#i have four stalker pets <3
saintsugu · 11 months
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rating: mature; mdni
pairing; yuuji itadori / ryomen sukuna x fem!reader
word count: 5.6k
content warnings: explicit sexual content, 18+, apocalypse au, vague horror (aka it’s kind of creepy), vaginal penetration, all of the explicit sex is with sukuna, manhandling, true-form sukuna, monster fucking (two cocks // four arms), non con, sadomasochism, slight dacryphilia, dvp, usage of pet, bellybulge, unprotected sex, cumflation, alluding to cucking
Author’s note: super unedited. i’m really proud of this fic + the idea as a whole, but i’m really proud of the fact that I got the last 2/3k done in about 1.5 hrs. please enjoy the last piece of 2023’s Kinktober!<3
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Today, the forest is ominously quiet—even more so than usual. Dead leaves crunch underneath your boot with every step and it makes your skin crawl; not to mention how freezing cold it is. How did you even end up out here alone to begin with? 
Letting out a shaky breath, which is painfully visible, you try to tug your sleeves down to cover your numb hands. As you’re in the process of doing so, the frightening noise of a twig snapping has your hand instead finding your knife on instinct. 
It could be an animal, but it’s not likely. Given the time of year, most are hibernating, and those that aren’t have already been skinned and cooked. 
You turn around yet are met with nothing except the forest from which you came. With the trees being as crowded together as they are, it’s easy for someone to hide, so your guard isn’t exactly down just yet. 
After many excruciating minutes of silence, a voice speaks and you’re too terrified to realize who it is. Unsheathing your blade, you take a step behind you and are ready to hit whoever may be in front of you. 
“Hey, stop, it’s me!”
Yuuji catches your wrist within moments of impact. Despite his desire to always be gentle with you, the current predicament required a bit of force from his end and you couldn’t help but wince before releasing the knife. The blade clatters against the stones below you and you sigh so loud in relief that you’re sure the entire forest could hear it. 
Your eyes soften and you press your head against his chest. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was you.” The statement is fairly obvious, yet you still feel the need to clarify that you didn’t mean to try and stab your boyfriend, rather than the stalker you figured he was. 
“Don’t be,” you can feel his hand intertwining with yours and it makes you feel safe. “Let’s go home. I already carved out a path for us, I was just looking for you.”
The trek back to the cabin is short but a bit steep. Yuuji’s holding onto you tightly the entire trip. The grip on your hand aids in making you feel a little more at peace despite the eerie crawl of the woods.  
The cold weather has been well appreciated. Both you and Yuuji find it much easier to layer up and use blankets, rather than deal with turning the generator on fully to keep cool. The way you have it now, you’re able to keep it on for a few hours at a time—just enough for you to shower and do whatever else requires electricity, before shutting it off. There are only a few downsides to the chilling temperatures; one of which, being the fog that occupies the forest. 
It completely limits visibility; that’s nice if you’re holed up in the cabin, but when you’re out scavenging? Horrible. You can’t even see two feet in front of you.  
“Be careful. Step over,” he carefully directs you, quiet as he grips your hand a little tighter. It’s how you know you’ve arrived home. You’re careful to raise your feet and make sure you don’t bump against the fence that Yuuji had staked into the ground. 
The wiring itself isn’t awfully thick, but it keeps most animals away; not to mention that it’s main function is sound purposes. Along the wires, there are different cans and bells that will rattle if the fence is at all bumped or tugged. It’s a good method to keep you and Yuuji up worrying all night. 
It’s so cold. Your words are barely above a  whisper, hands shivering slightly as the cabin comes into view. You can nearly hear the frown in Yuuji’s voice when he tells you that you’re almost there. He’s been very….overprotective of you, to say the least. It’s not like you can blame him, though. The world is scary now. 
“Close it a little softer next time.” You can’t help but teasingly scold your partner as you step into the warm home. 
“But I wanted to shut it before the wind picked up.” It’s cute, the way he snickers at you before moving towards the fireplace. “You should change into something clean while I start the fire.” 
You had planned to already, so you have no issue bouncing towards your shared room to change your clothes. When you return back, Yuuji has busied himself with the fireplace.
Moments like this are nice. Those times, no matter how brief they may be, where you get to watch your boyfriend clumsily set the logs on fire. The simplicity of it all nearly makes you forget the world right outside of your door that has gone to hell. 
It’s just you and the boy occupying the cabin. At different points, people have come and gone, but it’s been a long time since you’ve met eyes with anyone other than Yuuji. A man by the name Megumi stayed with you for a bit, nearly six months, actually, before taking his leave in search of his father. The rest, you’ve long forgotten their names. It’s quite…sad, actually. You spend a lot of nights wondering about their whereabouts. 
“You like what you see?” He teases. His palms are pressed against the floor behind him, lanky limbs spread out a bit as he uses his locked out arms to hold him up. 
“Oh always,” you nearly giggle. He never fails at finding a way to cheer you up. 
Eventually, he stands up to help you make some food. It’s nothing special, really. You just boil rice over the fire and cook it with some canned chicken that Yuuji managed to find on a run last week. 
Food has been getting harder to manage as of late. Thankfully, when this started, there was already a large pantry full of non-perishable food inside the cabin. Even with that being said, it’s been years and supplies are depleting rapidly. Between the two of you, you surprisingly don’t eat much, so it’s easier to ration better, but with less than half of the supplies left, you can’t help but worry. 
“It’s good,” he says, taking a bite. He’s leaned against the wall across from you—you’re both still keeping warm near the fireplace. 
If it weren’t for the bitter temperatures, you would’ve probably sat at the large, oak table in the dining room— a table that’s much too big for only the two of you —but with the crisp and cold air, you opted to eat on the floor in favor of the warmth. 
It’s sweet but it makes you laugh a little. He always tries to make you feel better, no matter what the topic at hand is; he’s like a man consoling his wife. “If it wasn’t, I’d be worried. Takes a lot of work to fuck up rice and chicken,” you say playfully. 
“Better than I could do.” His laughter is contagious. It fills the air the same as it fills your lungs. The pure joy you feel when hearing it, spreads through your entire being as your lips curl into a smile of their own. “I’m serious!” He grins even wider. “Gramps used to make all my meals for the most part.”
“‘Dunno how you got this far like that.” You’re laying on your stomach while you tease him. Your body is nearly perpendicular with the wall, but the side of your head rests against a pillow. Having already finished your meal, you have nothing better to do than shamelessly stare at your lover. 
The sound of the fire crackling mixes with the boy’s voice and fills the room. It all feels so cozy that it makes you forget what awaits you outside of that small wire fence. He makes it easy to forget—or to ignore, for better lack of words. 
When you’re staring into his eyes, it’s easy to pretend like you’re unaware of the storm raging outside. As if you don’t know the world is burning the same way the shriveled firewood has. 
Once he finishes his bowl, you find it as a perfect chance to straddle his lap. With your legs spread, your knees press into the plush carpeting. The moment can only be described as intimate as your foreheads touch. 
“I love you.” It’s a quiet affirmation that you both repeat at the same time. The repetition causes you both to laugh, before he silences you with a soft kiss. “My girl,” he whispers. 
Slow kisses begin to get more desperate as his hands roam your body. He’s in nothing more than a black tank top, and a pair of thin pajama pants that are too baggy for him. It gives you easy access as you kiss his neck, uncaring of how you do so; it’s not like anyone will see. 
For the rest of the night, Yuji conveys just how much he loves you. Your time spent together consists of limbs messily intertwining as he has his way with you on the floor. Despite having full control over a willing partner, Yuuji is still so sweet and kind to you. He may accidentally overestimate his strength and manhandle you slightly, but he always tries his hardest to not hurt you in any way. 
He brings you to the edge more times than you would have ever imagined and he’s a bit more…clingy than usual—not that you mind, of course. You just hadn’t realized how scared he had gotten when you got seperated in the forest. He definitely did a good job of hiding it from you. 
After cleaning up and triple-checking that the doors are locked and the windows are still boarded up, you make your way into the bedroom. You feel extremely safe and secure as you lay beside him. An arm draped over your side as he pulls you close into his chest. 
“Goodnight,” he whispers softly. You swear that your name has never sounded sweeter than when it’s dripping off his tongue. 
Thanks to his comforting touch, you’re asleep within minutes. 
— three years ago. 
Run. Keep running. Don’t stop. 
Those words repeat through your head on a loop. They got louder and louder the more you felt your body start to slow. You’re running out of energy. As much as you wish it could, even your sudden burst of adrenaline isn’t enough to combat your starvation and dehydration. 
You feel like you’ve been running for days—like some wild animal that’s being hunted down. Every time you try to take a breath, they’re on your heels again. 
Nearly 3 weeks ago, you had stumbled upon a small group. They offered you food and shelter, in return for manual labor. Due to your starved state, you didn’t think to ask many questions before taking the water they offered you and mindlessly agreeing. 
Unfortunately, what you had hoped to be a new companionship, turned out to be psychopaths trying to force you to kill unsuspecting people. They would track down homes and kill whoever resided in them. You tried to sneak out, but they caught on and were quick to chase after you. 
It’s been over a week of this little chase, and you can barely stand. You’re beginning to wonder if running is even worth it, at this point. 
Despite seeing it, your brain doesn’t fully process the branch in the path until after you’ve tripped over it. You have absolutely no time to recover as you fall straight towards the dirt. 
“Shit,” you curse, feeling thorns poking against you. As you lie on the ground, exhaustion setting in even more so now than before, your inner monologue morphs. 
Get up. 
You’re nearly screaming at yourself. Every part of your body feels heavy. No matter how hard you will yourself to get back on your feet, you’re rendered incapable. 
The approach sound of footsteps confirms that this is the end. Once they find you, they’ll kill you without a second thought. At least I tried. It’s the last thought that runs through your brain as the footsteps get louder and everything goes dark. 
It’s quiet. You like it. 
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt so…at peace. 
“You’re awake.” The voice sounds panicked but…happy? 
You’re quick to shoot up, but you’re surprised when your hands move freely. If they didn’t kill you, you had at least expected them to restrain you somehow. Yet, when you look around the room, it’s so unfamiliar. 
“…who are you? A-are you with them?” You feel weak at the stammer in your voice, but it can’t be helped. Despite his soft features, you’re terrified of the man sitting across from you. 
It’s clear that he’s confused, but you still aren’t convinced. “With who? When I found you, you were unconscious in the dirt.”
That doesn’t make sense. Did they…stop looking for me?
You nearly ask again, but you’d rather not be questioned about why you were running. If he wanted to kill you he would’ve done it when you were knocked out cold. There’s no reasonable explanation for him to bring you back to his home and do it there. 
“I’m Yuuji,” he says and you can tell that he’s worried he’ll upset you. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
It didn’t take long for you to warm up to him after that. You truly had nowhere else to go, so you slept in the guest room of his cabin for months, until one day, things took a bit of a…different route. 
“How’d you find this cabin anyways, Yu’?” Your voice is a bit higher than usual as you lean against the plush couch. On his latest supply run, the boy brought back a good amount of alcohol and you both agreed that it’d be a shame to let it go to waste. 
“I didn’t,” he shakes his head, words a bit slurred. “It was my Gramps’. Been in the family since before I was born. It was my family’s designated rendezvous place—we all kind of picked it as a joke but,” he pauses. The silence is deafening as you hang on his words. “I was the only one who made it here.”
Your expression drops. Neither of you had attempted to ask about the other’s families in the months you’ve known each other, finding it a bit of a personal topic to bring up at random, but now, considering you’re both tipping over the edge from the alcohol…your filters are a little less engaged. 
“It’s okay, though,” he takes a sip of his beer as he plasters a fake grin onto his face. He pauses, before his face turns sour. Initially, you believe that he’s about to open up, add on to what he said, but you quickly stand corrected when he bolts up and starts to walk— no, run off. 
“Yuuji?” You call after him as he disappears from your view. Due to the drinks, your reaction time is a bit sluggish, so it takes a minute before you’re up and following him. Once you finally follow him into the open bathroom, you find him hunched over the toilet and it suddenly makes sense. 
His beer can is on the floor, its contents pooling around the base of the toilet as Yuuji uses his forearms to keep himself stable. He doesn’t throw up much, mostly just coughing and gagging— Still, the sight brings up a few…unpleasant memories and the sounds alone make a melancholic feeling settle in your chest. 
“Do you want some water?” You offer, but he shakes his head.
“Stay here.” It’s a simple request. His words are slurred, but the look in his droopy eyes tells you he means it. He rests his head against his right forearm, staring directly at you as he tries to regain his strength. 
Eventually, you settle onto the floor a few feet away from him. With your back against the door, you curl your knees up to your chest and just wait for him to feel better. A few minutes pass, neither of you would really be able to count how many, but he finds himself leaning against the bathtub rather than the toilet. 
“’m glad I found you,” he says quietly, voice hoarse from coughing so much. “I was kind of going crazy all by myself. I swore I started hearing things,” he chuckles, trying to lighten the mood. 
It’s so peculiar to you how Yuuji is so…positive. Even now, drunk and hunched over a toilet bowl, he finds it in him to laugh. You don’t have it in you to tell him that you’re happy to— cause that would require admitting that you care about him. 
“What were you doing before all this?” You ask him curiously, trying to change the subject. It’s something you’ve wondered for a long time yet never found a way to bring it up. 
“I was just a college student,” he laughs a bit, the skin of his eyes creasing at the thought. “I delivered pizzas when I could. Did some odd jobs, too. Like…landscaping for my grandpa’s neighbors and shit. What about you?”
“Just bartending,” you nod, thinking back to those simple times. “It was good money.”
The two of you sit and talk like that for a little longer, until Yuuji eventually starts to doze off. As cute as he looks as his eyes flutter shut, you know better than to let him sleep there. “C’mon, let's get you to bed,” you say softly, helping him stand up. 
“You’re so sweet,” he murmurs, half asleep and still inebriated as he leans against you. You’re practically dragging him towards the bedroom with his arm around your shoulder. “And pretty too. ‘M so happy we found you…”
That night and in that moment, you were too hung up on him calling you pretty to acknowledge the we in his words; or maybe you did notice, but it was subconsciously easier to just…chalk it off as a slip of the tongue. 
You’re drenched in sweat as you suddenly wake up, body practically launching away from the bed. You press your palm to your chest, feeling the way your heart is beating at an inhumane rate. 
For the past few weeks, you’ve been having vivid nightmares. Usually, they’re all similar; all having to do with you being taken or something of the sort. Tonight’s dream was a bit different. 
You were in the cabin, but nothing was working. The boards were off the windows, the fireplace wouldn’t light, and the generator wouldn’t work. Thankfully, you woke up before anything bad could truly happen, but waking up was bad in and of itself, considering the bed is empty with Yuuji nowhere to be found.  
“…Baby?” You call out nervously, leaning over to turn your bedside lamp on. You were hoping that he was just in the bathroom, but that hope is quickly squashed when he doesn’t call back. 
With a stuttered sigh, your legs swing over the side of the bed as you prepare to search for your lover.  Shaking hands sift through your drawer, pushing around objects you forgot existed, before landing on a thick flashlight. It illuminates the room, making your eyes widen in a weak attempt to adjust to the light. 
Your footsteps are light and cautious against the creaking wood and it’s a scene straight from a horror movie. Once on the stairs, you can hear something creaking— a door or a window— but when you get in the kitchen, you can’t seem to find anything.
Timid as a mouse, your voice is quiet as you call out for Yuuji. There’s no response, of course not, but as you begin to speak again, you’re very quickly disrupted. 
A thick hand wraps around your face, easily covering your lips and practically suffocating you as his fingertips dig into your cheekbones. Panic bubbles out of your throat, eyes wide with adrenaline, yet as you go to scream, another hand finds its place around your throat. 
“Don’t scream.” A dark and eerily familiar sound pierces your ear. It’s a contorted and dark version of a voice you hear every day. “Or you could, but who’ll find you?” He mocks sadistically. 
Your head is yanked back, nearly giving you whiplash as it makes contact with the man’s chest. You feel as though you’re about to hurl. The panic is presenting itself clear in the form of bile in your throat, and the fear in the form of tears. 
“I’ve sat on the sidelines for too fucking long.”
Another hand begins to tug at your flimsy pajama shorts— wait, another hand…?
Looking down in absolute horror, you’re greeted by a third arm tussling at your clothes. You’re convinced you’re going insane, but it’s so real. At this point, with dead people walking around, nothing should surprise you, but even so, you can’t help the way your eyes widen in horror at the side of multiple sets of arms. 
You’re far too distraught to even register the way the fabric tears at your thigh, completely ripping apart with a flick of his hand. The lump in your throat grows, making your mouth dry as you struggle to speak. 
“W-who are you?” 
The man behind you just laughs— a deeply disturbing sound as it vibrates throughout the kitchen. He doesn’t say anything, just grabs your waist with one of four hands and begins to drag you; where exactly, you aren’t sure.
Amongst the laughter, he covers your eyes as he manhandles you away. He’s keeping your sight obscured until you can ‘properly see me’, as if it’s some sort of game. It’s terrifying.
It feels like the wind is knocked out of you with how roughly he’s shoving you against a hard surface— your table, you soon realize. He maneuvers you as if you’re some kind of doll and gets you laying onto the table before your vision is finally returned. He retracts two out of four hands; keeping them only on your waist and throat. 
Your heart drops when you finally see the man in front of you. It’s Yuuji— your Yuuji, but his body is deformed. He’s much taller and stockier for starters. He’s missing the lean figure that you’ve grown to adore. Instead, he’s towering over you ever more, with an extra pair of arms sprouting from his midsection. One of the most disturbing parts, though, are the second and third eyes. They’re placed directly under his regular eyes, but they’re half the size. It makes you want to throw up. 
“What? You don’t like seeing your baby Yuuji?” he imitates you with a sadistic grin.
You’re shuddering in fear, throat constricted just enough to let you speak. “You are not my Y-Yuuji,” you stammer, shaking like a goddamn leaf. 
He just laughs, tugging at your panties. Even with you desperately squeezing your thighs together, he rips them apart with ease. “You’re right, I’m not. Yuuji couldn’t fuck you properly even if someone was telling him how.”
What is he talking about? Who is this?
“And trust me, I tried,” he says, like he’s exasperated as he rips your panties off. “Every time I talk to him, he just ignores me. Little brat.” He’s muttering to himself as thick hands pry your legs apart.
“Please, don’t,” your voice shakes, resorting to your seemingly last option of begging whoever this imposter is. “I-I’ll give you anything else just don’t…” you can’t even speak it out loud. You know what he wants to do to you— what he’s about to do. 
Your pleading is met with a loud, and mocking laugh. “You look so cute like that; all helpless and crying. You humans have always looked best like that.” It makes sense. You would’ve never described him as human. You don’t know where he’s going with this tangent, but his voice soon drops an octave and answers your question. 
“Do you really think I’m gonna pass up the chance to get what I’ve been craving for so long? Why, because of a few tears?” You hadn’t even realized you were crying until then, but now that you know, the dams are releasing. 
“W-who are you?” Sure, he’s claimed to be Yuuji, but it’s clear that you aren’t falling for that. His eyes zero on your cunt as thick fingers begin to prod at your folds. None of the movements make sense and it’s clearly not for your pleasure. It feels more as if he’s just inspecting it.
It’s been a long time since he’s been let out to play, after all.
“Call me Sukuna, Doll.” His words are eerily dark before he roughly shoves a finger into your cunt. For the most part, you’re fairly dry, but he knows that he can change that; and he knows that it won’t take him long, either. Humans are simple creatures. 
Tears slip out of your eyes faster, only fueling him on even more as he starts to finger fuck you. His fingers are a lot thicker than the slender digits that you’ve gotten used to. It hurts but it also..feels good? You hate even thinking that, but you can’t deny the physical pleasure you’re experiencing despite the mental anguish alongside it. 
“You’re wet,” he obnoxiously observes, uncaring of the way it makes you squirm. “Do my fingers feel that good? Or are you just used to Yuuji treating you like glass?” You don’t respond, instead opting to turn your head away. 
A third finger slips in and you swear that it’s already the equivalent of your boyfriend’s cock. “I always told him that he needed to be rougher. The little brat wouldn’t listen but I knew better; I know that girls like you just want to be treated like whores.”
As the pad of his fingers press into your g-spot, you finally let out a moan. It’s whiney and high pitched and out of fucking nowhere. In all of the times he’s listened in on you and Yuuji having sex— which has been every time — he’s never heard a noise like that leave your lips. It has his ego inflating even further. 
Immediately, you’re trying to bring a hand to your lips, trying so hard to muffle the noises that keep seeping out like a waterfall. Still, it’s no use once Sukuna catches onto what you’re doing. A large hand overpowers your own as he pins it against the hard table. 
“Don’t do that,” he demands, a sick grin on his face. “I want him to hear.” Him? Yuuji can hear?
You’ve been far too scared to put together all of Sukuna’s implications. Too riddled with fear to even think about if Yuuji knew that this demon was living inside of him. Even so, from everything he’s said, it wouldn’t take a genius to figure it out. 
It doesn’t take much longer for his patience to break. With one hand still buried inside of your cunt, two others are undoing his sweats. Nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight you see next. 
Not only is his cock considerably bigger than Yuuji’s, but there’s two of them. 
With panic spreading through your body, you’re very quickly trying to scramble away. “T-those can’t—“ you’re stammering, body attempting to crawl away from him and up the table. Even with you slipping away, he’s trying to line one of his cocks up. “Those can’t go inside of me. Y-you’re fucking crazy,” you curse, mind reeling just at the thought of him trying to jam just one of those things inside of you. 
“Stay fucking still,” he barks, yanking you back down and right onto his dick. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, and your eyes begin to roll back. With your lips parted in an O, he finds himself groaning at the feeling of your tight heat and the sight of your oh so beautiful face twisted up in both pleasure and pain. 
With a deep groan vibrating his entire chest, he bottoms out inside of you. He feels impossibly deep as he nestles inside of you. Your nails scrape against the wooden surface, and your back arches. Your entire body is being overwhelmed by the intense pain he’s causing, yet you can’t deny the element of pleasure that’s mixed in. 
You would’ve never mentioned it to him, but Yuuji did always treat you like glass. He was always a bit too kind and a bit too gentle. It felt good, just not…intense.
“Sukuna,” you nearly scream the name, hips stuttering as you try to not cum right then. He’s pushing your knees up to your chest, leaning forward to get a good look at the pathetic puddle he’s turned you into, as he fucks you roughly. 
“You sound good saying my name, pet,” he laughs, thrusting deep into you as his second  cock rests above your stomach. “I always knew you would.”
The two of you stay like that for awhile— Sukuna fucking you within an inch of your life, and you taking it like some sort of rag doll. It doesn’t take much longer for you to cum. With the length of his second cock rubbing against your clit, you’re easily overstimulated until you're squirting all over him. 
That’s another thing you’ve never done with Yuuji. It feels so dirty and twisted, but fuck, you can’t deny how good this monster is making you feel. His cock is reaching places you didn’t think possible and it’s driving you insane. 
After what feels like forever, Sukuna’s finally starting to pull out. You’re practically half-conscious at this point. Your body is lolled out on the table, limply laying there as you stare up at him with lidded eyes. 
You watch as his, seemingly permanent, grin widens, and you don’t fully understand why it is, until you feel something else prodding at your hole. He’s not…is he?
For the nth time tonight, your eyes widen at the sight of him trying to push his other cock into your pussy beside the one that’s already there. 
“S-Sukuna it won’t fit, it won't—“
“Will you ever learn to shut up?” He snarls, starting to push in. Thankfully for him, two cocks is a quick way to get you to quiet down. You’re far too preoccupied with getting stretched beyond your limits to worry about talking back. 
It feels like you’re going to explode at any given time. It’s just too much. You could barely fit what was in you before, let alone double. Your eyes twitch due to how hard they’re rolling. 
Finally, as you begin to regain some semblance of control over your body, you try to refocus your vision. Your eyes land on Sukuna once more, studying how he begins to look less like Yuuji the longer this goes on. He’s beginning to morph into his own self. It’s weird and creepy and you want it to stop.
Drifting away in search of something else to latch onto, your eyes find another thing to focus on. This one, though, is much more alarming. 
A thick bulge can be seen poking through your skin in the shape of his cock. You watch in absolute horror as it moves in tandem with his hips. 
“You little humans,” he purrs. “All so fragile. Look at that…” once his hand goes to trace the bulge and you finally see just how large his hands really are. “Look how deep inside of you I am. C’mon,” he taps your cheek, trying to pull you from your dazed state. “You can’t fall asleep yet.”
He doesn’t even give you the chance to say something in response. Instead, he begins to fuck you at a rough pace. Not as fast as earlier, but a lot deeper. With each stroke, you find yourself crying out his name and reeling from the pleasure he’s providing. It’s sick and insane that you’re finding any aspect of this enjoyable, let alone all of it. Every single movement has you one step closer to cumming. 
 By the time Sukuna’s emptying both of his cocks inside of you and filling you to the brim with cum, you’ve already hit your climax two additional times. You’re completely dazed over at this point, barely even conscious, and definitely not aware enough to notice how swollen your tummy is due to the copious amount of cum he dumped inside of you. 
He hasn’t even pulled out yet, but he’s letting out a deep sigh. The deal he and Yuuji made was that he got to fuck you once and only until he came. He has a feeling Yuuji won’t allow him any other fun than that, especially since it’s going to be hard enough trying to convince you this was a nightmare or whatever other bullshit he’ll try to feed you. 
“Okay, brat,” he mutters, pressing down lightly on the bulge and watching you haphazardly squirm. “I’m done now. Let’s go.”
One. Two. Three. 
Nothing comes. No one switches. 
A devilish grin finds Sukuna’s face once more. 
“God, you’re such a little pervert,” he laughs. “You want to watch me fuck her brains out again, don’t you, Yuuji?�� Even with no response, he knows he’s right. 
His hand strokes your cheek gently, before roughly grabbing your jaw, scaring you but not enough to jolt you awake.
“Seems like we get to have some more fun, Doll.”
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tagging: @enchantedforest-network , @themovingcastlez , @hannzai , @pussydrunkfyodor , @chaoticmoonave , @kkittycries , @dilfhos , @saintriots , @suyacho , @princess-okkotsu
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phant0mth1ef · 1 month
i saw how you do these lyric kind fics(?) idk how to explain it but like you put a lyric and story kinda matches the vibe (does that make sense😭) but could you do that with the line “I know I’m young but my mind is well beyond my years” from teachers pet by Melanie Martinez
Reader x bakugou (idrc what gender) you don’t have to if ur not comfortable w it, I rly don’t mind and I don’t want it to go any specific way, you can mess around w it
you also don’t have to do this anytime soon I js think it would look cool with ur writing style
i know i’m young, but my mind is well beyond my years.
intelligence, one of the least flashy quirks that a person could have in their inventory. it’d aged your mind up a couple of years each time you’d completed a birthday. by the time you were 20, you were as smart as albert einstein.
you’d known of dynamight since his debut as a pro-hero, you were entering your first year of highschool. about four years younger than the pro.
to say you were obsessed with the man was an understatement. you’d gone as far as to calculate every possible scenario in your head to see which one would have you ending up with the pro-hero. every decision you made, every moment was a calculated move, and a step that you’d take in order to get closer to dynamight. some could say it was borderline stalker behavior.
that was how you’d ended up here, working the front desk at his agency as you’d greeted everyone that you’d see come in.
he’d trudged in after a rather gruesome fight with a villain. and you’d been the one who saw him first.
you’d lead him to his first aid room, despite all his complaints about how you weren’t a certified professional.
“i can do it, just let me read this first and i’ll basically be a trained surgeon.” you’d grinned at him as he sat on the exam table, the paper crinkling underneath him.
“yer’ really smart. ya’ know that?” he’d grown calmer since highschool. since shigaraki.
“yeah well, s’my quirk.” you’d smiled at him, shining your pearly whites.
you’d gathered your needed supplies as you surrounded him, standing in between his spread legs as you disinfected his wounds.
he’d watched you intently, his eyes scanning your features as he took the whole of you in. your tongue slightly stuck out as you stitched up a cut on his eyebrow.
maybe it was the fight that clouded his judgement. or maybe it was you.
you’d set your tools down as you stared at him, tension in the air as he’d looked down from your eyes to your lips.
before you knew it, your lips were crashing against his.
i did my best to interpret this in a way where you could receive your request and i wouldn’t be uncomfortable writing it!! <3
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*coughs* Pants in kakegurui au with reader as a (personal) housepet
Let's say the only reason Pantalone is holding back himself is because you were his benefactor when he first arrived to the academy, losing to him on purpose so that he could pick some cash up for himself everytime it's fund collection time. Everyone knows this isn't some special treatment for him since you do it for everyone who's lacking in funds (for the student council's fund collection) but Pantalone on the other hand is like, *lol*(classic template, I'm sure yk what he does alr)
And pants being the sly bastard he is, uses the cash he won from you to gamble with others, slowly *leveling up* till he becomes the student council treasurer now.
Oh how he wishes he can just talk with you like the other students do but he's just so shy *lol more to insecure but it's ur call here* so when he heard the news you lost in a big game because you've been tricked by one of the students you tried to save, it's show time for Pants *lol*
He acts hella fast too, he won't give you the time to recover from your debts so boom, fund collection time, you are screwed big time.
now you are inevitably a housepet and Pants didn't waste time in trying to be your saviour *lol*, oh you should have noticed how he's the one who has been pulling strings behind your back. You are in fact, not a bad gambler so he ensures that no one will play with you. (The rest is your call)
But one scene I'd love to see (if possible) is probably Pantalone taking you in as his personal housepet (maybe reader lost their sanity by pants' sweet words and the fake security he gives reader) , while your status remains a housepet, the collar and leash on you definitely warns people to not toy with you unless they want to *lol* become one.
Classic and simple but hey, maybe you know a way to add spices :3 (tia *rolls*)
Silent Night
Original title: “Lord of the Night”, " Mine, Mine, Mine! “
Kakeguri Au
Yandere! Shy(?), soft (?) Gambler!Pantalone x house pet! Reader
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(Songs listened to while writting: Stalker’s tango by autohearts, Something no everything is wrong by Madoka, whims of fate persona5, Elite four pokemon gen 5)
“Assuming both of them are teens, and mentions of alcohol and abuse of substance is present. But either way, Yandere isn’t a first choice for a healthy romance, not that I am judging by the way. Even if this reached 6,600 words, this work somehow feels so cheap in a way.”
- P of Li’mu
" Even if you have stayed true, the path one will take is ever treacherous and more despicable. Everyone has their own shadow to deal. And every Wiseman is a fool. “ - Scribe, The overseer of Li’mu.
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“Where is she? It has been at least an hour!" Walking over to the young student who was supposed to be the overseer of the appointed match, they had just received the notification from their cell phone.
Your seventeenth attempt to grasp upon the reigns that taunted you so by the coined cruelty of your own carelessness.
“Where, is, she?" Repeating your statement like a revenant hungry for flesh, wanting the answer in your mind to be vanquished.
The word irked you further once you heard the nickname they associate with you. “Bonny, she backed–” the reasoning is more than enough to be furious, clenched fists pushed the ill-fortunate student away.
You then proceed to storm out of the common room, seeing Pantalone chatting with a student who had a yellow armband.
Hearing a hint of their conversation, “tell that jester, the appointment—” Hushing themselves once they noticed you.
" Ah, senpai, how was it?" His veracious ghost of a smile made present upon facing you. Waving a dismissive gesture at the schoolmate away, in which did so.
“ Fie. " Words came out more like a roaring sizzle of a fire, indication of another failed attempt.
“ Let’s get you home Senpai, I have some new clothes for you to try on. “ Without fear, he showed the paper bags that have the high end named brands.
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At home, walking out of the curtains of the walk-in closet is you, grumbling. Even though it is your own abode, you are not sure how to feel about it now that the Regrator is a frequenter in your comfort zone.
" Are you comfortable with that? " Pantalone asks, shuffling the deck of cards in his hands seamlessly wedging the cards between the others. Eyes closed as he faced you, you who wears the gaudy pink punk-like aesthetic ensemble. All you need is bubble gum to complete the look of a rebellious teen.
“ I would not say uncomfortable but, " You sighed, putting on the fingerless leather gloves and flexing your hand. “ Still, wearing something like this, is borderline of the school’s dress code. ” You raised your concerns, the choice of style is seemingly at random. He knew you prefer a more lovely coloured hue hence he got the one you might ‘endure’ the most.
It's fishnet like hosiery, black leather boots. Dreamy coloured lower article, matching sleeveless top, loose jacket. You look far from being who you were before this whole mess. Especially that black lacy necklace you wear, adding a tiny cute bell to it. The purpose of it? He says it is the latest trend, not that you care about it.
Pantalone frowned a bit, and put away the deck of cards, " Sorry, but I have to atleast make you wear something like this. You know how they act if they know you aren't being treated like a 'housepet'." True, with all the false information circulating, you were sure Pantalone wouldn’t come out of his room for a while. Much like when news spread when your ownership fell to him.
You then sat down on the plush bed of yours, crossing your legs and arms facing him. Is there anything in this room that is not ‘gifted’ by him? The decor, the bedding, clothing—
Pantalone called out, suddenly, "You look so," The bespeckled young teen smiled shyly. “ Stunning in that." He continued his words, especially with how ‘tall and intimidating’ you were compared to him in those high boots.
“Pantalone, please," Another sigh escaped your lips as you looked at the pile of gifts you received from him. It doesn’t feel like a gift for some odd reason. But all of these were the things you found interesting and loved, like that latest game you wanted, or that stuff toy you were eying, even clothes for you to wear whenever he brings you to meetings or indulgent parties he was invited to. Perhaps he doesn’t want you to miss out on things he has?
Pushing up his eyeglasses that reflected a fragment of yourself on it. "You don't have to worry about that, you can repay me back, once you found an opponent that could spell out freedom." His signature thinly veiled smile that seems relaxed in your presence.
Adding to that he replied with, "You'll find them, because I trust that brain of yours to think up a plan." Him being the treasurer does give him some perks of possibly scraping a few zeroes into his name. But you knew he wouldn’t stoop to such a low blow, especially that he prefers a more ‘sophisticated’ approach.
You were about to ask him of that strange person earlier, though. Quickly silencing that trivial thought. It was not your place to question what a person entails, no matter how strange and unfamiliar they are.
“It is not easy to scout out opponents,” Given how much you were willing to bet. A meagre brooch that passed down to you as an heirloom is considered a mere child’s decoration to them. But to pawn it, and pay the compounded interest is not ideal.
“I would have thought others would think I would be easy prey to battle considering my connection to you. ” Another concerning thing is that he was recently promoted into the newly established circle called; ‘The Court’ as the ‘King of Coins’. With that kind of title, it would have garnered much attention to you as a chance of mooching off of him. But the juxtaposition of your initial plan, it might as well crumble to dust.
Eyes closed, as you tapped your finger against our arm, "Don't worry, you can just depend on me for now.” Pantalone gestures over to the basket woven object next to the bags of designer clothing,
" Come on now, I got some sandwiches and snacks. I even got a reserve space for us at Jovino’s.” It was almost like you could imagine him wagging his tail, if he has one that is. Opening your eyes just to face away from him with an aspirated expression.
“Pantalone, I appreciate that you would at least take this a tad seriously.” Voicing another concern of yours to him, it is not like a housepet to have a say against their owner. That is at least one thing that sets you apart from them, you are merely ill-stricken with fortune.
That seemed to make him frown, "What's so wrong in having a break once in a while, senpai?" He pouted, it is just so frustrating to see the cul-de-sac of your labour. “You do not have to push yourself," the Rex of earthly desires huffed, crossing his arms. Though, seemingly to understand your point.
Your last opponent, Miss Patisilinia, one of the somewhat richer students yet within your reach of having a higher chance for freedom, had stood you up at the last moment. Like the others who you challenged fell and failed to obtain the winds' breath. Choices thawing thinner and inconceivable each time you try. Treasured assets on hand were resorted to liquefying, thus transferring to the Regrator whenever you lost and he won it back for you. Sitting down on the bed, its plush memory foam sank from the weight.
You can't keep this up, especially the dripping pile of hallowed promises being shouldered by him. ‘Are you even productive enough that another person will have to sweep you off your feet?!’
"How long will this string of mishaps continue?" Pulling on your hair and throwing yourself back on the bed, you’re at wits end. This never ending cess pool game ping-pong of unpaid debt and loans are the heaviest burden of any gambler.
The investor of the hundreds if not dozens of assets under his keen watch tried to comfort you, “ Senpai, please–" Face softened, coming closer and leaning down on the bed next to you to place his gloved hand on your shoulder.
How vexing! To think he claimed himself as your Kohai…
Brushing him off, gently. Turning your back on him while still laying on the bed, mumbling in a low voice you said: "I, this is insufferable." Even though he hasn’t done anything to harm nor force you to do stuff for him, it is kind of him, compared to what others could force such repulsive commands they’ll give you. He does bring you along to his trips, meals, and seemingly keen on listening to your financial advice.
"You could find someone, you just haven't met them yet," Pantalone leaned his head on your side. “Wait a little longer okay, they’re just provoking you to lose your temper.” While that is true, you don’t have anything worthwhile anymore by that time comes.
Much like the previous school vice-president; Oscar, once a wealthy man now turned into a tumbling jester upon loss to one of the Court.
Your throat feels like someone is suffocating you.“How much do I owe you?” one-hundred and eighty-five school days since you were in liability. Those insulting names they called you; ‘Bonny this, Bonny that.’ You were not some sycophant to Pantalone.
Pantalone hesitates as he dictates the amount you lost and he gained. “Do you want me to put it in the journal for you?” You were never fond of putting things on paper. Though certainly grateful that he did not place a compounded interest rate on it nor ask anything much more.
Not even facing him and letting him lay on your side still, “No, no need.” Before you were turned into a house pet, he was a considerably casual gambler, in your eyes at least. Always hanging from the sidelines after you had taught him the ways of the school. Despite his accumulated ranks, he had much rather spend his time with you.
Always so aware of this growing affections, politely declining of his yearning grandiose amore so he would find another that would suit him.
“What am I going to do with you?” The bespeckled, inky haired lad sighed, sitting up from the bed knowing he might not be able to convince you to go on a picnic with him. Not in this state at least. “We really need to loosen you up a bit…” Adding that statement.
With a clenched fist that scrunched up the bedding, “I do not need rest, what I need are answers to solutions. I cannot just be idle,” Dismissive of his idea of being so still, being on standby only feasts upon the Damocles that hangs over you.
Muttering as well as honoring you, “Senpai.” Lazy eyes that stared back at him, realising the singed contemplation of his words.
“ My apologies, I was just–” you say, trying to retract your sentence.
His gloves hand gave pause. " It is understandable considering your position, but please, as for who I am now, I am responsible for your well being. So, please, just this once: humour me. " He pleaded, with softened stillness. Even with his plea, you know your answer to him out of contrite.
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Lights erratically move, distasteful music thrums through the speakers of the dance room floor. Laughter of haughty, grim socialites made clear. This is not your forte; Abuse of substance, intimate comfort and loose tongue of conflict, it all reign supreme in the Jester’s playground.
Thanks to Pantalone for the early reservations, still wearing a similar attire from last week now lay resting behind the trinket curtains that poorly give privacy, one cascade down on one side. Sitting on the semi-circle couch with a table in the middle, across from you is a briefcase of his.
Then entered the beast that swaggered “ Are you having fun, Senpai? " Smiled Pantalone, holding a bottle of champagne in his hand and pouring himself a glass that uncomfortably sits at the edge of the rim.
Holding in your tongue that you clearly do not want it to spill over. Hesitant hands held the thin stem of the glass before your resenting gaze peered at the sparkling money that flowed into the clear oubliette, a reflection returned even the most boldest gaze.
Only the booming silence between you in this false box of seclusion remained evident, it is concerning to know that the annual after finals party that promises darkness for depraved emotions. Blaring lights of multi-colored dangers and intangible noises that pass in and out to the other ear. The bottle of champagne was then placed at the table in front of you.
“ Senpai, you do not need to be so, uptight." His posture mimics one of yours, before carefully taking your own glass by the rim from you to grab your attention to him.
“ I have no words, but reserved for any actual opponent. “ And stayed silent you did. Stewing with self-made rejection and tears to brood about your own misery.
The ever artful smile on his face is still, strobing light of pristine dread hit his face. He then hums and gives the gold coloured champagne back to you.
“Since the night is still so young, how about we entertain your idea of freedom?" Standing over you as he raised his glass.
There it is, that uneasiness that settles in your gut. Switching from alert thoughts to another.
Staring at the flute wine that he proposed the prospect of your world cage to be open.
“Look around you, Senpai. Everyone is having fun except you. “ his own cup that greedily has his ooze rest almost readily to the top, only taking careless, shy sips of it. Controlled hands that move so freely, making gestures to the people of the dance floor, not caring for the singular drop of extravagant affluence on to the ground from his prize.
“ I will allow you to let loose, just this once." Pushing up the lenses to properly rest on the bridge of his nose.
“Have some fun,” he pulled out from the suitcase of what seemed to be a stack of 1000 yen similar to a smooth brick and tossed it onto the low table in front of you.
“A gift from me, to help you get started." He hesitated for a brief moment, trying to find the right word to not put a blow on what little dignity you have left.
“Why?” What you gave is an incomplete and incorrect phrase, my dear, it should be—.
“Because: as your Kohai, companion, and fellow schoolmate. It is not wrong to find a supporting pillar of strength for a time.” He replied with confidence, swirling the almost overflowing champagne in his hand that it was held so absent-minded-ly that’s been tainted.
But before you could muster up the strength to phrase your concerns, he raised his free hand. “I am well aware that you do not take charity lightly, which is why I propose we play a game; once that you have found yourself in a predicament,” He then raised his transparent glass to you, your face seemed to blend with the ever bubbly liquid.
" I shall step in, now knowing this gambling world has too many variations for one such as yourself.” He spoke as if he already knew the outcome and already decided your fate in a mere glance—.
‘But this could be our only chance.’ Muttered Es, a lone quiet voice of your own mind that rivaled your own Ego Rex. Yet the darkness that slither up to your eyes of a shadow that mirrored you.
‘Take it and be permanent in a state, or never take it and be forever mournful?’ You and I knew what must be done.
Without a word, you hastily took the dough that was presented to you. Its grainy texture of bills felt like it was meant to be savored, every sliver of it.
“ Very good, now, if you excuse me.” He then makes a toast before swiftly and voraciously gulping it in one go of the liquid gold in his hand followed by a server in muted colors collecting the empty container from him.
“ I shall leave you to your hunt; enjoy the night, Senpai.” The ravenous bespeckled young man bid you farewell for now with a shy look on his closed eyed smile before waving and leaving with the briefcase in hand.
Instead of just waiting for some sod to take the initiative, to think you’d be your own worst enemy; the worst kind of parasite, an opportunist.
“Three of a kind!"
How quickly the tables have turned. Earlier you were so desperate for a breath of relief. Underhand tactics are below you, even if it does give leverage. The Ego Rex does not approve of it.
Gasping, you are running out of time, four hundred quib and it still isn’t enough to ensure your freedom that drown out by the singer from the speaker; ‘Keep your focus’
Cheating hands that tried to play you into their game, it was clear you were not here to entertain the folly they wanted.
“Pay up!" Yelling out against the voices of the masses that cooped in this dreary game edifice, Simply esurient!
‘Win it’
Coughing out the smoke that the people rolled in lavished mold, the scent is ever nauseous enough to choke on it. The giggles from the gaggle of salacious ladies cooed and comforted the loser from his loss.
‘Maybe lose it all.’
Another hour has passed as you look down at the total winnings you have. It was not enough to satiate the looming debt that chained you. Any slip ups are not allowed, once you do– well, let us hope we do not need to think of it much.
‘So we roll the die, see where it may fall’
From there you spotted a game of sic bo. Your mind tells you it is a simple game, but you knew better than to blindly leave it all to chance.
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Nearby are the whispers of wealth; ‘—Oh, to have dreams that are of grandeur!’ ‘ One such as thine should we the (?) feast upon the nines.’ ‘A little wait is all you need—’
Just as you were about to leave, taking a single step, a certain person caught your eye.
‘ — spin the wheel, see whom it may call.’
It was Patisilinia..!
“You!" Stomping towards her, pushing aside the other loitering faceless. She was playing a card game with three other students who wore a similar outfit as hers. Your hand placed on her shoulder and forced her to look at you.
You could see her clearly. Ruffled long black hair that covered one side of her face, and that unnerving eye that stared back at you. Even after the school day, she still wears the school uniform so boldly, the only difference is that she has a gold earring hanging on her earlobe.
No words came out from Patisilinia, instead a young man with long red hair stepped forward.
“ If it isn’t Little Bonny, savant of the Elite King of pentacles. Enjoying the night of ” A young flirtatious, slick red haired man winked. The wild right eye seemed to be glittering with lucre trained on you.
You recognized him in an instant, they were the former Elite C. A. R. D.s that was dissolved, Oscar: Ci-devant vice-president, The Duke of Diamonds. But why, out of all the people you could have run into.
“Leave her alone, brother. We have no ill qualms with her." The person on the other seat said, they look similar to Oscar but with shorter and fluffier hair. His eyes are obscured by a metal masque, with only a hint of gold piercing through the eye slit. His apparel mimics those of impeccable discipline and emotion numbing obligation, the Regent of Cups, Justin.
What are the two C. A. R. D.s doing here? Especially playing with Patisilinia, To mock you even more? Or was this a trap laid by—
The Trampled stud raised his hand, “Funny you should say that brother, but we have every right to pick a fight with her. “ Deft finger dragged on the wooden border of the table as he walked over to you. Aggressively swipe off the dust using his finger off the table before pinching it off his skin. Not breaking eye contact with you for even a moment.
“How about a game, Miss Secretary?” He replied with a shy sly smile aimed toward you, " a little tit for tat, if you know what I mean.” The same finger he used to drag on the table is now slowly caressing your cheek on the backside.
Now is not the time for theatrics, pushing the red head away from you and giving him a stern look.
“You are overstepping the boundaries, warlock." Crossing my arms over my chest, the hint of chime from my choker sounded.
“No need to be so abrasive, dear. You’re just in time for a little, reunion.” It was clear that he was not appreciative of you appearing but, that inane grin he has indicated his intentions.
The dealer then walked in with a brand new deck of cards, it was way more than the standard bicycle was used. No, this was way taller and foreboding.
“ Let’s play a game, just like old times, Sweet-ums.” Taunted the one who used to be your closest companion. Grabbing the deck of new cards that seem to be a perfect fit in his hand.
With a huff, brushing past him. “ I don’t have time for this, Oscar.” You then grabbed Patisilinia’s wrist to drag her, but was stopped when Oscar grabbed the girl’s other hand.
" Up-up-up! She stays, the contract states; she has to complete her obligations.” He wagged his free finger with such smugness.
“Bullshit" replied you, who knew you couldn’t do anything for her now. Just as helpless as you were to the whims of stringed strangers.
“ Read the terms and conditions, funny Bonny! " Oscar laughed. " Now, let go, former equerry. The boss has more than one query." A single tug on your fellow teen made you let go, you could see her staring back so longingly as he dragged her back to the gambling table.
‘Another one lured into the sweet promises of untold glimmer of joy, little servant.
They never change, neither did you.
“Release her, now, Duke." His steps were stopped once you made your move, humming in mild curiosity.
“Come back to your senses, did ya?"
Justin took a step forward, a small frown made present, " Savant, you do not have to humor my brother’s antics, it is all just a mere jest to him. Turn away and continue your hunt.” Yet despite that, perhaps that is why you decided to step up against them.
“Save it, Jush. Perhaps we could make a deal with the one who raised their sword.” The smile upon Oscar’s visage rises this familiar trepidation. Once fearful now the every fiber in you, yearns to gnaw at him using primal discomfort.
Just as you were about to pounce at the short red haired ‘Duke’. “ What is it that you desire, little Scintillating friend? '' Oscar suddenly asked, as if the world went dim, spotlights aimed, leading all eyes upon the sou of a soul!
Dry lips parted to speak,“ My freedom. ” You wanted to graduate from this hell hole, though you didn’t expect his next words.
“ You’ll have it then. “ He said nonchalantly, of course, you aren’t stupid. It reeks with foul intentions.
" What’s your plan, Oscar? " Your eyes then darted around from him to various spots around the room, even upon the dealer and on the poor student.
“ Can’t an old friend help another? “ Scoffing at his words, knowing he wouldn’t do it for no real reason, and friends are no exemption.
He then suddenly added, " Well, if you are that negative about me, how about this? ” Oscar then walked back toward the table and made a hand gesture. " Round one is on me, and round two: I’ll unshackle little itty bitty missy if you win. ” Pointing at the student who wears a bucket hat, she had not spoken since you entered the room.
The sickly looking girl in school attire, you always knew everyone in the school. And yet that student with the yellow arm band eludes your watchful eye.
Even though you have no obligation, and you were about to gamble with her earlier. Still you stood up for her, somehow. Perhaps, it was by fate that you wanted her to be bound to you, as you were to Pantalone? What maddening sadism came over to you?
Oscar gave the deck to the dealer with gentle ease." You do know how to play our favorite, right? " The red haired and vocal socialite asked, and you responded with a nod.
" Excellent! Let the stage, begin. ” Both players then drew a card from the darken dealer. Tired eyes beheld, three people holding their cups up in the air in celebration. I threw the card down on the table so they could see it as well.
From his side the Devil card of the major arcana was thrown, facing upside down. The chains that connected from its fist to the two sinful beings.
“ Lowest, go first. '' Oscar chuckled as the dealer collected the two cards quietly to begin the shuffle. Giving five cards to both of us.
The Lovers; A trump card! Queen of Swords, that could be of use as well later on a bid. Three of coins, ace of coins, and ten of coins. All three are useful to sacrifice until a good card comes up.
It was silent in the game room, the muffled sounds of the songstress could be heard ,
‘Give into temptation.’ As if!
The silent dealer spread a set of cards, revealing one of them.
“Call” You announced before pushing some chips and organized. Face turned unrelenting, tuning out most of the sounds and focused on the game and Oscar. But not before you have felt the eyes of a coyote staring down, watching your every move.
Fingers tapped against the table, as his own brother took his side beside Oscar just as always. “ How long will you last against me, or better yet, why didn’t you ask us for help? ” The ‘Duke’ asked.
The cards felt like they were moving too fast, the ticking of the clock sounded so loud even with all the chatter and debauched music playing. Skin touching the grooves of the linen card, as a set after the other were exchanged.
“ Was pride too much for you? ” he childishly tilted his head but then broke into a sly smile. “ Or was it— ” But you stopped him, if you weren't in a situation like this; a good wring of his neck would surely che—.
“ If you want to continue to gamble against me, I advise: you should keep that mouth of yours shut, Oscar. ” Silencing him, as you gave a side eye. Gripping the cards ever close to you.
“Pft, of course, of course,” He waved your words off.
It was a decent, fair, dead-honest trade. By the time you made your bid on the card the ‘first’ round had ended.
“Round two~” Oscar sighed, taking a sip of the sweating beverage next to him.
As the dealer gathered the cards once more, the short haired colleague spoke “ You were always the brave one. "
“ Perhaps that’s why so many leave mountains of love letters or do anything to be close to you.” He continues his words as he glances up at the card dealer who had their own austere expression, staring at the shuffling cards.
“Stop beating around the bush, you flaming-boy-band-cabaret.” You knew what he was going to do. All he speaks of is mere trickery.
“ You’re the center of everyone’s attention, why leave? “ You could see the green tint of his eyes scanning you up and down. Not a word was spoken as the line of fibery cards hit each other loudly.
Another five sets of cards unto the table in front of us.
‘You will win this…’
Empowering yourself with such flimsy words. As you recall your past victories, this gambling peer seems to be indulging your serious face.
Another somewhat alright hand that showed themselves, Justice, by the dealer. “ This feeling, I almost forgot these emotions… " Chuckled Oscar, twisted ecstasy displayed upon his face.
" Was it your heart, or is it just mine? “ What is he blubbering about? Is he trying to stall again?
Glancing back at your hand, reveals: Eight, nine, ten of swords, while the last two revealed to be seven of cups and king of swords…
No trump cards to play, seems like the king of swords is your only hope, if you played your cards right and bluff Oscar into folding, you could have a chance. ‘You could do this.’
‘Success so clearly in view, but is it merely a trick of the light?’
Someone with a soft voice spoke. Looking beside you is Patisilinia, her hand is placed upon your shoulder. “ You do not have to do this, it’s alright. There is no need to prove anything to anyone. “ ‘The end waits, for the slightest lapse of concentration, afterall.’
Instead of being grateful for her words, the walls seem to whisper conspiracy in your ears. ‘ prove what? Is she one of them? She was suspiciously quiet earlier, she must be. ’ Keyed eyes glance up and down on her appearance, she is equally fretful and wrung out like a drenched shirt.
“ Do not talk like that as if you knew me for a long time, Patisilinia.” Such coldness of your response made the one eyed girl back off.
“Sorry, you just look really stressed and… “ Leaning closer to whisper; " That card guy, can you tell me about him? “
Looking at the plain looking man that wears a golden bow tie, eyes shadowed by their ruffled black hair. Even the smile is so lovingly, yet so evidently sinister.
Thoughts of what this could mean have entered. ‘Who is he?’, ‘do those two have a connection with him?’, ‘is this a ploy?’
This stirring agitation raises more alarms. Gripping onto the luxurious playing card granted more signs of edged awareness.
" Why don’t we switch it up a little? “ With a sly lazy grin, he tossed a cheque on the gambling table, a cashout that weighs more than your debt.
" All, or nothing. “ He added.
You had no money to pay back should you lose. “Bastard, spill it, this is your attempt to save face, isn’t it?! “ Pointing an accusation at him, to which he calmly and teasingly replied; “I have no idea what you’re talking about darling."
‘Self-Preservation is paramount at all costs!’
Refusing to show even a hint of woe, you have failed to realize that there are more than the people in the room who are staring at you.
“ I won’t let the battle end your way, coward! “ You have no idea what is up his sleeves, though for sure it isn’t pleasant.
Hasty gaze placed upon the cards you’ve held. There is no point in integrity if the opponent has no respect!
‘in this decrepit tomb of refined fashion.’
With grit teeth, and rekindled blade. Despite of Ego Rex had said, securing the win is more important than being sorry and ended up with even more trouble.
‘Come on, let's just enjoy the spice// (Of) Life and feel so free//’
Vision slightly blurry for a moment as you heard the songstress’ words. Fueling you to push onward to a better possibility. Though, it is most probably why they prefer this kind of masquerade.
“ This Someone has not rusted yet. " The Dealer mused, as he began to shuffle the cards with ease.
With using every trick you have accumulated over your days as a normal student. It was going relatively well, until you noticed your points are slowly building up compared to Oscar.
“Hoho, surely this will be our very best bet.” Chuckled Oscar, though him speaking like that makes you feel on edge.
In a fit of illusioned madness, everything seems to blend and melt once Oscar prompts his arm on the table, revealing his conniving smile.
You should have known that being so wily and clever, deceiving and swindling never ever makes a person so clever. Was this, who you truly are? The scummiest of all gamblers.
“Save your dignity, little Bonny." Hearing the chair being scraped against the floor caused you to stand up and look at the hulking figure of the Captain that followed the wealthy student Regrator.
You tried to follow suit in an attempt at pulling the ‘bodyguard’ of Pantalone. “Capitano— wait!” you cried out, disregarding tugging on to his arm and silky clothes, " Don’t tell Pantalone! Please!" Tears escaping your eyes as it all happened so fast that you couldn’t process what just happened.
“My apologies, but he is already here." Eyes widen as you see Pantalone, opening his briefcase from the entrance of the room. In one swing, an unfathomable amount of paper bills began to shower everyone in raining crisp geld.
" I’m disappointed, Senpai. I told you if you were in a bind, I wouldn’t mind that I have to help you out. “ No, that’s not the look of a stymied person.
" Let us fully relax, and relish all of these! " His voice seems so primal yet refined, as if his inner demons were being satiated by the act he had committed. Followed up with a wave of his other hand to catch a wad of bills to fan himself.
“Capitano, please help me!" Backing away from the affluent stud and begging at the bodyguard to help.
He stayed silent, making the alarm in your mind blaring. Facing the three you were just with.
“Oscar! Justin! Pastilinia, Please! “ The more you tried to scream out the three would answer you the same. Attempts to move closer failed.
" What isn’t real, could never fade. I truly enjoyed your performances, Regrator, Captain, and of course you as well dear little Servant." The dealer smiled and waved so cheekily.
" Pastilinia! “ Screeching out, anxiety from the realistic danger turned aggressive. Dilated eyes focused on the one eyed girl before you heard a soft click.
" Huh… ? " Moving your gead slightly to see the ever twinkling face of the Regrator just over your shoulder. Not realizing he had let go of the fan money and briefcase to attach a leather leash that’s wrapped around his other fist.
“Dearest Senpai. You haven’t forgotten our promise do you?" Breaking away from his space.
" I can still win! I just need a little bit more time. “ he tugged on the leather to pull you back, making you gag and move closer to him. “Right, Pastilinia!?"
When you realized that your bargains no longer reach his ears, “ How could you?! “ Your aggressive tendencies became apparent as hands reaching out for the sickly girl and the rest that basically sold you out to lash out on.
“ I’m sorry but the Jester promises us happiness as well.” Pastilinia replied softly.
Justine scoffed, " a fistful of happiness more like."
“ SCREW YOU! " You roared as you tried to go over to the three but somehow Pantalone managed to get a good grip on the string to drag you away
“Now, now, we don’t threaten a stranger with a good time, Senpai." No matter how many times you hear him say that, it is always so unnerving.
On your knees and clawing at the carpeted floor, you would have held tightly onto if it weren’t for the money he spilled earlier to make it even more difficult. “ Please, have mercy Sire, Pantalone, Regrator.” Never in your life would you think of being seen this pathetic, infront of your old friends at least.
As a last ditch to hold on to, " MASTER!!!" You screamed that held so much vile emotions into the night. In hopes of making out of this treacherous cage alive.
He once dreamed in the dark for the most part, and now, it is your turn little pet.
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Bonus cutscene:
Pantalone truly did wanted to be the one to save the day, yet you did not have a say in what he trade away. He waited for this moment ever since his first day in this academy.
“That’s not how you do that." He chuckled as he moved over to you so he could aid you in putting the clothes on, well more like a jewelry thats running across your body like a sash it doesn’t even conceal anything. It felt cold to the touch, making you shiver.
Pantalone steps back to admire the model that wore nothing but gold jewelry on the bed.
Of course, you felt shame that you tried to cover your chest and hid your lower parts using the blanket. No matter what you did, all it does is add more tease for him to unwrap.
After a glance at the name wheel, he smiled before picking up wrapped candy and putting it in his mouth.
This bewilders you until he pressed his lips against yours, passing the hard peice of candy to you. It tasted chokingly sweet yet sour at the same time.
Tongues twirled and swirled around the hard candy, making loud wet squelches.
He moaned as he lean closer to enjoy it further until you were almost going to fall backwards on the bed if you haven’t clung to his clothes.
With one last push, he successfully laid you on the bed, making the gold on your body made satisfying clinks.
“Be a good girl, for master~" he tugged on the leash, rolling up into his fist.
Confused on what he wanted you to do, you only gave a whine. Though afraid if you pissed him off again.
" Down here, Sweet.”
He purred as he pull down his trousers revealing his shaft.
" It’s alright, take it slow.. be careful.” He guided you closer that his free hand is gripping your hair.
“Be… mindful.” He thrusted into your mouth, letting out soft grunts and moans.
The jingle of the gold pieces on your body sound whenever you and him made skin-on-skin contact.
“Af… after this… you.. you got .. puzzle… solve.. “ Bated breath, Pantalone reminded you of the tast he given you. Though it was an excuse to get behind you and do unspeakable things.
Hints of tears began to appear on your eyes as you felt his tip poking down your throat. You wanted to speak, but all you could do is suck on this one-eyed snake.
The night is only half eaten afterall.
41 notes · View notes
ramspatula · 7 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x fem!reader | Part 5
Why are big statues coming to life?
Previous part, Masterlist, Next part
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It was oddly domestic how we worked. Lloyd would often have to leave at odd times for work and would come back very late or early in the evening. I felt like a housewife. I had no lessons due to it being the holiday but I had way too much work to do as it was. I hated being in this shit hole but it was better than back ‘home’, here I had friends and Lloyd. The tapping on my window made me frown. Lloyd was at work. I peeked out to see green and I grinned, pulling back the blinds and opening the window.
“Hey, homeboy, where have you been?” I asked and his eyes turned from wide, happy to see me to a dull, unamused, stern gaze.
“I regret coming here already.” He said and I smiled, climbing out the window.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. Where have you been?!” I asked and he shrugged.
“I’ve been busy- you’ve been busy.” Green added and I flushed.
“You know about that?” I asked and he nodded, he looked almost smug? From what I could tell from his eyes.
“Personal stalker, remember?” He asked and I nodded.
“Right, forgot about your obsession.” I said and he rolled his eyes. “What are you doing here then?” It’s mid-day? Just because my dorm building only has 3 rooms occupied at the moment doesn’t mean no one can see you. There’s probably some 13 year old losing her mind right now.” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m on my way to the museum- I’ve just took care of our dragon and I was on strict orders to not come until all its shit was picked up so I’m sorry if I still smell. I feel like I can’t wash it off.” Green explained and I frowned.
“You have a dragon?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yeah- the one with four heads- they’re actually right above us if you want to see.” He casually added and I looked up to see the beast staring down at me. I jumped in shock as it bent down and the two centre heads gently nudged me and one blew really cold air on me. I even shivered and that caused the other one to breathe really hot air on me and now I felt over heated.
“That is really cool but I also feel like I’m in shellshock right now.” I said and he laughed.
“Okay, back off, she’ll pet you guys another time.” The dragon- moped? And got down to allow Lloyd on- Green- why do I think of Lloyd every time I see him?! I watched as the green, oddly familiar, green eyes winked at me and I smiled in response. “I’ll see you soon, bro.” He said and I laughed.
“You admit it- I’m a homeboy!” I yelled but he flew off. What a surreal experience.
“Was that a ninja?!” Fuck.
🪺. *. ⋆
The ninjas were smashing so many of these little figures that had come to life, Lloyd’s arrival almost made no difference.
“How many of these things are there?!” Lloyd asked only to be met with another one jumping at him. He thought with his father’s sudden disappearance he would get a moment of peace.
“Look who decided to turn up! We’ve been at this for an hour!” Jay screeched.
“Yeah, I hear you, I got caught up.” Lloyd excused and Cole scoffed.
“Ever since this guy got laid, he’s been a flake!” Cole said and Kai stopped one from hitting Cole in the back of the head.
“Yet he’s doing better than us in training!” Kai added and Cole shook his head.
“Who’s giving you that good of a fuck, it’s excelling your training?!” Cole asked and Lloyd smashed the figure in front of him, sending a mini earthquake through the room, the vibrations causing the figures on the floor to shatter.
“Okay, we get it, you still have your powers.” Kai said and Nya sent a burst of water into a figure about to attack Kai. “You too.” Some stone warrior figures poured marbles below him and Cole’s feet and that seemed to push Kai over the edge. “Alright, play times over!” He yelled before doing spinjitsu. The other 3 following as Lloyd, Nya and Sensei Wu watched, un-approving of their actions as the whole room was now destroyed. However, all the figures with the exception of one were destroyed. Only Wu seemed to notice this, sprinting out the chase the figure when the other ninjas clocked on a followed.
He managed to chase the little figure down and smash it with his foot. Wu didn’t have time to be proud of himself when he heard a familiar heartbeat. His super-hearing had made him memorise heartbeats in the same way his nephew and brother did. But this one he had spent hours upon hours listening to. When the door behind him creaked open, and the heart he knew so well almost rang in his ears, he turned. The first and only woman, Wu had ever loved stood before him.
“Misako?” The name slipping so effortlessly from his mouth.
“Wu.” She said, her voice still as smooth and charming as it had been some time ago.
“I- uh…” He fumbled over his words.
“It’s been a long time..” She added and he nodded.
Her braid still hadn’t changed although it was now covered in grey rather than the rich brown he was accustomed to. Thought of so passionately in his mind. The last time he had even seen her, she was only just starting to grey and had a newborn in her arms. A newborn with red eyes like his father. A newborn who was now an adult and his nephew. Because she had chosen his brother. Married him. And had a child with him. A child she abandoned. Wu was now over aware of who had a hand placed on his shoulder.
“So are you going to introduce us?” Jay asked, trying carefully not to break the moment. Lloyd showed no emotion to the woman and actually chose to eye her with suspicion but she hadn’t focussed on him yet. How would she know it’s him? Lloyd didn’t know her. And Lloyd certainly didn’t look how he was meant to after their 12 year separation. Wu cleared his throat and held the boy’s arm, Lloyd frowned at his Uncle but said no more. His Uncle had a content, almost excited smile on him. It was unusual for any of them to see.
“This is Misako, Lloyd’s mother.” And just like that, Lloyd’s world came tumbling down.
“My mother?!” Lloyd spoke, frozen in his shock.
“Lloyd?” She said, stepping forward. Her smile and tone felt so ironic for a woman who abandoned her 2 year old at a boarding school. “My little boy. You’re so much bigger than I thought you’d be-“ Lloyd smacked his Uncle’s hand away and took a step back. The anger seeped into his veins and did so quickly.
“Yeah, well, it’s been a long time.” He said, moving his arm away from his mother’s attempt at holding his hand.
“I didn’t want us to meet like this. I have a reason why I’ve been away-“ Misako tried to get to her son but he shook his head.
“And I don’t want to hear it.” Lloyd said before storming out. The others were shocked at such a reaction from Lloyd. Most his expected the boy to welcome his mother with open arms with how highly Wu always spoke of her. Garmadon had not spoke so highly, not after learning Lloyd had spent his life in a boarding school. Turns out the over-lord wasn’t pleased to learn his son that he was oblivious to his existence had spent a good 8 years in a boarding school being relentlessly bullied and then homeless at 10. It just wasn’t fair. Lloyd’s whole life wasn’t fair. And now his mother turns up in his life again after 12 years?
He couldn’t take it. He found his way into some room, with a giant pit. And a part of him felt like stepping into it. His mother wouldn’t care but Y/n would. His mind was spiralling. All these memories of mothers days that he had spent alone. How could his evil, tyrannical father care more about him than his mother? Garmadon didn’t know where he was or about him and within the first day of learning about his existence, he had sought his way out the underworld and had moved in with his enemies to kill snakes and reclaim his taken son. The first time they had met after he’d been rescued, his father had broken down. Holding him and spewing so many apologies for being absent when he hadn’t even known he existed. Lloyd held him back because for the first time, he had felt actual love. Like someone cared about him. Now he had grown up, he understood love. What it does to you. How deeply it can affect you when the person you love does something. Which is why Lloyd had always listened closely when Garmadon spoke of Misako. And it wasn’t nicely. It’s funny how a man corrupted by pure evil couldnt understand abandoning his son and only kept Lloyd with Wu because he was destined to be the Green ninja and because he believed that Lloyd would stay at the monastery until he grew up. Garmadon believed Lloyd would be safe. He was not.
“Hey, baby, you alright?” He basked in her voice.
“Is there any way you can make it to the museum right now?” Lloyd asked and he could hear the girl’s confusion on the other line.
“Museum- Lloyd the ninjas are there-! What are you-?!” He loves how concerned she is over him.
“I just met my mother.” He cut her off and she paused.
“I’ll be right there, it’s like a 10 minute walk. Are you okay?” He smiled. Not that she could see it.
“Just, come as quick as you can…” He said and heard her agree before she hung up and he sighed.
🪺. *. ⋆
This museum was a fucking maze. I didn’t even know what room he was in and there was barely anyone here. Lloyd wasn’t responding and I was considering giving up, until I turned around and saw a massive live statue of a stone warrior. It would’ve been cool if it hadn’t started raising its sword at me. I screamed. I’m not afraid to admit it. Before I sprinted. The thing didn’t hit me with the sword but it did make the ground shake which almost made me fall.
“What the fuck?!” I yelled as it was now chasing me?! What the hell?! What did I do?! “No,no,no-“ I screamed again as it almost got me.
“Peach!” Someone called but I didn’t see who. That was before 5 ninjas had jumped down before me. I saw no green in this rainbow and continued running. I heard someone talking, aggressively talking. The doors were closed though but I recognised that voice. I recognised it anywhere. I banged on the door, hearing and feeling as the footsteps got closer again.
“Open up! This massive asshole of a statue is chasing me!” I yelled and the doors swung open and I practically fell into Green’s arms- could’ve sworn that was Lloyd.
“Peach! Are you okay- I never should’ve of told you to come here--!” He looked up at someone cleaning their throat. I saw an older woman with grey hair and a braid, she didn’t look too old though.
“Lloyd-“ I said and his eyes widened.
“What?” Green asked. His hands cupping my cheeks.
“Where’s Lloyd-?!” I asked- almost begged, frightened tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
“He’s okay. You aren’t though.” Green told me and I shook my head.
“No-! I need to find him! It’s serious.” I said, my breathing becoming erratic.
“Lloyd will understand, you’ll see him soon but for now I gotta get you to safety and others because that thing is massive-!” He suddenly yelled at the appearance of the statue and I nodded.
“That was chasing me-!” I yelled and he took my hand, making me sprint with him to another room. The woman followed but I didn’t pay her much attention, I was holding onto Green like a lifeline as we ran away from this thing. We ended up in a large room and I noticed that everyone was here but I couldn’t breathe- I was suffocating. This felt like a panic attack. Green frantically turned to me and held me as I crumbled to the floor. I tried to breathe but I couldn’t.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” He repeated, smoothing my hair as I gripped onto him like a lifeline. I suddenly pushed him off and looked around.
“Lloyd-“ I said again but he turned me back around.
“He’s fine, he’s okay, he’s safe. You’re not. We’ve got to focus on you, Peach.” Green told me and he sounded so much like him, felt like him. His hand moved my cheek and I held the side of his neck to support myself.
“Lloyd.” I said, more stern as I looked into his eyes. Those were Lloyd’s eyes, I swore those were his. His eyes widened more and I swore I saw some red in his iris. “Lloyd.” I whispered more harshly, my eyes widening. He shook his head. The red ninja placed a hand on his shoulder but he shrug it off. All the ninja were here? How embarrassing.
“No…” he said, weakly. He seemed so vulnerable right now. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched.
“Maybe now is not the time for this-“ Wu said. Fucking Wu. I grabbed the man before I could think.
“Peach-!” I heard Green say but I stared into the old man’s eyes.
“Where is he?! I know you know.” I watched as his stern eyes drift up to Green who reached out for me again. I looked back to him. “Don’t say-“ I turned around to look at Green again, he looked guilty. “-what the fuck?!” i looked back at Wu who nodded. I let go of the old man away and stalked away from them all.
“It’s best to let her cool off-“ I heard a woman’s voice as I walked away.
“Don’t touch me.” That was Lloyd’s voice. He was Lloyd. Green was Lloyd. Lloyd was the Green ninja. With that thought in mind I felt like collapsing. The world around me slowed and I knew what came next.
But it didn’t matter because soon arms were around me, shielding me as a green force field encased us, the green turned mixed of peaches and purples before I watched as the statues sword glitched and burst after the colours turned back to green. It now had no weapon. Green held onto me- Lloyd held onto me -tighter as the big statue tried to attack the green bubble with his hand. It didn’t break but I could feel as it exhausted Lloyd. His eyes were closed tightly, in focus. I held him back and his eyes seemed to close even tighter before suddenly the statue was running away, chasing something else. Lloyd let the bubble burst and took a moment to catch his breath again. I just sunk to the floor. Staring blankly at where it had left. Lloyd quickly looked from me to the doorway before holding my head in his hands, making me look at him.
“I know you’re confused and that’s okay, I’ll be back soon, stay here, okay?” Was all he said before running off. I didn’t move, I don’t think I could.
Fuck that I could.
I moved to the doorway and watched as they tried to lead him to the big gaping hole in the middle of the floor of one room but it suddenly turned around a charged at some civilian who came running this way. I heard the ninjas protests and sounds of disappointment at their little trap not working. I watched as it now charged at me again. The blast of green energy on its back didn’t even make it falter as it stared me down and stopped, raising its hand. Ready to pummel me into the earth. I only glared up as I heard the yells, watching as the first came back down.
When the world slowed, everything felt so dramatic. I felt so untroubled. Like nothing really mattered. I felt like I could see the ins and outs of the earth and more, something no one else could. But now I just felt hurt, lied to. Somehow, I had really thought I’d bet on a winner only to realise I’m still by the loser’s side. Losing every time with them. At least I feel like I win when I lose. So I let myself feel the loser’s guilt as the fist came down on me. If only I could escape my problems so easy. It would’ve been easy to let that thing kill me. I started, tears in my eyes as the thing was now lodged into the floor. It glitched and got stuck. It would stay like that unless dug out. Only side of its face and some parts of the body could be seen. I climbed over the piece of forearm sticking out and saw the rest of the ninja. I didn’t let my tears fall but I suddenly had a feeling I knew who these ninjas were and specifically who the red one was. I shook my head at him.
“Peach! Peaches!” I heard his voice but I ignored him as I walked away. I was too tired and I had been deceived. I really believe they were separate people even with their uncanny similarities. “Y/n! Please!” I paused at that. The vase on display next to me, glitched. I let him run in front of me. “Thank you… I can tell you everything-“ I shook my head.
“I don’t want to know.”
“Just- come back to the monastery please. I can explain everything- show you!” Lloyd said and I shook my head.
“No.” I said and he sighed.
“Then I’ll come to yours just please don’t walk away.” He said and I let the tears flow, I quickly tired to wipe them. His hand reached up and grabbed my face again, I let him. Trying not to cry more as his thumbs gently wiped away a few tear tracks.
“Green, we need to go-!” Someone yelled but he growled- actually growled.
“No!” He said immediately. “Please, Y/n.” He whispered and I nodded.
“I’ll go with you.” I said and he rested his forehead on mine.
“Thank you, thank you!” He said quickly, desperately, and I let him lead me out the museum. I stayed silent, letting him decide everything for me. I felt numb. Like I had been overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion. And in a way, I had. He quickly pulled a cloth from the gift shop and wrapped it around the lower half of my face, covering my mouth and nose, before pulling my hood up. “To keep your identity secret.” He explained but I just looked up, blankly.
The dragon bowed and lowered its body to me. It gestured with one of its heads towards its back and I realised it wanted me to get on. I looked to Lloyd who lifted me effortlessly onto the shoulder of the dragon’s front leg and I had to grab onto onto the straps of the saddle to climb onto the saddle itself. If it wasn’t for my static state I might of been freaking out about the fact I was on a dragon, actually I was starting to feel a little freaked, that was until I felt Lloyd behind me. After adjusting himself accordingly, he held me closer to his body and grabbed onto the reigns. This thing was about to take off. I grabbed onto Lloyd’s arm around me, tightly. My eyes widened as it spread its wings and took off, it was a large and terrifying beast and it took its time ascending into the air. I pressed myself back into Lloyd who didn’t say anything, just rested his head against my shoulder. I hadn’t looked up from the saddle.
“It’s really pretty up here.” I heard Lloyd said but I ignored him. “I’ve always liked flying more than driving… feels more peaceful. Especially when it’s not really windy.” He said and I relaxed a little, looking up. I couldn’t tell if that was a bad or good thing. It was pretty but we were so high up. I was more interested in the dragon than the scenery. I placed a hand on the exposed white scale and felt as a rumble went through its body. I quickly retracted my hand. “They’re purring, they like you.” Lloyd added and I just nodded. The dragon head with brown outlines let out a long croon and I froze. “They want you to continue.”
“I’ve always loved dragons…” I said and scratched the scales area. The dragon shook almost shifting us too far off, I did not scream. Lloyd didn’t laugh at the fact I screamed. Because I didn’t scream.
“I’ve got you… if I knew you liked dragons, I would’ve got you to meet them sooner.” He said and it came back, the deceit. I could almost get it but it still hurt. I thought I had two new people and it almost feels like I lost a friend. I slumped again, removing my hand.
“You lied…” I said and he fumbled to try and get his words together.
“I didn’t want to… but I had to! I can’t go around saying I’m the green ninja.” He said and I nodded.
“I get that, I do but- but why would you get so close to me?! I thought I had a friend, Lloyd.” I said, hurt evident in my voice and I felt as he held on a little tighter.
“I wasn’t meant to! But I can’t leave you alone, you’re all I think about- I wasn’t meant to get too involved but then the thought of seeing you and not talking to you got to me- and then I found out about your powers-!” He reminded me and I shook my head.
“You were going to try and teach me as another person?!” I yelled and he cringed.
“Yes…” he admitted and I scoffed.
“And I felt guilty about the fact I didn’t tell you about my powers.” I said and he sighed, digging his face into my shoulder.
“I would’ve told you. I wouldn’t have let you find out like this if things were different.” Lloyd said and I paused.
“You called me…” I started and he pressed his head further into the corner of my neck. “You sounded so… so broken. I’d never been so scared, Lloyd.” I said and he nodded.
“I saw my mother and everyone acted like it was this happy thing. Like the woman hadn’t abandoned me and never came back to visit.” He said and I held onto his hand around my waist. We were started to descend now. Lloyd looked up to be able to our surroundings as we went down. “Wu looked at her like she was amazing. Some sort of spectacle. In reality, even my father used to say she was even more of a monster than him for abandoning a baby and not telling the father anything about him.” Lloyd revealed and my eyes widened. The landing was rougher than I thought and he was jumping off as soon as and encouraged me to slide down before he caught me and placed me firmly on the floor. I held onto for a moment as the sensation in my legs came back. We began walking after a moment, taking his hand in mine as he ripped off his mask and I pulled my hood off and makeshift mask too. “She tried talking to me. To explain everything- I didn’t want to know. I don’t want to know.” He added and I just followed him as he led me to a room that was covered in poster and green ornaments and nerdy things. Like Star Wars Lego sets and funko pops. He closed his door after I stepped in and opened his wardrobe. This was his room, I realised. I looked to his bedside to see a picture of a younger version of Lloyd in a smaller green Gi sat next to his uncle with the others in their Gi surrounding the two. They were all unmasked and poor Lloyd has a bowl cut.
“Your barber did you dirty.” I said and he looked at the frame I was looking at and let out a surprised laugh.
“The boys in my old dorm put a bowl over my hair, it was like a mullet- really long, anyway, one day they put a bow around my head when I was asleep and cut my hair. The teachers tidied it up the best they could but because it was boarding school for bad boys, they were rewarded and I just began hating my hair. Luckily, after the tea, my hair had changed drastically and Kai cleaned it up after.” Lloyd told me and I looked back at him, he was now just in his boxers. Pair of trousers in his hands ready to put on.
“I love your hair.” I said and he looked up before smiling, putting on his trousers as he spoke to me.
“With how much you tug it, I was thinking you were trying to rip it out-“
“Okay, Okay! I get it.” I said and pushed him away as he got seriously close. I laughed as he grabbed me and started kissing all over my face and neck. “Okay! I’m sorry, but I do love you hair. It’s softer than mine.”
“It’s not!” He immediately argued but backed off to go put his shirt on. He kicked the Gi towards a pile of dirty laundry, before turning and picking me up, easily. My legs wrapped around him and I let out a surprised laugh. “Being the green ninja means I get a few extra perks, like Cole’s super strength, meaning you don’t weigh anything to me.” He said and my eyes widened.
“That’s how you left my thighs bruised black.” Lloyd cringed at the reminder.
“I’ve not done that since, have I?” He asked and shook my head, kissing him.
“No, I don’t mind, however you do bite.” I said and tilted my neck to expose the bite a little.
“I don’t know where that came from. I think I tried to give you a hickey?” He questioned himself and I laughed.
“With teeth?!” I questioned and he threw me on his bed. He had a double bed. I starfished immediately. “Oh we’re staying round yours from now on.” I said and heard him laugh.
“We’d get zero privacy.” He said and I sighed in relief.
“I don’t care. This bed has made me forget how upset I am right now… that and I want to hear about your mommy issues.” I said and felt the bed dip, he grabbed my ankle and dragged me down the bed. I laughed as I settled in the new position. Putting my legs in his lap. He rested on arm on them, massaging my leg with his thumb.
“Peach… I don’t want to make this about me.” Lloyd said and I frowned.
“Maybe not, but I want to. So speak green boy. Tell me about your life before I leave.” I said and he grinned, amused.
“I realise how much you’re taking in right now, so I’ll give you the summary and we’ll delve into the specifics later.” He said and I nodded. “When I was 10, I left my boarding school and started some trouble here and there, the others had just started their training and were overly cocky and fed up of being called out to deal with ‘Garmadon’ and it being me.” He started and I frowned.
“You started trouble?” I asked, perplexed and he nodded.
“I was a wild kid, wanted to be just like my Dad. Except I was homeless and had no actual power to my name.” Lloyd said and my eyes widened.
“You were homeless?!” I asked and he nodded.
“For like a year before I was forcefully taken in by my Uncle.” He explained and my eyes saddened. “And that was only because my deviance had excelled to releasing the serpentine.” Lloyd told me and my jaw dropped.
“That was you?!” I questioned and he nodded.
“I thought it would somehow make my father proud enough to take me in. But he didn’t even know I was alive. And I was kicked out by each tribe until I met Pythor who I thought was my friend but he just wanted my serpentine tombs map and he deceived me and then tried to push me off the top of my boarding school but he had to run away before he could actually get me far enough to the edge. That’s when my uncle took me in and taught me to never trust a snake.” Lloyd told me and I smiled.
“Hey, I learnt that lesson too! Except it was on my own and with a bitch called Alabama.” I said and he chuckled. “I still don’t forgive that snake.” I said and he rubbed my leg.
“I don’t forgive Pythor either. I was just a kid. A bad one but nonetheless.” He said and I absentmindedly started playing with the hem of his t-shirt. “Then I got kidnapped by him, and my uncle had to go to the underworld to find my Dad to get his help in getting me back. My Dad tried to rip my Uncle’s throat out for knowing about my existence, and the fact I was alone and how he left me there. My Dad still says that my uncle either should’ve brought me to the underworld when my mother left me or took him in himself. Anyway, he saved me and I met him for the first time. It was weirdly emotional, for him at least, I felt nothing which still surprises me. It just wasn’t what I expected.” He told me and I nodded.
“It sounds like your father loves you a lot. Dare I say unconditionally?” I added and he smiled.
“He loves power more.” Lloyd added and my smile fell. “It’s okay, I know what to expect from my father. He came for me, that’s all that matters. A little while later, we go to find a fangblade and it’s in a volcano. Short story short, it starts erupting and Kai achieves his true potential saving me because somehow he realised that it was to protect me and therefore the green ninja. And I know you don’t know the prophecy of the green ninja, but it is the one destined to defeat darkness and bring back light. That darkness being my father. I have to fight and defeat my father in what’s called ‘the final battle’.” My eyes widened, and I sat up.
“You have to fight him?!” I almost yelled and he nodded, soothing me by patting my leg.
“That didn’t really settle well with my father and he left, the whole thing has sent him into a spiral really. Pythor managed to resurrect the great devourer, the one thing my Dad hates more than himself, and Wu. The ninjas gave up their golden weapons to my Dad so he could kill the devourer. He then took off with them after, creating that mega weapon which the ninjas somehow destroyed, that day is a blur really. Before that however, he used it resurrect the grundle. Which led to aging me to adulthood. The tea is supposed to somehow bring someone to the age that fate needs them to be. The grundle wasn’t needed and me, I’m supposed to be fate’s soldier. And children aren’t very successful in fights.” Lloyd said and I just looked up at him for a moment before jumping up and hugging him. He returned the hug, shifting me to actually be sat in his lap.
“I’m sorry.” I apologised and he shook his head.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Lloyd told me and I shook my head.
“Maybe not, but everyone else does. You’ve had the shittiest life I’ve ever heard of, and you haven’t even heard what Pearl’s been through.” I joked and he chuckled, kissing my cheek before holding me again. I held the back of his head and played with his hair and he rested the side of his head on mine.
“It’s not so bad. I have you now.” He said and that made me break, sobbing into his arms.
“That’s so sad.” I said and he laughed.
“Not to me.” Lloyd argued and I shook my head. “Hey, don’t cry over me, that’s a waste. Cry over your own shitty backstory not mine.” He told me and I giggled through my sobs.
“It’s not that shitty though! I was just neglected with a heavy handed sprinkle of bullying, you were actually homeless!” I argued and he shook his head.
“No, yours is so much worse. My mother actually tried speaking to me.” Lloyd said and I smiled.
“You sure that’s better than mine not?” I asked and he contemplated it for a moment.
“Yeah, I win. My life is worse than yours.” He said and chucked me onto the bed, off his lap. I laughed as he stood up.
“Okay, I can accept that loss.” I said and heard him laugh before suddenly he was next to me, laying down and star fishing, half over my body. I groaned at the sudden weight. “You’re so big, you need a whole bigass bed just to fit-.” I said and I saw the smirk come across his face and before I could take it back-
“That’s what you said-“
“Shut up- shut up-“ I covered his mouth and he laughed against my hand before licking it. I brought my hand back.
“Ew, Lloyd!” I said and his eyes snapped open.
“Wait licking your hand is gross but now-“
“Shut up! Someone could hear you-“ I said and he shrugged.
“My family has super hearing, my uncle definitely heard us fucking before he knocked on the door. He probably waited until we were out the shower to knock-“
“Oh my god! Are you serious?!” I asked and he nodded but shrugged a moment later.
“My uncle and Dad are really old. They were around during the times people used to fuck publicly like it was nothing.” Lloyd said and my jaw dropped. He started laughing and I shoved him.
“Not funny!” I scolded but he didn’t care.
“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry. But they are really old. I think my Dad is around 1300 years old.” Lloyd said and I froze.
“How old?!” I asked again and he nodded.
“Well my grandfather is the first spinjitsu master so it makes sense.” I stared at him momentarily.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” I said and he laughed.
🪺. *. ⋆
Peach fell asleep as soon as they spent 5 minutes in silence. Lloyd had listened as her heartbeat slowed and her breathing evened out. They had thrown his covers over them both and spent some time just resting in each other’s arms. It was getting late and he hadn’t spoke to his team since the museum. And he was hungry. He had the appetite of a dragon and he can’t remember the last time he ever felt full. So carefully, he got out the bed. Freezing as Y/n turned whined and then turned over, displeased. He breathed a sigh of relief when she settled back and quietly left his room. His footsteps didn’t make any sound anyway.
The halls of the monastery were simple, but elegant. The monks had spent the past millennia carving prophecies and teachings into the walls, making a beautiful architecture as the heads went on. When Lloyd made it to the kitchen, everyone was there. They all paused to look at him and he stopped for a moment before walking over to a cabinet. He hadn’t noticed his mother sat at the table, initially.
“Are you going to explain to us who that girl is or?” Cole asked, breaking the silence and Lloyd looked up, debating whether to say anything.
“That’s my girlfriend, her name is Peach.” He said and the table shot up in uproar.
“Girlfriend?! When?!” Kai immediately whined.
“How long have you even been seeing her?!” Nya asked, outraged she wasn’t the first to know.
“Before me??” Cole’s grating voice.
“It wasn’t just a hook up?!” Jay asked, perplexed.
“That’s where you’ve been?!” Cole’s voice again.
“I have no records of someone named Peach in the residents of ninjago records.” Zane was the last straw.
“Yes! I have a girlfriend! And her actual name isn’t Peach but she’s got powers too, they’re not elemental and really unpredictable. We call it glitching. As you’ve seen. We think they’re triggered by certain emotional triggers. Her name is apparently one of them.” Lloyd told them and it did not satisfy them at all.
“She lodged that thing in the ground! It’s still there!” Jay yelled and Lloyd nodded.
“We haven’t spoke about that yet so don’t bring it up please.” Lloyd said and they all froze. He was different.
“Congratulations, nephew.” Wu said and Lloyd looked up at him. “I’m sure you 5 have probably connected that this girl is the reason for Lloyd’s sudden excelling in training and skills. Love sharpens the mind, and makes the body more defensive.” Wu said and Lloyd’s eyes widened.
“Woah- not there yet!” He said and moved to take his snacks away from his eager Uncle.
“We may live for long, but we fall in love quick. Your mother would be able to attend to this.” Wu said and Lloyd’s eyes sharpened.
“So would Dad, y’know, until he found out he had a son he didn’t know about.” Lloyd said Misako’s face fell.
“Your father spoke of me?” She asked and Lloyd smiled.
“Oh yeah lots!” He said and she smiled back at him. “Lots of unforgiving, hateful things.” Her face fell again. “I haven’t heard him mention you with a positive tone since he asked me where my mother was!” Lloyd said and the atmosphere soured, dangerously.
“Lloyd.” Wu warned.
“Don’t pretend to care about me.” Lloyd said instead of acknowledging his Uncle. “I don’t need you.” He added and walked out the kitchen.
“He’s really upset.” He heard Nya say.
“Can you blame him? Kid was abandoned multiple times.” Cole.
“Lloyd! Wait up!�� He didn’t, but Kai caught up anyway. “Talk to me, dude.” He said but Lloyd only looked at him. “C’mon, we used to talk about everything! I even used to read you to sleep when you first moved in.” Kai reminded and Lloyd smiled a little. “I mean- you got a girlfriend?!” Kai said, with a smile. It made Lloyd willingly open his door wider to reveal the lump under his covers. Hair just visible.
“I did.” He said, Kai smiled looking in as Lloyd rested on the door frame.
“I can’t believe you scored Peach.” He said and Lloyd laughed before nodding.
“I was there when you came over the over day.” Lloyd revealed and Kai paled a little. “She said you are a massive dick.” Lloyd added and Kai laughed.
“Are or have one- because she has walked in on me and Pearl-“ Lloyd shoved him and he laughed.
“Are. And she’s right.” Lloyd added and Kai smiled. “Come in, I don’t want those weirdos listening in on us.” Lloyd said and a faint ‘hey’ from Jay was heard. Kai nodded, at Lloyd’s point being proved. It was soon followed by ‘blabber mouth’ from Cole.
With the door closed, Lloyd sat on the end of his bed as Kai took residence on the floor.
“She won’t mind?” Kai asked and Lloyd shook his head.
“The only thing she’ll mind at the moment is an alarm.” Lloyd said and Kai chuckled. “You awake, Peaches?” Lloyd asked and shook the lump who groaned and aggressively pulled the covers around herself more. “See?” Lloyd said and Kai’s eyes widened. “Do you mind if Kai stays in here?!” Lloyd practically yelled and the lump only whined, shoved him away from her and turned on her side to avoid him. “Not a care in the world.” Lloyd concluded and Kai nodded.
“Oh my god.” Kai said, perplexed and Lloyd smirked. They talked for a solid hour before the lump suddenly shot up and collapsed into Lloyd.
“I can’t sleep without cuddling something.” I said and I heard two voices chuckle. How did it take me this long to realise someone else was in the room? I looked up to see Kai and I turned to Lloyd.
“I told you, no privacy.” He said and I shrugged, settling down.
“Shame, I was going to give you the head of your life.” I shut my eyes, as my head rested comfortably on his thigh, facing away from Kai and towards his stomach.
“Get out.” I heard Lloyd say, most serious I’ve ever heard him. I laughed and so did Kai.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Late. You slept most the afternoon away, Peaches.” Lloyd told me and I nodded slightly.
“Is Kai still here?” I asked and Lloyd nodded.
“I asked him to leave.” Lloyd said and I sighed.
“You didn’t ask, you ordered.” Kai argued.
“I told him to leave.” Lloyd said, instead and I laughed. Brothers, definitely.
“No head then.” I said and watched as Lloyd glared at Kai.
“Can you even move, Peach?” Kai asked and I didn’t move.
“I’m gonna pass out again.” I said instead and soon surrendered to sleep again.
“You just cock-blocked me so hard!” Lloyd said and Kai shrugged.
“You’ve cock-blocked me so many time, I don’t care.” It was true. The other ninjas used to send him to knock on Kai’s door whenever they knew Kai was having phone sex or make him tell Kai he was meant to babysit him when he was about to go hook up with someone and then his hookup would start talking about how cute his younger brother was.
“Not my fault.” Lloyd defended.
“You did it for a price.” Kai counter-argued and Lloyd shrugged.
🪺. *. ⋆
I woke up to no Lloyd. I was in his bed but no him. I sighed and sat up. How did I feel so tired? And hungry. What do I do until Lloyd comes back? Stay here? I stood up and looked around the room. He had his own bathroom. Good. I stretched in the middle of his room. The t-shirt he had put on me before I fell asleep rose slightly above my ass, exposing the skin and the fact I had nothing on my lower half. I shoved my trousers from yesterday on, keeping his shirt though. I pulled my bra on, clipping the back before listening with my ear against the door to try and hear if anyone was outside. I noticed my phone was on charge and his was next to it. Good, that meant he hadn’t left. I checked it. No messages. The usual. 8:07am. What the hell? I thought it was like 1pm with how I felt and how everything looked. Where the hell did Lloyd have to go at 8pm?
I slowly opened Lloyd’s door and peeked out it, taking one look down the long hallway. I took a deep breath. It’s a long hallway. How big is this place? I didn’t really get a good look at it. It was already bigger than any home I’d been in before. That’s when I made myself pause. This wasn’t a house. It was a monastery. That meant other people lived here, specifically monks. It was also owned and used by Lloyd’s uncle whose father is the first spinjitsu master. That meant that this wasn’t a normal monastery and in fact it was dedicated to ninjitsu and the first spinjitsu master’s techniques and teachings. It was also evident in the engravings and painting in the walls and supporting poles of the building. I didn’t even realise how far I’d walked when looking at the decor until I was staring into a kitchen. Empty. Thank god. I was really hungry. I can’t just take their food though. That would be extremely rude. Unless I just took Lloyd’s food. I bet they all share though. I’ll wait. I’m starving though. My throat is dry. Having some water isn’t rude, is it? Where the hell are the cups? It’s rude to snoop. Why is etiquette so hard? I’ll suffer. I’d rather suffer than be asked the condensing question of ‘what are you doing?’ Before I could leave, a voice made me jump.
“Not hungry?” An older woman’s voice. I frowned as I turned to see her. Her hair was in a singular grey braid. This is the woman I saw with Lloyd before. In the room with the hole. This is his mother. The woman who abandoned him.
“No.” I lied. My stomach stayed quiet. “Just trying to make my way around.” I said and she smiled.
“In Misako, Lloyd’s mother.” She introduced herself and I nodded.
“Peach, Lloyd’s girlfriend.” I said and Misako’s smile didn’t falter.
“Do you mind giving me your real name?” She asked and I nodded.
“I do mind.” I said, finally smiling back. “If I wanted you to know it, I would’ve said it.” I turned on my heel and went to walk out.
“I understand you’ve only heard about me through Lloyd and he is very upset.” Misako started and I rolled my eyes, turning around again.
“Rightfully so.” I said and she just nodded.
“But it was to try and find a way around the final battle- see, I knew from his birth that he would be the green ninja. So I left him at that school to do everything I could to try and stop it.” She said and I narrowed my eyes.
“I’m not following.” I said and Misako sighed.
“I had to try to put a stop to all this.” Misako said and I nodded.
“No, I got that- I just don’t get why you’re telling me and not Lloyd why you left him.” I said and she came a little closer.
“I tried, he didn’t want to hear it.” Misako said and I ‘oh’d’.
“And you want me to try and talk to him?” I asked and she smiled.
“You are in his prophecies, helping him in any way.” That freaked me out. “You have to start playing your part.” She told me and now I was annoyed. Lloyd did not inherit a thing from this woman.
“Where is he, by the way?” I asked and Misako seemed to ease up, thank god. Except she was still sort of close to me.
“You think about him a lot, don’t you?” This felt creepy now. She reached out a hand to put on my shoulder and my arm glitched causing her hand to go through my body. When she retracted her hand and nodded to herself, I remained neutral. “He’s with the others and Wu in the dojo, training.” Misako said and I nodded.
“Okay. Thank you.” I said and sped out. I had no clue what was up with that woman but I was starting to think it was best Lloyd wasn’t raised by her. This whole place was weird and all the authoritative figures were eery and thoroughly made my skin crawl. Back down the long hallway I went, trying to ignore the fact Lloyd’s mother was apparently following me. She split into another room not long after and I thanked any spiritual being listening. I heard voices at one point and stopped at the open door. Actually none of these dojo rooms had doors. There I saw the 5 ninjas surrounding Lloyd who blindfolded.
“Don’t rely on your eyes, use your ears.” Earth said and they all suddenly drew their weapons and charged at Lloyd. I watched in silence as they fought. Lloyd expertly dodging and even disarming them at some points. It wasn’t until the blue one flew past me, into the hallway and onto the floor was I noticed.
“Oh, hey… I’m Jay by the way.” He said and raised his hand from where he was laying on the floor, I shook it and smiled. He was ginger and had a mass of freckles populating his skin that wasn’t as pale as expected from a ginger.
“Peach.” I said and he smiled.
“Nice to meet you!” Jay stood and nodded before jumping back in the fight. I watched as Lloyd wore them down and worked on not exhausting himself before lighting up his green elemental fire which apparently signalled that he had won or the fight was over? I don’t know. However, I tried not to jump when he suddenly turned to me. Sythe in hand and smirked.
“Hey Peaches.” Lloyd said and I tried not to give too physical a reaction. And he have to sound so smug.
“Good morning.” I said and he chuckled.
“Feels like mid afternoon with how early we got up.” Kai said, from where he was sitting on the floor.
“I hate to tell you, Peach, but I don’t think training is over yet so I can’t see you until Cole tells me I can take this off.” Lloyd said and I laughed.
“Shame, I woke up hotter than I was yesterday.” I told him and he whipped around to the others.
“Bro I could not care less-! Just use your stamina on something other than us at the moment! Got I hate not having my powers!” ‘Cole’ vented and I nodded. Lloyd bent his head down and I untied the blind fold. He let his eyes adjust before looking me over.
“Wow, you did.” He said and I shoved him.
“Lloyd has game. Who would’ve thought? Not me.” Kai said and before anyone could retaliate. The ground shook violently and Kai shot up. “I’m sorry, I won’t diss your grandson again!” Kai pleaded and I looked to Lloyd confused.
“That’s not my Grandad, he likes thunder. That’s an actual earthquake.” Lloyd said and I frowned.
“What the-?” I went to question but was shut up by another shake, more violent. Lloyd held on to me, instinctively and I held grabbed onto his arm.
“Okay, that’s not good.” Jay said and Cole smacked him.
“Thanks for stating the obvious!” He said, annoyed. How did Jay annoy him so easily? Lloyd rolled his eyes and turned on a TV I hadn’t even noticed was in here. That seemed dangerous. He sat on the floor and I joined him, following his lead as most the ninja were already on the floor due to exhaustion. The two elders came in not long after and started watching the news too.
“So it’s just earthquakes?” I asked after Gale went on about how the aftershocks were getting stronger.
“It’s never just earthquakes, there’s always something wanting to destroy ninjago behind it. Last time there were earthquakes, it was because the great devourer had become ninjago city’s new train service except the only way on was through the mouth and into its stomach.” Jay said and I nodded, quickly looking up at Lloyd who shook his head.
“What could it be then?” I asked and Lloyd shrugged.
“Anything from my father to a big evil dog a this rate.” He said and I smiled.
“Would’ve be surprised if it was Garmadon, we haven’t seen him for a while.” Kai said.
“He would never.” Misako said and I couldn’t hold back the frown. “Lloyd‘s father is evil, but he would never do anything to put his son in harm’s way.” She added and I looked up to Lloyd who took a deep breath, restraining himself.
“Misako’s right. He only tried to thwart his training. This is something else.” Wu said and Lloyd stood up, offering me a hand which I took as he lifted me up.
“But what is it?” Jay asked and it went quiet before Ice whistled and a bird came out of nowhere. I jumped at the sudden animal appearing.
“My friend. Be my eyes and ears in the streets from above.” He let the bird fly out the window and I stared up at Lloyd, confusion evident.
“Zane is a nindroid. That falcon is a robot.” He explained and I nodded.
“That’s really bad, we’ve gotta get out there and start helping people.” Cole said and I looked to Lloyd.
“Right.” Lloyd said and turned to me, I nodded.
“I think I need a time out anyway.” I said and Lloyd kissed me before pulling up the mask on his gi. “Do you want to go home?” He asked and I nodded. “Come on.”
🪺. *. ⋆
My dorm building was gone. I just watched it crumble to the ground. There was dust everywhere. My eyes burned from the haze of it. The whole building just collapsed after a particular harsh quake. I was on the other side of the road. It came down like it was made out of sticks. What if someone was still in there? I felt sick. I was glad it was the holidays. My ears were ringing too. I only just recognised the crying and screaming from someone next to me. A girl, not even 13.
“My friend-! She was- I don’t know if she got out!” She said when I turned to her and I held her. “When did you speak to her?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Not even 10 minutes ago-!”
“What floor?” I asked and she took a deep breath.
“5th.” Shit.
“Maybe… come on. We’ll go look for her.” I told her and soldiered in to the haze of dust and fresh debris. “What’s her name?” I asked and the girl was still shaking.
“Kaliyah.” She said and I nodded, before yelling the name. I waited for a moment before nothing. I yelled again and the little girl followed.
“Wait- what’s your name?” I asked and she looked up at me.
“Fiona.” She said and I smiled.
“Peach, we’re gonna find your friend.” I said and Fiona smiled gratefully.
🪺. *. ⋆
The ninja had just successfully pulled a woman out essentially a growing sinkhole. All Cole could say was how annoying her dog was as he panted on the floor. In the haste. Everyone had forgotten he no longer had his super strength and was using his raw natural strength and muscle to haul the 5 of them and a woman to safety. Safe to say, his arms felt like they were just ripped off him. The woman had run off and now they were just stood, looking around at the damage as the quakes continued.
“These things keep coming with no warning!” Kai said, trying to remain on two stable feet.
“That’s it! A warning!” Misako said, pulling out a scroll from her satchel. “The scrolls said the earthquakes would be a warning. A warning for something far worse to come.” She finished and Jay immediately spoke up.
“Far worse? What could be far worse?” He asked.
“Misako? The indestructible stone warrior we fought yesterday, where did you find him?” Cole asked and Lloyd’s eyes widened.
“The one Peach put in the ground?!” He asked and Misako responded.
“He was buried under the city.” She told him.
“You don’t think there’s more do you?” Jay asked, worriedly.
“Be on guard ninja. We must be ready for whatever comes our way.” Wu said.
“Uh- Lloyd…” Kai said, and Lloyd turned to see what he was staring at. He followed Kai’s gaze to the TV screen in a shop broadcasting the news, and on it was a crumbled building. It was expected with the quakes. What wasn’t, was the sign of a particular school and the disturbing title under it.
‘Emmer’s boarding school dormitories first building to fall in unexpected earthquakes, deaths and injuries unknown.’
“Shit- I gotta go-!” Lloyd said and started running.
“Go where?!” Jay yelled after him but Kai stopped him.
“Peach’s home has just been destroyed.” Kai filled in and Jay’s eyes widened from behind the mask.
🪺. *. ⋆
I had nothing. Literally nothing. It was all gone now. What the fuck? What do I do? The only thing I could do right now was look for this little girl.
“Kaliyah! Kali-“ I paused at the sound of a sob. It sounded breathless and strained. “Kaliyah?!” I asked again and I heard it, more urgent. I looked around in the direction I heard it and saw a little leg peeling out under some rumble. I gasped and immediately started lifting the bit of rubble on top of her. “Fiona-! I found her-!” I said and heard the girl yell and head my way. I used all my strength to get the first piece of rubble off and the desperate, immediate breath that the girl took broke my heart. She was bloodied and it took all my strength to not cry at the sight. Instead I worked and dislodging the debris that had trapped her arm.
“Kaliyah! Kal-!” Fiona yelled and held the other girl’s hand.
“Help me lift her up.” I said and Fiona helped me position her better in my arms as I was forced to carry her bridal style. “Call an ambulance, now!” I said and Fiona immediately pulled her phone out. “She’s barely breathing- it must’ve crushed her lungs..” I murmured to myself and set the girl down on the flat ground near the road. Another quake came rattling through the ground and I watched as the school itself came crashing down this time. “Cover your eyes!” I yelled and Fiona, even with being on the phone dropped to ground and covered herself. I used my own body to shield Kaliyah’s and thanks to Ninjago city’s top tier healthcare, we had no idea when this ambulance would turn up. Especially with the emergency currently happening. I felt as the cloud of dust and debris came rushing over us, fiercely. I fully covered the little girl and prayed she lived to not remember this and have a happy life. I opened my eyes to check on Fiona when an ember flew in my eyes and I cried out. It stung and I couldn’t open my eye as it burned through the socket. It probably didn’t but it felt like it. I heard sirens and silently thanked the gods above.
I felt numb as they took the girl away, I told Fiona to go with them. She was unsure but I nodded. It didn’t matter about me being alone and having nowhere to go because Lloyd appeared and rushed over to me. Immediately checking me over. I was probably covered in dust and debris and the odd cut.
“What the hell happened?!” He asked and I shrugged.
“My school and dorm collapsed and I just dug out a 12yr old from some rubble and had to dislodge part of a radiator from her arm so her lungs wouldn’t be considerably crushed. Oh by the way! I have nothing and am currently homeless.” I said and he shook his head.
“No you’re not… come live with me.” He said and I nodded.
“Can’t believe we’re already moving in together… can’t believe I almost died.” I said and he held me tighter.
“You’re safe now, okay?” He said and I just leant on him. “Peach? Y/n?” He asked when I didn’t respond and I just smiled.
“I think I’m gonna pass out…” I said and he shook his head and bent his head down to look at me.
“No, you’re not… not atleast until we’re out of here. Buildings keep falling around here.” Lloyd said and I smiled.
“Tell me about it.” I joked and he shook his head.
“C’mon… the stone warriors are going to be attacking soon- well they already are but more.” He told me and I frowned.
“The who?” I asked and Lloyd grabbed my hand, leading me back to ninjago city.
“Y’know that big live statue from yesterday?” He told me and my face dropped.
“And you’re taking me to it?!” I almost screeched.
“No! Everyone is being evacuated to the top of the news tower and then we’re going to use the bounty to evacuate as many as we can.” He added and I frowned.
“The bounty?! Lloyd- what’s going on?!” I asked and he didn’t stop running but briefly looked at me.
“We think the final battle is starting. The earthquakes are meant to be a warning according to my mother.” Lloyd said and I looked up at him.
“What the fuck…?” I questioned.
“My thoughts exactly.”
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I think about how Nathan is forced into this leader role according to the Prophecy and how immensely horrifying that is for him to be some guy who is in charge of saving the world, but also the fact he is meant to lead his own band. As Ishnifus tells him they look to him and follow him which is true, we have seen this ever since season one; Nathan makes a lot of decisions for the band even outside of music, personal things typically come down to him as well.
Which when these were mundane choices it wasn’t as bad but once you get to seasons 3 and 4 and then Doomstar you reach this area where they rely on him for things that become more and more intense. Down to Doomstar where the choice is to either save Toki and Abigail who could potentially already be dead and risk himself and the others being ripped to shreds by cannibals or leave two of their friends to die.
Like all of it really shines a light on why Nathan through all four seasons is fucking obsessed with love.
This man has nothing normal, he has an abnormal life and every season shit gets worse in terms of the world ending. Nathan looks at romance and marriage as a way out of this, a way to feel like a normal person. The man fucking binge watches The Bachelor/The Bachelorette, he’s obsessed with this idea of love and marriage. He tried to work things with Rebecca despite her being racist and abusive, Trindle was a stalker and a serial killer and he still wanted to work it out with her until finding out she was a cheater, and then there’s Abigail who out of them is the most normal yet still not, but he connects with her especially on a musical level. He is balls deep in the Prophecy and hearing the Whale in his head more and more, he’s having more nightmares and for him love is normal and safe and also a way out. He immediately says he wants to marry her and have kids with her, the dude wants out. He wants away from Dethklok and from the Prophecy.
Which all of this leads to what is super interesting to me which is Dethklok’s loyalty to Nathan.
Obviously they all look to him, but also they all have varying degrees of willingness to just follow this man into the darkness.
I would say Skwisgaar is the most loyal since through the show most of the time he seems to think Nathan knows what he’s doing and usually trust his decisions and goes along with them.
Murderface would be before Doomstar that is, the second most loyal since we see him consistently follow Nathan like a loyal pet and typically trusting him and his decisions.
Pickles isn’t super loyal since from day one we see he will become openly annoyed with Nathan especially where music decisions are concerned, Picklea doesn’t follow or do loyalty, the man wants to be equal in things.
Toki surprisingly is the least due to the fact that Toki seems to cling onto whatever person makes him feel the safest or saves him from dying. At first with Preklok and season one which isn’t long after Preklok, Toki follows Skwisgaar constantly because Skwisgaar is after al the one who took him in off the streets and gave him a home.
Then this switches to Nathan who is protective of him in general but especially after Toki’s dad dies, there was an interview where Toki is asked about his dad’s death and he becomes clearly anxious and Nathan immediately interrupts to say they don’t talk about that asshole and ask Toki if he’s feeling okay or wants to leave. Nathan protects him.
Then when it isn’t Nathan or Skwisgaar it’s Charles or Rockzo and at worst it was Magnus.
Again all of this to say that while Toki and Abigail did get stabbed and tortured by psychopaths and Murderface is now possessed by an ancient evil, Nathan is the one who every little choice he makes can result in those he loves dying and/or the world ending and I completely understand Army of the Doomstar mentioning Nathan being traumatized.
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art-leon · 11 months
just learnt about the world of horror trailer and- *this has been cut off so i don't have to write out all the expressions of excitement and joy that i know of*
if you do decide to watch it here's a content warning for self-harm - from 0:28 to 0:38. be aware of that, ok?
the animation is pretty damn great, love the various camera angles <3
we get to see STE (Something Truly Evil) ambushing someone! hooray.
although i do have to wonder if it teleports its victims to another plane and then brings back the body, or if the victim's vision distorts and makes it look like they teleported.
love how they depicted the bloody subway event and the fact that STE is also there (it has appeared before) (it appears on the bloody subway event if the counter is triggered - going by game rules here)
the occult shop looks great, the dog looks absolutely adorable and i want to pet it even more now, some stuff that appears in-game can be seen on the shelves and behind the shopkeeper, and STE once again makes a guest appearance as the painting in the background!
anyway, it seems like Haru really got unlucky, huh? fighting against an apartment stalker with only a broken bottle and (probably) a pack of cigarettes to his name? no wonder he's getting his ass kicked
the transition from the apartment stalker fight to the scissor woman killing Kouji (i think that was his name) is seamless, and it looks like he did the ritual right - based off the candles and the symbol on the board (although i could be wrong, seeing how the scissor woman twitches. buuut that might be a camera glitch - going off of the perspective here)
the main four eldritch twats make an appearance! yay x2.
anyway that's it!!!!! thanks for reading to the end :3c
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cranetreegang · 1 year
Get To Know the Blogger
I got tagged by @freesiriusblack and thought, why not?! And I was tagged by @rosabellatonks for another similar tag so I thought to combine them both!
Thanks again for the tag girlfriends <3
Share your wallpaper: I am... so boring. It's just the standard Windows background LOL
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The last song you listened to: Symphocat - Domini Sacramentum
Favorite Five Songs: This was hard lol but:
Earth by Susumu Hirasawa (shoutout to my Berserk Enjoyers)
Vivaldi Four Seasons - Summer
Bad Girls by MIA
Day Stalker + Night Prowler by Carpenter Brut (this song goes hard dudes)
Miracle Aligner by The Last Shadow Puppets
Currently reading: Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley - for research/ideas. But for enjoyment, Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
Last movie: Family Blood - I enjoy putting on really bad horror movies. It's something I very much love. And also I highly DON'T recommend this movie LOL
Last show: A Shot in the Dark on Netflix. Surprisingly good about the life of Stringers (if you've ever seen Nightcrawler - it's about that)
Craving: SHRIMP TACOS!! With cilantro rice and black beans. wrapped up in a corn tortilla. and a squeeze of LIME. UGHHHHHH 
What are you wearing right now: My College Sweatshirt and black Nike shorts
How tall are you: 5’7” = 170 cm
Piercings: Just the one on each ear - but I hardly ever wear earrings or jewelry. It's amazing they haven't closed up honestly.
Tattoos: Just one on my collarbone, but I've been tempted to get more
Glasses? Contacts?: None! But, I do have glasses for when I stare at a computer screen all day... that I don't wear. hehe
Last drink: Cabernet Sauvignon aka red wine
Last thing you ate: Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya
Favorite color: BLUE i love BLUE!!! All shades all forms.
Current obsession: Ominis Gaunt (I am down so freaking bad guys like wow but look at him, how can you not be)
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Any pets: Just one little jerk named Buddy. I love him. He's a Poodle Mix and we adopted him (for free) at the local pet shelter. That's right, they just willingly gave me a menace to society for free. They have no shame.
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Favorite fictional character: I think it would have to be my first love - Carth Onasi from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I was down ASTRONOMICALLY for him in my youth.  
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The last place you traveled to: Angel Fire, New Mexico - love it all year round and I can't wait to go back
Tagging: @scilla-aster @kn0xley @ladyskara
Sorry if you've already been tagged! <3
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my-moony-and-padfoot · 10 months
Get to know me :) In a very detailed manner and all of this totally unnecessary and unneeded
(I found these random questions/"get to know me" thingies from Pinterest and left out a few things) I just wanted to do this because I'm hella bored and definitely shouldn't be studying
Definitely not
First name: Guess 📚
Middle name: Maria
Nickname: My friends call me Grandma, Gran and gran-gran.
Age: young and sweet, only seventeen
Height: 165.5 cm
Birthday: 31st of July
Zodiac sign: I'm a Leo ♌
Sexuality: Pan 🍳
Fave color: light pink, light purple and dark green
Fave animal/s: dogs and cats, foxes. Red pandas are cool too and reindeers. Oh oh and turtles
Pets: three dogs and four cats (in two different places tho)
Shoe size: 38-39 EU
Hair color: orange ish
How long is your hair: down to my shoulders
Eye color: blue green brown ish something I really don't know, they're weird. They like often change colors weirdly idk what's up with them. So, I usually stick with saying they're green
Do you have glasses: I do 🤓
Any siblings: half big sister and half big brother, so technically one right?
Where are you from: That there is a mystery 🌎, unless you're fucking Sherlock, or another fictional detective, or a stalker
Last dream: A nightmare of my grandma trying to kill our whole family
Fave book/s: One of the harry potters and heart stoppers. Also I love this Norse mythology book I have
Last book you bought: Poison, and before the coffee gets cold
Favorite hobby/hobbies: writing and crochet 🧶. Also I really like DND 🎲
Favorite game: Sims 4, Minecraft
Fave song/s: We made it - Louis Tomlinson, lowlife - YUNGBLUD, Mars - YUNGBLUD Call your mom - Noah Kahan and arsonist - Alec Benjamin, Body - Mother Mother, Miserable man - David Kusher, Holding on to heartache - Louis Tomlinson, Golden - Harry Styles (I'm sorry I couldn't pick just one) Theres so many more tho
Favorite artist/s: Louis Tomlinson (he's mainly on my play list) and I also like Harry styles. YUNGBLUD, Noah Kahan, David Kusher, Jordan Suaste, cavetown, Conan Gray... I like too many artists, okay?
Last song you listened to: Polygraph eyes - YUNGBLUD
Fave movie: Harry Potter Goblet of fire, I don't really watch movies 🎥 Sweeney Todd is good too
Religion: I'm a Christian, like I belong in the church but I don't really believe into anything, but I respect everyone who does <3
Have you been to the hospital: A lot when I was a child, last time was because of my knees
Ever gotten in trouble with the law: Nope
Met any celebrities: I've met a few YouTubers, does that count?
Baths or showers: Showers. Definitely showers 🚿
What color socks are you wearing: white with light purple stripes at the top
Would you like to be famous: not really no
How many pillows do you sleep with: Two, well one the other one just is kinda there but it's never under my head, it's to prop the other one up
Do you own stuffed animals: I do 🧸
If you do, how many: Six, can't sleep without one of them (it's a bunny). I lied there's seven
What position do you sleep in: The Superman position, y'know? 🦸‍♂️
What do you eat for breakfast: I don't eat breakfast, sometimes coffee though, coffee with oat milk is the best
Ever tried archery: I actually have, was my hobby for a year or something, spoiler alert; wasn't very good at it 🏹
Ever fired a gun: Nope and won't
Favorite clean word: fluffy, it's nice to say
Favorite curse word: Fuck, I say that way too much someone help me
Longest you've been without sleep: 23 hours
Have any scars: I do, a surgery scar on my knee, one on my upper lip from my teeth going through it, small one in the corner of my eyes, a lot on my knees from falling down as a kid so much, and then some others
Are you a good liar: I think I am
Can you do any accents (besides your own): Not really and I don't have that much of an accent, I think. Though my friends tell me I have a bit of a British accent, which is bizarre, and I don't really hear it myself.
What is your personality type: from the 16 personalities INFJ-T 🌛
Can you curl your tongue: I can, I can also do the flower thingy
Left or right handed: right handed
Are you scared of spiders: Sort of, I don't mind them as long as they're not near me
Favorite food: lasagna and tortillas
Are you a clean or a messy person: Messy but in an organized way 📦
Most used phrase: "No shit Sherlock" "no wayyy" "just...why?"
Most used word: Probably some curse word... Or "what" "why"
Do you suck or bite lollipops: Bite 😬
Do you talk to yourself: all the freaking time
Do you sing to yourself: I do, everytime I listen to music alone 😶‍🌫️
Are you a good singer: I'd like to say that I am, but I don't actually know
Biggest fear: someone murdering me (during the night with a knife), dislocating my knee, or any other part that can be dislocated (it hurts so fucking much, cannot recommend)
Can you name all the states: Maybe probably, haven't tried
Favorite school subject: Psychology or English 📖
Least favorite school subject: MATH, and chemistry, physics is sorta alright but I don't like the math part
Extrovert or introvert: as introverted as they come lol
Have you been scuba diving: Nope, probably never will go 🤿 deep waters scare me
What makes you nervous: Literally everything, it's called anxiety ✨
Are you scared of the dark: not anymore, unless it's outside, sometimes it's scary inside too, but not too often
Do you correct people if they make mistakes: Sometimes but not to be mean to them, but not like minor mistakes, unless I wanna annoy someone
Are you ticklish: Not really 🪶
Have you been in a position of authority: I've been a scout leader for the past three years, can't do it anymore tho, does that count?
Have you ever drank underage: Once because my sister forced me to, A glass of champagne how rebellious of me
Ever done drugs: Nope
Ever smoked anything: Nope x2
How many piercings do you have: I have earrings and snake bites 🐍 I really want an industrial but idk if I have the correct anatomy
How fast can you type: Somewhat fast, I'm faster on my phone than on a computer
Are you a fast learner: Depends on the subject, but usually yes
Can you roll your R's: No I cannot 🐐
Do you keep a journal: Every now and then, I'm not very consistent. But I do do bullet journaling in the back of my calendar
Do you like your age: ✨Sweet sixteen✨ It's fine, I don't really care I'd honestly rather be older ⚰️
Do you like your name: I think it's very pretty, I used to hate it tho when I was young (still kinda do, most of the time). It's fine but I just don't like using it with people
How did you get your name: From my mom and dad lol. No it "tells a story" and it suits well for English which my mom wanted, it's somewhat rare here where I live. With the spelling I have
Dream job: I have zero clue 🔎
What was your first job: A week at a daycare. But my first actual job (something I got paid for) was in a coffee shop for a summer
What places have you worked in: In a daycare and a preschool and two summers in that cafe, never going back there it was horrible
Last show you watched: Chicago med 🩺
Last show you finished: baby reindeer
Favorite show ever: Big bang theory, Chicago med, what we do in the shadows and 911. Oh, heartstopper :)
What is your earliest memory: Sitting on a dresser and my dad telling me to wait for a bit, or being on my mum's shoulders while she was doing something outside (I'm not sure which one is first)
Happiest memory: Moving away, getting into the school I wanted with good grades
When did you start this blog: May-June 2022
When did you start writing fanfic: January 2022 (The next few ones a writing related because they were in this one list of questions I found)
What was your first fic: Fred Weasley/reader definitely not with a self insert *cough cough.
How do you come up with ideas for writing: They just come up when I try to sleep, or am doing something random, or something happens so I just write it out. I hate brain storming with all my heart because nothing good comes up when I try
What character/s do you enjoy writing the most: Sirius and Remus <3, but lately I've fallen in love with Percy and Oliver and starchaser is always fun to write. Also lily and Pandora are lovely to write, I just never really do it
What character do you not enjoy writing: Any authoritative figure because it's hard and when there's multiple characters because it's hard to keep track
Is there a fic you regret writing: Not really, I mean I'm embarrassed of some of my writings, but it just shows that I've learned and I can write better now :)
Favorite thing you've written: "When I..." A long fic about a suicide attempt and it was very comforting to write, but then I think I've written a few good hurt/comfort fics. There's like very small bits of the stories that I absolutely love, and loved to write
What do you like to write: Hurt/comfort and just sad things, I feel like I'm good at it. I like descriptive writing too and I've been trying to work on it lately
What don't you like writing: Smut, I feel a little cringe when I write it, and like longer fics, I feel I can't come up with a good enough idea for a one 🤔 Also, I don't have the patience for that
Favorite characters: Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory. Sirius and Remus obviously, Regulus, and then I like the Weasley twins... There's honestly too many that I like. But to mention a few more: Nick, Charlie, Elle, Tara and Darcy <3 and the art teacher I can't remember the name of from heartstopper. Loki <3. Will Halsted and Sharon Goodwin are the best characters in Chicago med, fight me. Laszlo from what we do in the shadows.
Do you keep a journal: I have a few pages in the back of my calendar for bullet journaling
One bad habit: self deprecation, I apparently do that too much. Source: my friends
What did you want to be as a child: I really wanted to be a chef or a baker
Who's the last person you held hands with: My friend when dancing, if that doesn't count, then with the same friend at a school Christmas party cause I almost lost them in the hallway 'cause there were a lot of people. Before that, no clue
Are you outgoing or shy: Shy with new people. I'm shyly outgoing lol
Who are you looking forward to seeing: My bestie haven't seen her in over a year
What does your most recent text say: "Alright :)" Another one cause it was around the same time but to a different person. "It's just a little guy"
Do you have trust issues. Oh yeah
Favorite part of your daily routine: Everything cause it always goes the same way. We love structure over here. But if I have to pick one, cracking my back every morning cause it's so satisfying
What do you do when you wake up: Turn off my alarm if it's on, then I go through the notifications on my phone and just lay there doing random things before I gotta get up. Usually reading actually if I have enough time and oh, always listen to a podcast/music
Morning routine: What I just mentioned, but when I get up, I drink water and take my meds, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth. If I'm going somewhere I pack my stuff, and then dress up. If I'm not going anywhere, I usually start watching something and drink coffee in peace and then change clothes
Evening routine: I shower, wash my face, sometimes eat something and change into pyjamas. Mark stuff in my calendar, do my journaling and then I get into bed. I usually read before sleeping, a book or fanfic.
Do you like your neighbors: I don't really know our neighbors 👀 except the ones I dog sit for. Oh at least one of our neighbors thinks I'm creepy. (Literally steered their kids away from me while I was coming from school.)
Is your hair long enough for a ponytail: it is, I just often don't keep it in one. Unless it's dirty or I'm alone and need it to get it out of the way
How many languages can you speak: Two (actually three but I'm really bad at the third one) I picked french for next year tho :)
Can you cook: Yep, I'm quite good at it. I can bake too
Last time you cried: A few days ago because I was feeling like an absolutely horrible human being
How long does it take you to get ready: Like 10 minutes lol ⏱️
Favorite number: 5. Five is the Ultimate number, and everything either ends in five or is divisible by five. I've always liked the number five :3
Alright 😮‍💨
That was quite long, Sorry about that, I just like questions :)
If there is something you wanna know for some reason, feel free to ask. Like I said I like questions.
I might write more things here, if I think of something or find something fun
Feel free to use these if you want, I just want to note that most of these I did not make up myself and I don't know who did.
Enjoy this I guess I just got inspired and stopped studying for this, anyone I can blame on my English grade after this 👀
Also there's almost hundred of you following me, that's so weird....
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fuwaprince · 10 months
And now I will admit to war crimes 🪴
Jk, just talking about my life for a sec. Sorry I'm boringggg
I need to sneak out to smoke a cigarette but everybody here is awake (boo) and I can't get myself to be seen by them!!!! They'd be mean if they saw me like this -____- As in unbrushed hair, sleepy eyes, not completely dripping in sweat from dusting their house that I live in the corner of... all too unworked and LAZY despite me staying on campus from noon to midnight doing my final project and waking up to continue stressful amounts of hw. This "relaxation" that appears unearned is undeserved according to their monopolistic observation (an actual gif my response to their policing attempts below)
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Anyways I would just really like a cigarette in peace and these people will not let me have it so I'm considering inventing teleportation or just jumping out of my window like a maniac (I can land on all fours like a cat if I try really hard). Yes, that's desperate, AND?
Last night I also went to an award ceremony for some honor society which was way more fun than I thought it would be btw. My friend was the one who earned the award but I showed up for moral support!!! :') They had deep fried mac and cheese bits for vegetarians which felt strange, but I liked it and took a plate of it with me for another friend who was getting off work and missed the event
Stalker guy who is obsessive over his crush on me popped up 3 different times throughout the fucking entirety of me filming with my classmates (even they noticed his creepiness and pointed it out) and I eventually freaked him back out by following him to the restroom and demanding what the fuck he was doing on campus (to which he admitted he wanted to check on me which sounds considerate but no no no its creepy ... he will not even say a word and just stare until I choose to acknowledge him or not and I am tempted to choose the violent approach of smacking his skull so hard against a ceramic sink that the sink breaks).
Idk if anybody noticed but I didn't have to ask for rent help this month btw and I'm feeling so so so proud of that. Yay ✨ Broken laptop situation is also fixed. I'm not starving. Yeah, my room is still a biohazard to live in and people treat me like trash... But!!!! Not everybody! My friends give me hugs at the end of hard school days and I'm lucky to have a few cigarettes on me (I know, bad for my health.... But as Caro Emerald sings, "They say there's not much difference between a good man and a long drag from a cigarette. Sometimes you feel it, sometimes you don't. And sometimes you need it, and sometimes you don't").
I'm enjoying the silver linings.
I cry a lot but I've also smiled a lot too and been able to return some kindness to friends who needed it.
I visited that Japanese shop yesterday and the sweet lady gave me free sweets again. This time she literally pet my head before letting me go home and I blushed so hard. I don't even know her name but the small amount of physical touch from her was nice :') much needed... I feel like a stray cat that always walks in and she's so nice, treating me like I'm not a bother and giving me treats plus pets
Hmmmm, what else? I don't know what else I can share but I'm just in a sharing kind of mood rn. I'm going to try sneaking downstairs without offending anybody here with my disgusting state (no I am not actually disgusting but these people will shamelessly say so and shame me... :P whatever... Their leftovers are still in the fridge and I'm not saying shit but if I did that they would call me gross after it being over a week).
Oh I also I named my new laptop iPhonesSuck so now whenever I hop on their network, they can stalk that and get reminded that I hate them as iPhone supporters. I love the direction I'm going in.
Omg and before I forget!!! Just in case anybody surveiling me over their wifi wants some ultra rare photo evidence to gossip about, here:
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Eat my lawn gnome cakes, cocksuckers >:P find something better to do with your lame ass life
Everybody else gets hugs and giant chocolate chip cookies that I stole from the banquet
💖 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 💖 please take one!!!!!
Have a good day and thank you for reading. And as always, thank you for supporting me friends 💕🙏 I love you. We're almost through 2023!
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trappedham · 2 years
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virtual-insanity28 · 3 years
Online Troubles
Modern/Streamer!AU x Harbingers
Once gaining popularity by your streams, you struggle with a few things regarding your fans…Luckily, your partner is there to witness it and stop it one way of another.
apologies if these all have similar endings…it’s the first time i’m writing about these four Fatui Harbingers-
Requests: OPEN and gladly taken <3
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Childe knew something was off when he heard you stammer and fumble with your phone; your actions uncertain to even yourself.
He doesn’t like lies. As much as he is a teaser and trickster himself, he always adds to truth to his doting. He prepares himself to notice any of signs of you lying when watching you get up from your spot and walk to him, a grin spreading his cheeks to avoid your suspicion.
Although, that preparation was not needed. Instead, he had to prepare for a fight.
“Childe…help.” You quietly plead for his tactical mind to aid you in your sudden situation. With the screen of your phone facing your partner, he reads over the messages DMed to you by one of your social media accounts. His deep blue eyes go from bubble to bubble, taking in the oddly personal information that shouldn’t be known by any regular fan. The smile on his face slowly falls into a frown, and he takes your phone to inspect your issue further. The stranger started the conversation with a simple hello, making you believe that they were another fan who merely wanted to chat, yet it changed as they began to bring up things only you(and Childe) should know.
It started from your birthday, which was an odd sentence starter but you didn’t mind it. Everybody could see when your birthday was due to some of your accounts needing that information. It got uncomfortable the moment they had mentioned your childhood. What pets you had, what school you went to, where you worked for your first job…It was unsettling.
You we’re fortunate enough that your boyfriend was a skilled agent. He knew his way around things like yours, but even he was shocked to see the messages. “Do you know them?” He didn’t bother to look up at you and focused on the screen’s words. You shook your head with a short ‘no’. At that, Childe‘s eyes dimmed and his eyebrows furrowed together.
That night, he spent all of those hours gathering data about your new stalker while you slept. He wasn’t going to let a person threaten you in such ways, he couldn’t let it happen. And once morning came by, you saw that Childe had just entered from the front door of your shared apartment.
“Where did you go?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I went to go take care of some business.” He smiled and twirled around you to wrap his arms over your waist. His nose hovered over the nape of your neck, breathing in your scent. “Don’t get worried about me, now, girlie. It’s all done.“
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Dottore may be a tad bit over dramatic as he comes to acknowledge your situation.
He already doesn’t like humanity itself, so imagine his hate for humans along with a threat being placed on his cherished lover, you.
Because he is so vain of himself, he does not bother in telling the stranger giving you death threats who he is and what he is capable of doing.
“Dot, what are you-” You were cut off from your sentence when following your partner to your streaming room. Your LED lights shaded your room with a dim red hue. It only added onto the sinister looks of the masked man. He switched your recorder on, and commenced a live stream. Within seconds, a hoard of your dedicated followers tuned in to what they believed was a casual game stream. None of them recognized the man in view until one watcher had typed “yooo thats (y/n)’s bf Dottore!!”. Soon enough, the silver-haired man smirked to himself when reading the comments and how you talked about him frequently.
He would have enjoyed the moment if not for the issue he needed to carry out. Raising your phone to see the username of who threatened you, he had seen the same name pop up in the comment section. Immediately, his pupils dilated and his grin twisted into one of chaos. “You better watch what you say, (random name). To send death threats upon my dearest is a grave mistake!” He raised his head at the camera to show his disgust. The viewers had searched for the said user and quickly typed out arguments and rage comments to backlash the stranger.
You stood there, out of view, in shock. Dottore was often very fond of himself and sometimes ignored you for his own needs, but he never failed to keep you safe. He riled himself up for a fight just over some stupid stranger calling you slurs and threatening you. And the gleam in his eyes…it was corrupted yet knowing. He was tactical—careless, as well—but clever nonetheless. After enough had been enough, he clicked on the stranger’s name to block them and turned the stream off after saying his farewells. “My dearest~!” He turned over with his arms wide open and a puppy-eyed look, pouting for you to go to him.
You listened to his request, walking into his embrace, and thanked him for his help. Little did you know, deep in his head, he planned an entire stratagem to make sure himself that the single stranger would never, never cross paths with you again.
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Ho, boy. Out of them all, Scaramouche is the most frenzied one. Meaning, he will stop at nothing to make sure that the nuisance who insulted you is abolished.
He orders people around so much just to find out who this stranger is. He even bribed a hacker a great amount of money to find out the name of said stranger.
Let me tell you this now, (y/n), once he gets a hold of the stranger who insulted you, hell would have to help that victim.
“What the fuck?” Scaramouche stared down at the screen of your phone. The sounds of the water running in the bathroom let him know that you were taking your time to bathe, so he had gotten bored and snuck into your phone. To see what he witnessed was the last thing on his mind previously is now the first.
He scrolled through the shortened messages sent by the stranger and you(mostly the stranger), and the more time he spent looking at the rude insults, the hotter his blood boiled. The user knew that if you were to say “fuck off” or other things that insulted them back, they could use it against you in efforts to get you demolished. Scaramouche knew that as well. He’s noticed how quick-tempered you’ve become lately; often snapping at him when he gave you a bitter tongue.
Now, he came to realize why you had been acting up. The user, the stranger, insulting you with many slurs and fake news had been the core to your frustration, the eye of your storm. By the time you finished your shower and opened the door, you we’re met by Scaramouche walking down the hall, his eyes focused with a glare and his phone to his ear.
“You doing alright, Scara?” Your sweet but confused voice spoke up. In reply, you only got a side glance before watching your partner continue down the hall and to the shoe mat. “Where are you going?” Questioning him, Scaramouche felt both annoyed and concerned. It wasn’t often that he wasn’t annoyed by having to answer more than one question, but this was your situation. He had to tell you his plan eventually.
Scaramouche put his sandals on, walked to you, and placed his chin on your shoulder. His vision was focused on nothing in particular, yet his mind was thinking of so many ideas and tortures for that stranger insulting you. “I’m going out. I shall be back.”
When he turned his heel to take his leave, he left a quick kiss on your cheek. Midnight struck by the time he had returned, blood evident on his hands and cheek. It was after that had you never received another insult by your online-bully.
La Signora
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Similar to Scaramouche, Rosalyne will gather and call people just to figure out who is victimizing you.
The stranger absolutely disgusts Rosalyne with their predator-like behavior. Them calling you pretty and repeatedly asking you for your number and saying how they’d want to fuck you is downright infuriating for the strong woman.
She makes sure to keep you close once she has one of her workers discover the location of said predator, and is quick to threaten the man with unspeakable acts.
“Give me your phone, darling,” Rosalyne requested. Her patience was waning on her since the second you told her of your problem. A super-fan had recently spammed your account with multiple perverted messages. You were very much agitated by the stranger as they had even openly said how they wanted to ‘slam your pussy’.
That stranger had to know that you were already in a relationship with the beauty-streamer La Signora. All of your fans knew it, so why did he keep on going about being creepy? It scared you nonetheless. You were going to tell Rosalyne, but you were cut off the moment she opened her front door for you.
“H-here” You stumbled to retrieve your phone and place it into the warm hands of your lover. She wasted no time in reading the username, grabbing her own phone, and calling a multitude of her workers(who specialized in parts of mafia-like work) to demand the coordinates of your predator.
While in call with those people, Rosalyne let you in the house and made you comfortable. She prepared warm tea for you, gave you blankets, and even turned on your favorite movie to calm you. In times of your distress, she pampered you like a baby. You were her significant other, after all. She’s gone through a devastating loss before, so she could not afford to lose another one she loves. A while passes by before she gets another call. “Got it.” Rosalyne gets up from her spot and prepares to leave for the predator not so far away, taking you along with her.
Let’s just say…It wasn’t a pretty sight the moment her icy blue eyes met your online predator.
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chocochipsushi · 3 years
𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Navigation: ⤷ One-shot/fic ⇢ Drabble ↠ Headcanon 🔞Rated NSFW / MDNI 🩸Nasty ass kinks so pls read only if you’re ready for that
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 🔞
⤷ Day 1: Toji as your aunt’s husband 🔞 ⤷ Day 2: Nanami as your tutor 🔞 ⤷ Day 3: Gojo as your boyfriend’s best friend 🔞 ⤷ Day 4: Sukuna as an incubus 🔞🩸 ⤷ Day 5: Geto as a buddhist monk 🔞 ⤷ Day 6: Toji as your single dad 🔞🩸 ⤷ Day 7: Toji & Gojo as arch enemies 🔞
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𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
↠ JJK men cock sizes + kinks (Toji, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna) 🔞 ⤷ Don't want him to hear, do you? 🔞 || Gojo as your boyfriend’s best friend ⤷ What's wrong with you? 🔞 || Gojo & Toji as arch enemies ↠ 1 spank, 1 bubble tea (Gojo, Geto, Toji)
𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨
⤷ Let me read you to sleep 🔞 || Nanami as your boyfriend’s father ↠ JJK men cock sizes + kinks (Toji, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna) 🔞 ⤷ What are you supposed to be? 🔞 || Nanami as your tutor ↠ Nanami helping his student with a sex pollen curse 🔞
𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧
↠ JJK men cock sizes + kinks (Toji, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna) 🔞 ⤷ I'm going to bring you to hell with me, little lamb 🔞🩸 || Sukuna as an incubus ↠ Sukuna having breakfast in bed
𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮
⤷ God will show mercy, but I will show none 🔞 || Geto as a buddhist monk ↠ 1 spank, 1 bubble tea (Gojo, Geto, Toji)
𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢
⤷ Hitman!Toji || part 1 🔞, part 2 🔞, bonus, rejects ⤷ Toji as your father’s best friend || part 1 🔞, part 2 🔞, part 3 🔞, Part 4 🔞, Epilogue 🔞 ⇢ The big, bad wolf || Toji as your scary boyfriend that everyone mistakes as a creepy stalker  ⇢ The ugly worm thing || You’re jealous of the worm pet Toji carries around all the time
⤷ Wear something cute for me again next time, Princess 🔞 || Your aunt’s husband finally realises how short your skirt is ⤷ Come here, baby 🔞🩸 || Toji as your single dad ↠ JJK men cock sizes + kinks (Toji, Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna) 🔞 ↠ Toji & Nanami playing with a remote controlled vibrator inside of you 🔞 ↠ Toji with an animal-loving reader ↠ Toji & Sukuna playing with their food during dinner 🔞 ⤷ Bodyguard!Toji || part 1 🔞, prelude 🔞
↠ Toji loves making you jealous ⤷ What's wrong with you? 🔞 || Gojo & Toji as arch enemies ↠ Toji with four kids and a breeding kink 🔞 ⇢ Sleepy Girlfriend Problems || Toji has to deal with a gf that sleeps a lot ⤷ Going for a ride || Toji as your hot biker neighbour ⇢ Sleepless Girlfriend Problems || Toji has to deal with a gf that can't go to sleep ↠ 1 spank, 1 bubble tea (Gojo, Geto, Toji) ⇢ Toji x clumsy bimbo reader || part 1, part 2 ⇢ Hot biker! Toji ⇢ Toji as your best friend's dad 🔞
⤷ Soulmate!Toji || prequel, part 1, part 2
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folkloreguk · 3 years
🍒Cherry Ice Cream🍒
A/N: Happy July! I planned this almost a year ago and finally got around to writing it...I hope you like it! As always, I appreaciate feedback a lot! Hope everyone has a lovely day <3
pairing: optional bias (male) x reader (gn)
words: ~ 3.7 k
genre: fluff, comedy, lifeguard!bias, reader is the most awkward and chaotic person ever (are we at the public pool or the circus?? seriously I’m so second hand embarrassed for her lmao), bias is the hottest man in existence, the universe has something against the reader apparently (rip)
PART 2 (nsfw, both parts can be read independently)
You approached the front entrance of the public swimming pool. Everything was still going by plan. Ever since the weather had gotten warmer, you’d had swimming on your mind. And every single person in your life had been made aware of it. Despite the friendly asking and the occasional begging, you still hadn’t found anyone to accompany you to the public swimming pool. You had heard all the reasons: Work, already planned vacations, a sick pet, a hatred of water, a hatred of people, you name it. After all the searching you had come to the conclusion that you were tired of waiting. Nothing could possibly rob you of your excitement about swimming pools. You’d go alone and have a wonderful time. It would be a relaxing day with loads of time just for you. So you had told yourself. But let’s face it, nothing could have prepared you for the utter chaos you were about to walk into.
It began before you had even set both feet into the facility. Your steps were light, and you beamed, ready to enter after you had paid. The strap of your sports bag had caught in the turnstile in the entrance area. Stubborn as you were, you yanked on it, instead of turning around and manually freeing the fabric from the steel contraption. You had put your entire weight on the line, tugging and pulling, when the strap finally came loose from the turnstile. As expected from such antics, you tripped and struggled in your flip-flops, blundering into the compound like a baby giraffe walking for the first time. By the time you tried to compose yourself to look cool and relaxed after such a mistake, you noticed him.
He, who looked like a Greek god blessing you with a visit on earth. He was all tan skin, red life-guard swim trunks, perfectly sculped shoulders, pushed back hair, a smile that put the sun to shame and sunglasses sitting on top of his head. Instantly you thanked yourself for not seriously injuring yourself. The young godman crossed the lawn, presumably to take his seat by the pool, watching out for the visitors. Only he made it look like he was strutting on a runway at Paris fashion week. All you could do was pray that he hadn’t seen you entering his workplace headfirst like some impatient six-year-old.
As people passed you, you realized you were standing in the same spot where you had almost fallen a minute ago. Manifesting that this was just the silly beginning to a perfect day, you paraded into the shaded grassy area to find a spot to set up your things. Countless groups of friends, families, and lone visitors like yourself had already settled down, but you managed to find a fine spot. It was the superb balance between sunny and shady and not too far from the swimming pools and water slides. In seconds you had shed off your clothes to reveal your swimsuit underneath. Although you could barely keep yourself waiting, you decided it was best to stay there a short while before you threw yourself into the waves. Just until the sunscreen had absorbed into your skin. Meanwhile, you would unpack the catchy book you had recently begun to read.
Now and then you raised your head and peeked at the cute lifeguard. You seriously had no intentions of coming across like a creep, but you couldn’t stop yourself. The way he patrolled the side of the large pool had more coolness than the prettiest shot of a hot movie star in a film. You allowed yourself a few seconds, then you’d go back to your novel. The sounds of summer floated through the air – children laughing, water splashing, birds chirping above you – and the scent of the sunscreen catapulted you straight on cloud 9. It felt like your own small piece of paradise. Little did you know, the universe had so much more in store for you.
You hadn’t been buried in your book for even 10 minutes when a group of kids ran by. They were passing a water ball from one to the other and giggling uncontrollably. You saw it coming in your peripheral vision but had no time to react. As they had reached your level, one of them punched the ball especially hard. And instead of catching it, the dark blue ball bounced off one child’s hands and straight into the side of your face. It knocked your sunglasses off the bridge of your nose, but more importantly gave you the fright of your life. You dropped your book while the children’s mother scolded them from the side. After the initial surprise you couldn’t accept their apologies quickly enough. Anything if it could spare you from even more attention from random guests around you. Impulsively, your eyes searched for the cute lifeguard. But he was looking into the opposite direction. At least fate had saved you from embarrassing you in front of him. The last thing you wanted was to look like more of a clown than you had when entering the facility earlier. But against your expectations, the train of unfortunate events was only beginning.
Surely things would be more peaceful in the water, you had thought. When you finally entered the cool pool, it felt like heaven on earth. Fearing a case of recurrence, you avoided the shallower areas, where the children crowded and went straight for the deeper waters. Finally experiencing some form of relaxation, you swam and dived a few laps around the pool. Now and then you caught a glimpse of the lifeguard on the far end of the pool. Just to make sure he was still there. Just to make sure he’s still as handsome as when you first spotted him. And you weren’t disappointed. Gesturing kindly, he helped an elderly woman find directions to the restaurant on the far end of the site. From up closer, his smile and his jaw were even prettier – even though it had seemed impossible for him to become even more perfect.
After a while, your limbs became tired and you retracted into less busy waters, close to the exit and entrance area of the swimming pool. As you paddled your way through bodies, a bug startled you. It had by all appearances chosen you as its victim, as it took direct flight into your face. Even when you swat it away and turned around to change directions, it kept chasing you and only you. Like some crazy, obsessed stalker, it followed you to the edge of the pool. Eventually, you became tired of running and turned to it. If some random flying beetle wanted to fight you, so be it. To the untrained eye, you might have appeared like a lunatic, fanning the air, and squinting against the bright sunlight. But it was war, and you would square up against the most annoying of bugs. After a while, you realized that you were waving off the air – no more bug in sight. Only then you noted the little girl laughing in your direction from the poolside. You were way too mortified to turn into his direction at first, but when you found the lifeguard, he was conversing with one of his co-workers. Once again, you were safe.
Your next approach at a good time was the colorful waterslide close by. Certainly, these heights would not include micro-aggressive bugs. Instead, they included something far more unsettling. Considering there were toddlers going down the waterslide, you deemed it safe and fun. Your mind changed in the first sharp turn, when you tumbled over and hit your elbow from the sudden change of direction. Maybe you should have just stayed in the ring with the bug instead of choosing this more than violent escape. But it was too late. Once on the slide, you had to make it through to the finish line – more or less in one piece. Your grand finale composed of a semi-somersault off the edge of the waterslide into the pool. Although it wasn’t intentional, you still hoped it looked somewhat graceful to the audience at the bottom. Hint: No, it didn’t. You looked like a baby monkey that had been sent down a self-constructed-waterslide in someone’s backyard. It was a disaster.
Feeling over-heated and exhausted from the sun and your embarrassing antics, you found a drinking fountain by the showers to refresh yourself. Patiently, you waited in the short line until it was your turn. As fate wanted it, the next messy incident wasn’t long in the coming. In fact, it only took four sips of water before you accidentally inhaled some of it. You stepped back, choking, coughing, and gasping for air all at once. A helpful woman showed mercy with you and your awkward behavior and softly pat your back. “Are you okay, dear?” she asked. Unable to speak just yet, you smiled and nodded gratefully. Great. Maybe you should add “clown” onto your previous professions in your CT. By now, half the visitors probably knew who you were – a walking safety hazard to yourself.
After retreating to your bath towel set-up in the shade for a while, you had almost found new hope that the universe wasn’t against you that day. You managed to lie there, for a whole hour, without any issues. But then, slowly, another idea crept up on you. After all, what was summer without ice cream? By chance, you happened to know the little ice cream truck next to the yellow waterslide sold your favorite brand of ice lolly. So off you went, money in hands and wild determination in your head. The visual of the handsome lifeguard lingered in your mind even after you had passed the chair he was sitting on by the poolside. You acquired your ice lolly successfully and ripped the wrapper right away. It tasted like summer in food format, and you reveled in the cold treat for a while, as you strolled back in the direction of your bath towel.
Fully aware that you would have to walk by the insanely cute lifeguard again, you tried your best to look cool, next to the large pool. In your imagination, you were glowing in the sun, hair slightly flowing in the warm breeze and steps bouncing happily. You were the personification of summer bloom and radiating everything good about the season. For a moment, you closed your eyes and actually indulged in the warmth on your face. That was when the next mishap struck.
You didn’t even understand what was happening at first. Someone accidentally bumped into you – or did you bump into them? Upon the impact, you opened your eyes. Your ice-cream had vanished from your hands. Turns out, you had dropped it and it had landed only two feet from you. Out of balance, you stumbled ahead even after the impact. And of course, only a second later your foot stepped directly onto the ice lolly. Inevitably, you skidded and struggled to stay on your feet by means of flinging and waving your arms in the air. As if you were some stranger, trying to attract the attention of an aircraft whilst stranded on a desert island. One thing was for sure, you had everyone’s observance tied to you. With an involuntary but comedic performance of theatrical extent, you fell and hit the water surface.
The cool hit you so suddenly, you had swallowed a gulp of water before your instincts had time to set in. Quickly, your limbs began paddling to get you back to the surface. At that instant, a pair of arms suddenly linked under your armpits and swooped you up from underwater. Your brain processed what was going on. Without a doubt, someone had jumped after you and was pulling you out of the water. Stubbornly, you tried to avoid the idea of the cute lifeguard helping you out. Christ, that would really be the peak of all your embarrassing moments. No, it was probably the person you had run into, or someone who had already been in the water.
When you were placed by the poolside and blinked against the blending sun, your worst concerns came to pass. There he was, so close you could have touched his face. His worried expression changed when you opened your eyes, and he smiled, relieved. “Is everything alright?” he asked. You’d think this would make you into the most shamefaced person on the planet. And yet, all you could wonder was how two people’s genes could combine so flawlessly, so beautifully, to create such a man. When he got no answer from your moonstruck figure, he furrowed his eyebrows in alarm.
“Oh my- my god,” you stammered. “Yes! I’m fine, I’m sorry!”
You weren’t sure why you were apologizing. For worrying him? For inconveniencing him? For causing another scene? Either way, he grinned, and you felt your cheeks heat up terribly. You had to get away from there before something cringy came out of your mouth. Although you weren’t sure there was any way you could have made this more awkward than it already was.
“Make sure you have no injuries, okay?” he asked, helping you up. “If you need any medical assistance, just let me or one of the other lifeguards know.”
“Um…okay,” you said. Wow. That was no way to flirt with the most attractive person you had ever met. With all this drama you had gone through on that day, the universe could have at least blessed you with a romantic, your-life-savior-realizes-he-just-met-the-love-of-his-life moment. But no. The movies really were one massive hoax.
“It’s probably best you take a little break from the surprise, before you go back into the water,” he advised you. “And don’t hesitate to ask, if you need any more help.”
If only he knew how many times you had already tried to take a break from the surprise after everything on that day. You stood on your feet safely but felt like a cat that had fallen into the bathtub. At last, you managed a smile in the lifeguard’s direction. “Thank you.”
Funny enough, the stares people gave you bothered you only slightly as you walked back to your spot under the trees. Maybe you had used up all your embarrassment for the day. Nothing could intimidate you anymore. That meant, whatever happened from now on, it couldn’t get worse. Somehow after the pinnacle of chaos, you finally felt some inner tranquility. You went back to your novel, now and then keeping an eye out for potential water balls coming your way. But everything was calm. As time went on, you lost yourself completely in the story line and forgot about everything around you. Maybe this was all meant to happen. Perhaps it was a message, that you should have waited for your family to have a free day, or for your friend to come back from vacation. Would the same things have happened? There was no way to tell. Just as you reached a specifically exciting scene in the novel, a figure suddenly appeared in front of you. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Hey,” the handsome lifeguard stood there, smiling kindly. Wide-eyed, you straightened up and greeted him shyly.
“I couldn’t help but notice how happy you were about that ice cream earlier,” he said. “But then you…lost your ice cream.”
“What an interesting way of saying I stomped on it and made an absolute fool of myself,” you smirked. He chuckled.
“However you want to put it, I thought maybe you could use some cheering up,” he went on. “So I got you a new one.”
He pulled two ice-lollies from behind his back. “One for you, one for me.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. “You bought me this? I don’t want to sound rude… but aren’t you supposed to be looking out for the next victim to repeat my foolery?”
“I’m on my break,” he laughed. His eyes crinkled up cutely when he smiled, and it only made your stomach flutter more. “If you want me to leave, I will. I’m not trying to be weird or obtruding. Just making sure you’re okay, because I noticed you’re here alone.”
“Oh. No! Feel free to stay here for as long as you want!” you said, and now maybe you were the one sounding obtrusive. You scooted over and let him take a spot on your bathmat. You thanked him for the ice cream and gleefully unwrapped it. “My friends and family weren’t available today. But I really, really wanted to come here today. Maybe not my brightest idea.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve seen way worse plunges than yours. You were lucky, really. You got away with a small shock and nothing more. It was pretty impressive, actually.”
“I’m glad I have entertaining qualities, at least.”
“I’m just messing with you,” he laughed. “I’m glad you’re fine. This place gets a little wild during the afternoon, especially on weekends.”
“You don’t say,” you chuckled.
“I recommend coming here in the mornings or late evenings, if you want a little more peace and quiet.”
“Thanks, I’ll probably consider it. Do you work here full time?” you asked.
“No, this is just a summer job,” he said. “It’s great. I get to swim for free and be outside a lot. Not to mention this is one of my favorite places in town.”
“You love swimming too?” you asked and regretted it right away. A lifeguard who hated swimming made no sense, after all. But he didn’t seem to think your words were silly.
“I do! I come here a lot to swim, when it’s not as busy and I don’t have to work,” he said. The thought of seeing him again when you came back in a few days – which you already knew you would – made you feel some sort of way. You had been embarrassed, but his sweet words had appeased you. You could definitely get used to seeing his face all summer long. The two of you talked for some time, while you both finished your ice cream. You learned his name, which was just as beautiful as its owner, and that he thought you had actually looked pretty cute (!) when you fell into the pool. You swore he wasn’t even real. Perhaps he was merely a hallucination, a product of your imagination, to cheer yourself up after your messy day. Either way, your head was up in the clouds as long as he was sitting there, next to you, with his perfect shoulders and charming voice. Soon, he had to excuse himself, though. His break was over and as he had put it, he needed to prevent any more ice cream-murders from happening.
After your conversation, the universe had apparently shifted in your favor. You spent the entire rest of your day without any more misfortunes. Like you had talked to a lucky charm who had done miracles for you, you had a fantastic time. You were even brave enough to face a few more go’s down the ever-so-threatening waterslide. As it got later, more people went home, and just as he had predicted, things calmed down. And you were convinced you would stay until the bitter end. Only when a female voice announced over the speakers that the swimming pool would close in 30 minutes, you slowly started to pack up your things.
As you approached the exit, you scanned the area for your favorite lifeguard. But he was nowhere to be found. You assumed he had already finished his shift and gone home. But as luck would have it, as you neared the bicycle stands to retrieve your bike, you saw him already there. His eyes beamed when he noticed you.
“Wow, you held out a long time,” he said. “Had fun?”
“I did,” you said. You could only be grateful your ice-cream massacre was the sole of your antics he had witnessed that afternoon. Who knew how he would look at you if he had experienced your full chaotic capacity? “Thank you again, for making sure I was fine. And for the ice cream.”
“It was no big deal,” he said. “It’s what I’m here for.”
“To buy random girls ice cream?” you teased.
“No, only the special ones get the ice cream.”
“Define special.”
“To be honest? I was genuinely concerned you would feel down. I’ve seen you almost trip over when you first came in, you got hit in the face by a ball, I’ve witnessed your little quarrel with that bug and your somersault from the waterslide looked pretty rough. After all that you choked on water and then ended up falling into the pool and losing your ice cream. I supposed you could need some serious cheering up.”
Oh my god. If only you could have opened a portal straight to hell, you would have taken the chance on the spot. All this time he had been watching you? It couldn’t get more mortifying than this.
“Sorry, I sound like some creepy stalker,” he said. “I didn’t mean to stare. It’s just you-“
“I looked like a clown in a neon suit?”
“You’re really pretty,” he said. Your cheeks warmed up and you could have yelled out loud.
“But you have to admit, at least the clown part is true.”
“Maybe,” he joked. “Don’t be embarrassed. I thought you were – are – adorable.”
“Thank you,” you managed to say. What the hell were you doing? The most handsome guy was complimenting you. You had to take your chance. “Maybe sometime I could buy you some ice cream too? If you feel like it-“
“I’d love that,” he smiled. It was only the beginning of summer, but it was a glorious one. You already knew it could only get better. Instead of cursing the universe, you had to say your thank you’s now. Without your string of bad luck, things would have never led this way. Perhaps fortune was on your side, after all.
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26 Reasons why Qrow is not Ruby’s father and why Taiyang is Ruby’s father
In response to the toxic aspect of the fandom attacking CRWBY and demanding that their desires for Qrow be chosen over canon, or how they feel their theory is more valid than the show itself? I have researched RWBY to make this 26-point Discussion as to why Canon is valid, and fancanon is not when it comes to Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, and Summer Rose.
 1.       “Monty said NO”    Most obviously. Monty Oum.
   He said in this tweet that ruby and yang are half-sisters…half-sisters,  which means they share the same mom or dad…in this case Taiyang….
Now people have claimed “he obviously meant step-sisters or cousins” Why is it that every time we show the English dictionary to you people or ask you to read it, that you claim you are being attacked or that you claim Monty was misleading us?
 2.       The writers said NO
   Miles Luna debunked this theory on Reddit…
   He pointed out that Ruby sees Qrow as a Role model, so she adapts her colors to be similar to his.
   And you don’t need somebody to be blood to be your role model.
 3. “Rooster Teeth said NO” Rooster Teeth even said that Qrow is "Ruby and Yang's Uncle" They also said “Ladies, he’s not your man”
 4.  “But what if Summer had feelings for Qrow? Why does Qrow Serve Ozpin?” Qrow said in Volume 6 " No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... " So he was saying he wasn't wanted, so no relationship with Summer. SUMMER DID NOT WANT HIM. And he was literally saying he served Ozpin because Ozpin gave him purpose. It’s pretty sad how people think Qrow can only be a complex character if he obsesses over another person’s wife and child. What , you wanna make him Severus Snape, the Lilly Potter stalker who insulted a girl’s face and tried to poison a boy’s pet and publicly outed a teacher?
5, "But Qrow could be lying" Except in volume 6 Qrow literally said "Don't lie...we're better than that"
And in volume 7?
" Long time ago. I just found working alone tends to be for the best "
" Gotta say, I’m still not really used to working with other Huntsmen in the field. "
And finally World Of Remnant on Patch.
" Nice place to raise a family, if you're into that sort of thing. "
  6.  “Qrow fans claim that Ruby and Summer form a core part of Qrow’s character and backstory.” WRONG! The main accusation for demanding Rooster Teeth / CRWBY change the backstory for Qrow would accomplish nothing.
Raven already pushed Yang onto Taiyang to raise on his own.
Qrow forcing Tai to Raise Ruby alongside Yang while Qrow could regularly visit, and while Summer lived with Taiyang, Yang, and Ruby?
It would cheapen Qrow’s character….blood isn’t everything.  Neither are cliches.
 7. “But what if Qrow gave Ruby to Tai to raise after Summer’s death?” Volume Chapter 6, Burning the Candle.
Yang tells Blake that she (yang) and Ruby were raised together by Summer and Taiyang…not by Taiyang on his own, but by Summer and Taiyang.
Yang clearly had memories of being raised by Summer and Tai both,  which meant that Summer and Taiyang lived together raising Ruby and Yang for Several Years.
  8. “Does Taiyang care about Summer or Ruby?” Taiyang was noted to have shut down when Summer didn’t come back…. Yang noted this in Volume 2 Chapter 6, and Ruby mentioned in the first episode of Volume 3 that Taiyang missed Summer. Qrow also said that Ruby is Taiyang’s “Special Angel”…. Ruby has also pointed out numerous times that Taiyang is Overprotective of Ruby. In fact, Ruby's conversation with Penny about overprotective fathers.
 9. “Qrow knows Taiyang is Ruby’s Father. Taiyang knows Ruby is Taiyang’s daughter. Qrow has referred to Taiyang as Ruby’s father during volume 3 and 7. Taiyang referred to Ruby as his daughter in volume 3.
 10. “Why didn’t Taiyang train Ruby in Martial Arts?” Taiyang is a martial arts fighter.   Ruby has neither the build nor the personality for ruthless hand to hand combat like her sister… Taiyang would trust Qrow, despite his semblance.   Remember how bad Ruby was in v5?
 11. “Qrow’s semblance is not what his fans exaggerate it to be”
Speaking of Qrow’s semblance? He was playing video games with his nieces,   taught at Signal Academy,   and could train Ruby… Clearly,  his semblance is not what theorists make it out to be.
 12. “Why doesn’t Qrow treat Yang the same way he treats Ruby?”
Yang is the daughter of Qrow’s sister,who abandoned the team.
During a one on one interaction between Qrow and Yang after yang vs mercury, Qrow called his own niece crazy, after she had been framed.
Qrow was not empathetic to Yang.
Qrow may not like Yang’s resemblance to Raven.
Ruby is the daughter of his two closest friends, so of course he’d prefer Ruby over Yang.
 13.  “Examples of Taiyang caring for Ruby.”
Volume 2 Ruby was excited when Taiyang sent a package in the mail, not even knowing it was Zwei.
Taiyang was at Ruby’s bedside in V3, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
He also tried to bring her breakfast in bed.
Taiyang said he wanted to chase after Ruby, but had to nurse Yang back to health.
During the V8 broadcast, Taiyang was upset when the broadcast was cut.
 14. “Genetics research”
Black hair is the subtype of the pigment for blonde hair…
Also, Ruby’s got the same hair strand that Yang and Taiyang have.
Finally, black hair is more dominant.
So Ruby doesn’t need blonde hair to be Taiyang’s kid.
 15. “The STRQ Photo”
The photo....Qrow was with STRQ for four years...do you really think Qrow is not allowed to cry on the photo unless he was romantically involved? Can't a man grieve over the death of a female friend that he was NOT in a relationship with? Or are men not allowed to have female friends? Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach for example...friendship. They were his friends, his family. People seem obsessed with the idea that Qrow cannot care about a woman unless he was romantically involved or unless he's their bastard father.
 16. “Men and Women…as friends, platonic” Harry Potter as a book showed that a boy and a girl can interact and still be friends…
Why can’t Qrow be Summer’s friend?
Why does he have to be her lover?
We’ve seen Qrow talk about Innkeeper’s skirt lengths and leer at Barmaids who flirted with him.
Also, he’s shown to be bonding with both Clover and Robyn.
People act like he doesn't flirt with anyone , and yet he does.
 17. “Bad Luck Charm” Qrow has spent his whole life with his semblance, named after a Crow.
Raised by the Branwen bandit tribe.
“You and I are not the same, you don’t want the burden of my name” Both Branwen and Qrow are names that Qrow hates due to his semblance and past…
People may think of him as cool, but Qrow suffers from self-loathing.
So NO, the Bad Luck Charm song does NOT in fact allude to Qrow being Ruby’s father, but that Qrow hates himself, hence a major part of why he’s alcoholic.
Proof of which is his volume 6 exchange with Ozpin about being useful, which Qrow disagrees with, leading him to drink further. Yang literally said that she had never seen qrow so drunk before in v6.
And Ruby encourages his self-worth leading him to try giving up alcohol….
His alcoholism is tied to low-self-esteem, not relationships.
 18. Manga Anthology
Taiyang was shown in the Manga Anthology to have shut down upon Summer’s Death. That impacted his relationship with Ruby and Yang. Qrow? Is relatively unaffected. The good Uncle helping around the house. Taiyang haters and Qrow stans took this to demand that Qrow is entitled to Ruby, despite Taiyang recovering and doing his best to be a father. Anything Qrow does is worshipped like Mother Teresa, while anything Taiyang does, good or bad, is downplayed and smashed. Taiyang loved Summer so much he was devastated by her death. Qrow was unaffected. Think about that.
 19. “I like Brats” Why does Qrow spend time with kids he’s not related to? Because he likes kids. You know how there are adults who enjoy being around brats? That’s Qrow. He didn’t have romantic feelings for Summer, he liked being around her because she was like a kid. Similar to how Blake likes Ruby’s idealism? And trusts her leadership?
 20.  “Taiyang the 2-timer accusation”
A woman on youtube claimed that Taiyang was a 2-timer who cheated on raven with summer, as there was, in her and her friends’ minds, “no way that taiyang could be with half his team” When asked about TaiQrow as a joke, she was angered that people even ship TaiQrow.
But let me ask you this. Are you the same person you are now that you were 10 years ago? People claim that Qrow was somehow cool in beacon…because he’s cool now. But Taiyang, who raises two kids, and holds a job and a house…cannot be ruby’s father…because he’s not cool? And that somehow he was never cool? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had to be cool to be a parent. I also had no idea people were only allowed to be in one relationship per lifetime. Raven freaking abandoned Tai for the tribe. Summer chose Taiyang over Qrow. People literally make Qrow out to be either an OC in a shipping fanfic, or a Naruto fanfic where Naruto is written to be fawned over by a girl whose canonical spouse, boyfriend, or male friend is somehow rewritten as evil.
1 year…..in 1 year since Raven abandoned Taiyang and Yang, Summer Rose the friend of Taiyang’s who he had known for 4 years, became more than a friend.
So no….Taiyang is not a two-timer…he moved on from Raven.
 22. “Why can’t Taiyang talk about Summer?” To WHO? He’s barely got 15 minutes of screentime, and the writers did NOT do him any favors when they had Qrow demand he leave so Qrow could tell Ruby a secret Ozpin trusted him with, before telling Ruby to run away from home leaving only a freaking note. Terrible daughter. Even Yang was prepared to do the same! To a man whose first wife abandoned him! At least Weiss has a legit reason for acting as she does against Jacques, several at least. Ruby? No. Now why would Taiyang talk about Summer’s fighting style to Yang when trying to get her to stop acting like Raven in her fighting style and semblance? Sure if there was more time…but RT at the end of the day isn’t some money-hungry political entity, it’s a startup at the end of the day, they don’t have the ability to do a full anime episode. Also, Taiyang cannot go out on these active missions…he was a schoolteacher who did not do missions until only recently…he was retired, remember.
 23. “These fanworks make more sense to me”
Qrow fans have tried using fanworks to justify their theory or ship, the same way Blacksun fans or Adam apologists make similar claims, and even Raven fans try to claim Raven is somehow a good mother. What do these fanworks do? Hate on Taiyang. Dismiss Ruby and Yang being half-blood siblings. Ignore multiple elements of the show or scenes. Occasionally shit-talk the writers.
Every time somebody tries to make a “rwby rewrite” or “rwby alt” or “Qrow is ruby’s father au” they cannot do it without completely rewriting the characters in so many forms and even the show, till Qrow, Raven, Taiyang, and Summer are NOTHING like they are in the show…And ONLY how a shipper wants qrow to be.
Or rewriting qrow to be nothing like he is in the show.
Most Alt or Rewrite consists of making Taiyang abusive, a cheater, or refusing to allow him to interact with Summer, while regularly pushing qrowxsummer at each other.
So no…it’s not that it makes sense to them through some fanart….a headcanon that has been debunked is no longer headcanon. A theory that is shut down is no longer a theory. There’s a reason anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers still exist. Because to them, their theories make more sense than reality. Which is why people still believe Qrow is Ruby’s father the same way people believe vaccines cause autism. Neither are true, and no amount of facts will shut them down, but they’re both popular theories.
 24. “Qrow Rings and Cross”
People claim that Qrow was married to Summer or that his cross represents him mourning Summer. Did the STRQ photo, in v3, the same volume as his appearance, not show Qrow with his rings, his cross, and angrily scowling, while Summer was right next to Taiyang?
 25. “What about Summer Rose’s choice?”
Remember how I said making Qrow’s character based on solely Ruby and Summer, ignoring everything regarding the tribe and ozpin giving him hope, and the grimm reaper…was bad writing? There’s a reason people hated v5. Raven was proven to be the deadbeat, Qrow was shown to have friends, and that Taiyang knew about Salem, and of course it was confirmed that Yang and Ruby again were sisters by Raven.
Now how about Summer? Team leader….took a man and a daughter who were abandoned by her friend…and made them her own. Yang calls Summer Rose “Supermom” and “Her Hero”…was literally willing to storm a bandit camp so Raven could use her portal to take Yang to Qrow, so she could get to Ruby. And yeah, I know the RWBY critics scream “why didn’t Yang just look for Ruby in Mistral?” It’s a bloody kingdom, and Yang was pursuing a lead, that Tai had given her, and Qrow told Yang he’d look after her sister. Remember that? Oh wait, RWBY Critics forget, my bad. Anyway, she’s more of a sister to Qrow than his blood sister Raven, she’s more of a mother to Yang than Raven, and she’s more of a spouse to Tai than Raven. Good Stepmother. Non-married couple. Relationship built on trust. Blood is not the same as family. (Example Weiss’s remark to her father) (Or Dom Toretto)
So making Summer into a throw-away character who dies so that a brooding jerk of an alcoholic can claim character development? Making a woman nothing except a throw-away for a man to get development is BAD WRITING. For God’s Sakes, even Pyrrha was written better than that! She interacted with team rwby, nora was always helping her out, and so was Ren (though those shakes are a crime against humanity” But when Qrow fans try to demand he’s ruby’s father? Their fanworks make Summer as much of a flat character as Preston Harvey from Fallout 4, where they make Summer unable to do anything but be obsessed with Qrow and having his child, similar to how Preston cannot think of anything other than “Another settlement needs your help, I’ll mark it on your pip-boy”
 26. Finally, the accusations that CRWBY are lying.
“You have to be ****** if you believe CRWBY when they say Qrow isn’t Ruby’s father” “CRWBY is lying, it’s what writers do” “It’s okay for writers to lie, it’s good for plot” “I’d prefer it if CRWBY was lying to us” “Monty is dead, the writers should change it now” “Monty is dead, nothing else in the writing matters” “Monty was hiding the truth from us” “CRWBY is hiding the truth about Qrow being Ruby’s father” “It makes sense for CRWBY to lie to us” Look at this…Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, instagram…. The first quote? Was a woman who was using an anti-autism anti-disability slur defending the theory. Never have I ever seen people so obsessed with a  theory that they would deny reality and be rude to the very writers and original creator. But the QrowxSummer and Qrow is Ruby’s Father fandom group has made countless cases of this. THIS is how they defend their theory? And people upvote, like and support these remarks? SHAME SHAME SHAME
I get how people desire qrow to be Ruby’s father for ships or fanfics.
Even to where they make Taiyang a hated character just for the sake of making sure nobody disagrees with them.
But the attacking of RWBY and CRWBY, claiming that “this needs to be fixed”, or getting angry at RT for not giving you the non-canon ship you want? Claiming that just because you want it to be so, that somehow your ship/theory has “validity?”
That reflects poorly on the fandom and critics.
But then again…. It’s easy to ignore what’s real and what’s a fact that when theorists and ship-pushers and CRWBY Haters on youtube tells you to stop listening to monty and the writers, and instead believe whatever you want and claim whatever you want, Because surely you know what’s better for the show than the people who worked on it, right? Ha ha ha, no. THAT is the ULTIMATE disrespect somebody calling themselves a fan could ever give. And if you think or agree with that type of logic, you should look in the mirror.
I looked for backup sources to defend CRWBY and RWBY, you’ll find them below.
Backup sources include:
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the storm part 2 of encanto au
part 1 of the second au:
*mentions of character death/burns/fire/blood/violence*
song recommendation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGGWhOUYObc
The townspeople are usually really suspicious of turq and osha because they never really come out much and if they do it’s not in the town it’s in the jungle to either collect food or play with some animals other than that they don’t interact with people especially since they know how people treated Bruno. It’s been 5 years since Bruno moved in and everything has been really smooth and happy but at some point or another, there has to be some rain or even a storm.
past: Turq and osha(in their human forms) was in town searching for a certain seasoning for some food, Osha got enough attention by the dress(made by Bruno as a b-day gift) she was wearing and she was just being followed around by all these kids complimenting her and wanting to dance with her
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meanwhile, Turq was being harassed by this man that would not leave her alone for anything in the world even when she cussed him out it didn’t work so she eventually had to say that she had a husband (she basically does) and the man was so nosey he even wanted to know who her “husband” was and that was when it was time to go home so she pulled Osha away from the kids and quickly left but this man was now furious and didn’t like being rejected, married or not he will have you and if you keep saying no that’s the last word you will say, so when turq wasn’t looking he followed her home and that’s when he saw Bruno outside waiting for them. Frederick Gocia (the stalker) was a very evil man with a kind face and he thought if he can’t have her nobody can so he ran to the madrigal family and told them the situation BUT he also said that Turq had been harassing HIM and that she was a witch, he wasn’t wrong with that part she is a witch but a nice one, Abuela was furious about this and decided to get the town involved in the problem saying “if they ever come in this town again show them the way out”
sunset 5-6:00 pm
Osha was in town by herself wanting to play with some kids and hang with Mirabel and Camilo (yes they are friends) but that wasn’t going to happen. Thanks to Abuela osha was getting strange looks while she was in town and right after she noticed Camilo and Mirabel grabbed and rushed her to the side
Cami: you need to leave
Mira(Mirabel): you need to leave NOW
Cami: Like the town just LEAVE
Osha was generally confused about what he was saying but instead of asking questions she was going to run off but before she could Camilo’s mom (Pepa) grabbed both cami and Mira tightly away from osha
Mira: RUN Osha just GO
without a second thought osha ran off back to her home in a panic, so much was going through her mind “did I do something wrong? “did they find out?” “what’s happening?” while she was running she felt like she was being watched the entire time so she speeds up running on all fours back home(and just a little tip, Bruno, osha, and turq don’t live in the hill anymore they live in a large treehouse, and bruno has a pet Jaguar that attacked him 3 years ago and has a scar on his right eye) “moooooooom” “brunooooo” “we have a problema” she screamed running up to her house
Bruno: what’s wrong princess?
“my friends they said we have to leave, but I do-”
before she could finish she and turq heard stomping in the near distance, it took a while for Bruno to hear it because his hearing isn’t like theirs. after a few short minutes, half of the village and the Madrigal family was near their treehouse with torches in their hands (it’s about 7 o’clock about now). Turq being the proud woman she is went down to greet them in the most family manner she could .” may I help you?” she said in a polite tone, Abuela didn’t take kindly to it at all
“We need you and your....family to leave” The way she said “family” would have made you think she despised the word itself
“and may I ask what for?”
for terrorizing this good man here and with associating yourself with HIM, Turq looked over to the man who had shown himself and almost threw up and lashed out then and there
turq: first of all I have done nothing of the sort it’s actually quite the opposite THIS man here harasses ME almost on a daily basis and who is this MAN you speak of?
Frederick: you said you have a husband didn’t you?
turq forgot that she said that she had a husband and wished she hadn’t made the comment a few seconds ago
turq: yes I do but what does he have to do with anything?
Abuela: we all know who it is so he doesn’t have to hide but I rather not see his face
turq: so let me get this straight, you want me to take my daughter and my.... husband and just walk off into the wilderness at NIGHT? can you at least give us until dawn?
Abuela: until dawn that is it.
after everyone went back to their homes, it was insanity at Turq’s because their treehouse wasn’t really small it was very big and as always big houses have lot’s of things in them so everybody was scrambling with what they could bring and what they couldn’t and where on earth they were going when it came to 12 o’clock osha was told to go to sleep until 7 because Bruno had the brilliant idea to just leave when osha was asleep but Tuq wasn’t going for it.
It was a sunny day at the treehouse and Osha just woke up with a big happy stretch, after that she walked out of her room but only to see that her mother and Bruno were on the floor with blood on them, she rushed over to see if one of them were alive but they were both pale (osha’s mom has a dark chocolate skin/fur color so it would be hard to see paleness in someone like that) and none of them budged she happened to turn around out of hopelessness and the house was on fire she turned back to her mother and uncle there was a gun in her face then the sound of a gunshot.
end of nightmare
Osha shot up screaming bloody murder to the point where Bruno heard her and he’s a hard sleeper, turq was outside with a rifle in hand because she felt something was going to go wrong aka she couldn’t help at that moment instead Bruno ran to her room with worry on his face, when he saw her on the bed looking like she just ran a marathon he rushed over to ask if she was ok “I..you...mom...you....you were....” “hey hey calm down, tell me what happened” “you and mom you were de-gone and the house was on fire and there was a gun and a shot and” “ alright alright slow down you're okay I’m here mom’s here we’re all here
after he said that a gunshot was heard but it wasn’t turn's it was somebody else’s and before osha and Bruno could do anything a liquor bottleS with a burning rag was thrown into the house, osha was filled with rage so she went out to help her mother who was handling her own business and this is just what she looks like for reference
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right now Turq is clawing and knocking out anyone she can get her hands on at this point and while Osha’s trying to help in her wolf form she’s getting hurt badly but doesn’t really care, Bruno is helping out too and the only reason he knows how to fight is because Turq taught him how, she wasn’t going to have two idiots in her house, but what osha and Bruno didn’t watch out for is flying fire bottles and they both got hit, for Bruno, it was he left eye and for osha, it was the back of her head. They both put it out in time because they still lived near a lake but that just gave an advantage to the people who were trying to hurt them but thankfully Turq was nearby and wasn’t having it and sliced the two people who were trying to drown them
all this was just because of misunderstandings, greed, and spitefulness
more to come ;)
feel free to share or reblog :)
chapter playlist:
outcast nf:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7MYJ8Kxhwc
intro III NF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdLLRj1Ge7g
control halley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so8V5dAli-Q
copycat billie eilish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebb5AinKxWI
paint it black ciara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYPWxymohWs
therapy session nf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgMzxQW2raE
how villains are made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plPtZPem94o
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thedeathdoctor · 4 years
Kinktober Days 2, 3, and 4: Aphrodisiac, Thigh Riding, and Size Difference
Friday the 13th: Jason x Reader
Forbidden Nectar
Aka: sometimes you celebrate your actual 21st birthday by chilling in the woods behind your house with a Yeti tumbler full of Sangria and end up getting the best dick of your life by your local thicc stalker/slasher 
~Under the cut below~
You weren’t like the other girls, no matter how hard you tried. For you, high school had come and gone in the blink of an eye, and yet some of it still lingered in your mind. College was a chance to reinvent yourself, join in with a group of friends where you could grow into being a satisfied, competent woman. There, to some extent, you did. 
Joining a sorority was one of the few sporadic things you tried that managed to stick with you. During Fall Recruitment freshman year, you fell in love with Greek Life on campus, rushed, and accepted the invitation one of the sororities extended to you. Fundraising and outreach activities were your favorite; you had grown up with a passion for helping others, from Girl Scouts to food drives through your high school, you showed up for them all. However, you could never shake the nagging thoughts in the back of your mind, thoughts that insisted that the people around you didn’t like you as much as they seemed. 
Summers home felt especially isolating when you returned home for the break. You loved your parents and of course missed your dogs, but the difference between your busy college town campus and Yeehaw, New Jersey was like night and day. It took a few days to readjust to the change in pace when you returned. Time had a really funny way of standing still in Crystal Lake while you went to school for a whole nine months of the year. The same pickup truck stood watch over the corner store by your house as long as you could remember. At school, the surrounding towns seemed to be able to move entire roads around over break, leaving you reluctantly reliant on Google Maps to find the same pizza place you visited just four months ago. 
Crystal Lake’s lack of excitement and stimulation was good for recollecting your thoughts and having a place to just breathe. Happiness was found through the routine of everyday life and simple pleasures, like trading excess garden vegetables with family friends in town. You knew nearly everyone, and it warmed you when people would call out your name to wave hello. 
It wasn’t paradise though. Most of your tiny high school graduating class had stayed, trying to fill the few remaining positions at local businesses, while others yoked themselves to jobs in the next town over, the one that had a smattering of chain restaurants and a ghostly outlet mall. They all still had to drive places, and since Bill had passed, your parents were the sole auto mechanics in town. Crystal Lake was never a popular vacation spot, but several families routinely returned to their modest summer homes on the north shore, propping up the dwindling town. You helped around in the shop, freeing up your pa to tow cars when needed. Visitors tended to arrive in vehicles that were not as durable as promised, but that wasn’t their fault. 
“After all,” he would say, “people know when they fucked up. A lecture ain’t gon’ get them back on the road, but a hand up might.” 
He had never attempted college, nor did he want to, but you were surprised to find him more knowledgeable than some people you ran into on campus. Nothing incensed you more than snooty, middle-class students who widely looked down on “stupid hicks” like your father, as if they had the same opportunities out here and in suburbia. They didn’t know that they, too, were just one unexpected economic crisis away from being in the exact same situation, and you had long since stopped trying to change their minds.
The garage popped up first at the front of the property, closest to the road, and a private driveway led around a corner to the house. Your grandpa, Leon, had built the shop in the 40s with his pa, and ran it with a buddy of his. Grandma Susan had insisted it be built away from the house, as she “couldn’t get her beauty sleep with all that racket.” They had planted several saplings at the back, which had since grown into a beautiful row of oaks that mercifully shielded the house from the cacophony of power tools.
Gravel crunched under the truck’s tires as you turned into the driveway and pulled up behind the shop. A voice called out from the rear arch of the building, weary, but relieved. Matt, your older brother walked out, partially blinded by the patch of 2:00 sunlight though the canopy. You laughed as he shielded his eyes with one hand; the backwards baseball cap was as essential to his uniform as the filthy grey-blue jumpsuit was, but a pair of cheap wraparound sunglasses hung onto the collar swung with his every step, forgotten. 
“Hey Matt, catch!” 
Resting the paper bag of groceries on your hip, you swung the door of the Ranger closed and tossed the keys to your brother. 
“Mom needs these for dinner tonight, so I gotta take this in.” You gestured at the bag you had shifted into both arms. “Everything should be there, but the timing belts. Frank said they were on back order or something; should be back about Tuesday though!” Matt shrugged, after all, what could you do about absent parts. 
Patches of sunlight lit the driveway as you walked up towards the house. June was one of your favorite months here, where it was warm even in the shade of the woods, but the sun wouldn’t cook you alive if you were outside for too long. The front door was already unlocked, and two whirlwinds of fluff came barrelling through the door at your knees, and you steadied yourself against the doorframe. Jack and Willow were the two homebody dogs, greeting everyone who walked through the door with the same excitement every time. 
The smell of apples and sugar permeated the entire house, and you found a beautifully latticed pie cooling on the countertop as you set the grocery bag down. Taking the groceries out and laying them on the counter, you tore the paper bag in two and tossed the pieces at your pups. The click-click-click of their paws ended as they took the paper into the carpeted family room and began to shred them methodically. 
Following them, you found ma in the family room with them, curled up on the couch with her favorite book and a knit blanket. The curtains were half drawn, and her hearing aids lay on the side table underneath the dimmed lamp. Looking up from the worn cover, she smiled. “Thank you for running to the store for me, dear. I could have sworn I remembered everything for your birthday dinner tonight, but now I do. I know your pa gave you today off for your birthday, so I just need you back here ‘round six - six thirty to eat.” You responded by tapping your fingertips against your chin as you signed “thank you,” before raising your left and fluttering your “I love you” towards her before leaving. 
The screen door snapped at your heels as you walked through the back door. Past the wood shed, a long picnic table stretched out under a large oak. Nearing it, you took note of the excessive bird droppings and maddeningly long grass underneath that would absolutely tickle your calves. A mental note was made in your head to clean it down another day, and you meandered over to the edge of the woods. 
As you walked around, the thought occurred to you that you had never had any real desire to explore your own backyard more. As a child, you spent more time in town, around people, reaching out. Now, you just felt more of a yearning to connect with the home and land you grew up on. 
Twenty one was an important birthday, but just like all the ones before, this one felt more like an extended weekend here. Your friends had planned to celebrate, but that wouldn’t be until your trip to Colorado in mid-July. For now, you had the afternoon to yourself and a bottle of sangria that Catie had given you as you were packing for home. 
You returned to the house and took your half filled outdoors pack, poured some of the sangria into an empty green Thermos, and added it to the bag of stuff. A small access trail led from the edge of the backyard into the woods, and you set off. 
The trail forked at several junctions, every one of them marked with small colored dots spray painted on major trees. It was easier than having to upkeep sign markers as not many people needed to or even really went back here. Blue led down to the kayaks and the lake access, and you remembered racing Matt down the path to the dock as a child. Green led up the hill to the tree fort that Mark, your younger brother, and his friends had built with pa one weekend, back when you could still rest your elbow on his head if he stood still for long enough. Red led to the family plot, more occupied by well loved family pets than ancestors, thankfully. The path headed back to the house was better marked, dirty yellow hi-vis tags nailed to the trees in case you didn’t get back before dark. 
Further than that, you didn’t really know what lay beyond. You had never really wondered about it before, something that boggled your mind as you pressed forward. The trail became increasingly overgrown, and you were close to pulling out the brush machete that was in the pack, before you spotted a clearing up ahead. Brambles scraped along your calves as you tried to step over them and your thighs as you tried to skirt past a larger cluster. 
The clearing seemed to be an old campsite. A rusting fire pit sat near the center of the clearing; towards the left edge of the woods, and the remains of a small collapsed pavilion covered three or four rotting picnic tables. Rays of sunlight streamed down onto a relatively smooth patch of earth, as perfect a place as any to sit. 
Setting the bag down against the ground, you pulled out the rough, thick canvas blanket and shook it open. It covered enough of the ground for you to lay out with the Thermos and the book you were working on. It was a steamy romance novel, one of your truly guilty pleasures. The sangria, though sweet, left you feeling floatier than usual; you were so into the book that you practically breathed in every word off the page, and out here, you didn’t have to hide the blush across your cheeks. 
How you wished to come across a strong, kind man like that. The ones you had had the displeasure of meeting ranged from arrogant and abrasive to paranoid and reactionary. All they seemed to want was control, over her friends, her choices, her. No one lasted longer than a few careless hookups; they never seemed to care about your pleasure. They disliked how much time you spent volunteering, with friends, and studying. On the inside, you would give up everything in your life for the right person, but after meeting enough people, you didn’t believe anyone like that existed. 
You were so wrapped up in your fantasies that you didn’t notice the man watching you from the treeline. His hand rested on the handle of a sheathed machete that hung from the faded leather work belt at his waist. He had seen plenty of dumb teenagers desecrating the forest that was his home, but you weren’t doing anything close to that. You lay outstretched on a blanket, peaceful, enjoying the beauty of the clearing. Your feet slowly kicked back and forth in the air, flexing your thighs and calves. Every so often, your gaze would float off the page, looking past the book you held; he wondered what you were admiring so passionately. 
A ray of sunlight glinted off your hair, illuminating the golden streaks that were typically hidden. The blush across your face captured his attention, and your wistful eyes drew him in to you. To him, you were the epitome of beauty and purity, a sight both new and refreshing in these woods. A strange feeling wound through his body and settled in his groin. It demanded attention, and he pulled at the crotch of his pants, trying to alleviate the tightness there. 
When he returned his gaze to you, he found himself standing closer to you than before, no longer hidden by the brush. To his horror, he watched as you looked up from your novel, and noticed him standing there, hand still over his pants zipper. 
“Hi there,” you called out, “would you come sit with me? I swear I don’t bite…”
He was transfixed by the sound of your voice, how it cleared his mind of all thoughts of destruction and shame, and stepped closer. Surely, you would find him strange for wearing a mask, or for his marred skin, but you did not flinch as he approached. 
Despite your offering of space on the blanket beside you, he instead chose to sit on the very edge of it. Were it not for his dirty hockey mask, you would have bridged the gap between you two with a kiss. You offered him a smile, and showed him the book you were reading. The cover depicted a pretty woman swooning in the arms of a large, rugged man. Between the blush on your face as you held the book, and your eyes looking earnestly up at you, he realized what the feeling in his body was. He needed to please you. 
Shifting on the ground, he stretched out his legs, spreading them slightly. The tent that formed in his pants caught your attention; you rose to your knees and moved closer to him. That wasn't enough for him. His large hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you towards him, setting you down on his thigh. 
You placed your hands gently against his upper chest and settled on his thigh. Even through the fabric of your shorts and panties, he could feel the heat radiating from your sex. You gave off a distinctly sweet scent that filled his head with a light airiness. 
His thigh pressed nicely up against your clit and his hands slid down the sides of your waist to your full hips, and began to gently rock you back and forth. You leaned into the motion, slightly arching your back to tilt your hips into the sweet friction, and your forearms steadied you against his chest. It was broad and soft, and you gasped as you felt the firm muscles hidden underneath. He had picked you up without a hint of strain, as if you were just a soft little toy. 
Maybe it was the arousal bubbling in you already from the book and the drink, but you came so easily on his thigh, soaking through the fabric of your shorts. The rocking slowed to a stop as he felt your body shudder involuntarily and your juices seeped through his pants leg. 
Adrift in bliss, you barely noticed him undressing everything but his mask. You slipped your shirt off, and had hooked your thumbs into the waistband of your shorts when you noticed him staring at you. Slowly, he tilted his head, and you felt his eyes roam your body, giving you pause. Then, with an incredible amount of ease, he stripped you nude, tearing first the cotton of your shorts, then the delicate lace of your panties off your body. Before you could react, he had set you back down on his leg, sweet nectar drooling from your lower lips onto the cool skin of his thigh. 
His hands kneaded your hips as he began to move you again, enjoying how your soft flesh yielded to his touch. You leaned against him, pressing your bare chest to his, which earned you a low hum from underneath his mask. Your hands roamed over his shoulders, feeling the swell of his muscles under your palms. Something jutted firmly against your own thigh with each movement. The shape was unmistakable, but you had never encountered one of this size before. It filled you with incredulity, and the thrill of taking it entirely overpowered any apprehension in your mind about whether you could. Once the thought had occurred to you, it pushed you over the edge again, your fingernails curling into his skin for support. Your breath ghosted over his chest as you sighed gratuitously, partly involuntarily, partly to rouse him further. 
It was successful, as he leaned back, taking you with him until you rested entirely on him, your stomach flush with his. His hands roved down your back, settling on your buttocks, massaging them gently. They were capable of doing anything they wanted to you, even hurting you, but their power had been tightly controlled. Carnal hunger swelled within you, driving you to seek more from him. 
You straddled his hips, feeling your inner thigh muscles stretch until your knees came to rest lightly against the ground. His hands wrapped around the back of your thighs, one holding you firmly as the other slid between them. His middle finger traced down your vulva and paused at your clit, rubbing until he felt your body shiver and your warm fluids on his fingertip.. Your insides ached to be filled, and with only a breathy "please", his touch crept up towards your entrance. Slowly, he pushed the digit into you, eliciting a gasp of pleasure and surprise at its thickness. It shifted inside you as he repositioned his arm, and you only had a moment to realize it before your heightened sensitivity sent you spiraling into another orgasm. 
Feeling you from the inside excited him; his chest heaved as he let out a deep growl of approval. You rested your head on his pectoral muscle, unable to form coherent thoughts as his finger plunged into you, accompanied by distinctly lewd squishing sounds. He worked with the intention of readying you for his cock, slipping in a second finger, then a third as you focused on relaxing your internal muscles. 
His fingers slipped out of you, leaving you startlingly empty for a moment before he shifted you lower on his body. The head of his cock nestled itself between your lower lips. Its presence nearly made your heart leap out of your chest. Finally, it was time. 
The tip pressed firmly against you and you gasped as your body yielded to his, granting entry to the bulbous, dripping head of his second machete. His hands returned to your hips, holding them firmly as he eased his way into you. When it felt as if you could not take anymore, he would slightly pull back before pushing further in. The movement was similar to the rocking motion he had guided you through earlier, continuing until you had taken him to the hilt. 
He let you rest for a moment as you stretched to accommodate his intense girth. When you determined you were ready, half whimpered, half begged, “take me now”. 
His shaft curved upward, and with each movement pressed against the sweet spot just underneath your tummy. The pulsing veins added further stimulation with each thrust, teasing your sensitive walls with its texture. Heavy panting became audible from behind your lover’s mask. Even he wasn’t immune to the intensity of base pleasure you gave him. You had broken his stoic demeanor, and reveled in his guttural moans as he thrust into you. 
A pulsing knot began to form in your core as he pounded away at you, hips slapping smartly against yours. Desperately, you fought to hold off your orgasm as long as you could, but there were no other thoughts in your mind to cling to as a distraction. His cock was punishing, mercilessly bringing you to orgasm, showing no signs of slowing. Your body twitched and shook; his firm hands on your hips ensured his complete control over you, preventing you from shying away from the stimulation he was hellbent on giving you. Letting your mouth drop open and eyes flutter, you surrendered all control to him. 
His breaths grew ragged, heavier, as he felt his own orgasm building up in him. You squeezed him so perfectly, and he reveled in the feeling as you pulsated effortlessly around his shaft. He pulled you down onto him as he gave one last, powerful thrust into you that left you gasping for air. Thick spurts of ejaculate coated the entrance of your uterus, filling you until you were overflowing. His cum mixed with yours, the fluid drooling from between your lips, pooling between your bodies. Your head rested and settled against his chest; for a few remaining moments, your fingertip lazily traced hearts onto his skin as you drifted off into the haze of sleep. 
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