life destroyed by this system and by Viserys wanting sons, and he doesn’t even care about them OR about her, he only loves his eldest daughter even though SHE “breaks” all of these “rules.” That’s super emotionally devastating, and Alicent decides to pin that on Rhaenyra instead of her father or Viserys because if she did that, she would actually have to deal with the years of emotional trauma and violence that she’s been repressing. She can’t see a way out, so she just projects the rage she cannot internalize onto Rhaenyra.
Her father spent decades trying to convince her that Rhaenyra was going to be a threat to her family in the event of a succession, an idea he stood to gain a lot from, but it also isn’t totally crazy. Aegon Aemond and Daeron WERE threats to Rhaenyra’s claim. Putting Aegon on the throne was the only pathway that Alicent had been drilled to envision for decades, and the only one she thought would keep her kids safe. Also- if one in her life is going to acknowledge what happened to her was horrible and wrong, then at least everything she’s went through has to be worth something. Aegon’s coronation was also the culmination of that idea for her.
She doesn’t want power because she cannot even conceptualize having power as an option for herself- she’s never pictured herself on the throne, and she’s only trying to make a window in the wall of her prison. I don’t think she ever envisioned what her life would be like after she got Aegon on the throne, so I’m real excited to see what she’s going to be doing in season 2. TLDR it’s not about getting specifically Aegon on the throne that’s important, but more about following the rules she’s been taught will make her happy and safe and successful, even though on some level she knows that all it’s ever done is hurt her. Free alicent from the narrative she knows what story she’s in and she knows there’s no way out💚💔
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ladystoneboobs · 1 year
y’know, whatever the true parentage of aegon vi aka young griff, in a way he is more like rhaegar than jon snow is. by which i mean their attempts to force themselves into archetypal roles, rhaegar as the prophesied hero against supernatural dark forces and yg as the hidden-prince-in-exile come to save the country and restore peace and harmony by taking the throne.
rhaegar’s very existence is owed to a prophecy, when the ghost of high heart said the ptwp would come of aerys/rhaella’s line they were forced to get married by their father. his destiny was decided and agreed before he was born, as just a hypothetical male prince. bc ofc this promised prince must be a son born with a cock, right? no one ever looked for or expected a princess for this. and when he was born during the mysterious tragedy at summerhall, what could be more of a sign that the prophecy was fulfilled? no need to keep waiting for any more kids, anyone further down the line, this baby had such a dramatic entrance he has got to be the specialest boy of all. rhaegar likely knew all of this from a very young age. grandpa jaehaerys ii believed enough to force his kids to marry, so he wouldn’t want this important planning to go to waste by taking it to his grave, now, would he? was rhaegar reading all the time bc his favorite genre was old prophecy scrolls or was he always doing homework to become the hero he knew he already was? does it really matter when either way he never really had much choice in his role in life? one day he finally goes to train with the master-at-arms only bc he realized from his reading that he “must” be a warrior. he became as great at that as he was at anything else, according to ser barry, but he never enjoyed knighthood. 
to me that’s all a far cry from jon, who grew up idolizing daeron the young dragon and dreaming of glory and conquest. jon, who spent most of his waking hours training in the yard even when injured at the end of asos, just bc he didn’t know what else to do and it helped him blow off steam. jon, who had a nostalgic “hunger” in him when hearing the sound of swords in the yard as lc. the same guy who as of acok still couldn’t get why sam would consider old books and crumbling scolls to be treasure. jon, who has nothing but doubts once he does rise to power and herodom as lord commander and can’t conquer them. and most importantly, jon, the hero who chanced into his role as shield guarding the realms of men only bc ned won the fight at the toj after rhaegar died and took him to be raised in the north. if/when jon does return to life and take his place as a heroic head of the dragon, that role can only be his own choice, not one he was raised for his entire life, just as his membership in the night’s watch was ultimately his own choice based on his northern childhood. (jon’s conception may have also been prophecy-related, but beyond that, his path and rhaegar’s sharply diverged.)
know who was shaped for a royal destiny “since before he could walk”, though? that’s right, aegon in essos aka young griff. his destiny was already chosen for him by the schemes of illyrio/varys just as rhaegar’s was by grampy jae ii and other dragon prophecy nerds before him. he studied his scrolls and trained with the royal master-at-arms just as aegon studied in the routines of his entourages and was trained by knights of the golden company.
and, at some point, we know rhaegar realized he wasn’t the ptwp and decided it was his first son, aegon, instead. mostly bc a comet was seen the night of aegon’s conception. i remember seeing a post years ago saying rhaegar must have spotted the comet that night, run naked straight to elia, and declared they had to get babymaking asap bc the comet was a sign too significant to be ignored. a joke post, prob, but i feel like there’s prob a lot of truth to the idea of rhaegar desparetely forcing the signs to add up, concieving a child on that night after he’d already seen the comet rather than just happening to have sex with elia on the same night there just happened to be a comet sighting. i believe this bc why would it all just be lucky coincidence if aegon vi was not the ptwp? lbr now, whether he indeed got his head smashed in by the mountain or was switched out and sent to essos, rhaegar’s elder son was/is not the promised hero. (just like rhaegar himself could not be the pwtp, after all.) a previously-thought-dead-for-16-years newbie with shaky parentage credentials introduced this late in the game is not going to steal both jon’s and dany’s thunder like that, c’mon. so a comet appearing just for his conception feels about as likely as red rahloo actually killing 3 kings just for the sake of frickin’ stannis. it’s even possible that rhaegar later decided aegon might not be the ptwp either and put more stock in dragon head #3 bc of the whole ice and fire union aspect with lyanna. we just don’t have enough info about that part of the story to know for sure. but there’s no suggestion he was unhappy with elia beforehand or that either of them thought she could not bear more children until the maesters actually said so after aegon’s birth. and even if he was “right” about lyanna’s child being the most important one (ew), he was still counting on both aegon and rhaenys to be the other two heads of the dragon, and presumably planned to raise all 3 of them for their destiny together in kl as he had been. in which case his plans utterly failed, because that is just not at all what happened with any of those kids.
in that sense, death is what jon and his bio dad most have in common as they both walked fairly boldly and blindly into their doom. but the circumstances are still a bit different as jon was murdered in a mutiny rather than killed in battle, not to mention his likely resurrection as an actual hero of prophecy. despite being around 10 years older than either jon or aegon is presently, i’d say rhaegar was even more naively overconfident in his plans than jon was in his final moments. to go that quickly and without any known hesitation through each change of plans from simply being ptwp himself to becoming a warrior as well as a weirdo nerd to fathering 3 heads of the dragon to truly fulfill prophecy to organizing a political coup at harrenhal to honoring lyanna instead to eloping with her after aegon’s birth to make her wife #2 and mother of dragon head #3 to riding off to one definitve battle against cousin robert after hiding in his lovenest with lyanna for months, idk, that does not read to me as someone suffering the same questions and doubts jon did in the nw. rhaegar told jaime “when this battle’s done” not “if i return in victory” in their farewell. he had no back-up plans in case of his defeat, leaving elia with aerys and lyanna in the toj, no plans for how to protect either wife or any of his all-important prophesied progeny in the event of his loss, just as he had no immediate plans to deal with aerys yet. (compare that to idealistic young king robb stark, thought to be recklessly honorable and accused of thinking himself invincible in his youth, yet he still managed to make plans for his succession should he die childless in battle, and planned to put his wife and mother in strongholds held by trustworthy (sane) allies who could defend their positions for some time in his absence.) all that only makes sense to me if he always thought he’d still have time for all that later, never truly envisioning the possibility of house targ being overthrown so soon when all his hero kids were still babies. 
after all, whether he was the ptwp himself or only meant to raise the 3 promised dragon heads as heroes, surely their destiny was already written years before and he couldn’t go out in such a mundane way, right? i’d say aegon/yg shows the same kind of overconfidence in going along with all the gc’s changes in planning, from whatever varys/illyrio originally wanted with viserys iii alive to finding dany and marrying her after the birth of her dragons to leaving for an invasion of westeros first to conquer the stormlands himself before wedding dany as equals. he never imagined she could refuse him until tyrion told him so, and imo is still not grasping that his female relation could prove more important than him in westeros with her 3 dragons. rhaegar may have known he was doomed since his tragic birth among so much death and later knew he wasn’t the pwtp, but he likely still expected a higher doom, one as dramatic and magical as his birth at summerhall. he couldn’t imagine his chest being caved in by lyanna’s dumbass ex, his boorish cousin robert, just as aegon/yg can’t know what doom could be in store for him in westeros either. 
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
Ch18 Spoilers: What the Hell Happened with Aemond
Hehe okay I don't have the patience to wait until the explanation fits into the narrative, because it won't come up for a while. Daeron's gonna have to do a lot of digging back at the Citadel before anyone in-universe finds this out; until then, they're all going to treat it a bit like a miracle since they won't know any better. But y'all know me, and y'all know that if I do anything I make sure it's canon compliant in like ten different ways haha. I've put a ton of thought into this and didn't write this plot point just for funsies!
Also, if anyone wants to wait to find out, by all means do! But the reveal won't be treated as a huge plot twist, so you'll still be able to enjoy Stormbreak with all of the expected amounts of suspense if you want to read further! So if you want to know how Aemond pulled off what he did, or exactly what he pulled off, read on!
Before you read this post, read this one here because otherwise parts of this will seem like they come out of nowhere.
Basically, if a rider comes across a dragon who is directly related to their claimed dragon (parent/child/sibling), there's a possibility that they can claim that second dragon. I got this idea from all of the emphasis of the phrase "blood of the dragon," because it was interesting to me that the only bloodlines that seemed to matter were the Targaryen ones. But what if the ability to form this bond was inherited on the dragon side as well? Remember that every single dragon in Westeros is a descendant of the first dragons who came over from Valyria with the Targaryens, all of whom had this type of bond.
But a rider can ONLY form a simultaneous bond with another dragon if that second dragon is currently unclaimed. Remember that in my lore, nothing can replace or break an existing bond. And I maintain that! So RIP Joffrey, and please don't try to get on Syrax, she already has a rider and she won't accept another; no dragon with a rider ever will. This is also why Rhaenyra didn't bond with any of her sons' dragons, even though I think most of them probably hatched from Syrax's eggs: They were all placed inside her children's cradles, and basically bonded the second they hatched.
Since it's canonically really difficult to get an egg to hatch, even if you're a Targaryen, I also think that an egg is unlikely hatch for a rider who already has a dragon; if they want a second one, they'll have to claim an adult, "widowed" dragon rather than hoping that one will hatch for them. For example, if Rhaenyra wanted to claim a second dragon, she'd need to wait for one of Syrax's eggs to (1) hatch on its own and grow a little, or (2) get and lose a rider before trying to claim it.
How does this fit into canon? Well, if you check all of ASoIaF canon (I don't recommend it, since it takes forever, but I did), there is no instance of a Targaryen coming across an unbonded dragon related to their current dragon, aside from possibly Daenerys, who does succeed in forming a relationship with her three dragons. I've described here that I think Daenerys's bond with her dragons is meant to be a bit unique, but I acknowledge that the vast majority of the fandom considers her to be a rider of three dragons, not just one. And Daenerys's dragons are all siblings, and all of them were unclaimed when she came upon them! You can believe this without contradicting the idea that she was only able to hatch them because of a blood sacrifice. So it works for the same reasons that Aemond claiming Vermithor works, while preserving Daenerys's narrative importance as being different from all who came before her! She's still the first Targaryen to ever hatch and claim multiple dragons at once, and she's still the first Targaryen to have three dragons at her beck and call.
This adds more nuance and emphasis to the focus in Valyria on twins, siblings, and family. If bloodline matters on both sides of the dragon-rider bond, it's a great thing for dragons to be related to each other, since it increases the likelihood of a rider being able to claim multiple dragons. It's also going to help me play a ton more into the narratives that I've been setting up of the rule of three ("the dragon has three heads, and all that").
Finally, this lets me pay homage to how Aemond actually claimed Vhagar in the books. I understand why they did it differently in the show, and actually have no complaints about the scene where he claims Vhagar; I think it's one of the best scenes of season 1. But in the books, Aemond scrambles up Vhagar's side and into her saddle so quickly he doesn't even have time to worry about possibly dying:
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And I love that this moment allows me to parallel what happened in the books, and stay very true to his actual character and personality. For all that bloodline is important, I also didn't want to ignore that the personality of rider and dragon do have to be compatible. I think Vermithor was probably pretty impressed at Aemond's sheer audacity, just like his mother once was. Plus, we know that in the Dance they specifically only let men try to claim him because it was suspected that he'd only tolerate male riders because of Jaehaerys.
Anyways, as always I've put way too much thought into this haha. But this is part of why I've been emphasizing the phrases "blood of the dragon" and "the dragon has three heads" and why I've written the dragon bond in general as almost a familial bond.
TLDR: Any dragonrider, not just Aemond, would be able to claim a second dragon, ONLY IF that dragon is a direct relation of their first dragon, and ONLY IF that dragon does not have a bond already in place. There are just so few dragons that this opportunity has never presented itself before in Westeros, but I think it was probably common back in Valyria, hence the focus on the "blood of the dragon" and the symbol of three in Targaryen culture. This also helps to explain why Daenerys was able to bond with her three dragons, if you subscribe to the belief that she's got an equivalent type of dragon-rider bond.
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hellstenglow · 2 years
I am in a vicious Helaemond brainrot and I have to write down my silly thoughts. Bear me.
Now, I was thinking about Maelor and Alys. In the book Maelor is the second son of Aegon and Alys is a supposed lover of Aemond. Why am I thinking about them? Because I have some speculations (wishful thinking? Who cares, sue me then).
We know (as asoiaf readers) how sometimes the tv show eliminated certain characters from the narrative and gave their storylines to other existent characters. Like some parts of Jayne Poole's storyline was given to show-Sansa or how they skipped Val of the freefolks, focusing on Ygritte as Jon's love interest or the creation of a new character as Robb Stark's wife who was different from the one in the books. So I was thinking (like others here have catched up) what if they do the same with Helaena and Alys?
In the book Alys is a 40 years old witch of uncertain origin (maybe a bastard of Lyonel Strong) who became bedmate of Aemond after he conquered Harrenhall from Daemon. People have speculated on the possibility of Alys not being present in the show, because they already gave her prophetic powers to Helaena. In the book it was never mentioned that Helaena had any form of magic powers and because it's an historical account from an author who is writing everything based on others witnesses, it is plausible that the detail of Helaena's power was lost or never discovered.
However, it is a pretty big change. Not because Helaena's prophetic lines are heard by the people in the show (those people ignore them and just think she is weird), but because it was made evident she had these powers for the sake of the viewers. We are the target of this shown detail, we are the ones who have to catch up on her prophetic powers and not the characters in the show.
There was a specific decision in the writing room to give these powers to Helaena and if there is something the show does it's to try to keep the magic at minimum and clean most of the contorted storylines Martin usually comes up with.
There isn't a single reason to give Helaena magic powers if there is in plan another future seer in the show, they do not like make things double. They do not look pretty in a show, it takes away the element of surprise. Also, I argue it is better that a Targaryen has prophetic dreams than some random character. It makes the story of this dinasty even more poignant.
"Dreams didn't make us kings, dragons did" said Daemon. Well, ACTUALLY, dreams did made your dinasty, you fool. They saved your dinasty from the Doom of Valyria and (as the show told us) convinced Aegon the Conqueror that his desire to conquer the Seven Kingdoms was his family's destiny (duty).
Now, what does Maelor have to do with anything above? The fact is that I kept thinking about the decision making in the writing room, following this course of thoughts I thought: what if Helaena becomes pregnant of Maelor in next season?
I know, this is just a speculation and without bases beside my fantasy, but I have some logic on this. In the official website HBO updated the Targaryen's family tree (more of a wreath actually lol) and added Daeron (Viserys and Alicent's third and last son), but Maelor is still not present. He is not "born" yet in the show-universe, meanwhile Daeron is indeed alive and well in Oldtown.
Maelor has to play a pitiful part in the overall tragedy of the Dance of the Dragons and his presence is rather important in the context of the Blood&Cheese scene. The choice Helaena is forced to take in that scene is heartbreaking and impactful on her journey to madness, so I wondered why Maelor was not already introduced in the show.
Of course the scene will be heartbreaking with or without the presence of Maelor, but somehow it will take away some good shock value and HBO love giving shocks to the public. They could just eliminate Maelor and nobody will complain, but I came up with the idea that he will still be present, only later and still play some tragic destiny as victim of the war.
This is where my two streams of thought merged together. I imagined that the show could give parts of Alys' storyline to Helaena, it's within HBO writers' modus operandi as I explained before and they did already (her magic power). I also imagined that the show could still introduce Maelor, by making Helaena pregnant in season 2. The show can still make Maelor's presence impactful in Helaena's storyline, even if it is not in the context of Blood&Cheese. Maelor's demise can still hurt us emotionally. They just need to write it.
Now, do you know who is allegedly pregnant in the
book? Alys. And allegedly it is Aemond's child.
Now you know where I am pointing, right?
What if the writers give all those Alys' storyline parts/elements to Helaena? It is not far fatched and they subtly already hinted at Aemond's interest on her. So I can see them make a strategical choice from a narrative point of view and clean the already messy storyline of the Dance of the Dragons, by giving Aemond and Helaena a shared path as lovers. It just makes sense and it makes their journey even more tragic.
Anyway, I am not sure this discourse is clear enough. I am just vomiting my Helaemond thoughts, I know. Thank you for coming at my Ted Talk.
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Q for HIPS! Could you give us thoughts on a what would have happened if the greens/baratheons hadn’t been succession in burying the fact that Aemond went into rut madness before chasing after Lucerys? Like if there was just one knight who was loyal to Daemon or an old maid who once cared for Rhaenys who reported what happened immediately to Rhaenyra? I feel like it would be total chaos. Especially since the Hightowers are so closely related to the Faith that a lot of minor lords would abandon them, not to even mention the small folk or Daeron. Would it speed up of the violence of the war or would it ensure that it never happened if what Aemond did and the loss of the greens’ moral high ground pushed Aegon into giving up kings landing to protect himself? It’s one thing to have Aemond kill Lucerys on dragonback in a storm, it is a whole other thing to imagine him going into rut and hurting Lucerys so badly through an assault that he would die.
I like the idea of an old woman whose served house Baratheon her entire life and even took care of Rhaenys as a child hearing about what happened in court and immediately seeking out answers. This entire situation is a straight up death sentence for Borros as he’s doing everything he can to make sure no one speaks of what happened to a single soul, so anyone who wanted to inform the blacks would have to be careful as hell.
It would take some time but soon enough the woman gets a message sent to Dragonstone explaining everything she knows from Luke falling to the floor as he presented to Aemond going into rut and chasing him out before Borros swore everyone to secrecy and pledged his allegiance to Aegon. Rhaenys doesn’t want to believe the message, but this woman practically helped raise her and knows she’d never lie about such things.
From there on out the blacks declare war. Even though they don’t truly know what’s happened the chances of Luke making it away from a prime alpha in rut madness whilst in heat basically makes it a guarantee that something horrible has happened. In such a situation the best possible scenario is that Aemond left Luke alive after an assault while the worst is that he’s been murdered brutally as prime alphas in rut madness will continue to assault their victims even after their death. Every knight loyal to Rhaenyra including those who serve their allies houses (who were informed of the situation through raven) are sent to search every inch of land surrounding Stroms end for Luke and Arrax over the next days. Corlys wants Aemond’s head more than anything, but Daemon has to remind him that sending their men after him will end in a blood bath if he’s still in that state while Vhagar is at his side.
Once Luke is found along with sure signs that Aemond was the one who assaulted him such as his scent, their fears are confirmed and messages are sent out to every single house both minor and great.
The minor houses are disgusted without question since the faith is such an important part of their lives. They live and breathe by it. For the greens to hide something that’s basically akin to spitting in the face of the mother and holy omega is blasphemy, sin in its purest form. They loudly give their support for the blacks and the smallfolk follow in turn with riots calling for justice.
War has been declared and the greens are now left with only the Baratheon’s on their side. Aegon is their only capable dragon rider since Aemond and Hel are out of commission and Daeron has gone to bend the knee to Rhaenyra much to Alicent’s distress. Even her own house has turned their backs on them, calling for them to surrender in a last ditch attempt to save their lives. Something Otto’s stubborn ass refuses to do because he knows Rhaenyra nor Daemon and Corlys would allow him to live in exile after what Aemond’s done.
All in all, there isn’t much actual violence or fighting outside of what’s already happened to Luke as well as the small folks rioting at the keeps gates because the war is won before it could begin in more than name. The greens have no support and only one dragon rider who’s never even wanted to be king in the first place.
By the time Luke comes to consciousness Borros has been executed, Aegon surrendered much to his mother’s distress, and Aemond is being held in the black cells along with Otto, Aegon and Alicent, which is the best case scenario since there’s hardly been any casualties.
I can imagine that the family wants Luke to decide how to punish Aemond since he’s the one who’s been wronged the most. Holding him in the cells with heavy security until Luke has the strength to make a decision.
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anya-snow · 1 year
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OOC Note: Below you'll find a list of connections I'd love to have for my characters. These connections can be filled by existing characters within the rp, or new ones! Please don't hesitate to reach out if anything interests you. Nothing here is set in stone, all is open for discussion and fun plotting.
For YUAN ANYA ( Read more about her )
YUAN FAMILY: One or two relatives from the YiTish region of Wan. If they're cousins, Anya only has male cousins back in Wan. The WC could be other members of the extended family. Any FC filling this connection must have Chinese heritage.
Helpful links: Yi Ti lore | WC for YiTish people in the North
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For CALLA LEFFORD ( Read more about her )
FIRST LOVE/CONFIDANT: Age 31 - 36. Suggested FCs are Chris Evans, Oscar Isaac, Diego Luna, Charlie Cox, Jon Bernthal. You're encouraged to contact me. This character would most likely be from the Westerlands or Westerlands-allied regions. This character's story is entirely utp, I don't have any pre-established headcanons, just that they were each other's first love but ultimately things didn't work out (Maybe his mother didn't approve of Calla's capricious nature? Perhaps Calla's mom, Lanna, didn't approve of him. We can brainstorm). What's important is that they're still close to this day (There could've been some distance during the Dance, but they've found their way back). They're refreshingly honest with each other and have a way of understanding the other, which is something Calla doesn't have with anyone else. He wouldn't have neglected her/shamed her after the disastrous end of her marriage to Garland Hightower.
CHILDHOOD FRIEND: Age 28 - 33. I would love for Calla to have a close friend that she’s known all her life. Could be a friendship that has endured through to their adulthood, or had suffered because of time and distance. Since Calla was little, she was outspoken, capricious, and stubborn af; so this girl could be someone that marches at the same speed or someone with a calmer nature who helps to ground Calla a bit. Anyway, I’d just love a friendly bond, female friendships, and sorority between women is lovely and I want more of it, please. Taken connection → Alayne Farman
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For DEIMOS VELARYON ( Read more about him )
YOUNGER BROTHER: Age 27 - 28. Captain of a ship within the Velaryon fleet. The Velaryons siblings can butt heads because they all have strong personalities, but ultimately I think they're there for each other when it counts. Deimos can be stern and callous, but everything he does is for the good of the family and what he believes is in his siblings' best interests. I would love to keep exploring more sibling dynamics with this new brother! Suggested FCs are Freddy Carter, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bradley James, Paddy Gibson, Aneurin Barnard.
Helpful links: Velaryon family
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For DAERON DONDARRION ( Read more about him )
CLOSE FRIEND: Age 31 - 35. A Stormlander, just like Daeron. These two would have been friends for years now, maybe not keeping in touch at all times, but always easing back into a sort of "found family" vibe. I'm open to any and all ideas, to explore what brings them together as friends and what makes them clash. I just want him to have a bro since his literal bros are dead and gone. Taken connection → Magnus Wylde
YOUNGER SISTER: Age 26 - 31. Suggested FCs are Blanca Suárez, Astrid Bergès-Frisbey, Ana de Armas, Isis Valverde, Alba Galocha, or any Spanish FC/FC with Hispanic heritage. Sibling dynamics are my weakness, so it would be amazing to have this lady in the game. She's the youngest Dondarrion and is a lady-in-waiting to Queen Caerella. Daeron is protective of her since she's the only sibling he has left, which can lead to some ride-or-die vibes or perhaps even her feeling smothered by his big bro protectiveness. There's a lot to unpack in terms of the family and what they've been through with the deaths of the oldest brothers and their mom. It would be interesting to explore what her stance was/is about that. Also, as a woman of Blackhaven (heavily inspired by Basque heritage and as well as the calé people), a woman has a very important role within the family structure. There are beliefs about their virtue and whatnot, sure, but they're very equal in standing to men, especially as wives (once they marry), so she wasn't raised to become anyone's shadow.
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simplynotcapable · 1 year
So how would Baelon and Visenya do if they got incarnated into entirely alien universes? Idk what you’re into, throw a random combo at us. Marvel? Supernatural? NBC’s Hannibal? Teen Wolf? Smallville?
We are just going to grant them the grace of making them not related in this because I’m in a good mood and they’ve been through enough.
And I have seen all of these shows except Smallville and Hannibal, but I’m just going to do Marvel because I think it’d end up being the longest version. If someone wants to hear the others too, I’m more than willing lol
I actually think this one would be so fun if we make Valyria a real place that doesn’t exist anymore, and people with Valyrian ancestry have all but forgotten anything about their heritage because the Doom happened so long ago.
But Baelon’s family (son of Viserys, Alicent is his stepmom, Targtowers are his younger siblings that he loves but also wants to drown) haven’t. They know their shit, they know what Dragonstone is, and they’ve spent every generation desperately trying to bring back dragons because they’re kind of like a cult!
Visenya, meanwhile, is just a plucky little Valyrian history nerd who is like majoring in Valyrian history and has taught herself to speak Valyrian and is the eldest of four (Rhaenyra and Harwin because I SAID SO) and constantly is like “THEY RODE DRAGONS” and Jace and Luke are like “we love you. we love you. get a life”
And then one day Aemond comes sock-skating into Baelon’s room brandishing a fucking scroll he pulled out of the wall or something, basically going “I FIGURED IT OUT” and their entire family is like “oh shit we figured it out” and then Aegon points out that one passage and is like “it says if you fail you die i nominate Aemond”
And Viserys is bedridden so Daemon is in charge because all the kids are still young (Baelon’s 26! He’s offended! But he also doesn’t want to do it so whatever) and Daemon decides they’ll just experiment on someone else with Valyrian ancestry from outside the family so if it works they can kill them (because it is only a Their Family Thing, they’ve decided) and if it doesn’t no one important dies.
And what they come upon is Visenya, who is a Targaryen like them (similar to how so many people are named White but unrelated) and a huge Valyrian nerd and has the heritage and they go “yes. that one.” and, just their luck, she’s put in a request to use their archives to write her thesis. And they always always reject these requests, but they accept hers, and she’s too busy being excited to care why.
And Baelon goes to pick her up from the airport because Daemon doesn’t trust the chauffeurs, and it’s just. There’s a very pretty girl who looks at his Avengers t-shirt and is like “Bruce Banner was a guest lecturer on my campus once” and she smiles, and he is very upset she is going to die because he thinks he kind of wants to take her to Italy or something! It’s a confusing car ride!
And it…takes awhile, to get everything ready. The spell Aemond found had provisions and special criteria that have to be met, and there’s gotta be a certain amount of blood in the air, and it takes a hot minute to get everything ready.
And he and Visenya are just. Hanging out a lot in that time period. Which is a bad idea! She’s got a time limit! But she’s just funny, and she’s nice to his little sister, and she keeps telling him fucked up facts that shouldn’t be interesting but are, and they bond over the lingering trauma of Daeron/Joffrey getting snapped, and he keeps catching himself just daydreaming about holding her hand. And they fall in love because they’re Baelon and Visenya and they always fall in love!
Baelon: what if she IS family
Aemond: what
Baelon: i could make her family
Aegon: what
Baelon: i’m suggesting I marry the pretty girl so we don’t have to kill her
Daeron: you’ve known her like four months
Baelon: don’t slut shame me
(Visenya, texting her friends: what if i marry rich and never have to worry about the lack of practicality in my degree again
Monty, gay and dumb: great idea
Brigit, gay and not dumb: no it is not that man is a STRANGER)
and then they kiss for the first time and he pulls away and he goes: I have to tell you something.
And he tells her the plan, which is supposed to happen in about a few days from then, about how they think they can bring the dragons back but it’s really dangerous and she’s the
And she goes I GET A DRAGON?? and he’s like “well actually if you succeed my uncle still wants to kill you, and I was super against that btw” and she goes “because killing people or because killing me” and he laughs uncomfortably and says “maybe you should just get on a plane”
But no! She wants a dragon! That is an option and she is taking it, are you kidding, and so she makes him read her all the provisions and show her the one they’re still working on, and she’s like “the ancestral dragonglass knife is probably a suggestion, i have a pocketknife let’s wing it” and he’s like “oh dear God” but she’s already leaving and what’s he gonna do? Not follow? Please.
(Baelon: you could die
Visenya: i could have a dragon
Baelon: or die
Visenya: worth it don’t be a pussy
Baelon: do you want to have a honeymoon in Paris
Visenya: we aren’t engaged please focus )
and so they do the thing. but at the last minute Baelon is like “okay fuck this i OWN this volcano i want a dragon too” and she’s like “well your dad does, nepo baby, but if you say so” and it works.
kind of.
see, myths change. folklore gets warped. everything says the Valyrians rode dragons, but that just…isn’t exactly right.
turns out, if you fail you die because turning into a twelve ton fire-breathing lizard with wings is super hard on the immune system.
they are both very disoriented.
(Visenya: and you wanted me to take a plane
Baelon: oh yeah baby my bad i wasn’t aware we could GROW WINGS)
and naturally Daemon finds out immediately , because it’s a Marvel movie and ofc he does, and trying to escape the volcano and then the island when they don’t know how flying works and are trying to keep Visenya from getting killed is super complicated, actually, and there’s a whole thing where Baelon almost accidentally sets Aemond on fire (he lives dont worry but that is how he loses his eye), and then it turns out there’s a time limit and they turn back to people which is BAD because now they’re outnumbered without any advantage at all.
But they make it to the docks because Baelon has a boat, because, again, nepotism, and every rich white man in his 20s owns a boat, and it’s Daemon chasing them, and Baelon has a split second of “yk maybe betraying my entire family for a girl i met six months ago is a little far” but then Daemon shoots a gun and it hits her in the shoulder and he decides it is perfectly far, actually, and then there’s a fight and he thinks Daemon’s dead and kind of just kicks him into the water.
And then they boat away into the distance in silence, and naturally learning to be dragons sometimes is not something easily hidden, so they spend a lot of time on the news even though no one knows who it is turning into dragons. also running from people that his family sends after him, and occasionally killing them because when part of you kind of wants to eat everyone you see, you get less squeamish about it. They do eventually get married. Brigit still thinks it is very dumb.
And the next time aliens invade or something , Baelon opens the door and sees goddamn Sam Wilson, and he’s like “OH MY GOD????”
And then they roast some aliens. Baelon gets to meet Rocket, and he is so excited he is almost crying, and Visenya is much too busy interrogating Thor to care. They’re not e x a c t l y avengers because they’re too blase about people dying, but they are frequently utilized by them which is basically the same thing.
Naturally the rest of Baelon’s family does the stupid ritual and it kills his already sick dad but it turns out Daemon’s alive and that’s the plot of the second movie. They are accompanied by Spiderman in that one because I have the power to do that, and also at some point the multiverse breaks again and they meet themselves as incestuous twins and it is very disorienting for them.
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ladymorghul · 1 year
did you see it? Targaryen Family Tree | House of the Dragon | HBO.com
I'm trying to figure out what it's about, but I'm kind of aware... I'm afraid the screenwriters will make it so that Helaena will have to choose between twins and end up choosing Jaehaerys because "he's a boy, he's more important!!11!!", showing once again that the greens always make the wrong choices and push this one again the idea that "women will always be inferior to men"
hmm... it could just be that they didn't add him yet, but they could also cut him. personally i hope he will be there in s2 as i do want to see the storyline that ties him to daeron
however i don't think helaena's situation should be judged when the time comes, whether maelor is present or not. she's in a terrible, shocking situation.
in the book she offers herself to be killed in her children's stead. she obviously doesn't want any of her children to die and she only really chooses maelor once b&c threaten to SA her daughter if she won't choose quickly afaik. and it's implied in the book scene that she needs to choose a son as this is "a son for a son".
if maelor is cut and they play some game with her and make her choose between jaehaera and jaehaerys and she chooses jaehaera for some reason (which we don't know that she will ), i personally will not blame her at all. she'd be in a horrible situation and she'd be in shock / traumatized. and while she is conditioned by tradition to maybe favor the heir more, which would be jaehaerys in this case, i can't see that being a conscious thing in a life or death situation when helaena is described in the book as being a good mother and as far as we know, she loves all of her children the same.
besides, it would be kind of on the nose to make the b&c incident which is about daemon's "a son for a son" revenge all about "oh no look at the evil greens who conditioned helaena to choose her daughter to die but as fate has it her son will die instead". like... that's cringe
but if they do cut maelor, they might not even make her choose at all. i mean we don't know that the b&c scene will be identical to the book so maybe they don't make her choose and just go for jaehaerys. maybe threaten to take her daughter too if she tries anything.
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dulcewrites · 2 years
Considering Aemond is characterized as dutiful, perhaps religious, in the show, contrary to how he's portrayed in the books, how do you think the show runners will approach his relationship with Alys? Like, in the books he's more envious of the privileges Rhaenyra's kids have despite being unlegitimate, whereas in the show we can add to that the Faith's idea that bastards are evil, treacherous, whatever. So there's that. (And she even is RELATED to Lucerys, the kid he killed by accident. Something I liked but even if it was justified in his mind for his eye it was sorta underhanded, and his first kill, so I suppose it will affect him in some major way) (also not implying Alys cares about any Strong or alleged Strong at all, but I doubt this wouldn't cross his mind) Anyway, how will that even go? He's betrothed, he's dutiful (in a certain fucked up way), he's losing the Riverlands, he shouldn't fuck things up with the Baratheons, it'd offend then (in the books they were irrelevant in the long game lmao because Borros was such a shitty coward). She's a witch, a true bastard, doing base work. A romance sparkling? A babe? The level of respect he seems to show her, by the end? That seems too far fetched. They'd have to make Aemond spirall, or develop Alys really well (and even then it might be inconsistent) especially considering the screentime. They're will be many more important characters (Black allies) appearing in season 2, and Aegon, Jace, Baela, Mysaria will have more focus now. I just don't see how it could happen without it kinda sucking and either going oh he's forsaking it all or oh she's bewitched him. Because, again, screentime.
I will say, I feel like I might have said this before in the tags of something, but while I do think Aemond does take on the responsibility of following his mother’s orders. I don’t think his dutifulness is necessary natural if that makes sense. We see spurts of Aemond doing things he probably shouldn’t: going into the dragon pit in ep 6, going to claim Vhagar (which of course worked out by he always could’ve like… eaten or something lol), and the three strong boys speech right after seeing vaemond being beheaded for saying the obvious.
Also I think it is not hard for Aemond to look like the “good” child when he is mirrored against Aegon, the “bad” child. And Helaena, through no fault on her own or even Alicent’s most of the time, has a strained relationship with her mom. Then of course we don’t know how daeron is with them. We can assume by stuff in the book that he is well loved by everyone and his family. But he is not around at the moment. So yeah Aemond may have a special relationship with his mom but like… special to a fault.
I personally think based on how they set up the bastard situation for Aemond in s1, on top of some things ewan has said about characterization, I could see it being an actual love story. Not a love story without some strife ofc, but love nonetheless. To me much of Aemond (show Aemond’s) ire for Rhaenyra’s kids comes from how everything has spiraled for him mom, and of course his eye. Now I don’t think he is pro bastards (as a whole) by any means but considering the bastards he knows up until alys, I get why. To me they have painted it so far as less of a “these bastards have my or my brother’s birthright.” And more “these bastard (and their mom) put me and family through shit”. If anything we saw more of that energy towards his relationship with Aegon than the strongs. I think them having Aegon play a part in the bullying about the dragon was central to that.
Just bc he shouldn’t fuck things up… doesn’t mean he won’t. I think Alicent and Aemond are good parallels to each other. They are people who can take a lot on the chin, till they can’t. By the time alys and Aemond meet each other, this is what has happened in Aemond’s life
- he killed a kid (by accident in this context)
- that in a roundabout (daemon is a pos) way leads to his Nephew being killed and his sister going into a deep depression
-who knows how his relationship with will be with family
- his brother/brother’s dragon gets injured, he is asked to step in his place
Now I think all of these things mean he is not gonna be in the most… normal headspace. I think some paranoia about daemon is gonna seep in. Hence why I see them continuing with his attack on harrenhal. Ewan made some really interesting comments about unconditional love, and feeling out of place in his family at times. Idk just the overall tone gives off “but he WILL meet someone who gets that” vibes. It will change him. The same way getting Vhagar changed him.
This is so long winded I’m sorry. But as for how will they go about it. I personally like the idea of Aemond, insert quote ewan said about Aemond seeing enough, first being interested alys/sparing her bc he wants to know how he will die. Alys, thinking she is scaring him, tells him about battle above god’s eye. It all goes from there.
I don’t think much is far fetched with this show. They have shown they can give adequate time to things so we will just have to wait and see. Also I think just based on s1 it is safe to say the writers are intrigued by Aemond as a character. He will get his, and in turn so will alys 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
To be honest, I'm afraid they won't include Daeron in 2s. I mean, despite the fact that Martin confirmed it, I think the writers will still decide on their own. Because no one from the actors talks about him, no one mentions him. It would be so weird to have another blond guy show up in 2s without any explanation xd. The show set such a tone for Alicent's dysfunctional family by sacrificing book!Helaena that Daeron would look quite strange next to them. Because everyone says "Daeron will be the most normal among them." And it's kinda weird (lol)
Clear the Chickens off the runway, I'll be the bad guy.
The reason that no one mentions him from the cast is because, none of the actors most likely read the source material. They all watched "Game of Thrones" - except for D'arcy who didn't seem to do shit of anything but show up. And, to be fair, when they were cast, the edition of "Fire & Blood" that was on the shelves at the time is drastically different than the one that is out now.
I'll be blunt. The culture of Season 1 production was straight fucked and it, most likely, will fuck the show in the long run. The attitude of the production and the casting process was a giant "Fuck you" to not just the source material, but the fans as well.
Spotchnik has famously - Legendarily - hated the viewing audience and George RR Martin. Why HBO asked him to head this venture is the type of Hollywood foolishness I've come to expect. Spotchnik and some activist producers took over the show and decided that they wanted to tell their own story, not GRRM's ... and it was gonna be about the patriarchy and women's struggles rather than what "The Dance of the Dragons" was really about ... which was the corruption of Power in the hands of any gender.
Olivia Cooke and Emma D'arcy are hold outs and relics of this agenda minded Spotchnik and Hess led narrative. They were chosen, because, the political message that hijacked the project was one that appealed to them and they fit with. So, no, they didn't read any of the books - Cooke binge watched "Game of Thrones" and D'arcy proudly proclaimed not to give a shit about anything. Most likely because they were told they didn't need to, because, fuck the source material ... we're telling our feminist political story.
And the contempt for the fans and GRRM's source material was extremely evident in their press tour interviews.
Now, with Spotchnik giving his walking papers along with his dumb ideas, and GRRM back in the writers room having to emergency rewrite Season 2 and vowing publicly to keep a closer eye on the production from now on. As well as a 50 BILLION dollar in debt Warner Brothers breathing down their neck, I can almost guarantee you that Season 2 is most likely gonna be a completely different animal from Season 1.
Alan Taylor - who is taking over Production - is a extremely experienced "Keep the trains running on time" kinda show runner from the old day of early "Game of Thrones" who is about efficiency and foundation building. I don't see him having any agenda but to make sure everything runs smoothly and as it should.
As a writer myself I feel that Daeron is a perfect fit, because, he's so different from his siblings. I feel that him coming back from the Stepstone Wars via Oldtown is perfect to show a contrast to what perhaps the Greens were like before he left and what they became after he was gone. Daeron is also a perfect foil against Larys Strong who is trying to turn Alicent to the Dark Side and having that contrast with Daeron whose simple every day morality and honor could pull Alicent out of this manic tailspin and bring her prospective.
Condal said that he expects a lot of people to root for Team Green in Season 2 from the stuff that GRRM, Alan Taylor, and he had been working on. And once upon a time, Daeron was a creation that GRRM actually was interested in. Despite editing his character down recently, GRRM still maintains his extreme importance ... and highlighted him in the Blu-Ray features of the Later Seasons of "Game of Thrones".
I think we'll get Daeron in Season 2 ...
But I'm not sure about Alys Rivers, Nettles, or any of the other Dragonseed Riders - I feel they'll be in Season 3.
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