#i hate how i colored dru
aces-jacket · 2 months
Draw dru dipping Lucy !! From the gif !!
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a sweet talker
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secretly-a-catamount · 2 months
A collection of all current Malcabel fics that have been written by me, because i’m insane about them (positive) and have been debating which one I should work on next
Currently Untitled | Finished Beach Fic
  It was all Catarina Loss’s fault really.
  “Honestly, Malcolm,” the sky blue warlock had told Annabel’s husband when he’d called her positively panicking about being in charge of her (many times removed) nieces and nephews for a day, “why don’t you and Annabel just take the kids to the beach?”
  Trusting his friend’s judgment more than his own had been a rather terrible idea, Annabel thought amusingly as she watched the blond warlock race down the shoreline, waving his arms like a mad man, shouting that under no circumstances were the children to poke at that beached jellyfish with a stick, yes, Tiberius, even if it was already dead.
  After some whining (the children) and some poorly concealed begging (Malcom), the Blackthorn kids dispersed into the water and across the sand.
  Malcolm trudged back up the beach, and stood at the edge of the shade thrown by the umbrella stabbed into the ground.
  Annabel looked up from her drawing pad, her black brows furrowing in irritation at the shadow abruptly cast over her sketchbook. “You’re blocking my light.”
  His pale skin flushed a delicious raspberry red as he stammered out an “Oh, right, sorry” and moved to sit beside her on the blanket, smiling sheepishly. After a moment of comfortable silence, Malcolm absentmindedly ran his hand down her arm, stopping only to trace the black lines, curves, and whorls of her Runes. His touch was soft and light as a feather. “What are you drawing?”
  “You obviously.”
  “Obviously.” A pastel sketch of Malcolm in his striped black-and-white bathing suit, looking tall and thin and almost frail, with a softness to his frame and features that matched his disposition. A faint salmon-pink sunburn covered his face and shoulders, and his lips were cracked (Annabel would solve that one way or another, either by gifting him the tube of chapstick she’d squirreled away in her purse or by kissing him until he couldn’t breathe).
  “The kids.” Ty and Livvy and some golden-haired Mundane boy that Annabel didn’t know chasing a seagull. Mark and Helen teaching Tavvy how to build a sandcastle. Dru, Julian, and a different golden-haired child that Annabel didn’t know, this one a Shadowhunter girl with a spill of bright curls and a practice training sword, diving into the ocean and swimming around in the shallows.
  “Church.” The fat, blue feline crouched down in the dunes, fluffy tail held erect, eyes focused on a mouse in front of him, mere seconds away from a pounce that Annabel knew would end in failure.
  “The L.A. Institute.” An imposing building that Annabel didn’t think could ever have the ability to look homely.
  “Home.” A snapshot of their living room, a Polaroid pinned with a paper-clip for reference, Malcolm’s latest draft of the Codex — her illustrations not yet accompanying his neat, meticulous writing — spilling off the end table onto the soft, red couch, one of Annabel’s favorite mugs (which would always be filled with tea, Annabel and Malcolm both hating the taste of coffee) filled with paint-streaked paint brushes and colored pencils.
  “And my first love, the sea.” Cerulean and cobalt-blue waves crashing to the shore.
  “Should I be jealous?” Malcolm had moved from her arm to her hand, gently interlacing their fingers together.
  “Oh, immensely. I’m definitely leaving you for the ocean.”
  Malcolm’s laughter was interrupted by a shriek of pain.
  With a quickness that could belong only to a Shadowhunter, Annabel leapt to her feet. Heart hammering, she scanned the beachfront with frenzied eyes, her fingers itching to pull the wickedly-sharp daggers from the sheath she wore on her ankle . . .
  There — there was no danger present other than one of the children perhaps twisting their ankle. It hadn’t been a scream of pain, but a shriek of childish delight as Dru and Julian teamed up to toss the golden-haired girl — Annabel wanted to say her name was Emily? — into the shallow waves with a mighty splash of saltwater.
  Collapsing to the ground as quickly as she’d risen, Annabel scrubbed at her face, her eyes starting to sting with tears. This was how it always was whenever she and Malcolm left home, whenever they left Cornwall. She would be fine, and then she wouldn’t be. She would be fine, and then she would have a breakdown. Blood splattered against her lips and — blood?
  She wasn’t bleeding, her ruined hands barring no scraps or marks (although plenty of Marks), but she had a sinking suspicion of who was.
  “Ouch,” Malcolm said, “I think you grabbed my hand just a little too hard.” He smiled — why the hell was he smiling, she’d gouged her nails into his skin until he bled, she’d hurt him, she’d hurt him — moving to sit beside her on the blanket once again. His purple eyes darkened from the pale petals of violets to polished chips of amethyst with worry.
  “Are you hurt?” He took her hands in his own, turning them over gently and examining them, his head bent. Shadows and sunlight caught on the strands of his white hair.
  “No. But you are.” She yanked her hands out of his grasp and ground her teeth together, telling herself that she was not going to cry in front of the children (who were not remotely paying attention).
  “It’s fine, darling, really.” A flash, a spark, and pale light wove between Malcolm’s fingers until it looked like he held a burning star in his cupped hands. The scent of his magic — burning cinnamon and crisp snow and freshly spilled ink — reached her nostrils just in time for his flesh to knit back together.
  Drawing her knees to her chest, Annabel buried her face in her hands, squeezing her eyes shut so hard her skull hurt. I hurt him, I hurt him, I hurt him, I hurt him, I—
  Annabel barely heard as Malcolm got to his feet and shouted to the children that they needed to leave. She could barely hear anything over the dim in her head, the memories threatening to drown her. The clashing of wolves’s teeth, her father carving off her fingers, her sister crumpling dead to the ground from the blow she dealt to her temple with a fire-poker. She could still taste her husband’s blood in her mouth, she could still smell her sister’s blood, she could still feel her blood flowing from wounds made by her father’s knife.
  A wave curling around her ankle, Annabel was being dragged out to sea by a hated, if familiar, riptide. She was treading water, but she was so tired of fighting to live, of fighting for the right to live. She stopped for a moment to rest her too-tight skin and weary bones, and then she was drowning.
  She was drowning.
Currently Untitled | Unfinished Canon Divergent AU
  Her hair black, her skin white, her eyes blue and green and gray and all the colors of the ocean that swallowed men whole with little regard to their flimsy, mortal lives: Annabel Blackthorn was dead.
  Wearing angelic brands, the barred teeth of a wolf, laughter, complacency, and lies, drawn tight around her like a cloak, like a shield, like a funeral shroud: Annabel Blackthorn was dead.
  White hair and purple eyes and a whisper of her name as the last words on his lips, she had died months ago when they had looped a noose around Malcolm’s neck.
  She had died, but her body still wasn’t where it was supposed to be. She had died, but her body did not rot in the grave, did not decompose under the crust of the earth. She had died, but she had not swung — they would not let her. Her family had been ruined from when she had tried to flee with her beloved, a suicide would be inconsolable to their reputation.
  So they had arranged for her to be married to her cousin and shut away in one of their houses far away from Cornwall, far away from even Idris, as if she were mad, as if she was dangerous, as if she was deadly.
  They were right, of course, one of the few things they were ever right about. And they didn’t even know that they were right, they underestimated her, they always had, that would get them all killed.
  She was the mad girl — and she was a girl, barely past eighteen — who shattered a looking glass with her coiled fists and used the jagged-edged shards to cut lines and whorls into her skin. They took away everything sharp after that — or, at least, away from her, a Shadowhunter family never being able to not have weapons on hand.
  She was the dangerous girl who mixed rat poison in her sister’s wine. This sister, youthful and kind as she was, had been the one to sell out Malcolm and Annabel to their parents, had been the one to release the wolves who tracked them down, had been the one to physically restrain her when they executed Malcolm. They fired the rat catcher after that — wrongly thinking he had committed the killing as a product of jealousy from being born a Mundane.
  She was the deadly girl who, when the party was over, when the sky was as black-and-blue as the the bruises her cousin left on her thighs and hips and arms, straddled her husband, fitted her hands to the curve of his throat, his pulse beating beneath her fingertips, and squeezed, a Strength Rune etched on the deceptively delicate-looking wrist hidden underneath one of her billowing sleeves. She did not know what they would do when they found out — she did not intend to live that long.
  Thrashing like a netted fish, he clawed at her fingers, her hands, and her arms. Crimson blood splattering into his mouth and eyes, drowning and blinding him as he died. His cries for help were silenced into choking, wheezing gasps.
  He fought. Annabel fought harder.
  She lingered for a moment before slipping to the floor.
Currently Untitled | Unfinished Soulmate AU
  The First Mark, as they were called, carried from birth on the skin, where a gift from the Angel. A way to lead his children along their path to their soulmate, a way to bred better Shadowhunters, birth better warriors.
  And as everyone knew, decrees from the Angel could not be challenged.
  They were Law.
As the World Burns | Unfinished AU
  “So, that’s it than? We’re all fucked?” Annabel Blackthorn stood at the counter, shoulders set, taking her anger out on the wilting tomatoes spread across a dented cutting board, her posture as perfect as a taunt piano wire. Outside the window the sky was black as pitch and completely starless, almost as it knew what was coming, almost as if it mourned for the thousands of lives that were going to be lost. Innocents, slaughtered by his hands, his magic, his inventions.
  “I don’t — I can’t . . . I’m so sorry, Annabel. So, so sorry.” Malcolm nearly collapsed to the floor but managed to catch himself on the edge of the counter at the last possible moment. His briefcase clattered to the stone tile, emptied of everything that had made it important just hours earlier.
 She softened, as she always did when he spoke, and abandoned their last dinner, pulling him into a soft embrace. Malcolm stilled under her touch, his breathing slowly evening out. He wasn’t safe here, he wasn’t safe anywhere, not anymore, not in so, so long, but he was safe with her.
  Together they collapsed to the floor.
Currently Untitled | Unfinished Vampire!Annabel AU
  “No, please!” the woman said fearfully, “Don’t hurt me!” Her dark eyes desperately tried to find something in the swallowing darkness.
  “Now, now, my svelte beauty,” purred the creature as it slipped out of the shadows, “no need to make a fuss.”
  It was a man, with sharp, inhuman teeth, pupil-less eyes, and unnaturally pale skin. He wore a black cloak with a high collar and a blood-red gemstone clasp. He spoke with a foreign accent.
  The woman screamed as the monster grabbed her by the shoulders and sunk his fangs into her throat. Blood splattered against her white dress as she struggled, shrieking for mercy, then suddenly, with a burst of strength, the woman—
  “Don’t worry, kid, there’s not enough blood in your veins for any one of us to want to do that to you.”
  Kit jumped. Heart skipping a beat at the abrupt appearance of a girl — who looked around nineteen, and quite obviously a vampire, which was weird because he thought vampires weren’t allowed in the Institute thanks to the Shadowhunters’ magical racism — he spat out a string of profanities, and then said, “God, you scared me.”
  “Nothing to do with God here. Creature of the Dammed and all that.”
  He blinked, not sure what to make of her joke, and then decided to focus on the more pressing matter. “Who the hell are you? How the hell are you here?” He tightened his grip on the dagger he’d liberated from the Blackthorn’s weapons-room.
  “Now that’s more in my wheelhouse.”
  The girl neatly sat herself down on the couch beside him. Her movements weren’t particularly inhuman, but the sword that hung from her hip certainly was. The blade was sleek, long, and almost delicate-looking. Seemingly made from the same material that the Shadowhunters’ special knifes were made from — some sort of crystal-metal alloy that belonged exclusively to the Shadowhunters, because they’re just so good at sharing, Kit thought bitterly — the sword shone subtlety, while the black runes inset into the blade.
  “I’m Annabel Fade, the Head of the L.A. vampire clan.  As for why I’m here, I need to talk to Emma and Julian. Do you know where they are?”
  “They went on a patrol.” Kit answered, turning the dagger in his hand over and over as he talked, a mindless, repetitive motion that brought him comfort. “But how are you here, like, in the Institute? I thought—“
  “Auntie Annabel!” A shrike, a blur, and Annabel was engulfed in the littlest Blackthorn’s embrace.
“You came! You told me she wouldn’t, but she came.” Tavvy clung to Annabel’s black leather biker jacket like a determined octopus as she moved to give Livvy — who’d just come into the room with a ridiculously giant tub of popcorn in her hands — a one-armed hug. Standing next to Livvy, who wasn’t by any means particularly tall, Kit realized that Annabel was actually kind of short.
  Livvy accepted the hug, stuck her tongue out at Tavvy, and said, “I didn’t say she wouldn’t come, I just said it would be hard for her to. ‘cuz of the warding.”
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skittlespizza · 2 years
Cowboys 21... coo.cowbots 22. Cowboys 23.. Cowboys Cowboys 24. a. daddy Cowboys 20. patty cake. Cowboys 25. patty cake. yew they do. pah Cowboys stop yelling waree wee wee Cowboys ONE MILLIO N patty cake. nevermind everything patty cake patty cake. patty cake. patty cake. YEAH no. FOGHORN NOOO. sorry all work and no play makes josh all- SORRY stop yelling all work and no plays makes josh an angry booohy *unintelligeble,j If you yell one more time I'm gonna let me out time to sound NEOPEYS. NEOPETS play me let neopets yes yes yes *sound effect* cake. no. FRUIT SALAD. PLEADE JUST KILL ME. Cowboys. Cowboys. cowboys fruit salad cowboys fruit salad cowboys Norman reeedus cowboys 20. CO NORMAN REEDUS PASSWORD COWBOY Norman Bitch! Norman cowboys 24 no more COWBOYS! 65. 1- *slide whistle* 1-800 cowboys I am Norman reedus makes my password ill forget that daddy can I play that. I don't wanna *unintelligble* Texas. daddy tell me story of cowboys. where do we go IM FROM neversous birthday 5 ! which decade. alaskington I am born tomorrow. 4 daysus. what is born. I BORN NEOPETS. 100! I WAS 18 1822. I in 86 born June 1882. I AM 1886. I WAS BORN. I WAS 1822. I WAS BOOOOOORRRN JUNETE I WAS BOrn June 5th 2019! I am a juneteen! juuuu pardon the church! I eat one! I *unintelligeble* power of gods fill me with evey- DADDY I FOUND A GUN! penis! YES WOOOH! kity! blue one. kitty! I am exit! kitty! I'm sorry. blue kitty! i want kitty cat meow PICK THE FAT FUCK NOW meow ^-^ cooowoyy meow MEOW kitty cat. fat fuck sexy kity cat fat fuck Doug meow I am kitty cat meow! meow! hot dog! fat free Doug fat kitty Doug meow. Norman reedus- sand. sand. he's fucking God. meow. meow. my bathroom. my towel blue *unintelligeble* litter box. soft cookie. cats play with yAAAARN he loves to kill he loves eats sewer celery. min min. celery. attack where is maul attack kill. WHAT RAAA FORUMS nenenen3n3nen forums WAHHHHH no! DADDY! dont.. haaaa GAMES! delete GAMESSS who! DOWNLOADS TOMORROW! 18+! GAMES! CHARAXTWDS 18+ GAMES MOOODE OF PAPER MARIOS *unintelligble* MAZE MAZE MAZEEE make them naked. home star runners MAZE MAZE game load up paper Mario can we see nipples ONE@ homestar runner boobies? teach me what sex is. SEX. I only want BOOBIES. homestar runner. daddy. I only wanna see my kitty. meow. I wanna see you i love neopets. straw homestar runner. daddy Cowboys story. home hoooome. go to how to train your dragon website. daddy homestar runner story hewaaa. where is my kitty right no- homestar runner he sucks woahahh meow I don't want it delete him. cant make them naked hate this came love my kitty. guys. what! sex? dru- woah- pictures meow. I'm conflicted. 3d pri meow.meow meow. I wish I were dead. I'm ew meow. can I eat meoww let me go to pictures. 3d print send me to jail. wrong listener. I want friends I want pocket lint can I make can I color now wwww eat pictures eeeooo e. I eat. I hate you daaa Norman rings daddy. drinks daddy I love you I control you. daddy I love you JOHN CENA. DADDY I HATE YOU JOGN CENA IS MT DAD DADDY. I am a streamer now daddy I loooovr John Cena. John Michael's. jerm I'm my daddy now you can be my son. daddy can we play forks in sockets meow. Dwayne the rock Johnson is my son wooohwowoowwo go back to kitty yes daddy now kitty meow meow meow yes meow TIBUSCUS LETS WATCH TIBSCUS need for my kitty *STATIC*
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immortal-enemies · 1 year
What we've been saying: Hey, it worries me that potentially the first (and only) queer/neurodiverse Main Couple already established will have to play second fiddle to a str8 couple barely setup.
What they read: 😠 i hate Dru 😡 Matter of fact, I hate plus sized people! And Women! And Str8s 😡😠
Truly one of the reading comprehension moments of all time...
For a fandom that has so many books some of y'all can't comprehend for shit.
I've been knee deep in this controversy and I haven't seen literally anyone hate in Dru, it's just the specific fans who decided to read our worry as hate like. You're showing YOUR true colors.
Edit: Also, we all know that TWP revolves around Kit, Ty and Dru. But it was always Kitty as the main couple, and then the cliche love triangle. Now, though, CC has decided to take away the main couple aspect of Kitty and be like "yeah but my first main queer nd couple can SHARE the relevance of my classic, str8 couple!" Like. How do you miss the point. But also, like, it's Cassandra Clare. Of course Kitty's gonna get sidelined. Even if it is a "small" amount. She was never going to commit to the queer, nd main couple. But it was nice for her to let us think she would for like. 9 years 🥴.
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lpwrites · 2 years
Day One - A Teenage Boy
Scott had a weird relationship with Spanish. His parents both spoke Spanish, and he got the gist of it most of the time, but when it came to figuring out conjugations and irregular verbs and whether a noun was la or el or both, Scott wouldn’t have known where to start. His mom had suggested taking Spanish with Stiles, and the idea of it had felt good at the time.
Sitting in class, watching Mrs. Flores pass out tests face down, Scott liked it less and less. 
(It wasn’t that he hadn’t studied, or that he didn’t care about the class. But his nightmares were getting worse, and he kept waking up with leaves in his bed, like he had spent the entire night running through the preserve, and the nagging feeling that his dreams weren’t dreams but memories of him hunting people and hurting them made focusing on the test material near impossible.)
He braced himself as the paper slid across his desk, waiting until Mrs. Flores moved onto Stiles before flipping it over.
The words were written in red ink, stark against the black and white of his test: See me after class please.
No grade, though there was enough red ink dancing between the answers on his test for Scott to assume it wasn’t great. Stiles winced when he saw the paper, quickly tucking his own into his backpack, but not before Scott spotted a passing grade in green.
“I really wish she wouldn’t color code tests,” Scott sighed, slumping in his seat. 
“Hey, it’s the ADHD vibe, don’t hate.” Stiles squeezed his shoulder in support. “Besides, you can make it up, right? Mrs. Flores is cool, she’s probably just gonna make you retake it next week.”
“I don’t have the time to retake a test, I barely had time to study for it this time.” Between work, struggling to control the urges that came with being a new werewolf, and figuring out what was going on with Derek and the Alpha, Scott barely had time for himself, much less for schoolwork. The test in his hands was only one of many low scores he’d received during the week, but the first with any comments from his teachers.
“It’s fine,” Stiles insisted, dropping his hand off Scott’s shoulder as the bell rang to dismiss the class. “It’s not like she’s gonna give you detention. She’s not Coach.”
“Yeah…” It felt like it took ages for the class to empty, Scott lingering awkwardly by the door while pretending he wasn’t waiting. Mrs. Flores, for her part, didn’t seem to mind, putting up homework assignments into their corresponding drawers on the shelf beside her desk. 
Once the last student left, and the door shut, Mrs. Flores turned to face him with a smile. 
“Take a seat, Scott.” She motioned towards a seat in the front row, waiting for Scott to drop his bag before she moved around the front of her desk. She smiled again, reassuring, but there was something weird in the air, a taste Scott had never experienced, or a smell he’d never noticed, thick and not quite bitter, oppressive enough to get stuck in his throat.
(Apprehension was not a smell Scott thought he would become so accustomed to, later, but he supposed there could be worse things.)
“Scott…” She began but faltered, pausing to measure her words as the smell in the air got stronger. “I’m… concerned about a couple of things I’ve noticed, recently.”
“Like what?” Normally, Scott liked Mrs. Flores. Her lessons were great and her class never dragged, but he’d never seen her like this – anxious? Uneasy? It was strange, seeing an adult look so out of their depth, more so because it seemed to be because of him.
“Sweetheart, is everything alright at home?” She finally broached, mouth twisting at how awkwardly the words fell from her mouth. “Is your mom doing okay?”
Startled, Scott sat up, the lump in his throat solidifying into something cold and heavy. “Yeah! Yeah, my mom’s fine… why? Is something wrong? Did something happen to my mom?”
And maybe it was the anxiety in the room, the issue Mrs. Flores seemed to be tip-toeing around, that shot Scott’s heart rate up, drumming against his ribs, the pounding almost deafening. He fumbled for his bag, making to scramble out of the room and run all the way to the hospital if he had to, before his fingers caught on the straps. Or rather, his claws, fingers twisted awkwardly into the material, tangling with the much sharper nails on his hand. 
“Scott!” The roaring in his ears ceased all at once, jarring as he realized Mrs. Flores had lunged forward, holding his shoulders, the sickly smell of anxiety and her orange scented lotion overwhelming. “Scott, you need to breathe! Where’s your inhaler?”
Weakly, Scott lifted his backpack, waiting for her to step back before he shoved his hand into the open pocket, fingers wrapping around the plastic casing of his inhaler. His fingers had gone back to normal, though his heart still pounded uncomfortably in his throat. 
He took a pull of the inhaler for posterity, making a show of holding his breath, releasing it after a ten-count, though all it did was make his throat taste of chemicals and metal.
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Mrs. Flores said, and it was nice to know she meant it, guilt mixing sickly sweet into the air. “I’m just worried about you.”
“I’m fine,” Scott croaked, clearing his throat in an attempt to swallow past the swirling scents around them. Mrs. Flores didn’t look like he believed him.
“Your grades have been slipping since the year started, and we’ve all noticed. You’re a good kid, Scott. You’re an incredibly hard worker, you’re a model student, you get along with your peers, you’re always a pleasure to have in class but…” She waved her hand, letting it drop heavily. “Is it problems at home? Is there someone bothering you at school? Is it your dad…?”
“N-no, my dad’s not around.” Scott frowned, breathing out slowly to let his heart rate settle. “I mean, like, it’s fine, he’s just not. We don’t talk. B-but it doesn’t have anything to do with him, I promise.”
“Is there something else?” She walked around her desk, digging through one of the drawers for a moment before returning to stand in front of Scott, holding out a bottle of water and a slightly crushed granola bar. “You have a job, right? Everything’s okay there?”
“Yeah, Doctor Deaton’s really good, he’s not…overworking me or anything like that!” Scott bit his lip, feeling himself shrink under Mrs. Flores’ raised eyebrow before taking the offered snacks. 
“I didn’t imply he was,” she said gently, holding her hands up, palms out. Relax. “I just wanted to make sure.”
“Everything’s fine,” Scott insisted, feeling the words fall flat in the empty room. The temptation was there, for a second: Mrs. Flores? Actually, I’m a werewolf and there’s hunters that are trying to kill me, but also the werewolf that bit me is murdering people and we don’t know why, and I don’t know what to do, and I’m scared, and I can’t focus on subjunctive conjugations even if you make them really interesting, and I’m sorry.
“Everything’s fine,” Scott echoed, letting his shoulders slump. “It’ll be fine.”
Mrs. Flores frowned, crouching enough to meet Scott’s lowered gaze. “Do you need tutoring, maybe? You know we have programs for that after school, right? Or, if you need to you can come in during lunch. My door’s always open, Scott.”
“Yeah. I know.” Scott swallowed the last of the lump in his throat, lifting his backpack onto his shoulder, half holding it against his side. “Can I go now?”
Mrs. Flores sighed, then nodded slowly, straightening to lean back against her desk. “Scott, before you go…” She cleared her throat, sending him a sad little smile he couldn’t quite figure out. “I know high school is…hard. Lots of things are changing, and you’re becoming more independent… But if something is wrong, you have people who can help you and support you. You’re growing, but you’re still a kid. It’s okay to ask for help. We’re all happy to help you, but you need to talk to us first.”
Scott nodded, swinging his bag fully onto his shoulder, hoping she didn’t notice the faint clink of chains as they knocked around. “Yeah… Thank you, Mrs. Flores, I know.”
He scrambled out the door before she could continue, leaving behind a cloud of guilt. Hopefully, some day he'd be able to be the student they believed he could be, but until the issue with the Alpha got resolved, Scott had more important things to worry about.
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amchara · 3 years
Talking Bodies - Kit/Ty/OFC fic (Explicit, 1/5)
Ty has been observing their friend Ellie during her unexpected stay at the Herondale townhouse and believes he has found a solution to her problems - or at least, her problems with men. And Kit is usually up for his plans, even if this one is a bit unorthodox.
Yes, this is an Kit / Ty / OFC fic, set five years post-The Wicked Powers, while Kit and Ty are living and working in London. Ty POV. Part of my London Files ‘verse but you don’t need to have read them to read this mostly pwp story ;) Ellie is a school friend of Kit’s and has been in other stories of mine - and if you like the idea of Mari the werewolf, maybe you’d like this story? 😊)
While this chapter and the next don’t have any actual sex in it (talking and consent is important, yo) be forewarned, it’s going to get smutty from chapter three onwards, so has an overall explicit rating. Those chapters will not be posted on tumblr but will be linked to Ao3. Thanks to @dontmindmyshadowhunting for the feedback on the story so far!
Chapter One: Talking Bodies
Ty was again mulling over a problem that had been nagging at him for several months now. A problem that had just entered the kitchen from the downstairs flat that had previously been used as the servants’ quarters in the Herondale townhouse, and was padding across the cold floor in fluffy pink slippers. And hadn’t yet noticed him.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Ty!” Ellie yelped, as she turned around from where she had put on the coffeemaker. “Where the hell did you come from?”
“Upstairs,” Ty shrugged, as he sat down at the table, watching her carefully. As she finally took in what he was wearing- or wasn’t wearing, as was his case, being only clothed from the waist down. He watched as her eyes surreptitiously lingered over his shoulders and trailed down further. He lifted his arms up, in a casual move he knew showed off several muscle groups in his upper chest and her jaw moved slightly as she swallowed, trying to remain casual. Ty took another couple mental notes.
Ellie noticed his gaze and she quickly looked away, stretching for the laundry basket and launched something at him.
He grabbed the soft t-shirt - one of Kit’s - out of the air before it could hit his face.
“Put on a shirt, you’re blinding me with that glow-in-the-dark chest,” she scowled as she busied herself with putting on the kettle. But her voice held that tone that after three months of living under the same roof, Ty knew didn't actually mean she was annoyed. Well, fairly sure- but as he had confirmed the reaction he expected, he pulled on the t-shirt, just as he saw Kit come into the kitchen, all sweaty and flushed after his morning run.
“Pretty sure that’s one of mine, Ty,” he said affectionately, coming over to give him a light kiss on the mouth. “But it looks good on you.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Ty could see Ellie’s eyes snapping back to them, almost unwillingly.
“Ellie’s request,” Ty said.
Kit looked over to her. “Oh- and what pray tell, is your reason for protecting his modesty? From one of your conquests?” he teased, his eyes flickering to the open door downstairs.
“Yeah, that’s it,” she replied, a fleeting smile crossing her face. “I’m used to the Shadowhunter genes but I’m worried my one night stands might find Ty irresistible and decide to use me as an excuse to see him again, and no one wants that, believe me.” Her voice was light but Ty could see a small crease form on Kit’s brow, and Ty thought he was also recalling the incident from a few nights ago when Ellie had ejected an angry, drunk Irish guy from her bedroom and Kit and Ty had had to escort him out the front door.
But Ellie had already apologised profusely the morning after and Kit wasn’t about to give his friend more grief about it. “Very noble of you,” he said, winking at Ty. “I’d hate to add more bloodstains to my clothes defending Ty’s honour.”
He sauntered over to the counter, his face brightening as he saw the coffeemaker light go off. “Ah coffee- my love,” he stopped short as Ellie poked him in the stomach. Ty straightened up to watch the interaction.
Her eyes were glittering as she held her hand out in front of the pot. “I made this for myself, angel boy- get your own.” Kit bent his head down, close to her face, giving her his sweetest smile. “Yeah, but you’re not about to drink it all,” he said, in a wheedling tone.
“Oi- your Herondale charm does not work on me,” she informed him but Ty could see her smile widening and her breathing had sped up, just a touch and he wished he had his notebook out. But he couldn’t risk it and so he turned his attention instead to Kit’s reaction.
Kit had grabbed a coffee mug and was feinting, trying to get around as Ellie - who had been to the Academy, even if she had dropped out - put up a good defensive shield.
Despite that, they all knew Kit could have easily gotten around her, if he wanted to. He instead put down the coffee mug and grabbed her in a big hug, squishing her close to him.
“Oh my god, you smell,” she complained.
“Pour me a mug and I’ll go away,” he said, looking over to grin at Ty, who just smiled and shook his head. Originally, it had been an unwanted addition to his and Kit’s routine but now he was used to their occasional morning antics. Although they had been few and far between recently, as Ellie had retreated downstairs more often. And it did kind of remind him of chaotic mornings at the L.A. Institute.
“Go shower and I’ll put another pot on for you,” she countered.
“Deal,” Kit said, instantly letting go, although Ty could see how he subtly moved his eyes away from where Ellie’s low-cut top was peeking through her dressing gown.
After Kit left the kitchen, Ellie turned and held out a cup to him, filled with steaming tea. She always remembered.
“Thanks,” Ty said, taking it.
She sat down with her own large mug of coffee and a bowl of cereal and nodded at the pile of files he had left on the table overnight. “Busy day of work ahead?”
“Kind of,” Ty replied. “We have a few days of senior Clave members visiting so we’re preparing summaries and presentations of all the recently-closed cases.”
“Sounds important,” she said, looking over the files with a critical eye.
“It’s not really - they all get reports sent when we close them out, they just choose not to read them. It actually takes up time we could be spending working on new cases,” Ty said, trying not to let the irritation color his voice - he had promised Anush he would try to be more polite this quarterly meeting and he might as well start early before he headed to the Centurion office at Whitehall.
But he could see that Ellie had caught on. “Sounds annoying, then,” she clarified. “Do you- do you need-“ her voice suddenly went softer, shyer. “Anything I could help out with on the ground, while you’re stuck impressing the senior brass?”
Ty wished there was - she had been extremely helpful in the dragon scale smuggling case - but he had to be truthful. “No,” he said and he could see her face fall. “But if there’s anything Shadow Market related that you could help with, I’ll let you know.”
She nodded, catching his drift but she still looked sad. “Great, just let me know.”
After Ellie had left to get ready for her university classes, Ty pulled out his notebook from the middle of the pile of files and wrote down that morning’s interactions. He tapped on the table with his pencil as he thought, and then expanded further on his conclusions. He was almost entirely sure they were correct, and that he had found a course of action he was happy with.
Problem was, he still wasn’t entirely sure how Kit would react and he was key to anything progressing further. He watched as Kit returned to the kitchen table, running his hands through his still wet hair and figured now was as good a time as any to let him in on it.
“I think Ellie needs something to boost her confidence,” Ty said, without any preamble. “And find someone who appreciates her. Someone she can sleep with and not worry that they won’t call again or handle her moods.”
Kit gave him a quick look from across the table, a bit confused at Ty’s interest. “Agreed,” he said, leaning back in his chair. He grabbed at his cup of coffee, taking a big swig. “The men she’s recently been seeing have been trash.”
“Do you have a plan?” he asked casually.
Ty nodded.
Kit sat back up. “I’m in.” He nearly always was, when it came to Ty’s plans. “So we’re matchmaking Ellie? Setting her up with a nice Shadowhunter boy or girl or were you thinking more traditional - overseeing her swipe rights on Tinder?” His eyes danced as he started getting into the idea, pulling out his phone.
Ty skimmed his hands over the surface of the breakfast table. He knew what Tinder was - Dru had shown him it earlier in the summer, when Thais had briefly installed it to get over her latest heartbreak. “Maybe for step two. Step one is us sleeping with her.”
Kit choked on his coffee. “Um…” He refocused his attention on Ty, his blue eyes subtly darting over Ty’s face, as he quickly assessed Ty’s reaction.
Ty waited for him to finish. As it often was, he figured it would be easier to have Kit read him, rather than have to explain. He waited for a couple minutes and then prepared to show him his notes, if he needed to explain further.
Kit sat back. “You’re serious?” There were further questions in his voice but also, tentative interest, Ty thought.
“Yes, I am.” Ty nodded. “Don’t you think she’s attractive?”
Kit let out a brief, nervous chuckle. “Of course- but she’s also my friend. So that’s a boundary that we’ve not crossed- or at least, not since school. Plus, I’m with you.”
“You know I don’t mind. You can’t control who you find attractive,” Ty said. They had spoken about this early on in their relationship - Kit’s flirting with whoever caught his eye never bothered him. Ty knew he was the one who had Kit’s heart. Plus, he wasn’t suggesting they do this separately.
“My question- do you find her attractive?” Kit asked, his voice deliberately light. “I know you were with both girls and guys at the Scholomance but I wasn’t sure if you still…”
Ty thought back to the way that Ellie often held herself, her angry stance challenging the world, her blue eyes flashing when she and Ty had spotted the caged dragons in the London Shadow Market and how she had charged right in; how she flung her arms in casual exuberance around Kit when she came in after a night of drinking and dancing, how the dimple in her cheek deepened when she gave one of her rare smiles, her habit of tapping her fingers to her lips as she read one of her psychology journals in the library. He had spent the last three months observing her - and Ty knew one of his conclusions would be: yes; he found her attractive.
Ty shrugged. “Yeah, I do.” Kit took in this information, mulling it over, and then he looked up.
“Wait- but does she think we’re attractive?”
“Yes,” Ty said. He held out his notebook and passed it to Kit. “I’ve been making notes.”
Kit let out a quick laugh, as he flipped through the pages. “Ty- I both can and can’t believe you took notes on it.” His eyes widened and the flipping of pages slowed as he started to read more thoroughly. “I see you took notes on all of us…” he said, as he gave a lingering, inscrutable glance up at Ty before returning to read.
Ty could feel a small flush creep up from his neck. “Yeah, I did- I’m glad we offered her a place to stay until her loan money comes in, given the living arrangement with her boyfriend after they broke up. But it was strange at first. This was just a way to deal with that and well…” he rubbed the back of his neck, watching Kit. “Then it just seemed helpful to continue with it.”
Kit had let out a soft growl at the mention of Ellie’s cheating boyfriend, but his eyes softened as he looked back to Ty. “I know I’ve said this before - but I really appreciate you were willing to have her stay, given how much I know you hate disruption and she’s more my friend than yours.”
Ty watched as Kit traced his voyance rune, a familiar tic that he had when he was feeling nervous around Ty.
“She’s my friend too,” Ty said firmly, and he looked up to meet Kit’s face, eyes resting just below his cheekbone. “Especially after the past few months and the stuff around the Shadow Market case.”
Kit nodded, reassured. He handed back the notebook to Ty. “This was absolutely fascinating- I had no idea I had so many tells, especially when it comes to pre-jumping you,” he said, a smile playing on his lips and his normal cheerful manner returning. “But I’ve also realised - I didn’t need notes to know that Ellie thinks we’re both hot. Maybe it’s been less frequent recently, given everything but she’s made plenty of comments over the years on how attractive she thinks we both are. In very loud, complimentary terms- and…” he added, the smile mixing with a small wince, his eyes focused on past memories. “Sometimes in very inappropriate places.”
“The other thing is,” he said, speaking slower as if he were thinking out loud. “Is it - we wouldn’t be taking advantage of her, you know- her grief?”
“Her mother died two years ago,” Ty pointed out. He could see Kit about to protest and he continued. “I know, believe me, I know that grief doesn’t just go away…” Livvy was the unspoken word between them. “But also-” Ty searched for the words. “There comes a point when you want people to stop treating you like this fragile, broken thing. You need to start making your own decisions again and decide how you want to live… after,” he said. “And that’s partially why I think we should do it. I think she’s… stuck in that. Also stuck in that she dropped out of the Academy so she’s not exactly a mundane anymore but she’s not a Downworlder either.”
He paused, wondering if he needed to explain the other part but he thought Kit already knew about it.
Kit looked thoughtful.
“She can also always say no,” Ty pointed out logically.
“True,” Kit admitted. He grinned. “Okay, if she’s in, and you are, so am I.” He poked Ty’s arm playfully. “And to think I was going to just grab a coffee and head to the Institute. I didn’t expect to get a threesome proposition from my boyfriend over breakfast,” he said.
“What’s that?” Ellie had reappeared at the top of the stairs, now fully dressed and Kit looked over at Ty, the question in his eyes.
Ty shook his head, and mouthed. Tonight
Kit nodded, blushing slightly as he looked over at Ellie. She had her back to him as she went rummaging in the fridge and Kit snuck a glance at Ty, as if watching for his reaction.
Ty couldn’t help but find it hot that Kit was looking for his approval. His boyfriend didn’t blush that often, especially not almost five years into their relationship. He smiled into his tea. Depending on Ellie’s reaction to their proposition, this could be an intriguing dynamic to play with. His imagination began to play in full technicolor as he played possible scenarios in his head. He took a sip of his tea, and made the effort to meet Kit’s eyes.
Whatever Kit saw there made him blush even harder, and Ty’s smile grew wider.
(Chapter Two)
Hah, this has been consuming me almost my whole holiday but I will get back to the Hadestown fic soon, as I’ve almost finished this one, just doing the edits on most of the other chapters .
Tag list: @jesse-is-spiraling maybe @thechangeling for the Ty POV? But let me know if not… and let me know if you want to be added/removed.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
bestie do you really think it's funny to make me cry?
That's it. that's all I have to say.
All those shadowhunters who ran back to Idris I hope you starve to death there. have fun!
Anjali is so awesome OH MY GOD I LOVE HER ALREADY
Rafael is THAT kid I see...it suits him so well.
It had been two very long years stuck in this small office room. But every time Alec saw the way David giggled when Lexi called her father Jalapeno poppers or some other equally ridiculous name, Alec knew it was worth all the trouble.
Alec wondered if that’s why so many leaders before him had been awful. It was easy to be a bad leader. But it took effort to be a good one.
This is so true...I'm so proud of him...
Dani...bestie THAT IMMORTALITY CRISIS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME. I know it's gonna happen but I was having a very good day. why do you hurt me in such ways... (I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm mentally unstable after the way I screamed reading)
“Anjali,” Diego sighed. “What have I told you about doors?”
“Knock them down?”
“I said knock on them!” Diego corrected, shaking his head. “Not knock them down!”
I'm in love.
well, Rafael do you perhaps have a little crush? (Grammarly ik I'm writing in lowercase stfu)
ok ok I know this is pretty sad but every time someone gives Magnus or Alec the "you haven't talked to him yet?" look I start laughing-
“So, you are just going to leave me here and go to York then?” Max demanded now; all puppy dog eyes. “Like my mom left me at the academy?”
Yeah. He took the news a little too well.
“Is it because you don’t like me?” Max pouted again. “Like my mom…Who left me all alone.”
“You can’t play the adopted card with me, you lil shit,” Rafael laughed. “I’m adopted too.”
“Weren’t you listening to a podcast on Mayan Civilization during breakfast?” Alec raised an eyebrow.
“Bapak said it’s historically accurate!” Rafe argued.
“Bapak is not that old!” Alec countered.
“Maybe he is,” Max said, analyzing the paintings on the walls. “Maybe you don’t know it.”
“Excuse me, I know how old my husband is,” Alec said indignantly.
“Then where are the receipts dad?” Max asked. “Show us the receipts!”
Where are the receipts, Alec? EXACTLY!
“I think he likes David,” Rafe whispered.
“Of course he does,” Alec whispered back. Why were they whispering? “David is a sweet boy.”
“No. I think he ‘likes him’ likes him,” Rafael giggled.
Alec looked at his son sharply. “But-He is..Da..They are children!”
“You’ve never heard a childhood crush?” Rafe grinned.
“No, I was too busy…studying,” Alec sniffed.
“That’s not what I heard,” Rafael bit his lip. “I heard you had a thing for boys in motorcycle jackets.”
“Okay that’s it! You are not allowed to hang out at Hotel Dumort anymore,” Alec said.
Really Alec? Studying? REALLY???
Hugs max it's gonna be ok buddy.
In that moment, Alec remembered all the talks.
He remembered how his mother had lectured Izzy about not going out alone late at night, but she hadn’t said anything to Jace or Alec.
He remembered the way Jem spoken quietly to Mina in soft Mandarin about how people might call her names, but he hadn’t said anything to Kit.
He remembered the way Julian had told Ty to be careful about kissing his boyfriend in public, but he hadn’t said anything to Dru.
I hate this so damn much. I hate it. It sucks how there will always be people who will be targeted for being born the way they are. Whether it be skin color, sexuality, body type, or anything, people will always fucking talk and make the world unsafe for certain people just because they aren't generic male cishets. If you're a girl you're in danger. If you're a POC you're in danger, If you're neurodivergent you're in danger. If you're a member of the LGBTQ community you're in danger. If you're disabled you're in danger. If you're part of any minority you're in danger. If you dare to be different you're in danger. Fuck people. I'm a queer POC female and it's scary. I don't want to be always checking my surroundings when I'm out. I shouldn't have to feel this scared walking out of my own house but I do and it sucks. Ok, I feel like I'm derailing from the main point here.
Sorry for that just got really heated for a second there.
“This is who you are,” David said, his voice oddly soft now. Softer than usual. “And you’re beautiful.”
Alec blinked at that.
“Blue,” David said quickly. “I meant you’re blue. Uh, yes.”
Also, alec sitting outside max's room...IM GONNA-
“David is in there,” Alec whispered. “I just wanted to…check…if everything was okay.”
“Alexander, are you spying on our child?” Magnus demanded. “Without me???”
“What? No! I-”
“Move over!” Magnus sank down next to him. “What are they saying? Are they kissing?”
“WHAT? They are not kissing!” Alec said in alarm. “Wait. Are they???”
He couldn’t hear anything now. Alec panicked.
“I haven’t talk to the kids about kissing yet,” Magnus pointed out. “We can’t talk to Max without talking to Rafael first.”
“Wait. Is Rafael kissing people???”
“Rafael is not kissing people,” Rafael replied as he walked past them to the kitchen. “Also, you guys are shit at whispering.”
Alec rolled his eyes at him and turned to Magnus. “It’s stressful enough that we need to talk about racism in the shadow world. Now we need to talk about kissing??”
“And other stuff,” Magnus chuckled.
Alec groaned into Magnus’ shoulder. “By the angel. Fine. We’ll just tell them there is no kissing. Until they are 30.”
“Hypocrite,” Rafael coughed into his hand as he walked back to the table with a bag of chips.
And srsly alec? 30? really? whips out the extract "kissed" from cassie's website According to my files here-
“And David?”
“Yes, sir?”
“The bedroom door stays open from now on.”
David blinked, his cheeks pink. “I…What?”
“Door stays open,” Alec said, lowering his voice, just a register. “Is that understood?”
Alec advising David with the bow is so close to my heart...IDK WHY IT JUST IS
“Why don’t shadowhunters have acne?”
"What?" Alec blinked.
“Their skin is like so freaking perfect and smooth and they can just freaking go through puberty without a one freaking pimple and don’t even get me started on the freaking dimples and then-”
Magnus started laughing. Alec felt a little confused.
That part about how we normalize these little things which are actually hurtful...I didn't realize that. I guess we really do, huh? This just made me want to be more careful with others and if I feel others do this with me, to stop them and correct them.
I loved this chapter so much. You're such a great writer.
I wanted to share something of my own now!! I FINALLY GOT MY COPY FOR RWARB!!!! I told my parents it was a thriller about how the first son and the prince forge a friendship and discover secrets about the government and the monarchy-
The place I bought it from sent me a very cute bookmark. It's a pride bookmark and it's just my first ever pride merch and I'm close to tears. Let's just say my family isn't the most accepting so this bookmark's really precious to me
Tumblr media
Sorry, the quality isn't the best. I was in a hurry. It's almost 4 am now I'm gonna try and sleep (I'm gonna reorganize my bookshelf). See you on Tuesday!!
Thank you so much. I love reading your comments. They are so honest and full of life. You are going to LOVE rwrb. It's such a good book and it's so romantic and raw and perfect. Lmao about your parents. What they don't know can't hurt them ;) And I loooooooooove your bookmark. Be gay. Do crime.
PS -
"It sucks how there will always be people who will be targeted for being born the way they are. Whether it be skin color, sexuality, body type, or anything, people will always fucking talk and make the world unsafe for certain people just because they aren't generic male cishets. If you're a girl you're in danger. If you're a POC you're in danger, If you're neurodivergent you're in danger. If you're a member of the LGBTQ community you're in danger. If you're disabled you're in danger. If you're part of any minority you're in danger. If you dare to be different you're in danger. Fuck people. I'm a queer POC female and it's scary. I don't want to be always checking my surroundings when I'm out. I shouldn't have to feel this scared walking out of my own house but I do and it sucks. Ok, I feel like I'm derailing from the main point here."
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TSC but it's incorrect quotes.
Jem: Hey, Will, what's up?
Will: Well, I'm sitting in a pool of my own blood.
Jem: Is it... your own?
Will: Oh, yeah, probably.
Jem: Where is it coming from?
Will: Probably the stab wound.
Will: Oh, yeah definitely.
Kit: I wrote a song called I'm Late For My Final Exam and it's just three minutes of me screaming.
Emma: Look upon the filed which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren.
Will: Do you ever wonder how an author would describe you in a novel? Like, not only your appearance, but also your little habits and stuff. I wanna know how I'd be described.
Gabriel: Bet it would be something like "so here's this asshole."
Will: Honestly, fuck you, Gabriel.
Kit: I mixed up Donkey Kong with King Kong and accidentally said Kinky Kong to my parents.
Izzy: Who is that weirdo on TV? He's running downtown with eight dogs.
Sebastian: Be warned, I can kill you.
Jace: Be warned, I can die.
Jace: Excuse me, who made Alec the boss of the group.
Clary: You did.
Simon: You said, "Alec should be the boss."
Izzy: And then you said, "lets vote," and it was unanimous.
Magnus: And then you made him this plaque that says, "Boss of us."
Magnus: And put little sparkles all over it.
Jace:... all valid points.
Simon: What are you guys talking about? I'm like the backbone of this family.
Jace: You're more like the appendix of this family, no one knows what you're here for.
Alec: Also prone to explode at any given moment.
Jace: And a real pain to remove.
Simon: Fuck you guys.
Emma: What's your problem?
Cristina: He keeps using common phrases incorrectly.
Kieran: Oh, cry me a table, Cristina.
Cecily: If a guy calls you "princess" in a condescending manner, assert your newly appointed royal status and have him beheaded.
Will: I could get killed.
Will: Or even worse. Jem could give me a lecture on responsibility again.
Dru: What color are Emma's eyes?
Julian: The warm chestnut of well-worn leather when the sun comes out after days of rain.
Dru: What?
Julian: I said brown.
Gabriel: Hello, Will, make anyone cry today?
Will: Sadly, no, but it's only 4:30.
Will: Rubbing alcohol is for outside wounds. Drinking alcohol is for inside wounds.
Matthew: Cheers! I'll drink to that.
James: What are you going to bring to dinner?
Matthew: My negative attitude and sparkling personality.
Tessa: You're late.
Kit: Listen, I just spent twenty minutes in a standoff with the biggest cockroach I have ever seen, so that's where I'm at... mentally.
Julian: I told you to stop doing that with the knives.
Dru, with knives taped to her hands: But Wolverine has-
Julian: I said stop.
Aline: The only thing that seems to motivate you guys is pancakes.
Tavvy: Pancakes?
Ty: I love pancakes!
Dru: Do we have maple syrup?
Julian: I'll go buy some.
Emma: Where are they?
Jace: And once again, Jace and Magnus save the day!
Alec: You didn't do anything.
Alec: It was all Magnus.
Jace: We're a package deal. Everyone knows that.
Tessa: How can one man have so many enemies?
Will: I'm a people person who talks shit and drinks.
Matthew: You're my best friend, but I'd fuck you if you asked.
James: What?
Matthew: What?
Lucie, from across the room: HE SAID HE'D FUCK YOU IF YOU ASKED!
Matthew: What if we kidnap-
James: No.
Matthew: Steal-
James: No.
Matthew: Blow up-
James: Not even a little.
Matthew: You're no fun.
Julian: We need to distract the enemies.
Emma: Right, I can do that.
Julian: What are you going to do?
Emma: I'm gonna kill them all.
Emma: That ought to distract them.
Mark: I have a sword!
*two minutes later*
Mark: I have lost the sword.
Kit: My friendship with Dru is over.
Ty: What?
Kit: She stole my fries.
Kit: Baking yeast has alcohol in it, but you can't get drunk off eating bread.
Kit: Trust me, I've tried.
Kit: I know you think my judgment is clouded because I like Ty a little bit-
Jem: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Kit: That was our joint tombstone.
Jem: My mistake.
Clary, through the door: Are you decent?
Jace: Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking.
Kit: Ty, let's play 20 questions!
Ty: Okay, what's your favorite color.
Kit: Aces. My turn, do you like boys?
Julian, coming to bail the group out of jail: I hate you sometimes, you know.
Emma: Welcome to the club! You are one of 53 members. We make t-shirts and have meetings every Wednesday at 4.
Julian: What?
Mark: We would meet earlier, but Kit gets out of school at 3.
Jace, to Izzy and Simon at their wedding party: Alright, everyone, Saturday is the big day! A lot of us thought this day would never come. I may have been one of those people.
Izzy: I may have also been one of those people.
Simon: Wait, are we talking about our wedding?
Izzy: Yes.
Simon: Oh, yes, I was also one of those people.
Emma: Julian and I slept together.
Cristina: And?
Emma: ... I thought you would be a little more surprised.
Cristina: Oh, sorry.
Cristina, in a shocked voice: AND?!
Ty: The dishes aren't in alphabetical order!!!!
Kit: Excuse my language, but what the F U C K does that mean?
Lucie: We shouldn't complain.
Matthew: I'm gonna complain anyways.
Dru: Kit? Are you alive? Knock once for yes, twice for no.
Kit: *pauses, then knocks twice*
Dru: What do we do? Kit's dead!
Will: Do you know....? Do you KNOW what it's like to be AFRAID of YOURSELF?!
Tessa, thinking of all the money she blew on a scam: Geez, man, I sure do-
Clary: Simon, you've got a lot to offer Izzy. You're funny, you're smart-
Magnus: You're creative, you've got style...
Jace: Oh, did you want me to say something?
Jace: You have brown hair, your name is Simon.
Simon: Thanks, Jace.
Will: I've done a lot of dumb shit.
Tessa: I witnessed the dumb shit.
Cecily: I remember the dumb shit.
Magnus: I joined you in the dumb shit.
Jem: I tried to stop you from doing the dumb shit!
Jace: Okay, so-
Alec: No. Don't you dare! Stop. Stop. I don't wanna hear it. I have been cleaning up your messes for way too long and now I'm aging prematurely. You are driving me steadily insane. So I don't wanna hear it. Go away. I'll be dead next month at this rate. Leave me alone.
Jace: I was just gonna ask you if you wanted toast...
Alec: Oh, well. No thank you.
Jace: Good, because I blew up the toaster and now one of the plants is on fire.
Kit: If you are about to be stabbed, just say, "I have too much swagger for the dagger," and they will leave you alone.
Dru: Or stab you a hundred more times.
Jem: I did.
Will:-ss you and buy you more. You haven't been eating enough.
James: A waiter could literally murder me and I'd still tip 20%
Matthew: I would actually tip more if they murdered me, that's great customer service.
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the-bee-graveyard · 3 years
The Perfect One For You Is Me
I promise the next fic I publish will be the next chapter of The Fine Line but I got a moment of inspiration and had to write this.
Summary: Livvy has great taste in music and women but her family doesn’t seem to appreciate it (Or Livvy’s singing music at three in the morning while having an inner monologue and the rest of the Blackthorn’s do not appreciate it.) Stan supportive sibling Ty.
3am was Livia Blackthorn’s second favorite time of the day. Her first favorite was 11:45, because she was born at 11:45 and Ty was born at 11:50, and Livvy quite enjoyed being alive and she enjoyed even more that her brother was alive. She would’ve done this whole thing at her favorite time, but it wasn't exactly something she planned for, so 3am would have to do. What Livvy was doing at 3am was something she usually didn’t do: thinking about something other than equations, her family, or her sabers.
She was thinking of Eleanora Bellefleur. Of the way Elle’s dark brown hair bounced when she skipped (and she skipped quite a lot). Of the way Elle’s face would light up when they climbed up onto the roof of the institute to watch the sunset. Of the way Elle smelled like oranges, her favorite fruit. Of the way Elle’s dark eyes seemed to sparkle when they looked at Cameron Ashdown.
Livvy had no right to be jealous, she had no claim to Elle. She should be happy for Elle, she’s found a lovely boyfriend who made her happy. Livvy had suspected there was something between Elle and Cameron for a little while now, but they only told her three days ago. Ever since then her brain kept making mistakes and thinking of Elle as Elle Ashdown instead of Elle Bellefleur, which was a real shame since Elle Bellefleur sounded much better.
She had no right to be jealous, but she couldn’t help it. Not when she was the one who knew that Elle hated the color orange but loved how it looked surrounded by pinks and yellows. Not when she knew how to braid Elle’s curls just right so they didn’t knot. Not when she’d drive around Los Angeles in Diana’s truck and sing to all Elle’s favorite songs with her. Not when she had been the one to befriend Elle when she first moved to LA when they were sixteen, two years ago. 
Livvy unplugged her phone and plugged her headphones in. She pressed play on You Stupid Bitch by Girl in Red and turned it up until her ears hurt, laying on her bed and listening to the song.
You let the wrong people love you
But you don't see that, do you?
When you cry and need my comfort
I drop everything to come over
Livvy got up off her bed and started dancing, sliding on the wood floors with her mix-matched knee socks. 
“Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth. Just count to ten and try to breathe,” Livvy  sung along to the words. “YOU STUPID BITCH CAN’T YOU SEE? THE PERFECT ONE FOR YOU IS ME. THE PERFECT ONE FOR YOU IS ME. THE PERFECT ONE FOR YOU IS ME. YOU STUPID BITCH CAN’T YOU SEE? THE PERFECT ONE FOR YOU IS ME.”
Livvy heard the sound of a shoe hit the wall she shared with Dru. She knew it was the sound of a shoe because she’d thrown many shoes at that very wall. Dru and Livvy might as well communicate in throwing shoes at that wall.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Dru yelled. Not wanting to wake up the others (which Livvy had probably already done) she took out her phone and texted Dru.
Livvy: Say please you rude bitch
Dru: Shut the fuck up it’s too late for this bullshit
Livvvy: Love you too asshole
Livvy threw her phone and headphones down on her desk and laid on her bed. She almost fell asleep when she started wondering whether or not Elle was with Cameron right now. She got her phone back, put her headphones back in, and unpaused the song.
You don't know what you deserve (Ooh-oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh) That's why you end up hurt (Ooh-oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh) But you never listen Take my advice as criticism Then make the worst decisions Ooh-oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh, ooh-oh Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth Just count to ten and try to breathe You stupid bitch, can't you see? The perfect one for you is me The perfect one for you is me The perfect one for you is me You stupid bitch, can't you see? The perfect one for you is me
“You have a nice singing voice,” Ty said the next morning at breakfast as he cut up his pancakes. “You should sing more often.”
“Thanks Ty,” Livvy said, focussing on drowning her pancakes in syrup. Dru had gotten up early to go somewhere with Thaís so Livvy didn’t have to put up with her snarky remarks. 
“What were you even doing?” Emma asked. “No one sings Girl in Red at three am unless they’re depressed or in love with their best friend.”
“What were you doing close enough to my room to hear it?” Livvy shot back, quite proud of her insult if she did say so herself. Emma shrugged and continued eating her pancakes. Livvy finished up at the same time as Ty and they headed back towards their rooms together.
“Whatcha planning on doing Ty-Ty?” Livvy asked.
“Going to the beach to look at the tide pools while you can still see them,” Ty replied.
“With Kit?” Livvy asked in a teasing manner. Ty put his headphones over his ears to hide how red they were getting.
“Was Emma right?” Ty asked, trying to change the subject. “Are you in love with your best friend?” “No Ty, I’m not in love with you. You’re my brother.”
“We both know I meant Elle, don’t give me that shit. She is, isn’t she?” Livvy nodded slowly, looking away from Ty. “You should tell her.”
“Ty, she has a fucking boyfriend,” Livvy sighed.
“Yeah,” Ty said. “Look, I’m not supposed to tell you this but Kit told me that Elle told him that she’s got a deal with Cameron, like the one Emma and Mark had. She uses Cameron to make you jealous and she tries to smooth things out between our families and his so he can be a more productive member of the clave.”
“Really?” Livvy said, her heart fluttering in her chest. 
“Really,” Ty said. “And besides, if you tell her what’s the worst thing that could happen?”
“She could reject me and then I’ll have to go live with Aunt Marjorie to spend the rest of my living days in shame?” Livvy suggested. “You know what, I’m going to do it. I’m going to tell her.”
“Good for you,” Ty smiled. “Remember this moment the next time I want your help hiding a squirrel in my room.” Ty disappeared into his room and Livvy went into her own, grabbing her phone and starting to type out a message.
Send To: Elle <3
https://youtu.be/LQiZUGuEFE <3
(A/N: Maybe I’ll write a part two to this eventually, but Elle’s probably going to be a reoccurring character in my fics now, because even though we never even actually see her in this fic I’m attached to my girl)
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angelinasway · 3 years
Regaining Hope
Chapter Six
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Pairing: Clark Kent/Buffy Summers
Warnings/Triggers:Torture, Violence, Mention's of Major Character Death, Bad Language, Sexual Tension, Eventual Smut
Summary: Takes place during Man of Steel. When Buffy discovers the U.S Military trying to keep quiet about an object buried in a twenty thousand year old glacier, she immediately thinks the worst. However, when a surprise visit to the Canadian Arctic puts her in the path of a mysterious stranger her whole world is changed forever.
Previous Chapters: [Chapter One] [Chapter Two] [Chapter Three] [Chapter Four] [Chapter Five]
[TTH] [AO3] [FFN]
Authors Notes:Thank you all for you're amazing reviews. I never get tired of reading them. I just got to say I adored writing this chapter. It was so much fun and I loved the banter. I'm slowly falling in love with this couple the more I explore it. I should warn everyone that there's a subject that comes up that might offend some of you. I did not write this part to try to do that to anyone, so please don't take it seriously. It was more about showing Buffy's age and what some of us begin to contemplate as we get older. If Buffy was really only twenty-one it wouldn't be a topic that would come up, but I don't think its to far off the mark that a thirty-two year old Buffy would think these thing. Once again, a shout out and huge thanks to my amazing beta Hipkarma for being so insightful and just plain helpful while editing these chapters. I don't know what I would do without her.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable  characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners.  The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The  author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers  of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Six
Buffy awoke, as always right around eight. It didn’t matter where she was in the world, she always woke up around the same time every morning. Except, this morning happened to be very different because a large warm arm was wrapped firmly around her waist and a large thigh was wedged between her legs. She blinked in surprise as the night before came rushing back in surround sound and technicolor. From the moment Faith and Gunn woke them up having obnoxiously loud sex to when she first heard Clark moan. The deep baritone of the sound sending such a shock wave of lust straight to her core, she’d never felt anything like it and she was certain she couldn’t have stopped herself from touching him after that even if she tried.
God, he was built like brick wall. A very soft and warm brick wall, but a brick wall nonetheless. Training him was going to be difficult for that reason. She was incredibly strong but he was a hell of a lot stronger than her. Getting hit by him at full strength wasn’t really going to be an option. Though, she could always train him in her suit, which might actually give her a little bit of advantage against anything he threw at her. The suit itself was highly warded, to the point where she could probably get hit by a train and be able to walk it off. So that might actually be able to work, as long as he didn’t go for her head which unfortunately the full leather and Kevlar body suit did not cover. They could definitely work around that though.
 She bit her lip, remembering how good it felt to kiss him. It had been awkward at first, but he was an incredibly fast learner and eventually began to take the lead. Heat pooled in her belly at what came after though, the grinding and rubbing that ended in one of the best orgasms she ever had. He really was such a well-built man, everything about him was deceptively large from his broad shoulders to his thighs that were almost as big as tree trunks. Something she didn’t actually notice until she straddled him. The act itself had forced her legs farther apart than she was expecting. So, when he’d pulled her into his lap his cock was suddenly perfectly aligned against her clit, and boy did he feel big. Almost too big if she was being honest.
 The familiar throb of arousal hit her; her panties suddenly soaked. She vaguely remembered telling him after he got out of the shower that he looked ridiculous squashed up on her couch and to just share the bed. She was now slightly regretting that, because at this moment she wanted nothing more than to press herself back against the body currently cuddling her and grind her ass against the erection she felt poking her. ‘Yep, it was definitely time to get up.’
 She meant what she’d said earlier about not being ready for sex yet and she really did plan to stick to that. She wanted to get to know him first, find out what his likes and dislikes were, what his favorite movies were, hell even what his favorite color was. She truly did believe what Lorne had told her, but she craved the getting-to-know-you portion of the relationship process more than anything. It had been a long time since she had that. In fact, if she was being honest, she was pretty sure she never really had it.
 Angel had always hated talking about himself and she remembered very clearly spending a few hours researching him alone just to try and understand more about him. Unfortunately, back then Giles only had his pre-soul history, which probably should have been her first clue that embarking on any type of relationship with him was a bad idea. Riley had been different however, but when they started the relationship, they had both been keeping secrets. So, there had been big honesty issues there. Spike she hadn’t bothered getting to know, at least not before his soul. Oh, there were plenty of times she would slip up and ask him a question about himself, and even be cordial to him, but the personal stuff hadn’t come until those long nights spent together planning against The First. And, then again, after Angelus had killed Giles when she was basically a walking zombie. He would talk to her for hours even if she didn’t talk back just to try and snap her out of her desolation. He told her all about his life when he was human, and would even talk about some of the places he traveled with Dru. He never mentioned Angelus in those times, and she was grateful for that.
 It was in those moments that she realized why she and Spike meshed so well. He was very good at taking care of broken things and she was a very broken thing. He was created for it actually, and he needed to take care of her just as badly as she needed to be taken care of. She just hoped Clark could handle the task as well, because she had picked up a lot of the pieces of her shattered heart and soul and begun to paste them back together, but there were still several missing parts of herself that she had lost along the way. She was working on it and had been for awhile but she still had her moments of utter despair and moodiness. Buffy knew better than anyone how difficult she could be.
 She slowly tried to extract herself from his hold, but the arm that held her in place tightened. She heard a sleepy moan next to ear and then she felt his body stiffen as he came awake. Clark quickly removed his arm from around her waist and the knee that had wedged itself between her thighs and turned over on his back.
 “Sorry,” He murmured groggily.
 Buffy turned to face him, a slow smile spreading across her face as she propped her head up with her hand. He was blushing again and she found she rather enjoyed it. “I think we’re past accidental sleepy cuddling, don’t you?”
 A sleepy half smile crossed his lips at her words, "Mmm," he hummed. "So, that really did happen."
 She chuckled; he was absolutely adorable. "Unless we were sharing the same dream, I'm gonna go with a big uh-huh."
 His blue eyes met hers, and his smile stretched into a full grin. His hand reached up and he ran the back of it down her cheek.
 "Are you hungry?" He asked.
 She nodded. "I could definitely eat."
 He sighed. "We should probably get dressed then." 
 "Mmm," She agreed, rolling on her back and stretching her arms above her head. "Shower first though, and I should probably grab your clothes from yesterday out of the dryer."
 His hand reached out again, running it along the flat of her stomach. "You shower, I remember where the laundry room is. I'll get them."
 He sat up and then leaned down to kiss her, but she stopped him. "I have morning breath. I really don't think you want to do that before I brush my teeth."
 He chuckled and shook his head. "I honestly don't think I care," and then he was on her, his lips sliding against hers.
 She giggled, breaking the kiss and saying, "I think I created a monster."
 "Well, maybe you shouldn't have taken advantage of me last night." Clark said, a smirk forming on his lips.
 Buffy’s mouth dropped open, her eyes widening. "I did no such thing!" She said on a laugh.
 "Oh," he said, raising an eyebrow. "I think you did," and then he was kissing her again, sliding his tongue into her mouth before she could protest.
 The kisses suddenly turned much more serious and before she knew what she was doing her legs had wrapped around his waist and her arms were around his neck. She felt his hard length push against her and she moaned.
 "Mmm," He hummed, breaking the kiss. "I could get used to that sound."
His lips slid along her jawline, until he reached her neck where he placed a few wet kisses and then froze. He pulled away and Buffy’s eyes shot open. His eyes staring at her neck in a mixture horror and disbelief. 
 "Where...how did you get that?" He asked, his hand coming up to brush his thumb across her scar.
 Buffy's own hand came up and rubbed the area. "Vampire bite. Well, three to be exact." She saw a pained look flash across his eyes as his hand came up to cup her cheek. "What is it?" She asked.
 Clark shook his head, removing his hand and sitting back. "I just..." He sighed. "I can't help thinking how different your life might have been had I met you sooner." He looked away. “You’ve been through so much, some of it I read and some of it you told me.” He met her eyes, sadness and guilt shining in them, “And I’m guessing that’s only the half of it…and…and I can’t help thinking that I could have saved you from it all.”
 She felt her heart melt a little at his words. That was definitely up there with at least the top five sweetest things anyone ever said to her, but he shouldn’t be beating himself up for something that was out of his hands.
 She sighed sitting up, her hand reaching for his and entwining their fingers, bringing it into her lap. “As sweet as the sentiment is Clark, you can’t think like that.” She nodded, “Trust me, I’m the queen of blaming myself for things that are absolutely out of my control and the truth is, neither of us can know what would have happened had we met sooner.” She shrugged “I mean think about it. Sure, my life would have been easier but when the big stuff came up, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it as well, and do you honestly think I wouldn’t have jumped for Dawn?” She swallowed, “As shitty as the outcome was and even if I knew back then what I know now, I would do it again for her in a heartbeat.”
 “I know,” he whispered, looking down. “I just…what if I could have stopped you from having to jump at all?”
 She reached her free hand out, cupping his cheek, “Then I wouldn’t be who I am today. I would have never had the choice to take more power than I already had and have the strength and wherewithal to turn it down. I would have never found the Scythe and been able to use its power to activate the Slayers.” At Clark’s frown, she pulled away, getting off the bed and opened the closet. She unzipped her weapons bag and pulled out the Scythe.
 “This,” she said, showing him the weapon from when they first met. “It was made thousands of years ago by something called the Guardians. It was made for the first Slayer and she used it to drive the last Old One from this plain of existence. Then it was hidden until the day I found it. It’s the whole reason Willow was able to tap into the Slayer line and activate the girls. It’s incredibly powerful, and I can feel the power thrumming underneath my hand as we speak.” She put the Scythe back and walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Kinda like you.”
 Clark swallowed. “What…what do I feel like?”
 “Powerful, almost overwhelmingly so,” she said honestly, sitting back on the bed. “But not evil or demonic. Those kinda things usually feel cold, like the temperature suddenly drops and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.” She gave him a small smile, “You feel warm, like I’ve been sunbathing for hours and my skin is that perfect mixture of overheated and sun kissed.”
 He brought his hand up, cupping her chin and rubbing his thumb along her lower lip. "And when I kiss you?"
 Buffy gasped, heat building in her belly. It took everything in her not to suck his thumb into her mouth. "If I answer that," she said breathily, "we won't ever make it to breakfast."
 He blew out a breath, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead against hers. "I've never felt so out of control in my life." He opened his eyes, meeting hers. "You...you make me want to lose control."
 "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" She asked, her hand coming up to rub down his chest.
 "I honestly don't know," he sighed. "But it scares the hell out of me."
 "I'm sorry," she whispered.
 He kissed her then, his hand running into her hair before saying, "Don't be. I feel more alive than I have in years."
 "I think that makes two of us then." She said softly. "You're not the only one who feels out of control or alive." She paused, "And I think if I don't get in the shower soon, I don't think I can be held responsible for my next actions."
 He chuckled, pulling away. "Then you should probably take a shower," he said moving off the bed, "because I'm pretty sure you aren't alone in that either."
 Buffy laughed, "You sure you can find the laundry room, okay?"
 "I got it," he said, reaching out to stroke her cheek before grabbing his discarded sweats from last night, chucking them on and heading for the door.
 Buffy watched him go and then shook herself out of her daze. God, he had a fabulous back. Why had she not noticed it before? This was going to be incredibly hard if they were both feeling this way. She once again opened her closet grabbing what she needed for the day.
Clark raised an eyebrow, looking at her in amusement, "You really think this is a good idea?"
 She grinned, "No, but it’s cheap entertainment and they deserve it."
 They were standing in the hallway outside Faith and Gunn’s room. Buffy having the bright idea of getting back at the couple for their shenanigan’s the night before, because as she said, “This was a long time coming.”
 "Alright," he said chuckling. "Then hand me the bucket."
 "What...why?" She asked confused.
 Clark rolled his eyes, "Because I'm going to make the water colder."
 Buffy frowned. "Is this another ability you've yet to tell me about?"
 He looked at her innocently. “Maybe?”
 The look she gave him was both parts annoyed and pouty. “Okay Mr. Secret Keeper, who keeps secrets. Here,” she grumbled, shoving the quarter filled bucket into his arms.
 “I think you’ve been watching too much Harry Potter,” he said as seriously as he could, even though he knew it was obvious he was trying not to laugh.
She looked almost offended for a moment, “I have not!” A full-fledged pout finally broke out on her lips, “At least not willingly. Willow makes me watch it every year.” She sighed, “Then we get into an argument about if the Wizarding World is real or not in another dimension. It’s a thing.”
 He snorted, "You're joking."
 She rolled her eyes, "I wish," and then she shook her head. "Now hurry up, before they wake up."
 He grinned, blowing softly into the bucket and handing it back. "There, it should be cold enough now."
 She frowned at the water, reaching her hand into the bucket and touching it. Her eyes widened in surprise. 
 "Wow! That's like seriously impressive." She grinned, "This is gonna be so good." Buffy looked at him, "You ready?"
 At Clark’s nod, she said, "Alright, get ready to run." 
 He watched her take a step back and then her leg shot out, slamming into the door. The lock splintered and the door swung open, hitting the wall hard. Both Faith and Gunn shot up in alarm, suddenly alert and ready to fight.
 “Wakey, wakey!” Buffy yelled, before tossing the contents of the bucket on them.
 They both screamed when the ice water hit them. Their eyes widening in disbelief. Faith panted from the sudden shock of the water, looking at hers soaked tank top, her bed, and then Gunn before her eyes suddenly swung up to meet Buffy’s dancing ones. The look she gave them both could freeze over hell, it even managed to make Clark nervous enough to start backing up.
 “You. Are. So. Fucking. Dead!” She ground out, fury flashing in her eyes.
 “Run!” Buffy squealed, already pushing him down the hallway just as Faith shot out of bed. They were both through the living area and out the staff door in seconds, but Faith was fast and she was hot on their heels. The sound of her bare feet slapping against hardwood close behind them.
 As they approached the stairwell a giggling Buffy yelled, “Jump, no time for stairs.”
 Clark quickly launched himself over the banister, landing on the ground floor and turning just in time to see Buffy do the same. She landed on her feet and looked up in time to see a snarling Faith staring down at them, water still dripping from her hair and tank top.
 “You’re dead B!” She yelled.
 “What the hell!” Lisa said, coming around the corner a few of the girls hot on her heels just as Faith launched herself off the banister.
 Buffy was pushing Clark again and they slammed out the front door and into the cool morning air. He wrapped his arms around her just as Faith reached the door in only a tank top and boxers and shot them into the air just before she could reach them. Both of them broke into fits of hysterics when they heard her scream, “He can fucking fly!”
 “Wow,” Buffy said in between her giggles. “She’s really mad, isn’t she?”
 “Okay,” Buffy said, snagging a piece of bacon off his plate. “Favorite comedy?”
 They were in a restaurant not too far from the school. It was a very small establishment, but it was busy and the food smelt good. Buffy had recommended it to Clark, saying it was the best kept secret in Cleveland. It had taken them a little while to get a table, but now they were comfortably seated with two delicious looking breakfasts in front of them.
 They had been exchanging questions since they arrived at the restaurant. Simple things, from favorite colors, to places traveled, and now they were on to movies. Except Buffy had just stolen a piece of bacon off his plate without even asking, and it was done in such a way it almost felt domestic. Almost as if this was a completely normal occurrence and they had dined together hundreds of times.
 “Did you…did you just steal my bacon?” Clark said, raising an eyebrow.
 She blinked at him innocently, taking a bite of the salty goodness while holding back a smile, “Maybe.”
 He snorted, “Well, now I want a bite of your pancakes.”
 Buffy’s face broke into a grin, and she used her fork to cut him a piece of her strawberry and banana pancakes. Leaning over the table and holding out the bite to him, while using her other hand to protect the table from any syrup dripping.
 Clark leaned forward, wrapped his lips around the offered morsel and hummed as the sugary taste exploded on his tongue. He nodded, swallowing the bite before saying, “I should have gotten the pancakes.”    
 Buffy chuckled, cutting her own piece and taking a bite, her eyes rolling up at the homemade strawberry syrup. “I told you.” She said after swallowing. “This place has awesome pancakes for it being such a hole in the wall.”
 Clark cut into his eggs benedict and took a bite. “Mmm,” He hummed, pointing at his plate as he chewed and swallowed. “But this is very good too.”
 "What do you like better?" She asked.
 "Hmm," he said thinking. "Well, it’s not a very fair comparison. One’s sweet and one’s savory."
 "True," she acknowledged. "So, I guess the question should be, what do prefer sweet or salty?"
 He licked his lips. "That's actually a tough question. My mom is an excellent cook on both fronts, but I think if I had to choose it would be sweet. I love pie and she does make the best."
 She smiled softly, "She sounds pretty incredible."
 He nodded, "My parents couldn't have kids so them finding me was what she calls a miracle." He smiled, "When I was a kid and my abilities first started showing, she was the one who helped me control it. She taught me how to focus and block everything else out."
 "I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous about meeting her." She confessed shyly.
 He frowned in confusion, "Why?"
 Buffy shrugged, "Well, she raised you, didn’t she? Any woman capable of turning out a guy who so far has been one of the sweetest, most well-mannered men I’ve ever met, must have some superpowers of her own."
 He chuckled a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I'm sure she'll be thrilled to know that."
 Buffy grinned, shaking her head. "Anyway, back to our original topic. What's your favorite comedy?"
 "Hmm," He thought for a moment. "Well right now, I think it’s a toss-up between Talladega Nights and Step Brothers." He said, taking another bite of his breakfast.
 "Ah," she acknowledged. "A Ferrell fan. He is hilarious, but I myself would have to go with Sandler or Kevin Smith. I love Dogma and Fifty First Dates is probably my favorite romantic comedy."
 He shook his head, "I've never seen Dogma. Isn't that the one that makes fun of religion?"
 Buffy's mouth dropped open, "You've never seen it! Okay that's the first movie we are watching together,” Her cheeks suddenly pinkening as she cleared her throat and added. “And yes, it does make fun of religion but in a really unique way where it sends a good message too.” She shrugged, “I think I like it because of how well it rips the Bible apart as far as hypocrisy goes. I’m not very religious, but I mean I do believe there’s something. I don’t know if it’s all the Powers or God or what really, but there is definitely something beyond all this. However, the Bible is one of those things that gets used for evil, far more than it’s used for good. Plus, I’m living proof that some of the sins mentioned in the Bible are complete bullshit.”
 He raised an eyebrow, “Because you went to heaven.”
 She nodded, “Exactly. Let’s see,” she began to count off her sins on one hand. “Lying, I did a lot of that after I was called, also definitely did not honor my mother and father, I’ve taken the Lord’s name in vain on several occasions, I’ve stolen when I’ve had to, not for myself but for slaying.” She put her hand down. “Not to mention,” She whispered quietly. “I may have killed a few people who were after my sister back then, not intentionally of course but I’m pretty sure I killed at least one of them and I’m almost positive they were very human.” At Clark’s surprised frown she explained, “There were these, god I don’t even know a better way of describing it other than medieval knights charged with destroying the Key, and when we all tried to run, they attacked us.”
 “But wouldn’t that be considered self-defense?” He asked with a frown and then added, “And maybe you were allowed to go to heaven because of what you are?”
 Buffy snorted, “And how unfair is that. I get to go to heaven with the same kinda vague belief system as other people who live their lives with less red on their ledger than I have, but they don’t.” She shook her head. “It’s also kinda bullshit how no sin is greater than any other, or in Catholicism’s case it only applies to anyone in the church. I mean come on, I’ve heard of the Catholic church in particular, refusing to hold a funeral or allow burial over suicide, and yet they protect their pedophile priests like they are somehow above it all.” She sighed, a blush forming on her cheeks at her diatribe. “Sorry, I have many feelings about this particular subject.” She looked down, “I think that most religions have it wrong. It’s about our intents and choices, if we spend our lives at least trying to do good, no matter if we fall along the way or not, we have a place in heaven. If we however let the darkness that is always around us, whether we know it’s there or not, consume us, then we let ourselves be corrupted. If we begin to enjoy the pain and suffering, we as humans are quite capable of causing all on our own, I think that’s when we become hell bound.” She took a drink of her juice, meeting his eyes again, before adding. “I’m sorry if you’re religious and I offended you. I sometimes forget that not everyone thinks the same way I do.”
 He smiled softly. She was really cute when she was passionate about something. He couldn’t really help playing devil’s advocate to watch that spark in her eyes as she got indignant over the topic of religion, but it had gone on long enough. He was trying to enjoy this moment, not offend her.
 “I’m not,” He clarified. “I honestly don’t know what I believe. My dad and mom had me baptized as Presbyterian, but I think my dad might have stopped believing after they found me. My mom probably did too, but she would never admit it.”
 Buffy frowned, “Then why–”
 “Because I’m an alien Buffy,” He shook his head. “Neither of them knew where I was from or what I was. I looked human, but they both knew I wasn’t.” He shrugged, “I think they did it to teach me right from wrong the only way they really understood how. The same way their parents taught them.” He shook his head, “It wasn’t only that though, my dad used stories, his own life stories to drill into me how important it was that I always made the better choice, because for someone like me, losing my temper isn’t really an option if it’s going to hurt someone.” He sighed, “As for religion, I used to wonder why God would make me this way until my dad told me the truth. It’s very hard for me to worship a god that had no hand in my creation. In fact, I stopped going to church because I just felt like an imposter.”
 Her eyes softened at his words and she reached her hand across the table and entwined their fingers. “You aren’t an imposter, Clark. I may not be religious, but I absolutely believe in destiny and the prophecy proves you were meant to be here. That somewhere in the ether the Powers or whoever, saw your soul and found it important enough to send a vision to some unsuspecting seer here on Earth.” She smiled, “No matter what happens, don’t ever feel you don’t belong here.”
 “Yeah, for what purpose still remains to be seen.” He said, frowning slightly.
 Buffy frowned, “I thought your dad said–”
 Clark shook his head, “I’m not talking about why my parents sent me here, I’m talking about the prophecy.”
 Understanding suddenly came into her eyes and she sighed, “I’ll try to work on Wes for you, okay? I know it’s frustrating but I don’t think he’s keeping it from us because he’s trying to be malicious or hoard information.” She nodded, “I do believe he’s genuinely trying to protect us, but I’m also not stupid enough to believe that’s the only reason.”
 He looked at her surprised by her admission as he watched her take a bite of her pancakes. “What…what do you mean?”
 Buffy swallowed and licked the syrup off her lips, using her napkin to dab up the excess. “Honestly, I think they’re trying to protect me from myself. Willow said it herself that day in the ship. There’re some things in it that would seriously wig me. Lorne said we’re soulmates, and I believe him, but it’s more than soulmates and I think you feel it too.” She raised her eyebrow at him. “If the prophecy say’s that we are destined in some way and they told me, there’s a very good chance we would not be sitting here right now because I would constantly be second guessing my feelings. At least that’s what they probably think.”
 Clark studied her. She really was impressive, he found himself admiring her the more they got to know each other. “You already knew though, didn’t you?”
 “I guessed it might be that in the ship, when Willow said what she said. Earlier that day when you were in my trailer and you left your poem.” Buffy smirked, “Clever by the way.” She said, looking at him appraisingly, before adding, “When you passed me, I felt something I’ve never felt before, it was like I was on fire. It was so powerful that even Hardy noticed my reaction and I was definitely not trying to draw attention to you.”
 “Oh yes,” Clark acknowledged. “I remember over hearing that conversation.” He smirked at her, “What was it that you called me? Oh yeah, a well-built redneck with puppy eyes.” Watching her cheeks bloom with color was completely worth bringing it up.
  “In my defense,” she said, embarrassment shining in her eyes. “I was trying to get him off your back.” Then she frowned in realization, “Seriously, you can hear that far?”
 “I can hear anything on earth if I focus,” He admitted, her eyes widening in surprise. “When I was a kid and it first happened, it was like hearing everything at once. I thought I was going crazy.”
 Her eyes softened. “That must have been horrible.”
 “It was, and scary. I remember how scared I was.” He met her eyes as he thought about her admitting she already suspected that the prophecy said they were destined. “Can I ask you something?” At her nod, he continued, “Last night you said you usually fight things like this and even your friends thought you would freak-out. Why aren’t you fighting it?”
 Her eyes dulled somewhat at the question and she pushed the few remaining bites she had around with her fork. “Honestly,” She paused, looking down at her food. “Honestly, I’m lonely.” She admitted. “I haven’t had this type of connection in years and it feels good.” She met his eyes then a blush staining her cheeks, “I thought about it and decided if the Powers are gonna give me something as beautiful as you after all the crap I’ve been through, then I was okay with that. Even this, just us talking and getting to know each other is more than I’ve had as far as romance goes in…I don’t even know how long. I had no idea how much I needed this kind of thing until I met you.”
 Heat filled his cheeks at her words and their eyes remained locked on each other’s for what felt like a long time. Clark reached his hand across the table and placed it on hers.
"If it makes you feel any better, I've never felt like anything like this before." He sighed, "I had no idea something as simple as eating breakfast with a beautiful woman, who I don't have to hide from, could feel so good."
 Buffy smiled softly, "We are a pair, aren't we?"
 He chuckled, and nodded. "That we are."
 Buffy’s cell phone rang the next second, her eyes glancing at the caller ID and widening in horror. "Shit," she hissed.
 "What... what is it?" Clark asked in alarm.
 "It's Dawn." She responded, staring at the phone.
 He raised an eyebrow, "And that's a bad thing?"
 "If Faith called her and mentioned you, yeah it could be bad." She answered, not taking her eyes off the phone.
 "You don't think Faith would tell her what I am do you." Clark said, worry lacing his voice.
 Buffy shook her head, "No, she's not that stupid. But I could see her hinting that you are something other as revenge for this morning." She sighed, "Which would just put my sister in a panic."
 The phone luckily stopped ringing and Clark watched Buffy sigh in relief, only to have it melt away when her text message chime went off.
 He watched her look at the message as the color drained from her face. "Shit!" She said again.
 "What does it say?" He asked nervously.
 "She said that if I don't pick up the phone, she's gonna show up here, and that I have five minutes." Buffy looked at him nervously and sighed. "Sometimes I really wish we didn't show her how to use her keyness, because unfortunately she's not bluffing."
 She looked at him apologetically, "You're about to get the full of Dawn in rant mode, so prepare yourself."
 Buffy dialed the number and squeezed her eyes shut as the other line connected and it was answered after the first ring.
“Hello, my beautiful and wonderful sister who doesn’t even bother to let me know she’s back in the amazing U.S. of A.” The sarcasm in the voice alone told Clark that Buffy was about to be chewed out.
 “Dawn,” Buffy started, but was cut off immediately.
 “So, my dearest sister, Buffy…you mind telling me why my husband is about to send one of his crew members out to fix the door and rent a fan to dry the bed in Faith’s and Gunn’s room?” An extremely sarcastic female voice said over the phone. “Or better yet, who’s this new recruit you’re getting so chummy with…hmm? Also, why the hell didn’t you tell me you were back in the states and not call!”
 Buffy shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and Clark bit back his amusement, he had no siblings so this was somewhat fascinating for him. Buffy met his eyes and glared at the amusement dancing there. “Just you wait.” She mouthed, which made his nervousness skyrocket.
 “Sorry Dawn,” She sighed. “I should have called, but I had just gotten out of quarantine and Wes was real big on me getting in touch with the new recruit.”  
“Uh-uh, you don’t get to deflect like that, because Faith already told me. He felt more powerful than she has felt in long time, but she won’t tell me what he is.” There was a moment of pause before an exasperated tone came over the line. “So, what is he Buffy?”
 “It’s not what you–” she started, but Dawn cut her off.
 “If you tell me it’s not what I think I will show up there in the middle of Breakers Breakfast, I don’t care how busy it is, now spill!” Buffy’s little sister demanded.
 Buffy looked at him and swallowed, “Seriously, this is not the time nor place to start talking about this.”
 “He’s there, isn’t he?” Came her sister’s reply.
 Buffy’s eyes widened, before quickly blurting, “Have you talked to Wes?”
 Dawn paused, “Should I?”
 ‘Well, this was mostly his idea.” Buffy answered.
 “So, Wes is okay with you boinking another demon?” Her sister’s indignant tone came over the line.
 “First off,” Buffy growled, making Clark look around to see if anybody was listening. “I haven’t boinked anybody,” she said lowly. “Secondly, he’s not a demon, and third, when the hell did you turn into mom!”
 “Maybe when I became a mother.” Dawn said exasperated. “Now give him the phone so I can give him the usual sisterly threats so he can know exactly what kinda hell he’ll reap if he hurts you.”
 “Dawn,” Buffy warned.
 “Do you actually think I won’t show up there.” Her sister countered.
 Buffy’s eyes looked at him apologetically, and he saved her the humiliation of having to ask by holding out his hand. She sighed gratefully and handed him the phone.
 “Hello,” Clark greeted.
 “Now you listen here bub,” was the first thing she said. “I don’t really care what you are but if you do anything to hurt my sister, I will open a vein and send you to Quor’toth, do you understand?”
 Clark cleared his throat. “I have no intention–”
“Of course you don’t,” She interrupted. “They never do. Now put me back on with my sister.” He blinked in surprised and shrugged, handing her back the phone.
 “I think your threat was kinda lost on him, Dawn.” Buffy said in amusement, looking at a confused Clark. “I really don’t think he knows what Quor’toth is.”
 “Well maybe you should tell him,” Came the snarky reply over the line. “Anyway, you better give me a phone call when you can talk in private, after the kids, me and Xand’s sex life isn’t exactly popping. So, I wanna know everything.”
 A blush spread over Buffy’s cheeks, “There’s really nothing to tell Dawn.”
 “Liar,” Dawn countered.
 Buffy rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll call you in a few hours.”
 They had stopped by the school to grab the rest of Clark’s things before he went home. Buffy giving him an extra backpack she had lying around to store them in. Thankfully, both Gunn and Faith were out, so they didn’t have to deal with any unwanted confrontations.
 “What time does your flight get in tomorrow?” Clark asked, adjusting the strap on the backpack.
 “1000…I mean Ten in the morning.” She answered.
 “Do you want me to pick you up?” He asked.
 She smiled shyly, “Only if you want to, but there will be quite a lot to do before we can make it to Smallville.”
 “Such as?” He asked, stepping closer and brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Not really knowing how to stop himself from touching her since he knew he wouldn’t see her again until tomorrow.
 “Well,” she said, stepping closer. “I’ve gotta open the safehouse and get you a keycard to get in.” She reached her hand up her fingers running along the seam of his outer shirt. “There will probably be some sort of contract as far as payment for helping us goes, that I’ll need to print out.”
 “Payment?” He asked, confused.
 Buffy nodded, “Of course, If you help us stop an apocalypse or go on a mission with a bunch of Slayers, you get paid. The amount however, depends on how serious a situation it is.” She looked at him softly, “You didn’t actually think we would ask you to do any of this without some sort of compensation, did you?”
 He looked away and shrugged. “I honestly didn’t think about it.”
 She smiled, “You really are the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.”
 When he met her eyes, she had moved even closer, but this time he wasn’t scared. His arms immediately wrapped around her and he lowered his head and brushed her lips softly, not taking it any farther than that. He leaned his head against hers and whispered. “I wish I didn’t have to go yet.”
 “Me too.” She admitted, “But it’s okay, we’ll see each other tomorrow.” Then her eyes brightened and she pulled away. “I almost forgot, I got you this.” She reached in her back pocket and pulled out a cellphone. “Here.”
 “That way, you can call me if you get bored.” She blushed.
 He grinned taking the phone from her hand. “Thank you. I definitely will,” and then he sighed as he put the phone in the backpack. “I definitely need to go, my mom’s probably already worried since I didn’t come home last night.”
 “Of course.” Buffy said, smiling sadly, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
 Clark leaned forward and they kissed one last time, before he stepped back and shot into the air, looking below at the girl who was slowly changing his world.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio | @/rennellnotreynolds | 300k followers | currently havin a midlife crisis at thee moment so cheers! 🍻🏋🏼‍♂️🤨
23 (24) years old
Born & raised in Chatham, England there’s no other place like it to him. Sure when he went on holiday to the villa, it was quite nice but nothing ever beats home. He genuinely believes that he’s meant to be in this place since it’s all he’s ever known & doesn’t think he’ll live anywhere else
Raised by his nan & is an only child. Was at risk of being placed in foster care until his paternal nan came forth to raise him
His father and nan did not have the best relationship due to the way he chose to live his life and Gary was kept away from his nan until he was about 10 years of age
Does not like to talk about his birth parents due to the trauma, which is why he feels like his nan is his everything. His savior and why she means so much to him
His nan once told him that he favors his mother, Gail. He never had the chance to really know her, but was aware that she was very unhappy with herself &, “chose to be with the stars” just before his 5th birthday
That’s one of the reasons why he finds himself always looking up at the stars, usually when he’s drunk out at the docks by himself, he’ll try to talk to his mom, to know her better
I feel like he’s either a cancer or a Libra?
Update: Cancer sun + libra moon + Taurus rising
Went to uni for a semester and thought about architecture as a profession but ultimately felt like uni was NOT for him and eventually juggled around with jobs until he landed into the crane operator field which he found himself to be great at
For as long as he and his nan can remember, he always loved playing with cars, ships, building Legos, (I’m American idk if this is a thing there too or it’s something different/similar so my apologies lol) and putting things together. He never cared for reading instructions, Gary’s a hands on type of guy/learner and it’s how he best communicates
He likes heights, so this job wasn’t an issue it was just getting through the program for 2-3 years that was a pain in his ass but he was determined + knew this was what he was good at and stuck with it.
It was tiring working 40 sometimes over 40 hrs a week but he’s passionate about his work so he’d never dare change it
Due to this job being a lot physically, he would use muscle cream to help his pain or pay to see a masseuse whenever he could or wasn’t being cheap about it + often buys epsom salt to bathe in 3 or so times a week 
Total penny pincher! I can see him being so, his dad told him all about how to hold onto what he’s got and always look for a bargain but with a gambler for a father, you can only imagine how that worked in his favor
Lives with his nan and doesn’t see an issue with it. His mates definitely tease him about it but know how much the woman means to him but still think it’s a major c*ck block for him but it’s a two for one package deal and anyone who doesn’t understand that doesn’t deserve him
Will probably still live in her house once IF she p*sses
Nan is a big fan of wallpaper and has one room in the flat that has squeaky plastic covering most of her furniture ( she loves furniture shopping) & only takes it off once her lady friends come over with consists of a huge cleaning routine which Gary secretly hates but pushes through it while she plays some old tunes on her jukebox
He finds himself singing those exact songs when he’s getting ready for work and actually enjoys them...but don’t ever tell his mates that!
His nan taught him basic household care & he finds himself scolding his mates for not knowing how to wash their underwear & always taking it to their mum’s or having their girlfriends do it for them
Loves washing clothes on a Sunday in the backyard + hanging them on the clothes line. His nan doesn’t believe in washer machines & makes her own detergent
He’s always down for a rooftop hangout, whether drunk or not. To be up almost as high as the stars is such a feeling or hang out with his mates laughing it up
Occasionally smokes cigarettes when he’s really stressed, he’s not proud of the nasty habit and tries his hardest to hide it from his nan & Lottie but they both know
Is in a on and off again relationship with Lottie. She’s met his nan, they both like each other. And that makes Gary extremely happy
Gary is the laid back one out of the two and Lottie is firey and needs constant reminding from Gary that he wants to be with her whereas Gary feels like that’s something she should already know and he’s told her a couple of times before, he’s sure of it. He doesn’t get why she doesn’t get that
Which results in arguments. Lottie chose to live in England for half of the year and goes back to Australia for the other half. Nan encouraged Lottie to live with the two of them until she decided to get her own place in England, or rather the two of them together. Nan doesn’t believe Gary will leave in fear of her being lonely, which she’s not! By all means, nan keeps busy! But Lottie desperately wants to have her own space with Gary away from nan, even tho she adores the spunky lady.
When they don’t see eye to eye she does what she does best and leaves, which is exhausting to Gary
They’ll go days without speaking until the other cracks. At first it would be Gary but since it’s been a year into their relationship, he’s gotten used to it and let’s her come back to him when she’s ready
He cares for Lottie, he really does. And wants this to work but he just wishes they could be more secure in their relationship.
Was a f*ckboy way back when from 18-20 and rarely there’s his old flings who show up just to cause drama knowing that Gary’s got a new girl in his life that LIVES with him, which Gary dreads that this small town knows his business. He hates confrontation but there’s one thing about Lottie, she’s never going to bite her tongue. So whenever those girls do try it with not only her but Gary she goes off.
Gary is protective too so when those messy girls start shit at the pub, he’s instantly trying to get Lottie away from the issue. Then there’s drinks flying and slap fights happening + hair pulling & they’re getting kicked out of the club/pub or even cops called on them.
“This blows. I thought you said you were trying to be better than this, Lottie.” “Me? What about those slags?! They attack not only me but your character too!” Which adds to a list of the reasons they fight.
Nonetheless they do have their fun moments together, getting drunk by the docks, getting random tattoos, hanging with his friends & their significant others, + going to the theatre
Lottie still thinks this town is very slow-pace, sleepy, cloudy and hardly has sun— which is okay to her some days but other day’s it can be dreadful and much different from her fast-pace life but she finds the little things like spending time with Gary to encourage her to stay
Gary likes playing games when he has his free time, like fortnite, red dead redemption, Final fantasy, & SUPER SMASH BROS & almost always plays with Ibrahim who informs him about new games which makes Lottie want to slam her head against the wall since that can take hours
Keeps in touch with all of the boys in villa and makes sure they have zoom meetings as much as they can because he cares about those boys. Noah tries to schedule them but usually it’s happens at random which annoys him but he gets over it. Gary spent month(s) with them. They’re basically his extended family & that’s saying a lot since he views his home to a high standard and has friends here but they’re nothing like his villa brother’s
Also into woodwork. He didn’t think he’d enjoy it but he likes to do it more when the weather gets crisp and he battles with that over cigarettes to ease his worries in life, then goes and have his daily dose of tea
Finally stopped dying his hair that awful yellow and stuck with it. Marisol was the first to see it, after an accidental FaceTime call which was supposed to be just a regular phone call but whatever? They’d all eventually see it if he EVER decided to post to his IG stories!
She compliments him in Spanish yanking her glasses off leaving him highly confused, “is that good?” “If Lottie doesn’t sit on your— which leaves Gary very wide eyed opposed to his raised brows but Marisol is cut off by Graham clearing his throat
Lottie does indeed like it & shows him how much and later asks his option on what color she should dye her hair next. 3 out of the 13 look the exact same to Gary. But he helps her dye her hair which comes out patchy but there’s no way in hell she’s letting anyone else touch her hair. She’s been doing this all on her own for some time now. Gary’s lucky she even allowed him to help her! So she dyes it back to blonde, all of it, and waits a few weeks to dye it all blue
Gary’s definitely into old boy bands especially LFO & serenades, “girl on tv” to Lottie all the time, likes 98 degrees, Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Boys II men, & Dru Hill
As for modern day music, he LOVES to work out to tame impala which never makes sense to his mates but he usually works out the next day after getting shit-faced, he’s also in love with lizzo’s music, laundry day, brockhampton, & rina sawayama
Anthem = mac demarco, “Salad Days”
Celeb crush? Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek, Anne-Marie, Leona Lewis, & Noah Cyrus
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secretly-a-catamount · 3 months
Malcabel WIP I guess
(They’re all horribly out of character in this, but I want them to be happy, god dam it! And I almost certainly misspelled Tavy’s name, but that’s just dyslexia for you. @lescahiersdesable)
  It was all Catarina Loss’s fault really.
  “Honestly, Malcolm,” the sky blue warlock had told Annabel’s husband when he’d called her positively panicking about being in charge of her (many times removed) nieces and nephews for a day, “why don’t you and Annabel just take the kids to the beach?”
  Trusting his friend’s judgment more than his own had been a rather terrible idea, Annabel thought amusingly as she watched the blond warlock race down the shoreline, waving his arms like a mad man, shouting that under no circumstances were the children to poke at that beached jellyfish with a stick, yes, Tiberius, even if it was already dead.
  After some whining (the children) and some poorly concealed begging (Malcom), the Blackthorn kids dispersed into the water and across the sand.
  Malcolm trudged back up the beach, and stood at the edge of the shade thrown by the umbrella stabbed into the ground.
  Annabel looked up from her drawing pad, her black brows furrowing in irritation at the shadow her husband had abruptly cast over her sketchbook. “You’re blocking my light.”
  His pale skin flushed a delicious raspberry red as he stammered out an “Oh, right, sorry” and moved to sit beside her on the blanket, smiling sheepishly. After a moment of comfortable silence, Malcolm absentmindedly ran his hand down her arm, stopping only to trace the black lines, curves, and whorls of her Runes. His touch was soft and light as a feather. “What are you drawing?”
  “You obviously.”
  “Obviously.” A pastel sketch of Malcolm in his striped bathing suit, looking tall and thin and almost frail, with softness to his frame and features that matched his disposition. A feint, salmon-pink sunburn on was his face and shoulders, and his lips were cracked (Annabel would solve that one way or another, either by the gifting him the tube of chapstick she’d squirreled away in her purse or by kissing him until he couldn’t breathe).
  “The kids.” Ty and Livvy and some golden-haired Mundane boy that Annabel didn’t know chasing a seagull. Mark and Helen teaching Tavy how to build a sandcastle. Dru, Julian, and a different golden-haired child that Annabel didn’t know, this one a Shadowhunter girl with a spill of bright curls and a practice training sword, diving into the ocean and swimming around in the shallows.
  “Church.” The fat, blue feline crouched down in the dunes, fluffy tail held erect, eyes focused on a mouse in front of him, mere seconds away from a pounce that Annabel knew would end in failure.
  “The L.A. Institute.” An imposing building that Annabel didn’t think could ever have the ability to look homely.
  “Home.” A snapshot of their living room, a Polaroid pinned with a paper-clip for reference, Malcolm’s latest draft of the Codex — her illustrations not yet accompanying his neat, meticulous writing — spilling off the end table onto the soft, red couch, one of Annabel’s favorite mugs (which would always be filled with tea, Annabel and Malcolm both hating the taste of coffee) filled with paint-streaked paint brushes and colored pencils.
  “And my first love, the sea.” Cerulean and cobalt-blue waves crashing to the shore.
  “Should I be jealous?” Malcolm had moved from her arm to her hand, gently interlacing their fingers together.
  “Oh, immensely. Definitely.”
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lightwoodlys · 4 years
i was bored a couple days ago, so i wrote a possible reunion between kit and ty in the wicked powers. it’s kinda angsty, but what else could it be!! 
Kit Herondale was walking around the shadow market of Los Angeles when it started to rain. He had gone out for a walk and somehow ended up at the shadow market. Kit didn’t mind being there, but he didn’t want to be there when it started pouring. He texted Tessa asking if she could pick him up; usually he would’ve taken an Uber, but he wasn’t really in the mood to be in a car with a stranger. His phone buzzed with a reply from Tessa, Of course. I’ll be there in about 10. Kit sighed and went to go lean against the fence that surrounded the market.
The rain had begun to come down heavier and Kit pulled the hood of his sweatshirt on. He watched as downworlders from the market began to spill out, trying to escape the rain. Kit didn’t mind the rain when he was with Tessa and Jem, but he minded it when he was outside. With Tessa and Jem, rain usually meant that they would stay home and watch movies with him and Mina. He had come to love them the way a child loves their parents and he had always loved Mina, how could you not love someone you’ve seen grown up before your eyes.
“Excuse me, do you have a phone I could borrow?” said a voice to his right, pulling Kit out of his reverie. He turned to say something, but when he saw the girl he was struck speechless. It was Dru Blackthorn. She looked older from when he remembered her, but not so much so that he didn’t recognize her. He couldn’t say the same about her though. She looked in confusion at him, until her face was filled with recognition. “Kit?” was all she said though.
He nodded and extended his hand to her with his phone in it, “Here,” he said, but she shook her head. “But you said you needed to borrow it. I don’t mind-” he broke off seeing the look on her face. Most of the color had left her face as if she’d seen a ghost.
“No. No, it’s okay we- I’ll just walk. I don’t-” she was cut off by someone saying her name behind her. Kit froze. It had been three years since he heard that voice, but it wasn’t one he could easily forget. Dru turned around to see her companion, moving out of the way just enough that Kit could see who had called her name.
He was looking at Ty Blackthorn.
Ty, on the other hand, was observing what he was holding with one earbud in his ear and the other swinging in front of his chest. “Dru, I think I found what I needed. Did you find someone who would let you borrow their phone?” Ty said, lifting his head as he finished his sentence. His eyes went to Dru, who had regained some of the color in her face, then he looked behind her. His eyes locked with Kit’s and Dru had begun to walk away a bit, emptying the space between him and Ty. Kit thought of a thousand things he wanted to say, but none came out of his mouth when he opened it. Ty, on the contrary, seemed to have no such problem. “What are you doing here?”
Kit was struck speechless for the third time this night. He had never heard Ty sound as angry as he did now. Anything Kit had thought to say before, left his mind. He flushed furiously, “What? I’m just waiting here for a ride, when your sister came up to me and asked to use my phone. I can be here if I want to, it’s none of your business where I am!” he shouted, then immediately regretted it. Ty seemed to shrink down, looking for something to say.
“I didn’t mean what are you doing here, I meant why are you here?” he said, as loudly as Kit had ever heard him. “You made it very clear three years ago, that you did not like it here by just disappearing overnight without any goodbye! You also made it extremely clear that I was the reason why you left.” Kit sheepishly looked at the ground. That was what happened, but there was more than what he was recalling.
“Are you saying I shouldn’t have left and just spent everyday basking in the embarrassment I felt here? I felt around you?” Kit asked him, louder than he wanted it to be, but he couldn’t help it. He felt as though he was reliving all the embarrassment that had made him leave in the first place. He looked back at Ty and saw that his face was equally red in anger.
“What do you mean? What embarrassment?” Ty asked. There was confusion in his voice, as if he didn’t know what Kit was talking about. Kit felt his phone vibrate in his hand, but ignored it and shoved it into his pocket.
“That night in Idris!” he almost screamed, but left out the part about necromancy. He didn’t necessarily want people to know that they did something that illegal. “I told you how I felt and you just brushed it off. Then you said you had no one! Like I was no one!” Kit took a breath and looked at Ty, but Ty was looking at the ground. He couldn’t read his face and he wasn’t sure that he wanted to.
Ty lifted his head and looked at Kit. “What do you mean how you felt?” he asked in honest confusion, “All you said was that you wished that you never met me!” he exclaimed. He heard an intake of breath and turned around to see Dru behind him. Kit had forgotten that she was there. He fixed his gaze back to Ty. His phone buzzed again, but this time Kit quickly glanced down at it. There were two messages from Tessa, Sorry had to stop for gas. and the more recent one, Be there in 5! He had almost forgotten that he asked Tessa for a ride. He barely took notice of the rain anymore; Ty was the only thing he was focused on.
“I said that because I was embarrassed!” Kit screamed, he couldn’t keep control of his voice anymore. He had no one idea what he would say next, “How would you feel if you poured your heart out to someone and all they did was pointedly ignore you? I bet you wouldn’t feel the greatest!” he finished. Ty still wore the same angry confused look on his face, but Kit could only guess how he himself looked. He felt his face was red with anger from screaming, but he also might’ve looked as sad as he felt. He broke his gaze with Ty briefly, to look over the other boy’s shoulder. He could see Tessa’s car at a stoplight and thought, this couldn’t get any worse. He moved his gaze back to Ty.
“What did you even say to me?” Ty finally asked, “What could you have possibly said that was so bad?” Tessa’s car was coming closer every second. Kit’s mind was whirling, how could Ty not remember what happened? Kit took a deep breath and thought, it’s now or never, and the words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
“Dammit Ty, I told you that I love you!” he said too loudly. Some of the anger had left Ty’s face and in its place was shock; it had been clear that that wasn’t what he thought Kit was going to say. Tessa’s car had just pulled up to the curb. “I told you I love you and you said I was nobody," Kit said more calmly. Not wanting to hear what Ty would say next, Kit ran to the car and yanked the door open. He hastily got in, only half aware that he was dripping all over the seat.
He pulled his hood off and ran his hands anxiously through his hair. “Was that-” Tessa asked with concern, Kit nodded before she could finish, “Are you okay?” she asked him. There was no reason to lie; Tessa always knew what he was feeling.
“No,” he replied with a shaky voice. “Can we just go home?” Tessa nodded wordlessly as she accelerated. Kit buried his face in his hands, hating how everything had just happened. And after everything, he thought, I just left him again.
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goldenjellyfish12 · 4 years
Helen Blackthorn versus the sexist pancake mix.
Author's note: this is the first fanfiction I've ever posted (actually the first fanfiction I've ever finished) and I wrote it on notes in my phone so sorry if there are any typos or punctuation errors.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters all characters belong to @cassandraclare
When Helen Blackthorn was little she used to love helping her mom in the kitchen. Helping her mom make breakfast and dinner for her little brothers and sisters is one of her favorite things to do,she knows exactly how to prepare their food and their little quirks so that they'll eat or her and her mom have worked so hard to make. Except on Saturdays when she gets to sleep in just a little bit and when she wakes up and head to the kitchen of The Institute there are a stack of warm delicious pancakes waiting for her. Pancake Saturdays are her siblings favorite day and to be fair it was Helen's favorite too at least it was until her mom got sick. When Eleanor Blackthorn (Helen's adoptive mother technically stepmom but Eleanor has always treated Helen and Mark like they were her own flesh and blood. She sang them to sleep every night growing up, put Band-Aids on their boo boos kiss them and told them everything was going to be alright when they fell down or when they woke up with nightmares in the middle of the night.)
First got sick only a few people knew Andrew Helen's father, Mark and the Silent Brothers. So the first Saturday after her mom and dad sat her and Mark down to tell him that their mom had cancer Helen woke up super early tiptoeing carefully into her parents bedroom to turn off their alarm to let them sleep in knowing that they needed the rest because baby Tavvy had to be fed every 3 hours and had he's last bottle was at 5 a.m. so they would have to be up until 8:00. After successfully  turning off their alarm and not waking them or Tavvy in his bassinet next to their bed she made her way into the kitchen and got the Bisquick box from the cabinet and started following the instructions on the back of the Bisquick box very carefully. When the first batch of pancakes we're done and they were all burnt she wasn't that worried she heard about the first Pancake phenomenon she knew that the first batch of Pancakes were supposed to be burnt but after the next three batches turned out to be burnt and black on the outside and raw and gooey in the inside she was about to have a meltdown. She knew how to cook, her mom taught her how to cook! She was good no great at cooking! She just wanted to do something nice for her Mom. Eleanor had given her everything and had always been there for her. And Helen just want to do this one thing and she couldn't even do that! That's when Mark walked in yawning and barefoot his light blonde hair askew and shining in the Morning light still in his blue and turquoise plaid pajama pants and a gray tank top. He made a face of disgust."Smells like you're trying to burn down the Institute" he said in a sleepy voice looking over at sister. Helen was on the brink of Tears. She saw Mark's eyes widen taking in the scene, Helen standing over the stove spatula in hand, red face trying to hold back tears, a stack of burnt but gooey Pancakes on a plate to her right, Helen's messy bun falling in ringlets around her face, Helen's oversized t-shirt that works as a nightgown splattered with raw batter. Helen tried to look up at her brother but she couldn't, she couldn't take the look in his eyes the look of pity. Then his arms were around her in a big bear hug. Yep, Helen was definitely crying she could feel the hot ,salty liquid running down her face. She hated crying in front of anyone especially in front of her younger siblings. She wanted her brothers and sisters to see her as strong and capable not  fragile and the type of girl that would  cry over freaking pancakes! That's when she registered Mark's voice in her ear saying"What's wrong, Hels? Did you get burnt? Are you okay? Hey it's okay. Helen it's going to be okay whatever it is it's going to be okay" Helen felt herself smile just a little bit. How kind, caring, and patient her brother is with her if only he could be a little bit more patient with Julian she thinks to herself as she unwraps herself from her brother. "I'm fine" she says in a voice that she wishes wasn't so shaky "Obviously you're not fine. You're crying" said Mark. So  Helen tells Mark how she wanted to do something special for their parents especially their mom and how it all went horrible because the stupid pancakes all turned out to be burnt and raw. "Seriously how can something be burned and raw at the same time? It makes no sense!"she said at the end of her small rant of how her morning had begun. He gave her a small chuckle and smiled at that last part "Okay" he said "We can still fix this!"
"How?" Said Helen
"Well first we have to throw those awful pancakes away their stinking up the whole entire room. Second we need to open a window and get a candle. 3rd there looks like there is just enough pancake mix for one more batch which will not be enough for our family so while I'm cooking the pancakes you can make some more pancake mix." Helen didn't think it was that bad but she could have just become numb to smell and then her and Mark got to work. Mark going to look for a candle and throwing the pancake away and Helen opening a window and starting on new pancake batter. Mark walked in with a candle and a lighter he's at the candle on The middle of the island Helen watch Mark carefully as he lit the candle making sure that he didn't burn himself with it. It didn't matter that Mark was almost 14 and that they were Shadowhunters and did dangerous things all the time he was her little brother and it was her job make sure that he was safe and didn't do stupid things like burn himself with lighters. Mark successfully lit the candle and went over to the stove to start cooking the leftover pancakes mix and Helen started on making new pancake mix for Mark to cook. While mixing the pancake mix. Helen kept glancing over to Mark making sure that he didn't burn himself on the stove or pan. When she was done making up the pancake mix she picked up the bowl and bought it over by the stove next to Mark. "Perfect timing" he said "I just got done with the first batch of not burnt Pancakes"  Helen hand him the bowl of pancake mix and then looked over to the cook pancakes and noticed that they we're not burnt on the outside and gooey and Raw on the inside like hers but a perfect toasty golden color and no goo in sight. She was more than slightly annoyed by this and mumbled under her breath "sexist pancake mix." While Mark finishes cooking the pancakes Helen decides to clean up and set the table occasionally glancing over to make sure that Mark hasn't burnt himself. What can you say a big sisters job is never done. When Mark is done cooking the pancakes Helen takes  the stack of pancakes off the counter next to the stove and places them on the middle of the island where the candle was but has since been blown out and moved. Just as Helen put the pancakes on the island the door of the kitchen opens and Andrew and Eleanor Blackthorn walk in a fussy baby Tavvy on Eleanor's hip. Helen look at the clock on the stove it reads 8:06. Helen and Mark share look as if to say right on time. as Andrew and Eleanor walk-in Andrew is cut off saying something like "I can't believe we slept through our alarm the kids are going to be up any minute and we haven't even started on breakfas-" the room goes silent except for Tavvy lite fussing. Andrew and Eleanor take in the room the table set, kitchen clean,stack of pancakes on the island, milk, apple and orange juice sitting on the island next to the pancakes with a couple of glasses, cups with lids and reusable straws for the young ones ,and a sippy cup for Dru layout ready for them to choose what they want to drink. "Surprise" Mark says "What? How? Said Eleanor and disbelief. "It was all Helens idea she did everything" said Mark
"Everything except make the pancakes." Helen scoffs "all of my pancakes turned out burnt on the outside and raw on the inside"
"I hate making pancakes mine end up the same way" said Eleanor as she started fixing tavvy formula.
"What but you make pancakes every Saturday morning?" Helen said with a hint of confusion in her voice
"No, I make pancakes on Saturday mornings" Andrew said proudly
"Sexist pancakes" Eleanor and Helen Grumble at the same time.
Helen smiles and thinks to herself of what an awesome badass feminist Shadowhunter her mom is and how lucky she is to have her.
The end
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irenefreads · 4 years
Definitely notorious
First of all I want to think the Kensington publisher for sending me a copy of the book in exchange of an honest review! I will first divide this review in two segments that are going to have sections within each. the first being a design review/critique, and the second being a review of the story itself, mentioning what I like, disliked the why's and why not. - The cover: in terms of the design of the cover, is that in the front I like the main image, which is the silhouette of the protagonist, the meaning behind the flowers is a nice touch. The typefaces used with the authors name, series name, the tittle of the book, and the little review in the corner, go very well the timely era that the story is set. In terms of the colors used; I like that they designer decided on using the pink background, and white for the tittle. Yet, viewing the pink in person I would've chosen a lighter tone of pink, it just seems a little intense. There is also seen the color green in some parts of the text in the cover and back cover of the book. I think it looks horrible, really dislike it. I feel like, those text could have just been left white or/and black. The flowers in the cover look badly photoshopped, or at least that's what seems to me; specially with the flower that's centered, it looks badly cut. I would give the cover 2/5 just because I like the concept, but am not amazed with the finish product. - The story: The book tells us about this young lady called Drusilla that is utterly in love with a very handsome and popular guy, who was a prince in a middle eastern country, that is currently at war. However, Drusilla is a very early feminist female, that believes in womens right in not marrying. In terms of personality, she has a hard shelf, she takes time in letting people know her soft self, and shows herself as a very serious, non-sentimental, very logical, and educated women. When in the inside she is very caring, logistical, homorious, and curious girl. In terms of facial appearance, she is described as a not so attractive women, with an amazing body that tends to cover up a lot. While Gabriel Marlington, on the other hand is extremely attractive, with his charming green eyes, and carisma. Gabriel Marlington is a gentlemen. I tend to dislike how he can be so amazing, and then sometimes patriotic. As the book went on we start to get to know him better, and figure out some of his secrets. Gabriel is brother of Drusilla's best friend Eva. Who is considered crazy for being different, outgoing, and not a very found follower of lady's etticate. I just have to say that I love her, she is iconic, and just such a fun side character. Another character that I just slowly started to love, is Gabriel's best friend Bryer. He's such a comical man, very social, charismatic, and loyal. There many other characters, but I decided to have a special mention for this ones, since they were the ones that stook out the most for me. There is also a villain, who I didn't see coming, but slowly came towards the end. What I liked about this book is how addictive the story is. While reading it I just wanted to continue, chapter after chapter to know what would happen. The story at the beginning wasn't very exciting, it took me to get to the half, to really start getting into it. I feel like how the marriage started, was very forced, and just thrown out of nowhere, without even knowing anyone, which wasn't really logical for me, I usually like when the story builds up. I also didn't like at the beginning how the characters were already very familiar with each other. That just made me feel more like an outsider for some reason. I did find the story very entertaining, and in some sorts of ways funny. I would give the character development a 3.8/5, just because I had a hard time with gabriel, and even sometimes with Dru ngl. The writing: I did not like it. The way the two pov's of Drusilla and Gabriel are really messy. Usually when an author decides to write with multiple pov's, they do each by chapters. In this case, the pov's were just thrown in any place within the same chapter. I didn't like it. It was like taking me out of a scene without giving me previous notice by the start of a new chapter. There were also times were some wording I found it choppy, and cringy. I would give the writing a 1.5/5. I really hated the way it was written throughout the story. Overall, I give the book a 3/5, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't also great. It was a nice book, interesting story, with an even more interesting time line, but it had it's details that I just can NOT ignore. Details that really bothered me, throughout the reading. For romantic historical reader, would I recommend? well, five times out of ten I would, just for fun, and for hearing a fellow reader's fresh perspective.
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shleezaemour · 5 years
The Shadow hunter Major Arcana
I noticed that the shadow hunter tarot did not come with a booklet. Shame, guess I’ll write one. Here is my interpretation of the major arcana of the Shadow hunter Tarot deck. I will be doing the other cards too, but that will take time. I have this section finished so here you go, enjoy!
**The fool!**
Henry Branwell ( The scientist)
Even in the picture Henry is surrounded by his cogs and gears. Always the butt of the joke, but perfectly fine with it. Henry understands that people laugh at him but he knows what he’s doing is for the greater good no matter how many times he fails. The man behind the woman, the levity in the relationship. Brings light and humor to the starkness of Charlottes personality. While he rules in logic, he can see beyond it to create what’s only ever been dreams.
**2nd Fool card!**
Tavvy and Drusilla (The dreamer & the innocent)
Drusilla dreams of glory as she is in the middle of things. She’s too young to go on adventures, and to old to really be a child. While the older kids ignore her for the most part, they don’t understand that keeping her in the dark isn’t going to keep her innocent forever. As Julian said she is the heart of the family, none of them could function without her. While she lives in fantasy with her horror movies and playing the part of secret con man, she just wants to be noticed. Tavvy being the youngest and the baby, is the perfect sign of innocence. Still wanting to be held, still needing someone to keep the nightmares away. Not quite wanting to grow up, because that would mean the nightmares were real. In the picture you see Dru carrying Tavvy, Tavvy has wings on the back of his shirt showing his innocent angelic presence. The scene is at night, showing that Dru is there for him anytime he needs.
Upright : Beginning of a journey, innocence, acting without thinking things through. Potential.
Reverse: Uncertainty, failure to seize the moment.
**The Magcian**
Magnus Bane (The warlock)
Being an immortal gives one a sense of wisdom. Magnus being around for centuries gives him a Scholarly air about him. His kindness and willingness to still trust shows that he understands that history does indeed repeat itself and trust is met with trust. Because he has been there before and bought that T-shirt, he tends to believe everything repeats itself. While it’s good to have the wisdom of seeing patterns, he forgets that occasionally things go a different direction than expected. This makes it hard for him to share his past, due to other people’s reactions to it. Which in turn makes life harder than it had to be. Magnus understands why looking back is important, and also the importance of looking to the future. Finding his true love in a man whom history in a way repeats itself. While he never loved Will Herondale he loved his coloring, now over a hundred years later he finds Alec who has all of Wills beauty being his descendant on his sisters side. Swearing to never involved himself with shadowhunters again, only to fall in love with the boy whose parents he hated and almost had him killed in their youth. Karma works in mysterious ways. In the picture you see on the side table, the book of the white, chairman meow, and Woosley Scott’s snuff box. A clear representation of past present and future.
Upright: Creativity, exploring ones abilities, crafters hands, emerging talent
Reverse: Putting ones gift to ill use, unable to learn, No imagination
**The High Priestess **
Cristina Rosales ( The Believer )
Cristina was raised to be the woman behind a great man, only to become the queen set on a pedestal by many suitors. Even after the pain and hurt caused by all the men in her life she still opens herself to love. This girl is so much woman she needs two men to satisfy her, both seelie and unseelie with a dash of shadowhunter. Strong and deadly with her feminine wiles. Though she may forgive, she never forgets. As was shown with Perfect Diego and Jaime, both forgiven, both betrayals never forgotten. Cristina will give you a second chance, but if you break it you don’t get another one. This Princess of Roses will not be taken for a fool, things will be on her terms or nothing. In the picture you see her infamous butterfly knife pointing right at the black heart. Dressed as she was on her way to fairy with her two loves. In white going against shadowhunter tradition, as is her love life.
Upright: Great Knowledge, wise beyond years, virtuous, a scholar
Reversed: Ignorance, false vision, holding back feelings
**The empress**
Emma Carstairs (The Warrior)
A woman that shows the bloodlust isn’t just a mans realm. Anything you can do she can do better, and in heels. While her search for revenge blinds her to the world around her, she knows how to be the stable rock of a relationship whether its romantic or platonic. The only one worthy of her weapon, never taking no for an answer. Blood and scars are part of her, it’s how she shows her strength and commitment. While her recklessness can get her into trouble, she will not stop until she is the best. As the leader she knows that a good ruler is because of her subjects, and that her partner is there to make her stronger. The love she has for Julian being the only thing that could break her. In strength she even tried to push him away, for his own well being. In the picture you see Emma on a throne of her own as golden as her hair. While many blade sit behind her, only one is worthy enough to be in her hand, Cortana. Her un-lady like stance in the chair shows the air of “Wanna fight about it?”
Upright: Strong female figure, fertility, Maternal
Reversed: Infidelity, home strife, infertility
**The Emperor **
Julian Blackthorn (The artist)
As the silent leader of the family , Julian knows how to make the hard calls without ever showing it was him making them. While his secrets and tricks keep him and his family safe, his constant control of everything around him can come undone in a instant and he knows it. Always the man with the plan. Julian’s ruthless heart can blind him into making poor choices, but his gentle mercy is a soothing balm that no one can turn down while in pain. Forced fatherhood hasn’t dampened him, it’s only made him stronger. Emma by his side showed his unwavering loyalty and how choosing a female Parabatai never made him a weaker man. Even his romantic love for Emma showed strength , the only thing that could make him lose all his self control. Never allowing anyone, even the law stand in his way of what he wanted. For a bad law is no law for the Blackthorn family. Julian in the picture is on a throne showing his position, with paint smeared and thrown carelessly. Showing that even those in power don’t always run the tidy ship. The belt buckle of the ram shows his stubbornness at his center.
Upright: Strong male figure, leadership, ambition, accomplishing something
Reversed: Weakness, indecision, incompetent
**The Hierophant**
Brother Zachariah (The Silent Brother)
A magical man of the cloth. Brother Zachariah traded death for life and knows sacrifice in an intimate way. Never truly changing completely on either side, his love for his parabatai and former fiancée never waver. Both his love and his form are arrested through time. Though the feelings are dulled by magic, they never truly fade. All the while learning the trades and traditions of the Silent brothers, giving him abilities and an outlook that others can’t see or comprehend. The wise one in the room. As a former addict himself he can never give up that which brings him joy, whether it’s Tessa, Will, or his violin. In the picture you see him sitting with his fingers entwines together, the mortal sword leaning against him and a skull to his right side. The skull representing his long dead parabatai Will Herondale, and the sword that makes Shadowhunter’s Tell the truth and delivering justice. Yet it’s leaning.. not directly in his palms. While Brother Zachariah believes the truth is always better, that doesn’t exactly apply to himself.
Upright: Divine, mercy, conformity, Controlling spiritual needs
Reversed: Unorthodox, poor advice, Impotence
**The lovers **
Magnus & Alec /Jace & Clary (Love)
So many types of love between these four. A twisted web of love in its purest form. Two Parabati with their partners. While Alec isn’t Magnus’s first love, he is his first shadow hunter love. The first person where marriage was an option, the only one to convince him to have children and build a real life with an actual family. Alec like most shadow hunters found his love and is sticking to it. Head over heels for the bad boy his parents never wanted for him, yet he is absolutely perfect for him. Young and old fit together neatly in a relationship neither of them have ever experienced. Bring each others firsts in so many new and exciting ways. Angels and Demons coming together in a love deeper than the realms of hell themselves. Alec’s light and dark co-mingling with Magnus’s in a Yin and Yang that finds perfect balance. Clary and Jace were touched by angels, drawing them together regardless of circumstance. Their blood singing the siren song of forbidden love, even that couldn’t keep them apart. Obstacles at every step of the way, first the possible brother/sister issue, then the magical ensorcellment, then the heavenly fire roaring in Jace’s veins. No matter how large the problem, they get through it together. Always finding a way when no path is presented, they make their own. It wouldn’t be the first time a deep love mingled between a Herondale and a Fairchild. In the picture you see both of the couples embracing. Clary and Jace facing each other, holding the other up. While Magnus holds Alec from the back, having his back always, eyes closed in a comforting bliss.
Upright: Love, Passion, union, romance, harmony
Reversed: Conflict, separation, divided.
**The Chariot**
Mark Blackthorn (The Changeling )
Mark was never just one thing, he always had a foot in both worlds. One with the Shadowhunters, and one in Fairy. Longing for the stars and winds of the skies of fairy, homesick for the family that loved him all his life. A born protector to all he loves. Self discovery showed him how his love was not just a single trunk, but all the branches that came along with it, and with that the knowledge that he could have it all. Not wanting to choose, but to have everything he wanted was a struggle worth the burden. Allowing his differences be the reason that he shines. Eyes dual colored for both the worlds he belonged, two worlds, two loves, both within reach. Both worlds bringing him Bliss as well as torment. Shadowhunting meant he would never truly be excepted because of his fairy blood, his bisexuality also driving their acceptance further away. The runes call to his blood, the fight within him singing to rid the world of demons as his mandate. Marks family never wavering in their love for him no matter the circumstances. Fairy being equally as cruel for stealing his childhood, torturing him physically and mentally for his being a half blood. Finding love and wonder in his lover Kieran. The freedom of the hunt, the ability to feel what he wanted to feel without prejudice. Mark Blackthorn has the ability to change his direction to what suits him best, driving his life forward in the way of true happiness. In the picture you see him with two dogs of the hunt, by his side and fierce as he is with his bow and arrow. Fairy clothes and runes both adorning his body showing his dual life.
Upright: A Journey to new places, boldly venturing into the unknown
Reversed: Ruined plans, bad strategy
Jace Herondale (The Angel)
The golden Ichor that inflamed his veins as a child changed our hero. From his golden eyes to his unwavering abilities that go far beyond normal Shadowhunter standard. The law is hard, but it’s the law. While Jace finds loopholes and ways to have the law work in his favor, he never truly breaks it. A true believer in his mandate to rid the world of demons and their ilk. Even being disgusted by the very idea that he might have been tainted with demon blood was almost to much for him to bare. Wielding a blade to protect innocent and good, his wit and charm are the only equal to his deadly prowess. Jace knows their is more than one way to fight, more than one way to win a battle. The perfect soldier, born and bred to fight for the angel. Special talents only equal to his girlfriend, who also shares his angel blood. Pure love drives his motivations, for both Clary and his Parabatai Alec. Finding family in both of them, being a good brother and partner above all else. Even being raised in evil, his natural good nature shines through... even if it is tipped with sarcasm. In the picture you see him as an angel, as Clary drew him in her sketchbook. A lion to his side showing he is the king of the jungle, the alpha male with a golden mane to rule his pride and bring order around him.
Upright: Balance, Strong sense of self, Fairness
Reversed: Poor character, abuse, taking sides, biased.
**The Hermit**
Tiberius Blackthorn (The genius)
Even being born into the world with a twin, Ty has always had a sense of loneliness. Of feeling separate. Everything is to intense, too colorful, too loud, too much! Autism isn’t something known in the Shadow world, and because of that it’s looked at as set apart. Just because Ty is different, doesn’t mean he is condemned. Seeing the world through special eyes, seeing what others don’t. Drawn to routine, study, and Sherlock Holmes he finds a way to exist in this world of chaos with the help of his trusty headphones blaring Classical music. While he loves his twin more than the world itself, he still only found solace in Kit Rook. Someone who never saw him as anything but awe inspiring. An instant connection in a world of constant rejection. While Ty likes to be alone, he most wants to be alone with someone else in the room. No real interaction, just having them there so they can be alone together. In the picture you see the books stacked, the only one you can read is the codex, meaning the rules and tradition plays a large part in this reading. But it’s not the first book, while it’s in the mix many other tomes and knowledge comes before that. The moth in the corner shows transformation and signs of change. While not as exquisite as a butterfly, it has its own beauty that is unique all on its own.
Upright: Solitude, Exile, Out cast, seeming alone time, Secrecy, Hidden knowledge
Reverse: Social, At one with the community, seeking friends or love
**The Wheel Of Fortune**
Luke and Jocelyn (The Destined)
Lovers finally coming full circle. They have a tendency to get in their own way, assume things that are not true. Selflessness kept them apart for to long, finally coming full circle they find what’s always been there, love and eachother. Both seduced by the same man, both seeing him for what he was around the same time. Their minds were always on the same brain wave, and even long believed prejudice couldn’t keep them from the other. Luke would follow her anywhere, and Jocelyn could find him even if he didn’t want to be found. The circle brought them together, just for them to go full circle back to eachother. Forever destined, the angel and the wolf. In the picture you see Jocelyn above Luke, on the pedestal in which he placed her. The circle behind them both representing their start and end. The runes on their arms were the connection tunes between downworlder and shadowhunter. The runes on the circle are angelic power, strength, and voyance.
Upright: Fortune, chance, Fate, destiny
Reversed:Unfortunate events, unexpected results
Charlotte Branwell (The leader)
The first female consul, the pillar of strength in the London institute and enclave. Even being referred to as “the gray mare is the better horse in that race.” While her husband placed himself below her, he is not threatened by her. Henry loves that his wife is in charge and running everything around him, taking the pressure off of him so that he can follow his dreams. Charlotte would never cast out anyone who had no place to go, regardless of her opinion of them. While her build is small and birdlike, most people forget that about her because she demands the room. A personality and sense of authority that makes her appear six feet tall. In the picture she stand between two pillars. She is her own pillar of her community, standing between the other two that hold up her people. The law and protecting the world from evil. While she upholds both, she also stands between them understanding that there are gray areas in this world of black and white.
Upright: Strength, Endurance, power from within yourself.
Reverse: Weakness, defeat, surrender
**The hanged man**
Will Herondale (The cursed man)
Will thought himself to be cursed by the demon his father kept in his study. The demon killed his sister with a sting and then lied and tricked him, making him believe he couldn’t let anyone love him or they would die. This caused him to push everyone away, except Jem. Jem was the exception because he was already fated to die, so Will believed the curse wouldn’t touch him. This belief made him secretive, a liar, and secluded him from all around him. That was until Tessa came into his life and gave him purpose to try to rid himself of the curse that was never actually on him. Five years of self hatred did it’s damage, with Jem and Tessa being the only chance for redemption. Magnus, a Warlock, his only means to find out the truth, changing a young mind about the down world forever. In the picture you see Will upside down twisted in shadow, invisible bonds that keep him in place, but don’t actually exist or have actual power to keep him bound, only his own belief that they do is what keeps him trapped.
Upright: Opportunities missed, keeping ones self in indecision, letting time pass by
Reversed: Wasting time, lack of progress, feeling stalled
Johnathan Morgenstern ( Death)
A boy who didn’t even have a chance before his own birth. Damned to be a soulless being before even feeling love and light. His own father created him this way, and he resented him from keeping any chance of redemption open for him. Evil was natural, and while Love was not lost on him it was tainted. An unnatural love for his own sister, a longing to keep what is his in his own mind. Feeling possession over people, forcing them to love and accept him. Deep down inside is the real boy, the good shadowhunter that never got to thrive. In a constant cycle of change and transformation. Conceived innocent, transformed with demon powders in gestation, shaped and molded in childhood, finally to die and see the spark of what could have been. Johnathan is all about changing one thing into another, moving forward, becoming better. In the picture you see him holding the infernal cup, the very thing that is change. The instrument that makes the endarkend. You see his sword on his hip with 4 stars lining the hilt, four being a magical number (example 4 seasons, four stages of life etc.) also he’s wearing his bracelet that reminds him of whom he is, keeps him grounded. Skeletal creatures surround him because eventual death surrounds him (or the death of plans). Red blood spatters the card, red being a scared color for supernatural, spiritual, or in shadowhunter culture to bring an enchantment down.
Upright: Change, metamorphosis, loss, end of ways.
Reversed: Bad situations, turbulent change.
Jem Carstairs (The musician)
The addict, Wills own cracked mirror, Tessa’s second love. While Jem has his own problems, he tends to be the one people lean on. While he is this driving force in the back of his mind, he wants others to come first. Not really an optimist, but a realist. Instead of growing bitter over his parents deaths and his forced addiction, he chooses to see the bright side of it. Because of those things he found Will, he found Tessa. Two driving forces in his life that supersede the Yin Fen. Bringing balance to all their lives regardless of timeline. His love for Tessa and Will are equal in strength. Having the patience and dedication to love Will, even when Will pushes everyone away. Giving Tessa his energy and deep caring, his music and combining of both Bass and Treble as shown in the picture. Also in the picture is poppies, a death flower, which Jem is always on the brink of. While his violin is pictured close to his heart (Tessa) the bow that makes the sound ring out is by his side (Will). Neither of any real use without the other, and both useless without Jem.
Upright: Patience, Balance, Channeling ones energy, combining elements to make something new
Reversed: conflict, bad combinations, excess
**The Devil**
Valentine (The Zelot)
Valentine was not always the evil man he became, he was once the good son. Much like the devil he fell from grace after his father was killed by werewolves. Thus starting the natural obsession inside him to seek revenge for his father and beginning his hatred of Downworld. With the charisma of a cult leader he did just that by establishing “The circle” bringing the best and brightest by his side to get his obsessions fed. Get in his way, and he will make sure you fall with him. He is not without love or even loyalty, but like his son he sees those he created as possessions. Things that belonged to him. Jace was his perfect soldier, even mourning him after he knew he couldn’t keep him around and stabbed him. Clary, his daughter who can create runes because of his experimentation. Valentine did everything he could think of to bring her closer to him, even fooling her and Jace into thinking they were brother and sister. Jocelyn was his wife in his mind regardless of where she was or how long they had been apart, her hatred for him was temporary in his mind, she would come around eventually or so he thought. In the picture you see him holding the mortal cup, his key to his obsession. The chains surround him, even one choking him. One gold, one black, one silver. Mortals, Downworld, and shadowhunters. The Downworld being the one choking him, for Magnus stated that he and other warlocks were chained to this life by a chain of gold. His hatred for them was his downfall.
Upright: Oppression, material bondage, obsessive desires, evil fantasies.
Reversed: Unwavering pursuit, greed, mind control
**The Tower**
Isabelle & Alec Lightwood (The soldiers)
Here we have the two eldest of the lightwoods, strong as they face danger, both extremely and deeply damaged as siblings. Alec, afraid of his own sexual identity. Always feeling like the one left behind, never destined to shine. His father making his home life a cage, suffocating him with the mold of what a true nephilim should be. Izzy, a born warrior that’s terrified of commitment. Love is to make yourself weak in her eyes. Men are below her and would only step on her toes. Her mother damaged her by sharing adult problems with a child. Telling her of her fathers infidelity, making her lose faith in love and commitment. Both born into greatness only to fall because of personal issues. Yet if hey fall, they fall together. Always having the others back. In the picture you see Alec behind his sister, where every man in her life is placed. Alec sees it as having her back Incase of danger. Alec at the ready with a crossbow, Izzy while having her whip I hand does not have it out to strike as Alec does. Izzy is winking at the viewer, letting us know her place. The church in the background is being struck by lightning right at the cross, showing how both their faith was shaken.
Upright: Abrupt change, Accident or Loss, Ruin, traumatic event, upheaval.
Reverse: redundancy in life, unable to break patterns in life, sad events.
**The Star**
Tessa Gray (The masked)
Tessa was not aware of the circumstances of her birth, believing she was a mundane for the beginning of her life. Only to find out that she was the daughter of a Prince of Hell, a greater Eidolon Demon, and an unmarked shadow hunter. With the help of a spirit of an angel locked in her mothers necklace she was able to be born into this world as a new race entirely, not quite warlock, not quite shadowhunter. Her ability to shapeshift unlike any seen before her, the ability to connect with the persons soul through objects. All the while being able to flip through their memories unknowing to them. Always trying to break from control. Mortmain, her brother, the dark sisters, the clave, all trying to control her in some way. Escaping into novels to keep her inner demons at bay. Doing everything she can to seize control of her own life, even if it meant giving it up. She would be no ones puppet, she is her own and belongs to herself. Taking her new found gifts and trying her best to turn the darkness inside her around and use it for good. In the picture you see Tessa I’m a veil, masking her true face to navigate the world while still holding onto it and herself. Black and white stars around her, good and evil, truth and lies, and she remains in the middle with the veil staying gray. The clockwork angel the only thing unmasked about her.
Upright: Hope, a sign of good things, fulfillment in life’s pleasures.
Reversed: Doubting ones ability, stale creativity.
**The moon**
Maia Roberts & Jordan Kyle ( The lycanthropes)
A tempestuous relationship, not born to last. As the moon sets every night these two had their time only for it to be cut short. While death intimately took Kyle, Maia was close to ending things before that even happened except death beat her to it. While she loved Kyle, she knew like the phases of the moon they are ruled under that things had to change. Maia needed her own space to become a pack leader, and Jordan would have kept her as a Beta when she was a born Alpha. Jordan didn’t want to see it, all he could see was a wrong he did and the need to fix it. Him being the reason she was changed in the first place. Joining the Prater Lupus to become worthy of her love and regiment himself into someone better. Jordan wanted to help, wanted to mend, not seeing that you shouldn’t try to fix what’s not broken in the first place. Trying to convince himself that his relationship was working, that all his atonement was worth the struggle. You see them in the picture facing eachother on a bed. Maia looking at the viewer, while Jordan is fixed on Maia herself. The wolves above them showing their changing shapes, yet Maia’s is higher than Jordan’s and has the look of a leader. Jordan’s is panting and below her awaiting to follow.
Upright: brainwashing, dark influences, trickery, illusion, subconscious control
Reverse: avoiding reality, lies and despair, strange forces, delusional
**The sun**
Simon Lewis (The daylighter)
Simon, being the only person alive knowing what it’s like to live in the three different societies. First a mundane, then a daylighting vampire, then a shadowhunter. Simon has this way of fitting into each as if he were born to it, not without hard work. Clary’s best friend and Parabatai, Simon always finds a way to save the day. Whether it’s coffee and comics, or giving up your immortality in a demon realm to save everyone you love, Simon always makes things better. The only man to tame the reckless heart of Izzy Lightwood. The one who brought the Dregs and Elites at the academy together. The one to win Clary’s eternal love (platonically). Wherever Simon is, he belongs. The only one who doesn’t know that... is him. In the picture he is where he was always meant to be even though he was a vampire once, the sunlight.
Upright: successful social relationships, friendship, engagement, happy times and pure joy.
Reversed: separation, loneliness, unstable relationship
Livia Blackthorn (The protector)
The other more femme half of the Blackthorn twins. Everything her twin lacks she’s has in spades, as is the reverse. Growing up knowing her brother was a slightly different kind of shadowhunter, Livvy always stood by his side and acted as his personal bodyguard. Willing to even slay her eldest brother to protect him. Livvy wants the best for everyone, she wants everyone to be happy. From wanting to set her brother Julian up, to giving up a possible romance due to her brother having more of a bond to said possible romance partner. She just wants everyone to get what they deserve, even if it’s death. Even her death. She didn’t want to be brought back, but she saw how much her brother needed her. So instead of punishing him away she stayed. She would make sure his dreams were fulfilled so that he could possibly live without her one day, something she should have done in life. In truth she knows that may never happen, while it’s a win for Ty... it’s a punishment for her. In the picture you see Livia in the dress she was buried in. Her trusty saber behind her back just Incase justice is to be served once more, or ty needs back up. Three blades are in the picture for what I interpret as past, present, and future.
Upright: accountability for ones actions, new beginnings, awakening
Reversed: guilty feelings, fearful of death, worry, delay, fear.
**The World**
Clary Fray (the creator)
Growing up thinking she was mundane, clary has grown and fought her way to shadow hunter hero. Clary went from drawing pictures, to creating runes not of the gray book to make her race stronger. Stubborn and small, strong and reckless. She wants to prove that she is more than she seems and always seems to find her way coming full circle. The center of the mortal instruments saga and of the world of her boyfriend Jace. Both with extra angel blood singing in their veins, drawn together by heaven itself. This pocket sized vixen is going to make her mark, or rune on the world. In the picture you see her with a falcon on one side and a lioness on the other. The falcon representing Jace, always by her side and equally as deadly. Sitting on the lioness as it represents herself. The woman in the pack that is more vicious than the man, the one who brings home the prey and takes it down.
Upright: completion of a cycle or journey, triumph, good outcome over adversity, hard fought victory.
Reverse: frustration, incomplete endeavors, failed projects.
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