I’m a defeatist but I don’t have to be
41K posts
Kyra, she/her, aro/ace, queer in general. I have a lot of Loki feelings. I write fanfic sometimes, mostly about Loki. I like stupid jokes and I play games on easy because I'm an adult and I can do that if I want to. I also dabble in customizing action figures, and I have an Etsy shop for simple Funko Pop! customs and a few other things. Formerly visions-and-revisions. I also run the Hope Jar and Alaska Gothic. Ace Inquisitor icon by doriansbutt--go commission them!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thelightofthingshopedfor · 2 days ago
my primary reaction to infinity war is like…. wow. under hypercapitalism we literally can’t imagine any other fables about resource scarcity, huh?
i’m not even talking about only thanos. every time thanos said his plan to kill half the galaxy (because it’s “finite,” lol ok one-semester-of-econ guy) the other characters were like “no!” or “you can’t!” or “that’s madness!” instead of… counter-arguing, or saying anything like “couldn’t you just… double the resources with a snap of your fingers?” obviously, nobody wants thanos to murder all those people, but it’s also as if everyone tacitly accepts his framing of the problem. “i want to kill half the universe because of resource scarcity,” he says, and everyone says “no, that’s too cruel!!” instead of “wait… wait just a fucking second there, paul ryan.” they don’t even have a line like that even when they’re talking amongst themselves, just musing at how twisted his worldview is, that he can only imagine infinite power as an infinite power to kill. no time is spent imagining an alternative.
and i can’t help but think about how we in the quote-unquote “first world” treat the resource consumption of the so-called “developing world.” we, who have enjoyed the pleasures and benefits of fridges and air conditioning and televisions and cars and convenience food and all that shit for generations: we look at the growing energy & plastics consumption of the developing world and go “uh oh, they’re really running the tab up over there, we can’t let this happen, think of the…. trees!!!” we have the audacity to act like people living in poverty in the tropics wanting window fans is selfish and short-sighted for the environment, and meanwhile we use and waste all the energy and resources we can get ahold of, like a continent full of montgomery burnses.
infinity war could have taken thanos’s approach to scarcity somewhere bigger: somewhere that was useful as a parable for our hypocrisy. the way that ragnarok was brave enough to make a parable of empire; the way that black panther could explore diaspora and identity; the way that the winter soldier actually had something to say about the surveillance-terror state. but for all the moving pieces of infinity war, i don’t think it knew where its central ethic rested. certainly, its characters showed the desire to preserve and protect life. but that’s true of any superhero film.
what it comes down to for me, is that it’s not enough for this movie’s theme to be “let’s protect people, because killing people is bad!” or even, sorry steve, “we don’t trade lives.” it’s not enough. thanos basically says, “there’s one bowl of soup and one spoon and two hungry people, so one of them has to die.” so what i needed was someone to openly reject that whole proposition. not just “no, you shouldn’t kill trillions,” but “no, that is fucking ludicrous, i reject that worldview. i reject human life as a brutal competition. group survival, even in the face of scarcity or hardship, is exactly what the fuck we developed culture for.” like, we could use that message. that message, delivered palatably in a blockbuster action movie, could do some good.
but it wasn’t really in there. maybe in little bits, in pieces. maybe. so i’m sure we’re going to have to endure a bunch of “welllll, thanos was a bad guy, but he did have a point about scarcity” metas. because we’re still failing to see how asking other people to die so that the rest can enjoy plenty is itself exactly the fucking problem on this bitch of an earth
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 2 days ago
just meant to rewatch a few minutes of Infinity War for fic-research purposes and accidentally ended up rewatching almost the whole thing, and ugh, I'm again bitterly reminded that it would be an almost perfect Marvel movie IF NOT FOR THE PART WHERE LOKI DIED IN THE FIRST FIVE FUCKING MINUTES
I mean, I also extremely hate that this version of Gamora died and the way she died, and the way nobody had a chance to give a meaningful rebuttal to Thanos's genocidal bullshit, but Loki was personal. he didn't even get to do any fun crossover stuff first!! at least Gamora got to do a little of that with Thor!
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 13 days ago
Never let anyone take you to a second location
—excellent advice both for stranger danger and for keeping theoretically short fics from spiraling out of control
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 17 days ago
dog goes gorp
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 17 days ago
Belatedly realized today that this got zero interest and zero donations, which is maybe more crushing than it should be but like, I always do okay in Marvel Trumps Hate, I was hoping I could actually raise more here due to the format, I put a not-insignificant amount of time and effort just into this post, and nope nothing
Fan Crafts Bazaar stall
Welcome to my Fan Crafts Bazaar stall for @fandomtrumpshate! I've done Marvel Trumps Hate before but I've never done this, so if I leave out something really obvious or I say something confusing, please ask questions. Tumblr DMs or are generally a good way to contact me initially. Premade items go to the first person to show me proof of donation with their claim.
Basically, everything on my Etsy shop is available, except that a) to participate in the Fan Crafts Bazaar, you'll donate the listed price to one of the organizations and show me proof of donation to get the item you want, and b) some items that look limited in my shop can be repeatedly custom-made, as long as you're willing to wait a little while to get them.
I will pay $5 shipping for each package, so if you're outside the US (or for some reason your domestic shipping cost goes above $5), I'll ask you to send me the shipping overage through PayPal.
I am linking to Etsy for most of these items, but again, that's just to show photos and variations. If you buy directly from my Etsy, you're buying from me! Don't do that if you want to participate in the charity bazaar!
I either have or can make multiples of these items:
Loki Pride emoji pin ($13; a few are premade and can be shipped immediately, and I can re-do any flag I've already done; I can also easily do any other 3-stripe or 5-stripe flag, but I'm not sure about others)
Frost Giant Loki emoji pin ($14, the one with yellow horns; nothing premade)
Pride Cap pin ($15; a few varieties are premade and can ship immediately; I can re-do any flag I've already done or any flag mentioned in the listing, and I can probably figure out a way to do other flags)
Loki Pride keychains ($16; only one premade, but these can be custom-made for any 3-stripe or 5-stripe flag)
tux Loki pin ($14, professionally made hard enamel, 10 available, ungraded)
Loki/Sylvie theme park pin ($16, printed metal pins, 6 available)
Wonder Woman Pride necklace ($14; best with 3-stripe flags)
mini magnets, non-fandom: lollipop, fox mask, clock, mushroom ($4 each; I have a few other random things too, I just haven't posted pictures yet)
mini magnets, fandom: logos for the Avengers, Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, Black Panther, Iron Man (two different arc reactors), and Spider-Man, plus a Pokéball; fewer of a Loki symbol and some DC characters ($4 each)
One or very limited stock (again, limited items go to the first person to show me proof of donation with their claim):
bi Wonder Woman earrings ($13)
pansexual Loki earrings ($10)
nonbinary Hufflepuff pin ($13, scroll down to the bottom; please donate to an explicitly trans-supporting charity for this one; could potentially do something similar with a Gryffindor pin from the same series)
Pride Cap figure ($14.50)
Pride Cap necklaces/keychains ($15 each; premade nonbinary, genderfluid, and genderqueer only, because they're a little more annoying to make than pins, although I could probably be convinced to make more if somebody's really into them)
Funko Pop head ornaments: Marvel, gaming, Power Rangers (only have the specific ones listed)
mini magnets, fandom: specifically the four detailed designs in the second photo of Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Vision; not shown, one each of the Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel logos ($4 each)
I'm waiting to receive a couple other professionally made items that I'll probably add if they get here in time.
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 19 days ago
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There's just one week left to sign up for the Loki Gen Fic Fest!
Head on over to AO3 for more info and to sign up. Sign-ups close 12am Saturday 15th March EET (Friday 14th March in the US).
[ I'm not running this I just wanted to signal boost this great fic fest being run by @cailjei ]
The Loki Platonic Relationships Fest is an event about exploring and celebrating Loki's platonic relationships with other characters, whether they were explored in canon or not! This event is open to both characters from the MCU and the TV series, as well as characters from the comics.
Each participant must complete a fic (minimum 1k) for the prompt that they receive by the 20th of May.
The prompts given must be platonic in nature, as in their main focus must be on a platonic relationship, and not a romance.
Mentions to romantic relationships are allowed, but they shouldn't be featured prominently in the fic.
Prompts can be specific, or just contain the characters and a general description of the type of fic you'd like to see.
Deadlines (12am Eastern European Time):
Sign-ups close 15 March
Assignments due 20 May
Works revealed 25 May
Creators revealed 30 May
Please signal boost or share with anyone who might be interested.
Tagging a few folk to help spread the word. @worstloki @shegeekery @thelightofthingshopedfor @supervillainarchaeologist
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
quick question...
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
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by @yukiloki_
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
I finished typing another notebook please clap!!
…for some bizarre reason I had the idea that I was basically caught up on typing up my notebooks except for the most recent one and when I finished that I actually would be caught up but no. very much no. there are at least six. going back at least that many years. all of them have at least had some bits typed up already but wow that’s so much worse than I thought
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
rb with your most common recurring theme in your nightmares. mine is pregnancy
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
I don't understand why people call John Marston stupid. He isn't dumb, he's barely functioning day to day and it's not HIS fault that whacky shit keeps happening to him. How would YOU react if your family turned into zombies after just going through like a billion Herculean trials to get them back???? That man is so checked out from reality that shit happens and he has no choice but to go "ok" and move on from that. John Marston has a customer service worker's ability to simply dissociate and complete tasks on auto pilot. He's not Arthur "helpful and kind" Morgan. He's a bitter fuck who does not give two shits about anyone he wants to get his beloved wife back so she can peg him and he wants to get his bitch ass emo son back so they can communicate poorly and take turns doing stupid nonsensical shit to give Abigail more stress in her life. He's just a Guy okay and I love him he's The Dad of All Time and I think he makes stupid fucking decisions but so do I and that's okay he's doing his best.
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
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early mcu era loki you will always be famous to me
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
people need to realise that a poor little meow meow must be a character who has committed atrocities you cannot poor little meow meow a good guy that’s not how this works
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
btw if you're part of the community in the US but you're not worried about them removing the TQIA+ from that site and leaving only LGB and you really think you're not next you're stupid as fuck. you're next, and they're probably gonna take away your right to get married if they have it their way and they are also going to not recognize your marriage if you already are married
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
I dream of someday finally being organized enough that I’ll be able to do this. 😅
wip title game
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
Tagged by @salparadiselost
i've made the executive decision that anything already posted on ao3 doesn't count, but you're welcome to ask about that too
behold my lack of commitment:
tim gets poisioned (not how that is spelled) fic
not feeling dick but if presented with one
the tenth plague
jason saves bruce fic
science says no, but my heart says otherwise
slave loki fic
guillotine dreams (don't tell me not to scream)
Villian Team "The Avengers"
The Bride
spector, spector
but they cradled me, yes?
stryke out au
the HP fanfic
YSFSLWFTCA aftermath
trauma, trauma
The Bat and the Cage Debacle
And A Part of Me Still Belongs To You
Just A Little Rough, Huh?
plus the lots and lots of wips for my og stuff, but if i added those this would be 10 pages long
tag list: @fanfictasia, @newobsessioneveryweek, @thot-son-of-odin, @chemical-processes, and anyone else who wants to
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
Fan Crafts Bazaar stall
Welcome to my Fan Crafts Bazaar stall for @fandomtrumpshate! I've done Marvel Trumps Hate before but I've never done this, so if I leave out something really obvious or I say something confusing, please ask questions. Tumblr DMs or are generally a good way to contact me initially. Premade items go to the first person to show me proof of donation with their claim.
Basically, everything on my Etsy shop is available, except that a) to participate in the Fan Crafts Bazaar, you'll donate the listed price to one of the organizations and show me proof of donation to get the item you want, and b) some items that look limited in my shop can be repeatedly custom-made, as long as you're willing to wait a little while to get them.
I will pay $5 shipping for each package, so if you're outside the US (or for some reason your domestic shipping cost goes above $5), I'll ask you to send me the shipping overage through PayPal.
I am linking to Etsy for most of these items, but again, that's just to show photos and variations. If you buy directly from my Etsy, you're buying from me! Don't do that if you want to participate in the charity bazaar!
I either have or can make multiples of these items:
Loki Pride emoji pin ($13; a few are premade and can be shipped immediately, and I can re-do any flag I've already done; I can also easily do any other 3-stripe or 5-stripe flag, but I'm not sure about others)
Frost Giant Loki emoji pin ($14, the one with yellow horns; nothing premade)
Pride Cap pin ($15; a few varieties are premade and can ship immediately; I can re-do any flag I've already done or any flag mentioned in the listing, and I can probably figure out a way to do other flags)
Loki Pride keychains ($16; only one premade, but these can be custom-made for any 3-stripe or 5-stripe flag)
tux Loki pin ($14, professionally made hard enamel, 10 available, ungraded)
Loki/Sylvie theme park pin ($16, printed metal pins, 6 available)
Wonder Woman Pride necklace ($14; best with 3-stripe flags)
mini magnets, non-fandom: lollipop, fox mask, clock, mushroom ($4 each; I have a few other random things too, I just haven't posted pictures yet)
mini magnets, fandom: logos for the Avengers, Thor, Black Widow, Captain America, Black Panther, Iron Man (two different arc reactors), and Spider-Man, plus a Pokéball; fewer of a Loki symbol and some DC characters ($4 each)
One or very limited stock (again, limited items go to the first person to show me proof of donation with their claim):
bi Wonder Woman earrings ($13)
pansexual Loki earrings ($10)
nonbinary Hufflepuff pin ($13, scroll down to the bottom; please donate to an explicitly trans-supporting charity for this one; could potentially do something similar with a Gryffindor pin from the same series)
Pride Cap figure ($14.50)
Pride Cap necklaces/keychains ($15 each; premade nonbinary, genderfluid, and genderqueer only, because they're a little more annoying to make than pins, although I could probably be convinced to make more if somebody's really into them)
Funko Pop head ornaments: Marvel, gaming, Power Rangers (only have the specific ones listed)
mini magnets, fandom: specifically the four detailed designs in the second photo of Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Vision; not shown, one each of the Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel logos ($4 each)
I'm waiting to receive a couple other professionally made items that I'll probably add if they get here in time.
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thelightofthingshopedfor · 1 month ago
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New pin mods! I think these cheap bootleg pins were Tokyo Revengers characters originally, but now they’re Jotun Sylki, season 2 edition, because that worked best with their outfits.
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