#i have like 140-200 of them i think
thereal-sillyguy · 1 year
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
I still can't believe they're charging THAT much for the shadow of the erdtree dlc... for like 2/3 of the base game price there fucking better be 100+ hours of content in there 🤨
#the dlc actually costs more than i paid for elden ring itself bc i originally got it for 40% off lol.....#just looking at it again bc every few days im like maybe i should preorder it... and then i see the price tag and 😐#to be fair i wouldnt put it past them to have 100 extra hours of gameplay bc elden ring is a fucking insane length already#but i dont know if i would even want to play 100 extra hours thats so much girl i work full time u cant do this to me 😭#ok im sure it wont be that long. but probably a good 30 hours i imagine based on how theyve priced dlc for other games#maybe 40 for me bc i like to explore things thoroughly....#i dont think their pricing is usually that unfair tbh. like yeah 50 quid is wayy more than i would pay for most games but im prolly gonna-#end up with a solid 200 hours by the time ive done absolutely everything so it is worth all that. and its so incredibly gorgeous#ive had days playing it where ive almost felt like its real like the sheer level of detail.... damn!!#i like the sound of the sote levelling system tho + some of the bosses look cool..... but im NOT playing it for a few months at least#im gonna need a longass tolerance break once ive 100%ed the base game. gives them time to roll out bugfixes for sote anyway#and idc abt seeing spoilers n stuff bc i waited 2 years to play elden ring + completed it + now have 140 hours and frankly-#i still dont know shit about the plot. sorry thal wasnt paying attention she got too carried away by her bloodlust#god forbid women do anything......#anyyywayyyy. im gonna play a little and then head off to bed. hope i can sleep better tn but we'll see w these meds innit#.diaries
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akihikosanada · 8 months
persona 5 is a video game that exists
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maniculum · 2 years
200 13th-Century Names
I've made a thing and thought others might be able to get some use out of it. If you just want the d100 tables, scroll down to the cut and skip my rambling as to what this list is. Short version, it's a d100 table of male names and a d100 table of female names, taken from 13th-century English records and trimmed to minimize names that were used within the last 140-odd years.
While working on my Dungeon23 project (updates collected here, by the way), I was looking for names for my NPCs, and stumbled upon the Henry III Fine Rolls as a source. This is a digitization and indexing of records from 13th-century England that include a lot of personal names. It contains references to a database they made that sorts these names by popularity and other factors, but the database apparently hasn't been maintained, because it's gone. For a while, I was just picking names from articles about that database, but I started to worry I was going to run out (due to my tendency to name any corpses of dead adventurers in the dungeon just in case someone likes to cast speak with dead). So I went to their index of names, which is great if you're looking for a specific person, but not useful if you just want a list of personal names, and decided to use their data to make a couple d100 tables for myself.
I went through the index and typed all the names into a spreadsheet. Then, to give the list a more medieval feel, I sorted them by how often they appeared in the Social Security Administration's data on baby names. (I know that's a bit US-centric, but to my knowledge there is no global database to use for this purpose.) Then I removed all the ones that appeared most often on the baby names list -- I figured if you were rolling on a table of medieval names, you'd be a bit disappointed if you got "John" or "Mary". (Incidentally, the following names appear both in the Fine Rolls and on the SSA's list of the top 10 (male and female, so 20 actually) baby names for 2021: Emma, Oliver, James, Ava, William, Isabella, and Henry.) I used the data going back to 1880 for thoroughness.
In the case of male names, this meant I was able to remove all the names that appeared in the SSA records. So the names in that table were (probably) not used at all in the U.S. between 1880 and 2021. (The SSA apparently doesn't keep records on names that appear less than five times in a given year, so it's possible there were a few of these guys around, but not many.) This is because, as you may expect from medieval records, there were more than twice as many male names in the records as female names, so there were more left over after cutting the ones that appeared in the SSA data. So twenty of the female names on the table were also used in the US since 1880, but not often.
I did not make any effort to sort names by etymology, so the list includes French, Welsh, Scandinavian, &c. names, not just names that have an English origin. Multicultural, for "pretty much just one quadrant of Europe" values of "multicultural". I don't think that should break anyone's immersion or anything; medieval people traveled around more than people tend to think.
Speaking of breaking immersion, I also cut the following names off of the list because I thought they might be distracting to your players if you randomly assigned them to an NPC -- or to your audience if you use this to name characters for a writing project. I'm not going to say there's something wrong with these names, just that they're the sort of thing you would want to only deploy on purpose:
From the male names:
From the female names:
Also, to note, I've kept them separated into 100 male names and 100 female names because the source data was pretty firmly entrenched in the gender binary. Obviously you can do what you want with your characters' genders, though, and if you want to completely ignore the division, feel free to combine them into a single list and roll a d20+d10 for a d200 table.
Anyway, without further ado, the tables (or, well, lists numbered 1-100) are below the cut.
d100 Medieval Female Names
d100 Medieval Male Names
So yeah. There you go. For your TTRPG or writing project. Knock yourself out, let me know if you do anything cool with this.
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alanbergfan · 3 months
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Contains chains, heart torturing (a little), cardiophilia.
Alan was in his bedroom... and the only thing on his mind were hearts. Lots of hearts. Real. Human. Hearts. The way they sound, the way they are felt... and even the way they look like... these things in hearts were keeping him go crazy. And they do this even now, when he just lays on his bed.
The idea pops out of his cardio-mind... He wants someone to tie him up... so his heart would pound... and maybe accelerate at least for a little bit. But not only his body... and not with tge rope...
His heart will too be tied up... or better say... chained up.
[The Call]
[Alan] - Uhm, hello?..
[???] - Hello there. Anything needed?
[Alan] - Yeah, come to my house today. There is a quest for you to do.
[???] - Huh? Um, what quest?
[Alan] - I'll give it when you come to my house.
[???] - Can't you just give it now?
[Alan] - No~ That won't be interesting.
[???] - Hm... you're right. Ok, see you soon then.
And now, you came visit him. His house inside is quite cozy... You never expected his house insides to be pleasant. And now you see this with your own eyes.
[Y/N] - So, um, what quest do you want to give me? Can you tell me right now?
[Alan] - Let's go to my room first. Ok?
[Y/N] - Um... Ok?..
Alan leads you to his room. As you both enter it, you see how common it actually looks like.
[Y/N] - Hm... I thought your room would look like a basement or... something like that?..
[Alan] - Why did you think so?
[Y/N] - Well, uh... because you have... uh... how can I say, uh... oh, unusual interests. Yeah.
[Alan] - Ah, this? Not all people like me have a dark room of theirs.
[Y/N] - Uh-huh...
[Alan] - Ok, we're here not for this. Right?
[Y/N] - Right.
Alan drags the chair almost to the center and sits on it like a student. With hands on his thighs.
[Alan] - Ok. What I want from you is to find the cgains and tie me up here. And don't forget to equip the x-ray gloves.
[Y/N] - X-Ray gloves?..
[Alan] - Yeah. They look like ordinary ones, but... they have little blue sparks on them.
[Y/N] - . . . are you serious?
[Alan] - Yes, I am. Just do it, ok?
[Y/N] - But why should I put the gloves on?
[Alan] - You'll see soon.
Some time later... after you've found gloves and the chain... you come in his room again.
[Y/N] - Well, I did what you said. What now?
[Alan] - First... chain my heart up.
[Y/N] - You mean... me-
[Alan] - I mean literally. That's why I said you to put them on. You can enter my chest with them.
[Y/N] - And how am I supposed to see anything inside your chest?
[Alan] - You'll see.
You hesitate to enter his chest with smaller chains, but... you do this. Yeah, you could escape but... the thing is you don't want to upset him. You promised. You want to break that promisr but it's too late. You're so used to it that it's too hard for you to break it now.
His heart is now chainee up. You saw his heart. It was normal. And seeing it almost chained up is quite a sight... you start to... like it?..
Now it's time for his body.
[Y/N] - A-are you sure you'll be ok with this?..
No response. He is a bit in cardio-trance now... you have to continue...
The time passes and he's fully chained up to his chair. The chains, like a rope, hold him really tight. But not tight enough to hurt but enough to make him suffocate a little...
You wait the time when he'll say "Stop"...
But this time hasn't come yet... His face looks like this now: 🥴💓
And each second of you waiting for him to say "Stop"... you get slowly excited by his statement. But why?.. who knows.
[Alan] - Mmm... I love this~♡ 🥴💓⛓️ I don't know if I... hah~
He now feels his heart pounding harder. It was fast. Really fast. But not even close to 200. Not even close yet. 140-150 BPM maybe...
You don't want him to die like this, so... you untie him and his heart. You release him from the cold pressure he had felt.
He is a little upset but thankful for you doing this...
[Alan] - Phew... Thanks. Really, thank you for this. I don't know what'd happen to me if you didn't do this. Oh wait I know. I'd die from the cold and pressure my heart was feeling.
[Y/N] - Now promise me you won't ask me the quests that could hurt your heart. Will you?..
[Alan] - ...I promise not to do so. Honestly.
[Y/N] - I'm glad you do.
[Alan] - But... will you stay a little here? 🥺
[Y/N] - Um...
[Alan] - Just a bit. At least for 5 minutes. Will you?..
[Y/N] - ...ok?..
[Alan] - Thanks. I just want to spend some time with you before you leave. That's it. Nothing dangerous.
The end
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stackslip · 1 year
chapter 140 thoughts under the cut
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fujimoto's goal of rewriting fire punch with a bit more silliness continues (i love the chainsaw pews)
fujimoto said i know writers who do subtlety and they're all cowards
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BROBENI CONFIRMED. now to know if he's her younger brother who was gonna be put through college by kobeni's exploited labour (which..... gd damn that parallel with denji and nayuta......). also i've been told nobana is traditionally a female name.......... hm.
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real, though in this context it sounds more like anti usamerican imperialism language repurposed for nationalist ends..... it's not fujimoto is uncritical of america either though considering the gun devil in part 1. fascinating to see where this might go and how much that kind of language parallels irl pro-japanese imperialism and nationalists' own discourse.
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i find it fascinaing that kids are considered the only acceptable members of the cult only to be introduced to an adult leader several pages later lol. but obviously the cult (because this 200% is a cult) is filling a gap--the first half of part 1 showed us how much it fucking SUCKS to be even an ordinary kid both irl and in this world, the lack of agency and the poverty and being preyed upon by adults or abandoned entirely, and then mocked on national tv when they take the deaths of their classmates and friends seriously..... so of course so many would end up here, being told that adults really ARE dangerous and incapable of seeing the world the way they do. cleverly done, i hope fujimoto expands on this and doesn't fall back on Let Adults Take Care Of This
similarly i hope this doesn't fall into the liberal storytelling trap of "the government is bad, but this new group has appeared that's Even Worse, so the government is actually good now" that also appears in so many shounen tbh. i don't think he will bc even outside of the church public safety is still so fucked up
denji's expressions this chapter are top tier lmao. genius move to make denji the "straight man" in the previous few chapters where he's genuinely flabbergasted by how batshit everyone else is
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FUCKING CRYING. yeah the implications are dire but. HOWL
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again jokes asides there is SO MUCH to unpack here. you'll get married AND THEN become a member of the church (implying marriage is a requirement or, as said later, strongly encouraged to join the cult at all). sex is consummated immediately in the next room. so far we've mostly seen men and boys in charge of the church, except for fami/kiga......... which...... does not bode well. makes me wonder how many are pressured into marriage/sex both as a way to attract new male followers and as a way to keep control over all
speaking of which. it says student but they mean /high school students/, maybe even middle school students, aka again children! and again the language of Modernity Has Lied To Us, Child Marriage And Ownership Is The Way right there being recited. the appeal to nationalism and what is "natural", kids as property of their parents and the church,.... and yes i AM reminded of behemboth(?), the patriarchal city-cult of fire punch whose entire horrid existence is justified with "it's natural" and "we are saving people by giving them shelter here". the patriarchy is central here!
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and of course the part about kids being born and raised into the church themselves...... after shinzo abe's death, japan's having a bit of a reckoning re the influence of cults in political life and vice versa, and particularly the impact on children raised in said cults. there's also been a reactionary backlash to the idea of *foreign* cults (like the unification church, originally from korea) having "too big" an influence on japan, versus the Good National Japanese Cults that are spared some of that backlash. so i find it interesting that fujimoto firmly grounds this as a *japanese* nationalist cult that claims to be trying to save the country from foreign influence. obviously i'd love to know more, bc i'm sure there's a lot of language and references in the original that i'm missing and that mirror irl japanese politics and reactionary tendencies.
denji's backlash in forcing kids to get married.... i do wonder how much of his backlash comes from the idea of forced child marriage (and being forced in general), or if he would have been okay with someone being pressured to have sex with him without marriage, or he wouldn't have thought about it tbh.
i want to see the chainsaw man bathroom............
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the hybrids all coming together.... wonder if this means reze and quanxi will be back PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. but also in the context of the church.... the weapon hybrids were used as various governmental projects and living weapons for years--japan, china, the ussr, and i imagine the usa and other western powers had their own as well. then they got controlled by makima, and now they're in the church.... i hope we explore more of the abuse and parallels they have with denji, and see just how and why miri trusts in the church so much as a refuge compared to his previous abuse. ALSO BRING BACK REZE AND QUANXI GD PLEASE......
this is 200% the guy who was in the shadows telling haruka it was all planned. and again the irony of nobana talking about how this is a church by and for children, only to immediately be threatened by someone who is very obviously an adult in charge
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his eyes REALLY freak me out btw, fujimoto did a great job at his expressions lol. also really love the detail of the suspenders and the
barem.... the closest i could find for that name's meaning was the hebrew for "son of nation" which. hm! worrisome!
so idk if fujimoto was TRYING to give this dude the vibes of a sexual predator but between the cult's pressuring kids to get married and have sex, his role as one of the sole adult "humans" around, his treatment of nobana, and his general demeanor and manner of speech + the themes of sexual abuse and predation in the series in general........ gd he gives me the absolute creeps lmao, incredible design and tone. also what he says here about asa which gives me SO MANY red flags and makes me think more of the patriarchal aspect of the cult too
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the name of the chapter is "scales"..... which is associated with kiga, as the horseman of Famine. and of course during the whole chapter we hear about how the church is necessary and its actions help save lives etc etc etc. just as we heard the yakuza justify their existence to makima, just as public safety justified its own existence in terms of killing devils while really using them as a way to terrorize the population and threaten other nations.
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i find it interesting that in a way, kiga gave a similar deal to asa but in far more positive a view. do these things for us, become this weapon for us, and this person you care about (or think you know even if briefly) will live. kiga was just a lot better at presenting it and obsfucating the actual horrors that would follow--denji however is in too deep, and doesn't buy into the bs anymore. so he's given much more stark and open a choice! just as public safety tried to threaten denji to keep quiet lest they kill nayuta and raise her as their own all over again! gd he and asa's lack of agency..... fuck me up so so bad
wondering if we're eventually going to come back to denji's motif of choosing a third choice and refusing the dual choice entirely! wonder if asa herself will only see a single solution in front of her every time......
anyhow. good chapter. there's gotta be a lot that i'm missing here in terms of relations to current japanese political context and i'd love to learn more on it tbh.
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lunalillyhbhb · 1 year
Just Lilly Things
Had another pretty vivid dream last night. I was a researcher standing behind a glass panel overlooking a room. In that room was a girl, nose and eyes covered and mouth gagged, tied down to an operation table, completely naked. Surrounding her were 3 women in a white nurses uniform. One of them had their shirt rolled up above her breasts shielded by any bra. They had tags: Nurse A, B and C. The girl on the table seemed on edge, very much aware of her surroundings. She was connected to an ECG machine and a stethoscope connected her heart to book speakers, filling the whole room with her steady and slightly racing heartbeat. On closer inspection, it seemed that the stethoscope and leads were.....under her skin? Yet no scars or knife indents were seen on her skin, just perfectly unblemished.
I feel myself lean into the mic and announce "Nurse A can begin with phase 1."
I watch as Nurse A methodically reaches for the table on wears a thin latex like glove and slowly hovers her hand over the girl's sternum. She slowly palpates across her chest and locates her PMI. The girl's heartbeat starts picking up. On successfully locating the PMI, Nurse A starts pressing her hand inwards. The girl seemed to whimper, her small protests dulled by the gag. Suddenly, the nurse's glove shines and her hand plunges through, like a hot knife through butter. The girl screams through the gag, clearly uncomfortable and in pain I think. Nurse A's hand seems to move inside and after a few seconds she says "Hand is secured around the patient's heart, and just resting as it beats unperturbed."
Huh, so that's how the stethoscope and leads are under her skin. Looks like we have the technology to phase through things now.
The girl's heart picks up more, climbing to 120 BPM roughly, either clearly not liking the sensation or alternatively....loving it....
My mouth opens "Nurse C, begin." I see the nurse by the end of the bed walk up to the table, grab a normal latex glove, and walk to the girls hip side. She slides her fingers around the girl's clit and starts sensually massaging. The girl's moans escape the gag, now clearly enjoying it. Her heart beats louder at 140. "Increase speed" I command. The nurse nods and starts rubbing her more aggressively. The girl struggles to contain herself, shaking her shackles and moaning more. I see her chest rise and fall more faster, her nose and mouth covered inhibiting her normal breathing.
"Nurse B, please." I say.
Nurse B removes the gag and the girl's moan escapes so loudly, unable to speak coherently. Before the girl can come to her senses, Nurse B gently holds her head and shoves her breast into the girl's mouth. The girl instinctively starts sucking hard and Nurse B does her best to remain as stone faced as possible yet beads of sweat threaten to reveal her arousal. She holds her head firmly, not allowing her a moment to breath.
"Nurse A, go into phase 2 and 3."
Nurse A nods and tightens her hold of the heart, forcing it to struggle more as it desperately tries to maintain its output. Her heart sound now booming through the speaker thrashes loud and her heart spikes up to 180, sweat heavily pouring down her torso and face. She tries to moan but Nurse B's breast fills her mouth, offering no space. Then Nurse A brings her mouth towards the girl's nipple, erect and waiting to be pleased, and starts licking it roughly as phase 3. The girl thrashes her arms uselessly against the restrains and I watch as her heart hammers violently, almost overstimulated and chocked with the hand surrounding her heart.
"Nurse C, please start your 2nd phase."
Nurse C removes her hand and picks up a vibrator from the tray. She turns it on and places it on the highest setting and without waiting plunges it into the girl.
She is too overstimulated. Her heart shoots up to 200 and starts skipping irregularly, so messily. The speaker sounds so distorted, picking up both the messy flailing of her organ and her moans and breaths.
I wait for a few seconds, allowing the feeling to rush over her.
"All nurses cease action immediately. Please remove her blindfold, I need to inspect further." I say, as I move towards the glass panel. All 3 nurses stop and Nurse B pulls her shirt below her chest, composes herself almost immediately, and pulls the operating table diagonally up to showcase the girl to us behind the glass panel. I watch, in sudden anticipation as the Nurse removes the blindfold and....
I see me. My face. My sweaty, aroused face, tired and in total bliss, mouth open and heaving. I become aware of the heartbeat sound reverberating so loud it's everywhere, I feel it in my chest and I feel my own heart beating to its tune. I look at myself, this girl, and she looks at me and smirks.
I wake up all too quickly. What a strange dream.
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kurishiri · 26 days
Thanks for your reply!! Btw I'm just counting, but isn't it cheaper to just get 13 story tickets for 1300 and using them during the 2x time instead of going for the silver bundle, or any other bundle? Since you get 200 (400) for each chapter, plus an additional 500 (1000) for 5 chapters, so you get 13x 400 = 5200 and plus 2x 1k =7200 hearts, which equals to 72 heart sends vs 52 from the silver bundle? Since you get 4 coctails (2000 hearts during 2x), + 5 story tickets = 2000+1000, +200 hearts so it should give you 5200 hearts. So overall, it seems to me just purchasing story tickets seems way cheaper always. Gold set coctail: 10*80*5=4k, story ticket 8*400+1k=4.2k +500 = 8700 hearts vs 23 tickets = 10k+4k =14k hearts. So 87 vs 140 sends. So it's way cheaper to just buy story tickets and use them during 2x (or 3x) instead of going for the value sets, as I didn't calculate the later bundles, but since even the gold set is almost 40% less sends, I think it's the best to just buy tickets directly, or ticket bundles, right? :) By the way, do you have a translation or any vidoes of jude's card? I'm super curious if it's actually worth it to spend 20eur or more to get him or not :D
hii! i'll put the stuff about the bundles and all that under the cut again, but to answer your question about the jude card .. i mean, i think this story will have diehard jude fans screaming loll im not sure like where you at on the jude fan scale, but even though the story itself isn't like super romantic, as in kate and jude are not in an established relationship here, its got the tension lmao and lets just say, i think some lines in there can definitely be taken out of context 👌✨ im not sure if there's a video out there rn or if someone had tled it (you could check out @.archiveikemen, though i think they mentioned sorta stopping tling jude centric stories at one pt and idk if that pt was before or after that jude card came out on jp. or @.judesmoonbeauty as ik shes a jude fan!) but i hope my description can sort of help you get an idea what to expect without dropping too much spoilers and all.
each story ticket expended effectively equates to 🩷100 without lucky time, but they only give you 🩷500 only after you complete all 5 scenes in the chapter. during 2x lucky time for stories, you would receive 🩷200 per scene (ticket spent), i.e. 🩷1,000 for every chapter. so assuming you start at chapter 1, 13 story tickets would be enough for you to get 🩷2,000 plus another 🩷400 for the intimacy check, totaling to 🩷2,400 = 24 times sent, as 13 tickets will only be enough to read 2 chapters in its entirety; you don't receive 🩷200 for each ticket you spend, but rather 🩷1,000 every 5 tickets spent.
and for escorts, you can get 🩷40 normally without any lucky time applied, per escort (20 AP). so 5 escorts, i.e. expending all 100 AP, or 1 cocktail, will get you 🩷200. during lucky time, we double the amount of hearts per escort to 🩷80, which will make doing 5 escorts 🩷400.
so, if you buy 23 tickets, which is 💎2,300 and enough to get you through 4 full parts with 3 tickets overflow, as 23 % 5 = 3... assuming you start at chapter 1 of a route, that would place you at:
no lucky time: (4 × 🩷500) + (2 × 🩷200) = 🩷2,400 = 24 times sent
2x lucky time: (4 × 🩷1,000) + (2 × 🩷400) = 🩷4,800 = 48 times sent
3x lucky time i realized there was also a time frame where they had 3x story lucky time, but i didn't account for that in the previous ask because.. jp didnt have any lmao: (4 × 🩷1,500) + (2 × 🩷600) = 🩷7,200 = 72 times sent
if you buy the gold set for 💎200 more at 💎2,500... first to calculate story tickets... like the 23 ticket option, you will have 8 % 5 = 3 tickets overflow with enough to read 1 chapter in its entirety. again, assuming you start at chapter 1, here are the stats,
no lucky time: 🩷500 = 5 times sent
2x lucky time: 🩷1,000 = 10 times sent
3x lucky time: 🩷1,500 = 15 times sent
and then you have 10 cocktails, so that will give you
no lucky time: 10 × 🩷200 = 🩷2,000 = 20 times sent
2x lucky time: 10 × 🩷400 = 🩷4,000 = 40 times sent
3x lucky time: 10 × 🩷600 = 🩷6,000 = 60 times sent
on top of that, you get 🩷500 = 5 times sent.
so even in the worst case where you use the set items during no lucky time, you get 5 + 20 + 5 = 30 times sent. and in the best case, you can snag 15 + 60 + 5 = 80 times sent. if you use both the tickets and the cocktails during 2x lucky time for the story and escorts respectively, you have 10 + 40 + 5 = 55 times sent. and plus, you get 3 closets, which i mean, it's good to always take closets where you can.
so, if you ask me, personally i wouldn't say it's way cheaper to just buy a bunch of story tickets, per se. i feel like if you're going to just buy story tickets, you may as well just get the 30 tickets and 🩷600 during the story lucky time for 💎3,000. you would essentially be getting a little more than an entire chapter's worth of hearts gifted for free (without lucky time), so you would be saving yourself 💎500, effectively. during 2x lucky time, you would be getting 🩷6,000 + 🩷800 + 🩷600 = 🩷7,400 = 74 times sent. again, assuming you start from chapter 1.
i hope this helps a bit figure out what you want to do!
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october is AAC awareness month!! happy AAC awareness month!!
personal review of all high tech, robust, symbol based AAC apps i have tried, some tried longer than others. own opinions (can’t emphasize this enough). different AAC users have different preferences n needs so opinion n review will be different from mine.
am a full time AAC user, minimally speaking all the time. not a life long AAC user. autism apraxia aphasia autistic catatonia w deterioration. and other physical psychiatric disabilities. deteriorating motor skills.
my primary app. is probably The Face Of symbol based AAC.
think good for core vocabulary. fringe vocabulary makes sense for people who already know how to read & spell & know how to categorize things (e.g know that “wish” is a thinking verb).
for people who knows to do all these things, getting to right fringe word needs thinking and intellectualizing (“is push a thing verb, body verb, or having verb?”), takes more effort and discourage use. but at least have A-Z folders for verbs and adjectives. so, good core vocab, fringe word organization is iffy. fringe words needed lots of editing to make sense to self.
don’t like how when press a button with long sentences, cuts off message.
give lots of options for grammar. but have to manually do the grammar conjugation, which i am used to and like, but others may not.
what dictates amount of vocab that is automatically there is the vocab levels not grid size, so can decrease grid size (for motor purposes or prevent overwhelm) without sacrificing vocab.
even in most advanced vocab level, words of genitals or even the button “private parts” are not there. which means no vocab to report SA
ios only
TD snap
prefer p2g’s core vocab to TD snap’s.
didn’t understand where each fringe word’s folders are located when first started (“all word lists” “personal” “descriptions” “topics” all lead to different locations for fringe words).
overall like p2g more. but td snap have more language beyond the typical big western languages, like have chinese and japanese. i use td snap for language.
automatically conjugate grammar for you
at least in most advanced level, have entire topic folder for sexuality! with phrases to report STI and wants and “no”s and concerns and stuff.
cheapest app out of all of these. td snap is a lil less than 50 dollars full price and the rest of them is like 100 200 dollars at least
touch chat
only played with it for a little bit, but overall confusing.
so many different types of boards (they call it “vocab”), some of them are NOT robust and fails the AAC user in long run, yes even nonspeaking AAC users who just started who don’t know how to read developmentally delayed etc.
if use most robust board i can find (word power 140), don’t understand organization for home page/core board. 1/3 to half of the board is for pronouns and variations of to be & can & will & to do, which in my opinion for me takes up too much precious space, rather have more verbs like eat think see finish work help.
(wordpower 140) don’t understand the organization for the letter buttons. not ABC and not QWERTY either very weird. think it’s by most common letter used???
haven’t found the button to search for buttons yet???
i remember (or misremembered) people calling this a motor plan based app and i didn’t find that true?? it is more like non motor based apps like p2g and TD Snap than motor based apps like speak4yourself & LAMP
the voice justin is really really nice
actually my first AAC app.
think it good to use on phone, but if you’re using a tablet as AAC, there are better organized apps for same or similar price…
same fringe word organization issue with p2g (eg verb divided into get verbs, tell verbs, body verbs, think verbs, sense verbs, etc) but without p2g’s alphabetical folders.
still qualifies as robust technically but i think less robust than other apps.
no sex/genital/private parts words automatically i think
can add buttons in bulk: type all the words/phrases you want added in a window separated by commas and the app adds them all at once. this was really really nice i wish other apps have it
have subscription based and life long liscence
cough drop
i don’t remember this one much tbh but really good long trial period (2 whole months). have subscription based and life long liscence
i do remember editing the buttons was a painnnn in the butt comparing to avez’s bulk add but it may be the same compared to other apps.
speak for yourself/speak4yourself
motor plan based app. all buttons within 2-3 taps, no repeat words. this fixes a big problem non-motor based apps like p2g and td snap have of so many folders and the same word have many different locations.
but motor plan based apps also means that it may make less sense intellectually to those who can read and do associations etc. like to get to tools (ax, plunger, wrench), you need to click on the word “do”. inside “work,” you have verbs like print and hire but also ones that “ok it makes sense why it’s here now that i think about it but i would have never guessed,” like risk and force and (hilariously) hate.
have. so much available vocab. so much advanced ones too. even ones i had to go like “i have no idea what this means” “oh this object is called this!”. i see this a plus because AAC good language learning tool and AAC users deserve as much language as mouth words people do. AAC users should not be just limited to basic/casual conversational words.
so motor plan based apps good for those with motor troubles like apraxia. organizations may confuse people who can read and do word associations already, but not really a problem for kids who are learning to read and do word associations at the same time.
have a “hold that thought” feature if i remember correctly, where you store the message you made and can use later.
LAMP words for life
on the same boat of speak4yourself, also a motor-plan based AAC. think organized a little differently? i haven’t tried it so i have no real review, but really want to try because of my worsening motor skills, think may like it more than speak4yourself.
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alchemistdetective · 2 months
Human Kill Count
This is something I have trouble giving an estimate about, because at the end of the day, most of my characters are all youkai, so it's natural they'd at least kill a human or two
Which makes me wonder... How many humans have they killed? And thus... THIS QUICK THING WAS MADE
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Chloe and Eri: 0
They're human themselves. It'll be stranger if there's actually a kill count on them.
One's an alchemist, the other's an idol.
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Flandre: 1
Surprised? After much thinking... This would be it.
Before her memory wipe thanks to Helia, Flandre most likely had her powers out of control... before accidentally killing a human.
She hated her power ever since. Her sister locked her up, and fairies don't count as 'human' since they'd respawn over and over.
Most of the targets of her power are youkai, fairies, and a meteor which was heading down to the SDM.
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Anna: 20s
The girl's got to get her hands bloody with Lilian once in a while, along with stopping intruders navigating to the underground.
Despite being near 300 years old, she doesn't have much of a human kill count due to how her job doesn't require much killing and more 'beat enemy to submission and throw them out, or kill them'.
She hasn't been killing humans at all, but if we put youkai in the mix, it would be in the 50s.
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Crescent: 30s
Don't let that number fool you, this is only talking about human count. Things like monsters were WAY more, and she and her team fought and killed larger things which are considered not human.
Crescent, despite her quick and effecient nature with firearms, hates killing and chooses mostly to incapacitate. If we were to gather her total kill count, it would be in the 200s.
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Rirune: 30-50s
This is... hard to put a number on, but considering Eri/Rirune left for his journey at 161 years old, and he's currently 206 years old right now, and considering he needs a soul every two/three months or so, he only started 'killing' for his own survival ten years ago.
He learned how to control himself somewhat, but the more he uses his illusions, the faster he requires nourishment for it. There are substitutes which help sate his urges, but he's still in the early stages of growth.
If we count actual monsters, it would be around 140s.
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Helia: 100s
Toys with her victims and treats them like puppets in order to practice and satisfy her boredom, trying to come up with new ways of perfecting her illegal 'blood magic'.
Despite not having a high kill count compared to a certain Makai Fairy, having Helia kill you is the worst way to go, given how she loves toying with her 'food'.
If we were to involve animals as well, along with her time being in the Hell Fairy unit alongside Crescent, she would easily reach the 300s.
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C̸h̷l̶o̶e̸:̷ ̷?̵?̸?̷
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Yuri (Rirune's mom): 180s
She started killing humans for their souls at a very early age, but she doesn't use her magic much in comparison to Rirune. That said, unlike her biological son, she doesn't hesitate killing for food when she needs it.
Unfortunately, this also means that Rirune is far better at utilizing kitsune magic than she is, even if she is more powerful than him in pure magic ability.
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Oberon: 200s
Higher than Crescent, Oberon/Berry is the 'summoner' Makai fairy of the Hell Unit aka Jormungandr back in the day, infamous for her use of a magical wyvern named 'Nidhogg', searing enemies with it's flame in a wide area.
This unfortunately means killing off innocent humans in villages and towns, and undisputedly the 'best' person to take care of doing such things in her role, being capable of burning everything to ash.
She, however, takes no joy in it, unlike Helia.
Including monsters and animals caught in the crossfire, her kill count would be in the 400s.
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kwerqqwi · 2 months
making the list of my favorite safe foods so I don't overthink my dinner
!cals mentioned!
1. chocolate oat milk, 140 cals for a package (200ml), I like to have it as a meal or snack at school bc I'm struggling with eating on public
2. baby food (pureed fruits), usually less than 60 cals for a package, also often have it as a snack, but at home
3. greek yogurt, 63 cals/100g, I like it unsweetened, it's high protein and verrry filling for me
4. soups, especially self made or instant, usually about 50 cals/100g or just very low, I just put a lot of veggies and water in it (sometimes chiken as a source of protein)
5. all kinds of mushrooms, less than 30 cals/100g on average, I really love mushrooms, no matter how I cook them or where I add them, they're always yummy
6. very specific protein bars, 160-190 cals for a package (60g) depending on flavor, there's 20g of protein and 20g of fiber in one of these, like I can literally eat one as a meal and stop thinking about my fiber intake till the next day
7. bubble tea, 170 cals for my favorite one (650ml), I use official information from their website but I still think it's wrong so I usually count like 200 cals or smth, I love bubble tea way too much to be afraid, sorry not sorry
8. oatmeal, from 130 to 166 cals for a portion, I usually add more water and some soy sauce If I want it salty (pls trust me when I say oatmeal with soy sauce is a thing) or if I want it sweet I add 100ml of dairy free milk and sweetener ✨
9. salads, less than 90 cals/100g on average, I love making different salads with different dressings, I also like to add tuna or chicken for protein
10. well all kinds of veggies obviously, even potatoes are safe for me (If I cooked them myself)
Ofc almost all foods are safe If I'm the one who cooked, I'm also ok with using oil while cooking as long as I can weigh and count it
Maybe I should do my fear foods next time(~˘▾˘)~
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nblatinotails · 2 years
Been thinking,, Tails is probably small
Like, we don't know exactly what happened on Westside, but a lone 4 year old probably isn't a stranger to some form of food scarcity, no matter how smart he is. We also have no clue how long he was on his own before he met sonic and had a somewhat consistent eating schedule,,, no reference of when mobians typically begin eating solids or any developmental milestones. A few consistent fan hc are that he was just completely alone (neglect, parental death, abandonment, etc.), or that he ran from mistreatment (orphanage, family, etc.). In multiple cannons he's implied to live in the forest or be completely alone, independent of a village. That wouldn't be so strange as it seems a lot of kids hit it out on their own, but again, he's usually 4 ish when they meet, and from the way he acts, he's been alone for a while. The toddler years are very important developmentally, and kids who go hungry at this point tend to lag behind their peers for the rest of their lives. It messes with physical development like height and weight regulation, can contribute to cronic illnesses and blood pressure, and often effects behavior and anxiety levels.
Even after he meets sonic and gets taken under his wing, we don't know how stable of a diet these two crime fighting street kids could maintain. I remember a wonderful post breaking down the portrayal of food instability in AoStH, while I can't seem to find it, I remember they mentioned tails specifically showing a lot of signs of food hoarding and over eating, and the OPs own experience with these traits as a result of childhood hunger.
..Y'know, sonics probably in the same boat,, they both probably have to eat more than the average person because of the amount of calories they burn running,,, and while we don't know exactly what sonic delt with in game cannon, I know theres a few different examples in comic and show cannons. Unfortunately I never read any comics and I've only really watched 1/2 of AoStH so that's where my sonic knowledge ends, but I'm sure it varies.
There's also the issue that we have no clue how tall they're supposed to be,,, at their current age AND when they grow up. Like, shadow, amy, and sonic all seem to be around the same height rn (~100 cm / ~3 ft 3 in, Amy's a little shorter at 90 cm / 2 ft 11 in, but she's also a few years younger), so maybe sonic is on the right track, but do we know if they're supposed to get taller? Like adults in the sonic universe are wildly inconsistent from cannon to cannon??? Like, Vanilla is ~25 (age varies sometimes) and is approximately 130 cm (4 ft 3 in) while Vector is 20 yo and 180 cm (5 ft 11 in), and Big is 18 yo and 200 cm (6 ft 6 in). In Sonic Underground, Queen Aleena, his mother, was ~50 yo and ranges from source to source, but apparently is around 130-145 cm (4 ft 3in - 4 ft 9 in) while comic heights for other adults or parents are harder to track, but seem like they tap out around where the kids are now. So is height relative to species? Maybe?? Big is bigger than vector, and yeah, his name is big, that's kinda implied, but is he just an outlier or is that normal?? storm the albatross is 19 and just a little taller than vanilla at 140 cm (4 ft 7 in) but albatross' are fuckin massive compared to rabbits and cats so maybe species does play a part in height?? But also charmy and cream are the exact same age and height at 6 yo and 70 cm (2 ft 3in) ?? OK, wild, cool, whatever it's bringing logic into a fun world of brightly-colored cartoons and that's not always applicable, but I still think these mfs should be short.
I think tails should realistically be a behind in height, and prolly will stay that way, I think sonic should be shorter too tbh. With the early childhood hunger and intense world ending stress they have now, these kids should not be growing rip them
So hc that both sonic and tails are shorter than they should be, but Tails is, like, borderline concerningly small because of his EXTENSIVE history of stress, abuse, and hunger, AND as a result of that that he's kinda skittish and gets sick more often than kids his age should prolly
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starkissedblade · 4 months
this is me just talking abt money and random stuff veeerrryy boring but i bought a pair of shoes a couple months ago for $200 and i have only wore them once i just stare at them and think about my bad spending decisions and i know i will start wearing them soon because they’re the only platform shoes i have but they’re also the most expensive shoes ive ever worn & i just die a little inside i need to get over it tho but i also thought of getting new walking shoes since ive had these ones for 5 yrs now (tbh i think the 200$ shoes r the only ones ive bought 4 myself new like all my shoes which is like only my everyday walking shoes, a pair of docs from hs, & a pair of flip flops i dont have many shoes & all were bought for me by someone else like yrs ago) and my feet r starting to get sore wearing them everyday but i think i might just buy new soles instead like these shoes still have traction.. cuz i need to buy a hair dryer and diffuser cup thing soon because im tired of air drying my hair and i want to make my wavy/slightly curly hair look presentable on the regular and not just occasionally and i need to spend money on that instead!!! but also will i do that??? i just put it off lmao it will probably be months before i actually buy something for that why does everything cost moneyyyy i feel like every day im making bad money decisions but i haven’t been That bad like 9/10 i use the stuff that i buy all the way. im physically stopping myself rn from dropping 40 something on this thing that a lot of ppl say really actually helps their cystic acne which ive had constant problems w. but i cant just do that. its 40!!!! instead i need to buy travel liquid containers that are smaller than 3 oz online cuz they usually only have big ones at walmart and i don’t need them to be That big i never do anything beyond a carry on because checked baggage is Expensive and it stresses me out on top of the expensiveness Anyway u can only have like a sandwich baggy sized thing w liquids in a carry on which is sooo annoying 😒 anyway there’s like $100 worth of stuff this yr that ive got that ive actually Really regretted like at the end of the day the new shoes r worth it for me because i’ll wear them until they break. i get so stressed over not using more than a third of the alcohol based mouthwash i got in feb because it burnt my mouth too much i get stressed over the cerave gentle cleanser i got but then it’s not what i need liked i needed the salacylic acid one instead so now that one just stares at me in its largely unused glory like i worry tooooo much but it’s also kind of good worrying because it keeps me in check cuz it makes me quadruple check if i really need something… but i do usually keep my impulse spending to the thrift which is usually a good thing. i bought a cool hat a couple days ago for a couple bucks but my head is too big :(( i need to look for a place that’ll give it away for free im done w giving stuff to goodwill or other places i just want ppl to be able to get clothes w out paying for it i hope that theres something like that around here. anyway i need to buy a really small point pen tomorrow to do this art thing for Father’s Day cuz my smallest point pen went dry yrs ago and this is the first time im picking up doing something like this in yrs like it’s for Father’s Day tho so i feel like it’s justified. and then i’ll need to get T in the next month 🚬 which has been 140 recently cuz i my state doesn’t cover it in insurance. at least insurance covers blood draws and my doctor doesn’t charge for messaging online abt stuff, so. and at least medicaid in my state covers some dental because ihave that appointment next month. and then ill be paying close to $200 for a flight ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at least its not more than that ig. at least cheap allegiant flights r a thing . im so lucky in so many ways financially because of my mom step dad being so nice to me basically buying a car 4 me at 18 and letting me live w them rent free etc like idk how i got here i am still not used to it really i feel like its gonna be
pulled out from underneath me soon or something
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lonelynpc · 2 months
Fanfic question!
What is a code blue like in real life? Is it as chaotic as it looks on TV?
code blues or MET calls are not as chaotic as you think.
i'll explain terms that might be a bit confusing at the bottom as well!
first, let me breakdown the process of calling a code itself:
somebody notices a patient is deteriorating, unresponsive, vitals outside of parameters, c/o chest pain or other emergency, or basically just that there is something to be concerned about upon examination or from other indicators (e.g. alarms, verbal reporting, visual assessment, etc.)
the red or yellow button on the wall is pressed, activating the MET call. the colour of the button depends on the hospital and sometimes even the ward. it is always clearly labelled as the emergency button.
that patient is about to get extremely popular. anyone who's available will come into the room, the first to respond will have the MET call trolley in tow usually, etc, and people will keep coming in until the alarm is deactivated.
the alarm is deactivated once the appropriate amount of people are in there. the coding patient is not the only one on the ward, there need to be staff available for the other patients too.
everyone gets a job.
criteria for MET calls is not always just respiratory or cardiac arrest! here's the criteria i am most familiar with, it can be one or all of them:
their airway is "threatened".
all respiratory arrest meaning resp rate is <5 or >30. SpO2 is <90% and/or there is an increase in 02 requirements.
all cardiac arrests meaning pulse is <40 or >140. SBP is <90 or >200.
a sudden decrease in neurological function. GCS or AVPU indicating nil response to non-painful stimuli or unresponsive entirely. repeated or prolonged seizures.
if you are worried about the patient and they don't fit the above criteria.
i've seen people call a code because they needed an extra set of hands fast.
i will add more about how codes work under the cut:
codes are fast but people don't sprint. when you go for a run, generally you're out of breath when you stop, what use will the team be if they're panting and out of breath when they arrive? don't get me wrong, we're not taking our sweet time but we need to be smart about responding because you're no help if you need to catch your breath.
some cases might be flagged as having the potential for a MET call, in these cases the appropriate trolleys will be in the room already and there will be more staff than usual. e.g. in theatre, usually there's about 5-6 of us but in a case flagged with a risk of major haemorrhage, there'd be at least an extra 2 per team (anaesthetics and surgical). this is also flagged on the surgical safety checklist for accountability and to make the team aware.
we take turns doing chest compressions and anybody on the team can do them, i know in shows they like to pretend it's only the doctors but that is wrong. multiple people are assigned this role and sub out after about 2 minutes to prevent fatigue. everybody in the room is trained in CPR.
if the patient is not breathing, chest compressions will be started by the initial responder after calling the code.
if the patient is not breathing, they will be "bagged" which is bag valve mask ventilation, bag-valve ventilation, manual resuscitator and probably a few other names. we can also attach the valve to the end of an endotracheal tube or other airway devices if in situ.
it's someone's job to get loved ones out of the room. in shows, you always see relatives watching a code, this wouldn't happen. loved ones are taken out of the room. they'll usually be taken to get a drink or to a family room.
there is always someone managing the airway, in my department that is me.
CPR is really tiring. physically and emotionally.
the response and treatment all really depends on the reason for the call. there are trolleys for specific emergencies (e.g. MH and paediatric emergencies).
there will be someone taking notes.
communication is crucial. instructions are clear, people communicate findings clearly, etc. e.g. "resuming compressions," will be announced to everyone in the room.
"if you don't need to be here, get out." any non-essential personnel will be removed from the room, we kick students out of the room if we think they're just going to get in the way.
some people might crack jokes. it sounds bad but everybody responds to traumatic situations differently and a MET call is traumatic.
i've met several people who will sing stayin' alive to help people doing CPR maintain effective compressions.
everything is very fluid and well rehearsed.
generally, the doctor is always the one to call time of death but under certain circumstances, in certain locations and with specific qualifications, a nurse can. i don't see it because of the department i work in, there's always a doctor available.
after a MET call:
patient will be transferred to ICU if required.
loved ones are updated and brought back into the room if possible. this will be done by a doctor.
there is a staff debrief to discuss what happened and how we're feeling as we come down from the adrenaline rush.
important note: DNR patients are different.
it would look very chaotic to somebody who is not a worker but to us, it's organised and calm.
the first time i ever responded to a MET call, i remember thinking, "wow i hope my pants don't split" while i was doing CPR.
Sp02 is your peripheral oxygen saturation which is typically measured on a finger.
SBP is systolic blood pressure and is the first number you see on a blood pressure reading. a BP of 120/80 is 120 systolic and 80 diastolic.
GCS is the Glasgow coma scale which is an indicator of a patients level of consciousness (LOC). it tests ocular, oral and motoric response individually on a scale. GCS is reported as numbers, e.g. "GCS 15, E4, V5, M6," it is important to break down the values so that the deficits are clearly identified. i can make a separate post about LOC and testing if anyone would like.
AVPU scale is Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive. it's a simplification of GCS.
painful stimuli are how we assess LOC in patients not responding to normal stimuli such as verbal commands or gentle physical stimuli. the most common painful stimuli you see are the trapezius squeeze which is gripping the trapezius muscle in the shoulder, sternal rub which is sort of grinding your knuckles over the sternum, and mandibular pressure which is stimulating the mandibular nerve in the angle of the jaw. in my field, we use mandibular pressure unless contraindicated by a head or spinal injury. we are checking to see if the patient will open their eyes, groan and/or respond verbally, or move to guard the site and/or move in discomfort.
in situ is just "in place" generally. "IV in situ". in anatomy, it has a different meaning but this is the meaning i am referring to here.
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makemeanangelpure · 4 months
🩵May 30, 2024 - 113.0
🪽Day 1 of the 442 hour liquid fast
🤍I’m 13.5 hours in, 428 hours to go
☕️Today’s Cal limit: 140
I slept roughly 2 hours. Trouble falling asleep, waking up to pee every hour or thirty minutes and needing a minuscule sip of water. A little tired now but I’ll have my 5 hour energy and finish my 50 cal of coffee and go into a 7.5 hour shift. Truck day, so essentially 3 hours of cardio/weight lifting for me and 5 hours of on my feet slight lifting and reviving material. I’ll burn a good amount of extra calories today and tomorrow though, no truck then just the repackaging, maybe a few heavier things to haul around. I’m going to have one stall of celery when I get home. I’ll wait to have it at 7:42 pm where my partner can witness, alongside 2 baby carrots. That’ll put me at 75 cal for the day, and I get home around 1:30, so ill have a cup of tea while I wait for time to go, run the dishwasher and restock that, bath and shower, maybe wait to shave Thursday. Yesterday I drank a hard mike and a hard peach tea, ate a few things, threw up beforehand. Ended at 775. After I drank I didn’t have an urge to eat which is unusual but I’m assuming because I took medicine. It’s for adhd, not mine but I took it because I’d been thinking about it, thinking I might take one once a week and they’d never notice, just so I won’t get hungry. They’ve been taking it a few days and have been barely eating, I ate more than then the past two days and wanted to wring my own neck. They keep telling me about items of clothing getting looser, about our friends telling them they look like they lost weight, and they have, they do look different than a few months back. They’re taller than me and we’re in the 200-210 range and are now 189-199 and when you’re bigger, it comes off faster, it’s more noticeable. Really said something that messed with me yesterday.. and it was ignorance.. that if 10 pounds on me wasn’t that much different to them why would 10 more pounds be.. which they’ve seen pictures of me when I was 15-20 pounds lighter, they just haven’t been around me like that. I was heavier.. 10 pounds heavier than I am now when I started living here last year and if they don’t notice how I’ve dropped weight and my fucking face isn’t so round after just 10 pounds, I’ll just have to make them see and if anything they’ll feel a difference when they lift me up. Always picking me up around the house and carrying me places, jostling me but I want it to be easier. I want to hear them say that I feel lighter in some kind of form or fashion. The goal is to be 20 pounds lighter by June 28 so I’d be 93 which would break my old low weight:94, from 3 fucking years ago now. A baby shower on the 22 to go to so by then I’m going to try to be 97 for. The mother is someone who always copied me in highschool, and afterward and I just want her to really see how different we are. I also want to be the thinnest at a friend group gathering and I want her nosey mother to gossip to the others about how “ sick” I look. I want to eat a piece of cake with them and have it look seamless for me, because I’ll have worked hard to not worry about 350 cal of sugar for a day or whatever. To eat a little of what is made, not finish my food or my cake, and throw a tiny bit away.. like a quarter I guess. On Friday I’ll weigh and measure my waist, on the 22 I’m measure everything and then again on the 28. I last weighed last Friday so I’m going off that. My period seemed to skip a month but it’s irregular anyhow. My partner said it’s cause I’m not eating enough but I beg to differ. A lot of my days have been 1000-2000 days the past few weeks. I think it’s stress related. By the 28th, I’m going to drink again. Get blush wine and have two cups to celebrate things being better and I’ll be smaller and feel more put together, feel prettier when we get kissy buzzy and cuddle up close. Saturday I’m making a favorite dinner for them… I’m going to pick the smallest chicken for myself, cut it in half and then cut it into ( I’ll figure out how many pieces) 7 pieces of course 44 for a bite, 313 roughly for the whole chicken. One bite cause it’s a 75 cal day. I know he’ll cut it for me and be sweet.
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scalamore · 1 year
Thoughts on Manhwa adaptations
I have no objective evidence, but I suspect the more the popular a series is, the more the studios want to keep it popular and serializing, so they'll milk it for all it's worth.
The complaint that Matriarch is dragging is a valid one: it's been 120 chapters and they're still kids. I'm not sure, but I think they're still following a roughly 1:1 adaptation with the novel and manhwa. At this rate, they won't finish by chapter 200 or anytime soon. It's a super hit at 1 billion views, so they're keeping it strong.
Villains are Destined to die ended Season 3 with episode 124. This is also roughly a 1:1 adaptation with its novel. The novel has about 230 chapters, so it'll likely have a volume 5 IMO. It's also massively popular with 67 million views.
Actually, I was the Real One (54 million views) is still ongoing, but it has quite a bit of manhwa original content so I'm not sure if it has enough content for a season 4. Its novel is about 180 chapters, and it's currently at about chapter 110 and nearing the end.
Father, I don't want this marriage (55 million views) just finished at chapter 123, it's novel had about 230 chapters. So it went at a quicker rate than the others. I was honesty surprised they didnt' drag it out.
Villain Duke's Precious One (26 million views) - another one of Eclair's novels adapted to a manhwa by Luna-Heng. The main story ended at novel 181 chapters, and the manhwa ended at chapter 113 (?) I think? I noticed that they rushed the end, doing a 1:2 speedy adaptation.
I noticed newer serializations of manhwa start off with a rapid pace to hook readers in (makes sense, with all the competition around), but that very much depends on the studio).
YM (20 million views) - Main story 234 chapters, epilogue 11 chapters, special side story 8 chapters. I noticed the rate of Chapters 1-65 was about 1:1, then starting near the end of season 2 the rate went crazy to about 1:1.2 to 1:2.4 for an adaption (basically about 1 manhwa chapter adapts 2.4 novel chapters). Officially, the announcements say they were going for for "more dramatic and exciting events", so I hope it's not a sign that they want to rush to get it finished with. I do agree it's hard to adapt all of that internal monologue to make it interesting and exciting....
Anyways, the current rate is about 1:1.5 right now, which is.. OK I guess. I can see them speedrunning it back to about 1:2.4 though.
Depending on how the rest of season 3 goes, I suspect chapter 117 will end with RupeLali reuniting (pt 1). Which makes sense because it gives some sort of reasonable ending (anywhere else is a massive 5 month cliffhanger of separation).
After that, if a season 4 is greenlit, then ~ chapters 118-140 would adapt the rest of the main story. If we're super lucky, chapters 141-146 would be the epilogue, which is where most of the rupelali sweetness and couple moments are. If we are the luckiest readers on earth, they'll adapt the special side stories, which is like another 4 chapters.
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