#helaemond brainrot
hellstenglow · 2 years
Headcanon: Aemond could have chosen to wear an emerald in the socket of his lost eye, but instead he chose a sapphire because blue is Helaena's favourite colour. I double the headcanon with the idea that the sapphire is actually a gift from Helaena.
This is based on the random fact that Helaena wore that beautiful blue dress at Aegon's coronation.
I am on a Helaemond brainrot train and the train is on fire.
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cassie4lock · 2 years
My theory about Helaemond
The wildest thing about Aemond x Helaena? Both seems to die at the same day. When I read the Fire & Blood wiki page.. guess what? Aemond died at the battle of Gods Eye  On the twenty-second day of the fifth month of 130 AC. And guess the day of Helaena committed suicide ? ALSO  On the twenty-second day of the fifth month of 130 AC. What if.... after she became mad after the death of Jaehaerys, but still holding on to a hope that Aemond will be back to her after avenging the death of their son?? But after she heard of him dead on the battlefield, she committed suicide afterwards??
And in the books, Aemond and Helaena was only implied. I have feelings the show will also make it as subtle as they can, but for sure these two share something special. Just see the ep8. Aemond keeps looking at her dancing with Jace, even moving his chair so that he can look better. I dont expect the show will make them confessing love for each other, but if he really fathers her children, it will make the Blood and Cheese event more heartbreaking than it is, tbh.. “A son for a son” indeed
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
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other arranged marriage aus that are not pictured, but are also in the image above in spirit:
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jxnsas · 2 years
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yes hello, i’m back on my bs but with a different pairing this time.
helaemond modern au!!
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angrylittletrashpanda · 5 months
Helaemond brainrot
I used to think the show Helaena was a neurodivergent young woman, interested in entomology and good at cross-stitching. Her clairvoyance was a curse rather than blessing.I suspected as a history geek, Aemond could have been aware his sister was a dragon dreamer, which he probably found fascinating. I imagined Helaena’s gentle bearing and calm demeanor could have been the reason why Aemond was so protective about his sister (the scene in which he literally shielded Hel with his own body was so poignant!) I also believed Helaena might have been Aemond’s comfort person (you just think about Hel, caressing her brother’s arm, as if she wanted to soothe him!)
The more of Ewan’s remarks on the character of Helaena Targaryen I come across, the more convinced I am that Helaena is a freakin’ enchantress who wrapped her baby bro around her pretty finger 🤐😝😵‍💫
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lottiesprophecy · 2 years
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how am i supposed to act normal about this?
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the-heartlines · 1 year
really wanting to write that helaemond x rhaegon double date camping au soooo bad. like maybe as a sequel to one love two mouths? where rhaegon are head over heels sick and in love soul mates and they can’t keep their hands off each other and helaena/aemond feel awkward around them. also a little jealous because they see how happy & passionate they are and helaena is WAITING for aemond to make a move, but he’s too shy and a little uncomfortable because he doesn’t know if helaena wants him carnally like he desires her.
but helaena makes it obvious like parading around in skimpy bathing suits, making aemond untie her bathing suit to put sunscreen on her (he griped about how she’ll get skin cancer so she forces him to do it then he gets a boner as punishment lmao)
helaemond share a tent and they hear rhaegon roughly fucking in it (it’s hard for aeg when the sister pussy is so good) and anyways maybe helaena gets extremely wet and horny and rides aemond's face as she gives him a hand job/bj
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jonsaslove · 2 months
A Helaemond coda to the end of 'Regent', for your pleasure.
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Bestie u are pushing so hard the helaemond agenda that the brainrot is unreal😭 if they dont make them a thing in s2 i’ll might never recover from the disappointment
there was no need NONE to just randomly include this for no reason whatsoever
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or this
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or this
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hellstenglow · 2 years
If Aegon the Conqueror can have two wives, Helaena Targaryen can have two husbands. One she marries out of duty, the other out of love, exactly like her ancestor. Funny enough the one married for duty is the older brother, like Visenya was to Aegon I and the other is the younger brother like Rhaenys. You know, it's like poetry, it rhymes. It's a Targaryen thing. 🤷
Now imagine with me Aemond and Helaena having a secret Valyrian wedding ceremony, with only their dragons and the gods as witnesses. Drinking each other blood and saying vows in High Valyrian, promising to be united in this life even if fate itself made it impossible for them to be openly together. Yet, not even destiny can keep them apart because their souls were always meant to be one.
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helaelaemond · 9 months
ship and let ship
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Tagged by @arcielee and encouraged by @sylasthegrim!
Top 10 ships of 2023! I literally have only written for a handful of ships this year - I have had a very one-track mind.
Helaemond - my brainrot started in 2022 (ofc) and has only gotten worse since then. It peaked in June-July, at which point I began to dip my toes into writing reader!fics. - this is my top ship of the decade I fear
Billy Washington x reader (especially @arcielee's little verse, I THINK SHE SHOULD WRITE MORE)
Aegmond / Aegon x Aemond - if I ship one set of siblings, why not another? Heleagon will NEVER be a thing but Aegmond? It's more likely than you think
Ned/Cat - I wrote one chapter for them which counts as making it a top ship this year
Tom Bennett x reader (it was the first reader fic I ever wrote, so he has a special place in my heart! Shoutout to @myfandomprompts' series that has my heart)
Tagging anyone that so wishes to do it!
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
I really wonder what happened with people in the last few years because it's become pretty much unbearable to be in a fandom these days. It's not the HOTD fandom that's rancid, it's most fandoms that are big enough to attract a high number of fans (I got into a different fandom recently and I swear things are just as bad, if not worse sometimes). There are always groups of people who will (morally) police everyone else for having a different interpretation of the source material, for coming up with headcanons different than their own or for shipping the wrong thing and writing the wrong type of fan fiction. And it's not that they're only targeting those who are into what is deemed problematic like fictional incest or toxic relationships, which is bad enough in itself (the targeting of people based on their preference in fiction, I mean), but I see more and more people targeted for coming up with totally inoffensive headcanons, like imagining their favorite character as a parent and being called horrible names over it. To some extent it looks like these people project themselves and their life experiences onto fictional characters so much so that whenever they are confronted with people who have different takes and history, well, they start to spiral out of control. This, and the fact that being online under anonymity gives them a lot of courage and their bully persona finally comes out. Ultimately it's just very bizarre to me that people can't simply accept the fact that others can enjoy fictional things and fictional characters in a different way and act like you're either stupid and delusional if you think differently OR you must have some hidden motives (like the ones who accuse Helaemond shippers of being secret Team Black stans who want to paint the Greens in a bad light).
this is so real, friend, every fandom is getting worse; the problems we are having here are not limited or intrinsic to asoiaf. my guess would be that participating in fandoms has switched over the years from being a super nerdy activity to being more widespread, also in relation to the proliferation of social media. in the before times, you had a few message boards and livejournal, nowadays you have so many platforms where fans can participate and more and more people have gained access to the internet. so, with an increased number of users, it goes to reason that more personality types are interacting with each other.
this is how you get so many people hung up on morality politics that want to consume media in a god-fearing way or people who go berserk when their interpretation is contradicted. the parasocial and projection aspect of media consumption has brainrotted so many people to the point where bullying and generally being nasty have become acceptable responses.
it's getting so rare to have interactions in which you can simply disagree with someone on whatever issue and have it be just be that, a difference in interpretation, no feelings hurt and then back to normal engagement! nowadays, it's like fans want to surround themselves with people who think 100% like them (which is never going to happen) and, when opinions diverge, it becomes a downright schism, instead of just a normal facet of being alive and talking to someone.
so many times i've seen fans adopt this position that if you happen to have formed a different view of an event or a character, it means you're some flavour of stupid or naive or delulu. when, in reality, the text was vague enough to support MULTIPLE interpretations and, if the writers decided to go into direction A instead of B, that's just down to luck. maybe that version simply won out in the writers' room and that's that. it doesn't amount to supporters of A having a deeper, more sophisticated level of media literacy than supporters of B, but that's the line that often gets pushed by those who feel vindicated against the "losers"
a couple more asks under the cut
Anonymous asked: You’re too nice to say it but the “helaemond vs helaegon” “ship war” was very specifically started by a few select people and it was not anyone who actually liked helaemond 😭 it’s so frustrating to see as someone who loves both ships but now you have people claiming it’s impossible or anyone who says they like helaegon and helaemond both are lying? who gets aegond in the divorce? just discourse for discourse sake when the real enemy is this show not letting helaena speak to either of her brothers (forget daeron! she probably doesn’t know he exists). I’m sure that’s enough discourse so I hope you have a great day Miss Lemon! sending you the best
seven blessings to you, anon!!! <3 i honestly wouldn't know bc i don't keep tabs on users to that degree, but anyone saying it's impossible to like both is just inventing their own reality based on arbitrary rules they dreamt up. and, completely agree, the biggest impediment both helaegon and helaemond have is that helaena is so underdeveloped and issues almost no opinions or actions of her own. what does she even think of aemond or aegon that's not simply vibes?
Anonymous asked: Oh I dunno how much you are on places like Twitter or Reddit (i hope not much because you are nice!) but there are large groups of fans who will tell you Ewan and Phia being nice about Helaemond was nothing more than fan service and nobody should care. Or that they don’t like the ship and are patronizing shippers. Nobody likes to have fun anymore 😭
you guys are so nice to me!! thank you sm anon. <3 i do go on reddit and twitter occasionally, but i can't say i scour the platforms in detail, because i don't have that kind of time or patience (also i end up annoyed by many takes, so there's also that)
but, you know, even if ewan and phia were just being nice and they don't really care, then it's because they didn't want to shit on people's harmless fun! and if they want to ship a non-canon ship for their entertainment, then it's not hurting anyone and shouldn't be made to feel shitty for no reason
but, then again, why would they say they deliberately acted with helaemond in mind? so whatever. antis coping.
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ellrond · 1 year
made a separate blog for my helaemond brainrot here gonna be insane in an echo chamber of just myself probably and you know what thats so slay
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bettsfic · 2 years
betts you 1000000% have been the writer of the Brainrot fic. also, there is nothing more than i love than sending recs!! off the top of my head, there's "dioecy" by eternalbrook (this one has a lil scene at the end that whooped my ass like it's never been whooped), "the Kinslayer & his Dreamer" by helaemond (she also has a darkfic & an OF AU which are all, affectionately, fucking INSANE), "papillion" by ladybundle, "leucoma salicis" by inclination, the entire "crisis of my faith" series by
brokentombstone, catalystcomet has 3 incredible fics for them (my fav is "the gift"), and all of missatomicbomb's fics for the pairing are also brilliant (fav is "hunting season"), along with a bunch of gems i'm probably missing and will frantically send over later. i know that was a lot to bombard with all at once but people have really been popping off! also mmmotionnn, jinniwiin, DIANAII__ on twitter have some stunning art for them (among so many others!) thank you for indulging me betts!
agh sorry for the delay posting this! i like to make sure i have everything in my marked for later list so i don't lose it (historically when people send me recs i sometimes have a hard time finding them again on my blog, so i like to make sure i have everything saved *before* i post) and things have just been busy. but! i have them all marked now and they all look amazing and i can't wait to dig into them! my favorite tag of the bunch is "sinister caretaking."
i can definitely see myself getting into this ship/fandom, maybe not as a writer because i'm so awful at canon fics* and this seems like a hard ship to make into a modern au (but i'm doing it now for rexsoka so who knows anymore) but i'm thrilled to read for it!
*i recently reread my jaime/myrcella got fic and wow for someone who never read the books idk how i managed the canon details there. definitely an anomaly.
thank you for these recs!
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foxbearclub · 2 years
✷ june's notes ➊
hi there, i'm june! my pronouns are they/them and this is a space where i reblog a plethora of my current hyperfixations ✶
other than my tumblr, you can find me here:
twitter - i rt a lot and occasionally scream about my favs.
carrd - all other favs are mentioned here, so check it out!
AO3 - i write heavy angst, character studies, and maybe fluff.
my brainrot varies a lot so i desperately need to use the tagging system. my current favs are house of the dragon, hunter x hunter and mob psycho 100:
house of the dragon
my skrunkly lil babygirl, aegon ii targaryen is so pretty when he cries and i love him with every fiber of my being.
lucerys velaryon may have been offed too soon, but the lil dude will live in my heart forever idc!
my otps are aegon and lucemond bc i love their crazy dynamics uwu. but i do ship jacegan, jacegon and helaemond for funsies.
hunter x hunter
gon and killua are my absolute favs. i can talk about them all day.
i ship killugon, leopika and paraging. i also think hxh is an incredible piece of art. every aspect is just perfect!
greed island is the best arc, argue with a wall. chimera ant arc comes in second.
mob psycho 100
shigeo is the best boy, reigen is my wonderful, pathetic man and dimple is my emotional support ghost.
i love how well-written the characters are and the story as a whole. this just means so much to me.
that's about it! just remember: i curate this space for myself so if you're antis on any of my favs, just know that this isn't the acc for you. if you want to know more, click on "keep reading" ☻
other than the three that i mentioned, here are favs i will always go back to, so you should know bc i may or may not reblog posts about them:
both lord of the rings and the hobbit encapsulate my childhood and adolescence and it seems to follow me in my adulthood too lol.
i love the dwarves so much, i kin them too ngl.
my fav ships are bagginshield, gigolas, and fingros but i also appreciate rarepairs bc why the hell not?
i've yet to read silmarillion (oh and children of hurin cos i hear the angst is great so let's go with that!)
percy jackson and the olympians/heroes of olympus
percy jackson and leo valdez, adhd bad boy supreme lovers only!
i kin percy so much to the point i created an oc twin cos he needs a sibling. read about my oc on twt!
no matter what, i will never let haikyuu go! it will forever be my comfort anime, it's just perfection to the core.
kageyama tobio is and will always be my first love in haikyuu ★
kita shinsuke and miya osamu are my role models, ngl (they're also vv pretty so yeah).
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heirofdragons · 2 years
helaemond brainrot still going strong and this is the fic where I have fun picking apart aemond’s relationship with his siblings and his mother (and his dragon too). enjoy
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