#i hate what it is in universe and i hate what the show is trying to make it represent
itneverendshere · 2 days
Bartender!reader reacting to rafes buzz cut for the first time.
made it extra fluffy and flirty bc i've been writing too much angst 😭thank you for the request, hope you like it💗
it's buzzcut season anyway - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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You were in the middle of counting your tips when the door creaked open again. You didn’t even look up this time. The lunch rush had finally slowed, and you were way too focused on making sure some old man’s cash hadn’t gotten stuck together. 
Your break started in two minutes. Your plan? Grab something to eat with Rafe and maybe—if you were lucky—convince him to give you one of those neck massages he was so good at. You’d earned it after dealing with the entitled club members all morning, and he always liked giving you a hard time about being stressed when he came to visit you at work.
If you could just survive until your break, you could—
“Hey, baby,” a voice drawled, warm and familiar.
Your heart did that stupid little thing it always did when you heard his voice, and you couldn’t help but smile even before you looked up.
“Hey, ba—” Your words caught in your throat the second you actually saw him.
Your hand stilled on the cash. He was standing in the doorway, all long toned limbs and that easy charm you’d fallen for over a year ago. But something was off. You squinted, your brain trying to catch up to what you were seeing. It wasn’t the way he was standing or the fact that he had on a backwards cap—he always did that. It was what wasn’t under the cap. Something was missing.
Your eyes went straight to the top of his head.
“Wait—what the—” You blinked, abandoning the tips on the counter as you stepped around it and walked toward him, your eyes locked on the top of his head, trying to figure out if you were seeing things. “Did you buzz your head?”
He just grinned, casually leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, totally unbothered. “Yeah. What d’ya think?”
You gawked at him. “You shaved your head. You literally shaved your head.”
You stared at him, eyes wide. His cap was covering most of it, but you could see enough—enough to know that his thick, messy hair, the hair you’d spent countless hours running your fingers through, was gone. 
“Oh my God. You buzzed it? For real?”
Rafe straightened up, lifting his cap and running a hand over the buzzed length, showing it off like he was some kind of model. “That’s the second time you’ve said that. You don’t like it?”
Your fingers itched to touch it, but you hesitated. You were trying so hard not to freak out. He’d just gone and buzzed his head without even telling you.
“Like it? I—” You sputtered, waving your hand in the air. “Baby, your hair! You just... did this? No warning? No ‘hey, baby, I’m thinking about going full buzzcut, what do you think?’”
His grin turned cocky as he reached out to pull you into him by the waist. “I thought I’d surprise you. Didn’t expect you to get all worked up over it.”
You gave him a playful shove, but he didn’t budge. “I’m not worked up! I’m just... shocked. I thought I was gonna get to lunch with my boyfriend and his hair, not—” You gestured to his head, still half in disbelief. “—this.”
He chuckled, leaning down so his forehead almost touched yours. “So... you hate it?”
You gave him a look, trying to stay mad or at least a little indignant about the whole thing, but it was impossible with him looking at you like that.
“You thought I’d like you going from ‘beach boy’ to ‘buzzcut’ overnight with no warning?”
“Pretty much.” He leaned in, “You gonna tell me you don’t like it?”
You bit your lip, pretending to think about it.
Truth was, you were already starting to like it. You liked that it was new, that it was him, and that it made him look a little rougher, more rugged. But you weren’t gonna tell him that right away. You hadn’t expected to be into it, not at all. Rafe’s hair had always been one of your favorite things about him—the way it’d curl up when he got all sweaty in the summer or how it’d fall into his eyes when he was being serious.
But... the buzzcut? You weren’t expecting it to be hot. But it was. So hot.
“I didn’t say I hate it...” you said, letting your voice trail off as you finally gave in and ran your fingers over the buzzed hair. It was soft, like velvet, and you couldn’t stop yourself from grinning.
He chuckled, one hand coming up to cup your chin as he tilted your face up toward his. “Knew it.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“See? Told ya,” he teased, his hands still gripping your waist as he watched your reaction. “You can’t keep your hands off me now.”
“I never said I couldn’t,” you shot back, your cheeks heating up. “It’s just... I wasn’t expecting to like it this much.”
“Uh-huh.” His eyes darkened, and he leaned in closer, his breath brushing against your cheek. “Admit it. You think I look hot. You’re lookin’ at me like you can’t wait to get me alone.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, and you playfully pushed at his chest, trying to cover up how much he was getting to you. “Shut up,” you laughed. “You’re so full of yourself.”
“I know you love it.”
You groaned, finally giving in to a full laugh. “Okay, okay. Fine. You look hot.”
Rafe grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “Knew you couldn’t resist.”
You rolled your eyes, pulling him in for a quick peck, unable to help yourself now. “You owe me lunch for this, though.”
“I brought you lunch,” he said, lifting the bag you hadn’t even noticed in his other hand.
“Oh, did you now?” You raised a brow. “You’re really tryin’ to get on my good side today, huh?”
“I’ll grow it back, don’t worry,” he murmured, leaning down to brush his lips against your neck. “But for now, you’re stuck with this.”
As you both sat down at one of the tables near the back of the bar, you couldn’t stop sneaking glances at his head.
It wasn’t just the look of it that was getting to you—it was the fact that he’d done something so out of the blue, just like that. He always kept you on your toes, never predictable, and surprisingly, you loved that.
He caught you looking for the millionth time and shot you a smug smile. “I can tell you wanna say somethin’. Spill.”
You reached over and ran your fingers through the nonexistent hair again, giggling. 
“I just can’t get over it, baby. You look like a whole new person. A sexy, buzzed-head guy.”
His smile softened, his hand finding yours on the table. “Yeah?”
You nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. “I mean, I miss your old hair, but I’m into this. You look hot.” You bit your lip, your gaze dropping to his mouth.
His eyes darkened a little, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Careful or I’m not gonna let you finish your lunch before I drag you outta here.”
Your heart raced, “Rafe Cameron, if you ruin my lunch break, I swear—”
He cut you off with a low chuckle, leaning across the table to press his lips to yours again, not caring that you were still technically on the clock. You melted into him, all thoughts of food forgotten for a moment. When he pulled away, his forehead rested against yours, both of you breathless.
“I can’t believe you buzzed your head,” you whispered, still grinning.
“I can’t believe you’re this obsessed with it.”
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sadistic-kiss · 15 hours
Double Date~ Toji x Reader x Sukuna
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Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Characters: Toji Fushiguro and Ryoumen Sukuna (X Fem Reader)
Universe: AU
Rating: Explicit (all da goods)
Genre: Smutty
Kinks: BDSM, Spanking, Breeding and Dacryphilla 
Ingredients/Commission given by: Yorus @yorusranddie
Cover work also done by @yorusranddie ✨❤️✨
Summary: You were supposed to set up a double date for Toji Fushiguro and Sukuna Ryoumen with your mom and aunt so how did YOU end up in bed with them?
You hummed to the tune playing from the car speakers, Billie Eilish Lunch singing from your lips. Your head was propped up on your hand as you sank into the back seats of the red and black sports car. Your thumb moves up and down on your phone scrolling through pictures of your friends and silly memes.
“I can eat that girl for lunch… dances on my tongue...” The words were a second thought while you double-tapped your screen liking a video. 
Within the next moment, the radio was turned down.
“So you like eating pussy huh?” 
Your eyes rolled up to the rearview mirror where Sukuna’s red ones looked at you. 
You put a lot of sass in your words as you say, “That’s not a very family-friendly question unc.”
You could see how his eyes narrowed at you, hating when you called him ‘unc’ or ‘uncle’. He was your best friend's uncle but not yours. You just like to tease him. Hear the way he gripped the steering wheel. Get under his skin. It was a fun pastime. 
“What did I say about calling me that?”
“Well if you date my aunt doesn’t that make you my uncle anyway?”
“Watch the road Sukuna.” Yuuji elbowed his uncle from the passenger seat. The car swiveled a bit as Sukuna snatched the wheel back. 
“I got this kid.” The older man scoffed, his ego wounded twice within the same minute. 
You let out a teasing giggle, returning to your phone. That’s when a notification pops up on your screen.
Mom: Sorry sweetie but-
You couldn't see the rest of the message before it disappeared, but your stomach sunk from what you had already seen from the preview. You quickly got to your messages to see the full text from your mom.
Mom: Sorry sweetie but your aunt and I had decided to cancel. We just don't think we are ready for another commitment. Please apologize to Mr. Fushiguro and Ryoumen.
“N-nothing…” you quickly texted back- what does she mean they aren't coming! This is so last minute! 
Me: Mom you have been divorced for like three years! And Auntie said she needed someone to get over her last relationship.
Mom: I think we are just going to have a little girl's night. You know love ourselves! You’re welcome to come over too if you want. 
You puffed your cheeks in annoyance. What the hell were you going to say to freaking Sukuna and Toji?! Just as you looked up the car rolled to a stop, parking in front of Mr. Fushiguro’s house.
Yuuji hopped out to get into the back seat and as he slid in next to you, you pointed at your phone, showing him the message. He mouthed the words as he read, head leaned to the side a bit while he slowly buckled his seat belt in. 
“Yikes.” He hissed under his breath. 
“Tell me about it…” 
“What are we talking about back there?” Sukuna questioned with a raised brow.
“Uh…” you opened your mouth but your words were interrupted as the front and back doors opened.
“Heyo .” Yuuji greeted Megumi as he slid into the seat.
“Sup.” Megumi salutes and wave.
Toji plopped in the front, you can see Sukuna sizing him up. Once Toji got situated he looked toward the tatted man. 
“Toji.” He introduced himself while reaching over to shake his hand. 
“Sukuna.” The two clapped hands with a firm shake. 
You could see their veins bulge as if they were trying to break each other's hands. Their eye contact was firm and well. Like a predator meeting another predator- taunting each other. Trying to show who is the king of the jungle. 
Yuuji coughed as he leaned forward with his phone, pointing to the address of the club. “Nobara said this place was pretty good for the price.”
You blanked at Yuuji, did he not read what your mom sent? The party was over! Well… maybe it didn’t have to be. You can pretend you've never seen it…
The interruption from Yuuji broke up the big dick contest.
Sukuna typed in the address while Toji greeted you, “Hey, you look nice.” He complimented. 
You gave him an appreciative smile, “Thank you, sir. You look nice as well.”
You could see the little glare sent your way from Sukuna in the rearview mirror but it seemed only you noticed. You knew he was pissed that you just called Toji sir while you called him unc. L-o- fucking-l. You laugh on the inside keeping your eyes on Toji.
“I hope your mother thinks so too, did you send her the address?”
“I- yup. I sure did.”
After Sukuna got the GPS started he took off on the road. Yuuji and Megumi were the main ones talking… well… it was more Yuuji talking and Megumi responding with his usual bored tone. 
The entire ride there you were planning how you were going to tell the two men in front. Staged it in your head. Played out the scene. You were going to put on your best acting performance. 
Sukuna pulled up to the colorful lighted club with a giant sign that read ‘Special Grade’ and as you were getting out you let out a little gasp while looking at your phone. Everyone looked toward you expectantly. 
“Ah~ sorry guys my mom and aunt are staying in tonight.” You smacked your lips giving everyone an apologetic look.
“Seriously?” Sukuna deadpanned.
“Yeah… that sucks… well we are already here might as well have fun!” You didn’t get dressed up for nothing. Hopping out of the car you closed the door and walked toward the building. Yuuji and Megumi by your side.
“They haven’t gotten out of the car yet.” Megumi pointed out.
“Eh, they are just in shock, nothing a few drinks can solve- NOBARA!” You squealed running up to your best friend as the two of you hopped up and down in excitement. 
“Oi I’m your boyfriend and you give her more excitement than me!” Yuuji pouted as Nobara rolled her eyes.
“Oh hush~ let’s go have some fun… uh where’s your family I thought they were coming?”
“My family decided to ditch us.”
“My dad’s in the car with Sukuna, probably contemplating life.”
“Pfft, in the wise words of Shoko everything can be solved with alcohol.”
“That’s what I said!”
“That is a terrible motto to go by.”
You laughed as the four of you walked toward the entrance. With a glance back you saw Toji and Sukuna finally getting out of the car. You felt a little bad for them but with their looks, they could pick up any girl. What was one little rejection going to do to them?
Okay, they were pissing you off. And by they you meant Toji and Sukuna. The two men had gotten a booth together, taking shots in their little corner. 
You’ve seen plenty of girls try to talk to them but they turned everyone away! 
Were they going to sit there all night knocking shot after shot like some sad teenage boys?!
You were dancing on the light-up floor, red sequin dress swishing side to side, catching the colorful rays of light flashing. Alcohol filled your blood while you groove to the music, but you kept glaring at Sukuna and Toji. Body on autopilot while your mind was reeling. 
“You okay?” Nobara questioned as she shimmied and swayed around with Yuuji. 
“Yeah!” You nodded your head and gave her a thumb up just in case she didn’t hear you over the music. "I'm going to go check on our sad boys!" Breaking away from the group you beelined to the table in the corner.
They were talking but once they saw you coming the conversation stopped, the two of them gave you their attention as you planted yourself before their table.
"Are you guys kidding?" You questioned with your gaze bouncing between the two.
"What?" Sukuna screamed over the loud music.
You leaned upon the table with your hands on top, getting closer to them. So close that you could smell the alcohol upon their lips mingle in the air.
"I said...are you guys kidding!?"
Toji raised a brow, "What's wrong sweetheart?"
"You two! You guys are just sitting here drinking alone, you don't want to like dance or have fun?" You question hooking your thumb behind you.
Sukuna snorted, "I don't want to dance with someone unworthy of my time."
"Besides..." Toji began with a little grin, "Whoever said we aren't having fun?"
You release a sharp laugh, "Ha! What you two BFF's now?"
"Well..." Toji drawled with a sneaky tone, "...It would appear we got a lot more in common than we thought."
It may have been the alcohol but as the two looked at you with a little snicker you had figured the joke was about them both being rejected. 
Little did you know...
"Listen..." You began with a little sigh. "I'm sorry my aunt and mom ditched you guys, I don't know what is going on with them but I hope you guys can still have fun. Let me get you a shot at least."
"On your paycheck?" Sukuna teased.
"So then you know how serious I am!"
"Nah...I'll get it but you'll take one with us." He got up gesturing for you to sit down.
"Deal." You grinned as you slid into the spot Sukuna was in, the seat warm. 
As you waited for Sukuna to come back with your drinks you looked toward Toji. You were going to say something but something about him caught you off guard. He was ruggedly handsome. The club lights flashed across his face and danced in his green eyes. His scar only adds to his appearance… you wanted to trace your finger over it. Never had you viewed him in such a way. He was your friend's dad after all and you tried to set him up with your mom. Not that they really knew much about each other but it was just kind of like a… ‘why not?’. See if they kick it off kind of thing. 
Megumi was tired of the man being lazy and broke, living off of his divorce money and his wife’s life insurance. You all thought…what if a woman could whip him into shape? 
Toji caught you staring at him but you were too slow to act as if you weren’t. 
“You stare anymore and ya gonna make me blush sweetheart.” He flashed you a grin that shouldn’t have caused your stomach to stir. 
“My bad, I was just looking at your scar.” You lie with ease. “How’d you get it?”
“Ah, this?” He rubbed the back of his fingers upon it. “Got into it with my old man when I was young. We never really saw eye to eye.“
Megumi had told you that they were not close to the Zenin family. Apparently, his grandpa was a narcissistic control freak. “That’s a horrible thing to do to a kid…I’m glad you don’t associate with them anymore and that you didn’t follow in the abuse train.”
Toji seemed pleased with your response, “Yeah…dude was a coward. I’m not a great dad but I don’t think I’m too bad.”
“Well, you lost your wife, so being a single parent for your child and your bitchy ex-wife is… ya know kinda crazy. And come on…” you grin while elbowing him, “… I wouldn’t have set up this date with my mom if I didn’t think you were a good man. You just need some… help.”
“Help huh?”
“Like~” you pop your lips, “A woman’s touch or something. Tsumiki is grown and Megumi is off to college so it’s like you are stuck. Don’t take it the wrong way or anything but you and my mom got this whole I will never love again vibe going on. I think that’s horse shit-oop! Haha, my bad. I guess I usually don’t talk so freely with you.”
“Quite the sailor aren’t you?”
You let out a little laugh as the two of you enjoyed the moment. That’s when Sukuna came back with a bottle and three shot glasses. He squeezed into the booth with you in the middle, setting down the cups.
“Fucking line took forever.” Sukuna cursed filling up the shot glasses.
“See? I get it from my unc.” You joked making Toji chuckle.
Sukuna looked at both of you in confusion, “Get what from me?”
“Cursing.” You smiled grabbing your shot. 
“The fuck you do.” The three of you clinked glasses and tapped the table before knocking back the burning liquid. Sukuna let out a frat boy kind of grunt while slamming the glass down so hard you are surprised it didn’t break. “That mouth of yours was always filthy.” He looked toward you with such an expression it gave you whiplash. “Someone atta spank your ass.”
This whole thing was always a game of chicken. Teasing and flirting with each other has just been your way since what feels like the beginning. It was harmless fun. He always talked about spanking you anytime he deemed you being naughty. So you didn’t think twice as you set your gaze, looking up at Sukuna from under your thick fake lashes. 
“What? Are you going to spank me?” 
Something flashed within his eyes before he settled you with a devilish grin, he leaned closer to you but you didn’t back down. You were never one to back down. Always ready for a challenge especially when it came to Sukuna. 
He licked his lips, red gaze bouncing between your eyes and somewhere lower. He then whispered, “You would like that…wouldn’t you?”
Something about this felt like it was outside of the playing field. It caught you off guard. What was even more terrifying was the tiny voice in your head that said ‘yes’. Perhaps tomorrow you will blame your stubbornness on the alcohol.
You cocked your head, getting a breath away from him, “You- would like that.”
He didn’t back down, his grin only widening, “We- would like that.”
You blanked falling backward as you disengaged from your game. You look toward Toji who was watching with intense interest. His gaze locked on to you. You had forgotten he was here. Feeling embarrassed that he witnessed such a thing. Yet the way he was staring at you had your body heating up. 
Like he enjoyed watching 
Suddenly this moment felt strange. You felt naked. Exposed. Like you were in danger… but a delicious kind of danger. 
Sukuna had said ‘we’.
“What’s…going on here?” You questioned with a suspicious glare.
Toji cleared his throat as he leaned in closer to you, “Remember…when I said we both had something in common?”
You nodded slowly.
“It’s you.”
“Me?” You asked in shock.
“Yes, you.”
“No- no way! You two were supposed to be dating my mom and aunt may I remind you!”
Sukuna rolled his eyes, “I only said yes so you’d stop nagging me.”
Toji shrugged seemingly agreeing with the statement. “In other words, it was a good thing they canceled. Made us realize after talking we should tell you the truth.”
Your brain was unable to keep up. You felt frozen as they told you their secret. You could not believe this was happening. 
You let out a gasp as you felt someone caressing your thigh gently. Looking down you watched as Sukuna smoothed his hand up and down, creating a path of warmth that set fire to other places. Toji’s hand began to play with your hair. You were mesmerized by their touch and voices. 
“What do you say…” Toji’s words tickled one ear as Sukuna did the other. “…can you handle both of us brat?”
You moaned in Toji’s lap, tongues slipping against each other in a lewd slop. Your dress rode up over your ass, his hands wrapped around you, pulling you flush against him. 
You felt another hand glide over your cheek, fingers slipping to your cunt. Sukuna growled from the driver's seat, trying to get the three of you home as quickly as possible. “You ain’t wearing underwear?”
Toji chuckled breaking apart from your lips, “I told you she wasn’t.”
“How did you know?” You giggle grinding yourself on top of his clothed length. 
“Because you are a naughty little vixen.” Toji slapped your ass harshly making you squeak.
“Wearing this skimpy ass outfit with no underwear.” Sukuna also gave you a harsh slap making you gasp. “Slut is just begging for it.”
Your phone had dinged, having fallen onto the floor between Toji’s feet. The screen was a text from Nobara saying she hoped you feel better. 
You had made an excuse that you felt sick and Sukuna was going to take you home. Toji had said he was tired and too old to hang with the youngins and the three of you left. Megumi and Yuuji decide to catch a ride with Nobara. 
You guys kept it cool until you were in the elevator. As soon as the doors closed that’s when the lustful dance began. The two of them take turns kissing you and pressing you up against the wall. And it didn’t end from there. You could barely get into the car, Toji pulling you into the front seat with him while telling Sukuna to drive safely. 
You couldn’t get enough.
Your thirst unable to be quenched. 
Sukuna pulled into his garage as you and Toji continued making out. You were too distracted from your session to see that you were finally at your destination. The passenger door was ripped open as Sukuna grabbed a fistful of your hair.
“Hey!” You gasped as he pulled you out of the car, “I hope you are paying for me to get my hair done!”
“Yeah yeah I ruin it I’ll fix it.” Sukuna gave you a lustful kiss, moaning against your lips. 
“I guess the dress is on me huh?” Toji chuckled getting out of the car. 
You had already heard a tear from your dress, one of your earrings was missing and your heels had a little scruff to it. You made sure to let the men know that they would be replacing anything from their rough handling of you. 
Not that you minded. 
The door was slammed shut behind you as you were practically carried inside. You were in the foyer kissing Sukuna while Toji slipped your heels off. The three of you nearly tripped over each other to get into the bedroom. 
Sukuna unzipped your dress with dexterous fingers, pushing the fabric down. He slapped your tit making it bounce, glaring at you while he nipped your lip, “No bra either. Who let you out like this?”
“I’m a grown woman unc.” You teased. You giggled at the way he glared at you. 
You were spun around swiftly and then pushed against Toji as he snapped at him. 
“Hold her.”
You heard the rustling of a belt as Toji circled his arms around your waist. 
“What are you…” you looked back just as Sukuna yanked your wrist behind you, tying your wrist with the leather belt. You hissed at the slight discomfort. 
“Give me your belt.”
Toji shifted around as he took his belt off with one hand handing it to Sukuna. You looked at the exchange with wide eyes. Watching Sukuna fold the belt.
“Ai!” You jerked against Toji as the leather snapped against your ass like a swift viper. 
Sukuna grabbed a handful of your ass, shaking it as he hissed into your ear. “I don’t want to hear you ever call me unc again!” 
“Ow! Sukuna!” You were now trying to get away, the harsh slap of the belt had your cheeks ringing in pain. 
“Yeah, that’s more like it! You either call me Sukuna or sir, do you understand?” He hit your ass again as you screamed out.
“Yes! Yes!” You cried feeling your eyes water. You didn’t think he was that upset when you called him unc! It was just a prank damn!
“What was that?!” Sukuna growled. 
“YESSSIR!” You cried, that last hit rocking the tears from your eyes. They trailed down your cheeks.
“Aw, she’s crying…” Toji grabbed your chin as he lifted your face. “Such a sweet face.” 
You thought he felt bad for you but it seemed to be the opposite. He liked to see your tears. 
“Let me see.” Sukuna pulled your head back, his phone in your face. 
Your eyes widened in surprise as the flash went off. 
“That’s fucking hot…” Sukuna groaned pulling the phone away as he licked at your tears. You didn’t have time to say anything about the picture as Toji licked at your other cheek, hand trailing down as he cupped your sore ass. 
You gasp, “Y-you guys are sick.” You glare at them as they only chuckle. 
“Another thing we have in common princess.” Toji grinned pushing you onto the bed. 
You gasped flopping on the bed, your leg was then grabbed as Toji stuck two fingers inside you. 
“Ah~!” You let out a gasp, pussy clinging around his fingers as if it had been dying for this. 
“Yet you are so wet…Who’s more sick, it seems you are getting off on this little masochist?”
Sukuna fisted himself out of his pants, grabbing your chin tightly, “You will be crying and wetting our cocks like the little slut you are.”
Toji used his other hand to pull his pants just underneath his length, a fiery gleam in his eyes as he smirked, “And we know you will enjoy it.”
You were shocked to hear Toji agree with such things- Sukuna yes this matched his character but never would you have known Toji to be a closeted sadist. 
Did you fuck up?
Who were you kidding? 
You let out a moan as the two men shoved their cocks inside you. Toji in your pussy while Sukuna took your mouth. 
Gentle? Never heard of her.
You were taken with wild abandonment. And true to their words you shed more tears and gushed upon their lengths. All while they laughed and taunted you with sinister words. Sukuna even dragged his fingers over your tears and wiped them on his cock before entering your cumdumped pussy. They didn’t even ask if they could cum in you- they just did. 
How was it possible that they could keep going? 
At one point you finally began to beg for them to release your wrists. But they wouldn’t. Like they didn’t want you to try to run away.
They used your body for their pleasure, saying dirty things like how they always wanted to do this to you. Bringing up times when you wore clothes that left nothing to the imagination. Their favorite was the red shorts that cupped your cheeks. They’d talk about masturbating to the thought of you and the pictures they snuck. 
You bet this is what they were talking about while sitting in the corner sharing drinks. Sharing their explicit thoughts and pictures of you. 
They are actually crazy. 
Yet you were still cumming and leaking like a broken faucet. You actually had no shame. No thought. Especially as you bounced up and down Sukuna’s length while sucking on Toji’s cock with greed. 
Your eye just so happens to catch the clock on the dresser as you gasp pulling back, “oh crap-“
Sukuna slapped your ass as he leaned back with his hands behind his head, “Keep bouncing.” 
“M-my birth control- I need to go take it!” You usually take it before bed but you must not have heard your alarm since your phone was in the car. 
That seemed to pause them.
“You what?” Toji questioned.
“I was supposed to take it at eight, I forgot. I was too drunk…maybe I can get a plan b tomorrow… or today seeing as it’s fucking 2 am.”
Sukuna snorted, grabbing your hips tightly, “Not a chance.” He then picked you up and dropped you making you scream. “I’m gonna fuck a baby in you now.”
“Fuck off we didn’t discuss this.” Toji growled while getting behind you. He pushed you down so you could press into Sukuna’s chest and then you felt something poke at your pussy right alongside Sukuna’s cock. 
You gasp, “No! I can’t-“
Toji and Sukuna lifted you up as they both tried to cram their cocks inside your cunt. You released a scream as one cock left and another entered, back and forth back and forth. You were stretched unbelievably- the intensity had you sweating and drooling. You were losing your mind. Their vigor turned into something more insatiable. You were lucky they didn’t try to jam both cocks inside you at the same time- you don’t think you’d be able to stretch that much. This already was too much. 
You couldn’t stop moaning and crying, begging for something. Perhaps mercy. But they didn’t know the differences, and neither did you. 
“Please-! Please-! Ah- please!”
“You want-mm- my cum baby?”
“No, -Ngh- she wants mine. Say it- ah- say you want it.”
You were drowning in it all so you did as you were told screaming, “Yes! Yes, I want it-i-I want your cum!” But you never clarify who’s. That was their own personal problem. 
“Fuck-yes baby keep begging for it-“
“I’m going to give it to you- you better take it- “
The two groaned as they came inside you again for the -who knows how many times tonight- but this time it seemed like they gave you the fattest load. The thought of you carrying their child was something that truly kicked off their lust. Your orgasm had you seeing stars and soon you felt as though you blacked out. 
You felt them finally untie your hands but your arms just hung with exhaustion. You were laid in the middle of the bed, letting out a light groan. Body exhausted. You had finally hit your limit. 
“Crazy…” you mumbled. “Crazy…” 
“You bring it out of us.”
Sukuna and Toji shared a laugh as they leaned back in bed cuddling with you, fine with lying in all of the mess and sweat. Filthy men they were. But you doubt that you were far from them. Because you more than enjoyed yourself tonight. And now you will expect to be spoiled like this from now on. 
Although you wonder if they were joking about the whole pregnancy thing…were they really trying to get you pregnant?
That was a problem for sober you. 
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aimasup · 8 hours
aka my live notes on the episode as I watch again
The second ep I couldn't do because it came out when I was still working, so no energy or time :(
Here we go, long post warning:
The cartoon biology is amazing, it would make sense they'd explore that with all the time on their hands, it's so damn creative
In an alternate universe they would make for fantastic circus tricks
Gangle is DRAWING
Jax obviously would want to know how the newest plaything ticks. jerk
Zooble's. New. Look. 10/10 I'm sorry Zooble I know you hate your body but you are a cartoon character with a cool design
The reason I don't redraw enough screenshots even though I badly want to is because if we sat here and picked out every pose, expression, shot, joke, and meaningful momeny that i especially loved, we'd be here all day
It's nice that Pomni is still inquisitive and here it's mixed with fear of the Gummigoo incident repeating, continuity! ( °▽° )
Caine probably does take plenty of user feedback: When Zooble never showed up, he probably took into account what they might like in an adventure and tailor it to include them!! Even comments like 'immature'. Headcanon territory again whoops
Ragatha's little hand shimmies at when saying the house is scary she's so adorable you guys
She always wants to make things fun or at least enjoyable for others, but she isn't super stable herself, nooooo
The cartoon gags being like, physically real is the right kind of wacky and horrifying, of course these humans would lose it after a while!! Fits the tone of the series well
"I remember my first wild take!" "Gangle I'll get it for you!"
Kinger is so helpful he always wants to help and he talks exactly like a nurturing figure ಥ⌣ಥ even if his mind is. Not all there
Jax would be the worstttt to be in a haunted house with. Or even just play a horror game with. He'd skip all the dialogue and take the cutscenes at face value bc he just wants directions to do things
Caine hunting Zooble down good lord
Zooble is being held hostage by someone with worse memory issues than Kinger trying to give them therapy that they KNOW is pointless. Yikes
The 'specially for Zooble' horror is SUPERB!! Gooseworx your roots are showing
This has escape room vibes. A controlled environment designed for mystery and entertainment except this time the players were actually kidnapped
Kinger and Pomni duo is. So good
The gags are great. The 2d bit was a surprise and welcomed! Made the monster unveiling itself to be more haunting
Kinger slowly becomes lucid while Pomni loses it
Also all the voice actors are so good all the characters' squeaks and stammers and yells are full of such emotion
I'm not a huge fan personally of the 'scary moment followed by funny quip' because it can repetitive after a while, so I appreciate that it wasn't too much of the case here
It's always the non-horror shows that have at least one downright terrifying episode huh
Zooble being open with their feelings because they know it doesn't matter nooooo
Caine is squishy. I'm now realising this, he is very squishy, eyeballs and all, even though he's the most robotic of the sentient cast
Caine doesn't even apologise for his actions, which makes sense sadly
They are nailing his programmed helper nature of not understanding deeper issues out of his comprehension, including his own!! But he still holds immense power and needs to slow tf down asap!! The adventures are for Caine as much as they are for the humans, in this essay I will
And Zooble. Zooble doesn't totally isolate themself, they hang out with the others! It's just that their body is already so foreign and uncomfortable for them, why on earth would they want to bring it out for even more foreign and uncomfortable experiences? The tent isn't so bad, it's massive and there's enough annoying bullshit behind each curtain to keep things less monotonous. They want as much peace and quiet as they can get in this disquieting form in this world. Everyone is trying to get control of their own situations in some way. And it's canon that they were newest before Pomni, keep that in mind-- in THIS essay I will
Zooble has many choice words that come to mind when they see you, Caine
Also Caine's expressions will always be peak. Love how he doesn't show certain more intense (vulnerable) emotions the same way humans do, he flusters, freezes up or glitches out instead
Kinger I am twirling my hair as we speak
He's being very calm! Still scared ofc but he's so used to the madness of the circus, and for the first time we're actually seeing that in a way that isn't him being PART of the madness
The possession was horrifying loveeee (shhh don't think about the content farms with possessed Pomni that may follow it's ok)
"How's your wife, Kinger?" uncalled for. (cocks shotgun) game's haunted
Seriously I very much doubt that Caine put that in on purpose. But it's not out of the question that the magic hell circus game that sucks your mind in forever would mix code and consciousness for some fucked up results. I believe it's called uhh divine machinery? Idk
Pomni, let it out girl
These adventures have not, in fact, gotten easier for her to adapt. Really shows that compassion matters huh
(or does it? Jax may have something to say about that)
It's canon! Queenie is canon! And the truth behind Kinger's pillow fort is even sadder than we imagined!
And what's also canon is that Zooble is a great listener!! They take note of everyone's behaviour even though they don't go on the adventures!! They distracted Caine from his crisis!! They ended up being the therapist!! And it's not even on purpose ajkshdksksjskslslsksl they have no idea how they ended up in either chair
Will Pomni have to go through each adventure and come out of them the only one carrying the experience. I hope not. That would hurt. But I hope so 👀
Ragatha! Getting appreciation! Pomni's hair tuck! How often does Ragatha hear that even? Also Pomni is getting closer with the others, already hanging out and stuff, good for her!! Our cantakerous jester is finding friendship!!
Please make it so that Caine's alliterative terms of endearment get worse every time. Please it's so funny
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alanaartdream · 3 days
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Ok just a hot take I’ve just realised I’ve got with fairly odd parents Jimmy Neutorn and nicktoons Unite games
I mean I’ve noticed something (it might just be me or maybe I’m reading into this too much) but
It seems to Me that Jimmy was a better influence and friend than AJ & Chester ever were to Timmy
In one of Jimmy Timmy power hour episodes Jimmy got to experience Timmy’s life and he downright thought it was awful he is pretty smart he got a clue something wasn’t right with Timmy’s home life in Timmy’s universe and he didn’t play it off as Timmy’s has it great like when Timmy’s own Mother swapped places with Timmy
That one episode in fairly odd parents and she made EVERYONE dance (I hated how that episode was handled because she got off too easily and didn’t even get to see what a horrible person she herself can be at times)
Now back to Jimmy he got to experience a little what Timmy’s parents are like to him and even what Cocker was like and Acknowledge Timmy has it pretty hard and needed Cosmo & Wanda in his life; he didn’t fully understand everything though but he acknowledged something was amiss with Timmy’s homework and didn’t brush it off
Also in anther jimmy Timmy power hour episode the next time Timmy comes to Jimmy’s universe it’s because AJ & Chester totally bushed Timmy off ( now granted Chester was helping his dad out with making a new toilet so you can forgive him but AJ? That crazy kid wanted to put himself to deep sleep to wake up to the future leaving his family & friends behind like it was nothing & it didn’t matter how much his family or friends would miss him) THEN the both of them act outraged over Timmy Hanging out with Jimmy when THEY ignored him 1st at the very least they should be saying sorry as well and not leaving it to just Timmy to say sorry; Jimmy acknowledges he messed up as well but AJ & Chester didn’t witch kinda rubs me the wrong way with how those 2 didn’t acknowledge they were at fault too
Although I Love how in that episode before they started to hang out with each other Jimmy was shocked Timmy wanted to be friends with him and hang out with him after all that went down between them with Cindy and the 1st time they interacted with each other’s universes but Timmy is just yeah it’ll be interesting to hang out and be friends
Now Jimmy’s a smart kid who’s been labeled the nerd loser in his own universe even though he’s super smart & Cindy who’s made jealous she’s not the smartest kid in class anymore because Jimmy is gives him
A hard time & makes fun of him (witch is probably why he thinks girls are not great at science at the time because Cindy always trying to prove she’s better at everything science/ school than Jimmy; I mean honestly they could’ve been friends if she didn’t pick on him so much like she could’ve convinced Jimmy that girls are great at science in a much more friendly manner but she chooses to do it in a bullying kinda way ( she lets her jealousy win and mocks Jimmy a lot and try’s to one up Jimmy all the time; it’s no wonder he thinks girls are awful science) like of course Jimmy’s no better about it and finds ways to anger her as well; I just hope when both of them grow up a little that they realise fighting each other is pointless and better off to work with each other in the future; like in some of Jimmy neutron show he did list in episode that women scientists are great and mention one who’s studies about radiation help change the world so it’s not like he thinks all girls are bad it’s just that one of his bullies HAPPENS to be a girl who’s always trying to one up him all the time like
When I was in primary I had some awful school bullies who were boys pick on me a lot because I was a girl who would cry and like to carry about soft toy animals & teachers would say oh boys just do that to girls they like would kid me realise they just liked to see me upset so at that age I was thinking a lot of boys sucked until met my older cousins who were nice & fun that no not all boys suck it was just bullies at school who sucked so I can totally see WHY Jimmy was thinking girls were awful being as one of his bullies was a girl and her friend (I mean Cindy was pretty mean to Jimmy out of her own jealousy; I mean she herself is a kid probably trying to prove to everyone she’s smart but when you’re in a class with kid who’s smarter than everyone including you who can invent all sorts of things that’s something no normal kid can invent & then goes on about how science isn’t for girls? Yeah I can see why she’s not always nice to Jimmy but yeah both of them need to learn to stop fighting with each other; Cindy needs to let her jealousy go it’s what’s stopping her from getting along better with Jimmy and Jimmy REALLY needs to stop saying girls are not cut out to be smart BUT that’s with them
I feel like when they go to high school they’ll both grow up a little and realise they were both pretty immature with each other Jimmy will admit he wasn’t being fair saying girls can’t be smart and Cindy needs to let her jealousy go and admit being jealous of not being the smartest in classroom/school was/ is a bit silly and
Immature over fighting with each other and would probably much a great study partners ( they’ll probably still fight just not as but as when they were kids & would probably be good friend who fights over different sciences instead)
NOW back with Jimmy being shock Timmy doesn’t mind he’s smarter than him or that he’s a nerd and honestly wants to hang out and be friends with him; it honestly surprises him but then he’s like well ok let’s hang out and learns Timmy isn’t a bad person to want to hang out with probably sees why even Cindy seems to like to hang out with him even though he’s not the smartest person out there Timmy is quite pleasant person to hang out with & even though Timmy may teases him about being a nerd he doesn’t make fun of him
Now fast forward to when one of Jimmy’s villains teams up with Cocker Vald and palnton to try to take over not only Jimmy’s & Timmy’s Universes but Danny’s & SpongeBob’s universes as well
You can see Jimmy
And Timmy are pretty much friends by this point and making friends with Danny and SpongeBob as well while teaming saving their worlds together
Also in my fairy Timmy au
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Wanda & Cosmo adopted Timmy as their own and Timmy becames a full Fairy and gets to grow up with Peri/poof but that means he goes missing from the human realm of his own universe and only ones who knows what happened to him is Cole but she can’t tell anyone or Wanda Cosmo cannot be her fairy god parents anymore (I’ve made it now the fish bowl where Wanda & Cosmo lives gets moved to her house while fairy council have intervened believing that human adults in Timmy’s life cannot be trusted in raising the one who save their universe and fairy world so many time AND they really don’t want anther Cocker on their hands or something worse it’s better to have Timmy as a fairy and have him
Adopted into Wanda / Cosmos fairy bloodline so my fairy Oc who was the last human child to be turned into a forever fairy and doesn’t have any god kids to look after being as she’s way younger than Cosmo who was the last fairy to be born before Poof/peri (my fairy Oc Felicity was adopted by jorgen’s nana boom boom) is now responsible with training Fairy children how to handle their magical powers when they’re not in spellmentry school being as you gotta be VERY careful with how you train fairy children being as bad things happen when you make them upset (but good things happen with you make them laugh) so Jorgen’s not allowed to train fairy children (he’s allowed to do adults but children is a no no because he made felicity cry a few times she was a kid when he was trying to train her like he doe with adult fairy’s and nearly blow up fairy world and made Nana Boom boom quite upset)
Felicity is quite scared to be responsible teacher for 1st 2 fairy children in over a thousand years AND Wanda & Cosmo would give her scary glares at her when they 1st had dropped off Timmy and toddler poof\peri for their 1st training to use their magic classes (the glare was like you hurt/ upset our kids in any way WE WILL make you pay kinda glare so you can understand WHY she was pretty nervous besides that her main jobs before becoming a fairy teacher was to help inspired Artists / writers (and help them get out of writers/artist block) help cats/kittens find the humans who will help them get forever homes and keeping all the records of what goes on with Fairy world (she works with father times for this sometimes)
And while this is going on Jimmy is looking into what Happened to Timmy
And I think Jimmy would care about trying to figure out what happened to Timmy because he is a good friend like Carl and Sheen are to him so of course he’d want to know where Timmy is now and hopefully he’s safe (also my best guess Jimmy would suspect Timmy’s human parents might of course Timmy to run away because he did once have to put up with how they treat Timmy so he knows fully well things are not well in the Turner household)
He most likely would have to enlist Danny Phantom to help him find Timmy
(And I’m going have leave you all here because it’s REALLY late and I have woke tomorrow/ later and one of my cats are complaining I’m late with going to bed )
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Dragons Rising S2 E6-10 Thoughts
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This is the last post in the series! Maybe I’ll do these for Season 2 Part 2, maybe not. But either way, here’s some thoughts on the Dragons Rising, Season 2 midseason finale:
To Mysterium!:
Geo you might not be trained, but you and the Finders were holding your own against the Wolf Masks
This scene exists solely to advertise the sets (tbf the whole show is but this is super obvious)
In The Temple of the Dragon Cores Zane has a full map of the Merged realms; now he has nothing?
Lloyd tries to reassure Arin and just puts more pressure on him :(
Fun scene with Kai and Nya
Such incredible disguises
Orange Frohicky!
I’d buy a disco toaster
Why would a cloud be on a map? And why does poison affect Zane?
Why do you hate humans, Egalt? What happened in your past?
What do you mean trick map, Cole? Are maps that change by magic(?) commonplace?
Arin vs Lloyd is not fair
Jiro walking on two legs is kinda strange
Are these supposed to be the same people from Gangs of the Sea or just the same character models
Poor Arin
“Well, he is a professional actor”
Dorama’s humor has overstayed its welcome
“No self-respecting school allows the students to escape”
Purple imperium drones
I doubt that’ll be the end of Dorama, but honestly I’d be okay if it was
Fugitives from Madness:
Cole this monastery looks identical, just recolored
How did that mark get there? Are the monasteries linked somehow? What about when the Monastary was destroyed (multiple times)? Did that impact the Mysterium monastary
So is Gandalaria gonna explain everything about the Monastaries? Or who this “Sprite” is? (the answer is no)
Sora cmon he clearly didn’t go through the last pillar
“Stop being so hard on yourself” someone learned her lesson from last season
Already posted about the Egalt & Wyldfyre scene but it is SO GOOD
I get the desire to use the Zane/Cole/Bonzle/Gandalaria stuff as lighthearted stuff to contrast the emotional stuff in the A plot, but it feels like the episode just grinds to a halt when we cut to them
Still nice that Gandalaria accepts Bonzle
“You can never force the motion of the universe to bend to your will” I know a certain tiger who would disagree
Why is Gandalaria’s storehouse in a different realm? Not a plot hole, bc Gandalaria is totally the type of person to do something like that, but what was the thought process?
“Yes, nearly 9%!” 
I love the Countershot scene. Great music, great for Kai and Nya, sorta nostalgic
The Blood Moon rising is so ominous (also the moon does not rise this quickly, or over the whole planet at the same time)
Did the Forbidden Five place a curse on the Dragon Masters? Why do they turn to stone?
I love how the Administration, a society from an entirely different realm, uses the word “Nindroid,” invented by Jay
The Administration is so goofy
The way Michael Adamthwaite says, “Told you” sounds like Jay
The Administration immediately vaporizes their own paperwork lol
Gandalaria is nuts
So many great scenes this episode
Secrets of the Wyldness:
Wyldfyre pretended to be stone once? Assuming Kai tickled her out of it like Wyldfyre tries to do to the Dragon Masters?
Kai why don’t you try to do Rising Dragon now
Thank you Cole for yelling, “The Wyldness” even though that future never comes to pass so that the Ninja know where to go
Gandalaria, Janet’s got nothing on you
I mean if the Departed Realm is part of the Merged Realms, a dead man could still owe a fine
“I hereby demand your surrender.” “Uhh… no. Thank you.”
Jay’s lighting is both yellow and blue
And so ends Jay’s part in S2P1
Does this even count as a Zane fake out death? It lasts less than a minute
“We can’t give up until we find Bonzle” why would she be hard to find? She’s supposed to just be under the Monastery — where you told her to go
The Cloud Kingdom with the Blood Moon behind it is so ominous
Goodbye Jiro
Fortune telling tea is weak, Gandalaria needs to get some spirit smoke
There’s a strange effect on the Bounty crash scene, I guess it’s the effect of Theroxian magic
“Instant doom” if you all down the cliff. Remember this
Kai, Wyldfyre, and Sora is such a fun trio, I’m glad we get them together for the next few episodes
Don’t worry Sora, that won’t be the last time the Bounty will be destroyed
Is Gandalaria’s magic similar to Clouse’s? Or Hazza D’ur’s?
Shoving people in a box is typically not the best course of action
“I’m a scientist,” says Jordana earlier this episode. By the end, she’s overpowering the High Sorceress of Mysterium’s magic. No wonder Theroxian was banned
Why would walking in the direction of the moon mean you’re heading to the ritual?
Good luck Arin and Riyu
The Forest of Spirits:
Ras flashback?? Poor guy
“We are the masters of our destiny now” he says this with such malice. The Writers get out alive because this is a kids show, but a different show would just have them executed
I don’t have a fear of heights but you’d better believe I’d develop one if I was falling to my death
Poor Lloyd
The crumbling Cloud Kingdom tower in Lloyd’s vision actually happened in Writers of Destiny (and I don’t think happens later)
Jordana, that's not very nice of you. 
So much is going on and then we have to waste time messing around in the mystical storehouse. Gandalaria isn’t even an unfunny character, but this bit just drags
Riyu flying has a great bit of music, looks awesome, and is just plain fun. Arin is so happy :)
Fun battle scene
Okay, remember before about the “instant doom” thing if you fall off the cliff? Well Sora just murdered someone
Arin is genuinely apologetic, but there was no need to mention you still don’t remember Jordana’s name
Bonzle and Arin are so funny together
Wait how did Jordana get this car — did Ras build it? Buy it?
Either the Ninja trained for a good amount of time or Wyldfyre just heals super quickly
“I’m always adorable”
The Shadow Dojo looks so cool
The first look at the Forbidden Five in the M. C. Escher- inspired Nether-Space is so cool
Ras, physical abuse does not lead to a good rating on Glassdoor
Such a heartbreaking scene for Arin (and cool one for Ras). Tells us a lot about both of them. And to be fair to Arin, he does last longer here and Ras has a weapon
Great ending to an overall solid episode
Rising Ninja:
Arin sees Lloyd and Nya as his parents im crying
Heating up metal while it’s touching someone sounds like an easy way to burn them
Great cut to intro
I doubt wearing the wolf masks when the Gong is hit impacts Sora, Wyldfyre, and Kai since you probably have to let your soul be shattered, while they’re fighting it
You didn’t accidentally do Rising Dragon, you were explicitly training to do it
Great one take
Is Nokt in charge of the Five? How’d they decide he goes first
Really am not commenting a lot here because the whole battle is just so much fun
“She’ll miss my sweet shatterspin”
You’ve rewatched this part dozens of times, I’m sure— Kai doing Rising Dragon and Lloyd v Ras is so awesome
Nokt looked cooler before he opened his eyes or removed the extra cloak
Even Euphrasia gets a big moment, although I don’t know how that seemingly limited amount of wind is enough
Nya unlocking Rising Dragon is cool
Why doesn’t Cinder attack Lloyd while he’s having visions?
Sora this was probably the right move, but not telling Arin… idk how that’ll go
Teleporting the entire Shadow Dojo is super powerful; Ras’ Master must be a big threat
“Did we win?” honestly a good question Arin- most of the 5 didn’t escape, but at what cost…
“Where are we?” Good question too Cinder
Did Nokt just trip? What happened?
Ras’ Master is def not happy
Bittersweet way to end S2P1, while leaving a lot of thing for Part 2 to build on and/or resolve
And that’s it! Overall, I’ve heavily enjoyed each installment of Ninjago: Dragons Rising, and am looking forward to rewatching Season 2 Part 2 for the second first time! If you’ve already seen it, make sure to watch it on a legal site so Lego knows there’s demand to keep this great series going.
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What strikes me the most about Zutarians is how instead of simply following the show and putting 1+1 = 2 togeher; they decided Zutara was going to be canon and were outraged when it wasn't.
How many times have we heard this from Zutarians?
When Guru Pathik told Aang to let Katara go, I thought he was going to sacrifice all his attachments and Zutara would happen!
Let's ignore the fact that Aang DID let his attachment go, he went into the Avatar State, he died, and Katara brought him back to life. Maybe the show is trying to promote a different message here?
When Zuko stole Kya's betrothal neclace and put it around Katara's neck, that was romantic foreshadowing!
Let's ignore the fact that AANG steals the necklace back for Katara and she kisses him on the cheek.
When Zuko said, "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun!" , it shows they are the yin-yang couple and meant to be!
Let's ignore the fact that Zuko hit her on the head so hard she lost consciousness and she wanted to let him freeze to death.
Also, Yin-Yang canonically parallel the MOON AND OCEAN SPIRITS, AKA Aang and Katara.
Like...Katara literally asked Aang to kiss her. She cuddles with him on Appa. They almost kiss during the Headband. She kisses him on the cheek multiple times. They have long romantic hugs. She threatens to kill Zuko if he hurts Aang.
......This is a show for 5 year old kids. How much more obvious could Katara have been?? Did she need to make a sign saying, "I LOVE AANG AND WANT TO KISS HIM,"???
Yet Zutarians will insist with their whole chest that they didn't realise Kataang would be endgame, that Katara always thought of Aang as her little brother, that they KNEW Zutara was endgame and evil Bryke ruined it, that the final Kataang kiss ruined the whole show.
It's okay to be frustrated that your preferred ship didn't happen. But this is another level of delusion. And they are so bitter and resentful about it that they made Aang into a possessive rapist, Katara into a helpless Cinderella, Zuko into the uwu soft awkward turtleduck, and Mai into a domestic abuser.
They basically brainwashed themselves into believing Zutara would happen despite any and all evidence to the contrary. They hate Aang, so why doesn't Katara?
.....rant over. Thanks for having this blog, its so cathartic.
That's what happens when your ego is so big that you think EVERYONE agrees with you despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It was obvious that Zutara was never gonna be a thing, but these people CHOSE to believe that it'd happen anyway because THEY wanted it and they're the center of the universe.
Plus, as all the years of non-stop fake news, conspiracy theories, harassment, petitions and ridiculous complaints have proved, they seem to think they can annoy people into liking Zutara and thus forcing Bryke to make it canon in some sequel/reboot.
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Why the fuck are people on Twitter upset about nonbinary robots. Transformers are aliens, why would they follow another species gender binary based on reproduction when they don't even reproduce sexually. If anything, ALL the robots should use they/them.
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thedailydescent · 12 days
The Great was one of those shows that could have great but in the end resorted to being merely good.
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firstofficerkittycat · 7 months
when the doctor asked emma grayling who clara is and she was like "she's a perfectly ordinary girl shes very clever and she's more scared than she lets on is that not enough" literally me to moffat
#clara oswald#doctor who#the fucking loss i experienced in bells of st john#couldnt even allow her to be good at hacking on her own da spoon men had to boost her iq<3#that was the beginning of the end#she was such an interesting and derranged character she deserved more and by more i mean less#so so much less#she was interesting in her own right she did not need that other shit#like she literally had her own time lord victorious moment she saw the universe from birth to death in hide and it changed her#she kept doing increasingly more reckless shit because she went to space to fill a hole she was not trying or expecting to live that long#and she hates it when the doctor tries to be responsible for her#shes always like i never asked you to protect me!!! which is a wild take she refuses to recognise him as the one who can keep her alive in#environments she has never experienced before#she went with him to have some wacky fun and then she saw horrors beyond comprehension and went oh. ok. i can be god too#she looked at the doctor and went oh it's not that you're special it's that your circumstances give you power. and now i have power too#and i have power over you i can make you do things for me#that shit was so good#and like to be clear im not saying she cant have her whole orphan black thing going on#but like what did it actually do for her as a character? it couldve done a lot but she wasnt the focus of any of it#also p much everyone on this show has sacrificed themselves for the doctor it is not a defining trait#what defines her as a character is not that she was Born To Save The Doctor its that she thinks like this#nobodys ever safe!!!!! ive never asked you for that ever!!!
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me seeing all the reactions to the Loki deleted scene:
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dropthecop · 9 months
why did my boromir post get notes i'm scared
#my roommate requested Boromir Tags Rant in the replies of that post so i suppose i will put that here#BASICALLY it all boils down (in my brain) to people hating this dude for like. getting mind controlled. like it was NOT HIS FAULT‼️#local man tries to take and use an object that specifically influences people to want to take and use it; mord at 5#like ?????#thats the whole POINT of the ring that's the whole reason FRODO had to carry it. he was one of the few people who was super resistant to th#thrall and influence of it#boromir is Just Some Guy (i mean he's like royalty sorta-kinda or whatever but he's just human he doesnt have any special Ring Resistance)#it's NATURAL that he would be tempted#like we SAW what it did to bilbo. we saw him being possessive of it and using it more than he should etc. but when it's bilbo then#apparently people suddenly gain thinking skills and realize that he was being influenced by an outside force#but when it's boromir suddenly its a moral failing???? america explain#plus also like. he was overcome for all of 2 minutes. and as soon as he realized what happened he CRIED bc he was so disgusted w his action#NOT TO MENTION SACRIFICING HIS LIFE FOR MERRY AND PIPPIN#NOT TO MENTION THAT EVEN WHILE INFLUENCED BY EVIL RING 5000 HE STILL ONLY EVER WANTED TO USE THE POWER FOR THE GOOD OF HIS PEOPLE#NOT TO MENTION [gestures at everything to do with faramir]#like. think for 4 seconds. use your brain. would an evil man cry after realizing he was influenced into doing something bad#would an selfish evil man sacrifice his life to save 2 funny hobbits#anyway i like him#also from like an out-of-universe perspective boromir trying to take the ring shows the power of the ring. it shows that it was able to#overcome even this Good Guy Character. you are not supposed to read/see that scene and take away from it ''boromir is bad''#you are supposed to take away from it ''wow the ring is SO POWERFUL that it could even influence such a good guy as boromir''#THATS MY OPINION ANYWAY#OH ALSO WE SAW FRODO GET INFLUENCED BY IT. ngl i forgot that happened for a minute. but EVEN FRODO caved for a bit#theres a reason why boromir's death is framed as a tragedy. it's not a bad guy getting what he deserved#it's a good man who will be missed and who died too soon#do you Really think aragorn would have kissed his forehead if he was evil. come on.#AND LIKE PIPPIN SWEARING FEALTY TO DENETHOR OVER IT??? that's a whole other can of worms but AUGH. pippin..........#Absolutely Agonizing.#can't be bothered to fix the grammar mistakes in this sowwy#my post
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queernobi · 3 months
The thing about the Diamonds in Steven Universe is that they really had the potential to be extremely compelling and interesting villains, and then they just. Weren't.
They had a few episodes where they got to be intimidating and badass genocidal dictators, and then they were just sad but cringy aunts whose genocidal past just. Doesn't matter, I guess?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not even necessarily against a story where there's inflated stakes like "my family is committing genocide" and there being a "redemption" that is less about the actually redeeming the character and more about progressing another character or completing that other character's arc (a la Darth Vader with Luke Skywalker), but like. You have to then try to make the stakes FEEL personal. And the Crewniverse really doesn't do that with the Diamonds.
I don't end up caring that Steven and the Diamonds are technically family because we get 145 episodes of the series where we understand them as genocidal dictators who are bent on destroying the planet, then 5 episodes dealing just with the fact the Steven's mom was actually a Diamond without thinking about the family tree, and THEN we only get 5 episodes acknowledging that, oh yeah, I guess the Diamonds are family too, so we have to help them settle their family issues!
If we take the example of Star Wars, we have a whole movie to reckon with the revelation that Darth Vader is Luke's father, and multiple (sometimes even heart-wrenching) moments with Luke grappling with this, from confronting Obi-Wan's ghost, to confronting Yoda, to even confronting Darth Vader himself. And even when other things are taking the focus, like rescuing Han or taking out Storm Troopers on Endor, it still figures heavily in the background, that Darth Vader is Luke's father, and nothing about this conflict can be the same for him (Luke).
We don't really get a lot of time to think about it with the Diamonds. It's just, "Oh yeah, these people suck," for 99% of the show, then suddenly it switches gears to be like, "no wait, but they're my FAMILY!!!!" and it never really has a chance to breathe or settle with the audience.
And no, this is not something that can be blamed on the show getting cancelled, because the redemption STILL could have had a lot of weight by, you know...letting the Diamonds actually get destroyed in the end! But of course that was never going to happen, so 🤷🏻
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allieinarden · 5 months
I pride myself on having hit the most niche Simpsons gripe of all time which is being the sole “Barthood” hater.
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kuiinncedes · 5 months
what do u meannnnnnn i'm abt to be post college graduation 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
#apparnelty some family friends coming to my graudation#bc ig i'm the first in the generation to graduate or whatever the fuck#and like whatever that's fine but ffs i wish they would've come to my show instead#that i co directed and literally love sos o so oso sosososoososooo much#so so so proud of that#i don't give a shit abt my graduation tbh lmfao TT#so it lowkey doesn't mean much to me that they want to come to my graduation ;-;#it would've meant so fucking much if i knew they would be able to come#and want to see that and i could like suggest hey instead come see this show LMAO#like it probably wouldn't have happened but whatever#also just like i have like no motivation and no interest in stats at this point lmfao#ALSO bc these ppl all gonna be fucking talking abotu and asking abt what i'm doing after#I DON'T KNOWWWWW what i'm fucking doingggggggg#i alr get enough talk from my mom abt how i'm not applying to enough jobs#i dont need family friends to also be asking me and my answer just being ha idk#i'm fucking staying at college tho like on campus bc i'm a fucking loser and don't want to move on#like not rly. i'm kinda trying to see it as like#the alternative would've been me at home being a loser lol#and that would've been so annoying and even if this isn't the 'right' thing to do or most traditional#at least i'm choosing to do it ig#and i get to stay in this club w my bestestestestest friends for another yr#idc if i'm like not moving on when i should LOL too bad for me that's a future problem#and also kinda figure out this weird right after college time period w my friend who i'm rooming with#ok. slay that was. acool turnaround from me lmfao just . yeah ok that's the positive side ig lmao#anyway i also dont give a shit about graduation bc i hate my university rn lmfao :) and the world is burning down#jeanne talks#i am . procrastinating#imagine knowing what the fuck i learned in this class this whole semester#ugh literally two group projects to end on and two of the most boring annoying group project experiences i've had LMAO
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benicebefunny · 1 year
This is still a Taste of Athens hate blog.
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k1ranishf4 · 1 year
I’m not the only one who ignores all the movies and shows after Endgame except Black Widow, No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness and Hawkeye, am I?
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